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Maturity Matrix: Preventive Maintenance Program

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Ways to Measure Your

Preventive Maintenance Program

Maturity Matrix
Elements LEVEL

Process maps exist for PM

Basic high-level process program covering execution Process maps exist for all
Process maps exist for PM
map exists that essentially only; no mechanism PM program elements. There
PM Workow Process program management,
No process maps exist. matches CMMS key stroke for PM development or is substantial evidence of
Maps execution, development, and
instructions; not tied to optimization. No performance continuous improvement on
organizational behavior. standards for PM program a regular basis.
PMs conducted in Stores Failure mode driven PM
on some critical spares. strategy for all stocked
Some PMs conducted in Informal coordination with the PMs conducted in Stores spares. Materials
Stores but not consistent materials management team. on all critical spares with management team is an
Stores PM Program No program in place.
or coordinated with the Spares added to program materials management team. integral part in ensuring
materials management team. on request, usually after a PM compliance > 80% reliability when parts are
failure event. issued.
PM compliance <50% PM compliance = 100%
PM program follows OEM
PM program identies future Prevention of interval-based
PM program is an opportunity recommendations for PM program replaces select
work through intrusive failure modes and detection
for crafts personnel to parts replacements and components based on OEM
Expectations inspections as required. of defects not found with

inspect the machines and x inspections because OEM recommendations, failure

Some components replaced PdM or Operator Care
what is wrong. compliance guarantees history, and risk analysis.
due to end of useful life. programs.
warranty coverage.
Interval optimized based on
Weibull failure prole and Interval optimized based on
Established from OEM Established and modied
simulation model results for Weibull failure prole and
Established from unknown recommendations with some based on equipment history
PM Frequencies select machines; based on simulation model results for
source or best guess. informal adjustments made (failures rate, MTBF, etc.).
criticality or management top 20% of machines based
using equipment history. >30% of critical assets
selection for all other on criticality.
Some critical equipment All critical equipment PM job All PM job plans are based
PM activities are based on plans are based on formal on FMA. There is a formal
All PMs are Check and a Failure Modes Analysis FMA with the right balance review cycle in place
Failure Mode Driven PMs follow OEM
repair as necessary style (FMA) of critical and likely of PM and PdM tasks. PM where PM strategies are
Activities recommendations.
activities. equipment defects. Job strategies are reviewed modied based on RCA and
plans are rarely reviewed for periodically (but infrequently) FRACAS results on a regular
accuracy. for accuracy. schedule.

PM jobs are broken into tasks and Some critical equipment has PM All critical equipment PM All PM job plans are compliant with
PM jobs are simple steps but are worded such that jobs that have been improved to be job plans are quantitative, the requirements for a well-designed
the task is neither quantitative nor more consistent and quantitative.
PM Procedures checklists of things to do or repeatable. PMs do not contain Some PM job plans contain
repeatable, and contain all of procedure. There is ample evidence
things to inspect. the necessary elements of a that continuous improvement efforts
warnings, cautions, constraints, warnings, cautions, constraints,
are formalized and working well.
resources, or standards. resources, and standards. well-constructed procedure.
All PMs are reviewed annually
<20% of PMs contain <50% of PMs contain >90% of PMs contain to update the estimated hours
versus actual and consumables
PMs lack consistent any estimated hours, accurate estimated hours, accurate estimated hours,
PM Content and tools required to perform the
information. consumables needed, or consumables needed, or consumables needed, or work. Feedback is provided to the
tools. tools. tools. materials management team on
additions to free issue stock items.

PMs are customized by PMs are customized by

PMs are customized for the
Some consistency exists equipment type, but overlap equipment type, but overlap
All PMs are different on like maintenance strategy applied
Unique PMs between like or similar pieces exists for failure modes exists for failure modes
pieces of equipment. across equipment types
of critical equipment. covered by CBM on <30% of covered by CBM on <10% of
(CBM and PM or PM).
the equipment. the equipment .

PM compliance is measured 100% of PMs apply the 10% Rule

PM Compliance using Cannot measure - PM The 10% Rule is applied to 100% of PMs apply the 10%
effectively, but not using the and PMs are load leveled to ensure
10% Rule program is not functional. >50% of critical assets. Rule. consistent execution.
10% Rule.

Effectiveness Metrics Innovation Metrics

Efciency Metrics
Compliance Metrics PM compliance and Metrics are in place to
Productivity Metrics Comparisons are made
Simple metrics that show the adherence metrics are measure how the PM job
Metrics for route compliance between estimated parts and
Metrics / Justication PM program exists and that correlated with the number plans are being improved
and route adherence are in labor for the PM activities
PMs are getting completed of jobs coming from the PM through the elimination of
use. and the actual parts and
are in use. program and reduction in waste and improvements in
unplanned work. job execution.

Changes, additions, or
PM removal goes through
Only maintenance staff Changes, additions, or
an approval process with
can make changes to an PM removal goes through
Anyone can make changes changes being documented.
existing PM or delete or add an approval process with
PM Improvement No formal process. to an existing PM or delete or Single site position is
a PM to the system. The changes being documented.
add a PM to the system. responsible for updating
process is informal with little >50% of the review results
the PM. 100% of the review
documentation of changes. are provided to the originator.
results are provided to the
Continued on back...

North America Europe Latin America Middle East Asia-Pacic

World Headquarters GPAllied EMEA GPAllied CANADA
4200 Faber Place Drive Guldensporenpark 21-Blok C 2572 Daniel Johnson, 2nd Floor
Charleston, SC 29405 B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium Laval, QC | Canada H7T 2R3
o. 888.335.8276 o. +32(0) o. 450.902.2569
f. 843.414.5779 f. +32(0) f. 450.902.2568
Ways to Measure Your
Preventive Maintenance Program
Maturity Matrix
Elements LEVEL

All PM inspections are

quantitative in nature and
Most items on PM checklist Most items on all PM
Some items on PM checklist have dened degrees of
PM inspections are simple for critical equipment have checklists have dened
Quality of PM detail specic faults to be defect progression with
checklists of things to dened degrees of severity. degrees of severity with
Inspection identied, but no detail as to examples for clarity. Each
inspect. Most inspections are still some examples. Some items
severity. degree designates conditions
qualitative in nature. are quantitative.
as either good, future
work, or immediate work.

PM program includes a
mixture of clean, inspect,
PM activities include adjust, replenish, replace,
PM activities include inspections, lubrication and rebuild as activity types.
inspections, lubrication tasks, tasks, adjustments/ Maintenance has the highly
PM activities are only Maintenance does most
and adjustments/calibrations. calibrations, and some technical tasks requiring
inspections and lubrication inspections and lubrication
PM Activity Types Maintenance still has interval-based replacements. advanced machinery
tasks. Maintenance does all tasks. Operations has only a
most tasks, but operations Operations has most of knowledge, techniques,
PM tasks. few tasks on a few machines.
has some for almost all the qualitative inspections, and tools. Operations has
machines. while maintenance has the all qualitative inspections
quantitative inspections. and cleaning tasks, as well
as basic lubrication, and
adjustment responsibilities.

All PMs are grouped by

PMs for critical machines are system for convenient
Some PMs include downtime
PM scheduling has no idea Some PMs are grouped by grouped and executed by scheduling. Each PM
requirements and are
PM Scheduling which PMs require downtime system and PM downtime is system. System downtime designates the required
scheduled as the PM comes
or how much. coordinated. is coordinated for all PM clock hours, labor-hours,
activities. and downtime hours for
PMs are leveled across
System shows no concept PM load is known and is PM load is known and at the month, quarter, semi-
PM load is known and
of distributing PM loads sometimes distributed evenly least the monthly PMs are annual, or annual time frame.
monthly and quarterly PMs
Load Leveling across the balance of the across time window, though distributed evenly across the There is no spike in the PM
are distributed evenly across
required time period or with production demands usually month or coordinated with load unless coordinated
the time window.
production demands. override. planned downtime. with signicant planned
operational downtime.
PM procedures were built in
All critical machines and
collaboration with technicians
Planner or engineer built many other machines
A few PM procedures were Most critical machines have who regularly perform the
PM Procedure PM procedure from OEM have had PMs reviewed
built with technician input, but had PMs reviewed and work. Technicians provided
Creation checklist or from past and modied by teams of
just for critical machines. modied by technicians. required instructions and
experience. technicians for accuracy and
guidance on needed level of
required instructional detail.

Weekly schedule is base

Weekly schedule contains
loaded with PM work. Critical PM work is protected
most of the PM load but labor PM work is rarely substituted
PMs worked into the PM activities are protected; on schedule; no labor
PM Prioritization is redistributed as needed for with emergency work, but
schedule where possible. lower criticality PM work substitution happens, even
emergency and high-priority does happen on occasion.
may be substituted with during emergencies.
work on a regular basis.
emergency work as needed.
All PM procedures have

>40% of PM procedures 90% of PM procedures crafts feedback when

>20% of PM procedures
have crafts feedback when have crafts feedback when returned; all feedback is
Feedback Mechanism No feedback from crafts. have crafts feedback when
returned; critical feedback is returned; most feedback is processed by Planner;
processed by Planner. processed by Planner. feedback process is
PM/PdM Balance
>50% Overall >60% Overall >70% Overall >80% Overall
Inspection plus 100% PM and Results of PM
<5% PdM + Results <15% PdM + Results <30% PdM + Results 50% PdM + Results
Findings by Labor / No PdM being performed.
>60% PM + Results >50% PM + Results >40% PM + Results 30% PM + Results
Hours by PM / PdM
>30% of the PMs are
>50% of the PMs are >75% of the PMs are >90% of the PMs are
completed with no
Route Adherence & completed within +/- 50% of completed within +/- 20% of completed within +/- 10% of
Not measured . measurement of call
Route Compliance the call window, with >50% the call window, with >75% the call window, with >95%
window adherence or route
route compliance. route compliance. route compliance.

North America Europe Latin America Middle East Asia-Pacic

World Headquarters GPAllied EMEA GPAllied CANADA
4200 Faber Place Drive Guldensporenpark 21-Blok C 2572 Daniel Johnson, 2nd Floor
Charleston, SC 29405 B-9820 Merelbeke, Belgium Laval, QC | Canada H7T 2R3
o. 888.335.8276 o. +32(0) o. 450.902.2569
f. 843.414.5779 f. +32(0) f. 450.902.2568

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