08 09 CT2 Scribd
08 09 CT2 Scribd
08 09 CT2 Scribd
n Customer:
Ethylene plant, Saudi Arabia.
n Challenge:
Overhaul and repair four critical steam turbines in 12 days.
n Result:
Elliott coordinated six months of pre-planning
and completed the project four days early.
COMPRESSORtech2 is the premier resource for gas compression news and information.
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14 Burckhardt, Arkos Partner For Long-Haul Investment
16 Turning It Up During The Downturn
20 Caspian Sea To Southern Europe Pipeline Underway
26 The Next 20 Years: O&G Infrastructure Forecast
36 Big Gains Come In Small Packages
38 Remote Notes
48 Sullair Rotary Screw Compressors For Oil And Gas Applications
Cover Designed By 58 ROI Calculations For Online Condition Monitoring Systems
Alyssa Loope 68 ACI, Optimum Thinking Outside The Bottle
72 2016 Turbine Specs-At-A-Glance
COMPRESSORtech2 (ISSN 1085-2468)
Volume 21, No. 7 Published 10 issues/year 74 Heavy Lifting With Air Hoists
(January-February, March, April, May, June,
76 Bakken Flaring Falls Despite Output Gains
July, August-September, October, November,
December) by Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications, 80 Integrating Gear Technology
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GE Oil & Gas
Heavy industrial operations choose our gearboxes because we
build them to last and perform. Our Manufacturing Center of
Excellence (COE) draws on advanced technologies across the
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Associate Publisher .................... Mark Thayer
Senior Editor .................................... DJ Slater
Senior Editor .................. Michael J. Brezonick
Associate Editor ............................ Klinton Silvey May You Live In
Interesting Times
Associate Editor ................................ Jack Burke
Associate Editor .............................Chad Elmore
Associate Editor ....................................Art Aiello
Copy Editor ................................ Jerry Karpowicz
Circulation Manager .................. Sue Bollwahn
ts the ancient Chinese curse that export terminals are opening path-
Graphic Artist ............................Brenda Burbach
Graphic Artist ..................................Carla Lemke sounds well-meaning, but actually is ways to markets in Europe and Asia
Graphic Artist ................................ Alyssa Loope intended to wish difficult, challeng- that will likely change geopolitical re-
PUBLICATION HEADQUARTERS ing circumstances upon the recipient. lations for decades to come.
20855 Watertown Road, Suite 220 It turns out, the saying is neither an- Of course, many of these changes
Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186-1873 cient nor Chinese thanks Wikipedia, have a direct impact on the lives of in-
Telephone: (262) 754-4100 Fax: (262) 754-4175
for spoiling all our fun but the mean- dividuals as they change jobs, change
CONTRIBUTING EDITORS ing is clear. companies, move from one city to an-
Norm Shade Cambridge, Ohio
Mauro Belo Schneider Rio Grande du Sul, Brazil
One has to wonder if the oil and other and learn new skills.
Patrick Crow Austin, Texas gas industry has been under this very Difficult, challenging circumstanc-
curse. The last few years have cer- es, indeed.
Mark Thayer, Associate Publisher tainly been interesting. Consider some
12777 Jones Road, Suite 225 of the dramatic changes weve seen. The only constant is change
Houston, Texas 77070
Unconventional gas now accounts We have had a few changes here at
Telephone: (281) 890-5310
for more than half of the dry gas pro- COMPRESSORtech2 as well.
duction in the U.S. (When more than We are saddened at the passing of
Lisa Hochkofler, Advertising Manager
Gabriele Dinsel, Advertising Manager half of production comes from uncon- Roberto Chellini, long-time friend of
Niemllerstr. 9 ventional sources, is it still fair to call the industry and associate publisher of
73760 Ostfildern, Germany it unconventional?) COMPRESSORtech2. Roberto con-
Telephone: +49 711 3416 74 0 Fax: +49 711 3416 74 74
Oil and gas prices have remained tributed to the magazine since its inau-
UNITED KINGDOM detrimentally low, driving many busi- gural issue in 1996. He will be sorely
Ian Cameron, Regional Manager/Editor
Linda Cameron, Advertising Manager
ness failures and consolidations in missed. Read more about Roberto on
40 Premier Avenue the U.S., and forcing financial stress page 6.
Ashbourne, Derbyshire, on OPEC nations. The Saudis bor- In this issue, we welcome the re-
DE6 1LH, United Kingdom rowed US$10 billion to help cover turn of Patrick Crow and his column,
Telephone: +44 20 31 79 29 79 Fax: +44 20 31 79 29 70
the shortfall. Monitoring Government. He is one of
Natural gas overtook King Coal as our former editors and will help cover
Roberta Prandi, Regional Manager/Editor
Via Cerere 18
the dominant source of fuel for power industry news.
38062 Arco, Italy generation in the U.S. And CO2 emis- We also welcome Klinton Silvey as
Telephone: +39 0464 014421 sions from coal dropped below emis- a full-time associate editor. He has a
SWEDEN sions from natural gas. masters degree from the University of
Bo Svensson, Field Editor/Business Manager The means to this incredible boun- Missouri School of Journalism.
Dunderbacksvagen 20
ty of natural gas, fracking has Lastly, you may notice that we have
612-46 Finspong, Sweden
Telephone: +46 70 2405369 Fax: +46 122 14787 been embraced by some states and given a gentle facelift to the pages of
jurisdictions, while completely banned the magazine. We thought a few little
Akiyoshi Ojima, Branch Manager in others. changes would be good, and well
51-16-301 Honmoku Sannotani, Naka-ku Pipelines are reversing or becoming have more in upcoming issues.
Yokohama, 231-0824 Japan bi-directional to better reach markets Let me know what you think
Telephone: +81 45 624 3502 Fax: +81 45 624 3503
from new sources. about changes to the magazine, about
We see gas companies asking reg- changes in the industry, or about
D. S. Chai, Sales Manager
Dongmyung Communications Inc.
ulators for price hikes in some mar- changes youve seen personally. CT2
82 Pyeongchangmunhwa-ro, Jongno-gu kets, while seeking price decreases
Seoul, 03011 Korea in others. Mark Thayer, associate publisher
Telephone: +82 2 391 4254 Fax: +82 2 391 4255
U.S. liquefied natural gas (LNG) [email protected]
President & CEO ..................... Michael J. Osenga
Executive Vice President.....Michael J. Brezonick
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Roberto Chellini
t is with great sadness that we report the passing of quickly became an expert on compression and the drivers
Roberto Chellini recently in Florence, Italy. He was 82 of compressors.
years old. His versatility in all types of engines and the coverage
Chellini worked for Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications of those engines, was never more apparent than when we
until the time of his death, most recently as associate pub- founded Diesel Progress International in 1982. While his ex-
lisher of COMPRESSORtech2 magazine. In his 33 years pertise was in large horsepower, he quickly became the face
with Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications, he worked for all of Diesel Progress International in Europe and was widely
our publications: Diesel Progress International, Diesel sought after as a speaker and reference on the advances
& Gas Turbine Worldwide, COMPRESSORtech2, Diesel and developments of smaller output reciprocating engines.
Progress North American, as well as the Diesel & Gas But to talk about Roberto Chellini in terms of just his career
Turbine Sourcing Guide and the Compression Technology is missing the point. He was skiing regularly in his beloved
Sourcing Supplement. Dolomites into his 80s. He was a man of great style, class,
He officially joined Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications in and if anyone knew more about food, wine, music or the his-
1983 after more than 20 years with gas turbine manufac- tory of Italy than Roberto Chellini, I have not met him.
turer Nuovo Pignone (now part of GE). His contributions to His olive orchard, the 100+ trees he pruned himself until
our Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide magazine go back to recent years, produced a fabulous olive oil, a bottle of which
the 1960s, thus Chellini was part of Diesel & Gas Turbine was a truly treasured gift. And when you least expected it,
Publications for six decades, writing and selling for all our hed sneak up on you and have you laughing uncontrollably.
publications and traveling to all corners of the world on His efforts at making sure the cheese and wine after dinner
our behalf. both ran out at exactly the same time is the stuff of legends
For our current generation of Diesel Pubs Europe, and among Diesel staffers worldwide.
for many of us in the U.S. as well, he was a mentor, guid- He was a true gentleman. He will be missed. Very much.
ance counselor, friend and role model. By many people.
To many in the industry he was Mr. Gas Turbine, and A lifelong resident of Florence, and the son of an old-
was widely sought after as a resource and subject matter line Florentian family which is honored with a step in the
expert on all types of engine and turbine power and its Cattedrale di Santa Maria del Fiore, the famous Il Duomo
associated technology. He very quickly learned the medi- di Firenze, Chellini is survived by his wife Maria Antonietta,
um- and slow-speed reciprocating engine markets when son Massimo Pietro, daughter Flaminia, her husband Carmine
he began working on Diesel & Gas Turbine Worldwide and grandsons Lorenzo and Andrea.
magazine. In fact, in many ways, he shaped our interna- May his family find peace in his passing and may God
tional coverage of those power plants and those markets rest his soul. CT2
over 30+ years.
With the founding of COMPRESSORtech2 in 1996, he Mike Osenga, President
transitioned into the magazines publishing group and Diesel & Gas Turbine Publications
The new gas turbines from MAN Diesel & Turbo offer outstanding reliability, compactness and exibility in
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About The Business
nti-fossil fuel advocates calling for bans on fossil consumers, workers and the economy will benefit. U.S.
fuels and fracking are gaining ground with politi- manufacturing will gain competitive advantage in the global
cians. A July report [1] by Oil Change International marketplace, and GHG emissions will continue to decline.
a coalition of national and regional organizations opposed But the essential link is natural gas pipeline transmission
to fossil fuel production and consumption makes a case capacity. The U.S. is blessed with huge reserves of eco-
against all pipeline capacity expansions, especially any car- nomically available and clean-burning natural gas.
rying natural gas to market from the Appalachian Basin. It Renewable energy is characterized as more environ-
calls for the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) mentally friendly than fossil fuels, but renewables do have
and other government agencies to be required to apply a environmental impacts, as emphasized in a July article
climate test in their consideration of new gas transmission [3] in Power magazine. Arguably, solar energy is the most
and processing capacity, reminiscent of the Obama admin- environmentally benign source of electricity, once a solar
istrations rationale for rejecting the Keystone pipeline. plant is in place. But getting there has more environmen-
Following such recommendations would destroy jobs tal impact than most people think. The process of making
and manufacturing competitiveness, dramatically increase solar photovoltaic (PV) cells uses huge amounts of elec-
energy costs and seriously harm the entire U.S. economy. tricity. Much of the worlds PV cell manufacturing occurs in
Even though renewable energy accounts for only about China, where electricity is generated with coal. And turning
6% of the U.S. electric grid today, the report asserts that raw silicon into polycrystalline silicon for PV cells involves a
it can replace gas-fired power generation. It claims that if number of toxic and corrosive materials.
natural gas production is artificially constrained by denying For example, with each ton of polycrystalline silicon, sev-
new pipeline infrastructure, investment will somehow flow eral tons of corrosive and toxic silicon tetrachloride is pro-
to produce enough wind and solar power to make up the duced. Although this can be recycled to produce silicon and
difference. Wind and solar, although intermittent generation hydrochloric acid, the process is expensive, so not all man-
sources, are important. With government subsidies, over ufacturers recycle it. The PV manufacturing process also
the past decade their share of U.S. electric generation has involves other toxic substances such as hydrofluoric acid,
increased only about 0.5% per year. Yet, these extremists and it produces substantial wastewater and solid waste
illogically conclude that fossil fuels are no longer needed, streams. Treating and recycling that waste costs money,
arguing that once capital is sunk into the natural gas infra- and some PV manufacturers, including a well-documented
structure, it can produce power at minimal marginal cost, case in China, have cut corners by dumping untreated
which unfairly disadvantages renewables development. waste into waterways [3].
This ignores the obvious that the same is true for wind and Wind farms, too, have environmental impact. Wind tur-
solar capital investment. bines use permanent magnets that require rare earth el-
Gas-fired power generation produces only half of the ements such as neodymium, the extraction of which can
emissions of other fossil fuel sources, and its growth in have serious environmental consequences because of the
the U.S. has been responsible for the greatest reduction acids used in refining and the frequent occurrence of ura-
in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions anywhere on the nium and thorium in the ores.
planet. [2]. When sources of power compete on their merits, ExxonMobil dismissed calls for the banning or limiting of fos-
sil fuels as unrealistic [4], and President Obamas chief science
Norm Shade is senior consultant and president emeritus of ACI and technology advisor stated [5] that natural gas is imperative
Services Inc. of Cambridge, Ohio. A 47-year veteran of the gas to a clean-energy future and grid stability. The notion that were
compression industry, he has written numerous papers and is ac- going to keep it all in the ground is unrealistic. CT2
tive in the major industry associations. See references at: http://ct2.co/references
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he Texas Supreme Court recently wrestled with a When the lawsuit went to trial in January 2012, the
legal question that is becoming more common na- Gardiners and several of their neighbors testified about the
tionwide: When does the decibel level of a compres- continuing clamor from the station. The plaintiffs claimed
sor station become a nuisance? the noise had diminished their enjoyment of their property
The court reviewed an eight-year-old lawsuit that land- and its economic value.
owners Andrew and Shannon Gardiner brought against The Gardiners acknowledged that Crosstex had attempt-
Crosstex North Texas Pipeline (now EnLink). The plaintiffs ed mitigation and had not spurned their complaints. But
alleged that noise from the Pilot Point Compressor Station they said those efforts all had been ineffective.
was an unmitigated nuisance. A Denton County District The trial jury agreed. It decided Crosstex had not been in-
Court jury awarded them a US$2 million judgment. tentionally negligent but had negligently created a permanent
Crosstex built a 24 in. (609 mm), 130 mi. (209 km) pipe- nuisance that had reduced the value of the Gardiners land.
line in North Texas in 2005-06 to move Barnett Shale gas. Crosstex then took the case to the Second District Court
It later constructed the compressor station on 20 acres (8 ha) of Appeals, which ordered a new trial because the evidence
across a highway from the Gardiners 95 acre (38 ha) pas- was insufficient to support the finding of a negligently cre-
ture in rural Denton County. ated nuisance. The justices also said the jury should have
Before the station began operating in May 2007, Crosstex been allowed to consider whether the compressor station
installed hospital-grade mufflers on the four large natural was abnormally dangerous.
gas engines driving the compressors. But the Gardiners The appeal continued to the Texas Supreme Court,
and other landowners soon complained about a constant which disagreed with the abnormally dangerous finding,
roar. Crosstex met the locals, contracted for sound-control opined about the morass of Texas negligence law and
studies and began mitigation. also remanded the case for retrial.
Over the next four years, it erected a partially enclosed In its June 24 opinion, the high court observed that the
building around the engines, installed sound blankets, built overwhelming weight of the evidence was that Crosstex
tall walls on three sides of the building and planted vegeta- had relied on expert advice, responded to all complaints
tion to further deafen the decibels. and acted to mitigate noise from the stations engines.
The Gardiners still complained. They said because there The Dallas law firm of Thompson & Knight said, This
was no wall facing their property, the other three walls just case has tremendous impact for the Texas oil and gas indus-
channeled the noise toward them. They filed a lawsuit in try at all stages upstream, midstream, and downstream.
May 2008 alleging nuisance and negligence. Crosstex defines the scope of private actions by the public
Crosstex contracted for an acoustical study that con- against oil and gas companies, which, given the large scale
cluded noise levels on the Gardiners property (which of their operations, sometimes interferes with others enjoy-
has no dwellings) were acceptable and reasonable for ment of their property. Crosstex provides a manual for how
agricultural/grazing lands and mostly compatible for resi- nuisance claims may be prosecuted going forward.
dences. Nevertheless, in the fall of 2011 the pipeline in- Although the Crosstex rulings have no standing outside of
stalled air-intake silencers and built a 15 ft. (4.5 m) wall on Texas and the case is due to be tried again, there are some
the Gardiners side of the station. takeaways for similar disputes nationwide. Landowners will
need strong evidence to show negligence in these cases.
Patrick Crow is an Austin, Texas, writer and a former COMPRES- And mitigation may not rescue pipeline operators from the
SORtech2 editor. He has reported for oil and gas publications slippery slope of nuisance litigation.
since 1967 and has written extensively about energy issues before The Texas Supreme Court cautioned, As a legal concept,
Congress, federal agencies and the courts. the word nuisance has meant all things to all people. CT2
8/20/15 1:43 PM
For a complete listing of upcoming events, please visit our website at www.compressortech2.com/events/
n Burckhardt and Arkos will assemble and service API 618 compressors from their new shared facility in Waller, Texas.
arcel Pawlicek, chief executive officer (CEO) of assembly facility in Waller, Texas, about 30 mi. (48 km)
Burckhardt Compression AG, said he has want- northwest of Houston.
ed to sell API 618 reciprocating compressors in In December 2015, Burckhardt, which has 2500 employees
the United States for 37 years. worldwide, acquired a 40% position in Arkos Field Services.
In the 1980s and 90s, he had a hand in selling some of Burckhardt is a quality manufacturer with a good reputa-
the 300-or-so Burckhardt Labyrinth compressors currently tion worldwide, said Daniel Cannon, president and CEO of
used in various downstream roles across Louisiana and Arkos. Opening the Waller facility is quite a large milestone
Texas. But Pawlicek couldnt import Burckhardts Swiss- and inroad for sales as well as life cycle maintenance.
produced process gas compressors. The 57,000 sq.ft. (5300 m2) building is split between two
It was always a dream to build API 618 machines in major duties.
America, Pawlicek said. You can import a labyrinth piston On one side, a 50 ton (45 tonne) overhead crane as well
compressor because that is something special. You can im- as a 25 ton (23 tonne) crane will assist in the assembly of
port a hypercompressor because it is something even more Burckhardt API 618 reciprocating compressors used in the
special. But if you want to be successful selling API 618 refining and chemical processing industry. The assembly
machines, you have to build them locally. facility already has a backlog of five compressors, which
Pawliceks dream is now a reality. In August, Burck- will all be packaged for end users.
hardt, partnering with Arkos Field Services, opened a new The other side hosts a fully fledged Arkos Field Services
www.ACIServicesInc.com 740-435-0240
Turning It Up During The Downturn
How turbomachinery OEMs can compete in tough times
-43% Average
n Figure 1. Capital spending reductions at national oil companies (NOCs), majors, and independent exploration and production companies.
ince late 2014, oil prices have fallen dramatically and oil prices, there are several approaches an OEM can take
capital budgets across the oil and gas value chain to stay competitive. Based ADIs work advising a number of
are being slashed. Large oil and gas majors have cut turbomachinery OEMs serving the oil and gas industry as
capital costs by 19%, national oil companies by 18% and well as conversations with oil and gas asset operators, EPC
U.S.-focused E&P independents, who have been the hard- firms, and end users, we see successful OEMs competing
est hit, have reduced capital expenditures (capex) by as and differentiating themselves by (1) innovating through the
much as 43% (Figure 1). cycle, (2) engaging across the product lifecycle, (3) focus-
Given the environment, the oil and gas equipment market ing on solutions and (4) optimizing costs.
is becoming increasingly difficult with limited opportunities
from new capital projects. In addition, oil and gas operators Innovating through the cycle
are asking product and service vendors for discounts and OEMs have consistently innovated to differentiate them-
simultaneously evincing greater interest in new innovations selves but should now look for ways to intensify their in-
that can further cut costs. Collectively, these trends are novation process and pipelines, and also better coordinate
placing original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) serving and integrate those efforts with product management and
the oil and gas industry under terrific pressure. marketing teams. Innovations can include a wide range of
As the industry embraces a lower for longer outlook for initiatives, e.g., improving pump and compressor efficien-
cies, enhancing or adding ancillary equipment like seals
Brandon Johnson is an analyst at ADI Analytics. Contact him and bearings, offering customers new purchase options/
at: [email protected]. Uday Turaga is the founder and models, and accelerating delivery schedules.
chief executive officer of ADI Analytics. Contact him at: turaga@ Innovation that will likely have the greatest impact in the
adi-analytics.com. near and medium term is expected to come from digital in-
continued on page 18
the production profile of new assets,
e.g., unconventional oil and gas wells.
Optimizing cost
As capital spending reductions
impact the outlook for equipment,
OEMs are optimizing cost by reposi-
tioning their manufacturing footprint YOUR OLD EMISSIONS ANALYZER
to Asia and designing to value (fit-for-
purpose products). Leading OEMs
have already begun using the cur-
rent downturn to close plants globally
and expand their Chinese and In-
dian plants. For example, Flowserve
is planning to close up to 27 plants
globally over the next five years and
expand their Chinese and Indian
plants. Sulzer, Ebara, and KSB are
following Flowserves lead and ex-
panding their Chinese capacity as
well. Asian economies are increas- TESTO IS OFFERING YOU 1,000 REASONS TO
ingly a large fraction of demand and
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One leading turbomachinery player
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and high-power turbomachinery mar-
ket has now decided to offer a half-
n The Siemens SGT-400 industrial gas turbine is manufactured in Lincoln, U.K. and packaged in Hengelo, Netherlands. Siemens compres-
sors are manufactured and packaged in Duisburg, Germany.
he Trans Adriatic Pipeline (TAP) will transport Caspian Recently, Siemens was awarded an order from the TAP
natural gas to Europe. Connecting with the Trans consortium for six 20,115 hp (15 MW) SGT-400-driven tur-
Anatolian Pipeline (TANAP) at the Greek-Turkish bocompressor trains. Each of the six gas turbine-driven
border, the TAP will cross Northern Greece, Albania and compressor trains comprises an SGT-400 industrial gas tur-
the Adriatic Sea before coming ashore in Southern Italy to bine and a Siemens barrel-type STC-SV 08-4-A compressor.
connect to the Italian natural gas network. Siemens will deliver three compressor trains to the com-
n The TAP will have nearly 8,300 ft. (2530 m) of total vertical elevation change along its route.
pressor station in Kipoi, Greece, that marks the beginning and make its way along the 65 mi. (105 km) seabed pipe-
of the TAP at the border to Turkey. The TAPs landfall in line from Albania to Italy.
Albania will be 10.5 mi. (17 km) northwest of Fier, up to The SGT-400 is a twin-shaft gas turbine available in
1300 ft. (400 m) inland from the shoreline. Another three two different power ratings 18,000 hp (13.4 MW) and
units will be installed in this compressor station. Here, the 20,000 hp (14.9 MW) for mechanical drive applications.
natural gas will be compressed to up to 1885 psi (130 bar) The twin-shaft arrangement allows for commonality of parts
continued on page 22
in mixed-duty installations. According to Siemens, the gas the casing shell without the need to remove process gas
turbine offers the highest efficiency in its power class, incor- piping. They also adopt adjustable inlet guide vanes (IGV)
porating the latest aerodynamic and combustion technolo- in front of the first impeller for better turndown and part-load
gies, and it is suitable for all climates, both for onshore and efficiencies in certain applications.
offshore installations. As far as the TAP project is concerned, Siemens said the
According to Siemens, this industrial gas turbine main- project requirements for design pressure and head exceed-
tains robustness, flexibility and long-life advantages of ed typical pipeline compressor design criteria. Siemens used
the traditional industrial gas turbine, translating into low its standardized vertical split compressor casing design to
performance degradation over time and extended main- meet the project design criteria, with utilization of pipeline
tenance intervals. high-efficiency design features. As a result, the tailor-made
For the TAP project, Siemens fitted the gas turbines with compressor has very high efficiency.
an enhanced filtration system, using HEPA filters. Siemens According to Siemens, the STC-SV 08-4-A has an ef-
claims these filters will reduce performance degradation ficiency among the best that can be obtained for this type
due to gas turbine compressor fouling and will extend gas of service. Also, for given operating conditions, the driver
turbine compressor washing interval (for example, the typi- is able to satisfy the compression duties across the life of
cal cold wash downtime can be reduced from 136 to 16 the project, taking into account the degradation for nor-
hours per year). mal usage and wear.
The Siemens Turbocompressor series, which have a Siemens project team for the TAP order said that project
single shaft and vertically split casing (STC-SV), realize a requirements, as well as capital and operational costs and
discharge pressure up to 14,500 psi (1000 bar) and are de- availability, have been taken into account in selecting the
signed to compress gases of any molecular weight, but are compressor and driver. Siemens has been able to identify
optimized for those with low molecular weight, Siemens said. a solution where compressor and gas turbine designs for
These barrell-type compressors feature internals as- both Greek and Albanian stations are the same. This has
sembled into a bundle to allow easy axial removing from a big cost and risk reduction potential for the customer, as
continued on page 24
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spare parts are interchangeable for all units on both sites, impact. At 546 mi. (878 km) long, the TAPs highest eleva-
Siemens said. tion will be 5905 ft. (1800 m) in the mountains of Albania,
The compressor train is controlled by the unit control while its lowest depth offshore will be 2690 ft. (820 m) be-
panel (UCP), which already includes features for the re- neath the Adriatic Sea.
quired remote diagnostic so no additional hardware provi- Anticipating future needs, TAPs developers integrated
sion shall be considered. This system will also be able to flexibility into the pipeline design to accommodate fu-
support troubleshooting and trending. ture gas volumes. The TAPs initial capacity of 353 Bcf
The TAP will open up the so-called Southern Gas Corri- (9.9 x 109 m3) of gas per year is equivalent to the energy
dor for Europe that will transport natural gas from the Shah consumption of approximately 7 million households in Eu-
Deniz II field in Azerbaijan in the Caspian Sea to Europe. rope. In the future, the addition of two extra compres-
Connecting with the TANAP at the Greek-Turkish border sor stations could double throughput to more than 706 Bcf
at Kipoi, then crossing Greece, Albania and the Adriatic (19.9 x 109 m3) as additional energy supplies come on-
Sea, the TAP will come ashore in southern Italy. The land- stream in the wider Caspian region.
fall in Italy provides multiple opportunities to transport the The pipeline will also have a physical reverse flow fea-
natural gas to large European markets such as Germany, ture, allowing gas from Italy to be diverted to Southeastern
France and the U.K., the TAP consortium said. Europe if energy supplies are disrupted or more pipeline
The TAP project is in its construction phase, which start- capacity is required to bring additional gas into the region,
ed earlier in 2016; the pipeline is expected to begin operat- the TAP consortium said.
ing in late 2019. Along its route, the TAP can facilitate connections to
The TAP consortiums shareholders are major energy a number of existing and proposed pipelines, ensuring
companies SOCAR, Snam, BP, Fluxys, Enags and Axpo. that the southern gas corridor opens up to many different
The shareholders said the TAP pipelines route was chosen energy markets. This will enable the delivery of Caspian
with great care to ensure the best commercial and technical gas to destinations throughout Southeastern, Central and
possibilities and cause minimum environmental and social Western Europe. CT2
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n April, the INGAA Foundation released a report that structure Through 2035: Leaning into the Headwinds, spe-
summarizes a new study that projects as much as cifically analyzes the potential impact of reduced oil and gas
US$597 billion of new infrastructure investment is fore- prices and factors in the uncertainty of the economic outlook.
cast for the 2015 through 2035 period, with about 60% going As with previous studies, the impact of midstream infrastruc-
into natural gas infrastructure. A 2014 INGAA Foundation ture investments on jobs and the economy is also evaluated.
study projected significant infrastructure development, driv- In the context of this analysis, midstream infrastructure in-
en by robust market growth and continued development of cludes: (1) natural gas gathering and lease equipment, pro-
North American unconventional natural gas and crude oil cessing, pipeline transportation and storage, and LNG ex-
supplies. However, market conditions changed dramatically port facilities; (2) NGL pipeline transportation, fractionation
over the past two years, warranting an updated analysis of and export facilities; and (3) crude oil gathering and lease
infrastructure development. equipment, pipeline transportation and storage facilities.
The 2016 study, conducted by ICF International, was
undertaken with recent market changes in mind. Like past Natural Gas Market Scenarios
studies, it focuses on estimating future natural gas, natural Significant factors that affect midstream infrastructure de-
gas liquids (NGL) and oil midstream requirements, and the velopment remain in question as a result of sustained low
potential capital expenditures associated with that develop- oil and natural gas prices, an uncertain global and domestic
ment. The resulting report, North American Midstream Infra- economic outlook and the pace at which public policy will
continued on page 28
Streamline procurement, reduce costs and maximize the See Us At Gas Machinery
reliability of your reciprocating compression assets with Conference Booth 341
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n Figure 2. High and Low Case natural gas demand assumptions underlying the INGAA Foundation North American midstream
infrastructure study.
affect energy markets. Therefore, the study considers two Key oil and gas production assumptions are summarized
distinct scenarios a High Case and a Low Case (Figure 1) in Figure 4. In both cases, natural gas production is forecast
each reflecting very different pathways for supply growth to grow continually through the next two decades (Figure 5).
and market development. Shale production will drive new growth, while, in aggregate,
The High Case is characterized as a plausibly optimistic conventional sources will decline.
case for midstream infrastructure development. It assumes Rounding out the supply-demand picture, NGL produc-
a rebound in global economic activity that spurs increased tion is forecast to generally track natural gas production be-
use of natural gas and oil over time and fosters a more cause a substantial portion of new natural gas production
robust pricing environment for oil and gas supply develop- has a relatively high liquids content. Growth of oil production,
ment. The Low Case is a less sanguine projection in which however, will be much less pronounced due to low oil prices.
a slower global economic recovery reduces the need for In the Low Case, crude oil and condensate production is
oil and gas development. The Low Case also assumes projected to decline from 13.4 MMbbl/d in 2015 to 10.7
more robust penetration of energy efficiency and nongas MMbbl/d in 2035 due to lower oil prices (Figure 6). In the
resources to support future power generation. Key assump- High Case, oil and condensate production is expected to
tions driving natural gas demand for the two cases are sum- be relatively flat over the forecast period.
marized in Figure 2.
The report shows a vibrant natural gas market in the future, Continued Natural Gas Infrastructure
and therefore the need for additional midstream infrastructure Development Needed
to deliver affordable natural gas to consumers. The market The study clearly demonstrates that a significant level of
growth projected for each case differs greatly as shown in new infrastructure is needed despite the market changes
Figure 3. The Low Case projects that natural gas use rises that have occurred during the past few years. Even the Low
from just over 90 Bcfd (2.5 x 109 m3/d) in 2015 to only 110 Case, which shows statistics between 20 and 30% lower
Bcfd (3.1 x 109 m3/d) by 2035, while the High Case projects than those in the High Case, requires significant infrastruc-
growth to over 130 Bcfd (3.7 x 109 m3/d) by 2035. The most ture development, particularly to accommodate continued
noticeable difference in the trends is in the power sector, production growth and to facilitate the development of LNG
where the Low Case assumes lower electricity demand and Mexican exports. Nevertheless, each of the studys
growth, greater energy efficiency and more significant pen- cases shows less natural gas infrastructure development
etration of nongas generating resources. when compared with the 2014 study.
n Figure 3. The study projects that U.S. and Canadian annual average natural gas demand in the Low Case will increase from just over
90 Bcfd (2.5 x 109 m3/d) in 2015 to 110 Bcfd (3.1 x 109 m3/d) by 2035. The High Case projects growth to over 130 Bcfd (3.7 x 109 m3/d).
On the supply side, the study assumes that shale gas though fewer miles of pipe are required in the future, invest-
production growth remains robust, motivating development ment in new gas pipelines remains significant because of
of natural gas infrastructure in spite of the fact that both continued production growth from low-cost production areas
of the new studys scenarios project lower well completions like the Marcellus and Utica Shales. On balance, the new
than the 2014 study. While new midstream infrastructure is study concludes that incremental production from low-cost
needed, it is less than was anticipated by the 2014 study, as areas tends to offset declines in activity elsewhere.
both the number and scale of projects declines from the level Over the next two decades, the U.S. and Canadian natu-
of activity that has occurred during the past five years. Even ral gas transportation capacity addition is projected at 44
continued on page 30
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Production Assumptions
Oil and Gas Production
INGAA High Case (Optimistic) INGAA Low Case (Less Optimistic)
Totals 000 Tcf, (1.1 x 1017 m3), of which
60% is shale gas resource; on
U.S. And Canadian Developable Resource development less robust due
average, 1000 Tcf (2.8 x 1016 m3)
Resource Base to relatively low capital investment.
of gas resources is developable
below $4 per MMBtu.
LNG Imports
LNG imports continue at existing terminals, but at minimal levels.
n Figure 4. High and Low Case natural gas and liquids production assumptions underlying the INGAA Foundation North American
midstream infrastructure study.
Projected U.S. and Canadian Natural Gas Production (Average Annual Bcfd)
n Figure 5. The study projects that shale will continue to dominate natural gas (average annual Bcfd) production for the next two decades,
as other sources continue to decline.
to 58 Bcfd (1.2 to 1.6 x 109 m3/d) for the two cases, with a sion from 2015 through 2035. Figure 7 summarizes the
midpoint value of 51 Bcfd (1.4 x 109 m3/d). NGL capacity ad- metrics for natural gas infrastructure development for both
dition is projected to be 1.1 to 2.3 MMbbl/d, with a midpoint cases. More than 800,000 well completions are needed be-
of 1.7 MMbbl/d. Oil pipeline capacity addition is projected at tween 2015 and 2035 in the High Case, and nearly 700,000
4.5 to 6.9 MMbbl/d, with a midpoint value of 5.7 MMbbl/d. completions in the Low Case. About 70% of these are ex-
The study reports key metrics for infrastructure expan- pected to be oil wells, with the rest being gas wells.
n Figure 6. Total U.S. and Canadian liquids (MMbbl/d) production are projected to essentially level off in 2016 in the Low Case or in 2026
in the High Case. Natural gas liquid production will increase in both cases.
Between 30,000 and 48,000 mi. (48,281 to 77,249 km) 18,000 and 29,000 mi. (28,969 to 46,672 km) of this amount.
of new pipeline will be needed for gas, oil, and NGL trans- The compression equipment for the new gas transmission
port. New natural gas transmission lines account for between lines will range from 4.3 to 6.2 million hp (3.2 to 4.6 million kW).
continued on page 32
Natural Gas Infrastructure Metrics
High High Low Low Average Average
Case, Case Case, Case Annual Annual
2015- Average 2015- Average Change Change
2035 Annual 2035 Annual (Low vs. (%, Low
High) vs. High)
Miles Of Transmission Mainline (1000s) 15.6 0.7 9.2 0.4 -0.3 -41%
Miles Of Gas Gathering Line (1000s) 179.3 8.5 149.8 7.1 -1.4 -16%
Compression For Pipelines (1000 hp) 6205 295 4252 202 -93 -31%
Compression For Gathering Line (1000 hp) 9726 463 7628 363 -100 -22%
LNG Export Facilities (Bcfd) 12.0 0.6 10.6 0.5 -0.1 -12%
n Figure 7. The INGAA Foundation 2015 to 2035 infrastructure expansion study forecasts a number of industry metrics. Included is a
forecast of 4.3 to 6.2 million hp (3.2 to 4.6 million kW) of compression equipment required for new gas transmission lines and an additional
7.6 to 9.7 million hp (5.7 to 7.2 million kW) required for new gas gathering.
Between 234,000 and 281,000 mi. (376,591 and from US$183 billion to US$282 billion. Most of this activity is
452,231 km) of new gas and oil gathering line are project- associated with natural gas development, with much less in-
ed to collect incremental production from between 682,000 vestment for oil and NGL-related assets. Development in the
and 823,000 new oil and gas wells. The compression equip- Low Case averages about US$5 to US$10 billion per year
ment needed for new gas gathering will range from 7.6 to less than development in the High Case. The study included
9.7 million hp (5.7 to 7.2 million kW). an estimated incremental expenditure of US$24 billion over
the 20-year period for integrity management and NOx control
Expansion Rate Projected To Slow as part of the total expenditure on pipelines.
After Period Of Exceptional Growth About 30% of the future investment occurs in transmission
The studys cases show that capital expenditure (CAPEX) pipeline development, with the majority being spent for gas
for new midstream infrastructure will range from US$471 bil- pipelines. Nearly 90% of transmission pipeline expenditure is
lion to US$621 billion over the next 20 years, or an annual for the pipeline itself, with the remainder being spent on com-
average expenditure of US$22.5 to US$30.0 billion per year. pression and pumping. Investment for gathering systems is
Investment in pipelines, including transmission and gathering also very significant, at about 20% of total investment.
lines and compression and pumping, is projected to range As shown in Figure 8, even though continued infrastructure
n Figure 8. Annual capital expenditures (three-year spread, US billion $) for new infrastructure in High and Low Cases are projected to
peak in 2016 and then settle at much lower annual levels after 2019.
continued on page 34
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continued on page xx
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development is significant, future mid- The top 10 states in the U.S. for by Marcellus/Utica development and
stream development will be less than it employment gains resulting from mid- Louisianas growth related to LNG ex-
has been recently. This is because the stream investment are projected to be port facility development.
market has undergone a very robust Texas, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, Ohio, About 40 to 50% of the natural gas
period of development (i.e., US$40 to California, New York, Oklahoma, Illi- capacity addition originates in the U.S.
US$50 billion of annual investment) nois, Kansas and West Virginia. Texas Northeast, driven by Marcellus and
between 2010 and 2015, with aggres- will have the most significant job cre- Utica Shale development. Significant
sive development of unconventional ation as a result of LNG export activ- capacity is also expected in the U.S.
resources. Continued buildout of gas, ity and shale gas and tight oil devel- Southwest, mostly associated with
oil, and NGL infrastructure is projected opment. Pennsylvania and Louisiana LNG and Mexican export activity. A
through 2016 with many pipelines al- will have similar levels of employment, significant amount of natural gas pipe-
ready under construction. with Pennsylvanias job creation driven line development is projected to oc-
cur during the next five years, with a
noticeable drop after 2020, especially
in the Low Case where continued
market growth is projected to be quite
modest. From 2017 through 2020,
DESIGNED Marcellus and Utica transport capac-
LUBRICANTS. ity is projected to increase by roughly
12 Bcfd (0.34 x 109 m3/d) in the High
Case, with substantial increases in ca-
BE THE BEST. pacity to support natural gas exports.
After that, from 2020 through 2035,
roughly 15 Bcfd (0.42 x 109 m3/d) of
incremental capacity will be built
Tulcos Lubsoil Synthetic LPG-WS and LPG-WI across North America about 1 Bcfd
Lubricants provide optimal performance and better (0.03 x 109 m3/d) per year in the High
equipment protection compared to any other lubricant Case, mostly to satisfy growth in gas-
on the market. Our field tested and formulated fired power generation. With gas-fired
products are proven to save downtime and money, all generation growth being much more
while increasing your compressors productivity. Tulcos modest in the Low Case, only about
synthetic lubricants offer: half of the natural gas capacity added
after 2020 in the High Case is included
Reduced gas solubility leading to extended lubricant life in the Low Case.
Improved compressor efficiency and wear protection A large portion of oil-related pipe-
line capacity (3.3 MMbbl/d was con-
Superior performance in vapor recovery compressors
structed and was placed into service
Excellent performance in H2S and CO2 rich or heavy
by late 2015. Most, if not all of the oil
gas compression
projects to be commissioned in 2016
are likely to be completed, as they
Tulco Oils has been a top-rated global marketer for are already under construction. How-
decades, and manufactures petroleum, semi-synthetic ever, due to delays, some projects
and full synthetic Lubsoil brand lubricants. We may not come online until 2017. In
offer quality products with high-tech support each case, only very modest (or no)
and comprehensive service. No oil pipeline development is expected
matter the challenge you have to occur after 2017.
with your compressor, the Tulco Formed in 1990 by the Interstate Nat-
team will have a solution. ural Gas Association of America, the
INGAA Foundation works to advance
the use of natural gas for the benefit
of the environment and the consum-
WWW.TULCO.COM ing public. The Foundation completes
a number of reports and studies each
(800) 375-2347 year and establishes safety guidelines
for pipeline construction, operation and
employee safety. CT2
Caterpillar is a trademark of Caterpillar Inc. Solar and Spartan are trademarks of Solar Turbines Incorporated.
Specifications subject to change without notice. 2016 Solar Turbines Incorporated. All rights reserved.
Big Gains Come In Small Packages
The VoreconNX Is Designed For Efficiency in Low-Power Applications
1 2 3 4
n The VoreconNX is designed for efficiency in low power applications and complete customizability.
oith Turbo Inc. has added to its Vorecon line of 2. Torque Converter
variable-speed planetary gears with a new offering 3. Planetary Gear
tailored for applications up to 13,400 hp (10 MW).
4. Parallel Shaft Gear
According to Ron Wilson, president, Americas, Power,
Oil and Gas, Voith Turbo Inc., Voith began selling Vorecon
machines in the United States in 1999. Since then, com-
pressor power has generally increased, as has the size of portfolio across the complete power range for compressors
Vorecon machines to keep pace with those needs. How- and pipeline applications.
ever, the very recent past has presented new application While current Vorecons can be tailored for and are in use
needs and challenges for Voith customers. in low-power applications, Voith claims the NX is not just
If you go back two or three years ago, our customers a scaled-down model of their existing drives as it boasts
were telling us that they needed something that would up to 8% higher efficiency at part load over previous mod-
better fit into this 3 to 10 MW (4000 to 13,400 hp) pow- els. Christoph Meyenberg, product manager, Geared Hy-
er class, Wilson said. He attributed these needs to in- drodynamic Variable Speed Drives, said this gain is ac-
creased shale gas production and its associated gather- complished primarily by the innovation of adjustable pump
ing and boosting requirements. blades and guide vanes on a new actually based on a
Some of our major pipeline customers were still looking principle from the 1960s counter-rotational torque con-
for 15,000, 20,000, 30,000 hp (11.2, 14.9, 22.4 MW) Vore- verter design.
cons, but they were also looking for a 5000, 7000, 12,000 The NX is located in the driveline, between the drive motor
hp (3.7, 5.2, 9 MW) Vorecon, Wilson said. That was the and the driven machine. According to Voith, the input shaft
thinking behind the VoreconNX to broaden our product is connected to the planet carrier of the planetary gear. This
telling us that adjusting the gear ratio of the parallel shaft gear. Adjustable
they needed guide vanes at the pump wheel control the liquid flow in the
torque converter and determine the speed of the turbine
something that wheel, allowing the speed of the driven machine to be com-
pletely customizable.
would better fit Customers will be able to choose any condition monitor-
ing systems they would like Voith to install. Depending on
n An IMBU accelerometer is fastened to an Ariel JGJ:2 compressor as part of an operation in Kazakhstan. IMBUs accelerometer features
IP68 ingress protection and can operate in temperatures ranging from -58 to 250F (-50 to 121C).
ert Dam will never forget a particular phone call he Six years later, Dam does not worry about those phone
received in 2010. When a customer called to in- calls. Now, he can reach out to customers well before a
quire about a problem with a compressor set, Dam problem arises, thanks to IMBU condition monitoring tech-
didnt have an answer. nology designed to bring connectivity to equipment in harsh
Dam, co-founder of MSI Kazakhstan, a local GE Waukesha and remote locations.
and Ariel distributor, was responsible for managing several op- Even if these assets are in tough places, we are still fully
eration and maintenance contracts speckled across Central up to speed on their operating conditions, he said. My
Asia, all in remote areas. On that day, he was thousands of team is able to peek into the operating conditions of a
kilometers away without the means to assess the situation. customers equipment. They can do that anywhere, such as
You should be able to tell the customer whats up, Dam at an airport on an iPad.
said. We had to have a detailed monitoring system avail- IMBU BV, a Netherlands-based company, is the creator
able, which worked reliably under extreme conditions. of the condition monitoring technology, which includes the
continued on page 40
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n The H20 angle-encoder provides n The IMBU iPad app allows users to access data on compressor sets. It also
720 cycles per turn. provides offline access to stored data.
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other equipment data through Modbus TCP, Modbus erometers, offering calculations of RMS and peak-to-peak vibration in multiple
RTU, J1939, HART or through digital or analog signals. frequency bands.
2016 SNC-Lavalin.
n A waterfall diagram allows
users to view multiple streams of
data at once, as well as focus on
particular excerpts to identify and
resolve equipment problems.
isolate a portion of the data stream and identify causes and streams from several sources at their disposal. That
problems, Dam said. type of cross referencing, one type of data set to another
We embed data in a contextual environment, he said. type of data set, is a very powerful tool to understand root
It allows the user to quickly navigate and understand causes, he said.
where hes at. He added that the user has multiple data IMBUs products are not untested. One of the companys
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With all that has changed in six years, Dam has his own n Epoxy Grout n Casting Repair
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you save varies by brand. We have seen OEM prices upwards KB Delta has dedicated years to the developmental and
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Sullair Rotary Screw Compressors
For Oil And Gas Applications
Once best known for air compressors, now one of the most
extensive gas compressor lines in the industry
n This Bidell Equipment package employs a Sullair model PDR25X rotary screw compressor driven by a 400 hp (298 kW) gas engine in
a housed compressor package ready for a cold weather gas booster package application.
ince its founding in 1965, Michigan City, Ind.-based for vapor recovery, gas gathering, landfill gas recovery, coal
Sullair established its reputation as a prominent manu- bed methane, wellhead compression, sweet and sour pro-
facturer of portable and stationary air compressors cess gas, fuel gas boosting, mineral exploration, water well
used on job sites and in industrial facilities around the drilling, geothermal energy access and blast hole drilling.
world. Lesser-known is the companys efforts in applying its With its Michigan City roots, Sullair today boasts a global
technology to other markets. presence as a leading supplier of dependable rotary screw
Sullair entered the refrigeration market with its C series of compressors to OEMs (original equpiment manufacturers)
compressors in the early 1970s. Around the same time, it for gas compressor packages, drilling equipment and cus-
became also one of the first if not the first manufactur- tomized air compressor packages throughout the world,
ers to explore the adaptation of rotary screw compressors said Brian Tylisz, vice president, Oil-Free and OEM, at Sul-
for natural gas compression. lair. Sullair has a strong, dedicated oil and gas team, and
Over the ensuing decades, Sullair has expanded its focus weve invested in growing our presence in these markets.
on gas compression, to the point to where it now offers what Sullair OEM gas compressor models, commonly called
is possibly the most extensive product line of any gas com- gas ends, are the PDH, PDR, PDX and C series. Togeth-
pressor manufacturer. Sullair has a broad range of products er, they comprise the widest range of natural gas screw
continued on page 50
As you have come to expect, Dresser-Rand provides safe, equipment with a universe of intelligent solutions and one
reliable and efficient rotating equipment for nearly every of the worlds largest technical support and service center
application in the oil and gas market. networks. We offer more choiceswhere you need us
all from a single supplier.
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The new Dresser-Rand business now has expanded So what can you expect from us? High-quality products
resources and more experience as a member of the global and services that turn longer run times for your equipment
Siemens family. The Dresser-Rand business combines into an everyday experience. This, combined with local
one of the industrys most extensive portfolios of rotating around-the-clock support, is the new standard.
compressor types and options offered in the market,
with thousands of units in operation and with some in-
dividual units running for well over 20 years.
High-pressure gas ends include the PDH12 and PCC
series. The PDH12 series includes two internally geared
models and one direct drive model that deliver flows
from 108 to 385 cfm (3.1 to 10.9 m3/min) with pressure
ratings of 400 to 500 psig (27.6 to 34.5 bar). The direct
drive PCC series includes six 400 psig (27.6 bar) mod-
els from the PCC16L to the PCC25L covering a flow
range of 223 to 857 cfm (6.3 to 24.3 m3/min). The line
is rounded out by the large 300 psig (20.7 bar) PCC40L
model with rated flow up to 3527 cfm (99.9 m3/min).
All models in the PCC series are equipped with
slide valves for capacity and volume index (VI) con-
trol. All C series have an economizer port designed
n This JJ Crewe skidded compressor package includes a Sullair model for energy savings and to help prevent flash gas in
PC25L rotary screw compressor driven by a 3600 rpm electric motor the evaporator.
for fuel gas boosting. Low-pressure gas ends include the PDX and PDR
series. The 200 psig (13.8 bar) PDX series includes
seven internally geared drive models that deliver flows
from 72 to 2329 cfm (2.0 to 66.0 m3/min). Models in
the PDR series have a spiral valve for capacity control
and include five internally geared and four direct-drive
models that cover a flow range of 423 to 3292 cfm (12.0
to 93.2 m3/min). The PDR series is rated at 200 psig
(13.8 bar), except for the largest PDR32 models, which
are rated at 100 psig (6.9 bar).
Sullair also offers air and drill compressors for the
oil and gas industry. Low pressure, single-stage drill
compressor kits cover a flow range of 110 to 3600 cfm
(3.1 to 101.9 m3/min) with pressure ratings of 100 to
200 psig (6.9 to 13.8 bar). High-pressure, two-stage
drill compressors cover a flow range of 600 to 1800 cfm
(17.0 to 51.0 m3/min) with pressure ratings of 350 to
n Engineered for a digester gas application, this JJ Crewe package 500 psig (24.1 to 34.5 bar). The company also offers
employs a Sullair model PDR32 rotary screw compressor driven by an a line of 400 psig (27.6 bar) T-tank receiver tanks and
1800 rpm electric motor in a housed compressor package. 400 to 600 psig (27.6 to 17.0 bar) vertical tanks.
Sullair PDH12-DD, PDH12-G1 and PDH12-G2
high-pressure models and PDX10-GD, PDX12,
PDX16, PDX20L, PDR20X and PDR25L-DD low-
pressure gas ends are commonly used for vapor re-
covery applications, said Hal Burke, director of sales,
OEM Solutions, adding that Sullair will soon extend
its vapor recovery compressor line-up with a smaller
PDX8 model once development testing concludes.
Screw compressor casings are heavy-duty, double-
wall, cast-iron construction designed to provide struc-
tural rigidity, pressure integrity and low noise. Several
built-in volume ratios are available to offer a range of
pressure ratios to meet specific application require-
ments. Capacity controls are an option offered via slide
valves on the PCC series and spiral valves on the other
n This Euro Gas Systems package includes a Sullair model PC40L series. These controls allow gases that have been only
rotary screw compressor driven by a Caterpillar engine for wellhead slightly compressed to bypass back into the compressor
compression applications. inlet or suction. With the spiral valve, capacity can be
continued on page 52
Thats impressive.
[email protected] www.prognost.com
manually or automatically controlled down to as low as
50% of full-load working capacity. With the slide valve,
capacity can be controlled down to 10% of full capacity.
Compressor rotors have precision-ground asymmet-
ric profiles that are designed to deliver an optimal com-
bination of capacity and power. Male rotor tip speeds
range from 49 to 164 fps (15 to 50 m/s). Anti-friction
roller bearings, which absorb both thrust and radial
loads, are manufactured from all-steel (i.e., no plastic
or yellow metal) construction. Mechanical shaft seals
are constructed from high-temperature metallized car-
bon with tungsten facing and Viton elastomers to meet
n The internally geared Sullair model PDX16 is one of twelve 200 psig the critical standards for process gas applications.
(13.8 bar) and four 100 psig (6.9 bar) gas ends that cover a flow range These seals are flange mounted for easy maintenance
of 72 to 3292 cfm (2.0 to 93.2 m3/min). All models include a spiral valve and oil-cooled for long life.
that permits up to 50% turndown in capacity. American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA)
Class 11 gears allow for a variety of internal gear ratios
on many of the models that can be selected for appli-
cation optimization and operation economy. The input
shaft can be easily adapted and coupled to natural gas
or diesel engines, 1800 or 3600 rpm electric motors or
variable speed drives with either keyed, mechanical
locking or shrink-fitted coupling hubs. Available flywheel
or base-mounted adapters offer a convenient means to
match up the compressor with the driver.
Casings for all process gas and refrigeration com-
pressors are hydrostatically tested at 1.5 times the
maximum allowable working pressure. Complete com-
pressors are performance tested on open-loop air be-
fore shipment.
The SullPerCal application program allows packag-
ers to select the appropriate Sullair compressor and
generate a tabulation of its performance at the specified
n The Sullair PDH12 series includes two geared and one direct drive operating condition. Authorized packagers for Sullair
gas ends that deliver flows from 108 to 385 cfm (3.1 to 10.9 m3/min) screw compressors in oil and gas applications include
with pressure ratings of 400 to 500 psi (27.6 to 34.5 bar). Bidell Equipment LP, JJ Crewe & Son Inc., Enerflex
Ltd., Exterran Corp., Foremost/Brahma Compression,
JW Power Co., ProPak Corp., and Sage Energy Corp.
In addition to manufacturing and service, Sullair is
involved in educating future engineers.
We are involved in the Gas Compressor Associa-
tion and the Compressed Air and Gas Institute, and
we have participated in a number of trade shows
this year, said Steven Mueller, sales engineer, OEM
products. We are also helping our industry build for
the future by supporting college compression train-
ing programs. Earlier this year, Sullair donated screw
compressor cutaways to the compression training
programs at Oklahoma State Universitys Institute of
Technology and at Zane State College in Ohio.
Since 2012, Sullair has been an operating division
n The Sullair model PCC25L is one of six 400 psig (27.6 bar) direct drive of Accudyne Industries, Inc. In 2015, Sullair celebrated
gas ends covering a flow range of 223 to 857 cfm (6.3 to 24.3 m3/min). The its 50th anniversary, manufacturing well over 300,000
line is rounded out with the large 300 psig (20.7 bar) PCC40L model with rotary screw compressors since its founding. A global
a rated flow up to 3527 cfm (99.9 m3/min). All models in the PCC series distribution network backs Sullair compressors with lo-
are equipped with slide valves for capacity and volume index (VI) control. cations on six continents and in 75 countries. CT2
- Testing Equ
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CMap Proteo
CENTRIFUGAL COMPRESSOR Monitoring and Antisurge Systems
Dutch fund DIF and an EDF-owned
Synthetic Lubricants
fund have jointly agreed to acquire
northwest German gas grid Thyssen- Save Money and
gas from Australias Macquarie. The Protect Equipment
price was not disclosed, but Reuters
has reported that it would be around
700 million. Come see us at the...
Thyssengas owns 2610 mi. (4200 km) Turbo/Pump Symposium
of gas transportation pipelines that serve Booth #1618
industrial and municipal customers in
North-Rhine-Westphalia. It is regulated
Summit synthetic gas compressor lubricants are formulated and
by Bundesnetzagentur, Germanys net-
works agency. field tested to eliminate many of your serious gas compressor
Thyssengas was among a number of problems. Each gas compressor application has its own unique
European gas grids offered up for sale.
set of operating parameters and issues. Summit offers a variety
Macquarie bought Thyssengas five
years ago from Germanys RWE. of synthetic lubricant base stocks to solve these issues. Summit
Synthetic gas compressor lubricants will increase productivity with
minimal downtime. Call Summit today and reduce your lubricant-
Harsco Corp. received an order for 12
gas compression coolers for a gas-fired related operating and maintenance costs.
compressor station in southeast Texas.
Harscos Industrial Air-X-Chargers/ Free technical support...We Can Help!
Hammco business will fulfill the order,
the terms of which were not disclosed.
The compressor station will be built
along a 66 mi. (106 km), 36 in. (91.4 cm)
diameter pipeline in southeast Texas, Quality Service Expertise
providing up to 1.54 Bcf (43.6 x 106 m3)
of natural gas to a large LNG facility in 800.749.5823
the Gulf of Mexico. www.klsummit.com www.sublimedescaler.com 903.534.8021
Torrance, California USA
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ROI Calculations For Online
Condition Monitoring Systems
What to consider when determining how much protection is worthwhile
ontinuous condition monitoring (CM) is vital for support based on the customers system data and cuts
assets that run continuously, perform critical func- travel expenses to the plant location, which is particularly
tions, have grave failure consequences, are expen- important for offshore applications such as floating produc-
sive to maintain, and pose a safety risk to both personnel tion storage and offloading (FPSO) vessels and liquefied
and the environment should a failure occur. natural gas (LNG) carriers.
A Worthwhile Investment?
Condition monitoring can substantially reduce the cost of consequence by avoid-
ing catastrophic failures and reducing the frequency of incidents by providing real-
time and continuous diagnoses of bad actors and all relevant components.
The risk of machine failures has several severity steps that need to be considered
when starting the ROI calculations: normal loss (cost for production loss and main-
tenance campaigns during scheduled shutdowns), probable maximum loss (cost
for massive maintenance or new machine with associated production losses) and
maximum possible loss (massive machine damage, loss of product, health, safety
and environment (HSE) issues, environmental pollution, fire, business interruption).
When it comes to the financial justification of investments in CM, many
studies assume the system is perfect and will always inform the user ahead of
any impending failure. However, this is not always the case, and false alarms
and missed failures will produce costs. These imperfections and their effects
on operation and maintenance must be part of the equations as the payback
periods increase.
When investing in a predictive maintenance system, two methods of assessing
the economic incentives can be used. The first is the payback period, which gives
information as to whether the system pays for itself within a defined period of time.
The result is expressed in time (years, months).
In both cases, operators have to precisely sum all costs and efforts associated
with each detected failure to perform the equations. Adding up the investment is
easy. More challenging, but equally important, is the realistic calculation of the
benefits earned from the CM system.
Four categories of benefits should be considered:
One is lost production, which is perhaps the most difficult cost to determine.
However, on average, reduced downtime is responsible for 60 to 70% of a com-
panys savings in this regard. These savings will depend on the type of machine
in question. Consider, for example, a machine that produces US$10,000 worth
of product per hour. By preventing a bearing failure on this machine, you could
eliminate 5 hours of downtime and a US$50,000 loss in production.
Second is labor. These savings are easily calculated by checking the par-
ticular machines repair records in the previous year. The number of hours
continued on page 60
spent on planned and unscheduled repairs gives a realistic indication of how
much time a company can save after implementing the CM system.
Another factor is spare parts. The machines maintenance records are a good
way to determine the cost of replacement parts such as valves, bearings, and gears.
Last is drive power consumption. This factor is a little harder to evaluate be-
cause it is not typically included in maintenance records. But improving machine
efficiency can substantially reduce drive energy cost.
The rate at which companies recover an investment in CM depends on fac-
tors such as the type of products manufactured, the amount of experienced
downtime, and how well they implement and use the system. In some cases, a
company can recover its investment in monitoring equipment and training within
months after initial start-up. Within a year, they can obtain as much as a four to
five times ROI. Some full-scale CM systems can pay for themselves if they can
help prevent only one high-damage failure on a reciprocating machine.
Experience shows that a CM ROI is reached especially quickly if the sys-
tem is implemented during the initial start-up of new machinery or after major
overhauls or process changes.
In other cases, there may be little or no return during the first few months; in
fact, maintenance costs may increase during these early months because many
new, unknown issues are identified, diagnosed and corrected in a short time
period. Once these initial problems are corrected, however, maintenance costs
drop dramatically and remain low.
If the system is not providing a return after several months, a re-evaluation of
its implementation might be necessary, and some adjustments may be needed.
Areas which might need refining include:
The training of system users.
The proper adjustment of all warning thresholds.
The full utilization of all system features and capabilities.
Determining whether diagnostic outputs are delivered to the correct destina-
tions so they are not ignored.
Finally, operators must build confidence in the notifications and diagnostic re-
sults issued by the system. When the system detects an uncritical-yet-unusual,
wear development, operators should not immediately stop production and open
the machine. Instead, they should have an eye on the trend data and keep the
machine running as long as possible, that is, until the next scheduled shutdown.
However, it has been shown that brand new parts and components fail in the
first hours of operation. In this case, an immediate stop might be necessary to
avoid consequential damages. This is what condition-based maintenance is all
about: taking action only when required.
Control Systems For Centrifugal
Compressors (Part 2)
Anti-surge valve requirements, recycle piping considerations
essential to ensure proper surge control
iping systems around the compressor must be de-
signed to minimize the volume in the compressor
discharge between the compressor discharge
flange, the inlet of the anti-surge valve and the non-return
(check) valve as much as possible. Large gas volumes
act as energy storage, slowing recycle response times and
increasing the risk of damage to the compressor.
Often the degree of damage to the compressor during
surge depends on the volume of gas in the compressor dis- n Figure 6. Discharge volume.
charge. The relationship is pretty straightforward: the higher
the volume, the longer it will take to pass back through the Recycle coolers installed downstream of the anti-surge
compressor, and consequently, the greater the risk of dam- valve are preferred to minimize the discharge volume. A
age to the compressor internals. The most effective way cooler in the recycle loop allows continuous recycle opera-
to prevent or stop a surge cycle is a fast reduction in dis- tion when needed. Compressor discharge coolers are used
charge pressure. With that in mind, below are some design at some installations to save the cost of a dedicated recycle
practices for a recycle piping system. cooler. This, however, adds significant discharge volume to
Minimize the volume in the compressor discharge by the system, which compromises surge protection.
locating the recycle takeoff as close to the discharge Before deciding to install a cooler upstream of the anti-
flange as possible, installing a check valve directly after surge valve, hydrocarbon and water dew points should be
the recycle take off and locating the recycle valve close to checked to ensure there is no potential for two-phase flow
the recycle takeoff. If possible, the recycle valve should through the valve that can cause erosion of the valve seat.
be located within five pipe diameters from recycle take- Liquid condensate must be removed before it enters the
off. Figure 6 highlights the discharge volume that needs compressor suction by installing a suction knockout drum
to be minimized. downstream of the recycle cooler and upstream of the
Noise and turbulence of the gas flow at the recycle valve compressor suction. The knockout drum should be sized to
should be assessed before finalizing its location in the re- handle process flow and both cold and hot recycle flows if a
cycle loop. hot gas bypass valve (HGBV) is installed.
Check valves should be of damped opening type. If As shown in Figure 7, an interstage cooler is sometimes
check valve is installed upstream of recycle valve take-off, used as a recycle cooler for multisection compressors to
it should be nonslam type. save capital and installation costs. This configuration, how-
ever, severely compromises surge protection for the low-
Neetin Ghaisas is a senior fellow rotating equipment, with Fluor. pressure case, particularly when the high-pressure case
Contact him at: [email protected]. Todd Reitsma is a senior goes into recycle mode and rapidly increases the discharge
account manager with Compressor Control Corp. Contact him at: pressure on the low-pressure case. This arrangement can
[email protected]. lead to adverse control interactions.
continued on page 64
Independent recycle loops should be used for multi- Restrictions in the recycle path, such as those shown in
section compressors and multicasing compressor trains. Figure 9, can compromise the anti-surge control.
Figure 8 shows an improved piping design.
Recycle flow should enter downstream of the suction Anti-Surge Valve Requirements
throttle valve, inside suction block valve, upstream of the To ensure compressor and process safety, the anti-
inlet flow element and upstream of the suction knockout surge valve must be large enough to prevent the com-
drum. Recycle flow can be allowed to enter upstream of the pressor from surging even if all other flow paths are
suction throttle valve for electric motor-driven compressors blocked. However, the valve must also provide respon-
to help limit load at start up. sive control under less severe conditions. An oversized
If the throttle valve is located within the recycle loop, a valve may lead to process instabilities due to the relative-
minimum stop should be provided on the suction throttle ly large effect on compressor flow with a relatively small
valve to ensure that adequate recycle flow can pass through control input. Oversizing the valve should be avoided. An
the compressor during the recycle operation. effective anti-surge control system will generally be able
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Booth 2033
to operate with a surge margin of mechanical stops at the end of downstream diffusion and start-up
10% of the surge line flow. The sys- the stroke, which could potentially trash trim should be considered [1].
tem will also provide smooth control damage the actuator or the valve. In addition to having proper sizing,
at the surge control line, while also
Anti-surge valve noise should be the valve actuation system must be able
having the additional capacity to step limited to 85 dB(A) at 3 ft. (1 m). to make the valve respond quickly and
the valve open to prevent compres- Noise abatement trim may be re- accurately to achieve these objectives.
sor surge due to rapid drops in flow quired for some valves to achieve Experience suggests a properly
caused by upsets in the process. noise reduction. Whisper trim sized anti-surge valve should be able
In summary, the anti-surge valve requires clean gas to avoid plug- to provide 100% of the compressors
must be sized to achieve the follow- ging. If process gas is not clean, minimum flow requirement at roughly
ing objectives: continued on page 66
Provide protection from surge
during the worst possible operat-
ing scenarios.
Provide flow that is greater than
steady-state operation on the surge COMPRESSOR LUBRICATION SYSTEMS
control line.
Prevent operation of the compres-
sor in the stonewall (choke) region.
Avoid introducing process stabil-
ity issues.
Linear characteristics are pre-
ferred for anti-surge valve trim.
Larger anti-surge valves may pro-
vide a better response to equalize WHEN
pressure faster, but can have poor
controllability for throttling purposes
during process control operation.
If the recycle valve must operate
in throttling mode, then it may be
necessary to install a small paral-
lel valve to improve the control at PROBLEMS
low recycle-throttling rates. In par-
allel valve applications, the anti-
surge controller can be set up for
split-range output.
Valve overshoot should not ex-
Let our certified lubrication technicians visit
ceed roughly 10% of the step
change in controller output in both your location and conduct a survey of all your
opening and closing directions. lubrication systems. Its a simple, time-saving
Anti-surge valve opening time from evaluation that will give you peace-of-mind,
fully closed to at least 95% open
and a well-running compressor.
should be two seconds or less.
Valve closing time should not be
more than two to three times the
opening time. Overshoot should
not be greater than 10% in either Sloans Service is the key to
direction and hysteresis should be flawless compressor operation.
less than 0.2 seconds on change
of direction.
A cushioning feature should be
implemented in the actuation sys- 1.800.722.0250
tem (typically in the last 5% of [email protected]
the full stroke) to prevent the ac- SloanLubrication.com
tuator from slamming against the
CI Services Inc. and Optimum Pumping Technology The manifolds, however, go further by interleaving cylin-
hope their collaborative efforts on new gas com- der pulsations and timing the reflection of pressure waves
pression technology will pull pulsation control bot- back to the compressor cylinders suction and discharge
tles out of the industry and place them into the compression valves when they are open. When fully optimized, the tech-
history books. nology controls line-side pulsations while also reducing
The companies have developed pulsation attenuation adiabatic work and power. During that process, it can also
network (PAN) Filters, a technology that uses piping and increase the cylinders mass flow rate or capacity as much
junction loops to thwart pressure loss and pulsations. The as 20%, Chatfield said.
filters are designed for use in nearly any application that These are new paradigms for pulsation attenuation,
requires a pulsation control bottle, such as a pumping or Chatfield said. They (both PAN technologies) are revolu-
metering station, said Glen Chatfield, Optimum Pumping tionary and they can accomplish pulsation control without
Technologys president. pressure loss.
PAN Filters consist of one or more loops created with The origins of this technology date back to 2006, when
standard pipes and special junctions called Tuning Section Optimum Pumping Technology collaborated with former El
Transitions (TST) collectors, TST collectors or PAN junc- Paso Corps. Randy Raymer on improving engine emis-
tions. The loop lengths and diameters, together with the TST sions. Raymer wondered if engine technology, specifically
collectors, are engineered to reduce pulsations and maxi- tuned intake and exhaust manifold systems, could cross-
mize flow in a pipe network without causing pressure drop. over to make reciprocating compressors more efficient.
The filters follow an earlier variation of the technology, Optimum and Raymer brought Norm Shade, then the
known as performance augmentation networks (or PAN Hi- president of ACI Services, into the mix, using his compres-
Performance Compressor Manifolds), which is a compressor sor knowledge to further their research. Simulations and
manifold system designed to improve reciprocating compres- calculations followed before the group turned to laboratory
sor efficiency (see June 2014 COMPRESSORtech2, p. 72). tests in 2008.
The PAN manifolds are similar to the filters in providing A year later, those efforts propelled the group to its next
pulsation cancellation. step a proof-of-concept field test on a compressor. The
continued on page 70
GEs innovative High Pressure Ratio Compression technology
enables pressure ratios up to 30:1 and a maximum operating
pressure of 400 bar. Units are smaller and lighter than traditional
compressors, and have a higher head per stage so fewer casings
are required per application. HPRC has a wide operating range
in all applications. Its best suited to gas with low-to-medium
molecular weight and delivers the greatest benefits in natural
gas, petrochemical and LNG.
HPRC vs. traditional configuration:
50% smaller train footprint
30% lighter weight
5% less power consumption
test, which took place at a gas storage site in Pennsylvania, bined, the PAN manifold system yielded an average pres-
involved retrofitting a PAN manifold system to the discharge sure drop of 0.3 psi (0.02 bar), which fell within the 2 psig
of one side of a Superior MH64 four-throw, single-stage (0.13 barg) design goal. Additional measurements re-
compressor with 9.5 in. (241.3 mm) cylinders. The 6 in. vealed a capacity increase of 15.4 to 19.6% for the PAN
(152.4 mm) stroke compressor operated from 860 to manifold system versus the bottle-equipped unit. Part of
1000 rpm during the testing phase. this gain occurred because the PAN system enabled the
By itself, the PAN manifold system of the compressor re- use of larger compressor cylinders without overloading
duced pulsations by 47 to 79% over that speed range. The the engine driver. In terms of longevity, the PAN manifold
addition of a PAN Filter further dropped pulsations to 88 to system operated nonstop (aside from scheduled mainte-
93% over the same speed range. Those results revealed nance) for 1240 operating hours without incident in the
that the PAN technology could effectively control pulsations first 10 weeks after installation.
over a wide speed range, especially considering that the The real goal of the tests was to prove that we could
discharge pulsation levels were controlled to 0.4 to 0.6% of achieve pulsation control and recover energy without bot-
line pressure during testing. tles, Chatfield said. We were able to verify that there was
Youre taking two flow streams, splitting them and then no pressure loss from beginning to end.
bringing them back together, said John Bazaar, manager With two types of PAN technology available, the manifold
of mechanical technology with ACI Services. You are then version is designed for a compressor package, requiring a
able to interleave the pulsations and cancel out the signal. custom design and custom junctions and supports for the
Instead of large pulsations, you end up with a ripple. piping around a compressor, Chatfield said.
Additional tests followed in 2014 and 2015 when En- The PAN filters, however, can be designed to work in nearly
erflex configured two compressor packages with PAN
manifold systems. The packages were installed at two
central gas gathering booster stations owned by Williams
in northeast Pennsylvania.
Both units consisted of an Ariel JGT/4 four-throw, single-
stage compressor. A Caterpillar G3516 gas engine rated
1380 hp (1029 kW) at 1400 rpm drove the compressors,
which had 6.75 in. (171.4 mm) cylinders. With significant
support and participation from the Gas Machinery Research
Council (GMRC) and several member companies, ACI Ser-
vices and Optimum conducted extensive tests in the 1300
to 1400 rpm speed range on the first of the two units. ACI
and Optimum conducted further tests on the second unit.
During these tests, performance results were gathered
from a similar compressor package outfitted with a tradi-
tional bottle pulsation control system at the station.
The PAN technology netted favorable results from both
compressor packages. With suction and discharge com- n This metering station is equipped with a four-loop PAN Filter.
75 to 310 MW
ENERGIA 40 to 1000 MW
CAPSTONE 0.03 to 30 MW
0 to 62 MW
0 to 66 MW
0 to 100 MW
0.2 to 104 MW
0.2 to 100 MW
0.5 to 50 MW
0.5 to 50 MW
4.5 to 52 MW
4.5 to 52 MW
12 to 130.1 MW
11.3 to 126.1 MW
5 to 100 MW
5 to 100 MW
0 to 132 MW
GE POWER 16 to 510 MW
50 to 1600 MW
0 to 30 MW
1.5 to 30 MW
6 to 13 MW
& TURBO 1 to 160 MW
1 to 160 MW
54 to 115 MW
SYSTEMS 1 to 1400 MW
4 to 16 MW
NPO SATURN 2.8 to 114.5 MW
OPRA 1 to 2 MW
65 to 160 MW
1.2 to 22 MW
ZORYA- 3 to 25 MW
MASHPROEKT 2.5 to 110 MW
n the Southern North Sea, Gerritsen On-
& Offshore Services BV recently handled
a routine turbine maintenance procedure
on an offshore location. The project involved
four of their personnel using an air-operated
hoist unit from J.D. Neuhaus (JDN) to handle
a turbine lift load of 26,455 lb. (12,000 kg).
The turbine powers a gas-compressor and
supplies power, steam and other general
services to the platform.
The JDN hoist was a model Profi TI.
This unit was combined with an overhead
rail-mounted trolley also air-powered
to provide horizontal movements. For
maximum safety of operation in offshore
conditions, a rack-and-pinion drive was
incorporated into the trolley mechanism,
and the whole lifting package incorporated
a spark-resistant finish for operation within
potentially explosive atmospheres. Control
operations for the hoist mechanism were in-
corporated into a JDN E-type pendant con-
troller providing single-speed control of the
raise/lower/traverse load movements.
The current range of Profi TI air-operated
hoists manufactured by JDN comprises
13 models covering individual lift capacities
from 551 lb. (250 kg) up to 100 tonnes, the
company said. All these models are suit-
able for use in explosion-hazardous areas,
as typically found in offshore environments,
where they are preferred over conventional
electrically driven handling products.
The company added that these hoists
are designed for easy, quiet operation with
100% duty ratings and unlimited duty cy-
cling. The models include low-headroom
and lightweight characteristics, with all
hoists also featuring lube-free operation. n An air-operated hoist by J D Neuhaus handles a 26,455 lb. (12,000 kg) gas tur-
They are also insensitive to dust, humidity bine for maintenance on an offshore location in the Southern North Sea.
and operating temperatures ranging from
-4 to 158F (-20 to 70C). The hoists Their Ex classification according to EC Directive on Hazardous Loca-
also combine strong, fast, silent operation tion 94/9/EEC is as standard: EX II 2 GD IIA T4 / II 3 GD IIB T4 and with
with safety, as well as oil-free and low- increased spark protection EX II 2 GD IIC T4. Hoists featuring hydraulic
maintenance performance. drive mechanisms are also available. CT2
KOBELCO has been curing gas compressor headaches for almost 100 years.
Simply stated, we know compressors. After consulting with you on the required specifications, Kobelco will
manufacture a custom engineered compressor package that can be delivered and serviced anywhere in the world.
Providing our clients with the best possible solution and service is our top priority.
at Tur 15th
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VISI ber 12 33!
tem #28
Sep Booth
Source: EIA
he construction of pipelines and compressor sta- than-air hydrocarbons that pose an ignition risk. Also,
tions in North Dakota since 2014 has slashed the methane, the primary component of natural gas, is a potent
volumes of flared gas production in terms of both greenhouse gas.
absolute quantities and percentage of production when Most of the flaring is from new wells. The state re-
compared to 2014, according to a U.S. Energy Information quires that taxes and royalties be paid for all gas flared
Administration (EIA) report. after a wells first year of production. The North Dakota
The EIA said that last March, only 10% of the states gas Department of Mineral Resources can withhold data for
output was flared, compared with 36% in January 2014, al- wells during the first six months of production. These
though production surged to a monthly record of 1.71 Bcfd confidential wells have nearly double the flaring rates
(4.8 x 107 m3/d). of nonconfidential wells, 29% vs. 15%, for April 2015
The Williston Basins Bakken formation, which has been through March 2016.
unlocked by hydraulic fracturing, supplies most of North When the first year of production ends, operators must
Dakotas oil and gas. As more pipelines and compression cap the well, connect it to a gas gathering line, install an
have been installed, more gas has flowed to market in the electrical generator that uses at least 75% of the gas, or
past few years. apply another approved method to reduce flaring.
The EIA said that since early 2014, additional gas pro- In April 2014, the North Dakota Industrial Commission
cessing plants have kept pace with production growth. It (NDIC) set limits on gas flaring. It had to adjust them a year
estimated that processing capacity in North Dakota grew to ago because pipeline construction delays had made it im-
1.6 Bcfd (4.5 x 107 m3/d) at the beginning of 2016, although possible to meet the original goals.
it has been a major problem to reduce high ethane levels to The new targets allow a maximum of 23% of produc-
the standard of pipeline-quality gas. tion volumes to be flared through the first quarter of 2016,
The agency noted that since 2012, North Dakota has had 20% for April through October 2016, 15% for November
the highest volumes of flared natural gas in the nation. In 2016 through October 2018, and 12% for November 2018
2014, flared volumes were 350 MMcfd (9.9 x 106 m3/d), al- through October 2020. Ultimately, the target falls to 9% of
most half of all the gas flared or vented in the entire nation. production beginning Nov. 1, 2020.
Gas is burned at the wellhead rather than vented into NDIC set the targets in percentages, rather than absolute
the atmosphere for safety and environmental reasons. Raw volumes, because the states rapid gas production growth
vented gas contains propane, butane, and other heavier- made production volumes difficult to predict. CT2
Free For Qualified Readers | Available In Print Or Digital Versions
Featured Products
Regulators With Caterpillars new displays, which use a Modbus
The Veriflo division of Parker Hannifin Corp. has introduced interface to connect to Caterpillar and customer control
new ultrahigh-purity (UHP) regulators for semiconduc- systems or SCADA systems, operators can install and
tor fabrication gas handling. The regulators the Parker troubleshoot engine-related issues from the display with-
FR 1000 and FR 1400 are out any additional hardware. Operators can also perform
designed for valve manifold Cat electronic technician
boxes, point-of-use tool hookup functions on a common
and gas cabinet applications. engine interface through
They provide control of process the gas compression plat-
gases in downstream point- form, the company said.
of-use applications, reducing The first display, a 15
short- and long-term costs for in. (381 mm) monitor,
semiconductor OEMs, integra- will be available this year
tors and fabrication facilities, for G3600 A4 engines.
the company said. Additional displays will become available in 2017.
The FR 1000 series fea- www.cat.com/oilandgas
tures low-flow capacity with 0.09 Cv and 0.15 Cv versions
with single-melt 316L stainless-steel or double-melt 316L Emissions Analyzer
stainless-steel bodies. The FR 1400 has a tied diaphragm E-Instruments has released its latest handheld industrial
design with 0.5 Cv high-flow capacity with either single- or combustion flue gas and emis-
double-melt stainless-steel bodies. sions analyzer the E6000.
Both series include a Hastelloy C-22 diaphragm to provide The E6000, which can have up
increased cycle life and corrosion resistance. They also have to six gas sensors, measures
metal-to-metal seals to provide improved leak integrity. stack gases from combustion
solutions.parker.com/semicon processes, such as gas and die-
sel engines, turbines, boilers,
Video Borescope burners, furnaces, kilns, heaters
GEs Inspection Technologies and laboratory analysis.
has made updates to its XL series Additional features of the
of industrial video borescopes. E6000 include low NOx capability
The updates include improved with 0.1 ppm resolution; a dilution
light output for better image qual- pump for CO auto-range measurements up to 50,000 ppm;
ity, stereo measurement, 4 GB efficiency, excess air and CO2 calculations; metal house con-
of internal memory, video output nections; and a full color graphic display screen.
and multiple USB ports. www.e-inst.com
The XL series consists of the XL
Vu and XL Lv videoprobes, which Pneumatic Trip System With
weigh 3.9 lb. (1.77 kg) and offer Partial Stroke Actuation
several probe lengths and diameters with interchangeable tip Elliott has released a patent-pending pneumatic trip sys-
optics. The videoprobes also feature menu-directed inspection tem with partial-stroke actuation, which is changing the way
and the ability to operate in temperatures up to 212F (100C). turbine trip systems are tested, the company said.
The videoprobes are suited for nondestructive inspection in Available for new equipment or retrofit, this new partial-
the oil and gas and industrial industries, allowing operators to stroke trip system provides a safe and effective way to
inspect engine, turbines, pipelines, pumps, motors and tubing. exercise the trip valve
www.geinspectiontechnologies.com regularly, without inter-
fering with the turbines
Engine Displays operation or its ability to
Caterpillar Oil & Gas has introduced its latest operator trip, Elliott said. Within
interface displays for Cat gas compression engines. seconds, the system
The new displays, which monitor engine parameters and completes a partial stroke
conditions through a color touchscreen, allow operators to set of the trip valve, enabling
up and tune engines without the need for computer-based operators to determine if the system is working properly or
service tools. In most situations, fleets that move from one requires attention, the company said.
site to another need their equipment reconfigured, a task that The company said this small movement can mean the
requires a laptop or other hardware to set up the engines. difference between the turbine tripping when necessary
Spreader Beams
1/13/16 79
5:23 PM
Integrating Gear Technology
GEs Don Smith discusses companys gearing technology,
market developments, the future
n GE Oil & Gas offers trains for gas compression and power generation applications, complete with gas and steam turbines, reciprocating
compressors, and gearboxes. GEs offer for gearing technology includes gearboxes from Lufkin, a 100-year-old company acquired by GE in 2013.
E Oil & Gas offers finely tuned trains for gas com- The gearing technology acquired from Lufkin has a long
pression and power generation applications gas developmental history in the oil & gas industry, having start-
and steam turbines, reciprocating compressors, ed with oilfield pumping units. Today, the company manu-
and gearboxes which are essential to optimized opera- factures low-speed parallel shaft gearboxes mainly used for
tions. GE claims it is the only supplier who offers complete heavy industry applications and high-speed gearboxes for
trains, thereby optimizing efficiency. oil and gas, power generation and marine applications.
GEs current offerings include gearing technology from GEs parallel shaft gearboxes are used in lower-ratio
Lufkin, a 100-year-old company acquired by GE three applications and can reach up to 100 MW power, which
years ago, and Allen Gears, another business acquired makes them useful in high-torque and high-power appli-
by GE in 2013, which produces epicyclic or planetary gear cations. Epicyclic gears are better suited for higher ratios.
transmissions. Their design features coaxial shafts in more compact de-
The current technology focus on gearing technology sign. However, their power limitation is 32 MW. GE also of-
within GE Oil & Gas and the additional efforts are expected fers combination gearboxes in which both parallel-shaft and
to bring numerous benefits, said Don Smith, general man- epicyclic technology are used within the same unit, allowing
ager of gearing technology at GE. Many of our gearing greater flexibility in design and performance.
products fit very well in applications for gas compression Among the applications for GE high-speed gearboxes
and power generation. With our engineering teams work- are marine propulsion gear systems used in applications
ing closely together, we have better opportunities to under- such as push boats, articulating tug barges, ferries and mili-
stand the whole system dynamics for example, how the tary marine vessels.
gears will react to changes in the turbine or compressor. Our technology is critical to the reliability requirements
This will, of course, increase the reliability of our complete that marine operators have, Smith said. No one wants a
train systems. boat that cant operate its propulsion system when out in
continued on page 82
Sulzer improves the operational per- operational efficiency and to reduce Sulzer Turbo Services Houston Inc.
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customized solutions help make your solution.
equipment more reliable to improve your
n The next generation of GEs gearboxes will include developments in terms of power losses, said Don Smith, general manager of
gearing technology at GE. A lot of focus is being put on increasing power density and efficiencies of the mesh of the gearing itself. CNC
machines, as well as developments in 3-D printing will be key to new manufacturing processes, Smith said.
deep waters. We have market opportunities for marine ap- sis of system dynamics an ability that was not available
plications in Asia, USA and Europe. in the past.
Digital capabilities will now be at the center of the gear- The ultimate goal of these analysis capabilities is making
ing technology, contributing GEs large data collection and the whole train more efficient, of course, Smith said. We
analysis capabilities, which are foundational to any digital have more than 10 initiatives ongoing for the development
solution development. and qualification of new products. All our products are en-
Being part of GE allows us to leverage the GE store and gineered solutions to solve a particular power transmission
digital capabilities across the company, which will open up need. So each time a customer requires a gearbox, we have
a whole world of new possibilities, Smith said. I see im- to design a gearbox that is optimized for that specific ap-
portant reliability benefits and the possibility of reaching plication. Qualifications are indeed a fundamental process.
higher efficiencies. Gearing technology is split between original equipment
Until recently, gearboxes were monitored independently. manufacturers projects and maintenance and service. Ac-
The data collected about vibration, temperature and speed cording to Smith, many of GEs customers are focusing
only applied to single components. What we could not as- more on maintaining existing products, rather than replac-
certain was the feedback on how the entire system train ing them with new units due to current market conditions.
reacted to changes in those data. The next generation of GEs gearboxes will include de-
For example, if we were called by a customer because velopments in terms of power losses. Increasing power
of a high vibration in the gearbox, we could analyze the density and efficiencies of the mesh of the gearing itself is
data on the component and suggest a solution for the im- a primary focus. Smith explained that much of the model-
mediate problem. What we could not analyze properly was ing is devoted to optimizing the casing and oil flows, reach-
what caused the problem in the first place. ing higher temperature tolerances for the oil, and improving
With the synergies afforded by GEs digital capabilities, bearing technology.
the gearing technology team will now be able to analyze I think, for our next-generation gearboxes, a key aspect to
the whole trend of any train in question. This team will consider will be the capability to manufacture the optimized
profit from a large amount of data collected from numer- profile for our gear teeth, Smith said. CNC machines, in-
ous sources over a long period of time. Trending analysis, cluding five axis, are the current technology for manufacturing,
which can be continually refined by data coming from other but 3-D printing becomes more interesting as the capability
systems with a similar setup, will allow an in-depth analy- to print larger parts becomes available. CT2
ahroof Valves Inc. (ZVI) has introduced a new valve valve modules found in ZVIs standard Straightflo valves,
design that improves compressor efficiency by in- only the new design allows for significantly more modules
creasing the effective gas flow area of the valve by to be used in any given diameter. This increase in efficien-
nearly 200% compared to plate valves. cy is made possible by utilizing more of the open vertical
Traditional compressor plate valves only allow gases an space in the valve cylinder.
effective flow area of about 13%, said Zahroof Mohamed, In standard Straightflo valves, as many reed-valve mod-
president and chief technology officer (CTO) of ZVI. The ules as possible are placed across the surface area of the
ZVI Straightflo valve (originally, the Zahroof Performance valve seat and carrier. In the new hybrid valves, modules
Valve or ZPV), which was commercialized in 2014, provides are placed around the outer circumference of the bottom
an effective flow area of 20 to 25% depending on valve di- of the valve (axially) with an open hole in the middle of
ameter. Mohamed said the new hybrid axial-radial valve the valve. Some of the gas immediately passes through
design increases that flow area to 35%. the vertically oriented outer modules, just like in standard
The big step here is going (from the standard Straightflo straight flow valves. The bulk of the gas flows freely upward
valve) to this radial valve, which is giving you more perfor- where it then exits laterally through double-stacked, hori-
mance, while at the same time keeping the same parts, zontally (radially) oriented outward-facing modules, which
Mohamed said. are spaced equally around the center hole. The end result
The hybrid axial-radial flow valve utilizes the same reed- is a significant reduction in flow restriction.
Dedicated To Gas Compression Products & Applications
Industry News Delivered Straight To Your Inbox
t e r
m pu
( 1 )
o x
In b d
r re
S t a
Real Gas Vs. Ideal Gas
Predicting discharge temperature of a Centrifugal centrifugal
Compressor compressor in a realistic way based on ASME PTC 10
hermodynamic equations are greatly simplified if de-
rived based on perfect gas or ideal gas assumptions.
Notwithstanding, these equations are the most com-
mon basis on which the real gas equations are formulated.
For gas compression, it is always easier and quicker to use
ideal gas equations for quick estimation of thermodynamic
properties. However, these rudimentary estimations may
be inaccurate and sometimes lead to unexpected deviation
from actual values.
In this article, the concept of predicting discharge tem-
perature for a centrifugal compressor by using Schultzs ap-
proach will be discussed. This approach has been adopted
by ASME PTC 10 since 1965 [1]. This real gas method of n Figure 1. H-S diagram showing polytropic compression.
predicting discharge temperature is very useful during con-
ceptual study or the FEED stage of a project which requires Since polytropic compression consists of infinite isen-
a centrifugal compressor, as it assists to identify with higher tropic compressions, its exponent, n, for an ideal gas, is
confidence the sizing and additional requirements (e.g., in- related to the isentropic exponent, ns, by Equation 2. Its
tercooler or aftercooler) at an early stage. Also, this method derivation can be found in Reference 2 [2].
can be used to gauge an existing compressors perfor-
mance via measurement of the gas thermo properties. Equation 2
The work input of a centrifugal compressor is always
benchmarked against ideal compression work, which is Isentropic compression is further explored since this is the
commonly either of isentropic or polytropic. Efficiency is skeleton of polytropic compression. Isentropic compression
the typical indicator for comparison purpose with other is reversible and adiabatic, and thus initial entropy, s, is main-
compressors for same duty, or as an indicator for com- tained throughout the compression path. For ideal gas, its
pressor design improvement. Polytropic compression will compression path is generally obtained by Equation 3. Its
be ideal compression used in this article. As a concise in- isentropic exponent, ns, is exactly the ratio of specific heat
troduction, this compression is actually a summation of in- at constant pressure (Cp) to specific heat at constant volume
finitesimal isentropic compressions, yi separated by their (Cv). Strictly, specific heats of ideal gas varies according to
constant proportion of irreversibly generated heat (friction, temperature, and thus ns is actually changing slightly along
etc.), hf, along the real compression path (Figure 1). the compression path since temperature changes. Hence,
That constant proportion is represented by polytropic effi- Equation 3 is mathematically correct for perfect gas since
ciency, p. Therefore, polytropic compression is effectively its specific heats are constant, whereas for ideal gas, this
defined by compression with constant efficiency, rather equation is just a close approximation. In the ideal gas meth-
than by the Equation 1, as the polytropic exponent is not od section later, temperature effect on specific heats will be
always a constant. taken into account.
Equation 1
Equation 3
Equation 6 The Equation 7 is expanded to Equation 8 by substituting
Equations 4 and 6. With a known p, it can be deducted
that v3 is the only unknown as h3 is implicitly linked to v3.
Since P3 is a known value, by obtaining a second thermo-
dynamic property (e.g., v3) the other properties can be ob-
Equation 7 tained (e.g., h3, T3, s3). The problem is therefore reduced
into solving an equation with only one unknown. This can
be done by rearranging the equations in a convenient way
to solve for v3 and h3 to obtain T3. A real gas equation which
links these properties is needed in the solving steps. Due
used for isentropic head (with final state at point 4, to the complexity of solving the roots of equation of states
Figure 1), since n s also varies. Likewise as with v 4, h 4 is directly, it is more convenient to obtain them via root-finding
already a known value and can be obtained from equa- algorithms (e.g., Newton-Raphson method two variables).
tion of state. Equation 7 shows how polytropic efficiency The initial value of T3 that is estimated was calculated via the
is calculated from ASME PTC 10, its numerator is poly- ideal gas equation[T_3=T_o (P_3/P_o. However, for simul-
tropic head and its denominator is actual head. taneous solving of multiple variables and equations, Newton-
This is how polytropic efficiency is obtained for compres- Raphson is a more appropriate method. While it may appear
sor tested based on ASME PTC 10 by using real gas to be an inconvenient approach to calculate T3, once this
method. Most of the compressors are tested using ASME algorithm is automated, it is just a matter of seconds to check
PTC 10. It then follows logically that the polytropic efficien- for every new case. The methods of resolving equation of
cy database from which compressor vendors use for new states are beyond the scope of this paper and therefore only
compressor performance prediction is obtained based on the basic concept is described. Now we can proceed for simi-
ASME PTC 10 method. As such, if we would like to es- lar approach for ideal gas method before the comparison.
timate or predict discharge temperature of a compressor
during design stage, based on estimated polytropic efficien- Equation 9
cy in that range of flow coefficient, the same approach as
per ASME PTC 10 should be utilized for consistency. This
approach is analogous to reverse engineering.
Equation 8
e p o w e r o f one teait m
Th high-efficiency
core un &
ade, flexible de
GEA tailor-m
BORSIG ZM and GEA together focus on maximizing uptime,
increasing efficiency, productivity and reliability in power
Discharge pressure: up to 80 bar g
Gas flow rate: up to 50,000 m/h
Driver size: up to 12 MW
Equation 10
20% Methane
25% Ethane Discharge tempera-
Gas composition, in mol% 118.22 118.06 108.83
50% Propane ture, T3, deg C
5% N-butane
Suction pressure, Po, bara 13.79 Comparison to
0 -0.04 -2.40
Table C.6.2, % **
Suction temperature, To 46.11
Discharge pressure, P3, bara 44.82 *Refer to Table A in Appendix 1 for the ideal gas specific heats used
Polytropic efficiency, % 78.1 for calculation, extracted from Reference 4.
**Comparison based on absolute temperature scale.
n Table 1. Input data for real gas and ideal gas method calculation. n Table 2. Comparison of results.
Ideal gas method
Ideal gas model is much simpler as used, as well as LKP as the equation EPC project (not to be named). (See
per Equation 2, it can be re-arranged of state [5, 6]; the required input for T3 Tables 3 and 4.)
with substitution of n and ns to gen- estimation are listed in Table 1. Table 2 shows the comparison re-
erate Equation 9. Please note that Additionally, another comparison sults. It is evident that result from the real
cp0 avg is the average of cp0 at is done on a high discharge pres- gas model deviates negligibly by only
initial and final state. Now, for spe- sure (approximately 550 bara) and -0.04%, while that of the ideal gas model
cific heat at constant pressure of high CO2 (approx. 20%) case, of an deviates significantly more than 2%.
ideal gas, c p0, it only depends on continued on page 92
temperature and thus it can be fit-
ted by a polynomial series as per
Equation 10, of which the constant
ai is specific for each gas [4]. Also, Experience, Reliability, Integrity...
the effective representative c p0 of a
specified gas composition is just a
summation of product of each c p0i
and its mole fraction. We can now
substitute Equation 10 into Equation
9, the resultant equation is too ex-
tensive to be presented here. Again,
T3 is the only variable at RHS of
the resultant equation, and the so-
lution can be done by the Newton
Raphson method (with one vari-
able). The same initial T 3 as that
of above real gas method can be
used. It is noted that the method
presented here is an analytic solu-
tion, which in fact yields the same
result of the usual iterative method,
of which c p0 of final state and T 3
are iterated till they are matched.
The AXH manufacturing complex consists of
Comparison between real gas and six plants, totaling 559,100 SF on 67 acres.
ideal gas method for discharge
For a general and reliable reference,
example from Table C.5.1, Table C.6.1 (918) 283-9200 Fax (918) 283-9229 www.axh.com
and Table C.6.2 of ASME PTC 10 is
Suction temperature, To 40
n Table 3. Input data for real gas and ideal gas method calculation (high discharge pressure case).
case, the example gas used would have exceeded the
Vendor's Real gas method limits, and therefore the above deviation is expected. The
data (with LKP) intention for this comparison is that the real gas method
shall be the prevailing method regardless of whether
Discharge tempera- the gas is close to ideal gas by always checking the lim-
107.1 110.0 131.7
ture, T3, deg C its in Table 3.3. The ideal gas region is a sub-set of the real
gas region, and hence, the result of the real gas method
Comparison to ven- is always with the least deviation. Although the real gas
0 0.77 6.47
dor's data, % ** method of ASME PTC 10 also has its favourable region
(reduced pressure much lower than 1 and reduced tem-
** Comparison based on absolute temperature scale. perature higher than 1.6) as reported in Reference [7], it is
n Table 4. Comparison of results. still the most realistic method to be used until superceded
by a new method that becomes the standard or is adopted
Table 4 shows the comparison results. It is evident that the by ASME PTC 10. The real gas method has been tested
result from the real gas model deviates by only -0.77%, while across multiple compressor vendors for projects executed
that of the ideal gas model deviates significantly more than 6%. under Technip, and the T3 difference averages 0.5%. In
other words, this method, which is strictly consistent with
Conclusion ASME PTC 10, provides reliable results. CT2
Table 3.3 of ASME PTC 10 states the limits beyond
which the ideal gas method is inadvisable to use; in this See references at: http://ct2.co/references
Appendix 1
n Table A. Ideal gas specific heat parameters for selected gases.
Cp0/R (ideal gas)
Gas Temperature
Mol. Wt. a0 a1 (x103) a2 (x105) a3 (x108) a4 (x1011)
name range, K
Laser-Shaft Alignment Gearboxes Packaged Chiller Pressure Products
A brochure on a cloud-enabled A brochure from Overton Berg Chilling Systems has Winters Instruments has
touchscreen laser-shaft align- Chicago Gear provides released a case study titled published a product over-
ment system is available information on its gearing Custom Air Cooled Pack- view brochure. Products
from Prftechnik. The sys- and gearbox products. The aged Chiller Solution. The include pressure gauges,
tem, known as Rotalign, is brochure includes a com- case study explores how pressure transmitters, pres-
built for rough industrial envi- pany overview, company Berg Chilling Systems and sure switches, diaphragm
ronments. It comes packaged capabilities and product GTUIT developed a prod- seals and thermometers.
with voice recognition, a rede- offerings. Those products uct to challenges in the The company has oper-
signed 3-D user interface and include Gleason bevels, wellhead gas landscape. ations in Canada, North
a fast processor, the company Klingelnberg spiral bevels That product is a trailer- America, South America,
said. It also has a range of and custom gearboxes. mounted portable wellhead the Middle East and China.
built-in connectivity features. www.oc-gear.com gas processing system. www.winters.com
www.pruftechnik.com www.berg-group.com
Ethos Energy has published G2 Partners released a Burckhardt Compression Compression Leasing Ser-
a flyer on its range of special- brochure on a program that has released a brochure vices has published a flyer
ized compressor services. helped a natural gas pipe- outlining its offerings for on its signature series off-
Ethos can inspect, repair, line operator develop a Fa- LNG/LPG/LEG, LNG FPSO, shore booster compressor.
reverse-engineer and re- cility Integrity Management FSRU and CNG compres- The compressor can run in
build centrifugal, axial, and program. The clients fixed sion applications. Burckhardt a single- or two-stage mode,
integrally geared compres- facilities include 30 gas offers both two- and four- depending on capacity and
sors from any OEM. Their processing plants, two stroke compressors as well pressure needs. CLS offer-
services include the sup- terminals and 100 com- as a reliquification option. ings are available for rental,
ply of stationariy elements, pressor stations. burckhardtcompression.com lease or sale.
impellers, rotors, bearings www.g2partnersllc.com compressionleasing.com
and other replacement parts.
Mayekawa Canada Inc. has Hytorc has a brochure on JCI Filtration & Separation Go Technologies has pub-
published literature on its its bolting products and sys- Inc. has published a bro- lished a document on its
i-series screw compressors, tems. The brochure includes chure on its gas coalescing M160 moisture skid unit.
which are designed to handle information on the compa- filters. The filters are The device is designed to
vapor and solution gas. The nys product lines, which designed to remove liq- move excess gas instead
screw compressors feature include the ICE series of uid aerosols from natural of venting or flaring it. Gas
custom-designed rotors for square-drive torque/tension gas streams. They can can also be monitored and
a wider operating range and wrenches, the Avanti series be applied to compres- scented for distribution. A
better turn down ratio. The of hydraulic bolting systems, sors, gas turbines, heat list of benefits, regulations
compressors also feature a the Stealth series of torque exchangers, metering sta- and a patent summary are
built-in suction strainer and wrenches, and the Lith- tions and low NOx burners also included.
check valve. ium series of torque guns and gas-fired heaters. www.gotechnologies.ca
www.mayekawa.ca among others. www.jci-fs.com
Order James P.
Buchwalds Book
Letters to Alex
Variance Of Vibration And Pulsation
In Identical Compressors
Understanding twins with different personalities
igh vibration amplitudes are often a result of match- response, the resulting vibration is noticeably different as
ing a mechanical response frequency with an ex- the amplification factor of the response highlights the differ-
citation frequency. When installing identical com- ences in the units.
pressor packages, it is assumed the excitation amplitudes Similarly, the mechanical response frequencies in two
and frequencies will be very similar. However, variations in identical packages can vary due to installation differences
inlet conditions, compression ratio, running speed, or gas such as clamp tightness, clamp location, clamp type, etc.
composition can have a noticeable effect on the excitation Some of these variations may result in minor shifts in re-
frequency and amplitude. For instances where the excita- sponses, but other variations can lead to significant shifts,
tion frequency does not match any mechanical response which, if near excitation sources, can result in a coinci-
dence and high vibration.
Francisco Fierro is a research engineer at Southwest Research
Institute. Contact him at: [email protected]. Chester Whinery Clamp type
is an engineering technologist at Southwest Research Institute. Pipe or bottle supports are often installed without a clear
Contact him at: [email protected]. definition of the support type. The design of the support
n Figure 4. Impact testing data showing similar mechanical responses on both engines.
reduced the vibration on Unit 1 from over 0.7 ips (inches per temperature and pressure. Gas composition and op-
second) zero-peak to less than 0.2 ips zero-peak (Figure 9). erating conditions yield a gas mixtures speed of sound
Because the vibration and unbalance on Unit 2 was lower, (SOS). The speed of sound of a mixture is used to deter-
the noted improvement will be lower but the resulting vibra- mine acoustic responses throughout the on-skid vessels
tion amplitude is expected to be less than 0.2 ips zero-peak and the off-skid piping for acoustic length resonances.
as well. Replacing the adjustable chocks with steel blocks The equation below is used to find the acoustic natural
removes both the flexibility of the supports and the variance frequency of a quarter wave in a piping span. Where fn
in lateral stiffness between the two units. represents the acoustic natural frequency (Hz), c repre-
sents the velocity of sound (fps), L represents the acoustic
Gas composition length of pipe span (ft.), and n represents the order of the
Identical units are regularly tied to the same header; acoustic wave mode shape.
ideally this practice allows the units to be analyzed with
the same gas composition and operating conditions, i.e.,
n Figure 10. Pulsation frequency spectrum comparing shift in bottle length response (suction).
at approximately 1115 rpm that was not with higher excitation energy and cre- the excitation frequency or amplitude
seen on the other typical unit. ate amplified vibration problems. to create a coincidence and higher
While the shift in frequency was ap- vibration. The cases described in this
parent, the reason for the shift was Conclusion paper were situations where the vari-
still not explained; the units were on The presented case studies show ance was not originally identified and
the same header, pulling from the examples where slight variations the units in questions were consid-
same source. The units were showing shifted the mechanical response or ered identical. In reality, no two units
cylinder pressures and temperatures continued on page 104
to be about the same. The compres-
sor packagers drawings were identi-
cal when comparing the two units.
After further discussion with station
personnel, it was found that the main
suction header had another inlet from
a discharge header of another set of MAKE THE CONNECTION
units. The two headers tied into one
another with a valve in between near
Unit B. Figure 14 shows the gas com-
position difference between the main
suction header and the secondary
inlet. With the valve open during op-
eration, not only was the temperature
The global leader in flexible couplings for pump &
different for the units closer to the tie-
compressor applications. Trust the innovator-trust CENTA.
in point, but also the gas composition Over 20 unique designs | Torsional Vibration experts
was mixed and therefore the acoustic
responses were shifted. Many of the
shifted responses did not result in a
drastic vibration increase, but the ex-
citation source was shifted. When the
station manipulates the off-skid piping
to produce a higher throughput, the CENTAX-Series N/NL CENTAFLEX-Series A
previous design conditions are then For reciprocating compressors For compressors & pumps
Mycom (Mayekawa Canada Boltight has released litera- Graco has produced doc- Literature from Go Technol-
Inc.) has released litera- ture on its offerings. The umentation on its Manzel ogies provides information
ture on its reciprocating company supplies and refur- MB specialty box lubrica- on the companys high-
compressor package specif- bishes a range of standard tors, designed for bolt-on volume blower compres-
ically designed for propane and bespoke bolt tensioning gas compressor box lubrica- sor. A list of benefits and
as well as freon. Four tools and ancillary equip- tion solutions. The literature specifications is provided, as
models are available, some ment. Its products include provides box specifications, well as a labeled photo. Two
have the option of an oil hydraulic bolt tensioners, durability features and order- scenarios and two cases are
heater with thermo-switch. spring return bolt tensioners, ing information. Contact also part of the document.
www.mayekawa.ca hydraulic nuts, nut splitters, information is also provided. www.gotechnologies.ca
subsea flange pullers, MST www.graco.com
flange tensioners and thread
protection covers.
7 5
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has nothing to do with
luggage or travel. Paperback, 204 pages US$24.95
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Prime Movers
continued from page 86 relationship with CPI, will ensure a consistent experience
turbomachinery parts, particularly for high-temperature appli- regardless of whether a customer works with a premium
cations, such as for gas turbines. Founded in 2006, Materials distribution channel partner or directly with CPI.
Solutions has applications in demanding fields such as aero-
space, power generation and motorsports. IPDSteel
In August 2015, Siemens Venture Capital acquired a IPDSteel, an aftermarket pro-
minority stake (14%) in the company that currently employs vider of engine components for
more than 20 engineers. Financial details of the deal were heavy-duty diesel and natural gas
not disclosed. powered engines, has received a
Siemens uses AM technology for rapid prototyping and has patent for a newer design IPDSteel
introduced serial production solutions for rapid manufactur- friction welded piston. This new
ing of small fuel mixers and for rapid repair of burner tips for design is the third generation of
mid-size gas turbines. Siemens in Finspng, Sweden, started patented and patent-pending IPD-
using AM technology in 2009 and opened a production facility Steel pistons, providing customers
for metal 3-D printed components in February 2016. worldwide with a high quality and
This investment was the first step in the companys plans cost effective alternative to OE
for mass manufacture and repair of metal parts with AM, parts for such later model applica-
the company said. The first 3-D printed burner component tions as Caterpillar C-Series.
for a Siemens heavy-duty gas turbine is in operation in a With this new design, a preci-
power plant in Brno, Czech Republic, the company said. sion friction welding process unifies the piston crown and
skirt with integral pin bosses, creating a box structure with
Compressor Products International integrated oil cavity for improved piston crown cooling and
Compressor Products International (CPI) announced enhanced strength in the ring land area.
three new premium distribution channel partners devoted IPD now offers IPDSteel piston designs for selected Cater-
to sales and service on its compressor lubrication products. pillar C-Series engines (C7, C13, C15, C18, C27 & C32).
These partners were chosen for their strategic locations,
technically competent staff and because they already rep- New Way Air Bearings
resent other leading related products including compressor New Way Air Bearings has acquired the assets of Bently
instrumentation and controls. Each partner has service Pressurized Bearing Co., Minden, Nev. New Way Air Bear-
centers, which brings CPI products closer to end-users. ings, based in Aston, Pa., has 25 years of experience
The new partners not only stock the full assortment of crafting air bearings, which are used by the machine tool,
CPI compressor lubrication components and equipment, semiconductor and medical industries.
but have service departments for installation, preventive Drew Devitt, founder and chairman of New Way Air
maintenance, retrofits and emergency service for CPI Bearings, said he hopes to expand upon the work of the
compressor lubrication products, along with route sales, late Don Bently, former owner of Bently Nevada and Bently
including weekly delivery of parts. Pressurized Bearing Co. Bently is known for developing
The CPI premium distribution channel partners are: eddy current probes and rotor dynamic theory.
RES, a division of IDG, headquartered in Houston, Bently sold Bently Nevada to GEs Power Systems
Texas, is CPIs new partner for Texas, Oklahoma and division in 2002, which enabled him to focus on bearing
Arkansas. technology, Devitt said. Bently died on Oct. 1, 2012.
Power Ignition and Controls Appalachia, headquartered
in Monessen, Pa., will be the partner for Ohio, Pennsyl- Innova
vania and West Virginia. Innova Global Ltd. has been selected as the new name for
RJ Mann and Associates will serve as a partner to the ATCO Emissions Management to better reflect the companys
Rocky Mountain region extending from Colorado to innovative approach to developing products and providing
North Dakota to Utah from its headquarters in Brighton, industry leading solutions and services to its clients.
Colorado. Innova is inspired by innovation the principle that has led
Premium distribution partners for other regions of the to the launch of eight new products since 2009, complement-
United States and Canada, including the Gulf Coast, will be ing our complete acoustic mitigation products, and to better
announced at a later date. service the needs of our global customers, said Harry Wong,
According to CPI Western Regional Sales Manager president and CEO. The name reflects our highly technical
Marty Cassem, technicians at each premium distribution products and services which help our customers manage
channel partner, including field service staff, have received their emissions, increase efficiency, shelter equipment, and
factory training from CPI technical, product management improve capacity utilization with modular process systems.
and engineering teams. This, and an ongoing collaborative Innova rolls together previous operating entities of
continued on page 109
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Prime Movers
ATCO Emissions Management, ATCO Noise Manage- acceptance test, this main air compressor will be employed
CT_Storefront_1cx1in.indd 1 6/29/16 11:5
ment and Higgott-Kane. Their products and services at the South African site in Secunda, where Air Liquide is to
include gas turbine filterhouses, intake silencers, diverter commission what may be the most efficient air separation
dampers, bypass stacks with silencers, hot selective cat- plant in the world.
alytic reduction, hot exhaust stacks with silencing, heat The AIRMAX concept has been ordered for 19 trains,
recovery steam generators, waste heat recovery boilers, including a first running customer machine in Yulin (China).
turnkey acoustic or non-acoustic industrial buildings, This includes 11 trains for what will be the largest air sepa-
acoustic enclosures, acoustic barriers, and turnkey mod- ration plant in total, currently erected and commissioned at
ular compressor stations for unconventional gas. Innova Yichuan (China), the company said.
holds several patents and proprietary products, design MAN said the concept allows volume flows of up to 53
tools and data. million cfh (1.5 million m3/hr), enabling a production capac-
ity of up to 8000 tons of oxygen per day.
G2 Integrated Solutions
Andy Scott has joined G2 Inte- Exterran
grated Solutions (G2-IS) as its chief Exterran Corporation has appointed Girish Saligram as
technology officer. In this role he will president, Global Services.
lead the companys data and digital Saligram has been with GE Oil & Gas for the past 20 years,
innovation strategy, developing tech- and was most recently based in Houston as general manager,
nology-enabled services and software Downstream Products & Services. Prior to that, he led the GE
solutions that help clients manage risk, Oil & Gas Contractual Services business
keep systems compliant and optimize A. Scott in Florence, Italy.
asset and business performance. Saligram holds a masters degree in
Scott has 30 years of global business and technol- Computer Science from Virginia Tech
ogy leadership experience. Prior to joining G2-IS, Scott University and an MBA from Northwest-
served as vice president of Asset Integrity Services at ern University. He holds two patents and
Lloyds Register, where he led the turnaround of its U.S. is certified as a Six Sigma Black Belt.
asset integrity acquisitions and the development of asset Steven Muck previously led the
performance/risk management software solution for cli- Global Services group. Muck has been
ents in the upstream, downstream, midstream and other appointed senior vice president of a G. Saligram
asset-intensive sectors. new organization created to combine the companys global
engineering and product line management.
MAN Diesel & Turbo
MAN Diesel & Turbo reported that it has produced the Correction
largest single turbomachinery unit in history. In the June edition, the turboexpander product range was
According to MAN, the AR-MAX1 140 is not only the incorrectly listed for MAN Diesel & Turbo in the
worlds largest industrial compressor, it is driven by a Compressor Specs-At-A-Glance. The correct range is up to
record-setting 64 MW electric motor. Following a successful 348 psi (24 bar). COMPRESSORtech2 regrets the error.
n The engine belt drives a two-stage Ingersoll-Rand compressor (right) with a 10 ft. (3 m) diameter drive pulley.
A four-cylinder Miller, essentially two twins back-to-back followed by Watts death in 1939, and the big factory was in
sharing a common crankshaft, was introduced in 1906. other hands by WW II. However, a small shop making re-
Following Millers death in 1909, the company was taken placement parts operated in Springfield under the company
over by Elmer Austin Watts, a gifted machine designer name through the 1950s.
who had been with Miller for some years. Watts complete- A 300 hp (kW) Miller Model 3 enclosed gas engine is
ly redesigned the Miller engines, retaining the styling and in operable condition at the Coolspring Power Museum
essential features but changing the proportions and de- in Coolspring, Pennsylvania. From 1913 to 1976, it oper-
tails of construction. ated at a Northern Oil Co. compressor plant near Kane,
The Model 3, introduced in 1910, had cams and power- Pennsylvania. In a typical oil field application of the time,
operated intake valves, and there were no more air-servo gov- the engine was used to belt drive a huge Ingersoll-Rand air
ernors. Both single and twin-cylinder versions were offered. compressor that produced air to power old steam engines
The Model 3 captured much of the flour milling market in that pumped crude oil from the wells surrounding the plant.
the Midwest. Miller twins were well suited for all kinds of The engine has four cylinders in the quad-opposed or H
factories where power was taken to line shafting by a belt design and has a 17.5 in. bore x 22 in. stroke (445 x 559 mm),
running over the single central flywheel. In four-cylinder in- weighs 70,000 lb (31,746 kg). It is likely the only H design
stallations, the belt ran over the heads on one end and re- from any manufacturer still operable.
turned to the floor. For water pumping and electrical power A compressor failure ended the engines 63-year opera-
generation, however, the trend was increasingly toward di- tion at the Kane plant. After being moved to Coolspring and
rect-coupled installations; there was no good way to direct completely restored, it runs as smoothly today as it did on
couple to a crankshaft with an overhung throw on each end. the Miller test floor. The two-stage Ingersoll-Rand compres-
Needing to expand to another market, in 1913 Watts intro- sor has a 25 in. (635 mm) bore low-pressure cylinder and
duced a compressor cylinder of his own design that mounted a 15 in. (381 mm) bore high-pressure cylinder. The com-
in the same way as an engine cylinder. With two of these on pressor is driven by a 10 ft. (3 m) diameter drive pulley and
one end of a four-cylinder frame and power cylinders on the weighs 40,000 lb (18,141 kg).
other end, he had a self-contained unit that could be used Other Miller gas engines preserved at Coolspring include a
for compressing air or natural gas. Later, with a lengthened single-cylinder 80 hp (60 kW) model that originally powered a
frame, compressor cylinders were mounted between the natural gas compressor in West Virginia and a single-cylinder
power cylinders and the crossheads. Most of Millers sales 50 hp (37 kW) model from a milling company, which was in-
after 1920 were to the oil fields of Oklahoma and Wyoming. stalled in 1947, operated until 1956 and is believed to be the
An unsuccessful attempt to introduce a streamlined, last new engine Miller shipped. In addition, the museum is in-
integral-frame compressor engine in the mid-1930s was stalling a restored 150 hp (112 kW) Miller twin. CT2
n This restored 300 hp (224 kW) Miller Model 3 enclosed gas engine is operable at the Coolspring (Pennsylvania) Power Museum.
hen Charles A. Miller founded the Miller Gas engines required three or more bearings, which could get
Engine Co. in Springfield, Ohio, in 1897, compa- out of alignment and cause catastrophic crankshaft failure.
nies such as Superior, Foos and Springfield had The Miller crankshaft needed only two bearings and could
already established the city as a center of natural gas en- be manufactured economically with very conservative di-
gine production. By 1901, Miller employed 50 workers and mensions and assembled with a few simple pieces. There
the company name was changed to the Miller Improved is no record of one of Millers crankshafts having fractured.
Gas Engine Co. Production facilities were moved in 1902 to His use of crossheads allowed pistons to operate with more
a new 73 x 330 ft. (22 x 101 m) building with a central assem- clearance in his cylinders, avoiding the need for water-
bly bay where the crane ran on 12 x 24 in. (305 x 610 mm) cooled pistons. Interestingly, the only patented feature of
wooden timbers. Additions to the building in 1915 and 1916 the Miller engines was an air-servo governor, perhaps its
more than doubled the original area. least successful detail.
The earliest Miller gas engines were single-cylinder mod- The Miller Model 2, in production by 1903, featured high-
els from 5 to 20 hp (4 to 15 kW), but the market increas- tension ignition spark plugs that could be charged while the
ingly demanded larger engines. For several years, Miller engine was running and introduced the pressure-balanced
offered only conservatively rated twin-cylinder models that exhaust valve, which was used on all subsequent Millers.
produced 50 to 150 hp (37 to 112 kW). Miller was an early The valve opened easily against pressure remaining in the
advocate of the overhung crank throw in twin-cylinder gas cylinder, easing the loading on the valve gear, and it did not
engines a design widely copied by his competition. tend to stick open during the intake stroke when exposed
At the time, it was thought that the large forces of a gas to manifold vacuum. Without using cams, a clever exhaust
engine required a center-throw crankshaft machined from a path arrangement actually applied vacuum to help hold the
single block of steel, which was always the most expensive valves shut, and any leakage past them was returned to the
piece in the engine. To complicate matters more, twin gas intake manifold.
continued on page 111
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