Attestation Clause
Attestation Clause
Attestation Clause
WE, the undersigned witnesses, do hereby affirm that the foregoing is the Last Will
and 'Testament of _____________ and we hereby certify: That (he/she) executed the
same while of sound and disposing mind and memory; That he signed the same in
our presence, at the bottom of the last page and on the left hand margin of each
and every page, and we, at his behest, have signed hereunder and on the left hand
margin of each and every page, in (his/her) presence, in the presence of the Notary
Public, and in the presence of each and every one of us this _____________ at
_____________, Philippines.
1. ____________________________________
2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
Province of ____________________)S.S.
City/Municipality of _____________)
2. WITNESS_____________ _____________
3. WITNESS_____________ _____________
4. WITNESS_____________ _____________
known to me and to me known to be the same person who executed the foregoing
Last Will and Testament, which he acknowledged to me to be (his/her) own free and
voluntary act and deed and which (he/she) executed and signed in the presence of
the three (3) above-named attesting witnesses, who all signed their names as proof
of their attestation on this page before the Testator _____________ and in the
presence of each and everyone of them, and they acknowledged the same to be
their free and voluntary act and deed.
This Last Will and Testament consists of _____________.(______) pages, including the
page on which the ratification and acknowledgment are written.
Series of ______;