Comparatives and Superlatives 1-2

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Adjectives: Comparatives and Superlatives

Small sized adjectives (1 or 2 syllables) add the suffix er...than to form

the Comparative.
Small sized adjectives (1 or 2 syllables) add the suffix theest to form
the Superlative.

Adjectives Comparative
big (grande) bigger than the biggest
fast (rpido) fasterthan the fastest
tall (alto) taller than the tallest
wide (ancho) wider than the widest
small (pequeo) smaller than the smallest
high (alto) higher than the highest
short (bajo) shorter than the shortest
little (pequeo) littler than the littlest
long (largo) longer than the longest
smart (inteligente) smarter than the smartest
quick (rpido) quicker than the quickest
low (bajo) lower than the lowest
fat (gordo) fatter than the fattest
slow (lento) slower than the slowest
thin (delgado) thinner than the thinnest
cold (frio) colder than the coldest
warm (clido) warmer than the warmest
hot (caliente) hotter than the hottest
cheap (barato) cheaper than the cheapest
safe (seguro) safer than the safest
clean (limpio) cleaner than the cleanest
narrow (angosto) narrower than the
strong (fuerte) stronger than the strongest
weak (dbil) weaker than the weakest
large (grande) largerthan the largest
dry (seco) drier than the driest
lazy (flojo) lazier than the laziest

A cat is small animal A cat is smaller than a horse

A zebra is a big animal A zebra is bigger than a monkey
My dad is the tallest member in my family
Alameda Av. is the widest Av. in Santiago

Adjectives with more than 2 syllables use more.than to form

Adjectives with more than 2 syllables use the most to form

Adjectives Comparative Superlative
beautiful more beautiful than the most beautiful
interesting more interesting than the most interesting
expensive more expensive than the most expensive
independent more independent than the most independent
outstanding more outstanding than the most outstanding
amazing more amazing than the most amazing
tiring more tiring than the most tiring
impressive more impressive than the most impressive
handsome more handsome than the most handsome
intelligent more intelligent than the most intelligent
dangerous more dangerous than the most dangerous
famous more famous than the most famous
generous more generous than the most generous
difficult more difficult than the most difficult
popular more popular than the most popular
attractive __________________ _________________
elegant __________________ _________________
comfortable __________________ _________________
energetic __________________ _________________
obedient __________________ _________________

Shakira is more beautiful than Lady Gaga.

Antonio Banderas is more handsome than Leonardo Di Caprio.

The Amazonas River is the longest river in the world.

The blue whale is the biggest mammal on the ocean.

Irregular adjectives
Adjective Comparative Superlative

Good better than the best

Bad worse than the worst
Far further than the furthest
Little less than the least
Many more than the most
Adjectives and their opposites
beautiful hermoso =/= ugly feo
big grande =/= small pequeo
bitter amargo =/= sweet dulce
deep profundo =/= shallow superficial
dirty sucio =/= clean limpio
expensive caro =/= cheap barato
far lejano =/= near cercano
fast rpido =/= slow lento
fat gordo =/= thin flaco, delgado
good bueno =/= bad malo
happy feliz =/= sad apenado
hard duro =/= soft blando
healthy saludable =/= sick enfermo
heavy pesado =/= light liviano
high alto =/= low bajo
hot caliente =/= cold fro
long largo =/= short corto
new nuevo =/= old viejo
polite corts =/= rude grosero
rich rico =/= poor pobre
rough spero =/= smooth suave, liso
safe seguro =/= dangerous peligroso
strong fuerte =/= weak dbil
tall alto =/= short bajo
thick grueso =/= thin delgado
warm clido =/= cool fresco
wet mojado =/= dry seco
wide ancho =/= narrow angosto
young joven =/= old viejo
Comparative Exercises 1:

1. A Sony LCD is ____________________________________a Samsung LCD (expensive)

2. Drink milk is________________________________________drink beer (healthy)

3. Alex is ____________________________________________ Charles (handsome)

4. Cecilia Bolocco is ___________________________________ Carlos Menen (young)

5. History channel is _______________________________Disney channel (interesting)

6. Alameda Av. is ______________________________________ Espaa Av. (long)

7. Calle 7 is ___________________________________________ Yingo (bad)

Superlatives Exercises 2:

8. The Everest mountain is ________________________________ in the world (high)

9. The man is _____________________________________animal on Earth (dangerous)

10. The whale is _____________________________________animal on the sea (big)

11. Brad Pitt is __________________________________ actor in Hollywood (handsome)

12. Juan Pablo II was _________________________________Pope in the world (famous)

13. Antartica is ________________________________________ place on Earth (cold)

14. The dog is _________________________________________ friend of man (good)

Look at the pictures and make comparisons.

1. - Betty is _________________Frank 1. - Alex is
__________________ Bob
2. - Frank is _________________Betty 2. Bob is
__________________ Alex

Look at the picture, and complete the sentences.

1. Joe is ___________________________than Ed. (short)

2. Al is the _________________________. (short)
3. Ed is the_________________________. (thin)
4. Joe is____________________________ than Al. (thin)
5. Al has the _________________________clothes. (colorful)
6. Al is _______________________________than Joe. (heavy)
7. Ed is the _______________________________. (light)
8. Joe is _______________________________than Ed. (happy)
9. Ed is the___________________________. (mysterious)
10. Joe is ________________________ than Ed. (energetic)

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