Lats Hvac Manual
Lats Hvac Manual
Lats Hvac Manual
Environment ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Introducing menu and pane ................................................................................................................... 1
Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Pane .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Creating a project.................................................................................................................................... 5
1) Multi V ............................................................................................................................................ 7
2) Multi.............................................................................................................................................. 12
3) ERV ................................................................................................................................................ 17
4) Single ............................................................................................................................................. 19
5) Report output ............................................................................................................................... 20
Wrap-up ................................................................................................................................................ 20
Ver. 1_2016.02.05
Windows 7/8/10 32/64bit
MS office 2010 (Excel, Access are mandatory)
Windows 7 32bit
MS office 2000 (Excel, Access are mandatory)
Working on standalone machines, not recommended for server usage.
1. Main
2. System
3. View
4. Language
5. Help
1. Properties Pane
Unit Information: Available to change the Unit. To save the unit, click the disc button.
Multi V Branch option: Available to select 0 series branch.
Schematic: Available to select total or each outdoor breaker.
Conditional App : Select the conditional application option (Check the PDB)
Diversity option : Check or not the Diversity function.
Operation mode lock : Check or not the Operation mode lock function.
FAU Simulation : Check or not the FAU simulation.
2. To apply any modification, always use the Save button after each action.System Tree Pane
This pane shows an overview of your entire project containing all your created systems. User can
switch among systems by clicking on the desired one. User can create new systems by right clicks or
3. Project Pane
At this pane user can work on his systems. Interface is easy to use either by drag and drop function or
Creating a project
1. Click the new button
Check or change the project name and saving path. And then click the next.
Select and change the region climate data. User is allowed to modify temperatures and humidity
default values; an automatic calculation for WBT is done when inputting DBT and humidity (RH).
3. Customer / Contractor Information
1) Multi V
For each section of equipment the user has the possibility to select dedicated accessories, function is
available for both outdoor unit selection as well as for indoor unit selection.
Select the indoor unit either by drag and drop or by double clicking the void square (a new pop-up
Figure 17 Indoor unit type Duct selection
Select equipment (Click the void or the stand by button)
Select the Outdoor Unit (by double clicking on your outdor unit image)
Full models : User selects the model directly
Auto selection : Based on combination, program suggest the Outdoor unit
Defrosting factor : In heating to under 0 degree, the capacity is calculated automatically
Figure 18 Pop-up for outdoor unit selection
After configuration of system is completed, user can proceed to simulation of system by clicking the
system check. The view of the Project Pane is selected either on Tree mode (user can see refrigerant
diagram isometrically) or Schematic diagram (user can see electrical and communication sketch).
Auto piping: Selects the pipe diameter and y-branch size automatically
System check : Checks the designed configuration and calculates the additional refrigerant
Validation property : Shows the validation property based on PDB
Figure 20 Validation property window
2) Multi
This is the page of Multi model selection.
For each section of equipment the user has the possibility to select dedicated accessories, function is
available for both outdoor unit selection as well as for indoor unit selection
For Multi system, configuration has to start with the selection of Outdoor unit. User has to previously
decide either to use Buyer Model Name or Factory Model Name for his configuration (and save). By
double clicking on the outdoor unit image, user can select a specific unit
Model capacity: Shows the model capacity and input power. The value represents the selected
models capacity at nominal conditions before simulation.
Select the indoor unit either by drag and drop or by double clicking the void square (a new pop-up
After configuration of system is completed, user can proceed to simulation of system by clicking the
system check. The view of the Project Pane is selected either on Tree mode (user can see refrigerant
diagram isometrically) or Schematic diagram (user can see electrical and communication sketch).
After system check and validation check, user is able to conclude if configuration is valid or not.
3) ERV
Select the system type (based on Hz, Location)
Select the model and accessories. And then, click the Heat recovery button
Check the PQ Curve
4) Single
This is the first page of Single model selection
5) Report output
After simulation successfully concluded, the user is able to export a summary in the form of an Excel
report with several sheets containing output information related to the simulated systems.
For additional info on functions such as Diversity or Hydro kit please contact your Local LG
Electronics representative.