SIL vs. Log (Distance) : TEMPLATE For SIL Field Lab Data
SIL vs. Log (Distance) : TEMPLATE For SIL Field Lab Data
SIL vs. Log (Distance) : TEMPLATE For SIL Field Lab Data
This excel spreadsheet is set up to produce a graph of the logarithm of the distance to the source against th
you measure at that distance.
To use this yourself, enter the distances that you measured in column A starting with row 13 (it's ok to over
SIL's in column C. The spreadsheet will automatically calculate the log of the distance in row B and update
IMPORTANT: For this to work properly, entries need to be made in all of rows 13 - 23 (11 entries in all). If
simply repeat the last data point until the table is full. Once you have done so, click your mouse on the gra
lightly outline the data listed in the Log(D) and SIL(dB) columns. Use your mouse to adjust these boxes to
When you are done, you should see a graph of your data, along with the best straight line fit to your data.
"m" in the "y = mx +b" equation that appears in the graph.
When you like your graph, select the graph with your mouse and then "Print", choosing only to p
0.00 0.20 0.40 0.60 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40
Log(distance in meters)
nce to the source against the SIL that
with row 13 (it's ok to overwrite the sample data), and enter the corresponding
tance in row B and update the graph
- 23 (11 entries in all). If you have fewer data points than this,
lick your mouse on the graph. You should see two boxes that
se to adjust these boxes to include only the real data from your experiment.
aight line fit to your data. The slope of this line is the
nce in meters)