What Do Trees Do For Dinner?: Teacher'S Guide

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English language arts: 4.B.1a
science: 12.A.1a, 12.B.1a
To Be a Tree; Tree Factory; Tree Cookies
SKILLS: observing, critical thinking, counting

OBJECTIVE: Students will learn how trees pro-

duce their own food and how every part of the
tree contributes to the process of making and
distributing food.

What Do Trees Do for Dinner?

BACKGROUND roots to the leaves. Between
Trees require food, just like ani- the phloem and the xylem
mals. They produce and distribute there is an area of wood
their own food in a spe- called the cambium. The
cial way. phloem, cambium and xylem
are the living portions of the trunk
Little Green Food of a tree.
Factories. The food that
trees need is made in Every year the tree trunk becomes
the leaves. Each leaf wider as new layers of phloem and
contains millions of xylem grow from the sides of the
cells with chlorophyll, cambium. When you look at a cut
a green pigment. Chlorophyll cells are section of a log you can see the
green, which is why leaves are green in rings of new wood that are added each year the tree lives. In
the spring and summer. These cells the center of the trunk of a tree is the heartwood. This portion
actually make food through a process of the tree is old phloem, cambium and xylem layers that are
called photosynthesis. Chlorophyll cells nonliving. The heartwood is very hard and gives a tree the
take in carbon dioxide from the air. strength to stand straight and tall.
Chlorophyll cells combine this carbon
dioxide with water sent up from the
roots of the tree. In the chlorophyll cell,
sunlight passes through this mixture
and turns it into sugar and oxygen. The
sugar is the food that trees need to
grow. Oxygen is released into the air
that we breathe.

Pipelines Inside Pipelines. Inside the

trunk of the tree is a two-way pipeline.
Just inside the bark there is a pipeline
that the leaves use to send food down
to the roots. This pipeline is called
phloem (flo-em). Next to the phloem
towards the middle of the tree is anoth-
er pipelinethis one is called xylem (zi-
lem)that sends water up from the
21 Kids for Trees, Illinois Department of Natural Resources
At the Root of the System. Take the class outside under a large
Underground, under every tree, tree. Explain that the root system of
there is a root system that extends the tree extends well beyond the
two to four times further than the branches of the tree. Measure the
branches of the tree. In some distance from the end of the
trees the root system spread may branches to the trunk of the tree.
be twice the height of the tree. Have the class form a circle
Attached to every root are around the tree at a distance
tiny root hairs which have twice as long as the
beneficial fungi growing branch measurement.
on and in them The area encom-
(mycorrhizae). passed contains
They act like the roots that sup-
miniature straws port and feed the
to draw up water tree.
and nutrients.
That mixture is EVALUATION
sent up the pipeline Divide the class into
to the leaves. Roots three sections. The
also receive food from students should develop
the pipeline so they can a three-act play with one
grow. group being the leaves, one
group being the trunk and one group
Every part of the tree is involved in this system. The roots being the root system. Each group
gather water and nutrients from the soil. Water flows up the should create its own description of the
trunk to the leaves where it is combined with carbon dioxide function of its part of the tree. An elect-
and sunlight to make food. This food flows back down through ed spokesperson should present the
the trunk to help all parts of the tree grow. description while the others act it out.


If there is a microscope or magnifying glass available, show Take a class trip to an area where
students a prepared slide from a leaf so that they can actually maple syrup is produced. Explain that
see chlorophyll cells. sometimes people eat the very same
food that trees doin this case maple
Take the class to a nearby tree stump, take a cross section of syrup from sugar maple trees. If a
a log to class or purchase slices of tree branches at a craft sugar maple tree is available near the
store. Show them the layers that make a trees food trans- school, it is easy for the class to make
portation system. real maple syrup. Visit
Explain that there is a layer of new wood for every year that mapletree.htm for a demonstration of
the tree lived and discuss why they think this happens. Have making maple syrup.
them count the rings to see how old the tree was when it was
cut. Have them try to count rings to see how big around the VOCABULARY
tree was the year they were born. Detailed instructions can be chlorophyll xylem
found in Tree Cookies in Project Learning Tree from the photosynthesis carbon dioxide
American Forest Foundation, 2001. phloem

Kids for Trees, Illinois Department of Natural Resources 22

Trees need food just like you. They Pipelines Inside Pipelines
make their own food. The leaves do the Inside every tree there are hollow pipes. The roots use some
cooking. All they need is water, air and of these pipes to send water to the leaves. The leaves use
sunshine. some of these pipes to send food to the rest of the tree. Every
year a tree grows more pipes. To us they look like rings in the
Little Green Food Factories wood.
When leaves are green, they are mak-
ing food. They take in air. They mix in
water and nutrients sent up from the
roots. They use the heat from the sun
to cook their dinner.

How Trees Drink

Trees drink with their roots. They take water from the ground.
Trees have more roots than they have branches. The part of
the tree you cant see is bigger than the part you can! Roots
have hairs like tiny straws to drink water and send it up the
pipes to the leaves.

23 Kids for Trees, Illinois Department of Natural Resources

Growing Together!
Every year that a tree grows, it forms a new ring. How many years has this tree been growing?
What have you been doing while this tree was growing? Write the current year in the first blank. Fill in the
years for the important events in your life. Draw a line from each year to the matching ring. Then count the
rings of the tree to find out how big the tree was in each of those years. (Dates to be filled in by students.)

___ This years growth.

___ I was born.

___ I learned to walk.

___ I learned to talk.

___ I lost my first


___ I started school.

___ I met my best


___ I learned to ride a


___ I took my favorite trip to


___ Year this tree began.

Kids for Trees, Illinois Department of Natural Resources 24

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