01 AlgorithmStopeOptimisation
01 AlgorithmStopeOptimisation
01 AlgorithmStopeOptimisation
sum of the blocks value lying between starting and ending stope profit divided by its total mining time (in order to do
locations within each row. These two locations define the stope this an extra calculation is carried out that estimates the
boundary location. The advantage of this technique compared to mining time of the stope).
the others noted is that the block geometry is not required to be
regular or orthogonal. Its disadvantage is, however, that the After a stope is selected its revenue and location are noted
algorithm has been developed to optimise the stope boundary down in the final stope layout table. This table contains all stopes
along the row of blocks in only one dimension. There is no that are selected for the final stope boundary layout with their
example of 3D applications. In addition, this technique allows respective revenues. The blocks from the block model used in the
selected stope recieve a special tag. The block model that has
the user to optimise the design of extraction rows only. As the
been used is now removed from the stope list so it can not be
location of these rows is predetermined, it only partially
selected again.
optimises the mine design.
Again the best possible stope available in the stope list is
selected, now it is also checked if any of the blocks in this stope
A NEW STOPE BOUNDARY OPTIMISATION are tagged, if so the stope is removed from the stope list and the
ALGORITHM next best stope is selected, if not, the stope is noted down in the
final stope boundary layout table and removed from the stope
The new stope boundary and layout optimisation methodology list. In this way all the stopes in the stope list are analysed.
consists of three basic elements. These are: After this the final stope layout table contains only positive
1. a block converter, non-overlapping stopes chosen in the order of the users preference.
2. a stope optimiser, and
3. a visualiser. Stope visualiser
It generates optimum stope layouts and boundaries based on the The stope visualiser is a program that generates a 3D model of
revenue that is generated by extracting the blocks. The mining the final layout all the stopes. The revenue from the stopes is
costs of each stope are calculated by summing the stope start-up indicated with a colour and legend linking revenue to its
costs and the mining costs which vary with the size of the stope. respective colour is provided.
In order to generate a true optimal underground mine plan, further
research into development and infrastructure optimisation, stope
boundary optimisation and stope production scheduling
optimisation need to be considered together in one model.