Contec CMS800G - User Manual PDF
Contec CMS800G - User Manual PDF
Contec CMS800G - User Manual PDF
1 Safety Guidance .2
A 1.1 Monitor..25
A 1.2 Transducers...26
Attachment 2 Troubleshooting..27
Attachment 3 Monitoring Figure..28
Copyright: Contec Medical System CO., LTD.2007
This document contains proprietary information protected by copyright law. No part of this
document may be photocopied, reproduced or translated to another language without prior written
consent of CONTEC.
CONTEC assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this document, or for
incidental or consequential damage in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this
material. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
If there is doubt as to fetal well-being after using the unit, further investigations should be
undertaken immediately using alternative techniques.
The accuracy of FHR is controlled by the equipment and can not be adjusted by user.
If the FHR result is distrustful, please use other method such as stethoscope to verify
or contact the local distributor or manufacture to get help.
A WARNING label advises against certain actions or situations that could result in personal injury
or death.
A CAUTION label advises against actions or situations that could damage equipment, produce
inaccurate data, or invalidate a procedure.
Note: A NOTE provides useful information regarding a function or procedure.
1 Safety Guidance
1.1 Introduction For the Safe Operation
The CMS800G Ultrasonic Fetal Doppler Monitor (Monitor) is Class I equipment and
designed to comply with IEC 60601-1.
Switching within 1 minute, at ambient temperatures between 5 and 40 . Ambient
temperatures that exceed these limits could affect the accuracy of the instrument and cause
damage to the modules and circuits. Allow at least 2 inches (5cm) clearance around the
instrument for proper air circulation.
The user must check the equipment, cables and transducers do not have visible evidence of
damage that may affect patient safety or monitoring capability before use. The recommended
inspection interval is once per week or less. If damage is evidence, replacement is
recommended before use.
The user must be serviced only by authorized and qualified personnel, The manufacturer can
not accept responsibility for safety compliance, reliability and performance if modifications
or repairs are carried out by unauthorized personnel. Identical replacement parts must be
Perform period safety testing to insure proper patient safety. This should include leakage
current measurement and insulation testing. The recommended testing interval is once per
The protection categories against electric shock of the patient connections are:
This symbol indicates that the instrument is IEC 60601-1 Type B equipment. Type B protection
means that these patient connections will comply with permitted leakage currents, dielectric
strengths and protective earthing limits of IEC 60601-1.
The monitor described in this user manual is not protected against:
A) The effect of defibrillator shocks
B) The effects of defibrillator discharge
C) The interference of high frequency currents
D) The interference of electrosurgery equipment
E) The interference of mobile phone
with wet hands. Make certain that your hands are clean and dry before
touching a power cord.
WARNING : SHOCK HAZARD-Do not remove the top panel covers during operation or
WARNING : Do not switch on device power until all cables have been properly connected
and verified.
WARNING : Dont touch signal input or output connector and the patient simultaneously.
WARNING : Accessory equipment connected to the analog and digital interfaces must be
certified according to the respective IEC standards (e.g. IEC 950 for data
processing equipment and IEC 60601-1 for medical equipment). Furthermore
all configurations shall comply with the valid version of the system standard
IEC 60601-1-1. Everybody who connects additional equipment to the signal
input connector or signal output connector configures a medical system, and is
therefore responsible that the system complies with the requirements of the
valid version of the system standard IEC 60601-1-1. If in doubt, consult our
technical service department or your local distributor.
CAUTION : The device is designed for continuous and is ordinary (i.e. not drip or
CAUTION : Keep the environment clean. Avoid vibration. Keep it far from corrosive
CAUTION : Do not operate the unit if it is damp or wet because of condensation or spills.
CAUTION : Do not immerse transducers in liquid. When using solutions, use sterile wipes
CAUTION Do not use high temperature heating or gas to disinfect the monitor and its
CAUTION Turn off the power supply before clean the machine.
CAUTION : The temperature should not exceed 60 when clean the belt.
CAUTION : The monitor must serviced by proper training and knowledge, practical
personnel. The recommended testing interval is once twice year or under the
leakage current measurement and insulation testing.
CAUTION : The device and reusable accessories could be sent back to the manufacturer
2 Introduction
The Fetal Monitor can provide different configurations according to different user requirements:
FHR1 (Ultrasonic Channel ), FHR2 (Ultrasonic Channel ),TOCO, FMOV (Fetal Movement
Marker). Monitoring results can be recorded by built-in recorder for continuous or intermittent
The monitor can be used individually or connected with PC through RJ45 Interface for the
purpose of central monitoring.
Dual Heart Rate Monitoring allows simultaneous monitoring of two heart rates for twins. This is
achieved by using the facilities of two ultrasound transducers and an external contractions
(TOCO) transducer with a recorder.
The monitor can display FHR, TOCO, MARK (remote) sinuously, by analyzing their mutual
relations, to judge fetal physiology, pathology and maternity status, and so on, for medical
professionals reference.
It is only suitable for the equipment in hospitals, clinics, doctors offices and patients at home by
trained medical personnel.
2.2 Features
Light dexterous appearance, tops horizontally and walls can be hoisted
8.4screen color LCD display, rotatable screen to 60
Display of the patient data and curve clearly
Print paper fetal heart rate 120-160bpm normal range label
Manual records fetal movement
Sound and color alarm for high and low fetal heart rate
Continuous 24-hour real-time monitoring function
Continuous 12-hour patient curve and data storage and playback
With picture freeze function
Optional English interface
Single, Twins Monitoring optional
9 chip pulse width beam probe
Extra-long life, high-resolution built-in thermal printer matrix, the output waveform, text, and
other information
Built-in communication port, can be connected with central monitoring system.
: Warning Symbol
Icon :3 :0
Sound Icon
IThe No. of FHR sound channel, it is I under single fetal monitoring mode which is
default; III selectable under twins monitoring mode, it can be changed through
the main menu.
3Volume level, ranging from 0-7, 0 stands for sound off. It can be changed through the
buttons on the panel or set in the main menu.
Icon: :
IChannel No. of ultrasound transducer, there is only I under single monitoring mode,
there are I and II under twins monitoring mode
DFreeze status
ERecorder status
out of paper
Failed to print
FAlarm on/off status
Alarm on
Alarm off
2Data Section
FHR 1 Data of Ultrasound Transducer I 3-digit data, it is in green color under normal
status, it will be in red when alarm occurs; it displays when there is no data.
FHR 2 Data of Ultrasound Transducer II: this data will show in twins monitoring mode, the
display format is the same with the FHR 1.
TOCO data Display the relative contraction data, ranging from 0-100, it will be 10 after
Auto Zero.
Fetal Movement Data Display Fetal movement numbers, it will be after Auto
3Parameter Bar
This section displays important setting parameters: it contains alarm on/off status alarm
upper limitlower limitalarm postpone timeprint speed and print time.
4Indicate Bar
In this item, it includes system timebed No.gestational age and patient age.
5Wavefom Display Section
This section also be divided into 2 sections, FHR trend graph is displayed in the upper
section, TOCO waveform is displayed in lower section. FHR1 Trend is in greenFHR2 trend
is in Yellow(only displayed in twins monitoring)the normal range of the fetal heart rate is
120-160bpmwhich be showed in green on the screen.
Fetal movement mark alarm mark event mark will also be showed in this section.
3.1.5 Buttons
There are several buttons of different functions on the front panel of fetal monitor. The diagram is
showed as Figure 3.4.
Figure 3.4 Buttons
1 Menu Button
Push Menu Button to enter setup menu, push it again to return monitor screen. When operating in
other menu, push this button to return this menu. Only turning knob button can exit wave review
Detailed operation please refer Figure 3.2
2 Alarm Button
6 Event Button
Function: Press this button to print an event symbol on the screen trend figure at the corresponding
time. If user want to mark an event on the trend figure, he/she could achieve this by pushing this
7 Freeze Button
Function: Freezing the screen. Press the button to stop drawing and the screen becomes in frozen
status, press the button again to continue drawing. This operation will clear the screen.
8 Knob Key
1 Press the button to activate the selected button, press it again to accept the configuration.
2 To choose and adjust the parameters by revolving the knob key.
3.2 Setup
Under Main monitoring interface, Press the Menu button or knob key to enter setup mode, the
diagram is showed as Figure 3.5
Figure 3.5 Setup
Revolving knob key to select different function. The Corresponding function and the adjustable
ranges are showed in table3.1.
Table 3.1 The setup function and adjustable ranges
No Function Adjustable Ranges
1 ALM SET(Alarm Setup) Enter Alarm Setup
2 PAT SET(Patient Setup) Enter Patient Setup
3 SYSTEM SET(System Setup) Enter System Setup
4 REVIEW(Waveform Review) Enter Waveform Review
5 PRINT SET(Print Setup) Enter Print Setup
6 MONI TYPE(Monitor Mode) Optional: single, twins the default is
single fetus
7 LANGUAGE(Language Selection) Optional: Chinese (CH), English (EN),
the default is EN.
8 CHANNEL I(Audio Channel I Adjustable:17 and mute,
Setup) the default is 3
9 CHANNEL II(Audio Channel II Adjustable:17 and mute,
Setup) the default is 3
10 CHANNEL(Audio Channel) Optional: I, II, fetal heart audio come
from the selected channel.
11 EXIT Exit main menu, back to main interface
1Alarm Setup
Revolving the knob key to enter alarm setup, the diagram is showed as Figure 3.6:
Figure 3.6 Alarm Setup
Revolving the knob key to setup alarm function. The Corresponding function and the adjustable
ranges are showed in the table3.2:
Table 3.2 The alarm setup function and adjustable ranges
No Function Adjustable Range
1 FHR ALM(FHR Alarm) Optional: Turn on, shut off The default situation
is alarm on.
2 ALM HIGH(FHR Upper Limit of Optional: lower limit of alarm-310, the unit is
Alarm) BPM, and the default is 190
3 ALM LOW(FHR Lower Limit of Optional: high limit of alarm 0FHR, the unit is
Alarm) BPM, and the default is 110
4 ALM DELAY(FHR Alarm Delay) Optional:060,the unit is second, and the default
is 30 seconds
1 When FHR is in alarm situation, alarm indicator becomes red
2 When FHR exceeds the alarm limit and time exceed the set alarm delay time
continuously, alarm will occur and an alarm symbol will appear on the screen.
2Patient Setup
Revolving the knob key to enter patient setup, the diagram is showed as Figure 3.7:
NOTE: The main interface prompt box will show the time renewal after save the time setting.
Be used for connecting with central monitoring system.
System Update
This device supports system update service. In system setup menu, revolving the knob key to enter
System update.
Note: Please enter password under the item USR KEY before click CONFIRM. This
password is provided by manufacturer or distributor when Contec add new function to upgrade the
Revolving the knob key to enter System setup, choose version item and push the knob key to see
the equipment version
4Wave review
Choose the WAVE REVIEW in the setup menu to enter wave review, and press WAVE REVIEW
in this item to review the history wave, which is showed as Figure 3.10
5. Monitoring
5.1 Operation Procedure
Ultrasound Transducer and TOCO Transducer Positioning showed as Figure 5.1
Figure 5.1 Ultrasound Transducer & TOCO Transducer Positioning
5.1.1 Ultrasound Monitoring of FHR
Ultrasound monitoring can be used for antepartum monitoring; it is a method to obtain FHR
through maternal abdominal wall. Put the FHR transducer on maternal abdomen to transmit lower
energy ultrasound wave to fetal heart, then receive the echo signal from it.
Operation Procedure:
4 Monitor Adjustments:
Adjust the position of ultrasound scanner according to the need.
There is only one fetal heart sound can be heard from the speaker, change it by selecting different
channel of fetal heart sound (the first sound channel for FHR1, and the second sound channel for
Readjust the volume setting for the desired loudness.
The ultrasound transducer measures the FHR; the misuse of it will be result in wrong
measurement or misunderstanding of it. So it requires the doctor pay attention to it:
The best quality records will only be obtained if the transducer is placed in the optimum
Positions with strong placental sounds (swishing) or fetal cord pulse (indistinct pulse at
fetal rate) should be avoided.
If the fetus is in the cephalic position and the mother is supine, the clearest heart sound
will normally be found on the midline below the umbilicus. During monitoring prolonged
lying in the supine position should be avoided owing to the possibility of supine hypotension.
Sitting up or lateral positions are preferable and may be more comfortable to the mother.
It is not possible to FHR unless an audible fetal heart signal is present. The fetal pulse can
be distinguished from the maternal pulse by feeling the mothers pulse during the
During the monitoring, the doctor should observe the monitor screen, if the screen break
off frequently, the position of the ultrasound transducer may had out of proper position due
to the moving of the fetus.
During the monitoring, if the FHR can be heard without steadily sound of the fetal heart,
it may not proper positions. So move it slowly until the proper position is found. But if it is
not found, the doctor should do other examination, to observe if the fetus is normal.
Operation Procedure:
1 Preparing the Monitor
Turn the monitor on and verify that the normal monitoring screen appears on the display.
Insert the TOCO Transducer into the socket.
2 Acquiring Uterine Contraction Data
Fix the transducer. The transducer is retained on the midline half-way between the mothers
fundus and the umbilicus. The position is shown as figure5.1
The display of external pressure is shown as a percentage % of full scale. The uterine activity
reading at this point should be greater than 30 units and less than 90 units. If the reading falls
outside this range, the belt may be too tight or too loose.
Zero can be set more quickly by pressing the AUTO ZERO button on the front panel, provided
the mother is not experiencing a contraction. The default contraction data will be 10% after press
the AUTO ZERO button.
Caution: Under no circumstances are transducers to be used to monitor patients under water.
Note: Do not use coupling gel on the TOCO transducer or transducer contact area.
Check the function by TOCO transducer, and observe the change of relevant value.
Note when paper is used out, printing will stop, and the data will be saved in memory,
paper reloaded, operator can use wave review function to print the saved data.
the monitor has the function of 12-hour wave storage, review and print. Record
will not saved when monitor is turned off.
To ensure print precisely, recommend to print and adjust the baseline when paper
is loaded .
if the paper coming out from the notch in deflection way when printing, the data
may be not precise or paper jam will occur, operator should stop printing and
reload paper.
Please set all print parameters well before printing, and do not try to change the
setup in the process of printing.
The user must check that the equipment, cables and transducers do not have visible evidence of
damage that may affect patient safety or monitoring capability before use. The recommended
inspection interval is once per week or less. If damage is evident, replacement is recommended
before use.
Regular cleaning of the monitor casing and the screen is strongly recommended. Use only non-
caustic detergents such as soap and water to clean the monitor casing.
Take extra care when cleaning the display surface. These are more sensitive to rough handling,
scratches and breakage than the other external surface of the monitor. Use dry, and soft cloth to
WARNING: Unplug the monitor from the AC power source and detach all accessories before
cleaning. Do not immerse the unit in water or allow liquids to enter the casing.
1 Many cleaners must be diluted before use. Follow the manufacturers direction carefully to
avoid damaging the monitor.
2 Do not use strong solvent, for example, acetone.
3 Do not remain any cleaning solution on the surface of the monitor.
4 The monitor surface can be cleaned with hospital-grade ethanol and dried in air or with crisp
and clean cloth.
5 The manufacturer has no responsibility for the effectiveness of controlling infectious disease
using these chemical agents. Please contact infectious disease experts in your hospital for
6.6 Sterilization
To avoid extended damage to the equipment, sterilization is only recommended when stipulated as
necessary in the hospital maintenance schedule. Sterilization facilities should be cleaned first.
The sterilization the manufacturer recommended to cleaning the monitor and accessories are
ethanol and Acetaldehyde.
CAUTION: To avoid damaging the monitor:
1 Follow the manufacturers instruction to dilute the solution, or adopt the lowest possible
2 Do not let liquid enter the monitor.
3 No part of this monitor can be subjected to immersion in liquid.
4 Do not pour liquid onto the monitor during sterilization.
5 Wipe the device with a clean moistened cloth to remove any remaining sterilant.
6.7 Disinfection
To avoid extended damage to the equipment, disinfect ion is only recommended when stipulated
as necessary in the hospital maintenance schedule. Disinfections facilities should be cleaned first.
Follow the manufacturers instruction to dilute the solution.
Do not use bleaching powder containing chloros on any parts of the monitor.
Do not disinfect the monitor and its accessories with autoclavegassingformaldehyde process
or radiation.
Check carefully after cleaning, sterilization, or disinfect ion of monitor and accessories. If
aging and damage are found, please do not use them to monitor.
Note: The manufacturer has no responsibility for the effectiveness of controlling infectious
disease using these chemical agents. Please contact infectious disease experts in your
hospital for details.
7 Warranties
The manufacturer warrants that the Fetal Monitor we sell is free from defects in material and
workmanship. In the status of normal operation and maintenance, if the manufacturer receives
notice of such defects during the warranty period that begins on the date of shipment, the
manufacturer shall, at its options, either repair or replace hardware products that prove to be
defective. The unit is guaranteed for periods of 12 months, valid from the date of purchase. The
manufacturer also provides long-term repair service for our clients.
The manufacturers obligations or liability under this warranty does not include any transportation
or other charges or liability for direct, indirect or consequential damages or delay resulting from
the following conditions.
A1.1 Monitor
Physical Characteristics
Size: 320 (length) 260 (width) 80 (height) mm
Weight: about 3.2 Kg
Security: The Monitor obey the following norms and standards: IEC 60601-1-4IEC 60601-1-2
Anti-shock types: Facilities I, no internal power supply
Anti-electric Shock Degree: B
Degree of protection against Harmful Ingress of Water: Moderate equipment and do not have the
ability to waterproof immersion
Degree of Safety in Presence of Flammable Gases: not suitable for use in presence of flammable
Electromagnetic Compatibility: Group Class A
Mode: continuous work
Power Supply
Working Voltage: AC 100V ~ 240V
Frequency: 50Hz/60Hz
Fuse: T1.6AL
Transport and storage
Temperature: -10 C ~55 C
Relative Humidity: 93%
Atmospheric pressure: 70kPa ~ 106kPa
Working environment
Temperature: 5 C~ 40 C
Relative Humidity: 80%
Atmospheric pressure: 70kPa ~ 106kPa
Dimensions: 8.4 "color LCD display, folding 60 degree
Display Content: bed No. , pregnancy age, age, single/twins type, paper speed, date,
time , volume, alarm status, transducer connection status, recorder status, FHR data
and wave, Contraction data and wave, Fetal move times and mark etc.
Print: Record Paper two-double type Z
Print Width: 112mm
Valid Print Width: 104mm
Paper output speed: 1cm/min2cm/min3cm/min(optional)
Data Precision: 5X Roll1Y Roll
Record Content: bed No. ,name, pregnancy age, single/twins type, case No., paper speed,
date, time , FHR data and wave, Contraction data and wave, Fetal move times and mark
Signal Interface: RJ 45
Ultrasound probe: Nominal Frequency: 1.0MHz
Work Frequency: 1.0MHz10
Negative peak sound pressure : P_1MPa
Output beam intensity : Iob20mW/cm 2
A 1.2 Transducers
(1) Ultrasonic Transducer
System: Pulsed Doppler
Dimension: 90mm 65mm
(2) TOCO Transducer
System: Passive Straingauge
Dimension: 102mm 50mm
(3) Remote Marker
Length: 3.2m
Attachment 2 Troubleshooting
Note: If trouble occurs during operation, examine the product by the following ways. If it
not works, please contact the local distributor or manufacturer; do not open the machine by
the user.
3 Recorder Errors
Paper jam Wrong feeding paper or paper is Feed paper correctly and keep
affected with damp paper from moist
Recorder does not work PRINT button is disabled Press the PRINT button again
Worse trace quality or Too tight or too loose Ensure the abdomen belt has been
fluctuant TOCO baseline abdomen belt or no used accurately and neither too
elasticity tight, nor too loose
Too high TOCO sensitivity The body pressure from Insure favorable contact for patient
(higher than 100 unit) uterus to TOCO skin with TOCO transducer. Change
transducer is far higher the position of TOCO transducer, if
than the average value. necessary.
Shanghai International Holding Corp. GmbH (Europe)
Address: Eiffestrasse 80, D-20537, Hamburg, Germany
Tel: 49-40-2513175
Fax: 49-40-255726
E-mail: [email protected]