Ms. Saravia
English 11
2 May, 2017
The American dream the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to
achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination, and initiative. Everyone dream
is different as we have Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway as they have different dreams. Fitzgerald
aspect on the American dream in this case the green light is that its too far to reach, this is true
Gatsbys American dream was to be with Daisy and he really shows it with Nick talking
about him Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before
us. It eluded us then, but that's no matter to-morrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms
farther(CH.9 / 152-153) The green light resembling Daisy is what Gatsby is hunting for, the
girl he was with Almost five years! (CH.5 / 152). Since Gatsby disappeared in the war and to
be with his mentor Dan Cody it made Daisy lonely and impatient making her marry Tom
Buchanan leading to Gatsby wanting to bring her back. Gatsby showed Daisy his wealth with his
colorful shirts "They're such beautiful shirts," she sobbed, her voice muffled in the think folds.
"It makes me sad because I've never seen such such beautiful shirts before." (CH.5 / 118-119).
Gatsby shows his wealth to Daisy with the amounts of colorful clothing that he can afford, it was
Daisys dream to be with a rich man. Gatsby dream was not to be rich it was to be with Daisy.
Nicks American dream was to move from warm centre of the world and to be successful
in the bond business So I decided to go East and learn the bond business. (CH.1 / 6) Nick
believes that if he has enough money then youth, beauty, time, and love can be his. Once Gatsby
got close with Gatsby he learned about his life. Nick eventually learns being rich is not happiness
or the American dream no one arrived except more police and photographers and newspaper
men. When the butler brought back Wolfsheim's answer I began to have a feeling of defiance, of
scornful solidarity between Gatsby and me against them all. (CH.9 / 20) Nick realizes how
lonely Gatsby was and it is also Nicks fate loneliness as he is already in his 30s a decade of
loneliness opened up suddenly before me and what has hovered between us was said at last in the
Fitzgerald thoughts on the American dream are saying that those who pursue the
American Dream can never be satisfied, because the American Dream entails always striving for
something more than what we already have. This goes with Gatsby and Nick they both dont
reach their dream and feel sick. Gatsby wanted to be with Daisy but ultimately at the end Daisy
chooses Tom and does not even bother to attend Gatsby's funeral. Nick dream was to be
successful in the bonds in New York but after Gatsby's death he is sicken with New York and
feels the loneliness that Gatsby felt. Dream can never be satisfied, because the American Dream
entails always striving for something more than what we already have.
The American dream in Fitzgerald's eyes is unachievable. Even though people achieve
the status upper class it does not mean they are truly happy, as we see in Gatsby. Even the people
that dont reach upper class level they can feel sicken but other things like loneliness. A dark and
deep ending to the Great Gatsby showing the realism and reality of the American dream as there