The Association Between Use of Mobile Phones After Lights Out and Sleep Disturbances Among Japanese Adolescents: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey

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DOI: 10.5665/SLEEP.1152

The Association between Use of Mobile Phones after Lights Out and Sleep
Disturbances among Japanese Adolescents: A Nationwide Cross-
Sectional Survey
Takeshi Munezawa, PhD1; Yoshitaka Kaneita, MD1; Yoneatsu Osaki, MD2; Hideyuki Kanda, MD3; Masumi Minowa, MD4; Kenji Suzuki,
MD5; Susumu Higuchi, MD6; Junichiro Mori, MD7; Ryuichiro Yamamoto, PhD1,8; Takashi Ohida, MD1
Division of Public Health, Department of Social Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; 2Division of Environmental and
Preventive Medicine, Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tottori University, Yonago, Japan; 3Department of Hygiene and
Preventive Medicine, Fukushima Medical University, Fukushima, Japan; 4Faculty of Humanities, Seitoku University, Matsudo, Japan; 5Suzuki Mental
Clinic, Japan; 6National Hospital Organization Kurihama Alcoholism Center, Kanagawa, Japan; 7Department of Aging Medicine and Geriatrics,
Institute on Aging and Adaptation, Shinshu University Graduate School of Medicine, Nagano, Japan; 8Division of Clinical Psychology, Health Care
and Special Support, Graduate School of Education, Joetsu University of Education, Niigata, Japan

Study Objective: The objective of this study was to examine the association between the use of mobile phones after lights out and sleep distur-
bances among Japanese adolescents.
Design and Setting: This study was designed as a cross-sectional survey. The targets were students attending junior and senior high schools
throughout Japan. Sample schools were selected by cluster sampling. Self-reported anonymous questionnaires were sent to schools for all stu-
dents to fill out.
Participants: A total of 95,680 adolescents responded. The overall response rate was 62.9%, and 94,777 questionnaires were subjected to
Intervention: N/A
Measurements and Results: Daily mobile phone use, even if only for a brief moment every day, was reported by 84.4%. Moreover, as for use of
mobile phones after lights out, 8.3% reported using their mobile phone for calling every day and 17.6% reported using it for sending text mes-
sages every day. Multiple logistic regression analysis showed that mobile phone use for calling and for sending text messages after lights out
was associated with sleep disturbances (short sleep duration, subjective poor sleep quality, excessive daytime sleepiness, and insomnia
symptoms) independent of covariates and independent of each other.
Conclusion: This study showed that the use of mobile phones for calling and for sending text messages after lights out is associated with sleep
disturbances among Japanese adolescents. However, there were some limitations, such as small effect sizes, in this study. More studies that
examine the details of this association are necessary to establish strategies for sleep hygiene in the future.
Keywords: Sleep disturbance, mobile phone, epidemiology, adolescent, Japan
Citation: Munezawa T; Kaneita Y; Osaki Y; Kanda H; Minowa M; Suzuki K; Higuchi S; Mori J; Yamamoto R; Ohida T. The association between
use of mobile phones after lights out and sleep disturbances among Japanese adolescents: a nationwide cross-sectional survey. SLEEP

INTRODUCTION 84.0% among the general and adolescent (age between 13-19
Sleep disturbances increase the risk of physical years) populations, respectively. 10 Mobile phone use has been
and mental problems.1-3 Moreover, sleep reported to be associated with health problems and also with
disturbances are prevalent not only among adults, sleep patterns.11-14 Loughran et al. reported the adverse effects of
but also among adolescents.4-6 It has been reported electromagnetic fields emitted by mobile phones on sleep
that sleep disturbances among adolescents are electroencephalograms.15 It has also been shown that exposure to
closely associated with various lifestyle habits such mobile phone emissions at nighttime could have an effect on
as drinking alco-hol, smoking, eating breakfast, and melatonin-onset time.16 Furthermore, in a prospective cohort study
participating in extracur-ricular activities.7-9 of 1656 Belgian school-aged children, Van den Bulck reported that
Among the lifestyle habits of adolescents that have levels of tiredness after
been highlighted in recent years, the use of mobile 1yearincreas
phones is one of the most common means of edforre-spondents who used mobile phones more frequently after
communicating with others. Ac-cording to the Ministry lights out.17 Although this study did not demonstrate an
of Internal Affairs and Communica-tions, the diffusion association between mobile phone use and sleep disorders, it
rate of mobile phones in Japan is 74.8% and discussed the possibility of an increase in tiredness levels as a
result of sleep disturbance caused by the use of mobile phones
Submitted for publication August, 2010 after lights out.
Submitted in final revised form February, Several studies have shown that the use of electronic
2011 Accepted for publication March, 2011 media, such as television, personal computers (Internet),
Address correspondence to: Dr. Yoshitaka Kaneita, Division of Public and computer games, is associated with sleep disorders. 18-
Health, Department of Social Medicine, Nihon University School of Medi- Nevertheless, many adolescents are not even aware of
cine. 30-1, Ohyaguchikami-machi, Itabashi-ku, Tokyo 173-8610, Japan; the adverse effects of using electronic media in bed and
Tel: 81 3 3972 8111 ext. 2272; Fax: 81 3 3972 5878; E-mail: kaneita. mistakenly believe that these media facilitate sleep. 21
[email protected]
Considering that more than 20% of the Belgian
adolescents used mobile phones at least once a
SLEEP, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2011 1013 Mobile Phones and Sleep DisturbancesMunezawa et al
week after lights out,17 the same observation may also apply to of the questionnaires were entrusted to the teachers, who were
mobile phones and Japanese adolescents. Because mobile instructed to follow the guidelines for conducting the survey.
phones are frequently used after lights out despite their pos- The teachers collected and sent the sealed envelopes back to
sible adverse effects on sleep, this lifestyle habit should be Nihon University School of Medicine without opening them.
fully taken into consideration when formulating preventive The survey period was from December 2008 to the end of
strategies against sleep disturbances among adolescents. Janu-ary 2009. This survey was approved by the Ethics
However, few studies, especially large-scale epidemiologic Committee of Nihon University School of Medicine.
studies, have ex-amined associations between mobile phone
use after lights out and sleep disturbances both in Japan and Response Rates
globally. Therefore, in the present study, we conducted a Replies were obtained from 92 of the 130 junior high
nationwide survey of Japa-nese junior and senior high school- schools (school response rate 70.8%) and 80 of the 110 senior
aged students to examine the association between the use of high schools (school response rate 72.7%; combined junior
mobile phones after lights out and sleep disturbances. high and senior high school response rate 71.7%). A total of
This paper was based on the secondary analysis of data 95,680 en-velopes were collected. The student response rate as
from a national survey. Hence, the association between mobile a propor-tion of students enrolled at the sampled schools was
phone use and sleep disturbance was not the primary aim of 92.3% for the junior high schools, 83.8% for the senior high
this survey. schools, and 87.2% as a whole. Accordingly, the overall
response rate was 64.1% for the junior high schools, 62.1% for
METHODS the senior high schools, and 62.9% as a whole. The response
rates obtained in this study are similar to those obtained in
Subjects and Sampling previous studies using the same method.8,9,22,23
We have previously conducted 4 cross-sectional nationwide Of the collected questionnaires, 903 were excluded because
surveys (1996, 2000, 2004, and 2007) of lifestyle habits, such the sex or grade was not specified or the answers were incon-
as alcohol drinking, smoking, eating, and sleeping, among sistent. The data for the remaining 94,777 questionnaires were
Jap-anese adolescents.8,9,22,23 The present study was the fifth analyzed.
such survey.
For this study, of the 10,955 junior high schools and 5115 Measures
senior high schools registered in Japan in May 2008, 130 The major areas that were included in the questionnaire were
junior high schools (selection rate: 1.2%) and 110 senior high (1) personal data, (2) lifestyle, (3) sleep status, (4) mental
schools (selection rate: 2.2%) were sampled. We used a health status, and (5) use of mobile phones.
stratified, sin-gle-stage cluster-sampling method. Using this
method, we di-vided Japan into regional blocks and randomly Personal data
selected schools from each block. To avoid any sampling bias The personal data included sex, school grade, and type of
toward any re-gional blocks, stratified sampling was school (junior high school/senior high school).
performed with regional blocks as the strata. All the students
enrolled in the sampled schools were the subjects of this study. Lifestyle
The sample size was determined by referring to the response The questions related to lifestyle were whether the student
rate and confidence in-tervals (CIs) based on the variance of ate breakfast (daily/occasionally/never) and whether he or she
the results obtained from the previous studies.22,23 participated in extracurricular activities (participating/not
In the Japanese education system, children enter primary participating). Moreover, the question, How many days did
school at the age of 6 years and leave after 6 years of study. you smoke during the previous month? was included in the
They then enter junior high school for 3 years of study, fol- questionnaire. If the response to this question was One day or
lowed by a further 3 years at senior high school. In this report, more, then the student was defined as smoking. Similarly,
the first to third years of junior high school are called the 7th the question How many days did you consume alcoholic bev-
to 9th grades, and the first to third years of senior high school erages during the previous month? was asked, and if the re-
are called the 10th to 12th grades. sponse was One day or more, then the student was defined
as drinking alcohol.
Survey Procedure
We sent a letter to the principal of each selected school ask-ing Sleep Status
for cooperation in our survey, along with the same number of The sleep-status items included sleep duration, subjective sleep
questionnaires and envelopes as the number of students en-rolled assessment, daytime sleepiness, and insomnia symptoms. Sleep
at the school. At each school that agreed to participate in our disturbances were estimated on the basis of the sleep-status items.
survey, each class teacher was instructed to protect the privacy of The question about sleep duration was How many hours on
the respondents and to explain to the students that the completed average have you slept at night during the pre-vious month? (less
questionnaires would not be seen by the teachers and that it was than 5 hours/5 hours or more but less than 6 hours/6 hours or
not necessary for the students to participate if they were not more but less than 7 hours/7 hours or more but less than 8 hours/8
willing to do so. After the questionnaires had been filled in, they hours or more but less than 9 hours/9 hours or more). If the
were placed in the envelopes provided, which were then sealed response to this question was Less than 6 hours, then the
with an adhesive flap. Delivery and collection student was defined as having short sleep
SLEEP, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2011 1014 Mobile Phones and Sleep DisturbancesMunezawa et al
duration. The question about subjective sleep In this study, we used a questionnaire on mobile phone
assessment was How do you assess the quality of your use that contained questions about the frequency of
sleep during the previ-ous month? (very mobile phone use and questions about mobile phone use
good/good/bad/very bad). If the response to this question after lights out. Fur-thermore, the questions on mobile
was bad or very bad, then the student was defined as phone use after lights out included 2 separate questions,
having subjective poor sleep quality. The question about one on the use of a mobile phone for calling and the other
daytime sleepiness was Do you feel excessively sleepy on the use for sending text messages. The following 3
during the daytime? questions were asked about mobile phone use during the
(never/seldom/sometimes/often/always). If the response to previous month: (1) How many hours per day did you use
this question was often or always, then the student was your mobile phone (for calling, sending text messages,
defined as having excessive daytime sleepiness.
The following


msexpe-rienced during the previous month were embedded in the ques-tionnaire: (1) Do you have difficulty falling asleep at


(2) Do you wake up during the night after you

have gone to sleep? (3) Do you wake up too
early in the morning and have difficulty getting
back to sleep?
Each question had 5 possible replies: never, seldom,
sometimes, often, and always. Often and always were taken
as affirmative answers to the question. Insomnia symptoms were
defined as being present when an affirmative answer was obtained for
any of the
edefini-tions were determined by referring to the previous studies.2,9

Mental health status

To evaluate the mental health statuses of the
respondents, 2 independent factors
(depression/anxiety and decrease in positive
feeling) included in the 12 -item General Health
Questionnaire (GHQ-12)24,25 were used, and 1 item from
each factor was selected for the total score. One of the
items from the depression/anxiety factor (whether
the respondent had felt an unusual amount of
unhappiness and depression in the previous 30 days)
was evaluated (not at all/no more than usual/ more
than usual/much more than usual). One of the items
from the decrease in positive feeling factor (whether
the respon-dent was able to enjoy normal activities
more than usual in the previous month) was also
evaluated (more so than usual/ same as usual/less
than usual/much less than usual). Each item described
a symptom, and there were 4 possible answers: the 2
answers that indicated the absence of the symptom
were as-signed a rating of 0; the 2 answers that
indicated the presence of the symptom were assigned
a rating of 1. Thus, the over-all score fell within the
range of 0 to 2, and, accordingly, the higher the total
score, the poorer the state of mental health was
considered to be. In the present study, participants
who had total scores of 1 or more were considered to
have poor mental health. Previous studies have shown
that evaluation of mental health status using
depression symptoms with the GHQ-12 and with this
cutoff point has a sensitivity of 87.0% and a specific-ity
of 85.1%.26

Use of mobile phones

and Internet browsing)? (not at all/less than 1 RESULTS
hour/1 hour or more but less than 2 hours/2 hours
or more); Responses to the Questions About Use of Mobile Phones
(2) How often did you use your mobile phone (for The responses to the questions about duration of
calling) after lights out? (not at all/1 to 3 times a mobile phone use during 1 day is shown in Table 1.
month/once a week/a few times a week/every day); Daily mobile phone use, even if for only a brief moment
and (3) How often did you use your mobile phone every day, was reported by 84.4% (84.2%-84.6%) of
(for sending text messages) after lights out?(not at the study population, 79.3% (78.9%-79.7%) of the
all/1 to 3 times a month/once a week/a few times a boys, and 89.7% (89.4%-90.0%) of the girls. Moreover,
week/every day). 72.6% (72.2%-73.0%) of junior high school students
and 92.9% (92.7%-93.1%) of senior high school
Statistical Analyses students re-ported using their mobile phones every
First, we tallied the responses to the 3 questions on day. TESTS revealed that the girls and senior high
mobile phone use. Next, we calculated the prevalence and school students had more daily mobile phone use (P <
95% CIs for the 4 types of sleep disturbance: short sleep 0.01).
duration, subjective poor sleep quality, excessive daytime The responses to the questions about frequency
sleepiness, and insomnia symptoms. Finally, logistic- of mobile phone use for calling after lights out are
regression analyses were conducted to examine the shown in Table 2. In this study, 8.3% (8.1%-8.5%) of
association between the 2 types of mobile phone use the study population, 7.6% (7.4%-7.8%) of the boys,
(calling and sending text messages) after lights out and 9.0% (8.8% -9.4%) of the girls, 4.9% (4.7%-5.1%) of
these sleep disturbances. Moreover, the following junior high school students, and 10.7% (10.4%-
parameters were used as covariates: sex, grade, alcohol- 11.0%) of senior high school students reported
drinking, smoking, eating breakfast, extracurricular using their mobile phones every day for calling after
activities, mental health, and the use of mobile phones. lights out. Tests revealed that the girls and senior
Our previous studies reported that the covariates, except high school students had more use of mobile phones
the use of mobile phones, were associated with sleep for calling after lights out (P < 0.01).
disturbances.8,9,22,23 The responses to the questions about frequency of
An odds ratio was calculated from both univariate mobile phone use for sending text messages after lights
logistic regression analysis and multiple logistic out are shown in Table 3. Daily use after lights out was
regression analysis with 95% CIs. We set the level of reported by 17.6% (17.4%-17.8%) of the study population,
significance at P < 0.01. All analyses were 14% (13.7%-14.3%) of the boys, and 21.3% (20.9%-
performed using SPSS version 17.0 for Windows 21.7%) of the girls. Daily use after lights out was also
(SPSS, Inc., Chicago, IL). reported by 11.4% (11.1%-11.7%) of junior high school
students and 22.1% (21.8%-22.4%) of senior high

SLEEP, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2011 1015 Mobile Phones and Sleep DisturbancesMunezawa
et al
school students. Tests revealed that the girls and Prevalence of Sleep Disturbances
senior high
school students had more use of mobile phones for The prevalence of sleep disturbances with regard
sending text to sex
messages after lights out (P < and grade are shown in Table 4. The prevalence of short
0.01). sleep
duration was 32.0% (31.7%-32.3%),
Table 1Duration of mobile phone use during 1 day, stratified by sex and grade of subjective poor sleep quality was
(39.9%-40.5%), that of excessive
Mobile Phone Use (%) daytime
sleepiness was 42.2% (41.9%-42.5%),
N None < 1 h 1 and 2 < h 2 h Uncertain that of insomnia symptoms was
Male (21.5%-22.1%). Tests revealed that
Junior high school girls had more short sleep duration,
7th grade 6497 42.6 35.1 9.1 12.5 0.7 tive poor sleep quality, and excessive
8th grade 6769 34.6 32.5 12.9 19.2 0.8 sleepiness (P < 0.01), but there was
no sig-
9th grade 6296 30.1 32.2 14.4 22.3 1.0 nificant difference between sexes in
regard to
Senior high school insomnia symptoms (P < 0.13). Moreover
th tests revealed that senior high school
10 grade 10154 8.7 35.8 20.4 34.1 0.8
had more short sleep duration,
11th grade 9599 8.4 34.2 21.5 35.0 0.9
poor sleep quality, excessive daytime
12th grade 8762 9.3 37.5 18.6 33.5 1.1
ness, and insomnia symptoms (P <
Total 48077 19.8 34.8 16.9 27.6 0.9
Junior high school Tables 5 and 6 show the results of the
7th grade 6769 21.8 42.3 13.8 21.5 0.7 gistic-regression analyses that were
used to
8th grade 6837 16.4 36.1 15.8 31.0 0.6 estimate the association between 2
types of
9th grade 6575 14.6 34.9 16.9 32.8 0.8 mobile phone use after lights out and
Senior high school disturbance Univariate logistic
s. analyses
10th grade 9964 3.9 27.9 22.0 45.5 0.6 revealed that mobile phone use after
11th grade 8662 2.9 28.6 21.9 45.8 0.8 out, either for calling or for sending text
12th grade 7893 3.5 34.5 19.8 41.4 0.8 sages, was significantly associated
with all 4
Total 46700 9.6 33.5 18.8 37.5 0.7 types of sleep disturbance. Also,
multiple lo-
gistic-regression analyses revealed that
2 uses of mobile phones after lights out,
Table 2Frequency of mobile phones use for calling after lights out, stratified by sex and grade independent from the other factors
and from
each other, were significantly
associated with
Mobile Phone Use For Calling (%) all 4 types of sleep disturbance.
1-3 Several DISCUSSION
times/ Once/ times/ Every
N None mo wk wk day Uncertain This study is the first large-scale
Male miologic study that examined the
Junior high school tion between mobile phone use after
7th grade 6497 86.1 3.9 2.3 3.5 2.4 1.8 out and sleep disorders, and the
results of
8th grade 6769 81.6 4.5 3.1 4.9 4.4 1.5 this study appear to be representative
of the
9th grade 6296 79.9 4.1 3.5 5.6 5.2 1.7 study population for 3reasons:
Senior high school ject were selected randomly
schools from
10th grade 10154 68.2 6.9 6.3 8.8 8.6 1.2 among those nationwide, (2) the
sample size
11th grade 9599 64.1 7.6 6.3 10.3 10.5 1.2 was very large and the number of
12th grade 8762 64.0 6.4 6.4 10.6 11.2 1.4 cased exceeded 90,000, and (3) the rate
of re-
sponse to the questionnaires was
Total 48077 72.5 5.8 5.0 7.7 7.6 1.4
highThis study has clarified the actual
ation of Japanese adolescents
Junior high school
regarding the
time spent using mobile phones. We
7th grade 6769 80.6 5.6 3.0 5.5 4.1 1.3
that the frequency of use of mobile
8th grade 6837 77.0 6.1 3.5 6.2 6.0 1.2 phones
was very high among Japanese
9th grade 6575 74.8 6.5 3.7 6.4 7.3 1.3 and that 84.4% of the study population
Senior high school mobile phones every day, even if only
10th grade 9964 66.5 8.4 4.8 9.2 10.2 0.9 ly. This rate closely matches the
11th grade 8662 64.2 8.1 5.2 9.3 12.1 1.1 rate (84.0%) of mobile phones among
12th grade 7893 63.2 8.2 5.3 9.9 12.5 0.9 nese adolescents reported by the
Ministry of
Total 46700 70.3 7.3 4.4 8.0 9.0 1.1 Internal Affairs and Communications.10
study also revealed that more than
30% of
SLEEP, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2011 1016 Mobile Phones and Sleep DisturbancesMunezawa
et al
Japanese adolescents used mobile phones Table 3Frequency of mobile phones use for sending text messages after lights out, stratified by
for many hours (2 hours or more a day). sex and grade
These results indicate that a mobile phone Mobile phone use for sending text messages (%)
is one of the electronic media that is closely
related to the daily life of Japanese adoles- 1-3 Several
cents. The higher frequency of mobile phone N None times/ Once/ times/ Every Uncertain
use among senior, as compared with junior mo wk wk day
high school students, may be partly attribut- Male
able to developmental factors in adolescents Junior high school
and to the expansion of social contacts as a 7th grade 6497 80.4 3.8 3.2 6.0 4.8 1.8
result of advancement to higher education. 8th grade 6769 71.5 5.0 3.9 9.4 8.6 1.5
However, we believe that this difference is 9th grade 6296 66.9 4.8 4.7 11.0 11.1 1.5
primarily attributable to the rules related Senior high school
to the use of mobile phones in Japanese 10th grade 10154 49.4 7.0 7.4 17.6 17.4 1.1
schools. Elementary and junior high schools 11th grade 9599 49.1 6.2 7.4 17.3 18.9 1.1
in Japan generally prohibit students from 12th grade 8762 51.7 5.8 6.9 16.7 17.7 1.3
bringing mobile phones to school, but se- Total 48077 59.3 5.7 5.9 13.8 14.0 1.3
nior high schools do not.27 Thus, compared Female
with junior high school students, senior high Junior high school
school students are in a more mobile phone- 7th grade 6769 64.6 7.6 5.1 11.5 10.1 1.2
friendly environment. 8th grade 6837 55.3 8.7 5.1 14.6 15.5 1.0
As for the use of mobile phones after 9th grade 6575 53.0 7.2 5.3 15.3 18.0 1.2
lights out, 8.3% of the study population re- Senior high school
ported using their mobile phone for making
10th grade 9964 38.5 7.8 7.0 20.2 25.8 0.7
calls every day, and 17.6% reported using th
11 grade 8662 36.8 7.6 7.5 19.4 27.8 0.8
it for sending text messages every day. The th
12 grade 7893 39.9 6.1 6.9 20.2 26.1 0.9
frequency of use for sending text messages
was especially high, with more than 40% of Total 46700 46.7 7.5 6.3 17.3 21.3 0.9
male and more than 50% of female senior
high school students
sending text mes- Table 4The prevalence of sleep disturbances among Japanese adolescents, stratified by sex and grade a
sages at least once a
week. Furthermore, Subjective Poor Excessive Daytime
25% of female stu- Short Sleep Duration Sleep Quality Sleepiness Insomnia Symptom
dents reported using % 95% CI % 95% CI % 95% CI % 95% CI
their mobile phones Male
for sending text mes- Junior high school
sages every day. The 7th grade 12.8 12.013.6 27.9 26.829.0 25.2 24.126.3 19.5 18.520.5
higher frequency of 8th grade 17.7 16.818.6 32.3 31.233.4 31.3 30.232.4 21.0 20.022.0
sending text mes- 9th grade 26.9 25.828.0 37.9 36.739.1 33.6 32.434.8 23.8 22.724.9
sages, in comparison Senior high school
with calling, may be
10th grade 33.2 32.334.1 44.7 43.745.7 46.0 45.047.0 21.5 20.722.3
attributed to the con- th
11 grade 37.4 36.438.4 43.1 42.144.1 45.2 44.246.2 21.4 20.622.2
venience of sending
12 th grade 42.9 41.943.9 44.2 43.245.2 44.7 43.745.7 24.2 23.325.1
text messages. Un-
Total 30.0 29.630.4 39.4 39.039.8 39.1 38.739.5 21.9 21.522.3
like calling, send-
ing text messages
does not require the Junior high school
sender and receiver 7th grade 16.7 15.817.6 34.3 33.235.4 31.1 30.032.2 18.6 17.719.5
to concurrently share 8th grade 22.7 21.723.7 37.0 35.938.1 38.7 37.539.9 21.6 20.622.6
communication time. 9th grade 31.5 30.432.6 42.0 40.843.2 41.4 40.242.6 23.5 22.524.5
Thus, the sender can Senior high school
communicate with 10th grade 42.0 41.043.0 46.6 45.647.6 53.4 52.454.4 22.1 21.322.9
multiple receivers in 11th grade 43.4 42.444.4 44.8 43.845.8 52.7 51.653.8 22.9 22.023.8
a short time regard- 12th grade 45.8 44.746.9 43.6 42.544.7 52.2 51.153.3 25.1 24.126.1
less of the availabil- Total 35.0 34.635.4 41.9 41.542.3 46.0 45.546.5 22.4 22.022.8
ity of the receiver.
Because of these fea- CI, confidence interval. aSubjects with missing data were excluded from the analysis.
tures, sending text
SLEEP, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2011 1017 Mobile Phones and Sleep DisturbancesMunezawa et al
Table 5The association between the use of mobile phones after lights out and sleep disturbances among Japanese adolescentsa,b: short sleep duration
and subjective poor sleep quality
Number of times mobile Short Sleep Duration Subjective Poor Sleep Quality
phones used after lights Crude Adjusted Crude Adjusted
out, based on type of use N OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value
For calling < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
0 67646 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1-3/mo 6229 1.41 1.331.48 1.12 1.051.19 1.40 1.331.48 1.06 1.001.13
1/wk 4423 1.26 1.181.34 0.99 0.921.07 1.31 1.231.39 1.01 0.941.08
Several/wk 7441 1.49 1.421.56 1.08 1.021.14 1.57 1.491.65 1.08 1.021.14
Daily 7853 1.94 1.852.03 1.21 1.141.28 2.00 1.902.09 1.22 1.151.29
For sending text messages < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
0 50349 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1-3/mo 6204 1.05 0.991.12 0.87 0.810.92 1.19 1.131.26 1.07 1.001.13
1/wk 5767 1.15 1.091.22 0.88 0.830.94 1.25 1.181.32 1.05 0.981.11
Several/wk 14698 1.37 1.321.42 0.97 0.931.01 1.49 1.431.54 1.16 1.111.21
Daily 16696 1.89 1.821.96 1.15 1.091.20 1.95 1.882.02 1.27 1.211.33

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. aAdjusted factors include sex, grade, drinking alcohol, smoking, eating breakfast, extracurricular activities, and
mental health. bSubjects with missing date were excluded from the analysis.

Table 6The association between use of mobile phones after lights out and sleep disturbances among Japanese adolescents: Excessive daytime
sleepiness and insomnia symptoms
Number of times mobile Excessive Daytime Sleepiness Insomnia Symptom
phones used after lights Crude Adjusted Crude Adjusted
out, based on type of use N OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value OR 95% CI P value
For calling < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
0 67646 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1-3/mo 6229 1.45 1.381.53 0.98 0.921.04 1.46 1.381.55 1.13 1.061.21
1/wk 4423 1.30 1.221.38 0.91 0.850.98 1.50 1.401.61 1.19 1.101.29
Several/wk 7441 1.58 1.501.65 0.98 0.931.04 1.79 1.701.89 1.26 1.181.34
Daily 7853 2.12 2.022.22 1.17 1.101.24 2.47 2.352.60 1.44 1.351.53
For sending text messages < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01 < 0.01
0 50349 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
1-3/mo 6204 1.40 1.321.47 1.24 1.171.31 1.15 1.081.23 1.07 0.991.15
1/wk 5767 1.39 1.321.47 1.16 1.091.23 1.20 1.121.28 1.02 0.951.10
Several/wk 14698 1.74 1.681.80 1.37 1.311.43 1.43 1.371.49 1.12 1.071.18
Daily 16696 2.28 2.202.36 1.50 1.431.57 2.28 2.192.37 1.45 1.381.53

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval. aAdjusted factors include sex, grade, drinking alcohol, smoking, eating breakfast, extracurricular activities, and
mental health. bSubjects with missing date were excluded from the analysis.

messages is regarded as a more accessible communication me- symptoms and, by using multiple logistic-regression analysis,
dium and tends to be preferred over calling, especially in cir- adjusted for other confounding factors. We found that mobile
cumstances in which the receiver is less likely to be available phone use for calling and for sending text messages after
for communication. Therefore, it is understandable that, after lights out was associated with all sleep disturbances
lights out, the frequency of sending text messages is higher independent of the covariates and independent of each other.
than that of calling. Our finding that mobile phone use after lights out was asso-
In this study, to assess the association between mobile phone ciated with all forms of sleep disturbance, each different in na-
use after lights out and sleep disturbance, we conducted a mul- ture, suggests that the use of mobile phones after lights out has
tifaceted and comprehensive evaluation of sleep disturbance by various effects on sleep. Loughran et al. 15 reported that expo-
focusing on 4 parameters; quantitative index (short sleep dura- sure to electromagnetic fields emitted by digital mobile-phone
tion), qualitative index (subjective poor sleep quality), daytime handsets prior to sleep decreased the rapid eye movement
consequences (excessive daytime sleepiness), and insomnia (REM) sleep latency and increased the electroencephalogram
SLEEP, Vol. 34, No. 8, 2011 1018 Mobile Phones and Sleep DisturbancesMunezawa et al
spectral power in the 11.5- to 12.25-Hz frequency range dur-ing these items must be examined in the future. Finally, although
the initial part of sleep following exposure. Furthermore, Wood et the sample size was large, the approximate 37% nonresponse
al.16 reported that, although subjects who were ac-tively exposed rate may have been a potential bias factor because we had no
to mobile-phone emissions showed no signifi-cant difference in information about the nonresponders.
total nighttime melatonin output relative to sham-exposed In conclusion, our results suggest that, among Japanese ado-
subjects, the pre-bedtime melatonin output was significantly lescents, the use of mobile phones for calling and for sending text
lower in the former, indicating a delay in the onset time of messages after lights out is associated with various forms of sleep
melatonin secretion caused by mobile phone emission. These disturbance. However, there were some limitations, such as small
reports suggest that the use of mobile phones after lights out effect sizes, in this study. Moreover, causal re-lationship could not
influences physiologic factors such as the sleep electroen- be determined. More studies that examine details of this
cephalogram and melatonin-secretion rhythm. Moreover, if association are necessary. Because mobile phone use is one of the
communications made using a mobile phone after lights out are most familiar or intimate lifestyle factors for adolescents, it
emotional, thoughtful, or considerable, they may induce emo- should be noted as a lifestyle habit that requires attention when
tional or cognitive arousal in the pre-sleep period that is con- attempting to establish strategies for appropri-ate sleep hygiene
sidered to be a cause of insomnia symptoms. 28-31 Thus, mobile among adolescents. In the future, sleep hy-giene education for
phone use after lights out may be presumed to also influence the adolescents should caution against the use of mobile phones after
psychological factors that disturb sleep. From the above, it is lights out; on the other hand, the rates of mobile phone use after
considered that various mechanismsphysiologic, psychologi- lights out may decrease after treatment for a sleep disturbance.
cal and othersare involved in the influence on sleep of mobile
phone use after lights out. The results of this study showed that
both calling and sending text messages were associated with ACKNOWLEDGMENT
sleep, each independently from the other. This may be because The authors thank Professor Makoto Uchiyama, MD, (De-
the mechanisms that influence sleep may differ according to type partment of Neuropsychiatry, School of Medicine, Nihon
of mobile phone use. However, few studies have examined the University) for his very helpful suggestions. This study was
association between mobile phone use after lights out and sleep, supported by a Health Science Research Grant from the Minis-
and the mechanisms underlying this association remain to be try of Health, Labor and Welfare of the Japanese Government.
elucidated. Future studies should reveal more information about
these mechanisms. DISCLOSURE STATEMENT
There were some limitations to our study. First, since this was This was not an industry supported study. The authors have
a cross-sectional survey, a causal relationship could not be indicated no financial conflicts of interest.
determined. For example, it could be that adolescents with sleep
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