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TutorialCSR OT

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POSEIDON Introduction

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR-Tanker

1 Introduction 3

2 A Midship Section - from Concept to Sizing 6

2.1 Design Parameters and Concept Sketches 7
2.2 Principal Dimensions and Material 9
2.2.1 Input of the Principal Dimensions 9
2.2.2 Material definition 11
2.2.3 Storing the Project 12
2.2.4 End connections of stiffeners 13
2.3 Frame Table 17
2.3.1 Generation of a Frame Table 17
2.4 The Wizards of POSEIDON 19
2.5 Modeling of Longitudinal Members 21
2.5.1 Definition of the Frame Table (Y and Z Dir) 21
2.5.2 Definition of Transverse Members 22
2.5.3 Definition of Geometry and Topology 23
2.5.4 Plates, Stiffeners and Holes of Longitudinal Members 29
2.5.5 Arrangement of Transverse Girders on Longitudinal Members 46
2.6 Modeling of Transverse Members 52
2.6.1 Cells 52
2.6.2 Transverse Members 58
2.7 Transverse Bulkhead at Frame 56 69
2.7.1 Description of Bulkhead components 69
2.7.2 Geometry of Cells for Bulkheads 70
2.7.3 Plate Arrangement 71
2.7.4 Girder definition on a bulkhead 72
2.7.5 Stiffener definition on a bulkhead 74
2.7.6 Bulkheads at other locations 76
2.8 Check of modelled parts 79
2.9 Design Criteria or Loads 83
2.9.1 Tanks 83
2.9.2 Design Criteria Stillwater Bending Moments and Shear Forces 94
2.10 Evaluation of a Transverse Section 97

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 1

Introduction POSEIDON

2.10.1 Evaluation of all Members at Midship section in accordance with the CSR OT
Rules 97
2.11 Permissible Stillwater Values 100
2.11.1 Stresses for Deck and Bottom Structures 100
2.12 Assessment of the results of a Transverse Section 101
2.12.1 Correction of the Transverse Section 101
2.12.2 Duplicate calculations in the GL Rules program 103
2.12.3 Evaluation of longitudinal stiffeners 105
2.12.4 Evaluation of lifetime 107

3 Generation of a FE Model 109

3.1 Naming of FE-Models 109
3.2 Parameters of mesh generation 110
3.3 Boundary conditions 111
3.4 Definition of the loads to generate 113
3.5 Mesh generation in longitudinal direction 116
3.6 Start the model generation 117
3.7 Adjusting of Global Loadcases CSR 118
3.8 Optical check of model 124
3.9 Calculation and Evaluation 130
3.10 Filter for the Max-Case and special Plot 141

2 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

POSEIDON Introduction

1 Introduction
Please note that the common structure rules modules CSR-OT and CSR-BC are protected by a
licence key file and not available in general. Please contact us if you need further information about
these modules.
The purpose of this tutorial is to present a method of using POSEIDON accompanied by examples. To
this end, the individual work steps and inputs to complete the given tasks are presented.
The user is led through the individual program sections and can easily understand the solution to the
tasks. There are many cross references to the Reference Manual and to the Online Help function that
clarify the various input alternatives.
At the beginning of each section of the tutorial the problem to be solved is described. Furthermore the
prerequisites from previous sections which are necessary for its solution are presented.
The POSEIDON TreeView reflect, in its order, the fundamental work steps.

Please follow the advice for the configuration of the POSEIDON program, which is to be found in the
POSEIDON User's Guide, in order to print POSEIDON files, properly install the example files onto
your hard disk and to use the individual settings for colors, typefaces, etc.
POSEIDONs Online Help may be invoked at any point within the program using the F1 function key
or the 'Help for active view'-Button . The help description, which corresponds to the current
display, will be shown.


For a direct printout of the actual window, please use the Print-Button . The print command can be
used in all POSEIDON displays.

Note: If you use the Print Preview Button ,the printer output will be displayed on the screen.
Here you can set your own individual settings for printer-and page layout.

Graphical output
An active preview plot window is available in most POSEIDON sections.

Note: By clicking the right mouse button on the plot preview window, you can choose the print
command or the print preview command.

Use the plot button to view all graphics on the screen in a separate window. By pressing 'p' on the
keypad, the actual content of the plot window will be send to the printer.
Plot all plates and profiles, for example, in Section Hull Structure, Longitudinal Members: Plate
Arrangement. There, you have additional control over determining what is to be plotted.

POSEIDON is using WindowsTM standard functions. It is possible to use the commands cut, copy,
paste in all child windows by clicking the right mouse button or using the corresponding buttons
of the toolbar.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 3

Introduction POSEIDON

A star in the left column of the input grids marks a new input line, containing proposals. A pencil
marks a line in edit mode. A plus marks a line of a 'Super-Grid'. By clicking the plus you get the
second input level of this grid. (see: definition of 'Functional Elements' for example)

How to use this manual

The experienced user may possibly find the descriptions in the individual chapters to be too detailed.
Therefore, a short instruction of the work steps to be followed is given in the text lines marked with an

Several definitions and conventions, which are frequently used within the tutorial, follow:

Section. The sections of POSEIDON
are shown by folders in the
TreeView on the left part of the
main window. A selection has
to be made in order to reach
the actual input display. This
process is described with the
help of sections. So the
example: Switch to Section
2.1.1 ' Wizards Transverse
Section Oil Tanker' ' means
the selection of folder no 2 in
the main-tree and, following
that, the choice of folder no 2
in the sub-tree.

Figure 1: TreeView

Italics Inputs, which the user has to make, are printed in italics.
Frame No Name of a column or input field
Summary of the inputs described in the following section.

The tutorial describes the typical procedure for sizing a double hull oil tanker in accordance to the GL
CSR-Rules with the help of POSEIDON. The generation mechanism of POSEIDON and the various
input techniques are introduced. It is shown how the sizing can be accelerated considerably by
working efficiently with POSEIDON. It is recommended that the users themselves practice using the
computer and follow the work steps, which are given in the tutorial.

4 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

POSEIDON Introduction

Figure 2: POSEIDON main window

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 5

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

2 A Midship Section - from Concept to Sizing

This chapter describes the modeling and the sizing process of a midship region.
The process is subdivided into the following individual steps:
concept sketch for a parallel midship region and 3D overview,
input of the characteristic ship data / principal dimensions,
generation of a frame table in the ships longitudinal direction (X axis),
geometric and topologic description of the shell, inner bottom, bulkheads, decks, girders,
transverse members, etc. for various frames,
arrangement of plates, stiffeners and holes on these Functional Elements,
input of the design-loads, which have an influence on the sizing of plates and stiffeners in
accordance with the CSR Double Hull Oil Tankers (cargo static, dynamic, tanks with corresponding
medium etc.),
input of the permissible design bending moments and shear stresses,
iterative sizing in accordance with the GL Rules, varying loads and corrections on members.
The complete input described in this Tutorial is contained in the file TutorialExampleForCSR-OT.pox
that is part of the software package and located in the folder Samples.

6 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.1 Design Parameters and Concept Sketches

Collection of the characteristic ships data, which are necessary for the sizing of the transverse

This step does not require the prior completion of any POSEIDON program section.
In this example the ships characteristic dimensions and design parameters are as follows:
Ship Type: CSR Tanker PanMax Class: 100 A5 Product Carrier CSR
Lpp: 219,8 m
LwL: 222,5 m
B: 32,20 m
H: 20,65 m
Tsc: 14,35 m
TbalAP : 8,57 m
TbalFP : 5,61 m
cB at Ballast: 0,790
V0 : 15,40 kn
Vast : 0,0 kn
Floor spacing: 3.060 mm
Transverse frame spacing horizontal: 825 mm
Transverse frame spacing vertical: 850 mm
Displacement at Tsc: 87777 t
Deadweight at summer draught: 75000 to
Centre Longitudinal Bulkhead
Bilge Keels arranged
Load Codition:
Draughts for Fatigue Full Load TFull : 14,00 m
cB : 0,84
Draughts for Fatigue Normal Ballast Tbal-n : 9,20 m
cB : 0,79
Draughts for Slamming Design Draught TFP-mt : 5,61 m
TFP-full: 7,10 m
The abbreviations conform to the syntax in the Common Structural Rules Double Hull Oil
Tankers, Part 1 Chapter 1. For more information call the Online Help for this section.
For the first pictorial representation of a midship section, a concept sketch has been made up,
additionally you find a 3D-overview for longitudinal information of basic parameters.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 7

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

WT Bulkheads at Fr.56, Fr.63, Fr.70 and Fr.77

Plate width generell

3000 mm; except
bilge 4000 mm
* indicates A32 steel

Figure 3: 3D-Overview of a Tanker and Midship section

8 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.2 Principal Dimensions and Material

Input of the principal dimensions, allocation of a project name, saving of the input in a file.

POSEIDON is individually configured (see the Installation Manual).

2.2.1 Input of the Principal Dimensions

Switch to Section 1 'General' and enter a project name, project description and the Principal
Dimensions according to the values given above.

After starting POSEIDON, choose in the TreeView Section 1.1 General Data. First you choose the
Rules applicable. In this context switch to CSR-OT ,close the window as it is adviced by the launched
window and open 1.1 General Data again.

Figure 4: Switch to applicable Rules

Advice: It is strongly recommended to choose the applicable Rules first before you start to enter the
dimensions as given before.

You see a tabbed form for project data, principal dimensions. Please enter a project name and the
authors name. The description field makes it possible to give a detailed description of the project.
Choose the second tab 'Principal Dimensions' and enter the values given above (see Figure 5)
POSEIDON automatically calculates the GL scantling length L. You can find more information on this
topic by calling the Online Help function with F1.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 9

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 5: Input mask for CSR-OT Principal Dimensions

Figure 6: Input mask for CSR-OT Principal Dimensions 2

As the next mask is showing reference is taken to the CSR-Rules in general. The Shear Flow
Calculation Method is given as simplified when the tanker is of usual design in acc. to the CSR.
The Stillwater Harbour values can be given within the mask 4.5.2.

10 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

The Specific Gravity for Fatigue Assessment is set for this special example to the maximum of 0,9 t/m3
but can be taken accordingly to Section 2 for the mean homogenous scantling draught.

Figure 7: Input Mask for CSR-OT Options

2.2.2 Material definition

Check the default material number
Choose in the TreeView the Section 1.2 materials and familiarize yourself with the definitions of the
material numbers. The first four rows are predefined and not changeable. Post it is possible to define
your own material numbers.

Figure 8: The pre-defined material values

When displaying the section 'Show with plate thickness' ( by using the show button ) or the
ToolTips of the preview-plot-window (by moving the mouse pointer on a Functional Element) the three
primary materials are indicated by stars. Members with Mat.No. 1 contain no stars; members with
Mat.No. 2 and 3 contain 1 and 2 stars, respectively. Higher material numbers (user defined materials
also) are indicated by the # sign. This display convention allows the user to identify graphically areas
of the hull using higher tensile materials.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 11

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

2.2.3 Storing the Project

Save the data and reload the data.

Now, save your first project by clicking the save-button in the toolbar. POSEIDON launches a
WINDOWS TM dialog box where you have to enter the path and the name of the project file. Save the
project under the name MYEXAMPLE.POX. If you repeat this command later, POSEIDON save your
work direct under the given project file name. Please use the 'Save As' command in the File menu, if
you want to assign a new project file name.

Figure 9: POSEIDON File pull down menu

To reload a project file, please use the open command in the File menu or the Load Button in the

Advice: If you start POSEIDON, the latest stored project file will be loaded automatically.

12 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.2.4 End connections of stiffeners

The modeling of the standard local connections for the longitudinal stiffeners with respect to a more
detailed life-cycle analysis.


Switch to Section 1.4 'End connection of stiffeners'

The end connection data can be exported or imported via the File menu as ASCII file. A file containing
examples for fatigue calculation can be found in the file Example End Connections for Fatigue - ID 1
to ID32.txt in the program folder.

Figure 10: Import of standard end connections

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 13

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 11: Input mask for typical end connections of stiffeners

Explanation of the input fields

Id No Identification number for this end connection
Item Optional description
Constr. Construction type
<D> double skin construction
<S> single skin construction
WT Yes/no field.
<Yes> Watertight end connection
<no> Non watertight end connection

Clear8 Yes/no field.

14 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

<Yes> The clearance of the edge of the stiffener flange and

the face of the attachment is greater than 8 mm.
<no> The clearance of the edge of the stiffener flange and
the face of the attachment is less than 8 mm.
T/B Function of bracket
<T> Tripping bracket
<B> Backing bracket
Lapped Lapped connections
Type Type of connection (Bracket / Stiffener)
F/A Arrangement of bracket
blb Bracket length at bottom of bracket or stiffener height
bh Bracket height
blt Bracket length or toe height at top of bracket
bht Bracket toe height at forward end of bracket
r Bracket radius. Use the following input formats
<rxxx> where xxx is the bracket radius
<hxxx> where xxx is the bracket height at blb/2
<straight> straight bracket
rt Bracket radius at top.
<rxxx> where xxx is the radius
rb Bracket radius at bottom. Use one of the following input formats:
<rxxx> where xxx is the radius
<snxxx> where xxx is the soft nose radius
<stxxx> where xxx is the soft toe radius
<rb = rt> the same radius as given for rb is used.
hr Bracket heel radius. Use one of the following input formats:
<rxxx> where xxx is the radius
<shxxx> where xxx is the soft heel radius
<none> no radius
hl Bracket heel length
hh Bracket heel height
Thickness of bracket / stiffener
bflg Breadth of flange of bracket
tflg Thickness of flange of bracket
cflg End connection of flange
Mat.No. Material no. of connection

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 15

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 12 : Typical example for a double skin

16 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.3 Frame Table

Generation of a frame table in the ships longitudinal direction.

The principal dimensions exist in POSEIDON, Section 'General General Data'.

2.3.1 Generation of a Frame Table

Switch to Section 1.5 and enter the aft perpendicular (frame 0, offset 0 mm) in the frame table.
Choose the Section 1.5 Frame Table (X-Dir) of the TreeView of POSEIDON. Check the entries of the
aft perpendicular in the head of the table.

Choose 'AFT' in the field 'Keep PP' and check the entry of the field 'at Frame' If the value is not 0,
please enter 0. The calculated forward perpendicular should be frame no. 215 +825mm now.

From the entries for the aft perpendicular, the given frame spacings and Lpp, POSEIDON
automatically calculates the forward perpendicular and shows it in the grey shadowed field in the head
of the window. If you know the position of the forward perpendicular it is also possible to enter the
position of the forward perpendicular. Then the aft perpendicular will be calculated by POSEIDON.
The table is to be filled out with frame numbers from -5 to 96. The frame spacing ranges in between
700 to 3980 mm.

Enter in Line 1 of the frame table: Frame No. -5, Frame Spacing 700.

Enter in Line 2 of the frame table: Frame No. 12, Frame Spacing 800.

Enter in Line 3 of the frame table: Frame No. 47, Frame Spacing 1460.

Enter in Line 4 of the frame table: Frame No. 49, Frame Spacing 3980.

Enter in Line 5 of the frame table: Frame No. 91, Frame Spacing 3200.

Enter in Line 6 of the frame table: Frame No. 92, Frame Spacing 2400.

Enter in Line 7 of the frame table: Frame No. 96, Frame Spacing 2400.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 17

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

POSEIDON makes two input rows with a useful proposal available. Next, change the proposals of row
1 and overwrite the field Frame No. with -5 and Frame Spacing with 700. Next, overwrite Frame
No. 2 with 12. Enter 800 for the Frame Spacing. Please follow on until your screen is showing the
same result as given below.

Figure 13: Input mask for Frame Table

Advice: POSEIDON does not extrapolate beyond the last frame number, therefore the highest
occurring frame number must be given. The plot is showing additional information as it is
displayed with the tank data. The user will achieve a more simple view without tanks as long
as the tanks are not described.

After concluding the input by leaving the last input row, POSEIDON generates the complete frame
table. With this, the position of the forward perpendicular is also defined and the value of 96+520
should be displayed in the head of the table.
The program calculates both of the last two columns of the table. Xp-Coordinate fr. aft PP gives
the spacing of the frame from the aft perpendicular. X/L contains the relative spacing of the frame
from the starting point of length L, which for its part is taken from the forward perpendicular to the aft
(see Figure 13).

18 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.4 The Wizards of POSEIDON

Definition of a typical cross-section with the help of a POSEIDON-Wizard.

The principal dimensions and the frame table have been entered.
The built-in Wizards of POSEIDON allow much faster generation of the midship section than the
standard way of manually describing each functional element. For example a midship section of a
tanker can be generated in a few minutes with the help of the Wizard. This generated section has to
be modified afterwards to reflect the design idea or the actual design in all details.
The input displays of the wizards are largely self-explanatory. The input fields are described in online-
Choose the Section 2.1 Wizards Transverse Section in the POSEIDON TreeView. Choose Point 3
Tanker .
By clicking the OK button, a typical POSEIDON-description of the cross section is generated.

Figure 14: Cross section wizard for Tanker

Advice: Notice that the Wizard always generates (and also overwrites) complete cross sections. For
this reason do not use the Wizard to edit regions of a cross section.

To check the result, look at the sections 3.1 Hull Structure Longitudinal Members: and 3.2 Hull
Structure Transverse Web Plates. To have an overview about the defined midship section press
the '3D geometry' button .

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 19

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

To learn about the detailed input possibilities of POSEIDON, you should now define structural cross
section of the example using the input displays described in the following sections. Therefore you
should reload your file MYEXAMPLE.POX newly. Close the file without saving (Close command in the
file menu) and use the function Open File in the POSEIDON toolbar to reload the file.

Advice: The last loaded files are listed in the history of the file menu (Figure 15). This gives you a
fast access to your last used files.

Figure 15: File menu with history

20 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.5 Modeling of Longitudinal Members

Definition of the individual structural elements of the transverse sections and the description of the
geometry and the topology.

The principal dimensions and the frame table have been entered.

Frame Table (Y and Z Dir)

A new powerful feature in POSEIDON is the possibility to define a frame table in y-z direction. The
names of the longitudinal frames can be used as references in the description of transverse and
longitudinal members. The longitudinal frames are shown as horizontal or vertical dotted lines in a
transverse section of the vessel.

2.5.1 Definition of the Frame Table (Y and Z Dir)

The Name of the longitudinal frame can have a maximum of 6 characters. The name must begin with
up to four letters followed by a number. The number is necessary for the generation of frames.
Choose the Section 1.6 in the TreeView. Activate the grid cell Name by the mouse pointer and write
our first gridlineY0 (see Figure 16).

Figure 16: Use of the frame table in y-z direction

Jump into the next grid cell No by using the Tab key. Here you use the value 15 to get the definition of
fifteen longitudinal frames in vertical direction. Type the next value 825 to define the spacing and 0,0
for the y-coordinate. The grid cell of the z-coordinate has to be empty for definitions of frames in y-
direction. Choose P+S for the symmetry of this frames. After leaving the line with the down-arrow
button the Frame No. changes automatically to the Frame 67.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 21

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 17: Filling the y-z grid

The input of the next line is similar, but you have to change the Name to Y15, No to 3, the Spacing
[mm] to 850mm, the Y [mm] to 12400,0 mm and the Symmetry must be P+S.

Advice: The numbers are generated acc. to the field No automatically. Please read in the preview
graphic the grid line with the highest number and choose one number higher for the next

In the third line we want to define 1 frame. Change the name to Y18, the value of no to 1, the
spacing to 0,0 and the y-coordinate to 14695,0. The preview displays the actual defined frames. It
is possible to highlight the defined frames in the preview window and POSEIDON shows a ToolTip

containing the actual name and the actual coordinate of the highlighted frame. With this
function you have fast access to the name and the coordinate of the last generated frame. With the all
lines on command, you can see the names of all generated frames. The complete input of the frame
table is shown below in Figure 18:

Figure 18: Frame table in y-z direction

Save your work and close the frame table window.

2.5.2 Definition of Transverse Members

Switch to 1.9 Transverse Structure (CSR OT) to define all necessary position of transverse

In this section supplementary information about transverse structure geometry and topography is
described. All watertight, non watertight bulkheads and web frames nearby watertight bulkheads have
to be defined.
These definitions will be used in the sloshing calculations, see CSR for Tanker section 7.4 and section

22 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Additionally this section provides the pre-processor for the FE-model with essential definitions.

Figure 19: Overview for the transverse structure

Explanation of the input fields

FrameNo Frame number of the transverse structure
Type Type of transverse structure
<WTBH> watertight bulkhead
<NWTBH> non watertight bulkhead (wash bulkhead)
<Web (near BH)> web frame nearby watertight bulkhead
Center Height Characteristic dimension of the structure in center tank.
In case of Web (near BH) height of the transverse deck girder in m
In case of NWTBH z-coordinate of top of closed area of wash
bulk bulkhead above baseline in m
Wing Height Characteristic dimension of the structure in wing tank. This is only to
be used in case of three tanks abreast.
In case of Web (near BH) height of the transverse deck girder in m
In case of NWTBH z-coordinate of top of closed area of wash bulk
bulkhead above baseline in m

Stringer ID Not implemented yet.

BH Type For calculation Fore and Aftship the special BHD Type has to be

2.5.3 Definition of Geometry and Topology

Choose the section 3.1.1 'Hull Structure Longitudinal Members Functional Elements. In this
input display, the so-called Functional Elements, which are involved in the transverse section, are

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 23

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

POSEIDON's Functional Elements describe the geometry and the topology (i.e. the connection
between the elements) of the longitudinal members of a ship steel structure. They are entirely
independent of the plate arrangement or a possible finite element grid. For example, the entire shell
shape is defined as one Functional Element, just as the entire inner bottom is one other element.
Functional Elements connecting to other Functional Elements must be described by naming the
connecting members (reference), as demonstrated in the following example.
In POSEIDON, a Functional Element is identified by an abbreviation (name of the Short Cut), which
is always used and recognized in other program parts.
POSEIDON interpolates geometric information between frames. If, for example, a Functional Element
is described at frame 47 and labeled with the attribute F or F+A and if the same Functional Element is
also defined at frame 91 and labeled with the attribute A or F+A, then the geometry of the Functional
Element will be interpolated between these two cross sections. That means:
F: The geometric information is also valid for frames located further forward and will
be utilized for interpolation.
A: The geometric information is also valid for frames located further aft and will be
utilized for interpolation.
F+A : The geometric information is also valid for frames located further forward and
further aft and will be utilized for interpolation. Generation of the Functional Element SHELL

Switch to Section 3.1.1 and generate the Functional Element SHELL at frame 66, Attribute A+F.

Establish your first Functional Element. Activate the grid cell Func.Ele and use the proposal SHELL
of the pull down menu. Using the Tab key or the mouse pointer activate the next column Frame No.
and enter 66, accept the standard value of F/A. Accept also the standard of P+S for symmetry and
the y and z-coordinates (0,0/0,0).
In the right hand column LT of the line, a 1 for a straight or a 2 for a circular connection (e.g.: bilge
radius) of the shape points has to be entered. Accept the 1 and complete the input by leaving the
edited line. Now the second line is activated and you have only to change the y / z-coordinates and
the line type. If a value remains constant from one line to the next, that field should be left empty. The
definition of the Functional Element SHELL is shown in Figure 20.
The description field can be used for a any description of the Functional Element.

24 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Enter the Functional Element of the SHELL according to the following figure.

Figure 20: Functional Element SHELL

The preview display you get a visual control of the actual definition of the functional element .Try to
highlight the sections of the functional element by the mouse pointer and you will see the coordinates
in the ToolTip also the description line will be highlighted by an additional arrow

It is also possible to use the Plot button to take a look at your complete shape representation for
the Functional Element SHELL. You will recognize the orientation of the SHELL description by the
small, black arrow at the beginning of the shape. This orientation will later be the basis for the
positioning of the plates and the stiffeners on the Functional Element SHELL.

Advice: Orient the Functional Elements from center line to outside and from below to above. This
simplifies the overview for you. Symmetrical members intersecting the midship plane must
start at the symmetry-line (e.g. SHELL at Y= 0).

By double clicking the minus button the rows containing the coordinates will be closed. Now enter
the text description whole shell in the field Description. As previously mentioned above, Functional
Elements may be referenced by means of your short cut. The term used here only serves the purpose
of simplifying the distinction between the Functional Elements for you. Generation of further Functional Elements

Definition of Functional Element IB at frame 66 with attribute F+A, refer to the following figure.

Establish the Functional Element inner bottom with the abbreviation Func.Ele. IB and the F/A
attribute F+A by activating the last line beginning with the star . Overwrite SHELL with IB and enter
the following values:

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 25

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 21: Definition of the Functional Element IB

The entries for the first line are copied automatically to the second line, only changes have to be
overwritten, please activate the box and type Y14. The y-value Y14 can also easily be given by
highlighting the Y-Z-Grid member in the preview and a right click on the mouse. A pop up menu will be
launched where you can choose the command: Set current grid cell to Y14 (see Figure 22).
Use the Plot button, to take a look at your complete Functional Elements IB and SHELL.

Press the minus button to close the rows containing the coordinates.

Advice: Older versions of POSEIDON and automatic tools as the wizard use another way for
description. Instead of repeating a Y/Z-value the next line is left blank and known as no
change happened.

Figure 22: Use preview plot functions to define functional elements

Enter the Functional Element DK1, description weather deck, attribute F+A at frame 66. For the
shape, refer to the following Figure . (Note the usage of the SHELL for the description).

Next, establish the new Functional Element with the description Main deck, the Short Cut DK1 and
the F/A attribute F+A. Enter the following values in the input mask.

Figure 23: Definition of the Functional Element DK1 (main deck)

26 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Advice: DK1 and IB are now connected with the functional element SHELL and Y14, marked by the
red colored circles. It is an advantage to use this style of description, because the
description of SHELL changes, the deck (DK1) and the innerbottom (IB) always remain
attached to the referenced and change their geometry automatically.

You always have visual control of your actual input in preview window.

Enter further Functional Elements.

Now, by using the coordinates given below (see Figure 24 and Figure 25), enter all other Functional

Figure 24: List of all defined Functional Elements

The coordinates for the other elements are given below. By clicking on the arrow button of a grid
cell, you get the pull down menu containing all existing functional elements.

The use of the Toggle-button from the task line will open all Functional Element data.
See Figure 25.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 27

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 25: Input data for further Functional Elements

28 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing View of the Transverse Section at Frame 66

With the Plot button , you can view the results of your work. Choose Frame No. 66 and Show
Geometry /Topology in the following dialog box.

Figure 26: View of the transverse section at frame 66 with topologic connections

The points shown in circles indicate that POSEIDON has realised a physical connection between the
Functional Elements at each of these points. Therefore, be certain to check that all physical element
connections are marked with a circle.

2.5.4 Plates, Stiffeners and Holes of Longitudinal Members

In this section, the purely geometric/topologic description of the model is supplemented by the
arrangement of plates and also by the description of stiffeners and holes on a Functional Element.
At least one Functional Element exists at the frame.
In POSEIDON the plates and profiles can be defined with or without given dimensions. If no
dimension are given, a preliminary thickness (1.0 mm) or profile dimension (minimum dimension from
the profile table) will be assumed. The required values according the CSR OT can be determined
during sizing.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 29

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON Automatic Plate Arrangement for Longitudinal Members

Switch to Section 3.1.2, plate arrangement at frame 66.
Select the section 3.1.2 Hull Structure Longitudinal Members Plate Arrangement. In this input
task the plates on the existing Functional Elements at a defined frame range (around frame 66) will be

POSEIDON offers the choice to generate standard plate and stiffener arrangement automatically
or to copy such an arrangement from another frame.

Press the magic button . The following dialog box (see Figure 27) will be displayed, where you can
enter the valid x-range for the plate fields.

Figure 27: Magic Wand Dialog box for X-Range of Plate Arrangement

Overwrite the proposed values according to your demands.

Please enter for x-Start 47 and for x-End 91.

The Plates for all Functional Elements will be generated for the entire range of cross sections.

By default POSEIDON generates five plates for the SHELL (from keel to sheerstrake) and one plate
for all other Functional Elements.

Advice: In order to arrange plates on a Functional Element automatically, the current frame has to be
well defined. That is, either it has to be described by explicit input, or it must be possible to
interpolate it by means of the attribute F/A of other frames.

Now, use the Plot button and activate the hook plate dim. in the dialog. Take a look at the transverse
section you have just generated.

30 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 28: Input mask for plate arrangements

Fitting the Plate Arrangement of the Shell Plating

As an initial configuration, the automatic plate arrangement is very effective, however, it has to be
further refined and adapted to the design concept. Modifying the arrangement is the subject of this
All plates, which belong to the shell, carry the Short Cut SHELL. In order to achieve a better overview,
you should describe the individual plates in greater detail with the help of Item. In our example, we
name the first plate SHELL;FK (for flat keel) and all others as SHELL;A to SHELL;J.

Flat Keel

Overwrite the description keel with FK

First, overwrite the description keel with bottom1.
POSEIDON determines the starting point Y-Z Start of the plate Bottom1 (BEGIN) directly from of the
starting point of the geometry. Plate arrangements always have the same orientation as the geometric
description of the corresponding Functional Element.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 31

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Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

A plate width of 1500 mm is defined with B=1500.0 and, with that, the Y-Z End is determined;
POSEIDON "proceeds" 1500 mm further along the geometry and so determines the end coordinates.
The moulded line is to the right as seen from the start point of the plate, so leave RIGHT as it is. Here,
you can choose between right and left by using the pull down menu of the grid cell.
Enter the thickness t[mm] with 16.5 mm. The symmetry input P+S is already correctly filled in,
because our model is symmetrical.
Material No. 2 is also appropriate. Compare it with the above given material table.
The Design Criteria S corresponds on the consideration of shell load, in accordance with the CSR-
OT- Rules. The relevant design criterion must be assigned to every plate. If you press the pull down
menu button, the following dialog box (see Figure 29) will be displayed, where you can choose
between all possible design criteria.

Advice: If strongly recommended to use the standard naming for the functional elements (SHELL, IH,
Wing, Hopper, IB, LBn, LGn, DKn).Corrosion margins, special strength criterias are derived
by them for the correct Rule Check!

Figure 29: Dialog box of design criteria

32 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

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POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

The Attributes dialog box contains several additional information for the plate i.e. a corrugated plate
for longitudinal bulkheads may be defined as well as longitudinal strength attributes, unsupported
lengths and actual detail categories.

Figure 30: Dialog box for Plate Attributes

The longitudinal strength behavior for all plates is predefined to Full Effective and this is appropriate
for this shell plate. Other examples are plates with small longitudinal extension, massive cut-outs or
structural discontinuities that should be excluded from the longitudinal strength calculation by marking
the buttons Non effective shear (NES), Non effective bending (NEB) or excluding both attributes shear
and bending by marking Non effective shear and bending (NEX).
The span of a plate field is calculated internally by POSEIDON. To suppress this function the
unsupported span in both directions (dx for longitudinal direction, dyz in the cross section plane) may
be entered directly. A special example is the not modelled buckling stiffener but the not to be
neglected consideration of it.
The Actual detail category is deactivated acc. to the different Lifetime calculation in the CSR.

Advice: The orientation of the plates on a Functional Element must correspond to the orientation of
the geometric description of the Functional Element. Also, several plates have to be
described according to the order given by this orientation.

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Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Bottom Plating
Overwrite the description bottom with bottom2, overwrite Y-Z End with B=3000, set Material to 2
and Thickness to 16 mm.

Insert further rows for the shell and overwrite the description with bottom3, bottom4 and bottom5.
In the example, the bottom plating should be made of the plates "bottom2" to "bottom5".
For the bottom plating, overwrite the description bottom with bottom2, overwrite Y-Z End with
B=3000, set the Material to 2 and change the Thickness to 16 mm.
Highlight the line of SHELL;bottom2 and, with F6 (New) or a right mouse click, generate a further input
line for plate bottom3. Overwrite bottom2 with bottom3. Carry out the same for plates bottom4 and
With AUTO as the starting point of each following SHELL plate, the end-point of the previous plate of
SHELL will be automatically fitted.

Bilge Plates

Leave the description as it is, overwrite Y-Z End with B=4000, set the Material to 2 and the
Thickness to 17 mm.

The bilge strake is represented by plate bilge.

For the bilge strake, leave the description bilge as it is, overwrite Y-Z End with B=4000, set the
Material to 2 and write the thickness 17 mm.

Side and Sheerstrake Plates

Overwrite the description side with s1 and Y-Z End with B=3000, set the Material to 2 and
Thickness to 15.5 mm.

Generate further lines from SHELL;s1 with the descriptions s2, s3, s4 and s5.
The side plates are described with s1 to s5.
For the side plate s1, overwrite the description side with s1, Y-Z End with B=3000 and the thickness
with 15.5 mm.
Highlight the line of SHELL;s1 and, with F6 (New) or a right mouse click, generate a further input line
for plate s2. Overwrite s1 with s2. Carry out the same for plates s3, s4 and s5.

Overwrite the description sheerstrake with s6, material no. with 2 and the thickness with 15.5mm.
For sheerstrake plate, overwrite the description sheerstrake with s6.
Material no. 2 is assigned to this plate (in accordance with section 1.2 Materials) and a thickness of
15.5 mm. The end point END is already correctly filled in. POSEIDON calculates the end of the shape
representation of the SHELL and uses these coordinates internally for Y-Z End.
The preview displays generated plates. Check in particular the plate butts. Highlight the plates by the
mouse pointer to see the ToolTip containing the name of the plate and the defined thickness.

Advice: The plate description of a Functional Element (for example SHELL) frequently consists of
several rows. In order to ensure that plates always describe the complete Functional
Element, the first plate of the element should always start with BEGIN and the last plate
should always finish with END.

34 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
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Fitting of the Plates for the Inner Bottom

In our example, the inner bottom plates are sequentially numbered from 1 to 5 and consist a high
tensile steel of A32.

Overwrite Y-Z End with B=1500, t[mm] with 16.5 mm, Mould. Line with left and the Material
with 2 of the plate IB;pl1

Plate IB;pl.1 lies opposite to plate SHELL;FK. Overwrite Y-Z End with B=1500.
In the field t[mm], enter a thickness of 16.5 mm. In the field Mould. Line, choose left by using the
pull down menu, change the field Mat. to 2.
Check the field Design Criteria and enter IB if there is no entry.

Generate a new plate from IB.pl.1 with the F6-key and overwrite the description with pl.2, Y-Z
Start with Auto and Y-Z End with B=3000, t[mm] with 16.0 mm. Generate IB;pl.3 and IB;pl.4
with the same data, and IB;pl.5 with Y-Z End END.

For inner bottom plate pl.2, now insert a new line. For this, place the cursor on IB;pl.1 and execute the
F6 (New) command. POSEIDON inserts a new line and assumes the values.
Overwrite the description pl1 with pl2, Y-Z Start with Auto and Y-Z End with B=3000.
Also generate a new line for inner bottom plate pl3 and pl4. The width should be 3000 mm as well.
Use the F6 (New) command and overwrite the description with pl.5 and select End for Y-Z End.
POSEIDON internally calculates the end coordinates from the geometric description.

Fitting of the Longitudinal Bulkhead Plates

Overwrite Y-Z End with B=3000, t[mm] with 14.5 mm and the Material with 2 of plate LB1;pl1.
The longitudinal bulkhead plates are named with digits from 1 to 7. All plates consist of higher tensile
steel A32.
The first plate LB1;pl.1 starts with BEGIN (= beginning of the geometry) and ends at End now
Overwrite End with B=3000 and change Mat. to 2. Enter the Thickness with 14.5 mm.
The moulded lines for all longitudinal bulkhead plates are located left as seen from the start of the
Functional Element; therefore, the entry left in the field Mould. Line is already correctly filled in.

Generate five more plates from LB1;pl.1 and overwrite the description with pl.2 to pl.6. Decrease
the thickness for pl5 and pl6 to 13,0 mm.

Generate a further plate and overwrite the description with pl.7, the Y-Z End with END.

For plates 2 to 4, insert a new line and enter B=3000 for Y-Z End for each.
For plates 5 to 6, insert a new line and enter the thickness 13,0 mm and for Mat. the material 2.
For plate 7, insert a new line as well and, select End for Y-Z End.

Fitting the Plates for Deck 1

Change the data for Dk1 to Y-Z End with B=1500, Design Criteria WD, t[mm] 16 mm,
Material No. 2 and Moulded Line left.

For the plate assignment for DK1 change Y-Z End to B=1500, enter the Design Criteria WD for
weather deck as design load. Additionally, enter the thickness as 16.0 mm and the Material No. 2.
The moulded line for DK1 is located left as seen from the start of the Functional Element.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 35

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Generate three more plates from DK1;pl.1 and overwrite the description with pl.2 to pl.5. Change
Y-Z Start to Auto, Y-Z End to B=3000.

Generate a further plate and overwrite the description with pl.5, the Y-Z End with END.

For plates 2 to 5, insert a new line and enter B=3000 for Y-Z End for each.
For plate 6, insert a new line as well and, select End for Y-Z End. Overview of the Plates for the Longitudinal Members

Fit further plates according to the following table or the concept sketch. Save the file .

Following, you will find an overview of all plate arrangements at frame 47. Now enter the data for the
plates, which have not yet been fitted (particularly Hopper and IH), and compare with the concept
sketch found at the beginning of the tutorial. Check further on very carefully the Design Criterias and
the Material types.

36 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 31: Longitudinal Plates on frame 47

Check the results of your work by using the Plot button . Observe the placing of the stars behind
the thickness values used to identify members with Material No.2.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 37

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 32: View of plate arrangement at frame 47

Save your work . Arrangement of Longitudinal Stiffeners

In POSEIDON you can define several stiffeners with the same spacing and of the same type in one
input line. If one of the stiffeners is located at the position of an adjoining Functional Element, then this
stiffener will not be generated by POSEIDON!
To find the input display for stiffeners switch to section 3.1.3.

POSEIDON offers the choice to generate standard plate and stiffener arrangement automatically
or to copy such an arrangement from another frame. In this example the user should work
manually in order to learn the facilities of generating.

Advice: It is useful to use the 'frame table in y and z dir'.

Stiffeners at the Shell Plating

Switch to the display of the Longitudinal Stiffeners, (Section 3.1.3). Select the Functional Element
SHELL from the select box. Write for the Item of the SHELL stiffener st1, Y-Z Start is Y1, Y-Z
End is Y3, the Profile Type with T, Moulded Line with MF, Material No. with 3, a with a and the
Dimensions 360*10*125*22.

Select from the Functional Element select box SHELL. Use the item indicator st1, for this row will
describe the first three stiffeners on the shell. In the column Y-Z Start (position of the 1st stiffener) Y
or Z coordinates, or a reference to the geometry, will be requested. Choose Y1. Enter Y-Z End with
Y3. The X Start will be 47 and X End will be 91. The stiffener type is already HP, the desired type

38 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

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POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

can be chosen by the pull down menu. Please change to T and enter the dimension 360*10*125*22.
The stiffeners should lie on the moulded line of the SHELL, with the profile bulbs pointing towards mid-
ship. Therefore, select MF by the pull down menu in the field Moulded Line. The angle of rotation is to
be given relative to the SHELL with R90.0 degrees. The profile on the outer shell bottom should be of
higher tensile steel and contain the Material No. 3. The stiffeners should be arranged on both sides
and should contain the Symmetry Designation P+S.

Advice: The value l should be 0, if transverse members (e.g. floor plates ) are defined. For
economized input it is possible to enter the distance of the transverse members here. Then it
is not necessary to define the transverse members for the dimension procedure of the
longitudinal members. Attention: the given values in this field are used by POSEIDON in
every case, also if there are defined transverse plates with smaller or larger distances!

The following figure shows how the angle of rotation and the position on and opposite to the moulded
line and the orientation of the plates determine the orientation of the stiffeners. The value of the
relative angle of rotation is within the range from 0 to 180 degrees related to the orientation of the
Functional Element.

Figure 33: Orientation of stiffeners

The Attributes dialog box contains several additional information for the longitudinal stiffener as
longitudinal strength attributes, coupling with struts, length of brackets, end connectiontypes and the
factor for asymmetrical profiles.

Enter the End Connection Type with the IDs imported for 1.4 End Connections. The start frame
will be ID1, end frame ID5 and watertight frame will be ID12.

Enter the IDs for the end connections. The start frame will be ID 5, the end frame will be of same type
ID1 and the watertight frame will be ID 12. As the fatigue classes may be switched to different IDs for
special purposes but in this case they are belonging to the same type.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 39

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 34: Attributes dialog box for longitudinal stiffeners

The longitudinal strength behavior for all longitudinal stiffeners is predefined to Full Effective and
this is appropriate for this stiffener. Other examples are stiffeners with small longitudinal extension,
structural discontinuities or stiffener located on non effective plates that should be excluded from the
longitudinal strength calculation by marking the buttons Non effective shear (NES), Non effective
bending (NEB) or excluding both attributes shear and bending by marking Non effective shear and
bending (NEX). An additional example is the full modeled and connected buckling stiffener etc. that is
real to neglect.
The span of each stiffener is calculated internally by POSEIDON as the frame distance. To suppress
this function the unsupported span may be reduced by entering reducing couples with struts. The
use of End Connections automatically consider connecting stiffeners.
The lifetime analysis for the longitudinal stiffeners has to be performed with the use of End-
Connection-Types (EC) with both select boxes. The watertight end connection shall be defined as
well. This type may be changed by clicking the select box and choosing another appropriate type
according to the CSR-OT-Rules, please refer to Appendix C, table C1.7 Classification of Strutural
Types. The result is displayed after calculation as an extended lifetime in years.

40 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 35: Excerption of CSR-OT-Rules, Annex C, Structural Types

The additional local stresses caused by the use of asymmetric profiles are observed with the factor
ksp. POSEIDON does the calculation according to default values when the entry is 0. The default
values for kn are calculated acc. App.C

Start to enter more stiffeners in the described way

Highlight the line SHELL and create a new input line by pressing F6 (New). Overwrite Item with st5,
Y-Z Start with Y5, Y-Z End with Y13 and a with a and Dimensions with 360*10*125*22.
Zoom the preview by pulling open a window with the left mouse button and observe how POSEIDON
has generated the stiffeners. Recognize, that the stiffeners of the SHELL which are located on the
position of the longitudinal girders, consequently will not be generated.
Now, enter the remaining profiles on the SHELL and use, as Item-description, the numbering of the
stiffeners (see Figure 36). The number of input rows depends on the number of changes in the
stiffener types and stiffener spacing. For all stiffeners in the double bottom area choose Material No.
3, which is equivalent to the use of higher tensile steel.

Enter further stiffeners of the SHELL according to the following figure. (for a complete profile data
table see below)

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 41

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 36: Input mask for longitudinal stiffener arrangements

Stiffeners on Longitudinal Bulkheads LB1

Use the Proposal Line marked by the star and select LB1 from the Functional Element select
box, change the description to st21, Y-Z Start to Z=2890, Y-Z End to n=2, Sym. to P, a to
810mm.The Type of profile is L and the Dimension 425*12,5*120*26.

Use the Functional Element select box and choose LB1. In the column Y-Z Start, Y or Z coordinates
are asked for. Enter Z=2890 in this column. Enter n=2 in the column Y-Z End and 810 for a[mm],
change Sym. to P. Select Type L and give the Dimensions 425*12.5*120*26. The stiffeners should
be located on the moulded line of LB1, with the profile bulbs pointing towards the bottom. Therefore,
select MF in the field M. Line. The angle of rotation is to be given relative to LB1 with R90.0 degrees.
The profile should be made of high tensile steel and contain Material No.2. The stiffeners should be
arranged on one side and should contain the symmetry designation P.

Enter further more stiffeners as shown in Figure 36.

Stiffeners on all other Functional Elements

Use the 'Proposal Line' marked by the to generate a new input line in the display of the stiffeners.

42 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Select LG1 in the column Funct. Element. Next, overwrite the Item with st1. Let the stiffeners begin at
z=630.0. The Y-Z End of the stiffener position is adequately described by means of the number of
stiffeners n=2 and the spacing a. Enter 725 for a. Select the Type L and give the Dimensions
200*10.5*90*14.0. The stiffeners should be located opposite to the moulded line (opposite side) of
LG1 and with the view on the front side of the profile. Therefore, select OF by the pull down menu in
the field M. Line. The angle of rotation is to be given relative to LG1 with R90.0 degrees. Thus, the
profile bulbs point downwards. The profiles should be of normal tensile steel and should contain the
Material No. 1. The stiffeners should be arranged on one side and therefore should contain the
symmetry designation P.
Complete the entries for the stiffeners according to the following table.

Generate further stiffeners according to the data in the following table. Save the data .

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 43

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

44 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

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POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

A view of the entered stiffeners can be produced by pressing the Plot button. Activate the hook profile
dim. In the following dialog box. Zoom into the plot by pulling open a window with the left mouse
button in the Plot Window (see the Reference Manual). Below, as an example, a zoomed view of the
upper hull flange is shown. Zoom out by clicking into the window once.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 45

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 37: View of a transverse section showing profile description

2.5.5 Arrangement of Transverse Girders on Longitudinal Members

Description of the first part of a Transverse Girder on the centre bulkhead. Switch to Section
3.1.6.'Transverse Girder'. Generate a new row by using the values given in the following figure.
Save your data .

The input of a transverse girder is similar to the input of transverse stiffeners. To enter a transverse
girder on a longitudinal member, switch to the Section 3.1.6 'Hull Structure Longitudinal Members
Trans. Girder' . Choose frame no. 50.

46 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

A transverse girder used as a web should be placed on the longitudinal bulkhead LB1. The girder
should be arranged on frame 50 up to frame 91. The positions are every frame for 6 girders and
beginning newly after the bulkhead. Therefore an algorithm is necessary.
Select the Functional Element LB1 by using the pull down menu . Overwrite Item with 1. In the
column Start of Girder, select Begin, the position End of Stiffener is described with Z=6080. Fill
in 50 for First Frame No. and 91 for Last Frame No., the Spacing is defined with by using the
selectbox later. Change the Sym to P and use the following figure to define the next values hweb,
bflg, tweb and tflg .
The meaning is: height of web at Begin, height of web at Z=6080, breadth of the flange at Begin and
Z=6080, thickness of the web and thickness of the flange.

Figure 38: Input of transverse web frames.

Now define the radius of the beginning web. Use the menu of Attributes as follows:

Figure 39: Launch the Attributes menu

Enter as the Type of the Girder T-beam and choose Rounded Web (R=), type for the radius r= 5000

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 47

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Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 40: Transverse Girder Attribute mask

Press the OK-button and switch to the Spacing menu.

In order to ease the work of the user now an input mask is integrated. There you can type every single
frame and POSEIDON will be able to derive an algorithm. In this case it sounds more easy to type the
algorithm manually. Activate the field and type 5*(5(a);2a) without opening the menu.

Advice: The first and the last frame must be given, else the user will receive warnings or malfunction.

Figure 41: The Input of Spacings

48 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

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POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 42: Preview of the first element of the girder.

Compare your preview with the Figure 42 and save your work .

Advice: For the modeling of the girder it is necessary to split it in to parts. Therefore the item is now
mandatory. The girder is considered as one piece if the item is the same name.

Enter now the next part of the girder with Y-Z Start Auto, Y-Z End Z=7950mm, remove the
radius by opening the Attributes mask, change the height hweb constant to 1650mm, set both
bflg to 400mm and tflg to 25mm.

Now the second part of the transverse girder is to be modelled. Use the Proposal line and do the
changes acc. to Figure 43. Remove the radius by opening the Attributes, for connecting to the
former part it is necessary to change Y-Z Start to Auto. The part will end at Y-Z End Z=7950. The
flange will be 400mm in width. Change both fields hweb to 400 and tflg to 25.

Figure 43: Transverse Girder mask with second part of girder

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 49

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Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Enter now further girders acc. to the following sketches and figures.

Figure 44: Complete girdersystem for the cargo hold area

Please control with the following figure if all necessary input is leading to the shown girders.
See Figure 45.

50 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

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POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 45: Transverse girder preview plot

Compare your preview with the Figure 45 and save your work .

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 51

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

2.6 Modeling of Transverse Members

The cross section oriented geometry and topology of a plate will be defined with the help of a so-
called 'cell'. Though cells are basic for the plate definition (each plate needs exactly one cell, which
describes the plate contour), the cell generation is completely separate from the plate definition
because the cells may also be used for the definition of tanks.
For all structural components in the ships transverse direction, it is possible to define several of them
(in a range of frames) with one statement. To simplify the input, there is also a generation hierarchy
for transverse structural components in POSEIDON. If several components use the same frame
position, then a transverse member overwrites a girder and a girder overwrites a simple stiffener.

2.6.1 Cells
Definition of the geometry and the topology of transverse members with the assistance of longitudinal

Main dimensions, frame table and the longitudinal members (long. Plate arrangement) have been
Cells in POSEIDON are enclosed topological areas in a cross section. The description of cells by
reference to Functional Elements offers the advantage that the geometry of the cell is automatically
adjusted when the description of one of the Functional Elements (e.g.: SHELL) changes. Cells are not
tied to just one frame. They are available at every frame at which the described contour constitutes an
enclosed area. POSEIDON distinguishes between various types of cells:
elementary cells are cells that enclose no other cells,
permanent cells are defined by the user and may enclose several elementary cells. The user can
easily define permanent cells, by using the predefined temporary cells. Only permanent cells can
be used for the description of transverse members.
temporary cells are cells that are newly generated by POSEIDON for each actual cross section.
Temporary cells are named CE_1 ... CE_n . This type of cell will not be listed in the input mask.
They will be shown in the plot preview by moving the mouse pointer on it and serves the fast input
of the geometry description of permanent cells. Definition
Now select the Menu Point 3.2.1 'Transverse Web Plates Geom. of Cells in the Section Hull
Structure. In this display, the cells for the description of the transverse members are created.
For an easier input, please change the properties of the preview plot window by a right mouse click on
it. Choose 'Properties' from the shown pop up menu.

52 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 46: Change preview plot properties by a right mouse click

For a better view on small screens as laptops the user might change in Cross Section the option
'View on' from both to portside .

Figure 47: Preview plot Properties

Next, close the plot properties window by a click on the cross .

The plot properties of every preview window can be individual adjusted by the user.

Please move the mouse pointer on the empty cell near the center Connection Shell and Deck
connection in the preview plot window. The active cell will be shown red colored and if you stop the
motion of the mouse pointer, a yellow ToolTip shows the name of the 'Temporary Cell' ; here: 'CE_x'.
Use the right mouse button to launch a Pop Up Menu and choose the command 'Insert permanent cell
with geometry of CE_x' (see Figure 48). A new window will be launched containing a proposal for the
name of the permanent cell (see Figure 49). This name can be given at the user's choice or he accept
POSEIDON's proposal. Overwrite WF_1 (the meaning is: WebFrame_1) by ST1 (Side Transverse 1)
and leave the symmetry P+S. (see Figure 49 and Figure 50) Then press the OK button. A new cell
named ST1 should be generated by POSEIDON.

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Figure 48: Definition of permanent cells.

Figure 49: Enter a name for a new cell.

Figure 50: The new name ST1.

If a new cell is defined, POSEIDON shows the definition of the cell in the input table. The new
permanent cell ST1 is described by the functional elements SHELL, DK1, IH and STR2 (see Figure
51). It is possible to adjust the cell description by using other functional elements or coordinates. For
example, please try to change the input DK1 to Z41 and see what happens in the preview. A half side
transverse plate will be shown. After that, please redefine the input to DK1 because we need a
complete side transverse plate in the example.

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Figure 51: The Input to define the cell ST1.

Define the other four cells of the bottom area in the same way. The result is 5 permanent cells
named ST1 up to ST5.

Advice: Please note that a symmetry designation for each Functional Element in the cell description
of ST1 is given - which, in this case, is always set to P (port side) - although the cell is
symmetric. Here, the symmetry designation of the Functional Elements is important only in
special cases, for instance for the explicit description of cells crossing the line of symmetry.
In such a case, the described Functional Elements which are located on the port side have
to be given and also those located on the starboard and, in particular, those which cross the
line of symmetry and run from starboard to port or the other way around.

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It may be, that the input rows are not in order. POSEIDON gives the user the possibility to sort the
rows in the most input windows. Move the cursor on the header of the column 'Short Cut'. The cursor
changes to a small black arrow. Now double click the left mouse button and the input rows will be

Figure 52: Cells of the Side Transverse

Define the absent cells FL1 and FL2 in the same way and change the references to a different
value. Save your work .

Now two special cells will be arranged. In practical shipbuilding you will find seams in the mid of a
closed field and changing the thickness. This is often necessary as the strength will not follow
geometrical reasons. The user shall learn that the use of a temporary cell and the change aftwards is
saving time.
Please use the temporary cell nearby the centre girder, move the mouse pointer over this port side
cell and activate with a right mouse click the menu. The Cell gets the Permanent Cell name FL1.
Now exchange the entry LG2 to Y=7800. See Figure 53.

Figure 53: Definition of cell with inner seam.

The next cell is to be modeled in the same manner. Now change LG2 to Y=7800 and compare with
the following Figure 54.

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Figure 54: Cell mask with edited seamline

The next cells are to be generated called FL3, FL4 and WT

Now the simple way of generating with the help of temporary cells shall be used to define the three
cells of the bottom area. The same cells as before shall be used now without editing the lines.

Advice: The user will recognize that the WT cell is of same type as ST5. This is correct and will be
clarified in the latter description.

Move the mouse pointer to the portside field near the centre girder and use the same temporary cell
as used for FL1, only the name is now changed to FL3 and this time no change for boundaries are
necessary. For the generation of FL4 take the same cell as for FL2, for WT the same cell as for ST5. Overview of all Cells

The display of your definition of Cells should look like the following, although perhaps in a different

Figure 55: Overview of cells at frame 50 Generated Cells

Use the Show command and have a look at frame 50 in the display 'Show Transverse Member
(Geometry)' and choose the hook 'perm. cells' only. See

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Figure 56: Plot of permanent cells

The user will recognize that different cells are displayed in overlay. The user must consider that the
display in a 2D View is not possible with all cells wether the single display of cells is more easy for

2.6.2 Transverse Members

This section describes the definition of transverse members and the arrangement of plates, stiffeners
and holes.
The transverse plates for the previously defined cells are to be created. The floors are located in the
range of frame 50 to 91 symmetrical at every frame.

The cells, which exist in the range of frame 50 to 91, are defined. Plate arrangement

Switch to Section 3.2.2 and enter 50 as Frame No.. Define a new plate FLOOR:1_NWT_50, valid
from frame 51 to 91. Select the cell FL1 by using the pull down menu of Cell and define the
Spacing with the algorithm 5(5(a);2a).The design criteria must be changed to FL, the thickness
t[mm] 14.0 and the Attributes will consist of the web connection lengths.

In the Section Hull Structure, select the Menu Point Trans. Web Plates Plates (Section3.2.2). In this
display, transverse members are defined by Short Cuts. The geometry-description of a plate is done
through the assignment of a cell.

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Next, press the 'Toggle on / off' button . This means that all defined transverse members are
shown, independent of the frame on which they are defined. This setting is generally useful for the
input or changing of members, because it can otherwise occur that a component that was just defined
will not be displayed, since it is not defined at the current frame.
Enter the name FLOOR:1_NWT_50 in the first input field Short Cut. This name is the name of the
actual transverse floor plate. The default-setting in the field Item is 1. The frame numbers indicate the
range in which the transverse component is valid. Here, enter 51 as First Frame No and 91 as Last
Frame No .
The assignment of the component to a cell is done by using the pull down menu of the field Cell.
Select the cell FL1 from the list that is offered. The thickness of the plate t[mm] will be 14.0 the
moulded line (ML) is already lying correctly with Aft and material and symmetry designation can also
be left as they are. Thereby, the component is generated symmetrically on both sides.

Advice: When selecting cells by the pull down menu of the field Cell, the temporary cells are shown
as well. If such a cell is selected, POSEIDON automatically changes it into a permanent cell,
names it WF_n and uses the proposed name in the Short Cut field. Change the proposed
name into the new name of our example. We do not use this "Standard-Abbreviation in our
example due the better way of 3D-description.

The adjustment of the field Spacing follows as the last step. In this field, you define at which frames
in the range from First Frame No. to Last Frame No. the component is to exist. The default
setting in this field is a. This means that the component is defined on every frame from frame 51 to 90.
Change this field to 5(5(a);2a) . The field Spacing is very flexible; it is also possible to enter
complicated definitions manually or by Pull down menu. See next figure. In this example, we will use
our previous defined.

Figure 57: Menu for Spacing

The Design Criteria is to be changed to the criteria FL. Open the menu for design criteria and choose
the select Floor Plate. See next figure.

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Figure 58: Menu for Design Criteria

Advice: The Design Criteria FL and TS is used for the vertical shear force distribution as well. The
identification is strongly recommended.

The Attributes for the shear force reduction must be set. This will happen with the following menu and
the values inner 4950mm and outer 413mm. See

Figure 59: Attributes mask for lshr reduction

To define the other plates, overwrite the name of the Short Cut and change the name of Cell in
the proposed input row at each case. Control the Spacing and the Material Mat.

Advice: Only lengths of brackets reduce, not profiles for stiffening.

Define the transverse members on frame 50 according to values in the following table.

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Figure 60: Definition of transverse plates.

Now the watertight frames have to be modeled. Switch to frame 49 and enter acc. to the following
list. Please observe the different materials and check the results accordingly.

Compare your input values with the following figure again and save your data.

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Figure 61: Watertight frame 49 Arrangement of Stiffeners on Transverse Members

Switch to the section 3.2.3 'Stiffeners on Floors and Transverse Web Plates'. Switch the frame
number to 50. Use the 'Proposal Line' to choose from the Short Cut pull down menu. Enter Y1
and SHELL at Start of Stiffener , Y1 and IB at End of Stiffener , enter 1 at n , 0 at a , FB at
the column Type , 200*16 in Dimensions and the End Connection has to be in both cases C
for connected.

Switch to the display of Stiffeners on Floors and Transverse Web Plates in Section 3.2.3.
Use the pull down menu of the column Short Cut and choose FLOOR:1_NWT_50 to generate a new
input line. The next two fields describe the starting point and the ending point of the stiffener. In this
example, the first stiffener should run vertical from SHELL to IB on the Y1 geometry line. The values of
the y-coordinates Y1 (Start of stiffener) and Y1 (End of stiffener). Now, give SHELL and IB for
both fields of the column of z-coordinate (see Figure 63 ).
The field n gives the number of the stiffeners to be generated. Enter a 1 here. The field a defines the
distance between the 2 stiffeners. Use 0 as there is only one stiffener. The moulded line is already
correctly filled out with MR.
In the field Type, select flat bar and write in the field Dimensions 200*16.
Further more the End Connection has to be selected. An easy and fast way is to activate the cell
and type the letter C direct. The End Connection menu is as well available. Click with the mouse
pointer in the right end of the field. See Figure 62.

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Figure 62: End Connection mask

Figure 63: Input of the first stiffener on a transverse web plate.

As the second and third stiffener is of high level grade H (connected by secondary stiffeners of
hole) the user has now the oppurtunity to define in the Attributes the high level sign. This produces
that this stiffeners are selectable in the latter context menu. Exchange Y-Z Start and Y-Z End in
the proposal line to the respective coordinates Y2 and Y3 acc. to the following figure. Change the
Attribute to H for the second and third stiffener. The Items will be changed respectively to flo11
and flo12.

Figure 64: Input of high level stiffeners.

Advice: Please note that high level stiffeners can not be described with the AUTO-Function.

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Now the secondary stiffeners surrounding the hole will be modeled.

Take advantage of the proposal line and change the item to flo2. Aftwards select from the Y-Z Start
menu the first high level stiffener. See the next figure.

Figure 65: Selection of first high level stiffener through menu.

Note: The Preview Plot shows a triangular line. The reason is that the second coordinate is up to
now missing but will be created in the second step.

Select for Y-Z End the second high level stiffener. Change both second coordinates to 600mm and
remove the high level sign H. Change n to 2 and a to 900as shown in the next figure.

Figure 66: Selection of second high level stiffener and necessary changes.

Advice: Secondary stiffeners that will belong to flanged cut outs will only be selectable if already

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Compare and complete your inputs with the following table.

Figure 67: Definition of stiffeners on transverse members

It is noteworthy that no frame range can be entered in this display. With the help of the Short Cut,
the stiffener is assigned to the transverse component of the same name and automatically contains
the same range of validity as this one.

Use the preview to have a look at your definitions, zoom in to see details. Save your work .

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Figure 68: Arrangement of the stiffeners on transverse web plates.

Switch to Frame 49 and model the stiffeners for the watertight webframe.
Model the stiffeners acc. to the below list and check with the following sketch.

Figure 69: List for stiffeners on watertight webframes

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Figure 70: Preview Plot of stiffeners on watertight webframe

Compare your preview with the Figure 70 and save your work . Hole Arrangement

Switch to the section 3.2.4 'Holes & Cut Outs. Use the 'Proposal Line' and enter the name of the
Short Cut FLOOR:1_NWT_50 and the dimensions Y=2063; Z=0,5L; DY=600; DZ=800; R1=300.

Switch to the section 3.2.4 'Hull Structure Transverse Web Plates Holes and Cut Outs'.
Choose FLOOR:1_NWT_50 in the column Short Cut this is the name of the associated transverse
component. For the definition of the dimensions of the hole, please enter the following data in the
fields: Y-Pos: 2063; Z-Pos : 0,5L; DY: 600; DZ: 800 and R1: 300. With both of the two values DY =
2063 and DZ = 0,5L, the middle of the hole is defined. DZ = 0,5L denotes the center of the cell height.
The two following values establish the width (DY) and the height (DZ) of the hole. The value R1
define the radius of all four edges of the cut out, if the values R1, R2 and R3 are defined with 0. It is
possible to define different variants of cut outs. Please press the F1 function key to learn more about
the definition of different cut outs.
Create new input lines for holes by using the pull down menu of the column Short Cut and enter the
values according to the data in the following figure:

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Figure 71: Definition of Cut Outs on transverse web plates.

Use Plot button to take a look at the results of your input, for example at frame 50.

Figure 72: Arrangement of holes and cut outs on transverse members

Save your work!

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2.7 Transverse Bulkhead at Frame 56

Definition of a four-piece watertight transverse bulkhead at frame 56.

The principal dimensions, the frame table, the shell and the longitudinal members at this frame have
been entered.

2.7.1 Description of Bulkhead components

Generation of functional elements, assignment of geometry data and assignment of a frame

A definition of a bulkhead in POSEIDON is a composition of several components (Functional

Elements). These Functional Elements for bulkheads are not the same as Functional Elements
defined in section 3.1.1! Each component can be assigned to one or more bulkheads. The geometry
information for a component is given by one or more cell descriptions. One cell description (definition
of geometry) can be assigned by different components (Functional Elements) of different bulkheads. It
is possible to share one cell description (definition of geometry) by several plate definitions.
Select Section 3.3.1 'Transverse Bulkheads Overview' from the TreeView. Enter the following
values in the grid of the input line:
Bulkhead Name: BHD56
Frame No.: 56 and F
Functional Element: BF1 (Bulkhead Functional Element)
Cell: BC1 (Bulkhead Cell)

Figure 73: Definition of bulkhead components.

Note: The cells in Figure 73 above are marked in red. This can temporary be accepted due to the
fact that the Bulkhead cells will be described later on. Also the view on F+A causes
overlapping plates and profiles due to both description on frame 56.

In the proposal line , overwrite the value BC1 of Cell by BC2 and leave.

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Model two more cells with the names BC3 and BC4
So we have defined the bulkhead (BHD56) by one Functional Elements (BF1) and four cell
descriptions. (see the following table)

Figure 74: Cell table

Note: The cells used by one Functional Element have to be defined in the same plane, because
stiffeners and girders will be defined later by using the Functional Elements.

2.7.2 Geometry of Cells for Bulkheads

Generation of the geometrical and topological information of the bulkhead components.
Switch to Section 3.3.2 'Trans. Bulkheads Geometry of Cells'. Use the pull down menu of the
proposal line and select the cell BC1.
Fill in the values of the following table by using the pull down menus of the input window and describe
the corners of the cell BC1.

Figure 75: Definition of the bulkhead cell BC1.

Now you have generated the geometry and topology of a bulkhead component between center line,
inner bottom, horizontal extension of 11550mm and the vertical extension of 14750mm. For all points
the column X relative to Xref [mm] contains 0.0, because of the component is defined on the X
plane of the defined frame number 56. The input value 3 in LT (Line Type) defines the connection of
an edge (given by straight line between two points), along a given longitudinal Functional Element.

Advice: The line type 3 is strongly recommended. Only for special purposes as free edges that will
not connect to any other part the user might use 1.

Generate the geometry for the cell BC2, BC3 and BC4 in the same manner (see the following table):

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Figure 76: Cell description for all bulkhead cells

2.7.3 Plate Arrangement

Generation of the plates with thicknesses in between 13.0 to 15.0 mm
Switch to section 3.3.3 'Trans. Bulkheads Plates' Choose BF1 from the pull down menu of
Functional Element. Next choose the needed cell BC1 from Cell . Do not change the value in Start
of Plate , but choose BH= from the pull down menu of End of Plate and enter the value 3320. Enter
15.0 in column t (thickness) and 2 for Mat.. All other values can be left on default. The default input of
the column Design Criteria is WT (watertight) , but it can be changed by the user, if required.
Now you have created the first part of plating by using geometry of the cell BC1. To define the next
part, use the AUTO command in Start of Plate.
Create the further plates in the same manner by using the following table. Now you have defined a
transverse bulkhead with nine bulkhead plates (only four cells).

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Figure 77: Input mask for plates at transverse bulkheads.

2.7.4 Girder definition on a bulkhead

Definition of the horizontal girders at bulkhead BHD56 in three parts acc. to the fact that large
brackets have to be considered (Multipart modeling).

Advice: The user might get confused but as we want to refer in the stiffeners to the now modelled
girders we have to leave the stiffeners currently empty. This is wanted in this process!

Switch to Section 3.3.5 'Trans. Bulkheads Girders'. The girder definition will be valid for the whole
bulkhead. The first girder must be separated into pieces acc. to the fact that there are large triangular
brackets at both ends. It should be defined at the height of z=13900 in between the longitudinal centre
bulkhead LB1 and the inner Hull IH.. Choose from the select box Functional Element the bulkhead
functional element BF1. The two input fields of the column Y-Z Start / Y-Z End refers to the y- and z
coordinate of the starting point and the ending point of the girder. Enter on the left input cell LB1, on
right input cell 13900 (Y-Z Start) and 4125 and 13900 in the second row of this column (Y-Z End).
Leave Item to 1 and change the column Mat. to 2. The height of the web hweb at centre longitudinal
bulkhead LB1 is 7960mm and at y=4125 it is 2200mm. The breadth of flange bflg is for both columns
250, the web thickness twb is 13.0 and the flange thickness tflg is 16.0.
The definition of the second part of the girder starts at y=4125mm, change Y-Z Start to Auto, leave
the second column empty. Overwrite Item with 1, Y-Z End in the first column with 10725 and leave
the second as it is.
The third part of the girder starts at y=10725mm, change Y-Z Start to Auto, leave the second column
empty. Overwrite Item with 1, Y-Z End in the first column with IH and leave the second as it is.
See Figure 78 and check the input accordingly.

Advice: The girder is interpreted as one piece as long as the item is the same!

Figure 78: Input mask for girders on bulkheads.

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Switch now in the preview plot to Long and check the result of a multipart description.

Figure 79: Longitudinal view of the multipart girder

Enter further girders as shown in the below figure.

Figure 80: Girder table for bulkhead 56

Check your input by the preview or by using the plot button . Save your work !

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Figure 81: Preview of the girders on bulkhead at frame 56.

Note: See the highlighted girder marked by an arrow in Figure 81. The ToolTip on the right side
shows the dimensions of the middle part of the girder 1. Another left mouse click highlights it
in the table.

2.7.5 Stiffener definition on a bulkhead

Definition of the vertical stiffening at bulkhead BHD1 with HP-profiles.

Switch to Section 3.3.4 'Trans. Bulkheads Stiffeners'. Choose from the Functional Element
select box BF1.
The stiffener definition will be valid for the whole bulkhead. The first stiffener should be defined at the
first frame space y=825mm, between the inner bottom and the first transverse bulkhead girder. The
two input fields of the column Start of Stiffener / End of Stiffener refers to the y- and z coordinate
of the starting point and the ending point of the stiffener. Enter on the left input cell 825, on right input
cell IB (Y-Z Start) and 825 and BHD56:BF1:2 in the second row of this column (Y-Z End). Change
Item to 1 and leave the column Sym. as P+S. The Type of the profile is T, the Dimension is
450*17*150*25. As there are 14 stiffeners in a row type for n the value 14, the frame distance a is
825. Change the material Mat to 2 and control with the following figures the input.

Figure 82: First stiffeners on Bulkhead frame 56

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Figure 83: Preview plot of stiffeners on bulkhead frame 56

The definition of the following stiffeners starts at the same location of 825mm with a spacing of
825mm. Overwrite in the proposal line only the changes as Item with 1, Y-Z Start only the second
column with BHD56:BF1:2 , Y-Z End only the second column with BHD56:BF1:1.
Use the following table to define the following stiffeners.

Figure 84: The input mask for stiffeners at transverse bulkhead frame 56.

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Figure 85: Preview Plot of the bulkhead stiffeners.

Note: See the highlighted stiffeners of the second line Figure 84 blue coloured in Figure 85. Note
the Tooltip with the dimension of the profile.

Check your input by the preview or by using the plot button . Save your work !

2.7.6 Bulkheads at other locations

Copy the previous modeled bulkhead to three more locations
Switch to Section 3.3.4 'Trans. Bulkheads Overview'. Mark the first column as shown in Figure 86.

Figure 86: Overview of bulkheads

Choose the copy-button from the task line and launch the following menu.

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Figure 87: Menu for the copy of bulkheads

The Target Bulkhead will be named with the Short Cut BHD63 and the Frame No: will be 63.
Exchange the values accordingly check Figure 88 and press the OK-button.

Figure 88: Menu for the copy of bulkheads filled with the new target

All members are now copied to the new position.

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Repeat the former steps for the bulkheads at frame 70 and 77. Check your input and save your

Now the new bulkheads on frame 70 and 77 have to be arranged. Use the copy-button from the
task line again. The Target Bulkheads will be named BHD70 and BHD77 at the above mentioned
frames. Check the processed way by the use of the Frame No and Figure 89.

Figure 89: Complete bulkheads of Cargo Area

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2.8 Check of modelled parts

Now all physical parts are modeled. Check the 3D-Modell with the help of the powerful graphical
functions of POSEIDON.

This chapter is for learning about controlling and checking of the so far modelled physical parts. The
use of the plot facilities is strongly recommended because the calculation process is depending to a
correct situation where lengths and extensions of the different parts are automatically identified.

Use the 3D-Plot-button from the task line and choose the checkbox for Include Stiffener
Arrangement and Include Web Frames and Transverse Girders and press the OK-button.
See Figure 90.

Figure 90: 3D-Geometry menu

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Figure 91: 3D-Plot of geometry

With a right mouse click on the plot window the user will receive the Plot properties menu.

Figure 92: 3D-Plot of geometry with menu

Deselect Shell and DK1 as shown in Figure 93 and press the Refresh-button.

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Figure 93: Fempl Properties menu with selection

For zooming the user moves the mouse pointer to the intended left top corner and moves with
continuously pressed right mouse button to increase a zoomed plot window. See Figure 94.

Figure 94: 3D-Plot with zoom area

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Figure 95: Zoomed 3D-Plot

The user may change the view by repeating the above described process. It is possible to hide single
groups or even display only the single group. Learn more by the use of the Online Help (F1-key )or
the User Manual.

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2.9 Design Criteria or Loads

All different loads or load combinations have an influence on the later sizing in accordance with the
CSR-OT Rules. By using Design Criteria, loads are associated to plates and stiffeners.

There are no special requirements.

2.9.1 Tanks
For the geometry definition of tanks three different methods with their own benefits and purposes are
The compartment method is for complex tanks with different cross-sections over its length due to
Functional Elements which cause different cell arrangements in the X-Extension. Such tanks are
defined with the help of the menu Compartments.
The cell method is for tanks which have a constant hull shape and continuous Functional
Elements in the tank area at all X-Positions. An elementary cell inside the tank is selected by right
clicking in the preview plot and choosing Insert tank with cell. The launched dialog box asks for
the new name. Another possibility is by choosing in the Comp.Name column the corresponding
cell out of the select box. If there are cut-outs defined in the cell boundary, the tank is automatically
extended to the next watertight longitudinal.
The manual method is used for special descriptions such as open holds, where no enclosed area
exists. The Comp.Name column is left empty and the Design Criteria is assigned manually to the
plates where the pressure is to be considered.
The first description will be followed in the next chapters. As the corrosion margins are fixed values
the identifying will be done with the help of the compartments. Therefore it is necessary to assign all
rooms to a compartment.The second and third are rarely used but self-explanatory. Tank and Description with Compartments (Compartment method)

The tanks on the port side will be described in our example by using compartments, even when this is
not necessary given a simple contour and continuous Functional Elements which guarantee an
identical cell arrangement over the entire X-Extension.

Choose the Menu Point 4. Design Criteria/Loads in the POSEIDON Menu and select

Use the 'Proposal Line' and enter COT5P in the column Short Cut and enter 57 for Frame No.,
highlight the starting cell on the port side, click the right mouse button and choose Insert permanent
cell with geometry of CE_2 from the launched popup window (See Figure 96). The compartment
border will be highlighted in dark blue, the active cell area in light blue.

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Figure 96: Choosing cells to arrange the compartment

Enter 63 in the column Frame No. (the end of the compartment in this example). Now exchange the
beginning Frame No. to 56.

Note: Due to the parallel ship body in this example the main benefit of compartments are not
highlighted as it should be. At every changed cell arrangement due to the ending or
beginning of functional elements, you have to name the point of change in the X-Extension
and repeat the description process for a new valid range of cell arrangements until the end
of compartment is reached. This will usually happen in the fore- and aft-ship areas.

Figure 97: Completed Compartment COT5P

Generate the next compartment for the port ballast water tank!

Use the 'Proposal Line' and change COT5P into WBT5P in the column Short Cut , highlight the
second cell on the port side, click the right mouse button and choose Insert permanent cell with
geometry of CE_n from the launched popup window as before. End the compartment description by
leaving the line with the down arrow and enter 63 as ending frame in the column Frame No. See
Figure 98.

84 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 98: Generating Compartment WBT5P

Repeat the process of sampling cells until the last cell occurs as seen in Figure 99.

Figure 99: Unfinished Compartment

Now finish the compartment by giving the end. Notice the light grey number 56 in the red circle and
replace it by 63. Now the user has finished the compartment WBT5P. See Figure 100.

Advice: In easy words: A Compartment is a sample of cells with start and end frame. It is strongly
recommended to overwrite only the light grey number. Else the compartment is not finished

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 85

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 100: Finished Compartment WBT5P

Generate the next compartment for the centre void space!

Use the 'Proposal Line' and change WBT5P into VOID in the column Short Cut , highlight the first
cell on the port double bottom side, click the right mouse button and choose Insert permanent cell
with geometry of CE_1 from the launched popup window as before. Take next the starboard
neighbour cell. End the compartment description by leaving the line with the down arrow and
overwrite the light grey 56 by 63 as ending frame in the column Frame No. See Figure 101.

Figure 101: Void Space compartment

The user will notice that the above seen compartment VOID is consisting of the centre port and
starboard side cells as they are bordered by dark blue. The active cell is the port cell acc to the light
blue background colour.

Copy the first compartment COT5P to the starboard side and name it COT5S.
Select the compartment Void as shown in the figure before. Use the copy-button in the upper task
line to copy the compartment VOID to BW2C.

86 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 102: Copy button of upper task line

The following warning for deleting the Undo-buffer will be launched. Click Yes or if you are not quite
sure cancel this process and save your data before you proceed in the same way.

Figure 103: Warning window

Change the following mask according to the entries of Figure 104 and hit Ok.

Figure 104: Compartment dialog box for symmetry and destination

Figure 105: Completed compartments

Change now the end frame to 77 as seen in Figure 105.

Check your display for the new compartments with the Figure 105 and save your data.

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A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Copy now the compartments COT5P to COT5S, COT4P, COT4S, COT3P, COT3S and WBT5P to
WBT5S, WBT4P, WBT4S, WBT3P, WBT3S acc to the following list.

Figure 106: List of compartments

Now check the arranged compartments with the Plot command

Mark the whole list by moving the mouse pointer with pressed right mouse button over the start fields.
See Figure 107.

Figure 107: Marked compartments

88 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Now press the 3D-Show Compartments button and check the plot for all compartments.
See Figure 108.

Figure 108: 3D Compartment plot.

Switch to Section 4.2. Content of Compartments and use the compartments to describe the tanks.
Click the select box in the column Comp. Name and choose Comp:COT5P. Leave the line with the
down arrow. See next figure.

Figure 109: Tank description with the help of compartments.

Select in the field Medium Cargo and type in the field Rho [t/m3] 1.025. The Height of Overflow [m]
will be 21.410m.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 89

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Note: In the field sloshing the user will notice a red colored field. This will be fixed in the later

Repeat this procedure for the next tanks and use COT5S, COT4P, COT4S, COT3P, COT3S and
WBT5P to WBT5S, WBT4P, WBT4S, WBT3P, WBT3S and VOID, BW2C instead.
Pleas note that the Ballast Water Tanks will become as a Medium Ballast again and the VOID will
become Void from the Medium select box.

Figure 110: Completed tank description with compartments in this section.

Check your display for the tanks with the Figure 110 and save your data.

Note: Some items such as the symmetry in this mask seem to be incorrect. This will be fixed
automatically after the calculation in the next step.

90 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing Calculation of generated Tanks

With the Calc command, you now have possibility to calculate the edge points and the expansion of
the liquid surface at all Tanks. According to the position of the compartment, POSEIDON
automatically sets the symmetry description.
Mark all lines of tanks to be calculated in the input table by pressing the Ctrl-button on the keyboard
while holding dump the left mouse button, then press the Calc button

Figure 111: Tanks marked for calculation.

The tank dimensions for all tanks will be automatically calculated. Compare your results.
See Figure 112.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 91

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 112: Definition of tanks.

The plates and stiffeners which lie in or on Tank No. 1 to 14 will be calculated later during the sizing in
accordance with the CSR OT Rules for the design loads for tank structures. The load assignment and
the detection of the corrosion margin happens automatically!

Now the Sloshing values have to be calculated

Mark all lines of tanks to be calculated in the input table while holding dump the left mouse button and
moving to the end of the row, then press the Calculate shloshing values button .
See the Info bar in Figure 113.

92 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 113: Info bar with detailed information

By pressing the Set Values button the user will launch the Sloshing mask.
See Figure 114.

Figure 114: Sloshing values

Save your data!

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 93

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

2.9.2 Design Criteria Stillwater Bending Moments and Shear

Switch to Section 4.5.1 Hull Girder Bending - Stillwater.
Choose the menu point Design Criteria/Loads in the POSEIDON TreeView and select Hull Girder
Bending Stillwater. Here you may enter stillwater values at selected locations along the ships
length. The values will be interpolated linearly. Default values will be provided resulting from CSR OT
Construction Rules by the Def-Button .

Figure 115: Warning acc to absolute minimum values

Please note that the warning is integrated as the use of minimum values is leading to absolute
minimum scantlings. This means a later design verification will can show sufficient results wether the
real moments and shear forces lead to much higher scantlings.
This is wasting time and the use of envelope curves or even preliminary loading manuals is strongly

Input the stillwater bending moments and shear forces from an envelope curve with the help of the
following figure.

94 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 116: Input mask for stillwater bending moments and shear forces

The bending moment, shear force curves will be shown in the preview plot of the input window.
For the fatigue and capacity calculation special requirements regarding bending moments are valid.
Please note that the values are examples only.

Please change the Type to fatigue and capacity check and fill the values according to the next
Figure 117.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 95

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 117: Stillwater Fatigue and Capacity values

Close all subordinate windows and save your work. Check your vessel by pressing the button for
3D Geometry.

96 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.10 Evaluation of a Transverse Section

Evaluation and display of the members of the transverse section.
The transverse section is described with Functional Elements, plates, stiffeners and holes. The loads
exist. Design criteria / loads have been entered and checked.

2.10.1 Evaluation of all Members at Midship section in accordance

with the CSR OT Rules
Switch to Section 5.1.1. Press the dimens button for the midship section 0.5L

With the diMens command, it is possible to evaluate all members (longitudinal and transverse) of the
current frame in accordance with CSR OT Rules. The diMens command automatically carries out all
steps necessary for evaluation.
POSEIDON performs the evaluation automatically. In this, all of the design load criteria from cargo,
tank load, inner bottom load, shell load, etc. are internally taken into consideration. At last, a buckling
check will be performed.
The dimensioning calculation is completely documented in the POSEIDON INFOFILE. Possible error
messages or warnings for each calculated plate or stiffener will be reported there.
Section values like section moduli, moments etc. are written at the end of the POSEIDON INFOFILE.
Have a look at INFOFILE in the bottom area of the main window of POSEIDON and compare the

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 97

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 118: Summary of scantling results at midship section

Scroll through the INFOFILE to see the reported messages or warnings and errors during the sizing.
The preview shows a colored plot of the section. If you see any red colored member, then the
dimension does not meet the requirements of the CSR OT Rules.

98 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 119: Colored preview of the dimensioned cross section.

Get a detailed overview about the calculated scantlings by pressing the plot button and activate
the hook plates dim. or the hook stiffener dim.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 99

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

2.11 Permissible Stillwater Values

Check of stillwater values and section moduli resulting from the sizing of the structure.

The structure has been defined and sized.

2.11.1 Stresses for Deck and Bottom Structures

Switch to section 5.3. Check bending and shear stresses and resulting permissible stillwater
bending moments and shear forces.

Choose Section 5.3.1 'Results Hull Girder Bending Section Moduli BM and SF (input)' in the
TreeView of POSEIDON.
The editable lists the input values for the calculation of the stillwater values. These are the vertical
moment of inertia, the maximum shear stress for a unitary shear force of 1 kN (per kN Shear Force),
the distance of the neutral axis above base line, the Z-coordinate of the bottom, the Y- and Z-
coordinates of the top of continuous strength member, k-factors of the top and the bottom area, the
permissible bending stresses / shear forces and the actual / required section moduli at the deck and
the bottom.

Figure 120: Input mask for necessary values to calculate permissible stillwater values

Switch to section 5.3.1 'Results Hull Girder Bending BM and SF (output)' to check the
permissible stillwater bending moments and shear stresses.

Figure 121: Permissible stillwater values

100 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.12 Assessment of the results of a Transverse Section

Interpretation of the calculated dimensions and the applied load criteria. Sizing of the members so that
the bending and shear stress requirements of the transverse section are fulfilled.

The members have been generated.

2.12.1 Correction of the Transverse Section

Switch to Section 5.1.
Choose the Menu Point 'Results Hull Cross Section Long. Plates' in the POSEIDON TreeView.
An overview about the results of the sized cross section will be shown.

Figure 122: Results of the midship section 0.5L (longitudinal plates).

Here the applied design criteria and longitudinal stresses are given for each part. POSEIDON has
automatically supplied the tank and outer shell plates with the correct design criteria. The plate
thickness is rounded to 0,5 mm in accordance with the GL Rules and combined with a + or - symbol
(green colored background). The symbol ++ indicates that the required dimensions are greatly
exceeded (blue colored background); -- indicates substantially too small (inadequate) dimensions (red
colored background). If + or - is displayed, the sized dimensions lie within the tolerances.
If # - symbols (magenta colored background) are displayed in the column Assessment, POSEIDON
has terminated the sizing of a part of an element or of a plate, because of buckling problem, often
caused by an improper input.

After pressing the button, POSEIDON shows the calculated plate dimensions in a plot window.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 101

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 123: Calculated results for each plate field.

With the All lines on/off command , you can observe that POSEIDON has subdivided the plates
according to stiffener spacing. A sizing is effected for every subdivision. It is also possible to double
click the to get the results of the subdivisions for one member (see Figure 124). The header line
shows the worst case of all subdivisions of a plate, which is the used result.

Figure 124: Result list for each subdivision.

A click on the button leads to the sizing only for this part and will show a detailed protocol of
this process in the INFOFILE (see Figure 125).

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POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

If you want to try some variations of the structure to decrease the actual scantlings, it is possible to
change the white backgrounded values in the result list and press the button again.
Change the frame spacing a=825 to a=800 of SHELL bottom 2, subdivision 1 for example and press
the button again. You can see, that this change results in a lower plate net thickness of 11,5
mm for this subdivision. Please restore the original frame spacing a=825 and recalculate the values.

Figure 125: Detailed result protocol of the shell plate D, subdivision1.

After a calculation command , the applied input values of the actual subdivision are now in
the memory and it is possible to check them very detailed or to calculate some variations in the GL
Rules program.

2.12.2 Duplicate calculations in the GL Rules program

Switch to the GL Rules program by using the tab GL-Rules of the TreeView. To check the
calculated scantlings of SHELL bottom 2, Part 1, choose Section 8.8.5. from the CSR OT Rules of
the GL Rules program. Check the values and try to understand the input.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 103

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 126: GL Rules TreeView

Switch to the GL Rules program by using the tab GL-Rules of the TreeView. The SHELL bottom 2 is
calculated by the design criteria S (bottom pressure), Ti13 (tank pressure of tank13, member in tank)
and a buckling check was performed for any subdivision of this plate. Check the results in Section 8.5
net plate thickness. Choose CSR OT, Section 8.5 of the GL Rules TreeView.
All input values agree with the values used for the calculation in POSEIDON.
Switch back to POSEIDON and save your work.
Any variations in the result part of POSEIDON (Section5) or in the GL RULES program take no effect
on the accepted / stored results. If you want to realize a variation of the structure, it has to be made in
Section 3 of POSEIDON 'Step by Step by hand'!

It is possible to create a GL Rules result file by pressing the result-file button. The output is shown
in the INFOFILE and can be printed by pressing the printer button beside the result file button.

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POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 127: CSR OT input / result mask (net plate thickness (S8 table 8.2.4.))

2.12.3 Evaluation of longitudinal stiffeners

Switch to 5.1.2. Results, Hull Cross Section, Longitudinal Stiffeners

In the table of this section the results of the sized longitudinal stiffeners are shown. This table is similar
to the table of the longitudinal plates. However the required values relate to longitudinal stiffeners.
Furthermore, the lifetime column is added.
The required values based on the concept of grouping are shown in the main row of a series of
longitudinal stiffeners. The required values for each longitudinal stiffener can be seen on the row of
the stiffener after clicking the show command.

Note: The grouping of stiffeners is automatically considered. This leads sometimes to an

acceptable result even when one member of the group does not fulfil the requirements or to
a negative overall result when the smallest is for itself fulfilling the requirements but is not
reaching 90 % of the maximum section modulus of the group. See CSR OT, Section 3, 5.2
Determination of Scantling of Stiffeners.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 105

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 128: Evaluation of longitudinal stiffeners

The evaluation is done in the same way as described with the longitudinal plates.

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A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

2.12.4 Evaluation of lifetime

Evaluating a lifetime analysis for longitudinal stiffeners using the end connections types acc. to CSR
OT, Annex C.

The scantlings of longitudinal members have been defined, the end connection type has been applied
for every stiffener and the still water values for fatigue have been given. The lifetime analysis has
been done in conjunction with the evaluation calculation in accordance to CSR OT Rules.
The predicted lifetime has been calculated during the calculation process and can be plotted for the
evaluation of the lifetime. Lifetime of longitudinal stiffeners

Do a right mouse click in the plot window of the 5.1 Results and choose Lifetime as in the figure

Figure 129: Plot Properties

POSEIDON will now show the predicted in accordance to the given design values.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 107

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 130: Predicted lifetime for the midship section.

The minimum lifetime for the CSR OT is fixed to 25 years lifetime. Compare Figure 130.

108 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

3 Generation of a FE Model
This section deals with the automatic generation of Finite Element Models of the ship structure. Mesh
generation in POSEIDON also is cross section oriented. Generation starts by specifying parameters
for the node distribution of at least one reference cross section. This node distribution is also used for
the other cross sections, until a new reference cross section will be found. It is possible to divide a
reference cross section into areas of different levels of refinement. We will now generate a mesh
between frames 56 and 77 and define a mesh refinement around the holes in the floor and in the web

Input of the principal mesh generation parameters in a cross section.
Input of the necessary boundary conditions.
Input of the modeling area in the longitudinal direction.
Generation and check of the Finite Element model.

The structure to be modeled has to be defined completely and without topological errors.

3.1 Naming of FE-Models

Switch to section 7.1 in the Poseidon main menu and give a name for your first model.
The mask 7.1 FE-Models of the POSEIDON main menu provides the possibility to name your different
For this example we use the simple name Cargo Hold Analysis Mid Area Fr 56 - 77.

Figure 131: Mask for naming different FE-Models

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 109

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

3.2 Parameters of mesh generation

Fixing of the mesh generation parameters for a cross section
Select the Menu Point 7.2 Net Tolerances in the TreeView. POSEIDON creates a proposal input row
with defaults. Enter the number of the desired cross section in the first column Frame No. , in this
case 70. Thus, you have defined the reference cross section. If you enter 3 in Mode, you have
chosen, the plates to be modeled as shell elements, nodes are generated on trace curves of the
stiffeners and the stiffeners are modeled as Beam Elements, when POSEIDON generates the FE
model. (for more information about the different modes, see the Reference Manual or press F1 for
Online Help!). Change the field Fact. to -1 to create the model without use of the previous defind y-z-

Advice: In case definition ranges intersect, later lines of meshing parameters overrule earlier
definitions (see Reference Manual). Therefore define the basic meshing parameters at first.

POSEIDON should model the full cross section. Do not overwrite the entry AUTO in ymin, ymax,
zmin and zmax. The entries in min.l and max.l limits the edge length of elements between 870 mm
and 870 mm. But note: in Mode 3 the positions of the stiffeners have the first priority for the meshing.

Figure 132: Input of mesh generation parameters at a cross section

This mesh description is valid for the whole model until the next input, if existing.

With the Show command , take a look at the result of the mesh generation in the cross section to
check the correctness of parameters (see Figure 133).

110 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 133: Nodes on frame 70 A+F.

3.3 Boundary conditions

Define the boundary conditions in section 7.3 Boundary Condition of Poseidon main menu.
Select Section 7.3 Boundary condition in the POSEIDON main menu. We want to create a FE model
of the full structure of the vessel between frames 56 and 77 (only for example!), which is in
compliance with the CSR Rules. Therefore the Magic Wand is used to organize the boundary
condition as they are in compliance. Please fill in the limiting frames as they are given in the name of
the model.

Figure 134: Limiting frames.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 111

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 135: Boundary conditions as recommended by CSR.

Save your work!

112 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

3.4 Definition of the loads to generate

Switch to Section Tank Loads in the Poseidon main menu.
Activate the hooks for the load pattern of your different regions. The preview plot will show the
indicated tanks and there belongings to the different analysis areas. Please select by hooking the
select boxes for the Cargo Tank Nos for the front 21 and 22, for the mid area 23 and 24, for the aft
area 25 and 26. The ballast water tanks are for the front area 7 and 8, for the mid area 2, 9 and 10, for
the aft area 11 and 12.

Figure 136: Tank Loads pattern for the cargo hold area.

Switch next to section External Loads.

Use the wizard to define the external loads complying to CSR.

Use the Magic Wand to organize the different global loadcases as they are in compliance. This
will launch the following mask.

Please activate both check boxes for the midship region in the Assessment.
The Symmetrie can not be used acc. to the fact that the Longitudinal Bulkhead is stiffened only one
side by the Transverse Giders.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 113

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 137: Setting of Default Values.

114 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 138: Mask for the Global Loadcases acc to CSR-OT, App B Table B.2.3 or Table B.2.4

Switch to Section 'Pressures and Accelerations for Strength Assessment' in the Poseidon
main menu

The values are calculated automatically. Therefore no entries are necessary but the user will have to
control the correctness of the values.

Figure 139: External Sea Loads

Save your work!

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 115

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

3.5 Mesh generation in longitudinal direction

Fixing of the mesh generation parameters in the longitudinal direction.
Now select the Menu Point 7.5 'Generate FE Model' in section 'Preprocessor' and define a new input
row to fix the model boundaries. Overwrite the entry in column From with 56 and in To with 77.
Define the location and the numbering of cross sections in the FE-model with the input of a (every
frame starting with frame 56) in Step . It is not necessary to overwrite the entries in the other
columns. (see the Reference Manual or the Online Help)

Figure 140: Define the mesh generation parameters in longitudinal direction

Advice: When using Step with a you will fix the position to the exact frame. Using the Intermediate
Step will allow the mesher to slightly shift the position of parts. This is creating a more
homogenous net.

116 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

3.6 Start the model generation

Finally, use the Generate command to start the FE model generation. This will launch the
following popup window. Please hook Generate Loads , Include All Transverse Members and
Corrosion Addition (tcorr50) as shown in Figure 141. Click OK to start finally the generation.

Figure 141: Dialog box for FE Model creation

To check the result, have a look at the POSEIDON INFOVIEW.

Figure 142: Info View: Generation of the FE Model without errors.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 117

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

3.7 Adjusting of Global Loadcases CSR

Switch to 7.7 Global Loadcases CSR
The model was created in the previous steps with only unit loadgroups, unit forces and moments.
Therefore the Cargo Hold Model has now to be adjusted to the global moments and shear forces.

Switch to 7.7 Global Loadcases CSR and use again the Magic Wand . This command will build
the stiffness matrix and sum up the forces for consideration in the adjust process.
Note the grayish area within the forces is filled with values. See Figure 143.

Advice: Please do not work on until the values occur. This may cause a deadlocked situation.

Figure 143: Global loadcase mask after using the Magic Wand.

Now you can adjust the Global Loadcases with the use of the calculator for all loadcases .
This command is collecting one by one each single global loadcase from GLFrame, adjusting and
writing back to GLFrame. The user will recognize that all global loadcases are adjusted. Only the last
will remain in the preview graphic. Additionally the user will notice that the column for the Factors are
filled. They represent the adjustance to the unit forces and moments. See Figure 144.

118 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 144: Loadcase B11 Harb after adjustment

The Info File of POSEIDON will show the detailed information of the adjustment process. As an
example the result is shown for the above mentioned B11 Harbour case. See Figure 145.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 119

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 145: Info File with example of adjustment for B11 Harbour

More detailed information may be assessed with the buttons of the taskline.

For viewing detailed information press . This will launch the Summary of Adjustment and the
Plot-button for the adjusted Loadcases. Especially the last column indicates an increase by +,
unchanged by 0 and decrease by -. See Figure 146.

Figure 146: Adjustment Overview for Global Loadcases CSR

120 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

The use of Longitudinal Strength Data Button will display detailed information about the
See Figure 147.

Figure 147: Table for Longitudinal Strength Data

Now POSEIDON has done the work, the next steps will follow in GLFrame.

Switch to GLFrame in the Poseidon main menu.

Switch to 4.5 Load Factors.

In the following screenshot you will recognize that each single Global Loadcase is representing one
Loadgroup. This means that the first run of the mesher is creating a main diagonal for the unit
loadgroups. Finally the user will notice that the Global Loadcases are following. See Figure 149.

The User can navigate the different Global Loadcases by using and . Or by choosing within
the selectbox as shown in the next figure.

Figure 148: Selectbox for Global Loadcases

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 121

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Advice: Please note that any change performed in this mask will cause a different value for the
necessary adjustment. The result will be a self identifying of changes and deletion of
previous generated values by the Magic Wand in the POSEIDON 7.7. Global Loadcases
CSR mask.

Figure 149: Load Factor mask with main diagonal

Advice: Please save now your work as the latter process is causing non resumable changes by
deleting the Unit Loadgroups.

Please select in File->Save As. This will launch the next mask and change to .bmf filetype. As a
proposal the user might take the same name with an extension as csr-tanker-uf.glf. This represents an
abbreviation for a file including unit loadgroups. Aftwards reload your current file and work on.

As solving the system would not be efficient including all the Unit Loadcases the user will have to
delete them by using the button. This will delete all Unit Groups and withdraw not necessary

Advice: Models with more than 300K equations can only be solved on 64 bit systems. This limit is
linked to the operating system that can not control more than 2 Gb Memory.

122 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Germanischer Lloyd is therefore providing POSEIDON for 64Bit-Systems.

Figure 150: Load Factor mask with deleted Unit Groups and adjusted Global Loadcases

Save your work!

During that process you will be asked if you want to save the GLFrame data as well. The user can
change to his needs but no further action is necessary and the Ok-Button can be pressed.

Figure 151: Input mask for additional GLFrame file saving

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 123

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

3.8 Optical check of model

Press the GLFrame Plot command for 3D-FE models in the task line.

Figure 152: The generated FE model in GL-Frame

You can simply rotate the whole model via the arrow buttons on the keyboard and zoom model

To control your model do a right mouse click in the plot window. This will launch the following dialog
box. Choose Properties to launch the GL3DViewer Properties.

124 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

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POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 153: GL3DViewer Properties

For a better view of details switch to the tab Visual Settings and deselect Show Nodes as shown

Figure 154: 2nd Tab of GL3DViewer Properties

In the next picture the user will recognize that the identifying of members will be more easy.
See Figure 155.

POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker 125

A Midship Section - from
Concept to Sizing POSEIDON

Figure 155: 3D-GLFrame-plot without Markers and Node highlighting

POSEIDON is providing powerful Plot facilities. One example is the Clipping-button .

This will launch the following dialog box.
Exchange the value Z-to to 6meter as shown below and press the Tab-button on the keyboard.

126 POSEIDON Tutorial for CSR Tanker

A Midship Section - from
POSEIDON Concept to Sizing

Figure 156: Dialog box for Clipping ranges

Figure 157: Clipped 3D-Plot to 6 meter in z-direction

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Now you can choose with a right mouse click on the graphic the Plot Properties and switch to the
Loads tab. See Figure 158.

Figure 158: Dialog box for graphical options

Figure 159: Plot properties displaying the Loads tab

Activate Global loadcase and choose the B1 LC1 Loadcase. This will activate the graphical output in
the plot window. See next table and Figure 160.

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Figure 160: Clipped model with displayed Global loadcase B1 LC1

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3.9 Calculation and Evaluation

The calculation is now started by the Static Analysis button in the task line.
This will launch the dialog box where different options my be selected to different purposes.
Usuallly no action is required. The selection is fit for the purpose. The Pivoting is greyish and not
selectable acc. to the reason that the end cross section boundaries have to be of Constraint Equation
type. This causes high gradients in stiffness and the matrices can only be solved with invoking the
Pivoting method.
See Figure 161.

Figure 161: Dialog box for FE-Model Static Analysis

The calculation is displayed in the Info & Status bar. Here you will receive all important informations
and failures during calculation. For example the user will find the different information in the next
figures with small descriptions. See Figure 162 and Figure 162.

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Figure 162: Startinformation and Sum up of forces

The above figure is showing the build of the matrix. Here you learn about the general information as
well as the detailed information of number of nodes, elements, material and equations.

Note Limiting size for 32 bit systems is appr.300.000 equations. Larger models will have to be
solved on 64 bit systems with the POSEIDON 64bit edition.

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Figure 163: Solving and Results of Static Analysis

In the figure above the user first gets information about the stiffness matrix.
The Condition check shows the largest gradient of stiffness against two neighboured elements. This
information is strongly necessary for the judgement of latter results. Finally the value should be below
/ equal 1.
The Maximum Displacements are shown in meter and the Maximum Rotations are shown in
For a liability check the user has to analyse the values against his expectations. Please keep in mind
that the FE method on its own is deriving displacements. The stress is always a post processing to the
calculated displacements. If any displacement is not as it is expected something in the model,
boundaries or loads might be wrong. The experienced user will be able to get conclusions to the
calculation in analysing the displacements before having a stress evaluation.

With the use of the FE-Model 3D View the user can display the whole model with the results.
The user can follow the previous described method with a right mouse click in the graphic window to
prepare a view without markers and boundaries. Aftwards switch to the tab Deformation as seen in
Figure 164. Select the B1 LC1 Loadcase and hook Hide Model.

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Figure 164: Deformation Tab within the Plot properties

Figure 165: 3D-FE-Plot showing the deformation of B1 LC1 loadcase

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With the Clipping-button the user can set special ranges for displaying a partial model.

Press the Clipping-button and overwrite the Z to value with 6 meter.

Figure 166: Clipping mask

Figure 167: 3D-View with limited Z-height of 6 meter

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For further evaluation the user should now reset the view.

Press again the Clipping-button , choose this time the Full-button.

The action before should display the whole deformed model. Please get a right mouse click in the 3D-
Plot. This will launch the following mask again.
The user deselects the B1-LC1 loadcase and Hide model to display the basic model again.
See Figure 168.

Advice: The user should get back everytime into the basic condition. Otherwise the use of the
stresses will cause display problems.

Figure 168: 3D-FE-model in basic condition

Get a right mouse click into the Plot-window to launch the Plot Properties again. Switch to the tab
Selection. The user will recognize the field All. This selects or deselects all groups. As the
evaluation should be guided by one example we will choose only the group for the Inner Bottom
abbreviated with IB.

See the next figures.

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Figure 169: Fempl Properties with all Element Groups selected

Figure 170: Fempl Properties only IB selected

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Figure 171: 3D-FE plot displaying the Inner Bottom only

The evaluation is depending on the Structural Component type acc. to table 9.2.1 Maximum
Permissable Stresses. See the next figure.

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Figure 172: Excerpt of CSR-OT-Rules, table 9.2.1 for maximum permissible stresses

The above figure is showing the table for the maximum permissible stresses. The example should
follow the Inner Bottom. Acc. to the table the yield utilization factor is 0.8. the inner bottom is of A32
grade. The allowable stress is calculated to 252 N/mm2 .

Take a right mouse click to the 3D-FE-Plot. Choose Properties from the menu and switch to the
Results tab. Choose B1 LC1, then select von Mises and Color, set the Max. Value to 252.

See Figure 173 and Figure 174.

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Figure 173: Selection of Global Loadcase B1 LC1

Figure 174: Selection of von Mises and Maximum Value

The stress evaluation considering B1 LC1 loadcase can now be done with the colorized 3D-FE-Plot
See Figure 175.

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Figure 175: 3D-FE-vMises Stress plot for the inner bottom

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3.10 Filter for the Max-Case and special Plot

Switch to GLFrame and open mask 5.8. Stresses in Shell Elements (Membrane)

The user is now able to evaluate the different loadcases on their own. More effective is the use of the
powerful filter. See

Figure 176: GLFrame mask 5.8 Stresses in Shell Elements (Membrane) for example IB

Choose the Filter from the task line. This will launch the following mask. Switch the Extended
Loadcase Selection to Max. Select Max v.Mises within the Stress select box.
See Figure 177.

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Figure 177: Filter of Stresses

Switch Select Elementgroups from All to Elementgroups and click the Edit-button.
Within the following mask the user selects IB and hits the button Ok.
See Figure 178.

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Figure 178: Editor for Elementgroups

The user will see the result by the change of the title. The Max.v.Mises Column is now colorized.

Figure 179: Filtered Stresses in GLFrame mask 5.8

Regenerate the 3D-FE-Plot

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Now change to the Results tab. Select filter: shell from the Loadcase menu.

Figure 180: GL3DViewer Properties Stress tab with filter ( shell )

Select in the Stresses von Mises Color, overwrite the Min Value with 120. See Figure 181.

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Figure 181: Fempl Properties with selected range

The result will be a clearly displayed area which colorizing is limited in between the Min and Max
Even larger models can now be evaluated through a grid where Maximum Stresses are highlighted
only. See example Figure 182.

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Figure 182: 3D-FE-Plot with grid and partial colorized elements

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