Transistor Amplifier Circuits: Student Workbook
Transistor Amplifier Circuits: Student Workbook
Transistor Amplifier Circuits: Student Workbook
Student Workbook
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Edition 4
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Table of Contents
Appendix A Safety ................................................................................................................. A-ii
This Student Workbook provides a unit-by-unit outline of the Fault Assisted Circuits for
Electronics Training (F.A.C.E.T.) curriculum.
The following information is included together with space to take notes as you move through the
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 1 Introduction to Transistor Amplifiers
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to identify, connect, and operate circuit blocks
and their major components on the TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS circuit board.
This unit describes the circuit blocks on the TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS circuit
board and presents some background on transistor amplifiers.
Transistor amplifiers are grouped into one of three basic circuit configurations depending on
which transistor element is common to input and output signal circuits.
1. Common base
2. Common emitter
3. Common collector
Each circuit configuration has its own characteristics and, therefore, its own applications.
Multistage transistor amplifiers include more than one transistor. The output of the first stage is
connected (coupled) to the input of the second stage. The output of the second stage is coupled to
the input of the third stage, and so forth.
The three methods of coupling amplifier stages on the TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS
circuit board are RC coupling, transformer coupling, and direct coupling.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 1 Introduction to Transistor Amplifiers
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Generator, sine wave
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 1 Introduction to Transistor Amplifiers
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to locate and identify the functional
circuit blocks on the TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS circuit board. You will observe
the operation of two basic amplifier circuits by using an oscilloscope.
Amplifiers are circuits that increase the voltage, current, or power of an input signal.
An amplifier consists of an active circuit component and a source of power.
Transistors are the active components used on this circuit board. The power source is the
external power supply.
Five amplifier circuit blocks, which can be configured for seven different circuits, are present
The five amplifier circuit blocks are the:
COMMON BASE / EMITTER circuit block
COMMON COLLECTOR circuit block
DIRECT COUPLING circuit block
Potentiometer R4 is the load resistor on the COMMON COLLECTOR circuit block.
The BIAS STABILIZATION circuit block does not use a sine wave generator, instead, it
uses a positive, variable, dc power supply. In addition, this circuit block has a resistor,
labeled HEATER which is located near the transistor, that is powered by a separate dc power
blocks include components that are used to demonstrate two-stage amplification.
All transistors on the TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS circuit board are NPN except
for the second stage PNP transistor on the DIRECT COUPLING circuit block.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 1 Introduction to Transistor Amplifiers
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 1 Introduction to Transistor Amplifiers
When you have completed this exercise, you will have observed the operation of a two-stage
transistor amplifier circuit. You will view your results on an oscilloscope.
Multistage transistor amplifiers utilize multiple transistors to produce voltage, current, or
power gains greater than those provided by a single transistor.
Multistage transistor amplifiers are identified by the method used to couple the signal
between amplifier stages.
Resistor-capacitor (RC) coupling uses a resistor to develop an output signal and a capacitor
to pass the signal from the output of one stage to another.
Transformer coupling uses a transformer to couple signals between the primary and the
secondary side of the coil.
In multistage amplifiers, capacitors are used to isolate the dc bias levels and simplify the
All amplifiers are designed for a specific frequency range and an input/output signal
amplitude range.
An input signal that is too large or outside the frequency range of an amplifier will produce a
distorted output signal.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 1 Introduction to Transistor Amplifiers
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 2 Common Base Circuit
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to demonstrate the operation of the common base
transistor amplifier circuit by using calculated and measured circuit conditions.
The base terminal is common to the input and output signals in the common base (CB) transistor
circuit. The ac output signal of a common base (CB) circuit is in phase with the input signal.
For a PNP or NPN transistor to function normally in any type of amplifier circuit, the base-
emitter junction is forward biased, and the base-collector junction is reversed biased.
The emitter current (IE) increases very rapidly after the transistor is forward biased [base-emitter
voltage (VBE) of about 0.6 Vdc].
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 2 Common Base Circuit
Proper biasing of a CB transistor circuit can be provided by a connection between the base
terminal and a voltage divider circuit across a single dc power supply.
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Generator, sine wave
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 2 Common Base Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 2 Common Base Circuit
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the dc operating
conditions of a common base (CB) transistor circuit by using a typical CB circuit. You will
verify your results with a multimeter.
In common base amplifier circuits the base terminal is common to both the input and output
The voltage divider network provides the fixed dc base voltage required to forward bias the
base-emitter junction of the transistor.
The voltage divider equation can be used to calculate the base voltage (VB).
VBE, base-emitter voltage, of a forward biased silicon transistor is approximately 0.6 V.
The emitter voltage (VE) is the difference between the base voltage and the base-emitter
voltage. VE = VB - VBE
Ohms law is used to calculate both emitter current (IE) and collector current (IC).
Collector current can be found in two other ways: First the collector current is approximately
equal to the emitter current. Second the collector current is the difference between the emitter
current and the base current. IC = I E I B
Transistor characteristic curves and dc load lines are used to determine the Q (quiescent)
point, dc-point, or operating point of the transistor circuit.
Saturation occurs when the base-collector voltage is zero.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 2 Common Base Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 2 Common Base Circuit
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine ac operating
characteristics of a common base (CB) amplifier by using a typical CB circuit. You will verify
your results with a multimeter and an oscilloscope.
The sine wave generator provides the ac input signal.
Ac signals at the base are shorted to ground by capacitor C2.
The ac output signal is between capacitor C3 (located at the collector of Q1) and ground.
The input impedance of the common base configuration is very low while the output
impedance is very high.
Low input impedance causes loading of the input signal.
The high ratio of output to input impedance creates a circuit with high gains.
Common base transistor circuits are used in applications which require high output gains.
The ac output signal is in phase with the input signal.
Voltage gain of the common base circuit is the ratio of the output voltage to the input
voltage, or the ratio of the load and input impedance.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 2 Common Base Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 2 Common Base Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 3 Common Emitter Circuit
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to demonstrate the operation of a common emitter
transistor amplifier circuit by using calculated and measured circuit conditions.
The emitter terminal is common to the input and output signals of the common emitter (CE)
transistor circuit.
The ac output signal of a CE circuit is 180 out of phase with the ac input signal.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 3 Common Emitter Circuit
After a base-emitter voltage (VBE) of about 0.6 Vdc, the base current (IB) increases very
The transistor circuit ac and dc load lines intersect at the Q-point on the collector current
characteristic curves.
A voltage divider circuit uses a single dc power supply to provide a constant base terminal
voltage for the CE transistor. The CE circuit has high current, voltage, and power gains. The
input and output impedances are high.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 3 Common Emitter Circuit
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Generator, sine wave
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 3 Common Emitter Circuit
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the dc operating
conditions of a common emitter (CE) transistor circuit by using a typical CE circuit. You will
verify your results with a multimeter and calculations.
The emitter terminal is common to both the input and output signals.
Base voltage (VB) can be calculated from the voltage divider equation.
Ohms law is used to calculate the emitter current (IE).
The emitter current and collector current (IC) are nearly equal. The exact collector current can
be found by subtracting the base current from the emitter current.
Current gain is the ratio of dc collector current to base current. Dc current gain is represented
by beta (dc) or hFE and usually ranges in value between 10 and 500.
Design criteria for a common emitter circuit specifies a collector voltage (VC) about halfway
between the power supply voltage (VA) and the emitter voltage (VE).
The saturation point occurs when the collector-emitter voltage (VCE) is zero and collector
current is maximum (IC(SAT)).
Cuffoff occurs when collector current is approximately zero.
The area on a transistor characteristic curve between saturation and cutoff is called the active
The Q-point of a transistor is determined by its dc bias conditions. Q-point is the where the
dc load line intersects the base current, collector current, and the collector-emitter voltage
The ideal location of the Q-point is at the midpoint of the dc load line.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 3 Common Emitter Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 3 Common Emitter Circuit
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the ac operating
characteristics of a common emitter (CE) amplifier by using a typical CE transistor circuit. You
will verify your results with a multimeter and an oscilloscope.
The ac input signal is provided by the sine wave generator. The ac output signal is taken
between the collector terminal and ground. The parallel resistance of R4 and R6 is the load.
The ac output voltage is larger and 180 out of phase with the input signal.
As base voltage increases, base current increases, this results in an increase in the collector
and emitter currents.
The voltage gain of a common emitter circuit is the ratio of the ac output voltage to the ac
input voltage. Av = Vo/Vi (where the negative sign indicates that there is a 180 phase
The gain of a CE circuit where an emitter resistor is not bypassed by a capacitor is equal to
the ratio of the collector load (RL) to the emitter resistor (R5). Av = RL/R5
Connecting the Q-point with the IC(SAT) point and drawing a line to the X-axis provides the
value of the ac cutoff voltage and the ac load line.
Large ac input signals, which are so large that the peak output voltage exceeds the maximum
allowed by the cutoff point, cause clipping at the output.
The optimum Q-point is at the center of the ac load line.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 3 Common Emitter Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 3 Common Emitter Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 Common Collector Circuit
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to demonstrate the operation of a common
collector transistor amplifier circuit by using calculated and measured circuit conditions.
The collector terminal is common to the input and output signals of the common collector (CC)
transistor circuit.
The CC transistor circuit base and collector current characteristic curves are similar to the CE
circuit curves.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 Common Collector Circuit
A CC transistor voltage divider circuit biases the base terminal with a single dc power supply.
The CC circuit has a voltage gain less than 1.0 and has current gains between 10 and 500.
High input impedance and low output impedance make the CC transistor circuit desirable for
applications between a high impedance source and a low impedance load.
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Generator, sine wave
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 Common Collector Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 Common Collector Circuit
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the dc operating
conditions of a common collector (CC) transistor circuit by using a typical CC circuit. You will
verify your results with a multimeter and with calculations.
In common collector transistor circuits the collector terminal is common to both the input and
the output signals.
Since no collector resistor is present the collector voltage (VC) equals the dc power supply
voltage (VA).
Base voltage (VB) is calculated using the voltage divider equation.
Emitter voltage (VE) is about 0.6 Vdc less than the base voltage when the transistor is
operating normally.
Ohms law is used to calculate the emitter current (IE).
Collector current (IC) is the emitter current minus the base current.
The dc load line passes through the saturation point, Q-point, and the cutoff point.
Cutoff occurs when VCE is equal to the supply voltage and IC equals 0 mA.
Saturation occurs when VCE equals 0 Vdc and the IC is at maximum value.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 Common Collector Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 Common Collector Circuit
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine ac operating
characteristics of a common collector (CC) amplifier by using a typical CC transistor circuit.
You will verify your results with a multimeter and an oscilloscope.
The ac input is provided by a sine wave generator.
The ac output is taken between the emitter terminal and ground.
Voltage gain of the common collector transistor circuit is the ratio of the ac output voltage to
the ac input voltage. The voltage gain is always less than one.
The input and output signal are in phase.
The common collector transistor circuit is also called an emitter follower because the output
signal follows the input signal.
Input impedance (Zi) is equal to the combined parallel resistance of R1, R2, and x (R3 +
re). Since x (R3 + re) is more than 100 times as large as R1 in parallel with R2, this
parallel combination equals the input impedance.
This circuit block allows the student to measure output impedance (Zo) by connecting
potentiometer R4 in parallel with R3 and adjusting R4 until the output signal is half that of
the original.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 Common Collector Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 4 Common Collector Circuit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 5 Bias Stabilization
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to demonstrate the effect of a temperature
increase on transistor bias by using typical transistor amplifier bias circuits.
Transistor bias refers to the dc operating conditions: the base, collector, and emitter dc voltages
and currents.
Transistor bias depends on the dc voltage supply and on the values and configuration of the
circuit resistors.
The Q-point of the load line is determined by the transistor bias. Transistors are heat-sensitive
devices. A change in transistor temperature can adversely affect the output signal quality.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 5 Bias Stabilization
If a circuit is not designed to overcome the effects of temperature change, the location of the Q-
point can move toward the saturation or cut-off points causing signal distortion.
A transistor amplifier circuit with a base voltage divider and an emitter resistor fixes the bias
voltage levels and, therefore, has good bias temperature stability. The stability factor (S) is a
measure of a transistor circuit's bias stability with changes in temperature.
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 5 Bias Stabilization
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 5 Bias Stabilization
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to describe the effect of temperature on
a fixed bias circuit by using a typical transistor circuit. You will verify your results with a
multimeter, a clock, and calculations.
Increased transistor temperature creates an increase in the value of beta (, current gain) and
the collector leakage current (ICBO).
Collector leakage current (ICBO) is caused by the reverse bias voltage. ICBO is measured from
the base to the collector with the emitter open.
Collector leakage current is normally in the nanoampere range, but doubles with every 10 C
In a fixed bias circuit, changes in beta have the greatest effect on the collector current.
Large temperature increases can cause collector current to reach the saturation point or create
a thermal runaway condition that could damage the transistor.
A measure of transistor temperature stability is referred to as the stability factor (S). The
stability factor is a ratio of the change in collector current to the change in collector leakage
Stability factors can range in value from one to as high as beta. A low stability factor
indicates a temperature stable transistor. Values less than 10 are considered good.
Fixed bias, or simple bias, circuits have poor temperature stability. The stability factor is
equal to beta.
In a fixed bias circuit, increased temperature causes VBE to decrease resulting in an increase
of both the voltage drop across R3 and the base current.
Base current increase cause an increase in collector current. Increases in beta and collector
leakage current compound the collector current increase.
Fixed bias circuits are usually used for transistor circuits that provide a switching function.
The circuit operates at saturation and cutoff.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 5 Bias Stabilization
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 5 Bias Stabilization
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to describe the temperature effects on a
voltage divider bias circuit by using a typical transistor circuit. You will verify your results with
a multimeter, a clock, and calculations.
The collector current is almost independent of beta in a voltage divider bias circuit. Therefore
when beta changes with temperature, it has little effect on circuit bias.
When the resistors in the voltage divider network are selected correctly, the base voltage is
essentially constant. Constant base voltage and the feedback from the emitter resistor give the
voltage divider bias circuit good temperature stability.
Increasing temperatures cause an increase in the collector and emitter currents. Larger
emitter currents increase the emitter voltage which opposes and slightly increases base
voltage. A slight increase in base voltage creates a decrease in base current thus
counteracting the collector and emitter current increase.
Feedback is the effect on the base voltage caused by the increase in emitter voltage.
The larger the emitter resistance the better the temperature stability of the circuit.
Too large an emitter resistor will limit the voltage gain of the circuit and bring the Q-point
closer to the saturation point, limiting the ac signal operating range.
The stability factor (S) of the voltage divider bias circuit is approximately equal to the ratio
of R4 to R7. A stability factor of ten or less is desirable.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 5 Bias Stabilization
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 5 Bias Stabilization
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 6 Transistor Specification Sheet
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to cite transistor parameters by using a transistor
specification sheet.
A transistor parameter is a physical or an electrical property whose value determines the
characteristics or behavior of the transistor. The transistor specification (data) sheet summarizes
all the transistor parameters and technical data that the manufacturer considers important for the
user. The user should refer to the specification sheet when selecting a transistor for a specific
circuit application.
Transistor specification sheets are contained in the manufacturer's technical information book.
Such books usually cover the family of devices to which a transistor belongs.
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 6 Transistor Specification Sheet
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 6 Transistor Specification Sheet
When you have completed this exercise, you will be familiar with several transistor parameter
symbols. You will verify your knowledge with a list of common transistor parameter symbols
and meanings.
Several frequently used transistor parameter symbols and their meanings are presented to the
The symbols are composed of letters which appear in the name or definition of the parameter.
Capital letter subscripts are sometimes used to denote dc or maximum values.
Lower case subscript letters usually represent ac (dynamic, rms, or instantaneous) values.
Terminal junctions are indicated by subscripts in the abbreviation of the parameter.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 6 Transistor Specification Sheet
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to locate maximum ratings, dc
characteristics, and operating parameters by using a typical transistor specification sheet. You
will verify your results by successfully completing all tasks.
Manufacturers of transistors publish technical manuals which include the transistor
specification (data) sheets.
The manual usually contains an alphanumeric index indicating the page number where data
on a specific transistor is located.
Manuals, also, include information to help select the correct transistor for the application and
tables that compare specific transistor performance for general design or applications
Specification sheets include sections for maximum ratings, electrical characteristics, and
characteristic curves.
Included in the data sheet are the transistor identification numbers, casing types, applications,
transistor configuration, and material.
Maximum ratings section provides operating parameters when a transistor is at its maximum
The Electrical Characteristics section consists of the following categories that provide
maximum and minimum parameter values required for circuit design.
Off characteristics
On characteristics
Small-signal characteristics
Switching Characteristics
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 6 Transistor Specification Sheet
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 6 Transistor Specification Sheet
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 7 RC Coupling
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to demonstrate the operation of a two-stage RC-
coupled amplifier by using measured circuit conditions.
Two amplifiers are cascaded when the output of the first amplifier is connected to the input of
the second amplifier. In a cascaded system, the first amplifier is called the first stage. The second
amplifier is called the second stage. Cascaded amplifiers achieve an overall gain higher than that
possible with one amplifier.
When a capacitor and one or more resistors connect the output of the first stage to the input of
the second stage, the amplifiers are RC (resistance-capacitance) coupled. With common-emitter
circuits, each amplifier inverts the input signal so that the output of the second stage is in phase
with the input of the first stage. The manner in which gain varies with the frequency of the input
signal is called frequency response.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 7 RC Coupling
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Generator, sine wave
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 7 RC Coupling
Exercise 1 DC Operation
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the dc operating
conditions of an RC-coupled amplifier by using measured values. You will verify your results
with a multimeter.
This RC coupling circuit consists of two cascaded common emitter NPN amplifiers (Q1 and
The output of the first transistor is connected to the input (base) of the second transistor
through the coupling capacitor C2.
The coupling capacitor blocks the dc collector current of Q1 from entering the base of Q2.
The coupling capacitor prevents dc interaction and shifting of both transistor Q-points.
RC stands for resistance-capacitance.
Both transistors have the identical voltage divider circuit and the same component values;
therefore, the dc bias for each transistor is essentially the same.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 7 RC Coupling
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the ac voltage gain and
the input/output phase relationship of an RC-coupled amplifier by using measured and calculated
values. You will verify your results with a multimeter and an oscilloscope.
The sine wave input is applied to the base of the first amplifier.
The output of the first amplifier depends on the ac output load resistance of Q1. Since C2
passes ac signals, the ac load resistance (RL1) consists of the parallel combination R3, R4,
R8, and the Q2 x (R10 + r'e).
Q2 x (R10 + r'e) is large and may be eliminated from the calculation.
The first amplifier has a voltage gain (Av1) which is the ratio of the output to input signal
(Vo1/Vi1). The gain has a negative sign since this stage inverts.
The ratio of load resistance to the emitter resistance approximates the voltage gain of the first
Av1 = RL1/R5
The ac output load resistance of Q2 is equal to the value of the collector resistor (R9).
Voltage gain of the second amplifier is expressed using this equation:
Av2 = Vo2/Vi2 = RL2/R10 = R9/R10
Overall circuit gain is the product of the amplifier gain.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 7 RC Coupling
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 7 RC Coupling
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the frequency response of
an RC-coupled amplifier by using measured values. You will verify your results with a
multimeter and an oscilloscope.
Amplifier gain varies as the input signal frequency varies. This behavior is referred to as the
frequency response.
The amplifier circuit used in this exercise experiences decreases in gain at frequencies below
20 Hz and above 100 kHz.
The bandwidth of an amplifier is the range of input signal frequencies over which the
amplifier gain remains constant.
In general, a 15% decrease in amplifier gain indicates that the amplifier is at the end of its
bandwidth range.
Frequency response curves for audio amplifiers should be relatively flat between 20 Hz and
20 kHz.
The coupling capacitor value may affect frequency response (at the lower frequencies) of the
Upper limit frequency bandwidth is affected by the frequency-dependent transistor
parameters and the stray capacitance of circuit elements.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 7 RC Coupling
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 7 RC Coupling
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 8 Transformer Coupling
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to demonstrate the operation of a transformer-
coupled two-stage amplifier by using measured circuit conditions.
When a transformer connects the output of the first-stage amplifier to the input of the second-
stage amplifier, the amplifiers are transformer-coupled. The transformer matches the high output
impedance of the first-stage amplifier (Q1) with the low input impedance of the second-stage
amplifier (Q2). A transformer-coupled amplifier uses less power than an RC-coupled amplifier
does because the dc voltage drop across a transformer winding is less than that of a collector
resistor, permitting a smaller dc supply voltage.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 8 Transformer Coupling
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Generator, sine wave
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 8 Transformer Coupling
Exercise 1 DC Operation
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the dc operating
conditions of a transformer-coupled two-stage amplifier by using measured values. You will
verify your results with a multimeter.
The transformer-coupled amplifier circuit consists of two NPN common emitter amplifiers
(Q1 and Q2).
The transformer T1 has its primary winding connected between the power supply and the
collector terminal of the first stage amplifier.
The secondary winding of the transformer is connected to the base terminal of the second-
stage amplifier and to ground through a dc current-blocking capacitor (C3).
Transformer (T1) blocks dc current flow between the two amplifier stages. This isolates the
dc bias for each stage.
Transformers are circuit devices used for ac signals only.
Resistor R7, which is connected in parallel with the transformer secondary winding,
maintains the impedance specification of this coil.
The amplifiers have identical voltage divider circuits and emitter resistors causing VB and VE
of each transistor to have about the same value.
The resistance of the primary winding is small; therefore, the collector voltage of the first
stage (VC1) is slightly less than the dc supply voltage (VA).
The second stage of the amplifier has a collector resistor (R9) which produces a collector
voltage (VC2) of about 9 Vdc.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 8 Transformer Coupling
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 8 Transformer Coupling
Exercise 2 AC Operation
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the ac voltage gain,
impedance matching, and input/output phase relationship of a transformer-coupled amplifier by
using measured and calculated values. You will verify your results with a multimeter and an
The ac input signal to the base of the first amplifier stage is provided by the sine wave
Transformer T1 has its primary connected between the power supply and the collector of the
first stage amplifier.
The secondary is connected to the base of the second-stage amplifier and to ground through a
dc blocking capacitor (C3).
The transformer provides impedance matching between the low impedance of the second-
stage base circuit and the high impedance of the first stage collector output.
The primary winding impedance (ZP) is represented as: ZP = ZS x (NP/NS)2
where ZS is the impedance of the secondary
NP/NS is the turns ratio of the transformer
The impedance of the second-stage base circuit is equal to the parallel combination of R7,
R8, and x (re + R10).
The turns ration of this transformer is 1.96.
The ac peak-to-peak voltage between the primary and secondary coils is reduced (stepped
down) by the transformer. The reduction is proportional to the turns ratio.
The dot on the bottom of the primary and the dot on the top of the secondary indicate that the
signals at these points are in phase.
The voltage gain of the first-stage is equal to the ratio of the output voltage to the input
voltage. Av1 = Vo1/Vi1 Note: The negative sign indicates a phase inversion.
The ac output signals of each amplifier are measured from their respective bases.
The first stage output signal is smaller than the first stage collector signal because the
transformer steps down the signal.
The collector resistor R9 is the ac output load of Q2.
The voltage gain of the amplifiers second stage can be expressed by any of the following
equations: Av2 = Vo2/Vi2
Av2 = RL2/R10
Av2 = R9/R10
The overall amplifier gain is the product of the gains of the individual amplifier stages.
The output signal of stage 2 is not quite in phase with the input signal of stage 1. This is
caused by the inductive reactance of the transformer.
The ac cutoff of Vce is higher than the dc supply voltage because of the transformer action.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 8 Transformer Coupling
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 8 Transformer Coupling
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the frequency response of
a transformer-coupled amplifier by using measured values. You will verify your results with a
multimeter and an oscilloscope.
Voltage gain can be expressed using a logarithmic scale, the unit of logarithmic voltage gain
is decibels (dB).
This equation is used to convert voltage gain into its logarithmic equivalent:
AvdB = 20 log10 (Vo/Vi) = 20 log10 (Av)
Decibels are used because human hearing has a logarithmic response.
Doubling the decibel level is the equivalent to a tenfold increase in arithmetic gain.
Voltage gain in dBs is plotted against the frequency of the input signal, the resulting curve is
referred to as the frequency response.
Transformer-coupled amplifiers have a poorer frequency response than RC-coupled
amplifiers. This occurs because the transformer frequency response is limited in comparison
to an RC coupling circuit.
The transformer used on the TRANSISTOR AMPLIFIER CIRCUITS circuit board has a
frequency response spec of 2 dB between 200 Hz and 10 KHz.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 8 Transformer Coupling
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 9 Direct Coupling
At the completion of this unit, you will be able to demonstrate the operation of a direct-coupled,
two-stage amplifier by using measured circuit conditions.
When the output of the first-stage amplifier (Q1) is directly connected to the input of the second-
stage amplifier (Q2), the amplifiers are direct coupled.
The frequency response at low frequencies is very good for direct-coupled amplifiers. The dc
conditions of each amplifier stage are not isolated. A direct-coupled amplifier is temperature
sensitive and requires stabilizing circuits to minimize drifting of the dc bias.
F.A.C.E.T. base unit
Oscilloscope, dual trace
Generator, sine wave
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 9 Direct Coupling
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 9 Direct Coupling
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the dc operating
conditions of a direct-coupled, two-stage amplifier by using measured values. You will verify
your results with a multimeter.
The direct-coupled two-stage amplifier circuit consists of two transistors configured as
common emitters. The first stage, Q1, uses an NPN transistor and the second stage, Q2, uses
a PNP transistor.
The output of Q1 (the collector) connects directly into the input of Q2 (the base). The
collector voltage of Q1 is equal to the base voltage of Q2. (VC1 = VB2)
The emitter voltage (VE2) is about 0.6 Vdc more positive than the base voltage (VB2) when
the base-emitter junction of Q2 is forward biased.
The collector voltage (VC2) is less positive than the base voltage (VB2) since the base-
collector junction is normally reverse biased.
The first stage has a voltage divider network to set the dc bias. The collector voltage of this
stage sets the base voltage of the second stage.
The second stage does not use a voltage divider to establish the dc bias; the resulting bias is
more sensitive to temperature changes.
The emitter resistor in the second stage generates feedback that counteracts dc bias drift due
to temperature. But, it is not as effective as voltage divider bias.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 9 Direct Coupling
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 9 Direct Coupling
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the ac voltage gain and
the input/output phase relationship of a direct-coupled amplifier by using measured and
calculated values. You will verify your results with a multimeter and an oscilloscope.
The sine wave generator provides the input signal. The signal enters the base of the first-
stage amplifier.
Input and output signal are in phase because each common emitter inverts the signal.
The voltage gain of Q1 is found with these equations:
Av1 = Vo1/Vi1 = R4/R5
The voltage gain of Q2 is expressed by any of these equations:
Av2 = Vo2/Vi2 = RL2/R6 = R7/R6
The overall circuit voltage gain is the product of the two amplifier gains.
Transistor Amplifier Circuits Unit 9 Direct Coupling
When you have completed this exercise, you will be able to determine the frequency response of
a direct-coupled amplifier by using measured values. You will verify your results with a
multimeter and an oscilloscope.
The bandwidth of a direct-coupled amplifier can extend to frequencies below 5 Hz.
Direct-coupled amplifier frequency response is good at low frequencies because of the lack
of a capacitor in the connection path.
Amplifier gain is reduced at low frequencies because of capacitive reactance.
The high frequency bandwidth limit is limited by frequency-dependent amplifier parameters
and stray circuit capacitance.
RC-coupled amplifiers have a capacitive reactance large enough to reduce gain at frequencies
below 50 Hz.
Transformer-coupled amplifiers have reduced gain at lower frequencies because of the
transformer characteristics.
Safety is everyones responsibility. All must cooperate to create the safest possible working
environment. Students must be reminded of the potential for harm, given common sense safety
rules, and instructed to follow the electrical safety rules.
The voltage and current used in theFACET. Computer-Based Laboratory are, in themselves,
harmless to the normal, healthy person. However, an electrical shock coming as a surprise will
be uncomfortable and may cause a reaction that could create injury. The students should be made
aware of the following electrical safety rules.