01 AlgorithmStopeOptimisation

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A New Algorithm for Stope Boundary Optimisation

J Sens1,2 and E Topal3

ABSTRACT optimisation have been noted in this paper, or implemented in

commercial mining packages (Alford, Brazil and Lee, 2007).
Stopes are used in several underground mining methods. Boundary
determination of these stopes is generally based on simple rules of thumb. Alford (1995) has developed a method called floating stope.
While several stope boundary optimisation techniques are available, they The floating stope is an algorithm used in the mine design
fail to guarantee true optimum results. package, Datamine, to determine the optimal boundary for
The first part of this paper reviews some important stope boundary minable ore. The algorithm uses a cut of grade to discriminate
optimisation studies and proposes a new algorithm to optimise stope between ore and waste rock. A stope with minimum stope
boundaries and layouts for underground operations. The second part dimensions is floated throughout the orebody. The algorithm
applies the proposed algorithm to a block model to test its ability to selects all the stopes with a positive value. Two envelopes are
produce optimum results and demonstrate its applicability in a number of created. The minimum envelope is generated by taking the union
different scenarios. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm of all best grade stope positions for every ore block. The
can find optimum stope boundaries and layouts in three dimensions for maximum envelope is the combination of all possible economic
different stope sizes and economic conditions. stope positions. The optimum stope mine design is located in
between these two envelopes. A major problem with the floating
INTRODUCTION stope algorithm is that the outer envelope can contain overlapping
stopes. These overlapping stopes, while profitable individually,
Since the early 1960s, optimisation techniques have been applied may be uneconomical to mine together.
to a variety of mining problems. Currently, surface mine To help overcome the shortcoming of the floating stope
optimisation practices are commonly used and several computer algorithm, the multiple pass floating stope process (MPSFP) was
packages are available that guarantee optimum solutions for introduced. The process relies on the principals of the floating
ultimate pit boundaries and scheduling. Comparatively however, stope algorithm. The MPSFP is a tool that allows extra envelopes
underground mine optimisation has thus far received very little to be included into the results generated by the floating stope
attention. The main reason for this is that all underground mining algorithm. These extra envelopes, displayed as wireframes in the
methods are different and even the use of one method can vary floating stope output, can locate specific areas as requested by
from mine site to mine site. This results in more constraining the user. For example an envelope containing higher revenue per
factors which are not all quantifiable and/or generalised enough tonne can be located. These extra envelopes can provide extra
in advance, making the development of underground information during the mine design phase. Although the method
optimisation tools more difficult. In future however, greater effort can assist in stope boundary selection and design, it does not
and focus will need to be placed on underground mining as generate optimum stope layouts (Cawse, 2001).
shallow deposits, which are amenable to surface mining, are Ataee-pour (2000) has introduced the maximum neighbourhood
increasingly exploited and thus eventually diminished. value (MNV) algorithm for stope boundary optimisation. The
Underground optimisation can be divided to three main MNV algorithm uses a 3D fixed economic block model. In this
categories. These are: block model the algorithm locates the best neighbourhood of a
block guaranteeing the maximum net value. It starts looking for a
1. optimisation of development and infrastructure, stope around the first block in the block model which is located in
2. optimisation of stope boundaries, and one of the corners. After analysing the value of the first block, it
moves to the second block and systematically goes through all of
3. optimisation of production schedules using predefined the blocks. The MNV algorithm does not allow partial blocks to
stope boundaries. be included in the stopes, thus the stope size has to be rounded up
Numerous researchers have advanced the knowledge on to be able to contain a positive integer number of stopes. Although
underground mine optimisation for development and mine it provides a theoretical basis for a stope boundary optimisation
production scheduling. Some of the main studies can be found in algorithm, it contains a number of fundamental shortcomings and
the following literature: Topal, 2003; Topal, 2008; Nehring and lacks a number of important requirements needed to find the
Topal, 2007; Little, Nehring and Topal, 2008; Brazil et al, 2003; optimum stope design. For instance, varying the starting point can
Brazil et al, 2008. While a number of studies have been provide various sets of stope layouts for the same orebody. In
conducted into the areas amenable to underground optimisation, addition, the algorithm does not necessarily give a single output
this paper is primarily focused on stope boundary optimisation. and provides an unfair advantage to blocks processed earlier in the
Ground conditions and the method used to drill and blast ore optimisation process. Finally, it also has a static economic block
in advance of excavation will dictate the dimensions of the value which means it does not allow stope costing factors to be
stopes. For narrow and steeply dipping orebodies a single stope taken into account. In reality, the stope size in which a certain
will mine the full orebody width. This reduces the stope block is located determines the overall mining costs. For example,
optimisation problem from three dimensions to one dimension. a larger stope size allows the start-up costs to be divided over more
blocks resulting in lower mining costs per block.
For wider orebodies however, multiple stopes are required to
mine the full width of ore. Some studies regarding 3D stope Ovanic and Young (1995; 1999) use a mixed integer
programming (MIP) technique known as type two special order
sets (SOS2) to optimise stope boundaries. The optimum stope
1. SAusIMM, Exchange Student, School of Engineering, The University boundary is established by determining the optimal starting and
of Queensland, Brisbane Qld 4072. ending location for mining within each row of blocks within a
Email: [email protected] block model. To determine the optimum starting and ending
location for each row, two piece-wise linear cumulative functions
2. Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands.
are calculated the first summing block values for inclusion
3. Senior Lecturer, School of Engineering, CRC Mining, The University within the stope, the second summing block values for exclusion
of Queensland, Brisbane Qld 4072. Email: [email protected] within the stope. The difference between the two functions is the

The AusIMM New Leaders Conference Brisbane, QLD, 29 - 30 April 2009 25


sum of the blocks value lying between starting and ending stope profit divided by its total mining time (in order to do
locations within each row. These two locations define the stope this an extra calculation is carried out that estimates the
boundary location. The advantage of this technique compared to mining time of the stope).
the others noted is that the block geometry is not required to be
regular or orthogonal. Its disadvantage is, however, that the After a stope is selected its revenue and location are noted
algorithm has been developed to optimise the stope boundary down in the final stope layout table. This table contains all stopes
along the row of blocks in only one dimension. There is no that are selected for the final stope boundary layout with their
example of 3D applications. In addition, this technique allows respective revenues. The blocks from the block model used in the
selected stope recieve a special tag. The block model that has
the user to optimise the design of extraction rows only. As the
been used is now removed from the stope list so it can not be
location of these rows is predetermined, it only partially
selected again.
optimises the mine design.
Again the best possible stope available in the stope list is
selected, now it is also checked if any of the blocks in this stope
A NEW STOPE BOUNDARY OPTIMISATION are tagged, if so the stope is removed from the stope list and the
ALGORITHM next best stope is selected, if not, the stope is noted down in the
final stope boundary layout table and removed from the stope
The new stope boundary and layout optimisation methodology list. In this way all the stopes in the stope list are analysed.
consists of three basic elements. These are: After this the final stope layout table contains only positive
1. a block converter, non-overlapping stopes chosen in the order of the users preference.
2. a stope optimiser, and
3. a visualiser. Stope visualiser
It generates optimum stope layouts and boundaries based on the The stope visualiser is a program that generates a 3D model of
revenue that is generated by extracting the blocks. The mining the final layout all the stopes. The revenue from the stopes is
costs of each stope are calculated by summing the stope start-up indicated with a colour and legend linking revenue to its
costs and the mining costs which vary with the size of the stope. respective colour is provided.


In order for the stope boundary and layout optimiser to work, the ALGORITHM
block model that is used can only contain blocks with a common
size. Therefore, a block converter is created which can convert a The proposed algorithm allows stope boundaries and layouts to
block model containing blocks with multiple sizes into a block be generated according to a number of different stope design
model containing blocks with only one size. It also allows blocks strategies. The optimiser can:
of each possible size to be created, thus enabling stopes of each generate optimum stope boundaries using one given fixed
possible size to be generated. stope size,
The block converter works by analysing which blocks and generate optimum stope boundaries using a range of given
which part and volume of the block is positioned inside the new stope sizes,
block. It then calculates the new values of the block by taking the
product of the value of each block inside the new block and the find the optimum stope size and generate the stope mine
volume of the part that is located inside the new block. These layout based on that stope size, and
values are then summed and divided by the total volume of the make a stope design starting with stopes having the highest
new block. It does this for all the blocks in the new block model. profit per cubic metre.
Two implementations were generated to analyse the proposed
Stope boundary optimiser algorithm. The block model used contains 40 000 blocks and is
The optimiser uses the block model generated by the block illustrated in Figure 2.
converter. The input parameters include the range of all the
possible stope sizes (or the stope sizes that have to be used), ore Case 1
price(s), mining costs per cubic metre as well as stope start-up
costs. From these values, the algorithm determines the optimum Case 1 was based on the following input parameters:
stope boundaries and layout for a given orebody. Figure 1 stope sizes set to 30 m 30 m 30 m,
presents the logic of the algorithm (Sens, 2008).
The Stope boundary optimiser was made using Matlab and commodity price: $20 000/tonne,
performs the following actions; mining cost: $3/m3, and
The program first loads the block model with uniform block stope start-up cost: $20 000/stope.
sizes which is generated by the block converter. After the block
model is loaded the optimiser starts plotting the smallest available For Case 1, only the locations of the stopes were optimised by
stope in the block model on every possible location. Of all the introducing a single possible stope size
stopes with positive revenue their location and revenue are noted The optimiser identified 97 176 possible stopes and of these,
down in the stope list. The next largest stope is then chosen and 1753 were identified as having a positive value. From these
the same actions are performed. This is repeated until all the positive stopes, 194 stopes were selected for the final stope mine
different stope sizes have been analysed. A table is formed layout. This layout produced a revenue of $45 845 000. The
containing all the possible stopes and their revenues. From this list proposed design can be seen in Figure 3.
the first stope is chosen, the stope can be selected on several
different criteria. Case 2
Examples of criteria on which the stopes can be selected are:
Case 2 was performed using the same orebody but allowed a
stope profit, larger range of stope sizes to be used. This case was based on the
stope profit per square metre, and following input parameters:

26 Brisbane, QLD, 29 - 30 April 2009 The AusIMM New Leaders Conference


FIG 1 - The logic of the algorithm for stope optimiser.

FIG 2 - Visualisation of test block model.

The AusIMM New Leaders Conference Brisbane, QLD, 29 - 30 April 2009 27


the development of optimisation tools for underground mines has

thus far received very little attention. In future however, more
effort will be conducted into underground mining as shallow
deposits, which are amenable to surface mining, are increasingly
exploited and thus eventually diminish.
Some studies for 3D stope optimisation have been reported in
this paper. None of these methods however are capable of
generating true optimum stope boundary in three dimensions. In
order to determine optimum stope boundaries and layouts, this
paper presents a new algorithm. It has been shown that this
algorithm and methodology provides optimum stope boundaries
and layouts in three dimensions.

In order to generate a true optimal underground mine plan, further
research into development and infrastructure optimisation, stope
boundary optimisation and stope production scheduling
optimisation need to be considered together in one model.

FIG 3 - Optimised stope layout with single design option. REFERENCES

Alford, C, 1995. Optimisation in underground mine design, in
Proceedings 25th International APCOM XXV, pp 213-218 (The
stope range 15 15 15 to 45 45 60 (step-size = 15), Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
commodity price: $20 000/tonne, Alford, C, Brazil, M and Lee, D H, 2007. Optimisation in underground
mining, in Handbook of Operations Research in Natural Resources,
mining cost: $3 /m3, and pp 561-577 (Springer).
stope start-up cost: $20 000/stope. Ataee-pour, M, 2000. A heuristic algorithm to optimise stope boundaries,
PhD thesis, University of Wollongong, Wollongong.
The optimiser identified 3 498 301 possible stopes and of Ataee-pour, M, 2005. A critical survey of the existing stope layout
these, 64 886 were identified as having a positive value. From optimisation techniques, Journal of Mining Science, 41:447-466.
these positive stopes, 96 stopes were selected for the final stope Brazil, M and Grossman, P A, 2008. Access layout optimisation for
mine layout. This provided a revenue of $54 073 000. underground mines, in Proceedings 2008 Australian Mining
As expected, the overall profit is higher than Case 1 at Technology Conference, pp 119-128 (The Australasian Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
$8 228 000. This is because the optimiser had a larger range of
Brazil, M, Lee, D H, Van Leuven, M, Rubinstein, J H, Thomas, D A and
stope sizes to choose from and thus more flexibility. The Wormald, N C, 2003. Optimising declines in underground mines,
generated stope layout can be seen in Figure 4. Transactions of the Institutions of Mining and Metallurgy, Mining
These two cases have proven that the proposed algorithm gives Technology, 112:A164-A170.
optimum stope layout with no stope overlapping problem. Cawse, I, 2001. Multiple pass floating stope process, in Proceedings
Strategic Mine Planning, pp 87-94 (The Australasian Institute of
Mining and Metallurgy: Melbourne).
Little, J, Nehring, M and Topal, E, 2008. A new mixed integer
programming model for mine production scheduling of sublevel
stopping operation, in Proceedings 2008 Australian Mining
Technology Conference, pp 157-172 (The Australasian Institute of
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Proceedings 2007 Australian Mining Technology Conference,
pp 135-150 (The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy:
Ovanic, J and Young, D S, 1995. Economic optimisation of stope
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Ovanic, J and Young, D S, 1999. Economic optimisation of open stope
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FIG 4 - Optimised stope layout with multiple design options.
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CONCLUSIONS African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy Journal, 108(2):99-107.

Currently, the use of surface mine optimisation is common

practice which is evidenced by the of several commercially
available computer packages that guarantee an optimum solution
for ultimate pit boundaries as well as scheduling. Comparatively

28 Brisbane, QLD, 29 - 30 April 2009 The AusIMM New Leaders Conference

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