P3 Turning Forces Questions

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1. A child stands a wooden brick on its end as shown in the diagram.

The child then pushes the brick to make it tilt.

How far must the brick be tilted to make it fall over?

Explain your answer.

(You may draw a labelled diagram if you wish.)




(Total 2 marks)

2. The diagram shows a simple machine for lifting water from a river.

o p e ra to r p u s h e s d o w n w a rd s
h e re
1 .5 m

w e ig h t o f b u c k e t o f w a te r

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(a) Calculate the turning force (moment) of the bucket of water.

(Show your working.)




Answer .......................................................... Nm (newton metre)


(b) What can you say about the size of downwards force the operator must use to balance the
moment of the bucket of water?

(Explain your answer, using numbers if you can.)





(Total 6 marks)

3. The diagram shows two buses. Bus A is empty. Bus B contains bags of sand upstairs to
represent passengers.

Each bus has been tilted as far as it can without falling over.

B us A B us B

c e n tre c e n tre
of of
m ass m ass

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(a) Each bus will topple over if it is tilted any further.

Explain, in as much detail as you can, why this will happen.

(You can draw on one of the diagrams as part of your answer if you want to.)





(b) What difference does it make to the stability of the bus when the upper deck is full of
passengers? Explain your answer as fully as you can.





(c) Why are the bags of sand in bus B only put upstairs?



(Total 6 marks)

4. The diagram below shows an outline of a balance. The balance is used to weigh lorries. A
fraction of the weight of a lorry is used as the load on the right side of the pivot.

A standard weight W is moved along the arm until the weight of the load is balanced.

p iv o t

W lo a d

(a) As the weight W is moved away from the pivot it can support a heavier load.
Why is this?


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(b) (i) The weight W is 100 N. When it is 0.2 m from the pivot it balances the load.
Calculate the moment of the weight W about the pivot.



Answer ..................................... Nm


(ii) The load is one hundredth of the weight of the lorry and is 0.02 m from the pivot.
Calculate the weight of the lorry.



Answer ..................................... N

(Total 6 marks)

5. The diagram below shows the orbits for two types of satellite, a polar orbit and a
geostationary orbit.

p o la r
o rb it
g e o s ta tio n a ry
o rb it

(a) A satellite in stable Earth orbit moves at a constant speed in a circular orbit because there
is a single force acting on it.

(i) What is the direction of this force?



(ii) What is the cause of this force?



(iii) What is the effect of this force on the velocity of the satellite?


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(iv) In which of the orbits shown above would this force be bigger?
Explain the reason for your answer.




(v) Explain why the kinetic energy of the satellite remains constant.





(b) A satellite in a geostationary orbit takes about 24 hours to complete one orbit, whilst one
in a low polar orbit typically takes 90 minutes.

(i) Suggest, with reasons, one use of a satellite in a geostationary orbit.






(ii) Suggest, with reasons, one use of a satellite in a polar orbit.






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(c) Sometimes the motion of a rocket in space has to be changed. The diagram below shows
such a rocket being accelerated.

fu e l
p a y lo a d

fu e l

Use your ideas of momentum to explain why the rocket accelerates.



(Total 15 marks)

6. The table shows part of the flight plan for one of the manned Apollo flights to the Moon.

(h o u rs /m in u te s ) F O R C E S A N D V E L O C IT IE S

00 00 L ift o ff.
V e h ic le in E a rth o rb it. H e ig h t 1 6 0 k m .
00 11 S p e e d 2 8 0 0 0 k m /h . R o c k e t m o to r s h u t o ff .

01 35 I g n ite ro c k e t m o to r to a c h ie v e e s c a p e v e lo c ity .

01 40 A c h ie v e e s c a p e v e lo c ity 4 0 0 0 0 k m /h .

01 41 R o c k e t m o to r s h u t o ff. V e h ic le o n w a y to M o o n .

18 40 S p e e d h a s f a lle n to 8 7 0 0 k m /h .

63 16 T u r n v e h ic le s o th a t r o c k e t m o to r f a c e s M o o n . I g n ite r o c k e t m o to r.

S h u t d o w n m o t o r. V e h ic l e h a s s lo w e d t o 3 7 0 0 k m /h a n d i s i n o r b it
63 23
1 3 0 k m a b o v e th e s u r f a c e o f th e M o o n .

(a) Between 00 11 and 01 35 hours the vehicle was in Earth orbit.

Explain as fully as you can why the vehicle was able to remain in orbit.




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(b) Explain why the speed of the space vehicle fell from 40 000 km/h at 01 40 hours
to 8 700 km/h at 18 40 hours.






(c) Explain what would have happened to the speed of the vehicle if the motor had not been
ignited at 63 16 hours.





(Total 9 marks)

7. The diagram shows circular orbits for two satellites around the Earth.

p o la r o rb it

g e o s ta tio n a r y
o rb it

(a) (i) How long does it take a geostationary satellite to complete one orbit?


(ii) How is the orbital time of the polar satellite shown in the diagram different to that
of the geostationary one?
Explain your answer.



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(b) Suggest one use of a satellite in:

(i) geostationary orbit; ............................................................................................

(ii) polar orbit. .........................................................................................................


(c) The Hubble Telescope is in orbit round the Earth.

What is the advantage of this telescope over ground-based telescopes on Earth?




(Total 6 marks)

8. (a) The diagrams show a windsurfer pulling up the sail of a sailboard. The mast pivots at
point P.



In which position, A, B or C must the windsurfer pull with the largest force? Give a
reason for your answer.





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(b) Once the mast is upright, the windsurfer and the sailboard are in equilibrium.

W in d fo rc e

1 .5 m

0 .6 m

W e ig h t

(i) What does in equilibrium mean?




(ii) The weight of the windsurfer is 700 newtons. Use the equation below to calculate
the moment exerted by the windsurfer on the sailboard. Show clearly how you work
out your answer.

moment = force perpendicular distance from pivot



Moment = ......................................... Nm


(iii) Use the relationship below to calculate the horizontal force of the wind on the sail.
Show clearly how you work out your answer.

total clockwise moment = total anticlockwise moment



Force = ........................................ N


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(c) As the wind speed increases the windsurfer leans further out from the sailboard.

This position allows the windsurfer and sailboard to stay in equilibrium. Explain why.






(Total 10 marks)

9. The diagram shows a spanner being used to undo a tight nut.

F o rc e

30 cm

40 cm

The nut was tightened using a moment of 120 newton metres.

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Use the following equation to calculate the force needed to undo the nut. Show clearly how you
work out your answer.

moment = force perpendicular distance from pivot



Force = ............................................. N

(Total 2 marks)

10. For part of the ride the cyclist pushed on the pedals with a constant vertical force of 300 N. The
simplified diagrams show the pedals in three different positions.

300 N 300 N

300 N
14 cm 16 cm

16 cm


(i) Which position, A, B, or C, gives the largest moment on the pedal?



(ii) Use the following equation to calculate, in Newton metres, the size of the largest moment
on the pedal.

moment = force perpendicular distance from pivot



Moment = ................................... Nm

(Total 3 marks)

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11. (a) The diagram shows three similar toys. Each toy should be able to balance on a narrow rod.
The arrows show the direction in which the weight of the toy acts.


N a rro w
ro d

W e ig h t

W e ig h t


Only one of the toys balances on the rod, the other two fall over. Which one of the toys is
balanced? Explain the reason for your choice.






(b) The diagram shows a simple toy. Different animal shapes can be positioned so that the 50
cm rod balances horizontally.


10 cm 15 cm 20 cm 5 cm

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(i) Use the following equation to calculate the moment exerted by the elephant shape
of weight 2N about the pivot P. Show clearly how you work out your answer and
give the unit.

moment = force perpendicular distance from pivot



Moment = ...................................


(ii) Use the following relationship to calculate the weight of the monkey shape.

total clockwise moment = total anticlockwise moment



Weight = ................................ N


(c) The graph shows how the length of the spring changes as the total weight of the different
animal shapes change.

L e n g th
in c m

0 1 2 3 4 5
T o ta l w e ig h t in n e w to n s

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Use the graph to find how much the spring extends when the elephant shape and the
monkey shape are hung from the rod. Show how you get your answer.



Extension of spring = ................... cm

(Total 10 marks)

12. The lorry, the car and the motor cycle are rounding a circular bend at the same speed.

o v e r h e a d v ie w

(a) Which force, A, B, C or D, acting on the lorry is known as the centripetal force?

Force ...............


(b) Complete the sentence below by crossing out the two lines in each box which are wrong.

lo rry
m o to rc y c le
The biggest centripetal force will be on the because that is

m ass
v o lu m e
w e ig h t
the vehicle which has the greatest


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(Total 3 marks)

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13. The diagram shows circular orbits for two satellites around the Earth.

p o la r o rb it

g e o s ta tio n a r y
o rb it

(a) (i) How long does it take a geostationary satellite to complete an orbit?



(ii) How is the orbital time of the polar satellite shown in the diagram different to that
of the geostationary one?
Explain your answer.






(b) The Hubble telescope is in orbit round the Earth.

What is the advantage of this telescope over ground-based telescopes on Earth?




(Total 4 marks)

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14. (a) A thin sheet of cardboard is cut to the shape below. Two holes are made in it. A pin is
stuck into a cork held in a clamp. The apparatus is used to find the centre of mass of the

c la m p
h o le s

co rk
p in
sta n d

(i) What other piece of equipment is needed?



To gain full marks in this question you should write your ideas in good English. Put them
into a suitable order and use the correct scientific words.

(ii) Describe how you would use the equipment to find the centre of mass of the card.








(b) Label with an X the centre of mass of each of the three objects below.

(Total 8 marks)

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15. To gain full marks in this question you should write your ideas in good English. Put them into a
sensible order and use the correct scientific words.

The diagram shows an ice skater moving in a circle.

Explain bow the forces acting on the dancer cause her to follow a circular path.

Your answer should include a reference to centripetal force.





(Total 3 marks)

16. (a) The diagram shows a lifebelt. It is hanging freely from hook Y.

(i) On the diagram, mark with an X the point where you think the centre of mass of the
lifebelt will be.

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(ii) Explain why you have chosen this point.





(b) The drawing shows Susan on a diving board. She is 1.5 metres from point P and she
weighs 500 N.

Calculate her moment (turning effect) about point P.

Show clearly how you work out your answer and give the unit.



Moment about P = ................................................


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(c) Susan has a case with wheels.

When she packs this case, she puts the heaviest items at the end where the wheels are.
This means that the heaviest items are less likely to crush the other contents and it helps
her to find things when she opens the case.

Explain another advantage of packing her case in this way.

To gain full marks in this question you should write your ideas in good English. Put them
into a sensible order and use the correct scientific words.









(Total 10 marks)

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17. The diagram shows a tractor being used on a hillside.

Describe and explain what would happen if the tractor were used on a hillside steeper than the
one in the diagram.






(Total 3 marks)

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