Water Quality Monitoring System: Rajnikant Bhandare, Mayur Chhajed, Suyog Sonavane

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International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)

ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015

Water Quality Monitoring System

Rajnikant Bhandare, Mayur Chhajed, Suyog Sonavane
environmental degradation. Currently, low-resolution water
Abstract Good water quality is essential for the health of our quality monitoring is conducted, and water samples are
aquatic ecosystems. Continuous water quality monitoring is an collected at regular periods for chemical analysis in the
important tool for catchment management authorities, laboratory. The disadvantages of this approach are:
providing real-time data for environmental protection and
(a) Data collection is patchy in space and time, so sporadic
tracking pollution sources; however, continuous water quality
monitoring at high temporal and spatial resolution remains
pollution events can easily be missed;
prohibitively expensive. An affordable wireless aquatic (b) It is time-consuming and expensive for personnel to
monitoring system will enable cost-effective water quality data collect water samples, return to laboratory to test and repeat
collection, assisting catchment managers to maintain the health the same procedure for different water resources;
of aquatic ecosystems. (c) There are certain biological and chemical processes
In this project, a low-cost wireless water physic-chemistry such as oxidation-reduction potential that need to be
sensing system is presented. The results indicate that with measured on-site to ensure accuracy;
appropriate calibration, a reliable monitoring system can be (d) Laboratory testing has a much slower turnaround time
compared with on-site monitoring;
This will allow catchment managers to continuously
(e) Interpretation of data collected across different seasons
monitoring the quality of the water at higher spatial resolution
than has previously been feasible, and to maintain this is difficult, as the data is sparse both in space and time.
surveillance over an extended period of time. In addition, it Water pollution occurs when pollutants are discharged
helps to understand the behaviour of aquatic animals relative to directly or indirectly into water bodies without adequate
water pollution using data analysis. [1] treatment to remove harmful compounds. Water pollution
affects plants and organisms living in these bodies of water. In
Index TermsAbout four key words or phrases in almost all cases the effect is damaging not only to individual
alphabetical order, separated by commas. species and populations, but also to the natural communities.
Water covers over 70% of the earths surface and is a very
important resource for people and the environment. Water
I. INTRODUCTION pollution affects drinking water, rivers, lakes and oceans all
The problems of water scarcity are being felt more and over the world. This consequently harms human health and
more with every passing day. Changing weather patterns (due the natural environment.
to global warming) and the pollution of fresh water bodies,
have resulted in an inadequate supply of water for human use. II. LITERATURE SURVEY
It is important that our water resources be monitored and
maintained to ensure that they are not being polluted by A Automated water monitoring system for west and Rhode
effluents from industries or domestic sewage. Maintaining Rivers, USA
good water quality in rivers and streams benefits both humans The application of high spectral and spatial resolution
and aquatic ecosystems. Water is the essential element for airborne remote sensing has developed to an almost
humans to live. Equally, this principle applies to amphibians operational level. We investigate the role of remote sensing
and aquatic animals. Any imbalance in water quality would especially coupled to the two other available water quality
severely affect the health of the humans and simultaneously assessment tools: in situ measurements and ecological water
affect the ecological balance among species. Hence, it is of quality modeling data. In USA, they implemented an
prime Importance to protect the quality of water pollution automated water monitoring system for west and Rhode
remains a key factor contributing to declining ecological Rivers. They developed a multi-sensor heterogeneous real
health in aquatic ecosystems worldwide. In Australia, the state time water monitoring system using the parameters like ph,
of Victoria is facing a major challenge in maintaining water temperature, conductivity, turbidity and dissolved oxygen.
quality in the freshwater systems. Nearly 80% of waterways in Monitoring air pollution using zigbee based wireless sensor
Victoria are in poor to moderate condition and there has been network with the help of GIS technology. [2]
little improvement from previous years. Remediation efforts
B. The 2nd UN World Water Development Report, March
are hampered by the difficulty of diagnosing the causes of
According to the United Nations in 2005, an estimated 1.1
Manuscript received April 07, 2015. billion people worldwide lack clean drinking water and 2.6
Rajnikant N Bhandare, Department of Electronics and
Telecommunication, PES Modern college of engineering, Savitrybai Phule
billion lack access to basic sanitation. Hence, 2005-2015 was
Pune University, Pune, India, +919175558905. designated the International Decade for Action: Water for
Mayur Chhajed, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication, Life. Clearly, the international community has recognized
PES Modern college of engineering, Savitrybai Phule Pune University, that water distribution must be carefully monitored and
Pune, India, +919405128055.
Suyog Sonavane, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication,
controlled in terms of water quality and quantity. While the
PES Modern college of engineering, Savitrybai Phule Pune University, Pune, degradation of water quality (WQ) is almost invariably the
India, +918793152968. result of human activities, certain natural phenomena can

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Water Quality Monitoring System

result in WQ falling below the standard required for particular III. SYSTEM MODEL
purposes. Natural events such as torrential rainfall and
hurricanes lead to excessive erosion, landslides and A. Hardware Requirements
mudflows, which, in turn, increase the content of suspended 1] pH Sensor:
material in affected rivers and lakes. Seasonal overturn of the
water in some lakes can bring water with little or no dissolved Range: 0 to 14 pH
oxygen (DO) to the surface. These events may be frequent or Body: Glass
occasional and have increased as a result of climate change.
Permanent natural conditions in some areas may make water Type: Combination
unfit for drinking or for specific uses, such as irrigation. Sensor Output: +/-59.4mV/pH change at 25C
Additionally, there are naturally occurring areas of high
nutrients, trace metals, salts and other constituents that can Temperature: 0~100C
limit the use of water.
The nature and concentration of chemical elements and
compounds in a freshwater system are subject to change by 2] Conductivity sensor:
various types of natural processes physical, chemical, Range 0 to 10000uS/cm.
hydrological and biological caused by climatic,
geographical and geological conditions. [3] Cell constant: K=1
Operating Temperature: 0 to 80C
C. Case Study of Kuwait Beaches
We are going to discuss what happened during Sep. and Aug.
3] Turbidity Sensor:
of 2001, The Kuwaiti Bay, the embayment is enclosed to the
Arabian Gulf it is experienced that there is a great fish and Power supply required: 5V
those fishes are considered a killer fishes, it is involving more
Range: 0 to 10 NTU
than 2500 metric tonne of the savage mullet, because of the
spherical Gram positive bacteria. In the Kuwaiti Bay, this Temperature: 0~100C
issue had been preceded by the small killing fishes (one
4] Temperature Sensor:
hundred to one thousand fish in the day) of podlanica sea
bream in the aquaculture net pens which is connected to the Calibrated directly in Celsius
bloom of Ceratium furca which is considered one of the
Linear + 10.0 mV/C scale factor
species of the marine dinoflagellate. Sea bream had been
found and considered a positive culture for the S. agalactiae, 0.5C accuracy guaranteeable
but didnt provide us with any obvious signs of the disease.
Rated for full 55 to +150C range
Uncommonly the temperature of the warm was (more than 35
C) and the conditions of the calm had been overcome during Figure 3.1: Transmitter Section
this time. As the severe kill fish had been progressed, different
kinds of the harmful algae were visible for the people, such as
the Gyrodinium impudicum, catenatum, Pyrodinium
bahamense var and compressum. The number of the Cell
especially G. catenatum - G. impudicum had been elevated to
reach 1006 l1 in different positions. It was hypothesized
which there are several factors had participated in the primary
outbreak of the disease that leaded from the bacteria, such as
the unusual warm and the calm condition. These factors which
enriched nutrient condition which appear obviously were
conducive to the succeeding H.A.B outbreaks.

A wireless sensor network (WSN) is the system of the

autonomous which composed of some of great numbers from
the micro sensor nodes which are characteristics by high level Figure 3.2: Receiver Section
of the sensing, and it calculate the communication, this system
is low power and low cost. It is considered so smart system
which manages different tasks in the monitoring process, as
the different conditions of the environment. This system
monitors the water environment and the typical application.
The system have the ability to compare between the existing
real time automatic and the monitoring systems, the WSN
based on the environment of the water to monitor and to get
the strong points. [4]

98 www.erpublication.org
International Journal of Engineering and Technical Research (IJETR)
ISSN: 2321-0869, Volume-3, Issue-4, April 2015
IV. DESIGN The reference electrode is positioned in a reference solution
1] Turbidity Sensor: of fixed pH and is thus maintained at a constant voltage
against which the voltage of the measuring electrode can be
measured. The measuring element is a thin glass membrane
that is permeable by H+ ions. When the probe is immersed in
an H+ rich environment (acidic) the glass membrane is
permeated by the H+ ions which exert a positive potential on
the sensing electrode. Thus a potential difference is produced
which indicates the pH of the solution.
3] Conditioning Circuit for pH Sensor:

Figure 4.1: Block diagram of Turbidity sensor

The turbidity sensor we are using is a combination of a Light

dependent resistor (LDR) and a light emitting diode (LED).
LDR is a variable resistor whose value decreases with
increasing incident light intensity. An LDR is made of a
high-resistance semiconductor. If light falling on the device is Figure 4.3: Signal Conditioning circuit of pH Sensor
of high enough frequency, photons absorbed by the
semiconductor give bound electrons enough energy to jump
into the conduction band. The resulting free electron conduct Ideally the pH probe produces:
electricity, thereby lowering resistance. A photoelectric 0V in a neutral solution
device can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. In intrinsic devices,
the only available electrons are in the valence band, and hence +ive voltage in an acidic solution
the photon must have enough energy to excite the electron -ive voltage in a basic solution
across the entire band gap. Extrinsic devices have impurities
added, which have a ground state energy closer to the The output of the pH probe is given to a non-inverting
conduction band - since the electrons don't have as far to amplifier made using an Op-Amp. (The Op-Amp chosen is
jump, lower energy photons are sufficient to trigger the the TL072 which is a JFET Op-Amp with an input impedance
device. If the voltage produced is above 20 mV then the of 1000G . An extremely high input impedance is required
turbidity is in limit or else if it below 20 mV then turbidity because the impedance of a pH probe is anywhere between
exceeds the limit which shows the water has lots of debris 10M and 100 M and care must be taken to ensure that it is
present in them. not loaded down by the signal conditioning circuit.) The
non-inverting amplifier, thus acts as a high input impedance
2] pH Sensor: buffer and also provides a gain of 2. The output of the first
A pH probe consists of 2 electrodes- a reference electrode and Op-Amp stage is given to an inverting amplifier+adder stage.
a measuring electrode as shown below in figure 4.2: This stage provides a gain of approx. -2 and also adds a
voltage to the input to ensure a positive voltage at the output
for all pH values. Thus a voltage starting at 0V for pH 0 and
varying linearly with pH is obtained at the output
4] Hardware kit:

Transmitter kit Receiver kit

Figure4.2: pH Sensor

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Water Quality Monitoring System


B. pH Sensor
1. 1] In order to monitor quality of water in various sites,
future works can be focused on establishing a system with
more sensor nodes and more base stations. Nodes and base
stations are connected as WSN, the different base stations are
connected via Ethernet. The Ethernet can also be connected to
internet so the user can just login to the system and get a real
time water quality data faraway.
2] The data transceiver is integrated in Zigbee and is
programmable. Finally, the prototype system with a single
sensor node and base station is designed and implemented.
Real-time water quality data can be seen from a GUI window
in PC. The system has advantages such as low carbon
emission, low power consumption, more flexible to deploy
C. Turbidity Output and so on. Connections between nodes and base station are
via WSN, while connections among different base stations are
via Ethernet. The Ethernet can also be connected to Internet
so that users can login to the system and get real time water
quality data faraway Process Improvement

3] The wireless data acquisition from remote places and

database storage is the supporting structure of the system
which can be used for further research studies like soil content
analysis using different simulators. The simulation can be
used for water pollution control in varying conditions. Also it
can be used to guess abnormal moments in sea stomach by
measuring the turbidity at the sea shore.

[1] Design of Low-cost Autonomous Water Quality Monitoring System.
Aravinda S. Rao, Stephen Marshally, Jayavardhana Gubbi, Marimuthu
D. Visual Basic Palaniswami, Richard Sinnottz, and Vincent Pettigrovey ISSNIP,
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, The University
of Melbourne, Parkville Campus, VIC - 3010, Australia.
[2] Remote Water Pollution Monitoring System Using GSM.
[3] The design of a Water Quality Wireless Sensor Network (WQWSN).
[4] Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for Water Monitoring System: Case
Study of Kuwait Beaches.
[5] Solar based advanced water quality monitoring system using wireless
sensor network. International Journal of Science, Engineering and
Technology Research (IJSETR), Volume 3, Issue 3, March 2014
ISSN: 2278 7798 All Rights Reserved 2014 IJSETR 385

Thus by implementing our project we can efficiently
monitor the water at low cost. This method offers low power
consumption with high reliability. The use of high power
WSN is suitable for activities in industries involving large
area monitoring such as manufacturing, constructing, mining
etc. Another important fact of this system is the easy
installation of the system where the base station can be placed
at the local system where the base station can be placed at the
local residence close to the target area and the monitoring task
can be done by any person with minimal training at the
beginning of the system installation.

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