Report Kemta PDF
Report Kemta PDF
Report Kemta PDF
I.1: Introduction
Our project work is carried out on the topic Power Transmission/Distribution Automation:
Case of Eneo Cameroon. Its aim at formulating and promoting a vision for the development of
Cameroons electricity networks looking towards 2035 and beyond. Efficient transmission and
distribution of electricity is a fundamental requirement for providing citizens and economies with
essential energy. In 2014 after KRIBI Thermal plant was made operational, Cameroonians were told
to forget about power interruption implying that there was enough power to meet up with the
increasing load demand. Few hours later, part of the population experienced light seizure. We thus
question: what explains power outages despite sufficient power in the Grid? This question yielded
us to this study with one main target: upgrading the transmission and distribution system to a self-
monitoring one in order to take to the minimum level the frequency of power outages. In other to
achieve this, our work is divided into three main steps: firstly that of understanding how the network
is organized; secondly apprehending the load sharing process and lastly, figuring out how the existing
network could be upgraded to an automatic one.
Starting with the literature review (Chapter II) which is devoted to the structure of the network,
we look forward to describing the Grid as a whole and to breaking it down into three layers
(interconnected, sharing-out and distribution substations) and two sub-networks (HTB and
HTA). The configuration of each post/substation along with its position and role within the Grid as
well as the function of its equipment are provided here. The following part (Chapter III) points out
some sets of technologies which could help in automating Transmission and Distribution. Subsequent
is the Methodology (Chapter IV) adopted to address the problem outlined. On the same impetus, this
chapter provides clear and concise explanation of the material and method used. The next chapter, in
addition to the outcomes from the gathered data under methodology as well as a small scale simulation
of a prototype, indicates how these recommendations could profit to Eneo first and to the
Cameroonian society as a whole. These are outlined under Results and Discussions which stands for
Chapter V. lastly, our research studies logically closes on a conclusion and a future scope of study
(Chapter VI).
This internship was carried out within the DRTL (Division Rgionale Transport Littoral) and
the Grid Dispatch Departments. The DRTL is in charge of exploiting the Network that is, monitoring
and maintaining substations and line voltages. The Grid dispatch controls generating stations and
very high voltage power transmission so as to implement load sharing. The following is Eneos
organizational chart.
This chapter will be constituted of four main sub-headlines. It opens on the General
description of Eneo Grid (I.1), continues with the HTB POST of LOGBABA (II.2) then, closes with
HTB-HTA and HTA Substations. Various control boards and electric circuit and other figures
presented under this chapter are drawn with AUTOCAD 2013.
For electricity to reach the consumer, it must be produced, transported and distributed. The
electric network (the Grid) consists of thousands of kilometers of lines disposed in the form of a
spider web. Almost every substation is supplied by more than one line and, the flow of current on
those lines is frequently controlled. A modern electric power system consists of six components:
Eneo uses overhead and underground cabling systems for Transmission and Distribution.
Underground cables do support voltage levels up to 64KV. Now, Eneo using 90KV and 225KV on
transmission lines, is bound to opt for overhead cabling system for power Transmission. The
Distribution is conducted through overhead and underground cables for 15KV lines on the one hand
and on the other, via overhead cables for 230/380V voltage levels.
The RIS (Southern Interconnected Network) is divided into two sub-networks (figure 2.1)
namely: HTB (consisting of two regions which are the very high voltage, 225KV and the high voltage,
90KV) and HTA (divided constituted of the Medium Voltage, 15/30 KV and the Low Voltage, 380
V). The boundaries of the sub-networks are the input/output of transformers. The section ranging
from the output of transformers at Songloulou to the input of transformers at the sharing-out post
constitutes the HTB network. The very high voltage part travels from Songloulou to the input of
transformers at interconnected posts. Now, the high voltage side goes from the output of the
transformers at the interconnected substations to the input of those at the sharing-out substation.
Likewise, the output of 90KV/15KV or 90KV/30KV transformers gives way to the HTA network
which consists of medium and low voltages. The medium voltage region extends from the output of
these transformers to the input of 15KV/380V or 30KV/380V transformers on polls/H59 (distribution
cabins) whereas the 380V side represents the low voltage. Thus, based on the voltage level at the
input and output of transformers at substations, they can be referred to as HTB-HTB post (or simply
HTB post: interconnected substations), HTB-HTA (sharing-out substations) post and HTA post
(distribution substations or distribution cabins). Fig2.1 illustrates an electric power system:
Based on the row material, The Grid comprises of three different types of power sources:
Hydroelectric, light/heavy fuel thermal plants (LFO and HFO) and Gas thermal plant (Kribi). Two
hydroelectric plants, Songloulou with a capacity of 384 MW and Edea with a capacity of 263 MW
meanwhile the Kribi Gas thermal plant injects 246MW. The Light Fuel Hermal Plants (LFO) are
Bamenda (20 MW), Bafoussam (12 MW), Bassa (3.5 MW), Mbalmayo (10 MW00), Ebolowa (10
MW), Ahala (60 MW) and Oyo 2(9.6 MW). Oyo 1, Dibamba, Logbaba and Limbe are the HFO
respectively producing 18 MW, 86 MW, 12 MW and 67/84 MW. In order to reduce losses (caused
by current) on Very high voltage and long lines, the reactive power is rather produced locally at
substations. The whole network is monitored by the GRID DISPATCH and its Conducting Center
(CCR). The Grid Dispatch permanently regulates the instantaneous and predictable consumption with
either the available production or the one it will call upon. In the accomplishment of its duty, it works
hand in hand with the CCRs in charge of monitoring the HTA network. Figure 2.2 below illustrates
the above mentioned.
4 |Written and presented by KEMTA Arthur
As we earlier indicated, HTB refers to Very High and High Voltage levels and, that of
Logbaba will be apprehended here. We hereby look forward to portraying the Structure of the
substation and describing its control board illustrated in Fig 2.3.
The interface between the control board/Grid and the equipment is the BR (Btiment de
relayage). This consists of a set of relays and contactors taking instructions from the control
room/Grid and forwarding them to the intended receiver (equipment). They do not execute any action,
they route the information only.
This description entails picturing the 225 KV, the 90 KV, the couplage bar, the capacitor
bank and lastly, the power transformers.
It is protected by the Micom technology which watches over 80 or 120% of its length. A
protective set consists of distance protection (primary) controlling the line impedance and a
secondary protecting against surge currents. The following are the components of a 225 KV line.
Before closing the circuit breaker, the line Pho 2.1: 225KV Three phase Circuit
voltage and frequency must be synchronized with that of the system.
A synchronization column is provided for this purpose. This column is activated (or turned on) first
with a key then, the same is inserted beside the circuit breaker and turned for synchronization.
A switch local-distance (in the circuit breakers box) prohibits the circuit breaker from being
commanded locally when positioned on distance (that is from the control room). Again, it cannot
be closed via TPL (Tourner, Pousser Luminer) if one of the following conditions is not put in place:
Turn the CB (circuit breaker) 90 degrees to the right (discordance lamp on)
Press the CB, lamp goes off when the operation is successful
Opening procedure of a circuit breaker
Open the CB
Isolate the line from the bus bars
Open the line isolator
Close the earth isolator
Releasing the line
In these two previous cases, the Circuit Breaker (CB) usually attempts to close back
automatically but if it does and still sees the fault, it will open back and block itself. Until
the problem is solved then it can be closed again.
- CB to isolate: when the gas pressure inside the poles drop to a certain level (1st stage), it
indicates in the control room via a printer and if nothing is done to remedy the situation, it
will continue dropping until it reaches the 2nd stage; point at which it just trips.
Coupling isolator
The CB is closed
Its motor is not supplied
Pho 2.3: coupling isolator
The other bus bar selector/isolator is not opened
well positioned
From the control room, it is closed by firstly turning its TPL to the right (90 degrees) lamp on
and secondly, pressing. The lamp goes off indicating successful operation.
The Earth Isolator cannot be closed when that of the line is closed at the same time and vice versa.
This is because one might attempt to ground the line when it is live that is, line isolator closed. This
would ground the bus bar to which the line is connected damaging part of the installation. It is
opened/closed by first arming its corresponding Tourner Luminer (TL) in the control room and
then manually driving it outside.
Pho 2.6: Line isolator, closed Pho 2.7: Line isolator, Fig. 2.8 : Ground closed
Button: local-telecommande
This is used to control the line with all its equipment either
locally (site) or from distance (Grid). The distance control is
achieved via a particular communication tool: a resonant circuit (Pho
2.9). Stations and substations are connected to one another and to the
grid in the Eneo network through it. It also serves as tele-signaling
(informs the grid of any fault or maneuver at substations), tele-
measure (the Grid sees charges on transformers and departures live)
and telephony. Pho 2.9: a resonant circuit
Fault clearing
Whenever a fault occurs somewhere along the line, the micom (protective tool) orders the
appropriate CB to trip and if dangerous, this cannot be closed back until the fault is cleared, and read
later run in order to reset micoms user interface.
Essai lampe
This is to test whether the lightening of the signaling screens are still up and running. 90 KV LINE
The description of its components is analogous to that of a 225KV line; refer to section
A 90 KV line voltage tapped from the appropriate bus bar (using coupling isolators) passes
through its circuit breaker, combined measuring tool (including both current and voltage
transformers) line and earth isolator before travelling to its destination. Current and voltage
transformers of the 225KV side are separated from each other. COUPLAGE
It is a mechanism used to either operate the transformers individually or in parallel by
connecting their respective bus bars. Parallel Coupling is achieved under certain conditions regarding
both transformers which must be identical that is:
comprises of a hundred and forty four (144) batteries divided into two groups of 72 elements; each
group providing a 25 MVAR to a bus bar and mounted in a star configuration. A set of 24 elements
(a layer) of a group takes care of one phase and a common neutral point suppresses any fault from
either a group or a single element.
The vital components of Capacitor Banks are the following: Coupling isolator, Circuit Breaker,
Line and Earth isolators, Essai lampe.
Circuit Breaker
A switch local-distance prohibits the circuit breaker from being commanded locally when
positioned on distance (that is from the control room). It cannot be closed via TPL if one of the
following situations exists:
three phase transformers with input voltage above 90KV. Every single phase power transformer
consist of two faces, 225KV side and the 90/15 KV side. The cooling systems used are ODAF
(Directed Oil, Forced Air) and ONAN (Oil Natural, Air Natural) for 225/90 KV and 15/380(120) KV
transformers respectively.
The following picture shows the 15KV underground cables taped from the transformers
output and travelling to 15KV bus bars. The horiz ontal metallic tubes are the phases.
The TSA/BPN are 15KV / 380V transformers supplying the whole post; the transformers cooling
system (auxiliary service transformer) and, provide an artificial ground to secure the 15KV bus bars
(Delta connected) from faulty
currents occurring on
undergound cables (Bobine
de point neuter) by opening
its CB and, the Arrive
Transfo (AT), being
programmed to trip whenever
its TSA/BPN is out, will
follow; thus saving the whole
RAM from danger. They are
three of them and the load is Pho 2.12: a Ram
drawn from only one at any
given time. TSA1 and TSA2 are automatically driven by a commutator; TSA2 manually. In case of
a total blackout, a GES (Groupe lectrogne de Secours) is present.
The Voltage Transformer (TV) collects information about the voltage from the bus bar and
sends to the sepams of departures and TSA which then provides all necessary measurement via their
respective sepams after, collecting adequate information on the current from the bar through their
Current Transformer (TC)
The DEPARTURES supply various H61 and companies via underground cables. The maximum
authorized load from a departure is 8MW although they can provide more (12MW in makepe); this
is to protect the cables from burning due to overheat.
The ARRIVEE TRANSFO is the bridge between the transformers output and various
cellules. It supplies the bus bar.
The THERMAL PLANT is an alternative energy source injecting power on bus bars, thereby
reducing the transformers load. Usually off, they come into play only upon a request from the GRID
A sepam incorporated in cellules does also play a protective role. Upon the gravity of the fault
occurred on a cable from a cellule, it will either trip the cellules CB or that of the AT of the RAM.
NB: As interconnected and sharing-out posts are connected by 225KV and 90KV lines respectively,
so is the 15 KV network (medium voltage) from substations to H61 (distribution cabins). It is for
instance the case of two cellules BK1 (Bassa-Koumassi 1) and BK2. They can draw their load either
from BASSA or KOUMASSI substations so, in H61, a 15KV arrival out of service (departure from
posts) can be replaced by another one from the same or different post. 15KV lines from cellules often
travel to the most distant H61/H59.
Substations are standalone, they do not communicate with each other. This places the Man as
the Bridge between them. What if substation are given sufficient intelligence so as to change the
status of workers from masters to supervisors? By automating transmission and distribution that is,
load sharing. In order to achieve this, every station and substation to be able to communicate with
and listen to others and to the control center on the one hand, and on the other; capable of taking
ABB Technology, (ABB, 2014) provides dedicated Intelligent Electronic Devices for the
protection, control, measurement and supervision of all power equipment or actuators such as
reclosers, breakers (no, switchgear, capacitor banks and tap-changing transformers required in
implementing the suggestion.
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) enable electronic components to get information and
control every part in real time on the one hand and, on the other, make every part of the
network both listen and talk (two way communication).
Sensing and measurement technologies would help to provide faster and more accurate
response information of each important part of the Grid, such as remote monitoring, real time
thermal rating, electromagnetic signature analysis and real-time pricing. Advanced
components would be useful in applying the latest research in superconductivity, storage,
power electronics and diagnostics. They include: first and second generation superconducting
wire, high temperature superconducting cable, distributed energy generation and storage
devices and lastly, composite conductors.
Advanced control methods, if used, would very much assist in monitoring essential
components, enabling therefore rapid diagnosis and precise solutions appropriate to any event.
With Improved Interfaces and decision support, information systems would reduce the
complexity of automated network to make both the operator and the manager use it more
efficiently so as to amplify human decision-making.
Methodology as far as this work is concerned refers to the various steps taken towards
constructing and simulating a prototype of an automated Network (Load Sharing). The chapter thus
comprises three major axes: data gathering (IV.1), Program Writing (IV.2) and simulation (IV.3).
Time(H) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Prevision 95 93 94 100 114.5 125 146 175 190 205 161
Demand 93.5 92 94.5 96.7 119 130 154.3 186.2 215 208.6 158.7
(real power)
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
180 211.5 220 242 280 267.5 325 256 265 204.5 190 152.3 130
175 215 226.5 248.7 278 272 326 250 250 195 200 148 128
The decision of which generator to turn on at a given moment is made based on economical bases
because that which causes less expenses (row material) is prioritized. From such angle, priority
follows the sequence: Hydroelectric plants-Gas TP-HFO TP-LFO TP. Let the table below be that of
the power sources in a 343 MW Network
Table 4.2: Grids generators capacity
Label A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P
Capacity 50 60 45 40 25 30 20 15 12 10 8 14 15 10 3 5
Hydroelectric (1) Gas TP (2) HFO TP (3) LFO TP (4)
The main component of our simulation is the load generator. Loads are assigned LEDs; each
LED refers to a town/quarter/company/university. The Following table provides the various loads
21 |Written and presented by KEMTA Arthur
IV.3. Simulation
In order to illustrate our ameliorative perspectives, we used a set of electronic components:
numbered microcontrollers (PIC 16F877 and PIC 16F84A families. MCs), 7seg display, LEDs,
relays, NPN transistors, resistors, switches, diodes and motors the build up a circuit using Proteus
- IC1: Being in a virtual world, the load needs to be created/generated; it is the duty of this
- IC3: In charge of printing out via a set of 3 7seg displays, the instantaneous load demand.
- IC11: Illustrates energy supply by lighting up the LED or set of LED corresponding to the
- IC2: Compares the demand and generated power at every instant t and decide on whether
to momentarily cut off part of the load, isolate/turn on a generator.
- IC4: Drives all the motors through their respective MCs.
- IC5: Monitors the hydroelectric plant.
- IC6: Controls the Gas thermal plant.
- IC7: Commands the HFO thermal plant.
- IC8: Takes care of the LFO thermal plants.
- IC9: Measures the instantaneous generated power, drives IC 10 to output the corresponding
value which it also make available to the comparator.
- IC10: Outputs the instantaneous generated power.
- IC12: Provides the time with load variation.
The motors operating at 12Vcannot be turned on directly with the output of an IC. These
currents are too low to trigger them. Now, transistors which need such a low base current to drive
sufficient one to close a relay is thus welcome for such a situation so; to every motor is assigned a
transistor (receiving the signal dedicated to that motor) and a relay. The relay closes contact to 15V
when the coil is magnetized that is, on the passage of the collector current. The diodes placed across
the relay are usually termed as freewheeling diode. They protect the transistors from destruction
once the base current is no longer, the coil stores energy on passage of collector current and once
Ic=0, it discharges through the diodes, not the transistor.
This chapter is divided in two major parts. The first (V.1) provides description of the work
announced in the previous chapter to realize the simulation. The second (V.2) identifies some losses
that could be attenuated or in the best of cases, avoided and points out the results that would be
obtained if the recommendation of automating transmission and distribution is implemented.
V.1. Results
- Data organization
At any given time t, the couple of generators being on are with respect to power demand. The
following table provides the combination of tables 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3. Red zones indicate power outage
(difference > 5MW).
Table 5.1: combination of load and generation
Generation Demand
Time(H) Power Combination Load Combination
(MW) (MW)
1 95 AC 94 A1A2A3
2 92 BGI 93 A1A2
3 95 AC 94 A1A2A3
4 100 BD 96 A1A2A3B1
5 115 BDH 119 A1A2A3B1B2
6 125 ACF 130 A1A2A3B1B2B3
7 145 BCD 154 A1A2A3B1B2B3C1
8 175 BCDF 186 A1A2A3B1B2B3C1C2
9 190 ABDEH 215 A1A2A3B1B2B3C1C2C3
10 205 ABDFHJ 208 A1A2A3B1B2B3C1C2C3
11 162 ABDI 158 A1B2B3C1C2C3
12 180 ABCE 175 A1B2B3C1C2C3D1
13 212 ABCEFI 215 A1B2B3C1C2C3D1D2
14 220 ABCDE 226 A1B2B3C1C2C3D1D2D3
15 242 ABCDGHI 248 A1B2B3C1C2C3D1D2D3E1
16 283 12K 278 A1B2B3C1C2C3D1D2D3E1E2
17 268 1EFG 272 A1B2B3C1C2C3D1D2D3E1E2
18 324 123M 326 A1B2B3C1C2C3D1D2D3E1E2E3
19 256 1FGH 250 B2B3C1C2C3D1D2D3E1E3
20 265 1FGHP 250 B2B3C1C2C3D1D2D3E1E3
21 205 ABDFHJ 195 B3C1C3D1D2D3E1E3
22 190 ABDEH 200 B3C1C3D1D2D3E1E3
23 152 ABFI 147 B3D1D2D3E1E3
24 130 BDF 125 B3D1D2D3E3
Based on this combination and table 4.1, we used Matlab (v R2011a) to plot the forecast and
real power consumption in order to build a prototype from its analysis.
A difference of about 5/6 MW between load demand and generated power is negligible and
does not represent a major threat to the grid. However, a slight increase is first of all observed and if
continuity is detected (which would result in a considerable change of the frequency), power outage
would be carried out to maintain the integrity of the network and avoid possible black-outs.
Maintaining the stability between demand and generated power is the key to healthy and money
producing Grid.
From Fig 5.1, it is observed that:
D>G : the power demand being greater than the production within this interval, some of the
load will be dropped to preserve the Grid and later on based on the gap, appropriate generators will
be called upon while gradually retaking the left-over loads.
D=G: depending on the peak point (magnitude) usually, power outage is performed because
being particularly stressed within that time interval, an imbalance can be fatal. In other words, this
could rapidly cause a black-out.
D<G: in respect to the gap, appropriate generators would be switched off but this might result
in the isolation of some of the loads. If the gap is 15 MW for instance and the analysis suggests to
The source code is made available under appendix C. The following flowchart (Fig 4.2)
globally provides an explanation to the program (D=load demand; G=generated power):
The following GRAPHCET gives the various steps of the program. The time t is in hour (so
t<=6 is actually t<=6am that is, from 1am to 6am. t<=19 refers to t<=7pm).
Legend: Outputs
- M: couple of motors being on within the interval set by the loop
- t: time display
- LD: load display within the appropriate loop
- DG: display generated power
- LG: load generator within the corresponding loop
- LI: load illustrator within the corresponding loop
- LD, LG, DG and M do have the same function but indicate reduction of load from 7 to
- Likewise, LD, LG, DG and M stand for reduction of generation followed by the load
from 8 pm to 10pm.
Further advantages
Improved resilience to disruption and self-healing capability from power disturbance events
will be advantageous in a number of ways, (DOE, 2010):
Operators or managers could use the real-time information which comes from embedded
sensors and automated controls to anticipate, detect, and respond to system problems to
automatically avoid or mitigate power outages, black-outs and power quality problems.
Black-outs often are the result of a series of events. If for instance the 90KV line Bekoko -
Nkongsamba suddenly breaks down, a significant instability could cause a Black-out within the Grid
because Limbe and Dibamba HFO isolate themselves from the Grid just 2 or 3s after such imbalance
(due to drop in frequency); followed by other generating stations. Decision speeds increasingly would
become too fast for humans to manage so as to stop the cascading failures yet, sentinels (or PLCs)
monitoring the system would quickly identify the problems and, based on pre-written algorithms,
would have performed millions of calculus within short time interval so the fault could be contained.
In order to improve on its response, the network could be divided into small islands.
Isolation - If failures were to occur, the whole network would break into isolated islands,
each of which must fend for itself. Each island would reorganize its power plants and
transmission flows the best it could. Although this might cause voltage fluctuations or even
small outages, it would prevent the cascades that cause major blackouts. As line crews repair
the failures, human controllers would prepare each island to smoothly rejoin the larger grid.
The controllers and their computers would function as a distributed network, communicating
via microwaves, optical fibers or the power lines themselves. As soon as power flows are
restored, the system would again start to self-optimize.
31 |Written and presented by KEMTA Arthur
Smart Grid would likely have a control system that could analyze its performance using
distributed, autonomous reinforcement learning controllers that have learned successful
strategies to govern the behavior of the grid in the face of an ever changing environment such
as equipment failures. Such a system might be used to control electronic switches that are tied
to multiple substations.
Social benefits
By far, the biggest winner will be society as a whole. The smart grid will be expected to
provide benefits to the society in the following ways, (DOE, 2010):
1. Reliability by reducing the cost of interruptions and power quality disturbances and
reducing the probability and consequences of widespread blackouts.
2. Efficiency by reducing the cost to produce, deliver, and consume electricity
3. Economics by keeping downward price on electricity, creating new jobs within Eneo and
via new investments thus, stimulating the Cameroon growth domestic product (GDP).
While current network presently fulfil its function, it will not be sufficient to meet future
challenges unless strategies for making this vision reality are adopted. There are two reasons to
automate Transmission and Distribution of electricity. First, todays Grid needs to be upgraded
because it is aging, inadequate and outdated in many aspects: investment is needed to improve on its
material condition, ensure an adequate capacity and, make it fit to the contemporary challenges of
power supply. Status quo is not an option. Secondly, the benefits of the smart Grid are substantial as
both the company and the society do benefit. A sophisticated, intelligent and more reliable network
supplying a constant, stable and good power quality to consumers when they desire or need it is
essential to our country in its journey toward an emerging and mostly industrialized state by 2035.
The causes of power outage and blackout with respect to the generating stations if addressed with this
approach, would incontestably lead to a more robust power system thus; opens the door to our future
scope of study.
1- Texas Tech University, 2012, Introduction to smart grid: Department of Electrical & Computer
2- ABB, 2014 Distribution Grid automation, raising the bar in Grid efficiency and reliability, (p.8).
3- Electric Grid control: algorithms and open problems. UNM school of Engineering
Appendix A:
A: Makepe control board and ICs Pin assignment
Dec Code g f e d c b a
0 abcdef 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1
1 bc 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0
2 abdeg 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1
3 abcdg 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
4 bcfg 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
5 acdfg 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1
6 acdefg 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 1
7 Abc 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1
8 abcdefg 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Fig A-2: 7segment display configuration 9 abcdfg 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
% Combination of the Forecasted and real power curves
% ----------------------------------------------------
% let t = time in hours
% let e the estimated power
% let r the real power demand
% -------------------------
t=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24] ;
e=[95 93 94 100 114.5 125 146 175 190 205 170 180 211.5 220 242 280
267.5 325 256 265 204.5 190 152.3 130] ;
r=[93.5 92 94.5 96.7 119 130 154.3 186.2 215 208.6 158.7 175 215 225.5
248.7 278 272 326 250 250 195 200 148 128] ;
plot(t, e, t, r, v),grid, xlabel(Time (H)),
ylabel(Power (MW)), axis ([0, 25, 0, 400]);
% --------------------------------------------------------------------
Appendix C:
C: MPLAB Programs
Programs MOVLW B'11111111' MOVWF PORTB GOTO am8b
MOVWF TRISA CALL tempo MOVLW B'00000100'
Source code
B-1: Load Generator ;------------------------------------ GOTO am5a MOVLW B'00000110'
;initiliaze and wait am5b BTFSS A4 MOVWF PORTC
; IC N1 : Load
CLRF PORTB GOTO am5b MOVLW B'00000101'
Provides values to IC N4
through assigned pins, poll ICN3
wait BTFSS start MOVLW B'00100001' rep2 BTFSS PORTB,7
to display the corresponding value
while listening to IC N2 to know
GOTO am2a MOVLW B'00010000' am9a BTFSC A3
whether load should be ;reduced
GOTO am2b CALL tempo am9b BTFSS A4
MOVLW B'00000010' am6a BTFSC A4 GOTO am9b
LIST P=16F877, F=INHX8M,
r=dec MOVLW B'00000101' am6b BTFSS A5 MOVWF PORTD
include "" MOVWF PORTC GOTO am6b MOVLW B'00001010'
;__________________ CALL tempo MOVLW B'01000001' MOVWF PORTB
; Input pin assigment
GOTO am3a MOVLW B'00100000' rep3 BTFSS PORTB,7
GOTO am3b CALL tempo am10a BTFSC A4
MOVLW B'00000100' am7a BTFSS GOTO am10a
MOVLW B'00001001' GOTO am7a GOTO am10b
N1 equ 0x0F
N2 equ 0x0E MOVWF PORTB MOVLW B'00000011' MOVLW B'00010010'
N3 equ 0x0C CALL tempo MOVWF PORTD
;------------------------------- am4a BTFSC A2 MOVLW B'10000001' MOVWF PORTC
; setting the ports GOTO am4a MOVWF PORTC MOVLW B'00010001'
;------------------------------ am4b BTFSS A3 MOVLW B'00000011' MOVWF PORTB
MOVLW B'00000110'
MOVLW B'00001000' CALL tempo am11a BTFSS A0
MOVLW B'00010001' GOTO rep1 am11b BTFSS A3
MOVLW B'11000000'
am8a BTFSC A2 GOTO am11b
;Turns on appropriate generator GOTO am2a MOVLW B'00000111' #DEFINE start PORTA,4
upon the request of IC 4 am2 BTFSS A1 MOVWF PORTB N1 equ 0x0F
;___________________________ GOTO am2 pm14 BTFSS A3 N2 equ 0x0E
LIST P=16F84, F=INHX8M, MOVLW B'00000010' GOTO pm14 N3 equ 0x0C
r=dec MOVWF PORTB MOVLW B'00001111' ; setting the ports
include "" am3a BTFSC A1 MOVWF PORTB ;------------------------------------
__CONFIG _PWRTE_ON & GOTO am3a pm21 BTFSC A2 BSF STATUS,5 ;bank 1
_WDT_OFF & _XT_OSC am3b BTFSS A2 GOTO pm21 MOVLW B'11111111'
;___________________________ GOTO am3b MOVLW B'00001011' MOVWF TRISA
; Input pin configuration MOVLW B'00000101' MOVWF PORTB MOVLW B'00100000'
#DEFINE A1 PORTA,1 am4a BTFSC A2 GOTO pm23 BCF STATUS,5 ;bank 0
#DEFINE A2 PORTA,2 GOTO am4a MOVLW B'00000011' ;------------------------------------
#DEFINE A3 PORTA,3 am4b BTFSS A3 MOVWF PORTB ; initialize and wait
;----------------------------- --------- MOVLW B'00001010' GOTO pm24 wait BTFSS start
; setting the ports MOVWF PORTB pm24b BTFSS A1 GOTO wait
;--------------------------------------- am6a BTFSS A0 GOTO pm24b CLRF PORTB
BSF STATUS,5 ;bank 1 GOTO am6a MOVLW B'00001010' ;-------------------------------------
MOVLW B'11111111' GOTO am6b ;--- -------MAIN ENDS------ ;------------------------------------
MOVWF TRISA MOVLW B'00000101' GOTO wait main
BCF STATUS,5 ;bank 0 am7 BTFSC A0 B-9: Gas Thermal Plant driver GOTO am2
;---------------------------------- GOTO am7 ; IC N6 : Monitors Gas thermal am2b BTFSS A0
; initialize and wait am7b BTFSS A1 ;plant Each hour is assigned a set GOTO am2b
CLRF PORTB GOTO am7b ;of input pins for indication MOVLW B'00000100'
wait BTFSS start MOVLW B'00001110' ;purpose Turns on appropriate MOVWF PORTB
GOTO wait MOVWF PORTB ;generator ;upon IC 4 request am3 BTFSC A2
CLRF PORTB am9a BTFSC A2 ;___________________________ GOTO am3
;------------------------------------ GOTO am9a LIST P=16F84, F=INHX8M, CLRF PORTB
; MAIN am9b BTFSS A1 r=dec am5 BTFSS A3
;------------------------------------- GOTO am9b include "" GOTO am5
main am9c BTFSS A3 __CONFIG _PWRTE_ON & MOVLW B'00001000'
GOTO am1a MOVLW B'00001011' ;___________________________ am6 BTFSC A3
am1b BTFSS A2 MOVWF PORTB ; Input pin configuration GOTO am6
GOTO am1b am12 BTFSC A3 #DEFINE A0 PORTA,0 ; am6b BTFSS A1
MOVLW B'00000101' GOTO am12 #DEFINE A1 PORTA,1 GOTO am6b