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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.

Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03



01. PURPOSE/SCOPE .... 02

03. REFRENCES ...... 02
04. DEFINITIONS ......... 03
14. AUDITING .... 18

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03


1.0 Purpose / Scope

This guideline outlines a heat exchanger inspection program and
requirements to be followed in conjunction with API 510 for the inspection /
repair of heat exchangers at S-Chem facilities. This guideline shall cover pre-
inspection cleaning requirements, inspection techniques, pressure testing
requirements, and any special considerations associated with heat exchangers
that will help ensure the mechanical integrity of heat exchangers located at
Saudi Chevron Phillips (S-Chem) main Plant and Port facilities

2.0 Safety and Environmental:

All areas of inspection work shall follow this guideline thereby minimizing
unscheduled failures of equipment, which could impact the environment, result in
property damage and personnel injury.
Personnel engaged in either external or internal inspection activities of S-
Chem heat exchangers shall comply with Environmental Health and Safety
(EHS) requirements, with respect to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE),
Confined Space Entry (CSE) and any other permit required activities.

3.0 References:
Chevron Engineering Standard Pressure Vessels
API 2217 Guidelines for Confined Space Work in the Petroleum Industry
ASME Sec. V, Nondestructive Examination
API 660 Heat Exchangers for General Refinery use
API 551 Air coolers
API 510 Pressure Vessel Inspection Code, Maintenance Inspection Re-
rating, Repair / alteration
TEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association
Reliability Fixed Equipment Manual Section 6 Inspection of Pressure
Reliability Fixed Equipment Manual Section 14 Pressure Testing
Reliability Fixed Equipment Manual Section 17 Inspection Frequency

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

4.0 Definitions:
Alteration A physical change in any component that has design implications
that affect the pressure containing capability of a heat exchanger beyond the
scope of the items described in the existing data sheets.
Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector A person qualified per the
requirements of API 510 for the purposes of performing pressure vessel
Heat Exchanger Inspector An individual who performs inspections on Heat
Exchangers. This may include visual and other non-destructive testing. All
data collected shall be reviewed by the Authorized Pressure Vessel
Heat Exchanger Engineer An individual who is knowledgeable and
experienced in the engineering disciplines associated with evaluating
mechanical and material characteristics, which might affect the integrity and
reliability of Heat Exchangers.
API American Petroleum institute
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
CUI Corrosion under insulation as a result of operating and environmental
External Inspection The inspection is performed on the external
appurtenances to determine if leaks, mechanical or structural damage is
present. Generally, much of the inspection shall be done while the heat
exchanger is in service. Inspection is performed at least every five (5) years
or at the quarter corrosion-rate of the shell, whichever is less.
In service Heat exchanger that has been placed in operation. Also includes
heat exchanger that is not in operation due to outage.
Internal Inspection - The inspection used to establish the suitability of a heat
exchanger for continued operation. NDE procedures are used to establish
the suitability of the exchanger for continued service. The internal inspection
involves a complete visual inspection, supplemented by U.T. or other NDT
techniques, on all structures / appurtenances.
Maximum Allowable Working Pressure (MAWP) - The maximum gauge
pressure permitted at the top of a heat exchanger in its operating position for
a designated temperature.
MDMT - Minimum Design Metal Temperature
NDE Non Destructive Examination

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

On-Stream Inspection The inspection used to establish the suitability of a
heat Exchanger for continued operation. NDE procedures are used to
establish the suitability of the exchanger, and the exchanger may or may not
be in operation while the inspection is being carried out.
Repair The work necessary to restore a heat exchanger to a condition
suitable for safe and reliable operation at the design conditions.
Rerating - A change in either the design temperature rating, the MDMT or the
MAWP rating of a vessel.
R.T. Radiographic Testing
TML Thickness Measurement Location, is a designated area on
pressurized equipment which periodic inspections and thickness
measurements are conducted.
U.T. Ultrasonic Testing
U.T. Technician An individual who has qualified by written examination
under the provisions of ASME Sec. V (ASNT-SNT-TC-1A)

5.0 General Requirements

5.1 Inspection Personnel Requirements
5.1.1 Personnel engaged in the inspection of heat exchangers and/or certifying
written reports and recommendations shall hold a current and valid
certification as an Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector.
5.1.2 In addition to, or as an alternate to the above qualification; examiners,
qualified and certified as an SNT-TC-1A Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
Level I or II may engage in visual inspection of Heat Exchangers if
approved by the Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector.
5.1.3 Contractor Inspection Personnel shall provide appropriate documentation
of their certification/ qualification, as specified in 5.1.1 and 5.1.2, for
review and approval by the Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector, prior to
engaging in the inspection of Heat Exchangers for S-Chem.

5.1.4 Specialized techniques such as Eddy Current Testing (E.T.), Internal

Rotating Inspection System testing (IRIS), Remote Field Testing (RFT)
and Magnetic Flux leakage (MFL) shall only be performed by Contractor
Personnel who have demonstrated sufficient field experience to perform
these tests accurately.

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

5.1.5 All outside Contractor NDT Technicians shall have good English language
skills and shall submit all NDT reports in English.

5.2 Tools and Equipment

Suggested tools or equipment to perform inspection of Heat Exchangers may
include, but are not limited to the following:
Flashlight (Intrinsically safe)
Wire Brush
Steel 6" Rule
12' Tape Measure
Pit Depth Gauge
Magnifying Glass
Marking Crayon or Paint Stick
Small Magnet
Digital Thickness Gauge
Cellulose Couplant for Thickness Gauge
Transducer Assortment for Thickness Gauge
3-Ball Mike (assorted diameter sizes)
Heat Exchanger Inspection Checklist
Notebook & Pencil

5.3 Personal Safety

All areas of inspection work shall follow this guideline, API 510, ASME
Sec. V, and ANSI/ASNT CP-189 requirements; thereby minimizing
unscheduled failures of equipment, which could impact the environment,
result in property damage and personnel injury.
Personnel engaged in either external or internal inspection activities of
heat exchangers shall comply with Environmental Health and Safety

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Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

(EHS) requirements, with respect to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
and Confine Space Entry (CSE).

6.0 Cleaning Methods

6.1 The most important factor in obtaining accurate inspection data from heat
exchanger tube inspections is the cleanliness of ID surfaces. The degree of
cleanliness requirements will depend on the technique used to inspect heat
exchanger tubes.

6.2 Since the difficulty of cleaning increases rapidly as the scale thickness or
deposits increase, the intervals between cleanings should not be excessive.

6.3 The most common ways to clean exchanger tubes are as follows:
Chemical Cleaning
Hydro Blasting
Mechanical Cleaning wire brushes

6.4 Chemical Cleaning

6.4.1 Chemical cleaning is the process of introducing fluids not normally found
during normal operation of heat exchangers. This may include the
Other cleaning agents

6.4.2 Chemical cleaning shall not be performed until the following has been
The Chemical Cleaning Contractor shall provide a chemical cleaning
procedure with MSDS for review and approval to Reliability and
Process Engineering.
A job Safety Analysis shall be performed (Contractor must attend) to
discuss and identify all hazards associated with the submitted
chemical cleaning procedure.
The equipment has been S/D, decontaminated, and isolated.

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Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

6.4.3 It is required that test coupons (of the same metallurgy as that of the heat
exchanger) be used to monitor the affects of the cleaning to the

6.4.4 Perform chemical cleaning as per the accepted written procedure.

6.4.5 All necessary neutralization shall be performed before opening equipment

for inspection. Several flushes may be required to return the equipment
to safe condition.

NOTE: the Contractor must make arrangements with the Environmental

Engineer to safely contain / collect all drainage for processing / disposal.

6.4.6 Open exchanger and determine if additional cleaning by either hydro

blasting or mechanical clean will be necessary.

6.4.7 Proceed with the inspection.

6.5 Hydro Blasting

6.5.1 The recommended pressure setting for the hydro blasting is between
8000 10,000 PSI. For higher pressures, approval from the Reliability
Manager shall be required.

6.5.2 Roto-jetting is the preferred cleaning method. For more information

refer to GI-3034.

6.5.3 Special attention must be given to U-bend configured bundles. Most

contractors have specialized lances / probes that can deal with u-bends.

6.5.4 It may be necessary to perform repeated attempts with hydro blasting to

achieve the required level of cleanliness.

NOTE: It is important to proceed with the intended cleaning immediately

after removing the shell / channel cover, to avoid having the tube ID
deposits drying, thus making it more difficult to remove.

6.5.5 It is important that the Contractors personnel have experience in hydro

blasting techniques. Pre-qualification of Contractors assigned personnel
at facilities may be required.

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

6.6 Mechanical Cleaning

6.6.1 Special attention must be given to utilizing the correct metallurgy scrapers
/ files when cleaning H.E. Tubes. Using C.S. on alloys may result in
damage or future Reliability considerations.

6.6.2 When mechanically cleaning a tube bundle, care must be taken to avoid
damaging the tubes.

6.6.3 It is important that the Contractors personnel have experience in

mechanical cleaning techniques.

Never clean tubes by blowing steam through individual tubes since this
heats the tube and may result in severe expansion strain, deformation of the
tube, or loosing of the tube-to-tubesheet joint

7.0 Inspection Methods and Intervals

All reliability inspection intervals shall adhere to Fixed Equipment

Inspection Manual Section 17.0 Inspection Frequency Standards.
7.1 Due to the nature of the design of heat exchangers, special inspection
techniques must be used to evaluate the mechanical integrity of this type of
equipment, specifically the condition of the tube bundle.
There are currently several different types of inspection techniques used for
tube inspections. They are as follows:
IRIS (Internal Rotary Inspection System)
ET (Eddy Current Testing)
RFT (Remote Field Testing)
MFL (Magnetic Field Leakage)
3-ball Mike Calipers
Cut / remove tube(s) for splitting and visual inspection

7.2 Documentation
For the first four (4) identified techniques listed above, the NDT Contractor
shall interpret the results of the examination(s) performed and provide a written
report, which shall as a minimum include the following:
The minimum wall thickness found per bundle
The type of defect / corrosion mechanism
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Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

The location of the defect(s) / corrosion in relationship to the tube(s),
i.e. ID or OD
The general condition of the tubes examined
A color coded computer printout displaying the distribution of the tubes
tested by their remaining wall thickness remaining life

7.3 Internal Rotating Inspection System (IRIS)

Internal Rotary Inspection system (IRIS) is an Ultrasonic Testing technique,
typically performed by an outside NDT Contractor. This technique is mostly
used on ferromagnetic tubes, but can also be used on alloy materials.
Because this technique uses transducers, water must be used as a couplant.
Electrical power supply is also required.

This technique has several limitations. The most important ones are as
The exchanger tube ID must be VERY clean to allow for sufficient
wave propagation.
The tube wall thickness should be greater than 0.50mm. Below this
limit, the equipment cannot resolve the OD and ID signals, resulting in

Typical discontinuities that can be determined by IRIS are as follows:

Pitting (both ID and OD)
Isolated wall lose

7.4 Eddy Current Testing (ET)

Eddy Current Testing (ET) is typically performed by an outside NDT Contractor.
ET inspections are conducted by using an electrical coil that is energized with
AC current of one or more frequencies. This NDT technique is a dry process.
ET inspections are conducted by using two modes: differential and absolute.
The differential mode is used to detect small defects (pitting / cracking), while the
absolute mode is used for the detection of generalized wall lose. For best
results, use either multiple coils or rotating probes.

This technique has several limitations. The most important ones are as follows:
This examination technique can only be used on non-ferromagnetic

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

Typical discontinuities that can be determined by ET are as follows:
Discontinuities on either the ID or OD of the tube, or within the tube
General wall thickness
Mechanical wear resulting in cracking

7.5 Remote Field Inspection Testing (RFT)

Remote Field Testing (RFT) is typically performed by an outside NDT
Contractor. RFT is a dry NDT technique which is based on the transmission of
an electromagnetic field through the test material (tubes). An exciter coil(s)
generates a low frequency electromagnetic field in the circumferential direction
of the tube(s). A receiver coil(s) placed in the remote field zone of the exciter
coil(s) picks up the electromagnetic field. In this zone, the wall current source
dominates the primary field from the exciter coil(s).
This technique is quite effective in the inspection of:
CS and other ferromagnetic materials
Flawing sizing (wall thickness, not pitting)
Best suited to the inspection of boiler (large diameter) tubing

This technique has limitations. They are as follows:

This technique is limited to detect general wall lose. The sensitivity
for pit detection is limited and usually unacceptable.
It is therefore recommended to follow up with an I.R.I.S. inspection if
pitting is suspected to be occurring.

7.6 Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)

Magnetic Flux Leakage or the other name use, Magnetic Flux Exclusion; is an
electromagnetic inspection tool. There is a magnetizing head that enters the
tube ID. This is considered a dry NDT technique. The travel lane of the plate
is magnetically saturated typically to a level of approximately 1.8 to 2.0 TESLA.
Measuring coils in the magnetized head detect changes in the magnetic flux
leakage related to differentials in wall thickness in exchanger tubes.

The tube thickness differentials are recorded and processed by the associated
CPU / imaging unit. The CPU will analyze the data collected and produce a
color-coded scan plot/map. Tube wall thickness reduction variations are
recorded and interpreted per the software.

NOTE: MFL is recommended for testing of aluminum-finned tubes.

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

7.7 3-Ball Mike Calipers
3-ball tube calipers, I.D. mikes or caliper snap gauges are used to measure the
I.D. of tubes for general wall loss. Typically two readings are obtained for each
test tube, one point at the roll and a second point approximately six inches
further into the tube. After establishing the tube OD via the associated U-1
form, the estimated tube wall thickness can be determined.

NOTE: This technique is only good for general wall thinning.

7.8 Tube(s) Removal for Inspection

The following steps are to be followed when removing tubes for inspection:
After removing bundle from the shell, identify / select tube(s) for removal.
Cut tube(s), approximately 12in. (305mm) from tube sheet.
Cut and split removed tube(s) sections lengthwise.
Sand blast tube OD / ID to remove all existing scale.
Perform all necessary inspection to establish minimum remaining wall
Plug tube remnant corresponding to tube(s) cut. Based on tube size and
wall thickness, choose the correct sized tube plug(s) (reference document
Recommended plug sizes and testing procedures for plugged tube-
sheets in tubular exchangers). Metallurgy of the plug(s) must be
compatible with the tube metallurgy.
Re-install bundle.
Re- pressure test to confirm bundle tightness.

7.9 Inspection of External Appurtenances

For a complete description of requirements for an external inspection of heat
exchangers refer to REL-WP-16 Section 6.0 Inspection of Pressure Vessels.

7.10 On-Stream Inspections of Heat Exchangers

For a complete description of requirements for anon-stream inspection of heat
exchangers refer to REL-WP-16 Section 6.0 Inspection of Pressure Vessels.

7.11 Adjustment of Inspection Frequency

The inspection intervals for internal, external and UT inspections must be
reviewed and adjusted as necessary after each inspection or after a significant
change in the operating conditions. The following conditions shall be considered
when reviewing and adjusting the inspection intervals:
Corrosion rates and remaining life calculations
Any applicable company requirement

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

The judgment of the Authorized inspector, the pressure vessel engineer or a
corrosion specialist; based upon operating conditions, previous inspection
history, current inspection results, and conditions that may warrant
supplemental inspections.

8.0 Repair Strategies (Methods)

Repairs to the heat exchanger bundles can fall into the following situations:
Roll leaks requiring re-rolling
Roll leaks requiring seal welding
Seal welded tube ends requiring weld repairs
Tube leaks requiring plugging
Bundle replacement

8.1 Roll Leaks Requiring Re-Rolling

During shell-side hydro testing of a heat exchanger to 1.3 X MAWP (Hot &
Corroded), should roll leaks occur, the following must take place:

8.1.1 Reduce test pressure to the MAWP and mark all existing roll leak(s).

8.1.2 De-pressurize heat exchanger.

8.1.3 Arrange to have a pre-approved Contractor, who specializes in heat

exchanger construction / repair, provide the necessary re-rolling apparatus,
technicians and repair procedure (to be reviewed and approved by
Reliability Group).

8.1.4 After re-rolling, perform a shell side hydro-test to 1.3 X MAWP (Hot &
Corroded), hold for 15 minutes minimum, reduce pressure to MAWP, and
visually confirm bundle tightness.

8.1.5 If any leaks are detected, tubes may be re-rolled a second time in some
cases. However, in no case should the tube expansion ratio exceed 5%
combined for all re-rolls. If roll leaks are detected after reaching the 5%
expansion ratio, the tube(s) with roll leak(s) shall be plugged (see 8.3).

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

8.2 Seal Welded Tube Ends Requiring Weld Repairs
During shell-side hydro testing to 1.3 X MAWP (Hot & Corroded), should seal
welded tube ends leak, the following must take place:

8.2.1 Reduce test pressure to the MAWP value and mark all existing seal weld

8.2.2 De-pressurize heat exchanger.

8.2.3 Repair seal welds as required, to be performed by ASME certified welder.

Use a GTAW weld process that is compatible with the equipment metallurgy.
Note: weld joint MUST BE dry.

8.2.4 P.T. all completed weld repairs.

8.2.5 After repairs are completed, perform a shell side hydrotest to 1.3 X MAWP
(Hot & Corroded), hold for 15 minutes minimum, reduce pressure to the
MAWP value, and visually confirm bundle tightness.

8.2.6 If any leaks are detected, repeat 8.2.1 thru 8.2.5.

8.3 Tube Leaks / Corroded Tubes Requiring Plugging

Tube plugging may be required should either of the following situations occur:

During shell-side hydro testing of the heat exchanger to 1.3 X MAWP (Hot &
Corroded), tube(s) are observed to be leaking.

After analysis/inspection of the bundle, tubes are identified to be thinned

beyond their retirement wall thickness.

8.3.1 After reducing pressure to the MAWP of the exchanger, mark all existing
tube leaks (or identified thinned tubes). Record the number and location of
identified tubes.

8.3.2 De-pressurize heat exchanger.

8.3.3 Based on tube size and wall thickness, choose the correct sized tube plug(s)
Metallurgy of the plug(s) must be compatible with the tube metallurgy. Note
that per industry standard, normally a maximum of approximately 10% of the
total number of tubes should be plugged. Any more than 10% will require an
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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

evaluation by the Process Engineer. If the maximum number of plugs has
been installed, a complete tube bundle replacement may be required.

8.3.4 For non-leaking thinned tubes either cut or puncture tube (behind tubesheet)
prior to plug insertion to prevent trapped air from causing a premature plug(s)

NOTE: For U-bundles, cut tube(s) at the upper end to ensure air is vented
from tube. For tubes with heavy ID fouling, cut tubes at BOTH tubesheet

8.3.5 Re-pressure test exchanger bundle to 1.3 MAWP (Hot & Corroded), hold for
15 minutes minimum, reduce to its MAWP, and visually confirm bundle

8.4 Bundle Replacement

If a new bundle is to replace an existing unit or if the installation of an additional
new exchanger is planned, the following must take place:

8.4.1 All new equipment must be inspected and verified as complying with the
project specification.

5.4.2 After installation of the new bundle, perform a shell side hydro test to 1.3 X
MAWP (Hot & Corroded).

8.5 Inspection of Existing and Replaced Components

Prior to installation, any existing and/or replaced part or component shall be
inspected to ensure correctness of material, design and assembly as S-Chems
Fixed Equipment Inspection Procedure Positive Material Identification (section
11.0 of the Reliability Fixed Equipment manual).

9.0 Testing Requirements

9.1 The test pressure to be used to verify tube integrity is: 1.3 X M.A.W.P. (Hot and
Test Pressure = 1.3 MAWP x (S test temp / S design temp),

S test temp = allowable stress at test temperature
S design temp = allowable stress at design temperature

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Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03


Attention should be paid to chloride content in testing Water (not exceeding 50
ppm) when testing tubes that are susceptible to chloride stress corrosion
cracking, such as those constructed of austenitic stainless steels, and to
making sure that complete draining and drying procedures are available for

9.2 When testing only for gasket integrity, it is usually acceptable to pressure up
the equipment to approximately 10% over the operating pressure.

9.3 Note that all other aspects of pressure testing can be found in the Fixed
Equipment Inspection procedure binder, section 14.0 Pressure Testing.

10.0 Fitness for Service Evaluation

Evaluation of all inspection data shall be performed in strict conformance with the
latest editions of API-510 Code - Pressure Vessel Inspection, Repair, Alteration,
and Reconstruction and API RP-579 -Fitness for Service.

11.0 Repairs and Alterations

Repairs and alterations shall be performed in strict conformance with the latest
editions of API-510 Code - Pressure Vessel Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and
Reconstruction. For additional requirements for the repairs, alterations and final
inspection requirements of heat exchangers, refer to REL-WP-16 Section 6.0
Inspection of Pressure Vessels.

12.0 Records and Documentation

For a complete list of requirements for maintaining records and documentation,
refer to REL-WP-16 Section 6.0 Inspection of Pressure Vessels.

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Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

13.0 Responsibilities

13.1 The Reliability Manager shall approve any deviations from these

13.2 The S-CHEM Fixed Equipment Engineer shall be responsible for:

Being knowledgeable and experienced in the engineering
disciplines associated with evaluating mechanical and material
characteristics, which might affect the integrity and reliability of
heat exchanges.
Properly assessing the technical requirements in association with
heat exchanger repairs and alterations.
Reviewing recommended repair procedures for completeness.

13.3 The Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector shall be responsible for:

Ensuring that the requirements of API 510 are met.
Assigning of personnel associated with the inspection of heat
Approving all repair or alteration procedures.
Identifying Thickness Measurement Location-TML sites.
Approving and issuing any written inspection reports.
Approving any on-stream inspections in-lieu of internal

13.4 The S-CHEM Fixed Equipment Inspector shall be responsible for:

Performing external and internal inspection of heat exchangers
and their components.
Preparing and submitting a written Reliability Repair
Recommendation (RRR) report describing the inspection
activities, findings and recommending any repair procedure,
which might be required after inspection.
Overseeing all NDE activities
Providing a drawing or sketch of the heat exchanger marked to
indicate inspection findings and the location of findings.
Observing that all repairs and/or alterations, which might be
Performing a final inspection of the heat exchanger before
Issuing the exchanger closure form for signatures, OKing the
boxing up of the heat exchanger.
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Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03


Observing the closing and final pressure testing if required of
the heat exchanger.
Preparing a final written inspection report for approval by the
Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector and maintain current
records of the heat exchanger activities.
Recording required inspection data into Meridium data base
13.5 The S-CHEM Process Eng. Dept. Representative shall be responsible
Performing initial internal inspection, if required, prior to the
cleaning/repair process to assess/evaluate the as found status
of the heat exchanger.
Determining the cleanliness level for satisfactory operation and
signing off for closing. See attached Equipment Final Closure

13.6 The S-CHEM Mechanical / Maintenance Support Supervisor or his

delegate shall be responsible for:
Supporting any required operations involving repair or
Performing all nonCODE repair work in accordance with
approved repair procedures.
Ensure that proper materials (i.e. bolting, gaskets, etc.) and
procedures are used when closing heat exchangers after any

13.7 The S-CHEM Operations Dept. Representative shall be responsible for:

Determining the cleanliness for satisfactory operation and
signing off for closing.

13.8 The NDE Contractor shall be responsible for:

Performing any NDE inspection as required by the S-CHEM
Authorized Pressure Vessel Inspector.

13.9 The ASME Authorized Repair Facility shall be responsible for:

Providing the services of a recognized ASME Authorized
Providing all necessary ASME Code accepted materials.
Providing ASME Sec. IX Code accepted welders / welding

Page 17 of 18 Print Date: 17 February 2012 Revision Date: 17 February 2012

This copy is Valid only if REVISION NUMBER matches ELECTRONIC " Intranet" REV

Department: Technical Document No.: REL-WP-22

Technical Work Procedure Doc. No. Rev.
Fixed Equipment Inspection Manual
Section 12.0 Inspection of Heat REL-WP-22 03

Issuing ASME Code accepted Repair or Alteration documents

Reliability Manager is responsible for ensuring that this procedure is
reviewed and updated as necessary at least once every three (3) years.

15.0 Appendixes/Attachments
REL.-WP-22.1 - Reliability Repair Recommendations Form
REL.-WP-22.2 - Technical Reliability Memo
REL.-WP-22.3 - External Inspection Checklist
REL.-WP-22.4 - Internal Inspection Checklist
Equipment Final Closure Form

----------------------------------------------------- END -----------------------------------------------------

Page 18 of 18 Print Date: 17 February 2012 Revision Date: 17 February 2012

This copy is Valid only if REVISION NUMBER matches ELECTRONIC " Intranet" REV

Department: Technical Document No.: REL-WP-22

Doc. No Rev. No.
Fixed Equipment Inspection
Section: 12, Inspection of Heat Exchanger
REL.-WP-22.1 3
Reliability Recommended Repair Procedure

File Number : Work Order :

Equipment Name :
& Number

Written By : Date :




Name and Signature

Copy to : Tech. Clerk (Engineering Library)

Doc. No Rev. No.
Fixed Equipment Inspection
Section: 12, Inspection of Heat Exchanger
REL.-WP-22.2 3
Technical Reliability Memo
(Memo to File)

File Name & Number:





Copy to : Tech. Clerk (Engineering Library) REL-WP-22.2



The above equipment has been supplied, erected and internally fitted in accordance with the
applicable drawings, specifications and manufacturers standard and is certified to be
mechanically acceptable. Equipment has been inspected for cleanliness and is free of all debris.


The above equipment has been opened, cleaned, inspected, and repaired in accordance with all
applicable codes or standards, and finally prepared for closure.

Reliability: Name, Signature & Date

Authorization is hereby granted to effect final closure or sealing of the above stated equipment.
(N/A if Process Engineering inspection is not required):

Shell Side Clean Tube Side Clean Internals Clean

Process Engineers Date Process Engineers Date Process Engineers Date
Initials Initials Initials

Process Engineering: Name, Signature & Date

Authorization is hereby granted to effect final closure or sealing of the above stated equipment.

Operations: Name, Signature & Date

Certifying the final closure or sealing of the above stated equipment completed

Maintenance: Name, Signature & Date

Final closure of equipment has been performed.

Reliability: Name, Signature & Date


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