Lats Hvac Manual

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Environment ........................................................................................................................................... 1
Introducing menu and pane ................................................................................................................... 1
Menu ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Pane .................................................................................................................................................... 3
Creating a project.................................................................................................................................... 5
1) Multi V ............................................................................................................................................ 7
2) Multi.............................................................................................................................................. 12
3) ERV ................................................................................................................................................ 17
4) Single ............................................................................................................................................. 19
5) Report output ............................................................................................................................... 20
Wrap-up ................................................................................................................................................ 20

Ver. 1_2016.02.05

Figure 1 LATS HVAC interface


Windows 7/8/10 32/64bit
MS office 2010 (Excel, Access are mandatory)
Windows 7 32bit
MS office 2000 (Excel, Access are mandatory)
Working on standalone machines, not recommended for server usage.

Introducing menu and pane


1. Main

Figure 2 Main Menu

New: Create new project.

Open: Open existing project file.
Info: Check the project file information.
Save: Save the project file.
Save as: Save the project file to other name.
Close: Close the project file.
Load Summary : Check and add the room load information and room information by manual
input of Excel importing function
Import: Import the project file.
Report : Make the report (.xls file)
BRMS file : Function dedicated for LGE employee to export file for ordering system of products
(Currently upload available at B2B GERP system)

2. System

Figure 3 System Menu

New: Create new system.

Copy: Copy the system.
Delete: Delete the system user selects.
Rename: Change the system name.
System Setting: Check or change the system setting information. Function also available by
double clicking the name of the system in the system pane.
System Check All: Checks all systems.

3. View

Figure 4 View Menu

System Tree: Show or not the system tree

Log viewer: Show or not the log viewer.
Properties : Show or not the properties
Overview: Show or not the overview.

4. Language

User can select display language by clicking on check box

Figure 5 Language Menu

5. Help

Figure 6 Help Menu

LATS Help : Shows the user manual

View update info: Shows the update information.
Project file info : Shows the project file information

1. Properties Pane

Figure 7 Properties Pane

Unit Information: Available to change the Unit. To save the unit, click the disc button.
Multi V Branch option: Available to select 0 series branch.
Schematic: Available to select total or each outdoor breaker.
Conditional App : Select the conditional application option (Check the PDB)
Diversity option : Check or not the Diversity function.
Operation mode lock : Check or not the Operation mode lock function.
FAU Simulation : Check or not the FAU simulation.
2. To apply any modification, always use the Save button after each action.System Tree Pane

Figure 8 System Tree Pane

This pane shows an overview of your entire project containing all your created systems. User can

switch among systems by clicking on the desired one. User can create new systems by right clicks or

using the icons ( ) for various configurations.

3. Project Pane

Figure 9 Project pane

At this pane user can work on his systems. Interface is easy to use either by drag and drop function or

double clicks and selection.

Creating a project
1. Click the new button

Figure 10 Pop-up window initializing project start-up

Check or change the project name and saving path. And then click the next.

2. Select and change the region data

Figure 11 Pop-up window for design conditions

Select and change the region climate data. User is allowed to modify temperatures and humidity

default values; an automatic calculation for WBT is done when inputting DBT and humidity (RH).

3. Customer / Contractor Information

Figure 12 Pop-up window for dedicated info at report

The information is printed out to the report

4. Select the model type

Figure 13 Pop-up window for selecting system configuration

Select the model you want to design

1) Multi V

Figure 14 Pop-up window after selecting VRF

Systems: Naming the system.

Region : Select the region (each region has a different database of available equipment)
ODU Series : Select outdoor series
ODU Types : Select the outdoor type
Simulation mode: Select the simulation mode (cooling/heating), depending on your selection at
report tree view will show capacities values either on heating or cooling mode.
After clicking on OK button, a VRF configuration appears in Project Pane.

Figure 15 Main pane for Multi V (VRF) system

For each section of equipment the user has the possibility to select dedicated accessories, function is

available for both outdoor unit selection as well as for indoor unit selection.

Select the indoor unit either by drag and drop or by double clicking the void square (a new pop-up

window will open)

Figure 16 Indoor unit selection

Generation : Select Generation

IDU Type : Select indoor unit type
IDU Model : Select the model name
Height difference from ODU : Below or above the height difference from ODU
Room design temperature : User can modify room temperature if Diversity is ON
Model capacity: The value represents the selected models capacity simulated according only to

Indoor unit type Duct selection

When ducted units are selected as indoor units for the system, one must consider 2 interconnected
features of the unit: air flow and ESP1. To select air flow, please push the drop down button select
manualinput your demand for air flow in CMM 2 (or CFM, or CMH, or LPS) and select an
appropriated value for ESP (to know availability of ESP, please consult PDB 3)

1 ESP : External Static Pressure

2 CMM : Cubic Meters per Minute
3 PDB : Product Data Book

Figure 17 Indoor unit type Duct selection

Select equipment (Click the void or the stand by button)

Indoor Units : Insert the indoor units

Y-Branch : Insert the Y-Branch
4 Header : Insert the 4 Header
7 Header : Insert the 7Header
10 Header : Insert the 10 Header
PRHR022 : Insert the PRHR022 (Heat recovery models)
PRHR032 : Insert the PRHR032 (Heat recovery models)
PRHR042: Insert the PRHR042 (Heat recovery models)
Change the pipe length: Click the pipe length and you can modify the length and add
number of elbows (piping turns).

Select the Outdoor Unit (by double clicking on your outdor unit image)
Full models : User selects the model directly
Auto selection : Based on combination, program suggest the Outdoor unit
Defrosting factor : In heating to under 0 degree, the capacity is calculated automatically

Figure 18 Pop-up for outdoor unit selection

After configuration of system is completed, user can proceed to simulation of system by clicking the

system check. The view of the Project Pane is selected either on Tree mode (user can see refrigerant

diagram isometrically) or Schematic diagram (user can see electrical and communication sketch).

Figure 19 VRF menu

Auto piping: Selects the pipe diameter and y-branch size automatically
System check : Checks the designed configuration and calculates the additional refrigerant
Validation property : Shows the validation property based on PDB

Figure 20 Validation property window

2) Multi
This is the page of Multi model selection.

Figure 21 Pop-up window after selecting Multi Split

Systems: Naming the system.

Region : Select the region (each region has a different database of available equipment)
ODU Types : Select the outdoor type
Simulation mode: Select the simulation mode (cooling/heating), depending on your selection at
report tree view will show capacities values either on heating or cooling mode.
After clicking on OK button, a Multi configuration appears in Project Pane.

For each section of equipment the user has the possibility to select dedicated accessories, function is

available for both outdoor unit selection as well as for indoor unit selection

Figure 22 Main pane for Multi system

For Multi system, configuration has to start with the selection of Outdoor unit. User has to previously

decide either to use Buyer Model Name or Factory Model Name for his configuration (and save). By

double clicking on the outdoor unit image, user can select a specific unit

Figure 23 Multi selection (outdoor)

Search Types : Search the model by category

Full Models : Search the model to all model list

Model capacity: Shows the model capacity and input power. The value represents the selected
models capacity at nominal conditions before simulation.

Combination Table : Check the selected model combination table

Check the branch and BD Unit information

Select the indoor unit either by drag and drop or by double clicking the void square (a new pop-up

window will open)

Figure 24 Indoor unit selection at Multi

After configuration of system is completed, user can proceed to simulation of system by clicking the

system check. The view of the Project Pane is selected either on Tree mode (user can see refrigerant

diagram isometrically) or Schematic diagram (user can see electrical and communication sketch).

After system check and validation check, user is able to conclude if configuration is valid or not.

Figure 25 Schematic diagram (Multi Pane View)

3) ERV
Select the system type (based on Hz, Location)

Figure 26 Energy Recovery Ventilator configuration Pane

Select the model and accessories. And then, click the Heat recovery button

Check the heat recovery value

Check the PQ Curve

Check the efficiency curve

Check the psychrometric chart

4) Single
This is the first page of Single model selection

Insert the room design and requirement information

Select the model and system information

After system check, check the simulated result.

5) Report output
After simulation successfully concluded, the user is able to export a summary in the form of an Excel

report with several sheets containing output information related to the simulated systems.

Figure 27 Report main page

For additional info on functions such as Diversity or Hydro kit please contact your Local LG

Electronics representative.


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