Achim Menges. Bob Sheil. Ruairi Glynn. Marilena Skavara. Fabricate
Achim Menges. Bob Sheil. Ruairi Glynn. Marilena Skavara. Fabricate
Achim Menges. Bob Sheil. Ruairi Glynn. Marilena Skavara. Fabricate
Stefana Parascho, Augusto Gandia, NETS AND TENSILE SURFACE JENNY SABIN AND Garca and Vicente Soler CAPACITIES OF TEXTILE
and Matthias Kohler Wes Mcgee, Kathy Velikov, 184 CILLLIA: METHOD OF 3D THERAPEUTIC ENVIRONMENTS
Martin Self and ATTACHMENT RONALD RAEL Cheng, Karl Willis and Hiroshi Ishii 242 BENDING-ACTIVE
Emmanuel Vercruysse Christopher Robeller, Volker PLATES: PLANNING AND
Helm, Andreas Thoma, Fabio 166 Q&A 3 190 FUSED FILAMENT CONSTRUCTION
36 AUTOMATED DESIGN- Gramazio, Matthias Kohler and CARL BASS, BOB SHEIL AND FABRICATION FOR MULTI- Simon Schleicher, Riccardo La
Rodovan Kovacevic MACHINE LEARNING BOB SHEIL 196 3D METAL PRINTING Stefan Peters, Andreas Trummer,
Martin Tamke, Mateusz AS STRUCTURE FOR Gernot Parmann and Felix
Philip F. Yuan and Hua Chai Deleuran, Yuliya Sinke SCULPTURAL PROJECTS
Baranovskaya, Ida Friis Tinning Paul Kassabian, Graham Cranston, 258 FROM LAMINATION TO
50 RAPID ASSEMBLY WITH and Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen Juhun Lee, Ralph Helmick, ASSEMBLY: MODELLING
STRUCTURES 106 ROBOTIC FABRICATION OF Hanno Stehling, Fabian Scheurer,
Joseph M. Gattas, Kim Baber, STONE ASSEMBLY DETAILS 202 MOBILE ROBOTIC Jean Roulier, Hlori Geglo and
Yousef Al-Qaryouti and Ins Ariza, Brandon Clifford, James FABRICATION SYSTEM FOR Mathias Hofmann
Ting-Uei Lee B. Durham, Wes McGee, Caitlin T. FILAMENT STRUCTURES
Mueller and T. Shan Sutherland Maria Yablonina, Marshall Prado, 264 SCALING ARCHITECTURAL
Paul Nicholas, Mateusz Zwierzycki, Mania Aghaei Meibodi, Mathias
68 OPEN CAGE-SHELL DESIGN Esben Clausen Nrgaard, David Bernhard, Andrei Jipa and 280 MULTI-PERFORMATIVE SKINS
AND FABRICATION (HEALING Stasiuk, Christopher Hutchinson Benjamin Dillenburger Edoardo Tibuzzi and Deyan
PAVILION) and Mette Thomsen Marzev
Benjamin Ball and Gaston Nogues 218 PROCESS CHAIN FOR THE
Richard Maddock, Xavier de THE ELBPHILHARMONIE CONCRETE PANELS WITH Matthias Rippmann and David
Kestelier, Roger Ridsdill Smith and Benjamin S. Koren and AN ADAPTIVE MOULD Escobedo
Darron Haylock Tobias Mller Hendrik Lindemann, Jrg Petri,
Stefan Neudecker and
A CASE STUDY IN LARGE- Marshall Prado, Moritz
SCALE GFRP STRUCTURAL Drstelmann, James Solly,
DESIGN AND ASSEMBLY Achim Menges and Jan Knippers
James Kingman, Jeg Dudley
and Ricardo Baptista
8 9
So, here we are with the third iteration of the built environments ground, even when presented with the exciting possibilities Whereas we might have been collectively drawn to more to make the most of transdisciplinary opportunities. These are
thinking and making triennial celebration: FABRICATE 2017. manifestly demonstrated by an eye-catching and palpably singular iconic formalist adventures in recent years, there opportunities that learning and research institutions such as
What began as a polar comparison between the 2011 and 2014 successful built example. Even the great innovator Gaud, seems to be greater emphasis on process in FABRICATE 2017's universities are uniquely equipped to provide, yet so rarely
events has developed into a series through which to take stock while admitting that design by its very nature is experimental published projects, not necessarily pointing solely to a seem to be able to fulfil beyond the rhetoric. Turning from the
of the fast-changing fabrication design landscape. Rather than and innovative, asked his closest confidants why one would concrete outcome but to fresh approaches to transforming imminent present, the thinking/making community have John
simply revealing greater sophistication and quicker processes risk employing novel materials and construction techniques ideas into fabricated, tangible outcomes. We can see this by Ruskin as their friend, for it was he who so eloquently called on
six years after the inaugural event, we believe that the contents instead of expertly applying traditional craft and practice. looking at the acknowledgements in many of the exhibited thinkers and makers to make themselves consciously aware of
of this volume attest to a seismic shift in both professional projects most notably the growing range of disciplines each others contributions:
outreach and construction application, and to a striking Yet we are in the twenty-first century now, with a broader contributing to this fast-evolving dialogue. These
expansion in the field of players. Surveying this landscape, set of urgent and inescapable imperatives: greater awareness transdisciplinary teams include not just the designers, And yet more, in each several profession, no master should
practices, industries and design education institutions have of environmental responsibility, not least energy use and its computation and robotics experts and builders, but also be too proud to do its hardest work. The painter should grind
even more to draw upon that will boost their confidence as impact on global warming; the need to take ethical account and increasingly materials scientists and engineers, his own colours; the architect work in the masons yard with
regards the required time commitment and budget to push of where materials come from; which resources to eschew industrial designers, process and systems specialists, his men; the master-manufacturer be himself a more skilful
research and education in fabrication further. Shifts in for their risk of being depleted; where building waste ultimately diverse manufacturers and informed end-user participants, operative than any man in his mills; and the distinction
perspective concomitant with greater investment will be ends up; and what happens to buildings after they are finished to name just a few. between one man and another be only in experience and
rewarded by the cultural and practical benefits of adventurous, with and demolished. skill, and the authority and wealth which these must naturally
high quality, responsive architecture produced with The projects here have been selected from an almost and justly obtain.1
correspondingly reduced costs and minimised environmental While pavilions have been crucial prototypical conversation overwhelmingly large pool of candidates, and together
impact. Looking beyond the immediate glamour of FABRICATE, starters, the editors are reassured to find that this years take are the conspicuous vector for the questions we might Any sceptic who wonders why design schools invest in robots
these benefits are the ultimate endgame. has moved to more built examples, some even at a heroic embrace over the coming years. What is the role of schools and 5-axis routers over a century and a half later should be
scale. It is rewarding, too, to see more projects that speak of architecture and design in all this? Realistically, how can clear that such technology is not about assimilating the
In their introduction to FABRICATE 2014, the editors rued that of generic and high impact (as opposed to project-specific) schools participate fully in the face of burgeoning student expertise of others or about dabbling dilettantism. Rather,
the preponderance of experimentation at that time was largely transformations to the way we design and make. numbers (in many countries) that make the necessary access these contemporary tools are the vital horizon expanders
constrained to a relatively small number of progressive schools, to hands-on experimentation with expensive machinery for disciplines otherwise cauterised by their own sense of
insulated from mainstream reality and relatively out of step FABRICATE surely wants to pull us towards a post-digital difficult to achieve? And what radical changes in syllabus historical continuity. In this fast-paced (r)evolution, FABRICATE
with the reality of wider practice and industry take-up. While design-making maturity where design intention, will be required to ensure that students and researchers 2017 is the latest in a unique series of conferences that not only
pavilions have been popping up around the globe Londons computational abstraction and automated fabrication are appropriately acclimatised so that they can participate demonstrate the rapidly shifting ground of the endgame but
startling annual contribution at the Serpentine being one of the and assembly are positioned more as the norm than as meaningfully in the increasingly diverse design and build also, more crucially, illuminate fascinating alternative pathways
better examples many adventurous structures have been the exception within a shifting set of design priorities. teams, beyond mere speculative engagement? to boosting ongoing professional relevance.
constrained to inhabiting the forecourts of the educational Thus we look for exception not just through stand-out,
facilities in which they are spawned, perhaps speaking more game-changing examples but through a palpable shift These questions are not necessarily in the purview of
loudly to the converted than to the desired new audience. in criteria towards enhanced building performance, FABRICATE 2017 in terms of providing answers, but the
in addition to the usual preoccupations about appearance. event and this published record will help fuel the argument
Traditionally, as we all know, there is a reticence to take Work addressing this expanded field of challenges can be for further change in the design and construction industries 1. John Ruskin, The Nature of Gothic, The Stones of Venice,
risks in the construction industry, and a hesitation to shift readily discerned through surveying this books contents. priorities. They will especially stimulate greater confidence Book II.VI.XXI (1853).
10 11
As the editors of FABRICATE 2017, we have many people to In Stuttgart, Achim would like to express his gratitude to the sincere thanks to Dan Lockwood and Patrick Morrissey, our
thank. In the first instance, with over 250 submissions from entire FABRICATE team at the Institute for Computational meticulous proofreader and designer respectively, both of
45 countries, we wish to thank everyone who responded to Design and Construction. First and foremost, thank you to whom have executed their tasks with elegance, patience and
the call for works, an achievement requiring perseverance Nicola Burggraf for her extraordinary effort in heading the beauty. Thank you to Lara Speicher, Publishing Manager at UCL
and commitment on all sides. We also thank all authors and administration team and for her tireless engagement in Press, and her team, including Chris Penfold, Jaimee Biggins
collaborators on every selected project, and everyone who preparing FABRICATE in Stuttgart since January 2016. and Alison Major we have hugely enjoyed working on our
has kindly agreed to present. Each submission took time Britta Kurka and Scottie McDaniel have also contributed second project with you within six months. Its also deeply
and involved others in addition to those who authored the extensively to various organisational matters. Without this satisfying and enjoyable to be back in partnership with
content, so we wish to thank all the teams behind every team, the conference would not have been possible. Thank Riverside Architectural Press, led by the inspiring Philip Beesley
submission the assistants, the copy editors, the you! In addition, thank you to all the other ICD researchers and and his general manager Salvador Miranda. Thank you to James
photographers and the IT teams who ensured that our students who helped with the wide range of aspects that Curwen, Luis Rego and Thomas Abbs for their generous
networks didnt go down hours before the deadline. needed to be taken care of for such a major event. We are assistance. Finally, we wish to thank those responsible for
We also wish to thank the administrators who ensured lacking the space here to mention all contributions in detail the tactile experience that you, as reader, are enjoying now.
that every submission was received, catalogued and but, again, FABRICATE would not have been possible without To Tom Maes and Hugh Jolly of Albe de Coker printers: we
made available on stable platforms so that the business the tremendous effort and passion of this fantastic group salute your passion for craft and detail, and deeply appreciate
of processing them ran smoothly, no matter where those of people very well done! Thanks, too, to the University your kindness and tolerance qualities that are vital in the
who needed to access them were at any given time. of Stuttgart for providing an excellent context for our making of well-made things.
We are indebted to more than 301 distinguished peer research activities, which included making it possible for
reviewers who fulfilled their duties with impeccable us to host such a remarkable event. Finally, I would like to Finally, from Stuttgart and London, we extend our sincere
professionalism and care, especially as many did so in acknowledge the significant support of the DFG Deutsche thanks to all our sponsors, as it is their support that enables
the holiday period of late summer. You know who you are, Forschungsgemeinschaft in recognising the scientific FABRICATE to be disseminated widely. Thank you to our
and we thank you. importance of the conference and for granting the additional Diamond sponsor Autodesk, our Platinum sponsors Arup,
means to make it happen. KUKA, Ostseestaal and BigRep and our Gold sponsors FARO,
Each edition of FABRICATE has adopted different Design-to-Production and Trimble.
organisational models. In 2011, both the event and the In London, Ruairi and Bob wish to start by thanking Marilena
book were handled by a small local team at The Bartlett Skavara, who has been involved in every event and production Achim Menges, Bob Sheil, Ruairi Glynn and Marilena Skavara
School of Architecture, UCL, led by the projects founders, since 2011 as an utterly pivotal figure in the entire enterprise.
Ruairi Glynn and Bob Sheil. FABRICATE 2014 was managed Now co-editor, Marilenas key role is fully recognised, as is the 1. FABRICATE 2017 peer reviewers: Francis Aish, Ehsan Baharlou, Martin
by a team at ETH Zurich, led by chairs Fabio Gramazio and impact of her strategic contribution and judgment. So now, as Bechthold, Mirco Becker, Daniel Bosia, Mark Burry, Brandon Clifford,
Matthias Kohler, with Silke Langenberg and consultancy an editorial team of three, we each wish to thank the following Xavier De Kastellier, Moritz Doerstelmann, David Gerber, Ruairi Glynn,
Volker Helm, Axel Kilian, Nathan King, Branko Kolarevic, Toni Kotnik,
from Marilena Skavara. Arrangements for FABRICATE 2017 people, who have helped us to assemble this wonderful Oliver Krieg, Julian Lienhard, Achim Menges, Philippe Morel, Caitlin
have been approached as a collaboration between the publication. Eli Lee, our project editor, has approached it with Mueller, Brady Peters, Marshall Prado, Mette Ramsgaard, Matthias
Institute for Computational Design, University of Stuttgart, unlimited reserves of patience and good humour, and her Rippmann, Christopher Robeller, Stanislav Roudavski, Jenny Sabin,
Bob Sheil, Simon Schleicher, Tobias Schwinn, Asbjrn Sndergaard,
and The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL, with ICD assistant, Aleema Gray, transcribed the interviews between Robert Stuart-Smith, Oliver Tessmann, Skylar Tibbits, Lauren Vasey,
taking the lead on the conference. our keynotes with forensic skill and concentration. We offer Tobias Wallisser, Jan Willmann and Dylan Wood.
12 13
Welcome to FABRICATE 2017: Rethinking Design and In the beginning, the idea of a conference that explored the
Construction. This is the third volume in a triennial series currents between technology, design and industry emerged
of conference publications that began with Making Digital from the need to understand the ever-changing shape of the
Architecture in 2011 at The Bartlett School of Architecture, world around us. In the six years since the first event, we have
University College London. From these origins in one of the received over 800 submissions from more than 40 institutions
worlds leading cities for design excellence, in 2014 FABRICATE across 30 countries. From this pool, we have selected 96
moved to ETH in Zurich, a pioneering science and technology papers for publication and 48 for presentation, alongside
university, where its theme was Negotiating Design and 12 highly distinguished keynote lectures. A team of eight
Making. In 2017, we are at the Institute for Computational Conference Chairs, 12 editors, 12 Panel Chairs and 90 peer
Design and Construction, University of Stuttgart, a world- reviewers have been intimately involved throughout.
renowned research lab in design for construction, located in FABRICATE is now widely regarded as the leading international
Europes innovative and forward-thinking industrial heartland. forum in which centres of excellence in architecture, design, 1 2
engineering and manufacturing can engage, collaborate and one of the earliest books on the subject, Computer Aided is now opening expanded facilities for new postgraduate
Each FABRICATE conference and book evolves from an open create. It has become a unique public platform for open Manufacture in Architecture The Pursuit of Novelty programmes, including an MArch in Design for Performance
call for works in progress, with a submission deadline ten debate on how these disciplines exchange and evolve their (Architectural Press) was authored by Nick Callicott, one of the and Interaction, an MArch in Design for Manufacture and a
months prior to the conference. The call is designed to attract design and making expertise. Schools workshop-based design tutors. The book was in part pioneering MEng in Engineering and Architectural Design.
submissions from industry and practice as well as academia, influenced by The Idea of Building: Thought and Action in the
and asks for an abstract on the trajectory of the work, including At its heart, FABRICATE is about doing: the where, who, what, Design and Production of Buildings (Taylor and Francis, 1992) The inaugural FABRICATE event in 2011, Making Digital
where it will be by the time the conference takes place. Selected why and how of doing. While it was not initially envisaged as by Stephen Groak, Callicotts key mentor at UCL and later Architecture (chaired by Ruairi Glynn and Bob Sheil),
projects are then invited to resubmit full papers for a second a series, that it would become one was perhaps inevitable. Head of Research and Development at ARUP. Groak and other presented two primary spheres, academic and practice.
round. The conference theme emerges during this phase, From Making Digital Architecture (2011) to Negotiating Design key figures at The Bartlett, such as Stephen Gage, Peter Cook, The extraordinary range of projects issuing from both were
while papers are also categorised into notional sub-themes. and Making (2014), FABRICATE has set the agenda during an Christine Hawley and Alan Penn, understood that the Schools further categorised into the following themes: Physical
extraordinary period for the built environment one which reputation for design excellence would not come from the Processes, Material Systems, Machines and The Bespoke
Thus FABRICATE is itself a work in progress about works in has empowered the designer with new tools and capabilities, studios or seminar rooms alone. Instead, it would rely on a and Representation and Manufacture. By FABRICATE 2014,
progress, an event and a publication that converge at a point challenged the orthodoxy of standardised processes and well-equipped and strategically staffed workshop. Negotiating Design and Making, at ETH Zurich, the events
and place in time where what is being made is both still evolving witnessed inspiring collaborations in which expert themes had evolved into Challenging The Thresholds,
and ready for sharing. This approach extends to how authors are representation has met expert realisation, and vice versa. 1. New Computational Among the craft and making experts The Bartlett hired was Material Exuberance, Forming Machines and Living
Construction Laboratory at
encouraged to further translate their work as speakers. They are the University of Stuttgart. furniture designer Bim Burton, son of the late Richard Burton, Assemblies. Chaired by Fabio Gramazio and Matthias Kohler,
encouraged to go off-script, question and reinvent their Back in 2011, it might have seemed that The Bartlett School of who famously worked with Frei Otto and John Makepeace at pioneers of robotics in architecture, the event was a survey
medium, reveal what lies between the lines and add any new Architecture, at University College London, was not an obvious 2. The new Integrative Hooke Park. In the 1990s, experimentation through drawing of ground-breaking approaches to fabrication from the
Technologies &
ideas that have come into play. Writing, after all, is no different to institution for such a conference. At that time and for the Architectural Design was the dominant paradigm. By 2001, experimentation in digital most innovative research labs in the world. This conference
drawing or making they are all forms of representation that we preceding decade the School was more renowned for its Research MSc Programme forms of making was growing in scope, and by 2011, as a result indicated a clear shift in the field, with many leading institutions
rely on to make sense of the world. So not only are the evidence culture of experimentation through hands-on drawing, at the Institute for of a 1m investment in digital technologies, The Bartlett had recognising the possibility of a far richer relationship between
* Each remains a vital Computational Design
and documentation of design and making critical to FABRICATE, narrative speculation and cultural theory*, as well as for its strand in the Schools and Construction at the developed a complementary strand of research and teaching the drawn and the made. The next step was to engage with
but talking, showing and rethinking are, too. influential work in digital theory and interaction. But in 2001, operations today. University of Stuttgart. activity entirely focused on making. Furthermore, the School industry and where else to go but Stuttgart?
14 15
FABRICATE 2017 recognises how much has changed since technological fields. The University of Stuttgart is renowned
2011. Once the final selection of papers was made, it was clear for creatively engaging with these advanced industries and
that the chosen projects were of a significantly larger scale bringing to such engagements the rigour and insight of its
in terms of both size and reach. The categories Production, skilled and specialist faculty and students. The most recent
Materialisation, Additive Strategies and Construction made manifestation of this spirit is the ICDs new Computational
immediate sense, as did the conference title, Rethinking Construction Laboratory (Fig. 1). It is no coincidence that
Design and Construction. the opening of this lab coincides with this years conference,
3 as it is this very spirit that we consider the ICDs modest
One key point that has emerged is that we can no longer talk in contribution to the continuing success of FABRICATE.
general terms about digital architecture. Such a generalisation
no longer seems to do justice to the multifaceted cultures Rethinking Design and Construction therefore constitutes
of computational design and digital fabrication, their finely both a critical assessment and a provocation. On the one hand,
differentiated approaches and their diverse physical it reflects the work of a range of extraordinary thinkers who
manifestations which are explored both in the book are challenging old approaches to design and making through
and at the conference. Equally, we are witnessing a rapidly ingenious ways of mastering digital technologies and lateral
blurring boundary between computational design and digital thinking. On the other, it serves as a rallying cry to use
fabrication. The clear line that once existed between computational technologies as vehicles for creative
these two domains has become increasingly questioned exploration and for making ground-breaking and bold
by cyber-physical productions systems and challenged by collaborations that would otherwise not happen in
new forms of man-machine collaboration (designer and academia or industry by themselves.
robot collaborations, in most cases), which form the basis
of a significant number of submissions.
Gramazio Kohler Research, ETH Zurich
Machines have the ability to manipulate material Space frame structures have been traditionally
cooperatively, enabling them to materialise structures constrained to regular systems using standardised
that could not otherwise be realised individually. elements and joints, or have required the development
Operating with more than one (mechanical) arm of complex prefabricated joints for the construction
allows for the exploitation of assembly processes of differentiated structures (Chilton, 2000). The
by performing material manipulations on a shared implementation of an industrial robot into the building
fabrication task. The work presented here is an process offers a new approach for the construction of
investigation of such cooperative robotic construction, non-regular spatial structures, since a 6-axis robotic
wherein two industrial robots assemble a spatial metal arm can precisely move, position, orient and hold a
structure consisting of discrete steel tubes. The building element in space, something a human cannot
developed construction method relies on the alternate accomplish without a reference system and support
positioning of building members into triangulated structure (Gramazio et al., 2014).
configurations, where one robot temporarily stabilises
the assembly while the other places a tube and vice versa. In the work presented here, the digital fabrication of space
The intricate geometric dependencies of this structural frame structures is further explored with a cooperative
system, as well as the fact that the machines limit each robotic construction approach. Whereas multi-robotic
others operational range, led to the exploration of robotic material manipulation is well-established for repetitive
simulation and path planning strategies as an integral pre-programmed tasks in assembly lines, its application
part of the design process. The experimental results of in non-standard digital fabrication, derived from the
realising a space frame structure at an architectural inherent complexity of performing non-repetitive robotic
scale (Fig. 2) validate this approach. movements in an altering building space, is still widely
unexplored. Cooperating robots have been used in
architectural research for filament winding (Parascho 1
26 27
et al., 2015), hot wire cutting (Rust et al., 2016, Sndergaard the unstable assembly until it is triangulated and can be
et al., 2016) and metal folding (Saunders et al., 2016). fixed. As a result, using digital design, robotic simulation
While these applications hint towards the potential of and robotic fabrication in a negotiating manner, highly
using cooperating robots in architectural fabrication, differentiated space frame structures can be erected
they are usually manoeuvred at a safe distance from each without the need for additional support structures.
other where the spatial configuration of the robotic arm is
less of a concern than when operating at close proximity Computational design and fabrication simulation
within the same fabrication space. Rather than merely
focusing on the final pose of the robotic end effector when Like other space frame structures, the system developed
assembling an element, the research presented here here is primarily characterised by the node. In order to
considers the whole body of the robotic arm over time allow for geometric flexibility in arranging the tubes at
to guide building elements around material obstacles. various angles, and to be able to later robotically fabricate
them, the node is distinguished by the shifting of the
An investigation into possible assembly sequences tubes alongside each other around a shared centre point.
for the realisation of space frame structures with multiple As a result, two tubes connect at one point. While this
robots has shown that in principal only two cooperating shifted node offers a high degree of freedom in respect
manipulators are required to assemble stable, of possible spatial arrangement and robotic fabrication,
triangulated structures (Gramazio et al., 2014). This is it also presents structural challenges. In contrast to 3 4
based on the assumption that one robot can temporarily traditional space frame systems that join multiple
stabilise the structure while the other is picking and structural members at a singular spherical point, the Each newly added tube connects at each side to two it can connect, so that the computational design tool
placing a new structural element. While one robot reciprocity of this expanded node induces flexural neighbouring elements with the objective of assembling can find the appropriate geometrical solution for the
assembles a steel tube, the other briefly changes its rigidity in the system, leading to a structure with a reciprocally closed nodes. These configurations are tubular arrangements.
function and acts as a structural support to balance greater stiffness. able to take bending forces, although every constructive
joint between two tubes is hinged in a static sense. An important aspect of the design process, aside from the
As a result, each tube, once assembled into a tetrahedral definition of the spatial arrangement, is the creation of
2 configuration, is comprised of at least four connections, the robotic movements that allow the integral verification
making two reciprocal nodes with its neighbours. of the fabrication feasibility. As described above, two
During the build, the number of connections to an cooperating robots are used to assemble the structures
individual tube increases over time, subsequent to in a highly constrained three-dimensional space. A series
the adding of neighbouring tubes requiring structural of tests has shown that defining collision-free robotic
support points. This means that, in a final assembly, movements is a challenging task that needs to be
a tube can have up to eight connection points at each addressed at an early design stage. On one hand, this
end, depending on the overall configuration. This novel originates from the need to manoeuvre building elements
construction system leads to geometric dependencies into openings and gaps of already built parts to create the
that require the use of computational design to explore interlocking reciprocal joints, while avoiding collisions
possible spatial arrangements and to identify a between the robot and the structure. On the other hand,
fabrication sequence that considers the build-up of the construction environment changes over time,
the structure into stable configurations accordingly. as a result of the sequential and spatial build-up of the
structure and of the continuously altering configurations
The overall spatial organisation of the construction of the robots, which limit each others operational range.
system is based on tetrahedra. A tetrahedron creates
1. Tubes are welded the minimum stable space frame structure. Combining Rather than only calculating the final pose of the tool
manually at their connection
points after each assembly a multitude of tetrahedra into larger, interconnected centre point (TCP), the approach required designing
step. structures allows for the creation of complex load-bearing the robotic configurations, translated into axis rotations,
assemblies while assuring the structural integrity of determining the entire spatial arrangement of the robot
2. Cooperative robotic
assembly of a spatial metal the individual tetrahedron and, as such, the controlled over time. For this reason, path planning strategies and
structure. assembly of tubular elements into spatial aggregations. robotic simulation tools that linked to the computational
When designing such an arrangement, the order of design were investigated. The proposed solution makes
3. Assembly of the structure.
placing tubular elements has to be defined. This is use of a robotic simulation platform (Coppelia Robotics,
4. Build-up sequence of the directly related to the later construction of the 2012) that uses the power of sampling-based path
structure. structures. The fabrication space changes over time. planning algorithms (Kavraki Lab, 2012) to generate
Images: Gramazio Kohler Therefore it is crucial to define where and when to collision-free trajectories. A software tool was created in a
Research, ETH Zurich, 2016. place the next building element and to which tubes CAD environment (McNeel, 2013, McNeel, 2015) in order
28 29
to integrate robotic simulation capabilities directly into During the build, tolerances of up to approximately approaches towards truly spatial aggregations. As such,
the computational design process. The robotic trajectories 5mm occurred at the joint between two building the construction system presented here is not limited to
can be generated by defining a start configuration of the elements. The reason for this is that the robotic system, discrete metal tubes. Combining computational design
robot and a desired end pose of the TCP, by outlining the with its unprecedented large workspace, is still subject to with this increased three-dimensional autonomy of
robots joint metrics (to set the joint constraints) and by initial adjustments and the large-scale metrology system cooperative robotic construction potentially leads to
setting a series of rapidly exploring random tree (RRT) of the RFL is not yet in operation; in addition, some of the novel architectural construction systems in general.
algorithm-specific values, such as the sampling resolution. tubes were slightly bent. However, since the welded joint
Following this method, a spatial configuration can be can accommodate a few millimetres of tolerance and Acknowledgements
evaluated when designing it, which can be adapted if because each new structural element was placed The research presented here is part of and supported by the research
needed. For example, if no solution is found, the gripping according to the digital blueprint rather than based on programme NCCR Digital Fabrication, funded by the Swiss National Science
pose can be shifted or the geometry of the structure can what had already been built, the tolerances did not Foundation. A special thanks goes to Dr. Thomas Kohlhammer for assisting
with the structural design and geometry, Marc Freese for collaborating on the
be altered. accumulate over time, which enabled a successful topic of robotic simulation, Philippe Fleischmann and Michael Lyrenmann for
welding of the entire structure. their support in the RFL and Matthias Danzmayr and Marco Palma for
Building a 4m-tall structure contributing to the realisation of the prototype.
The structure is comprised of 72 steel tubes, creating robotic-controller interface. In order to be able to create ability of cooperating robots to hold building elements Coppelia Robotics, 2012, V-rep, available at
23 non-regular tetrahedra, concatenated into a spiral collision-free robotic movements, the model of the in space, allowing for the building of non-regular spatial com/ (accessed 25 September 2016).
configuration growing from the ground to a height of simulation had to match the actual physical set-up. metal structures by integrating computational design,
Gramazio, F., Kohler, M. and Willmann, J., 2014, Robotic Metal Aggregations
4.2m. The prototype is the first structure built in the While performing the first tests, collisions occurred robotic simulation and digital fabrication. However, in The Robotic Touch, Zurich, Park Books, p.430-439.
Robotic Fabrication Laboratory (RFL), a test bed for for example, because the kinematic model was not several aspects of the project require further
large-scale robotic fabrication research at ETH Zurich. paired with the simulation or because the physical development. Firstly, the settings of the simulation Gramazio, F., Kohler, M. and Willmann, J., 2014, Aerial Constructions in
The Robotic Touch, Zurich, Park Books, p.400-409.
It consists of four 6-axis industrial robots mounted on a envelope of the IO box, mounted on the back of the parameters still require several manual steps and
3-axis gantry system that can cooperate on architectural robot, was ignored. knowledge from the designer about the functionality Kavraki Lab, 2012, Open Motion Planning Library, available at
fabrication tasks within a maximum building volume of of the algorithm. Simplifying and further automating (accessed 30 September 2016).
43 x 16 x 6m. The 16mm diameter steel tubes were pre-cut at the the integration of this process with the computational Parascho, S., Knippers, J., Drstelmann, M., Prado, M. and Menges, A., 2015,
required length and picked up by the robot from a design environment would allow the user to interact Modular Fibrous Morphologies: Computational Design, Simulation and
The structure was built from the ground up, pushing pneumatically actuated pick-up station. The building more intuitively with the tool when designing robotic Fabrication of Differentiated Fibre Composite Building Components in Block,
P., Knippers, J., Mitra, N.J., Wang, W. (eds.), 2015, Advances in Architectural
the vertical building envelope of the fabrication system elements were then guided through the building space, movements. Secondly, as described, the welding was Geometry 2014, Switzerland, Springer, p.29-45.
(Fig. 4). Whereas from afar the construction process avoiding contact with physical obstacles, to their manually performed, and further testing to transfer
appeared as a surface-based assembly, the steel tubes designated location within the structure. Once the this joining to a robotic method is required. Finally, McNeel, 2013, Grasshopper, available at
(accessed 30 September 2016).
were actually guided into the interlocking reciprocal node element was in place, the robot changed its function from sensing the spatial arrangement of the structure while
configurations in a truly spatial manner (Figs. 5 and 6). a tube manipulator to a tube holder. The element could building on it would allow compensation for tolerances McNeel, 2015, Rhinoceros, available at (accessed
The non-intuitive robotic trajectories generated in the then be joined to its neighbours by the manual welding (for example, from bent tubes or errors that occur during 30 September 2016).
design environment were sent via a custom CAD-to- of four spots around the connection (Fig. 1). the construction). Rust, R., Jenny, D., Gramazio, F. and Kohler, M., 2016, Spatial Wire Cutting:
Cooperative robotic cutting of non-ruled surface geometries for bespoke
6 The realisation of the architectural scale physical prototype building components in Chien, S., Choo, S., Schnabel, M.A., Nakapan W., Kim,
M.J. and Roudavski, S. (eds.), 2016, Living Systems and Micro-Utopias:
displays some of the potential of cooperatively building Towards Continuous Designing, Proceedings of the 21st International
space frame structures with two robotic arms. Cooperative Conference of the Association for Computer-Aided Architectural Design
construction expands the capacity of digitally designed Research in Asia CAADRIA 2016, 000-000, Hong Kong, The Association for
Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA),
and robotically fabricated architecture. Here, multi-robotic p.529-538.
5. Shifted node. The node cooperation is not merely used to distribute the workload
consists of up to ten tubes between individual machines, but to perform building Saunders, A. and Epps, G., 2016, Robotic Lattice Smock: A Method for
and seven reciprocal Transposing Pliable Textile Smocking Techniques through Robotic Curved
tasks a single robot (or a human) could not accomplish. Folding and Bending of Sheet Metal in Reinhardt, D., Saunders, R., and Burry, J.
The integration of path planning and robotic simulation (eds.), 2016, Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design, Switzerland,
6. Sequence of the capabilities within the computational design allowed for Springer, p.79-91.
placement of a tube. the generation and later physical realisation of intricate
The geometrically complex Sndergaard, A., Feringa, J., Nrbjerg, T., Steenstrup, K., Brander, D.,
connections require a reciprocal space frame configurations. The project Graversen, J., Markvorsen, S., Brentzen, A., Petkov, K., Hattel, J., Clausen, K.,
specific spatial trajectory demonstrates the possibility of methods of computational Jensen, K., Knudsen, L. and Kortbek, J., 2016, Robotic Hot-Blade Cutting:
for the robots for each tube. An Industrial Approach to Cost-Effective Production of Double Curved
design that take into account the full spatial movement Concrete Structures in Reinhardt, D., Saunders, R. and Burry, J. (eds.), 2016,
Images: Gramazio Kohler of robots when materialising architecture and, as such, Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design, Switzerland, Springer,
Research, ETH Zurich, 2016. fosters a shift from layer- and surface-based assembly p.150-164.
30 31
Architectural Association, London
The AAs satellite campus out in Hooke Park, Dorset, required for timber growth and the forestry processes
is the headquarters of its Design+Make programme required to manage it. This living material is formed
and operates as a laboratory for architectural research by its spatial and environmental conditions, and the
through 1:1 fabrication. In an environment that combines management of a forest is in many ways an act of design
forest, studio, workshop and building site, the large-scale where it is possible to guide the structure of the trees it
fabrication facilities act as a testing ground where contains. In this way, design thinking begins under the
students devote time to advanced speculative research canopy of the forest itself. The forests delicate experiential
through a hands-on approach. qualities are due in no small part to its infinite variability
and, rather than merely being a context for the work, the
Designing and building architecture in the woods: within forest itself, with its material and structural diversity,
an idyllic forest ecosystem that is both material library becomes the inspiration for a way of working.
and site, the programme explores how natural materials,
craft knowledge and new technologies elicit exciting and Digital design and fabrication tools are often used
unpredictable architectures while implying a deep to develop non-standard series of components from
connection between site, construction and tree species. standardised materials. Timber is usually considered
It provokes a critical approach to designing and as a rectilinear material, often reduced to sheets, planks
manufacturing one which encourages a symbiotic or beams before having a complexity returned to it by
relationship with the variability found in nature. milling procedures. And yet trees already present a
naturally formed non-standard series each is wholly
Design+Makes position, embedded within the forest, unique. The Design+Make programme provokes
nurtures the students attitude towards design, imbuing it an alternative conception of material form in which
with an expanded sense of material implications. They are inherent irregular geometries are actively exploited
exposed to the long-term investment of time and energy by non-standard technologies. 1
32 33
Woodchip Barn 2 to place the larger diameter trees where axial forces were
greatest and to deal with specific geometric constraints
In a standing tree, the naturally occurring branching (for example, at the points where the truss bifurcated
forks exhibit remarkable strength and material to form its legs). The optimisation was improved by
efficiency, being able to carry significant cantilevers indexing the component set according to the geometric
with minimal material. Deriving non-standard timber strategy and by sequencing the placement so that the
components from woods inherent forms, the truss of most critical positions were populated first3 .
the Woodchip Barn is presented as a unique timber
structure that makes full use of the capabilities of new The outcome of the optimisation process was a three-
technologies such as 3D scanning and evolutionary dimensional arrangement of the tree fork geometries in
optimisation of the placement of each discrete which the key setting-out nodes were coincident with the
component within a structurally determined arch, underlying target tree curves. The combination of this
along with customised robotic fabrication. The rationale nodal data with the element medial curves and diameter
for this approach is that the diverse characteristics data was used to derive the digital fabrication information
of onsite material can be exploited directly without for the machining of connecting features into the raw tree
wasteful industrial processing, while simultaneously forks using a router spindle on Hooke Parks Kuka KR-150
providing fertile territory for an unconventional design 6-axis robot arm. The connections were configured to
attitude. The Woodchip Barn employs twenty beech achieve transfer for compression forces through timber-
forks within an arching Vierendeel-style truss. The the outer profile of their geometry. Following this, local to-timber bearing and to reinforce these with steel bolts
building provides 400m3 of storage for biofuels and best-fit diameters and centroids were calculated for each when additional tension or shear strength was required.
will enable the Hooke Park estate to use its own timber profiles section. The connection surface geometries varied in different
for renewable heat production. parts of the structure and consisted of either planar
The structural form of the arching truss was determined, face-to-face surfaces between elements along the chords
While timber has seen a resurgence as an advanced in discussion with the Arup team, to have the appropriate or mortice-and-tenon joints in which a distorted elliptical
architectural material, the complex and organic forms inverted-catenary form for a compression structure and cone geometry was found to best satisfy the structural
pursued are generally not attributable to the geometric a cross-sectional geometry which could accommodate and assembly constraints.
and anisotropic structural properties of wood. Instead, the dimensions and angles of the sourced tree forks.
fabrication processes generate complex components The choice of an equilateral triangular section of The robotic milling procedure consisted of first defining
from standardised wood products to ensure consistency. typically 90cm side dimensions was found to work 3D volumes for router subtraction of connection shapes
An ambition for the project was to exploit the moment- well by both providing stability to the arch and being from the wood, then determining an appropriate robot
resisting capacity of tree forks. In a standing tree, the a size on which the forks could be fitted. The structure toolpath to achieve that geometry. The key requirement
naturally occurring forks exhibit remarkable strength is composed of two planar inclined arches in a distorted was to produce precise relative positions of the machined
and material efficiency1, and before processing already Vierendeel configuration that exploits the moment surfaces such that dimensional accuracy during assembly
present what digital tools are commonly employed in capacity of the forked junction. The structure lands at could be achieved. Two strategies were developed to
pursuit of: a non-standard series. four points, the front slightly wider than the rear, with enable this. Firstly, a consistent referencing system was
four inverted tripod legs supporting the robotically 1. Timber is usually established which ensured that a tree fork component
considered as a rectilinear
The Hooke Park woodland was first surveyed for trees fabricated mid-section. material its irregular forms could always be correctly located in space in the virtual
with appropriately forked trunks, resurrecting the reduced to standard modelling environment, the machining cell and the
historic strategy of shipbuilders travelling into the The positioning of each forked component within the sections. The work 4
undertaken proposes an
woods equipped with a set of templates that described truss was determined iteratively using an organisation alternative concept of
the specific forms they required to construct various script that sought an optimal arrangement of the material form in which
components2 . An initial photographic survey of 204 components to best satisfy structural and fabrication inherently irregular
geometries are directly
standing beech trees provided approximate two- criteria. This was achieved through evolutionary and exploited by non-standard
dimensional fork representations with enough detail to simulated-annealing procedures carried out in the technologies.
make informed decisions about which trees to cut down. Galapagos solver within the Rhino-Grasshopper Image: Valerie Bennett.
4. An idealised structural
From an analysis of this database, a shortlist of 40 forks environment. Within the optimisation, there were two 2. Design+Make projects volume was established.
were selected for felling, from which 25 were successfully levels of position adjustment: the global swapping of attempt to exploit the A Grasshopper script was 5. The robot arm machining
harvested. A detailed photogrammetric 3D scan was components between possible locations in the structure, inherent characteristics of developed to allow it to be one of each forks two
the approximately 16 tree dynamically populated with bearing surfaces. The digital
made of each of these in order to capture their complex and the local shuffling of components in which each species found within Hooke 3. The planar geometry of a real fork geometries. This model was translated into
forms. From the resulting surface mesh geometry, element was slid along the target arch curves to best find Park. The Tree Fork Truss Japanese joint lends itself image shows the trimmed fabrication information with
medial curves were extracted for each fork using a its location. The key criterion was to minimise deviation project was developed from perfectly to the specific form of each fork contained which a 6-axis robotic arm
the naturally occurring form machining operations of within the final built transformed each fork into
polygon-based method in which transverse sections of the forks medial curves from the target curves of the of 25 distinct beech trees. robot and chainsaw. structure. a finished component.
were cut through each one at regular intervals to obtain idealised arch centrelines. Further criteria were applied Image: Zachary Mollica. Image: Valerie Bennett. Image: Zachary Mollica. Image: Pradeep Devadass. 5
34 35
ultimate assembly of the structure. This was achieved Following the fabrication of the fork components, the
by physically drilling three reference holes on the truss truss was pre-assembled in two halves in Hooke Parks
that were tracked in the 3D models and subsequently assembly workshop. Again, drilled reference points were
used to support the fork during fabrication and assembly. used to correctly locate the fork components within an
The second strategy was to accept that it was difficult in erection jig whose support geometry had been extracted
practice to be sufficiently precise in modelling the exact from the digital model. The precision of the robotic
surface geometry of the natural tree (an accuracy of fabrication proved successful and only occasional manual
+/-10mm was typical, rather than the +/-2mm required) woodworking was needed to achieve a well-fitting fully
and so to make the locating of the milled face bolted assembly. This was further demonstrated when the
independent of the outer tree surfaces. This was achieved two truss halves were crane-erected onsite and the full
by defining subtracting volumes larger than the tree as 25m arch was successfully de-propped. The building was
scanned and accepting some redundant milling of air completed with the addition of push-walls to contain the
rather than wood. woodchip and a conventional timber-framed roof
supported by the arching truss.
Southern Methodist University
Looking at performance gains Conventional methods of communication between the which could yield an overall reduction of parts and
designer and fabricator present logistical challenges framing members. Continued research and development
While it is generally accepted that lower level to a complete direct-to-fabrication workflow. Despite the as this project nears completion will demonstrate the
programming languages such as C++ provide superior advantages present with increased scope and scale of viability and quantifiable measure of this hypothesis.
performance over higher level programming languages, economy, conventional means of exchange impede or There is, however, a great deal of advancement required
a benchmarking trial was established to test the authors' diminish the ability to fully realise these advantages. to realise these potentials in practice. The availability
assumptions3 . Since Grasshopper offers limited profiler The authors propose an experimental workflow that of for-service fabricators with the resources to produce
stats, a precise measure of computational performance mitigates some of the concerns regarding design the parts described is very limited and presently not
is not immediately available. Due to this limitation, development, documentation, fabricator and construction sufficient for production at the scope required for the
a trial was conducted recording overall calculation times coordination and production feasibility. The alternative envelope presented.
8 rather than conducting a piece-wise process comparison. means of documentation rely on a workflow where
Only the two most computationally intensive functions graphical diagrams and representational drawings, Notes
calculation of the subdivision-based perforation grid either physical or digital, are omitted as the primary 1. A more substantial disadvantage is that in a triangle mesh a typical vertex
and image-mapped perforation size were implemented way to convey information. Computational performance is incident with six edges and thus is significantly more complex than the
within Grasshopper. Transformations from world to local gains are demonstrated using this proposed workflow, valence four vertices typical for quad meshes (see Fig. 3). Generally
triangle meshes require more parts and are heavier than quad meshes
coordinate systems and evaluating fastener positions and applicability to both 2D and 3D building components (Pottman et al., 2014).
were omitted. These outcomes were then compared to has been demonstrated.
implementation written in C++ using both single-threaded 2. For structural elements like nodes, beams and frames, however, the
tolerances are often tighter and the geometry of these structures is
and multi-threaded programmes, executing the entire Furthermore, integration of this workflow to design often more complex than that of the outer skin. Therefore optimising
8. AM node prototype procedure required to define and document the for additively manufactured components increases freeform structures for repetitive elements is highly challenging and
subdivided into separate perforated panel system. To further simplify the opportunities for design optimisation. The integration sometimes impossible. This complicates logistics and increases 9. Performance comparison
branching elements. Each production cost, and is a typical feature of freeform shapes in showing improved
branch is indexed according comparison, the input data describing each panels world of additively manufactured structural components shows architecture (Pottman et al., 2014). computation speeds.
to its position relative to the coordinates was internalised within the .gh definition, great promise beyond localised structural optimisation
building envelope. A unique rather than read from an external source file. Each trial and simplified assembly. The proposed approach to node 3. System specifications: 10. Comparison showing
locking key prevents each Workstation name: PWDA1378 single threaded vs.
component from being was conducted five times, with the resulting averages design would enable further system-wide structural CPU specification: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5930K CPU @ 3.50GHz multi-threaded
assembled out of sequence. recorded as graphs (Figs. 9 and 10). The performance optimisation within freeform architectural envelopes, Memory: 63.902698 GB performance.
44 45
surfaces and the two ends). With a reasonable speed of CNC template to guide the material distribution to between design expression and fabrication constraints. Buri, H.U. and Weinand, Y., 2011, The Tectonics of Timber Architecture in the
5-8m per hour, the time taken for each beam can be minimise the volume difference between the raw and In addition, while the project is an attempt to provide Digital Age, Mississippi Valley Historical Review, 39 (2).
restricted to within three hours, i.e. significantly shorter desired beams. In addition, there is also room for innovative technical support for modern wooden
Johns, R.L. and Foley, N., 2014, Bandsawn Bands: Feature-Based Design and
than the milling method. By equipping the same robot optimisation in terms of speed control. Due to the architecture, it also aims to make this fabrication Fabrication of Nested Freeform Surfaces in Wood in Robotic Fabrication in
with a 24,000rpm spindle, the slots on the beams were continuous change in beam thickness during the method the driving factor in the design process. Architecture, Art and Design 2014, Springer.
milled after the bandsaw cutting process. The fabrication fabrication process, an automatic speed control system Given the great differences from traditional wood
Menges, A., 2011, Integrative Design Computation: Integrating Material
process of all 16 beams was completed in three weeks (to adjust the speed according to the resistance that the tectonics, this innovative method can be considered Behaviour and Robotic Manufacturing Processes in Computational Design
with great accuracy and efficiency. blade is facing in real time) will contribute to both the as representative of the new robotic wood tectonics. for Performative Wood Constructions in Proceedings of the 31st Annual
fabrication results and the life of the blade itself. Conference of the ACADIA, p.72-81.
Site assembly In future research, this novel technology is going to be Michalatos, P. and Kaijima, S., 2007, Structural Information as Material for
Due to the employing of a mortise-tenon joint system, Conclusions improved in terms of efficiency, stability and integration Design in Expanding Bodies: Art, Cities, Environment, Proceedings of the
the site assembly process was simplified to putting wood with existing design methods and industrial production 27th Annual Conference of the ACADIA, p.84-95.
beams in place in accordance with the design order (Fig. This project presents robust robotic wood tectonics approaches. On the other hand, as the tectonics applied Rippmann, M. and Block, P., 2013, Funicular Shell Design Exploration,
6). The entire assembly process was completed by five capable of full-scale wood component fabrication. in this project are only applicable to specific geometry, Conference of the Acadia, 2013.
workers within two days. This technology with its high efficiency in material new tools will be required for the continuous expansion
Rippmann, M., Lachauer, L. and Block, P., 2012, Interactive Vault Design in
and time, as well as the capability for the mass 5. Robotic fabrication of the capacity and scope of robotic wood tectonics. International Journal of Space Structures, 27(4), p.219-230.
The wood pavilion appears as a mushroom structure with customisation of geometrically complex wood Image: College of
a height of 7m and a maximum cantilevered span of 4.5m. has thrown the traditional subtractive mode of Architecture and Urban Scheurer, F., 2010, Materialising Complexity in Architectural Design, 80, p.86-93.
The combination of mechanical bandsaw technology and CNC milling into question. Oriented by the fabrication Planning, Tongji University.
Williams, N. and Cherrey, J., 2016, Crafting Robustness: Rapidly Fabricating
robotic wire-cutting technology effectively guarantees technology, this project demonstrates an entire integrated 6. Site assembly. Ruled Surface Acoustic Panels in Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art
fabrication accuracy and form smoothness (Fig. 1). process for digital wood architecture, from form-finding Image: Xie Zhenyu. and Design, Sydney, Springer International Publishing, p.294-303.
50 51
plug-in for Rhino/Grasshopper. Surface error was subjected to bending loads, while maintaining a very 7
measured as absolute distance between the bottom lightweight structure. The additional use of FRP as a Acknowledgements
scanned surface and the underformed design geometry flexible hinge and planar alignment mechanism, combined
The authors would like to thank project team members Sam Butler, Jordan Parascho, S., Knippers, J., Drstelmann, M., Prado, M. and Menges, A., 2015,
(Fig. 6), with deformations due to self-weight neglected with the use of rotational press-fit connections for precise Hunter, Stephen Joseph, Sophie Sachs, John Stafford, Jonathan Tan, Crystal Modular Fibrous Morphologies: Computational Design, Simulation and
due to the extremely light weight of the structure. Six out curvature control between adjacent segments, was seen Wang and Shuwei Zhang. This work was supported by the University of Fabrication of Differentiated Fibre Composite Building Components in
of eight branches had an average absolute surface error of to create a robust and versatile construction method. Queensland Centre for Future Timber Structures and the Australian Research Advances in Architectural Geometry 2014, Springer International Publishing,
Council Discovery Early Career Researcher Award DE160100289. The p.29-45.
less than 4mm. The remaining two branches had larger software used for the fabrication process described in this project is freely
errors, but in both cases this could be traced to a single Two sample applications of the tied arch and an array available for download (Gattas, 2014). Raftery, G.M. and Harte, A.M., 2011, Low-grade glued laminated timber
rotational press-fit connection that failed to completely of cantilevers were explored. Both were fabricated in reinforced with FRP plate in Composites Part B: Engineering, 42(4), p.724-735.
interlock due to a slight misalignment of the hinge point. a condensed timeframe and served to demonstrate Robeller, C., 2015, 'Integral mechanical attachment for timber folded plate
As 70 out of 72 rotational press-fits engaged without issue, the structural and construction benefits respectively Al-Qaryouti, Y., Gattas, J., Shi, R. and McCann, L., 2016, Digital Fabrication structures', PhD thesis, EPFL ENAC, Lausanne, Switzerland.
and as the majority of branches were constructed almost of the new fabrication technique. Testing of the tied Strategies for Timber Thin-Walled Sections in Proceedings of the 5th
International conference on Mobile, Adaptable and Rapidly Assembled Robeller, C., Stitic, A., Mayencourt, P. and Weinland, Y., 2015, Interlocking
exactly as designed, it can be concluded that the new arch structure confirmed that the bending-stabilised Structures, Siena, Italy. Folded Plate Integrated Mechanical Attachment for Structural Wood Panels
fabrication method has achieved a significant level of geometry resisted the press-fit pop-off failure in Advances in Architectural Geometry 2014, Springer International
reliability with regard to the geometric precision between mechanism, thus preventing catastrophic failure of Fernando, D., Gattas, J.M., Teng, J.G. and Heitzmann, M., 2015, Hybrid Publishing, p.281-294.
thin-walled members made of FRP and timber, presented at the 12th
the digital model and the built artefact. It is hypothesised large-scale press-fit structures. Surface measurement International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Robeller, C. and Weinand, Y., 2016, A 3D cutting method for integral 1DOF
that such precision is the result of the self-assembling of the cantilever structure showed that the FRP hinge 6. Comparison of design Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-12) and The 5th Asia-Pacific Conference multiple-tab-and-slot joints for timber plates, using 5-axis CNC cutting
capacity of the structure, i.e. the cantilever self-weight successfully acted as a precise guide for the rotational and manufacture geometry. on Fiber Reinforced Polymers in Structures (APFIS-2015) Joint Conference, technology in Proceedings of the World Conference on Timber Engineering
Clockwise from top left: China. WCTE 2016, Vienna, Austria.
induces a bending load that acts in conjunction with the assembly of adjacent segments to produce a stable and point cloud data and
FRP hinge mechanism to compress the press-fit joints to highly accurate overall form. sectional planes; bottom Gattas, J.M., 2014, Digital fabrication toolbox, available online at http:// Sass, L. and Botha, M., 2006, The Instant House: A Model of Design
the maximum tolerance tightness and thus minimise surface sectional profiles; Production with Digital Fabrication in International Journal of Architectural
comparison of design Computing, Volume 4, p.109-123.
insertion errors. While the two applications illustrated at this time may (dotted), left cantilever (red) Gattas, J.M. and You, Z., 2016, Design and digital fabrication of folded
be considered components of larger structures, it is and right cantilever (blue) sandwich structures, in Automation in Construction, p.63, 79-87. Teng, J.G., Yu, T. and Fernando, D., 2012, Strengthening of steel structures with
Capacity and construction benefits envisaged that, through the successful demonstration geometries for each branch fiber-reinforced polymer composites in Journal of Constructional Steel
pair. Circled locations are Gramazio, F. and Kohler, M., 2008, Digital Materiality in Architecture, Research, 78, p.131-143.
of the combined innovations, the technologies developed rotational press-fits that Baden, Lars Mller Publishers.
The project has demonstrated a hybrid material and in this project can enable a significant range of possible failed to completely engage.
press-fit fabrication technique that can produce key formal configurations. As the developed improvements to Menges, A., Schwinn, T. and Krieg, O.D. (eds.), 2016, Advancing Wood
7. Proposed cantilever and Architecture: A Computational Approach, Routledge.
benefits in both structural capacity and ease of spanning capacity and robustness of press-fit fabrication rotational press-fit assembly
construction. The increase in tensile stress transfer systems occur alongside the new method for rapid assembly sequence shown starting
from the hybrid material and the improved compressive of long-span bending structures, more ambitious from a flat surface, using the
self-weight of the structure
stability of the modified global geometry act together to applications for larger press-fit structures used in and the FRP hinge to enable
significantly enhance the spanning capacity of members permanent building applications could become a reality. self-assembly.
58 59
This project focuses on the role of computational paradigm, especially Computer Aided Geometric
geometry within computer-aided architectural design Design (CAGD), can support the creation of a wider
and construction workflows, i.e. computational geometry range of (arbitrarily) complex geometries and their
as a mediating device between architectural, engineering processing for Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM).
and construction logics. While the scale of a dining An essential aspect of CAGD, as used in disciplines such
pavilion is relatively modest, the intention is to utilise as automotive or product design, is the abstraction of the
this research for wider application in larger construction- complex physical phenomena and machine parameters
scale projects. In this regard, the project operates within a associated with manufacturing methods into geometric
tight time-bound, multiple-stakeholder, collaborative and properties and constraints. Famous examples include
bespoke production pipeline, as typically necessitated by the automobile, aircraft and shipbuilding industries
architectural projects. motivating the development and use of Bzier curves
and surfaces, physical splines and developable surfaces
Digital workflows (Bzier, 1971, Sabin, 1971, De Casteljau, 1986, Prez &
Surez, 2007, Pottmann & Wallner, 1999), etc.
Workflows in architectural design can be characterised
by two paradigms one drawing-based, the other This project aims to apply these operative principles
model-based. The drawing paradigm is popularly from the automated fabrication industry in architectural
known as Computer Aided Design (CAD) and the design and assembly. Thus the project primarily focuses
model paradigm as Building Information Modelling on developing structural and construction-related
(BIM). While both drawings and models encode 2D and meta-information for complex geometries in other
3D geometry, a model also contains meta-information words, augmenting complex CAGD objects with
about the encoded geometry its material specification, construction-specific information, thus enabling the
role in and processes of assembly, etc. Also, the drawing research to be incorporated within larger, more complex 1
60 61
projects. Recent developments in the application of Material economy fullest extent possible, as opposed to the common
discrete differential geometry to architectural design practice of handing over design geometry to production
so-called architectural geometry (Pottmann, 2007) In view of the explicit desire for lightweight construction, specialists for shop drawings and post-rationalisation
share some of these aims. These developments have the so-called equilibrium modelling methods (Lachauer, (Romero & Ramos, 2013, Sanchez-Alvarez, 2010, Pea
contributed to the popularisation of the CAGD paradigm, 2015) are of particular relevance. These methods attempt de Leon, 2012).
at least in architectural projects with high geometric to synthesise surfaces that explicitly avoid bending and
complexity, such as the Heydar Aliyev Centre by Zaha thus are well-aligned with the fundamental tenets of Thus the development of the torsion-free beam network,
Hadid Architects (Veltkamp, 2010, Janssen, 2011). lightweight structures (Schlaich & Schlaich, 2000, developable surfaces and cell walls is a dominant
Bletzinger & Ramm, 2001). The spatial constraints and research question. The geometric properties of the
A review of applicable methods of architectural geometry the client-related history of the project do not allow for so-called edge-offset mesh (EO mesh) (Pottmann &
and/or CAGD to address these contextual aspects of the the application of these principles to shape the initial Wallner, 2008, Liu & Wang, 2008) and the requisite
research is described below. The development of bespoke geometries. As such, the global shape of the pavilion properties of the control net of Bzier surfaces that make
implementations thereof and assimilation of the various can be considered predominantly invariant or given. the surfaces themselves developable (Lang & Rschel,
state-of-the-art methods into a cohesive and flexible 1992) are the most relevant prior works in this regard.
design workflow is described subsequently. Operating within these constraints, the development of The work of Bouaziz et al. (2012) and Attar et al. (2010)
the layout of the structural skeleton is informed by are also relevant with regard to iterative solutions of
The design brief of the project proposes manufacturing topology optimisation (TO). The gradated material multiple constraints.
an economical, prefabricated pavilion using off-the-shelf densities associated with a TO solution are interpreted
parts and/or laser-cut components. The structural as discrete beam/node elements that serve as a general Design pipeline
skeleton is to be realised using standard hollow sections. arrangement suitable for further optimisation under
Furthermore, the skeleton is to be adequately covered spatial and fabrication constraints (Beghini et al., 2014). The design pipeline builds upon the subdivision
along the top and bottom, and the walls of the cells mesh modelling approach (Shepherd & Richens, 2010,
described by the edges of the skeleton (Fig. 2). In view Data-structures for design production Bhooshan & El Sayed, 2011), capturing shape features
of such a brief, the dominant design concerns relate to 2 (Leyton, 1988) of the TO encoded using a set of primitives
the development of geometries that are lightweight and The other significant research question is the development into a coarse mesh representation for downstream
can be made from flat-sheet materials. of an appropriate data structure that assimilates the processing (Fig. 1). This manual reinterpretation extracts
the cells are developable. Extrudability of the vertices various design, fabrication and downstream production node location, node connectivity and relative node offset
Lightweight construction ensures that the edges of the mesh can be uniformly requirements. Furthermore, the intention is to be able weighting (Blum & Nagel, 1978) from the TO results by
offset, and thus the derived beam network can be of to drive production geometries and information to the isolation of probable singularities and constructing a
The earliest practice of a deliberate focus on the uniform thickness. This makes the edge-layout amenable 3
economical use of material via a geometric for realisation using standard hollow sections of
understanding of structure and effective channelling of aluminium. Developable surfaces retain a variety
(axial) structural forces can be attributed to the Gothic of applications in sheet- and plate-based industries
period (Tessmann, 2008, Heyman, 1966). The earliest including architecture because they can be isometrically
mathematical treatment of economic (timber-framed) mapped onto a plane (Lawrence, 2011). The chosen
structures is widely credited to engineer A.G. Michell method of forming sheet material is kerf-cutting and
1. Overview of
(Michell, 1904). Michell used geometric principles bending for the node covers and cell walls. element quantities.
involved in the static equilibrium of funicular frames Image: Ben Koren,
(Maxwell, 1870, Rankine, 1864) to establish his solution Interactive design One to One and
Zaha Hadid Architects.
for the layout of materially economic timber trusses.
Recently, William Baker and his colleagues at SOM The early design method adopted for the project aims to 2. Volu overview. Overall
Architects (Beghini et al., 2014, Baker et al., 2013) have build upon interactive benefits of the subdivision mesh bounding dimensions.
Image: Courtesy
shown the compatibility of these geometric methods of modelling approach (Shepherd & Richens, 2010, Bhooshan Zaha Hadid Architects.
structural design with numerically based methods of & El Sayed, 2011). There have also been prior attempts to
material reduction so-called topology optimisation combine this user-friendly representation of geometry 3. Coarse mesh
(Rozvany, 2001, Bendsoe & Sigmund, 2013). with numerical modelling techniques to physically realise Top: Topology optimisations
them with fabric (Bhooshan & El Sayed, 2012), curved- under varying load cases.
Torsion-free beam network and developable surfaces crease folded metal (Bhooshan, 2016b, Louth et al., 2015) Middle: Coarse mesh,
corresponding subdivision
and 3D printing (Bhooshan, 2016a). This is in line with surface, topology optimised
In view of the brief above, the critical fabrication our intention to augment easy-to-use CAGD objects with (TO) result, iso-surface of TO
constraints (expressed geometrically) are to ensure construction-related information. Thus the extension of result. Bottom: Manual quad
re-meshing of TO result.
that the joint geometries are torsion-free, or extrudable, this approach to address skeletal geometries forms the Image: Courtesy
and the surfaces top and bottom covers, and walls of last significant context of the research. Zaha Hadid Architects.
62 63
constraint is introduced which tries to maintain a constant Structuring fabrication information
distance between each vertex in M and all edges incident
to the corresponding vertex in M. For most cases of M, the The half-edge data structure was used to represent
vertex-offset constraint partially opposes planarity and M and M throughout design development. While the
therefore must be assigned a smaller relative weight advantages of this data structure are well-documented
(roughly one order of magnitude) to ensure convergence within the context of discrete differential geometry
of the PQ criteria within acceptable tolerance while (Botsch et al., 2002), this project extends its use as a
preventing degeneracy of node axes in MB. means of structuring fabrication information.
In cases where the majority of vertices in M exceed In developing detailed production geometry from MB,
valence 4, vertices in M often become over-constrained components of the assembly were bound to the elements
and planarity cannot be achieved for all faces in MB. of the input mesh M. Beams were associated with edges,
This motivates the iterative revision of input mesh nodes and cover plates with vertices and loop panels with
M to find an acceptable balance between preserving half-edges. The individual components of each node
structural features generated via TO and satisfying (steel plates and fasteners) were further distributed to
fabrication constraints related to developability and half-edges around the corresponding vertex.
the use of standardised elements.
mesh comprised of predominantly quadrilateral faces common axis at which all of its adjacent planar faces In this sense, fabrication information (be it geometric
(Fig. 3). While this intuitively suggests that the geometry intersect (Wallner & Pottmann, 2008). From an Fabrication and assembly context or otherwise) is treated as a collection of mesh attributes
retains an economy of homogeneous material from the implementation standpoint, the implicit representation of analogous to colours, normals or texture coordinates
TO, the topology is further evaluated and design options MB via M and M is favourable, as it avoids the increased Given that the project delivery period from concept to typically found in mesh representations used within
developed with respect to a range of potential composited complexity of topological navigation introduced by these prototype is approximately four months, time was a key computer graphics. This greatly aids the procedural
construction methods of fabrication. Structural build-ups non-manifold edges. consideration regarding approach, design logic and development of detailed production geometry, as
considering material properties and assembly techniques assembly. The concurrent timeline for design and fabrication information can be efficiently queried and
are correlated to topological features to embed fabrication Perturbation fabrication suggests the development of a method cross-referenced locally. It also maintains a direct link
assumptions into a construction-relevant expression of to facilitate team interoperability, whereby data are between design geometry and production information,
the TO, arriving at a segmental linear beam type that Offsetting the vertices of M along their normals provides preserved during exchange, enabling parallel design enabling a higher frequency feedback loop between
retains developability (Fig. 4). an initial approximation of M. For most cases of M, however, exploration during the set-up of parametric assembly designer and fabricator.
this produces non-planar faces in MB, requiring that the associations. The distinct advantage of this is the
Network extraction PQ criteria be solved for numerically. A projection-based extraction of relevant machinable parts during the Relevant assembly details
approach (Bouaziz et al.) is used to minimally perturb the early design process, which promotes a more
The density distribution given by TO serves as a guide vertices of M such that the faces of MB are planar. The constructive prototyping and feedback period. The pavilion consists of linear segments of hollow section
for the reconstruction of the implied structural network vertices of M are excluded from perturbation, as they beams mechanically fastened to built-up steel plate nodes
as a coarse polygon mesh, M (Fig. 3). This representation define the inner surface of the pavilion and are constrained The design logic of the structure, comprising uniform to form a raised dining platform oversailed by a 4m
is well-suited to subsequent design development, as its by additional design considerations such as furniture cross-sections of segmented lengths, is indicative of cantilevered shading canopy. Loops of kerf-cut sheet are
discretisation corresponds directly with components placement and walkability. expediting engineering load calculations and member bent and suspended from beam face centres. Flooring
of the physical assembly (edges to beams and vertices sizing for a worst case scenario rather than of individual panels comprised of wood planks scribed to profile are
to nodes). Furthermore, it allows for the application of For a given quadrilateral face in MB, the constraint beam performance. Additionally, use of off-the-shelf suspended from beam centres in the platform. Node
established numerical methods to solve for geometric boundary for planarity is defined by the nearest point sheet and hollow sections compatible with ubiquitous covers are patterned and face-fastened to the structure,
constraints related to fabrication. of intersection between the two diagonals. The projection 2-axis cutting technologies eliminated time-intensive obscuring the structural beams (Fig. 1).
vector can therefore be calculated as half of the shortest milling techniques from design consideration (Scheurer,
Offset mesh vector between them. This formulation is analogous to 2013), constraining the domain of geometric possibility Details address issues of prefabrication including installation
the planarity energy gradient defined by Poranne et al. to developable surfaces (Lawrence, 2011). Subsequently, sequence, material workability, geometric tolerance and
To define the depth of the structure, an offset mesh M (2013). 4. Topology morphology all parts in the prototype were cut using 2-axis cutting lifetime performance. For example, exposed face-fastening
is numerically derived from M such that corresponding by fabrication constraint. methods, predominantly by laser. loops and node covers in lieu of concealed hangar elements
(a) Initial TO topology.
edge pairs are co-planar. Together, M and M implicitly While projecting to the nearest constraint boundary (b) Lapped timber bands. enable the localised changeability of parts and minimise
represent the beam mesh MB a non-manifold planar ensures that vertices of M are minimally perturbed, (c) Striated bundles. Similarly, the assembly methods are consistent with an the composite area of the cladded structure cross-section,
quad mesh (PQ mesh) whose faces define the symmetry the solver does not necessarily converge for all cases (d) Bundled pipes. accelerated manufacture via prefabricated, mechanically tending toward the perception of a lighter, more slender
(e) Laminated plate custom
planes of beams in the resulting structure. By asserting of M. In cases where M exhibits strong discontinuities edge. (f) Laminated plate fastened elements, and are further considered as a pavilion. Similarly, mechanical fastener joining, in lieu of
planar quadrilateral faces within MB, developability of in local curvature, non-manifold edges of MB tend outriggers. (g) Beam net temporary travelling structure constrained by a limited friction-fitting via slotting, tabbing or clipping, facilitates
derived components is guaranteed (as per Killian et al., towards zero length, which is unsuitable for the intended open spine. (h) Beam net installation period and the potential for numerous ease of workability, increases allowable in situ adjustment
closed spine.
2008, Lang & Roschel, 1992). This also implies torsion- application as they represent the axes of structural nodes. Image: Courtesy installation and de-installation cycles. and promotes the independence of parts from neighbouring
free nodes, since each non-manifold edge in MB is the To mitigate the collapse of node axes in MB, an additional Zaha Hadid Architects. element dependencies, further assisting in situ fitting of parts.
64 65
The 92 self-similar, individually unique nodes further a limited four-day install period, the use of traditional Design assumptions
categorise and are parametrically modelled in response tools, a commencement from a completed list of parts,
to neighbouring geometric conditions. The typical node a confined exhibitor space and an install in conjunction The relative newness of working with the data structure
is a pre-assembled, welded composite of plate steel with local labourers unfamiliar with the design logic. The and the speed of delivery assumed to execute the project
corresponding to the mesh intersection planes of initial prototyping and test fittings undergo a contrasting result in a loss of expression in some design elements
incoming half-edges. Each of the floor nodes and set of circumstances which include: a span of six weeks, such as the uniformity of structural cross-sections,
foundation nodes introduces a planar top and bottom the use of specialised tools and hoists, a sequence of resulting in undifferentiated expression of load, the
plate respectively. The boundary nodes are clad with a assembly that corresponds to parts manufacture, a inherited typical detail at the boundaries resulting
continuous boundary edge band, inheriting the same project-dedicated workshop and an assembly team in perceived boundary edge thickness, as well as the
fastening procedure as typical nodes. knowledgeable in each aspect of the design. bounding box approach to preliminary costing resulting
in the perceived flatness of the platform and rear of trunk.
Auxetic material Exacerbating the disparity of assembly processes,
elements were fabricated in order of increasing While the benefits of design geometry processed as
Material flexibility and hand-bending in the pavilion complexity to allow for extended design and prototyping mesh attributes is apparent in a self-referential setting,
is accomplished primarily through kerfing patterns considerations. Effectively, the pavilion platform and it underscores the schism between design and fabrication
corresponding to the scale of the bend radius in each canopy nodes and beams were produced while details design as incompatible workflows with regard to anticipated
loop (Fenner, 2012). During prototyping, torsional of the trunk transitions were resolved, designed and input geometry at each stage. The structuring of data in
deformation and subsequent oil canning (Kalpakjian, manufactured. The workshop was able to undertake this regard seeks to reorder delivery workflow to assume
2008) developed in worst-case node covers with extreme continuous manufacture and compress the delivery fabrication-relevant information at the outset of design
angles located at the top and bottom of the trunk. An timeline by constructing the pavilion discontinuously, rather than part-way through, and highlights a requirement
exploration into auxetic materials (Konakovi, 2016) not from the ground up as is done onsite. to merge early-stage design with fabrication intelligence.
proceeds to introduce local discontinuity and bi-
directional flexibility in the 2mm plate (Fig. 5). The factory sequence assumes that a partially assembled This paper presents a scalable pipeline for the design
canopy is positioned to minimise the total number of 6 and production of freeform multi-layer support structures
Assembly process connection points subject to live-loading at any given that exhibit a high degree of material economy. While
time during assembly. The onsite sequence proceeds connection withstands live-loading and rotation due, this is demonstrated at the scale of a dining pavilion,
The design of the pavilion assemblies anticipates a without hoists, from node to next neighbouring node, in part, to compounding bolthole tolerances, resulting in the process is governed by the consideration of material
number of factors, including: a remote installation, from the ground up. Consequently, each canopy node a deflection effect in aggregate upon the canopy (Fig. 6). and fabrication constraints which are even more critical
when designing large-scale support structures.
5 Compatibility of method As such, long-term objectives will focus on extending
the proposed methods so that they can be leveraged
The prototype beam configuration presented here within full-scale architectural applications. To this
suggests the potential incompatibility of a discretised end, the pavilion serves as a relevant example, as it
node-beam type structure proceeding from a conceptual operated within a tight time-bound, multiple stakeholder,
TO analysis. Specifically, beam elements are not aligned collaborative and bespoke production pipeline, as is
to principal curvature directions of the surface using TO typically necessitated by architectural projects.
analyses in the same way that stress accumulation and
5. Auxetic studies in node fall-off are not gradated in beam element assemblies. The most critical limiting factor when scaling up is the
covers. (a) Prototypical node Such a geometric constraint is not represented within translation of the TO density distribution to an appropriate
showing rulings,
(b0) radial, (b1) radial edge the TO process, as its benefits are not directly structural, discrete representation of M. Currently, this remains a
constrained, (b2) re-entrant but rather are constrained to a chosen fabrication method manual step in an otherwise procedural design process,
corner, (b3) dense re-entrant for a prescribed loading condition. Converging upon creating a feedback bottleneck between early- and
corners, (b4) ruling aligned,
(b5) mock-up, (c0) diagrid, apparent lightness is therefore not a cumulative result late-stage design the severity of which will only increase
(c1) coarse grating, (c2) dense of material reduction techniques. with the complexity of the project. As such, efforts are
grating. (d) Actual node being made to automate this step by leveraging techniques
element showing rulings,
(e) Y ragged boundary, Workarounds from machine learning, image processing and character
(f) Y smooth boundary, animation to procedurally extract relevant features from
(g)Y pattern grid set-out, While the use of auxetic material in the node covers the TO in a format suitable for subsequent processing and
(h) Actual node mock-up.
provided a workaround for delivering doubly-curved early design exploration consistent with current workflows.
6. Assembly onsite. surfaces in partially torsioned materials using 2-axis
cutting, it neither supports the geometric principles More immediate future work will focus on the delivery
Images: Ben Koren,
One to One and of developability nor is particularly suited to exterior of a second iteration of the pavilion intended for exterior
Zaha Hadid Architects. environments. use. This calls for the revision of materials and assembly
66 67
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68 69
Breaking boundaries in CNC steel tube rolling allows for structural shape efficiency, which creates
natural rigidity through non-planar arcs. With just
Healing Pavilion, completed in December 2016, explores five construction details for the entire project, this
the boundaries and possibilities of CNC steel tube final incarnation isolates and streamlines the design
rolling. Inspired by the prowess of thin structural and construction process to tackle structure and the
shells, this project translates the robust double curvature interstices between structural components simultaneously.
inherent in such forms into a dynamic cage-like array. The five structural details consist of:
By delving into the nuances and challenges of bending
and rolling tube steel, the design adopts the surface form 1. Where the curved tubes meet the anchor plate
of a shell while introducing a level of transparency and at the base;
controlled irregularity only possible through working 2. Where the tubes are mitred;
with a network of individual components. Each tube has 3. Where the tubes are spliced;
a unique three-dimensional curvature and is located at 4. Where the tubes are capped; and
a fixed distance relative to its neighbour. 5. Where the tubes are spaced.
The pavilion balances structural load paths and assembly The successful translation of the digital design into
considerations with a rigorous exploration of patterning a physical fabrication workflow without substantial
and layering. In addition to creating a space for shade and variation from a digital ideal stands as the key driver
respite, the porous, shifting grid of steel tubing allows the defining the success of the project. Healing Pavilion
reading of the complex form to fluidly adjust in relation to combines a commitment to meaningful place-making
its background. The double curvature of the form with a deeply experimental fabrication goal.
demonstrates the physical limits of the CNC steel
bending and rolling technology. That double curvature 1
70 71
the form were kept within the size specifications needed 3 work of precision steel tube rolling, where each tube is
to qualify as an oversize load for transport. The piece was unique, could be distilled into a repeatable fabrication
driven as a singular object via a flatbed truck over city process that yielded predictable results within acceptable
streets to the site and then craned into place (Figs. 2 and 9). tolerances structured the next set of inquiries. With the
fabrication phase regularised and the results at last
The size of the foundation system and the intricacy of predictable, the final component for evaluating the
the pavilion itself had to be optimised according to the project focused on whether the production process
budget. These budgetary factors and the nature of the outlined above matched the final workflow used to
material itself serve as another contextual factor execute it.
informing the design. Choosing to work with stainless or
corten steel would have made the project too expensive. Working through design iterations
The decision to explore the process of computerised
bending techniques also revealed that malleable mild Healing Pavilion relied on numerous digital iterations
steel would be easier to weld and bend than corten, and physical mock-ups to reach its final form. Scripted
stainless or aluminium. Additionally, the context 4 in Grasshopper, the parametric model facilitated rapid
introduced a weight limitation to the pavilion. Placed revisions between Ball-Nogues Studio and Buro Happold
upon an extant concrete structure, the project distributes Engineering. For the sake of expediting the structural
its 2,722kg weight over a steel table. The steel table, analysis of the form, no manual modelling occurred
designed as a customised platform, receives concentrated during this phase. The engineers would identify initial
seismic and gravity loads and transfers them to specific undesired stress concentrations by running preliminary
locations on the existing concrete facility structure. More analysis models and respond with sketches and three-
atmospheric aspects of the context guide several defining dimensional model iterations. This feedback identified
formal moments in the project. Several openings, where additional structural members might be needed
including an oculus framing the open sky, follow the path and where certain areas would require reorientation of
of the sun and orientation of the semi-enclosed space tubing and modifications of curvatures. Ball-Nogues
towards the street. Studio then adapted the digital model accordingly and
the structural analysis began again. The feasibility of
The Healing Pavilion design process fabrication played a principal role in the design process.
5 In each design iteration, digital adjustments to the
2 Several questions guided the research and design process curvature of the tubes factored in the rolling machines
Research context of Healing Pavilion. The first concept question how to minimum radius.
make a shell using the logic of a cage drove the number
Several context considerations define the parameters of of studies that followed. Once this key research idea After digital analysis, the projects research methodology
the design for Healing Pavilion. The site represents the concretised, this line of formal inquiry raised the next shifted into physical mock-ups to test the plausibility
first contextual influence. Commissioned by Cedars-Sinai issues: what kind of machine could bend and roll steel and difficulty of producing such expressive geometries.
Hospital in Los Angeles, California, the project forms tubing? How to identify its limitations and keep these Working closely with the fabricator Plas-Tal Manufacturing
a key element in a larger garden renovation of the limitations within a smooth flow of seismic and gravity- (based in Santa Fe Springs, California) and their CNC
complexs plaza level. The structure performs as both a induced stresses? This period of investigation led to more tube-bending subcontractor, Caroll Racing Development
shading device and a transporting beacon for hope and targeted research into the minimum diameter of tubing, (Orange County, California), the Studio began testing
contemplation a place to take ones mind away from its wall thickness and its maximum length, whether or one-to-one sections of the pavilion. This fluid interfacing
illness. The design fits within a larger proposal executed not square or round spacers were preferable and the and feedback loop between the physical and digital
by AHBE Landscape Architects and responds to existing tolerances introduced by the machine. was not unique to the philosophy or working practice
3. Shop drawing of area of
circulation paths, water features and vegetation. pavilion with complex mitre of the Studio, but still proved unusual in the number of
After developing a better understanding of the CNC joints and tight three- iterations needed to test different aspects of the design.
The context also acts as a source of design constraint. rolling machine, research shifted into the successful dimensional curvature Each mock-up isolated a different question in the
chosen for mock-up.
Flanked by hospital towers on three sides, the sensitive interfacing of the digital and physical realms. How to fabrication process, from curvature and assembly
location demanded that no field welding or finishing choreograph the optimal workflow became a crucial 4. Shop drawing of panel to finishes and beyond.
1. Photograph of the could occur onsite. The project had to be completed phase of the research agenda. This working process and splice layout.
pavilion installed onsite.
within seven months, installed in a single day, require encompassed the translation of the pavilion out of the 5. Shop drawing of individual The fabricator chose the first area of the computer model
2. The pavilion being craned no routine maintenance and meet seismic, wind load design softwares Rhino and Grasshopper and into the panel assembly, spacer for mock-up. This full-scale swatch proved successful for
onto structural table at site. and ADA requirements. In order to address ventilation structural engineering program SAP for finite element layout and bill of materials. the least complex section of the form (Fig. 5), but what
Images: Ball-Nogues Studio, and noise concerns, the pavilion was fabricated and analysis (Fig. 3) and finally into Solid Works for Images: Plas-Tal Steel about the most complex? This first mock-up provoked
2016. finished in its entirety offsite. Overall dimensions of production. From there, discerning whether or not the Construction, 2015. more questions than it answered. Ball-Nogues Studio
72 73
picked an area (Fig. 3) with complex mitre joints and tight radii. Even so, the final incarnation of Healing Pavilion
three-dimensional curvature to explore next. The result of demonstrates the optimal interface between handcraft
this mock-up highlighted the CNC bending machines and the computer, and offers a contribution to the fields
capabilities and shortcomings, especially at tight- of design and fabrication that use CNC tube rolling.
radiused areas. Traces of the machines handling
manifested as minor kinks in the tube steel. These visible The seamless physical execution of the digitally driven
pinches appeared every 10cm, exposing the incremental design created a calibrated interface for accurately
bending process and breaking the fluid reading of each automating the process of bending steel tubing. Designed
curve, but it was especially evident on tight curves. as a surface and then adapted to the logic of a cage, the
final shape retains no superfluous elements. The pavilion
Before the process of bending tube steel was modernised defends its structural integrity without conforming to a
into a computerised system, each hollow section was structural hierarchy. Each steel spacer and tube reflects
traditionally filled with sand to achieve maximum an element through which loads and stresses flow, so the
precision during hand-shaping. The sand acted to resist cage, once again, adapts to the performance of a shell.
compressive forces and to keep the tube steel from A sinuous bench of solid Ipe wood nestles into the
collapsing. This same logic had to be introduced into the organic shading structure. The ambitious structural
contemporary version of the bending process. The Studio endeavour never lost sight of the projects greater goal
worked with the fabricator to develop a custom mandrel 6 7 8 as a transporting space far removed from the stresses
that could fit inside the tubing and behave as a buffer While the form and curvature of the pavilion oscillates structural fillet welds in total, each spacer standardises and stigmas associated with sickness. A space for
during the bending, thereby softening the kinks. and shifts, each tube and the space between each tube the distance from one tube to another and standardises sharing a moment with a loved one or simply sitting
Accounting for this custom rod called for a special type are always the same. In order to maintain a high level the process of welding. While every spacer is the same, in contemplation, Healing Pavilion combines rigorous
of tube with a reduced interior weld. The typical way of precision across the shell, the tubes were assembled the irregularity of their placement relates to key stress fabrication techniques with an inherent sensitivity to
of forming tubing involves rolling a sheet of steel into over large metal fixtures to ensure proper alignment points in the form and introduces a compelling client and context (Fig. 1).
shape and then welding the seams from the outside. and consistent spacing during welding. The fixtures patterning to the final design. The commercial project
This welding technique results in a considerable were waterjet-cut from plate steel and welded to a single kept within its budget. This issue of budgeting limited
amount of internal slag, which acts as a barrier for fitting base plate (Fig. 7). These fixtures controlled tolerances the rounds and iterations possible during the engineering
anything inside and makes the process of working with by correcting the unavoidable discrepancies between the phase. In spite of this back and forth between digital and
tube steel imprecise. By developing a more precise tube ideal curvatures in the digital model and the rolled tubes. analogue processes, the pavilion reflects the digital
with minimal welding imperfections, a custom 3m-long The question of how to control for deviation in the steel model within less than 1cm of deviation.
rod with the mandrel attached could then be inserted into also influenced the decision to finish the pavilion with
the 3m steel tube to mimic the analogue process of a coating of ceramic alumina applied by thermal flame Hands-on problem solving and optimising digital design
sand-based bending. spraying (Fig. 8). This finishing technique was applied
by melting the constituent materials and then atomising Healing Pavilion reconciles the output tolerance of digital
For the welding team to access their work from the them with air. Developed for the non-skid tarmac surface machines with the allowable tolerances of the physical
ground during fabrication, the pavilion was made as of aircraft carriers, the finish has little precedent in world. The project celebrates the concept of fidelity and
distinct panels (Figs. 4 and 5) that could be positioned architecture. Galvanising was ruled out because the hands-on problem solving. To translate ideal geometry
within reach of welders in the shop (Fig. 6) and connected size of the pavilion made it impossible to fit it in a typical from a software environment into the tolerances inherent
seamlessly into one cohesive object. Certain panels bath; furthermore, the heat of galvanising could have in the output of a numerically controlled tube bender
proved more problematic than others. These areas of distorted the tubes and therefore the shape of the shell. and then into a high fidelity final product meant that
6. Welding spacers onto a
concern included places of tight three-dimensional The granularity of the coating also masks minor welding panel #3 while resting on the machines capabilities could not be taken for granted.
curvature and where tubing needed to be massaged imperfections and kinks that result from the bending fixture. Reading the available product literature would not answer
into place by hand to weld. process, further obscuring the footprints of fabrication. the questions the project needed addressed. Instead,
7. Rolled tubes being
assembled on CNC a specific machine had to be engaged with directly.
Because raw tube is made in standard dimensions that In addition to finish considerations, the fixtures waterjet-cut fixture. By building an intimate relationship with the tool,
are shorter than the length of most of the curves in the minimised the deformations in the tubes that typically one could identify its capabilities. These understandings
8. Ceramic alumina finish
project, most tubes required splicing. The splices were occur from the heat of welding. Mild steel has a level of application being applied by helped to craft and optimise translations between one
therefore located at the edges of panels. springback when rolled, as it tries to revert to its original thermal spraying. software system and another, as well as to predict the
condition. To compensate for this movement, each tube physical ramifications of such digitally based design
9. Photograph of the pavilion
Whether or not the physical results of the pavilion had to be clamped and adjusted by hand to fit within the arriving at site via oversized decisions. Some insights throughout the research
matched the digital model served as the main criterion rigid fixture. Once the tubes were tack-welded into place, truck, ready to be craned influenced the digital aspects of the project, while others
for evaluating the outcome of the research. Healing 2,544 square spacers were inserted to keep the cage in a into place. directly impacted its physical construction. In a few
Pavilion was fabricated from 851 linear metres of state of tension (and sometimes compression) to avoid Images: Ball-Nogues Studio, instances, the machine was pushed too far and certain
5cm-diameter mild steel tube with 3mm wall thickness. deflection over time. With more than 3,000 360 2016. moments had to be resolved by hand, such as very small
74 75
A home away from home Using the practices expertise in digital modelling and
analysis, the structure is the protagonist a cantilevered
Located across Britain and abroad, Maggies Centres timber wing tiptoeing lightly over the site. To that end,
were conceived as a place of refuge where people affected much work was undertaken to assess how the design
by cancer could find emotional and practical support. intent could be realised with contemporary materials and
Inspired by the blueprint set out by Maggie Keswick digital fabrication methods. Investigations were carried
Jencks, they place great value upon the power of out to explore the structural optimisation potential in
architecture to lift the spirits and help in the process minimising the material used. For the construction,
of therapy. The design of the Manchester centre aims an Airfix (Airfix, 2016) analogy was deemed desirable
to establish a domestic atmosphere in a garden setting. a kit of parts fabricated offsite and assembled onsite,
facilitating quick erection.
The building is arranged over a single storey, the roof
rising in the centre to create a mezzanine level, naturally The result is an innovative use of a traditional material,
illuminated by triangular roof lights and supported by taking advantage of a complete file-to-factory process to
lightweight timber lattice beams. The beams act as natural provide the driver of the building aesthetic.
partitions between different internal areas, visually
dissolving the architecture into the surrounding gardens. Making design match function
It was vital to create an atmosphere that would make Functionally, the building is laid out to provide accessible
visitors feel at ease, as if they were at home. The use of open spaces along either side of a central zone: public
exposed timber for the structural elements enabled the spaces to the west, with the more private cellular spaces
creation of a homely, domestic ambience throughout the on the east. The centralised horizontal core houses the
centre, exploiting the warmth and softness of the material. buildings services and an administrative zone on the 1
76 77
also because it has high strength but low stiffness in
comparison with steel. A propped cantilever benefits
from exactly these properties high strength for the
large central bending moment, with low relative
stiffness accounted for by the prop.
Simultaneously, the node acts as a fixed portal frame 5. The lattice trusses and
haunch to provide the rigidity required to resist the The diagonal arrangement of the trusses in plan across skylights allow plenty of
horizontal wind forces acting across the structure and to the central spine enables the primary timber structure light into the building.
bring these forces down to the ground as well. The forces to provide stability to the roof without the need for any Images: Nigel Young/
at this critical connection resolve themselves into a set of additional bracing elements or stiffeners. The roof can Foster + Partners. 5
80 81
act as a single diaphragm, transferring the wind loads The use of advanced manufacturing technologies allowed
into the trusses, which provide rigidity as a portal frame new ways of exploring the expressiveness of the material
across the building. Along the length of the building, to be investigated. The exchange of 3D CAD models
the diagonal trusses deliver load into the spine. In this between teams within the office and external contractors
way, the buildings structure directly reflects the forces for architectural, structural and fabrication review was
it resists. also vital to the projects success and contributes to
a timber structure that is entirely digitally fabricated
The timber structure is sustainable and tactile, and using a file-to-factory process.
was built quickly to a tight budget. The CNC-crafted
LVL lattice beams are constructed from Kerto, The project combines fundamental design philosophies
a MetsWood product. It is made from 3mm-thick from the earliest days of the practice prefabrication,
rotary-peeled softwood veneers that are glued together. dry construction and the benefits of speed and quality
The spruce is sustainably sourced, using whole logs in that this process offers with modern digital simulation
the manufacturing process, with consequently minimal and manufacturing technologies. The result is an
waste. The waste material generated by the milling of the innovative lightweight structure and therapeutic
trusses is used as fuel to heat Blumer-Lehmanns factory space that is a celebration of light and nature (Fig. 6).
space (Fig. 1).
Project Credits
Removing material from the beams webbing resulted Architects: Foster + Partners; Norman Foster, David Nelson, Spencer de
in a truss that was a third the weight of a similar solid Grey, Stefan Behling, Darron Haylock, Diego Alejandro Teixeira Seisedos,
glulam beam. The behaviour of the web as affected by Xavier De Kestelier, Mike Holland, Richard Maddock, Daniel Piker, Harri Lewis,
Elisa Honkanen
the removal of material was further investigated by a Client: Maggies
number of finite element analysis models in Oasys GSA Structural engineering: Foster + Partners; Roger Ridsdill Smith, Andrea Soligon,
in order to assess the maximum and minimum principal Karl Micallef, Mateusz Bloch
Environmental engineering: Piers Heath, Evangelos Giouvanos, Nathan Millar
stress and the shear stresses at various locations in the Fire engineering: Thouria Istephan, Michael Woodrow
web. These stresses compared favourably to the material Landscape: Dan Pearson Studio
strengths (ETA, 2010). Timber fabrication: Blumer-Lehmann AG
Site area: 1,922m2
Built area: 500m2
The use of 3D modelling and CNC manufacturing has
unlocked new methods of working a traditional material. References
Crafting timber with these modern tools has resulted in Airfix, 2016, Airfix, available at (accessed 1 October 2016).
an expressive structure that celebrates connections and
details while evoking horticultural references such as the American Forest & Paper Association, 2006, National Design Specification:
Design Values for Wood Construction, Washington, American Wood Council.
garden trellis (Gould, 2001).
Bangash, M.Y.H., 2009, Structural Detailing in Timber, Dunbeath, Whittles
A successful exploration of material qualities Publishing.
in Manchester continues the long history of actively Gould, M.H., 2001, A Historical Perspective on the Belfast Truss Roof in
integrating the two within Foster + Partners work. Construction History Volume 17, p.75-87.
Hermelin, R., 2006, Strength Analyses of Wooden I-beams with a Hole in the
With a focus on the process of design evaluation Web, Masters, Lund University.
through full-size mock-ups and prototyping, using
the full range of capabilities at the firms disposal, Munch-Andersen, J. and Larsen, H. (eds.), 2011, Timber Structures a Review
of Meeting 1-43, CIB W18.
the nature and fabrication of the final structure was
evaluated at every step of the journey. Timber was Oasys Sofwtare, 2012, GSA Version 8.6 (computer program), available from
chosen as the primary building material for its warmth 6
and sculptural qualities, giving the building unique Williams, P.A., Kim, H.A., Butler, R., 2008, Bimodal Buckling of Optimised
scale, depth and texture. There is no attempt at cladding Truss-Lattice Shear Panels in American Institute of Aeronautics and
or concealing the distinctive structure; the building Astronautics, Vol 46, No. 8, p.1937-1943. 6. The Manchester
Maggies Centre at dusk.
is an open, honest exhibition of the material and its Image: Nigel Young/
biophilic qualities. Foster + Partners.
84 85
University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning | Matter Design
University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning | RVTR
Future directions
subdivision and internodal length development. The prototype to the computational model by 3D scanning Ahlquist, S. and Menges, A., 2010, Realizing Formal and Functional Complexity McGee, W. and Pigram, D., 2011, Formation Embedded Design: A Method for
entire mesh was pre-tensioned by being scaled to 92% the prototype (such as through LiDAR technology). for Structurally Dynamic Systems in Rapid Computational Means: the Integration of Fabrication Constraints into Architectural Design in
of the target surface area, so that it would remain in a Since the dynamic computational model is also used Computational Methodology based on Particle Systems for Complex Proceedings of ACADIA 2011, Banff, Canada, p.122-131.
Tension-Active Form Generation, in Ceccato, C., Hesselgren, L., Pauly, M.,
tense position when under gravity loads. to directly control the positions of the individual Pottman, H. and Wallner, J. (eds.), Advances in Architectural Geometry 2010, Otto, F. (ed.), 1972, IL 5 Wandelbare Dcher/Convertible Roofs, Mitteilungen
motors, there is confidence that the spatial location New York, SpringerWein, p.205-220. des Instituts fr Leichte Flchentragwerke (IL), Universitt Stuttgart.
Three servo motors control the tilt and position of the of the inner and outer boundary rings is true. What is
Bletzinger, K-U., Wchner, R., Daoud, F. and Camprubi, N., 2005, Veenendaal, D. and Block, P., 2012, An Overview and Comparison of Structural
outer ring, and three triangulated sets of custom-built less apparent is the geometric accuracy of the surface, Computational Methods for Form-Finding and Optimization of Shells Form Finding Methods for General Networks in International Journal of
stepper motors position the weighted rings located at relative to the simulation. and Membranes in Computational Methods in Applied Mechanics and Solids and Structures 49 (26), p.3741-3753.
the end of each infundibulum. These can dynamically Engineering, 194 (30-33), p.3438-3452.
Velikov, K. and Thn, G., 2014, Towards an Architecture of Cyber-Physical
reconfigure the surface between vaulted and chimney The inclusion of sensors to enable closed loop Coulter, F.B. and Ianakiev, A., 2015, 4D Printing Inflatable Silicone Structure Systems in Gerber, D. and Ibanez, M. (eds.), Paradigms in Computing:
forms within a broad range of positions (Fig. 6). The interactivity with the system. The industrial PLC 6. Photograph of in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2(3), p.140-144. Making, Machines and Models for Design Agency in Architecture, Los
full-scale installation also included a pair of custom- platform provides an ideal low-level framework for Infundibuliforms prototype Angeles, eVolo/ActarD, p.330-341.
installation taken through Coyne, R.D., Rosenman, M.A., Radford, A.D., Balachandran, M. and Gero, J.S.,
designed and built control cabinets, with 12 interpolated discrete sensors, but higher-level systems (such as one of the control rings. 1990, Knowledge-Based Design Systems, Reading, Addison-Wesley Wagner, R., 2005, On the Design Process of Tensile Structures in Oate, E.
axes driven by an industrial embedded PC. depth map cameras like the Kinect) which integrate Publishing Company. and Krplin, B. (eds.), Textile Composites and Inflatable Structures I,
with the computational model though an API are also 7. Infundibuliforms Netherlands, Springer, p.1-16.
prototype, second Deuss, M., Holden Deleuran A., Bouaziz, S., Deng, B., Piker, D. and Pauly, M.,
The first Infundibuliforms prototype was installed at the a possibility for future exploration. iteration in position 2015, ShapeOp A Robust and Extensible Geometric Modelling Paradigm Note
University of Michigan Taubman College Liberty Annex with two infundibula down in Ramsgaard Tomsen, M., Tamke, M., Gengnagel, C., Faircloth, B. and
in March 2016. A second prototype was reinstalled in the With this framework, this research has attempted to and one up, October 2016. Scheurer, F. (eds.), Modelling Behavior, Springer, p.505-515. A previous version of this introductory text was published in Velikov, K.,
Manninger, S., del Campo, M., Ahlquist, S. and Thn, G., 2016, Posthuman
gallery for the ACADIA 2016 exhibition in October 2016. move toward the integrated development of large-scale Images: RVTR / Helm, V., Willmann, J., Thoma, A., Pikorec, L., Hack, N., Gramazio, F. and Frontiers: Projects Catalog of the 36th Annual Conference of the Association
Between the first and second installations, a number of kinetic material systems for architecture. Matter Design 2016. Kohler, M., 2015, Iridescence Print: Robotically Printed Lightweight Mesh for Computer Aided Design in Architecture.
92 93
Integral joints provide a rapid, simple and mechanically Rather than leaving gaps between the parts, which
strong connection between parts. Our investigation presents one solution for the manual assembly of such
focuses on the assembly of cross-laminated wood veneer systems, we investigate the idea of assembly using an
plates, where previous studies have shown that the industrial robot. The robot allows for a more precise
strength of through-tenons is equivalent or superior to assembly motion and the application of higher forces
state-of-the-art fasteners such as screws or nails. This in the direction of assembly. The aim of this research
mechanical behaviour is highly dependent on a precise is to use these benefits along with the compressibility
fit of the joints, where no gaps are left between the parts. of wood for the assembly of oversized tenons. While in
regular through-tenon joints the width of the tenon is
However, the manual assembly of such tight-fitting equal to the width of the slot, the oversized tenons in
joints can be complicated. Thanks to its rectangular this paper are slightly wider than their slot parts. This
cross-section profile, a single through-tenon joint is a assembly will require a certain insertion force, squeezing
sufficient assembly guide for an entire plate, but multiple the tenons into the holes, but the resulting connection
through-tenons are required to establish a mechanically will be tight-fitting without any gaps.
strong connection. This results in a kinematically
over-constrained assembly motion (Mantripragada et al., Robotic assembly
1996). Additionally, due to fabrication- or material-related
tolerances, the joints can be too tight-fitting and manual Robotic integral attachment demonstrates the
assembly motions deviate from the precise insertion advantages of combining robotic assembly (Helm et
path. So-called wedging occurs during the assembly al., 2016) and integral mechanical attachment, such as
of tight-fitting joints, especially with larger parts at a through-tenon joints. Both methods are used to facilitate
building scale (Fig. 1). This requires high forces to the assembly of complex architectural designs, such as
be overcome. freeform shells and space frames. While integral 1
94 95
Integral mechanical attachment allows for a simple, Experimental set-up expected to greatly reduce the required insertion force.
fast and precise onsite joining process. It transfers the Such elastic joints may be particularly interesting in
complex and laborious aspect of assemblies into the The robotic assembly of elastic and plastic through- combination with rigid or plastic interlocks (see Fig. 3,
prefabrication of the plates. This is made possible through tenon joints for cross-laminated wood veneer plates the plate held by the robot), providing ideal locator
computational design and automatic prefabrication was examined through physical assembly experiments. features while requiring reduced insertion forces.
technology. As a consequence of such improved joining Using 40mm-thick beech laminated veneer lumber (LVL)
strategies, more complex shapes can be efficiently plates and a tenon width of 120mm for all specimens, The primary challenge in the assembly of the oversized
produced and assembled. Robeller and Weinand (2015) different joint shapes and parameters were tested. joints is the so-called effect of wedging, where a friction
provided an example in which a singly-curved folded interlock is established between the two parts during the
surface structure using equally shaped parts and regular Elastic joining techniques like cantilever snap-joints insertion before the final position is reached. This occurs
joints was compared with a doubly-curved folded surface are commonly used in other industry sectors, such due to tolerances in the size of the parts, resulting from
structure with individually shaped plates and integral as consumer electronics or the automotive industry fabrication imprecision or dimensional changes due
joints. In a simulation, deflections were 39 percent lower (Messler, 2016). They can be generally applied to elastic to changing environmental conditions, as well as
on the double-curved structure, due to the integral joints. materials. The application to cross-laminated wood imprecisions in the assembly motion, which must follow
panels has also been previously investigated (Robeller one precise path in the case of single-degree-of-freedom
At the same time, integral joints improve structures et al., 2014). joints, such as the through-tenons.
through the direct transfer of forces through the form
of connectors. Roche et al. (2015a) showed that the shear Plastic joining techniques are also commonly used in It was expected that the wedging could be reduced
strength of finger- and dovetail-jointed plywood plates various industrial applications, especially in the form of through a small inclination of 1 on the small contact
is similar to the shear strength of screwed connections. press-fit or friction-fit joints. A well-known example using faces across the edge on the through-tenons and on the
Li et al. showed that the connectors can be combined metal materials is staking, where an undersized boss in a slots. We can achieve an inclination on these faces using
with metal fasteners, and further research by Roche et regular-sized hole is expanded through a staking punch. a 5-axis CNC router, where the tool is inclined at 1 for the
al. (2015b) compared the rotational stiffness of joints at The resulting radial expansion will cause a physical cutting of the slot part. However, the other two contact
ridges, demonstrating the particular strength of interference fit between the two pieces. Metal screws faces along the edge of the joint cannot be inclined, as
through-tenon joints. work in a similar way: the thread of the screw creates a those lie on the top and bottom of the cross-laminated
large friction surface, while pressure is applied through wood plate and cannot be easily cut without turning and
Aiming at the automated assembly of timber plates its inclination and rotation. In addition to the friction re-clamping the work pieces.
and the elimination of any gaps that would reduce the interference, the elasticity of the material plays an
stiffness of the joints, the main question was to ascertain important role in plastic interlocks, too. Through the
2 what forces would occur during the insertion of through- press-fit, the parts of the joint are squeezed. The elastic
tenon joints, both with and without oversized tenons. recovery force will apply pressure on the contact surfaces,
which further increases the friction interference.
Further questions arose due to the fact that, during the
attachment embeds the instructions for manual assembly assembly of timber plate shell or folded plate structures, The primary purpose of the plastic and elastic timber
into the form of prefabricated components (Fig. 2) (Robeller, multiple joints must often be inserted simultaneously. plate joints in this investigation is to eliminate gaps,
2015), robotic assembly integrates the assembly logic into These were: how the insertion forces on individual joints which may be required for the assembly of joints.
the robotic positioning procedure (Gramazio et al., 2014). could be reduced through modifications in their form; The regular rigid joints were added as a reference for
The aim of this research is to investigate the combination how the forces would add up during such multi-joint comparison. This elimination of gaps should be achieved
of these seemingly contrary methods. assemblies; and how insertion forces and possible through a press-fit assembly of tenons that are slightly
wedging could be reduced through custom-built wider than their slots. Multiple series of specimens were
The two main benefits of integral joints for the design vibration-inducing robot end effectors. tested, where the tenon oversize was increased in small
of timber plate shell and spatial structures are their steps: 0.05mm, 0.10mm, 0.15mm, 0.20mm and 0.25mm.
so-called locator and connector features. Locator features, What force is required for the insertion of a During the insertion of the joints, the oversized tenons
in the form of the joints, reduce their mechanical degrees through-tenon joint? should be able to fit into the slots primarily due to the
of freedom and therefore also the relative motions What force is required for the insertion of a material compressibility on the rigid-type through-
1. Large-scale robotic
positioning of a timber plate. between the connected parts. This allows for the through-tenon joint with oversized tenon? tenons, and predominantly due to the material elasticity
indication of the correct alignment and position of parts Can the effect of wedging be reduced through on the elastic-type through-tenons. Here, cuts along the
2. Timber folded plate built to one another. While some joint shapes, such as finger optimisations in the form of the joints? centre line of the tenon allow for lateral deflections during
from 21mm LVL panels,
assembled manually, IBOIS, joints, will reduce the mobility of parts to three degrees Can the effect of wedging be reduced through the joint assembly.
EPFL, 2014. of freedom and perform as partial assembly guides, other automated robotic assembly?
joints, such as through-tenons, will reduce the mobility of Due to the centre line cut on the elastic through-tenons,
3. Simulation of the
assembly sequence and parts to only one insertion direction and perform as fully their shear strength will be greatly reduced in comparison
plate insertion paths. integral assembly guides. to rigid versions. However, the elasticity was also
96 97 Acknowledgements
Boosting the benefits
This research was supported by the NCCR Digital Fabrication, funded by the
With their locator and connector features, integral timber Swiss National Science Foundation (NCCR Digital Fabrication Agreement
plate joints offer considerable benefits for the design of
timber plate structures, such as segmented plate shells or The authors thank their team for their pioneering efforts, particularly Michael
folded plates. While the mechanical strength of the joints Lyrenmann, Luka Pikorec, Laszlo Blaser, Victor Stolbovoy, Stphane de Weck
and Francois Perrin.
requires them to be tightly fitted, this can be problematic for
the assembly of such kinematically overconstrained joints. References
Gramazio, F., Kohler, M. and Willmann, J., 2014, The Robotic Touch: How
The elastic and plastic interlocks presented in this Robots Change Architecture, Zrich, Park Books.
paper demonstrate how the material properties of
compressibility and elasticity can be exploited for an Mantripragada, R., Cunningham, T.W. and Whitney, D.E., 1996, Assembly
oriented Design: A New Approach to Designing Assemblies, Proceedings,
assembly technique that fully eliminates any gaps, IFIP WG5.2 Workshop on Geometric Modeling in CAD, 19-23 May 1996.
through the insertion of oversized tenons. While this
basic concept of plastic interlocks is commonly used in Helm, Volker et al., 2016, 'Additive Robotic Fabrication of Complex Timber
Structures' in Menges, A., Schwinn, T. and Krieg, O.D. (eds.), Advancing Wood
mechanical fastening techniques, such as screws and Architecture: a Computational Approach, New York, Routledge, p.29-43.
bolts, this paper first applies this concept to the integral
attachment of through-tenon-jointed timber plates. This is Messler, R., 2006, Integral Mechanical Attachment: A Resurgence of the
Oldest Method of Joining, Butterworth Heinemann.
made possible through the precise assembly motion of an
industrial robot, as well as the possibility of it applying an Robeller, C., Mayencourt, P. and Weinand, Y., 2014, Snap-fit Joints CNC
insertion force. Here, the single-joint assembly test series fabricated, Integrated Mechanical Attachment for Structural Wood Panels,
ACADIA 2014: 34th Annual Conference of the Association for Computer
first provides values on the required forces. Aided Design in Architecture, Los Angeles, California, USA.
4 Since the assembly of structures such as timber plate Robeller, C., 2015a, Integral Mechanical Attachment for Timber Folded Plate
Structures, EPFL PhD Thesis, Lausanne.
For all assembly tests, a 6-axis industrial robot with a of wedging due to the simultaneous assembly of six shells requires the simultaneous assembly of multiple
maximum payload of 150kg and an additional seventh through-tenons per plate. A custom end effector was edges and therefore also multiple joints, it is crucial to Robeller C. and Weinand, Y., 2015b, Interlocking Folded Plate Integral
linear axis was used to insert the through-tenons (Fig. 3). built to hold the plates with an integrated device for the estimate the total required insertion force per plate. The Mechanical Attachment for Structural Wood Panels, International Journal of
Space Structures, Vol. 30, No. 2, p.111-122.
In the first series of single-joint assembly tests, the slot measurement of forces (Fig. 5). This effector was also multi-plate assembly tests have shown that the assembly
plates were fixed to a concrete block. The insertion equipped with an integrated vibration-assisted assembly of building-scale plates from our case study project is Robeller, C. and Weinand, Y., 2016, Fabrication-Aware Design of Timber
motion was then carried out parallel to the robots device for the introduction of vibrations into the plates, possible with an additional vibration-inducing device. Folded Plate Shells with Double Through-Tenon Joints, Robotic Fabrication
in Architecture, Art and Design 2016, p.166-177.
additional linear axis for the single-joint assembly tests. in order to reduce the effect of wedging. Further research is required into the addition of a pulse
A custom end effector was built with an integrated force force, similar to a jackhammer, which can be induced in Roche, S. et al., 2015a, On the semi-rigidity of dovetail joints for the joinery of
measurement device, from which the pressure values The first series of single-joint assembly tests showed the plates direction of assembly. LVL panels, European Journal of Wood and Wood Products.
were recorded during the assembly motion. the expected increase of insertion forces, along with Roche, S. et al., 2015b, Rotational stiffness at ridges in folded plate structures,
an increasing oversize of the plastic through-tenon in Elegance of Structures: IABSE-IASS Symposium, Nara.
Following the first series of single-joint assembly tests, joints. The smallest oversize of 0.05mm would result
the assembly of multiple joints was tested on six full-scale in a required insertion force of 0.7kN. At an oversize
plates out of a folded roof structure1, which was generated of 0.15mm, we recorded 0.8kN, while the two largest 1. The case study roof structure covers an area of 700m2. Its doubly-curved
with the computational tools presented by Robeller and oversizes of 0.20mm and 0.25mm required much larger surface spans over 20m between two 35m line supports, with a
5 span-to-rise ratio of 4 in the centre point and 8 at the front and end. The
Weinand (2016). forces of 1.08kN and 1.57kN. Additionally, the effect surface was segmented with a Miura-Ori fold pattern of 16 plates in the
of wedging increased along with the oversize value. direction of span, 40 plates along the supports and a static height of
The multi-plate robotic assembly experiment investigates The inclination of the joint faces across the edge at an 650mm. The average dihedral angle between the 640 plates is 130, with
a maximum of 160, and the average edge length is 1.5m, with a maximum
the offsite robotic assembly of prefabricated segments, angle of 1 resulted in a greatly reduced effect of wedging. of 1.8m.
which would fit on standard-size trucks for transport to
the construction site. With such a prefabricated assembly, The multi-plate assembly test showed that the simultaneous
85 percent of the total edge joints in the case study roof assembly of six through-tenon joints requires the vibration
would be assembled automatically with robots, while the device to be activated in order to avoid a premature
remaining 15 percent of the edges must be joined onsite friction-based interlock. Furthermore, the test showed 4. Assembly sequence of
the large-scale prototype.
with state-of-the-art connectors. that an additional pulse force in the joints assembly
direction is beneficial in combination with the vibration 5. A custom-built end
The main challenge in this multi-plate assembly device. During the tests, this force was applied manually effector equipped
with a load cell for force
experiment was the cumulative force required for the with a mallet. The plates used featured two centre elastic measurement and a
insertion of entire plates, as well as an increased effect locator tenons and four outer plastic connector tenons. vibration device.
98 99
CITA | Centre for Information Technology and Architecture, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen
problems. We found that the high degree of internal to the investigation of load distribution recognition Harding, J., 2016, Dimensionality Reduction for Parametric Design Tamke, M. and Nicholas, P., 2013, Computational Strategies for the
interdependence between these problems and the problems. The machine learning-based approach Exploration in Adriaenssens, S. et al. (eds.), Advances in Architectural Architectural Design of Bending Active Structures, I in International Journal
non-continuous fitness landscapes that result from presented here demonstrates how neural networks can Geometry 2016, Zurich, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zrich, p.274-287. of Space Structures, special issue: Active Bending, Vol. 28, No. 3 & 4,
elements whose performance depends on behaviour categorise the shape of complex geometries based on Deleuran, A.H., Pauly, M., Tamke, M., Friis Tinning, I. and Ramsgaard Thomsen,
prohibit traditional computational design optimisation high-dimensional discretisations with up to a hundred M., 2016, Exploratory Topology Modelling of Form-Active Hybrid Structures Ramsgaard Thomsen, M., Tamke, M., Holden Deleuran, A., Schmeck, M.,
approaches. Lace Wall suggests that the intuition that a input parameters. The neural network is able to learn in Procedia Engineering, 0, p.1-10. Quinn, G. and Gengnagel, C., 2015, The Tower: Modelling, Analysis and
Construction of Bending Active Tensile Membrane Hybrid Structures in
designer builds upon to make design decisions for both based on an atypical number of parameters compared Lienhard, J., 2014, Bending-Active Structures Form-finding Strategies Using Proceedings of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
complex structural performance choices and behaviour with other classification methods, which, in our case, Elastic Deformation in Static and Kinetic Systems and the Structural (IASS) Symposium 2015, Amsterdam, Future Visions.
can be effectively supported by machine learning. It is ensured that it was able to precisely describe the load Potentials Therein, Stuttgart, Universitt Stuttgart Inst. F. Tragkonstr.
Wilkinson, S. and Hanna, S., 2014, Approximating Computational Fluid
supervised machine learning with artificial neural distribution. This approach offered flexibility and 7. Force distribution Menges, A., 2012, Material Computation: Higher Integration in Morphogenetic Dynamics for Generative Design, in International Journal of Architectural
networks which provides a kind of intuition (the precision when it came to the classification of previously in a Lace Wall design Design in Architectural Design, 82(2), p.14-21. Computing, June 2014, Vol. 12, No. 2, p.155-177.
means to select) alongside a linked database of unseen data. This opened up the possibility of reusing with cantilever.
Nicholas, P. and Tamke, M., 2013, Computational Strategies for the
previously evaluated solutions, which provides the the optimised solutions database and the trained network 8. Detailed view of Architectural Design of Bending Active Structures in International Journal of
experience on which the selection is based. in multiple iterations of the design. Lace Wall. Space Structures, 28(3-4), p.215-228, doi:10.1260/0266-3511.28.3-4.215.
106 107
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Michigan
Quarra Stone
Matter Design
This research follows an important body of work from architectural fabrication landscape alongside
the past decade, which focuses on the design of global conventional steel, concrete and timber structures.
surface geometries for compression-only structural In response, the research presented here offers a new
behaviour. For example, studies in thrust network approach for the fabrication and assembly of freeform
analysis have made possible the design and computation masonry shell structures that can be built with less
of complex unreinforced freeform shell structures that error and less falsework. Made possible through a
work purely under compressive forces once they are computational workflow that simulates structural
completely assembled (Block, 2009). Recent built projects behaviour during assembly instead of only after a
have shown that while it is possible to construct these structure is completed, the approach employs cast-metal
structures with standard CNC fabrication tools and for joining details that bring ancient stonework techniques
them to demonstrate efficient structural behaviour with into the digital age with customised, mechanically
minimal bending as expected, a major challenge of responsive geometries.
building these structures is the development of effective
assembly strategies during construction to handle New agendas for stone carving
tolerance (Rippmann et al., 2016). A second key challenge
is the management of falsework, which is structurally Correlating forces (physics) and form (geometry) in
necessary to hold individual voussoirs, or compression 3D, thrust network analysis and accessible physics
blocks, in place until the structure is stable, which is simulation environments based on dynamic relaxation
sometimes not until the final stone is placed. have extended historical structural form-finding methods
into new versatile digital design workflows (Block, 2009,
These challenges are important to address in order Rippmann et al., 2011, Piker, 2013). One of the results of
for efficient, geometrically expressive masonry shell the availability of these new geometrical exploration
structures to play a larger role in the contemporary approaches has been a renewed interest from designers 1
108 109
in historical techniques such as stone carving (Lachauer 2 Physics analysis 3
et al., 2011, Rippmann et al., 2016, Clifford et al., 2015,
Kaczynski et al., 2011). This method proposes an alternative assembly
strategy for freeform stone shells that relies on a
Construction of discrete element structures local understanding of forces at each step of the
assembly sequence (Ariza, 2016). The structural
Most of the current research efforts in discrete analysis includes two steps: a global analysis that
element structures have focused on the production of evaluates the equilibrium of the structure in its final
geometrically challenging thin structures that perform state and a local analysis that evaluates all intermediate
efficiently once they are finally assembled. These efforts equilibrium states during assembly. The analyses are
have not emphasised the forces arising during assembly, conducted with Karamba v.1.2.1, a finite element analysis
or have solved this problem through external means such plug-in for Grasshopper (Preisinger, 2013), and directly
as scaffolding, chains or ropes (as in Deuss et al., 2014). In contribute to the design and distribution of cast tension
contrast, this research approaches the problem of stability details. Specifically, the analyses consider reactions
during assembly through integrated details. generated at boundary conditions between elements
The assembly method in this research comprises and at the interface with the ground to determine the
Stone detail precedents and methods six steps from design to assembly: base geometry, types and locations of necessary details.
discretisation, physics analysis, detail design, fabrication
Two types of detail precedent inform this research. The and assembly. The method is exemplified by an eight- Global equilibrium analysis
first is the historic process of carving a detail geometry piece masonry structure case study shown in Fig. 5,
into stone and direct casting metal into that geometry. manufactured at Quarra Stone in Madison, Wisconsin. Because the base geometry is not generated to fulfil
This detail is often embedded inside the thickness of one single constraint (i.e. structural performance),
stone and is not visible. The motivation of this detail Base geometry global stability is not guaranteed. The results of the
is to resist a possible future force, such as settling or overall calculation of reaction forces at the base of the
an earthquake. These details are not constrained by This research employs a method which serves to liberate eight-piece section of the structure are shown in Fig. 5.
the mass of stone, but rather by the properties of metal geometry from the exclusive dedication to structural
shaping or casting and the carving tools used (Leroy et requirements. Though essential, structural forms rarely Local equilibrium analysis
al., 2015). The second detail precedent is a procedural one. align with programmatic, ergonomic, thermal or formal
For instance, Inca stonework carries vestigial details that concerns. In order to accommodate a confluence of The discrete analysis step comprises assigning an
hint at the sequence in which a wall was constructed. differing concerns, the potentials of depth and volume assembly sequence of voussoirs, determining the
Each detail refers to a particular moment of assembly are employed, resulting in an anti-isomorphic condition, support location and condition of each voussoir
and its relation to previously placed stones. This concept as described previously (Clifford et al., 2015). This deep according to the sequence and visualising the
can be seen not only in the way the stones notch into condition produces a zone of operation that Wolfgang reaction forces at each support. 5
each other, but also in the nubs used to place the stones Meisenheimer describes as the work body
(Protzen, 1993). This research seeks to conflate these two (Meisenheimer, 1985) a space between the visible 1. Six-piece mock-up, Assembly sequence
detail concepts in order to incorporate procedural and architectural surfaces which is dedicated to the means exterior.
sequential structural analysis to inform detail locations. and methods of making. This method begins with a 2. (a) Cavities that were The sequence of assembling voussoirs does not affect
These locations are responsive not only to the global base geometry informed by the above extra-structural carved into stones and the global stability of the final assembled structure.
conditions, but also to the discrete conditions of the concerns. This singular surface approaches a structural fitted with steel joints during However, there is a big impact on stability during the
the Angkorian era (Mitch
in-progress assembly (Fig. 2). logic, but does not satisfy it. Through variable depth and Hendrickson, source: assembly process. While this research does not rigorously
detailing strategies, this non-idealised form transforms Cambodia Daily) and address this question, the topic has been studied in Deuss
This project examines the problem of assembling into a proposal which satisfies a thrust network within the (b) Inca wall assembly (2014). This research establishes a reasonable assembly
detail (Brandon Clifford).
masonry structures through the integration of middle third of the material depth (Fig. 3). sequence using rings of voussoirs, and the most stable
computation, analysis and simulation during the 3. Section of assembly unit of each ring is assembled first. As each new voussoir
design phases. The motivation of the research is to Discretisation strategy. is added, it is not possible to assume that the previous
develop a streamlined workflow which encompasses 4. A 3D diagram showing state of equilibrium is still valid. Ultimately, every
design, fabrication and assembly of discrete element Next is the discretisation of the base geometry into particles, springs and final previous interface between voussoirs needs to
structures by leveraging the possibilities of digital voussoirs. Many different discretisation methods are voussoirs. be checked, since each is affected by every new addition.
fabrication methods. Through a focus on historically possible in this case, a Voronoi-based discretisation is 5. A 3D diagram showing the As a proxy, in this case study the stability of the global
inspired details, this paper seeks a new approach that created using a particle-spring system, which creates a variable volume eight-piece intermediate, or the sum of all previously assembled
can expand the possibilities for designing and building random gradient distribution of 3D voussoirs that are mock-up and the results voussoirs, is checked at the base (Fig. 5).
from the overall analysis
expressive, efficient structural forms. larger toward the base of the structure (Fig. 4). showing reaction forces at
the base.
110 111
Detail design motion and a reduced range of joint configurations, Fitting and registration
accuracy can be improved; in addition, the overall work
Details can be inspired by different motivations. In this volume of the robot increases significantly. Both of these Using minimal, adjustable tension and compression
project, the role of the details is to coordinate different techniques are employed in the fabrication of the case falsework, each voussoir is fitted in place by hand and
type of constraints: structural (type, direction and study. In order to maximise part accuracy, individual registered to its correct location by a precast tapered
magnitude of reaction forces), fabrication (properties voussoirs are processed from a solid blank to the finished drift-pin applying tension normal to the adjacent faces of
of the carving and casting tools and machines) part using a single fixturing set-up on a flat back face. the two stones. This registering operation facilitates the
and assembly (direction and fixing steps of units). minute adjustment of the voussoirs after placement and
This approach takes advantage of the ability of robots Cutting operations temporarily holds them in place during the completion of
to perform custom non-repetitive stone carving and the ring. The malleable drift-pins also have the capacity
match it with cast metals ability to be formed with The production of individual voussoirs benefits from an to be adjusted to fit in case of fabrication inaccuracies.
geometric flexibility. automatic tool changer set-up and comprises four robotic
carving operations (Fig. 6). The majority of the stock is Casting and fixing
Structural constraints removed with a thick diamond composite blade. The first
operation, a saw slab-cutting strategy, is used for cutting After the placement of an entire ring of voussoirs, the
The reaction forces of the discrete analysis are the flat-bearing surfaces of the voussoir. This proved to pre-machined drafted voids of the shear details located
interpreted one by one, matching type, direction and be the most efficient operation, with a higher material between the most vertical faces of the stones are filled
magnitude with specific geometric detail strategies. removal rate (material removed per minute). Then the with metal in-situ, permanently fixing the ring together.
Compression forces require surface area, so the planar internal face is accomplished with a parallel kerf- Finally, the precast adjustable pins holding the course
edges of the voussoirs are left unmodified. Tension forces roughing and a side-cutting finishing, the latter in a in place are cast over in-situ, permanently locking the
in the plane require a locking geometry in plane and in motion perpendicular to the previous direction of the drift-pin in place. Additionally, any gaps between
the direction of the tension vector to avoid units pulling blade. Finally, an electroplated diamond tool is used for a voussoirs resulting from the tolerances in fabrication are
apart. Out-of-plane tension forces and bending moments pocketing milling operation that produces the joint voids. filled during the pouring of the in-situ joints. This series
are counteracted with couples on opposing faces. In-plane of operations is then repeated for each consecutive ring.
shear forces require a locking geometry perpendicular to Automation of geometry for toolpathing
the plane of action of the force. Research evaluation
While the implemented algorithmic design approach
Fabrication constraints generates highly unique geometries with relative ease, The validity of the structural analysis and assembly
it was important to identify production bottlenecks early method was assessed through a series of structural
The type of stone, the geometric properties and the in the project. While fully automated design-to-machine tests of specific cast details and prototypes. The former
performance of tools define the carving constraints. code strategies have been implemented in certain evaluated the material strength and efficiency of the joint
This papers case study uses Vermont Marble and a projects, it was determined that a hybrid approach would geometry throughout a series of controlled specimens.
blunt electroplated tool. The tool diameter defines the integrate better with the fabrication workflow at Quarra Different mock-ups explored the possibilities and
minimum radius of possible carved curvature, and the Stone. This involved the automated generation and performance of the various available machining
tool shaft height defines the maximum carving depth. 6 organisation of 3D part files with the needed helper methods, the casting and assembly processes and
This last parameter is key to specifying possible locations geometry to work smoothly with the production CAM the materials to be used in the precast and in-situ
of tension details. Assembly constraints package used by the fabrication team. details. The final eight-piece case study served as a final
evaluation of the overall detailing and assembly method.
Casting constraints are dictated by the way in which The assembly strategy is composed of two steps: Assembly
the metal flows through and freezes in the mould when registration and fixing. In order to register the pieces
poured. Sharp external corners result in more rapid that are in place, a precast metal drift-pin is inserted, Several challenges arise in the placement of the
cooling, leading to increased grain size and brittleness. followed by the cast in-situ final fixing of the unit. This individual voussoirs. First, the stones are never set
Sharp internal corners often result in cracking during two-step assembly strategy determines the drafted upon a level surface and the centre of mass of the
freezing. Drastic changes in cross-sectional area and geometry and the material selection of the drift-pins. piece is often not directly over the bearing surface,
volume result in uneven cooling and grain structure. resulting in temporary instability during assembly.
Since traditional clips and butterfly joints in wood or Robot control and constraints Second, while the meeting faces of the voussoirs are
wrought metal do not suffer from such constraints, 6. Cutting operations: (a) drafted in all directions, which facilitates positioning,
cross-sectional areas can be varied as much as needed. Industrial robots are designed to be highly flexible edge saw cutting, (b) face there are still several degrees of freedom in the
side-cutting and (c) detail
The translation of this geometry to cast metal requires manipulators, but this flexibility results in compromises milling. movement of the stones as they are individually placed.
modification to maintain a constant cross-sectional area with respect to overall volumetric accuracy. One technique To counteract this temporary instability, a two-step
throughout the joint. for minimising positioning error is to utilise an external 7. (a) Casting of specimens, assembly method is implemented.
(b) casting of joints in-situ
synchronous positioning axis (rotary table). By allowing and (c) sample specimen of
the robot pose to be restricted to a smaller range of tension joint.
112 113
9 10
Material tests face were found to be a useful temporary falsework Acknowledgements Deuss, M., Panozzo, D., Whiting, E., Liu, Y., Block, P., Sorkine-Hornung, O. and
method to support pieces in place until the final fixing of Pauly, M., 2014, Assembling Self-supporting Structures in ACM Transactions
This research was conducted as part of the 2016 QuarraMatter Fellowship, on Graphics (TOG), 33 (6), p.214.
Structural tests were performed on details with two different the ring was achieved. Regarding structural performance, an industry/academy partnership between Quarra Stone (www.quarrastone.
casting alloys: pewter (AC or Brittania), an alloy of tin, units with larger instability were successfully supported com) and Matter Design ( Each summer, two Kaczynski, M.P., McGee, W. and Pigram, D.A., 2011, Robotically Fabricated
copper and antimony; and zamak 3, an industrial die-casting by drift-pins in cases of no larger than 3mm inaccuracies. fellows are embedded in Quarra Stone to produce a research project in Thin-shell Vaulting: a Methodology for the Integration of Multi-axis
advanced fabrication techniques. The form generation employs T-splines Fabrication Processes with Algorithmic Form-finding Techniques,
alloy of mostly zinc, copper and magnesium. Despite having This last test proved the importance of the geometry of ( as an organic modeller to inform Grasshopper (www. ACADIA 2011.
a much lower ultimate tensile strength (51.7 MPa) than the drift-pin as a tolerance-handling method., a plug-in developed by David Rutten for Rhinoceros
zamak (284.8 MPa), pewter was selected due to its lower (, a programme developed by Robert McNeil. In addition, Leroy, S., Hendrickson, M., Delqu-Kolic, E., Vega, E. and Dillmann, P., 2015,
the analysis computation employs Karamba ( by First Direct Dating for the Construction and Modification of the Baphuon
melting point, shrinkage and brittleness, its resistance to Conclusion Clemens Preisinger, and Kangaroo ( Temple Mountain in Angkor, Cambodia in PloS one, 10 (11), p.e0141052.
work hardening and its higher flow rate (Fig. 7). kangaroo), Plankton (Ibid./plankton) and MeshMachine (Ibid./meshmachine)
This research successfully demonstrates a new method by Daniel Piker. The fabrication computation utilises a custom C# script by Lachauer, L., Rippmann, M. and Block, P., 2010, Form Finding to Fabrication: a
Wes McGee to automate toolpath geometries, SUM3D ( for Digital Design Process for Masonry Vaults in Proceedings of the International
Ten geometric variations of tension joint were tested. to design, analyse and construct complex geometry shell toolpath generation and RoboMOVETM ( Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium.
Controlling variables included the length, depth and structures which satisfy a confluence of architectural robomove) by QD Robotics for robot programme simulation. Structural
thickness of the joint. Three specimens of each geometry concerns, without the need for extensive falsework, testing was provided by Daren Kneezel and Jeff Scarpelli of Wiss, Janney and Meisenheimer, W., 1984, Von den Hohlrumen in der Shale des Baukrpers
Elstner ( The project team includes Brian Smith and Alireza [Of the Hollow Spaces in the Skin of the Architectural Body] in Daidalos, 13,
were tested to failure under tension. The most successful formwork or templating. Through computation, digital Seyedahmadian. The authors would like to thank Alexander Marshall, Eric Avery Index to Architectural Periodicals, p.103-111.
specimens transferred between 9 and 12.5kN under fabrication and the adaptation of ancient detailing Kudrna, Ryan Askew and Edgar Galindo for their fabrication support.
tension (Fig. 8). strategies, this method points to a possible application Piker, D., 2013, Kangaroo: Form Finding with Computational Physics in
References Architectural Design, 83 (2), p.136-137.
of design in synchronous feedback with the constraints
Eight-piece case study of assembly. While the potentials of such a method Ariza, I., 2016, Decoding Details: Integrating Physics of Assembly in Discrete Preisinger, C., 2013, Linking Structure and Parametric Geometry in
accommodate an endless number of possible geometries, 8. Geometric variations of Element Structures, Masters thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Architectural Design, 83 (2), p.110-113.
available at (accessed 24 January
The eight-piece case study made from Vermont Marble the analysis points to a series of constraints. These joints (from upper left, A to
2017). Protzen, J.P. and Batson, R., 1993, Inca Architecture and Construction at
J) and tension testing of
served to evaluate the various aspects of the research. constraints exist primarily in the structural and material specimen F1. Ollantaytambo, Oxford University Press, USA.
In terms of fabrication, inaccuracies (up to 3mm) related properties of stone and metal, the geometric constraints Clifford, B. and McGee, W., 2015, Digital Inca: an Assembly Method for
Free-Form Geometries in Modelling Behaviour, Springer International Rippmann, M. and Block, P., 2011, Digital Stereotomy: Voussoir Geometry
to the location of joints were handled with the specific of fabrication and the problematics of compounding 9. Six-piece mock-up, detail
Publishing, p.173-186. for Freeform Masonry-like Vaults Informed by Structural and Fabrication
showing units 3 and 5 locked
assembly strategies described above. The most critical errors during assembly. with the in-situ casting Constraints in Proceedings of the IABSE-IASS Symposium.
inaccuracy location was found to be the intrados of the technique, and unit 6 Clifford, B. and McGee, W., 2014, La Vote de LeFevre: a Variable-volume
Compression-only Vault in Gramazio, F., Kohler, M. and Langenberg, S. (eds.), Rippmann M., Van Mele T., Popescu M., Augustynowicz, E., Mndez
voussoir, for which further fabrication and assembly Future research seeks to further evaluate the capabilities supported by two drift-pins.
Fabricate Negotiating Design and Making, Verlag. Echenagucia T., Calvo Barentin, C., Frick, U. and Block P., 2016, The Armadillo
strategies need to be studied. In terms of assembly, of assembly simulation and sequential fixing in the 10. Six-piece mock-up, Vault: Computational Design and Digital Fabrication of a Freeform Stone
ratchet straps attached to the fixtures of the flat back construction of a full-scale marble caldarium. interior. Shell in Advances in Architectural Geometry 2016, p.344-363.
114 115
This paper describes research that addresses the variable cladding system. Strategically increasing the structural
behaviour of industrial quality metals and the extension capacity particularly the rigidity of this cladding layer
of computational techniques into the fabrication process. offers a way to integrate enclosure, articulation and
It describes the context of robotic incremental sheet structure, but requires a consideration of scale and
metal forming, a freeform method for imparting 3D form fabrication that lies outside a typical architectural
onto a 2D thin metal sheet. The paper focuses on the workflow. Thin sheets can be stiffened via isotropic or
issue of geometric inaccuracies associated with material anisotropic rigidisation techniques that selectively move
springback that are experienced in the making of a local areas of the sheet out of plane, with the effect of
research demonstrator. It asks how to fabricate in increasing structural depth. The use of these techniques
conditions of material inconsistency, and how might marked the early development of metallic aircraft, were
adaptive models negotiate between the design model and pioneered by Junkers and LeRicolais within architecture
the fabrication process? Here, two adaptive methods are and are currently applied within the automotive industry.
presented that aim to increase forming accuracy with
only a minimum increase in fabrication time, and that This research takes inspiration from Junkers proposition,
maintain ongoing input from the results of the fabrication made through the transfer of these techniques into
process. The first method is an online sensor-based building, of thin-skinned metallic architectures. A Bridge
strategy and the second method is an offline predictive Too Far (Fig. 2) presents as an asymmetric bridge. The
strategy based on machine learning. structure consists of 51 unique planar, hexagonal panels,
arranged into an inner and outer skin. The thickness of
Rigidisation of thin metal skins each panel varies locally, though it is at maximum 1mm
thick. Excluding buttresses, the bridge spans 3m and
Thin panelised metallic skins play an important role in weighs 40kg. Geometric features for resisting local
contemporary architecture, often as a non-structural footfall, buckling within each panel and structural 1
116 117
connections for managing shear forces across inner and Transferred into architecture, ISF moves from a
outer skins are produced through the custom robotic prototyping technology to a production technology.
forming of individual panels. Within the context of mass customisation, it provides
an alternate technology through which to incorporate,
Robotic incremental sheet forming exploit and vary material capacities within the elements
that make up a building system. Potential architectural
The incremental sheet forming (ISF) method imparts 3D applications have been identified in folded plate thin
form onto a 2D sheet, directly informed by a 3D CAD metal sheet structures (Trautz & Herkrath, 2009)
model. A simple tool, applied from either one or two sides, and customised load-adapted architectural designs
facilitates mouldless forming by moving over the surface (Brninghaus et al., 2012). Recent research has
of a sheet to cause localised plastic deformation (Bramley established ISF as structurally feasible at this scale
et al., 2005). A double-sided robotic approach provides (Bailly et al, 2014) and has explored the utilisation of
further flexibility for forming out of plane in opposing forming cone geometries as a means to reach from one
directions (Fig. 3). Moving from SPIF (single point skin to another (Kalo & Newsum, 2014).
incremental forming) to DPIF (double point incremental
forming) removes the need for any supporting jig. This The DPIF set-up used to fabricate panels for A Bridge 4
allows for more freedom and complexity in the formed Too Far incorporates two ABB industrial robots working initial hardness. In comparison to previous research
geometry, including features that it would be difficult or on each side of a moment frame that allows for a working demonstrators (Nicholas et al., 2016), a higher fixed
impossible to create supports for. A second advantage is area of approximately 1,000 x 1,000mm. Working with speed could be used in order to ensure faster production
the creation of a hydrostatic pressure between the two DPIF requires a precise positioning of two tools, one that without risking a significantly higher amount of material
tools, which has been found to delay the initiation of works as a forming tool and one as the local support. The failures. This choice of material also impacted the design,
necking for any strain path. supporting tool can be positioned in two different ways, where the average wall angle of the rigidisation pattern
following the top perimeter of the feature or following and other geometries was increased from previous
the forming tool down the geometry (Paniti, 2014). Early prototypes. Because AL5005H14 is pre-hardened,
investigation of both methods showed that, for our set-up, forming at low wall angles softens the metal, while
3 moving the supporting tool only along the feature higher wall angles harden it again.
perimeter quickly led to tearing of the metal, due to
the repeated tooling of the same area. Robotic fabrication
because, for the incremental forming process, the Nicholas, P. et al., 2015, A Multiscale Adaptive Mesh Refinement Approach to
information contained within the design model is not by Architectured Steel Specification in the Design of a Frameless Stressed Skin
itself enough to achieve accurate forming. On this basis, Structure in Thomsen, R.M. et al. (eds.), Modelling Behaviour: Design
Modelling Symposium 2015, Cham, Springer International Publishing, p.17-34.
the authors believe that machine learning processes Available at
could provide new bridges between designing and
making, especially where the material behaviour model Nicholas, P. et al., 2016, An Integrated Modelling and Toolpathing Approach
for a Frameless Stressed Skin Structure, Fabricated Using Robotic Incremental
is a combination of multiple functions. Sheet Forming in Reinhardt, D., Saunders, R. and Burry, J. (eds.), Robotic
Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design 2016, Cham, Springer
International Publishing, p.62-77. Available at
Paniti, I. and Soml, J., 2014, Novel Incremental Sheet Forming System with
Tool-Path Calculation Approach in ACTA POLYTECHNICA HUNGARICA,
11(7), p.43-60. Available at
Trautz, M. and Herkrath, R., 2009, The Application of Folded Plate Principles
on Spatial Structures with Regular, Irregular and Freeform Geometries in
Symposium of the International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures
(50th. 2009. Valencia). Evolution and Trends in Design, Analysis and
Construction of Shell and Spatial Structures: Proceedings. Available at (accessed 8 April 2016). 7. A Bridge Too Far, at the
Royal Danish Academy of
Fine Arts, School of
Architecture, 2016.
Image: Anders Ingvartsen.
122 123
Classical music and performances have long been open and accessible to wider, younger audiences as well
considered an exclusive pastime. In the past decade, as augmenting the concert experience as a whole. At the
classical performances have faced a declining number centre of the experience, however, is the performance
of concert-goers, whose median age is simultaneously itself, which may be enhanced on an aural, visual or even
on the rise. Despite this negative trend, new concert halls tactile level. It is therefore not surprising that in current
and opera houses are being built around the world by concert hall projects there is a concerted effort to achieve
some of the most prestigious architectural offices, excellent acoustics, which are in harmony with the
resulting in some of the most exciting contemporary architectural language of the building as a whole.
architectural projects. This is evidenced by the fact that,
for example, three of the last four Mies van der Rohe New design and fabrication methodologies open up
Award winners were concert or opera hall projects: new possibilities, which are a result in part of design
the Norwegian National Opera & Ballet by Snhetta in software developments over the past decade, an
2009, the Reykjavik Concert Hall by Henning Larsen improved understanding of concert hall acoustics
Architects with Batterid and Eliasson in 2013 and most towards the end of the last century and a surge in and
recently the Philharmonic Hall in Szczecin by Barozzi/ access to digital fabrication technologies. In order to
Veiga in 2015. One may argue that this current interest make these enhancements, it is critical that a close
in new concert hall projects does not contradict the collaboration between the architect, the acoustician
aforementioned attendance crisis, but may instead be and the fabricator exists.
interpreted as an effort to rectify it.
This paper aims to document one such close
In this effort to revive interest in classical concerts, collaboration: the development and execution of
contemporary architects play a vital role. They can help non-standard sound-diffusing acoustic panels in the
to renew interest by making concert hall buildings more large concert hall of the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. 1
124 125
Sound diffusion
Using fibre-reinforced polymer The design for the SFMoMA project called for over 700
on the SFMoMA addition unique, individual, constantly curving panels (Fig. 1).
Fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP), in this case glass Although it is possible to construct such panels with
fibre-reinforced polyester resin composite with a polymer metal, the only practical option was to mould the 710
concrete face coat, was used in the US for the first time unique panels, thus suggesting precast concrete or
as exterior cladding on a Type 1 multi-storey building the lighter UHPC or GFRC. The less familiar FRP
on the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (SFMoMA) was listed as an alternative by the faade consultant
addition. This 11-storey addition, completed in May 2016, in part because of its more widespread use in
makes SFMoMA the largest museum of modern art in the European construction.
US, with the largest architectural FRP facade application
in the US to date. Although used sparingly on US buildings for decades,
FRP has dominated other industries such as corrosion-
FRP was chosen to mimic the rippling water of the resistant ducting and chemical storage tanks, wind
nearby San Francisco Bay on the east and west elevations. energy, marine and heavy truck components. However,
Although recognised by the IBC (International Building it has seen no extensive use on Type 1 buildings. This
Code) in 2009 as an accepted building material has been partly because of codes and partly because
(International Code Council, 2009), any FRP material its primary advantages over other materials are its
used must pass the same code requirements as other high strength-to-weight ratio and its ability to be formed
combustible materials. The most difficult of these into complex shapes. Neither of these characteristics
requirements is the NFPA 285 test. Until this and has been very important in construction until recently.
other requirements are met, no combustible material,
including FRP, is allowed. 1
132 133
Transportation Officials, 2008). DOT initiatives fabrication made cost estimating reliable. Rhino provided
throughout the US and other countries have had an accurate surface area and such key characteristics as
experimental bridges and other structures in place for panel centre of gravity. Knowing the materials required
decades and are beginning to publish results indicating on a per square foot basis allowed for accurate material
successes (American Association of State Highway and cost prediction. PowerMILL includes algorithms that
Transportation Officials, 2009). predict milling time for each mould.
Research questions Thus, despite the highly complex and variable shapes,
accurate cost estimation and scheduling was possible
What are the engineering and building code obstacles for the tooling phase. Through the use of digital
to overcome to use FRP as an exterior cladding on fabrication tools and conventional material, labour and
Type 1 multi-storey buildings in the US? manufacturing overhead allocation methods, a reliable
How can these obstacles be overcome within the cost could be predicted.
schedule and budget constraints of a project?
What advantages would an FRP rain screen provide Design assist
compared to more traditional material alternatives?
An element of contemporary construction is the
2 3 The use of FRP cladding on the SFMoMA provides a case ever-increasing need for collaboration between the
After successfully passing a rigorous evaluation process, Meanwhile, FRP composites will find increasing use study for the use of FRP as cladding on any multi-storey
FRP was chosen because it offered solutions to several in non-load-bearing architectural applications in AEC commercial building. Initial prototypes, cost estimation,
problems presented by the use of other systems. Its due to their formability, high strength-to-weight ratio, design assist procedures, code compliance strategies and
primary advantages were its light weight and formability, durability and minimal maintenance requirements. engineering and installation methods were developed to
the very features exploited by other industries in the past meet the design intent, budget, project schedule, code
and now increasingly relevant in contemporary design Designers, engineers, builders, owners and even requirements and environmental constraints.
and construction. fabricators of FRP products need reliable information
about the proper use of FRP in construction. This paper Prototype fabrication
New means, models and materials is an attempt to improve the understanding of one of
these materials and to address questions, concerns and The architectural faade design was modelled originally
Aside from curiosity about something new, several factors misconceptions relating to the proper use of FRP on by the architect in Rhino 3D (McNeel Associates) using
are pushing building designers towards sometimes building faades. a Grasshopper script to alter the wavelength, amplitude
radical departures from traditional means and methods. and frequency of the faade ripples over the curved and
This shaking up of the status quo, in an otherwise Using FRP: context and background tilting east and west elevations of the building. Rhino
risk-averse industry, is leading to the startlingly rapid models can be reliably imported into software used to
deployment of fundamentally new building systems, FRP has found limited acceptance in construction guide CNC cutting tools (in this case PowerMILL by
including to a large degree the building envelope itself. despite its proven success in other industries. Its principle Delcam) which can be used to cut the shape of the part or
Environmental concern for building materials as well as advantages are its high strength-to-weight ratio compared its mirror image out of a block of material, thus creating a
1. SFMoMA east faade building operations, health and safety issues relating to to other materials and the ability to consolidate what female mould directly from the architects model (Fig. 2).
during construction. building construction and occupancy, rapidly changing would otherwise be assemblies of other materials such as Once made, this rapidly and inexpensively created mould
Image: Enclos. regulations and code modifications are driving these new wood or metal into a single moulded part. For example, on can serve to fabricate a full-scale model of any portion of
2. A large CNC machine cuts approaches. Additionally, jobsite labour costs, time to the Boeing 787, a primary benefit of composites was to the faade.
blocks of EPS foam into the delivery and an evolving design ethic brought about by significantly reduce the part count.
unique geometry of each 3D computer modelling are leading designers to consider Easily fabricated mock-ups serve as a rapid verification
SFMoMA panel.
Image: Tom Paiva an array of new ideas, methods and materials. FRP Recent changes in building codes and design are of material durability, process fidelity and panel weight.
Photography. composites represent one of these new materials opening the door to more widespread use of composites By early fabrication of a full-scale mock-up, such things as
that offer a fundamentally new approach to building in architectural and even structural applications. material cost per square foot, overall weight, repairability
3. CNC-machined mold
surface being prepped prior construction. Although still some way off, there is The American Concrete Institute has adapted a and strength are verified. This step improves the quality
to composite lamination. technically no reason why FRP cannot be used to create design standard for the use of FRP in concrete of the production cost estimate as well as the architects
Image: Tom Paiva entire building structures as well as complete envelopes structures (American Concrete Institute, 2008, and clients confidence in the material option.
(Lambrych, 2008). Indeed, such composite structures p.440.2R-16), including a design standard for FRP
4. Tower crane lifts 26ft-tall are common in other industries such as aerospace, composite rebar in structural concrete (ACI Committee Cost estimation
rain screen panel unit into transportation and marine where monocoque structures 440, 2015). AASHTO has published a standard for
place during construction
of the SFMoMA expansion. are routine. pedestrian bridge designs using composite structures Although no two of the 710 faade panels were the same
Image: Enclos. (American Association of State Highway and shape, the use of 3D computer modelling and CNC mould
134 135 5
design team and specialty contractors. Although the material to be used below 40 feet provided it can pass unitised panels used to form the waterproof barrier
traditional design, bid, build method is still dominant, ASTM E-84 with a Class 2 rating (or better) for flame of the building (Fig. 3). This was convenient for several
it frequently leads to wasted time on the part of design spread and also meet the appropriate structural reasons. It eliminated the need for any penetrations
professionals who attempt to produce a plausible requirements. This is a relatively easy standard for of the waterproofing. It allowed the FRP to be fastened
construction document based often on insufficient FRP materials. Above 40 feet, the code becomes more to the unitised panels offsite, which meant that the
knowledge of materials or fabrication methods. rigorous. Although passing ASTM E-84 continues to FRP rain screen was installed simultaneously with the
Expecting an architect, or even a faade consultant, to be be a requirement, any coverage over 20% of the total unitised wall. This simultaneous installation eliminated
an expert in composite fabrication can lead to erroneous surface area means the material must meet the Class 1 the need for a back-up support system and reduced the
assumptions, insufficient and inaccurate documentation requirements of ASTM E-84 for flame spread and smoke construction time by replacing an original design that
and faulty conclusions. At best, he or she might propose a density and also pass, among other tests, the rigorous required three trips around the building by three different
solution that does not optimise current technology, which NFPA 285 test. For the SFMoMA addition, this was a trades with a design that required one trip around by one
in turn leads to costlier and lower quality solutions. major hurdle which had to be cleared before FRP could be contractor. Additional benefits involved less tower crane
seriously considered for the faade material. The specific time, fewer crane moves, easier cleaning, higher quality
Expensive hours are spent attempting to develop formulation for the test panel is confidential and is in fact damage tolerance, superior repairability and lower overall
plausible construction systems in hopes of achieving now patented by the panel fabricator. However, the cost (Fig. 4). Comparative lifecycle studies done by
a low cost proposal. Too often such approaches fail to fabricated panel did pass the test and, as a result, Stanford University graduate students in a non-peer-
leverage the current fabrication best practices and can composite material was selected for use based on reviewed LCA comparison (Stanford University, 2009)
lead to inaccurate and higher risk results than would be the projection of significant cost and time savings. also suggested that the FRP had significantly less impact
the case with a negotiated contract with pre-qualified on the environment compared to the alternative system
vendors based on pre-agreed budget targets. More Code requirements for engineering of the panels to meet using GFRC or UHPC.
enlightened approaches utilise design assist (Hart, 2007) wind, seismic and dead load requirements, including
services, but this method continues to suffer when the the fixing designs, were met by following standard Another unique characteristic of FRP is that the shape
selection process is based on responses to conceptual engineering principles and test standards for the design and configuration can be economically customised.
fabrication strategies, typically delivered to the vendors of similar faade products, with shop drawings stamped Conventional unitised panel systems are most
as 2D drawings for contract compliance purposes. When by engineers duly licensed to practice in the jurisdiction. economical and reliable when creating flat walls.
such documents attempt to describe complex shapes, this The SFMoMA faade was anything but flat. Resolving
regularly leads to impossible construction details being Engineering the problem created by these two seemingly incompatible
applied to the actual 3D environment. Too often these features presented a unique challenge. How do you make
irregularities do not reveal themselves until after the FRP has long been the focus of reliable engineering a flat back on an ever-varying front surface? Not only was
vendor selection process, leading to change orders and techniques. Indeed, the development of modern FEA the front wavy, but it also tilted forward and back as it
wasted time. Solutions to this rapidly growing problem (finite element analysis) engineering was driven to a rose higher and curved in plan through a wide variety of
are beyond the scope of this paper, but they must be large degree by the need to engineer complex aircraft irregular radii. The solution lay in the use of digital tools
addressed as soon as possible. These solutions must, forms made possible by composites. Aerospace and to create asymmetrical return edges which were different
among other things, allow a shift to the use of 3D models military uses of composites started in the 1940s, followed on virtually every panel.
as construction documents. They must also insist that by the large compound curved shapes found in marine
vendors who participate in complex architectural projects applications. These applications generated a vast array As the faade diverged from a conventional flat wall,
be vetted and fully conversant with mutually compatible of ASTM and other standard test procedures, many of the edges of the panels were moulded with edges that
software (Miller, 2012) they must be fluent in the use of which can be used for architectural composite design. varied between 4 and 34in. This allowed for considerable
the latest digital tools. The American Composites Manufacturers Association design flexibility before running up to one of these edge
(ACMA) recently published Guidelines and dimension limits. When the curve diverged beyond these
Code compliance Recommended Practice for Architectural FRP, which limits, a custom unitised panel was fabricated to twist
contains examples of relevant material properties, the flat wall into a new facet.
Since 2009, the International Building Code (IBC) engineering examples and test procedures for the
has recognised FRP as fibre-reinforced plastics proper use of FRP in construction (ACMA, 2016). Again assisted by digital tools and relying on skilful
and fibreglass-reinforced polymers in Section 2612. craftsmanship and valuable collaboration between the
This section of Chapter 26 recognises FRP as a Fabrication phase FRP faade fabricator and the aluminium unitised wall 5. View of SFMoMA east
combustible material, allowing its use when the manufacturer, calculation of the balance between the faade from the 5th floor
product can demonstrate the ability to meet the code As we have mentioned, one of the unique characteristics additional cost of these special twisted unitised panels sculpture garden.
requirements applied to similar architectural products. of FRP is its very high strength-to-weight ratio. and the cost of fabricating asymmetrical FRP panels 6. SFMoMA east faade
Since FRP can be formulated with a wide variety of determined the 4 to 34in edge tolerance. The contractor terrace overlooking
mechanical and physical properties, formulations are This feature led to panels whose weight was approximately was able to minimise cost while retaining the original sculpture garden.
available that meet most requirements. For building three pounds per square foot (~15kg/m2), making them architects shape within a tolerance of less than 1.5in Images: Tom Paiva
faades, the code allows any faade made of combustible light enough to be affixed to the front of the aluminium throughout the entire 11-storey elevation. Photography.
136 137
Since quality is a function of fabrication, not unlike Acknowledgements
concrete, it is incumbent on the designer to exercise
The author wishes to acknowledge the following persons for providing
caution in selecting a fabricator. Conflicting information information used in this paper:
needs to be reconciled and verified. Engineers must
recognise that this is a highly specialised discipline. John Busel, PE, American Composites Manufacturers Association.
Dr. Robert Steffen, PhD, PE, North Carolina State University School of
Being an anisotropic material, there are virtually limitless Construction Management.
options in terms of fibre orientation, fibre volume, number Dr. Nicholas Dembsey, PhD, FSFPE, PE, Professor, Wooster Polytechnic
of layers, type of resin, resin filler options, sandwich and Institute, Wooster MA.
Jesse Beitel, PE, FPE, Jensen Hughes Consultants, Baltimore MD.
single-skin construction techniques and cure options. Kevin Lambrych, CE, Ashland Chemical.
Engineers have control over a dizzying array of material Emily Guglielmo, SE, PE, Martin & Martin Consulting Engineers.
properties, including even thermal expansion and Kurt Jordan, ME, PE, Jordan Composites.
contraction (CTE), which will vary from carbon fibre and References
its negative CTE to some resins with higher CTEs than
aluminium. ACI Committee 440, 2015, Guide for the Design and Construction of
Structural Concrete Reinforced with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Bars,
Farmington Hills, American Concrete Institute.
Use of FRP on the SFMoMA and other faade projects
in Europe and Asia demonstrates that properly executed American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2008,
Design Guidelines for FRP Pedestrian Bridges, D.C., American Association of
work can result in successful outcomes. However, there State Highway and Transportation Officials.
are ample examples of less successful outcomes. Although
FRP has been proven for decades in applications at least American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, 2009,
AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Guide Specifications for GFRP-Reinforced
as demanding as building faades and often in those that Concrete Bridge Decks and Traffic Railings, D.C., American Association of
are much more demanding, making decisions based solely State Highway and Transportation Officials.
on cost is risky and almost certain to yield poor results.
7 8 American Composites Manufacturers Association, 2016, Guidelines and
With care, appropriate formulation and proper quality Recommended Practices for Fiber-Reinforced-Polymer (FRP) Architectural
The data show that FRP can meet the IBC acceptance IBC for a given application, most authorities having control, FRP can not only provide the structural properties Products, Arlington, American Composites Manufacturers Association.
criteria for architectural products. Standard test methods jurisdiction will accept properly tested and labelled American Composites Manufacturing Association, 2016, FRP Architectural
to compete favourably with alternatives, but can also meet
Products Guidelines, available at
for fire and durability can be applied. ASTM tests exist for FRP products. fire and other code requirements. com/r/9GMCPHD (accessed 25 May 2016).
composite materials; these tests have been in existence
for many years and have proven to be reliable in assisting The process of qualifying FRP while maintaining the American Concrete Institute, 2008, Guide for the Design and Construction of
Similar to concrete, the mechanical and other critical
Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures,
engineers in designing structures as well as architectural schedule and budget constraints depends on many properties are largely determined during the fabrication Farmington Hills, American Concrete Institute.
products. In addition, FRP products, in large part because variables. On the project discussed here, fire testing came process. Stringent quality assurance is essential and
of their high material efficiency, often compare favourably first to verify code compliance. Passing all requisite tests Anon., Delcam, available at
close collaboration with a reliable and properly certified
(acccessed 25 May 2016).
to conventional materials in environmental assessments took approximately five months; however, once passed, fabricator is critical. The IBC code requires that any
such as LCA (lifecycle assessment) studies. these test are valid for three years and can be used for FRP part delivered to a jobsite must have affixed to Anon., Robert McNeel & Associates, available at
other sufficiently similar projects. Budget constraints are com/.
it an ICC-recognised independent test agency label
The future of FRP more subjective, but the SFMoMA project was able to certifying that it is manufactured in compliance with Hart, D., 2007, The Basics of Design-Assist Contracting, the AIA.
demonstrate that successful completion of testing and the code and subject to third-party inspection. Such a International Code Council, Inc., 2009, 2009 International Building Code in
Although somewhat new to the construction industry, engineering would more than offset testing costs and Country Club Hills: International Code Council, Inc., p.543
label is the first line of defence in the proper selection
FRP is a proven material with decades of successful would have no negative impact on the projects schedule. of FRP products for buildings. Lambrych, K., 300 Ft. Tall FRP.
use in demanding applications throughout the marine,
aerospace and transportation industries. To date, Advantages to using FRP included eliminating two Miller, N., 2012, The Proving Ground, available at
Future study will need to explore structural opportunities
FRP composites have been used only infrequently subcontractors and an entire steel support frame for composites in construction. Engineering examples (accessed July 2016).
in construction, mainly in remote and extreme weighing over 1,000,000lbs (450,000kg), as well as and ideally an LRFD model for FRP tailored to the
environments where the need for prefabrication, light the improvement of the watertight integrity of the Pauer, R., 2016, Durability.
construction industry should be developed. Durability
weight and easy assembly have warranted their use. building. Additional benefits were one pass around case studies need to be assembled from the wide variety Stanford University, 2009, Architectural Facades for the Heydar Aliyev
7. FRP being attached
the building instead of three, which would have been to unit at Mare Island. of existing examples to improve documentation. Such Cultural Center, Stanford.
However, since the engineering of FRP is based on required with the other system, and two fewer moves Image: Enclos. studies should rely on properly documented empirical
Turner Construction, Turner Construction Standard Contract.
internationally recognised standards, engineers have of lifting equipment such as the tower crane. evidence and science, of which there are numerous
8. Street view of
well-developed guidance to calculate and/or conduct SFMoMA east faade examples (Pauer, 2016).
tests. Building code obstacles to the use of FRP have While offering many advantages, care must be taken from the corner of
been significantly reduced since the adaptation of to use industry standard design principles. As with any Hawthorne St. and
Howard St.
Section 2612 of the International Building Code in 2009. new material, the specifier of composite materials will Image: Kreysler
Provided the fabricator can meet the requirements of the be greeted with a wide variety of options and prices. & Associates.
138 139
Since 2000, the Serpentine Gallery in London has into a single interlocked form at their apex (Fig. 1).
commissioned a yearly pavilion to be built and displayed Each 14m-high wall is comprised of open-ended
during the summer months. A renowned international boxes and set in an inverse checkerboard pattern to its
architect is chosen to design the installation, the only neighbour, enabling the upper reaches of both walls to
condition being that whoever is chosen has not completed overlap and interlock into one continuous cellular grid.
a project in the UK at the time of invitation. These exciting Back at ground level, the stepping and staggering of these
commissions must therefore balance the opportunities 40cm-tall boxes creates a pixelated external landscape
for experimentation that a temporary structure affords open to climbing and sitting, while inside BIG has taken
against an extremely short timeframe: every pavilion the opportunity to sculpt a series of differently scaled
must go from initial concept to completion onsite in spaces intended for seating, a bar and live performances.
less than six months.
This formal ambiguity is reinforced by the use of
The 2016 Serpentine Pavilion, designed by BIG (Bjarke open-ended boxes: when viewed longitudinally, they
Ingels Group) and engineered by AKT II, presents a appear solid and substantial; however, as a visitor passes
compelling case study in the use of parametric modelling through and around, they turn face-on and seem to
and advanced structural analysis tools in undertaking dematerialise down to mere grids of lines and moir
such time-constrained projects. interference, enabling views through and out of the
pavilion to the park landscape beyond (Fig. 3).
Concept and form
Parametric workflow
The pavilion centres on a (deceptively) simple concept:
two 30m-long sinusoidal walls one concave and one To realise such a large and structurally complex pavilion,
convex undulate towards one another, before merging it was necessary to go from concept design to fully 1
140 141
coordinated production information in less than three to be freely exchanged and integrated between modelling,
months. In addition to these time pressures, budgetary analysis and documentation software. This creates a
constraints necessitated that material topologies and streamlined workflow in which new information from
quantities be optimised as far as possible without different parties is rapidly folded back into a master
compromising the ambition of the design. model, from where it can propagate outward and update
other packages. Re.AKT is always configured specifically
For these reasons, the BIG and AKT II design teams for each project based on the scale, typology and
chose to generate the entire geometry through materials. In the case of the pavilion, the best Re.AKT
parametric design processes. This enabled the rapid workflow was therefore to establish connectivity between
evaluation of different options for the underlying Rhino and Grasshopper (geometric modelling), Sofistik
grid early on, testing the relative merits of rectangular and SAP (structural analysis) and Microstation (drawing
and square grids at different scales, as well as more production). With this parametric workflow in place, the
complicated pin-wheel and reciprocal arrangements different design teams spread between the US, UK and
for the boxes. For each option, the design team could Denmark could rapidly exchange and refine ideas.
refine an array of parameters from micro values such
as the individual box height and width through to macro Material development
dimensions such as the minimum offset between
adjacent boxes, overall wall heights, lengths and sine From the earliest stages of the project, BIG emphasised
wave proportions and interrogate the resulting forms that they wanted to experiment with glass fibre-reinforced
to extract quantities for material volume, number of plastic (GFRP) manufactured using the pultrusion
fixings and so on. At every iteration, these metrics process. GFRP is a composite material formed of glass
were passed along to fabricators to establish cost and fibres encapsulated within a plastic resin matrix that
timeframes for production and assembly. typically has a strength comparable to that of steel,
but with only around a quarter of the weight. This high
As the initial conceptual phase moved into detailed specific strength has made GFRP an attractive material
design, these parametric models had to become more in instances in which weight is critical, such as aerospace
complex and take on additional structural and fabrication and automotive applications, but the labour-intensive
criteria. To aid this process, AKT II utilised their manufacturing process of manually placing glass fibres 4
proprietary Re.AKT toolkit, which allows information into custom-made moulds has historically made GFRP
only attractive in niche areas of structural and civil stability and vertical load-bearing capacity. By utilising
2 3
engineering. Manufacturing GFRP using automated this system, the project benefited from the very fast
processes has been of increasing interest recently as a production line Fiberline already has in place for
route to unlocking the benefits of using it at a lower cost. manufacturing sheet materials, and a high-dimensional
Pultrusion is one of these processes, involving the use of tolerance in the resulting boxes could be assured.
a mould through which the glass fibres are pulled and
impregnated with the resin. The resulting material can In parallel with this development on the GFRP boxes,
be produced on a large scale, with a high degree of the design team considered a number of different options
consistency and at a low cost. for connecting them. They ran tests on GFRP, carbon
fibre and steel connectors before settling on a 10mm-thick
To support our explorations with this material, BIG cruciform-shaped aluminium that provided the necessary
invited Fiberline Composites A/S to join the project. weight-to-strength ratio.
Fiberline are one of the leading suppliers of pultruded
GFRP, and have developed several GFRP products with With over 95% of the pavilion made from only these
beneficial structural properties as well as unique colours two simple elements, the expression and detailing of
and transparency levels. Initial discussions with Fiberline the fixings between them was critical. The design team
1. Internal space formed by
focused on the possibility of forming the entire pavilion worked through several different options before finally the structural envelope.
from a single type of GFRP element a bespoke extrusion selecting one suggested by StageOne: a bespoke
designed specifically for this project that would flat-headed bolt-and-sleeve that could be held in 2. Connector typologies.
incorporate both the open box form and corner place asymmetrically on each boxs inside face during 3. Material lightness and
connections. However, for speed and economy reasons, tightening, consequently enabling a smaller offset from translucency.
the design team instead chose a kit-of-parts solution, the neighbouring GFRP angle face. By minimising this
4. Parametric workflow.
where each box is assembled from four GFRP plates, offset, the design team could specify shorter arms
with GFRP angles glued in each corner to increase lateral for all of the connector cross-sections across the Images: AKT II.
142 143
GFRP fabrication Pre-assembly
With the major design principles in place, Fiberline At StageOne, the arriving boxes were grouped by wall,
began production of the first sheets in Denmark. Several and assembled into modules across several rows at a
hundred metres of GFRP were extruded each day, along time. These modules were necessary given the significant
with the matching L-profiles, and these sheets were then logistical challenges that the Serpentine site poses.
cut into shorter plates that matched the different box The Central London location immediately rules out
lengths. At this point, Fiberline developed a bespoke the use of any special order vehicles and significantly
process that quickly and accurately assembled these constrains the time window each day during which lorries
constituent parts into a completed box. The four GFRP can access the site. Furthermore, the sites small footprint
plates of each box were laid out flat on top of a series of limits the volume of material that can be stored between
ratchet straps, and the corner L-profiles were each glued deliveries. In response to these constraints and also the
to one of the plates. A chamfered block of foam was truncated programme of the project, the entire structure
placed in the centre of one plate, and the entire assembly was prefabricated offsite at StageOne, and a just-in-time
was folded up around this block into a rectangle and delivery system brought small modules to the site on
bound together with the straps. At this point, air bladders a daily basis. The size of these modules incorporated
were inserted into the voids between the chamfered block many factors: incoming material delivery dates, packing
and each corner of the box. By inflating these bladders efficiency during transportation, reach and load capacity
with high-pressure air, it was possible to maintain a of the onsite mobile crane and stability of the pre-
constant pressure along the entire length of the box assembled modules during lifting. From this analysis,
during curing of the glue, which ensured the quality a 3 x 4 module was found to be optimal.
of the bond.
5 Even with this method established, the translation from
This process was carried out in stages, so that batches atomised components into the final pavilion appeared to
entire structure, resulting in faster production times, The existing design guidance relating to GFRP is not of several hundred completed boxes were regularly be a daunting hurdle. Setting out the 4-24 boltholes for
significant cost savings and reduced weight of box widely recognised in its application to primary load- transported from Fiberlines facilities in Odense, each box and the 8-24 boltholes for each connector across
clusters. Advantageous cumulative effects like these bearing structures, outside of highly specific and Denmark, to the Serpentines chosen contractor the entire structure was a task inherently suited to
were sought at every stage of the design process. specialised applications. To resolve this, a series of StageOne and their workshops in York, UK, for the computational working rather than human intuition.
physical material tests were undertaken by Fiberline in next stage of production. However, physically aligning and setting out these
Structural design and physical calibration order to provide further calibration and confirmation of
the digital models. With the global models calibrated, it
Throughout the discussions with Fiberline, the was clear that three thicknesses of box could be utilised: 6
previously established parametric models were used 10mm, 6mm and 3mm. This would provide the necessary
to test and provide feedback on different configurations. stiffness where forces were concentrated, while minimising
With Re.AKT in place, each option could be analysed overall weight and cost and maximising the degree of
simultaneously at multiple scales both globally and translucency desired by BIG. Likewise, the varying forces
locally (Fig. 5). High resolution non-linear finite element present at the connection points could be transferred
analysis (FEA) mesh models of single boxes were using either one, two or three pairs of bolts between
generated at first, and later small clusters containing adjacent boxes.
up to a dozen boxes these were then used to calibrate
global 2D and 3D frame models. This process enabled The final optimised design thus comprises 1,800 boxes
the complex orthotropic behaviour of the boxes to be of 16 different lengths, as well as 3,500 connectors of 126
captured far more accurately and quickly than traditional different typologies and more than 25,000 bolts (Fig. 4).
methods, which was critical given the compressed Although almost every single box and connector is
timeframe of the project and the unusually large number unique (in its combination of length, thickness and
of elements in the pavilion. Without this process in place, bolthole positions)(Fig. 2), with the Re.AKT workflow
it would not have been possible to dissect the load paths in place it was straightforward to automate the production
and force flows within the structure so finely or to pare of schedules for all three elements, assigning unique 5. Structural calibration
and optimisation.
down the final design. It is conceivable that utilising codes to aid in fabrication, transportation and assembly
these tools allowed the structure to be up to 20-30 percent sequencing (Fig. 6). 6. Example production
lighter than if it were engineered in a traditional manner, drawings and setting-out
with all the inherent savings this brings in material,
transportation and assembly. Images: AKT II.
144 145
components into the complex, non-repetitive form of Once the structure passed above the merge zone, the
the pavilion required significantly more dexterity and pavilion was self-stable and the scaffolding could be
flexibility than digital fabrication could provide. removed. This allowed the wooden flooring to be laid
inside at the same time that the final fully merged rows
This seeming paradox was overcome by fusing CNC were added above. Just a few hours before the opening
and manual fabrication. The manageable size of each party, the last module was craned into position and the
connector and more constrained bolt locations made pavilion superstructure was complete (Fig. 7). Over this
them ideally suited to fabrication using CNC techniques. phase of the project, approximately 300 modules were
Once cut and drilled, these elements then became the delivered to the site and connected together in just 25 days.
template used to manually drill the more varied holes for
each box. By using a single type of clip-on jig that aligned A rewarding collaboration
connectors against their neighbouring boxes, the
setting-out was simplified by an order of magnitude. A holistic design approach was vital in realising this
challenging concept in the time available. The collaboration
This process had to be carried out in phases, as even that emerged between different design disciplines was of
StageOnes facilities could only accommodate a few rows itself very rewarding, and was strengthened further by
at a time. Once a set of rows was complete, they were all the positive critical and public reception that the 2016
shipped out to the Serpentine (except the uppermost row Serpentine Pavilion has received since opening.
of boxes): the temporary bolting between modules was
removed, and each one was made self-stable using Just as significantly, it also seems that the pavilion
ratchets and wooden props to support it during delivery will continue to advance conversations on material,
to the site in London. The retained uppermost row of form and structure in the future. Research is currently
boxes was placed down on the ground to reset the datum being undertaken on live monitoring of its GFRP
level positions were checked and, using them as for elements, and the entire pavilion looks likely to tour
setting out, the next set of rows began above. multiple cities across the world over coming years.
Construction Acknowledgements
We would like to acknowledge and thank the rest of the Serpentine 2016
Onsite, the lowest row of boxes for each wall was set design team for their unfaltering enthusiasm, expertise and commitment
out individually and bolted into a raft slab foundation throughout the project.
using around 300 post-fix bolts. These connections Client: The Serpentine Gallery (Julia Peyton-Jones, Hans Ulrich Obrist,
ensured a high degree of tolerance and created a Julie Burnell).
definitive datum above which the first modules could be
Designer: BIG (Bjarke Ingels, Thomas Christoffersen, Maria Sole Bravo, Rune
craned into place and rapidly bolted to their neighbours. Hansen, Max Moriyama, Claire Thomas, Kristian Hindsberg, Maria Holst, Alice
Cladet, Lorenz Krisai, Wells Barber, Tianze Li, Aaron Powers).
The north and south walls rely on each other to provide
Superstructure engineers: AKT II (Hanif Kara, Ricardo Baptista, James
stability in the form of an arching action in the final Kingman, Jeg Dudley, Krzysztof Zdanowicz, Edoardo Tibuzzi, Lorenzo Greco
condition. While it would have been possible to design and Stuart Sagar).
the structure for these cantilever forces in the temporary
Foundation engineers: AECOM (Jon Leach, Amy Koerbel, Michael Orr, Jack
condition, the increase in material thickness required Wilshaw, Frances Radford, Katja Leszczynska, Max Smith).
was not economically or aesthetically desirable. Instead,
once the pavilion reached a set height, a grid of Layher Material supplier: Fiberline Composites A/S (Stig Krogh Pedersen, Preben
Ven Nielsen and Fritz Vinter).
adjustable scaffolding was utilised to temporarily
support specific boxes. This system enabled small Fabricator: Stage One Creative Services Ltd (Ted Featonby, Alan Doyle,
adjustments to be made to the position of specific James McMillan, Mick Mead).
boxes and ensured a good fit where the two halves Technical advisor: David Glover.
of the wall merged together.
Mario Carpo Sabin is also a founding member of the Nonlinear Systems Architecture (Princeton Architectural Press, 2008), a history her work as Director of the Digital Lab at Harvard, at the engineer, architect and historian, Picon works on the history
Organization (NSO), a research group started by Cecil of building with earth in the modern era to exemplify new, University of Michigan she developed a state of the art of architectural and urban technologies from the eighteenth
Mario Carpo is Reyner Banham Professor of Architectural Balmond at PennDesign, where she was Senior Researcher creative uses of the oldest building material on the planet. student-run digital fabrication lab, integrating digital century to the present. His most recent books offer a
Theory and History at The Bartlett School of Architecture, and Director of Research. Sabins collaborative research, San Fratello is the winner of the prestigious Next Generation fabrication into the curriculum of the school. In large comprehensive overview of the changes brought by
University College London. including bio-inspired adaptive materials and 3D geometric Design Award. part because of her pioneering work, the use of digital computing and digital culture to the theory and practice
assemblies, has been funded substantially by the National tools is now commonplace in architecture schools across of architecture, as well as to the planning and experience of
After studying architecture and history in Italy, Dr. Carpo Science Foundation, with applied projects commissioned Rael San Fratello, established in 2002, is an internationally the country. the city. He has published, among others, Digital Culture in
was an Assistant Professor at the University of Geneva by diverse clients including Nike Inc., Autodesk, the Cooper recognised award-winning studio whose work lies at the Architecture: An Introduction for the Design Profession (2010),
in Switzerland, and in 1993 he received tenure in France, Hewitt Smithsonian Design Museum, the American intersection of architecture, art, culture and the environment. As a practising architect who is deeply committed to Ornament: The Politics of Architecture and Subjectivity
where he was first assigned to the cole dArchitecture Philosophical Society Museum, the Museum of Craft In 2014, Rael San Fratello was named an Emerging Voice by architectural education, Ponce de Leon builds bridges (2013), Smart Cities: Thorie et Critique dun Idal
de Saint-Etienne and then to the cole dArchitecture de and Design, the Philadelphia Redevelopment Authority The Architectural League of New York. Their work has been between academia and practice, underscoring the Autoralisateur (2013), and Smart Cities: A Spatialised
Paris-La Villette. He was the Head of the Study Centre at the and the Exploratorium. published in the New York Times, MARK, Domus, Metropolis interdisciplinary nature of architecture by encouraging Intelligence (2015).
Canadian Centre for Architecture in Montral from 2002-06, Magazine, PRAXIS, Thresholds, Log and Wired, and their experimentation and critical thinking in the curriculum.
and Vincent Scully Visiting Professor of Architectural History Sabin holds degrees in ceramics and interdisciplinary visual writing features in numerous books and journals. In the past As a dean and an educator, Ponce de Leon has emphasised Picon has received a number of awards for his writing,
at the Yale School of Architecture from 2010-14. art from the University of Washington and a Master of 10 years, Rael San Fratello has won, been selected as a finalist, the connections between scholarship, research and creative including the Mdaille de la Ville de Paris, the Prix du
Architecture from the University of Pennsylvania, where she placed or been recognised in nine high-profile international practice. Under her leadership, the colleges Liberty Annex Livre dArchitecture de la Ville de Briey (twice) and the
Carpos research and publications focus on the relationship was awarded the AIA Henry Adams first prize medal and the competitions, including WPA 2.0, Sukkah City, Life at the has served as a think tank for faculty and student Georges Sarton Medal from the University of Gand. In 2010,
between architectural theory, cultural history and the history Arthur Spayd Brooke gold medal for distinguished work in Speed of Rail, SECCA Home/House and Descours. Research collaboration fuelled by innovative seed funding. he was elected a member of the French Acadmie des
of media and information technology. His award-winning architectural design in 2005. Sabin was awarded a Pew by Rael San Fratello has resulted in the start-up Emerging Technologies. He has been a Chevalier des Arts et Lettres
Architecture in the Age of Printing (MIT Press, 2001) has been Fellowship in the Arts 2010 and was named a USA Knight Objects. Emerging Objects is an independent, creatively Ponce de Leon has also held teaching appointments at since 2014. He is also Chairman of the Fondation Le
translated into several languages. His most recent books are Fellow in Architecture, one of 50 artists and designers driven MAKE-tank at the forefront of 3D printing architecture Northeastern University, the Southern California Institute Corbusier. Picon received science and engineering degrees
The Alphabet and the Algorithm (MIT Press, 2011; also recognised nationally by US artists. She was recently and design, where innovative materials can be printed at of Architecture, Rhode Island School of Design and Georgia from the cole Polytechnique and from the cole Nationale
translated into other languages) and The Digital Turn in awarded the prestigious Architectural League Prize for unprecedented sizes. Institute of Technology. She earned a Masters degree in des Ponts et Chausses, an architecture degree from the
Architecture, 1992-2012 (Wiley, 2012). His next monograph, Young Architects and was named the 2015 national IVY architecture and urban design from the Harvard Graduate cole dArchitecture de Paris-Villemin and a PhD in history
The Second Digital Turn: Design Beyond Intelligence, is Innovator in design. Monica Ponce de Leon School of Design and a Bachelors degree in architecture from the cole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
forthcoming from MIT Press in autumn 2017. Carpos recent from the University of Miami.
essays and articles have been published in Log, The Journal She has exhibited nationally and internationally, including in Monica Ponce de Leon is a pioneering educator and
of the Society of Architectural Historians, Grey Room, the acclaimed 9th ArchiLab titled Naturalizing Architecture award-winning architect. Since January 2016, she has been Carl Bass
LArchitecture daujourdhui, Arquitectura Viva, AD/ at FRAC Centre, Orleans, France, and most recently as part of the Dean of Princeton Universitys School of Architecture.
Architectural Design, Perspecta, Harvard Design Magazine, Beauty, the 5th Cooper Hewitt Design Triennial. Her work Since 2008, Ponce de Leon has been Dean of the Taubman Carl Bass is a member of the Autodesk board of directors
Cornell Journal of Architecture, Abitare, Lotus International, has been published extensively, including in the New York College of Architecture and Urban Planning at the University and is presently serving as an advisor to the company.
Domus, Artforum and Arch+. Times, The Architectural Review, Azure, A+U, Metropolis, of Michigan-Ann Arbor, where she is also the Eliel Saarinen During his 24-year tenure at Autodesk, he has held a series of
Mark Magazine, 306090, American Journal of Pathology, Collegiate Professor of Architecture and Urban Planning. executive positions, including President and Chief Executive
Jenny Sabin Science and Wired. She co-authored Meander, Variegating Before her appointment at the University of Michigan, Ponce Officer, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Operations
Architecture with Ferda Kolatan in 2010. Her forthcoming de Leon was a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Officer. Bass co-founded Ithaca Software, which was
Jenny Sabin is an architectural designer whose work is at book, LabStudio: Design Research Between Architecture Design, where she served on the faculty for 12 years. acquired by Autodesk in 1993. Bass also serves on the boards
the forefront of a new direction for twenty-first century and Biology, co-authored with Peter Lloyd Jones, will be of directors of HP Inc., Zendesk Inc. and Planet, on the boards
architectural practice one that investigates the intersections published in 2017. A recipient of the prestigious National Design Award in of trustees of the Smithsonians Cooper-Hewitt National
of architecture and science, and applies insights and theories Architecture from the Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian National Design Museum, Art Center College of Design and California
from biology and mathematics to the design of material Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello Design Museum, Ponce de Leon co-founded Office dA College of the Arts and on the advisory boards of Cornell
structures. Sabin is the Arthur L. and Isabel B. Wiesenberger in 1991, and in 2011 started her own design practice, MPdL Computing and Information Science, UC Berkeley School
Assistant Professor in the area of Design and Emerging Rael and San Fratello are Professors at the University Studio, with offices in New York, Boston and Ann Arbor. of Information and UC Berkeley College of Engineering.
Technologies and the newly appointed Director of Graduate of California, Berkeley, and San Jose State University
Studies in the Department of Architecture at Cornell respectively. Rael has a joint appointment in the Ponce de Leon has received the Academic Award in He holds a Bachelors degree in mathematics from Cornell
University, where she is also establishing a new advanced Departments of Architecture and Art Practice, and San Architecture from the American Academy of Arts and University. Bass spends his spare time building things from
research degree in Architectural Science with a concentration Fratello directs the Interior Architecture programme at Sciences, the USA Target Fellow in Architecture and Design chairs and tables to boats and, most recently, an electric
on Matter Design Computation. She is Principal of Jenny Sabin the Department of Design. Prior to joining the faculty at from United States Artists and the Young Architects and go-kart.
Studio, an experimental architectural design studio based in Berkeley and San Jose, they were co-Directors of Clemson Emerging Voices awards from the Architectural League
Ithaca, and is Director of the Sabin Design Lab at Cornell AAP, Universitys Charles E. Daniel Center for Building Research of New York. Her work has received a dozen Progressive Antoine Picon
a transdisciplinary design research lab with a specialisation in and Urban Studies in Genova, Italy, Professors at the Architecture Awards, several awards from the American
computational design, data visualisation and digital fabrication. University of Arizona and Faculty at the Southern California Institute of Architects (AIA) and numerous citations. Antoine Picon is the G. Ware Travelstead Professor of the
Institute of Architecture (SCI-arc). Rael and San Fratello History of Architecture and Technology and Director of
In 2006, she co-founded the Sabin+Jones LabStudio, a hybrid earned their Master of Architecture degrees at Columbia She is widely recognised as a leader in the application of Research at the GSD. He teaches courses in the history and
research and design unit, together with Peter Lloyd Jones. University in the City of New York. Rael is the author of Earth robotic technology to building fabrication. Building upon theory of architecture and technology. Trained as an
150 151
Q&A 1
1 2
MARIO CARPO Where is your work heading right now? printing to question how bricks are made. We have developed to a sudden reversal, 15-20 years ago because with computers
What are the key ideas? a way to 3D print non-standard bricks, where each brick is we could do exactly the opposite. Instead of making materials
different and yet there is a coherence to how they assemble. more standard, we could engage with materials just as they
JENNY SABIN As you know, one of the driving questions and This has been exciting to push forward, both in the context of are, because through simulation and computers we could
obsessions in my work is fuelled by the diminishing gap how the bricks are structured and assembled and in how we increasingly deal with the unpredictability, complexity,
between design intent and that which is materialised conceive of the wall as an interface. indeterminacy and randomness of materials as found
what is modelled, rendered, etc, through scripts and we could even design material with variable properties when
algorithms and how that meets the material world via A second project I just opened recently, which continued an needed. This was the fascination, the dream, the excitement
issues of fabrication and material constraints. I am really ongoing collaboration with Dr. Peter Lloyd Jones, is a project of 15-20 years ago. Do you have the impression that we are still
interested in that operating as a loop, both in the way I think installed in Philadelphia called The Beacon. In this project, we on the same wavelength today? Or (and this is just a suspicion
through a design process and in the way it impacts on the worked with drones to dynamically weave a second exterior I have) are the powers of computation so immense that even
tools that I produce and the projects that I generate. And at skin around a 20ft-tall modular steel structure over the course if we sometimes delude ourselves into thinking that we are
the core of that loop which has driven an ongoing interest of 10 days. The project looks at the intersection between dealing with complex materials, we are in fact only dealing with
in, say, textiles and weaving and the origins of digital space medicine, architecture and emerging technologies, and at the them, no matter how complex they may be, because we can
is, very importantly, the presence of the human and often the future of all three. The drones and the Beacon project overall reduce them, simplify them and calculate them more or less
1. Detail of PolyThread
human hand (at least within the analogic prototyping stage). fabric structure, composed served as an analogue and marker for discussion, and also as as a traditional engineer would always have done? But if that
of seamless 3D digitally a public spectacle. It was exciting to take on something new, is so, then what we see as tools of vitality, indeterminacy and
Right now, my work is really about interventions within that knitted conical forms. where you arent restricted to the six axes of a robot but are intuition are in fact traditional tools of notation, except that
Image: Bill Staffeld.
loop generating feedback mechanisms. The latest paper to completely freeform in space as the drones deposit threads they are so powerful that we can now almost determine
come out of my lab is Robo-sense: Context-dependent 2. Interior detail between in a generative fashion. We had some failures, but I see it as an complexity in a sense, at least to the extent needed for some
Robotic Design Protocols and Tools. Mario, in your 2013 work the upper and lower experimental act that will be looping back into the ongoing practical purpose not reversing but fulfilling the dream of a
surfaces of PolyThread
for AD, called The Art of Drawing, you reference Brunelleschis with photoluminescent research trajectories within my lab. nineteenth-century engineer. Twenty years ago, we thought
use of the turnip as a way of modelling and conveying design responsive threads we were doing the opposite. When I look at the work of some
intent to artisans onsite. So, what is the equivalent of the turnip activated. MC When we started to deal with computation for of our friends, I have an impression that the discourse they
Image: Max Vanatta.
now? In my lab, we have been working on developing pipelines the manipulation of complex materials, i.e. of non-standard make is still a discourse of postmodernism and indeterminacy,
and software that allow for collaboration with machines such PolyThread by Jenny materials with non-linear behaviour, there was this idea that but the practicality of what they do is the opposite it is
as Sulla, our large industrial 6-axis robot. I am interested in Sabin Studio, 2016. we could at long last engage with the indeterminacy and almost traditional engineering, amplified by the power of
Commissioned by
instilling a degree of design intuition in order for the interface Cooper Hewitt complexity of natural and organic matter which is a reversal computational tools. Do you perceive a risk or an ambiguity
to be more user-friendly and personal. This goes alongside the Smithsonian Design of the tradition of structural design. Architecture, even building, in these two diverging strategies?
broader issues of fabrication and materiality, but really Museum for the Beauty since the beginning of time, always tried to standardise natural
Cooper Hewitt Design
generates feedback and collaboration with these machines. Triennial. Designed by Jenny materials or invented new materials in order to make them JS I would agree with the idea of an ambiguity. But I would also
The human is very much at the core in terms of intuition and E. Sabin, Jenny Sabin Studio. simple, isotropic and standard, so we could more easily notate argue that 15-20 years ago there was a severe lack of any
integration within the design process. On the practice end of Design team: Martin Miller, them, calculate them and fabricate them. This is the story of engagement with materials and materiality. I still think only a
Charles Cupples.
my work, I have been working in digital ceramics. One of the R&D by Sabin Design the scientific and industrial revolution. But this trend, which small percentage of our friends actually engage with materials
ongoing projects is called Polybrick, where we work with 3D Lab at Cornell University. started in Greece more than 2,000 years ago, came to a halt, and include them as part of their design protocols. I find it
152 153 3
exciting that this is not only becoming part of their discussions, scale in the traditional way, i.e. with a deterministic design-
but also drives them. For example, in one of my collaborative and-prediction methodology, we end up with two games that
projects, eSkin, we work with nano- to micro-scale features can co-exist. Which is more important in your work? Do you 3. Detail of responsive
eSkin prototype featuring
and effects, attempting to understand which material features want to play with the cat? Or do you want to tame it? structural colour change.
are actually scalable. One of the primary topics is structural The goal of eSkin is to
colour, which is wavelength-dependent colour change. There JS I am partial to the unpredictable cat. I am intrigued explore materiality from
nano- to micro-scales
are numerous examples in nature that exhibit structural colour, by the unexpected, and the agency of the material that one based upon an
so we have been extracting, synthesising and redeploying must respond to in the design process. I think in both my core understanding
those constraints and features with the idea and hope that we research and applied projects, there is also a process that is of the dynamics of human
cell behaviours.
can move some of it into architecture that is scalable. I found, slow, analogue and about the integration of the human hand.
with my team, that there was no existing software that was This usually happens at the prototype phase and is so crucial 4. eSkin prototype 4
robust enough to render the complexity of these materials. to allowing for the emergence of the unexpected, which I then featuring dynamic
switching of structural
We developed our own tools, working side by side with opportunistically tame, but only in pursuit of the next potential colour and transparency
material scientists, to simulate and approximate the scalability. So I would say I never want to fully tame that change over time.
complexity of these effects, so that we could meaningfully unpredictability. It is crucial to the innovation and to beauty.
eSkin, 2010-2014 / Jenny E.
and responsibly embed them into our design process. Sabin and Andrew Lucia
Having said that, I dont think we are quite there yet. Another MC And this is where digital tools afford a level of interaction (architecture), Cornell
intriguing example relates to one of my pavilion projects with the naturality of the material which until recently only an University; Shu Yang
(materials science),
a recent commission for the Cooper Hewitt, titled PolyThread, expert artisan would provide. An expert artisan can deal with Jan Van der Spiegel and
where I worked very closely with an engineer from Arup. whatever irregularity is found in a chunk of timber because that Nader Engheta (electrical
I wanted to dig into the behaviour of the knitted material, is his skill, his intuition he doesnt need to make an x-ray of a and systems engineering),
Kaori Ihida-Stansbury, Peter
from stitch to row to whole, so we did many analogue stress log. If the log has a hole inside, he can just feel it or, by just Lloyd Jones (cell biology),
tests, embedding them into our simulations. And yet, despite tapping on it, can hear the reverberation of the sound. University of Pennsylvania.
our sophisticated testing, we were still not able to completely Likewise, if a particular log has some irregularity, he can work This project is funded
by the National Science
simulate it. So yes, I think there is ambiguity. around it. Machines traditionally couldnt work this way, so we Foundation Emerging
invented plywood or we converted timber into an industrial Frontiers in Research and
MC Yes, it goes both ways. We can adapt our design process material which is the same all over because mechanical Innovation, Science in
Energy and Environmental
to the randomness, or the animation, of the material machines cannot deal with anything else. But sensors and Design, and is jointly
as if the material were a cat that behaves unpredictably, computers can now increasingly interact with irregular housed at the University of
and you have to cope with it because a cat is temperamental. materials almost as well as a skilled artisan could. But the point Pennsylvania and Cornell
University. This prototype
The other way is to use the power of simulation to diminish is that there are not many skilled artisans that can still do that, was originally on view as
the area of unpredictability, and to design in a very traditional whereas every computer can with the right programme. So part of the 9th ArchiLab,
way with complex materials for which we can now model a that is our advantage today. And it is a reversal of the traditional FRAC Centre, Orlans,
level of granularity that a traditional engineer could never have science of materials. Until recently, the rule was to make
dreamed of. And since we can also work at this hyper-granular materials standard; and now it is to take them as they are, Images: Jenny E. Sabin.
154 155 5
because if you scan them and push the resolution of the scan are specified by protein events within the dynamic
as far as needed, there is a level where the material becomes extracellular matrix. So very early on, I was presented with
predictable again and you can design at that scale. But again, a series of incredibly powerful ecological models for us to
at that point intuition is replaced by calculation, so the magic consider. And so, it is less about bio-inspiration as formal
5. PolyBrick 2.0 is based on of the game may be lost in favour of the predictability of the expression, although there is a residue of that in the work,
the rules and relationships result. So it is a difficult game, which again can go both ways. and more about a way of thinking that engages feedback
governing human bone
formation. Detail of a highly But what worries me is that we are often still within the frame loops, where events within a material, or inspired by
porous 3D printed brick. of mind of postmodernism; we still interpret non-linearity in intuition, or through a collaboration together create a
the way that Manuel DeLanda taught us all so well. But at dynamic choreography that produces the form. The tools
6 A project by Sabin Design
Lab, Cornell University, 2016. the same time the tools we use achieve levels of design I am developing now are pushing this forward in a really
Principal investigator: Jenny predictability that are no longer those of traditional structural sophisticated way. But I agree that we are in an ambiguous
E. Sabin. Design research engineers, but rather those of a surgeon or a dentist. This is moment and we get caught sometimes.
team: Jingyang Liu Leo
and David Rosenwasser. where I think there may be a divergence between our frame
Currently on display at of mind and the tools we use: we see them through the lens MC Yes, and it is inevitable, because we are in fact to a large
the Cooper Hewitt Design of an ideology which no longer applies to the way these tools extent dealing with the unknowns of artificial intelligence.
Museum as part of Beauty
Cooper Hewitt Design actually work. In their thinking, Cecil Balmond and Hanif Kara Furthermore, the non-standard paradigm that the architectural
Triennial. celebrate the magic of the material in a way that a traditional community has been nurturing since the 1990s is now going
engineer would find delirious. But the teams of engineers that mainstream. So there are a lot of technological applications for
6. PolyBrick 1.0 makes
use of algorithmic design work at Arup do not really see their work that way. these ideas that 20 years ago were seen as wacky, impractical
techniques for the digital and impossible to exploit. Now, with the ubiquity of digital
fabrication and production JS Cecil Balmond is one of my most important mentors. tools, they are the rule.
of nonstandard ceramic
brick components for the I was a student of his, then I taught a seminar with him called
mortarless assembly of 3D Form and Algorithm, and then we taught a research studio JS I see the most impact not necessarily in industry and the
printed and fired ceramic together for several years at PennDesign before I came to built environment, but in other fields. For example, in my
Cornell. I agree with your worry, and I think, for me, the focus is collaboration with Peter, he is looking at how this thinking can
A project by Sabin Design on the integration of intuition and the technologies, and also impact medicine. But also, given that architecture has been
Lab, Cornell University, 2015. that references my ongoing interest in biology, starting with the familiar with these ideas for over 20 years, what are your ideas
Principal investigator: Jenny
E. Sabin. Design research foundation I formed around a decade ago with Dr. Peter Lloyd on the role of the architect in pushing forward a discussion that
team: Martin Miller and Jones, who is a matrix biologist by training. For me, it has very is now in every field?
Nicholas Cassab. Currently much been a process; it is only recently that I have been able
on display at the Cooper
Hewitt Design Museum as to articulate this for myself, in terms of positioning the use of MC Paradoxically, I think the traditional role of the architect,
part of Beauty Cooper matrix biology in design. For me, it is about thinking and the as it has been known since the Renaissance even if the tools
Hewitt Design Triennial. impact it has had upon my design process. For example, in and traditional models are gone is to have a bigger picture, to
Images: Courtesy Cooper matrix biology the big idea is that half the secret to life resides be in charge simultaneously of notation/geometry, calculation/
Hewitt Design Museum. outside of the human cell. So its active morphologies and form structure and fabrication/technology without being a
156 157
7 8
specialist in any of these fields. This is still a role for which JS I would like to go back to the turnip. I cant remember MC Yes, because now, in many ways, the distance between data. I still think that these developments have the most
some architects are uniquely prepared, but it is a rare position. the last time I initiated a design process with plan, section the designers who make the notation but dont materialise it relevance in terms of both navigating this return that you
Of 100 of our students, 95 will become specialists, and they and elevation. Sure, I still use these techniques and notations and the builders who materialise the notation but dont invent describe the medieval master builder, where making and
will sell specialised skills in a specialised marketplace to earn because they are necessary in the way we communicate, it is being eliminated by the technical logic of digital tools. designing is a collapsed condition and, at the same time,
their living. The remaining 5% will be those who will have this but that is not how I work at all. Effectively, Brunelleschi With digital design and fabrication, this distance has already navigating the future. I do think that in designing with tools
general holistic view of how we make things. We train them turned the turnip into a piece of technology that allowed collapsed. And so we go back to the medieval and pre- and simulations that work with these abundant data, that in
knowing that most of them will end up being specialists and a him to communicate information about form. notational way of thinking and making at the same time turn allow us to develop intuitions in a design space which
few will end up being architects. And this is good, because we this is what we call digital craft, which is why I think we are references these loops there is real, albeit ambiguous,
need the generalist and the specialist. MC Yes, notating a three-dimensional model was difficult at a 7. PolyMorph, a large much closer to the way we made physical things 500 or 600 potential there.
suspended spatial structure,
time when parallel projections did not exist. But then he had interrogates the physical years ago. We are reviving a pre-Renaissance, pre-Albertian,
JS So what you are stating is that we need both? another problem: he wanted these instructions to builders to interface between pre-Brunelleschian way of making. I think we are closer to MC I agree, there is something big we are all trying to define:
remain secret, which is why after showing the turnip he ate it! networking behaviour the model of a medieval city where master builders were a new kind of science. The science that entrenched
and fabricated material
MC Well, 90-95% of our students will only be as good as they And the builders would need him on the scaffolding, onsite assemblies in order to members of guilds, who had to conceive and make at the the power of the West the science we studied at school
need to be to become specialists, but it was always that way. every day he was a modern designer, but he was designing as address novel applications same time. The separation between the thinker and the maker mostly does not apply any more. We do not use this science
Is 5% pessimistic? You train designers I only teach history, a medieval artisan and not like a Renaissance architect. That of non-standard ceramic this great invention of modernity was not yet there. We are and there are probably large swathes of it that we dont need
components towards the
so I dont know. would come one generation later with Alberti. Alberti came production of 3D textured now reverting to this intellectual model, and I wonder if we are any more. Often today, when students make a structural
up with the idea of making as many drawings as needed, then prototypes and systems. also reviving the social and political model which went with it. model, they can test it in simulation right away and get
JS I would say the number is higher in terms of those who putting a name and date on them, so the builders would just That would be an interesting parallel, because in a sense the immediate feedback, so they can tweak their first model
8. Detail of PolyMorph
become architects whether they are acting within an office follow the drawings. And when the building really looks like installation. The large spatial first phase of the digital turn reversed the industrial revolution, tentatively, by trial and error, as many times as needed.
or leading projects, or whether they go off to start their own the drawing, then the designer can claim, It is my building; structure is composed of eliminating the need for mass production, standardisation and When I was a student, each one of those trials would
practices. I hesitate to put a number out there, but I definitely not because I made it, but because I made the drawing. This 1,400 digitally produced economies of scale. Artificial intelligence now suggests an have required three months work from an engineer. So the
and hand-cast ceramic
think it is higher. At Cornell, there is a long history in the art of is the act of foundation of the modern architectural profession. components held in almost pre-scientific intuitive approach to making. We really traditional feedback from engineers, an indispensable part of
making and drawing. Students graduating from Cornell Brunelleschi was not yet there, because he wanted to have the compression with a dont know much about this magic power of digital intuition. the design process when I was a student, is no longer needed.
Architecture have a comprehensive understanding of the art building built according to his ideas, but he didnt want to make continuous interior network From a distance, it is clear that its closest parallel is not the This is good in a sense, because we can almost do away with
of tensioned steel cable.
of building, making and drawing. Many go on to become drawings he wanted to keep his ideas as secret as possible. nineteenth-century engineer, it is not the twentieth-century the science of engineering, but then almost inevitably the next
successful and impactful architects. He still had the mentality of a medieval craftsman, which he Architectural designer and designer, it is not the modern scientist it is the medieval step might be that the end user can do away with us! Today,
was he was a goldsmith by training. And by the way, we still artist: Jenny E. Sabin, 2013. master builder, the artisan who can manipulate materials cab drivers complain that Uber is making them obsolete, and
Design and production
MC To have a holistic view, to be the master builder who can dont know how he built the dome it was a secret, still is! team: Martin Miller, Jillian and can conceive and make without designing. Paradoxically, Uber drivers say they are making cab drivers obsolete. But in a
determine notation, calculation and fabrication, you need to Blackwell, Jin Tack Lim, we are returning to this. few years, driverless cars will make Uber drivers obsolete.
use ideas, not just notations or numbers or script. It is true that, JS I think many of us engaged in this type of work have a strong Liangjie Wu, Lynda Brody. Gloat in the glory, but you will be the next in line.
On view as part of the 9th
in the last 15-20 years, I have seen the best and brightest of interest in the return to the site I think thats also why ArchiLab, FRAC Centre, JS Some of the tools I developed with Peter and with
students make brilliant careers in different fields because in so many projects the work exists currently within either a Orlans, France. Now part my ongoing collaborators, material scientist Dr. Shu Yang and
they were the precursors, the early experimenters of many gallery or a museum as an installation, because we are still at the of the FRAC permanent bio-engineer Dan Luo, allow us to generate models to simulate
digital technologies. nascent stage of how this can move into the built environment certain natural systems and material phenomena and then to
as architecture. There are still so many constraints. Images: Jenny E. Sabin. visualise them. This involves working with abundant dynamic
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Q&A 2
MARILENA SKAVARA Welcome to each of you and thank VSF You are widely recognised as a pioneer in applying geometry we had imagined with a different technology.
you for making time for this conversation. Our wish is that you robotic technology to fabrication within architectural This goes to show that there is again a loose fit between
develop a conversation between you. As convener, I will only education. How do you imagine buildings will be made technology, execution and the culture of contingency that
prompt you here and there if necessary. To get started, may in the next hundred years? And what are the changes that was intended for the house in Venezuela, which used
I ask a straightforward opening question: where is your work need to happen for these predications to come true? vernacular materials with terracotta tiles and terracotta
heading right now, what are the key ideas and questions bricks everywhere.
driving it? MPdL I cannot predict the future at all. If you had asked
me to guess where the discipline would be today 20 years RR What does that say about the development of architecture?
RONALD RAEL We ask questions about material particularly ago, my guess would probably have been far away from Are we moving forward but yet not moving forward at the
in terms of material provenance in other words, where where we are now. One of the exciting things in architecture same time? That project in some ways is much more advanced
materials come from, where they are going and how they are is that there is no formula, and when you think everything in terms of thinking about parametric brick stacking, and yet
filtered through various kinds of media. We are on a continual has been exhausted, people come along and provide new the way parametric brick stacking has now entered into the
journey of exploration as we think about how particular twists and turns. So I dont have predictions. I am interested profession is very banal wed much rather have a robot that
materials such as salt, recycled grape skins, recycled car in how, through building projects in the nitty-gritty of the stacks straight bricks in straight courses and is almost
tires could be used in 3D printing to make building materials. everyday, that puts pressure on the kind of research that retrogressive. How does technology help us move forward?
To demonstrate this, we are doing several proof-of-concept we do in academia. Ron and Virginia are very interested How does it prevent us from moving forward?
pavilions, as well as integrating them more and more into in real projects, whether they are test cases for a particular
architecture. exhibition or whether they are for clients with budgets. MPdL Your hacking of technology poses an alternative to the
Often, clients do not want the kind of material that status quo. I think there is a difference between accepting
VIRGINIA SAN FRATELLO We are trying to find practical one is researching, and you have to convince them that tools as they are and misusing the tool and in misuse, the
applications for 3D printing in the near future, and we also want your research is culturally relevant for them and for the tools create a new way to think about materials, the relationships
to start putting these materials together in the same building. discipline at large. between them and their culture and context. This is one of the
With so much 3D printing, it seems that only one material is things I love about your work you are always misusing the
used at a time. We are developing a small house that uses RR I think about past projects of yours such as Casa la Roca materials, misusing the technology, defamiliarising materials
several different 3D printed materials, including 3D printed that was an amazing project because it almost predicted and methods of fabrications. The history is still embedded,
clay and 3D printed cement, and we are even thinking about things that people are attempting to do today with technology, but were asked to think about it differently. I think this offers
how to mix materials within one print, which is not something but in traditional ways. Can you tell us about that? a way to bring technology into question, and to destabilise
that has happened much yet beyond metals. the way we think about building in contemporary culture.
MPdL We were very much thinking parametrically
MONICA PONCE DE LEON I am interested in the fit between the kind of rule geometry that generated the figures of those VSF Im reminded of the Helios House and the
technology and construction, and how everyday construction is walls and the layout of the bricks of those walls is part of the Tectonic Argument at MoMa, and how those projects
affected by both the realities of technology and the myth of zeitgeist of what came afterwards. It is interesting to see those referenced fashion design and Im thinking about overlaps
technology. We tend to think that technology provides a same explorations executed through robotic fabrication, as between architects and other design disciplines including
certain level of precision, but in reality both it and the way opposed to by hand, and to see the research coming out of computer science, perhaps as a way of destabilising building
we deploy it are imprecise. ETH Zurich, where robotic fabrication was used to do the or misusing material. On your website, you say you work with
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product designers and fine artists I was wondering how new traditions that will emerge in the technological era? I dont
interdisciplinarity affects your work and research? believe in the idea that giant 3D printers will replace all the
building traditions that exist. I think there needs to be an
MPdL If we are going to misuse material and technology, integration of older and newer traditions. In that hybrid
I think its helpful to look outside the discipline for techniques moment, beautiful things emerge.
that can be appropriated and reinvented within architecture
and construction. I tend to work opportunistically if I see MS What do you think are the most valid terms of reference
something in a different field that looks like it might work, I try to think about design? Is it performance, narrative or scarcity
to adapt it. Like tailoring, for example, thats something I pursue. or is it something else?
There are also different relationships between how one draws a
project and how one builds a project. I think drawing is a way of MPdL One of the challenges, if you think about architecture
bringing techniques from different disciplines into architecture. only in terms of the immediate present, is that you end up with
Through model-making you can bring analogous techniques a series of buzzwords which can be very transitory. I can only
from other disciplines as a way to explore cultural concerns. imagine in the long run that scarcity, performance, etc, are not
I think you do this extremely well the way you have reinvented actually going to matter. What I always care about is whether a
the vernacular by applying techniques that do not necessarily piece of work is culturally relevant and can be understood as
belong to the history of a material. You mention 3D printing and part of a wider context, and for that it has to engage with a long
how, by hacking the equipment, you use materials that would understanding of a place, reflecting on the past, present and
not normally be 3D printed this is another version of using future. Architecture both constructs a particular idea of culture
techniques outside of a particular mode of construction. and reflects upon it. So in that sense, I think categories can
sometimes get in the way.
RR We have also looked closely at building traditions one of
the things we did prior to 3D printing was travelling around the RR I agree; I was thinking about two particular categories that
world to look at traditional vernacular buildings and learn from are creating a split in architecture culture. For example, there is
them. I think one thing that certain technologies have allowed a split between the social project and the parametric project
us to do is figure out how to collapse many of the systems I understand those kinds of projects are divided, but why do
within vernacular constructions into new systems; we came up they never attempt to cross over?
with a brick that can absorb water and passively cool a space
by having ventilation in it, but where that comes from is a much VSF Thats a good point designing for performance using a
more complex and beautiful demonstration of many different particular Grasshopper script and merging that with social
techniques the creation of wooden screens, ceramic vessels, concerns about community or beauty, for example, might
traditions of collecting water, massive constructing rooms. In allow for new culturally relevant works to emerge.
many ways, much is lost through these translations and much
1. Helios House Station,
Los Angeles, CA. is gained. We always struggle when thinking about how old RR I think there are cultural tendencies toward technology that
Image: Eric Stuadenmaier. traditions are lost and new traditions emerge. What are the suggest that its output must do something or perform
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something it should have feedback the way an iPhone does. of demythologising, or changing societal forces, or even the
I think this limits architecture to having a very singular role. paradigm of fabrication technology itself, as contributing to
Things can be more multi-levelled and expansive than doing their strong and increasing presence?
something in a particular way. The machine or technology
might be very complex, but architecture is even more MPdL Women have been around forever; we have been doing
complex in its cultural associations, and we often overlook stuff forever. I was the Director of the Digital Fabrication Lab at
that we overlook how complex the making of a building Harvard in 2003, over 13 years ago and I was working with
can be, and all the references that both inform and appear fabrication prior to that. I became a Dean at Michigan eight
in its materialisation. years ago. The presence of women in the profession has a very
long history perhaps the media is highlighting it more today,
VSF How do you teach students this at your school? so it seems as if we are more present. But I think women have
been interested in technology from the very beginning, just as
MPdL I think always asking why? or why not? is important. men have. Perhaps there is more of an effort now to make sure
Nothing makes me more impatient than when someone says they are equally represented in the media, which may make it
something is impossible well, why? Or when a student takes seem as if they are only now emerging in the field.
a particular direction why? For me, a key component of
architectural education is to demythologise the process of VSF For me, the paradigm of fabrication has been very
design, fabrication and construction so that your student is significant, its allowed me to be a craftsman and use materials
really focused on imagining alternative scenarios, speculating that otherwise I had never worked with I wonder if other long. But I think that applies to everyone, men and women RR Smithsonian magazine came out a couple of years ago
hypotheticals. This is particularly true outside city centres the women feel the same. equally and all generations equally. One of the things I am with a list of the top 40 things you must know about the future,
state of building today and the state of the landscapes and the very excited about in your work is that combination between and number one was that advanced buildings would be made
sites around us is deplorable, so if we dont teach our students MPdL I think we are all individuals. I worked in a mill workshop material invention and advanced technologies. I think one of out of earth. This is not an anachronistic material it is a
different ways of operating within these conditions, and if we before studying architecture, so I have the opposite the challenges for me, as a designer and educator, is that there technological material that has undergone 10,000 years of
dont push ourselves to imagine alternatives, then change wont experience. I ended up pursuing digital fabrication because has been a divide between material interest and advanced human development. If we look at every moment in history
take place. For me, its not about becoming proficient with soon after I graduated I realised that the same mill workshops fabrication (it seems as if there are those only interested in when there was some sort of global crisis, the scarcity of
technology or methodologies, but actually demythologising were no longer doing things the way I had done them myself, advanced fabrication and those only interested in advanced materials often asked humankind to review materials that
all aspects of architecture so it opens up the imagination. but yet this was not a conversation we had in academia. So I materials). What I love about your work is that you are they could already use I think that we are now in that cultural
became interested in digital fabrication precisely because unapologetic about bringing together and allowing the moment. We are looking at materials that we are good at, and
RR The demythologising surmounts the impossible. For some I saw it as an emerging context for the building industry that history of sourced materials to be understood as part of thats why there is a tremendous interest in the relationship
students, architecture is a myth it seems impossible to was being ignored by the academy. For me, it was not a way a continuum with the more recent generation of tools. That between ceramics and technology. We are talking about larger
2. G-Code clay vessels.
achieve or attain because of its complexity, but this is also of enabling me to do things that I otherwise couldnt. I think opens the door to a future which I think is very exciting; we no cultural connections and ecologies of material. This is one of
part of the demystification asking how we can achieve the that your earlier question about Casa la Roca is very relevant, 3. G-Code clay vessels longer have to compartmentalise what is high tech and what those moments where we can step aside and say, sure, it might
impossible. Another aspect of this might be the emergence though. We were drawing by hand and then it became easy to and seed stitch tiles. isnt. So there is a conflation of ways of looking at materials that be easy to put clay in a 3D printer or in a robot, but there are
of female leaders in the field (such as Jenny Sabin, Neri draw with Grasshopper. But it is really a question of how long it Images: Courtesy of wasnt part of the discipline before! reasons why we are doing it culturally and historically the
Oxman, Liz Diller). I was wondering if you saw this notion takes we are still drawing by hand, it just takes five times as Emerging Objects. availability and the plasticity of the material, but also our ability
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4 5
as humans to engage a material which has evolved with us over machine will want to do, and yet no degree of understanding idea is and its execution, so peeling away, for example, is RR Given that we accept that there are not categories
the course of human civilisation. of what the material wants to do, because we are hacking something I am interested in, because you can peel at different not of curation, design or education how would you define
these materials. I think the most recent experiments in clay moments and you dont have to precisely peel in a particular yourself as an individual in our field?
VSF Perhaps the same can be said of salt. For example, in South finally gave some resolution to that negotiation, in that we spot, which is a way of hiding the lack of precision of the
America there are towns, hundreds of years old, built entirely are accepting errors and errors fundamentally become equipment. I have also been interested in certain geometries MPdL Architects are always curating and educating whenever
out of salt. Salt is an ancient material that has the potential to the vehicle with which we explore the making of forms in which the pattern can also hide the fact that the equipment we choose one material or form over another, we are curating.
be used as an advanced building material in the future in places and the materialisation of objects. They become glitches will never be completely precise. I used to give a lecture called We have an arsenal of history, we have an arsenal of what is
around the world where salt is harvested. In the Bay area, its we accept the fact that we will never make the perfect object Zero Tolerances where I used the relationship between the available to us today and in that we are choosing from
local, its renewable and there are both historical and ecological we conceive of onscreen, so why dont we just hack that semi-precision of a piece of equipment and the imprecision these things, we are constantly curating. This is our primary
reasons for building with salt. Instead of shipping sand and notion of precision itself? And that becomes in our early of the site where the equipment will be installed to rethink disciplinary trajectory. At the same time, in terms of educating,
cement all around the world to make concrete buildings, cases a kind of aesthetic agenda. More and more, we designs, the structure of the design process and the actual I think buildings educate the public. When I imagine someone
architects have new opportunities to revisit old materials and discover that there are some structural logics to these architectural object. So to me, imprecision is something that looking at your hay house, the public will look at that and learn
new manufacturing techniques for thinking about the evolution imprecisions, and so we find a series of ceramic objects that makes us very human and also makes us very beautiful, and we what it means to build today within a larger frame of reference.
of material and building. can be crush-tested because we realise that the way we lay can really gauge the relationship between building a space and So I have always seen all of these things as one and the same
down ceramic material increases or decreases its strength, those who occupy it and experience it. I see them as all related and somehow all architecture.
MPdL I am curious about your attitude towards precision. and this is all through a series of controlled errors.
I have always been fascinated with the fact that architecture RR So do you see this as a larger critique of some of the VSF Thats beautiful. I love the way that it turns out all the same
seems to rely on the concept of precision for its own VSF He is talking about vessels we call them the G-code agendas of fabrication that explore precision? Do you see it as for you its all about culture and imprecision and imagination!
disciplinary existence. You have the notion of tolerance and vessels, which are mostly cylindrical in shape, and instead of a humanist moment in fabrication when many are attempting
use certain details as a way of hiding the lack of precision modelling in form we use the G-code itself to design. And we to achieve what is on the screen hyper-smoothness,
base boards are used to hide the gap between the wall and have no idea how big these loops are going to be, or if the for example, or seamlessness how do you see that?
the floor, ground mouldings to hide the gap between the wall printer can do it, or if theyre going to break, so we keep
and the ceiling, and so on. We operate with tolerances, and pushing it until we see at what point it will fail. And at the MPdL One of the first exercises I give my students when we
of course in digital fabrication each tool has its own level of same time, when we 3D print with cement, it is fairly accurate. are working with a robotic arm is to ask them to design a stool
imprecision and you are actually fabricating with a certain We are currently working with engineers who are helping to with very few cuts and very little waste, and it is interesting to
level of tolerance. In your use of vernacular materials, through develop a strong cement material which has more water in it, see how they struggle with the fact that the robotic arm is not
the use of fabrication tools, I am wondering what your but then the cement prints come out bigger, puffier. We have actually as precise as they had assumed, and that it actually
approach is toward precision? had to keep working back and forth between the digital and affects the set of the pieces. The more they had assumed that
the physical to figure out what the limitations are and we build a piece of equipment was precise, the harder it is to deploy it,
RR One thing we realised is that there is a fundamental those into our material specifications. and the harder it is to come up with a cultural object, like a
difference between machine precision and material precision. stool. So the critique is also embedded within the equipment
The machine wants to do one thing, and the material wants to RR What are your thoughts on precision? itself which means you have to pretend that the piece of
do another. So many of our experiments are wrestling with or 4 & 5. Star Lounge. equipment is precise to even talk about precision. When one
Images: Courtesy of
negotiating between these two conditions and this means MPdL I think my work has focused more on precision of ideas Matthew Millman accepts the implications of the piece of equipment, you will
we can have a certain degree of prediction about what the understanding that there is a loose fit between how tight an Photography. end up with a more interesting conversation.
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Q&A 3
ACHIM MENGES I think what makes the FABRICATE can co-design these three things in unison). This is what we low volume or custom-run. This inverted the basis of the
conference unique is that it brings together people from both have increasingly realised: we are co-designers of design and industrial revolution, where you could make a huge quantity
academia and industry. It revolves not only around research manufacturing processes. of high-quality, low-cost things if they were all the same
findings, but also around projects. Its not just about submitting all of a sudden, by making the process digital and controlled
a paper, but also about presenting your research or practice Carl, I am incredibly pleased that you are doing the keynote by micro-processors, you are able to do it in a completely
through the project, which is quite a unique format in our for FABRICATE, particularly because FABRICATE is about different way that allows for low volume and high quality at
world. Being in Stuttgart, we tried to give it a special focus, the future of making, which on the one hand is one of the key a reasonable cost. The third thing tying these together is the
presenting it as one of the heartlands of manufacturing and concerns and the key ambitions of Autodesk. This way, I think, availability and soon-to-be ubiquity of sensors. Something
fabrication, with strong connections to industry. So we have we can share the vision that design and making are undergoing performed in the real world can be measured to see if there
also established special industry talks by cutting-edge fundamental, radical changes, and that we need to update is fidelity between the digital and the real, as well as to gather
companies for example, the robot manufacturers KUKA. our knowledge and our tools. On the other hand, we agree information that can be fed back into the next iteration of the
So it is really about bringing together leading practitioners, that this challenge is also an enormous opportunity for both design cycle. So if you look at computation for design and
academics and industries, and exposing their conversation industry and education. What I find interesting is a basic but engineering, micro-processors evolved in the process of
to a broader audience who come equally from practice profound question: how can we negotiate the fact that the manufacturing, and sensors closed the loop between design
and academia. future of making software is so directly linked to the future and fabrication this is the kind of landscape we are in.
of making things?
BOB SHEIL Looking back on the work you presented in 2014 AM When we look at technological developments,
and where your work is now, what do you feel has been the CARL BASS To a degree, design has gone from documenting we note that there is an initial phase where new technologies
major stepping stone in the last three years? And where are design to informing design, and it is now moving to a place are used to mimic old processes and products. This is true for
you headed next? where the act of designing is going to be one of co-creation almost all technologies; for example, material technologies
between people and machines. Only five years ago did we there are composite materials initially employed to mimic
AM What we have seen is that computation is becoming start asking: if you had all the computing power in the world, old processes and products but it also applies to software
closely related to materialisation, with the physical world how would you design things differently? Until then, we had technologies where, in the first generation of commercial
rapidly emerging from within the digital domain. This is a treated computers as a scarce and precious resource, as CAD applications, the screen mimics the drawing boards
very interesting situation. We have realised we cannot focus opposed to an abundant one. As the price of computation and the mouse mimics the pencil. It is also true for production
on computational design exclusively, but instead that it is plummeted and computational power increased technologies. CAM was primarily used to automate and better
inseparable from construction. This is the reason why we exponentially, you started asking how you would design and control fabrication processes that existed before. One can
have changed our name to the Institute for Computational engineer things differently. We are getting to a place where argue that we are currently transitioning from this first phase of
Design and Construction. We are working towards a higher various practitioners all along this spectrum, having been using digital technologies for designing and making things that
level of convergence between design and making, with barely informed by computation before, are now moving to are essentially pre-digital products to a second phase where
ramifications on how we conceptualise designs, how we work designs that are completely co-created with a computer. we are beginning to explore processes and related products
with designers and where the industry is going. For us, this is Another profound change was the introduction of the that are genuinely computational things that we could not
decisive. We like to borrow from robotics (where it has micro-processor, so that you could now make high-quality, have made or even conceived of in pre-digital days. This
also been recognised that you cannot separate your design low-cost objects or products in small batches. As unique as a enables us to tap into the potential of computation as it
method from your hardware or software, but in fact that you single building or a single structure, these objects would be becomes increasingly ubiquitous, and to come up with
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radically new ways of designing and making. This has great BS Looking at your work, Achim, I enjoy what you say about
promise, but also offers quite a challenge because it means adding the word construction to the lab. Your recent work
that we, as designers, have to adjust our design thinking. is becoming increasingly performative, in that the spectacle
It is not just about updating the design tools and techniques; of making is a wonderful thing to watch. It shows that the
design thinking also needs to be fundamentally updated. performance of making is a part of design. This performance
opens up the imagination for other things that we can make.
BS Do either of you envision a point in the future where we Do you have a conscious view on performance as being part
stop prototyping? In a sense, computation, simulation and the of the act?
2 design process have become so complete that manufacturing
is only about the delivery of the final piece. Or will prototyping AM Yes! I see it in two ways: 1) the performance of the process
remain as the middle ground between design and making? itself, and 2) the performance of the object or structure.
Especially interesting is the way in which digital fabrication
CB I dont think theres an absolute. As people become more processes become more open-ended, flexible or, in other
fluent and proficient with their digital facsimiles, they will be words, designable. When we talk about a prototype, we like
able to go without prototyping for things of greater complexity. to prototype not only the actual product, but the processes,
At a certain point, this will break down and you will want to see, too. Today, designers actively engage in developing new
feel, smell or experience the thing you are building. If you look fabrication processes as part of the design process, instead
at CAD software, just like every other technology it tries to of just using existing products and technologies. That leads to
mimic the technology that came before it found a life of its new modes of what one may call the co-design of processes
own CAD technology started out mimicking the drafting and products, which is a different way of going about design.
table. Now, the goal of most CAD software is to build a digital For me, this is one of the essential aspects of robotic
model, a replica of the thing you are going to build. We are fabrication it extends your possibility as a designer beyond
only partially there, but if you think about a building in CAD the product, beyond the building, to the processes in which
software, we now have a fairly good understanding of what it the buildings and the products come about. We have a lot of
will look like, what that structure is, how the air will move in the collaborations here with production engineers people that
building, how it will sound, how you feel when you move in the come from manufacturing and it is interesting to see how
1. A Hack Rod test drive space or how it will react to environmental conditions. But designers bring a different agenda to the table as opposed
with sensor data points.
Image: Autodesk. there is no reason to presume that, over the next 10 to 20 to someone who is trained traditionally in this field. It really
years, we wont be able to get very good approximations broadens the spectrum of what we refer to as making, in the
2. A generatively designed of the things we build. In essence, in manufacturing, I think broadest sense, to a kind of design thinking. The other aspect
chassis of the Hack Rod,
after the sensor points were prototypes that are small and manageable will continue to that is of interest to me is how we can conceptualise this
fed into the programme. get built because it is easy. But many buildings, specifically convergence of design and making. In recent years, one of
Image: Autodesk. any one-off building, are prototypes in themselves and we the most radical changes is that the line between what we
3. A Hack Rod test drive in can only prototype parts of them. I think that is where we call making and what we call design is beginning to blur.
the desert. are headed. This relates to the prototype, because the prototype is what
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we see as a step between design and making. With the arrival form, how would you realise it through different fabrication
of what we here in Germany call cyber-physical systems, we techniques? One was an improved version of something
see that design and making can happen in a kind of feedback that was made out of tubing, and the others are these two
loop, where they co-exist and co-evolve. This is also part of wild-looking designs that were intended to be done with
what Carl mentioned as the possibility to equip our fabrication additive manufacturing, one out of chromoly and the other
environment with an abundance of sensors, which means out of titanium. Whats interesting is that you have this form
that all of a sudden what you actually make becomes the that you want to get to, and then you have three different
model for what you want to make. This means that a machine kinds of material and processes to actually realise the design.
is no longer just executing a control code taken from
previously established models, but actually has a far more AM One example that I like to mention from our work
active interaction with the process of making, to the point is one of our recent research pavilions, where we inflated a
where it can begin to make its own decisions so that the membrane to look like a big balloon which we then reinforced
designer designs conditions and performances that need to by gluing carbon fibre inside it, and therefore turned this flimsy
be fulfilled, and a certain level of decision-making can happen membrane into a building envelope that is actually supported
on the level of the machine (taking into consideration the fact by the fibres. The interesting thing is that during the fabrication
that these machines are increasingly capable of learning process, the structure changes shape constantly, so you no
sophisticated ways to operate in the physical world). So I think longer have a finite design. In this case, the robot has the
we can overcome this idea that design comes to an end, and capacity to sense the stress in the membrane and actually
then we prototype, and then we make instead, these things see where the membrane is in space, adjusting its carbon fibre
start to co-exist in the same space. This begins to challenge layout path accordingly. So there is direct feedback between
some profound aspects of architecture, as well as our the environment in which the robot operates, the structures it
conceptualisation of what a designer is and does. builds and the way it is controlled. This is something you cant
fully predict. Its also something you cant predefine in a sort
CB Theres an example from some work we did recently which of representational geometric model; its really about forces,
shows the way in which design and fabrication become more structures and predictive simulation and also about real-time
of an inter-related cycle. We wanted to build a new kind of sensing and the constant exchange of all that data. In that case,
vehicle chassis, so we built the frame of this car in a very it is really interesting, because sometimes the robot makes
traditional way and then hired a bunch of drivers from semi-autonomous motions which obviously leave traces of
Hollywood to take it into the desert and drive it, aggressively, carbon fibre, which become part of the design. It is difficult to
for 10 days. The vehicle was monitored for the duration. determine where the design ends here and where fabrication
When we were finished, we had enough knowledge about the starts it is a kind of coalescing of the two.
forces that acted during extreme stress testing. We took that 4. ICD/ITKE Research
information and put it back into an algorithm that generated BS How can we look for a gear shift in the construction Pavilion 2012, Stuttgart,
Germany, 2012.
an ideal structure for that vehicle, and then we added in three industry at a more general level, and how can a designers Image: ICD/ITKE,
different fabrication techniques and said: given this idealised playfulness and inventiveness have an impact on a much University of Stuttgart.
172 173
broader scale? I wonder if you could talk about your readings CB I dont have the same prejudice as Achim, because
of industry and your projections and forecasts for design I am not in Germany. I am slightly more optimistic, due to
experimentation at a much greater scale? the timeline. The construction industry is bottom-line driven,
so whenever we can build better things more cheaply,
AM We get a lot of approaches from industry asking us about construction will pick it up. Yet construction companies
the possibility of updating their fabrication and construction are actually very resistant to change. If you look at job sites
processes by digital means. Usually the conversation revolves today, they look nothing like jobs sites thirty years ago
around benchmarking digital processes versus established the skills, the people, the tools they use, the processes,
processes. This is fundamentally a problematic approach the materials they are working with they move with the times
which holds the construction industry back. I think what we quite effectively. There is a kind of capitalistic tech approach
really need to ask is: what can we produce that we couldnt that serves as a counterpoint to what happens in architectural
before? Where are the real benefits that only come from these artistic practices. Just as I can go to my workshop and dream
technologies? Obviously this is not something you can resolve up and build any crazy thing I want and it does not have to
now. This is something that needs a more profound rooting in make economic sense I think many firms can build that way,
research and will take more time. However, ultimately I think and I love this experimentation and it should continue. On the
this will be rewarding, because these are truly disruptive other hand, the construction industry offers a check and
technologies and you are short-served if you consider them balance on this, saying what makes sense and what is
just as a kind of digitalisation of what you have done in the past. sustainable. In that sense, I am pretty optimistic about 6
This is what we have to get industry to realise. In Germany, construction companies moving forward with digital of wildly innovative projects being built, but I dont think it could traditional processes to the stage where we start to uncover
this is not so easy, because there is a very strong construction fabrication, because the right incentives are underlying ever become a mass market thing. However, once we get to a radically different solutions, we need to challenge norms and
industry and not a lot of incentive to change established their choices. point where we can build more unique designs for the same established ways of doing things. How do we want to build
business models. Computational technologies have incredibly kinds of prices, then all bets are off. when we have computational construction, cyber-physical
disruptive potential, and inevitably the construction industry BS Do either of you see a future in which the construction systems and man-robot collaboration? Obviously, the goal
will have to reinvent itself. We need to lay the foundation for industry gets challenged by lots of micro design and maker BS Is this prospect on the horizon? cannot just be the automation of the building site and the
that change and, at least from my academically biased industries, similar to the way in which artisan beer makers automation of existing offsite processes. Accordingly, how do
perspective, make sure we can tap into its true potential are prepared to take risks based on notions of quality and AM Well, I also have quite an optimistic outlook on how the we move it towards following the logics and economies of the
not just its design potential, but also the ecological and distinction as opposed to mass production and profit? construction industry might change. Very often, we have digital age? This is where we really need to get the construction
environmental perspectives, which very much need addressing the hand-laid brick wall and the robot-laid brick wall, which industry to. This is a challenge, but also a new opportunity
in the construction industry very soon. We will not be able to CB My initial response is no. What I would say is that spending is something you have mentioned. It boils down to which is we might perhaps be able to democratise what the ordinary
go on as we do, because we consume more than half of the six dollars for a beer instead of three and a half is a decision that cheaper to produce. I think the real question to ask is: does or extraordinary is.
resources and energy on the planet. So we need that long-term millions of people can make every day. The stakes involved in the robot really want to build a brick wall? And the answer is:
vision and the persistence to see it through. It is the burden and the cost of a building are so much higher, and what we see 5 & 6. ICD/ITKE Research probably not. I think the construction industry tends to
the privilege of academic research that we can engage with when things become more expensive and discretionary is Pavilion 2014-15, Stuttgart, benchmark digital processes on pre-digital construction
Germany, 2015.
these longer-term problems which are difficult to engage with that the number of owners who are willing to incur that extra Image: ICD/ITKE, systems. But as we are just making the transition from the
if you have to run a construction company. expense are few and far between. Obviously there are all kinds University of Stuttgart. stage where we employ computational technologies to mimic
174 175
Q&A 4
BOB SHEIL We are delighted that you have agreed to be a AP The rise of digital fabrication represents a major turning
keynote at FABRICATE 2017, extending the tradition, which point, even if there are still a lot of ideological discourses
began with Mario Carpo at FABRICATE 2014, of having a that obscure the path it is taking. Not everyone will become
historian speak. Where is your work heading right now a maker. I also think that the notion that thanks to digital
what are the key ideas and questions driving it? fabrication the designer will become a kind of postmodern
craftsman is also ideological. Comparing oneself to Ruskin
ANTOINE PICON Between 2010 and 2015, I devoted three seems to me to be profoundly dubious.
books to looking at how the rise of digital culture links to
transformations within urban architecture: Digital Culture in BS So what lies ahead?
Architecture (2010), Ornament (2013) and Smart Cities (2015).
These books identified a series of theoretical issues that I AP Another crucial evolution will stem from the urgent need
would like to concentrate more specifically on in the years to reconnect the digital with the quest for sustainability. Also,
to come, such as the question of materiality and the links what does it mean to design in a true context of augmented
between the evolution of architecture and subjectivity in reality at the level of the articulation of atoms and bits?
the digital era.
BS What are the most valid terms of reference for new ways to
Alongside these lines of investigation, I plan to focus on think about design?
techniques themselves on software in particular and its
influence on the design process. If the first line of inquiry is AP As I have argued repeatedly, one of the main
akin to a philosophical investigation, the second would be consequences of the digital revolution is to make design
closer to an anthropology of techniques. appear more strategic, commensurate with a form of action,
rather than being about the revelation of some pre-existing
BS How have your work/interests evolved over the past formal idea. Design becomes synonymous with event-making
decade? and with the production of scenarios.
AP I have gradually shifted more towards urban and societal Making and speculating tend to become more and more
issues. For instance, the need to reconcile the quest for intimately linked, but not in a craftsman way. They are linked
sustainability with digital advances appears to me to be a more by a common inquiry into the foundations of materiality.
major challenge. More generally, I am perhaps less interested
in architecture as such and more in broader issues of space, Nostalgia is inevitable, since the digital has separated
technology and society. information from matter while pretending that it does the
contrary. Material computation is actually permeated with
BS Looking ahead to the context of FABRICATE and your nostalgia. For me, this is part of what makes it interesting
forthcoming keynote, do you believe we are witnessing a beyond its claim to a new objectivity.
new era in computation/design/making?
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The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL
Large-scale discrete fabrication opportunities in terms of speed, multi-materiality and projects could potentially be more efficiently implemented
reversibility. The proposed design methods demonstrate with other types of custom-made robots, but the research
The research presented in this paper, based on two how discrete strategies can create complex, adaptive in question here is first and foremost focused on design
projects, investigates design methods for discrete and structurally intelligent forms. Moreover, by moving methods. Both projects should effectively be understood
computation and fabrication in additive manufacturing. computation to physical space, discrete fabrication is able as research into design methods, rather than as research
The first project, CurVoxels (Hyunchul Kwon, Amreen to bridge the representational gap between simulation into robotics and manufacturing itself. In terms of
Kaleel and Xiaolin Li) introduces a discrete design and fabrication. This representational gap is a result of a fabrication, both projects are additive fabrication
method to generate complex, non-repetitive toolpaths two-step process usually associated with computational processes: CurVoxels (Fig. 2) is a 3D printing process,
for spatial 3D printing with industrial robots. The design strategies, where a design is first developed and INT (Fig. 3) is an additive assembly workflow.
second project, INT (Claudia Tanskanen, Zoe Hwee Tan, digitally and then passed on to be fabricated.
Xiaolin Yi and Qianyi Li) proposes to make this discrete There have been significant research efforts into robotics
approach physical, suggesting a fabrication method Analogue and digital fabrication and automated construction, especially in the context
based on robotic discrete assembly. This discrete design of additive processes. Gramazio Kohler has developed
and fabrication framework aligns itself with research The projects described in this paper are produced in a additive projects such as The Programmed Wall (2006),
into so-called digital materials material organisations research-through-teaching context within The Bartlett Complex Timber Structures (2013) and Mesh Mould
that are physically digital (Gershenfeld et al., 2015). The Architectural Design Programme (AD) Research (2014). However, these attempts to automate construction
suggested methods aim to establish highly complex and Cluster 4 (RC4). RC4 is a part of BPro, an umbrella of have had little impact and are caught in a conflict
performative architectural forms without compromising postgraduate programmes in architectural design at The between complexity and speed (Gershenfeld et al., 2015).
on speed and cost. Both projects propose design and Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. The research can be Neil Gerschenfeld argues the need for digitising not just
fabrication methods that are non-representational and situated in the context of robotic manufacturing and the the design but also the materials (Gershenfeld et al.,
do not require any form of post-rationalisation to be automation of construction processes. The two projects 2015). In this context, The Centre for Bits and Atoms
fabricated. The research argues that, compared to presented are based on the use of industrial robots, but has developed the notion of digital materials parts that
3D printing, robotic discrete fabrication offers more these are assumed as abstract, notional machines. The have a discrete set of relative positions and orientations 1
180 181
error mitigation and prototyping. The project presents fragment. It was decided to use a Bzier curve as a unit
a case for combinatorial design as a method to create to compose the toolpath. The team then developed a
structures with a differentiated material distribution, process that cycles through the voxel space in a layered
and complex formal articulation that bypasses the and linear fashion, simulating the trajectory of the robot.
repetitive and homogenous grids usually associated Every time a voxel is accessed, the Bzier curve inside
with spatial printing (Fig. 4). the voxel is rotated to connect to the line in the previous
voxel. In principle, there are 24 rotations possible but a
The second project, INT, explores the implications of physical number of these are not printable, as the extrusion tool
discreteness and discrete assembly as an alternative, would intersect with the curve. The logic of combining
non-continuous method of additive manufacturing. separate toolpath fragments is essentially combinatoric:
The INT project questions the benefits of discrete there is a discrete set of options for how curves can
assembly compared to 3D printing. INT sets out a connect without losing continuity. The printing process
framework for discrete fabrication with combinatorial can be prototyped on a few voxels, rather than having
building blocks, investigating both the design of the units to compute and prototype an entire toolpath. The error
and their assembly procedures. The work experiments space is not continuously differentiated, but discrete and
with human-robot interaction and questions the limited. After the toolpath is tested for a single curve-
consequences of moving computation to physical space. voxel in 24 different rotations, it can be used to assemble
The fabrication procedure proposed by INT aims to thousands of toolpath fragments together into one
resolve some of the problems associated with continuous continuous, kilometres-long, printable line. The size of
additive manufacturing, such as the lack of speed and the voxel itself also introduces a structural parameter: 4
mono-materiality (Fig. 5). if the voxel is smaller, more material is deposited and
the structure becomes denser. If it is bigger, the structure
CurVoxels and INT is more porous and less strong. This observation was
translated into an OcTree subdivision for the voxels,
CurVoxels is a team of students in RC4 who developed linked to structural data. In areas that carry more load,
the project Spacial Curves (2014-15). The project is a voxels are subdivided and more material is deposited.
continuation of research into spatial printing, which The design method was tested on the generic shape
2 3 started with a previous team of students called of a panton chair. The shape of the chair itself is not
(Gershenfeld et al., 2015). These materials are able to Jose Sanchez demonstrates how standardised, serially Filamentrics (2013-14). Spatial printing is now a popular questioned and has to be understood as a generic
be assembled quickly into complex and structurally repeated elements can result in differentiated and method for robotic printing, but first appeared in the placeholder, similar to the Stanford bunny or the Utah
efficient forms. These digital materials establish material complex wholes (Sanchez, 2014). Mesh Mould project (GHack, Lauer, Gramazio, Kohler, teapot. In total, three chairs were printed. The last
organisations that are digital rather than analogue. 2014). The printing process is based on a tool head, chair, which made use of the OcTree subdivision logic,
Following Gershenfelds distinction between analogue Towards discreteness mounted on a robot arm, extruding hot plastic along was strong enough to withstand up to 80kg of load.
and digital materials, most of Gramazio Kohlers robotic a spatial vector. This method saves a lot of time in
fabrication projects are to be considered analogue. In the first instance, this research is driven by the question comparison to layered methods. Preferably, the robot
Despite the use of discrete elements for assembly, these of how the notion of discreteness can make the automation does not stop during the process, but continuously
elements tend to use analogue connections, which are of construction processes more efficient while also allowing 1. Digital prototypes of extrudes material. Robotic spatial printing has a number
continuously differentiated. Unlike digital materials, for more complexity and differentiation. It attempts vertical elements, using of limiting constraints, the most important being that
every element has a unique connection possibility, to combine the efficiencies of digital materials with different arrangements of the robot can never intersect with previously deposited
discrete pieces.
increasing the degrees of freedom and possibilities for combinatorial design methods. Secondly, as a broader material. There are also structural constraints: material
error. Continuing from Mario Carpos distinction between question, the projects presented develop design methods 2. Curvoxels (RC4 2014-15). can only be extruded in the air for a limited range
continuous and discrete design processes, the notion that that remove representation, resulting in structures that Half 3D printed chair v3.0. at some point, support structures are needed. Therefore
Image: Curvoxels.
structures can be physically digital, rather than analogue, are digital both in the design process and as a physical most spatial printing projects make use of a highly
becomes an important driver for the work presented in product. The research first introduces discreteness as a 3. INT (RC4 2015-16). repetitive toolpath organisation, based on parallel
this paper (Carpo, 2014). However, as a design method, design process in the CurVoxels project, and subsequently Robotically assembled chair contours connected with a triangular toolpath. The
v2.0. Image: Manuel Jimnez
these digital materials present some fundamental as a fabrication process in INT. Both projects can be Garca. formal possibilities are limited, and the toolpath
problems. In order to be considered digital, the elements considered additive manufacturing processes. organisation is not very complex.
necessarily need to be serialised. As a result, the digital 4. Curvoxels (RC4 2014-15).
Robotic extrusion of ABS
materials proposed by The Centre for Bits and Atoms are More specifically, the CurVoxels project questions how filament. Image: Curvoxels. CurVoxels developed a design method which is aimed
highly repetitive and homogenous. From an architectural discrete computational processes can make spatial at controlling the toolpath constraints and developing
design point of view, these structures are efficient, but not printing with robots more effective, while also opening 5. INT (RC4 2015-16). new freedoms within these constraints. CurVoxels
Human-robot collaboration
complex in terms of formal possibilities. A possible up more formal possibilities. It demonstrates how the for the assembly of chair computational approach is based on discretisation: a voxel
solution could come from combinatorial design strategies. serialisation of toolpath segments allows for efficient prototype. Image: INT. space is developed, where every voxel contains a toolpath
182 183
The next project, INT, combines discrete design with itself. However, the project does not manage to bridge techniques to scale up. From a design point of view,
discrete fabrication. Similar to CurVoxels, a combinatorial the gap between design and fabrication. Essentially, in moving computation to physical space, discrete
unit is developed, but this time as a physical building the design first has to be generated and then sent off fabrication is able to bridge the representational gap
block that can be aggregated and assembled. This unit for fabrication. As a consequence, if there is a problem between simulation and fabrication. Digital data and
is able to combine with itself in different ways and can in the fabrication, the entire object has to be printed physical data are aligned. Computation and fabrication
be robotically assembled. Similar to Neil Gershenfelds again. There are significant logistical constraints to can happen in parallel, and design decisions can be made
digital materials, the unit is serialised and has a discrete the project: multi-materiality is hard to achieve, and during the fabrication process. This versatility makes the
set of connection possibilities. The digital building the printing time is slow. process more robust and adaptable to demanding
block, or tile, has a geometry which can be inscribed in scenarios such as onsite fabrication.
a voxel space: one L-shaped unit is comprised of three On the other hand, the INT project allows for the efficient
voxels. The tile is further defined by a series of assembly of objects which could potentially be multi- The potential for reversibility has implications reaching
subtractions so that it can be picked up by a gripper tool material, while also maintaining a high degree of far beyond automated construction. Architectural building
in different orientations. It is also marked with multiple complexity and heterogeneity. The research establishes elements that are recombinable could significantly change
reflectors that help a camera system to track the elements structures that are physically digital. It introduces the lifecycle of buildings. The combinatorial aspects
in physical space. The project is based on multiple scales interesting new questions about the potential interaction can help to introduce complexity and adaptability in
of CNC-milled timber blocks. The smallest can be of robots and humans in the design process. The project prefabricated building systems, without losing the benefits
gripped at the outside boundary, and the largest from could, however, benefit further from more advanced of seriality and standardisation.
specifically designed gripping spots. A combinatorial feedback loops between the simulation and the physical
logic was developed to combine tiles into structurally assembly. The use of heavy, compression-based material References
stable forms. Different combinations of blocks are introduces an added difficulty to the assembly process, Dillenburger, B., Hansmeyer, M., 2014, Printing Architecture: Castles Made of
structurally evaluated in terms of surface area. In areas presenting a whole range of structural problems. More Sand in Fabricate 2014, Zurich, ETH, p.92-97.
of the design that require more strength, combinations significantly, the project makes use of joints, but in the
Carpo, M., 2014, Breaking the Curve. Big Data and Digital Design in Artforum
with a larger area of shared surface are privileged. The end relies on a significant amount of glue in order to be 52, 6, p.168-173.
robot is given a specific boundary and total amount of assembled. The use of glue prevents the reassembly and
tiles to fabricate a structure. One tile is placed as a start reconfigurability promised by the project. The problem Hack, N., Lauer, W., Gramazio, F., Kohler, M., 2014, Mesh-Mould In AD 229, 84,
Made by Robots: Challenging Architecture at a Larger Scale, p.44-53.
and then, for every robotic action, the position of the with the joint is one of the main limitations of discrete
next tile is calculated (Fig. 6). Users can intervene in the fabrication: the smaller the elements, the more joints are Ward, J., 2010, Additive Assembly of Digital Materials, PhD thesis,
process by placing tiles themselves. These are tracked by created. Potential solutions could attempt to make the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
the camera system and evaluated in respect to the other element itself interlocking, but this would inevitably Gershenfeld, N., Carney, M., Jenett, B., Calisch, S. and Wilson, S., 2015,
tiles. The robot can then subsequently add new tiles to one toolpath fragment in one voxel, an entire structure increase the complexity of the robotic assembly process Macrofabrication with Digital Materials: Robotic Assembly in Architectural
complete the structure. In case the new tile would, for can be generated without further problems. This and again severely limit the formal possibilities. Design, 85(5), p.122-127, doi: 10.1002/ad.1964.
example, break the boundary of the design, the robot serialised approach reduces the amount of unique Sanchez, J., 2014, Polyomino Reconsidering Serial Repetition in
can remove the tile again. The robot is able to address problems to solve. Toolpaths with continuous formal Discrete fabrication Combinatorics in ACADIA 14: Design Agency, 23-25 October 2014, Los
imperfections in the assembly process for example, differentiation, on the other hand, also have to deal with Angeles, ACADIA/Riverside Architectural Press, p.91-100.
if a tile falls off the structure, it can re-evaluate its continuously differentiated problems, which all require The design methods developed in the CurVoxels and
position and add a new tile. The design process was unique solutions. The proposed combinatorial method, INT projects have significant implications for additive
tested on two different chairs. The first chair is purely in combination with the OcTree logic, allows for complex manufacturing, the automation of construction and
a product of automated decisions, without human differentiation and adaptability to structural criteria. architecture. The proposed discrete design methods
intervention. The second chair is an authored product, Through embedding a combinatorial logic, the repetitive establish a series of efficiencies while also enabling
where the students decided to favour symmetry. The character commonly associated with digital materials complex material organisations. The shift from
fabrication process is significantly faster than for the is avoided. Through always combining the initial continuous fabrication to discrete fabrication moreover
3D printed chair, both of INT's chairs being completed toolpath unit into different patterns, complex structures introduces a series of advantages, such as multi-
in under 45 minutes (Fig. 7). with differentiated formal qualities and structural materiality, structural performance, speed and
behaviour can be designed. This introduces a reversibility. The proposed combinatorial method allows
From continuous to discrete fundamental shift away from the paradigm most for complex differentiation compared to the repetitive
6. INT (RC4 2015-16).
usually associated with digital design: from mass Catalogue of emergent character commonly associated with digital materials.
Both projects question established design methods customisation and continuous differentiation of objects using custom-made Formal differentiation no longer relies on the mass
based on discretisation. They capitalise on the parts to discrete, serially repeated elements. applet developed in customisation of thousands of different parts, but can
efficiencies emerging from that process, and can be achieved by the recombination of cheap, serialised
be considered less representational. The resulting objects are not a result of a post- 7. INT (RC4 2015-16). The units (Fig. 1). The use of cheap, prefabricated building
rationalisation, where a shape would be first designed Bartlett B-Pro Show 2016, blocks, in combination with increased assembly speed,
physical prototypes.
The CurVoxels project enables the efficient generation and then sliced into layered toolpaths for printing. Image: Manuel Jimnez reduced error space and vast formal possibilities,
and evaluation of complex toolpaths. After optimising The design method operates directly on the toolpath Garca. provides a firm ground for additive manufacturing
184 185
MIT Media Lab
Addimation Inc.
Throughout nature, hair-like structures can be found a controlled motion based on the hair geometry, and
on animals and plants on many different scales. Beyond printed objects can now sense human touch direction
ornamentation, hair provides warmth and aids in the and velocity. In this paper, we will focus on introducing
sense of touch. Hair is also a natural responsive material the fabrication pipeline and the emerging mechanical
that interfaces between the living organism and its adhesion property of the printed hair surface.
environment by creating functionalities like adhesion,
locomotion and sensing. Inspired by how hair achieves The 3D printing revolution
those properties with its unique high-aspect ratio
structure, this project explores ways of digitally 3D printing is rapidly expanding the possibilities for
designing and fabricating hair structures on the how physical objects are fabricated3 . Its layer-by-layer
surfaces of manmade objects. Material science and fabrication process has tremendous potential to enable
mechanical engineers have long been investigating the fabrication of physical objects not previously possible.
various methods of fabricating hair-like structures1,2 . High resolution 3D printers have become increasingly
In this paper, we present Cilllia, a digital fabrication affordable and widely available, enabling the fabrication
method to create hair-like structures using of micron-scale structures. Cilllia is a bottom-up printing
stereolithographic (SLA) 3D printing. pipeline intended to fully utilise the capability of current
high resolution photopolymer 3D printers to generate
The ability to 3D print hair-like structures would open up large amounts of fine hair on the surfaces of 3D objects.
new possibilities for personal fabrication and interaction. We introduce methods, algorithms and design tools for
We can quickly prototype objects with highly customised the fabrication of Cilllia and explore its capabilities for
fine surface textures that have mechanical adhesion mechanical adhesion.
properties, or brushes with controllable stiffness and
texture. A 3D printed figure can translate vibration into 1
186 187
In this paper, the following contributions are presented: The data for describing the total geometry become information for the 3D printer. The method can be
extremely large and rendering such complex structures viewed in three layers:
1. A bottom-up approach for generating 3D printable can also be computationally expensive.
micro-pillar structures. 1. A single hairs geometry (1D): height, thickness,
2. A simple graphical interface that allows users to easily To overcome these challenges, the goal of the project angle and profile.
design hair structure. is to bypass the modelling and slicing process of the 2. Hair array on flat surfaces (2D): varying single hair
3. Examples of encoding mechanical adhesion property 3D printing, and instead to directly generate machine- geometry across the array on a 2D surface.
into hair structures. readable files that reconstruct hair-like structures. 3. Hair array on curved surfaces (3D): generating hair
array on arbitrary curved surfaces.
As high resolution 3D printers become increasingly 3D printing hair-like structures
available and affordable, we envision a future where the Single hair geometry
properties of physical materials, whether optical or We introduce a bottom-up approach to 3D printing Compared to other surfaces textures, such as the wrinkle,
mechanical, electrical or biological, can be encoded and hair-like structures on both flat and curved surfaces. hair is simple to describe mathematically. It usually
decoded directly by users. This allows us to customise Our approach allows users to control the geometry comprises a high-aspect ratio cone that is vertical/angled
and fabricate interactive objects as needed. of individual hairs, including aspects such as height, to the surface, although the height, thickness and
thickness and angle, as well as properties of the hair profile might vary. As we know, the diameter of a cone 3
The challenges of Cillla array, such as density and location. We then present three continuously decreases from the base to the tip. However, method to make an RGB bitmap in Photoshop, then turn
example applications to demonstrate the capabilities of the smallest unit in the DLP printer is a pixel. Therefore it into a hair array. The values of the R, G and B of each
Although the resolution of recent 3D printers has been our approach. we need to find a way to construct a model that could pixel correspond to one parameter of hair geometry.
improving, it is still considered impractical to directly approximate the geometry of a cone. We set the base The algorithm checks the bitmap every few pixels to
print fine hair arrays on object surfaces. This is due to All the tests and examples shown in this paper, unless of a pillar to be a matrix of array (e.g. 3 x 3 pixels). As create a new hair based on the pixels colour. One can
the lack of an efficient digital representation of CAD stated differently, are printed on a commercially available the layer increases, the pixels linearly reduce in a spiral therefore easily vary the density of the hair by changing
models with a fine surface texture4 . Most of the current digital light processing (DLP) 3D printer (Autodesk stairs manner, leaving the top layer with just one pixel. how frequently the bitmap is checked.
commercially available 3D printers use a layer-by-layer Ember Printer). The DLP printer takes stacks of bitmap This method gives us the highest resolution control of
method to deposit/solidify materials into shapes that images from the CAD models and directly projects the the printed cone shape. We can also add acceleration Based on our experience, height and angle are the most
are designed in CAD. The process follows a top-down image onto the liquid resin layer by layer. The printer has to the base pixel, reducing velocity to create hair with common parameters that need to be varied frequently.
pipeline, in which users create digital 3D models, and a feature resolution of 50m on the X and Y axes, and a different profile. We therefore map the R-value to the angle of the X axis,
then a programme slices the models into layers for the 25m on the Z axis. The build volume is 64 x 40 x 150mm. the G-value to the angle of the Y axis and the B-value to
printer to print. In the field of computer graphics, the The print material is near UV light photopolymer. For tilting the hair to a certain angle, we can offset the the height of the hair. We use this method to create the
standard way to represent surface texture is through pixel group in the X or Y direction every few layers. conveyor panels in the later section. In the future, we plan
lofting bitmaps on the CAD model to create an optical Printing hair-like structures As the printer has the double resolution on the Z axis to develop a more general approach to encode hair
illusion. These representations do not actually capture The bottom-up 3D printing approach presented here compared to the X and Y axis (25m vs. 50m), the geometry information into one bitmap image, where
the three-dimensional structure. It is difficult and allows one to design and fabricate hair-like structures relationship of tilted angle and layer is: other parameters such as profile and thickness can be
impractical to create many thousands of small hairs without first making a 3D CAD model. The user directly included as well.
with real geometry using conventional CAD systems. generates printing layers that contain hair structure tan = (L/2) P
2 Hair array on curved surfaces
where L is the number of layers and P is the number of In order to apply the presented techniques to a variety of
offsetting pixels. We successfully printed a series of models, it is desirable to print hair on an arbitrary curved
sample surfaces with oriented hair. Fig. 2 shows that our surface. To do that, we developed a hybrid method, where
printed geometry matches the computer visualisation. users create the curved surface in CAD software, then
generate bitmaps that contains pixels of hair array.
Users can easily change the parameters of the hair 1. A collection of 3D printed
hair-like structures on flat
geometry through a graphical user interface that we To do this, we first import the STL file and position it in and curved surfaces. The
designed. It visualises the hair structures as well as the correct printing position. We then find the centroid voxel-based printing
generating bitmaps for printing. location of each triangle on the mesh and shoot a ray approach allows one to
define each hairs geometry.
along the direction of the triangles normal. A plane Image: Jifei Ou, MIT
We can also generate curved hair by offsetting the pixel moves along the Z axis to intersect with the mesh to Media Lab.
group in a spiral layer by layer. create bitmaps of the CAD model, and to intersect
2. (a) Computer visualisation
with the rays to draw pixels for the hair. In this way, of printed hair; (b) close
Hair array on flat surfaces we created bitmaps that contain both CAD model and view of actual printed hair;
The ability to individually control hair geometry can hair array information. This method allows us to apply (c) SEM photo of (b).
be applied to thousands of hairs across a flat surface. the control of hair geometry while slicing as well. 3. Successful printed hair
In order to do this quickly, we use a colour mapping However, the generated hair array is highly dependent arrays on curved surfaces.
188 189
Mechanical adhesion While we demonstrated methods and a possible design
One interesting phenomenon we found during our space for 3D printed micro-pillar structures, we are aware
exploration is that two panels with dense hair can tightly that the technique is very much limited by the physical
stick to each other when their hair is pressed together. constraints of current SLA 3D printers. For example,
This is due to the large amount of contact surface on the if we had to create an arbitrarily shaped object fully
hair that creates friction. To demonstrate this, we printed covered by hair, we would have to split the object so that
several hair panels (40 x 40mm) and glued them into the curvature of the surface could still be printed without
boxes. These boxes can be easily attached to each other. a supporting structure. The printable materials are also
In order to keep the hairs on two panels fully in touch with limited in terms of colour and stiffness. Our current
each other, the gaps between the hairs must have the algorithm for generating hair on curved surfaces is also
same size as the diameter of the hair base. In our example, highly dependent on the amount and distribution of the
the hair base and the gap are both four pixels (200m). triangles of the CAD model. This means that to print high
quality hair requires either a clean mesh model or a
We tested the strength of the adhesion in relation to preprocessing step for the model. In the future, we will
the tilting angle of the printed hair. In our experiment, add re-mesh functions to our software platform to control
a pair of hair panels (30 x 30mm) were glued onto a solid hair distribution. It would also be very interesting to test
truncated pyramid (30 x 30 x 30mm). We pushed the hair if tilted hair is mechanically weaker than straight hair, as
surfaces against each other and measured the force that there is less contact area for each layer of the voxel.
4 was needed to pull them apart. Our test shows that as the
tilting angle of the hair increases, the adhesion force rises Notes
on the distribution and amount of the triangles. For the then move to the next spot and turn it on for another two as well. 1. Amato, L., Keller, S.S., Heiskanen, A., Dimaki, M., Emnus, J., Boisen, A.
examples in this paper, we try to use meshes that have milliseconds. Based on our experiment, two milliseconds and Tenje, M., 2012, Fabrication of High-Aspect Ratio SU-8 Micropillar
dense and evenly distributed triangles. One can use is the minimum exposure time one needs to fully Successful fabrication of Arrays, Microelectronic Engineering, Vol. 98, ISSN 0167-9317, p.483-487.
publicly available online tools (e.g. Meshlab) to create polymerise the resin. It produces a dot with a 100m customised hair-like structures 2. Paek, J. and Kim, J., 2014, Microsphere-Assisted Fabrication of
more uniform models. We should also notice that the 3D diameter. To increase the size, one can increase the High-Aspect Ratio Elastomeric Micropillars and Waveguides in
printer allows only 60 of overhang, so rays beyond that exposure time. However, we discovered that as one To summarise, we present a method of 3D printing Nature Communication, 5.
range are ignored. There might also be parts of the hair increases the exposure time, the polymerised dot forms hair-like structures on both flat and curved surfaces. 3. Willis, K., Brockmeyer, E., Hudson, S. and Poupyrev, I., 2012, Printed
that penetrate the nearby surface if the surface is curved into a long oval instead of a circle shape. This is due to This allows a user to design and fabricate hair geometry Optics: 3D Printing of Embedded Optical Elements for Interactive
inwards. We can eliminate this by reducing the hair the shape distortion of the laser beam. Although the at the resolution of 50m. We built a software platform Devices in Proceedings of the 25th Annual ACM Symposium on User
Interface Software and Technology (UIST 12), ACM, New York, USA,
length correspondingly (Fig. 3). Form1+ has a larger build platform and potentially can to let one quickly define a hairs angle, thickness, density p.589-598.
be useful for more applications, we decided to use the and height. The ability to fabricate customised hair-like
There are three advantages when directly generating Ember printer, as it produces more uniform results. structures not only expands the library of 3D printable 4. Hopkinson, N., Hague, R.J.M. and Dickens, P.M., 2006, Rapid
Manufacturing: An Industrial Revolution For The Digital Age,
bitmaps of hair structures: shapes, but also enables us to design surfaces with Chichester, Wiley, p.43-45.
Applications for designers mechanical adhesion properties.
1. By manipulating a single pixel, we can control aspects
of a single hairs geometry, such as height, thickness To show the capability of our printing method, we created 5
and angle, with a precision of 50m. three types of possible application for designers.
2. Without a CAD model of the hair and slicing process,
it becomes possible to print a high density hair array. Objects with fine surface textures
In our test, we successfully printed 20,000 strands of As we can generate hair on curved surfaces, we can
hair on a 30 x 60mm flat surface. now 3D print animal figures with such features.
3. Hair array can grow on any arbitrary CAD model We can also vary the thickness of the hair to create
while the model is being sliced. jewelry pieces with controllable stiffness (Fig. 5).
the laser beam to the spot where we would like to have the input bitmap. 5. Printed figures with
hair structure and turn on the laser for two milliseconds, fine surface texture.
190 191
The aim of this project paper is to present new findings itself. The project showcases a methodology that couples a
in the implementation of a design for fused filament design-oriented and computationally enabled method that
fabrication (FFF) and custom material development integrates 3D printing via FFF, custom SRM composite
methods, alongside a stimulus-responsive 3D printed polymers and bio-inspired material syntax strategies.
prototype (Fig. 1). The project demonstrates control in The project highlights precise kinematic geometric
the design and manipulation of new composite materials deformation with multi-directional curvature made
to create architectures capable of complex kinematic possible via a precise understanding and negotiation of
deformations in response to environmental stimulus. the material properties and behaviours inherent to the
The project highlights hygroscopic, doubly-curved, FFF process. Variations on material properties through
shape change apertures capable of autonomous climate- the development of a custom polymer composite provide
adaptive kinematic response. an outlook into the capacity to programme differentiated
kinematic response time and material performance for
While recent research into stimulus-responsive materials bespoke applications. The research builds upon over
(SRM), such as timber composites (Wood et al., 2016), seven years of previous work by the authors into
bimetals (Sung, 2008) and multi-material composites hygroscopic actuators using wood composites and
(Tibbits, 2013), have had to rely primarily on multiple bio-inspired 3D printed architectures, furthering this
fabrication steps in order to assemble structures capable research by transferring and expanding the functional
of double curvature shape deformations, the presented principles and material intelligence of these mechanisms.
research can build custom directional deformation within
a single fabrication process. Moreover, unlike Poly-Jet Double curvature as a functional principle
matrix approaches to SRM, the presented FFF method,
using fibrous fillers, enables anisotropic properties The primary research question for this project concerned
through the deposition and the make-up of the material the integration of double curvature as a functional 1
192 193
For the hygroscopic shape change actuation, the organisation along both the primary and secondary axis
composite architecture of the flap is constituted of a followed the same corresponding functional distribution.
hygroscopic SRM material and a secondary constraint The main constraint material beads are deposited in line
material, which has negligible hygroscopic expansion (0) with the primary curling axis, while the secondary
characteristics. While several FF plastics with a limited constraint follows a 90 angle. Additionally, in order to
moisture expansion coefficient can be used, acrylonitrile better integrate the stem and the main flap region,
butadiene styrene (ABS) filament was selected in order a boundary edge is implemented.
to facilitate fuse bonding of the flaps to the aperture
understructure. For the hygroscopic SRM material, While the WCP provided the desired hygroscopic shape
two materials were tested: commercially available change performance for the doubly-curved mechanisms,
wood composite polymer (WCP) filament and a custom- a second custom SRM material was developed and tested.
developed cellulose composite polymer (CCP). Both A cellulose composite polymer (CCP) filament was
materials rely on the fibrous cellulose or wood fillers developed, using isolated wood cellulose fibres embedded
for hygroscopic expansion, and the presented SRM in a proprietary co-polyester polymer. It was of interest to
composites make use of the shear-induced alignment test the effect that the isolated cellulose fibres had in
of the fibres in the 3D printed beads to define the relation to the SRM composite response time and shape
anisotropic properties of the composite architecture. change characteristics. Furthermore, using a second
While single curvature deformation only requires a composite polymer with hygroscopic fibres allowed us to
primary angle of material deposition perpendicular test the effectiveness of the previously developed shape
principle into the development of a multi-hierarchical is achieved in a single step. Fabrication of the complete to the shape change axis, the presented double curved change methods.
system architecture. Previous research by the authors multi-aperture assembly involves two steps: first, flap mechanisms must negotiate different directions
for 3D printed SRM presented reliable shape change the printing of the SRM flaps with the fastening of expansion and corresponding constraint. Early The design of a bespoke composite filament allowed for
actuation with single curvature deformations using support attachment; and second, the printing of the tests indicated that positioning two mirrored angles the verification that no additional colourings or foreign
wood fibre composites (Correa et al., 2015). Early tests non-responsive understructure that positions the flaps of deposition at 10 from the main curling axes was fillers were added that could directly or indirectly affect
highlighted that shape change curvature direction could into apertures. effective at enabling double curvature, but it achieved the performance of the SRM composite. While technical
be further directed into controlled twisting angles through a limited curling angle along the primary axis. It was characterisation of the material falls outside of the scope
the differences in the dominant angle of deposition Research into two-stage, doubly-curved pine scale speculated that the central region, along the central axis, of this project paper, empirical tests, with both isolated
orientation of each layer (Fig. 2) (Correa et al., 2015). actuation, in collaboration with the Plant Biomechanics did not provide enough material alignment perpendicular single-curved samples and with the presented double
Similar to previously developed veneer composite bilayers Group at the University of Freiburg, provided novel to the primary axis. In this initial test, the stem region curvature aperture, indicate a small increase in moisture
(Reichert, Menges & Correa, 2015) or hygrogels (Erb et al., insight into the kinematics and functional material was designed to be longer in order to compensate for absorption and desorption in the samples, resulting in a
2013), varying the angle of deposition can enable twisting differentiation that allows double-curved shape change this limited curling angle along the primary axis (Fig. 3). faster stimulus response time. However, the colour
of the sample through global manipulation of the in pine scales (Poppinga et al., 2015). This functional change resulting from the removal of the lignin appears
composite architecture. That is, the changes in material principle of double curvature actuation was abstracted While this is an effective strategy for the aperture to have an impact in tests using radiation from light
orientation apply homogeneously across the whole into a double-curved flap component with two integrated opening, a second approach was developed that could sources. As opposed to the darker WCP samples, the
sample. The key principle that allows SRM composites curling axes. Consequently, for each individual flap, the adaptively change the deposition angle to meet both
to shape change is the ability to direct small expansion performance goal is to have a dominant and a secondary axis requirements. In this second approach, a paraboloid
1. Completed piece in
forces from the SRM material over a non-SRM substrate. curling axis. The primary axis is responsible for the controlled climate chamber curve was implemented in the toolpath that allowed for
Therefore single curvature shape change deformations opening of the aperture, while the secondary axis exhibit at the '+ultra. the material to be deposited at 90 from the main axis,
are most effective when all expansion forces are directed facilitates the lateral expansion and the resulting gestaltung creates at the apex; the deposition angle then changed to meet
knowledge' exhibition at the
along a single axis. To achieve double curvature, it is double-curved shape. As the flaps are configured Martin Gropius Bau in Berlin. the 10 angle for the lateral sections. This approach
therefore necessary to further expand the understanding concentrically within the aperture, their lateral Closed apertures indicate a functionally distributed the material in relation to the
of these principles by investigating material organisation interaction is facilitated by this secondary double high R.H.% state. desired curvature and reduced internal stresses resulting
methods and composite architectures that can negotiate curvature deformation. In the closed state, the double 2. Left, pine scale actuation from different areas of expansion meeting at a narrow
the interaction of expansion forces in multiple directions. curvature deformation allows for the aperture to form a and veneer bilayer system angle along the central axis. As a result, the flaps were
For the presented project, the development of an segmented dome geometry, while in the opening state the (Reichert et al., 2015). Right, successful at achieving a narrower curling shape change
3DP shape change curling
architectural aperture capable of double curvature shape flaps push each other further into the open position, direction in relation to angle along the central axis, without compromising
change was selected as the medium to investigate enabling a wider aperture diameter. Moreover, the flap material deposition angles curvature changes on the secondary curling direction
multi-component interaction and mechanism scale. actuation within the aperture is further supported by a (Correa et al., 2015). (Figs. 4 and 5). After achieving the target performance
secondary functional region located at the base/stem. 3. Multi-kinematic-state for the main functional region of the flap, the stem region
New insights through collaboration This region is both responsible for the fastening of the climate-responsive aperture was reduced in order to be more seamlessly integrated
flap to the aperture understructure and also designed to time lapse shape change within the substructure; it therefore plays a more limited
from high R.H. %
Using a customised additive manufacturing process, the have a single curvature shape change along the dominant environment (left) to low role in the overall angle of opening of the aperture. For
double curvature in the hygroscopic-responsive SRM flap curling axis. R.H. environment (right). the non-hygroscopic constraint components, the material
194 195
whiter CCP samples can reflect most wavelengths of poorly understood. While there is substantial research Acknowledgements
light, resulting in reduced temperature increase. Due to into the base constituent polymers used in FF plastics,
D.C. doctoral research was supported by the Natural Sciences and
the complex interaction that relative humidity, radiation little is known about their final physical performance Engineering Research Council of Canada, PGS D Award and the JONAS
and localised surface evaporation can have in moisture once they are chemically modified/optimised for FFF Research Network. We would also like to thank Dr. Simon Poppinga and
desorption, the samples have a uniquely different criteria. Long-term testing for flexural strength, material Professor Thomas Speck from the Plant Biomechanics Group Uni-Freiburg for
their invaluable insight, Kai Parthy for support and expertise on FFF hardware
performance profile. When subjected to moisture fatigue or UV decay will be required in order to be able and material sample development and Abel Groenewolt and Derik Gokstorp
desorption tests, the WCP samples can have a faster to consider possible technical applications. Moreover, for their support with Python development of custom G-code script.
response time under exposure to light radiation due to meta-material composites with SRM multi-material
their colour, while the CCP samples can be faster in low architectures offer additional layers of complexity and
light environments with equivalent low relative humidity. opportunity, requiring a wider scope of investigation Wood, D.M., Correa, D., Krieg, O.D. and Menges, A., 2016, Material
in a multidisciplinary context (Le Duigou et al., 2016). Computation 4D Timber Construction: Towards Building-Scale
Hygroscopic Actuated, Self-Constructing Timber Surfaces in
The ABS 3D printed substructure was designed to International Journal of Architectural Computing, 14(1), p.49-62, doi:
provide a support structure that can accommodate three New directions for material intelligence 10.1177/1478077115625522.
scales of flap mechanisms ranging from 38 to 72mm
Tibbits, S., 2013, Self-Assembly Lab. Available at
(measured along their primary axis). The piece is This novel approach to generating shape-changing net/ProgrammableMaterials.php (accessed 9 October 2016).
composed of two halves, containing a total of 14 architectures using FFF provides new opportunities
4 apertures. Small changes in angle direction allow the for architectural design that can further access material Correa, D., Papadopoulou, A., Guberan, C., Jhaveri, N., Reichert, S., Menges, A.
and Tibbits, S., 2015, '3D Printed Wood: Programming Hygroscopic Material
piece to generate a sense of enclosure while exposing intelligence through programmable and adaptive Transformations' in 3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing, 2(3), p.106-116,
each aperture to slightly different light angles. responsive systems. The competence of architects lies doi: 10.1089/3dp.2015.0022.
in the conception of material organisation strategies
Reichert, S., Menges, A. and Correa, D., 2015, 'Meteorosensitive Architecture:
Developing a new smart material that are functionally integrated through geometric Biomimetic Building Skins Based On Materially Embedded and
and material interdependence. Reciprocities in form, Hygroscopically Enabled Responsiveness' in Computer-Aided Design, 60
Wood composite 3D printed filament enabled the structure and material differentiation require a sound (ISSN 0010-4485), p.50-69, doi: 10.1016/j.cad.2014.02.010.
application of a found material wood into a new conceptual understanding as a formal and material Erb, R.M., Sander, J.S., Grisch, R. and Studart, A.R., 2013, 'Self-Shaping
fabrication process, using a thermoplastic polymer assembly, in order to implement effective and adaptive Composites with Programmable Bio-inspired Microstructures' in Nature
to bond the particles and enable the deposition of the multi-hierarchical functional structures capable of Communications, 4, p.1712, doi: 10.1038/ncomms2666.
material in a directed and controlled matter. In other performance-driven local differentiation. Nevertheless, Poppinga, S. and Speck, T., 2015, New Insights into the Passive Nastic Motions
words, the method hijacks the precise deposition of the the challenge for architects and designers is that while of Pine Cone Scales and False Indusia in Ferns in Proceedings of the 8th Plant
5 FFF 3D printer and the hygroscopic properties inherent material science forms a critical component of material- Biomechanics International Conference, 30.11.-04.12.2015.
in the material to enable the development of a new oriented architectural research, it does fall outside its Le Duigou, A., Castro, M., Bevan, R. and Martin, N., 2016, 3D Printing of Wood
designed meta-material/smart material. By isolating core field of expertise and professional scope. It is only Fibre Biocomposites: From Mechanical to Actuation Functionality' in
cellulose, the active hygroscopic component of wood, through a truly interdisciplinary research approach that Materials & Design, 96, p.106-114, doi: 10.1016/j.matdes.2016.02.018.
the new custom cellulose composite highlights the both competencies and professional expertise can yield
possibility of selectively choosing desired performance innovative approaches and applications.
properties. In collaboration with material science experts
and industry partners, additional aesthetic or functional The outlook of this research presents the possibility of
performance characteristics can be further integrated applying and expanding the presented FFF methods into
to meet desired applications. The integration of smart other movement mechanisms with additional curvature
functional material performance into a multi-hierarchical direction or the integration of synclastic and anticlastic
architectural system enables closer insight into the curvature changes within a single piece. Additionally,
conception of truly smart and adaptive buildings, material development of the composite filament offers
whereby the function, material and form are intrinsically great potential to include bespoke performance
6 programmable to respond to and anticipate user characteristics that can enable further control
performance needs. of the actuation response. Development of testing
4. Multi-kinematic-state 5. Three viewing perspectives methodologies to evaluate feasible applications into
climate-responsive flap with of multi-kinematic-state
doubly-curved deformation climate- responsive flap under In this content, it is evident that in addition to furthering architectural applications can foster better understanding
along primary axis (A) and high R.H.% (A) and low R.H.% research into SRM shape change architectures, of desired technical performance and limitations.
secondary axis (B). Three (B). more research and testing is needed for the adequate Moreover, considerations of the lifecycle of the material
states are presented: left, flat
state after FFF under 6. From left to right, three sizes characterisation of both composite filaments and the systems is of particular concern; further studies into the
controlled environment; of responsive flaps: support resulting meta-material composites. The potential of FFF incorporation of bio-based polymers and additives that
centre, convex double understructure components, for form generation continues to be widely investigated, can also be biodegradable is of critical importance for
curvature under high R.H.%; complete understructure and
right, concave double completed multi-aperture but the physical and material intricacies resulting from this research.
curvature under low R.H.%. assembly piece. the material interactions of FF layered deposition remain
196 197
3D metal printing is developing rapidly into a viable accessible cost levels, so the market continues to expand
structural technology for architectural and sculptural in both volume and quality. At the high end, we have seen
projects. The benefits of 3D printing can be married with specific uses of medical and aerospace designs2 with an
the strength of metal to achieve high performance levels. accompanying high cost of design development and
Successful implementation requires the development production for the unique performance market; so far,
of new computational design and analysis tools that this market has been limited by cost.
become integrated into the design process, as well as an
understanding of metallurgical processes for controlling This is a prime time to take advantage of this current
material properties. We have pushed forward with this on convergence, and we have developed computational
two projects: one sculptural and the other architectural. approaches, designs and prints for real projects as proven
In both examples, the standard approach would have examples. Below, we outline the current state of 3D printing
been cost-prohibitive or physically impossible. This paper for the AEC industry and provide details of two case studies.
covers the technical background and the detailed design
process for using 3D metal printing as a structure. A vision for 3D metal printing in the AEC industry
There is an ongoing convergence of low-end and high-end The upfront benefits of 3D printing (mass customisation,
3D printing technology that has a far-reaching impact on complexity at low/no cost, reduction in assembly effort,
the structural performance of sculptural and architectural production of forms previously not feasible, etc) are
projects. At the low end (defined here as low structural valuable to the AEC industry, in which most projects
strength and ductility), we have seen the rapid rise in are essentially one-off unique buildings, pavilions,
the creative design space of toys, jewelry and fashion sculptures, etc. Uptake in the industry has been slow,
(wearables, clothes, etc)1. These approaches have excelled as the material and design technologies have had to
at rapid generation and production of form and resulting develop to match need. 1
198 199
Tools and materials currently available How can these benefits be made real on AEC projects? image essentially connecting the dots to quickly forms. Any repeat forms, notwithstanding changes in size
The material world is broad. For structural performance, recognise patterns. and orientation, became visually apparent. Over time, the
the AEC industry typically works with a limited range of As stated above, there are real benefits to 3D printed creation of the culminating brain image required specific
materials dominated by steel, reinforced concrete and structural components that are valuable to the AEC Creating a 2D image in space consisting of 3D lines is a shapes from various dendrites to create a unique
wood. We believe 3D printing will open up opportunities industry, including mass customisation, complexity at challenging undertaking, with the added complexity of collection of forms from various viewpoints.
for other materials where the technology will provide low/no cost, reduction in assembly effort, production of creating a compelling 3D sculpture. The initial models for
greater performance possibilities (examples include forms previously not feasible and others. We see two the sculpture were simple and concerned only with proof From a formal perspective, unique neuron forms, and
structural plastics3 , which have existed and been areas of technological development that can make the of concept rather than sculptural complexity. Once we specifically unique dendrites, would be the most efficient
used for decades on industrial structural applications, benefits of 3D metal printing real: began 3D modelling each of the neurons in Rhino5 , we and successful approach to the sculpture design, but the
fibre-reinforced composites where placement of the fibres realised that preserving the dynamism of the sculpture fabrication of a hundred unique organic forms using
can be optimised, etc). Contour crafting4 developed at 1. Development of integrated design tools: most from all angles would require increasing the palette of traditional methods was daunting. Previous Helmick
USC, and other similar approaches, have developed structural software is focused on analysis only and 2 sculptures with similar forms were made using bronze
printed concrete technology and there will be much is inflexible to the changing design process. For 3D casting, although this does not allow for specialisation
more innovation going forward. For this paper and the printing, the generation of a form and its iterations and one-of-a-kind pieces without prohibitive pricing.
immediate next step in development, we focus on the are intrinsic to the process, so new methods and After creating a physical suspended scale 3D sketch of
wider range of metals. approaches are required. the entire sculpture in the studio, we also explored other
methods such as a kit of parts approach, but we found
Metal 3D printing can be divided into powder-bed fusion 2. Understanding of the metallurgical process: currently, the number of components needed in order to achieve the
and deposition-based approaches. In the former, the metal the resulting printed metal is not identical to metal appearance of individuality made the kits impractical in
powder is sintered layer by layer via high-energy methods product and design standards, as they do not yet exist scale. Is it really a kit of parts if you produce three each of
such as electron beam melting (EBM) and direct metal for 3D printed metal. Hence, to provide an equivalent three hundred parts? It may be, but its certainly not an
laser sintering (DMLS). For the latter, metal is deposited performance, the metallurgical process and its effect efficient or cost-effective kit.
in a manner similar to continuous welding in air. on the design must be understood and integrated
accordingly. Finally, we turned to the possibility of direct 3D printing.
Powder-bed fusion approaches allow for high-quality
control and production of the resulting metal, with alloy Overall, there is no better learning than doing. We have 3D metal printing and design
powders of particle sizes between 45 and 100 microns. worked on two recent projects, one sculptural and one Helmick Studio has long combined digital tools 3D
This process allows for fine detail, albeit within a current structural, to address these issues head-on and drive the laser scanning, rapid prototyping, CAD modelling with
limited build envelope of approximately 0.05m3 . technology forward. traditional sculpting methods, but this approach created
Deposition-based approaches produce a more coarse an entirely new fabrication sequence for us. Instead of
build, but the build envelope is essentially limitless. Sculptural project: starting with a hand-sculpted object and digitising it,
Schwerpunkt at MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA we would start with a digital object and hand-finish it.
Certain metals, such as stainless steel, titanium and 3 Helmick Studio modelled each neuron individually in
aluminium, are more conducive to this approach than Helmick Sculpture was commissioned to create a 3D Rhino, and Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH) expanded
typical softer metals such as bronze or copper. As the anamorphic sculpture for MITs McGovern Institute this same model to include both the existing structure
cost of the EBM and DMLS processes are driven more for Brain Research in Cambridge, MA. The sculpture above and real-time structural analysis within the Rhino
by energy requirements than by bulk material cost, is comprised of a hundred individual neuron sculptures model itself. Through an iterative approach, the Helmick-
we are seeing lower costs in the market for 3D printing ranging in size from 305mm to 915mm in the longest SGH team simultaneously evaluated varying parameters,
of titanium than for stainless steel a different paradigm dimension, and suspended in a three-storey atrium with including the three-dimensional location of the neurons
than normal for the architectural/sculptural design viewpoints throughout the space. The individual neuron combined with strength and deflection of the suspended
market in AEC. sculptures must read from every direction, with primary ceiling (which was a typical lightweight suspended
views from below and the exterior entry plaza on a main ceiling not typically rated for the loads of the sculpture).
While printed metal can reach equivalent tensile strength pedestrian and vehicular artery of the area known as SGH also performed physical material and system testing
to standard metal product, there is ongoing research work Technology Square. The composition not only had to at their in-house materials lab of sample framing and
for all these metals aimed at achieving sufficient ductility. work in the round but create a culminating moment when panels to quantify their strength and stiffness. The
The sintering process forms a granular structure that is one reaches the third-floor entry to the Institute, where all 1. Schwerpunkt: view from testing provided accurate information for the design
not directly equivalent to typical structural metals, the neurons visually coalesce into a drawing of the beneath the sculpture. iterations and also confirmed the need for an additional
resulting in less ductility. To date, this has been human brain. design element: adhering thin plexiglass to the ceiling
2. View from the side:
addressed either by limiting sustained deformations of neurons distributed panels where required for added stiffness.
the printed item to the elastic regime or by annealing or Design approach in space.
treatment by hot isostatic pressing (HIP). Both remedies One of the primary guiding principles in Helmicks Helmick Studio developed the Rhino model further by
3. The sculpture seen from
have cost implications. approach to sculpture is the human eyes remarkable the anamorphic 'sweet spot' breaking each neuron into a number of pieces (five to ten)
ability to collate disparate data points into a recognisable viewpoint. based on bed sizes and material parameters, and had all
200 201
amount of geometric variation, they did not result in number of element models to calculate the effect of the
any practical benefits to cost or fabrication complexity. forces at the connection points for the range of wind load
The connectors would still be a variety of welded plate cases. In essence, this provided the envelope of force
or individual unique castings. Thus 3D metal printing vectors (magnitude and direction) at each of the unique
was a clear candidate for the design and fabrication of connection points. Starting with a similar structural
the faade connections. block or design space at each connection point, we
used 3D topology optimisation to remove material of
The SGH team focused on developing design and low stress and computationally iterated on the analysis
analytical approaches that could provide valuable as an integrated geometric and structural process until
insight and information on the connectors without the family of connections were produced.
limiting design creativity and iteration, and where the
resulting designs could still be analysed to an accuracy The result of this stage was a series of 3D-related forms
4 required for refined shape-forming and printing. The that satisfied overall structural requirements but would
the pieces direct printed in a bronze/stainless steel alloy. team recognised that the integrated and unique nature need more design and analytical refinement.
This approach had several advantages: we maintained of architectural and structural requirements for these
weight tolerances for each neuron by hollowing larger components would need addressing during the design Workflow 2: the detailed and accurate method. This stage
pieces and making smaller neurons solid; we made the process rather than being left to a delegated design followed from the above family of 3D-related forms and
cell body to dendrite connections structurally robust in a procurement method. Although we noted above the design discussions with the team, and allowed for
quantifiable way; we labelled each individual component potential cost benefit of using titanium, we chose refinement of the design, analytical accuracy and
in CAD for easy assembly and tracking; and we were able stainless steel for the material design to provide a geometric refinement for the printing process. We 6 7
to fabricate a hundred unique organic sculptures at a more direct comparison as well as a level of comfort to exported the generated geometry to ANSYS8 and enable new structural forms. Continued development
significantly lower cost than creating the same pieces other parties involved. For future projects, we expect to performed multi-objective topology optimisation and of computational tools and materials specifically
using traditional sculpture fabrication methods. be designing with 3D printed titanium and developing a detailed finite element analysis. The resultant mesh designed for these applications is best served through
forms and performance not feasible with other standard geometry from the optimisation process is pixelated and project experience, where a goal gives focus and drives
Once printed, the neurons were hand-finished, production processes. therefore produces a rough surface finish. We imported progress forward, especially with production and
assembled, primed and finally goldleafed, again by hand. the geometry into ZBrush9 to smooth the surface profile performance of forms previously not feasible.
The final result is a sculpture that would not have been Design approach and clean up the mesh. We then brought the form back
possible to create on this budget even a few years prior. SGH developed two workflows that were used to take the into ANSYS for reanalysis and final sign-off against load Acknowledgements
project from concept through to the final print process. capacity criteria. The authors wish to thank Richard Merlino of Addaero Inc. for his technical
Structural project: advice and production of the faade connector print.
Entrance Building, Northern Massachusetts, USA Workflow 1: the quick and dirty method. This approach 3D metal printing
allows, as a starting point, for rapid generation of the As proof of the process, we selected one connector to
This ongoing project is a new two-floor entrance pavilion range of structural topologies based on geometry and print in stainless steel. We worked closely with Addaero 1. See
building to an existing office headquarters in northern wind loads. SGH developed custom C# scripts within Inc. of New Britain, Connecticut, during the Workflow (accessed 16 October 2016).
Massachusetts. The client is confidential, but is Grasshopper6/Millipede7, using the building faade 2 stage above, who provided invaluable advice on all 2. 25 April 2016: GE 3D printed metal jet engine:
associated with design and the AEC industry. Thus the geometry as input to automatically generate a finite practical printing aspects, including overall maximum ge-fires-up-worlds-largest-commercial-jet-engine-using-3d-printed-
entrance pavilion building is to be a statement of their size, local detailing and geometry file accuracy metal-parts/.
current and future standing. The architect is NADAAA requirements, among others. 3. Heger, F.J., Chambers, R.E. and Dietz, A.G.H., 1982, Structural Plastic
of Boston, MA. Design Manual, Vol. 2, Federal Highway Administration.
The resulting printed connector is a hollow volume with a
4. Leach, N., Carlson, A., Khoshnevis, B. and Thangavelu, M., 2012, Robotic
The building faade consists of articulated glass panels shell thickness of only 1.5mm optimised for architectural Construction by Contour Crafting: The Case of Lunar Construction in
that relate to both the internal structure and an and structural performance. Printed at the same time as International Journal of Architectural Computing, Vol. 10, No. 3,
architecturally defined skin. The combination of faade the connector were test coupons which are being used for p.423-438.
articulation and varying plan shape results in each glass tensile testing at our in-house materials lab to review for 5. Rhinoceros, Robert McNeel & Associates, version 5.
panel being at a different distance from the slab edge. strength and ductility. This work is ongoing.
At the first-floor slab edge, where four glass panel corners 6. Grasshopper, Robert McNeel & Associates.
4. Wind forces and stresses
meet, each glass panel corner is at a unique distance and on optimised model. The technological development of metal 3D printing 7. Millipede, Panagiotis Michalatos (used with permission of creator).
orientation from the normal vector to the local slab edge proceeds at a rapid pace. The benefits afforded by 3D
5. Refined topological
geometry. As a result, each connector must be unique. optimisation and finite printing have significant value to the AEC industry. 8. ANSYS Workbench Mechanical Enterprise, release 17.0.
element analysis. Our vision outlined in this paper to deploy 3D metal 9. ZBrush, Pixologic, version 4R7.
Initial design iterations focused on modulating the printed components in architectural and sculptural
6 & 7. Images of final 3D
slab edge geometry and geometric options for the stainless steel print applications takes advantage of these benefits to
glass panels. Although these options reduced the connector. remove the limits of current fabrication methods and
202 203
In the past decade, robotic fabrication in the field of Using custom mobile robots
architecture has developed rapidly, opening up new
possibilities for architecture and design. New fabrication The presented project aims to expand the scope of robotic
techniques allow the utilisation of materials like fibre fabrication for filament and composite fibre architecture
composites in the field of architectural construction by through the introduction of custom, cooperative mobile
employing qualities of the material that were previously robots. Over the past decade, a significant body of work
not feasible. However, the equipment used for material related to applying fibre composite materials to
exploration in the field is often standard industrial architecture and design without the need for elaborate
machines, originally designed for assembly line moulds or formworks has been developed (Menges &
applications, which have scale and process limitations. Knippers, 2015). Simultaneously, advancement in mobile
robotics and autonomous control have become more
Introducing a new generation of mobile construction prominent in relation to design and fabrication through
machines capable of operating onsite would allow research projects (Jokic et al., 2014). Developments in
expansion of the capabilities of currently developed fibre technology and methodology in these fields allow this
composite fabrication. This research proposes a multi- research to take things one step further, through the
robot system of cooperative, mobile machines operating introduction of mobile collaborative robots for fibre
within the context of the surfaces of existing architectural composite fabrication. Mobile machines are directly
environments: faades, walls, ceilings. Anchoring new matched to the unique affordances of fibre composites:
tensile filament structures to these surfaces activates a lightweight properties of the material as well as the
new layer in the architectural environment, building process of phase transition from soft filament to cured
upon and modifying it to current spatial requirements structure allow for low payload agile machines iteratively
in real time (Fig. 1). applying layers of fibre to create a structure.
204 205
Today, we see a new approach to fibre composites. Tensile filament systems require anchoring to solid
A body of work developed at the Institute for formwork to be stable. Using the existing surfaces of an
Computational Design (ICD) and Institute of architectural environment instead of constructing new
Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) ones would create a new layer of architectural complexity
at the University of Stuttgart suggests a new way of in existing habitats. An industrial arm, designed to work
building with fibre composites using industrial robots. on a production line with car-sized objects, does not
Through iterations of research pavilions (Menges & provide this level of scalability and flexibility of
Knippers, 2015), coreless filament winding (Prado et al., environment interaction.
2014) and integrated formwork (Vasey et al., 2015)
methods have been developed. These methods embrace Constructing a system for complex environments
the quality of filament materials as objects of infinite
length and introduce techniques that reduce necessary The first stage of research focuses on conceptualising
moulds down to cheap and reusable formwork through and developing a locomotion system that would suit our
continuous winding strategies. The fabrication strategies research goals. As the aim is to develop a system for
that a robot provides allow the creation of complex constructing complex shapes in three-dimensional space,
geometries without requiring a solid mould. a simple wheeled robot would not be efficient. The system
needs to provide functionality for operating in complex
A unique property of fibre filament material is its virtually environments, and for converting the faades, walls and
infinite length. The material can span large and small ceilings of architectural surroundings into fabrication
distances, which means it can work at both local and anchor surfaces. Alongside the development of mechanical
global design scales within the same system. The latter locomotion solutions, software for control and real-time
2 enables its use in various contexts, including furniture, process analysis are required for performance in
interior spaces and global architectural applications. unstructured environments.
Exploring the potential for in-situ fabrication through are being developed in order to operate in dangerous
the introduction of machines capable of operating in and unreachable environments, such as earthquake
architectural environments would expand robotic sites (Zhang, 2007). Quadcopters have replaced complex
fabrication processes beyond the constraints of the equipment in the filming industry. Surface-climbing
production hall. This expansion exposes the possibility robots are used for the maintenance of building faades
of urban and interior environments as the unique (Mahajan & Patil, 2013). In the field of digital fabrication,
framework for onsite fabrication. Multi-robot systems projects like the Aerial Construction research at the
have the potential to provide larger solution spaces and Gramazio Kohler Research group of the Eidgenssische
design potentials than traditional robotic fabrication. Technische Hochschule in Zurich (Mirhan, Gramazio &
Small machines enabled with locomotion allow Kohler, 2015) demonstrate that the application of
fabrication in environments that are not and could collaborative mobile machines to construction with
not be equipped to house industrial-scale machines. lightweight materials is very promising.
Significant conceptual differences between operating The integration of fibre composite materials into the
mobile and standing machines require a distinct change architectural construction process has been a focus
in all stages of fabrication and development, starting of exploration for designers and researchers since the
with design. In this work, new design (CAD) and late 1950s. High performance of these materials has
manufacturing (CAM) processes are to be developed promised a revolution in construction and design 1. Human-scale structure
prototype fabricated using
in order to fully take advantage of new hardware tools possibilities. Multiple attempts at fabrication with the system.
for construction. fibre composites at a large scale, such as the Monsanto
House in California in 1957 (Phillips, 2004), influenced 2. Series of mobile robotic
prototypes for the mobile
A new approach to fibre composites in construction discourse but failed to find a foothold in the construction robotic fabrication system
market. Standard fabrication techniques for fibre for filament structures.
Developments in mobile robotics and autonomous control composites imply a serial production scale which
3. Exploded diagram of the
systems allow for automation of various tasks in industrial became undesirable in a society that increasingly final robotic prototype.
and household applications (Novikov, 2015). Companies valued individualism (Knippers & Menges, 2015).
such as Amazon have implemented mobile robots for the The necessity of creating large complex moulds for each Images: Maria Yablonina,
Institute for Computational
automation of manual labour required at their warehouse fabricated piece made it inefficient for the fabrication of Design, University of
facilities (dAndrea, 2012). Complex locomotion systems unique elements. Stuttgart, 2015.
206 207
4 and perceived by the cameras provide constant feedback Once the software receives the information, it computes
of each units position with a tolerance of 10-20mm. the working space, location of the anchors and movement
At every iteration, before a control signal is sent to the sequence for each robot.
motors, the current acceleration vector is compared to the
desired one in order to calculate a trajectory correction. Assessing the basic functions of the system
For global navigation, a variation of an A* pathfinding
algorithm (Hart, Nilsson & Raphael, 1968) is employed. This system has been successfully tested in a scenario of
Once obstacles and restricted areas are defined by the interior environment fabrication process with two surface
user on a global fabrication site map, the algorithm defines climbers spanning a simple human-scale structure made
the most efficient path for the machine to move along. of nylon thread between two anchor surfaces (Fig. 4).
Throughout the test, the machines successfully performed
A custom robotic effector was developed to efficiently locomotion, interaction and anchoring. The fabricated
attach the material to anchors and pass the thread bobbin prototype has been designed to test basic functions of the
between robots. The mechanism allows the bobbin to be system rather than to explore design possibilities (Fig. 5).
wrapped around slender anchor hooks. It is actuated with The result is a 2.5m-long and 0.5m-diameter doubly-
a single motor through a set of gears (Fig. 3). A material curved hollow fibre structure capable of supporting a
bobbin is mounted onto a circular rotating plate with a human. It consists of 35 layers of thread anchored to 26
slit on one side. As the robot approaches an anchoring anchors. The total count of passes is 455 and the total
hook, the rotational element is placed into the capturing length of thread used is approximately 800m. The
position so that the hook slots into its centre. Actuating winding process took approximately 50 hours.
the motor causes the bobbin to spin around the anchor,
wrapping the thread around it. Each robot is equipped This proposed mobile robotic system is therefore
with a set of electromagnets that allow each of them successful in working with filament materials in
to pass or receive the fibre bobbin to or from other conditions of onsite fabrication. While these machines
robotic units. cannot compete with industrial robots in payload and
Once the locomotion system is developed, additional to navigate three-dimensional spaces arose. In order precision, they open up the possibility of building entirely
features of the machine need to be conceptualised. How for a system to operate in 3D environments of human This application of the system is developed specifically new structures that would be impossible otherwise. The
exactly does the material interact with the environment, habitation, a wall-climbing prototype was developed. to operate in an interior environment where anchoring ability to interact with onsite environments as well as the
and what functions does the machine require in order This prototype was based on a wheeled wall-climbing surfaces are approximately at a 90 angle to each other. potential for various scales of fabrication make this
to be able to perform the interaction? A solution for robot (Dethe & Jaju, 2014) (Fig. 3) that uses vacuum Each surface of the room (floor, walls, ceiling) is inhabited process extremely useful for in-situ interior and urban-
transforming an existing architectural environment into pressure to adhere itself to the surface. A centrally by one robot and has an external camera capturing it. scale fabrication.
a formwork for a tensile structure needs to be developed: located vacuum motor provides enough force for Surfaces are manually equipped with anchors prior
anchor points and an attachment mechanism. the machine to carry approximately 10kg in addition to the robotic fabrication process. Machines navigate Increasing the number of machines involved in the
to its own weight. Four independently controlled the surfaces, attaching the thread to anchor points process could allow more complex multi-surface
A fabrication process involving multiple robotic units actuated wheels allow for the robot to accelerate, in a predetermined sequence. Each wrapping routine areas to be utilised, as well as increasing the speed
requires the development of an interaction system steer and rotate in place. Controlling each wheel is followed by a passing routine where the material of production. The currently existing constraint of 90
between the independent machines on both hardware with an independent motor provides more force for bobbin is passed from one machine to another, in order surface orientation can also be avoided through the
and software levels. This ties directly into the way the situations of high payload and creates a smaller turn to span the thread in the three-dimensional space modification of the effector hardware. Simultaneously
machines are controlled. A strategy involving perception, radius for increased manoeuvrability. between surfaces. upgrading current hardware could in turn make the
actuation and localisation is required. system far more efficient.
In order for the machines to navigate in unpredictable Once the fabrication process begins, all of the robot
Developing and controlling the robots environments, a control system capable of localisation movements are choreographed autonomously. However, The vacuum motors being utilised have a high power
and real-time path correction was also developed. Since a safety mechanism can be implemented. Whenever the demand, which makes it necessary to supply power via
The proposed hardware system consists of multiple mobile system movements are hard to predict due to an operator spots a problem or a mistake, the system can be a cable. Using more efficient vacuum motors along with
robotic units of the same design enabled with various inability to directly relate motor movements to the actual switched into troubleshooting mode and the robots can powerful batteries would allow the machines to be
types of actuation and sensor in order to perform the distance travelled (Gil, Reinoso, Fernandez & Vicente, be operated manually from a pendant. This switch between wireless and thus to move with more freedom during
fabrication process. In the concept development stage, 2006), a feedback loop for local vector correction is autonomous and manual control can be made at any time fabrication. Once the robots can manoeuvre between
functions and prototypes were developed iteratively required. Visual sensors (cameras) and the control unit during the process and allows smooth continuation from previously laid fibres without the risk of entangling the
(Fig. 2). The first step was to test out basic locomotion are positioned externally to the bodies of the robots, the previous point thereafter. power cable, complex fibre interactions, where subsequent
and control systems in order to explore the possibilities allowing the system to capture the whole fabrication 4. Structure building process. fibre layers shape the previous ones into a new condition,
they offered. Initial prototypes were simple wheeled space simultaneously, process the data and send Image: Maria Yablonina, Global geometry, size and position of anchor surfaces, can be achieved.
Institute for Computational
machines, with a focus on exploring methods of commands back to the machines. Fiducial markers Design, University of number of anchors and the sequence in which they are
navigation and control. In later iterations, the need (Bencina & Kaltenbrunner, 2005) placed on the robots Stuttgart, 2015. connected are defined by the user prior to fabrication.
208 209
Potential for new design and construction techniques that is then created after. One can imagine structures References
being created in an urban context without human
Menges, A. and Knippers, J., 2015, Fibrous Tectonics in Architectural Design, Prado, M., Drstelmann, M., Schwinn, T., Menges, A. and Knippers, J., 2014,
Having proven the feasibility of the proposed system, interference by autonomous machines, a space that is Vol. 85, No. 5, Wiley, London, p.40-47 (ISBN 978-11118878378; doi: 10.1002/ Coreless Filament Winding: Robotically Fabricated Fiber Composite Building
further research is required in order to achieve a more created where and when it is needed and disassembled ad.1952). Components in McGee, W. and Ponce de Leon, M. (eds.), Proceedings of the
robust fabrication strategy and to explore new design once no longer relevant. Robots in Architecture Conference 2014, University of Michigan, p.275-289
Jokic, S., Novikov, P., Maggs, S., Sadaan, D., Jin, S. and Nan, C., 2014, Robotic (ISBN 9783319046624).
and construction potentials. Further development Positioning Device for Three-dimensional Printing, Institute for Advanced
of current design software would allow the creation The proposed system, alongside other research into Architecture of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain, available at Vasey, L., Baharlou, E., Drstelmann, M., Koslowski, V., Prado, M., Schieber, G.,
of more performative fibre patterns and structural robotic applications in architecture, lays the foundation arxiv/papers/1406/1406.3400.pdf (accessed 10 September 2016). Menges, A. and Knippers, J., 2015, Behavioral Design and Adaptive Robotic
Fabrication of a Fiber Composite Compression Shell with Pneumatic
composite spaces. Embedding tools for editing winding for a broader variety of task-specific machines for Novikov, P., 2015, Architectural Robots: The Shape of the Robots that will Formwork in Combs, L. and Perry, C. (eds.), Computational Ecologies: Design
syntax and anchor placement would allow for planning construction. Building a larger library of tools, Shape your Home, available at in the Anthropocene, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Conference of the
the output to a finer degree of detail. Introducing including industrial arms and CNC tools as well as shape-of-the-robots-that-will-shape-your-home-in-dom-reconfigurable- Association for Computer-Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA),
spaces/ (accessed 1 September 2016). University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati OH, p.297-309 (ISBN 978-0-69253-726-8).
elements such as openings, branches and space dividers custom-built mobile machines and effectors, would
would be a possible next step. further expand the possibilities of architecture. One dAndrea, R., 2012, guest editorial, A Revolution in the Warehouse: A Dethe, R.D. and Jaju, S.B., 2014, Developments in Wall-Climbing Robots: A
could imagine a modular robotic platform consisting of Retrospective on Kiva Systems and the Grand Challenges Ahead in IEEE Review in International Journal of Engineering Research and General
Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, Vol.9, No. 4, Science, Vol. 2, Issue 3, ISSN 2091-2730.
Potentially the system could occupy the external various machines, where each performs a custom task, p.638-639.
surfaces of urban environments, using building faades compensating for the limitations of others. This can be Gil, A., Reinoso, O., Fernandez, C. and Vicente, M.A., 2006, Simultaneous
as formwork. The architecture that would be created envisioned as a universal multi-material construction Zhang, H., 2007, Climbing & Walking Robots Towards New Applications, Localization and Mapping in Unmodified Environments Using Stereo Vision,
I-Tech Education and Publishing (ISBN 978-3-902613-16-5). University of Freiburg Department of Computer Science, available at http://
is then a parasitic structure (Melis, 2004) growing on system where machines and tools can be added and (accessed
existing architectural environments, using its input removed in response to the specific requirements of Mahajan, R.G. and Patil, S.M., 2013, Development of Wall Climbing Robot for 3 September 2016).
as a design driver and as a formwork for the structure a fabrication task. Cleaning Application in International Journal of Emerging Technology and
Advanced Engineering, Vol. 3, Issue 5, May 2013 (ISSN 2250-2459, ISO Bencina, R. and Kaltenbrunner, M., 2005, Design and Evolution of Fiducials for
9001:2008). the ReacTIVision System, Music Technology Group, Audiovisual Institute
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, available at
5 Mirjan, A., Gramazio, F. and Kohler, M., 2014, Building with Flying Robots in publications/reactivision_3rditeration2005.pdf (accessed 5 September
Fabricate 2014, Zurich, p.267-271. 2016).
Phillips, S., 2004, Plastics: Monsanto Home of the Future, In Colomina, Beatriz Hart, P.E., Nilsson, N.J. and Raphael, B., 1968, A Formal Basis for the Heuristic
in Cold War Hothouses Inventing Postwar Culture, from Cockpit to Playboy, Determination of Minimum Cost Paths in IEEE Transactions on Systems
New York, Princeton Architectural Press, p.102. Science and Cybernetics SSC4, 4(2), p.100-107, doi:10.1109/TSSC.1968.300136.
Knippers, J. and Menges, A., 2015, Fibres Rethought Towards Novel Melis, L., 2004, Parasite Paradise: A Manifesto for Temporary Architecture
Constructional Articulation in Detail Review of Architecture, 15, p.21-23. and Flexible Urbanism, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam, Netherlands (ISBN-10:
5. Diagram of robot
choreography for a
single filament layer.
Image: Maria Yablonina,
Institute for Computational
Design, University of
Stuttgart, 2015.
210 211
The wider aim of this research is to explore the Large-scale binder jetting technology in architecture
architectural potential of additive manufacturing
(AM) for prefabricating large-scale building components. 3D printing, or additive manufacturing, refers to the
It investigates the use of AM for producing building process of producing artefacts by successively adding
components with highly detailed and complex geometry, material using a computer numeric control (CNC)
reducing material use and facilitating the integration of system. A digital 3D model of an artefact is created and
technical infrastructure. sliced along a vertical axis. The data about each slice is
then translated and fed to a 3D printing machine, and the
In order to achieve this, the concept of stay-in-place machine creates the artefact by building up material layer
3D printed formwork is introduced. AM is employed by layer.
to produce sandstone formworks for casting concrete
in any shape, regardless of geometric complexity. There are a few different types of AM technological
This approach explores the synergy between the process. In the context of architecture, the interest lies
geometric flexibility of 3D printing sand formworks in the AM processes that enable the production of large
and the structural capacity of concrete. It allows the artefacts onsite and prefabricated components offsite.
production of composite components with properties This research focuses on binder jetting for prefabrication
superior to either individual material. (Fig. 3). Binder jetting is an AM process in which a liquid
bonding agent is selectively dropped on thin layers of
This new fabrication method is demonstrated and powder material to bind it.
evaluated with two large-scale 1:1 ceiling slab prototypes
(Figs. 1 and 2), which are described in this paper. Several characteristics of binder jetting make it
interesting for prefabrication in architecture. Due to
the nature of the process, binder jetting can theoretically 1
212 213
be used with any powder material that can be bonded What is the impact of this new fabrication process
(cement, plastics, ceramic, metals, sand, sugar, plaster, and geometric freedom on the design of architectural
etc; Rael & San Fratello, 2011). Moreover, this process has components? Can this approach facilitate the
the advantage that, within a set bounding box, increasing fabrication of fully integrative building components
geometric complexity results neither in longer production with reduced material?
time nor in higher cost. Complex cantilevering forms
and even interior structures can be 3D printed without One reason to search for new ways to fabricate complex
auxiliary support, because the powder-bed itself performs forms with fewer constraints is that doing so allows us
this function. Lastly, there are a number of larger-scale to reduce material use through the optimised design
facilities that use binder jetting technology to produce of components: wall thickness can be adapted and
large-scale artefacts. An example is the D-shape system undercuts, microstructures and complex branching
by Enrico Dini (Dini, 2009). This is one of the largest 3D topologies can be fabricated.
printers in the world, but unfortunately this system only
reaches a limited resolution. This resolution depends on With its excellent geometric flexibility recesses,
the grain size of the powder, the layer height and the undercuts, internal voids and tubular structures are
resolution of the print head. In contrast, there are possible 3D printed sandstone formwork lends itself
industrial 3D sand printers that can produce parts well to the production of such complex architectural
that are both large and highly detailed. Currently, elements. The main means of demonstrating the 4
they are used by the foundry industry to produce feasibility of this construction method in this research initiated to measure its resistance to compression
moulds for metal casting. These moulds can be printed is the production of two large-scale 1:1 slab prototypes. and bending forces. The tests showed that 3D
at a very high resolution, in the range of a tenth of a The two prototypes investigated forms which were found printed sandstone has reasonably good resistance to
millimetre, and at a maximum volume of 8m3 . by computational strategies (e.g. topology optimisation). compression, but is brittle when exposed to bending
The target objective of the optimisation was to reduce forces. Below is the list of parameters involved in the
The project Digital Grotesque by Dillenburger and material use and efficiently distribute the remaining compression and bending tests:
Hansmeyer (2013) demonstrated the potential of 3D material in order to maximise the slabs strength.
printing sand for the fabrication of highly detailed Parameters of the compression tests:
freeform components in architecture, yet the use of Prototype A (Figs. 1 and 5) is a slab designed for a Size of the specimens: 50 x 50 x 50mm.
3D sand printing in architecture has barely begun to load case with three supports in the centre. This slab Binders used: phenolic and furanic resin,
reach its potential. One reason for this is that large-scale folds into a hierarchy of ribs that give stability to the large with and without epoxy surface infiltration.
3D printed sand parts are too weak to operate as a cantilevering areas. Prototype B addresses a load case of Spatial orientation in the printer bed: X, Y and Z.
building material the bending strength of 3D printed four perimetral support points (Fig. 2 and 4). It features a Number of specimens per combination: 3.
sandstone is very low. As a result, the current applications sophisticated topology of tubular elements branching in Total number of specimens: 36.
are limited to building components which are mostly three dimensions. The amount of concrete contained within
under compression. (50 litres) corresponds to a solid slab a mere 3cm thick. Parameters of the bending tests:
Size of the specimens: 250 x 50 x 50mm.
The advantages of 3D printed sandstone To produce the large prototypes, the following steps Three-point bending, supports at 200mm distance,
were taken: central point load.
The central question of this research is how to use Same binders, orientation and number of specimens
3 the unique advantages of 3D printed sandstone and Compression and bending tests of combinations as the compression tests (36 specimens in total).
overcome its limitations in order to enable the fabrication of different types of powders and binders.
of large-scale building components. The research Structural tests of different concrete mixtures The compression and bending tests were also applied for
introduces and examines the concept of stay-in-place 1. Prototype B, displaying an considered for potential combination with sand-print. parts with different types and binders as the table on
intricate tubular topology
3D printed sandstone formworks as a solution that designed to reduce weight. Rheology studies of casting concrete in sand-printed page 215 shows, the difference between binder types is
combines the geometric flexibility of 3D printing formworks of different geometries to derive a formal only marginal, apart from the bending strength of
sandstone and the structural capacity of concrete (Fig. 4). 2. Prototype A, designed to vocabulary as a design guideline (Fig. 6). infiltrated parts. This is because the sand is less densified
reduce weight through the
Specifically, the following questions are investigated: use of a ribbed substructure. Exploration of various computational design during printing, and heat curing vaporises more of the
strategies to optimise the use of the chosen liquid. As a result, more resin infiltrates the part. As
How do concrete and 3D printed sandstone interface? 3. Sand binder jetting with a fabrication method with respect to the structural expected, additional infiltration hardens the part
large industrial 3D printer.
To answer this question, the fabrication constraints limitations of the material. significantly and increases its strength.
of 3D printed formwork and the performance and 4. Composite building
efficiency (functional, structural, material) of the element with load-bearing Because its main use is casting moulds for metal, The behaviour of 3D printed sandstone in combination
capacity. Physical testing of
resulting load-bearing building components are the integrity of a ceiling relatively little was known about the structural properties with ultra-high performance fibre-reinforced concrete
investigated. prototype. of 3D printed sandstone. A series of tests was therefore (UHPFRC) was investigated in partnership with the
214 215
Phenolic binder (PDB) Furanic binder
Without Without
With infiltration With infiltration
infiltration infiltration
Compression strength
8.56 12.32 8.46 12.80
[MPa] Table 1. Load-bearing
capacities of 3D printed
Bending strength [MPa] 2.95 8.85 2.96 6.49 sandstone in megapascals
group for Physical Chemistry of Building Materials 3D printing is particularly suitable for producing
(PCBM, D-BAUG, ETH Zurich), with the following four stay-in-place formwork. This is because the bond
main intentions (Fig. 7): between the sandstone formwork and the UHPFRC
is very durable. Mechanically removing a 9mm-thick
Develop a concrete recipe with adequate admixtures layer of 3D printed sand completely requires pressures
that has the desired rheological properties. greater than 3,000atm with a water jet. Removable
Adjust the length and content of the steel fibre temporary formwork is possible (and was successfully
reinforcement to achieve ductile behaviour while tested in another project) but requires a coating treatment
maintaining the ability to cast in narrow channels. of the formwork which closes the pores to prevent the
Understand the impact of the porosity and sorptivity concrete from percolating through the sandstone
of the 3D printed sandstone formwork (how do the formwork. The geometry of the formwork and the
capillary absorption and transmission of water of minimum dimensions of its hollow features were
the 3D printed sandstone influence the hardening dictated by the constraints of the fabrication processes,
of the concrete?). post-processing of the 3D printed formwork and the
Mechanically test the bond between the two materials rheological properties of the concrete mix.
as a composite.
Parameters related to 3D printing sand
The details and results of the study are documented in The post-processing involved removing loose sand from
3D Sand-Printed High Performance Fibre-Reinforced and infiltrating the outer surface of 3D printed formworks.
Concrete Hybrid Structures (Stutz, Montague de Thus the geometry and diameter of the hollow features
Taisne, 2016). had to be designed in such a way as to facilitate removal
of the loose sand (Fig. 8).
From a design perspective, an important finding of this
thesis project is a series of formal guidelines. According The thinness of the 3D printed formwork as it relates to
to these, cavities and tubular structures in the formwork the fabrication process was also studied. This dimension
can be dimensioned in relation to both the length and the was tested from 6 to 10mm, and thinner walls were found
volumetric content of the fibres in the concrete mixture. to be unstable during the removal of loose sand (due to
These guidelines informed the design of the two erosion from compressed air jets or vacuuming) as well as
prototypes in terms of dimensioning and controlling during casting (as hydrostatic pressure built up in deeper
rheological aspects with regard to the concrete casting channels and penetrated the thin formwork walls).
process. Moreover, both prototypes exploit the entire size
(180 x 100cm) of the Ex-One S-MAX 3D printer bed. At 1.8m2 , the overall size of the components also
approached a limit in terms of both the manipulation
Formwork production of the formwork and the stability of the 3D printed
piece. While smaller parts can increase the complexity
Production of formworks with a high degree of detailing of the assembly, they are easier to handle. Therefore the
and precise geometric features for large concrete dimensioning of the parts is always a trade-off between
components is very challenging and sometimes weight, number of connections and logistical factors.
impossible if using other formwork fabrication methods
such as robotic wire-cutting, 3- and 5-axis CNC milling The tests revealed the fact that the friable nature of the
and fabric formworks. The described 1:1 slab prototypes 3D printed sandstone needs to be carefully considered, 5. Detail of prototype A,
showing the precise details
show how 3D printing can facilitate the fabrication of especially when scaling up the manufacturing process of a finely ribbed
such formworks. and fabricating components in larger volumes. A strategy substructure.
216 217
to avoid damaging the formwork before casting by 9
integrating a protective bed of unbonded sand contained
within a closed 3D printed box that also provided auxiliary
support during casting was successfully tested (Fig. 9).
The next steps At the beginning, a formwork will be created by the robot
pushing the sand compound from the centre to the edges
How are we able to take the referenced research projects of the sand mould. This creates a rough approximation
a step further? How is it possible to create a full process of the desired surface. Additional sand or resulting sand
chain for the production of a double-curved fibre- heaps can be added or removed by hand. In a previous
reinforced freeform concrete panel in a reusable mould? step of the process chain, the deviations of the actual
2 3 This paper investigates the interdependent relationship surface and the planed surface were tested. In the next
This fabrication technology is very cost-intensive and In this paper, the robotic controlled production of between production and design, in this case a coherent phase, a 3D camera scans the sand surface and compares
slow and produces a lot of waste, while the reinforcement non-standard double-curved fibre-reinforced concrete unit that needs to be evaluated as one. With which tools the data with the digital model of the planed surface.
process is very complex and produced elements are panels by using an adaptive mould needed to be and with which specific materials are we able to produce By evaluating the areas with too much sand and the
limited to a large material thickness. This paper presents investigated further in order to create a coherent process a double-curved fibre-reinforced freeform concrete panel areas with not enough sand, the geometry can be
a method to build up customised double-curved chain of production. The described research idea deals in a sustainable manner with the least amount of material? iteratively corrected and the sand compound placed in
fibre-reinforced concrete panels in a very short time with a lot of parameters and constraints that have to be the exact shape required. By scooping from the low to
without creating any waste of formwork material. The taken into account. To automate these complex and The envisioned production process results from a link high areas, a rough mould is prepared. The results were
process is sequenced in several fabrication steps and manifold fabrication processes, they need to be divided between the functional and structural criteria of a satisfying, but the digital process was too complicated
involves a robot for human-machine interaction (HMI). into several process steps and tackled independently. freeform concrete element and its design. What does the and therefore too time-consuming in comparison with
The method is still in its testing phase, but the present This strategy enables a process without complex process chain look like and what impact does it have on the manual workflow.
results already show significant potential with regard to programming, the use of sensors or complex adaptation the architectural appearance of the final element? Is it
conventional casting techniques. systems. In addition, the collaboration of man and possible to express new design ideas through technology After this first rearranging of the sand compound is
machine is a key factor insofar as it creates a very and through the choice of specific materials? What is the finished, a pneumatic cylinder connected to the robot is
To implement the described research aims, the ITE has powerful combination, in which both machine and impact of these factors on the final appearance? Can a developed to stamp the surface and compress the sand
created a format called DBF-studio where students and human can act to their strengths. The robot is unbeatable production process be the driver of an overall new mixture. Depending on the tool head and the surface
researchers learn how to design with materiality. The in its accuracy and humans are able to make flexible architectural expression? curvature, the tool prints a so-called digital pattern into
participants can directly combine data processing with decisions. This creates a completely new workflow, the mould which can be adjusted by the frequency of the
1. Finished DBF-studio fabrication techniques together with the use of specific in which physical results may be unexpected but may The ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012 team of Achim up-and-down movement of the tool, the robot movement
mock-up (close-up).
material. Programming, design and construction become also lead to a new appreciation of the process and its Menges and Jan Knippers in Stuttgart have had a great speed and the angle of the end effector according to the
2. Preparing the robot's one as they learn how each element relates to the other. formal traces. impact on the development of the research outlined in surface. The pneumatic cylinder minimises the robot
movement. It is a design approach that uses bottom-up rather than this paper, specifically within the context of robotically movement and adds a significant amount of speed to
3. The Digital Building top-down thinking. The use of computer programmes The topic of advanced moulding systems for complex placed reinforcement fibre strategies. the process. In preliminary tests, the cylinder acted
Fabrication Laboratory like Rhino and Grasshopper enables the participants concrete elements has been previously addressed in as an independent tool and performed its up-and-down
at the ITE. to communicate easily with the advanced fabrication different research initiatives and projects. In this respect, The process of making movement without being coordinated to the robots
4. Overlapping shingles environments. The DBF-studio has become a key element we would like to mention the TailorCrete project movement. Later, the movement of the cylinder and
for the Institutes workflow, a platform to push an existing Industrial Technologies for Tailor-Made Concrete A preliminary method for the making of individual the robot were connected so that the robot stopped
5. Final fibre pattern. idea, to verify a thesis or simply to generate a variety of Structures (ETH, 2009-13), where the research team double-curved reinforced concrete elements was for a second whenever the cylinder compressed the
6. Starting the possible directions. used an adaptive metal mould that stabilised a wax cast developed by the research team at ITE. The method sand. This helped to create a more accurate surface
reinforcement process. to create precise surface geometry and form individual is divided into six individual steps which all involve finish by not scooping sand with the extended tool.
222 223
After finishing the sand mould, a specific amount of The cavity could then be filled with concrete and worked new perceptions of the material and its manufacturing
concrete is applied manually. Following this, the tool as an additionally moulded form added to the shingle in and will give the designer a layer expression.
is changed in order to enable the robot to rearrange the form of an extended nose. The second method was
the fluid concrete material into the desired shape. the result of the casting process. By scooping leftover Traditional moulding techniques in concrete industries
This distribution process can be a simple offset of the material to the sides, a thin rim started to pile up have led us to a limit in form and in geometric
mould surface, which results in a constant thickness. against the mould edge. By applying extra material complexity. They have been optimised to perfectly
Additionally, the concrete can be adjusted to the and programming an extra offset to the edge, the nose replicate the design of formal architecture via top-down
structural requirements by locally varying the thickness of the shingle was created without any extra mould. processes and to find a compromise between design and
of the concrete panel. The idea of the mock-up was to evaluate the full potential structural properties. By reaching the limits of material
of this method and to explore its limits with students. properties for creating resource-efficient and sustainable
In a subsequent step, the end effector is changed to a By producing the shingles either with the front side production with the new fabrication methods, as
specially constructed adaptive fibre placer which pulls in the sand or the back side in the sand, both processes described here, the digital workflow from the early
and rolls the selected glass or carbon fibres through the (creating the mould and filling it) can be displayed, design stages to final production has to be rethought.
fresh concrete, enabling the laying of fibre bundles in showing their individual formal expressions and As the optimisation processes of building elements in
specific areas according to the structural needs of each aesthetic value (Fig. 4). the fabrication stage could have a big impact on the
individual element. With the help of FEA analysis tools final design, and also because architectural design
like ANSYS, these areas can be easily located within a With a well-connected production chain, 64 individual ideas could not directly lead to a final building shape,
specific individual piece but also within the context of concrete elements were produced within 10 days. The recursive feedback loops have to be established in the
an overall assembled structure. results were quite convincing, although there is still design process. Similar to growth processes in nature,
a lot of potential to improve the method. It allowed highly optimised fabrication processes in architecture
In earlier tests, patches of prefabricated standard fibre us to produce a wide range of geometrical possibilities. as a genotype lead to a unique phenotypical shape.
meshes were placed in the fresh concrete to reinforce Double-curved, single-curved and planar elements Following up these bottom-up principle aesthetics from
specific areas. This method was only successfully applied with sharp edges with a continuous thickness could these fabrication constraints becomes itself a new kind
to planar geometries because the meshes were not flexible be produced and could even vary and be fine-tuned of architectural expression. One cant be done without
enough to adapt to curvature or complex geometries. according to the structural needs of each single piece. the other. Fabrication and form have to be in balance.
Whenever the curvature was getting too strong, the Reviewing the results of the mock-up shingles and
patches were folding back into planar mode and could not study objects produced earlier shows the potential of References
reinforce the concrete in the right location. Alternative the process. Compared to earlier investigations with Kloft,H., Ledderose, L., Mainka, J., Neudecker, S., Petri, J. D., 2016, DBZ:
prefabrication strategies of double-curved reinforcement more curvature, the shingle geometry does not differ Hochleistungswerkstoff, Bauen mit Beton im Zeitalter digitaler Planung
cages were evaluated in an earlier DBF-studio, described 7 enough from an actual planar surface and therefore the und Fertigung, 1 June, available at
in the IASS 2016 paper DBF-studio Evaluation and Moving forward process traces appear like an irritation on an almost even Planung_und_2496142.html (accessed 28 September 2016).
Development of Research Topics through the Application surface rather than a tolerated process trace. Either this
of Advanced Fabrication Technologies (ITE, 2016). The latest DBF-studio combined the experience of the 2014 can be optimised in further post-production steps, or the TailorCrete, 2014, TailorCrete brochure (PDF), Denmark, available at http:// (accessed 28 September 2016).
and 2015 teams working with HMI robots (IASS 2016, nature of the surface has to become an integrated part
The newly developed method shows a lot of potential for DBF-studio Evaluation and Development of Research of the design and the process logic to form the optimal Schipper, R., Eigenraam, P., Grnewald, S., Soru, M., Nap, P., Van Overfeld, B.,
placing the fibres, especially for double-curved surfaces Topics through the Application of Advanced Fabrication geometry in terms of stiffness, material behaviour and Vermeulen, J., 2008 Kine-Mould: Manufacturing Technology for Curved
Architectural Elements in Concrete in Proceedings of the International
which allow the fibres to stay exactly in place where they Technologies). The goal was to build a complete production method. Society Of Flexible Formwork (ISOFF) Symposium 2015, available at http://
need to be (Fig. 5). As a corollary benefit, we see that this structure out of several unique fibre-reinforced concrete
process integrates seamlessly in the production chain to shingles (Figs. 1 and 7). The shingle design consists of New steps for the production chain ac2d-807559753621/datastream/OBJ/download (accessed 28 September
create thin, structurally optimised concrete elements. four surfaces: two trapezoids, and two rhombuses on the
side. The trapezoids can be twisted (double-curved) in The promising results of the latest mock-up encourage Gramazio and Kohler, 2012,Robotic Clay Molding, Barcelona, available at
In the final step of the process, the placed fibres are contrast to the rhombuses, which are designed to always the transfer of the production chain to the new Digital (accessed 28
September 2016).
covered with a second layer of concrete (Fig. 6) in the form a planar surface. The planar surfaces overlap with Building Fabrication Laboratory (DBFL), which was
same manner. The overall set-up of the production line the neighbouring planar surface. Due to the convex- introduced at the beginning of 2017 by the ITE. A Gramazio and Kohler, 2011,Prozedurale Landschaften 2, available at http://
is a computer linked by Ethernet to a UR 5 robot running concave section of the design, the overlap acts as an scaling-up has to go hand-in-hand with a full atomisation (accessed 28 September
Rhino and Grasshopper. The plug-in to control the interlocking element between the shingles. of the process. The previously tested process steps, such
robot, developed at the ITE, enables easy access to the as the 3D scanning of the surface, could become valuable Gramazio and Kohler, 2011,Prozedurale Landschaften, available at http://
machinery (Figs. 2 and 3). Different multi-curved panels To keep the elements positioned in a longitudinal additions to the process chain. An atomised fill-up (accessed 28 September
can be produced with this method. Patterns of twisted direction, every single piece needed to have an additional could result in an improvement of production speed
surfaces came out especially well, showing that this nose, almost like the detail of a classic roof shingle. In and improved accuracy of the concrete elements. An
technique leaves traces of the process that can be order to create the shingle nose, two methods were tested. important issue will be the surface finish. Integrating
used as a material and aesthetic expression of the The first one was to remove sand from the mould on the 7. Finished DBF-studio the design of the surface appearance, as a result of a
fabrication method. desired edge and compress the gap in the mould again. mock-up. flexible process and production technique, will lead to
224 225
building systems to embed a sensor system that fibre continuity for higher structural efficiency. Scaling Van de Kamp, T., Drstelmann, M., Dos Santos Rolo, T., Baumbach, T., Menges,
monitors visitor movements, microclimatic conditions up the existing fabrication scenario would not be possible A. and Knippers, J., 2015, Beetle Elytra as Role Models for Lightweight
and structural behaviour (Fig. 6). In combination with due to the workspace limitations of an industrial robotic Building Construction in Entomologie Heute, Vol. 27, p.149-158.
an onsite fabrication set-up, the project showcases the arm and transportability volume, but alternative set-ups LeGault, M., 2014, Architectural Composites: Rising to New Challenges in
potential of fibrous lightweight structures to become may be used which incorporate a robotic linear axis CompositesWorld, available at
responsive learning systems that expand and or onsite fabrication methods using small moveable architectural-composites-rising-to-new-challenges.
reconfigure as evolving structure and space. fabrication agents. Industrialisation of the winding Weitao, M., 2011, Cost Modelling for Manufacturing of Aerospace
process could require further refinement, including Composites, MSc research thesis, School of Applied Sciences, Cranfield
Fibre optical sensors allowed for the monitoring of sensor-integrated cyber-physical winding strategies University.
internal stress states of the composite structure, while for increased automation, error correction and live Peters, S.T. (ed), 2011, Composite Filament Winding, ASM International,
thermal imaging enabled the gathering of anonymous adaptation of the robotic movements, or material Material Park.
statistics of visitor utilisation of the courtyard. Local quality control for composite durability and UV and fire
Drstelmann, M., Parascho, S., Prado, M., Menges, A. and Knippers, J., 2014,
weather data and climate simulation processes allowed resistance. Answering these questions would provide a 7 Integrative Computational Design Methodologies for Modular Architectural
predictions of local microclimatic conditions. Interpreting big step towards developing a fibrous building system for Fibre Composite Morphologies in Design Agency [Proceedings of the 34th
these data sets interrelations allowed for reactive or architectural applications. The authors would like to express their gratitude to the entire scientific Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in
development and robotic fabrication team, including students and support Architecture (ACADIA)], Los Angeles, p.177-188 (ISBN 9781926724478).
proactive expansion and reconfiguration behaviours of
staff, who helped to complete this project.
the canopy and deriving of the respective fibre layout and Waimer, F., La Magna, R., Reichert, S., Schwinn, T., Knippers, J. and Menges, A.,
5 2013, Integrated Design Methods for the Simulation of Fibre-Based
fabrication data for new components. During the run of Project Team
Structures in Gengnagel, C., Kilian, A., Nembrini, J. and Scheurer, F. (eds.),
the exhibition, new components were produced at specific Rethinking Prototyping, Proceedings of the Design Modelling Symposium
ICD Institute for Computational Design, University of Stuttgart:
onsite fabrication events. The onsite fabrication set-up Achim Menges, with Moritz Drstelmann, Marshall Prado, Aikaterini Berlin 2013, Verlag der Universitt der Knste Berlin, p.277-290 (ISBN
utilised the compactness of industrial robot arms and the Papadimitriou, Niccolo Dambrosio and Roberto Naboni, with support from 978-3-89462-243-5).
fibre composite material spools. After assessing the Dylan Wood and Daniel Reist.
Reichert, S., Schwinn, T., La Magna, R., Waimer, F., Knippers, J. and Menges, A.,
structural capacity of the global system and local loading ITKE Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design, University of 2014. Fibrous Structures: an Integrative Approach to Design Computation,
conditions, the new components were produced with even Stuttgart: Jan Knippers, with Valentin Koslowski, James Solly and Thiemo Simulation and Fabrication for Lightweight, Glass and Carbon Fibre
Fildhuth. Composite Structures in Architecture based on Biomimetic Design
less material, continuing to push the boundaries of Principles in Computer-Aided Design, 52, p.27-39.
lightweight construction throughout the ongoing Transsolar Climate Engineering, Stuttgart Building Technology and Climate
research process. The produced components were added Responsive Design, TU Mnchen: Thomas Auer, with Elmira Reisi and Boris Prado, M., Drstelmann, M., Schwinn, T., Menges, A. and Knippers, J., 2014,
Plotnikov. Coreless Filament Winding: Robotically Fabricated Fibre Composite Building
during onsite reconfiguration events, resulting in two Components in McGee, W. and Ponce de Leon, M. (eds.), Proceedings of the
cantilevers reaching out by 5.5m and 6m from the next With the support of: Robots in Architecture Conference 2014, University of Michigan, p.275-289
support, highlighting the structural performance of the Michael Preisack, Christian Arias, Pedro Giachini, Andre Kauffman, Thu (ISBN 9783319046624).
implemented fibre composite building system. Nguyen, Nikolaos Xenos, Giulio Brugnaro, Alberto Lago, Yuliya Baranovskaya,
Belen Torres and IFB University of Stuttgart (Prof. P. Middendorf). Knippers, J., La Magna, R., Menges, A., Reichert, S., Schwinn, T. and Weimar, F.,
2015, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2012, Coreless Filament Winding on the
6 Morphological Principles of an Arthropod Exoskeleton in Architectural
The Elytra Filament Pavilion was installed in the 5. Diagram of structural Commission:
testing of cell aperture Victoria & Albert Museum, London, 2016. Design, Vol. 85, No. 5, Wiley, London, p.48-53 (ISBN 978-11118878378; DOI:
John Madejski Garden at the Victoria and Albert 10.1002/ad.1953).
Museum in London in May 2016. In its starting Image: ICD/ITKE, Funding:
configuration, the fibrous canopy was constructed University of Stuttgart. Victoria & Albert Museum, London Drstelmann, M., Knippers, J., Menges, A., Parascho, S., Prado, M. and
University of Stuttgart Schwinn, T., 2015b, ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2013-14, Modular Coreless
from 40 differentiated roof components resting on Filament Winding Based on Beetle Elytra in Architectural Design, 85(5),
6: Diagram of sensor Getty Lab
seven columns. It covered an area of 200m, which was data visualisation: Kuka Roboter GmbH + Kuka Robotics UK Ltd p.54-59.
extended to 220m during the exhibition run. The fibre (a) visitor movements, SGL Carbon SE
composite structure weighs only 9kg/m, while the entire (b) microclimatic conditions. Hexion
Image: Transsolar Covestro AG
canopy weighs 2.5 tonnes. The project showcases the KlimaEngineering. FBGS International NV
future potential of fibrous building systems and how Arnold AG
integrated design, engineering and fabrication strategies 7. Photo of canopy structure PFEIFER Seil- und Hebetechnik GmbH
with differentiated cellular Stahlbau Wendeler GmbH + Co. KG
allow for simultaneous advancements in building arrangement. Lange+Ritter GmbH
technology and building culture. Image: NAARO. STILL GmbH
234 235
University of Michigan, Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning
Computational design commonly focuses on the This interdisciplinary research is described, in this paper,
synchronisation of advanced manufacturing technology through the development of the sensoryPLAYSCAPE
and material behaviour. This allows for technical prototype. The prototype, as a malleable multi-sensory
specificity, or instrumentalisation, to be achieved in architecture, seeks to unravel associations between
material, structural and architectural performance. deficiencies in motor planning and processing of sensory
The research discussed in this paper extends such a stimuli with limitations in social function for children
material-based practice by utilising aspects of sensorial with autism. Defined as a spectrum disorder, a hallmark
experience to drive the design and engineering of of autism is the highly unique and specific sensory and
material performance and architectural responsivity. behavioural issues related to each individual. This is
This is explored as a part of the Social Sensory captured in the commonly used phrase: when youve
Architectures research project, through the articulation met one person with autism, youve met one person
of textile hybrid structures and their application to with autism. Accordingly, a significant criterion for the
the development of skills in motor control and social prototype is to enable the child to instrumentalise the
interaction for children with autism spectrum disorder sensorial experience of the architecture to suit their
(ASD). The research is developed at the University of particular preferences. The intentions are to develop
Michigan, through a collaboration between the Taubman skills in motor planning that will assist social functioning
College of Architecture and Urban Planning, the through collaborative play. Navigating through the tactile
Department of Psychiatry and the School of Kinesiology. architecture simultaneously reinforces such physiological
This alignment of disciplines integrates material research and social activities through the sensorial adaptability of
with methodologies for assessment of social function and the architecture.
kinesthetic activity.
236 237
This research concentrates on tailoring the hierarchical the forming of new behaviours has to account for both
relationships between the various multi-modal sensations domains, to ideally trigger the cascading effect of
triggered via the interactive textile hybrid environment. producing new opportunities for social interaction.
Tactile, visual and auditory stimuli are activated through
physical deformation of textile surfaces and moving Sensory responsiveness in textile hybrids
through the intricate spatial arrangements of the
playscape prototype (Fig. 2). This requires the priority The ability to formulate and execute patterns of
of the textile hybrid system to move beyond primarily movement, through feedback between motor commands
resolving the stresses of internal material behaviour and and sensory data, is pivotal to the development of social
structural forces, where minimal load-bearing reserves behaviour. The relationship between movement and its
remain. Through advances in the use of CNC-knitting sensory consequence forms an understanding of the
of the tactile, structural interface and lamination of intentions of movement and, ultimately, provides the
bending-active glass fibre-reinforced (GFRP) beams, knowledge that allows the interpretation of other peoples
the highly variable and dynamic loads incurred as a gestures (Izawa et al., 2012). For children with autism,
structural landscape for play are enabled. learning new patterns of movement is most reliant on
proprioceptive feedback sensation from muscle and
Nexus of movement and social function joint articulation to determine position and orientation 4
of the limbs and body. Visual stimulation has a secondary to satisfy deeper sensations of touch and register fine and
Autism is a neurological disorder affecting 1 in 68 children impact, meaning the non-physical stimuli can often play gross movements. Correlation with the visual and auditory
and involving global impairments in communication, a less influential role (Haswell et al., 2009). landscape fosters continual variability and saliency.
social interaction and the regulation of physical and
emotional behaviour (Baio, 2014). An underlying yet To synthesise movement and social behaviour, the Textile hybrid sensoryPLAYSCAPE prototype
prevalent factor is the inability to receive, sort and multi-sensory nature of the playscape prototype is
integrate sensory information related to social and focused most heavily on its tactile qualities. This operates A hybrid structure denotes a system which integrates
environmental stimuli (Spradlin & Brady, 1999). through multiple scales and in the instrumentalisation more than one fundamental structural strategy (Engel,
Such ineffective means for integrating sensory 2 of elasticity at each scale. One level attends to forming 2007). The textile hybrid incorporates tensile form-active
information prevents the learning of adaptive, system, such as for children with autism, are thus seen skills for grading of movement, the ability to assess and surfaces and boundary elements stiffened through their
generalised behaviours and coordinated movement to correlate with reduced social attention and impairment execute the appropriate amount of pressure needed to configuration into curved bending-active geometries
(Bundy et al., 2002). in non-verbal communication (Foss-Feig et al., 2012). complete a task. Yarn, variegated stitch structure and to generate a structural form (Lienhard et al., 2012,
Children who experience limitations in motor skills are the calibration of tensile forces generate an increasingly Ahlquist et al., 2013). More specifically, through this
Specifically, atypical tactile sensory processing is often shown to have fewer opportunities for social interaction magnified tactile feedback as one pushes on the surfaces research at the University of Michigan, the hybrid system
a characteristic in children with autism (Rogers et al., with peers, correlating with lower levels of physical to greater depths (Fig. 3). Another level of engagement is uniquely comprised of seamless CNC-knitted textiles
2003). The development of fine and gross motor control activity (MacDonald et al., 2014). In comparison with corresponds to movement of the body through space and and bending-active GFRP rods laminated into curved
relies heavily on the somatosensory system, where children having speech-language impairments or time, the proprioceptive and vestibular senses that guide structural beams (Ahlquist, 2015) (Fig. 4). In the design,
accurate tactile and proprioceptive sensation are most learning disabilities, those with autism are approximately orientation and pace. The calibration of the pre-stressed engineering and manufacturing of the playscape
critical (Cauller, 1995). Thus impairments in fine and 50 percent less likely to be invited to social activities and textiles, laminated GFRP beams and spatial arrangement prototype, the topologies of the textile architecture
gross motor skills are also commonplace, hindering 450 percent more likely never to see friends (Shattuck et generates the combined experience of localised pressure and rod configurations are articulated through
precision for task-oriented movement, hand-eye al., 2011). at the interaction of the body with the textile and simulation in the Java-based springFORM software
coordination, social imitation, gait, posture and balance minimised (though recognisable) deflection at the scale (Ahlquist et al., 2014).
1. Pilot study of the 3. StretchCOLOR interface,
(Dawson & Watling, 2000). Overall, the quality of motor Environment also plays an influential and often magnified sensoryPLAYSCAPE of the entire material system (Fig. 1). Elasticity is tailored developed in Unity,
performance is influenced when guided feedback from role in the socio-sensory experience. Stress for a child prototype at the HandsOn Bending-active laminated GFRP beams generates colour based
Museum in Ann Arbor, 3 on the location and amount
the sensory system is diminished (Baranek, 2002). may emanate from a mismatch between the environment The active bending of the GFRP rods in a textile hybrid
Michigan, for the MyTurn of pressure applied to the
and the childs aberrant processing of its multi-modal Event for children with serves to maximise stiffness and simultaneously activate tactile, elastic knitted
As a part of the research into sensorial architectures, stimuli. Research has shown that successful intervention autism. Image: Sean Ahlquist, tension in the integrated textile surfaces. Traditionally, textile.
the primary exploration is the interconnection between can occur through a focus on altering environment as University of Michigan, the relationship between the GFRP rod cross-section and
Peter Matthews, Michigan 4. Textile hybrid structure,
the domains of movement, as driven by sensory opposed to eliminating the atypical behaviour which Photography, 2016. desired stiffness is designed solely to satisfy a target installed at Southern Illinois
processing, social function and communication. results from dysfunctional sensory processing (Lovass geometry. Unfortunately, this leaves little in structural University, Carbondale,
Touch is a primary method for rudimentary non-verbal & Smith, 2003). The performance of motor tasks has 2. Projected graphics and reserve for additional load-bearing purposes. Typically, formed of bending-active
highly differentiated spatial laminated GFRP beams
communication, while the whole of the somatosensory been shown to be better for children with autism when configurations of the textile the bending-active GFRP boundary is comprised of a interconnected with
system is pivotal in more nuanced interaction. Gestures developed in a meaningful and related context (Baranek, hybrid system form the single rod cross-section, meaning rods of the same form-active CNC-knitted
and facial expressions function via feedback from stretch 2002). This is a core principle of dynamic systems theory, multi-scalar, multi-sensory cross-section are utilised throughout the entire system. textiles.
nature of the prototype.
receptors of the skin and muscles in the hands and arms where one domain environment affects another Image: Sean Ahlquist, This is problematic, as it clamps the scale of the entire Images: Sean Ahlquist,
(Cascio, 2010). Abnormalities in the somatosensory domain movement (Ketcheson et al., 2016). Therefore University of Michigan, 2016. structure (or the GFRP component within it) to its University of Michigan, 2016.
238 239
a certain freedom for spatial articulation, while still
contributing to overall structural stability. In this
instance, the topology of the knitted structure is designed
to acutely control transition and non-orthogonal
orientations between surface and cylindrical geometries.
Rather than a more traditional method of shaping tubular
geometries, panels are merged to and from tubular forms
as a part of generating singular seamless textiles. Such
logic is initiated in the springFORM simulation in order
to tailor the tensile forms and also follow the logic for
programming the CNC-knitted textiles (Fig. 5).
6 7
CNC knitting machines are equipped with two independent
but adjacent needle beds, easily allowing for tubular 8
textiles to be manufactured by knitting across the front
needle bed continuously to the back bed, returning again Interface architecture
to the front and repeating the pattern. Shaping, or altering To embed visual and auditory interactivity, the prototype
the number of stitches from one pass along the needle integrates projection, sensing via the Microsoft Kinect
bed to the next, provides the capacity to contour the and interface design developed in the programming
tubular form. To accomplish the dramatic transition environment Unity (Fig. 8). The depth map data are
from a surficial to tubular condition in the playscape extracted from the Microsoft Kinect for use in capturing
prototype, two independent panels are knitted, each the base geometry of the textile surfaces and also in
5 on a separate needle bed, and merged at the ends of identifying, through difference mapping, any alterations
the tubular structure (Fig. 6). To accomplish the offset to the geometry based on physical interactions. To locate
between the top and bottom surfaces of the two the point and exact depth of touch, the difference map is
manufactured length. If serialised in a linear assembly, interlocked textiles, the tubular portion is both iteratively posterised to produce clear contours and to search out
this produces a significant structural discontinuity from knitted and shifted, or transferred, across the needle bed. local maxima, allowing for the identification of multiple
the end-to-end condition of the rods. Both scenarios are Where it is branched from the bottom surface at one edge, touches at any given moment.
especially problematic given the erratic and the tubular structure is linked to the top surface at the
unpredictable loading to be incurred as the system is opposite edge, producing seamless textiles which span In order to align physical space with the projected
deployed as an architecture for play. across the length of the GFRP boundary. imagery, a chessboard mapping is utilised with a
homographic translation. Each region of the chessboard
In response, GFRP rods are strategically bundled and The overall textile architecture is dictated through is translated in isolation, minimising the effects of
laminated in their bending-active state to form curved extrapolating geometry and relative force calculations distortions from one region to the next. This facet of the animations across the surface of the structure based on
5. Mesh topology for beams with shear-stiff connections. A critical advantage from the springFORM model in comparison to knitted algorithm is critical, as it allows for contoured surfaces to touching the textiles at key locations. StretchSWARM
form-finding of the tensile is gained in geometric freedom, where individual rods of 1:1 textiles swatches. The knitted swatches utilise a be analysed with higher accuracy through an increased provides more intimate interactions, where a quick touch
surfaces in springFORM,
focused on the sharp minimal cross-section can be used to accomplish a wide nylastic (co-mingled elastic nylon and spandex core) yarn resolution of the chessboard. The same method can be disturbs a free-flowing school of fish, while a long touch
transitions between surficial range of radii, and in structural stiffness, where, once with an alternating tuck-tuck-stitch structure knitted on utilised with a lower resolution chessboard to track generates an attractor for the fish to circle around, also
and cylindrical forms. laminated, strength is increased by a factor of 10 every other needle (referred to as one-by-one) of a interactions on a two-dimensional surface. triggering a randomised soundscape of wind chimes.
6. Fundamental logic for (Ahlquist & Lienhard, 2016). The basic construction 14-gauge CNC knitting machine (Fig. 7). The method of
CNC knitting based upon of the laminated beams for the prototype consists of extrapolation is approximate, as the stitch structure The method of sensing functions as a standalone Therapeutic capacity of sensory architectures
mesh topologies and forms GFRP bundles of two to four rods, CNC-knitted sleeving is altered in the final textile via shaping of the overall algorithm outputting data for location and depth of
generated in springFORM,
indicating the transition from and vacuum-formed impregnation with epoxy resin. form and manipulating the stitch length, in order to interaction with the textile surfaces. This allows for Two primary skills are being addressed motor planning
planar to tubular knitting and Experiments testing the composition of the sleeving accomplish certain conditions such as achieving complete interchangeability between the form of the and social function through the sensoryPLAYSCAPE 8. Architecture of the
the shifting (transferring) indicate that a high performance polyester yarn provides maximal stretch to fit across the widest dimensions structure and the modes of visual and auditory feedback. prototype in combination with the various software sensoryPLAYSCAPE
while knitting of the tubular prototype, showing the
sections. enough consolidation and flow of epoxy to sufficiently of the structure. The performance of the tensioned It defines a designation between sensoryARCHITECTURE modes for multi-sensory feedback. Through an ongoing interconnection between
bond the rods, without the introduction of gained textile surface is defined primarily by providing a and stretchINTERFACE. For the prototype in pilot study with the Spectrum Therapy Center in Ann the textile hybrid structure,
7. Detail of CNC-knitted stiffness through the sleeve itself (Ahlquist & high degree of elasticity, which serves as the tactile this research, the architecture is defined as the Arbor, the stretchCOLOR interface is utilised to attend sensing hardware and
textile, indicating tuck-stitch software, interfaces
one-by-one knit structure, Lienhard, 2016). interface. Yet this is still in balance with its service sensoryPLAYSCAPE, while a series of interfaces, to the development of skills for grading of movement. programmed in Unity
with transition between to the textile hybrid system, where the CNC-knitted developed in Unity, have been employed. StretchCOLOR Where poor signalling from the somatosensory system and output and analysis
planar and tubular knitting. Seamless CNC-knitted textiles textiles improve the overall structural stiffness by is developed as a painting tool where colour is and lack of muscle tone may contribute to diminished of diagnostics.
Image: Sean Ahlquist /
Images: Sean Ahlquist, Where the bending-active laminated boundary takes on approximately 15 percent. determined by the amount of pressure being applied nuance in motor function, the visual and physical Oliver Popadich,
University of Michigan, 2016. more structural capacity, the integrated textiles are given to the surface. StretchANIMATE projects pre-rendered feedback of the prototype provides compensatory data. University of Michigan, 2016.
240 241
This research is being developed at the University of Michigan through Gomot, M., Bernard, F.A., Davis, M.H., Belmonte, M.K., Ashwin, C., Bullmore,
funding from the MCubed programme for the project Tactile interfaces and E.T. et al., 2006, Change Detection in Autism: an Auditory Event-related fMRI
environments for developing motor skills and social interaction in children Study in NeuroImage, 29, p.475-484.
with autism. The principal investigators are Prof. Sean Ahlquist, Prof. Costanza
Colombi from the Department of Psychiatry and Prof. Dale Ulrich and Leah Haswell, C.C., Izawa, J., Dowell, L.R., Mostofsky, S.H. and Shadmehr, R., 2009,
Ketcheson from the School of Kinesiology. The team consists of researchers Representation of Internal Models of Action in the Autistic Brain in Nature
from architecture: Oliver Popadich, Shahida Sharmin and Adam Wang; and Neuroscience, 12, p.970-972.
Erin Almony and Erika Goodman from Kinesiology. Research for the
engineering of the textile hybrid structures is developed in collaboration Izawa, J., Pekny, S., Marko, M., Haswell, C., Shadmehr, R. and Mostofsky, S.,
with Julian Lienhard of str.ucture. Concepts for therapies in social play and 2012, Motor Learning Relies on Integrated Sensory Inputs in ADHD, but
kinesthetic activity are developed in collaboration with Mary Burke of the Over-Selectively on Proprioception in Autism Spectrum Conditions in
Spectrum Therapy Center and Onna Solomon of the PLAY project. Autism Research, 5, p.124-136.
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Intervention on Motor Skills, Level of Physical Activity, and Socialization in
Ahlquist, S., Lienhard, J., Knippers, J. and Menges, A., 2013, Physical and Young Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Pilot Study in Autism,
Numerical Prototyping for Integrated Bending and Form-Active Textile Hybrid Epub.
Structures in Gengnagel, C., Kilian, A., Nembrini, J. and Scheurer, F. (eds.),
Rethinking Prototyping: Proceeding of the Design Modelling Symposium, Lienhard, J., Alpermann, H., Gengnagel, C. and Knippers, J., 2012, Active
Springer, Berlin, p.1-14. Bending; a Review on Structures where Bending is Used as a Self-formation
Process in Proceedings of the International IASS Symposium, p.650-657.
Ahlquist, S., Kampowski, T., Oliyan, O., Menges, A. and Speck, T., 2014,
Development of a Digital Framework for the Computation of Complex Lovaas, O.I. and Smith, T., 2003, Early and Intensive Behavioural Intervention in
Material and Morphological Behaviour of Biological and Technological Autism in Kazdin, A.E. and Weisz, J.R. (eds.), Evidence-based
Systems in CAD: Special Issue on Material Ecology, 60, p84-104. Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents, Guilford Press (New York),
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Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, 31(2), p.95-105.
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in the elastic textiles, increasing with the amount of FDL. The sensory component serves dually to make Capacities for Textile Hybrid Structures with Laminated GFRP Beams and Rogers, S.J., Hepburn, S. and Wehner, E., 2003, Parent Reports of Sensory
CNC Knitting in Kawaguchi, K. et al. (eds.), Proceedings of the IASS Symptoms in Toddlers with Autism and those with Other Developmental
pressure applied, provide magnified feedback for the activity attractive while also providing a positive Symposium, Spatial Structures in the 21st Century, Tokyo, Japan. Disorders in Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 33, p.631-642.
varying degrees of movement. Through iterative reinforcer to the back-and-forth social interactions.
experience, an understanding of motor planning The sensoryPLAYSCAPE prototype embeds these Ashburner, J., Ziviani, J. and Rodger, S., 2008, Sensory Processing and Shattuck, P.T., Orsmond, G.I., Wagner, M. and Cooper, B.P., 2011, Participation
Classroom Emotional, Behavioural, and Educational Outcomes in Children in Social Activities among Adolescents with an Autism Spectrum Disorder in
emerges through the childs own unique physiological concepts through the synthesis of variable and multi- With Autism Spectrum Disorder in The American Journal of Occupational PLoS One, 6(11), p.1-9.
and sensory processing capabilities. Data are collected scalar tactile qualities with modes of interaction that Therapy, 62(5), p.564-573.
through the software, capturing location, depth and encourage combined play (Fig. 9). Spradlin, J.E. and Brady, N.C., 1999, Early Childhood Autism and Stimulus
Baio, J., 2014, Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged Control in Ghezzi, P.M., Williams, W.L. and Carr, J.E. (eds.), Autism: Behaviour
frequency of touch. Motor skills are measured through 8 Years: Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, Analytic Perspectives, Context Press (Reno), p.49-65.
a pre- and post-kinesthetic assessment using the Peabody Working with the sensorial experience United States, 2010 in Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 63 (2), p.1-21.
Developmental Motor Scales and Bayley Scales of Infant to create new architectures
Baranek, G., 2002, Efficacy of Sensory and Motor Intervention for Children
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identifying developmental delays. The research described in this paper provides the p.397-422.
foundation for an architecture which sets the sensorial
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The social component of this research is assessed experience as the primary performative constraint by Theory and Practice, Philadelphia, F.A. Davis Company.
through the concepts formed by the PLAY project, which material, spatial, visual and sonic landscapes are
an early intervention program developed in Ann Arbor instrumentalised. Yet perception of space and time, in its Cascio, C., 2010, Somatosensory Processing in Neurodevelopmental
Disorders in Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders, 2(2), p.
by Dr. Richard Solomon and focused on modes of play social and environmental constituents, is largely atypical
to encourage communication and social interaction for children with autism. In response, those who engage Cauller, L., 1995, Layer I of Primary Sensory Neocortex: where Top-down
(Solomon et al., 2007). Assessment tracks three with the architecture are given considerable agency to Converges upon Bottom-up in Behavioural Brain Research, 71(1). p.63-70.
characteristics: (i) fundamental developmental level actively and dynamically articulate its material and Dawson, G. and Watling, R., 2000, Interventions to Facilitate Auditory, Visual,
(FDL) milestones for emotional, social and cognitive immaterial natures. Performance of the prototype is and Motor Integration in Autism: A Review of the Evidence in Journal of
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Engel H., 2007, Tragsysteme Structure Systems, fourth edition, Hatje Cantz.
synthesis of spatial, tactile
regulation, and (iii) comfort zone preferred, often occur within it. The manner in which the architecture is and visual stimuli.
non-social, activities. The intent of the PLAY project transformed communicates the individualised nature of Image: Sean Ahlquist, Foss-Feig, J., Heacock, J. and Cascio, C., 2012, Tactile Responsiveness
University of Michigan. Patterns and their Association with Core Features in Autism Spectrum
approach is to generate reciprocal interaction, or circles the socio-sensorial experience. Disorders in Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, p.337.
Photo by Gregory Wendt,
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the childs lead, yet tempering activities to refrain from Carbondale, 2016.
242 243
University of California, Berkeley, College of Environmental Design
(CED), Berkeley, United States of America
University of Stuttgart, Institute of Building Structures
and Structural Design (ITKE), Stuttgart, Germany
the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010. While the first simulation software used, this method can be very quick 2. Form-conversion process
example follows a rational geometry-based approach and interactive or particularly accurate and reliable and analysis of Berkeley
in which the shape of a sphere is approximated with regarding its results. The drawback of form-finding, Weave.
a regular tiling of identical plates (Fuller, 1959, Marks, however, is that the final shape and the caused stresses 3. Architecture students at
1973), the design of the second example integrates are often not known from the start. A designer with a the College of Environmental
intensive structural simulations and takes advantage certain shape in mind would therefore have to conduct Design (CED) assembling
Berkeley Weave.
of computational mass customisation (Lienhard et al., multiple simulations with gradually changing parameters
2012, Fleischmann et al., 2012). to approximate a target design (Schleicher et al., 2015). Images: Simon Schleicher.
246 247
principle can be integrated into the subdivision of
virtually any freeform surface. In order to prove this
point, the authors applied this method to the design
of two exemplary case studies.
Similarly, the second case study was also constructed Richard, B.F., 1959, Self-strutted geodesic plydome, U.S. Patent 2,905,113.
in the original scale and was shown at Autodesks Knippers, J., Cremers, J., Gabler, M. and Lienhard, J., 2011, Construction
Pier 9 and at UC Berkeley. The built structure employed Manual for Polymers + Membranes: Materials, Semi-finished Products, Form
196 elements unique in shape and geometry (Fig. 5). Finding, Design, Walter de Gruyter.
76 square wood profiles of 4cm x 4cm were used to La Magna, R., Schleicher, S. and Knippers, J., 2016, Bending-Active Plates.
connect the two plywood skins (Fig. 6). Due to the
varying distance between the layers, the connectors Lienhard, J., Schleicher, S. and Knippers, J., 2011, Bending-active Structures
Research Pavilion ICD/ITKE in Proceedings of the International Symposium
had a total of 156 exclusive compound mitres. The whole of the IABSE-IASS Symposium.
structure weighs only 160kg, a characteristic which also
arch that spans over 5.2m and has a height of 3.5m. that each component could be bent into the specific shape highlights the efficiency of the system and its potential Lienhard, J., La Magna, R. and Knippers, J., 2014, Form-finding Bending-active
Structures with Temporary Ultra-elastic Contraction Elements in Mob
It was designed to prove the technical feasibility of using required to construct the whole surface. More precisely, for lightweight construction. The smooth curvature Rapidly Assem Struct IV, 136, p.107.
bending-active plates for larger load-bearing structures. this was achieved by strategically placing voids into target transition and the overall complexity of the shape
In comparison to the previous case study, this project positions of the master geometry, ensuring that the clearly emphasise the potential of the construction Lienhard, J., 2014, Bending-active Structures: Form-finding Strategies using
Elastic Deformation in Static and Kinetic Systems and the Structural
implements a different tiling pattern and explores the bending process could take place without prejudice for logic. Furthermore, both implemented form-conversion Potentials therein.
possibility of significantly increasing a shapes rigidity by the individual components. Although initially flat, each processes can be applied to any kind of double-curved
cross-connecting distant layers with each other. To fully element underwent multi-directional bending and was freeform surface, not only the ones presented here. Marks, R.W. and Fuller, R.B., 1973, Dymaxion World of Buckminster Fuller,
Anchor Books.
exploit the large deformations that plywood allows for, the locked into position once it was fastened to its neighbours.
thickness of the sheets had to be reduced to the minimum, The flexible 3mm plywood elements achieved consistent Feasibility for the future Schleicher, S., 2015, Bio-inspired Compliant Mechanisms for Architectural
leading to the radical choice of employing 3mm birch stiffness when jointed together, as the pavilion, although Design: Transferring Bending and Folding Principles of Plant Leaves to
Flexible Kinetic Structures.
plywood. Since the resulting sheets were very flexible, a discrete version of the initial shape, still retained The two case studies clearly illustrate the feasibility of
additional stiffness needed to be gained by giving the substantial shell stiffness. This was validated in another form-conversion for the planning and construction of Schleicher, S., Rastetter, A., La Magna, R., Schnbrunner, A., Haberbosch, N.
global shell a peculiar geometry, which transitioned from finite element analysis that considered both self-weight bending-active plate structures. Both structures are and Knippers, J., 2015, Form-Finding and Design Potentials of Bending-Active
Plate Structures in Modelling Behaviour, Springer International Publishing,
an area of positive curvature to one of negative curvature. and undesirable loading scenarios. directly informed by the mechanical properties of the p.53-63.
This pronounced double curvature provides additional thin plywood sheets employed for the project. Their
stiffness and helps avoid undesirable deformation of the Prototyping overall geometry is therefore the result of an accurate Xing, Q., Esquivel, G., Akleman, E., Chen, J. and Gross, J., August 2011, Band
Decomposition of 2-manifold Meshes for Physical Construction of Large
structure. Despite the considerable strength achieved negotiation between the mechanical limits of the material Structures in ACM SIGGRAPH 2011 Posters, ACM, p.58.
by the shape alone, the choice of using extremely thin To evaluate these case studies and to demonstrate and its deformation capabilities.
sheets of plywood at that scale necessitated additional proof of concept, the authors referred to architectural
reinforcement to provide further load resistance. These prototyping. Constructing with the actual material is The assembly strategy devised for both prototypes
needs were met by a double-layered structure with two still one of the best ways to quickly validate assumptions, drastically reduces fabrication complexity by resorting
cross-connected shells. As in the previous example, the gain intuition about practical design issues and lay the to exclusively planar components which make up the
first step of the process was to convert the base geometry foundations for future research. entire double-curved surfaces. Despite the large amount
into a mesh pattern. In the next step, a preliminary of individual geometries, the whole fabrication process
analysis of the structure was conducted and informed The first case study was constructed in the dimensions of was optimised by tightly nesting all the components to
the offsetting of the mesh to create a second layer. 4m x 3.5m x 1.8m and was exhibited at various occasions minimise material waste, flat-cut the elements and finally
As the distance between the two layers varies to reflect the at UC Berkeley. The structure was assembled from 480 assemble the piece onsite. The very nature of the projects
bending moment calculated from the preliminary analysis, geometrically different plywood strips that were fastened required a tight integration of design, simulation and
the offset of the surfaces changes along the span of the together with 400 bolts. The material used was 3mm- assessment of the fabrication and assembly constraints.
arch. The offset reflects the stress state in the individual thick birch plywood with a Youngs modulus of EmII = Overall, the Bend9 pavilion and the Berkeley Weave
layers, and the distance between them increases in the 16,471N/mm2 and Em=1,029N/mm2. Dimensions and installation exemplify the technical feasibility of a
critical areas to improve the global resistance of the material specifications were employed for a finite element form-conversion process and showcase the capacity
system. The subsequent form-conversion process was analysis using the software SOFiSTiK. In consideration for bending-active surface structures to be employed
once again driven by material constraints and by the of self-weight and stored elastic energy, the minimal as lightweight constructions. For ongoing research,
permissible stress limits with respect to bending and bending radii in both the digital simulation and the built 6. Left: detail of the the buildings serve as first prototypes for the further
elements. Right: detail of
torsion. The resulting tiling logic that was used for both structure were no smaller than 0.25m and the resulting the connecting elements. exploration of surface-like shell structures that derive
layers affected the size of the members and guaranteed stress peaks were below 60 percent of the permissible Image: Riccardo La Magna. their shape through elastic bending.
250 251
The primary focus of this research project is the In the last hundred years, concrete has greatly influenced
fabrication and joining of thin-walled, double-curved building culture worldwide. Today it is one of the most
prefabricated concrete elements. By using a process- used consumer goods. UHPC is unique due to its
based approach, many different research questions were quasi-non-porous structure and its high compressive
combined into one interdisciplinary project. The material strength, which ranges up to 200N/mm. Due to its
technological aspects led to the search for interesting material properties, it is ideal for use in light structures
architectural uses for ultra-high performance concrete and structures which span large distances. The
(UHPC). It is extremely well-suited for thin-walled, sophisticated processing of the raw materials into
double-curved prefabricated elements; however, use UHPC is very similar to that of standard precast concrete
in highly efficient structures is only imaginable once production. Joining precast elements using mechanical
appropriate joining methods have been developed. screwing systems and press-fitting the contact surfaces
is extremely effective when compared to conventional
Modern possibilities in digital design and manufacturing methods of filling the joints with in-situ concrete. It also
in combination with industrial robots raise questions creates a new and different feeling for concrete structures.
about alternative shaping methods that could achieve
a higher quality and efficiency in the production process The heyday of the concrete shell structure is long gone.
of structural elements. These fundamental ideas were However, it is just as relevant today that a structure which
investigated over a period of three years by a team of is engineered efficiently can transfer loads mainly as
architects, civil engineers, material engineers and membrane forces. This, in turn, means that slender
mechatronic engineers. The result was a production elements can be produced and material utilisation
process that covered every step from the first design optimised. This is not the case with standard flexural
ideas all the way to the final product. concrete elements, and most concrete elements that are
designed are flexural elements. The historical decline in 1
252 253
concrete shells is usually blamed on the large costs
associated with their production. This is illustrated
by the fact that the largest portion of Felix Candelas
structures was built in the 1950s-60s, and the increase
in the Mexican minimum wage was responsible for the
end of this boom. The high costs involved in producing
complex, time-consuming formwork compared to the
costs of the cheap materials used to produce concrete are
obviously unfavourable1. After the first patent application
from Wallace Neff, a new branch of research was born.
This concentrated on principles of pneumatic formwork
the most well-known of these being the BiniShells2 .
Pier Luigi Nervi (18911979) suggested an alternative.
After he founded his building company in 1920, he
developed a building system based on semi-precast
panels which were supported by a falsework and finally
finished with in-situ concrete3 . These three examples
show that examining the building method is the key
to a re-evaluation of concrete shell production. These
three different approaches show that there is a connection
between the history of shell constructions and the search
for an efficient production method. Digital prefabrication for concrete shells
connector for thin concrete elements. These are suitable performance concrete elements. The conventional joining 3. Completed half-moulds
for tension, compression and shear forces8. method, such as that used by Nervi, involving filling the before closing.
254 255
construction. This information was also linked to the correct position for the final precast concrete element extremely complex. They are spatially curved, stripe-like
digital model of the structure. The aim of this project shape. The pixels are then fixed and used as the basis surfaces. An essential requirement for this step is the
was not to optimise the model for specific external forces. for the elastic mat. When considering the fastest reuse system of three points which are always in the same
The goal was rather to calibrate and define the boundary of the pixel field, as well as the separation of the concrete position relative to each other, which are integrated into
conditions of maximum curvature for the moulding casting process from the moulding table, it became clear the panels. These points are the interface between the
table. This meant that both the design process and the that an additional step was necessary: taking a negative reference points in the CAD/CAM files and the real
production process could be developed for one specific form made of quartz sand. Here, a layer of bonded sand plate. This makes it possible for the plate and edges
exemplary design. Setting limits for the manufacturing was put on the elastomer mat and compacted, as is usual to be spatially positioned correctly over and over again.
processes for larger and smaller objects followed in other in casting techniques. This has many advantages: the At the momentary stage of development, it is necessary
projects. By using parametric construction tools, it was sand adopts its shape quickly and therefore only needs to to remove 5-10mm from each joint surface. Approximately
possible to keep the information consistent for all be on the pixel field briefly. The quality of the surface is 1mm can be removed in each processing stage when
members of the team, in every phase of the project. also very high. According to what is known today, there is using a water-cooled, diamond-tipped grinding bit
The extremely clear separation and focus of the hope that with this bonded sand a formwork material has (Fig. 4).
development of the joining system and the moulding been found which expands the possibilities for fair-faced
table made it possible to work independently with clearly concrete formwork (Fig. 3). A UHPC concrete with steel The joints of the nine plates were press-fitted using the
defined interfaces. fibres from Dykerhoff was used, with Nanodur Compound specially developed screw connection. The bent rebars,
5941 binding material. This was combined with two layers which were anchored into the cross-section of the
Conventionally, the formwork for casting double-curved of carbon fibre grid mats. In this project, spacers were concrete plate, transferred the tension forces from
concrete elements is milled from extruded polystyrene, developed which could be clamped between the two sand pre-tensioned screw connections into the concrete
painted and then sanded. The disadvantage of this forms. They held the carbon fibre reinforcement mats and the contact surfaces were then pressed together9
method is that every element needs two forms which (CFRP) 5mm away from the surface as precisely as (Fig. 1). The calculation of the reinforcement and the
are then no longer required and have to be discarded possible. After the concrete was poured and set, the edges design of the screw connectors were carried out using
after a single use. were ground in a wet state. The connecting edges are finite element software.
joints with in-situ concrete, would not do the aesthetics or By evaluating the results obtained from experiences in
the material properties of the UHPC justice. Much can be other projects, not only does this method consume large
taken from the methods of historical stonecutters, who amounts of resources but it is also not very economical.
built vaults where the forces were transferred through For example, to achieve a fair-faced concrete, long milling
the contact surfaces. Compared to these historical vaults, times are necessary and therefore the cost of manufacture
however, stability was not provided by the element being increases dramatically. This is why a variable moulding
thick or extremely heavy (which is advantageous for a table was favoured in this project, making it possible to
press-fit). Instead, this was replaced by a mechanical produce different double-curved surfaces simply. From
press-fit on the contact surfaces, which is common in the very beginning, one of the primary goals was to
concrete construction. This method requires the contact create a simple, robust tool which had a long life
surfaces to be extremely precise and to have a high-grade expectancy and was appropriate for use in a precast
finish. Due to the requirements of the contact joint and concrete factory environment without breaking.
the precision involved, it was necessary to document the
deviation from the planned geometry constantly. This Two different moulding tables were investigated:
method resulted in continual measurements, as well as a so-called pin field and a so-called pixel field. Both
suggestions for sensor-controlled iterative processing of these can be controlled or adjusted by an external
cycles for both the settings of the variable moulding industrial robot. The robot can be used for other parts
table and the grinding of the joint surfaces. of the production process, as it is separate and not fixed
to the moulding tables. The pin field has a formable
Process-based design surface connected to joint-mounted heads. These heads
are connected to the pins, which are evenly distributed
A fictive hall construction, a sort of case study, was across an orthogonal field. The double curvature is then
therefore devised on which the research approaches produced by moving the pins along their longitudinal
for design and implementation could be tested. The axis and deforming the surface.
questions of how the surface should be divided and
4. Finished joint surfaces. the size of the elements were investigated by using the On the other hand, the pixel field is made up of a number
freeformed, wave-like roof structure of the fictitious hall. of plastic rods, each with a square cross-section, which
5. Evaluation of the deviation
from digital model in one of All the building elements that were analysed and all the can be slid along their longitudinal axis (Fig. 2). In this
the fabricated elements. information derived were related to parts of this case, the industrial robot pushes the plastic rods into the
256 257
some pixels move their neighbouring pixel with them is presently carrying out, should show that this method
even though they have already been adjusted. To be can be used for large format, ultra-thin prefabricated
able to detect these discrepancies automatically and concrete elements. The case study is a slender roof
put the pixels back in their correct position, the tip of construction made from four 10m-long, 2m-wide and
the robot tool was coupled with a prototype sensor. An 6cm-thick double-curved prefabricated concrete
extra routine was also added to the adjustment script, elements. This should also show that the technical
which checked the position of the neighbouring pixel innovations described will also find their way into
after adjustment to make sure that it had not been the construction industry. Being able to build light
unintentionally moved. If so, it was also readjusted. constructions out of concrete and reduce the amount
of formwork will be the key to success.
2. Tool/component interaction
Formatting the concrete panels using wet-state Notes
grinding is very dependent on the tool/component 1 Michel, M. and Knaack, U., 2014, Grundlagen zur Entwicklung adaptiver
interaction. The combination of UHPC and steel fibres Schalungssysteme fr frei geformte Betonschalen und Wnde in
leads to wear on the tool. Within just one processing Bautechnik, 91(12), p.845-853.
stage where the plate is reduced to an acceptable size 2 Sobek, W., 1987, Auf pneumatisch gestutzten Schalungen hergestellte
within the tolerance range, the tool experiences Betonschalen, Stuttgart, p.9.
significant wear. The wear on the tool is also
3 Pier Luigi Nervi, cited in Herrmann Ruhle, Wie wurden Schalen gebaut?
dependent on the amount and direction of the steel Ein erlebter Ruckblick, in Arcus 18 (1992), p.32-49, esp. p.42.
fibres and therefore it cannot be estimated
beforehand. A high-precision measuring device was 4 Willmann, J., Kohler, M. and Gramazio, F., 2013, TailorCrete, in The
Robotic Touch: How Robots Change Architecture, Park Books,
installed on the robot, which checked the results after p.216-223.
the processing step and decided if further processing
steps should be carried out to correct discrepancies 5 Cortsen, J., Oesterle, S., Slvason, D. and Stehling, H., 2013, From Digital
Design to Automated Production in Rob | Arch 2012, Springer Vienna,
(Fig. 6). p.149-154.
The tool mentioned above for pixel adjustment makes 6 Adapa, Adaptive Moulds, 2016, available at
adaptive-moulds (accessed 2 October 2016).
it possible to control large numbers of pixels easily.
During the pixel adjustment, the decision as to whether 7 Schipper, H.R., 2015, Double-curved Precast Concrete Elements:
to proceed or go back and readjust and the iterative Research into Technical Viability of the Flexible Mould Method, diss.
TU Delft, Delft University of Technology.
process of grinding, measuring and regrinding are not
particularly typical manufacturing cycles, but they could 8 Sobek, W. and Mittelstdt, J., 2014, Introduction of Compressive,
help to develop new production concepts in the fields of Tensile and Shear Forces into Elements made of Ultra-High Performance
Concrete by the Use of Implant, in Schmidt, S. (ed.), Nachhaltiges Bauen
civil engineering and architecture. mit ultra-hochfestem Beton: Ergebnisse des Schwerpunktprogrammes
1182: Sustainable Building with Ultra-high Performance Concrete, Kassel
6 Collaboration between experts University Press, p.643-659.
Sensor-based evaluation accuracy of 0.25mm. To determine the cause of the size 9 Santner, G., 2016, Fgetechnik im UHPC, Schalenbau, Graz University
and shape deviations of the surfaces, every single step Because the project introduced here was extremely broad, of Technology (90000).
An important step in the development of the was recorded using measurement technology and it was necessary for a number of different experts to work
manufacturing process was the observation of the checked: from the production and the robotic adjustment together on it. A process-oriented approach and the
different manufacturing steps. The digital workflow of the moulding table to creating the sand mould, all the exemplary processing of the linked case study showed
process enables safe and accurate production. It is, way up to the final grinding of the joining surface (Fig. 5). the method to be successful. By including digital
however, interrupted by several intermediary steps. The evaluation of the information showed that there were manufacturing methods and robotic technology, it led
Firstly, this means that the two steps which are carried two possible reasons for the deviations, both of which can to a usable, variable moulding table for flexible shapes.
out by the industrial robot are at the beginning and the be controlled and automated using sensory technology. New standards were set for high surface quality and
end of the production process. Secondly, the digital formability by using sand with a binding agent as a
processes themselves can also deviate from the desired 1. Adjusting the pixels formwork. The quality of the grinding using an industry
output. This deviation can also go beyond the defined Setting up the moulding table by adjusting the pixels robot makes it possible for small factories to produce
accuracy of the industrial robot. worked well. After the moulding table had been precise, prefabricated concrete elements. The newly
correctly adjusted, 80% of the pixels were within developed joining system makes installing prefabricated
The industrial robot that is used for both the adjustment 0.25mm of the planned position. The tolerance of concrete comparable to glass construction. This method
6. Highly precise
of the pixels in the pixel field and the grinding of the 0.50mm was only exceeded by pixels around the robot-driven optical shows great economic potential that validates it for future
contact surfaces can carry out production steps with an edge. The source of these larger displacements is that sensor system. use. A practical case study, which the company Max Bgl
258 259
The Seine Musicale by Shigeru Ban (formerly known as This paper gives an overview of the digital planning
Cit Musicale) is envisioned as the flagship project for the and fabrication process of the primary timber structure
urban renewal attempt of the le Seguin in the west of of the Seine Musicale. The second part describes how
Paris. Built in place of a former Renault manufacturing Woodpecker, the timber fabrication plug-in for the
plant, the complex will host various concert and rehearsal parametric modelling environment Grasshopper,
spaces. The egg-shaped auditorium features a doubly- was further developed in this context.
curved timber structure consisting of 1,300 individual
glue-laminated and CNC-machined beam segments, as Topology and detailing
well as a secondary structure formed by 3,300 individual
timber pieces supporting the hexagonal and triangular The primary timber structure is a hexagonal grid
faade elements. consisting of 15 horizontal rings and 86 diagonals
running around the egg-shaped building. Structurally,
For fabrication and assembly of both timber structures, the rings are formed by up to 24m-long segments (Fig. 2),
a fully parametric 3D CAD model was implemented, acting as tension or compression rings in the lower or
detailed down to the last screw and containing both upper building parts respectively. The diagonals are
the raw and final geometries of all timber elements. segmented into shorter pieces of 4-5m in length (Fig. 4),
This model was the central node in the digital planning always spanning from one ring to the next. The whole
process. It was the origin of fabrication data for structure rests on supports at the lowermost and
lamination and CNC milling of all timber pieces, uppermost rings with no additional support points in
acted as the basis for structural calculations and was between.
used to simulate assembly situations throughout the
whole structure. In terms of detailing, there was a requirement by the
architects to use as little steel as possible within the 1
260 261
timber structure. All the cross joints, as well as the The diagonal segments were pre-assembled into 4
longitudinal joints of the compression rings, were X-shaped elements. Onsite, these elements had to be
designed as lap joints, which is a traditional timber mounted by engaging two lap joints at the same time,
detail. Screws are taking lateral forces and beech dowels leading to a pairwise assembly direction for these joints.
assure precise positioning. The ring/diagonal crossings
also act as longitudinal joints for the diagonals. For the For the rings, the assembly was defined as a circular
longitudinal joints of the tension rings, a splice joint was movement rather than a linear translation. With this
developed, featuring toothed inlays CNC-cut from beech concept, the four to eleven lap joints of each segment
plywood (Fig. 3). could be engaged one after the other, rather than all
at the same time.
Describing the structural properties of these details in
depth would exceed the scope of this paper. However, Notably, the toothed splice joint helped a lot in easing
for freeform projects, the purely geometric properties are assembly, as it features a wide range of possible assembly
equally important, namely to ensure the assemblability directions. This is in contrast to a more conventional
of all pieces (see F. Scheurer, H. Stehling, F. Tschmperlin, connection with slots, steel plates and steel dowels, which
2013, Design for Assembly Digital Prefabrication of would have limited assembly direction to the plane of the
Complex Timber Structures, Beyond the Limits of Man, slots/plates.
Proceedings of the IASS 2013 Symposium).
Assembly of every single segment was simulated in the
Assembly 3D CAD model in order to detect and solve collisions and
other issues blocking assembly.
Traditional lap joints have only one degree of freedom,
meaning that there is exactly one possible assembly Lamination
direction (from above in respect to the joint plane).
With curved beam segments spanning over multiple Beam segments for structures like the one discussed are
crossings, many lap joints with different directions usually CNC-milled from a mixture of straight, single-
have to be engaged at the same time, blocking assembly curved and double-curved glue-laminated timber blanks.
altogether. This problem has to be solved in every The decision of which type of blank to use is a trade-off
freeform project, with solutions highly dependent between structural strength, material cut-off and
on the respective geometric properties. lamination costs.
In case of the Seine Musicale, assembly was solved by For the Seine Musicale, a special constraint for the primary
slightly skewing the lap joint side faces depending on structure was that all timber beams be fabricated with the
individual assembly directions for every beam segment. timber fibres exactly following the final geometry, in order
At FABRICATE 2011, the authors of this article encountered quantitative framework, rather than a qualitative one.
two new research trajectories (Dombernowsky, 2011, The potential quality that robotics has to offer the
Verde, 2011), on, respectively, the design of topologically building industry is central to its further development.
optimised concrete structures and hot-wire-cutting of Architectural robotics has been enthusiastically
expanded polystyrene (EPS) construction elements. embraced by the design-led research community,
Over lunch, the potential for a synthesis was gauged. exploring specific traits of machining processes for
In the years that followed, the intense collaboration their intrinsic or tectonic potential. The cultivation
that ensued resulted in a number of projects and articles of new manufacturing aesthetics, precipitated by the
(McGee, 2013, Feringa, 2014, Sndergaard, 2016). new degrees of freedom and material control offered
The industrial merit of the approaches explored paved by digital machining, has been a central motif over the
the way to further develop these at an industrial scale, past decade. Performance is rarely addressed, especially
leading to the founding of Odico Formwork Robotics in direct quantitative terms.
in the spring of 2012 (Sndergaard, 2014). At Odico,
the challenges faced when deploying and building with So far, the literature lacks an accepted methodology
robotics at scale are addressed. Over the years, a range and criteria to assess and contrast the relative merits of
of novel fabrication processes have been developed in various existing technologies. Within internal technology
an industrial context. research and development at Odico, quantity and quality
represent the axes on which the merits of methods are
Are quantity and quality mutually inclusive? plotted. The following criteria serve as guidelines to
gauge the pertinence of technology:
Automation is often discussed in the framework of
efficiency of increasing productivity at lower labour Transferability does the approach translate across
costs. This is to say that robotics is discussed in a multiple applications, disciplines or material systems? 1
266 267
objective of working towards construction-sized segmented relative to the size of the standard foam stock
productions. These early efforts initiated a continuous dimensions of 1,200 x 1,550 x 2,400mm. To minimise the
cycle between the ongoing technology R&D and its volume of the plug, a single timber insert structure was
commercial implementation. The experience gained in produced and repeatedly used in all topologically similar
production informed the development of the technology cases, achieving minimisation of material as well as
required to meet industrial ambitions. Conversely, the providing auxiliary support against the casting pressure,
production pipeline provides a continuous testbed for while imposing few geometric constraints on the
further advances in new technology that might be formwork design itself. The final formwork system
considered tangential to the objective of reaching an application was designed for parabolic endwalls to
industrial scale in production. intersect the cylindrical perimeter walls. In this case,
rolled steel repetitive-use formwork was used to create
This milestone was reached in 2013 when Odico the main wall geometry, while foam inserts were used
Formwork Robotics received the commission to as vertical plugs to achieve the parabolic opening. This
produce over 4,500m2 of bespoke formwork for ability to utilise RHWC seamlessly within the existing
the Kirk Kapital Headquarters (KKHQ) in Vejle, casting workflows was decisive in adopting the process
Denmark. KKHQ is a six-storey office complex for the project.
designed by the Berlin-based Studio Olafur Eliasson
and is architecturally Scandinavias most ambitious The above workflow required the organisation, design
office building. The project represents an international and manufacturing of around 3,800 unique RHWC
first in that it applies architectural RHWC for the formwork units. With the design not developed with
production of critical load-bearing concrete structures the RHWC approach in mind, aspects of fabrication
(Fig. 2). had not been a concern in the design and engineering
development. As such, a considerable post-rationalisation
The design comprises four intersecting cylindrical effort was required. In order to segment the building to
perimeter walls, which rise out of the harbour basin. patterns that fitted stock material, a semi-automated CAD
With a height of 32.3m, the cylindrical walls are workflow was developed in McNeel Grasshopper and
2 3 interspersed with 19 intersecting hyperbolic paraboloid GH Python. While the project in principle would have
Performance does the approach offer a faster or more founding the company, the respective research projects void walls, spanning vertically across all storeys. With sustained a shared, central BIM model, at the time the
effective manner of producing results, compared to by the authors of this paper allowed for the comparison of dimensions varying from 7.4 x 2.8 x 5.2m to 4.2 x 3.2 x IFC 41 specification, which allows for NURBS2 surfaces,
existing methods? efficiencies between robotic CNC milling versus hot-wire- 5.2m, the volume of formwork to be produced would was not available throughout the involved digital chain.
Degrees of freedom does the approach under cutting of EPS moulds, which found that RHWC reduced surmount 70-110m3 per storey section. The ability to exchange geometry in NURBS was a hard
consideration enable new opportunities in design, machining times at a factor of between 10- and 100-fold requirement, given the sophisticated ruled geometry of
either by relaxing existing production constraints (McGee, 2012). This finding is particularly relevant in 1. Robotic hot-wire-cut While building a test mock-up, traditional wooden the project.
faade patterns and
or by offering a way to explore previously uncharted achieving feasible scalability within construction apertures for the in-situ moulds were contrasted with the EPS moulds supplied
design space? manufacturing, where the throughput of large material cast concrete faade by Odico. The EPS mould stayed more true to form under As a result, the model was sourced from a number of
volumes is a central concern. of the Sonnesgade 11 mixed casting pressures, while a relatively low-density EPS CAD platforms; and with the lack of software supporting
use complex, Aarhus, by
Within these frameworks, quantitative and qualitative Sleth Architects. material was selected for the test where the traditional IFC 4 at the time, this effectively disrupted a fluent
propositions are complementary not conflicting For robotic fabrication of such volumes, machining time Image: Rasmus Hjortshj, formwork dealt with deformation. Through this critical interchange of modelling data, which compromised the
attributes of underpinning principles, with potential replaces labour as the key cost factor and hence is a COAST. finding, Odico obtained a vote of confidence from the geometric integrity of the model. As a result, a substantial
for large-scale impact in construction. Considerable primary focus. While robotic CNC milling has long proven 2. Construction site building contractor Jorton to go ahead and produce the effort in geometry pre-processing and optimisation of
attention has been directed within Odico to exploring its versatility, its mechanical principle of incremental overview: the robotically formwork for the project. formwork design was required. Since then, Odico has
the implications of one such technical approach and material subtraction is inherently slow and thus not hot-wire-cut formwork is provided support for IFC 4 for its offline robotics
used in combination with
its derivatives robotic hot-wire-cutting (RHWC) of suited to scale economically beyond the exclusivity of standardised timber and The formwork system developed for the project entailed platform, PyRAPID (Feringa, 2015).
expanded polystyrene (EPS) formwork for concrete high-profile construction projects. As such, the capacity steel modules to resist three primary variants. First, an in-situ prefabrication
casting. The following paper outlines the central of RHWC to cut through large volumes of expanded casting pressure, applied workflow, where polystyrene mould parts were inserted Taking on a recently founded start-up to deliver a
for creating the hyperbolic
developments within this effort. foams at significantly lower processing times, while void openings of the into a rectangular timber scaffolding box. This procedure central feature of the project the production of over
resulting in high-smoothness casting surfaces, can yield cylindrical main walls. was applied for onsite prefabrication of curved wall 130 truckloads of unique formwork for realising the most
Scaling production Kirk Kapital Headquarters considerable cost reductions in formwork manufacturing. Image: Courtesy segments, which were subsequently hoisted into position prestigious office building in Scandinavian construction
Kirk Property A/S.
(Fig. 3). history was a risk offset by the disruptive properties of
The insight that underpinned the founding of Odico Odico set out to engage the construction market for 3. Onsite prefabrication the robotic process. This enabled Odico Formwork
was that RHWC of expanded polystyrene formwork for early-stage adoption and to mature the technology using a standard, rectangular A second workflow was established for in-situ casting Robotics to deliver at a considerably lower price point
scaffolding for formwork
advanced concrete casting could offer transformative through input from the commercial pilot production. support against bespoke of lower-level hyperbolic walls. Here, the formwork was while handling all aspects involved with a small team.
advantages when deployed at industrial scale. When Production began at small-scale installations, with the EPS infills. designed as a 110m3 solid foam plug, orthogonally
268 269
Industry engages significant cost factor form a testbed for the premise for design, with the outline of capitalising on 5
demonstration of the combined effects of the hot-wire the specific degrees of freedom offered by the process,
Following the KKHQ project, Odico Formwork Robotics machining speeds, the degrees of freedom offered in while maintaining the cost advantage demonstrated in
has seen a rapid expansion, completing over 200 projects robotic control and the cost-effective EPS material. practical applications (Fig. 4).
in the four years since its formation, including several Indeed, this represents a viable pathway for a dramatic
high profile commissions in the United Arabic Emirates, offsetting of costs in industrial concrete production. One of the first to address this potential in a commercial
the United Kingdom, Norway and Denmark. context, Zaha Hadid Computation and Design
The production of hot-wire-cut moulds for the KKHQ Group engaged with Odico to develop process-specific
One recent example was the design and production of main structure corroborates that RHWC can act as a designs within various applications. An initial outcome
EPS foam guides for the manufacturing of 2,000 uniquely cost-effective method for the production of complex of this effort was the design for 14 unique UHPC benches
bent aluminium profiles, targeted at the doubly-curved concrete moulds, applicable to a wide range of for the Winton Gallery of Mathematics at the Science
glass faades of Opus Dubai, an iconic premium hotel construction uses. Museum, London. For this project, a design scheme was
resort designed by Zaha Hadid Architects in Dubai, UAE. developed within the constraints of wire-cutting moulds,
In this case, enabled by the geometric coherence of the In such cases, as is typical for the majority of Odicos enabling Odico to offer a production scheme favorable
design scheme, a complete automation of the workflow production, the primary threshold is the successful over existing fabrication approaches. The resulting
was established. This enabled the entirety of profile demonstration that the technology can be effectively benches were produced as 35mm high performance
geometries to generate mould design and resulting applied to designs that did not anticipate the use of concrete shells surrounding a lightweight foam core
robot code in a single batch operation. This optimisation advanced robotic fabrication or RHWC specifically (Figs. 5 and 6).
allowed for an increase of output from 80 unique units in the conceptual design phase. 6
per 24 hours to 200-300 units, helping to accelerate the While robotically controlled hot-wire-cutting of concrete
production schedule. Conversely, a growing interest from design partners in formwork offers a distinct solution space in which novel
exploring the inherent vocabulary of RHWC concrete design vocabularies can be explored, the mechanical
High volume applications, such as stairs, panels and production is starting to complement these initial efforts. concept per se can be extended across several domains
structural components as well as advanced infrastructural The architectural capacity of robotically controlled of material processing and motion types. This line of
developments, where formwork expenditure represents a wire-cutting is being investigated as a constitutive thinking constitutes an important exploration within
Odicos internal development efforts. Over the course
4 of four tooling prototypes, robotic abrasive wire-cutting
(RAWC) has been developed and implemented within
Odicos production.
development culminated in a patented technology where Brander, D. et al., 2016, Designing for Hot-Blade Cutting: Geometric
unique double-curved formwork no longer incurs an Approaches for High-Speed Manufacturing of Doubly-Curved Architectural
unreasonable cost penalty (Sndergaard, 2016, Brander, Surfaces in Adriansseen, S., Kohler M., Gramazio, F., Menges, A. and Pauly, P.
(eds.), Advances In Architectural Geometry 2016, Zurich, VDF
2016). This method is now under preparation for pilot Hochschulverlag AG, p.306-327.
production (Figs. 7 and 8), with expected construction-
scale roll-out over the course of 2017. Burry, M., Armengol, J. and Tomlow, T., 2008, Gaudi Unseen: Completing the
Sagrada Familia, Berlin, Jovis VERLAG Gmbh.
What technology wants 9 Dombernowsky, P. and Sndergaard, A., 2011, Unikabeton Prototype in Glynn,
greater than todays levels was to be expected through R. and Sheil, B. (eds.), Fabricate: Making Digital Architecture, Waterloo,
Riverside Architectural Press, p.56-61.
The past decade has seen the genesis of a range of the redirection of creative engineering efforts towards
specific robotic construction technologies and process this target, rather than through the product itself. Feringa, J. and Sndergaard, A., 2014, Fabricating Architectural Volume
concepts some of which hold promise for adoption in Stereotomic Investigations in Robotic Craft in Kohler, M. and Gramazio, F.
(ed.), Fabricate: Negotiating Design and Making, Zrich, GTA Verlag, p.44-51.
construction. Thanks to this accumulation of academic Does the same hold true for construction? Could a shift
efforts, momentum is building. The critical test is whether in design orientation from the object to the machine that Feringa, J. and Krijnen, T., 2015, BIM and Robotic Manufacturing Towards a
architectural robotics can scale beyond the lab to the builds the house trigger unprecedented architectural Seamless Integration of Modeling and Manufacturing in Proceedings of the
International Association for Shell and Spatial Structures (IASS) Symposium,
construction site and become a commercially sustainable innovation? Ironically, in the construction industry, the 17-20 August 2015, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Technische Universiteit
industry, possibly breaking the current technological stasis. field of architectural conservation may offer us an insight. Eindhoven, p.1-11.
With the processing of natural stone becoming highly
Kelly, K., 2011, What Technology Wants, London, Penguin Books Ltd, p.119.
In What Technology Wants, Kevin Kelly offers a automated, has its manual handling evolved to become a
compelling perspective on the forces that drive punitive task, reminiscent of the image of Howard Roark McGee, W., Feringa, J. and Sndergaard, A., 2013, Processes For An
technology: The second great force pushing evolution on working in the granite quarry in The Fountainhead? Architecture Of Volume: Robotic Hot-Wire Cutting in Brell-Cockan, S. and
Braumann, J. (eds.), Rob | Arch 2012: Robotic Fabrication in Art, Architecture &
its immense journey is positive constraints that channel Design, Vienna, Springer Verlag AG, p.62-72.
evolutionary innovation in certain directions. In tandem Architectural conservation is an area where novel
with the constraints of physical laws outlined above, the fabrication methods involving robotics have been adopted Mumford, L., 2010, Technics & Civilization, Chicago, University of Chicago
Press, p.266.
extropy of self-organisation steers evolution along a early, resulting in industry-wide acceptance. Companies
trajectory. While these internal inertias are immensely that have not invested in the past two decades in CNC Verde, M., Hosale, M. and Feringa, J., 2011, Investigations in Design &
important in biological evolution, they are even more or robotic fabrication will today or in the near future Fabrication at Hyperbody in Glynn, R. and Sheil, B. (eds.), Fabricate: Making
7 Digital Architecture, Waterloo, Riverside Architectural Press, p.106-109.
consequential in technological evolution. In fact, in the no longer be able to compete, given the cost of labour
8 technium, self-generated positive constraints are more and the efficiencies gained by automation. The Sagrada Sndergaard, A., 2014, Odico Formwork Robotics in Gramazio, F. and Kohler,
than half the story; they are the main event (Kelly, 2011). Familia has been architectural conservations most M. (eds.), Made by Robots: Challenging Architecture at the Large Scale,
Architectural Design, May-June 2014, Profile no. 229, London, Wiley
enterprising project, and its expected completion date Academy, p.66-67.
7. Early doubly-curved
In the context of advanced architectural fabrication, hot-blade demonstrator has been brought nearer by embracing robotic fabrication
we may characterise these positive constraints as produced at the Robarch (Burry, 2008). Today, the architectural merits of the past Sndergaard, A. et al., 2016, Robotic Hot-Blade Cutting in Reinhardt, D.,
Saunders, R. and Burry, J., Robotic Fabrication in Architecture, Art and Design
methods and techniques that are tangential to the 2016 Workshop, SuperForm, are being (re)built with state-of-the-art technology. 2016, Vienna, Springer International Publishing, p.150-164.
by the BladeRunner
demands of a progressive architecture, having the Research consortium and Scanning sculptures and reproducing stone elements
capacity to scale architectural artefacts of a novel workshop participants. has become a default approach, as the recent recreation Notes
Responding to climate and landscape The brief was an opportunity for a structure that responds
to its climate and landscape, exploiting the temporary
MPavilion is a unique architecture commission and nature of the pavilion form and producing a design that
design event for Melbourne, Australia. speaks in response to the weather.
A new temporary pavilion is commissioned each year Rooting the pavilion in its parkland setting, the vision for
from a leading international architect by the Naomi MPavilion was to create the sensation of a forest canopy,
Milgrom Foundation. with beautiful dappled light where visitors could see the
sun and the sky a dreamy atmosphere that could inspire
Each structure takes shape in the downtown oasis of a diverse programme of events for four months.
Queen Victoria Gardens to accommodate a free
programme of talks, workshops, performances and The design was driven by an ambition not only to
installations from October to February. Building on integrate the pavilion with its parkscape environment but
unexpected collaborations, MPavilion is a catalyst also to involve the wind, and sometimes the rain, as part
and a meeting place an intriguing form, a temporary of the experience. And so the structure needed to balance
landmark, a spontaneous detour, a starting point and a degree of flexibility in its response to the atmosphere
a base to explore designs role in the creative city. with subtle movements, with sufficient stability to safely
host thousands of visitors over the summer. The pavilion
At the conclusion of its lifespan in Queen Victoria would be a celebration of those natural shelters where
Gardens, the pavilion is demounted and gifted to people come together: an exceptionally light, open
the City of Melbourne for reassembly in a permanent structure that sits gently on the land while affording
location to create an enduring legacy. protection from the unpredictable weather of Melbourne.
274 275
2 3
The twin natures of the seemingly ephemeral pavilion 3D technology, advanced materials and engineering and
necessitated both swift construction and deconstruction the all-important ingredients of practical experience and
methodologies while in its temporary home before construction management.
becoming an embodiment of durability in order to
persist in its permanent Docklands location thereafter. AL_A have a long history of working with boatbuilders,
of which Australia has some of the finest. Initial
Challenging the notion of public space inspiration was provided by the innovative materials
typically used in aerospace and in the surfboard industry
MPavilion was designed to challenge the notion of what and the latest technology used in nautical engineering
a public space can and should be, a structure defined by in particular, the large sails utilised in high-performance
an absence of walls and with physical and metaphorical yachts that afforded a sense of the possibilities in both
connections to the surrounding landscape. This approach aesthetics and material capabilities.
drove the design and thus the context for the research. 4
The overall design was optimised to keep the fabrication
The sensation of a forest canopy was created by 44 simple by using symmetry. Therefore the final design was
seemingly fragile, translucent petals supported by 97 limited to petals of just two different sizes, while still
slender columns up to 4.2m high that sway gently in the allowing for multiple configurations.
breeze. At the centre, the petals should tightly cluster
and be layered to produce a continuous shingled surface. Establishing a framework
As the pavilion fades out into the parkland, the size and
number of spaces increase until the trees themselves take The ambition and contexts conceptual, physical,
over the pavilions role and the structure dissolves. material established the framework for a series of
questions that in their answering would define the
Moreover, the context was indelibly shaped by the personnel. success of the pavilion.
The MPavilion recipe has ingredients from around the
1. The petals disperse at the world and draws upon manufacturing experience derived At its heart was the notion of how to dematerialise a
edges, blending into the from a number of different industries but just like the structure, albeit a temporary one, and to make it feel
parkland tree canopies. design itself, the build solution is quite unique. and look less like a permanent building. The solution
Image: John Gollings.
of a forest of petals surmounting impossibly thin columns
2 & 3. The making of a petal. AL_A worked with the specialist fabricator mouldCAM in order to make it as transparent and as light as possible
Image: mouldCAM. (now ShapeShift) and engineers Arup to employ the simply uncovered further questions as to its material
4. MPavilion at dusk. boundary-pushing technology of composite materials composition and fabrication methodology.
Image: John Gollings. to create the translucent petals.
Consequently, the challenge became one of achieving
5. The public enjoying
MPavilion. As ShapeShift explains, MPavilion is a great example sufficient lightness and transparency or translucency in
Image: John Betts. of collaboration drawing together inspiring design, the form of the petals without compromising its 5
276 277
The final solution was achieved thanks to a series of trial Similarly, the balancing act of allowing the columns
and error experiments conducted by the fabricator. Resin to move in the wind yet not be broken by gale force
curing times and the correct placement and layering of conditions was resolved by structural simulations of the
the fibreglass and carbon fibre reinforcements were the 3D computer model before fabrication, testing different
keys to achieving the right balance between flexibility combinations of the diameter and thicknesses of the
and rigidity of the petals. section of the columns.
After further trials of reinforcement fibres, the optimum The thin, high-strength columns used in the final pavilion
balance between clarity and strength was ascertained were 45mm in diameter with 4mm wall thicknesses. Like
and used to manufacture the petals for MPavilion. The the petals, they are the product of a process of research
team developed a cost-effective method of incorporating and development undertaken during their industrial
the carbon that still delivered maximum impact, using a manufacturing, which in this case saw the tubes initially
custom-built tension loom manufactured by a specialist developed for camera tripods.
In order to amplify the perceived movement, clusters
Placement was not only optimised for structural of one, three and five small petals were created. This
performance, whereby the lines of fibre are never folded combination of the number of columns and petals
6 to allow for maximum efficiency, but also for the creation created a different mass per column ratio, allowing
structural efficacy. This would impact on the relative of a beautiful radial pattern that became the defining them to sway gently in the breeze.
sizes of the petals and their modularity, as well as their graphic of the entire project.
cross-section, with a flatter petal with additional In turn, these were counterbalanced by a cluster of larger
reinforcement and a more profiled three-dimensional Rejecting the idea of a profiled three-dimensional petal to petals in the middle of the structure. This also assisted
petal both initially appearing viable. provide the necessary rigidity, the design and fabrication with making the cascading effect from the centre to the
7 team opted for a flat petal with a carbon fibre backbone edges simpler, as well as allowing a wider column-free
Simultaneously, there was a balancing act between The larger petals would have columns positioned on their reinforcement. This decision was partly influenced by the space for events.
allowing the columns to visibly move and the petals to perimeters 2m apart and in the centre would be a 4 x 4m requirements for drainage and the need to cascade water
shimmer with a gentle breeze and making them strong column-free space. from one petal to another. In turn, this backbone allowed The ambition to dematerialise the structure and blur the
enough to withstand hurricane conditions. the incorporation of the columns capitals into the body of threshold between pavilion and park was achieved by
Nevertheless, the final choice of material was selected the petal without additional fixings. material innovation working in parallel with the overall
The desire for ephemerality extended into an ambition after due consideration of its high strength-to-weight ratio, design. Once the 3D computer model was complete, a
for no visible wiring and for minimal light fittings and very high tensile strength and mouldability that enabled The backbones were formed by injection moulding, new fixing method was created for the vertically stacked
speakers, which posed questions to be answered in the it to be employed to generate exceptionally thin petals. which proved to be a more efficient solution with petals, tying one into another. This opened up apertures
design and fabrication of the pavilion. improved structural performance and a more elegant in the pavilion and overlaps closer to the edge, allowing
Each petal, measuring only 5mm to 7mm in thickness, is form. The moulds were CNC-cut from the 3D CAD to visitors to see glimpses of the sky and the surrounding
Moreover, the brief necessitated a 200m2 weather- formed by a carbon fibre weave, interlacing structure and ensure accuracy and repeatability. tree canopies.
protected area at the centre of pavilion, while the aesthetic together to form the pattern. Reinforcement is
vision was for an unconditioned space that would allow embedded into the surface of the borderless petal rather The opportunity to capitalise on the inherent strength of Each petal was mounted on slender carbon fibre columns
the elements to participate in the performance. than as an encircling frame. a shape is a singular advantage of the use of composite that were designed to conceal the wiring of lights and
materials, as MPavilion proved. speakers to augment the dematerialised ephemerality of
A balancing act The greatest challenge was finding the perfect balance the pavilion. This is heightened still further by a halo-like
between achieving the thinnest possible petals, with the Most significantly, it was decided to add external effect created by an LED strip forming the capital to the
The success of MPavilion would be determined by strength to support their weight over spans of 5m, and the reinforcement by affixing multiple columns to each column, while pioneering technology turns the petals
the delicate equipoises of flexibility and strength, of desired level of transparency. petal. This allowed the pavilion petals to be significantly themselves into amplifiers. From the surrounding
translucency and solidity. A solution to this balancing act reduced in thickness from 12mm down to 5-7mm, high-rises, the pavilion appears to have a glowing aura
could only be reached by a programme of comprehensive This necessitated a programme of testing utilising allowing for a great level of transparency. and a particular presence in the otherwise darkened
trials, of testing and prototyping composite materials. reinforcement in the petals to produce rigidity. These garden at night.
trials noted a direct correlation between reinforcement 6. Melbournes skyline as a MPavilion was a constant technological battle and
It was determined early on in the design process that the and translucency, whereby greater quantities of fibre backdrop to MPavilion. necessitated the development of bespoke solutions in order
Image: Rory Gardiner.
larger petals would be hexagram-shaped in plan and 5m produced an adverse impact on the desirable levels of to advance the potential offered by composite materials.
in diameter, assembled from three smaller components transparency. At its extremes, the process fabricated 7. MPavilions canopy. There was undoubtedly a necessary balance made
to aid fabrication, while the smaller petals would be petals that were clear but structurally flawed or petals Image: Timothy Burgess. between the ideal, yet unrealisable, scenario of
trefoil-shaped in plan and 3m in diameter. that were sufficiently rigid but cloudy to the point of 8. MPavilion lights up at night. almost perfect transparency and the structural
almost complete opacity. Image: John Gollings. integrity of the pavilion.
278 279
An eye-catching architectural attraction
Project credits
Architect: AL_A.
Project directors: Amanda Levete, Maximiliano Arrocet, Ho-Yin Ng.
Project architect: Alex Bulygin.
Team: Alice Dietsch, Song Jie Lim, Filippo Previtali, Giulio Pellizzon.
Engineer: Arup.
Fabricator: mouldCAM (now ShapeShift).
Main contractor: Kane Constructions.
Lighting and sound design: Bluebottle and Sam Redston.
280 281
In recent years, technology and digital innovation have form, structural armature and environmental enclosure
provided a series of new design tools for the architectural in single multi-performative skins. This technology,
world, which have dramatically morphed the massing of which has been successfully tested on a number of
modern buildings. The envelopes which were traditionally built projects, has produced great savings in cost,
constrained to a relatively planar or curved setting-out use of material, energy and labour, by offering multiple
became complex forms, moulded in the digital environment functionalities within fewer building components.
shapes that push the traditional boundaries of
engineering, fabrication and performance. An extension of monocoque construction, commonly
used in aeronautical application, this technology is
This shift has generated a dichotomy, in which two based on the prefabrication of large components in the
solutions have become apparent: one where the envelope factory, simplifying assembly in the field. Components
has its own supporting system, often quite complex, are designed to be bolted as a kit of parts and then welded
which is then dropped onto the main structural skeleton, to form a smooth, waterproof enclosure.
and one where the skin is both the supporting system and
the envelope at the same time. Interrogatives
In both cases, the challenges posed by these complex This applied research was propelled by two
geometries required a series of digital tools and fundamental questions:
workflows to be developed, tools that interweave
geometrical form-finding, structural optimisation and One: can the envelope, with its aesthetic and
fabrication output. At AKT II, the work developed on new environmental functions, also provide a main
digital design-to-fabrication techniques has allowed the structural function?
use of a building technology that integrates architectural 1
282 283
Two: which tools are needed to develop such a system, Structure
and what kind of workflow needs to be put in place to The structural system envisaged in this case consisted of
maximise efficiency and connect the architectural intent a skin manufactured using simple flat metal sheets which
to the structural design while respecting the fabrication were laser-cut and formed into the final curvature, and
limits and tolerances? welded together in the workshop using flat ribs welded
orthogonally to the main plate to prevent buckling and
Drawing Studio, Bournemouth provide stiffness. The waterproofing of the enclosure was
guaranteed by the welding of the contiguous metal parts,
The Drawing Studio for Arts University Bournemouth by and corrosion was prevented by paint.
Crab Studio will be used as the first example to showcase
the design process of a multi-performative skin. It is An early stage detailed investigation was carried out
designed to create different conditions of light within to determine the factors influencing the construction
the same space through openings within the organically and build-up of the steel semi-monocoque. The semi-
shaped building. Constructed by specialist steel monocoque is made up of a continuous top structural
fabricators very much like the hull of a ship, the skin and ribs with and without a bottom flange.
structure consists of an 8mm doubly-curved external
plate, stiffened by thin internal welded steel rib-plates, The aim of the analysis was to minimise the plate
creating a 16m-span column-free space. This was thickness and maximise the rib spacing. The minimisation
factory-prefabricated in large panels, then bolted and of the plate thickness was intended to reduce the overall
welded onsite to produce a smooth structural enclosure. weight of the structure and to reduce the amount of
The structural skin is internally insulated, and the resources used in the construction. However, a lower limit
internal finish fitted to the inside flange of the internal of 8mm was taken to ensure weldability, because
stiffeners. No external cladding or secondary framing challenges can be encountered when welding thicknesses
was required, as the insulated structural skin provides lower than this, due to excessive plate distortion.
complete climate control.
From the analysis, it was found that the thickness of the
The organic shape proposed by the architects consisted top sheet of steel is controlled by plate buckling, due to
of a large continuous massing, with one large opening for the compression force that arises from the bending
the main window and one wavy opening in the middle action. This was also affected by the spacing of the ribs,
section for a secondary window, two entrances on each but to a lesser degree. Where large rib spacing was used, 3
side of the building and some ground level openings to the stress at which the plate buckled reduced, making the
let light in at floor level. section less structurally efficient. The overall structural depth is controlled by the deflection 2. Definition of the optimal pattern for the internal
criteria. The semi-monocoque structure allows much stiffening plates.
smaller depths to be used than could be achieved through 3. Definition of the subsequent patches of structural
the use of traditional steel beams. elements for fabrication.
Workflow, optimisation, Re.AKT The rationalisation of the surface was an essential step to
The project used a complete workflow, from the modelling ensure the elimination of folds which would have defined
of the smooth external form of the building, achieved a clear interruption of the metal sheets. This process was
through bespoke smoothing algorithms, to the automated implemented using a smoothing algorithm that was
analysis of the structure, enabled by real-time interoperable initially created for the movie animation industry. The
models which interface with analysis and optimisation tools. Catmull-Clark algorithm takes an initial crude mesh and
recursively subdivides it, averaging the faces vertices.
This workflow extends all the way through to patterning This algorithm was embedded in AKT IIs internal toolkit
1. From digital to fabrication. tools which set out plates and stiffeners, interfacing with (Re.AKT) and enhanced, introducing between other
Image: Cook Robotham
Architectural Bureau / automated fabrication methods designed to achieve high functionalities the option to assign constraint points,
AKT II. levels of precision in the final fabricated form. The three curves and surfaces. This allows the user to sculpt an
fundamental steps followed were: interpolated smooth surface while still maintaining the
2. Ribbing patterns.
Image: AKT II. original constraints. The differences between the original
1. Rationalisation of the provided surface to remove surface and the rationalised one were assessed by mapping
3. Fabrication. impurities in terms of curvature tangencies and the distortions as a coloured gradient on the surface.
Image: Cook Robotham
Architectural Bureau / CIG incomplete boundaries.
Architecture / AKT II.
284 285
By removing all the initial creases, it was possible to 1. The faade, which is a frameless set of 7.4m-high
obtain one single smooth surface, and this therefore structural glass panels supporting the roof and
allowed the study of various patterns of stiffening ribs. providing lateral stability.
2. The roof, which consists of a polished stainless steel
A parametric model was built to control the patterning monocoque construction, allowing it to span 15m
of the ribs and, using an internal toolkit (Re.AKT), the across a column-free space (Fig. 8). These external,
initial geometry was plugged into the FEA structural exposed surfaces are welded to an internal armature
solver. This step allowed the quick generation of various of stiffeners, creating a rigid structure.
options for the ribs, with the aim of finding a solution
that could balance the need for strength and stiffness The simplicity and purity of this building is achieved by
to comply with the loading conditions with the need to the simple combination of the two structural elements of
limit the self-weight of the structure. the roof and the vertical glass faade, which are rigid in 5 6
4 virtue of their form.
An initial proposal was to use the principal stress
curves to define the rib patterns, which also generated Another interesting difference of this installation when
a sub-option where a specific quadrangular module was compared with the previous project is that the internal
mapped on the stress distribution. This option, although stiffening ribs follow a simple planar grid, and their
quite efficient, would not have been compatible with the could then be supported and welded on. To make sure distribution is regular due to the smaller number of
fabrication splicing. The system was therefore simplified the structure was not going to distort in its temporary patches required for the installation. The stainless steel
into a square grid subdivision first, and then, in order to unconnected condition, props were used while the patches is also welded on top of the stiffeners, following a similar
reduce the spacing and weight, was optimised in the final were craned into place. After every patch was placed and procedure to the Drawing Studio (Fig. 4). The main
configuration: a customised pattern, spaced circa 1.2m, the local adjustments were made, an onsite welding difference in this case is in the external finish. The library
that provided the best performance and the lightest process took place to seal all the edges and create a skin entrance was envisaged to be a reflective surface from the
configuration (Fig. 2). which could act as a singular structural element, at the beginning. To achieve this, the fabricator first ground the
same time providing waterproofing to the building. welding line until it disappeared, and the surfaces were
Fabrication To complete the installation, several layers of paint then sand-blasted to further reduce the imperfections
The fabricator (CGI International) was able to use were laid onto the structure to preserve the metal from generated by the welds. The entire surface was then
AKT IIs optimised surface model to inform the corrosion and to give its final look (Figs. 1 and 3). polished to create the mirror finish and protected with a
subdivision of patches that could be cut from single metal robust film for transportation. Finally, the prefabricated
sheets. This process was necessary to obtain strips that Library Walk, Manchester sections of the upper Cloud were transported to the site
could be easily fabricated and transported to the site. The and erected onto the pre-installed glass perimeter.
splices were coordinated with the stiffeners locations in The Library Walk Cloud pavilion is a link between the
order to create a simple connection detail for the erection Manchester Town Hall and the adjacent Central Library In a world where craft and science are merging, fusing
onsite. Once this information was added to the digital by Ian Simpson Architects (Fig. 7). The 175m2 pavilion such different expertise, there is a need for a deep and
model, the fabricator started production and pre- uses frameless structural glass panels to support a interactive collaborative process between disciplines.
assembly in its warehouse. The stiffeners were laser-cut 30-tonne, stainless steel roof structure. The distinctive This union has ignited the development of bespoke
and propped in place, then welded to form a skeletal shape of the roof was form-found using mathematical digital tools for design, optimisation and fabrication
network which would provide both a base support and a algorithms designed to create a smooth, organic but that are pushing designers to think deeply about
reference for the setting-out of the skin layers. rational undulation in the soffit, based on spherical integration of purpose and systems. Multi-performative
distortions of a flat surface. skins are one example that, with their integrated
The flat metal sheets defining the skin were then welded technology, can address many of the economic
onto the skeleton of ribs and locally adjusted to remove Different story, a shared path and environmental challenges our industry faces.
4. Shaping steel.
any distortion generated by welding and the imperfection Image: CIG Architecture.
generated in the fabrication process, to maintain tangency Differing from the previous example, this case used
along the splits. To achieve tight curvatures around the digital tools to generate the final curved surface of the 5. Cloud stiffening ribs.
Image: CIG Architecture.
openings, prefabricated metal tubes were used. roof instead of optimising it for fabrication. In addition
to this, the digital tools were set in such a way that the 6. Cloud installation.
Installation locations of the spheres distorting the flat surface could Image: Courtesy of
CIG Architecture.
Once the building was fully pre-assembled, the parts were be altered in {xyz}; their radii of influence were also a
carefully dismounted and loaded onto trucks to be parameter. By manipulating those values, the designer 7. Manchester Library Walk.
delivered to their final location. The vertical side walls was able to position and alter the weight distribution of Image: Valerie Bennet.
were the first to be craned in and welded together, forming the overall roof, having total control of the design. 8. Two-layered structure.
the boundary perimeter where the horizontal enclosure The structure can be divided into two layers: Image: AKT II. 8
286 287
ETH Zurich - Block Research Group
The Escobedo Group
test assembly, the as-built geometry of the structure Structural design and architectural geometry: the Block Research Group, ETH
was recorded and the position of each stone relative Zurich Philippe Block, Tom Van Mele, Matthias Rippmann, Edyta
to its neighbours was marked on the interfaces. Augustynowicz, Cristin Calvo Barentin, Toms Mndez Echenagucia,
Mariana Popescu, Andrew Liew, Anna Maragkoudaki, Ursula Frick.
Since slight deviations of a fraction of a degree in Structural engineering: Ochsendorf DeJong and Block (ODB Engineering)
placement angle at the base (or in fact anywhere along Matthew DeJong, John Ochsendorf, Philippe Block, Anjali Mehrotra.
any row) cause significant deviations higher up, several Fabrication and construction: the Escobedo Group David Escobedo,
strategies had to be developed. The masons would build Matthew Escobedo, Salvador Crisanto, John Curry, Francisco Tovar Yebra,
a few rows, finish some of the edge arches and check that Joyce I-Chin Chen, Adam Bath, Hector Betancourt, Luis Rivera, Antonio
Rivera, Carlos Rivera, Carlos Zuniga Rivera, Samuel Rivera, Jairo Rivera,
everything closed. If not, they would take down the rows, Humberto Rivera, Jesus Rosales, Dario Rivera.
adjust, reposition and realign, repeating the entire
process as needed (Fig. 6). Supported by Kathy and David Escobedo, ETH Zurich Department of
Architecture, MIT School of Architecture + Planning, NCCR Digital
Fabrication, Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, Artemide.
For structural reasons, it was much more important to
have contacts that were as tight as possible between Thanks to Noelle Paulson for assistance with writing.
Achim Menges Ruairi Glynn
Achim Menges, born in 1975, is a registered architect and Ruairi Glynn is co-founder and co-Chair of the FABRICATE
Professor at the University of Stuttgart, where he has been Conference Series. He is Director of the Interactive
the Founding Director of the Institute for Computational Architecture Lab at The Bartlett School of Architecture,
Design since 2008. He has also been Visiting Professor in UCL. Alongside his teaching and research, he practises
Architecture at Harvard Universitys Graduate School of as an installation artist, recently exhibiting at the Centre
Design since 2009. Pompidou in Paris, the National Art Museum of China in
Beijing and the Tate Modern in London. He has worked
He graduated with honours from the AA School of with cultural and research institutions including the Royal
Architecture in London, where he subsequently taught as Academy of the Arts, the Medical Research Council and
Studio Master of the Emergent Technologies and Design the BBC, and has built public works for Twitter, Nike, Arup,
Graduate Programme from 2002-09, as Visiting Professor BuroHappold and Bank of America Merrill Lynch. He
from 2009-12 and as Unit Master of Diploma Unit 4 from co-edited Digital Architecture, Passages Through
2003-06. From 2005-08, he was Professor of Form Hinterlands (2009), Fabricate, Making Digital Architecture
Generation and Materialisation at the HfG Offenbach (2011) and Fabricate, Rethinking Design and Construction
University for Art and Design in Germany. In addition, he has (2017), alongside curating over a dozen international
held visiting professorships in Europe and the United States. conferences, competitions and exhibitions. He has taught
internationally, including at ETH Zurich, TU Delft, The Royal
His practice and research focuses on the development of Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Copenhagen, and the
integral design processes at the intersection of morphogenetic Angewandte, Vienna. He is Programme Director of The
design computation, biomimetic engineering and computer Bartletts new MArch Design for Performance and Interaction
aided manufacturing that enables a highly articulated, Masters, beginning in October 2017.
performative built environment. His work is based on an
interdisciplinary approach in collaboration with structural Marilena Skavara
engineers, computer scientists, material scientists and
biologists. He has published several books on this research Marilena Skavara has been an integral part of FABRICATE
and its related fields, and is the author/co-author of since its inaugural event in 2011. She holds a degree from
numerous articles and scientific papers. His projects and the National Technical School of Architecture in Athens and
design research have received many international awards, completed the MSc in Adaptive Architecture and
have been published and exhibited worldwide and are Computation at The Bartlett School of Architecture, both
exhibited in several renowned museum collections, including with distinction. Her Masters thesis project Adaptive Fa[CA]
the permanent collection of the Centre Pompidou in Paris. de was exhibited during London Design Week in 2009 and
Achim Menges is a member of several international research has since been published in several publications and
evaluation boards and a member of numerous scientific conferences. She has tutored and run Arduino/Processing
committees of leading peer-reviewed international journals workshops at The Bartlett, the Architectural Association, the
and conferences. cole Speciale dArchitecture, University of Lund and the
Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA)
Bob Sheil in Copenhagen. She is Director at Codica, a London-based
digital product studio, where she explores new interactions
Bob Sheil is co-founder and co-Chair of the FABRICATE through digital services, wearables and prototyping.
Conference Series, Professor of Design through Production
and Director of The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL.
Among numerous articles and papers, he is the editor of
Manufacturing the Bespoke (Wiley, 2012) and has edited
three issues of AD: High Definition: Zero Tolerance in Design
and Production (Wiley, 2014), Protoarchitecture: Analogue
and Digital Hybrids (Wiley, 2008) and Design through
Making (Wiley, 2005). His built work includes the award-
winning 55/02 Shelter at Kielder Water and Forest Park,
Northumberland, UK (2008), designed and fabricated in
collaboration with Stahlbau GmbH.
296 297
Mania Aghaei Meibodi is a practising architect. She assembly-based construction details for robotic assembly. the Design Research group, part of the Office of the CTO and Hua Chai holds a Bachelors degree in Architecture from Graham Cranston is a Structural Engineer with Simpson Gershon Dublon is an artist, electrical engineer and PhD
co-founded meonia, a Stockholm and Toronto-based Ariza holds a diploma in Architecture from the University of Autodesk Research at Autodesk in San Francisco, California. Tongji University, Shanghai. Currently, he is a postgraduate Gumpertz & Heger (SGH). He specialises in the analysis student at the MIT Media Lab. In his research, he develops
architecture and design practice. Alongside this, she has Buenos Aires and an MS in Design and Computation from Bergin contributes to the emerging field of generative design student at Tongji University. His research focuses on the and design of non-standard structures, as well as new interfaces to sense data and explores how sensor
been a part-time postdoctoral scholar at Digital Building MIT, and has served as a 2014-16 Fulbright Scholar and 2016 systems in domains ranging from automotive and aerospace digital design and robotic fabrication of wood tectonics investigations of underperforming and failed structures. networks might become prosthetic through attention-aware
Technologies (DBT) at the Department of Architecture, Quarra Matter Fellow. to manufacturing and the built environment. based on structural performance. Cranston uses high fidelity structural models, finite element devices and environments. His artwork explores similar
ETH Zurich. Her research focuses on ways of creating analysis and computational tools to solve diverse structural themes of transduction, perception and attention. His work
geometrically complex architecture based on the close Kim Baber is a Fellow in Civil Engineering and Architecture Mathias Bernhard studied architecture at ETH Lausanne and Chin-Yi Cheng is a designer, engineer and programmer, as problems. He is currently developing tools and methods has appeared at conferences including IEEE Sensors, NIME
interplay between computational design, digital fabrication at the University of Queensland. He is also a registered ETH Zurich. After specialising in digital fabrication while well as a cook. He loves to switch between these roles and to enable the use of 3D printed structural components and CHI, in media such as the NYT, Wired and Scientific
and new materials. At DBT, she exploits the potential of architect and Principal of Baber Studio, and in 2015 his working at the Rapid Architectural Prototyping Laboratory even play more than one of them at the same time. He has a in buildings. Cranston is a licensed structural engineer in American and in museums and festivals worldwide. Dublon
additive manufacturing (AM) for designing and realising practice was awarded the Queensland Emerging Architect and gaining a Master of Advanced Studies in Computer- dual Masters degree in Computational Design and Computer Vermont and Hawaii. has a Masters from MIT and a BSEE from Yale.
geometrically complex forms. In this context, she uses AM Prize by the Australian Institute of Architects. In 2016, Baber Aided Architectural Design (MAS CAAD), he joined the Science at MIT, and majored in Architecture and Mechanical
to fabricate moulds with complex inner and outer features, received the Gottstein Trust Fellowship to research timber CAAD group at ETH Zurich as a research and teaching Engineering during his undergraduate studies. As part of Xavier De Kestelier is a Principal at HASSELL, where he Jeg Dudley is a computational designer currently working
which are then used to form cast concrete, aluminium and fabrication technologies being developed in Europe and assistant. His work mainly focuses on the intersection a multidisciplinary research team at MIT Media Lab, he is the Head of Design Technology and Innovation. He was within the Parametric Applied Research Team ( at
glass parts with geometric complexity and surface detailing. Japan. Through his practice and research, Baber works with between architecture and information technology, explores new ideas to combine design, materials, interaction, previously a Partner at Foster + Partners, where he jointly AKT II. He received architecture degrees from the University
architecture and civil engineering students to design, combining machine learning and artificial intelligence with digital fabrication, biology and molecular gastronomy. As an headed its Specialist Modelling Group, a project-driven of Bath before working for companies across the design
Sean Ahlquist is an Assistant Professor of Architecture at the develop and construct prototypes that test innovations in computational geometry. He joined the group for Digital independent researcher, he focuses on helping designers R&D group that specialises in complex geometrical spectrum, including RoboFold, Heatherwick Studio and
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning. He is the structural use of timber. Building Technologies in autumn 2015, investigating and engineers interact with artificial intelligence. problems, computation and building physics. He has Atmos. Dudley has extensive industry experience in the design,
part of the Cluster in Computational Media and Interactive large-scale additive manufacturing in architecture. also been involved with several funded research projects optimisation and construction of complex geometries.
Systems, which connects architecture with the fields of Ehsan Baharlou is a doctoral candidate at the Institute for Esben Clausen Nrgaard is a civil engineer. He graduated on the application of additive manufacturing on an He has run workshops and lectured at several academic
material science, computer science, art, design and music. Computational Design and Construction (ICD) at University Phil Bernstein is an architect and an Autodesk Fellow. He from Aalborg University in Architectural Design in 2014, architectural scale with both NASA and ESA. He has been institutions, including the Royal College of Art, UCL and the
Research is centred on material computation, developing of Stuttgart. He holds a Master of Science in Architecture teaches Professional Practice at Yale, where he received and joined CITA after graduation. His primary research and a Visiting Professor at the University ofGhent, an Adjunct University of Westminster, where he is a Visiting Lecturer.
articulated material structures and modes of design which with distinction from the Islamic Azad University of Tehran. both his BA and his MArch. He is co-editor of Building (In) interest lies in prototyping, fabrication and rationalisation. Professor at Syracuse University and a Teaching Fellow at
enable the study of spatial behaviours and human interaction. Along with pursuing his doctoral research, he has taught The Future: Recasting Labor in Architecture and BIM In Since joining CITA, his primary focus has been on fabrication The Bartlett School of Architecture, UCL. In 2010, he became David Escobedo is founding owner of the Escobedo Group,
This is explored through the design and fabrication of seminars on computational design techniques and design Academia, and he is a Senior Fellow of the Design Futures with industrial robots and how these can be used to create a Director at Smartgeometry, a non-profit organisation that where he leads a six-division vertically integrated general
pre-stressed lightweight structures, innovations in thinking at the ICD since 2010. His research is currently Council. Formerly, Bernstein was Chair of the AIA National relationships between traditional craftsmanship and digital promotes advances in digital design in architectural research contracting firm. Escobedos primary focus is utilising digital
textile-reinforced composite materials and tactile sensorial focused on the integration of fabrication and construction Contract Documents Committee and a Principal with Pelli environments. and practice. fabrication and computation in the steel, stone and millwork
environments as interfaces for physical interaction. characteristics into computational design for form Clarke Pelli Architects. divisions. Additionally, Escobedo has developed a panelised
generation via agent-based modelling and simulation. Brandon Clifford is an Assistant Professor at MIT and Benjamin Dillenburger is an architect and Assistant construction process that delivers fully systems-integrated
Yousef Alqaryouti is a PhD candidate at the University of Shajay Bhooshan is an Associate at Zaha Hadid Architects, Principal at Matter Design. Clifford received his Master Professor for Digital Building Technologies at the Institute of prefabricated wall, floor and ceiling panels that mitigate
Queensland with a particular interest in digital fabrication, Ball-Nogues Studio, established in 2004, is a collaboration where he heads the research activities of the Computation of Architecture from Princeton University in 2011 and his Technology in Architecture (ITA) at ETH Zurich. His research the customary high-end residential construction issues of
modular housing and lightweight structures. Prior to enrolling between Benjamin Ball and Gaston Nogues. Their work and Design (CoDe) group. He also works as a studio master Bachelor of Science in Architecture from Georgia Tech in focuses on the development of building technologies based weather, labour force scarcity and site risks. Escobedo is
at the University of Queensland, he worked for six years as is informed by the exploration of craft. Essential to each at the AA DRL Masters programme in London. He pursues 2006. He worked as project manager at Office dA from on the close interplay of computational design methods, known within the industry for his technical design capabilities,
a structural design engineer for different global consulting project is the design of the production process itself, with his research in structure and fabrication-aware architectural 2006-09, was a LeFevre Fellow at OSU from 2011-12 and was digital fabrication and new materials. In this context, his skills in fabricating complex and challenging structures
and engineering companies. He received an MSc in Civil the aim of creating environments that enhance sensation, geometry as a Research Fellow at the Block Research Group, a Belluschi Lecturer at MIT from 2012-16. Clifford has been he searches for ways to exploit the potential of additive and his problem-solving techniques.
Engineering/Structures with distinction from the University generate spectacle and invite physical engagement. While ETH Zurich. Previously, he worked at Populous, and awarded the Design Biennial Boston Award, the Architectural manufacturing for building construction and investigates
of Jordan (2014) and a BSc in Civil Engineering with distinction both partners were trained as architects at the Southern completed an MPhil at the University of Bath and an MArch League Prize and the prestigious SOM Prize. Clifford's the specific performance and tectonic possibilities of Jelle Feringa is co-founder of Odico Formwork Robotics and
from the Hashemite University (2010). California Institute of Architecture, they have produced a at the AA. He has taught and presented work at various translation of past knowledge into contemporary practice high-resolution additive printing processes. The aim EZCT Architecture and Design Research. While developing
diverse body of work that explores the intersection of public professional conferences events and institutions, including continues to provoke new directions for digital design. is to improve the quality of planning and construction, his PhD thesis at Hyperbody TU Delft, Feringa established
Felix Amtsberg is a SUTD-MIT Postdoctoral Fellow at art, architecture and fabrication. AAG 2016, simAud 2015, 2014 and 2010, Siggraph 2008, ETH as well as to open up new paths towards a richer and a robotics lab at the RDM innovation dock in the Rotterdam
Singapore University of Technology and Design. He studied Zurich, Yale University and University of Applied Arts, Vienna, David Correa is an Assistant Professor at the University more engaging architecture. harbour in 2011. This research formed the technological
architecture at the University of Kassel, and received his diploma Ricardo Baptista joined AKT II in 2005 after completing a CITA Copenhagen, IAAC Barcelona and Innsbruck University. of Waterloo and a Doctoral Candidate at the Institute for foundation for Odico Formwork Robotics. Feringa is CTO at
degree in 2008 and his Master of Science in 2010. From 2011, Masters degree at Imperial College London, balancing his Computational Design (ICD) at the University of Stuttgart. Moritz Drstelmann is a Research Associate at the Institute Odico and developer of the offline robotics programming
he worked as a Scientific Assistant at the Institute for Structural previous academic experience gained from the Technical Philippe Block is Associate Professor at the Institute of At the ICD, Correa initiated and led the research field of for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) at platform PyRAPID that lies at the heart of Odicos operation.
Design (Graz, University of Technology), where he was the Superior Institute in Lisbon. As a director at AKT II, he has Technology in Architecture, ETH Zurich, where he co-directs bio-inspired 3D printed programmable material systems. Stuttgart University and Guest Professor for Emerging Since 2014, Odico has rolled out its fabrication technology
coordinator of the ABB-Robotic Research and Teaching enjoyed the design-led approach and emphasis on creativity, the Block Research Group (BRG) and is Deputy Director of His doctoral research investigates the reciprocal relationship Technologies at the Technical University of Munich. and as such is involved in the realisation of several
Laboratory and established the research focus on digital playing a lead role in a number of ground-breaking projects the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research between material design and fabrication from a multi-scalar He studied architecture at the RWTH Aachen University high-profile construction projects.
fabrication of load-carrying structures and sensory informed in the UK and abroad, including in the US, Scandinavia and Digital Fabrication. BRGs research focuses on structural perspective. With a focus on climate-responsive materials and the University of Applied Arts in Vienna. Drstelmanns
production. He received his PhD in 2016 from Stefan Peters the Middle East. Baptista has collaborated with a host of form-finding as well as the optimisation and fabrication of for the built environment, the research integrates research focuses on integrated computational design and Ida Katrine Friis Tinning is an architect and Kaospilot
and co-supervisor Prof. Martin Bechthold (Harvard GSD). high-profile architectural practices, producing buildings that shell structures. Block studied architecture and structural computational tools, simulation and digital fabrication fabrication strategies for novel fibre composite building member, with a focus on computational design and textile
range from small-scale schemes in the private and public engineering at the VUB in Belgium and at MIT in the US, with bio-inspired design strategies for material architectures. systems. Through interdisciplinary cooperation, he has architecture. At the Royal Academy of Fine Arts School
Ins Ariza is an architect and researcher at the Digital sectors to large museums, airports and stadia. where he obtained his PhD in 2009. As a Partner at As a designer in architecture, product design and commercial realised a series of fibrous lightweight structures which are of Architecture, Tinning graduated from CITA Studio in
Structures research group at the Department of Architecture Ochsendorf DeJong & Block, he provides structural digital media, Correas professional work engages multiple material-efficient and explore a novel architectural design Computation in Architecture. Since 2014, Tinning has worked
at MIT. Through her current research work, Ariza is Michael Bergin is Principal Research Scientist, Product assessment of historic monuments and design and disciplines and environments, from dense urban settings to repertoire. His research achieves the simultaneous for CITA on the Complex Modelling Projects Tower and
developing digital workflows for physics-, fabrication- and Designer and Team Leader for the User Experience team in engineering of novel compression structures. remote northern regions. advancement of building culture and technology. Lace Wall and as an assistant teacher. Besides the research
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projects at CITA, she has worked for and helped to set up until becoming Director of Product Strategy for Autodesk Christopher Hutchinson is a Professor in Materials with an at Harvard GSD. He is researching construction techniques of industrial robots. Kohlers work has been widely published Juhun Lee is a computational designer at Simpson Gumpertz
File under Pop, and worked as a project leader and architect AEC Generative Design in 2015, where he is responsible for expertise in the processing, structure and properties of informed by termite collective construction and robotic swarm and internationally exhibited, and is comprehensively & Heger. His architectural design background includes both
for architectural practices. helping define the next generation of building software metals and alloys. His work spans fundamental aspects of behaviour with Harvards Wyss Institute. Kassabian is a documented in the book The Robotic Touch How Robots his undergraduate work and two years of professional
products and services for the AEC industry. both metal alloy design and structure, through to applied licensed structural engineer in 14 US states and one Canadian Change Architecture. Since 2014, Kohler has also been the experience in Korea. Lee studied computational design
Augusto Ganda studied architecture at the University of projects involving new steels for automotive applications or province, and is a chartered engineer in the UK. Director of the National Centre of Competence in Research related to building structures and energy simulation in his
Mendoza, Argentina, and completed a Masters in Media Darron Haylock joined Foster + Partners in 1995, working aluminium alloys for aerospace. Hutchinson makes use of both (NCCR) Digital Fabrication. graduate program at Harvard University. Currently, he is
Architecture at the Bauhaus University Weimar, Germany. initially on a research and development laboratory and office advanced experimentation, including characterisation of an James Kingman studied civil and structural engineering at working closely with structural design and building science
He has worked for architectural offices in Madrid and Stuttgart. tower for Daewoo Electronics in Seoul. He has worked in alloys micro and atomic structure, and simulation models for the University of Leeds. He is currently a Design Engineer Radovan Kovacevic is Professor of Mechanical Engineering groups to provide Simpson Gumpertz & Heger and its clients
In June 2015, he joined Gramazio Kohler Research at the a number of academy schools, including Thomas Deacon the relationship between the structure and its properties. at AKT II, where he has worked on a wide range of projects and holds the Herman Brown Chair in Engineering at Southern with innovative design solutions.
National Centre of Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Academy and West London Academy. He was Partner-In- involving advanced analysis and simulation, including Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. He is Director of the
Fabrication at ETH Zurich as a PhD researcher. His research Charge of a series of hospitals for Circle Healthcare at sites Hiroshi Ishii is the Jerome B. Wiesner Professor of Media commercial developments, long span tensile structures Research Center for Advanced Manufacturing and the Scott Leinweber was a visiting Fulbright researcher at CITA
focuses on the relationship between computational design in Bath, Southampton and Manchester. More recently, he Arts and Sciences at the MIT Media Lab, where he currently and innovative bridges. Kingman has published a number Center for Laser-Aided Manufacturing at SMU. He has over during 2015-16, where he investigated how computational
and the simulation of architectural fabrication processes. has led the design team for the Edmund and Lily Safra Brain directs the Tangible Media Group. He joined the MIT Media of academic works on applications of topology optimisation 40 years of research and teaching experience in the field of tools are changing traditional Danish design culture. Now
Sciences Building at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem Lab in October 1995. Ishii and his team have presented their in structural engineering and also contributed to the AKT II mechanical engineering. He holds seven US patents and has back in New York, Leinweber is a creative technologist and
Joseph M. Gattas is a civil engineer and Lecturer at the and the new Maggies at the Robert Parfett Building in visions of Tangible Bits and Radical Atoms at a variety of publication Design Engineering Re-Focused. He has authored or co-authored over 600 technical papers and six designer who explores the digital-physical dialogue of
University of Queensland. He leads the Folded Structures Manchester. He was made a Partner in 2004. academic, design and artistic venues (including ACM lectured at UCL and the University of Bristol. books. He is a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical craftsmanship today. He works with artists, product
Lab, a research group working in origami-inspired engineering SIGCHI, ACM SIGGRAPH, the Industrial Design Society Engineers, the Society of Manufacturing Engineers and the designers and architects to realise projects as diverse
and more broadly on parametric geometry, sheet material Volker Helm is a Professor at the University of Applied of America, AIGA, Ars Electronica, ICC, Centre Pompidou, Since 2011, Harald Kloft has been a Professor in Structural American Welding Society. He has held fellowships from the as interactive art and sculpture, product design, video,
fabrication methods and applications developed at the Sciences and Arts of Dortmund. He completed his studies the Victoria and Albert Museum and Milan Design Week), Design and the Head of the Institute of Structural Design Fulbright Foundation, the Carl Duisberg Foundation and the information mapping and architectural spaces.
intersection of the two. He is also a member of the in architecture at the University of Siegen, Germany, before emphasising that the development of tangible interfaces (ITE) at Braunschweig University of Technology in Germany. Alexander von Humboldt Foundation.
Queensland Centre for Future Timber Structures and is specialising in CAAD as a Master of Advanced Studies under requires the rigour of both scientific and artistic review. His research is focused on designing resource-efficient AL_A (Amanda Levete Architects) is the award-winning
interested in all aspects of design, making and coding. the Chair of Professor Ludger Hovestadt at ETH Zurich. non-standard structures in the context of digital fabrication Benjamin S. Koren was born in Frankfurt and grew up in architecture and design studio founded in 2009 by the RIBA
His studies focused on computer-aided architectural Manuel Jimnez Garca is the co-founder and Principal processes. Before Braunschweig, he taught as a full Professor Miami, Florida. He studied architecture, film and music at Stirling Prize-winning architect Amanda Levete with Directors
Hlori Geglo is Project Manager (International) at Hess Timber. design and automated production. He also worked for six of madMdesign, a computational design practice based in for Structural Design at the University of Kaiserslautern NYU, the University of Miami, the Architectural Association Ho-Yin Ng, Alice Dietsch and Maximiliano Arrocet. AL_As
He holds a technology degree in Mechanical Engineering from years at Herzog & de Meuron in Basle, with a focus on the London. His work has been exhibited worldwide in venues (2000-11) and at Graz University of Technology (2007-09). in London and the Angewandte in Vienna. He went on to approach to design balances the intuitive with the strategic,
the University of Rennes, France, as well as an engineering development, programming and realisation of complex such as Centre Pompidou (Paris), Canadas Design Museum From 2000-08, he was also Visiting Professor for Structural work for the Advanced Geometry Unit at Arup in London drawing on a foundation of rigorous research, innovation,
diploma in Wood Construction and Technology from the geometries. From 2010-17, he was a researcher for the (Toronto), the Royal Academy of Arts (London), Zaha Hadid Design in the architectural class of the Stdelschule in and for Herzog & de Meuron in Basel. He is the founder and collaboration and painstaking attention to detail. In every
cole Suprieure du Bois in Nantes, France. At Hess Timber, Chair of Architecture and Digital Fabrication at ETH Zurich. Design Gallery (London), Clerkenwell Design Week (London) Frankfurt. Besides his academic background, Kloft is Managing Director of ONE TO ONE (, project, however modest in scale, AL_A try to advance
he has managed projects such as the H16 aircraft maintenance In 2015, he completed his doctoral thesis, with a focus on and X Spanish Architectural Biennale (Madrid). Alongside his co-founder and Partner of the international engineering a computational geometry and digital fabrication consultancy debate, be it analytical response, social purpose,
hall in Cannes airport, France, the wooden sculpture robot-based construction processes onsite. practice, Manuel is currently a Lecturer at The Bartlett School practice osd office for structural design in Frankfurt. set up in 2009, with offices in Frankfurt and New York. manufacturing technique or material innovation.
Mobiversum by architect J. Mayer H. in Wolfsburg, Germany, of Architecture, UCL, where he directs the Architectural He lives and works in New York.
the construction of wooden lighting high masts in Busan, South In a career spanning three decades, Ralph Helmick has created Design Research Cluster 4 and Unit 19 on the MArch Jan Knippers specialises in lightweight structures and Hendrik Lindemann works as a research assistant at the
Korea, and the Seine Musicale by Shigeru Ban in Paris, France. over forty major public sculptures across the US, generating programme; in addition, he curates Plexus, a multidisciplinary innovative materials. He is Partner and co-founder of William Kreysler is founder and CEO of Kreysler & Institute of Structural Design in Braunschweig and is the
experimental civic designs linked more by underlying aesthetic lecture series based on computational design. Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering. The focus of Associates (K&A), a custom moulder of fibre-reinforced Design by Technology Chair at Folkwang University of
Fabio Gramazio is an architect with multidisciplinary principles than a signature style. Optical consolidation their work is on efficient structural design for international products located in Napa County, California. K&A has won the Arts in Essen. Lindemann studied architecture at the
interests, ranging from computational design and robotic is a consistent theme in his artwork, manifesting itself in Andrei Jipa is a doctoral student at the Digital Building architecturally demanding projects. Since 2000, Knippers awards for excellence in the manufacture of fibre-reinforced Technical University Braunschweig in Germany and the
fabrication to material innovation. In 2000, he founded the sculptures that knit classic visual phenomena (anamorphosis, Technologies Chair, ITA, D-Arch, ETH Zurich. He studied has been Head of the Institute for Building Structures and polymer (FRP) architectural products, industrial products and Technical University in Delft. In 2015, he graduated from
architecture practice Gramazio Kohler Architects in pointillism) with modern fabrication technologies (3D architecture at Ion Mincu University in Bucharest, the University Structural Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart and is large-scale sculptures. The firm has customers throughout Braunschweig with high honours. He has led several
conjunction with his partner Matthias Kohler, where scanning of handmade forms, 3D manufacturing). He is of Sheffield and the University of Westminster in London. involved in many research projects on fibre-based materials North America, Europe and Asia. Kreysler is also a founding workshops on digital design and fabrication techniques.
numerous award-winning designs have been realised. currently working on his first international commission. After his diploma, he founded jamD, a digital fabrication and and biomimetics in architecture. As such, he is a speaker at member and President of the Digital Fabrication Network, an The focus of his current research is the influence of digital
Also responsible for the worlds first robotic architectural parametric design studio based in London. Jipa taught the Collaborative Research Centre Biological Design and international network of cross-industry professionals working fabrication methods on the design workflow and its physical
laboratory at ETH Zurich, their research has been formative Anders Holden Deleuran is a PhD Fellow at CITA (KADK) Computational Design to MArch, MSc and MAS students Integrative Structures. Knippers completed his PhD in civil together to improve processes and accelerate the adoption results in industrial products and architectural design.
in the field of digital architecture, merging computational in Copenhagen. His research extends the interdisciplinary at the University of Westminster, Oxford Brookes University, engineering at the Technical University of Berlin in 1992. of digital fabrication tools and techniques.
design and additive fabrication through the customised Complex Modelling project, specifically investigating The Bartlett and ETH Zurich. His current research focuses on Henry David Louth is a Senior Designer at Zaha Hadid
use of industrial robots. Gramazios work has been integrative development in non-linear, dynamic and 3D printing formwork for concrete building components. Matthias Kohler is an architect with multidisciplinary Riccardo La Magna is a structural engineer and PhD Architects as part of the Computation and Design (CoDe)
widely published and internationally exhibited, and is multi-stage computational design modelling. He previously interests ranging from computational design and robotic candidate at the Institute of Building Structures and Structural group. His research examines ruled and developable
comprehensively documented in the book The Robotic worked for the international architectural practice Aedas Paul Kassabian is a structural engineer and Associate Principal fabrication to material innovation. In 2000, he founded Design (ITKE) at the University of Stuttgart. In his research, constraint-based solving, curve-crease folding (CCF)
Touch How Robots Change Architecture. as a computational design researcher within their R&D group. at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger (SGH). He works on a wide the architecture practice Gramazio Kohler Architects he focuses on simulation technology, innovative structural applications and digital simulation of analogue material
Prior to this, he was a research assistant at CITA, working on range of structural systems such as buildings, bridges and in conjunction with his partner Fabio Gramazio, where systems and new materials for building applications. behaviour. He completed his MArch from the Architectural
Anthony Hauck has been involved in architecture, numerous projects including collaborations with Mark Burry sculptures. At SGH, Kassabian develops innovative methods numerous award-winning designs have been realised. Association (AA) Design Research Lab (DRL) in 2014 and
engineering, construction and technology for more than and Philip Beesley. Deleuran has extensive tutoring experience of design and construction using SGHs in-house materials Also responsible for the worlds first robotic architectural Ting-Uei (Jeff) Lee is a PhD candidate at the University has been a registered architect and LEED AP in the US
30 years. After a career in architecture and construction, from CITA and other institutes, including RMIT, KTH lab, computational design approaches and digital fabrication laboratory at ETH Zurich, their research has been formative of Queensland, where he explores the intersection of since 2011. He has taught and presented at the AA London,
he joined the Autodesk Revit team in 2007, holding a Stockholm, TU Delft, UDK Berlin, ETH Zurich, Architectural techniques. He taught graduate structural engineering students in the field of digital architecture, merging computational curved-crease folded geometries, parametric modelling the AA Visiting School in India, AIA Louisiana and USGBC,
succession of Product Management positions in the group Association, Aalborg University and Smartgeometry. at MIT for ten years and currently teaches the Structures course design and additive fabrication through the customised use and the manufacture of composite structures. and is a contributor to eCAADe and simAUD.
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Richard Maddock is an architect, builder and software Ammar Mirjan is an architect and researcher with a in 2011. He currently leads the CITAstudio international branches in Stuttgart and Graz. His most important projects provocative proposals for international competitions, and The International Journal of Space Structures, Bauingenieur,
engineer. He holds a degree in Computer Systems background in automation engineering. He received a BA in Masters programme. Nicholas particular interest is in the are breathe.austria, Austrian Pavilion Expo Milano 2015; the most recently was a finalist in the international competition ACADIA, RobArch and AAG, where he received the Best
Engineering from the University of Tasmania and for more Architecture from the Bern University of Applied Sciences development of innovative computational approaches that glass dome on the Mansueto Library in Chicago; the ZOB for the New National Gallery in Budapest. Currently, the Paper Award in 2014.
than a decade wrote software for companies such as and an MArch from The Bartlett School of Architecture, establish new bridges between design, structure and Schwbisch Hall; the ZOB Pforzheim (awarded the practice is working on a range of projects, among them a
Porsche, IBM and ANZ Banking Group. After working in UCL. In 2011, he took up the Professorship for Architecture materiality. His recent research explores sensor-enabled Staatspreis Baukultur Baden Wrttemberg 2016); and the 10,000m2 museum in China. Retsin graduated from the Sarah Rodrigo is an artist and arts manager with over twenty
construction for several years, he turned his attention to and Digital Fabrication (Prof. Fabio Gramazio, Prof. Matthias robotic fabrication, multi-scale modelling and the idea that pedestrian and cyclists bridge in Stuttgart-Vaihingen Architectural Association in London. Prior to founding his years experience working on major public art projects.
architecture, receiving a Master of Architecture from The Kohler) at ETH Zurich and completed his PhD on architectural designed materials such as composites necessitate new (awarded the Ingenieurpreis des Deutschen Stahlbaus). own practice, he worked in Switzerland as a project architect She is currently overseeing Helmick Sculptures first
University of Melbourne. In 2014, he joined Foster + Partners fabrication processes with flying robots in 2016. At Gramazio relationships between material, representation, simulation His publications include Faustformel Tragwerksentwurf with Christian Kerez, and in London with Kokkugia. Alongside international commissions.
as a member of the Specialist Modelling Group. Kohler Research, he oversees and is involved in a variety of and making. (2013) and Pre-Fabricated Non-Standard Shell Structures his practice, Gilles directs a research cluster at The Bartlett
research projects related to robotic fabrication in architecture. Made of UHPC (2015). School of Architecture, UCL, and is also a Senior Lecturer at Jean Roulier trained as a joiner, carpenter and wood building
Deyan Marzev is a 3D designer based in London, UK, with a Jifei Ou () is a designer, researcher and PhD candidate the University of East London. His work has been acquired engineer. Having accumulated extensive experience in CAD
Masters degree in Structural Engineering from the University Caitlin Mueller is a researcher, designer and educator at the MIT Media Lab, where he focuses on designing and Jrg Petri by the Centre Pompidou in Paris and he has exhibited in practice, he co-founded the company Lignocam SA in
of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy in Sofia, working at the interface of architecture and structural fabricating transformable materials across scales (from m to Before taking up the post of Director of Innovation at internationally in museums including the Museum of Art 2006 in order to develop a CAM software for the wood
Bulgaria. In 2007, he joined Adams Kara Taylor (now AKT II) engineering. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the m). Physical materials are usually considered as static, passive NOWlab@BigRep in 2016, and establishing NOWlab in 2014, and Design in New York. His visionary designs have been industry. Since then, Lignocam has become the leading
as a structural CAD technician, and in 2013 became a Massachusetts Institute of Technologys Department of and permanent. Ou is interested in redesigning physical Petri was Assistant Professor and PhD fellow at the ITE, TU featured in publications such as Wired, The Guardian and CAM software for interpreting BTL files. Its objective is the
member of the computational research team ( His Architecture and Department of Civil and Environmental materials with the characteristics of digital information. Braunschweig. His research focuses on robotic and additive Dezeen, as well as in academic conferences such as promotion of wood in construction even in the most daring
work at AKT II includes projects such as Knight Architects Engineering in the Building Technology Programme, where As much as his work is informed by digital technology, he is fabrication methods in construction, design and architecture. ECAADE, ACADIA and FABRICATE. projects as well as the realisation of a smooth digital chain
Merchant Square Footbridge (2014), AHMMs 240 Blackfriars she leads the Digital Structures research group. Mueller inspired in equal measure by the natural world around him. In an academic context, he has published, taught and in the construction and fabrication process.
(2012-14), Foster + Partners Bloomberg Headquarters, London earned a PhD in Building Technology from MIT, an SM He has been leading projects that study biomimicry and lectured at IASS Amsterdam and Tokyo, AvB Amsterdam, Roger Ridsdill Smith leads Foster + Partners Structural
(2012-present) and multiple Zaha Hadid Architects projects, in Computation for Design and Optimisation from MIT, bio-derived materials to design shape-changing packaging, University of Kentucky, TU Cottbus, TU Coburg and TU Engineering team. He gained his degree in structural Fabian Scheurer is co-founder of Design-to-Production and
including Grand Theatre de Rabat (2014-present). an MS in Structural Engineering from Stanford University garments and furniture. Kassel. From 2006-13, Petri was an Associate Architect and engineering from Cambridge University and began his leads the companys office in Zurich. He graduated from the
and a BS in Architecture from MIT, and has practised at Project Leader at UNStudio, van Berkel & Bos in Amsterdam, professional career in Paris. In 1994, he joined Ove Arup Technical University of Munich with a diploma in computer
Heath May AIA is Associate Principal and Director of HKS several architecture and engineering firms across the US. tefana Parascho is a PhD researcher at Gramazio Kohler and also led the Knowledge Platform Architectural and Partners, becoming a director of the firm in 2003 and science and architecture and gained professional experience
Laboratory for INtensive Exploration. Holding a Master Research, as part of the National Centre of Competence in Sustainability ASP. Petri is a registered architect at subsequently running a multidisciplinary engineering group as a CAD-trainer, software developer and new media
of Architecture degree from Texas Tech University CoA, Tobias Mller, from Munich, studied civil engineering at the Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication at the ETH Zurich. She Architektenkammer Berlin. in Arups London office. His other projects include the consultant. In 2002, he joined Ludger Hovestadts CAAD
May leads a design team responsible for projects including Augsburg University of Applied Sciences. While working as a studied architecture at the University of Bucharest and the Millennium Bridge in London, Chateau Margaux winery in group at ETH Zurich, where he co-founded Design-to-
future:GSA, a net-zero renovation solution that earned the project manager at Peuckert GmbH, he was responsible for University of Stuttgart. She has worked for Knippers Helbig Marshall Prado is a Research Associate at the Institute for France and Tocumen International Airport in Panama. In 2010, Production as a research group to explore the connections
2012 WAN Commercial Building of the Year Award, and the development, planning and implementation of special Advanced Engineering and Design-to-Production Stuttgart Computational Design at the University of Stuttgart. He he won the Royal Academy of Engineering Silver Medal. between digital design and fabrication. At the end of 2006,
Sustainable Urban Living, a winner of the 2010 Chicago constructions on a variety of different building projects, and has taught and researched at the University of Stuttgart holds a Bachelor of Architecture degree from North Carolina Design-to-Production teamed up with architect Arnold Walz
Athenaeum Green Good Design Award. May currently such as the ceiling system of the Stuttgart and Nuremberg Institute of Building Structures and Structural Design. State University, and a Master of Architecture and a Master Matthias Rippmann has been a member of the Block and became a commercial consulting practice, supporting
serves on the Advisory Board of the PACCAR Technology airports, several subway stations in Cologne and Dsseldorf, Her current research focus lies in the development of of Design Studies in Technology from the Harvard University Research Group at ETH Zurich since 2010, obtaining his architects, engineers and fabricators in the digital production
Institute at the University of North Texas and is an Advanced the RTL TV station in Cologne and the concert hall of the multi-robotic assembly processes for architectural Graduate School of Design. Prado has taught at the University doctorate in 2016. In 2015, he joined the Swiss National of complex design.
Graduate Design Studio Lecturer at University of Texas Elbphilharmonie Hamburg. Since 2012, he has been part of applications and integrative design methods for the of Hawaii and has been an invited studio critic at the University Centre of Competence in Research Digital Fabrication as
Arlington, CAPPA, School of Architecture. the management at Peuckert GmbH. design of robotically fabricated structures. of Pennsylvania, Carnegie Mellon University, the University of a Postdoctoral Fellow. He conducts research in structurally Simon Schleicher is an Assistant Professor in the Department
Michigan and the Wentworth Institute of Technology. He has informed design and digital fabrication, and is the developer of Architecture at the University of California, Berkeley. His
Wes McGee is an Assistant Professor in Architecture and Stefan Neudecker holds the Design by Technology Chair Gernot Parmann has been Assistant Professor at the Institute led several workshops on digital design and fabrication of the form-finding software RhinoVAULT. He studied transdisciplinary work draws from architecture, engineering
the Director of the FABLab at the University of Michigan at Folkwang University of the Arts in Essen. Within the field for Structural Design at Graz University of Technology, where techniques. His current research interests include the architecture at the University of Stuttgart and the University and biology. By cross-disciplinary pooling of knowledge,
Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Planning. of industrial design, he teaches experimental fabrication he studied architecture, since 2012. Before his studies, he was integration of computation and fabrication techniques of Melbourne. He worked in Stuttgart at Behnisch he aims to transfer bending and folding mechanisms found in
His work revolves around the interrogation of machinic methods, interdisciplinary design processes and mass an accomplished cast mechanic and machine tool operator, into material systems and spatial design strategies. Architekten, LAVA, the Institute for Lightweight Structures nature to lightweight and responsive systems in architecture.
craft and material performance, with a research and teaching customisation strategies. He initially studied electrical working in this profession for 10 years. Since his diploma and Conceptual Design and Werner Sobek Engineers.
agenda focused on developing new connections between engineering at the University of Erlangen and later studied thesis, Modular Standard, in 2012, he has worked in the field David Reeves is a designer, programmer and researcher In 2010, he co-founded the consultancy firm Rippmann Patrik Schumacher has been Principal at Zaha Hadid
design, engineering, materials and process through the architecture at the Technical University at Braunschweig. of applied research for manufacturing processes, specifically currently working at Zaha Hadid Architects as a member Oesterle Knauss GmbH (ROK). Architects since its RIBA Gold Medal and Pritzker
creation of customised software and hardware tools. Besides freelance activities at architectural offices including in concrete construction. At present, he is writing his PhD of the Computation and Design (CoDe) group. Here, prize-winning founders passing in April 2016. He has been
As a founding Partner and Senior Designer at the studio realities:united, Graftlab and GMP, he has worked as a thesis about the fabrication of UHPC shell structures and his research focuses on geometry processing and novel Christopher Robeller is an architect and postdoctoral a co-author on multiple projects since he joined the firm in
Matter Design, his work spans a broad range of scales and research assistant at the IMD (Institute for Media and Design) works as a Project Manager for product development at Max applications of numerical methods within architectural researcher at the Swiss National Centre for Competence in 1988, and since then, alongside Hadid, has built the practice
materials, always dedicated to reimagining the role of the and the ITE (Institute of Structural Design) at the Technical Bgl Bauservice GmbH. design modelling. Reeves has taught and presented work at Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication. Christopher received into the 400-strong global architecture and design brand it is
designer in the digital era. University at Braunschweig. He developed and managed the various institutions, including the Architectural Association, his architecture diploma with distinction from London today. In 1996, he founded the Design Research Laboratory at
DFG Research facility DBFL at the ITE. Stefan Peters is Professor at the Institute for Structural The Bartlett, CITA and Yale University. His work has also Metropolitan University in 2008 and worked at ICD Stuttgart the Architectural Association, where he continues to teach.
Rich Merlino is the President of Addaero Manufacturing. Design at Graz University of Technology, and since 2013 has been published and presented at international conferences from 2008-10, where he developed integral timber plate He lectures worldwide and recently held the John Portman
For most of his career, he served in various sales and Paul Nicholas holds a PhD in Architecture from RMIT been the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture. He received and events such as Acadia, SimAud, IASS and Smartgeometry. joints for the award-winning ICD/ITKE Research Pavilion 2010. Chair in Architecture at Harvards GSD. Over the last 20 years,
operations capacities for Pratt & Whitney, a division of University, Melbourne, Australia. Having previously practised his doctorate from Jan Knippers on the subject of the Since 2011, he has worked at IBOIS and received a doctoral he has contributed over 100 articles to architectural journals
United Technologies. He has a BS in Mechanical Engineering with Arup Consulting Engineers from 2005 and AECOM/ structural application of GFK and glass. In 2007, together Gilles Retsin is the founder of Gilles Retsin Architecture, degree from EPFL in 2015 for his thesis Integral Mechanical and anthologies, including his manifestos on Parametricism,
from UMass Amherst and an MS in Supply Management and Edaw from 2009, Paul joined the Centre for Information with Stephan Engelsmann, he founded the civil engineering a young award-winning London-based architecture and Attachment for Timber Folded Plate Structures. His research a two-volume theoretical magnum opus The Autopoiesis
Finance from Indiana University. Technology and Architecture (CITA), Copenhagen, Denmark, company Engelsmann Peters Beratende Ingenieure, with design practice. The practice has developed numerous has been published in journals and at conferences such as of Architecture and the magazine AD Parametricism 2.0.
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Tobias Schwinn is a Research Associate and doctoral Vicente Soler is an architect who consults and lectures as Hanno Stehling is Partner and Head of Software Geoffrey Thn is Associate Dean of Research and Creative Robotics Group and an ongoing project about the future of Karl D.D. Willis is a member of the Integrated Additive
candidate at the Institute for Computational Design (ICD) at a specialist in computational design and digital fabrication, Development at the digital fabrication consultancy Practice and Associate Professor at the University of concrete 3D printing processes. Manufacturing team at Autodesk. He holds a PhD in
the University of Stuttgart under the supervision of Professor participating in multiple internationally recognised projects. Design-to-Production in Zurich. He graduated with a Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban Computational Design from Carnegie Mellon University
Achim Menges. In his research, he focuses on behaviour- In academia, he has worked as a researcher in robotics diploma in architecture from University of Kassel, Planning. He is a founding Partner of the research-based Tom Van Mele is co-Director of the Block Research and previously worked in the Interaction Group at Disney
based approaches for computational design integration applied to architecture and has taught in several Germany, where he studied under Prof. Manfred Grohmann practice RVTR, which serves as a platform for exploration Group (BRG) at ETH Zurich, where he has led research Research. He has over 20 publications and 10 patents issued
in the context of robotic fabrication of segmented shell postgraduate architectural programs, both in Spain (Bollinger + Grohmann) and Prof. Frank Stepper (Coop and experimentation in the agency of architecture and urban and development since 2010. In 2008, he received his and pending, and his work has been covered extensively in
structures. Prior to joining the ICD in 2011, he worked as a and the UK. Currently, he works at The Bartlett School Himelb(l)au). He has a strong background in computer design within the context of dynamic ecological systems, PhD from the Department of Architectural Engineering at the media, including the BBC, NBC, Wired and New Scientist.
Senior Designer for Skidmore, Owings and Merrill in New of Architecture, co-tutoring a unit in the Architectural programming and has gradually focused his studies onto the infrastructures, materially and technologically mediated the Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium. His current research
York and London. Schwinn studied architecture at the Design postgraduate programme and offering support intersection between architecture and computer science. environments and emerging social organisations. The work projects include the analysis of three-dimensional collapse Maria Yablonina is a researcher and a PhD candidate at the
Bauhaus-University in Weimar, Germany, and at the for computational design and robotics. He has developed He worked as a freelance programmer and computational ranges in scale from regional territories and urbanities to mechanisms of masonry structures, the development of Institute for Computational Design (ICD) at the University
University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia as part of the software for the programming and control of industrial robots designer for renowned architects like Bernhard Franken full-scale installation-based prototypes that explore flexible formwork systems for concrete shells and the of Stuttgart. With a strong interest in mobile robotics and
US-EU Joint Consortium for Higher Education. He received that is actively used in multiple architecture schools around before joining Design-to-Production in 2009. Stehling is responsive and kinetic envelopes that mediate energy, development of graphical design and analysis methods distributed collaborative systems, she is currently focusing
his diploma in engineering in architecture in 2005. the world. co-founder of the online platform and atmosphere and interaction. such as three-dimensional graphic statics. He is the on exploring potential fabrication techniques enabled
gives modelling and scripting classes to both academic developer of the online interactive learning platform through the introduction of architecture-specific custom
Martin Self is Director of Hooke Park, the Architectural James Solly is a Research Associate at the Institute for and professional audiences. Edoardo Tibuzzi graduated from the Civil Engineering Faculty eQUILIBRIUM, and of compAS, the computational robotic tools for construction and fabrication. Her work
Associations woodland campus, and is co-Director of the Building Structures and Structural Design (ITKE) at University of Rome University in 2005 and joined AKT II in 2007, where research framework for architecture and structures. includes the development of hardware and software tools,
Design + Make Masters programme, which he founded in 2009. of Stuttgart and a member of the Innochain ETN network, Martin Tamke is Associate Professor at the Centre for he now leads their Computational Design Unit. He has a as well as complementing material systems. Prior to joining
He holds degrees in aerospace engineering and architecture where he is working on virtual prototyping strategies for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) in profound interest in parametric design, interoperable Kathy Velikov is Associate Professor at the University of the ICD in 2016, she completed her Masters at the ITECH
theory, and worked as a consultant engineer at Ove Arup & fibre-reinforced polymers. He is a chartered engineer (CEng Copenhagen. He joined the newly founded research modelling, multi-scale modelling of structures and Michigan Taubman College of Architecture and Urban programme in 2015 and was an Artist-in-Residence at
Partners between 1996 and 2007, where he was a founding MICE) who previously worked at Ramboll UK, BuroHappold centre in 2006 and shaped its design-based research multidisciplinary design. Since joining AKT II, he has Planning. She is a licensed architect and a founding Partner Autodesk Pier 9 in 2016.
member of its Advanced Geometry Group. He has also Engineering and Format Engineers, delivering projects from practice. Projects on new design and fabrication tools for completed various projects, including the UK Pavilion of the research-based practice RVTR, which serves as a
consulted within practices including Zaha Hadid Architects experimental sculptures to international museums, before wood and composite materials led to work which focuses at the Shanghai 2010 Expo, the BMW Pavilion and platform for exploration and experimentation in the agency Philip F. Yuan is a Professor and PhD Advisor in the College of
and Antony Gormley Studio. He has taught at the Architectural moving to his current research and teaching role. on material-aware design strategies and complex modelling Coca-Cola BeatBox Pavilion at the London 2012 Olympics, of architecture and urban design within the context of Architecture and Planning (CAUP) at Tongji University and a
Association since 2005, including as tutor for Intermediate strategies. This is explored through demonstrators that Birmingham New Street Station re-development and dynamic ecological systems, infrastructures, materially council member of the Architectural Society of China (ASC).
Unit 2s series of summer pavilions, and has directed Hooke Asbjrn Sndergaard is co-founder and Chief Development investigate an architectural practice engaged with bespoke Bloombergs London Headquarters. Tibuzzi has taught and technologically mediated environments and emerging He is the co-founder of the Digital Architectural Design
Park since 2010, where he is overseeing the production of a Officer at Odico, where he heads its industrial research and materials and behaviour. Currently, he is involved in the Architectural Technology at KTH in Stockholm and led social organisations. The work ranges in scale from regional Association (DADA) of the ASC and founding Partner of
series of student-designed experimental buildings. development. This entails several high-profile research Danish-funded four-year Complex Modelling research various workshops at Tor Vergata University in Rome, territories and urbanities to full-scale installation-based Shanghai Archi-Union Architects and Fab-Union Intelligent
efforts to develop novel fabrication technologies within project and the EU-funded adapt-r and InnoChain PhD at UCL and at Colgate University. He is a co-author of prototypes that explore responsive and kinetic envelopes Engineering Co. Ltd. He was a Visiting Scholar at MIT during
Timothy Shan Sutherland received a Master of Fine Arts architectural construction, such as robotic hot blade research networks. Design Engineering Re-Focused, recently published that mediate energy, atmosphere and interaction. Velikov 2008-09. He established the Digital Design Research Center
degree, with a concentration on metalworking, from the cutting, augmented reality interfaces for robotic production in the AD Smart03 series. currently serves on the Board of Directors for ACADIA. (DDRC) in 2010 and has organised the DigitalFUTURE Shanghai
Cranbrook Academy of Art in 2005. He is a Master of programming and automation of non-repetitive robotic Andreas Thoma is a Research Assistant at Gramazio summer school programme for the past six years. His research
Architecture and Master of Science in Digital Fabrication manufacturing. A trained architect and Research Fellow at Kohler Research, ETH Zurich and the Swiss National Centre Daniel Tish is a Research Associate at RVTR. He received Emmanuel Vercruysse holds a set of leading roles at focuses on computational design and digital fabrication.
candidate at the Taubman College of Architecture, Aarhus School of Architecture, Sndergaards research for Competence in Research (NCCR) Digital Fabrication. his MArch with distinction from the University of Michigan the Architectural Association. He is co-Director of the
University of Michigan. He lectures in Architectural Tectonics synthesises an interest in topology optimisation and robotic He graduated with a BSc in Architecture from Bauhaus- in 2015. He was a 2014 Dow Sustainability Fellow, and his Postgraduate Design + Make course based at the AAs Mateusz Zwierzycki is a Research Assistant at the Centre
and Visual Communication at Lawrence Technical University. fabrication as constitutive instruments of architectural University Weimar in Germany in 2009, and in 2014 with thesis was awarded an honorable mention in the 2015 satellite campus out in Hooke Park, positioning the campus for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) in
He has executed several private architectural commissions design, an interest that is being investigated over several a Master of Science in Architecture from ETH Zurich. Jacques Rougerie Innovation and Architecture for at the forefront of architectural research through prototyping Copenhagen, as well as an architect, developer,
and many public sculptural installations in the US and abroad. collaborations with, among others, Gramazio Kohler From 2010-12, he worked for Herzog & de Meuron in Basel, Space international competition. His interests lie in the and large-scale fabrication. The roles of Director of the computational design populariser and tutor for many
His work continues to explore the combination of industrial Research, ETH Zurich and the Israel Institute of Technology, Switzerland. In 2012, he joined Gramazio Kohler Research, computational investigations of complex systems and Robotic Fabrication Visiting School and Curator of Robotic international coding and design workshops. His focus is on
and pre-industrial processes with digital design and Haifa. where he co-led the projects Iridescence Print and Rock geometries, especially those pertaining to responsive Development allow for developing research areas within the parametric and generative design, which he considers to be a
fabrication methods. Print. Since May 2016, he has led the CTI project Spatial architectural elements. He is working towards the cutting-edge field of robotic fabrication, both in Bedford natural way of design thinking. Currently, he is working on the
David Stasiuk is the Director of Applied Research at Proving Timber Units. development of new metrics and methodologies for Square and at Hooke Park. application of machine learning to generative design within
Yuliya Sinke Baranovskaya is currently a research assistant at Ground, a technology consultancy for architects, engineers designing architectural interactions with the transient academia and practice. He has created a variety of plug-ins
CITA, at The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts School of and manufacturers that focuses on the development of Mette Ramsgaard Thomsen is Professor and Head of the nature of the occupants and environments around them. James Warton is a computational designer and and libraries for Grasshopper3d, such as Anemone, Starling,
Architecture, Design and Conservation. She joined the advanced computational tools that facilitate data-driven Centre for Information Technology and Architecture (CITA) applications developer with HKS LINE. He received a Volvox, Squid and, most recently, Owl.
Centre in early 2016 and became part of the Complex design and project collaboration. His academic research in Copenhagen. Her research examines how computation Andreas Trummer is Associate Professor for Structural Masters degree in Architecture and Urbanism from the
Modelling Project, which focuses on the integration of exists within the larger framework of CITAs Complex is changing the material cultures of architecture. In projects Design and Robotic Fabrication at Graz University of Architectural Association's Design Research Laboratory
material performances for sustainable building cultures. Modelling project, which investigates the digital such as Complex Modelling and Innochain, she explores the Technology. He studied structural engineering at Graz (DRL). He is currently enrolled as a PhD student in SMUs
Prior to this, Baranovskaya graduated from the ITECH MSc infrastructures of design models, examining concerns of infrastructures of computational modelling, including open University of Technology and earned his PhD at the Mechanical Engineering Department, where he holds
Programme (2015) at the University of Stuttgart and was feedback and scale across the expanded digital design topologies and adapative parametrisation. She is pursuing University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, a Research Assistantship through the Research Center
highly involved in design development and robotic chain. His work discusses adaptive reparameterisation, design-led research in the interface and implications of in 2002. Since 2009, he has been establishing the Roboter for Advanced Manufacturing (RCAM). At HKS, his
fabrication for the ICD/ITKE Research Pavilions 2013 focusing on the dynamic activation of data structures computational design and its materialisation. Recent Design Labor and set his research focus on questions of responsibilities encompass a range of activities from
and 2014-15. Her interest lies in the realms of fibrous that allow for model networks to operate holistically as projects focus on advanced modelling concepts with highly digital fabrication of load-carrying building elements. These preliminary analysis and conceptual design through to
morphologies and innovative material applications representational engines in the realisation of complex interdependent materials systems and computational design range from prefabricated concrete shell elements to the the design development and documentation of complex
for architecture and large-scale installations. material assemblies. models with integrated simulation of material behaviour. Ceramic Shell Project in collaboration with the GSD Design architectural systems.
Fabricate 2017 Fabricate 2017
Bob Sheil, Achim Menges, Ruairi Glynn and Marilena Skavara
Project Editor:
Eli Lee
Diamond sponsor Bob Sheil, Achim Menges, Ruairi Glynn and Marilena Skavara
(eds.), Fabricate. London, UCL Press, 2017.
org/10.14324/111. 9781787350014
Gold sponsors