Dependent Prepositions (With Verbs, Adjectives and Nouns)

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Herbert Ramirez Diana Briseida


Dependent prepositions (with verbs,

adjectives and nouns)
Certain verbs, adjectives and nouns naturally take certain prepositions when placed in a
sentence these are called dependent prepositions.

For example, you

can object to (something), participate in (something), complain about (something).

Unfortunately there are no fixed rules that can help you decide which dependent
prepositions should be placed with which words, you really just need to learn them.

Remember that sometimes usage of different dependent prepositions change the meaning.

Dependent prepositions example 1:

He is angry with us. (angry with someone)

He is angry about the problem. (angry about a situation)

Dependent prepositions example 2:

He is good at football (meaning he has skill / ability in something he is good at (playing)


She is good with children (meaning she has a positive relationship with / has an affinity

A teacher for example, might be good at teaching English and may be good with their

The best way to learn more about dependent prepostions is to make a list of your own, and
then find sentences that use the structure. Google can be very useful for that. For example,
if you were trying to remember that complain is generally followed by about, simply type in
complain about in Google and see the results.

NOTE: It is important to use the speech marks ( ) around the phrase you are searching for
so that only results with that phrase will come up.
Herbert Ramirez Diana Briseida

What are the basic elements of a CV?

Yout CV should cover these elements:

Your details - Include your name, address, phone numbers and email
address so any interested employers can contact you easily. Information such as
nationality, age and driving licence status are optional.

Personal statement - One paragraph that immediately captures the attention

of your reader and entices them to find out more about you. Be careful not to cram
too much in. Instead take your main skill and relate it to the job you're after to show
employers why you meet their needs.

Work experience - List your most recent position first, continuing in reverse
chronological order including the name, location, website and dates of your
employment for each company you have worked for. Aim to use bullet points
wherever possible to highlight your responsibilities and achievements in each role so
the person scanning your CV can quickly match up your experience with their job

Education - Again, in reverse chronological order, give brief details of your

academic and professional qualifications along with the grades you achieved. If
you're looking for your first job since leaving education, include this information
above any work experience.

Skills - Whether you realise it or not you will have picked up many skills over
the years, some tangible, some less so. Include every IT package or programme you
have used as well as any foreign language skills you have gained, and state whether
you're at a basic, intermediate or advanced level. Skills such as communication and
project management are harder to substantiate and should be backed up with
Herbert Ramirez Diana Briseida

Hobbies and interests - Including these is optional and often used to fill up
space at the end of the document. The idea is to give the interviewer a more
rounded picture and, perhaps, something more personal to discuss at an interview.

References - It's not necessary to list referees on your CV, but you should
state that details are available on request. If this is your first job, it's a good idea to
nominate tutors or mentors. You'll obviously need to choose references that you're
confident will give positive remarks, but you should also make sure they would be
easily contactable by potential employers when the time comes.

A clear and simple layout - Always keep your CV to two pages of A4. It
should be clear to anyone reading your CV where to find the information they're
looking for, with enough white space' to ensure they're not overawed at first glance.

The purpose of this document is not to get you the job, but to get you an
interview. Always remember you're not writing a CV for yourself, you are writing
it for your reader. As you write your CV, put yourself in their shoes. Keep it short,
to the point and, above all else, interesting.

Due to the high volume of applications they receive, a recruiter will generally
spend at most 20 seconds initially reviewing each CV, so it's important to get it
right. If you follow the structure outlined above, you're on the right track to
presenting the information in a clear, concise and persuasive way.

Things to watch out for

Time spent making sure your CV is crisp and relevant is always time well spent.
There are plenty of simple mistakes that are often overlooked that will turn your
readers off before they've gone much further than your name and address.

Resist the urge to jazz up your CV with images or colour .

Steer clear of long paragraphs.

Careful use of bold type can be effective, but don't overdo it.

Underlining should be reserved for website links only.

Use typefaces like Times New Roman' or Arial' - they're easier to read.

Avoid using font sizes smaller than 11pt, employers won't strain their eyes to
read it.
Herbert Ramirez Diana Briseida

Don't use txt speak and only use abbreviations if they're universally known.

And finally
Check for spelling or typographical errors. Any errors are your responsibility and
are one of the first things employers use to weed out the weaker candidates.
Even if the role you're after doesn't require a high level of literacy, spelling
errors scream lack of care, which is an undesirable quality for any recruiter.
Don't put all your faith in a spell checker as many are set to American settings
as a default. If you're not sure about a word, look it up in a dictionary.

Before you distribute your finished document or upload it to the Internet, get
someone to look over it. Professional CV checkers see hundreds of CVs every
day and can immediately spot things that may put off a potential employer

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