GPG160 Electric Lighting Controls – a Guide for Designers, Installers and Users
GPG160 Electric Lighting Controls – a Guide for Designers, Installers and Users
GPG160 Electric Lighting Controls – a Guide for Designers, Installers and Users
Electric lighting controls have become an important
element of lighting installations. They can:
Case Studies
save energy as well as running costs
improve user satisfaction
provide flexibility of use and operation for
make management better informed about the
operation, cost and maintenance of a lighting
COVENTRY Major savings in both energy and running costs
PowerGens headquarters is a long, narrow can be achieved by using controls to operate
three-storey open-plan office building with a electric lighting only when it is required, ie only
top-lit central atrium. Offices are daylit from side when daylight is inadequate and the workplace is
windows and from the atrium. The windows on occupied. Savings can also be achieved by
the south side and the atrium rooflight have fixed adjusting the light output of a luminaire to
solar shading. Electric lighting is provided from provide the required illuminance throughout the
suspended direct/indirect high frequency maintenance cycle of the installation (known as
fluorescent lamp luminaires which fit into design maintained illuminance). Saving energy
boat-shaped ceiling coffers. Near windows the reduces emissions of carbon dioxide and other
electric lighting is controlled by photo-sensors gases harmful to the environment.
the lighting is switched off when daylight reaches
a predetermined level. The lighting can also be User satisfaction
switched off at set times during the day, currently People value being able to adjust their lighting to
at 0800, 1200 and 1700 hours. Occupants can suit the job in hand. This can be achieved by
Case override the lighting controls for their area via the
telephone system and their own personal number.
providing task lighting with switch or dimmer
control. Changes in the appearance of the light
If switch control is used, the switch-off level must Constant task illuminance can be achieved by
be set to avoid causing annoyance, ie switching designing the lighting to provide the required
off the luminaires when it will hardly be noticed. illuminance at the end of the maintenance cycle
If the sensor records the combined daylight and with the dimmer on full. The controller will reduce
electric light this will probably need to be at least the light output, and hence the energy consumed, at
three times the required task illuminance. A time the beginning of the maintenance cycle when the
delay will be needed to avoid frequent operation lamps are new and the equipment is clean.
of lights in rapidly changing daylight conditions.
For daylight-linked lighting the illuminance
Dimmer control can provide a near constant sensor should be positioned relative to the
illuminance and is usually more acceptable to daylight illuminance distribution, eg controlling a
users, particularly in shared spaces. Fluorescent line of luminaires parallel to a window. The sensor
lamps will normally dim down smoothly to a may be positioned on the ceiling looking down to
certain level, after which they can become read the combined daylight and electric light
unstable and start to flicker. The level at which illuminance, or it can be positioned to read the
this occurs will depend on the control gear, but it external daylight level. Either way, sensors must
is typically 10% of full light output. If the be calibrated to provide the correct level of electric
requirement is to switch lights off in the dimmed light relative to the daylight.
position, switch-off should occur before the lamps
become unstable. Where, for appearance purposes, Central controller
it is preferred to leave the light on in a dimmed Luminaires can be controlled by a dedicated
position, a standard preset level will be needed for personal computer or a building management
all luminaires in a particular area. system. Depending on the sophistication of the
system and the wiring of the luminaires, almost different luminaires to different light output levels.
anything is possible. Switching can be related to The scene-set controller achieves this via a
time, daylight level and occupancy, and luminaires multi-position switch, with one position for each
can be linked into groups which can be changed of the scenes. The unit is programmed to store
when necessary. Dimming is also possible if the individual luminaire settings and will switch or
the luminaires are equipped with appropriate cross-fade from one to another as required.
control gear. Someone who understands the lighting
requirement will be needed to reprogramme the
Luminaires can be controlled in particular unit when necessary.
sequences, so that room lighting is operated
independently of, but linked to, circulation Intelligent luminaires
lighting. This can be used to prevent circulation Luminaires are now available with their own
lighting from being switched off if rooms are still control sensors designed for occupancy and
occupied, thus allowing people a safe exit from the illuminance monitoring. The sensors can signal
building. It is essential that adequate lighting is either a switching or dimming action, and can be
always provided to allow people to exit a overridden with a hand-held infrared controller.
building safely. The luminaires can be programmed to provide a
constant maintained illuminance throughout the
The emergency lighting installation must not be maintenance cycle of the installation. Illuminance
connected to the building lighting control system. and time delay, which operates when the
occupancy sensor ceases to record movement, can
Central controllers can also monitor the length be adjusted manually by using controls within the
of time a luminaire or group of luminaires is on. luminaire or remotely.
This can provide important management
information concerning energy consumption and
maintenance requirements.
At times it will be necessary for users to access the SEEBOARD CUSTOMER SERVICE OFFICE,
system to alter the standard conditions the central CROYDON (REFURBISHMENT)
controller is programmed to operate. This may be Seeboard has developed a refurbishment electric
to take account of space reorganisation or revised lighting design which comprises a regular array of
occupancy patterns. The changes can be made intelligent fluorescent lamp luminaires with high
with override switches or via a computer or frequency dimming control gear and incorporating
telephone network. both light sensors and presence detectors. The
large open plan offices have good levels of
At least one person should be available within the daylight. There is no need for a central control, as
organisation who can operate and reprogramme the lighting is off unless the area below the
the system when necessary. Equipment should luminaire is occupied and there is insufficient
therefore be easily reprogrammable and readily daylight. Presence detectors have a 10-minute
accessible, otherwise the resulting delays and delay after recording the space is unoccupied
frustration could undermine the usefulness of the before switching off the luminaire. User response
whole control system. has been favourable after earlier concerns that if
people worked late they might feel insecure when
Scene-set control
This allows lighting to be changed simply from
working in a single lit area. The concerns were
unfounded as anyone approaching the area would Case
one light scene to another. In a restaurant, for
example, appropriate lighting scenes can be
created for breakfast, lunch and dinner by setting
automatically activate other luminaires.
the Low Voltage, Electromagnetic Compatibility
and Construction Products Directives[3].
Lighting control systems can be outside the
experience of some electrical installation
companies because of their complexity and use
of electronics. Unless the proposed contractor is
familiar with control systems, it may be advisable
to use a specialist company. BOOTS THE CHEMIST (REFURBISHMENT)
New lighting equipment fitted as part of a store refurbishment programme comprises a
It is not only the electric lighting itself that the regular array of high frequency, dimmable fluorescent lamp luminaires combined with
system can control. It can be designed to: wall lighting and illuminated signs. Time controls provide for three different lighting
record lamp burning hours levels: cleaning and restocking, and two different trading levels (busy and quiet). This
indicate lamp failures control also ensures that all display lighting and illuminated signs are switched off
record the energy used by particular when the store is closed. Photocell control provides a constant maintained illuminance
luminaires, or groups of luminaires. to ensure maximum efficiency and increased lamp life. Stockrooms are fitted with
occupancy sensors to reduce the light level to a low illuminance when unoccupied. All
In a building with multiple occupancy, therefore, lights are switched off manually when the last person leaves the building.
separate billing is possible. It is also possible to
integrate the system with the control of adjustable
window blinds or sun shading devices. These
commonly operate when there is a problem such
as glare caused by direct sunlight, but often fail to
be readjusted when the problem passes. Hence
there could be advantages in coupling the control
of daylight and sunlight to the control of the
electric light.
deal with problems. This could be the facilities or
accommodation manager.
This is a summary of the main points to remember when designing and installing a lighting control system.
It can be photocopied and used as a checklist whenever required.
System design
Determine precisely the users requirement Does the system allow for changes to the
for both individuals and management layout of work areas and for changes in
and draw up a proposal. room organisation?
Produce a flow diagram to test the proposal. Is the lighting system, including the lamps
Test the proposal from the users and luminaires, appropriate for the control
perspective, eg will it provide the lighting strategy?
required at all times? Can the lighting be Are all the elements of the proposed
changed for different user requirements? control system compatible with each other?
Test the proposal for the managers Is the control equipment and its interface
requirement, ie will it save energy and with the building visually acceptable?
money? Will it provide information on Ensure that space is provided for housing
maintenance and energy use? the control equipment hardware and its
Ensure that the system can be operated associated wiring.
easily by the users as well as by the person Will the appearance of the lit environment
responsible for the system. Does the system be acceptable under all control situations?
have a logical operation and is it user Check that the cost of the installation
friendly? Can it be reprogrammed easily includes commissioning and testing as well
when necessary? as user training.
Does the system have sufficient flexibility Is the control system proposed good value?
for the range of likely future building uses, This may be measured in human,
or can it be modified? environmental or financial terms.
System installation
Ensure that the electrical contractor is window are grouped as one circuit.
competent to install and test lighting If sensors or luminaires need to be adjusted
controls which include electronic circuitry. or maintained, are they accessible?
Ensure that the electrical contractor has all Ensure that daylight sensors are correctly
the necessary installation information, calibrated.
ie wiring requirements and positions of Ensure that occupancy sensors are not
sensors and switches. obstructed and will operate only the
If there are specific wiring requirements, luminaires in the appropriate zone.
ensure that the electrical contractor is Are manual switches, dimmers and remote
informed, eg that luminaires parallel to the controllers suitably labelled?
System operation
Ensure that users receive in-house training in-house who can reprogramme the system
about the purpose of the system and its and deal with operation problems and
operation. system faults.
Provide control system user manuals and, if Establish service contracts and repair
possible, a telephone help-line. procedures, including call-out response
Ensure that there is at least one person times if a fault develops.
Remember - aim to keep the lighting control system as simple and logical as possible.
Control gear (or ballast). Apparatus to start a necessary for fixing, protecting it and connecting it
discharge lamp and control the current through it. to the supply.
Designed maintained illuminance (unit: lux). Lux. The unit of illuminance, equal to one lumen
The maintained illuminance used in a lighting per square metre.
Maintained illuminance (unit: lux). The average
Efficacy (or luminous efficacy) (unit: lumen/Watt). illuminance over the reference surface at the time
The ratio of luminous flux emitted by a lamp to maintenance has to be carried out by replacing
the power consumed by the lamp. When the lamps and/or cleaning the equipment and room
power consumed by control gear is taken into surfaces.
account this term is sometimes known as lamp
circuit efficacy. Maintenance cycle. The point in time when
maintenance needs to take place. This could be
Illuminance (unit: lux). The amount of light lamp and luminaire cleaning, room surface
falling on a surface of unit area. cleaning and lamp replacement.
Luminaire. The correct term for a light fitting. An Task (or local) lighting. Lighting designed to
apparatus which controls the distribution of light illuminate a task area, eg a desk light.
from a lamp and includes all the components
Details of lighting control designers and equipment The Energy System Trade Association
suppliers may be obtained from the following: PO Box 16, Stroud, Gloucestershire GL6 9YB
Tel 01453 886776
Lighting Industry Federation
207 Balham High Road, London SW17 7BQ
Tel 0181 675 5432
The Governments Energy Efficiency Best Practice programme provides impartial, Energy Consumption Guides: compare energy use in
authoritative information on energy efficiency techniques and technologies in industry and specific processes, operations, plant and building types.
buildings. This information is disseminated through publications, videos and software,
Good Practice: promotes proven energy-efficient techniques
together with seminars, workshops and other events. Publications within the Best Practice
through Guides and Case Studies.
programme are shown opposite.
New Practice: monitors first commercial applications of new
Visit the website at energy efficiency measures.
Call the Environment and Energy Helpline on 0800 585794
Future Practice: reports on joint R&D ventures into new
For further specific information on: energy efficiency measures.
Buildings-related projects contact: Industrial projects contact:
General Information: describes concepts and approaches
Enquiries Bureau Energy Efficiency Enquiries Bureau yet to be fully established as good practice.
Fuel Efficiency Booklets: give detailed information on
BRE Harwell, Oxfordshire
specific technologies and techniques.
Garston, Watford WD25 9XX OX11 0RA
Tel 01923 664258 Tel 01235 436747 Introduction to Energy Efficiency: helps new energy managers
Fax 01923 664787 Fax 01235 433066 understand the use and costs of heating, lighting, etc.
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