Enhancing The Evidence Base For Vulnerability and Risk Assessment in Badin, Pakistan

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Sea inundation diminishing residential and food security, health and livelihoods across Badin District at Sindh, Pakistan. Photo:
Asim Saqlain

Enhancing the evidence base for Vulnerability

and Risk Assessment in Badin, Pakistan

A. Saqlain and J. Fullwood-Thomas

In Pakistan, thousands of people are affected by the impacts of climate change.

District Badin (Sindh) is one of the most vulnerable areas, where coastal
communities are affected by sea intrusion which has damaged both natural
resources and productive assets, such as water resources, cultivable land and
associated livelihood opportunities. Insufficient investment in district annual
development plans, alongside a lack of information, services and knowledge of
adaptation at community level have all contributed to heightening vulnerabilities
and exacerbating existing poverty patterns. In summary, natural and human-made
hazards and the subsequent risks have made it much harder for the coastal
communities of Badin district, especially women, to withstand the impacts of
disasters and external shocks.

What is the situation in District Badin?
In District Badin, sea intrusion has inundated more than 0.5 million hectares of farmland in
the coastal areas, and seawater has intruded as far as 85km up the sweet-water channels
downstream. Some of the inundated land has been seriously damaged, and this is having
a significant impact on the local population, the majority of whom (65 percent) depend for
their livelihoods on catching and drying fish (especially women), and work in small-scale
businesses such as fish processing for poultry food. This income source has not only been
affected by natural resource degradation but also by changes in fishing regulations and a
decrease in fish species over the past decade, due to a rise in temperatures and the
cutting of mangroves, meaning that fishing has become an unreliable livelihood source.

Map 1: Area of Badin, Pakistan affected by sea intrusion, cyclones and tornadoes

As a result of the land degradation caused by sea intrusion, cyclone and tornadoes, the
area being used for agricultural production has reduced from 82,200 ha in 20012002 to
61,900 ha in 2016, resulting in a decrease in food crops. The population are thus totally
dependent on imports of wheat and rice from neighbouring areas. This dependency, and
associated issues such as the added cost of transportation, price exploitation and the
difficulty preserving stock at household level increases their food insecurity and ultimately
their overall vulnerability. Communities are also suffering from extreme shortages of safe
drinking water, which increases the care burden for women (they have to walk long
distances to fetch water for household consumption and for work) and has resulted in the
migration of thousands of people away from the area. One current coping strategy is to
engage in informal loan agreements with landlords known as Haris for agricultural inputs,
food consumption needs, social events and emergencies through monetary advances;
however these process are not properly recorded and vulnerable communities risk being
trapped in an exploitative, bonded contract.

The Oxfam programme in Pakistan has been working in this area on a climate change
adaptation project. As part of this programme, they decided to run a vulnerability and risk
analysis assessment (VRA) to further their understanding of the hazards and social issues
impacting the community. They generated initial information through focus group
discussions (FGD) with communities and then conducted key informant interviews with
independent professionals and relevant officials in the district-level government for
comparison and verification.


Oxfam in Pakistans programme1 did a vulnerability and risk assessment in the coastal
areas of Badin district and discovered that the priority concerns were: erratic
precipitation patterns causing pluvial floods during the monsoon season, large-scale
cutting of mangrove due to its use for charcoal, land degradation due to sea intrusion (up
to 25km inland) which is leading to food, income and residential insecurity and water
salination caused by the incursion of saltwater into fresh water bodies, thus decreasing
the availability of safe drinking water. Some communities were also resorting to climate-
related migration when they no longer had enough land for residential and livelihood

The VRA was done in stages, with the initial vulnerability assessment done through
community group meetings involving stakeholders such as male and female fisherfolk,
farmers from both sea intrusion areas and flood-affected areas, share-croppers, daily
wage labours and livestock farmers, who identified the critical risks and hazards along with
other social issues for themselves and their livelihoods. These were then validated
through discussions with relevant authorities and key informants: district department of
agriculture (fisheries, livestock, crop extension officers), district metrological department,
district disaster management authorities (DDMA), district social and welfare department
(labour department) and district department of land and revenue (land revenue officers).
The different stakeholders then came together to undertake the remaining VRA steps
(impact chain exercise and adaptive capacity analysis).

During the workshop, the following areas of critical concern were raised:
1. The major livelihood source, fishing, is being severely impacted and becoming
increasingly more unreliable, with a much lower fish catch and lower returns as a result
of hazards associated with climate change, e.g. sea intrusion and mangrove cutting. As
a result, men have moved towards deep sea fishing for long periods which has
increased the burden on women for both domestic duties and livelihood labour
(womens livelihood activities are predominately processing and sorting of fish and
shrimps, sewing and embroidery and timber collection). The lack of viable livelihoods is
also forcing people to enter into increased debt on unequal terms, resulting in long-term
bonded servitude. Overall, as a result of decreases in water availability and increased
salinity, a variety of livelihoods are under pressure and households are increasingly
becoming dependent on one or two sources of income, weakening their overall
absorptive and adaptive capacity.
2. Livestock ownership (which was used to supplement household consumption needs
and as a source of saleable assets) is also under threat because water inundation and
logging have resulted in the loss of large areas of grazing land. The loss of this
livelihood source has forced people to resort to casual labour which is insecure, often
has exploitative working conditions and the added burden of travelling further and
further in search of work.


The findings from the VRA contributed to both internal and external activities, including
programme design, advocacy messages and staff and partner capacity building. Key
actions included:
1. Embedding the findings in the current climate change adaptation project as part of
the data for the baseline study and to guide the design of one year adaptation action
plans at community level. This included activities such as: embankment construction to
protect from sea intrusion; climate youth clubs; household kitchen gardens; community
awareness raising and mobilization; plantation and nursery farming of mangroves and
seasonal vegetables and land reclamation.
2. Building the capacity of local government officials via participation in the VRA and
collaborating with them through the shared local adaptation plans to help implement the
activities at scale in their local development planning process. However, resource
allocation and delivery have limited this success. This work has continued via follow-up
meetings and further capacity building of government staff at district and provincial
3. Using the information from Badin district alongside the Oxfam GROW campaign
programming to advocate for the adoption of a climate change policy in Sindh and
Punjab. This subsequently helped to influence provincial government to improve their
consideration of climate change issues.

Implemented as part of a climate change adaptation project funded by Asia Disaster
Preparedness Centre (ADPC), the VRA represented a unique opportunity to bring different
stakeholders together and build collaborative understanding and action around climate
change. The team in Badin specifically noted the value of validating NGO-led risk analysis
via discussions with officials and community members. This helped to build shared
understanding and community buy-in for subsequent programming. Likewise, the
participatory process helped to build shared ownership, provided validation for the action
plan and helped with future advocacy.

The four steps of the VRA were accessible and clear to the participants and the
prioritization exercise in the Initial vulnerability assessment was particularly useful to focus
the discussions and ensure our subsequent activities were relevant and responded to the
priorities of the affected population. Particularly interesting findings from the adaptive
capacity analysis was the range of current coping strategies which were built on social
capital and shared risk management e.g. evacuation together to a designated safe place,
work together to dry fish for food preservation and starting new businesses. The process
of undertaking joint assessment activities with communities and government officials for
the impact chain and the analysis of existing adaptive capacities steps further enhanced
the impact of the VRA, because the district government was then able to endorse the
findings and use them to inform the development of their annual plans.

Going forwards, Oxfam and partners need to continue to work with communities in Badin
so as to support them to understand and advocate for their rights around climate and
weather-related risks e.g. community-led campaigning to ensure that local government
officials implement the measures outlined in the planning and development plans. Oxfam
will also seek to use the experience and learning from this exercise to launch further
climate change programming in other climate zones of Pakistan and influence broader
policy-level activities. The VRA will therefore remain a useful and relevant tool to guide our
understanding of vulnerabilities in Pakistan and the findings can inform the design of both
community-led DRR and livelihoods-based programming.

1 Livelihoods and Adaptation Programme

Oxfam International May 2017

This case study was written by Asim Saqlain, Oxfam acknowledges the assistance of Jessica
Fullwood-Thomas in its production. It is part of a series of papers and reports written to inform
public debate on development and humanitarian policy issues.

For further information on the issues raised in this paper please e-mail:
[email protected] or [email protected]

This publication is copyright but the text may be used free of charge for the purposes of advocacy,
campaigning, education, and research, provided that the source is acknowledged in full. The
copyright holder requests that all such use be registered with them for impact assessment
purposes. For copying in any other circumstances, or for re-use in other publications, or for
translation or adaptation, permission must be secured and a fee may be charged. E-mail
[email protected].

The information in this publication is correct at the time of going to press.

Published by Oxfam GB for Oxfam International under ISBN 978-0-85598-974-3 in May 2017.
Oxfam GB, Oxfam House, John Smith Drive, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 2JY, UK.

DOI: 10.21201/2017.9743

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