Emails From Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper's Office

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Fwd: Press Release Forward essege From > Date: Wea Apres Pats? Subject Prose Release = iy nore LEE — tne General Counce t Anadarko. | understand that you've spoken wth Ken Stiazar, vino sugjsies Dat feach aut and connect wih ou. Ive atlaced he press release we ust sued regarding Frostene, Pest at me know you have any quesbons. My eantact fomaton le low ook rw io meting you ase po Mind rogards, pil pe uae dunt gts SHIT. VE EEE Data Wed, Ap 26,2017 sist PN Subject Anadarko’ Recent Statement on Colorado Operations Hitawe, April 17. Aland others on our team have spoken with the Governor, but| wanted to let you know you can reach out to me {Tyou need anything a alas hs unfolds over tne coming wets Our statement attached Government Relations Manager ‘Anodorko Petroleum Corporaton

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