Maturity Matrix: Preventive Maintenance Program
Maturity Matrix: Preventive Maintenance Program
Maturity Matrix: Preventive Maintenance Program
PM jobs are broken into tasks and Some critical equipment has PM All critical equipment PM All PM job plans are compliant with
PM jobs are simple steps but are worded such that jobs that have been improved to be job plans are quantitative, the requirements for a well-designed
the task is neither quantitative nor more consistent and quantitative.
PM Procedures checklists of things to do or repeatable. PMs do not contain Some PM job plans contain
repeatable, and contain all of procedure. There is ample evidence
things to inspect. the necessary elements of a that continuous improvement efforts
warnings, cautions, constraints, warnings, cautions, constraints,
are formalized and working well.
resources, or standards. resources, and standards. well-constructed procedure.
All PMs are reviewed annually
<20% of PMs contain <50% of PMs contain >90% of PMs contain to update the estimated hours
versus actual and consumables
PMs lack consistent any estimated hours, accurate estimated hours, accurate estimated hours,
PM Content and tools required to perform the
information. consumables needed, or consumables needed, or consumables needed, or work. Feedback is provided to the
tools. tools. tools. materials management team on
additions to free issue stock items.
Changes, additions, or
PM removal goes through
Only maintenance staff Changes, additions, or
an approval process with
can make changes to an PM removal goes through
Anyone can make changes changes being documented.
existing PM or delete or add an approval process with
PM Improvement No formal process. to an existing PM or delete or Single site position is
a PM to the system. The changes being documented.
add a PM to the system. responsible for updating
process is informal with little >50% of the review results
the PM. 100% of the review
documentation of changes. are provided to the originator.
results are provided to the
Continued on back...
PM program includes a
mixture of clean, inspect,
PM activities include adjust, replenish, replace,
PM activities include inspections, lubrication and rebuild as activity types.
inspections, lubrication tasks, tasks, adjustments/ Maintenance has the highly
PM activities are only Maintenance does most
and adjustments/calibrations. calibrations, and some technical tasks requiring
inspections and lubrication inspections and lubrication
PM Activity Types Maintenance still has interval-based replacements. advanced machinery
tasks. Maintenance does all tasks. Operations has only a
most tasks, but operations Operations has most of knowledge, techniques,
PM tasks. few tasks on a few machines.
has some for almost all the qualitative inspections, and tools. Operations has
machines. while maintenance has the all qualitative inspections
quantitative inspections. and cleaning tasks, as well
as basic lubrication, and
adjustment responsibilities.