Use Mathematical Concept and Techniques
Use Mathematical Concept and Techniques
Use Mathematical Concept and Techniques
This module covers the knowledge, skills and attitudes required in the
Learning Outcomes:
1 . Problem areas based on given condition are identified.
Four fundamental operations
Steps in solving a problem
Standard formulas
1 . Problem areas based on given condition are identified.
2. Mathematical techniques based on the given problem are selected.
The student/trainee must be provided with the following:
Problem set
Conversion table
Table of formulas
Measuring tools
Learning Outcome 1
What is addition?
Addition is the math function that lets you know how much you have when
you combine two or more numbers. Every time you put money into your bank
account, you are adding to your balance. At the grocery store, you add items to
your cart.
This addition lesson will help you learn basic addition rules, and give you
The place of a digit in a number determines its value. Some whole numbers,
such as 632, have three digits. Each digit represents a different value.
So, there are two ones (2), three tens (30) and six hundreds (600) in the
number 632. Knowing the value of digits in a number is important as you learn
about addition.
What is Addition?
Addition is the combining of two or more numbers to get a sum. For example,
if you have 3 lemons, and you go to the store and buy 2 more, you have a sum
of 5 lemons.
Let's look at it on a number line, beginning at 3 and moving over two places:
You might write 3 + 2 = 5 which means 3 plus 2 equals 5 The plus sign is
used when you add.
To stack numbers:
Place the numbers you want to add on top of each other in their value
Since there is nothing in the tens place to the left of 3, bring down the 1.
The sum is 15. Place it below the line in the addition problem.
Carrying Numbers
If you want to add 16 and 18, the steps are a little different because you'll need
to carry a number to the next place value. You carry when the numbers in a
place value add up to more than 9. This is an important skill you'll need to
learn in order to do some addition.
The number 14 has a 4 in the ones place and a 1 in the tens place.
Next, place the remaining 1 over the ones in the tens place in your
problem. This is called carrying to the next place value.
To add 144 + 20 + 6, you could stack the numbers in several ways including:
Grouping 10s
It's important to learn how to add numbers mentally in order to do daily tasks.
For example, you may want to keep track of the cost of items in your grocery
cart so you don't go over $30.
There's a quick way to add some numbers in your head: Use groups of 10.
Suppose you're in charge of collecting money from your co-workers to buy a gift
for the boss. You know that Aaron plans to give $10, Maria will give $12, David
will contribute $5 and you will give $11.
Find out how much money you will have to spend, by making groups of 10.
Think about the numbers 10, 12, 5, and 11, like this:
Calculating Numbers
Suppose you're working with many large numbers, and just thinking about
adding them in your head causes a headache. Consider using a calculator.
A calculator is a tool you can use to add numbers and do other math. You can
use a hand-held calculator, find one online or use one that comes with your
computer's operating system. For example, pictured below is the calculator
from the Windows XP operating system.
Use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard, or click the
numbers on the onscreen calculator, and enter the first number you
want to calculate: 1179.
Click or Press +
In math, subtraction is the method used to find the difference between two
numbers. It's the opposite of addition. When you take an item off the shelf at
the grocery store, you are subtracting it from the stores inventory. When you
withdraw money from your bank account, the bank subtracts the amount from
your balance.
This basic subtraction lesson shows you how easy it can be to subtract
numbers when you:
For example, the difference between 9 and 4 is 5. Suppose you have nine
lemons and you give four away. Think of four lemons taken away from a group
of nine lemons and five lemons remain.
Stack the numbers, placing the number you want to take away on the
Since there is nothing in the tens place to the left of 6, bring down the 1.
The answer is 12. Place it below the line in the subtraction problem.
When you subtract numbers, you sometimes borrow. You borrow from the tens
place when you can't subtract from a digit in the ones place.
Since you can't take 5 from 4, you must borrow to make 14.
When you borrow 1 from the tens places, you are actually taking 10 and
adding it to the 4 in the ones place to get 14.
Since there's nothing to subtract from the 1 remaining in the tens place,
you bring down the 1 to get the answer: 19.
Since you can't take 4 from 2, borrow 1 from the 3 in the tens place to
make 12.
(When you borrow 1 from the tens place, you are actually taking 10 and
adding it to the 2 in the ones place to get 12).
Since you borrowed 1 from the tens place in the top number, a 2 is left.
Two minus one equals one (2 - 1 = 1).
Add 19 + 5 and the sum should be 24. (If you don't get that sum, try redoing
your subtraction).
Subtracting in Parts
Here's a subtraction shortcut: subtract numbers in parts.
For example, your boss tells you to take $80 in cash to buy a paper shredder.
You find one on sale for $63. To find out how much money will be leftover,
subtract 80 - 63 using the subtract in parts method.
Break 60 into 60 + 3.
By breaking the number into parts, you quickly figure out that 80 - 63 =
For example, suppose you earn $27,500 a year and you plan to apply for a job
that pays $34,000. How much more money would you earn if you get the job?
Use a handheld calculator, find one online or use the calculator that comes
with your operating system. The Windows XP calculator is pictured below:
Use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard, or click the
numbers on the onscreen calculator, and enter the first number you
want to subtract. 34000)
Click or Press -
Click or Press =
One of the easiest ways to learn multiplication is to use the times table. But
you probably wont have a multiplication chart with you each time you need it.
So how can you memorize the numbers in the times table?
This lesson will explain how to easily multiply numbers. It gives you tips,
several practice opportunities, and specifically shows you:
that skip counting by twos, threes, fours, fives, and tens can make
multiplication easy
What is Multiplication?
Multiplication is related to addition. It's a quick way of adding the same
number many times. If you have four numbers that are the same, such as 3 +
3 + 3 + 3, you can multiply them.
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So, 4 multiplied by 3 means 4 times 3. You are adding the 3 4 times.
When multiplying small numbers you can write them on the same line with the
X in the middle: 6 X 4
You can get to know the threes in a similar way: count by 3s.
Learn to count by 5 for the 5s times tables: 5,10,15,20, 25, 30, 35, 40,
45,50 etc.
Learn the 10s by counting by 10: 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, etc.
Say the times tables out loud. You'll remember them better.
Memorizing the multiplication table makes multiplying small numbers easy.
When multiplying with larger numbers, make sure you stack the numbers in
their digit places (value places).
First, Multiply 5 x 3.
Add 20 and the 1 that you carried to get the final product: 215.
143 x 5 =
First, Multiply 5 x 3.
Place the 7 in the hundreds place to get the final product: 715.
More Multiplication
When you multiply with even larger numbers, you need to do some more
addition to get your product. As you multiply, stack and add the partial
products to get your product. Remember to keep the partial products in the
correct value places.
To multiply 15 X 143:
Be sure that the 5 in 715 occupies the ones place on the line below the
Since the 1 occupied the tens place in the problem, be sure to place the
3 in 143 in the tens place.
the final step is to add the partial products (715 and 143 togather) to get
your final answer.
Multiplication Tips
There will be times you need to multiply quickly, without a multiplication chart
and without pencil and paper. Certain multiplication shortcuts can help you do
that. And they may even make math fun!
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This lesson will help you practice using multiplication shortcuts, including:
A calculator
Magic Eleven
Here are some math shortcuts you can use when multiplying by the number
To multiply a two-digit number by 11: Add the two digits and write the sum
between them.
Place the 5 between the 2 and the 3 to get the correct answer: 253.
So, 23 X 11 = 253.
Now, if the sum of the two-digits add up to more than 9, don't use the Magic
Eleven shortcut.
If you find the Magic Eleven shortcut easy to follow, great. If not, try practicing.
It may take a while to get used to it. Remember, use the Magic Eleven shortcut
when mutiplying 11 times a two-digit number that doesn't add up to more
than 9. Otherwise, it can get tricky.
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Divine Nines
If you haven't yet mastered the nine times tables, here's a shortcut to
multiplying by 9 with single-digit numbers.
Take whatever number you are multiplying by 9 and subtract 1 from it.
This new number becomes the first digit in the solution.
To get the second digit in the solution, subtract the new number from
Then, write the two digits together to get the final solution.
The first digit in the solution was 6, the second digit in the solution was 3.
Write them together as 63. Here's the answer: 9 X 7 = 63.
For example, to multiply 9 X 8 using the Nine and Zero Delight shortcut:
Take the single-digit number you are multiplying by 9 and place a 0 after
In this example, you are multiplying 8 and 9, so put a 0 after the 8 to make
80 is the number you just made, and 8 is the the original number you are
multiplying. So for this example, you have 80 - 8 which equals 72.
Here's a rhyme to help you remember this shortcut for multiplying single
digits by 9:
Don't forget it
Suppose you need to get a general idea of the cost of 12 new computers for your
company. The machines cost $2,199. How much money will the company likely
end up spending?
Use a handheld calculator, one that you find online or use the calculator that
comes with your operating system. Pictured below is the Windows XP
Use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard, or click the
numbers on the onscreen calculator, and enter the first number you
want to calculate. (In this case, 2199).
Click or Press *
Click or Press =
So, the company will probably spend about $26,388 for new computers.
What is Division?
Division is the opposite of multiplication. It's a method of making equal
Suppose you have 12 flowers and you want to divide them among 4 family
members. If you divide the flowers equally, how many flowers will each person
You could write the problem llke this: 12 / 4 = . The slash, / , means "divided
Either way you write it, each person gets three roses. Since 3 X 4 = 12, you
can see the connection between multiplication and division. Knowing the
multiplication table can help you when you do division.
Knowing these terms will help as you learn more about division later in this
lesson. Take some time to review and become familiar with them.
Dividing Numbers
When dividing numbers you can set them up in three ways:
Work on one digit at a time, beginning on the left: In this case, divide 2
by the 2 in the tens place of 24. (2 / 2 =1) Place a 1 in the ten's place of
the quotient. It's important to place the numbers in the correct digit
places of your quotient.
Once you get a 0 at the bottom and there are no more numbers to divide,
stop. Look at the top to get your answer or quotient. (In this case, 12).
While division is a process of making equal groups, not all numbers divide
equally. The remainder is the number after you divide.
You get a remainder of 2. So, if you have 38 file notepads that you need to
divide among 12 people, each would get 3 and you'd have two left over.
The remainder is always less than the divisor. If you get a remainder that is
greater than the divisor, check your division!
You get a remainder of 2. So, if you have 38 file notepads that you need to
divide among 12 people, each would get 3 and you'd have two left over.
Division Tips
Sometimes, you will need to divide numbers quickly. If you are at dinner and
splitting the bill evenly with some friends, you need to know your portion of the
bill. You probably wont want to write it out on the napkin, even if you did have
a pen.
So, can it be quick and easy to perform division? Practice by completing this
lesson. It will provide you with tricks to make dividing numbers easier for you.
Some of these tips include:
Dividing by 3:
Add up the digits. If you can divide the sum by three, the number is divisible
by three.
Check by adding 7 + 5.
You get 12
Is 12 divisible by 3? Yes.
So, now you know you can get equal groups of 3 out of 75. In fact, if you
divide 75 by 3, you get 25.
Dividing by 4:
Look at the last two digits. If they are divisible by 4, the number is as well.
Dividing by 5:
If the last digit is a five or a zero, then the number is divisible by 5.
Division Tables
By now, you know that multiplication tables can help you master the basics of
both multiplication and division. You can also use division tables to help you
learn basic division.
Use a handheld calculator, one you find online or a calculator that comes with
your computer. The calculator pictured below is part of the Windows XP
operating system.
Use the numerick keypad on the right side of your keyboard, or click the
numbers on the onscreen calculator, and enter the number you want to
divide. (In this case, 2,112).
Click or Press /
Click or Press =
What is a fraction? In math, fractions are a way to represent parts of a whole
number. Imagine you have a pizza for dinner. That pizza can be cut into any
You can add fractions if your friend had two slices of pizza and then has
another. You can subtract them, too if there are two slices left and you take
But adding fractions and subtracting them can be challenging. There are
certain steps you have to do to make sure you get the correct answer. This
lesson will walk you through those steps and show you that:
What is a Fraction?
A fraction is a number that is part of a whole.
Suppose you cut an apple pie into 8 slices. You and your friends eat 7 slices.
The 1 slice that remains is a fraction of the whole pie: 1/8
The denominator is the number of equal parts into which a whole is divided.
It"s written at the bottom (below the line of the fraction).
The numerator names a certain number of those parts. It's written on top
(above the line in a fraction).
2 half
3 third
4 fourth
5 fifth
6 sixth
7 seventh
8 eighth
9 ninth
10 tenth
11 eleventh
12 twelfth
Reduce a Fraction:
Divide the numerator and the denominator by the GCF (greatest common
48 / 12 = 4
60 / 12 = 5
Suppose you combine 3/5 of a gallon of ginger ale with 4/5 of a gallon of
orange/pineapple juice to make punch. You would get an improper fraction of
Divide 7 by 5.
So, by combining the ginger ale and juice, you get 1 2/5 gallons of punch.
Any fraction with the same number for its numerator and its
denominator is equal to 1 because a number divided by itself equals 1.
This lesson will help you understand the decimal. Practice activities include:
Adding decimals
Subtracting decimals
What is a Decimal?
A decimal is another way of describing a fraction. Decimals and fractions are
names for part of a whole.
Decimals are commonly used when dealing with any type of money, whether
it's pesos, yen, lira or dollars. For example, if you have eight dollars and fifteen
cents, it's written as a decimal:
Decimals are written using a decimal point that looks like a period.
Decimals, unlike whole numbers, have place values to the right of the
decimal point.
This number can be read or written as twelve and nine hundred thirty-five
thousandths. Notice that you read the place value of the last digit.
Fractions as Decimals
Remember, decimals are another way of showing fractions. Let's look at how
some fractions convert into decimals: 8/10 is the same as 0.8 or 8 tenths
If a fraction has a denominator of 10, 100 or 1000 you can easily find the
decimal equivalent by looking at the numerator and counting over the correct
number of places.
Start at the right of the 23 in the numerator and move two places to the
Place a decimal point to the left of the 23 to show .23 or twenty three
For help with converting decimals to fractions, visit the Resources page at
the end of this lesson.
You can estimate the sum or result when adding or subtracting decimals.
Suppose you decide to pay for a friend's to lunch. Your meal costs 6.54 while
your friend's meal is 5.95, how much will you spend for both meals.
Familiarize yourself with the location of the decimal point on your calculator
since you will use it a lot when working with decimals.
Use the numeric keypad on the right side of your keyboard, or click the
numbers on the onscreen calculator, and enter the first number you
want to calculate. (In this case, 15.38).
Click or Press +
Click or Press +
Click or Press =
You must have seen signs that say Sale Today 25% off! 25% tells you that
youre getting a good deal you will save twenty five percent, or twenty five
cents for each dollar that the item costs. The actual amount of money you dont
have to spend on the item is the percentage youve saved.
This lesson will teach you more about how percents are related to decimals and
fractions. It will also give you the chance to practice:
What is a Percent?
Fractions, decimals, and percents are related. A percent is another way to
identify part of a whole. In fact, a percent is fraction where the denominator is
Move the decimal point two places to the left . (If the percent doesn't have
two places to the left, add a zero to the left to create two decimal places)
Remove any zeroes in the tenths place of a decimal (see chart below)
To calculate a percentage:
Change the percent to a decimal. (Since 50 percent equals .50 you can
drop the zero: .5)
Multiply the decimal by the whole number you are dealing with. (.5 X 40)
Knowing how to calculate percentages can be helpful when you are trying to
determine the sale price of an item. For example, Lynn found a suit on sale for
30% off. The suit regularly costs $50. What is the sale price?
First, find out what the percentage is by changing the percent into a
decimal and multiplying: (.3 X 50 = 15.)
To find the sale price of an item, subtract the percentage. (50 - 15 = 35).
You can also think of it this way: The suit is 30% off. This means Lynn can pay
70% of the total $50 cost: $35.
For example, 1/4 X 100/1 = 100/4. Divide 100 by 4 and get 25. or 25 %
Need to figure out 10% of a number? Move the "understood" decimal point one
place over to the left. For example, 10 percent of 20 is 2 and 10 percent of 85 is
Self Test
(Addition Part 1)
1. You want to buy a microwave oven for $205 and a casserole dish set for
$39. Add 205 + 39 to find out much the microwave oven and the
casserole dish set will cost. Stack the numbers and don't forget to carry!
5. You have put together 35 information packets and your co-worker has
done 29. How many packets have you both completed altogether?
8. You're planning a small outdoor party. If you have 8 lawn chairs and your
neighbors say they will loan you 12 lawn chairs, how many chairs will
you have altogether?
(Addition Part 2)
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1. Group 32 into 10s.
3. Tonya plans to buy three pizzas: a small one for $12, a medium for $15
and a large for $20. Think in groups of 10 to figure out how much she
will spend for each pizza.
8. You have to pay four bills: $32, $45, $186 and $205. Use a calculator to
figure out how much money will you spend on these bills.
9. Janet and the staff are decorating a ballroom for a party. They need
2,450 white balloons, 1,250 gold balloons and 1,250 black balloons.
Use a calculator to figure out how many balloons they need altogether.
(Subtraction Part 1)
1. Sharon had 8 decorative plants in her yard. She gave her neighbor 3 of
them. How many plants does she have left?
2. Wesley has $52. If he spends $25 on groceries how much money will he
have left?
3. Carol has delivered 4 of the 12 packages in her truck. How many more
packages does she have to deliver?
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4. Subtract 12 from 44
7. Joe loaded 12 bales of hay onto his truck but 3 fell off when he hit a
bump. How many bales did he have when he arrived home?
8. Denise brought 24 hotdogs to the picnic. The guests ate 18. How many
hotdogs were left?
(Subtraction Part 2)
4. Lewis spent $2,143 of the $3,000 he budgeted for a new computer and
software. Use a calculator to find out how much money does he have left?
5. Last year, 3,283 people attended the festival. This year, 3,188 attended.
Use a calculator to find out the difference in attendance.
6. The computer learning center served 1,428 students last year and this
year it served 2,083. Use a calculator to determine the difference in the
number of people served.
9. Dan reserved an auditorium that seats 2,000 people. By the time the
program started, 1,587 people had been seated. How many empty seats
were in the auditorium?
10. Julia plans to travel 1,220 miles by the time her trip is over. So, far
she has traveled 884 miles. How many more miles does she have to
(Multiplication Part 1)
4. Barbara also plans to bake 2 pans of blueberry muffins. Each pan will
hold 9 muffins. How many muffins will she bake? Use the table to find
1. Multiply 5 X 82
2. Multiply 6 X 48
3. Multiply 12 X 185
4. Robert wants to buy 3 pairs of pants at a cost of $23 . How much will he
5. Anna buys 6 boxes of printer paper at a cost of $25 per box. How much
does she spend?
6. Multiply 14 X 32
7. Multiply 15 X 102
8. Ed leases storage space for $90 per month. How much does he pay to
lease it for 12 months?
9. Multiply 16 X 180
(Multiplication Part 3)
1. To use the Magic Eleven shortcut to multiply 24 X 11, you should first
add 2 + ___.
2. To use the Nine and Zero shortcut to multiply 9 X 7, place the 0 to the
right of ____.
7. Karen earns 2,400 per month. Use a calculator to figure out how much
she earns in 12 months.
(Division Part 1)
1. Doug and three friends earned 184 doing yardwork. Divide 184 by 4 to
find out what each person earned
2. Jason and Greg have to make 34 deliveries. If they divide by 2, how many
deliveries will each person do?.
3. 84 / 5 =
4. 256 /12 =
5. 44 / 20 =
6. Divide 52 by 7
7. Divide 336 by 3
8. 456 / 8 =
(Division Part 2)
1. Is 45 equally divisible by 3?
2. Is 64 equally divisible by 4?
4. Is 95 ually divisible by 5?
1. John shared his birthday cake with some friends. The birthday cake was
sliced into 10 pieces and 7 pieces were eaten. What fraction of the cake
was eaten?
4. Jessica adds 3/4 cup of water to 1/4 cup of water. How much water does
she have?
(Addition Part 1)
(1) 244 (2) 45 (3)112 (4) 280 (5) 64 (6) 41 (7) 146 (8) 20 (9) 131 (10) 76.
(Addition Part 2)
(Subtraction Part 1)
(1) 5 (2) 27 (3) 8 (4) 32 (5) 109 (6) 210 (7) 9 (8) 6 (9) 58 (10)114
(Subtraction Part 2)
(Multiplication Part 1)
(1) 72 (2) 84 (3) 36 eggs (4) 18 blueberry muffins (5) 8 (6)10 (7)2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ,
12 (8)3, 6, 9 , 12 , 15 (9) 5, 10 , 15, 20 , 25, 30 (10) 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 , 60,
(Multiplication Part 2)
(1) 410 (2) 288 (3) 2220 (4) $69 (5) $150 (6) 448 (7) 1,530 (8) $1,080 (9)
2,880 (10) 936
(1)4 (2) 7 (3)40 (4) 15432 (5) 45200 (6) 50000 (7)$28,800 (8) $14,400 (9)
25992 (10) 28140
(Division Part 1)
(1) 46 (2) 17 (3) 16 r 4 (4) 21 r 4 (5) 2 r 4 (6) 7 r 3 (7) 112 (8) 57 (9) 24 (10) 55
(Division Part 2)
(1)Yes (2)Yes (3)Yes (4) Yes (5)No (6) Yes (7)No (8)554 (9) 156 (10) 254
1) 7/10 (2) 5/7 (3) 5/8 (4) 4/4 or 1 cup (5) 4 2/3 (6) 1 4/9 (7) one fourth (8)
four fifths (9) 1/6 (10) 7/10
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