Architect's Guide To Climate Design

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ARCHITECT’S GUIDE TO CLIMATE DESIGN A Method for Checking Design in Relation to Climate Prof. FROILAN L. HONG, FUAP published by T United Architects of the Philippines | ~ DILIMAN CHAPTER )s Architect’s Guide to Climate Design: ‘(A Method for Checking Design in Relation to Climate By Prof, Froilan L. Hong, FUAP Published by UAP Diliman Chapter Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam Philippine Copyright 1999 by Arch, Froilan L. Hong, FUAP under the ttle“ Method For Checking Design In Relation To Climate.” Illustrations by Arch. Mary Christine Josephine A. Layusa on cover, and pages 2,3,4,8,9, 10, 13,17, 18,18, 20.25 ‘and 25, Philippine Copyright 1999 by United Architects of the Philippines Diliman Chapter (UAP Diliman Chapter) Opinions expressed by theauthor are not necessarily these of UAP Diliman Chapter. The drawings, tables, data land other information contained sn this work have been culled from the author's experiences and have been Obtained by the author from numerous sources; including industry standards, manufacturers’ literature and product representatives which were believed to be reliable. However, neither the auther nor the UAP Diliman Chapter guarantees the accuracy or completonoss of any information published herein, and neither the author nor the UAP Diliman Chapter shall be responsible for aay ers0r, omissions, or damages arising out of the use ofthis information to either person or property whether direct or consequential and howsoever arising. ‘This work is published with the understanding that the author and the UAP Diliman Chapter are providing information, but Frenotattempting to render architectural or other professional services, Isuchservices are required, the assistance of an appropriate and competent professional should be sought Firet Bdition January 1999, First Printing, 1000 copies only —January 1999, Printed and bound by Troika Press. a FProilan L. Hog, FUAP /UAP Diliman Chapter For their unending support, the UAP Diliman Chapter wishes to thank Pacific Paint and Oil Mfg., Inc. 292 D. Tuazon Street, 1115 Quezon City, Philippines makers of BOYSEN PAINTS TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 WORLD CLIMATES LL Arctic 1.2 Cool Temperate 13 Warm Temperate 14 Tropical and Sub-Tropical 15 Equatorial 2.0 TROPICAL DESIGN 3.0 FURTHER CLASSIFICATION OF TROPICAL, SUB-TROPICAL & EQUATORIAL CLIMATES. 4.0 CHARACTERISTICS OF TROPICAL CLIMATES 44 Warm-Tlumid 42 Hoty 43 Compesite 4.4 Macro-Micto Climate 50 EL MENTS OF CLIMATE NEEDED IN DESIGN 5.1 a. Dry Bulb Temperature b. Relative Humidity ©. Precipitation d. Shy ©. Wind 6.0 CLIMATIC ZONES FOR BUILDING 6.1 ComfortZone 7.0 METHOD FOR DETERMINING COMFORT ZONE 80 RANGESOFCOMFORT CONDITIONS 9.0 HEAT FLOW THROUGH WALLS & ROOTS 10.0 WORK EXAMPLE 11.0 TIMELAG 12.0 WIND, PREVAILING BREEZES & AIR MOVEMENT 13.0 METHOD FOR CHECKING DESIGN INREL ATION TO CLIMATE 140 LIGHT & LIGHTING DESIGN 150 Case STUDY Prepared by Arch. AugustLi and Arch, Ringer Manalang 1.0 20 3.0 WORLD CLIMATES 11 Arctic Example: Iceland, Greenland, Northern Russia, and China ‘1.2 Cool Temperate Example: N.W. Europe, Canada, and parts of North America 1.3 Warm Temperate Example: Mediterranean Countries 1.4 Tropical and Sub-Tropical Example: Middle East, Northern India, parts of Turkey ‘1.5 Equatorial Example: Those countries lying just above or be- low the equator, Southeast Asean Coun- tries, Central Africa and the Amazon Basin in South America. ‘TROPICAL DESIGN 2.1 This is concerned with countries where discomfort due to heat and humidity are the dominant problems. Tropical Designis applicable to Tropical and sub-tropical climates and Equatorial Climates covering the Southeast Asian Countries FURTHER CLASSIFICATION OF TROPICAL, SUB-TROPICAL & EQUATORIAL CLIMATES, 3.1 For convenience these maybe divided into six (6) categories, Of these three (3) are major and three @) are minor types. a. Warm Humid - Tropical Island b. Hot Dry - Ma‘itime Desert cc. Composite - Tropical uplands Architect's Guide to Climate Design UD CLIMATE 40 CHARACTERISTICS OF TROPICAL CLIMATES 4a 42 43 44 Warm Humi a. DBT- High temperature during theday, low diurnal change b. RH- relatively high Precipitation - heavy rains especially during ‘monsoon season d. Sky- Cloudy and glaring Ground - lesser vegetation Hot Dry a. DBI- Very high temperature during the day (can beas high as 50°C during the hot season) Large diurnal range.Can be quite low in winter. b. RH- Lowand very low humidities. Fairly constant throughout the year. c. Precipitation - Often low or very low. d. Sky-Little or no cloud, Cold and non-glaring sky. e. Ground- sparse and often bare. Very high glare from ground. Rich soil which only requires water Example: Baghdad Composite a. Thisiga mixture of warm/humid and hot, dry. It has 1/3 to 2/3 ratio of moonson period. Can get quite cold in winter Example: Delhi Macro and Micro Climate a. Adistinction must be made between macro and micro climate, b. Macro climate is the climate of a region and/ or the entire country. It provides the basis upon which micro-climate can be estimated, ¢. Micro-climate is the climate of a site and its immediate environs. There are many factors that contribute to this distinction; for instance, the location of hills, rivers, streams and lakes, the position of buildings and trees, whether the site is on the coast or inland, ina town or in the rural areas, whether the location is above sea level, ete Architect's Guiide to Climate Design eee Se courtyerd CLIMATE, d, Some micro-climate phenomena are - Tand/sea breeze = Courtyards = Evaporative cooling = Orientation = Slope of land Height in relation to air movement, rainfall and temperature 5.0. ELEMENTS OF CLIMATE NEEDED IN DESIGN 5.1 Those elements of climate which are the concern of the Architect are a. Dry Bulb Temperature (DBT)- This is the measurement of the temperature of the airand | as far as possible excludes any radiant temperature. It is always measured in the 7 shade. Ti The instrument for measuring it isa silvered thermometer. It is measured in °F or °C. b. Relative Humidity (RH) - The amount of water in the air, i Instrument for measuring it is a hygrometer, It is measured in many forms. The ones that will concern ourselves with are: - Wet Bulb Temperature (WBT) in °F or = Relative Humidity (RH) in % ¢. Precipitation -‘This is mainly rainfall butcould also be dew. WN VN s Instrument -a rain gauge measured in inches “Precipitation or centimeters d. Sky-This could be either cloud cover, measured in 1/8 or 1/10 or % of the sky covered, or itcould be measured in hours of sunshine. ¢. Wind - The direction, frequency and force of the wind throughout the year. 4 Instrument - vane anemometer for high speedsand oe a kata thermometer for low speeds, 4 Proilan L, Hong, FUAP/ UAP Diliman Chapter CLIMATIC ZONES FOR BUILDING 61 COMFORT ZONE 6.1.1 The range conditions under which most people feel comfortable is a function of a number of variables. Carl Mahoney hassuggested a relationship between the centre of the comfort zone and the annual mean temperature. If the annual mean temperature is below 10°C, then the comfort zone centre is 20° E.T. (°C) and above this a relationship: Tee Tam + 17.2 a Where: Tec is the centre of the comfort zone (ET.°C) And: Tamis the annual mean temp. (°C) 6.1.2 The range of the comfort zone will increase in dry and continental climates where the annual range, is higher. Again Carl Mahoney suggested a relationship as shown in Table 1 ‘Table 1 Annual dry bulb Comfort Zone range of average range effective monthly maximum, temperature and minimum below 15 15-25 25-35 35-50 above 50 6.1.3 The results can be corrected to the nearest 1/2 E.T. (°C) upwards. Incold conditians the recent proposals for establishing a comfort zone by M.A. Humphreys and [.F. Nicol are suitable Architec’s Guide to Climate Design 7.0 Zone METHOD FOR DETERMINING COMFORT ZONE 74 FORMULAFOR DETERMINING COMFORT ZONE Tam (Annual Mean Dry - (Highest DBT of Year Bulb Temperature) _+ Lowest DBT of Year) Where: Tam = Annual Mean DBT DBI = Dry Bulb Temperature Tee = Center of Comfort 2 For climates having Tam below 10°C Tee = 20°CET °C For climates having Tam above 10°C Tec =Tam + 17.2 4 7.3. Forestablishing the Range of the Comfort Zone use the following table: TABLE2 Annual DBT Range Comfort Zone Range (CED) Below 13 25 13-16 30 16-19 35 19 40 24 45 28-33 5.0 8 35 38-45 60 45- 65 0 74 — Always correct to the nearest 1 /2°C above the value arrived at Freilon L. Hong, PUIAP /UAP Diliman Chrapter TABLE3 ‘TEMPERATURE CONVERSION TABLES Temperature *c id Reading | & bi 8 % a = 2 ‘NM los i! \ os [a eal?) Js \ loo Fite] fe + I svt “lee \ i alts 3 0.6 |} ale a \ | Le aja S| | los |é% =| NEE eens z a L Ne | loa 2 : s eel| @ NS bs | a3 SPR - ) 3 . 4 LL Mk - | fo2 ! | Lit 30 Froie L Hong, FUAP /UAP Dit Chapter TABLE OF CONDUCTANCES AND RESISTANCES OF SURFACES AND CAVITIES TABLES Conductance: f Resistance: r Btyft?h war | fthdeg. | médegx deg.F. deg. C. Btu w TREA internal Surfaces: Walls 143 812 070 0.123 Floor, ceiling, heat flow up 1.67 9.48 0.60 0.105 ; ceiling, heat flow down 118 6.10 0.85 0149 Underside on roof 167 9.48 0.60 0.105 al Surfaces: 6.00 33.00 0.166 0.03 3.60 20.00 0.27 0.05 season 140 8.00 o7t 012 season 2.60 14.00 OAL 0.07 DNVENTILATED CAVITIES mom wide (9/4 inch cavity) 17 663 085 0.151 ‘mm wide (2 inch cavity) 1.00 567 1.00 0.176 75mm (3 inch cavity ow up 122 7.48 076 0.133, Sow down 094 532 106 0.188 cavity heat flow down 1.00 567 100 0.176 cavity with aluminum 050 2.84 2.00 0352, ining ae So Chae Design TABLE9 | CONDUCTANCES AND RESISTANCES OF SURFACES AND CAVITIES Conductivity :k Resistivity : 1/k MATERIALS Btu inf WM Fener| Mew hE Ae Btu in Ww Mineral Fiber Board 0.34 0.049 2.95 20.40 Glass Fiber Blanket 0.29 0.042 3.45 23.80 Sprayed Asbestos 0.32 0.046 3.3 21.75 ‘Corkboard 034 0.049 2.94 20.40 Asbestos Cement Sheet (ave.) 250 0360 0.40 278 Asphalt 4.00 0576 0.25 174 Bricks (Ave.) 840 1.210 0.12 083 Conerete 10.00 1.440 0.10 0.69 Cement Plaster (Rendering, Sand-cement) 3.70 0532 027 188 Limestone 10.60 1.530 0.09 625 Timber hardwood Lit 0.160 0.90 625 Plywood 0.96 0.138 1.04 725 ‘TABLE 10 ABSORPTIVITY OF SURFACES FOR SOLAR RADIATION SURFACE Absorptivity Black, non-metallic 0.85 to 0.98 Red brick, tile, concrete, stone, dark paint 0.65 to 0.80 Yellow and buff brick and stone 0.50 to 0.70 White or cream brick, tile and paint, plaster 0.30 to 0.50 Window glass transparent Bright aluminum, gilt, bronze paint 0.30 to 0.50 Dull brass, copper, aluminum, galvanized steel 0.40 to 0.65 Polished brass, copper 0.30 to 0.50 High polished aluminum, tin, nickel or chromium 0.10 to 0.40 Note ; Note that the solar radiation by a building surface is a function of its colour and surfaces finish which can be expressed in terms of absorptivity. Unit absorptiv- ity is obtained from a matt black surface. 32 Froilan L. Hong, EUAP/ UAP Diliman Chapter 220 WIND PREVAILING BREEZES AND AIR MOVEMENT 124 122 124 125 In Warm-Humid Climate the feeling of discom- fort is mainly attributed to high humidity: the presence of more water vapor in the atmo- sphere. ‘One factor that can negate this is the wind face tor. To experience comfort during periods of high humidity, itis necessary that the human skin will feel the breeze passing through at cer- tain velocity (approx. 2.5 to 5.0 meters per sec- ond), Buildings, therefore, must be oriented in such a way that the window side faces the prevailing breeze. Corresponding openings on the leeward side must be carefully located to effect effective cross ventilation of all areas. Wind shadows must be anticipated in order to be assured that other areas are not deprived of prevailing breezes. ects Gade to Climate Design 33 BEAUFORT | This chart givesa conversion table for SCALE wind velocities and the correspond- WIND WIND PRESSURE SPEED = o 6 S 5 Ee €2 we § SS 2284 BSea >e225 Gee -ise sz Cero errere Lao fF ie | 40 {20 20 ‘ Ly | 20 [30 2 Lao boo 10 |? 0 \ Leo} [a0 LL Ee lo [| |@ lacobo 1-* E PL [ap [oo 5 [ao Loe Lola |p be so | |_# \ \g0 lao [-« | E Fe & 2 oo So [0 F190, a F, Loo a F | soles [a 2 fr [110 L ws F,, [20 js00 BO |120 = [., [430 few lew |-79 0 00 EL EC |asof [+40 t2e° bao | 25 as L460” 110° |as0 Le E [be fase Py EL Nao to? Lae Keo (> Leo OY psn 160 | |noo | [azo | ss fe feo J = Me ae 3 ing wind pressures. 0. Calm. Smoke rises vertically 1. Lightair. Direction shown by smoke but not windvanes, Light breeze. Wind felt on face, Ieaves rustle. Vanes moved by wind. Gentle breeze. Wind extends light flags. Leaves in constant rN motion. 4. Moderate breeze. Raises dust \ and loose paper. Small ranches are moved. 5, Fresh breeze. Small trees begin tosway. 6. Strong breeze, Large branches in motion, telegraph, wires whistle, umbrellas use ficult to 7. Moderate gale. Whole trees in P\ motion 8. Fresh gale. Breaks twigs off \ trees, ‘generally slows down i walking, i 9. Strong gale. Slight structural damage occurs, tiles and slates dislodged. 10. Whole gale. Seldom experi- \\ enced inland. \\) 11. Storm. “Trees uprooted. \ 12. Hurricane, Rarely experi- enced. Accompanied by wide spread damage Reference’ Fig, 13S. Digest No. 101 Jan. 1969, HMSO. Frodlan L. Hong, FUAP /UAP Diliman Chapter: Readings of wind velocity are usually made st airports (flat open country) at 10 m. __Tofind the average wind speed in the same jecality but at different heights and with Seferent surroundings, the chart can be used ‘Ths chart only applies in fairly level country. Read off the height in meters on the left hand scale. Read across to the diagonal line for Se type of surroundings. Example ‘The top of a building in an urban center is, Sm high, the % wind speed is 50%. Ifthe everage velocity at the airport is3 meters per second, the average speed will be 1.5 m./ = Snead from Fig 5 Paper 2.Wind Fifecis on and Structure, HMSO 1965, fe Gade to Ctmate Design HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (meters) wal Li} 500 400 +t 300 4 200 400 50 “ 40 & 20 |— any 1520 30 50 100150 200, % OF WIND SPEED AT 10m IN FLAT OPEN COUNTRY ie. AT AN AIRPORT WIND RECORDING TOWER. Height (meters) 270 Open References: (Fig, 4, Paper 2), Wind Effects on Buildings and Structures HIMSO 1965, R Geiger: Climate Near the Ground, Harvard University Press 1950, 36 Wind speeds increase with the height above the ground, and the smoothness of the ground surface. This variation in wind speed is known as the wind gradient. As the wind passes over hills, there is an increase in wind speed on the windward side and a more sheltered area on the leeward side. Hills may cause strong draughts and turbulence for some distance in their wake, Although townsare “rough” and slow down the wind tail, buildings will often deflect strong winds down to a lower level. Permeable wind breaks do not give so much shelter immediately behind them, but slow down wind for some distance. Solid wind breaks give more local shelter but also cause strong down draughtsand give higher wind speeds at low level than areas behind permeable ones. Froilan £. Hong, FUAP /UAP Diliman Chapter SECTION B there are large expanses of hard ground surfaces outside buildings, the air will become heated, and wind will pick =p dust, ete. ‘Trees and grass will keep the ground partially shaded and cooler. Low bushes will restrict air movement at ground level, sn will deflect the wind away from openings. | A taditional solution to these problems is to raise the ‘Seiiding off the ground to avoid dust, etc., and to reach ‘Se faster wind speeds at the higher level. ‘ashes 2t low level can be used to deflect the wind into S@tenors which would otherwise suffer from low wind os — eee Fcport 45, March 1945 RF. White. Texas Engineering Sep Station. Quota in Desig vith Climate rete Cane to Clamate Design 37 38 Ifairmovementis needed and the prevailing breeze is from the west, buildings should not be oriented to catch both sun and wind. The discomfort due to solar radiation will almost always exceed the comfort due to air movement. Also, air movement can be directed around comers to a limited extent, while radiation travels in straight lines. When the wind strikes the face of a building at more than 45° to the normal, the internal wind velocities will drop sharply. (If the windows are protected by mosquito nets this will be 40%). If vertical fins, mullions, projecting crosswalls are used, internal velocities and distribution are improved up to about 60" Reference: Man, Climate and Architocture, B. Givoni, Elsevier 1959, Chapter 3 Froitan L. Homg, FUAP /UAP Dalisuon Cheapte ‘There are a number of waysin which air movementatfeets Seildings. Air movement over the skin in warm-humid conditions encouragesevaporation of sweat from theskin, sessing a coving sensation and lowering the effective semperature, ‘A= movement through a building can also prevent an ‘Sseeace in internal air temperature due to internal heat seerces: people, lighting, equipment. Me movement across the surfaces and in the air spaces.can a heat build-up due to solar radiation. The radiation sel be greatest when wind speed is lowest, and air _Serement through cavities does not affect heat transfer Sse to radiation. smowement encourages the exchange of inside air with sirisneeded to exhaust stale air, water vapour, etc. in the building, .2ir movement passes over people in coli conditions, losses are increased by evaporation. Heat losses from are also increased. SQook does not deal in detail with a major offect of air ‘om buildings and the dynamic pressures which Cute bo Climate Design ithe inlet and outlet are at high level, then the stream of air passing across the room will be at high level If the outlet is lowered, then the stream of air is only altered at the back of the room. Air movement at the required height in theroom can only be achieved by positioning the inlet correctly. If partitions are used which give visual privacy, they will also prevent good air movement at low level. {fhe inlet is larger than the outlet, the fastest wind speeds will occur at and just outside the outlet. If the inlet is smaller than the outlet, the fastest wind speeds will occur inside the room. Reference Design with Climate. V. Olgyay from Texas Experimental Station Reports, Froilan 1. Heng, FUAP/UAP Diliman Chept ‘Ween an opening is placed centrally on a facade and the ene blows straight onto the face of the building, the air ‘S=e=m inside the opening is in the same direction as the ied ‘Se opening is not placed centrally, the areas of positive will be unequal on different sides of the opening sed she wind stream is deflected. -Seemal opening with a projection to one side will also ‘ere « deflected air stream. ‘Aatiot between the wall and projection will allow the areas pestve pressure on both sities of the opening to act on wend stream. ‘Set windows in multi-storey buildings will not be ® placed on the facacle even though they are central room. ‘open windows may also deflect the air stream. ‘Report 55 Teas Engineering Experimental Station. Quoted =, > SECTION —— a High slab buildings cause a strong down draught on the windwards face. This causes high wind speeds at low level. The wind streams separate. ‘The top third blowing upwards and the bottom two- thirds downwards. A low building in front of the tall block causes even stronger winds at low level Spaces under the building if itis on columns (piloti) are likely to experience high velocities. Rain can be blown up the face of the buildng, The eddy on the lee side can cause smoke to be blown downwards and onto the lee face of the building. The fast velocities at ground level are in front of the building and at the corners. Reference ‘Air Flow Around Buildings Seminar at ERS, Jan. 1970, wlan L. Hong, FUAP/ UAP Diliman Chept Buildings which require air movement must be spaced so ‘hat the wind which is deflected over them can return to tow level. B they are too closely spaced, there will be a large drop in Se wind speeds in the sheltered buildings. In these cases Se third row may have more wind than the second. Buildings laid out in regular rows will shade each other, sed the wind will be channeled into the spaces between = _Asaggered arrangement allows greater space between the ‘Ses row and the building behind. Any deflected wind is “eccted to the face of the next building. Noe plans have the same number of blocks in the same = air flows around buildings: Architects. Journal. May 19, BS pw seh Climate: V Olgyay. PUP 1968. Cae to Climate Design As air flows around curved surfaces, it will tend to follow the curve for awhile and then break away. The point at which it breaks away will depend parily on the wind speed. _ iy ) ec) ‘The air stream, as it breaks away forms TD eddies, These may form on alternative sides, — setting up ascillations, These may cause 2S) B ires,chimneysand other eylindrial shapes NS to vibrate or sway: As the air passes over curved surfaces, areas TURBULENCE of suction are set-up around the curve. This po aee suction provides the “Tift” on an airplane ‘wing and may also cause damage to curved roofs if they are light and not well fixed. In order to achieve an accurate representation of air flow around scale models of buildings with curved surfaces in wind tunnels, it may be necessary to use a roughened surface. With square or hard edged models, this is not necessary as the break away points occur at the edges of the flat surfaces. Reyorence Wind Bifeets on Buildings and Structures. 1LMS.0, 1985 a Freilan L. Hong, FUAP / UAP Dinan Chapt A small inlet and a large outlet will result ina high maximum speed, a medium average speed. a large area of low wind speed. Asmall outlet witha large inlet will result ina medium maximum speed, a medium average speed, a small area of low wind speed. ‘The percentage in the diagrams relate to the percentage of the outside wind speed at the same height. ‘The average wind speed in the room will relate to the ‘size of the opening, expressed as a percentage of the ‘wall area, taking either the inlet or the outlet, whichever the smalter. ‘The graph shows that the percentage ‘seind speed increases fairly rapidly as the percentage ‘epening area increases from 0 to 20%. Above 30% Screase in area, the windspeed doesnot increase so fast ‘The graph applies to rooms which are close to a square ‘e= plan, where the wind blows directly onto the face of Se building. When the wind blows obliquely, the ‘ererage windspeed may be increased slightly, asshown & the diagram above. Rewonses ‘Groni Man, Climate and Architecture Elsevier Fig. 15.1 Building Dies 49 BCR, Roorkee India (Jan 1967) sectetect's Guide to Climate Design EXTERNAL WINDSPEED = 100% MAXIMUM SPEED AVERAGE WIND SPEED (%) 40 20. 20) 10 0 aa | AVERAGE \ SPEED 44% +. V | 10 20 30 40 50 AREA OF OPENING X 100 AREA OF WALL 6 WIND SHADOW LENGTH CHART SECEION LENGTH OF BUILDING WIND DIRECTION 48 3-314 2.3/4] 31/4 e18 4-1/2] ox, Roof =45" Saal 2 Rook =r 4 Feta Roof=15" | 3 | s.sval 8-14 Roof = 15" ~ 2-4/2 |4-1/4 | 6-1/2 Buildings should be spaced so that openings do not occur within thewind shadow of the building in front ‘The length of the wind shadow for various shapes of building is given in the table, ‘Example of twro story building 8 meters high, 4 meters wide, and 24 motors long (A= 3 meters). The wind shadow will be 11-3/4x ‘A. The length of the wind shadow will be 90 meters long. ‘The variations in wind directions will alter the direction of the e wind shadow, and allowance must be made for these variations. Natural Air Blow Around Buildings by BAL. Evans Research Report 58. 1057 Texas Engineering Station, see As axough guide, the wind shadow will be 5 x heightof building also Overseas Building, Notes 112. including the pitched roof. 46 rota L. Heng, FUAP/ UAP Ditton Chapter ‘The pressure exerted by the wind on a flat plate (the dynamic pressure head) must be modified to find the pressure on the face of a building. The correction factor is shown for a number of different shapes. NOTE: On flat and low pitched roofs there is always suction (negative pressure) Low pitched roofs must be adequately fixed Above 30°, there is positive pressure against the windward slope of a roof. The leading edge of the roof has the greatest suction. An overhang on the windward side has pressure from below added to suction on the upper surface. & windows on the windward side are open, positive ressure is added to the suction over the whole room. peo Rag, fon AS see for detailed calculations and other shapes), ect's Cue fo Climate Design +07 “0.4 5-04 wime 10 20 30 40 00 WIND SPEED km/hour HEAT LOSS, 100% HEAT LOSS 80% HEAT LOSS. 70% ‘The heat loss from a surface increase with windspeed and surface conductance rises as the wind speed increases for different types of surfaces. stucco brick, rough plaster concrete smooth plaster paint glass, smooth paint aAeeRe ‘Tests on experimental houses have shown that partially protected buildings will have substantial decreases in heat loss, which lead to economies in fuel savings of up to 30% Inhotclimates maximum heat gain from the sun occurs with the lowest wind speeds. The heated surfaces will cause convection currents which increase heat loss from the surface, In these cases a surface conductance of 20W/ mé oC can be assumed, Reference: Graph adapted from Thermal Properties of Buildings N.S. Billington, Cleaver Hume London, 1952. Froilan I, Hong, FUAP/UAP Diliman Chapter Air movement is measured in cubic meters/ minute An extract fan can be used for entilation (ihe replacement of inside air by outside air), The wind speeds will be hardly perceptible. This is ventilation without air movement. Aceiling fan can be used to create air flow in a closed room. This i movement without ventilation. is air entilation is usually measured in air changes/hour, When a fan is used for ventilation, it SS more effective when extracting air. When fans are used to create air movement, the windstream on the estlct side is more effective than the ide. ule to Climate Designs Ceiling fans have relatively low rotation speeds. The result is low noise (60 long as the fan itself is silent) and near ground level there is fairly even wind speed without high or low extremes. Ceiling fans can only be used in rooms which have been planned with adequate head-room, ‘The fan blades should be higher than 2.4 meters to avoid the possibility of hitting an upstretched arm. Wall fans have faster rotation speeds which may be associated with some noise, The wind speeds are more concentrated and have greater extremes than the ceiling fan. This can be overcome by fans which automatically swing from side to side, covering a larger area with less regular air movement. SECTION OR PLAN 60 cm WALL FAN SCALE WIND SPEEDS (eters /min) EACHSQUARE — 1.5m x 0.5m Reference: Performance of Ceiling Ward. BSC MIEE Flect 1037 pp. 212-126. 50 Froilan b. Hong, FUAP /UAP Ditimuan Chapt When air is heated, it becomes less dense than the To surrounding airand rises, Ifitrises upa duct where A H = height of duct (meters) A Area of duct (m’) H To “Outside” air temperature (°C) Q Ti = “Inside” air temperature (-C) Q = airflow up duct (m'/min.} Then Q= 7A \/H (To-Ti) Toutilize thestack offoctin a hotdry country (Egyp)), the evaporation of water in an earthenware pot is used to cool the air which sinks down theduct, th cold climates, the chimney is used to remove the bot products of combustion. Since Q is proportional to JH, in one storey buildings, Q is likely to besmall. Thedynamic wind pressure is greater than the stack effect, ‘Glimate and Architecture. B. Givoni, Elsevier 1969 14 15, t's Guide to Climate Design 51 ‘A METHOD FOR CHECKING DESIGN IN RELATION TO CLIMATE OPERATION DATA REQUIRED STAGE 1: Record Climate a. Max.and min average daily DBT. a. Metreological data ob- tained from your local metreological Station. Max. and min, average RH. b. Blank climate data form. ‘Average monthly rainfall. % of cloud caver for each month. Wind-direction, frequency and speed for each month. Other phenomena (eg. dust storms, hurricanes, flood- ing, ete.) aos STAGE2: Record Corrected Effective Temperature a. Convert RH into WBT a. Psychometric Chart (NB. With max. DBT and min. RH, find max, WBT. With min. DBT and max. RH, find min. WBT}, b. Establish max and min CET for cach month. b. Effective Temp. Nomo- (NB. Usemax DBT and max WET to find max CET. gram. Conversely for min CET). © Record ¢. Blank CEI form. STAGE 3: Record Comfort Zone :stablish Comfort Zone. fa, The Method for establish- (NB. Use the formula Tec = Tam + 17.2 ing the Comfort Zone 4 to find the centre line of the comfort zone. For the range of the zone - see table.) a. b, Superimpose comfort confort zone on the monthly CET completed in stage 2 52 ‘rotlan I. Hong, FUAP /UAP Dilineare Chapt OPERATION DATA REQUIRED STAGE 4: Record Hourly CET a. By inspection establish over-heated and under-heated periods of the year. b. Compute average hourly CET for each month of the year, Establish the times when shading is required, 4. Super impose your findings onto a sun path dia- gram. Connect all points together to form a con tour of the times when shading should commence (NB. Fach half of the year shoul be recorded on separate diagrams) STAGE 5: Establish Shading Angles 2. Select orientation of openings to be examined, 5. Place shadow angle protractor on sunpath diagrams so that the bow of the protractor is facing the same dirce- tion as the openings. Choose the month and the time you wish to consider and note the point of intersection between these two lines. . Read off the azimuth. (NB. This is the radiating line on the protractor that passes through the intersection.) © Read off the altitude, (NB. This is the broken semi-circular line on the pro tractor that passes through the intersection). £ Plot the azimuth angle on the plan of the building, = Plot the altitude angle on the section of the build- ing, & On the plan, sketch in the path of the sun that will be entering the opening at the time of the day and the month of the year that you have been examin- ing. Aechitect's Guide to Climate Design a. b, a Completed monthly CET chart from stage 3 Hourly CET calculator. Hourly CET calculator with the lower limit of the com- fort zone drawn on, Sunpath diagram of the appropriate latitude Plan and section of building to be considered Sunpath diagram of the ap- propriate latitude. Transparent shadow angle protractor. CET overlay completed in stage 4. 53 OPERATION DATA REQUIRED STAGE 6: Establishing relationship between comfort and activity a. Select a: month that you consider to be critical to the a, Monthly © design. stage 2. (NB. You should try toselecta month in which over heating is @ scrious problem.) T chart from b. Enter the average hourly CET of the month onto the b. Hourly CET calculator chart by means of a curve. Superimpose the comfort zone onto the curve © Blank chart part 1 d. Establish the main activity patterns ducing the 24d. Social data about the build- hour cycle, (Attempt to define outdoor and indoor ac- ing user. tivities). Enter this in the space provided. Blank chart part 2 ©. Compute the average hourly DBT of the month and ¢. Hourly DBT calculator. enter it in the no. 3 space of the blank Blank chart part 3 f. Fstablish the comfort zone in terms of the DBI. f, Paychometric chart (NB. This can be done by using the RH and the CET. on the psychometric chart.) Superimpose this on the hourly DBT curve. & Calculate the sol-air temperature maximum, Table of resistivities. (NB. For this the formula Table of conductivities vsa=XxT+0 Lable of absorptivities. i Where: 'sa=— solair temperature (©) X = absorptivity of the surface due to solar radiation (°%) (from the tables) 1 = Intensity of radiation (watts/M). (From the radiation calculator) f, = outside surface conductance radiation calculator (watts/me/°C)_ (From the tables) sunpath diagram 0 = DBT maximum fh. Assume that the maximum sol air temperature wilh. Blank chart part 3, occur at 2 p.m. (NB, This is for the roof only). Plot the point. 4 Hroilan Hong, FUAP/UAP Diliman Chapter OPERATION DATA REQUIRED i. Assume that the minimum sol air temperature is the same-as the minimum DBT and that it occurs at 6:00 pam, Plot the point. j. Draw the sol air curve free hand joining the maximum and minimum. STAGE Estimating Internal Temperature After having completed stage 6 you can see quite clearly the relationship between the activities of the user‘and the periods of the day when serious overheating is occuring, Stage 7 is concerned with testing the existing structure to, estimate its performance. HEAVY WEIGHT CONSTRUCTION a Establish the max. temperature that will be experienced, on the underside of the roof. (Thisean be done simply, by checking the method of construction on the Time Lag Calculator) ©. Establish the min, temperature that will be experienced on the underside of the roof, © Plot both these paints on the blank chart part 5. ¢. Drawa free hand curve joining these two points. © Check whether this is acceptable. Bothe, from the point of view of temperature and from the time of day when the maximum indoor temperature is occurring. (NB. Thiscan be done by comparing the indoor tem- perature curve to the activities in the chart part 2and to the DBT comfort zone). Aecitect’s Guile t0 Clonate Design d Blank chart part 3. Blank chart part 3 ‘Time Lag Calculator Information on material an construction being used in the building under con- sideration. Blank chart parts 243 Blank chart part 3 55 OPERATION DATA REQUIRED LIGHT WEIGHT CONSTRUCTION a, Inlight weight well ventilaied constructions theinsideairtem- perature equals DBT. The outside temperature nearesttheskin Of the building is taken as the sol air temperature b. Draw a graph where the vertical scale represents tem- perature and the horizontal scalcthe resistances of each part of the construction. (Resistance of material Resistivity thickness (metres). Ine clude resistances of cavities and films of air adjacent to the internal and external surfaces. (surface resistances) ¢. Drawallinebebween (outside) max. solair temperature and (inside) air temperature DBT which occur at the same fime, ‘This line represents the temperature graclient across the con- struction. d. Note the internal surface temperature. If this exceeds the DBT by 5°C. Then radiation from the surface will increase discomfort in comfortable ar hot conditions STAGE 8: Selection Suitable Mate: Is a. Ifthe result of stage 7 proves that the existing structure does not satisfy the climatic requirements, choose dit- ferent materials and/or construction, (NB. For this stage follow the instructions given in ‘the paper “Choosing Roof and Wall Materials for Comfort in Hot Climates” by J.M. Evans.) b. When you have chosen alternative materials check once more on the Time Lag Chart or the solar heat factor cal- culator. From the “Notes on Climate Design” By: Cho Padamsec AA, DIP, ARIBA ‘Martin Evans AA, DIP. Bouweentram International Education, Rottendam, 1972 Sol air temp. Section 6 Tables of resistance and con- ductivities Paper on choosing roof and wall materials. Paper on choosing roof and wall materials for comfort in air hot climates, Time Lag Chart 56 roilan L, Hong, FUAP /UAP Ditimars Chapter LOCATION: CLIMATIC DATASHEET LONGITUDE: LATITUDE: °F °C J F A M Ss o N 3D 1 122-50 41345 104-40 TEMPERATURE DB 2 110 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 RELATIVE HUMIDITY % 10 Architect's Guide to Climate Design a7 LOCATION: CLIMATIC DATASHEET ee eS LONGITUDE: LATITUDE: 3 a 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 RAINFALL mm. » 7 = > = > 0 100 30 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 CLOUD COVER % SUNSHINE 58 Froitua L. Hong, EUAP/UAP Diliman Chiapter | ——————— LOCATION: CLIMATIC DATASHEET LONGITUDE: ______ LATITUDE: a 8 WIND DIRECTION, INTENSITY Gee [7 [F[hpe[Miefefatsfeors ye 122 --50 113-45 104-40 + 95 --36 86 --30 77-25 68-20 59-15 50--10 a5 wi 7 WIND SPEED. Architect's Guide to Ctomate HOURLY (C)E.T. & D.B.T. CALCULATOR devised by J.M. Evans AA Dipl. TIME HEATING ———_——> an 8 10 6 12 14 AVERAGE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE °C ‘de SUNLVHSAWAL MINWIXWW JOVYIAV 4 2 24 2 20 18 16 mo <—\\_ TIME COOLING 1. Drawalline connecting average max. temp. (righthand scale) with average min. temp. (left hand scale) for the selected month. Call this line ‘A’, 2 Select lower limit of comfort zone on temp. scale and project horizontally to intersect ne’ A’ 3. From intersection project vertically to ‘Time Heating Scale (top) and Time Cooling scale (bottom) and read off times of day between which colar shading is necessary. This calculator is accurate only between latitude 30°N and 30°S. Arcitect’< Guile to Climate Design cr LIGHT AND LIGHTING DESIGN 1.0 INTRODUCTION 11 The basic units used in lighting design. fa. Luminous intensity - the light giving power of a source unit: candelas (cd) b. Luminous flux - a measure of the flow of light unit; lumens (lm) ¢. Hlumination - the light falling on a unit area of surface unit: lumens per sqm. (Im/ me) 1.2 Choosing a standard of light to fit the task, See attached hand out for recommenced illumination. 1.3 Calculating the light required or the light available. ‘There different design conditions a. Overcast or cloudy sky (temperature climate, warm-humid climate or rainy season in a composite climate) b. Reflected sunlight (hot dry desert climate, summer ina mediterranean climate). c. Artificial lighting and P-S.A.L.. (Permanent Supplementary Artificial Lighting of Interiors) 14 Quantity of light alone is not enough. Quality is also important, Factors such as contrast, glare, direction, colour and colour rendering, must be considered. 2 Froiten L. Howg, FUAD / UAB Ditiman Chapter 2.0 THE OVERCAST SKY 24 The overcast sky has a number of properties which have been measured and standardised which are used to calculate the light levels in naturally lit rooms, a. The light distribution varies according t0 the angular altitude. b. The light from the sky falling on to. an unobstructed surface can be chosen 5000 Im/m¢for northern Europe. 20,000 Im/m* for warm humid climates. 2.2 The percentage of light from overcast sky reaching a point within a room is known as a daylight factor ‘The daylight factor should not drop below 2.3% depending on the type of work, ete 2.3 The daylight factor is calculated by adding: a. The direct sky component: light direct from the sky consideration. b, The indirect sky component: light reflected from obstructions outside the window onto the point under consideration. ¢. The internally reflected component: light reflected of surfaces within the room NOTE: a. aand bare found using a Daylight Protractor b. cis found using tables. Avcntect’« Guide to Cliate Design 3.0 REELECTED SUNLIGHT 31 The light falling onto a worksurface when there is direct sunlight, /¢ no clouds, comes from: a. Direct sunlight b. Direct from blue sky ©. Reflected off obstructions and ground surfaces outside the room d. Reflected off surfaces within the room a. Direct sunlight is to be avoided as it causes glare ‘problems and discomfort due to the heat radiation. b, Isa very small proportion of the light Even glare from reflected sunlight can cause dis comfort if surface are very light. 42 If the following factors are known then the interior illumination can be found from tables. The window area ‘The area of internal surfaces ‘The average reflectance of internal surfaces The luminance of the sky. The luminance of the ground surface due to sun- light. The angle of obstruction of louvres etc. used to ex- clude direct sunlight. peo ee 4.0 ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING 4.1 The method of designing an artificial lighting instal- Jation. a. Select the level of illumination required. b. Select type of fitting required. <. Calculate s pacing and mounting height for ad- equate light distribution. d, Calculate number of fittings for adequate illumi- nation levels. ce. Check precious stages. . Check other factors: plare, colour andl colour renderiny Genus and lamp life “ Crection and reflection at the working plane, heat output ete. Froilan L. Hong, FUAP/ UAP Diliman Canpter INSTRUCTIONS ON THE USE OF THE BRS DAYLIGHT PROTRACTOR 1.0 INTRODUCTION 11 The protractor is used! to find the daylight factor’. This is the the ratio of daylight illumination at a point on a given plane due tolght recelved rectly or indirectly rom a sky of known (or assumed) luminance distribution to the illumination on a horizontal plane duc to the unobstructed hemisphere of thi rect sunlight is excluded for both values of illumination. 2.0 PROCEDURE Step 1 Step 2. Take a plan and section of the building or room to be tested. Drawings should show. thickness of walls, external projections and external obstructions, Seale is not important but as much detail as possible should be shown. For each point to be tested draw on plan the lines from the edges of the window to the reference point, On section draw the reference plane (at working height 75 cm for tables, 90 em for benches if actual height is not known) and from the point on the plane draw lines to the head and sill of the window. Place the ‘angle of elevation’ scale on the teference plane and note. 1) The average angie of elevation (estimate) 2) The sky component for long windows, Place the protractor on the plans so that the base line is parallel with the window. Find the semi-circular line which corresponds to the estimated angle of elevation. Add together the correction iactors on the left and right of the semi-circular scale, t's Guide o Climate Design “Tv ‘The value of the sky component for the long window (Step 3) should be multiplied by the Correction lator to obtain the corrected direct sky component (DSC). Steps 2 to 3 should be used only for the area of dky which can he seen irom the reference point. Steps 2 to 5 should be repeated for the trea of obstruction outside the window Yhich can be seen from the reference point he value daylight factor for the area of obstruction should be multiplied by 0.1 ERC). Inaddition to the light reaching the reference point through the window some light 15 Reflected of the ceiling and walls. This is aan the internally reflected component RC). a) Record or choose floor reflection factor (10, 20 or 40%) b) Record or choose wall reflection factor 20, 40, 60 or 80%). ) Calculate window area asa percentage of the floor area. d) See table 1 for internally reflected component. Step 8. Adu the direct sky component + oxternally reflected component + internally reflected component to find day light factor. Finally, check to see if light level is adequate for the task, References om table 2 vlight protractors, BRS.LIMSO. Interior lighting design handbook ‘roilan 1: Hong, FUAP /UAP Diliman Chapter Methods of Checking Design In telation to Climate APPLICATION SOURCE : ALTITUDE AND AZIMUTH OF THE SUN ( Manila ) PACASA/CAB/COS CAD BY: RIN September 14, 1998. 68 [DEGREE] Sie DES Sa] ats DEGIEs [Al DECI |e wis DEG] BEODEGM]| 573 DEG 27.MIN] A La] AZ. [PATTI WA WALT | -AZ28| GALTA|SAZH|ENLTS[BAZE PEALTS [TAZ SE Do] s60[ 69] wa] al 77|_o8[_743|__ oo) al on) GT [AM oat 900) 13] e5.2] 25] e03] 37755] a9] es] sa] __ 72 Ftes| 939] 58] ass] tos] ssa] ira] as) 188) 735] 93] al a_235| 983] 303] —oa7] sta] era] s2.a|— 13 327] 754] 33.0713 of eal tonal —ae7] os] 489] 906] see) 5] se] 7e2] ¥67| 74 ol 385) So 105.0] coal 95a] eto] ss] 0.9] 75.0 604] ea Ti eal_1333] _72.4]—iais| rae] tos] 750] ses] 747] e72[ 73] 557 Ii [- 7sal 180.0] — toa al 105.9 Hg] — oo] eo] 0.0] sta] 09 if ea} 2262] 72. 7as| 2543] —75.5| 273s] _7e7| Ze2.8| 739] 704.3 2] 563] 246.4] 59.) @al 264] —si.0] 2747] 9] 285.0] coal 201.9) 3] #3.) 2359[ 417] 459] 2694] Aso] 2765] aes] 2a3.8| 457] 2889 a[aesf 261s] 303] 3i4|_ 2750] 322] 2787] 32.7] 246] 990] 266-7 3] 143) 266.1 13.3 1éa]_a7e3] 175] 81.8] —18.8| 2465] 19.0] 2902] Pa ‘oof 200 13] 25[ 279i) 37] 294s 40 re] 5.8] 2028 Ser ‘oof 2700 0.) ‘ol 303} 00] 2855] oo] 2907] del 29483 [SS A [STS RS ODE Ga DEG a | DEG SIDE 27 NENT aes [meena | ong HALLS | WAZ] EALTy [eA Z| CALTBIA, iia] WAZA ALT | WAZA [RISE Fo) Tr [AM 7 FE XE val 1037) 256[ 1089] _25.27| i149] ate ti39] ai] 1223] 3 Ha| tod] 39. nes] 366] ama] 38) 58] 4.8) 1302] Sa] aia] sia) a79[_asa] ps7] 43] psa) a9] i419] tal _iaizo13) eo] seo] tsee| saa] i565] 49.21 1587] IS Taal 1800] 654] 7800, 0] 1800) 35.4 52.6] 1800) i Ga 2193] —e13|_ 2020) S69] 2o7a[ 52a wa] 2013] 2 Sta[_25ea] sia] 252.i[ a8] 2263] 9a aia 2ia| 5 aia] 249.6) 39. 2407] 366] 2383] 33.6] 29a] 318] 229. “l Bal 2563] Bid] 97] aeo] aif rata] 201] 257. 3 Ta] 2a] tz] 2863] 102] 2514) Bel eto] 7] 2093 Px [ser Ta|_aera| oo] 557] ool seas] el zeal cal 2457] Altitude and Azimuth of the sun, a selected declinations, for each hour of true solar time in Manila. Soursds PAGASA/ CAs CDS hhoogd.als rtm M4 Septeraber 1998 6 aN EER a Peg sie BRS ea ae me | Be aa] 3 aaa a ea Baez [64 ana esl 3 i 2 a = 3 a > ioe 4 anes ae] v Ea sis | 39 2 3 42D 2 is | 49. Source: PAGASA/CAB/CDS on Sep 4, 188, Nereiah ba ee el GRAPHICAL SCALE DRWEWAY FROM THE ELEVATION DRAMING WINCOW OPENING = 1.60m X 2.80m = 4.48 sq. m AREA OF THE WALL = 5.65m X°4.20m = 15.53 9. m. ‘erase COMPUTATION who SPEED % AREA, OF OPENING Fano = paca oF wa * 443 sam fan = SBS to0 Reno = 0.292237 x 100 RAO = 2922 8 29 ELEV 40 30 a 10 ATION 1 200 WETERS [ J 0 2 30 40 80 EXECUTE HOUSE: Codd ty THonclang 9-18-98 a u ‘ SUN N mN\ wi SUN SHADING AZIMUTH = 71° SOLAR ALTITUDE ANGLE = 45° SOURCE : PAGASA GRAPHICAL SCALE cong mus. — SUN SUN SHADING AZIMUTH = 289° SOLAR ALTITUDE ANGLE = 32° SOURCE : PAGASA oat by TU 9202-88 GRAPHICAL SCALE © SUN SUN SHADING AZINUTH = 131° a \ SOLAR ALTITUDE ~ — ANGLE = 32 ) / . N\ x DECEMBER 22 9:00 AM a NORTH GRAPHICAL SCALE x ganta ae SOURCE : PAGASA SUN SUN SHADING AZIMUTH = 238° SOLAR ALTITUDE ANGLE = 22° SOURCE : PAGASA F NORTH DECEMBER 22 “ a 4:00 PM “Sef GRAPHICAL SCALE "SHADOW CASTING AZIMUTH = 70° SOLAR ALTITUDE ANGLE = SB GRAPHICAL SCALE ety IM 4-98 CLIMATOLOGICAL NORMALS STATION. 450-SCIENCE GARDEN, QUEZON CITY LATITUDE: 1 DEGREES 39 MIN. NORTH. LONGITUDE; 121 DEGREES3 MIN. EAST ELEVATION, 45.0 METERS FERIOD 1951-1999 SOURCE; PAGASA/CAB/CDS Philippine Asmospberic Gxophpza and Astronomical Series Adkninieaton (PAGASA) san Sepember 4198 eoplale CLIMATOLOGICAL EXTREMES STATION SCIENCE GARDEN, DILIMAN, QUEZON CITY YEAR: AS OF 1996 Ti RAT a a Me [:DECREES caNTIC: s [SIGH] DATE |LOW|DATEIAMO TATE |IGH DATE|LOW DATE] TANUARY | 342] 2005] 155] 2797] ssa] teas] 26/] ESE] wa] 10206] 2073) 998.8] 22.85 =| JPEERUARY | 355] 2-85| 151] «87| 309] 1274) 22/| Sse | 292] oxi] 73} 0023] 945) a zi SE wei] 747] ass| 15-89] 26/] Ss _| 1692] 1019.0] 227] 997.8] 2. |e 180] 1683] 472] 1679] 26/| SSE | 7-92] 10163] 1472) 30023] 2671 195] 178s] 410i] wz 40/| ON | to-92| ors.i| ae-te] 924] 17.09 305] 3083] 191.8) 2685) 37/| sw | 2572| to1.3] sri! 727] 2693 ao] 2774] 2170] 28 s6/[NNW| 9-77] 1015.0] aro] 9.2] 15.74 240) 871] 2230 1579] —_sor| WsW| 18.92) tol] 22-87] 994.2] 2474 [Saat 200] 364] 199.4[ 90 sor] ssw] 2092] 10167] 28-75] w7.4) 3095 ea il 395[ 3172] 2093] 1273] sar] se | 11.89| i0160| 25-46] s7a7] 3.8 S| 180] 2790) 1357] 1427] so/|nvw] 395] 1015.1) 1879) $69.1| 2.93) s.| ines] 87.2] 2254) 16/| NE | 3073| 1079.1] 2081) 9981] 593] [se ee al zs 535| [rExion 1961-1995 1951-1996) 1961-1996 1951-1995 Jor REcoap| Nore 1. gual Sign (-) means year 1600 2. No record for the period 19411945 SOURCE: PAGASA/CAB/CDS Philippine Atmospheric Geaplysial and Asvonoinitel Sericer Administration (PAGASA) rn Sepenbe St hamrzat 8 430 - SCIENCE GARDEN. wsomon ¢ | S0-SOINCE GARDEN _ CLIMATIC DATA SHEET yuezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines toons, RED ( Temperature DB ume =; E3PNoth KE / — Dry Bulb "Fc | JANUARY | rearuaey] warca | aren | way | Ne | wir | aucust | serrenetx) ocrowex | Novewaes] pecevern 192-50 115-48 104-40 9 - 36 B _i : : : on Laer et cg | 6 - 20 8 - 16 — 0 - 10 Hn 5 4 w- 0 ‘SOURCE = PAGASA/CAB/GOS Codd by + RIM 9-13-98 uacavox #30 SCINCE GADIN _____ CLIMATIC DATA SHEET 8 Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines \ “ +f worse» WA @) Relative Humidity & ume; 1438" North \f/ - Wun | maeuaey] woacr | am may | WN | MWY | AUcuST | strevees) Crone | Noveveer) DICINGTR ‘10 im + 90 L 2 18 * = : . = = 8 0 nD 3 ¥ n a 60 a 0 _| fs 0 0 20 0 - SOURCE ; PAGASA/CAB/CDS Codd by : RIM 9-15-98 wccsnon : D-SCENCE GARDEN CLIMA IC DATA SHEET Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines _ . tovomne 21°03 st 3 Rainfall mm vain: 7439! North wanuaRY | feeRUARY| MARCH | APR | MAY. UNE wy | August | SepreMaeR} OCTOBER | NOVEMBER| DECEMBER std | sas Tr) THz 100 a1 437. 1 107, ae SOURCE : PAGASA/CAB/CDS Cadd by = RTM 9-13-98 tooaren 430. SCIENCE GARDEN Quezon City, Metro Mania, Philipines Loworuoe = 121 03" East ws CLIMATIC DATA SHEET ( 4 Cloud Cover % A Sunshine we =; 14°39 North ee L Tawney amor] ance [arn [mar |e | | Alcusr | sree OcTORR ovever| Dsconse + 100 = L 8 as a a = TS i ve |e #0 a 1x | ie 70 |__| _ 80 50 | ” | x 20 — to — — — | ‘SOURCE = PAGASA/CAB/CDS Codd by : RIN 9-13-98 \ caren; 430 SCIENCE GARDEN luezon City, Metro Mapila, Philippines onsmune ; 121° 08 East IMATIC DATA SHEET Wind Direction, ume; 14439" North : Intensity JANUARY | FEBRUARY | MARCH APRIL MAY, f JUNE jy AUGUST. SEPTEMBER} OCTOSER | NOVEMBER| DECEMBER N Nelam/e se | SY 2m/s SE 2m/s sw] a | : iy lam/s | q de om/s I ots xe SE| 2m/s sw|2m/! | N N N N N ie nia syle | | Ne i ry am/s sw al SW ZI 8 SOURCE : PAGASA/CAB/CDS Codd by : RIM 9-13-98 Wind Speed at fem = 711 (es or eles ting Tom ore 16 & tee e tgp a own BD:SORNCE GON = Quen Gy Weve Mai, oes ‘oman = RIOR - ance |W Neh Wind Speed BREE TORE Coll cy CORRECTED EFFECTIVE (6) Temperature Men 2 Ue CEA fr Jot OF ong 12 18-24 aprer mere courat zoe = — aoe CORRECTED EFFECTIVE bs Hourly Time yeNBwOna ous Se PSYCHOMETRIC CHART BAROMETRIC PRESSURE 780mm of Mercury MOISTURE CONTENT Kg/kG of dry air 85 eee DRY BULB TEMPERATURE °C HOURLY (©) ET. & D.BT. CALCULATOR devised by |M Evans AA Dipl TIME HEATING C———— NOON UM TEMPERATURE °C AVERAGE MINIMUM TEMPERATURE °C AVERAGE MIX THIS CALCULATOR cy, {= TE COOUNG SON AND 30S 4. DRAW A. LINE CONNECTING AVERAGE MANIVLM TEMPERATURE (RIGHT HAND SCALE ) WITH AVERAGE: MINMUN TEMPERATURE ( LEFT HAND SCALE )FOR THE SELECTED MONTH. CALL THIS LINE “A ~. 2, SELECT LOWER UMIT OF COMFORT ZONE ON TEMPERATURE SCALE AND PROJECT HORIZONTALLY TO INSERSECT UNE" A". FROM INTERSECTION PROJECT VERTICALLY TO TIME HEATING SCALE (TOP) AND TIME COOLING SCALE (BOTTOM) AND READ OFF TIMES OF DAY BETWEEN WHICH SOLAR SHADING IS NECESSARY. Codd by + fMonolang September 19,1998 COMFORT ZONE below 1s 3+ Teeplusor minus 15 1325 Te plus or mas 2 2535 5+ Tee plas or minus 25 3580 6 = Tee phisor minus3 shove 50 7 = Tee plu or minus5 Formula for determining Comfort Zone ‘Tam (Annual Mean DBT) = Highest DBT of Year 4 Lowest DBT of Year 2 Where: Tam = Annual Mean DBT DBT = Dry Bulb Temperature Tee ~ Conter of Comore Zone 146 30 1619 35 i924 49 2828 4s 2838 50 338 38 345 50 4552 65 shove 52 70 hong? Incident soler SOUTHEAST ASiA’s 6.26 PRE-PAINTED "GL ROOPAG SHEETS a HM Faw or |), TINT g) SOLAR WTI B) (cone uw | g tl 3 ' / se povoco 5 CHB WALL t set 9 | PLASTERED SELIG: | a g) me, A) 45c CET = 29.20 OPEN COURT| 2006 | Honest | NING AREA ‘8 Fe Y STANDARD 3% U-VALUE SE TEs eens COMPUTE FOR THE SOL-ARTEUPERATURE ———Tg-= 54.6 (HOTTEST TEMP. OFTHE AY ‘2:00 P.M) ‘Tso = SOL-AR TEMPERATURE X= Absorblivity (0.50) | = Incident soler rodietion watts (600") Tso = To + Xiro - £91 ro = External surfoce resistonce (0.07) Too = 346 + (080) (60) (007) reo = 3560 ot oe 3 4 5s ‘0 GRAPHICAL SCALE EXECUTINE HOUSE Cos by Rhaccing we sui6-38 A26 PRE-PAINTED G1. ROOFING SHEETS | CALCULATE SOLAR HEAT FACTOR ||| OF WALL 1 anes wee ei al iota FS cans | i |REISINY RESSTADE | correo uns) : m8 C=ANB A rn lesowy -5fons0| —a6* | ait a Franc aval ag [ons | | | 9 g TUijete eovomn | 00 a [8 | est seasiace OF WL T= O18 | teve, Cer aaa GET INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL RESISTANCE (Re) B) ater WALL 1 Exl. Resiotonce (Hot Seoson) = 0.07 ee aia, & Fir Resntonee 2 tas ‘ste pet ra. 8, = 8S DETAILED S SCALE ’ CALCULATE SOLAR HEAT FACTOR OF METAL ROOF . RESIST | RESISTANCE wrens | Tax |RSS he Weta! Root [ore] 200 | como Coxity [ 0.176 Piyrood [ona] 725 | 0.140 TOTAL & | 0386 RESISTANCE OF METAL ROOF = 0.396 GET INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL RESISTANCE (R, ) o. Ext. Resiatonce (Hot Seoson) = 0.950 b tnt, Resstonce 05, TOTAL Ry = 0.155 GRAPHICAL SCALE STANDARD 3% U-VALUE ECTION A - T+ Rye 019 + 0188 = 0389 CALCULATE FOR "UT VALUE us comfort 75 METERS ‘Above 5% so therefore, It is recommended ta shece it or cca insulation, Iny+ Ry= 0385 + 0155 = 0560 CACLUATE FOR "UT VALUE = 1 2192 9580 woy beyond comfort Above S% 20 therefore, It is recommended to shade il or add insultion. 8 10 URE HOUSE add by RiMenclang 9-16-98 89 0 ‘TABLE OF CONDUCTANCES AND RESISTANCE OF SURFACE AND CAVITIES MISURFAGED: Tosovrl Spare Walls [Hloor,caling, beat ow uy [Floor, celing, heat Now dows. [Underside on roo! [Exel Serie [Roots [Cotd Season [Five Season. Walls [Hot Sexson [For Season Vertical (Zon wide G/T avi [50mm wide (Horizontal Tomo eo [Heat Hone [Heat flows down eat flow dow Fou hang hong om Sepia TABLE OF CONDUCTANCES AND RESISTANCE OF SURFACE MATERIALS [Mineral Fiber Board [Glass Fiber Banker [Sprayed Asbestos [Corkboard [Asbestos comane Sheet (ave [Asphal [neck fare) [Concrete [Cement Phaser cendering, Saac.eerent) ICimestone fimber hardwood wood ABSORPTIVITY OF SURFACE FOR SOLAR RADIATION OI Black, non-merllic 085 Ode [Red brick, le, concrete, one dark pane 045 to 080 [Yellow and bull brick and stone 0501 070 [Whe or cream brick, tle and palne, planer O30 to 0.50 [Window Glass ‘wanspareak [Bright aluminum, pie brome pata Gio to OS0 [Dull brass, copper aluminum, galvanized seal 04010 045, Polished bras, copper 030 to 0.50 High polished alumiours, Gn, alee or chroniarn 010 to 040 Note : Note thatthe solar radiation by a building surice iss Function of its colour and surfaces finish which can be expresso in terms of absorptivity. Unit absorptivity is obtained from a matt black surface bongs ate st tSepeenbertns 2 SOLAR HEAT FACTOR CALCULATOR devised by J.M. EVANS AA 4.15 09° 05 036 025 czy te 98M 4 wg ER__ RESISTANCE (05 1 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 €1/R__TRANSMITTANCE P T TITITTI I cir to oF Wonsmilonce = U ABSORPTIVITY I Ae. A asl fu 8 ‘ ania iuminam Cadd by ; RIM 9-17-98 9 WD SHADOW Y | ri Ei im A 18.72 METERS REAR ELEVATION fe gaye HEIGHT OF THE BULONG = 7.97 m On Cmate Dolo Sheet No.$ SCALE 1: 200 NETERS WOTH OF THE BULDING = 23:80 m fon page ___. using Nay os LENGHT OF THE BLDG = 2300 m tne bose the wind évection wil be SE-@ 2m/s COMPUTE FOR WIND SHADOW USN 61/2 AS THe eRe LENGHT OF THE BUILDING if ee HEIGHT OF THE BUILDING THEREFORE: So ; vnsecane & a & settee ORTH 797 m WIND SHADDW = 6 1/2 X 2.86 SEE WND SHADOW LENGHT CHART FI6___ ON PABE ee we WIND DIRECTION FOR MAY SE 2m/s ORIENTATION pci pute Coad by R'Monaieng 9-15-88 THE AUTHOR National President, 1987 and 1988 Chancellor, College of Fellows 1990 and 1991 Philippine Institute of Environmental Planners (PIEP) Life Member President 1991 ‘Council of Consulting Architects and Planners of the Philippines (CCAPP) Past President 1993-1994 Recipient of the “Outstanding Architect of the Year" award for 1991 given by Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) June 1992 EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelor of Science in Architecture Mapua Institute of Technology, 1960 Diploma in Housing, Planning & Building UWCENTRUM, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 1972 (Recipient of Diploma with Distinction) Master in Environmental Planning, University ofthe Philippines ‘School of Urban and Regional Planning, FROILAN L. HONG, FLAP, & registered Architect and Environmental Planneghas, been extensively involved in all phases of ‘architectural practice since 1960, He has designed ‘various sructures including schools, residences, club houses, religious buildings, hospitals, industrial buildings, condominiums, recreaticnal-sports facilites, educational campuses, and others. Hehas bboen in ative practice in planning since 1973 and has made various planning studies and comprehensive development plans for some govemment agencies suchas the Philippine Courci) for Agncultareand Resources Researen(PCARR), the National Housing Authority (NHA), the Ministry of Local Government (MLG), the Ministry ‘of Public Works and Highways (MPW), and the Ministry of Human Settlements (MHS), Architect Hong designed the Center for ‘Non-conventional Energy Development (CNED) Building in Diliman, Quezon City. This research facility is a mode! for eneruy conscious building design. Designed for the Ministry of Energy and the Philippine National Oil Company. Ttincludes flexible administrative and supportive areas, as well as research lab areos. Factorssuch as solar angles, wind shadows, and orientation were carefully ‘considered in the design ofthis facility. and passive cooling and solar energy systems were incorporated in its planning, design, construction and use. = Theauthorhas been with the faculty of the [University ofthe Philippines College of Architecture jin Diliman since 1987, He was formerly the Program Direcior ofthe Graduate and Contin Edueation Program. He has handled practically all the courses in Architecture, from visual arts to architectural design, from history to theory of Architecture, from. construction drawings and building utilities to architectural research, He has te concept of developmental architecture inthe Graduate Program in Architecture since 1986, He is an active member of the United Architects of the Philippines (UAP). He was a member of the Board of of the Professional Development center ofthc UAP from 1989 to 1994 He was the Chancellor of the UAP College of Fellows for two terms (1990-1991) after finishing his second term as National Presider of the UAP FY 87 and FY 88, He has assisted in the preparation ‘and drafting of the documents for the seven (7) major services ofthe Architect namely: Pre-Desiga, Design Services, Specialized Allied Services, Construction Services, Comprehensive Services and the Design-Building Services. He liises between the UAP, government agencies, other professional ‘organizations and the building industry. He iszlso ‘8 member of various task forces and committees ‘ereated for education, professional practice, reseurch, planning, housing andbuilding, Bho47oad

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