DU Catalogue 2011 2015 PDF
DU Catalogue 2011 2015 PDF
DU Catalogue 2011 2015 PDF
Daystar University reserves the right to amend any section of this Catalogue without prior notification.
Supervising Editors:
Julius O. Gogo, Jon Masso
Sosnes Olindo, Sospeter Irumbi, Tony Okuku
We have also a more sure word of prophesy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed,
as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn,
and the daystar arise in your hearts
(2 Peter 1:19 KJV).
It is inevitable that some changes in schools, programmes, curriculum or policy will occur before the next Catalogue is published.
You may visit our Websites: www.daystar.ac.ke or www.daystarus.org for Catalogue updates.
The Department of Admissions and Records is prepared, at all times, to answer queries and describe current regulations.
P.O. BOX, 44400-00100 P. O. BOX, 436 ATHI RIVER
NAIROBI, KENYA Phone: (045) 22360,
Phone: (020) 2723002/3/4 22601/2/3,
Fax: (020) 2728338 Fax: 045 22420
ii www.daystar.ac.ke
About Us vi Postgraduate Programme 63
Our Vision vi Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) 63
Our Mission vi
Schools & Institutions vii Undergraduate Programme 69
Campus Life 1
Doulos 2
Student Counselling 2
Students Sports & Recreation Office 2
Diploma Programme 78ostess
Air Hostess & Cabin Crew Studies 78
FINANCIAL INFORMATION 3 Air Travel Ticketing & Tourism 78
A) Fee Structure 4 Business Administration & Management 81
B) Student Financial Aid 6 Business Information Technology 82
Entrepreneurship 83
Administration 7 Finance 84
Hospitality Management 85
Academic Programmes 9 Human Resource Management 86
Goals of Daystars Academic Programmes 13 Purchasing & Business Logistics 87
Common Academic Regulations 14 Sales & Marketing Management 89
General Regulations for Postgraduate 22 Tours & Travel 90
Postgraduate Programme 43
Master of Arts in Christian Ministries 43
Undergraduate Programme 139
Master of Theology (M.Th) in African Christianity 47
Bachelor of Scienec in Economics 139
Undergraduate Programme 52 PERFORMING ARTS
Bachelor of Education Degree (Arts/Science) 52 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION 148
Computer Science 59 Diploma Programme 148
Music 59 Communication 148
Religious Studies 59 Christian Music Communication 152
Business Studies 59
Economics 60
Mathematics Major 60
www.daystar.ac.ke iii
Diploma Programme 208 Information Technology (IT) 312
Diploma in Counselling 208
Undergraduate Programme 315
Undergraduate Programme 211 Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science 315
Bachelor of Arts Degree - Psychology & Counseling 211
Postgraduate Programme 216
Master of Arts in Counseling Psychology 216
Doctor Of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology 220
iv www.daystar.ac.ke
Whatever you do, work at it with all your
heart, as working for the Lord, not for human
masters, since you know that you will receive
an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is
the Lord Christ you are serving.
Colossians 3:23-24.
Dr. Timothy Wachira
Daystar University
he changing nature of work, technology, and competition in the global core. As students move from class to class and progress to the next grade,
job market has far outpaced what the education system in many they are exposed to content-specific knowledge. They are taught how what
universities provides for students, despite the ongoing efforts of educators they learn in one class relates to another or its application in the world outside
and communities to improve them. Priorities and goals set by educators at of school. Incorporating more rigorous and relevant instruction in classrooms
all levels of academia are doing little to alleviate this problem. Assessment is what we as a university emphasize on. When students are engaged in the
is the one true measure of academic excellence but it slowly but surely limits learning process, real achievement takes place, and their chances to excel at
many young peoples chances of experiencing any semblance of the success what they do increase.
in life that we expect for them and that they believe school will provide
for them. The present and upcoming structure of the education system in My hope and prayer is that we can learn to embrace this and work towards
Daystar University does students a tremendous justice by delivering the quality the gratification of God as it is He that we should all be serving. This should
schooling that the job market requires today. be reflected through our day to day activities in teaching, learning and any
work within and away from this great Institution. Excellence cannot by any
Globalization and rapid technological advancements are having dramatic means be achieved in a day or two. It is a continuing process that we should
effects on the ways we communicate and conduct business as well as in all embrace. We should renew our commitment to excellence as a university
our personal lives. History teaches us that even as new technologies create as we strive to continue offering the best university education there can be in
growth and new opportunity, they can heighten economic inequalities and the country and ultimately, the world over.
sharpen social divisions. As we move into the information age, we can reap
the growth that comes from revolutionary technologies. To further this quest to Our objective is for Daystar University to become a one stop educational
achieve the millennium development goals and the vision 2030, I am glad institution of higher learning where the core programmes necessary for
that modern state of the art structures are complete and this will ensure the meeting the development needs of this country are taught while retaining our
quest to achieve our goals is fulfilled. I am pleased that at Daystar University philosophy of instilling biblical values in those who pass through our hands.
we strive to give you a wholesome educational experience that enables you For as you well know life is holistic in nature and it is therefore required of us
to recognize these disparities and thus empowering you to address the same to always have a balance between the physical and spiritual, philosophy and
through the biblical perspectives incorporated in our teaching programmes. conscience, and individuality and communality. This can only be achieved
Education should increase students understanding of the world around them. when we all embrace a biblical perspective to life.
www.daystar.ac.ke v
Daystar University - Profile
About us
The University was founded in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe, by S.E Motsoko-Pheko,
a political refugee from South Africa and Dr. Donald Smith & Mrs. Faye
Smith, an American missionary couple. The University relocated to Nairobi
Kenya in 1974 and was granted a charter as an accredited university in
1994. The name Daystar is derived from the Bible (2nd Peter 1:19), which
is used to describe Jesus Christ. With this in mind, every member of Daystar
University is encouraged to emulate Jesus Christ in behaviour, lifestyle and
Our Vision
To be a distinguished, Christ-centered, African institution of higher learning for
the transformation of Church and society.
Our Mission
To develop managers, professionals, researchers and scholars to be effective,
Christian servant-leaders through the integration of Christian faith and holistic
learning for the transformation of church and society in Africa and the world.
Academic Highlights
The University combines impressive modern facilities and a dynamic
approach to teaching and research. Daystar University strives for excellence
in its teaching and research methods. The University is well known for quality
in teaching. Training is personalized and by highly qualified faculty.
The Nairobi Campus is situated at the Valley road/Ngong road junction. The
campus offers daytime diploma courses, daytime pre-university programme,
I am thankful for the growth of the day/evening undergraduate programmes and evening postgraduate
institution and for the students and programme.
leaders we have come to know. There The Mombasa Campus, opened in August 2009, at Apollo House,
is now an increased burden to pray Moi Avenue offers day pre-university and evening undergraduate and
for Daystar University. postgraduate programmes.
Dr. Donald Smith. Built on 300 acres of land, the Universitys Athi River Campus is 40 kilometers
from Nairobi situated on the edge of the Athi plains on the slopes of the
Lukenya Hills. It is home to about 2,000 students both local and international.
Pre-university and daytime undergraduate programmes are offered at the Athi
River Campus.
vi www.daystar.ac.ke
Schools & Institutions
2. School of Business & Economics
The University comprises the following schools, institutes, centres, and other
academic services:
Diploma Programme (Valley Road, Nairobi - day only)
1. School of Arts and Humanities Business Administration and Management
2. School of Business and Economics Business Information Technology (BIT)
3. School of Communication, Language, and Performing Arts
Undergraduate Programme
4. School of Human and Social Sciences Bachelor of Commerce with majors in;
5. School of Science, Engineering and Health Accounting (Athi River, Valley Road, Nairobi day/evening &
6. Institutes and Centers Mombasa)
Business Administration (Athi River, Valley Road, Nairobi day/evening
7. Library
& Mombasa)
8. Admissions and Records Marketing (Athi River, Valley Road, Nairobi day/evening)
Purchasing and Business Logistics (Athi River & Valley Road, Nairobi
Management Information Systems (Athi River only)
1. School of Arts & Humanities
Bachelor of Commerce Law Option (Valley Road, Nairobi only, day/
Diploma Programme (Valley Road, Nairobi - day only) evening)
Peace and Conflict Transformation
Bachelor of Science in Economics (Athi River only)
Postgraduate Programme
Master of Arts in Christian Ministries (Valley Road, Nairobi evening)
Master of Theology in African Christianity (Valley Road, Nairobi day)
Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) offered during April, August
and December school holidays. (Day classes Valley Road, Nairobi only)
www.daystar.ac.ke vii
3. School of Communication, Languages &
Performing Arts
Diploma Programme (Valley Road, Nairobi - day only)
Undergraduate Programme
Bachelor of Arts in Communication with concentrations in;
Public Relations (Athi River, Valley Road, Nairobi day/evening &
Mombasa evening)
Electronic Media (Athi River & Valley Road, Nairobi day)
Print Media (Athi River & Valley Road, Nairobi day)
Advertising (Athi River & Valley Road, Nairobi day)
Bachelor of Arts in
Technical and Professional Communication (Valley Road, Nairobi day)
French (Athi River only)
English (Athi River only)
Kiswahili (Athi River only)
Literature (Athi River only)
Music (Athi River only)
Postgraduate Programmes
Master of Arts in Communication with concentrations in;
Media Studies (Valley Road, Nairobi only)
Corporate Communication (Valley Road, Nairobi & Mombasa)
Development Communication (Valley Road, Nairobi only)
PhD in Communication (Valley Road, Nairobi only)
4. School of Human & Social Sciences 5. School of Science, Engineering & Health
Diploma Programme (Valley Road, Nairobi - day only) Diploma Programme (Valley Road, Nairobi - day only)
Counseling Information Technology
Community Development Database Systems, Administration & Programming
Computer Networking and Security
Undergraduate Programme
Bachelor of Arts in Undergraduate Programme
Community Development, Integrated (Athi River, Valley Road, Nairobi Bachelor of Science with majors in;
day/evening & Mombasa evening)) Nursing - Regular & Upgrade (Valley Road, Nairobi only)
Psychology and Counseling (Athi River only) Applied Computer Science (Athi River only)
Social Work (Athi River only) Physics (Athi River only)
Mathematics (Athi River only)
Postgraduate Programmes (Evening classes only)
Environmental Health (Athi River only)
Master of Arts in
Child Development (Valley Road, Nairobi evening) Acturial Science (Athi River only)
Counseling Psychology (Valley Road, Nairobi & Mombasa evening)
Monitoring & Evaluation (Valley Road, Nairobi evening)
Community Development (Valley Road, Nairobi evening)
viii www.daystar.ac.ke
6. Institutes & Centres
www.daystar.ac.ke ix
7. Facilities & Other Information
Alumni Association
Upon graduation, graduates automatically become members of Daystar
University Alumni Association (DUAA), which is solely run by the alumni
through an executive committee elected annually. Through Daylink, job
placement centre, the graduates place their CVs with the centre, thus creating
a link between the employers and Daystar graduates.
Our numerous outreach evangelistic teams, choirs, drama, dance and singing
groups make up for any free time outside the classroom. Also, the Daystar Leadership
University Students Association (DUSA) organizes fun and learning activities The mission of Daystar University is steered by a group of 50 African
such as dinners, cultural week, trips and retreats. A host of clubs and activities Christian leaders with a vision for leadership training for the African continent.
are in place, which involve academic, social and spiritual activities. These comprise the Daystar Company, which is headed by Dr. (Hons) James
Mageria and the University Council, headed by the Chancellor, Dr. Florence
Muli-Musiime. The Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Timothy Wachira oversees the day to
day running of the university.
x www.daystar.ac.ke
Calendar of Events
August 8 - 13 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
August 15 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
August 22 - 23 Monday - Tuesday Departmental moderation of June 2011 grades
August 31 Wednesday Final day to submit grades
September 1 Thursday Prayer Day
September 5 - 8 Monday - Friday Processing of grades
September 12 - 14 Monday - Wednesday School Boards moderation of grades
September 15 - 16 Thursday - Friday Correction of moderated grades
September 21 Wednesday Academic Division meeting for grades
September 23 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of June 2011 grades
October 10 - 15 Monday - Saturday Setting of examinations
October 17 - 22 Monday - Saturday Moderation of examinations
October 20 - 21 Thursday - Friday Mid - semester recess
October 22 Saturday Classes resume for continuing education
October 24 Monday Classes resume
October 24 - 26 Monday - Wednesday Departmental review of examinations
October 31 Wednesday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
October 31 - November 25 Wednesday - Friday Processing of examinations
November 2 - 9 Wednesday - Wednesday Registration for January semester 2012
November 28 - 29 Monday - Tuesday Study days
November 3 - December 17 Wednesday - Saturday End of semester examinations
December 7 - 9 Thursday - Saturday Council and Company meeting
December 17 Saturday End of semester
December 18 - January 8 Sunday - Sunday Christmas vacation
January 4 - 6 Wednesday - Friday Departmental moderation of exams
January 9 - 14 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
January 16 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
January 16 Monday Final day to submit grades
January 17 - 20 Tuesday - Friday Processing of grades
January 23 - 24 Monday - Tuesday School moderation of grades
www.daystar.ac.ke xi
January 25 - 27 Wednesday - Friday Correction of moderated grades
January 30 Monday Academic Division meeting for grades
February 2 Thursday Prayer Day
February 3 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of August 2011 grades
March 12 - 17 Monday - Saturday Setting of examinations
March 15 - 16 Thursday - Friday Mid - semester recess
March 17 Saturday Classes resume for continuing education
March 19 Monday Classes resume
March 19 - 23 Monday - Friday Moderation of examinations
March 26 - 27 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
March 28 Wednesday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
March 29 - April 18 Thursday - Wednesday Processing of examinations
April 2 - 7 Monday - Saturday Registration for June 2012 Semester
April 23 - 24 Monday - Tuesday Study days
April 25 - May 12 Thursday - Saturday End of semester examinations
May 12 Saturday End of semester
May 24 - 25 Thursday - Friday Departmental moderation of grades
May 28 - 29 Monday - Tuesday Corrections of moderated grades
May 30 - 31 Wednesday - Thursday School Boards moderation of grades
June 6 Wednesday Academic Division meeting on grades
June 8 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of January 2012 grades
June 29 Friday Rehearsal
June 30 Saturday Graduation
xii www.daystar.ac.ke
JUNE 2012
May 21 - 26 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
May 28 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
June 25 - 27 Monday - Wednesday Setting of examinations
June 28 - 29 Thursday - Friday Moderation of examinations
July 2 Monday Council Meeting
July 2 - 3 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
July 6 Friday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
July 16 - 21 Monday - Saturday Registration for August 2012 Semester
July 9 - 20 Monday - Friday Processing of examinations
July 30 - August 4 Monday - Saturday End of semester examinations
August 4 Saturday End of semester
August 13 - 18 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
August 20 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
August 27 - 28 Monday - Tuesday Departmental moderation of June 2012 grades
August 29 Wednesday Final day to submit grades
August 29 Wednesday Prayer Day
August 30 - September 5 Thursday - Wednesday Processing of grades
September 6 - 7 Thursday - Friday School Boards moderation of grades
September 10 - 11 Monday - Tuesday Correction of moderated grades
September 12 Wednesday Academic Division meeting for grades
September 15 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of June 2012 grades
October 15 - 19 Monday - Friday Setting of examinations
October 18 - 19 Thursday - Friday Mid - semester recess
October 22 Monday Classes resume
October 22 - 26 Monday - Friday Moderation of examinations
October 29 - 30 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
October 31 Wednesday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
October 31 - November 20 Wednesday - Tuesday Processing of examinations
November 5 - 17 Monday - Saturday Registration for January semester 2013
December 3 - 4 Monday - Tuesday Study days
December 5 - 19 Wednesday - Wednesday End of semester examinations
December 7 Friday Council Meeting
December 8 Saturday Council AGM
December 19 Wednesday End of semester
December 20 - January 6 Thursday - Sunday Christmas vacation
www.daystar.ac.ke xiii
January 3 - 4 Thursday - Friday Departmental moderation of exams
January 7 - 12 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
January 14 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
January 14 Monday Final day to submit grades
January 15 - 18 Tuesday - Friday Processing of grades
January 21 - 22 Monday - Tuesday School moderation of grades
January 23 - 25 Wednesday - Friday Correction of moderated grades
January 28 Monday Academic Division meeting for grades
January 31 Thursday Prayer Day
February 1 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of August 2012 grades
March 4 - 5 Monday - Tuesday Mid - semester recess
March 11 - 15 Monday - Friday Setting of examinations
March 13 Wednesday Classes resume
March 18 - 22 Monday - Friday Moderation of examinations
March 25 - 26 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
March 27 Wednesday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
March 28 - April 24 Thursday - Wednesday Processing of examinations
April 1 - 13 Monday - Saturday Registration for June 2013 Semester
April 29 - 30 Monday - Tuesday Study days
May 2 - 15 Wednesday End of semester examinations
May 15 Wednesday End of semester
May 23 - 24 Thursday - Friday Departmental moderation of grades
May 27 Monday Finla submission of grades
May 28 - 29 Tuesday - Wednesday Processing of grades
May 30 - 31 Thursday - Friday School Boards moderation of grades
June 3 - 4 Monday - Tuesday Corrections of moderated grades
June 5 Wednesday Academic Division meeting on grades
June 7 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of January 2013 grades
June 28 Friday Rehearsal
June 29 Saturday Graduation
xiv www.daystar.ac.ke
JUNE 2013
May 20 - 25 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
May 27 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
June 24 - 26 Monday - Wednesday Setting of examinations
June 27 - 28 Thursday - Friday Moderation of examinations
July 1 Monday Council Meeting
July 1 - 2 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
July 5 Friday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
July 8 - 19 Monday - Friday Processing of examinations
July 15 - 20 Monday - Saturday Registration for August 2013 Semester
July 29 - August 3 Monday - Saturday End of semester examinations
August 3 Saturday End of semester
August 12 - 17 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
August 19 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
August 26 - 27 Monday - Tuesday Departmental moderation of June 2013 grades
August 28 Wednesday Final day to submit grades
August 29 Thursday Prayer Day
September 2 - 4 Monday - Wednesday Processing of grades
September 9 - 11 Monday - Wednesday School Boards moderation of grades
September 12 - 13 Thursday - Friday Correction of moderated grades
September 18 Wednesday Academic Division meeting for grades
September 20 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of June 2013 grades
October 14 - 18 Monday - Friday Setting of examinations
October 21 - 22 Monday - Tuesday Mid - semester recess
October 22 - 25 Tuesday - Friday Moderation of examinations
October 23 Wednesday Classes resume
October 28 - 29 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
October 28 - November 9 Monday - Saturday Registration for January 2014 semester
October 30 Wednesday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
October 31 - November 19 Thursday - Tuesday Processing of examinations
November 25 - 26 Monday - Tuesday Study days
November 27 - December 14 Wednesday - Saturday End of semester examinations
December 6 Friday Council Meeting
December 7 Saturday Company AGM
December 14 Wednesday End of semester
December 15 - January 5 Thursday - Sunday Christmas vacation
www.daystar.ac.ke xv
January 2 - 3 Thursday - Friday Departmental moderation of exams
January 6 - 11 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
January 13 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
January 13 Monday Final day to submit grades
January 14 - 17 Tuesday - Friday Processing of grades
January 20 - 23 Monday - Wednesday School moderation of grades
January 24 - 25 Thursday - Friday Correction of moderated grades
January 27 Monday Academic Division meeting for grades
January 30 Thursday Prayer Day
January 31 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of August 2013 grades
March 10 - 11 Monday - Tuesday Mid - semester recess
March 12 Wednesday Classes resume
March 17 - 21 Monday - Friday Setting of examinations
March 24 - 28 Monday - Friday Moderation of examinations
March 31 - April 12 Monday - Saturday Registration for June 2014 Semester
March 31 - April 1 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
April 2 Wednesday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
April 7 - 18 Monday - Friday Processing of examinations
April 28 - 29 Monday - Tuesday Study days
April 30 - May 17 Thursday - Saturday End of semester examinations
May 17 Saturday End of semester
May 26 - 27 Monday - Tuesday Departmental moderation of grades
May 28 - 30 Wednesday - Friday Corrections of moderated grades
June 3 - 5 Tuesday - Thursday School Boards moderation of grades
June 11 Wednesday Academic Division meeting on grades
June 13 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of January 2014 grades
June 27 Friday Rehearsal
June 28 Saturday Graduation
June 30 Monday Council Meeting
xvi www.daystar.ac.ke
JUNE 2014
May 26 - 31 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
June 3 Tuesday Registration queries/Classes begin
June 23 - 25 Monday - Wednesday Setting of examinations
June 26 - 27 Thursday - Friday Moderation of examinations
July 1 - 2 Tuesday - Wednesday Departmental review of examinations
July 4 Friday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
July 7 - 18 Monday - Friday Processing of examinations
July 14 - 19 Monday - Saturday Registration for August 2014 Semester
July 28 - August 2 Monday - Saturday End of semester examinations
August 2 Saturday End of semester
August 11 - 16 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
August 18 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
August 25 - 26 Monday - Tuesday Departmental moderation of June 2014 grades
August 27 Wednesday Final day to submit grades
August 28 Thursday Prayer Day
August 28 - September 5 Thursday - Friday Processing of grades
September 8 - 10 Monday - Wednesday School Boards moderation of grades
September 11 - 12 Thursday - Friday Correction of moderated grades
September 17 Wednesday Academic Division meeting for grades
September 19 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of June 2014 grades
October 20 - 21 Monday - Tuesday Mid - semester recess
October 22 Wednesday Classes resume
October 21 - 24 Tuesday - Friday Setting of examinations
October 27 - 29 Monday - Wednesday Moderation of examinations
October 30 - 31 Thursday - Friday Departmental review of examinations
November 3 Monday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
November 3 - 19 Monday - Wednesday Processing of examinations
November 10 - 15 Monday - Saturday Registration for January semester 2015
December 1 - 2 Monday - Tuesday Study days
December 3 - 19 Wednesday - Friday End of semester examinations
December 5 Friday Council Meeting
December 6 Saturday Company AGM
December 19 Friday End of semester
December 20 - January 4 Saturday - Sunday Christmas vacation
www.daystar.ac.ke xvii
January 7 - 9 Wednesday - Friday Departmental moderation of exams
January 12 - 17 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
January 19 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
January 12 Monday Final day to submit grades
January 13 - 23 Tuesday - Friday Processing of grades
January 26 - 27 Monday - Tuesday School moderation of grades
January 28 - 30 Wednesday - Friday Correction of moderated grades
January 29 Thursday Prayer Day
February 2 Monday Academic Division meeting for grades
February 6 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of August 2014 grades
March 16 - 19 Monday - Friday Setting of examinations
March 19 - 20 Thursday - Friday Mid - semester recess
March 21 Saturday Classes resume for continuing education
March 20 - 24 Friday - Tuesday Moderation of examinations
March 24 Monday Classes resume
March 25 - 26 Wednesday - Thursday Departmental review of examinations
March 27 Friday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
March 30 - April 22 Monday - Wednesday Processing of examinations
April 6 - 11 Monday - Saturday Registration for June 2015 Semester
April 30 - May 2 Thursday - Saturday Study days
May 4 - 16 Monday - Saturday End of semester examinations
May 16 Saturday End of semester
May 21 - 22 Thursday - Friday Departmental moderation of grades
May 25 - 26 Monday - Tuesday Corrections of moderated grades
May 28 - 29 Thursday - Friday School Boards moderation of grades
June 3 Wednesday Academic Division meeting on grades
June 5 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of January 2015 grades
June 26 Friday Rehearsal
June 27 Saturday Graduation
June 29 Monday Council Meeting
xviii www.daystar.ac.ke
JUNE 2015
May 18 - 23 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
May 25 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
June 15 - 17 Monday - Wednesday Setting of examinations
June 22 - 24 Monday - Wednesday Moderation of examinations
July 1 - 2 Wednesday - Thursday Departmental review of examinations
July 3 Friday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
July 6 - 11 Monday - Saturday Registration for August 2015
July 6 - 17 Monday - Friday Processing of examinations
July 27 - August 1 Monday - Saturday End of semester examinations
August 1 Saturday End of semester
August 10 - 15 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
August 17 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
August 24 - 25 Monday - Tuesday Departmental moderation of June 2015 grades
August 26 Wednesday Final day to submit grades
August 28 - September 2 Thursday - Wednesday Processing of grades
September 3 Thursday Prayer Day
September 10 - 11 Thursday - Friday School Boards moderation of grades
September 14 - 15 Monday - Tuesday Correction of moderated grades
September 16 Wednesday Academic Division meeting for grades
September 18 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of June 2015 grades
October 12 - 16 Monday - Friday Setting of examinations
October 19 - 20 Monday - Tuesday Mid - semester recess
October 21 Wednesday Classes resume
October 21 - 23 Wednesday - Friday Moderation of examinations
October 26 - 27 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
October 28 Wednesday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
October 29 - November 20 Thursday - Friday Processing of examinations
November 3 - 10 Monday - Monday Registration for January semester 2016
November 26 - 28 Thursday - Saturday Study days
November 30 - December 19 Monday - Friday End of semester examinations
December 4 Friday Council Meeting
December 5 Saturday Company AGM
December 19 Friday End of semester
December 20 - January 10 Saturday - Sunday Christmas vacation
www.daystar.ac.ke xix
January 11 - 13 Monday - Wednesday Departmental moderation of August 2015 grades
January 11 - 16 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
January 18 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
January 18 Monday Final day to submit grades
January 18 - 22 Tuesday - Friday Processing of grades
January 25 - 26 Monday - Tuesday School moderation of grades
January 27 - 29 Wednesday - Friday Correction of moderated grades
February 1 Monday Academic Division meeting for grades
January 4 Thursday Prayer Day
February 5 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of August 2015 grades
March 14 - 15 Monday - Tuesday Mid - semester recess
March 14 - 18 Monday - Friday Setting of examinations
March 16 Wednesday Classes resume
March 21 - 25 Monday - Friday Moderation of examinations
March 28 - 29 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
March 30 Wednesday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
March 30 - April 20 Thursday - Wednesday Processing of examinations
April 4 - 16 Monday - Saturday Registration for June 2016 Semester
May 2 - 3 Monday - Tuesday Study days
May 4 - 21 Wednesday - Saturday End of semester examinations
May 21 Saturday End of semester
May 30 - 31 Monday - Tuesday Departmental moderation of grades
June 2 - 3 Thursday - Friday Corrections of moderated grades
June 6 - 7 Monday - Tuesday School Boards moderation of grades
June 8 Wednesday Academic Division meeting on grades
June 10 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of January 2016 grades
June 24 Friday Rehearsal
June 25 Saturday Graduation
June 27 Monday Council Meeting
xx www.daystar.ac.ke
JUNE 2016
May 23 - 28 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
May 30 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
June 20 - 21 Monday - Wednesday Setting of examinations
June 23 - 24 Thursday - Friday Moderation of examinations
July 4 - 5 Monday - Tuesday Departmental review of examinations
July 4 - 9 Monday - Saturday Registration for August 2016 Semester
July 8 Friday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
July 11 - 22 Monday - Friday Processing of examinations
August 1 - 6 Monday - Saturday End of semester examinations
August 6 Saturday End of semester
August 15 - 20 Monday - Saturday Orientation of new students
August 22 Monday Registration queries/Classes begin
August 29 - 31 Monday - Wednesday Departmental moderation of June 2016 grades
August 31 Thursday Final day to submit grades
September 1 Thursday Prayer Day
September 2 - 13 Thursday - Tuesday Processing of grades
September 14 - 16 Wednesday - Friday School Boards moderation of grades
September 19 - 20 Monday - Tuesday Correction of moderated grades
September 21 Wednesday Academic Division meeting for grades
September 23 Friday Senate meeting for Approval of June 2016 grades
October 10 - 15 Monday - Friday Setting of examinations
October 20 - 21 Thursday - Friday Mid - semester recess
October 22 Saturday Class resume for continuing education
October 24 Monday Classes resume
October 24 - 26 Monday - Wednesday Moderation of examinations
October 27 - 28 Thursday - Friday Departmental review of examinations
October 31 Monday Final day to submit exams to Examination office
November 1 - 18 Tuesday - Friday Processing of examinations
November 7 - 12 Monday - Saturday Registration for January semester 2017
November 28 - 29 Monday - Tuesday Study days
November 30 - December 17 Wednesday - Saturday End of semester examinations
December 2 Friday Council Meeting
December 3 Saturday Company AGM
December 17 Saturday End of semester
December 18 - January 8 Sunday - Sunday Christmas vacation
www.daystar.ac.ke xxi
Daystar University provided a platform to
meet people with beautiful hearts. I have
been changed, molded through spiritual
and social aspects of life, and I have a
responsibility to appreciate everyone and
everything within Daystar University.
Millicent Gitaru
xxii www.daystar.ac.ke
University Governance
Prof. George Kinoti Dr. Timothy Wachira, Vice-Chancellor
Rev. Simeon Havyarimana Rev. Prof. James Kombo, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic Affairs
Mr. Erastus Mureithi Mr. Jomo Gatundu, Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Finance & Administration
Dr. Yusuf Turaki Dr. Jon Masso, Deputy Vice- Chancellor, Institutional Advancement
Dr. Peter Okaalet Mrs. Phyllis Mutua, Finance Manager
Prof. Henry Thairu Mr. Charles Kilonzo, Corporate Affairs Manager
Mrs. Nancy Oginde Mr. John N. Wainaina, Internal Audit Manager
Mrs. Deborah Ongewe Rev. Steve Nduto, University Chaplain
Rev. Dr. MacMillan Kiiru Dr. Peter Ngure, Dean, School of Science, Engineering & Health
EX-OFFICIO Dr. David Wachira, Dean, School of Business & Economics
Prof. James H. O. Kombo Dr. Alice Munene, Dean, School of Human and Social Sciences
Dr. Timothy M. Wachira Mrs. Purity Kiambi, Dean, School of Arts & Humanities
Mrs. Phyllis Mutua Dr. Bernard Boyo, Dean of Community Life
Mr. John N. Wainaina Dr. Benjamin Musyoka, Director,ICMT
Dr. Rebecca Oladipo, Director, Centre for Research, Publication, Consultancy & Postgraduate Bureau
Prof. Mike Kuria, Director for Centre for Quality Assurance & Excellence in Teaching & Learning
www.daystar.ac.ke xxiii
Abok Ager Masters IRTI I.R.T.I Amstardam
Wilson Chiko M.A Theology and English Simmons University U.S.A
Pheobe Muthami M.A. Biblical Studies Africa International University
Gladys Ondera Masters Anthropology University of Nairobi
Josephine Munyao Master of Divinity Africa International University
Dr. Samson Obwa Doctor of Philosophy Brunel University, UK
Peace & International Studies
Patrick Musembi M.A. Peace Studies & International Relations Africa International University
Mercy Kathambi Kaburu M.A. International Conflict Management University of Nairobi
Beatrice Ndirangu Master in Peace Studies & Inter. Relations Catholic University
Dr. Harriet Njui PhD in Education Catholic University of Eastern Africa
Dr. Milcah Ajuaga PhD Communication Studies Maseno University
Scholastica Githinji Masters of Education Kenyatta University
xxiv www.daystar.ac.ke
Larry Ndivo M.A. Literature University of Nairobi
Stephen Kindiki M.A. Linguistics University of Kwazulu- Natal
William Rowe M.A.Church Music Western Seminary-Portland
www.daystar.ac.ke xxv
Joshua Ochieng Okeyo MBA Finance Daystar
Moses Mitigoa Obusuburi MBA University of Nairobi
Mercy Juliet Kanini Master of Commerce Mohanlai India
Moriasi Maranga MBA Annamalai University
Celestine Ngila MBA (Marketing Management) Poona University, India
Evans Amata M. of Finance & Control Madurai Kamaraj University
James K. Kyongo MBA Kenyatta University
Dr. Abraham Waithima PhD Economics Cape Town Univ S.Africa
Jimnah Waweru M.A Economics Dar-es-Salaam Univ
James Ngondi Karau M.A Economics University of Nairobi
John Musau Maswili M.A. (Applied Economics) Bharathiar University
Rev. Dr. Julius Otieno Gogo Doctor of Education (Management) University of South Africa
Grace Koome MSc HR JKUAT
Judith Wafula Master of Education in Educational University of Nairobi
Winnie Wachira M.A. Communication Daystar University
xxvi www.daystar.ac.ke
Roseline Olumbe M.A. in Christian Education Africa International University
Rosemary Gitachu Master of Education (Library Studies) Kenyatta University
Elizabeth Yegon Masters of Education Kenyatta University
Josephat Muthembwa Master of Library & Information Science Kenyatta University
Charity M. Kimencho MSc Information & Library Management Burmingham City University
Peter Masindano M.A. in Anthropology University of Nairobi
Rose Mwangi M.A Communication Daystar University
Ann Njogu Wachira Masters in Eng Language Teaching University of Reading, UK
Joanes Kaleli Kyongo Master of Business Administration Kenyatta University
Daniel Rugut M.A. in Theology & Religious Studies University of Aberdeen
www.daystar.ac.ke xxvii
Daystar University bible study
small groups are an avenue
for interaction, mentorship
and spiritual growth for both
students and staff.
xxviii www.daystar.ac.ke
Student Development Department
Campus Life
The student co-curricular activities are coordinated through the Student community, the Bible requires us to be our brothers keeper. Therefore, every
Development Deparment headed by the Dean of Community Life. Others member of the Daystar University Community is expected to be sensitive to the
include the Associate Dean for Students Affairs, the Chaplain, Assistant needs of others around them.
Chaplains, the Sports and Recreation Officer, Student Counsellors and
the Resident Tutors. The Department coordinates and facilitates all aspects
of student life outside the classroom. The objective is that every student will
grow up in every way into Him who is the head, that is Christ (Ephesians 2. Daystar University Students Association
4:15), physically, spiritually, socially, ethically, and vocationally. Student life (DUSA)
at Daystar University is designed to complement the academic learning, so as
to produce Christian servant leaders who will make a difference at all levels of Daystar University Students Association (DUSA) is the recognised student
society. organisation within the University. Every Daystar student is automatically
a member of DUSA. The DUSA Executive Committee, is democratically
elected by the student body during the month of April every year, which
1. Chaplaincy is responsible for running DUSA affairs. DUSA has the following sub
committees: Academic Affairs, Social Welfare, Sports and Recreation, Clubs
a) Chapels and Associations, International Students Association and Post Graduate
Chapels are held twice a week. On Tuesdays, Students and Staff meet for
In addition, under the auspices of the DUSA, many students clubs and
Chapel whereas on Thursdays they attend small group bible study. Evening
students have their chapel on fridays. The attendance is required of both associations offer opportunities for involvement. They include: AIESEC,
staff and students. It is an essential part of their regular weekly schedule Drama, Environmental Conservation, French, Marketing, Accounting,
and includes a variety of worship styles, musical programmes, bible studies, Communication, Community Development, Wildlife, Debating and Current
speakers, and drama. Chapel is the one activity in which the entire Affairs and Daystar University Students in Free Enterprise. The key link person
community gathers together for worship and fellowship on a regular basis. for DUSA activities is the Associate Dean for Students Affairs.
b) Small Groups
The Chaplaincy organises small groups to which every staff and student is
assigned. The small groups meet once a week for prayer and Bible study.
The main goal of the small group meetings is to provide a forum for spiritual
c) Counselling
The University Chaplain, the Assistant Chaplains, the Student Counsellors
and other staff and faculty, are available to counsel students in such areas
as adjustment to life at Daystar University, spiritual development, resolving
personal problems, and making major life decisions. In addition a large
number of students have been trained as peer counsellors. As a Christian
www.daystar.ac.ke 1
3. Daystar Christian Fellowship (DCF) 5. Student Counselling
Daystar Christian Fellowship (DCF) is a student-led group under the University Their main duty is counselling students on all issues. The Office exists in part
Chaplaincy. The group has about 14 subcommittees where students develop to advocate for special concerns of international students, raise and maintain
their talents and nourish their faith through various activities e.g. singing, international awareness within Daystar University, and promote spiritual,
dancing, drama, missions among others. social and career development among international students. The Office also
oversees orientation programme for new students and works closely with the
International Students Association of Daystar University (ISADU).
4. Doulos
Doulos is a servant leadership programme at Daystar that derives its name
from Mark 10:45 and 2Cor 4:5, which means slave or servant in Greek. 6. Students Sports & Recreation Office
The programme strives to help the university achieve its mission of training
The Sports and Recreation Office coordinates intramural sports as well as
servant leaders for Africa by using tools of adventure, service and community
team sports and games throughout the academic year. Existing sports and
in displaying the love of Christ for all mankind and with equiping the students
recreation activities include team sports, individual sports, board games and
with a heart to serve as they become leaders in various sectors of their
other outdoor activities.
Daystar University teams compete in the Kenya Universities Sports Association
(KUSA), the Nairobi Fellowship of Theological Colleges (NFTC), Nairobi
Basketball Association and in other organized institutional sports.
2 www.daystar.ac.ke
Finance & Administration
1. Financial Information
Parents or sponsors are advised to remit living costs and other allowances
for personal use directly to the students. Students from outside Kenya need to
secure funds for their entire study period at Daystar before coming to Nairobi.
This should include enough funds to pay for their return travel back to their
countries at the end of the study period.
Campus Accommodation
Students living in the University hostels are expected to provide their own
bedding (blankets, linens, bedcover, towels, pillowcases, etc.) as well as bath
and laundry items. Students living in the rented University self-catering hostels
are jointly responsible for the cleanliness of the entire facility and payments for
water, electricity and gas usage. They also have to provide cooking utensils
and cutlery.
Off-Campus Accommodation
Married students who wish to bring along their families are advised to locate
off-campus accommodation before bringing their families to Nairobi. The
cost of a one-bedroom apartment varies between Kshs. 4,000 and 12,000
per month, depending on location and the kind of house. Further, such
accommodation is available only in Athi River town or in Nairobi.
www.daystar.ac.ke 3
A) Fee Structure
These are the current rates but the University reserves the right to review the fees from time to time as necessary.
4 www.daystar.ac.ke
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B) Student Financial Aid
1) Work Study Programme
The University is keenly aware that there are many qualified deeply committed Christian students from poor families. It therefore deliberately raises
scholarship funds for needy students. The University has set up a Work Study programme to which it contributes a percentage of the tuition fees income
every year. The University also raises funds from churches, foundations and individuals in order to help the many poor students. In January semester
of the academic year, applications for Daystar Work Study scholarships are invited from needy students through the Financial Aid Office. Scholarship
awards are given according to the following guidelines:
1. Daystar scholarships cover about one half (1/2) of the annual tuition fees. The student must procure additional funding from family, friends,
employer, church, or private sources.
2. A student receiving Daystar scholarship is required to work ten (10) hours every week on jobs assigned by the University.
3. Daystar scholarships are not available to first year students. Only in very exceptional cases will consideration be given to first year applicants.
4. The following conditions are used to determine scholarship awards:
(a) assessed level of poverty; (e) enrolment in a full-time study programme;
(b) depth of Christian commitment; (f) nearness to completion of course;
(c) a clear Christian behavioural pattern; (g) the spread of Christianity in home area;
(d) a minimum cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.50; (h) the student must have applied for a HELB loan if eligible.
6 www.daystar.ac.ke
2. Administration
The Administration Section provides institutional support services in the Students are advised to give correct postal address to avoid misplacement
areas of food, health, transport, bookstore, security, and maintenance of the of mail. To avoid this, students should indicate their hostel of residence and
physical facilities of the University. have letters addressed to them at the appropriate address as given on this
1. Bookshop Services Although the University provides security for both campuses, students are
required to take care of their personal property. The Athi River campus
The University has an outsourced bookshop on each campus. The bookstore provides ample parking for staff and students with personal vehicles.
provides stationery supplies, textbooks, photocopying and mail services. A However, those studying at the Nairobi Campus or who wish to leave their
student can buy textbooks either by paying cash or charging the pre-paid cars at Nairobi as they go to Athi River are informed that parking at the
textbook allowance card. The Textbook allowance can be paid together Nairobi Campus is limited to staff and faculty only. Alternative parking is
with other fees at the beginning of the semester and the student is issued with available at the Nairobi Baptist Church behind the Nairobi Campus.
a card by the Finance Department. Each time a student buys a book, it is
charged to the Textbook account. Lost textbook allowance cards must be
reported immediately to the bookstore.
3. Food Services
The Food Services Department caters for the total University community.
2. Campus Services Resident students are however a priority for the department. Such students
who have paid the required fees receive meal cards from the caterer at the
The campus services department offers services in office and classroom beginning of the semester.
cleaning, security, grounds and utility maintenance, water and power
provision, sewerage and general environment, postal services and Non-resident students can buy semester meal cards for lunch and/or dinner.
telecommunications for the two campuses. Recently, a new PABX switch was The department has canteens on both campuses selling snacks and soft
installed and radio mast constructed by Telkom Kenya to provide a reliable drinks. These cater for dayscholar students, staff and faculty who may not
telecommunications link with the outside world. want to have a full lunch or dinner in the dining hall. More details on meal
times are posted in the dining halls and canteens.
The University telephone numbers are as following:
Athi River Campus resident students wishing to travel to Nairobi for various
reasons are required to make arrangements in advance with the Transport
Office, indicating the intended date and time of travel. They then buy
tickets at the Finance Office, or from the bus conductor (transport assistant)
which they must produce when boarding the bus. The last bus for boarders
returning to the Athi River campus on weekdays leaves the Nairobi Campus
at 5.00 pm everyday. Weekend travel is more flexible. A transport fee of
Kshs 120 is payable when boarding the bus.
Special organized groups like clubs and societies planning to make official
trips are required to make prior arrangements with the Transport Office two
weeks before the date of travel. Approval must be sought from the
Associate Dean for Student Affairs if the travel charges are to
be charged to the clubs account.
4. Health Services
7. Human Resources
Medical insurance for outpatient and inpatient medical cover is provided
The Human Resource Department of Daystar University is involved in various
at a cost of Kshs15,070 per year for the 2011/2012 academic year for
functions, including recruitment, selection, placement/deployment and
boarding and non-Kenyan students. Health charges are payable in full at the
induction of staff/faculty; Drawing schemes of service; Co-ordination of
time of registration for the first semester each year. Cover continues for a full
staff/faculty training and development; Labour and Industrial relation matters;
12 months whether or not a person remains enrolled in classes.
Resolving staff/faculty grievances; Staff/Faculty appraisals Compensation
and reward management; Handling Immigration matters; Managing staff
All except evening students are required to pay for the medical insurance
welfare and benefits such as health, safety, medical, benevolence fund and
cover unless one has another cover and has to verify this with the Human
remuneration; negotiating for the organization in several areas like medical
Resources office. An approved private health care provider runs a medical
scheme, insurance policy, training and consultancy work; Managing the
clinic on Athi River campus and has a full time medical doctor and a number
University Work Study programme and students medical.
of full time clinical staff. There are strict regulations governing the operation
of the clinics and making reimbursement claims from medical expenses.
Students are advised to familiarize themselves with the regulations. All
international students must be covered. 8. Procurement Services
The University has a centralized purchasing system with the Procurement
Department coordinating all purchasing and supplies. For more details on
5. Information Communication Technology procedures please see the Procurement Officer at Nairobi Campus.
The ICT Department offers user services to offices and students in the three
campuses. These sevices include networking/internet services, computer and
printer support, user support among others.
8 www.daystar.ac.ke
Academic Division
Academic Programmes
The Academic programmes are offered under 5 schools, each headed by a Dean. The schools are:
www.daystar.ac.ke 9
The University offers minors in most of the undergraduate courses listed above The purpose of such study is to prepare students for high leadership
in addition to Christian Ministries and Mathematics. In the near future, we responsibility in churches and other organizations. The programme offers are
plan to launch majors in Electronic Engineering and others. in the following areas:
a. PhD in Communication
5. Continuing Education b. PhD in Clinical Psychology
c. MA Communication
This is an undergraduate programme designed for people
in full time employment who desire to pursue a university d. MA Christian Ministries
education while working. The programme offers classes in the e. Master of Business Administration (MBA)
evenings and on Saturdays. The requirements for admission are similar f. MA Counselling Psychology
to those for other undergraduate programmes as stated under Common
g. MA Child Development
Academic Regulations).
h. MA in Theology in African Christianity
i. MA Monitoring and Evaluation
6. Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) j. MA in Community Development
10 www.daystar.ac.ke
of the final year. They are also required to pay full tuition and boarding c) Alliance for International Christian Business
fees for a semester in Daystar, and be able to meet textbook and personal Education (AICBE) Programme
expenses including a return air tickets. Students on Work Study must raise
Daystar is a member of the Alliance for International Christian Business
fees in cash or have the credit equivalent to meet their full tuition and
Education which enables students to do some courses online. Courses offered
boarding fees. Students must check with their respective H.O.D to ensure
online are advertised every semester. Students register for these courses in the
that the courses they take in an exchange program college are transferable
office of the Coordinator, Collaborative Programme.
to Daystar. All credits taken at those institutions will appear on
the students Daystar transcript as transfer credits, meaning
they will not affect the GPA. Students are required to return d) Bethel University, St. Pauls, USA
to Daystar at the end of the specified semester of study. While Daystar University has a vibrant partnership programme with Bethel University.
in the programme, students are required to conduct themselves according to Daystar and Bethel students benefit from great academic and cultural
the Daystar Code of Conduct and abide by the regulations of the institution experiences. Bethel students, get to visit various parts of Kenya including
attended. On return, students are required to submit a written report of their Masai Mara, Mt. Kenya and other great destinations to experience the
experience while ithere. Applications must be accompanied by a parents, diverse cultures in Kenya. Daystar students also get great geographical and
guardians or sponsors written approval and commitment to participate in the cultural exposure in the USA.
Those interested apply to the office of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Academic e) Northwestern College, St. Pauls, USA
Affairs through the Coordinator of Collaborative Programme. The programme Northwestern College and Daystar University are partnering in various
provides exchange students with an opportunity to experience learning in ventures including joint programmes, joint research initiatives, and faculty
the host country context, build relationships, appreciate Africas rich cultural and student exchanges and in opportunities of higher education at the
values and develop a deeper faith in God. The day-to-day activities of respective institutions. Besides the academic experiences, both Daystar and
the student exchange are supervised by the Coordinator of Collaborative Northwestern students get opportunity to experience diverse cultures.
Academic Programme.
f) Matongo Lutheran Theological College, Kenya
b) Kosin-Daystar Student Exchange Programme Daystar University and Matongo Lutheran Theological College (MLTC) are
Daystar operates a faculty and student exchange programme with Kosin collaborating in Bachelor of Theology programme. MLTC offers Daystars
University, South Korea. Annually, five students and one Daystar lecturer Bachelor of Theology degree.
participate in the programme. This exchange programme is open to second
and third year students. They are also required to pay full tuition and
boarding fees for the year in Daystar, plus 10 percent administrative fee.
www.daystar.ac.ke 11
g) Staff Exchange Programme 12. eLearning Centre
Visiting professors and senior administrative staff from reputable universities in
the USA and other parts of the world come to Daystar University for varying The eLearning Centre at Daystar University is responsible for spearheading a
periods of time. Such staff spend their sabbatical leave teaching or doing spectrum of eLearning activities, in response to the dynamic learning needs
research at Daystar. Senior administrative staff visit Daystar University and of todays eGeneration students. These activities range from development
spend time working alongside their counterparts in such areas as the Library and deployment of eLearning resources for blended-learning mode (the
or in the Office of Admissions and Records. These professionals bring into combination of face-to-face and eLearning practices), to fully-online eLearning
Daystar University experiences that enrich and enhance our institutional mode. The aim is to optimise the efficacy of the teaching-and-learning
programmes. process, in todays digital era: (i) by providing flexible offerings of teaching-
and-learning modes; and (ii) by enabling online learning possibilities that
As opportunities arise, both academic and senior administrative staff from extend the learning process beyond conventional classroom-based teaching.
Daystar University go to institutions in other parts of the world for similar As such, Daystars eLearning Centre continues to make rapid progress in
exposure in teaching, research, or other experiential engagements. The terms of research and development of eLearning solutions in anticipation of
experiences gained by our staff are seen as a very important aspect of their the dynamic learning needs of emerging eGeneration students. If we have to
professional development. attract and retain this genre of students in our university, we are challenged to
incorporate aspects of ICT and eLearning approach as the preferred medium
of teaching-and-learning; pertinent to communication behaviour of todays
11. Library & Resource Centre Services generation of students. Towards this end, we are committed towards working
with individual lecturers to develop and deploy viable eLearning resources
Daystar University has a library in each of its three campuses in Nairobi, to enrich our students learning experience. Conceivably, this process is
Athi River and Mombasa. The library is fully automated using Sirs Mandarin intended to empower individual lecturers, as well as help them to acquire
Library Automation software, whose modules are integrated, thereby creating vital eLearning skills necessary in the new field of development of eLearning
a seamless interaction of services. The library is also fully networked. resources, as well as deployment of interactive, immersive and engaging
multimedia-based digital content; specifically, targeting an increasingly
Services technically-savvy eGeneration students.
12 www.daystar.ac.ke
Goals of Daystars Academic Programmes
Characteristic of Daystars programmes is a continual striving for excellence in all things. The nine goals of Daystars academic programmes are as follows:
a. Spiritual development is predicated on faith in and commitment to Jesus e. Daystars academic programmes are intended to offer to the increasing
Christ. Full spiritual maturity is contingent upon a relation-ship to the number of qualified secondary school graduates and mature Christians,
Christian community and adoption of a dynamic world and life view. a Christian alternative for higher education. Such education will have
Such spiritual growth fosters a distinctive value system that covers the a Christian foundation, a moral base and excellent quality, and is
spectrum of individual and social experiences. These commitments call intended for Christians who will become leaders whether in church,
one to involvement in the world, in ways that affect wholeness in self government or industry.
and others. These concerns find expression in Christian life-goals, in
accountable stewardship of talents and resources, and in responsible f. Daystar offers a programme that is broad based, but with clearly
care of the earth. defined majors and minors. A major represents a students main subject
of study, whereas a minor represents a secondary subject. The students
b. Intellectual development begins with recognition of the importance and major will always carry more hours than the minor. A student in certain
worth of mental activity. Intellectual growth is marked by an appreciation majors can decide to take electives instead of a minor.
of clear and creative thinking and a capacity for theoretical thought.
Intellectually developed people have a broad understanding of ideas in g. Africa is a continent of many cultures and languages. It is therefore
the world, an awareness of the contemporary situation and a deeper, absolutely essential that students are encouraged to develop a deep
more detailed knowledge of one specific area of thought. They are understanding of traditional Africa and modern Africa if they are to play
capable of making relationships between specific categories. Such an effective role in the spiritual, social and economic transformation of
people are curious, engage in continuing research and form thoughtful the continent. Therefore, Daystar programmes are distinctly African in
conclusions. context. At the same time, they provide a platform from which a student
can understand and relate to other cultures.
c. While the years of university study are important in and of themselves,
they must also provide preparation for later life. Career development h. Another positive feature of the programmes is the focus on Africa.
involves the investigation of career options and development of a African cultures, traditions, nations and religions are studied in detail.
personal career plan. Staff members, along with other professionals Western and Eastern cultures are also examined because contemporary
in career development, should provide such resources. The Daystar African society has been intertwined with them.
University curriculum prepares students to enter a career after graduation
i. The programmes are practical and oriented to field experience in
or to continue their education at postgraduate or professional levels.
conditions very similar to those students will encounter at the conclusion
d. The learner is at the centre of the education process. Ultimately, this of the degree programme. For that reason, courses are focused on clear
process must promote personal development which in essence is the application to the contemporary situation in Africa.
development of a mature and well-rounded individual who displays a
healthy sense of relationship to creation and the Creator.
www.daystar.ac.ke 13
Common Academic Regulations
The University shall admit for study for degrees, diplomas, certificates or e. Applicants from non-English speaking countries coming without TOEFEL
other awards of the University, such candidates as shall have been accepted results or with lower scores will be required to take a preliminary course
by the Senate as being academically qualified, and who accept the (ENG 096) for no credit. They will spend the first semester studying
Universitys Christian mission and philosophy as provided under Sections 4 English only.
to 7 of the Charter, without regard or preference to gender, ethnic origin,
race, denomination or physical disability being imposed as a condition for
admission. Other conditions for admission are given here below. 2. Admission on Transfer from other Institutions
a. Daystar University will accept Grade C or better for relevant courses
1. Direct Entry into the Undergraduate Programme
from recognized/accredited universities which offer bachelors level
i) Minimum Entry Requirement courses.
The minimum entry requirement shall be an overall grade of C+ for b. A student who transfers to Daystar University from another accredited
candidates taking KCSE or two (2) Advanced Level Principal passes, or 5 institution must take a minimum of 33 credit hours at Daystar University.
credits in IGCE of at least a grade C, or their equivalents for candidates
coming from outside Kenya and those using different systems of education. c. A student must take a minimum of 17 credit hours in the major area of
This is, however, a minimum entry requirement and meeting it may not study at Daystar University. In addition, 50% of all 300 and 400 level
automatically entitle a candidate admission to the University. Those major courses must be taken at Daystar University.
candidates with low grade at KCSE but have successfully completed a 2 year
d. Daystar University will consider transfering credits which come from
diploma at a recognized institution may be considered for admission to the
non-degree granting institutions but whose academic programmes
undergraduate programme.
are approved by the Senate, if the courses are equivalent to Daystar
Universitys 100 level and only 100 level courses. Each request will
ii) Language Requirements be considered on an individual course basis. A comprehensive final
a. Applicants with grade B- in KCSE or 500 marks/points on TOEFL, 250 examination may be given to the student before credit is granted. No
out of 300 TOEFL done electronically (results not more than two years grade will be assigned to these credits. The student will be charged
old), or at least Credit 6 under the old O Level system, or a principal a fee for sitting for the examination equivalent to the cost of one
pass at A level in Literature in English, will be exempted from taking the credit hour in case of challenging a course.
English pre-test.
14 www.daystar.ac.ke
B) Admission into the Diploma Programme
1. Direct Entry into the Diploma Programme fulfilled the relevant course requirement toward the degree. The requirements
for exemption are specified within the relevant departments and for specific
The minimum entry requirement is an overall grade of C (Plain) for candidates
programmes. Any grade assigned will not contribute to the GPA.
offering KSCE or Advanced Level Principal Pass or the equivalent for
candidates coming from outside Kenya. This is however a minimum entry
Challenge: to challenge a course is to take an exam for a course which one
requirement and meeting it does not automatically entitle a candidate
feels has already completed the work elsewhere at a similar level but the
admission to the University.
university is not convinced that one should be exempted. Such exam is taken
after paying for an equivalent of one credit hour and the student has passed
the course ( a P-grade is awarded).
2. Admission on Transfer from Other Diploma The challenge exam for ACS 101 consists of two practicals and a theory
Granting Institutions part. The student must achieve a B- (66%) or better overall and 60% or better
in two of the three sections.
a. Daystar University will accept a grade of B (Plain) or better for relevant
courses from accredited universities and colleges which offer diploma
level courses. 2. General Guidelines for Exemptions.
b. A student who transfers to Daystar University from another accredited Transfer of credits for the undergraduate programme are granted on the
institution must take a minimum of 33 credit hours of the Diploma. In following conditions:
other words, a maximum of 27 credit hours with comparable course i) Transfer to diploma from an accredited university C or better
content can be accepted for transfer.
ii) Transfer from a recognised diploma B- or better
iii) Transfer of credits from diploma to Daystar University diploma or Transfer
3. Mature Age Entry Requirements from a non-recognised institution B or better
iv) Some A level courses (when one gets principals A to D) Principal
The university provides an avenue for students who do not have the minimum
entry requirement for admission into programmes of study to enter under the
mature age entry status. The students should have additional training in the v) Specific courses from the Daystar Diploma and Pre-university programmes
major they intend to pursue. The mature age entry grade to the diploma that may qualify for exemption are listed within each department.
programme is a minimum of a C- while that to the undergraduate programme vii) Transferred or exempted credits from a course may be allowed for 100
is C (Plain) or its equivalence in their final secondary school examination plus and 200 level courses and practicum from Daystar University.
a diploma of 2 years. viii) From other institutions, the student will be required to provide a transcript
and course syllabus to the University Registrar. If the syllabus is equivalent
in content to the course offered at Daystar University, then the student may
C) Exemptions be exempted.
Daystar University recognizes training that students have had prior to entering
the university and exemptions may be offered for specific courses upon A student may apply to challenge 300 and 400 level courses under
application. Students are advised to apply for exemptions in writing through the following conditions:
the University Registrar upon admission. Transcripts and course syllabi,
i) The student has taken an equivalent course and achieved a grade of at
application fee or other relevant documents must be provided with the
least B-.
ii) If the student challenges the course and receives a grade of B- or better
on the examination, exemption will be granted.
1. Definitions
Exemption or transfer of credits: When a student is exempted from a
course the credit hours for the exempted course will be counted toward the
total hours for graduation. The exempted course will be counted as having
www.daystar.ac.ke 15
C. Undergraduate and Diploma Programmes Regulations
1. Course Load iv. All grades below D will carry no credit and will be calculated as zero
grade point.
i. The normal class load for undergraduate students is 15 to 18 credit
hours or 5 to 6 courses per semester. With permission, students having v. Students will be allowed to repeat failed required major courses only
a cumulative GPA of over 3.40 can take a load up to 21 credits during twice except for the non-credit courses which can be repreated until
the semester and 15 credits during the short semester. The maximum the student attains a pass. After that the student will be discontinued.
load a student can take is 21 credit hours. Repeated courses will receive whatever grade the student achieves.
If the course failed twice is a general education course the student is
ii. A credit hour is equal to 15 one hour lectures per semester. allowed to take a course in his/ her major concentration or minor in its
Letter Grade
Marks Grade Points Significance 3. Incompletes
Per Credit
An Incomplete is given to a student who does not complete the semesters
91 100 A 4.0
work. The letter I may be awarded as a course grade, and it signifies that
81 90 A- 3.7 Superior the students work in that course is not complete and a regular grade will
76 80 B+ 3.3 not be assigned until it is completed. Incomplete grades are given only on
arrangement with the instructor and for valid, excusable reasons. A student
71 75 B 3.0 Average
must make up any incomplete work within six weeks after the end of the
66 70 B- 2.7 semester. If one does not do so, the incomplete grade will be changed to F.
61 65 C+ 2.3
56 60 C 2.0 4. Graduation Requirements
51 55 C- 1.7 Below Average
i. All undergraduate students must take and pass all the prescribed
46 50 D+ 1.3
General Education courses. The normal course combination would be:
41 45 D 1.0
General Education
40 and below F 0.0 Major
for Credit
Minor (if any)
Free or General Electives
16 www.daystar.ac.ke
ii. Specific graduation requirements for each degree programme will
be spelled out separately by each department. Minimum graduation
requirements for candidates taking a Major and Minor or Electives will Communication 160 - 166
be as specified by each department. Integrated Community Development 170
Psychology & counseling 161
Rural Development 172
iii. A few students may opt to take a double major combination.
Graduation requirements for candidates taking double majors will be as Applied Computer Science
Economics 180
Teaching Subjects (2) 141 - 142
Business Administration & Management 170 iv. A total of 42 upper division (300, 400, 500 level) credits must be
Marketing 170
Business Logistics 173 v. Graduation requirements for each major or minor are spelled out under
separate sections in the respective departments.
MIS 191 (-3)
Law vi. Each course is given credits which indicate the number of hours in class
per week for a 15-week semester. Each course is evaluated according
Business Administration & Management to the number of credits assigned to it. To attain a degree, the student
Marketing 167 must have accumulated the number of credit hours indicated for the
degree in the summary of ones academic programme spelled out by
Business Logistics 170 various departmental regulations.
MIS 182 187 vii. All diploma students must take and pass the prescribed course work and
Law the field project. The graduation requirement for each diploma major is
the completion of 60-65 credit hours under the following combinations:
Credit Hours for Diploma
Business Logistics 170
Common Core Courses 15
MIS 188
Required courses in the Major 30-35
Law 185
Courses 24-44
Bible Field Project 6
Integrated Community Development 165 Electives 12
Communication 160 TOTAL 60-65
English 152
Psychology & Counselling 157 A few students may opt to take a double concentration in COM. Graduation
requirements for candidates taking double major will be as follows:
Rural Development 165
www.daystar.ac.ke 17
A student must apply for the double concentration during his/her second or 8. Academic Discontinuation
third semester and be approved by the respective department.
A diploma or undergraduate student who obtains a Cumulative GPA of less
than 2.00 four times will be discontinued from his/her programme of study
5. Graduation Honours immediately.
Outstanding students are selected for graduation honours by a committee of
the heads of academic departments based on the following scales: i) Class Attendance
It is assumed that students will make the most of the educational opportunities
At least a 3.50 G.P.A Cum Laude (with Honours) available to them by regularly and punctually attending all class sessions.
At least a 3.70 G.P.A Magna Cum Laude (with High Honours) Students who miss 25% or more of class sessions will receive no credit (E
At least a 3.90 G.P.A Summa Cum Laude (with Highest Honours) grade) for the course. If a student must be absent from classes
for a very good reason, he/she must fill absence-from-class
forms which are obtained from the Office of Admissions and
6. Registration Records or University website, www.daystar.ac.ke.
All students are expected to pre-register for their next semester courses at
a period of time designated by the university. Each student should seek ii) Auditing of Courses (AU)
clearance to take particular courses from their advisors before they can A student may audit any course of his/her programme in this catalogue,
pre-register. so long as his/her presence as an auditing student follows the rule on
pre-requisite and does not displace someone taking the course for credit.
On receiving an invoice of registration, students should ensure that they
Enrolling for audit permits one to attend lectures and to participate in various
take their invoices to the finance department for registration clearance.
class activities, though no academic credit is earned for the experience.
Students should note that it is only when their invoices are stamped by
the finance department that they are considered to have been registered The lecturer may mark assignments submitted by the auditing student but is not
for their courses. This should be done within the period of time designated obligated to do so. Those not already admitted to the programme can only
for registration by the university, failure to which the student will not be audit courses if they satisfy the admission requirements. A half of the normal
considered registered for the semester. fee for the course is paid for any course that is audited.
18 www.daystar.ac.ke
l) Withdrawal AU Audit The student attends class but no grade is given.
If a student must, for some personal emergency, withdraw from a course
Incomplete: when the lack of a grade is not the fault of
after the deadline as specified above for routine changes has expired, I
the student.
he may do so only as long as two thirds (2/3) of the semester time
has not passed, but the students transcript will show their performance. Grade F is assigned when the student attempted all the
Withdrawals will be noted on the students transcript with WP work but did not achieve satisfactory marks.
(Withdrawing Passing) or WF (Withdrawing Failing), or W where no Failure due to attendance; the student did not attend
CAT has been done. depending on whether the student was passing more than 75% of the classes.
or failing at the time of withdrawal. A penalty fee will be charged as
R Practicum results are not complete
indicated under Refunds on page 3 of this Catalogue
The student missed the final exam due to sickness or
After two-thirds (2/3) of the time has passed, the student may not bereavement.
withdraw from any course, unless there is a pressing personal T Thesis in progress.
emergency or illness which requires it. The student will write to the W Withdrew
department head who will table the case to the Academic Board. This
WS Withdrew for suspension
must be approved by the Academic Board.
Suspended students receive WS (withdrew for suspension) WP Withdrew passing
WF Withdrew failing
m) Change of Academic Majors WT Due to job transfer.
Students who wish to change a major area of study must meet the The student attended class throughout but did not sit the
minimum entry requirements for the new major as specified in the X
final examination for an unknown reason
University Catalogue. Students from the Pre-University programme will
The student did not sit for the final exam due to inability
be required to have attained equivalent grades for specific subject entry Y
to pay fees.
requirements of the new major.
Z There is no record of the students attendance
Applications for change of major must be submitted to the Registrar, with
a copy to the Head of Department in which the student is registered, The codes E and Z will revert to an F if no action is taken by the student
during the first three academic years. The student must have or no explanation is forthcoming. X and Y will revert to W after two
completed a minimum 16 credit hours. Applications must be signed by the semesters.
Head of Department for the major the student is transfering to, and must be
accompanied by a receipt for a non-refundable fee of Kshs 500. Approval of S and R are treated as an incomplete until the results of the special
change of major will be communicated to the applicant by the Registrar with examination or practicum are completed.
copies to the two heads of the concerned departments. Likewise adding a
The reversion of the special codes will occur six weeks after the date
second major will be charged at Ksh 500.
the grades are released. However, the counting of weeks will start in
August for January Semester grades.
n) Transcripts
WT - the student will register the courses at no fee.
All grades for course work must be recorded on the transcript and averaged
into the grade point average. If a student fails a course (that is gets an F
o) University Examinations
grade) and retakes the course, the F grade will remain on the transcript but
University examinations shall be conducted at the end of every semester
will not carry any value. The student will be given the grade received after
in accordance with the University Statutes. Students are required to carry
re-taking the course. Other grades that a student may find in his/her transcript
their Student Exam cards and Identity cards to the examination room. No
examination will be administered outside the timetable.
www.daystar.ac.ke 19
p) Academic Dishonesty
In the event of an alleged examination irregularity, the same shall be reported the said committee shall then report the findings and recommendations of the
to the Dean of the School, who will consult with the Vice- Chancellor through committee to the Vice-Chancellor who, on behalf of the Senate, shall decide
DVC (Academic Affairs) and make an appropriate decision. Where the what further action may be necessary. Such action shall be reported to the
matter will require investigation, the Senate shall appoint a committee which Senate at its next meeting for ratification. Such disciplinary action taken shall be
shall investigate the alleged irregularity. Any person involved in the alleged in accordance with the procedures and regulations established by the Senate.
irregularity shall be required to appear before this committee. The Chairman of
3. Academic dishonesty (plagiarism): Presenting material copied from First offence: warning letter.
published literature (books, papers, newspapers, the Internet, etc.) without Second offence: Grade F for the course.
acknowledging the source of information. Postgraduate Thesis: Grade F for the thesis and start the thesis process over
on a new topic.
6. Class attendance Grade F, and a suspension for one year; Counseling by Daystar counselor
a. Signing the attendance record for another student. or Daystar approved counselor. A second offence results in discontinuation.
b. Signing the attendance record for a class that one did not attend.
8. Attempting to sit for an exam without an exam card and student Students will not be allowed to sit for the exam without a
identification card or another authenticated form of identification. valid exam card and identification.
Attending classes or sitting for exams without having officially registered and paid for it, is a non-academic offence and will result in disciplinary action.
20 www.daystar.ac.ke
q) Late Assignments and Examinations t) Remarking of Examinations
Each academic staff is asked to state in the course outline his/her policy A student who is dissatisfied with a grade obtained in a particular
concerning acceptance of late assignments and examinations in the course. examination may apply for remarking of the examination paper to the Head
Normally, such work can be made up only for good reason (e.g. serious of the Department in which the course was offered. The application should
illness, death in the immediate family, etc.) In no case will examinations be be made not later than two weeks after the release of the examination grades
given early. by the Registrars Office, except for the January semester when the appeal
can be made within the first two weeks of the following August semester.
r) Penalty Fee for Special Exams This application should give a valid justification for the request. The Head
A student who fails to sit for his/her final examinations as a result of fees of Department and members of Faculty will then review the case to see if
defaulting will be allowed to apply and sit for special examinations within remarking is warranted. If the request is approved, the applicant should
a period of one year, failure to which the student will receive a withdrawal present to the Head of Department a receipt for a non-refundable remarking
grade without the option of receiving a refund. Such a student will be fee of Kshs 2000. An examiner other than the one who initially marked the
expected to seek clearance to sit for the examination from the department script will remark the paper. The grade awarded after remarking of the paper
head. In addition the student will also be expected to first clear his/her will be final regardless of whether it is lower, higher or the same as the first
balance for the semester and pay a penalty fee of KShs. 500/= per course grade. The student may not request for a second remarking of the same
to qualify to sit for the examination which will be taken at the end of the script. The grade will be communicated to the student by the Registrar.
semester together with all other students who are taking the course in any
given semester. u) Deans List
A fees defaulter will not be allowed to register for the subsequent semesters The Deans List seeks to encourage academic excellence among diploma,
without clearing the fees for the semester in which they defaulted. undergraduate and postgraduate students in the University. Students who
obtain a GPA of 3.60 and above, based on at least 15 credit hours per
In cases where the course is not in offer in a particular semester, the student
semester, and postgraduate 12 credit hours with GPA of 3.75, will be placed
will be expected to take the examination the next time the course is offered as
on the Deans List for that semester.
long as it does not exceed a one-year period.
v) Additional Information
s) Application for Special Examination Further information on each programme or course is found in the complete
Students who miss their final examination with valid reasons will be expected filed syllabus in the Office of the Department Head.
to apply for special examinations, through their head of departments, within
a period of one year. Such students will be expected to also attach evidence
of the reason they missed their examinations for presentation to the university
v) Time Limit for Degree Work
Undergraduate programme must be completed within seven years from the
Senate. Students who have not met the 75% class attendance mark and those
time of admission into the programme. Extensions of time maybe granted
whose reasons are not convincing enough to the university will not have their
by the senate only for good reason; upon application throught the dean of
applications approved and thus will be expected to retake the entire course if
respective school.
it is a required course.
www.daystar.ac.ke 21
D. General Regulations for Postgraduate
Common Regulations
2. Course Load
1. Admission Requirements i. The normal class load for full time postgraduate students is between
12 (MA) and 15 (MBA) credit hours per semester. No student will be
1. i) Direct Entry: permitted to enroll for more than 15 credit hours (exclusive of thesis) of
Entry requirement to the postgraduate shall be possession of an course work in any semester.
undergraduate degree from an accredited institution of higher learning, with
ii. A student whose cumulative grade point average falls below 3.00
a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.75 (on a 4.00 scale), or a
will be required to enroll for fewer credits than normal until his/her
degree awarded with first class or upper second class honours. Those with
cumulative grade point average rises to the minimum of 3.00.
GPA of 2.50 or lower second class honours and Higher National Diploma,
and have relevant experience may be considered if the degree or diploma is
22 www.daystar.ac.ke
3. Probation and Discontinuation a. A course receiving an F grade must be repeated in order to receive
i. Each student working towards the M.A, MBA or MTh degree must
maintain a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.00 throughout b. Students will be allowed to repeat failed courses only twice.
his/her programme. He/She must have achieved a final minimum
c. Courses which are required but carry no credit are not used in
grade point average of 3.00 in order to graduate. This is also true for
calculating the grade point average but the grade will be shown on the
ii. A student is placed on academic probation at the conclusion of any
d. The grade point average (GPA) for a student is obtained by dividing the
semester in which his or her cumulative grade point average falls below
total number of credits attempted into the total number of grade points
obtained. The total grade points is the sum of the product of the course
iii. Action will be initiated by the respective Deans office to help the student grade point and the course credit hours.
on probation to overcome his/her academic problems, and will include
a restriction on total course load permitted in any given semester.
6. Graduation Requirements
4. Special Students Each student will satisfy the requirements specified in the departmental special
Only persons who are eligible for admission into particular programmes can regulations for his/her degree programme.
enroll as special students (ie students taking courses but are not admitted
to the programme). Such students will be enrolled for a maximum of one
academic year only. Students who wish to continue beyond this period must 7. Class Attendance
apply for admission into the regular programmes. It is assumed that students will make the most of the educational opportunities
available to them by regularly and punctually attending all class sessions.
Students who miss more than 25% of class sessions will receive no credit for
5. Student Assessment the course. If a student must be absent from classes for a very good reason,
he/she must fill absence-from-class forms which are obtained from the office
i. Continuous assessment shall be part of each students evaluation
of Admission and Records. These forms must be filled in triplicate and copies
throughout the degree programme. Tests, assignments, term papers,
filed with the lecturer, the HOD and the Dean.
practical work, etc., will be included in the calculation of each students
final mark for a given course.
ii. In addition to the continuous assessment, a final examination shall be 8. Auditing of Courses
administered at the end of each semester and the marks scored will A student may audit any course in this catalogue, as long as his/her
be added to the continuous assessment in accordance with the special presence as an auditor does not displace someone taking the course
regulations for each major or concentration. for credit. Enrolling for audit permits him/her to attend lectures and to
participate in various class activities, but no academic credit is earned for the
iii. For each course the student is given a letter grade, which has the
experience. The instructor may mark assignments submitted by the auditor but
following significance:
is not obligated to do so. For a person to audit a postgraduate course, he/
she must satisfy the requirements
Marks Letter Grade Grade Point Significance for admission to postgraduate studies and the special pre-requisites of the
course. No student is allowed to audit required course in his/
91 - 100 A 4.0
her programme.
81 - 90 A- 3.7 Superior
76 - 80 B+ 3.3
71 - 75 B 3.0 Average 9. Course Numbering
Only courses carrying a number of 600 or above following the subject prefix
66 - 70 B- 2.7
(e.g. GRA 611) gain postgraduate credits for the student completing them.
61 - 65 C+ 2.3 For PhD the number is 800.
56 - 60 C 2.0 Below Average
55 & below F 0.0 Fail
www.daystar.ac.ke 23
10. Adding or Dropping of Courses of the said committee shall then report the findings and the recommendations
of the committee to the Vice-Chancellor who on behalf of the Senate shall
a. Students may add or drop courses from their schedules without decide what further action may be necessary. Such action shall be reported
financial penalty during the first week of a course that runs for a full to the Senate at its next meeting for ratification. Such disciplinary action taken
semester. shall be in accordance with the procedures and regulations established by
b. The last day to add a course is the last working day of the second week the Senate.
after returning students have reported.
c. Such changes are not allowed during the June-August semester except
15. Time Limit for Degree Work
in cases of emergency approved by the School Board.
Work for the Master of Arts or degree normally must be completed within
five (5) years from the time of admission into the programme. Extensions of
11. Withdrawal time may be granted by the Senate only for good reason, upon application
a. If a student must, for some personal emergency, withdraw from a course through the Dean of respective school. No extensions can be granted
after the deadline for routine changes has expired, he/she may do so beyond seven (7) years from the beginning of course work
only as long as two-thirds (2/3) of the course has not passed, but the for the degree. A student must be fully registered in the semester he/she
students transcript will show his/her performance. plans to graduate. A fee of one credit equivalent to be paid for continous
registration as they work on thesis.
Withdrawals will be noted by WP (Withdrawing Passing) or WF
(Withdrawing Failing) depending on whether the student was passing or
failing at the time of withdrawal.
16. Late Assignments
b. After 2/3 of the course has passed, the student may not withdraw from
any course, unless there is a pressing personal emergency or illness that Each faculty member is asked to state in the course outline his/her policy
requires it. Then he/she must petition to the School Board to do so. concerning acceptance of late assignments in the course. Normally, such
work can be made up only for good reasons (e.g. serious illness, death in the
immediate family, transfer out of job station at time of exam). IN NO CASE
WILL EXAMINATIONS BE GIVEN EARLY. If circumstances warrant, they may
12. Transcripts
be given late and the student may be charged a grade penalty and/or a late
All grades for course work must be recorded on the students transcript and
examination fee.
averaged into the grade point average (except those courses carrying no
credit are not calculated into the cumulative grade point average). If a
student fails a course and retakes the course, the F grade will remain on the
transcript, but the new grade, will be averaged in the grade point average 17. Additional Information
in place of the old one. A failed course can be retaken only twice. More information on each programme or course is found in the complete
syllabus on file in the office of the Department Head. Core Course for MA
Communication, Christian Ministries, Counselling, Child Development.
13. University Examinations
BIL 615 Biblical Foundations 2
University examinations shall be conducted at the end of every semester over
Principles and Processes of Communication and
course work taught in that semester. INS 612 3*
GRW 611 Graduate Research & Writing I 2
14. Academic Dishonesty GRW 613 Graduate Research & Writing II 2
In the event of an alleged examination irregularity, the same shall be reported SUBTOTAL 9
to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs) who will consult with the
Chairman of the Senate and make an appropriate decision. Where the Students who have obtained an undergraduate degree from
matter will require investigation, the Senate shall appoint a committee that Daystar are not required to take INS 612 and should replace
shall investigate the alleged irregularity. Any person involved in the alleged it with a second optional course from their chosen or another
irregularity shall be required to appear before this committee. The Chairman concentration.
24 www.daystar.ac.ke
www.daystar.ac.ke 25
Admission Requirements Financial Information
Students intending to join this programme can begin in August, May or The cost of tuition for the programme is Kshs. 66,150 (refer to pg 4)
January in Nairobi and Athi River, Campuses. Applications are due at least This is subject to change.
one month before the start date.
Academic Probation
Any student who does not achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.50 at the end
Benefits of the Pre-University Programme
of the semester will not secure admission to the undergraduate degree
1. Holistic Education The Pre-university programme at Daystar moulds programme. However, all students who complete the programme will receive
students to be good servant-leaders by taking care of the academic, a certificate of attendance.
spiritual, and moral character of its students. A student failing to achieve the required GPA of 2.50 after the semester may
2. Credit Transfer Up to five credit-hours are transferred to the choose to repeat the entire programme or move to Diploma programme if the
undergraduate programme on admission
GPA is at least 1.80. It is not permitted to repeat individual courses.
3. Students who have gone through the Pre-university programme
successfully are admitted into the degree programme of their choice in
Daystar University if they meet the departmental requirements. Examination
4. The Pre-university graduates from Daystar University are also admitted
into other private universities and can also join parallel programmes of Students are examined in all the courses taken during each semester.
the public universities.
5. Daystar pre-university graduates are admissible to overseas universities Exemptions and Transfer of Credits
especially in countries such as USA and Britain.
A student who is admitted to the undergraduate degree programme in
Daystar Universityand obtains a grade of C or better in BIO 092 will be
exempted from BIO 111 in the undergraduate degree programme.
Admission to the Undergraduate Degree
Undergraduate Degree
On completion of the programme, the student may be admitted to the Pre-university Course Credit Hours
undergraduate degree programme if he or she meets the following conditions.
BILL 111 OT Introduction &
BIL-093 Bible Survey 3
1. Obtained an overall (cumulative) GPA of 2.50 or better with the BIO-092 Bioscience BIO 111 Biology 2
following additional, minimum requirements:
Commerce: Average GPA of 2.50 for the two math courses
Communication: Average GPA of 2.50 for the two language courses
26 www.daystar.ac.ke
Pre-University Curriculum
www.daystar.ac.ke 27
Course Descriptions
COM 092 Communication & Study Skills 2 Credits TRI092 Trigonometry 2 Credits
Introduction to campus life; critical thinking skills; time management; listening Trigonometric ratios: angle measurement, definition of trigonometric ratios
and note taking; understanding text; reading and studying strategies; library (sine, cosine, tangent), basic identities, special angles of ; applications: right
and research skills; the communication process; the research paper; small triangles, bearings; unit circle: trigonometric functions; sine rule, cosine rule.
group discussion; pubic speaking; test preparation; memory techniques.
28 www.daystar.ac.ke
The school of Arts and Humanities seeks to promote academic excellence and holistic transformation for the development of humanity and society. It fosters
critical thinking, transformative learning, research and creativity through relevant academic programs in a collegial environment. It comprises; the Department
of Theology and Biblical Studies, Education and Peace & International Studies.
www.daystar.ac.ke 29
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical & c. Marks for CHM 507 Christian Ministries Practicum and Senior Project
will be derived 60% from written assignments related to the project/
Religious Studies practicum and 40% from final assessment by an on-site supervisor
The growing number of of Christians in Africa has out paced the leadership approved by the Department and the students teaching staff advisor at
capacity in Churches and Christian Organizations. The Bible major exists to the University.
meet that need by providing training, primarily in biblical studies, for those
involved in Christian ministry, for those preparing for further training at the
Requirements for Graduation
masters level, for those preparing to teach Christian Religious Education in
secondary schools, and for those preparing for work outside of professional A Biblical and Religious Studies major student must complete 48 credit
Christian ministry but who desire a firm biblical background. The programme hours within the major. These hours (in addition to required credits in general
also requires studies in church history, world religions, and ethics so that education, the minor and general electives) must be completed according to
students may think intelligently about their faith in the context of its history, the following schedule:
the religious world around it, and its application to contemporary issues.
Credit Hours
Specifically, the goals of the major are:
General Education 51
1. To equip students for involvement in full-time Christian ministry. Bible courses: Required Courses 30
2. To give students, who plan to work with non-Christian organizations, Bible Electives 18
a strong biblical background. Minor 18-22
3. To enable students to supplement other majors with a strong biblical Free Electives 12-8
studies background. TOTAL 129
30 www.daystar.ac.ke
Nine (9) Credit Hours from the following: Minor in Bible
BIL 213 Wisdom Literature 3
BIL 216 General Epistles 3
The Bible minor exists to provide introductory training, primarily in Biblical
BIL 217 Apocalyptic Literature 3
studies, for those involved in Christian ministry and for those preparing for
BIL 312 Hermeneutics 3 work outside of professional Christian ministry but who desire a firm biblical
BIL 340 Gospel of John 3 background. Courses in BIL make up the core of the minor, but students may
BIL 408 Topics in Biblical Studies 3 take other courses in the department in order to fulfill the elective requirements.
www.daystar.ac.ke 31
Christian Ministries Minor BACHELOR OF THEOLOGY
The Christian Ministries minor seeks to provide students with an introductory
understanding of the ministry needs and opportunities confronting the church Pastors in the 21st century need specialized training in order to be equipped
today. In addition, the programme provides opportunity for assessment of to minister in the contemporary African context because African societies
individual gifts and abilities for ministry as well as introductory training for lay have experienced, and continue to experience, dramatic changes for which
ministry in the church. pastors need to be prepared. These include, without being limited to:
1. The influence of urbanization.
Admission and Student Assessment 2. The more educated and modernized church member.
Regulations for Admission and Student Assessment are the same as those for 3. The false teaching and doctrinal heresies propagated in some churches.
the Bible major.
4. The new phenomena of mega churches and their unique needs.
Requirements for Graduation 5. The social political and social economic challenges that face Christians
A Christian Ministries minor must complete 19 credit hours determined in the
following manner:
There are more Christians and churches in Africa than ever before. The
Required courses 10 existing churches are growing even larger in terms of membership. Yet many
Elective courses 9 of the pastors are not adequately trained to address such changes.
The Bachelor of Theology degree programme at Daystar University will
provide the specialized training needed for those preparing for pastoral
Required Courses Credit Hours ministry for church related work (chaplains, counsellors, youth pastors), to be
CHM 221 Introduction to Christian Ministries 4 scholars / theologians or for those preparing for further training in pastoral
ministry for example Master of Divinity degree.
CHM 323 Evangelism and Church Growth 3
CHM 324 Discipleship and Group Bible Study 3 Daystar Universitys B.Th. Programme will be different from those of other
32 www.daystar.ac.ke
institutions that offer the same degree because the liberal arts programme Student Assessment Policy
will provide students with a broad-based knowledge of the world around
them through the required General Education courses. The training will be Students will be assessed through continuous assessment tests accounting for
practical and interdenominational because most of the faculty in the Biblical & 30% of the final grade. Students will take an End-of-Semester Examination
Religious Studies department are either pastors or leaders in a variety of local accounting for 70% of the final grade. Students will participate in field trips
churches. The programme will also be unique because of the institutions and be required to write reflection papers whose grade will be in-built in the
accreditation status and because the programme is designed to train, not just continuous assessment tests (30%).
pastors, but also scholars / theologians.
Students will also be required to undertake a supervised internship whose
As society moves into the post-modern age, Christianity in Africa is leading grading will consist of 60% awarded for a written report and 40% for field
the way in preserving the spiritual dimension of the human being, which evaluation. Alternatively, a student may write a senior project paper and
the North has nearly lost to the age of science and reason. God is still submit three bound copies to be distributed as follows:
very much alive in Africa. Most Christians in Africa believe the Bible is the 1. to the University Library,
authoritative Word of God, respect it and follow it. In the last 100 years 2. to the host department and;
the church has grown faster in Africa than anywhere else in the world. As
a consequence, the shift of the centre of gravity of Christianity seems to be 3. to the student respectively.
moving from North to South.
African theologians are now faced with the monumental task of carrying
the theological mantle and have only just begun to scratch the surface
Requirements for Graduation
in discovering their deep theological and philosophical roots. Trained To graduate with a Bachelor of Theology a student must meet the following:
theologians are needed now, more than ever before, to fulfil this urgent
Credit Hour combinations Hours
General Education Required Courses 34 Hours
The B.Th. programme will contain a solid core of required courses in both Bachelor of Theology Required Courses 90 Hours
academic and professional subjects, as well as an internship supervised by a Electives in Bachelor of Theology 9 Hours
full time pastor.
TOTAL 133 Hours
Admission Requirements
General Education Course Requirements
Applicants seeking admission into the programme must satisfy the following:
be born-again Christians Course Code/ Course Title Hours
be proficient in the English language, and Either ART 111, LIT 111 or MUS 111
Art in Africa or Music in Africa or Appreciation of 2
satisfy any of the following minimum requirements: Literature
Direct entrants: ACS 101 Basic Computer Knowledge 2
Be a holder of Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) ACC 111 Financial Accounting 3
with a minimum aggregate of C+ (Plus) or its equivalent Examination
ENG 111 Advanced Reading 3
Certificate. In addition, a prospective applicant must have obtained a
B-(minus) in either History or Christian Religious Education (CRE) in the ENV 111 Environmental Science 2
Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education or its Equivalent Examination ENG 112 Advanced Writing 3
HPE 113 Health and Physical Fitness 1
Mature entrants: INS 111 Communication and Culture 1 3
Must be 23 years of age on the 1st of January of the year in which
INS 112 Communication and Culture 2 3
admission is sought.
INS 212 African Societies and Traditional Religion 2
Graduates of Daystar
INS 313 Historical Foundations of the Modern World 3
Diploma or Pre-University programme who have attained a GPA of
2.50 in a scale of 4.0 INS 412 Development of Modern Africa and Christian
PHL111 Introduction to Philosophy 3
POL 111 Introduction to Political Science 1
Total 46
www.daystar.ac.ke 33
Bachelor of Theology Required Courses Electives (students to choose any 3 courses)
GRE 441 New Testament Greek Exegesis 3
Required Courses Credit Hours
BIL 213 Wisdom Literature 3
BIL 111 O.T Introduction and Survey 3
BIL 216 General Epistles 3
BIL 112 N.T Introduction and Survey 3
BIL 217 Apocalyptic Literature 3
BIL 212 Introduction to Bible Doctrines 2
BIL 340 Gospel of John 3
BIL 312 Hermeneutics 3
CHM 221 Introduction to Christian Ministries 3
BIL 332 Hebrew Prophets 3
CHM 321 Theology of Missions 3
BIL 342 Synoptic Gospels 3
CHM 324 Discipleship and Group Bible Study Methods 3
BIL 432 Pentateuch 3
CHM 325 Christian Social Ethics 3
BIL 443 Romans 3
CHM 422 Christian Ministry in the Urban Setting 3
CHM 223 Introduction to Counseling 3
COM 223 Public Speaking 3
CHM 322 Worship in Africa 3
CHM 326 Homiletics 3 In addition to the course requirements and credit hour combination a student
CHM 327 Evangelism and Discipleship 3 in Bachelor of Theology shall be required to choose between writing a Senior
Project accounting for 3 hours and in accordance with Daystar requirements
CHM 328 Church Administration 3
for senior projects or to undergo a two-and-half month internship between the
CHM 432 Theology and Development 3 months of May and August during their third year of study.
ETH 201 Introduction to Ethics 3
RET 221 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry 3
RET 231 Comparative World Religions 3 1st Year
RET 240 Introduction to African Philosophy & Religion 3 First Semester Hours Second Semester Hours
RET 320 Christianity and Islam in Africa 2 ACS 101 2 POL 111 1
RET 321 Studying Theology in the African context 2 INS 111 3 BIL 112 3
RET 332 Research Methods in Theology 2 BIL 111 3 INS 112 3
RET 333 History of Christianity up to 1500 C.E 3 ACC 111 3 ENV 111 2
RET 334 History of Christianity from 1500 C.E 3 ENG 098 OR 111 3 ENG 112 3
RET 335 African Philosophy and Religion 3 ART 111 OR MUS 2 ETH 201 3
RET 409 Denominational History, Doctrine and Policy 3 111 OR LIT 111
RET 421 God and his Kingdom (Systematic Theology 1) 3 MAT 102 2 HPE 113
RET 422 Christ and Redemption (Systematic Theology 2) 3 TOTAL 18 TOTAL 16
RET 423 Holy Spirit and the Church (Systematic
Theology 3) 2nd Year
RET 507 Practicum in Christian Ministries (Internship) 4 First Semester Hours Second Semester Hours
GRE 341 Introduction to N.T Greek 3 INS 212 2 CHM 223 3
GRE 342 New Testament Greek 3 RET 221 3 BIL 213 3
Total 90 CHM 221 3 BIL 312 3
BIL 212 2 RET 320 2
RET 231 3 CHM 322 3
RET 240 3 RET 321 2
34 www.daystar.ac.ke
Courses BIL 408 Topics in Biblical Studies 3
BIL 433 Biblical Theology of the Old Testament or
General Education Courses Credits BIL 434 Biblical Theology of the New Testament
ENG 098 Basic English or ENG 111 Advanced Reading 3 BIL 520 Senior Paper 2
ICA 100 Study Skills 1 CHM 223 Introduction to Counselling 3
MAT 102 Basic Maths or MAT 111 Mathematics 3 CHM 322 Worship in Africa 3
ACS 111 Introduction to Programming 2 CHM 325 Christian Social Ethics 3
ART 111 Art in Africa or MUS 111 Music in Africa 3 CHM 326 Homiletics 3
BIO 111 Biology 2 CHM 327 Evangelism and Discipleship 3
BIL 111 Old Testament Introduction and Survey 3 CHM 328 Church Administration 3
ENV 111 Environmental Science 2 CHM 423n Applied Theology in the Local Community 3
INS 111 Communication and Culture I 3 CHM 432 The Church and Holistic Development 3
PHL 111 Introduction to Philosophy 3 ETH 201 Introduction to Ethics 3
POL 111 Introduction to Political Science 1 RET 221 Introduction to Pastoral Ministry 3
BIL 112 New Testament Introduction and Survey 3 RET 231 Comparative World Religions 3
ENG 112 Advanced Writing or RET 240 Introduction to African Philosophy and Religion 3
ENG 111 Advanced Reading RET 332 Research Methods in Theology 3
INS 112 Communication and Culture II 3 RET 333 History of Christianity up to 1500 C.E. 3
PHY 112 Physical Science 2 RET 334 History of Christianity from 1500 C.E. 3
HPE 113 Health and Physical Fitness 1 RET 408 Special Topics: Denominational History, Doctrine
BIL 212 Introduction to Bible Doctrine 2 and Polity
INS 212 African Traditional Societies 2 RET 421 God and His Kingdom (Systematic Theology I) 3
INS 313 Historical Foundations of the Modern World 3 RET 422 Christ and Redemption (Systematic Theology II) 3
RET 320 Christianity and Islam in Africa 2 RET 423 Holy Spirit and the Church (Systematic Theology III) 3
RET 321 Studying Theology in the African Context 2 RET 432 African Christian Theology and Theologians 3
INS 412 Development of Modern Africa & Christian Values 3 RET 507 Pastoral Internship 4
Total 52 Total 86
Required Courses Requirements for Graduation
English Bible Emphasis New Testament Greek Emphasis
A Bachelor of Theology degree student must complete 98 hours within the
GRE 341 Introduction to programme. These hours (in addition to required credits in General Education
BIL 332 Hebrew Prophets 3
N. T. Greek and general electives) must be completed according to the following schedule.
GRE 342 New Testament
BIL 342 Synoptic Gospels 3
Greek General Education 52
GRE 441 N. T. Greek B. Th. Required Courses
BIL 432 Pentateuch 3
Exegesis Courses 82
BIL 332 Hebrew Prophets or Electives 8
BIL 443 Romans 3
BIL 432 Pentateuch
Research Methods 4
BIL 222 History of Biblical Interpretation 3
BIL 312 Hermeneutics 3
www.daystar.ac.ke 35
Course Descriptions BIL 408 TOPICS IN BIBLICAL STUDIES 3 Credits
Course content will be defined for each offering of the course as is appropriate
for the subject matter covered. Pre-requisite: Three credits of BIL at 300 levels.
36 www.daystar.ac.ke
A theology of preaching; Preaching in the Bible, preaching in the history of the The present and imperfect middle and passive verbs, the present imperative
church, preaching in the modern world; The role of preaching in the weekly and infinitive, the uses of the infinitive, the future active, the future and aorist of
life of the Christian leader, Basic speech principles; vocal processes, volume, liquid verbs, and the active the middle first and second aorist; The relationship
grammar, figures of speech, sermon length, gestures, audience; methods of of noun case and time, third declension nouns, and the use of prepositions with
presentation; Manuscript, memorization, impromptu, extemporaneous, outline, specific cases; The relative, personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative, and
without notes; Mechanics of preparation; importance of preparation, sources indefinite pronouns; In addition, The uses of the conjunction/particle oti, and
for materials/ideas, planning, methods, files, illustrations, choosing a text, the use of the verbs dunamai and ginomai; Basic vocabulary. Prerequisite:
pre-testing; Types of sermons; topical, topical textual, textual expository; GRE 341.
Components of a sermon; Introduction, body, illustrations, application;
conclusion; Contexts of a sermon: pastoral, didactic, evangelistic. GRE 441 NEW TESTAMENT GREEK EXEGESIS 3 Credits
Adjectives and pronouns of the first and third declensions, comparative
CHM 327 EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP 3 Credits adjectives, the formation of adverbs, the perfect and pluperfect tenses, aorist
Definition of evangelism; Biblical basis for evangelism; methods and types of and future passives, participles, the genitive absolute, the subjunctive mood,
evangelism, including mass, person-to-person, friendship, life-style, community, and types of conditional sentences; Sight reading and prepared reading of
etc; principles of effective evangelism; definition of disciple and discipleship; selected passages in the Greek New Testament; Basic tools of Greek exegesis;
contextualized discipleship methods applicable to the African context Basic principles of exegesis including: the need for the principles of textual
(discipleship patterns of Jesus and the early church); principles and methods of criticism, diagramming sentences, principles of word study, and grammatical
effective discipleship; design of an effective discipleship program for a local study. Prerequisites: GRE 341 and GRE 342.
CHM 328 CHURCH ADMINISTRATION 3 Credits The theology of pastoral ministry; The pastor and spiritual life; Principles and
The church as an organization: its uniqueness, theological basis for ministry; practices of pastoral administration; Spiritual gifts in the ministry; Mission of
personnel management: purpose, call to ministry, personal spiritual formation, the church; Goal-setting and planning; Leadership development: equipping
responsibility to ministry, time management; leadership: approaches and the lay people for ministry and mission; Worship: planning and leadership,
theories to leadership, leadership styles, essential qualities of leadership, stewardship; The dynamics of small groups, compassion ministries of the
the art of delegation; conflict management; the risks of leadership; church church; Music styles, Other practical matters of ministry (e.g., hospital and
home visits, naming ceremonies, fund raising functions, weddings, funerals).
management: church projects, planning, implementation, monitoring,
evaluation, goal setting, action plans, group planning techniques, planning
tools; personnel management: concepts of personnel management, job
Definition of religion; The variety of religions and their followers in Africa; The
analysis; financial management: book-keeping, report / proposal writing,
concept of God in various religious view-points; Basic beliefs of various religions
budgeting, fundraising, stewardship.
compared; Basic beliefs of various religions contrasted; Basic practices of
various religions contrasted; How to approach the study of religion; A Christian
CHM 423 APPLIED THEOLOGY IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY 3 Credits perspective on other world religions; The effects science and secularism have
The movements, trends and leaders of contemporary Christianity in Africa, on world religions.
the needs within the society with special focus on urban communities.
Anthropological and sociological insights and tools for research are explored. RET 240 INTRODUCTION TO AFRICAN 3 Credits
ETH 201 INTRODUCTION TO ETHICS 3 Credits Introduction to African philosophy and religion shall include such themes
The course will cover various theories of ethics; religious ethical systems: as contents of African philosophy; various types of African philosophy; the
Hindu ethics, Islamic ethics, Buddhist ethics; philosophers of the classical development of African philosophy and religion; pre-colonial, colonial and
period: Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Epicureans, Stoics; patristic and medieval post-colonial; various tools of doing African philosophy; African philosophy
period of Christianity: early church, Augustine, Aquinas; modern period: British of religion; African socio-political thought systems; the problem of evil and
hedonism, intuitionism, natural law, the categorical imperative, utilitarianism,
relativism; Christian ethics: Decalogue, Christ and the law, the new covenant,
the Sermon on the Mount, Christian liberty and the law of love.
The course will include various research methods i.e. data collection, sampling,
GRE 341 INTRODUCTION TO NEW TESTAMENT GREEK 3 Credits hypothesis formation, data analysis and research report writing. Pre-requisites:
The course will cover basic introductory elements of New Testament Greek INS 112 and Eng 112.
including alphabet; present and imperfect tenses of regular and -ew eimi
verbs, including the verb eimi; noun cases; first and second noun declensions; RET 333 HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY UP TO 1500 C.E. 3 Credits
the definite article; the use of the adjectives and demonstratives; and basic Introduction to the study of Church History: what is Church history, major
vocabulary. schools of interpretation, why study Church History, the organization of the
www.daystar.ac.ke 37
study of Church History; Background to the Church: political, economic, (SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY III)
religious, Social; The five crises of the early church: leadership, the Gentile The person and work of the Holy Spirit; The Holy Spirit and mission of the
question, heresy, persecutions, organization; Persecutions to 313; The Church church; The Holy Spirit in the first 20 centuries since Pentecost; The role
in Egypt and North Africa; Apologists, Church Fathers; Monasticism and the of the Holy Spirit in the various revivals (e.g. The East African revival, the
papacy; Heresy: its rise, consequences and effects on the church; Church- Great Awakening of America 18th C.); The role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual
State relations: Church and Empire, Constantine, Byzantine Emperors, Goths; disciplines (e.g. prayer, fasting); The Holy Spirit and his gifts to the Church; The
Christian missions and the Crusades; The Medieval Church. Holy Spirit and the ministry of deliverance; The 20th - 21st Century Pentecostal
movements; Cultic deviations and erroneous teachings about the Holy Spirit.
RET 334 HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY FROM 1500 C.E. 3 Credits Prerequisites: RET 318 and RET 319.
Introduction to the study of Church History; What is Church History, major
schools of interpretation, Why study Church History, the organization of the RET 507 PASTORAL INTERNSHIP 3 Credits
study of Church History; Backgrounds to the Reformation; The Medieval Church: To be taken during third year; The student will participate in the usual pastoral
ripe for reform; The Reformation: Issues and thinkers; The Reformation: social responsibilities in a church: conducting church services, administration,
and political events and institutions; The Reformation and Christian mission; The preaching, visiting, teaching, etc.; Visitation of the site: supervisor will visit the
Counter Reformation; The Church and the new world; Revivals of the 18th and students internship site (church) from time to time for the purpose of observation
19th centuries; The Church and Rationalism; The Church and colonialism; The and meeting with the on-site supervisor (pastor). At the end of the term the
Church in nationalist Africa. Prerequisite: RET 333. student will submit a summary term paper of 35 pages which should encompass
an overview of the internship experience as well as a weaving in of selected
RET 408 SPECIAL TOPICS IN DENOMINATIONAL HISTORY, 3 Credits readings. The paper should focus on the consistencies between theory and
DOCTRINE AND POLITY practice. Prerequisites: CHM 223, CHM 326 and CHM 423.
Exploration of the rich heritage of the students own church denomination.
Visiting denominational leaders will supply the appropriate course descriptions.
Although topics offered under this course number will vary depending on
student need, topics will include, without being limited to, the following:
a. Anglican (ACK) Church history, doctrine and polity.
b. Presbyterian (PCEA) Church history, doctrine and polity.
c. Baptist Church history, doctrine and polity.
d. Methodist Church history, doctrine and polity.
e. Lutheran Church history, doctrine and polity.
f. Mennonite Church history, doctrine and polity.
g. African Inland Church (AIC) history, doctrine and polity.
h. Assemblies of God (PAG / KAG) Church history, doctrine and polity.
i. Redeemed Gospel Church history, doctrine and polity.
j. Deliverance Church history, doctrine and polity.
38 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Descriptions of Elective Courses CHM 221 INTRODUCTION TO CHRISTIAN MINISTRIES 3 Credits
The biblical foundations for the manifestation and ministry of the church;
BIL 213 WISDOM LITERATURE 3 Credits The scope of Christian education (its definition and objectives); The biblical
General introduction and definitions of major terms and concepts for the study basis for Christian education; The historical development of Christian
of Wisdom Literature; The authorship, historical background, content, purpose, education; The theological and philosophical bases of Christian education;
of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Song of Solomon, Ecclesiastes, and Lamentations; The psychological bases of Christian education; The sociological bases of
Characteristics of Hebrew poetry; The history of interpretation of this literature, Christian education; Principles of curriculum development; Methods and media
including its setting and function in ancient Israel; Principles for interpreting this in Christian education; Christian education of children, youth and adults; The
literature, including application principles for each of the books studied. organizational structure of Christian education; Educational administration and
supervision; Professional church leadership in Christian education; Teacher and
BIL 216 GENERAL EPISTLES 3 Credits leadership training; Problems in the educational ministry of the African church;
For each letter studied, the course will cover the following material: Principles Contemporary perspectives in Christian education; Para-church vocations in
of exegesis for epistolary literature applied to the contents of the letter will Christian education.
comprise the major content of the course; Major Greco-Roman epistolary and
rhetorical features reflected in the letter and their significance for determining a CHM 321 THEOLOGY OF MISSIONS 3 Credits
letters purpose and message; Major scholarly proposals regarding the purpose O.T. Theology of missions; N.T. Theology of missions; Theologies of missions
and structure of each letter, and an evaluation of each; Major features of first as practiced in church history; Contemporary theologies of missions; Theology
century Judaism which shape the ideological context of both the writers of of missions as primarily evangelism; Theology of missions as primarily
the letter and the early church, and the influence of this context on the key fulfilment; Theology of missions as mutual assistance of local churches; A
theological themes in the letter. theology of mission for African churches reaching to other churches.
Principles of exegesis for apocalyptic literature and their application to the Definition of curriculum, curriculum design, goals, objectives and related
content of such literature found in the Bible will comprise the major content concepts; Aims of church education; Schools of philosophical thought;
of the course; Scholarly discussion of: the origin, rise, and demise of Psychological bases for curriculum decisions; Domains of learning; Organizing
apocalyptic literature; The definition of apocalypse, apocalyptic eschatology, subject content; Lesson planning; Selecting learning experiences; Assessment
and apocalyptic imagery; Possible social settings, functions, and purposes of and evaluation; Curriculum unit development.
apocalyptic literature; The historical setting, major themes, purpose and function
of the biblical apocalyptic writings; The history of the interpretation of biblical CHM 411 CHURCH MUSIC 3 Credits
apocalyptic writings, with particular emphasis on contemporary interpretations Introduction to course, logical fallacies, the infinite variety of music, meaning
and an evaluation of the same. in music; Philosophies of music ministry, foundations in worship, textual
considerations, matching of texts and tunes; Worship models, service planning
BIL 280 WAR AND PEACE IN THE BIBLE 3 Credits continuums in worship, hymns, congregational singing; Choir ministry, historical
An historical survey of the biblical themes of war, shalom/peace, servanthood, overview of church music, psychological considerations in worship; Music for
love of the enemy, justice, righteousness; Old Testament language and thought evangelism, the Engel scale, history of witness music; Popular music styles, the
about war and shalom; The underlying theology of Israels war stories; War secular/sacred debate, music for discipleship; History and issues in African
stories as confessions of faith in Yahweh and Yahwehs universal rule; Jesus church music, summary.
teaching on non-existence; The relationship between shalom of the Old
Testament and peace of the New Testament. CHM 422 CHRISTIAN MINISTRY IN THE URBAN SETTING 3 Credits
Biblical foundations: Old Testament lessons Jonah, Jeremiah, Nehemiah;
BIL 340 GOSPEL OF JOHN 3 Credits New Testament lessons Barnabas, Paul; The nature of urbanization in
Principles of exegesis applied to the content of the Gospel of John will comprise Africa: its growth and expansion, its patterns, implications for ministry; A case
the majority of the content of the course; The history of interpretation of the study Nairobi: the context of the church, an overview of the churches,
Fourth Gospel, including various interpretative methodologies and proposals denominations, locations, attendance, characteristics of attendees, leaders,
for the historical/ideological setting of its origin; Major themes and structural church activity, church growth; The task: the need for new models; The Poor of
features in the gospel; The comparison of John with the Synoptic Gospels; the City: housing, stratification, possessions, nutrition, employment, economics,
Application of the message of the Fourth Gospel to contemporary life. social dynamics, self-perception and class perception; Tools for evaluating
ministry: Evaluative research, research instruments, field methodologies; Models
BIL 496 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN THE BIBLE 3 Credits of Ministry: evangelism and mission models, church-planting modelsWestern
The content for each study will vary depending upon the topics chosen. A mission, African evangelical, African independent; Church edification
student must have written approval from the Department in order to enrol. models: discipleship, groups, Western patterns, church worship models,
service models.
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Theory and principles of communication; Listening; Research: topic choice The history of Israel and the Ancient Near East during the prophetic period with
and message content; Message organization; Delivery: verbal, non-verbal; specific attention to important individuals and events relevant for understanding
Evaluation and feedback; Speaking to inform; Speaking to persuade; individual prophets; The various theories regarding the origin, function, self-
Language and style; Visual aids; Interacting with your audience, audience understanding of prophecy in ancient Israel as well as its cessation in the
adaptation; Other forms of public speaking; Research of special topics; post-exilic period; The various forms of prophetic speech and their possible
Review, presentation of speeches. functions within Israel; Methodology for interpreting prophetic literature; The
overall structure and content, especially theological themes, of each book
ETH 408 TOPICS IN CHRISTIAN ETHICS 3 Credits chosen for study.
Course content will be defined for each offering of the course as is appropriate
for the subject matter covered. Pre-requisite: ETH 201. BIL 342 SYNOPTIC GOSPELS 3 Credits
Principles of exegesis for epistolary literature applied to the content of selected
ETH 496 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN ETHICS 3 Credits passages from the synoptics will comprise the major content of the course;
The content for each study will vary depending upon the topics chosen. A Passages will comprise the narrative, apocalyptic, parables, and didactic
student must have written approval from the department in order to enrol. Pre- material; The historical and ideological setting in which Jesus life and ministry
requisite: ETH 201. takes place and from which early Christianity (and its gospel writing) emerges;
The history of interpretation of the synoptics and the life of Jesus including
RET 317 HISTORY OF CHRISTIAN EXPANSION 3 Credits major methodologies and assumptions which guided these interpretations,
Beginnings of the spread of Christianity 4 B.C - 30 A.D.; Judaism and the major theological themes (especially the Kingdom of God), important structural
spread of Christianity 30 A.D - 48 A.D.; Greek-Romanism and spread of features, and distinctives of each gospel, The relevance of the synoptic gospels
Christianity 48 - 100 A.D.; Persecutions and spread of Christianity 100 witness to Jesus Christ for contemporary issues.
- 313 A.D.; Imperialism and spread of Christianity 313 A.D - 476 A.D.;
Medievalism and spread of Christianity 1453 - 1517 A.D.; Protestantism BIL 408 SPECIAL TOPICS IN DEVEONINATIONAL 3 Credits
and spread of Christianity 1517 - 1648 A.D.; Revivalism and spread of HISTORY, DOCTRINE & POLITY
Christianity 1648 - 1793 A.D.; Societies and Christianity 1793 - 1914 A.D.; Exploration of the rich heritage of the students own denominational affiliation;
Wars and spread of Christianity 1914 - 1945 A.D.; Contemporaries and Denominational leaders will supply the appropriate course descriptions.
spread of Christianity 1990s; Challenges facing the spreading of Christianity Although topics offered under this course number will vary depending on
in the1990s; Unfinished task in spreading of Christianity in the 1990s. student need, topics will include, without being limited to, the following:
Anglican (ACK) Church history, doctrine, and polity.
RET 496 INDEPENDENT STUDY IN RELIGIOUS THOUGHT 3 Credits Presbyterian (PCEA) Church history, doctrine and polity.
The content for each study will vary depending upon the topics chosen. The Baptist Church history, doctrine and polity.
student must have written approval from the Department in order to enrol. Pre- Methodist Church history, doctrine and polity.
requisite: Three credits of RET at the 300 level. Lutheran Church history, doctrine and polity.
BIL 312 HERMENEUTICS 3 Credits Mennonite Church history, doctrine and polity.
History of hermeneutics from ancient Judaism; beginnings of Targum (Nehemiah), African Inland Church (AIC) history, doctrine and polity.
Rabbinic Judaism: Halaka, Harrgadah, Mishnah, Talmad; Hellenistic Judaism; Assemblies of God (PAG / KAG) Church history, doctrine and polity.
Philo, Allegory; Qumran Community; Hermeneutical principles used by New Redeemed Gospel Church history, doctrine and polity.
Testament writers; Jesus as literal fulfillment of Old Testament, typology, literal- Deliverance Church history, doctrine and polity.
contextual, principle-application; Patristic period; Apostolic fathers, Alexandria
vs. Antioch, Church Councils, Vulgate; Middle Ages, four-level allegory, BIL 432 PENTATEUCH 3 Credits
authority of tradition; rise of Scholasticism; Reformation; Sola Scriptura, The Pentateuch as the foundation for understanding the rest of the Bible;
appeal to original languages, rejection of allegory; Post-Reformation: Pietism, Exegetical work in each of the books of the Pentateuch; The details of the
Rationalism; Modern period: source criticism; Pietism into Missions, history content, structure, and purpose of each book; Major biblical themes found in
of religions/archaeology, Form Criticism, Bultmann (Quest for the historical these writings; The significance and application of these books for today.
Jesus, Demythologizing Bible), Barth (Neo-orthodoxy), Biblical Theology
Movement, redaction criticism, Jesus Seminar. Contemporary Hermeneutics: BIL 443 ROMANS 3 Credits
genres of biblical literature: OT narrative, law, prophets, poetry/wisdom, Principles of exegesis for epistolary literature applied to the content of Romans
epistles, gospels, parables, apocalyptic; semantics; exegesis (then and there); will comprise the major content of the course; Major epistolary features of
historical/cultural context, literary context, readers context; hermeneutics first century Greco-Roman letters reflected in Romans and their significance for
in narrow sense (here and now); contemporary issues: contextualization in determining the letters purpose. Common Greco-Roman rhetorical methods
general & in Africa; liberation, cultural and feminist hermeneutics. found in Romans and their significance for interpreting selected passages in the
book; Major scholarly proposals regarding the letters purpose and structure;
Major theological themes found in the letter; Major features of first century
40 www.daystar.ac.ke
Judaism which shape the ideological context of Paul and the early Christian CHM 327 EVANGELISM AND DISCIPLESHIP 3 Credits
movement. Definition of evangelism; Biblical basis for evangelism; methods and types of
evangelism, including mass, person-to-person, friendship, life-style, community,
BIL 520 SENIOR PAPER 2 Credits etc; principles of effective evangelism; definition of disciple and discipleship;
Conducted in a seminar format, students will present a minimum of three contextualized discipleship methods applicable to the African context
papers. At least two papers will examine contemporary issues utilizing skills (discipleship patterns of Jesus and the early church); principles and methods of
and knowledge gained through previous study in the programme. These effective discipleship; design of an effective discipleship program for a local
papers will include a description of the issue, analysis of its key components, church.
and proposal for practical Christian response. The final paper will consist of
a personal theology of ministry. Students will also be assigned to respond to CHM 328 CHURCH ADMINISTRATION 3 Credits
papers presented. The lecturer will act as the facilitator. The church as an organization: its uniqueness, theological basis for ministry;
personnel management: purpose, call to ministry, personal spiritual formation,
Student Evaluation responsibility to ministry, time management; leadership: approaches and
Senior papers will determine 90% of the final mark. theories to leadership, leadership styles, essential qualities of leadership,
10% of the final mark will be determined by student participation in the seminar, the art of delegation; conflict management; the risks of leadership; church
including the students response(s) to papers presented. management: church projects, planning, implementation, monitoring,
evaluation, goal setting, action plans, group planning techniques, planning
CHM 223 INTRODUCTION TO COUNSELING 3 Credits tools; personnel management: concepts of personnel management, job
Basic concepts in the theology of man, including creation in Gods image, analysis; financial management: book-keeping, report / proposal writing,
the Fall and its consequences, redemption, and Christian maturity; Theories budgeting, fundraising, stewardship.
of personality development; Evaluation of theories of personality development
from Scripture; Crabbs model of counselling - cultural adaptation and CHM 423 APPLIED THEOLOGY IN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY 3 Credits
application; Counselling issues in the local church, including substance abuse, The content covered in this course include; the church as a sociological
depression, stress and burnout, polygamy, marital problems, demonization institution; the social construction of reality; social and cultural dynamics
and family issues; Practice counselling in dyads and triads with discussion; of change; applied transformational theology in the African context; socio-
Support systems available locally for referral; Counselling ethics, including economic, socio-political and socio-religious factors related to long term
confidentiality, privileged information, transference, contracts, and the Mental transformation of the Christian Community.
Health Act 1989.
Definition of Christian social ethics; The Christian, Biblical worldview; The Definition of Christian social ethics; The Christian, Biblical worldview; The
principle of transformation; professional ethics (e.g., medical practice, legal principle of transformation; professional ethics (e.g., medical practice, legal
system, journalism, business, etc.); womens rights: female circumcision, wife system, journalism, business, etc.); womens rights: female circumcision, wife
inheritance, polygamy, monogamy; marriage and family: family planning, inheritance, polygamy, monogamy; marriage and family: family planning,
human sexuality; rites of passage; AIDS; corruption; crime; democracy; church human sexuality; rites of passage; AIDS; corruption; crime; democracy; church
and state relations; electioneering; civil education; civil resistance; witchcraft; and state relations; electioneering; civil education; civil resistance; witchcraft;
war: peace, reconciliation, refugees; urbanization and street children. Pre- war: peace, reconciliation, refugees; urbanization and street children. Pre-
requisite: ETH 201. requisite: ETH 201.
www.daystar.ac.ke 41
The present and imperfect middle and passive verbs, the present imperative A brief survey of the history of Christian missionary expansion of Christianity in
and infinitive, the uses of the infinitive, the future active, the future and aorist of Africa; origins of early African Christian centres for Christian expansions; co
liquid verbs, and the active the middle first and second aorist; The relationship operations of early African Christian organizations; early African missionary
of noun case and time, third declension nouns, and the use of prepositions with efforts and their contributions to the distinctions between African and Western
specific cases; The relative, personal, reflexive, possessive, interrogative, and missionary.
indefinite pronouns; In addition, The uses of the conjunction/particle oti, and
the use of the verbs dunamai and ginomai; Basic vocabulary. INS 413 URBAN MINISTRY 3 Credits
The content of this course will cover such topics as the Biblical mandate for
urban ministry, the rural urban migration justice for the poor and oppressed, the
GRE 441 NEW TESTAMENT GREEK EXEGESIS 3 Credits stratification of the urban society, the social economic and social political and
Adjectives and pronouns of the first and third declensions, comparative social religious issues in urban Ministry: evangelism and discipleship in the city;
adjectives, the formation of adverbs, the perfect and pluperfect tenses, aorist and transformation of poverty in urban and rural areas.
and future passives, participles, the genitive absolute, the subjunctive mood,
and types of conditional sentences; Sight reading and prepared reading of RET 421 GOD AND HIS KINGDOM (THEOLOGY I) 3 Credits
selected passages in the Greek New Testament; Basic tools of Greek exegesis; Old Testament understanding of the Kingdom of God; The Kingdom agenda;
Basic principles of exegesis including: the need for the principles of textual Jesus and the Kingdom; Kingdom ethics; The role of the Church in the Kingdom;
criticism, diagramming sentences, principles of word study, and grammatical The present and future realities of the Kingdom; The parables of the Kingdom;
study. The millennial reign of Christ. Prerequisites: RET 318 and RET 319.
The theology of pastoral ministry; The pastor and spiritual life; Principles and The course covers the origin of humanity, sin and nature of sin; The person and
practices of pastoral administration; Spiritual gifts in the ministry; Mission of work of Christ as the Redeemer of fallen humanity, his birth, incarnation, two
the church; Goal-setting and planning; Leadership development: equipping natures, death, resurrection and exaltation; Atonement and related theories;
the lay people for ministry and mission; Worship: planning and leadership, Grace and salvation, election, regeneration, conversion, faith, justification,
stewardship; The dynamics of small groups, compassion ministries of the sanctification and glorification; Building a Christian world view appropriate
church; Music styles, Other practical matters of ministry (e.g., hospital and to the contemporary context. Prerequisites: RET 318 and RET 319.
home visits, naming ceremonies, fund raising functions, weddings, funerals,
The course is of the person and work of the Holy Spirit; The Holy Spirit and
RET 333 HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY TO 1500 3 Credits mission of the church; The Holy Spirit in the first 20 centuries since Pentecost;
Introduction to the study of Church History: what is Church history, major The role of the Holy Spirit in the various revivals (e.g., The East African Revival,
schools of interpretation, why study Church History, the organization of the the Great Awakening of America 18th C.); The role of the Holy Spirit in spiritual
study of Church History; Background to the Church: political, economic, disciplines (e.g., prayer, fasting); The Holy Spirit and his gifts to the Church; The
religious, social; The five crises of the early church: leadership, the Gentile Holy Spirit and the ministry of deliverance; The 20th - 21st Century Pentecostal
question, heresy, persecutions, organization; Persecutions to 313; The Church movements; Cultic deviations and erroneous teachings about the Holy Spirit.
in Egypt and North Africa; Apologists, Church Fathers; Monasticism and the Prerequisites: RET 318 and RET 319.
papacy; Heresy: its rise, consequences and effects on the church; Church-
State relations: Church and Empire, Constantine, Byzantine Emperors, Goths; RET 507 PASTORAL INTERNSHIP 3 Credits
Christian missions and the Crusades; The Medieval Church. To be taken during third year; The student will participate in the usual pastoral
responsibilities in a church: conducting church services, administration,
RET 334 HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY AFTER 1500 3 Credits preaching, visiting, teaching, etc.; Visitation of the site: supervisor will visit the
Introduction to the study of Church History; What is Church History, major students internship site (church) from time to time for the purpose of observation
schools of interpretation, Why study Church History, the organization of the and meeting with the on-site supervisor (pastor); Selected readings: The student
study of Church History; Backgrounds to the Reformation; The Medieval Church: will submit a list of ten articles or books relating directly to pastoral work (to
ripe for reform; The Reformation: Issues and thinkers; The Reformation: social be read only); Term paper: at the end of the term the student will submit a
and political events and institutions; The Reformation and Christian mission; The summary term paper which should encompass an overview of the internship
Counter Reformation; The Church and the new world; Revivals of the 18th and experience as well as a weaving in of selected readings; The readings can
19th centuries; The Church and Rationalism; The Church and colonialism; The be used to point out consistencies between theory and practice or suggest
Church in nationalist Africa. areas of expanded / new ministries. Prerequisites: CHM 223, CHM 326 and
CHM 423.
42 www.daystar.ac.ke
The MA in Christian Ministries is a two year, 48 credit hour programme, Special Regulations
designed to train and equip Christian leaders for ministries both within and
beyond the church. Though many of our students are in full time ministry as Proposal on Non-Performing M.A. Students
pastors or lay leaders, a number of students come from business, media and All studentsof Postgraduate Studies at Daystar University are expected to
administrative contexts. Recent Christian Ministries graduates are serving maintain a 3.00 cum GPA in order to remain on the programme. The current
as Deans of Universities, General Secretaries and Directors of NGOs,
policy on probation and discontinuation does not indicate at what point
Community Developers, Educators and Counsellors, as well as serving full
students who are unable to attain this grade point should be discontinued.
time in church or para-church ministries.
The Faculty aims to provide timely assistance to such students so that they do
not remain in the University indefinitely but are helped to disengage from their
Rationale programmes of study as and when it is mandatory.
It is the purpose of the postgraduate curriculum in Christian Ministries to The Faculty of Postgraduate Studies proposes the following guidelines for
advance the Kingdom of God through training of effective leaders for church probation and discontinuation:
outreach ministries of various kinds. Building on prior training and experience
1. Postgraduate Diploma programs should be developed for students who
of students in Bible, theology, practical ministry of various forms, and other
fail to attain 3.00 cum GPA for all the postgraduate programmes.
relevant disciplines, the programme prepares students for effective service as
Christian leaders in church, para-church organizations, and society at large. 2. Postgraduate students who wish to improve their grades can retake four
The programme also prepares students for further academic training at higher courses.
levels. 3. The following should be the process of probation/discontinuation for
Faculty of Postgraduate Studies:
a. A warning letter (AW) should be issued to a student whose
semester GPA is below 3.00 GPA.
1. To equip African Christians, both clergy and lay leaders, for ministry b. A letter of first probation should be issued to a student who has
leadership and management, whether within the church or society at received a warning letter and whose cum GPA is below 3.00
large; after he or she has attempted or earned 12 semester hours.
2. To equip Christian leaders with knowledge and skills to effectively serve c. For (a) and (b), HODs should counsel the students and inform them
within the dynamics of the rural-urban field unique to the African setting; of the consequences of their non-performance.
3. To enable Christian leaders to think theologically and critically on issues d. A second letter of probation should be issued by the Registrars
facing the African church, society and individual communities and office to a student whose cum GPA is below 3.00 and who has
Christians; received a warning letter and a first letter of probation.
4. To prepare Christian leaders to serve in holistic ministries within their e. After a third letter of probation, a student will be issued a letter of
communities, addressing spiritual, physical and social realities. discontinuation.
5. To enable Christian leaders to work across ethnic and ecclesiastical
divides, to work towards reconciliation and cooperation among the Student Assessment
diversity within the national, regional and global Body of Christ,
towards the large purposes of Gods Kingdom, while at the same time, 1. In some courses, where development of skills is the objective, the
appreciating uniqueness in the local church; final examination and other assignments will include, or be limited to,
elements which require demonstration of the skills taught.
6. To enable Christian leaders to train others in discipleship and
2. Final marks in postgraduate courses will be derived as follows,
leadership, to inculcate the holistic Kingdom world view transforming the
depending on the type of course:
Church and the society; 3. Grades for courses that are primarily conceptual in content are based
7. To prepare Christian leaders to engage in relevant quality research on 40% on the final examination score and 60% on combined score for
and publication from the African context contributing to local contextual continuous assessment items.
efforts as well as to global forums. 4. Marks for courses that are both conceptual in content and require
development of skills are derived 60% from the final examination and
40% from continuous assessment items
5. Grades for Independent study courses and thesis are based entirely on
the final paper (and the oral examination with it, in the case of a thesis)
6. www.daystar.ac.ke 43
Requirements for Graduation
To qualify for graduation, a student must successfully complete 48 credits
including 150 hours of practicum. In addition, the student must orally defend
his/her thesis before a panel appointed by the Dean of School of Arts &
Humanities, and pass with a minimum grade of B (GPA 3.00). An error free
copy of the thesis must be submitted to the department no more than 90 days
after a successful defense and final copies must be bound before the student
will be allowed to graduate.
Course Requirements
In addition, students must select from the following list, any two courses of
electives depending on the ministry for which the student is preparing and the
availability of courses:
44 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Descriptions
GRW 611, 613 Graduate Research & Writing I, II 2, 2 Credits CHM 611 Dynamics of Church Growth 3 Credits
These courses are an introduction to attitudes, skills and knowledge necessary Introduction to church growth; Foundational teachings; Church growth
to fulfill academic requirements for producing and evaluating postgraduate principles; Statistics and church growth; Vital signs of a church; How to do
communication research and writing. Through the courses, students gain a church survey; Setting goals; Evangelism; How to grow a church; Spiritual
exposure to major steps in designing, implementing and reporting research. dynamics of growth.
ANT 617 Urbanization in Africa 3 Credits CHM 625 Curriculum Design & Development 3 Credits
The biblical basis for urban studies: the Old Testament, the New Testament; Definition of models of curriculum design at various levels, philosophies of
Definitions: urban, urbanism, urbanization; The urban explosion; World-wide educational curriculum design, andragogy vs pedagogy, models of education;
data; Africas urbanization; History and trends of urbanization n Africa; Ancient Steps of curriculum development from situational analysis, to aims, goals,
cities; The impact of colonization: Muslim, European; Patterns of urbanization instructional objectives, selection of content, and learning experiences,
and implications for: Christian ministry, economic and technological patterns, evaluation strategies for curricula; curriculum implementation documentation;
secularization, industrialization, housing, employment, social patterns, social Principles to be applied to students fields of interests, whether communication,
networks, deviancy, migration ethnicity, organizations, family, youth and Christian education, or related fields of training others.
children; Christian strategies for the city; Ministry in the city, evangelism and
church growth; Shepherding in the city. CHM 661 Introduction to Counseling 3 Credits
Basic concepts in the theology of man: creation in Gods image, fall and
BIL 615 Biblical Foundations of Christian Service 2 Credits its consequences, redemption, Christian maturity; Theories of personality
Introduction and definition of terms: Kingdom of God; Servanthood; Jesus development: Piaget, Freud; Evaluation of theories of personality development
teaching on the Kingdom of God; Parables of the Kingdom; The teaching of from Scripture; Lawrence Crabbs model of counseling cultural adaption
the early church on the Kingdom of God; Various views on the Kingdom of and application; Counseling issues in the local church: substance abuse,
God; Ethics of the Kingdom; Implication of Kingdom teaching for believers; depression, suicide and homicide, stress and burnout, marital problems and
divorce, polygamy, demonization; Basic Counseling skills: listening, guiding,
Analysis of Christian service/servanthood; Biblical teaching on Christian
asking questions, empathy, accountability boundaries; Practice listening skills
service; Christian serve and the contemporary world; Integration of Kingdom
and counseling in dyads and triads: Practice, discussion of practice; Support
ethics into Christian life.
systems available locally for referral; Counseling ethics: confidentiality,
privileged information, contracts, Mental Health Act (1989).
BIL 617 Hermeneutics 3 Credits
Definition of hermeneutics as art of science, with historical overview of practices
CHM 662 Marriage and Family Counseling 3 Credits
of interpretation from Old Testament times to the present day; Basic issues of
Key concepts defined; Family: parental and sibling units, family boundaries,
historical and cultural context, semantics, including denotative and connotative
genogram; Family systems theory; Anatomy of the genogram; Structural
meanings; A survey of genres found in biblical literature with basic principles
approach to family counseling; African family: nuclear, extended, effects
of interpreting each; Introduction to exegetical methodology using sample
of modernity on nuclear and extended family; Premarital counseling issues;
passages from Old and New Testaments; Introduction to contextualization here
traditional, contemporary, polygamy; Husband-wife relationship; Parent-child
and now; Introduction to important tools available to assist in interpreting the
relationship; Family and marriage: a biblical perspective.
CHM 663 Counseling Young People 3 Credits
CHM 607 Practicum 3 Credits
Detailed exploration of normal development, physiologically, psychologically,
An assigned task for which a students courses can be applied, and to which a
and socially, from birth to young adulthood; Selected theories of development,
students faculty and employer agree. Minimum 150 hours with the employer,
including: Freud, Piaget, Erickson; Childhood and child rearing problems;
either 10 hours per week for 15 weeks during the semester or 15 hours per
Understanding adolescence; Interpersonal issues: relating to the opposite
week for 10 weeks during the blocks or in other configurations approved by
sex, Sex apart from marriage; Sex deviations and perversion; Peers and peer
the department. Assignment must require competence in areas relevant to the
pressure; Relating to parents; Quest for autonomy; Courtship and marriage;
students course of study, and which will enable growth in that area. Written
Identity issues: development of self esteem, singleness, adolescent subculture(s);
assessment will be part of the experience. Pre-requisite: completion of 36
special youth issues: substance abuse, delinquent behavior, stress and
credits within the MA programme.
www.daystar.ac.ke 45
CHM 665 Evangelism and Discipleship 3 Credits GRA 614 Leadership Development and Management 3 Credits
Definition of evangelism and discipleship; Biblical basis for evangelism and Defining leadership vs. management (differentiating Christian leadership);
discipleship; Content of evangelism; Motives, methods and objectives for Introduction to and comparison and contrast of the basic models and
evangelism; Types and levels of evangelism; Difference between evangelism theories of leadership and their applications; Exposition of Clintons model of
and discipleship; Principles and methods of effective discipleship; Design leadership in the The Making of a Leader; Spiritual giftedness, Biblical models
of an effective discipleship programme; Biblical model of Jesus ministry of of leadership New Testament; The disciplines of leadership; The major tasks
discipleship and mandate to make disciples; Content of discipleship of leadership; Guidelines for excellence in leadership; Building trust, vision,
teamwork, finishing well; Issues of leading in an African context.
CHM 668 Local Church & Community Development 3 Credits
Introduction and definition: community, development, church, community RET 611 Christian Theology: God & Man 3 Credits
work, work of the church; analysis of urban poverty, poverty and power, Introduction to fundamental aspects of Christian theology in contemporary
the city and the city of God, systems, involvement of both poor and rich in Africa; Historical context of Christianity in Africa, including the western
community development; the churchs role: the church to the city, the church missionary inheritance and emergent African theology; the nature, task,
with the community, why local church should be involved, supportive task of sources, and methods of theology; selected aspect of doctrine of God, Christ,
para-church, denomination, and mission agency, standard for local ministry; creation, humanity, the fall, sin, salvation, atonement sanctification, individual
community development activity: community organization vs community and community, birth, life, and death. Exploration of theology in the context of
development, urban work which empowers, networking, coalition building, Africa with application for ministry.
reflecting, acting, leadership empowerment, the pedagogy of action and
reflection, organizing and money; issues and leaders: gatekeepers, caretakers, RET 613 Christian Theology: Church & Mission 3 Credits
flak catchers, brokers, action and project, power analysis, confrontation; birth Overview of church and church growth in Africa; a biblical perspective of the
of a community. church; relationship of the church to the kingdom of God. Purpose and function
of the church. The mission task of church as seen in cosmic, community, and the
CHM 696 Independent Study in Ministries 3 Credits charismatic perspective; the church as ecumenical, missiological, academic,
Content will depend on the topic chosen and will be worked out in conference and pastoral; evangelistic, prophetic and discipleship roles; the Holy Spirit,
with the assigned lecturer for the project. Examples of topics which might be the ministry of teaching, healing and guidance. Spiritual reality and power in
explored are curriculum development for non-literates, theological education Africa, spiritual warfare; the priesthood of all believers, spiritual gifts and the
by extension, church relationships with people of a different religion, etc. Pre- mission of the church. Role and practice of sacraments; church growth related to
requisite: Departmental approval, based on adequacy of background course kingdom growth; independent church movement in Africa; forms and structures
work and availability of qualified instructor. of the church as contrasted to those of para-church organization; church and
contemporary politics; church and responsibility in society, the church and the
CHM 698 Thesis or Project 6 Credits poor; theology of suffering and healing; staffing; personnel administration; staff
Content will depend on the topic chosen and will be worked out in conference development; evaluation; decision making, conflict resolution; authority; types
with the students thesis advisor. of power; delegation, motivation; building trust; mission; team-work; issues of
leading within an African context.
June-July Blocks
ANT 611 3
CHM 661 3
46 www.daystar.ac.ke
6.2. Completing a practicum and writing a ministry project TEO 623 Christian Muslim Relations in Africa 3
TEO 624 Gospel and Culture 3
TEO 625 African Womens Theology 3
Requirements for Admission
Applicants must hold a first degree in theology, or equivalent, from an
accredited university, with a minimum of 3.0 GPA (on a 4.0 scale), or the
degree awarded with first class or upper second class honours. Applicants
with a first degree other than in theology will be considered for admission on
the basis of their academic transcript, Christian ministry experience, and the
submission of an integrative, personal reflection paper on an assigned topic.
www.daystar.ac.ke 47
TEO 631
A Theology of Healing in Africa, with
Course Descriptions
special reference to HIV/AIDS
African Theology and Justice, Peace, and BIL 618: Biblical Hermeneutics in Africa Today 2 Credits
TEO 632 3
Reconciliation Introduction to biblical hermeneutics; the Incarnation of Christ as a theological
TEO 633 African Theology and Social Transformation 3 foundation for biblical hermeneutics; historical overview of biblical interpretation,
TEO 608 Special Topics in African Christian Theology 3 including major trends (ancient Jewish, patristic, medieval, and reformation
interpretation,19th and 20th century historical-critical method, contemporary
TEO 696 Independent Study 3
hermeneutical approaches) and major theoretical models (author-centred, text-
centred, reader centred); critical issues in interpreting the Bible in Africa today;
Students must also complete one of the following: main approaches to biblical interpretation in Africa today (liberation, feminist,
TEO 698 Academic Thesis (6 Credits) or 6 reconstruction, inter-cultural, and popular readings of the Bible).
48 www.daystar.ac.ke
WCH 602: World Christianity History FROM 3 Credits TEO 601: African Christian Theology from the 3 Credits
1453 CE to the Present 20th Century to the Present
Issues in Christian historiography: historical and contemporary trends; The Issues in theological methodology; factors contributing to the rise of African
rise of key geographical centres in the ongoing expansion of Christianity: theology (e.g., colonialism, independence movements, nationalism, post-
corruption, reform, and counter-reform in the church; European expansion colonial developments, the ecumenical movement); The nature of theology
(Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch) and the trans-Atlantic slave trade; the modern in Africa and theological terminologies employed (e.g., African theology,
missionary movement (Pietism, Evangelical Awakenings, Catholic initiatives); Black theology, Ethiopianism, indigenization, inculturation, contextualization,
the expansion of Christianity in sub-Saharan Africa (especially at the end of Skenosis); Currents in African theology (inculturation theologies, liberation
the 19th century); Christianity and Islam in Africa; missions and colonialism; theologies such as Black theology and African womens theologies,
African agency in the expansion of Christianity (African missionaries and Euro- reconstruction and transformation theologies); African initiatives in Christianity;
American responses; Ethiopianism); prophetic and revival movements; African The theological import of ecumenical initiatives in Africa; Pentecostal/
instituted churches; church and state relations; The ecumenical movement of charismatic churches in Africa; contemporary trends and challenges in the
the 20th Century (Edinburgh 1910 World Missionary Conference, subsequent ongoing development of African theology and its significance
ecumenical organizations and assemblies, and their impact on global
Christianity) TEO 602: Advanced Seminar in African 3 Credits
Christian Theology
WCT 611: World Christianity Theology 3 Credits In-depth analysis of writings of selected theologians from the following regions:
from Apostolic Origins to 1453 CE Anglophone West Africa; Francophone West Africa; Anglophone East Africa;
Issues in theological methodology; key geographical centres in the expansion Central Africa; South Africa; Portuguese Africa; and the publications of trans-
of Christianity, each with its peculiar emphases in theology: The great church continental theological associations, particularly those emerging within the
Sees (Jerusalem, Antioch, Rome, Alexandria, Constantinople); Roman North ecumenical movement: All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC); Association
Africa: second century apologists (Justin Martyr, Tertullian); the rise of Latin of Evangelicals of Africa and Madagascar (AEAM), including the Pan-African
Christianity (Cyprian, Augustine); Egypt: the Alexandrian School (Origen, Christian Womens Alliance (PACWA); Ecumenical Association of Third World
Clement); the Coptic Church; the rise of monasticism (Anthony); Ethiopia Theologians (EATWOT); Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa
and Nubia; Armenia: Christianity among the Goths; The British Isles: Celtic and Madagascar (SECAM); Association of Member Episcopal Conferences
Christianity (Columbia, Patrick); Slavic Christianity: (Cyril Methodius; Slavic in Eastern Africa (AMECEA); The Circle of Concerned African Women
script). Theologians
Theological issues in the split between western and eastern churches in 1054
TEO 617: Urban Ministry in Africa 3 Credits
AD; the rise of scholasticism (Anselm, Abelard, Aquinas); Religious orders
Definitions of urban, urbanism, urbanization; Biblical references to the city:
(Cistercians, Franciscans, Dominicans); the crusades
Old and New Testaments; a theology of the city; current phenomena of global
Key themes throughout the course include: unity and diversity in the Jesus urbanization: causes, challenges, benefits; Historical and current trends of
movement; persecution and martyrdom; heresies and schisms; translating the development in the city on urban Africa; forms of development and expansion;
gospel into vernacular; Christianity and imperialism; spirituality and renewal; types of African cities; impact of colonization: Muslim, European; sociological,
the role of African theologians and monastics in shaping early Christian geographical, and cultural impact on urbanization; secularization; economics,
doctrine and praxis. technology and infrastructure; social patterns: social networks, family structures,
deviancy; urban issues: poverty, unemployment, housing, transport, sanitation,
WCT 612: World Christianity Theology from 3 Credits security, education, refugees, gender, disenfranchisement, tribalism/ethnicity,
1453 C.E. to the Present health, HIV/AIDS; implications for Christian ministry: for children, youth,
Issues in theological methodology; key movements in the ongoing expansion of families; Strategies for Christian ministry in the urban setting: evangelism,
Christianity and their associated theological developments: corruption, reform, discipleship, church planting, church growth, pasturing, equipping; local
and counter-reform in the church; European expansion (Portuguese, Spanish, church and community development.
Dutch); the modern missionary movement (Pietism, Evangelical Awakenings,
Catholic initiatives); the anti-slavery movement; the expansion of Christianity in GRA 614: Leadership Development & Management 3 Credits
sub-saharan Africa (especially at the end of the 19th Century); the ecumenical Defining leadership vs. management; Differentiating Christian vs. secular
movement of the 20th Century (Edinburg 1910 World missionary conference, leadership; basic models and theories of leadership and their applications;
subsequent ecumenical organizations and assemblies, and their impact on exposition of Clintons model of leadership development (in the making of a
global Christianity) leader): spiritual giftedness and leadership; servant leadership; biblical models
of leadership and management; Formal and informal organizations; functions
Key themes introduced in WCT 611 will be developed further in relation to
of management: planning, organizing, staffing, personnel administration, staff
the growth of Christianity from 1453 CE to the present: unity and diversity in
development, evaluation, decision making, conflict resolution, authority, types
Christianity; persecution and martyrdom; heresies and schisms; translating the
of power, delegation, motivating, building trust, vision, teamwork; issues of
gospel into vernacular; Christianity and imperialism; spirituality and renewal
leading within an African context.
www.daystar.ac.ke 49
TEO 622: New Religious Movements in 3 Credits TEO 632: African Theology and Justice, 3 Credits
African Christianity Peace & Reconciliation
Definition and analysis of the characteristics of new religious movements Introductory definitions: Justice, Peace and Reconciliation; the interface
(NRMs); A typology of NRMs; An analysis of factors behind their upsurge; between these concepts in biblical and African traditions; major theories of
Pertinent themes within NRMs (e.g., liturgy, womens roles, healing, community, justice, peace and reconciliation, in relation to the mediatory role of elders in
Christology, pneumatology, evangelism); An examination of the social, African epistemology; approaches to social change in contemporary Africa;
political, cultural and theological impact of NRMs on African society; case cultures of peace; truth and reconciliation commissions; African theological
studies of selected NRMs across Africa, focusing on their history, theology, perspectives on justice, peace and reconciliation
and their impact on the society in which they were founded; A comparison
between NRMs in Africa and similar religious movements in the early history TEO 633: African Theology & Social TransformatioN 3 Credits
of the church Introduction: biblical and theological rationale for Christians to engage in
social transformation (selected biblical models: Moses, Esther, Nehemiah,
TEO 623: Christian Muslim Relations in Africa 3 Credits Jesus, Paul; key themes: personal formation, ecclesial reformation, and social
An historical and regional overview of Islam in Africa, particularly in relation transformation); historical foundations: factors shaping social transformation in
to its encounters with Christianity: North Africa; Egypt; Nilotic Sudan; West Africa; contemporary contexts: Issues regarding Christian engagement in social
Africa; Ethiopia and the Horn; East Africa; Southern Africa; historical patterns transformation in Africa (e.g., corruption, modernity in Africa, globalization,
of Christian-Muslim relations, their causative factors and consequences; critical conflict and reconciliation, gender relations, ecumenism and inter faith
issues in Christian-Muslim relations; contemporary models of inter-faith relations, relations); leading African theologians and emergent theological paradigms
with special reference to Christian-Muslim relations; contributions of key African of social transformation
thinkers and leaders regarding this subject, both Christian and Muslim;
various initiatives in promoting Christian-Muslim relations (e.g. study projects, TEO 608: Special Topics in African Christian Theology 3 Credits
organizations, conferences, publications) This course is designed to expose students to theological experts on a range
of theological issues that are significant for the adequate articulation and
TEO 624: Gospel & Culture 3 Credits grounding of African Christian Theology. The expert will define the specific
Definitions: culture, gospel, indigenization, contextualization, inculturation, course objectives as well as give recommended class readings
syncretism; models of contextualization; Hermeneutic models: ATR and the
gospel, liberationist, feminist, AIC; critical issues of culture and the gospel in Academic Thesis, or Practicum & Ministry Project 3 Credits
Africa; gender, poverty, HIV/AIDS; affirmation of African cultural values and the Students must also complete either TEO 698: Academic Thesis, or TEO 607:
gospel (e.g. community, respect, hospitality, rites of passage, music empathy) Practicum and TEO 609: Ministry Project. The student must orally defend the
research thesis or ministry project before a panel of at least three postgraduate
TEO 625: African Womens Theology 3 Credits faculty appointed by the Chair of Postgraduate Studies, and pass with a grade
Introduction to gender and theology; the historical development of womens of B or above (grade to be determined by the committee). A copy of the thesis
theologies in world Christianity, with a focus on African womens theology; or ministry project, with final corrections completed, must be deposited within
central issues in African womens theology; the Bible, African culture, the department 90 days after a successful defence and before graduation.
Christology, ecclesiology, sin, eschatology, church polity and practice, and
womens leadership in the church, home and society; The impact of African TEO 698: Academic Thesis 6 Credits
womens theology on the Church and society The M.Th. thesis requires students to conduct in depth theological research,
normally integrating library and field research, on an issue related to their own
TEO 631: Theology and Healing in Africa, 3 Credits context of ministry or vocation. Students will carry out their research under the
with special Reference to HIV & AIDS supervision of a main faculty advisor and at least one or two thesis committee
Introduction: overview of the historical and theological context of health and members within Daystar University. The Chair of Postgraduate Studies may
healing in Africa; African concepts of health and healing in relation to western assign an additional supervisor beyond the University, provided the relevant
medicine; the impact of medical missions in Africa; the historical, socio- qualifications and experience are demonstrated.
economic and political dimensions of health care in Africa.
All aspects of the academic thesis, including the research proposal,
HIV/AIDS A theological Perspective: human sexuality and HIV/AIDS
implementation and thesis writing, must be in accordance with the guidelines
related issues; the Christian and Churchs response to HIV/AIDS; programme
set forth in the Daystar University Postgraduate Student Handbook. Any
development; institutional care, rehabilitation, development and sustainability;
students considering entrance into a doctoral program or an academic career
cultural beliefs and practices; economic, social and political issues in relation
are strongly advised to complete the academic thesis.
to HIV/AIDS; ethical and legal issues
50 www.daystar.ac.ke
TEO 607: Practicum 3 Credits TEO 609: Ministry Project 3 Credits
The precise content of the practicum will depend upon the students placement. Building upon TEO 607, the student will select on theological issue encountered
The student will spend 150 hours within one semester (or two blocks) working in the practicum experience. He or she will then design and complete a
and learning in a specific assignment on location, in an area of interest related ministry project that addresses the issue by integrating biblical and theological
to theology. He or she will be actively involved in the tasks of theological reflection with experiential knowledge gained through the practicum. The
ministry, not merely observing the operations, nor merely in clerical tasks. The project may take the form of an in-depth research and reflection paper (50-
ideal practicum will expose the student to daily tasks, organizational processes 60 pages), or the production of ministry materials that will address a specific
and procedures, and overall philosophies of operation. The practicum is not need in relation to the theological issue (e.g. an educational curriculum, a
to be another classroom exercise, but is to be hands-on involvement, to apply series of Bible studies, a sermon series, a small booklet). If the student chooses
classroom learning and to gain practical knowledge and experience. the latter, he or she must submit the ministry materials and a scholarly report
(15-20 pages) outlining the background and nature of the theological issue,
the purpose, objectives and significance of the ministry materials, the methods
used to produce them and an evaluation of the materials according to the
objectives set.
www.daystar.ac.ke 51
52 www.daystar.ac.ke
Admission Requirements Requirements for Graduation
1. All students admitted to the degree of Bachelor of Education must satisfy To be eligible for graduation, a student shall be required to take 142 (one
the University minimum requirements of a mean grade of C+ in KCSE hundred and forty two) credit hours and attain a cumulative GPA of at least
or Equivalent 2.00. The courses will be distributed as shown below:
Credit Hours
2. Have a Diploma in Education from a recognized institution or its
equivalent S1 General Education 30
OR Education 46
3. Have a Kenya Advanced Certificate of Education (A level) with a minimum 2 Teaching methods 6
of two principal passes and a subsidiary or its equivalent 2 Teaching subjects 60
4. Have a Division III at KCE or EACE with a diploma in Education or
equivalent Core Courses Comprise the following:
5. Have P1 Certificate with a minimum of a C plain in KCSE.
Educational Foundations Credit Hours
EDU 111 Historical of Education 2
Student Assessment EDU 112 Philosophical Foundations of Education 2
Final course grade will be calculated as follows: EDU 214 Sociology of Education & Contemporary Issues 3
Teaching Practice EDU 323 Comparative Education 3
Field observation 60% Educational Psychology
Preparation of schemes of work, lesson plans, record of 20% EDU 220 Introduction to Educational Psychology 3
work and progress record EDU 222 Human Growth and Development 3
Students and schools reports 20% EDU 226 Exceptional Children 3
Practical oriented courses: Educational Technology and Media, General EDU 310 Guidance and Counseling 3
Teaching Methods and Subject Methods
EDU 322 Educational Tests and Measurements 3
Continous Assessment 60%
Teaching Strategies and Technology
Final Examination 40% EDU 223 General Teaching Methods 3
TOTAL 100%
EDU 224 Educational Technology and Media 3
EDU 507 Teaching Practice (3 months) 6
Marks for all other courses will be calculated as follows: Curriculum Development and Educational Administration
Continuous Assessment 30% EDU 225 Curriculum Planning and Development 3
Final Examination 70% EDU 315 Research Methods 3
TOTAL 100% EDU 431 Educational Administration and Planning 3
www.daystar.ac.ke 53
A student is required to take 6 credit hours of teaching methods from the
EDU 361 Teaching Methods: Language 3
EDU 362 Teaching Methods: Literature 3
EDU 365 Teaching Methods: Christian Rel. Edu 3
EDU 367 Teaching Methods: Music 3
EDU 368 Teaching Methods: Business Studies 3
EDU 370 Teaching Methods: Mathematics 3
EDU 371 Teaching Methods: Kiswahili 3
EDU 372 Teaching Methods: Computer Science 3
Teaching Subject I 30
Teaching Subject II 30
NB: The courses for each teaching subject are extracted from the existing
majors in various departments
54 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Description Classical Conditioning, Operant conditioning, Social learning; Concepts and
theories of reinforcement and punishment in the classroom; Cognitive theories
of learning; Piagets theory of cognitive development; Chomskys theory of
EDU 111 History of Education 2 Credits language development; Kohlers theory of emotional development; Individual
Definition of history; definition of education; purpose of studying history of differences; I.Q., Ability grouping, Reading ability; Blooms taxonomy of
education; historical development of historical ideas from antiquity to the educational objectives and its relevance and effectiveness in teaching;
present: Egyptian, Hebrew, Sumerian, Chinese, Indian, Greek, Roman, Islamic Cognitive processes; memory; Theories of motivation and their application to
civilizations, the rise of medieval universities, the age of the Renaissance, classroom instruction; Approaches to classroom management.
the Protestant reformation; meaning and impact of their influence on thought
towards the rise of modern science and technology; factors that influenced the EDU 222 Human Growth and Development 3 Credits
growth of education during the twentieth century with particular emphasis on Introduction to developmental theories and exceptionalities in human growth
Africa; historical background on the trends and development of education in and development. The meaning of change and delayed change; principles of
Kenya from the pre-colonial era to the present. development and history of child development and education; theories of human
development, cognitive, affective, social, physical, psychosocial, humanistic
EDU 112 Philosophical Foundations of Education 2 Credit etc. Pre-natal, neo-natal, postnatal development; birth process African and
Definition of philosophy; meaning of philosophy of education; purpose of Western approaches Lamase; Leboyer approaches; beliefs, taboos, of births,
studying philosophy of education; branches in philosophy; nature, meaning motor, language, personality, social, emotional development; traditional child
and relevance of philosophy of education in teaching and learning; major rearing practices birth, naming and adolescents ceremonies meaning and
schools of thought in philosophy of education from antiquity to the contemporary definitional children; historical background of special education in developed
scene; the concept of education; criteria and aims of education; worldview world and Africa; types, characteristics and causes of exceptionalities, early
and nature of humankind; formulation of African philosophy of education; intervention; assessment screening, referrals and services of the handicapped
theories of knowledge and their relevance in education; value of education in children; educational policies; advocacy and pressure groups for handicapped
contemporary Africa; education and value choices; education and scheme of children and youth. Prerequisite EDU 220.
values; democracy and education; democracy in education; Christian view of
education in the context of the human quest for the application of knowledge EDU 223 General Teaching Methods 3 Credits
towards national development. Prerequisite EDU 111. The concept of education; goals and objectives of education; agencies
of education; types of education; nature and components of teaching and
EDU 214 Sociology of EduCATION 3 Credits learning process; a systems approach to classroom instruction; educational
and Contemporary Issues aims and instructional objectives; Blooms Taxonomy of educational objectives;
Meaning of sociology, definition and meaning of society; origin and principles of teaching; teaching strategies (e.g. lecture, discussion, project, field
development; branches of sociology; relation of sociology to other social trip, debate); introduction to the range of media in learning; communication
sciences; theories and methods of sociology; family social position: socio- in the classroom; planning for instruction (syllabus, scheme of work, lesson
economic status, race, religion, social system, family structure and interrelations; plan, record of work); preparation and use of learning and teaching materials;
effects of gender on personal abilities, personality traits, motivation and preparation and use of learning/teaching materials; measurement and
socialization; Individual abilities: I.Q, its origin, cognitive style, creativity and evaluation; motivation and reinforcement; individual differences.
testing consequences; the school as a social system: principal, teachers, special
service personnel, the students; classroom role structure, student/teacher roles, EDU 224 Educational Technology and Media 3 Credits
teacher structure, relationship; the effectiveness of the school: characteristics Definition of terms; concept of educational technology: instructional design,
of students, school size, social context, equality of educational opportunity; systems approach to instruction; communication process: communication
school environment: school board, government role in education, centralized model and learning, communication interactions in the classroom, barriers to
vs. decentralized school system and policy, effects of external examination; communication and the way to overcome them, effective communication in the
cross-cultural comparison of societies and schools: relations of societies and class-room; visual communication in learning; verbal and non-verbal aspects of
schools, work ideologies, moral instruction, vocational training, cross cultural communication in the classroom; non-projected media: chalkboard, graphics,
difference in achievement; some social issues in education today: social, charts, posters, still pictures and three dimensional materials; display boards:
marital and family problems, adolescents, juvenile delinquents; educational flannel, peg, magnetic, felt boards; projected media: overhead projector,
problems, religious conflicts, poverty, inequality, unemployment; population multimedia projector, slides, films strips, TV, video, DVDs, CDs, VCDs; audio:
problems, birth rate, health, minority groups, class conflict; HIV/AIDS and drug tape recording, educational radio and broadcasting to schools; audio-visual;
abuse. Prerequisite EDU 111. realia: dioramas, specimen, models (textbooks, magazines, newspapers),
community resources; computer: online instruction, computer based instruction;
EDU 220 Introduction to Educational Psychology 3 Credits duplication of materials (duplicating machine, photocopier).
Definition of educational psychology; importance of educational psychology
in learning; Behavioral theories of learning and their educational implications;
www.daystar.ac.ke 55
EDU 225 Curriculum Development 3 Credits EDU 361 Subject Methods (English Language) 3 Credits
Meaning of curriculum; curriculum goals and objectives; theories of curriculum; The development of skills necessary for the teaching of English as a second
development; social and cultural forces affecting curriculum; philosophical language; Aims and objectives of English language; approaches to teaching
and psychological bases for curriculum design; curriculum designs and pronunciation, grammar, reading and writing; Evaluative and critical study of
patterns; the curriculum development process with special emphasis on the books and other materials for language teaching; Development of instruments
development of schools curriculum in Kenya; domains of learning; formulating to measure language skills; Recognition and identification of various purposes
learning objectives; organizing subject content; selecting learning experiences; for which English is used; Current issues and problems to the teaching of English
curriculum interpretation, implementation and assessment; developing a as a second language; The relationship between literature and language in
curriculum unit; curriculum evaluation. Prerequisite EDU 223. the curriculum; Construction of schemes of work, Lesson plans and Records of
work; Identification, selection, acquisition, development and use of resources;
EDU 226 Exceptional Children 3 Credits Evaluation of English learning. Prerequisite EDU 223, EDU 224.
Definition of key terms and concepts in exceptional children; categories of
exceptional children: gifted and talented, children with learning disabilities, EDU 362 Subject Methods (Literature in English) 3 Credits
visually impaired, hearing impaired, physically challenged, mentally Aims and objectives of Literature in English; Approaches to teaching oral
challenged, aggressive children, withdrawn children, emotionally disturbed literature, poetry, drama, novel and short stories; An evaluative and critical
children, children living under difficult circumstances street children, refugee study of books and other materials for the teaching of Literature in English;
The development of instruments to measure learning in Literature in English;
children, slum children, children of prisoners, abused and neglected children,
Recognition and identification of various purposes for which Literature in English
child laborers, children affected by HIV and AIDS, children in rehabilitation
is used; Current issues and problems to the teaching of Literature in English in
homes; factors contributing to exceptional children; assessment of exceptional secondary schools in Kenya; The relationship between Language and Literature
children; interventional strategies for exceptional children; institutions and in English in the curriculum; Evaluation of learning in Literature in English.
interventional programmes for exceptional children; current trends and Schemes of work, lesson plans, and records of work; Identification, selection,
immerging issues with regard to exceptional children; advocacy for the rights acquisition, development and use of learning resources. Prerequisite EDU
of exceptional children. Prerequisite EDU 220, EDU 222. 223, EDU 224.
EDU 310 Guidance and Counselling 3 Credits EDU 365 Subject Methods (Christian 3 Credits
Definition of guidance and counseling; distinction between guidance and Religious Education)
counseling; significance of guidance and counseling in early childhood The nature of Religious Education and its place in school: Its contribution to the
development; theories and principles of guidance and counseling; upbringing of upright and responsible citizens; Ethics: Spiritual development
psychodynamics; ethics of counseling; qualities and skills of an effective in the adolescent, Character formation and the nature of religious experience;
counselor; types of counseling; counseling procedures; behavioral problems in The Education Act of 1968 and its implications to the teaching of Religious
early childhood education; skills in guiding and counseling children; challenges Education; Approaches to the teaching of Religious Education; Organization
of counseling. Prerequisites EDU 220, EDU 222, EDU 226. and planning for teaching: Syllabus, Schemes of work, Lesson plans,
Preparation of class work and Records of work, Development, Improvisation
EDU 322 Educational Tests and Measurements 3 Credits and use of learning resources; Measurement and evaluation of Religious
Definitions of tests, measurements and evaluation; classifications of tests; Education. Prerequisite EDU 223, EDU 224.
purposes of tests; test construction: taxonomies of educational objectives, table
of specification, test item types; administration and scoring of tests; item analysis; EDU 367 Subject Methods (Music) 3 Credits
distractor analysis, item difficulty and discrimination; scales of measurement: Development of principles of teaching Music skills and concepts; Philosophical,
nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio; frequency tables and graphs; measures of psychological and sociological basis of teaching Music; Systems approach
central tendency; mode, median, mean, percentiles; measures of dispersion; to teaching and learning; Preparation for teaching writing schemes of
work, lesson plans and records of work; Identification, selection, acquisition,
range, variance, standard deviation; distribution curves and converted scores:
development and use of resources; Evaluation of Music Learning; Core
skewness, z- and t-scores; correlations; Rank Difference and Pearson Product
activities. Prerequisites EDU 223, EDU 224.
Moment; reliability; test retest, parallel forms, internal consistency, standard
error of measurement; validity; content, construct, predictive and concurrent.
EDU 368 Subject Methods (Business) 3 Credits
Prerequisite EDU 220, EDU 222, EDU 226.
The nature of business studies and its role in the school curriculum; the
business studies syllabus; instructional objectives for business studies; role
EDU 323 Comparative Education 3 Credits of mathematics in teaching business studies; strategies of teaching business
Definition of comparative education; the aim of schools, schools and the studies; preparation of schemes of work, lesson plans and records of work
community; the major contrasting educational systems; education in Britain covered; appropriate learning resources (identifying, selecting, acquiring and
goals, objectives, structure; education in USA and Canada; education in developing resources); purpose of measurement and evaluation of business
Russia, Japan and South Korea. Education in France, Germany; education in studies; testing students learning in business studies (types of tests, examination
Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa. Prerequisite EDU 111, EDU 112. marking schemes); micro teaching (demonstrations in a simulated classroom;
evaluation of demonstrations). Prerequisite EDU 223, EDU 224.
56 www.daystar.ac.ke
EDU 370 SUBJECT Methods (Mathematics) 3 Credits EDU 315 RESEARCH METHODS 3 Credits
An introduction to Mathematics education philosophy and foundation of Introduction to social research; Simple observation; Uses of available data;
Mathematics; what is Mathematics; general goals and objectives of teaching Participant observation; Experimental method; Survey research; Data analysis;
Mathematics; the secondary school Mathematics curriculum and syllabus; Special techniques; Report preparation; Ethical issues in research; Quantitative
psychology and teaching of Mathematics; learning and instructional theories and qualitative analysis. Prerequisite: All 100 level courses.
in teaching Mathematics lessons; techniques of teaching Mathematics;
models for teaching and learning the objects of Mathematics (arithmetic, EDU 507 Teaching Practice 6 Credits
algebra, geometry); teaching/learning resources in Mathematics; planning to Demonstration of acquired knowledge and skills in a classroom situation; class
teach Mathematics; testing students learning in Mathematics (types of tests, control and discipline; preparation of detailed and appropriate schemes of
examination marking schemes); micro teaching (demonstrations in a simulated work for the term; preparation and utilization of appropriate lesson plans in
classroom; evaluation of demonstrations). Prerequisite EDU 223, EDU 224. the classroom as well as supportive teaching notes and teaching/learning
resources; updated records for every class taught; setting classroom tests and
EDU 372 SUBJECT Methods (Computer Science) 3 Credits other forms of assessments; preparation of schemes of work; administering tests,
Introduction to Computer Science education philosophy and foundation of scoring and grading of scores; effective evaluation of learning; participation in
Computer Science, general goals and objectives of Computer Science; the various school activities as assigned to him/her by the schools administration;
secondary school Computer Science curriculum and syllabus; learning and perfecting of teaching skills by integrating the assessors input after every
instructional principles in teaching Computer Science lessons; models for assessment; report on the teaching practice experience at the end of the school
teaching and learning Computer Science; teaching/learning resources. term; strategies of teaching; handling exceptional learners.
EDU 371 SUBJECT Methods (KISWAHILI) 3 Credit English Language Required Courses
The course focuses on the secondary school syllabus, schemes of work,
Language Courses Credit Hours
lesson plan, methods of teaching; phonology; speeches; debates. Methods
of teaching comprehension; methods of teaching writing skills (summary, ENG 210 History and Development of the English
composition and letters),identifying grammatical errors, corrections; and peer Language
and instructor assessment. ENG 212 The Phonology of English 3
Kiswahili Literature ENG 214 English Structure and Usage 3
The course focuses on history of literature teaching, approaches to literature
ENG 317 Psycholinguistics 3
teaching; functional and interactive approach; planning a literature lesson for
teaching of various aspects; and teaching and application of various Kiswahili ENG 320 Second Language Learning 3
literature teaching methods. Use of teaching/learning aids, student evaluation
ENG 413 Discourse Analysis 3
and assessment; evaluation of teaching methods; and remedial teaching are
also covered. ENG 414 Sociolinguistics 3
ENG 416 Advanced English syntax 3
EDU 431 Education Administration & Planning 3 Credits ENG 597 Senior Project 3
An introduction to the theory and practice in organizational leadership,
management and planning with particular emphasis on education as an
organization; principles of organization; definition of major terms and concepts
such as organization, leadership management, administration, planning, English Electives
organizational theory, management and organizations; organizational planning,
a. Language (choose one course) Credit Hours
span of control and levels of management; selected theories of management:
Maslows hierarchy of needs, McGregors X and Y theories that influence ENG 408 Special Topics 3
educational administration: Herzbergs theory of motivation, bureaucracy, ENG 496 Independent Study 3
organizational leadership; communication as a tool of organizational
management; the school as an organization, school administration, basic
considerations in leadership management, education system as an organization;
the Kenya educational structure: the Education Act as legal instrument for
governance; organizational structure of the Ministry of Education, educational
planning; rationale for educational planning, policies in educational planning,
financing of education, the cost sharing policy.
www.daystar.ac.ke 57
English Literature Required Courses
b. Literature (All students must choose one (1) course) Credit Hours
ENG 324 European Drama 3
ENG 326 Survey of English Literature 3
ENG 412 African-American and Caribbean Literature 3
ENG 421 The English Novel 3
58 www.daystar.ac.ke
Computer Science Music
Required Courses for Graduation for B. ED with Computer Science as one Course Credit Hours
of the subjects. To graduate in Education with Applied Computer Science as MUS 114 Africa music ensemble 1
one of the teaching subjects, the student must have completed the following
MUS 116 Music Literacy in Theory, Harmony and
required courses with a total of 30 credit hours: 3
counterpoint (African and Western)
MUS 118 Practical Musicianship I (African and
Credit Hours 2
ACS 111: Introduction to Programming 3
MUS 119 Applied Private Instruction I A & B (African
ACS112: Introduction to Object Oriented 2
3 and Western)
MUS 217 Western Music History and Analysis I 2
ACS 211: Data Structures and Algorithms 3
ACS223: Computer Organization, Design and MUS 218 Practical Musicianship II (African and
3 2
Architecture Western)
ACS 231: Operating Systems 3 MUS 219 Applied Private Instruction II A & B (African
and Western)
ACS 351: Computer Networks 3
MUS 221 Resources and Approaches for Schools and
ACS 353: Internet Technologies 3 2
ACS 361: Introduction to Database Systems 3
MUS 312 Choral Conducting/ singing 2
MIS 281: Systems Analysis and Design Methods I 3
MUS 317 Western Music History and Analysis 2
MIS 282: Systems Analysis and Design Methods II 3
MUS 318 Practical Musicianship III (African and
TOTAL 30 2
MUS 319 Applied Private Instruction III A&B (African
and Western)
Business Studies Courses MUS 321 Music Composition (African and Western)
and Ethics
The following are the required courses for a Bachelor of Education student
taking business studies as one of the teaching subjects. MUS 412 Enthnomusicological Survey of World Music 3
Course Code Title Credit Hours
ACC 111 Financial Accounting 3
BUS 111 Business Studies 3 Religious Studies Courses
BUS 211 Management and Organization 3
Course Code Title Credit Hours
BUS 113 Professional Business Communications 3
BIL 312 Hermeneutics 3
BUS 309 Business Finance 3
BIL 342 Synoptic Gospels 3
ECO 211 Principals of Economics (Micro) 3
BIL 432 Pentateuch 3
ECO 212 Principals of Economics (Macro) 3
Bil 443 Romans 3
MAK 212 Principals of Marketing 3
RET 231 Comparative World Religions 3
MAT 111 Mathematics for Economics and Mgt 1 3
RET 333 History of Christianity Up To 1500 3
STAT 211 Business Statistics 3
RET 334 History of Christianity After 1500 3
ETH 201 Introduction To Ethics 3
CHM 325 Christian Social Ethics 3
BIL 332 Hebrew Projects 3
www.daystar.ac.ke 59
Economics School Based Programme
Course Code Title Credit Hours EDU 310 3 EDU 323 3 ENV 112 2
MAT 120 College Algebra (For Science and 3 EDU 322 3 RET 320 2 Teaching Subject 3
Mathematics Students) Teaching Subject 3 Teaching Subject 3
MAT 121 Differential Calculus 3 TOTAL 9 TOTAL 8 TOTAL 11
MAT 125 Analytical Geometry 3
MAT 221 Integral Calculus 3 4th Year
MAT 223 Discrete Mathematics 3 Teaching Subject 9 EDU 431 3 Subject Methods 6
MAT 312 Linear Algebra 3 Teaching Subject 6 Teaching Subject
MAT 313 Vector Analysis 3 TOTAL 9 TOTAL 9 TOTAL 12
MAT 322 Probability and Statistics 3
MAT 323 Ordinary Differential Equations 3
5th Year
MAT 324 Complex Analysis 3
Teaching Subject 6 EDU 507 6 ART/MUS/ 2
MAT 334 Differential Equations 3 LIT111
TOTAL 30 EDU 432 3 Teaching Subject 3 Teaching Subject 6
The EDU 507 course will be taken during the 2nd term and finalized
through compilation of reports during the August holiday of the final year
of study.
60 www.daystar.ac.ke
Total 18
1 Course 1Teaching Subject 3
Total Credit Hours 18
EDU 214 Sociology of Education & Contemporary Issues 3
EDU 220 Introduction to Educational Psychology 3
EDU 507 Teaching Practice 6
EDU 223 General Teaching Methods 3
2 Courses Teaching Subject 12
EDU 224 Educational Technology and Media 3
Total 18
1 Course 1Teaching Subject 3
Total 17
www.daystar.ac.ke 61
EDU112 2 225 3
62 www.daystar.ac.ke
Rationale Regulations
There is an increasing number of untrained graduate teachers teaching in Admission Requirements
schools on temporary terms. These teachers work for less pay without pension Applicants must be holders of at least a Bachelors degree from a
because they are not trained. Their need to acquire and be equipped with recognized University or its equivalent where English was the main
effective skills to communicate knowledge underscores the importance of a language of instruction. Applicants who earned their degrees using other
Postgraduate Diploma in Education. languages shall be required to take basic and remedial English (ENG
096 and ENG 098 respectively).
The purpose of the Postgraduate Diploma in Education (PGDE) is to train In the process of admission, exemptions will be given and credit transfers
university graduates currently employed as untrained graduate teachers. allowed for any of the courses being offered if the applicant has taken an
Such training will equip them with the needed professional qualifications and equivalent course in any of the recognized Universities.
expertise necessary to successfully carry out their responsibilities as teachers or The student must have attained a minimum grade of C in the course to
managers in various fields of education. qualify for exemption.
www.daystar.ac.ke 63
(e) Teaching Practice will be graded purely on field assessments. The practical
B. Electives
courses include the following: Education Media, Subject Methods and
Teaching Practice. Each Student will choose any two of the courses indicated below:
ACS 501 Basic Computer Knowledge 0(1)
BUS 517 Entrepreneurship and Innovations 0(1)
PGDE Course Distribution ENV 509 Introduction to Environmental Studies 0(1)
To be eligible for graduation, a student will be required to take twenty-seven (27) EDU 524 Guidance & Counseling 0(1)
credit hours and attain a cumulative GPA of at least 2.50 from the following.
HPE 513 First Aid 0(1)
EDU 542 Subject Methods: Business Studies 2 EDU 520 Introduction to Educational Psychology, Tests
and Measurements
EDU 543 Subject Methods: English and Literature 2
EDU 523 General Teaching Methods and Educational
EDU 544 Subject Methods: Christian Religious 2 3
EDU 531 Educational Administration & Planning 2
EDU 545 Subject Methods: Mathematics 2
EDU 546 Subject Methods: Physics 2
EDU 547 Subject Methods: Geography 2
December Holiday (7 weeks) Credit Hours
EDU 548 Subject Methods: Chemistry 2
EDU 521 Comparative Education 2
EDU 549 Subject Methods: Biology 2
EDU 525 Curriculum Planning and Development 2
EDU 500 Subject Methods: Kiswahili and Fasihi 2
EDU 615 Biblical Foundations of Christian Service 2
EDU 552 Subject Methods: Music 2
EDU 525 Curriculum Development 2
Special Methods (Students will be required to take 2
credit hours for Special Methods in the two teaching 4
Students must take 2 courses from the Electives carrying
2 (0 Credit)
0 credit.
64 www.daystar.ac.ke
January - April Term Credit Hours Third Semester Credit Hours
EDU 508 Teaching Practice 2 EDU 521 Comparative Education 2
Special methods (Students will be required to take two
credit hours for Special Methods in the two teaching 4C
GROUP II - Evening/ Weekend Group
Note: 2 Credit hour courses will be taught for 2 hours once a week
Students will be required to take 2 courses from
3 Credit hour courses will be taught for 3 hours, once a week 0 (2 Credit)
the Electives carrying 0 credit.
First Semester Credit Hours
EDU 511 Historical and Philosophical Foundations of
3 EDU 508 Teaching Practice (MAY OR JANUARY
Educatio 2 Credit Hours
EDU 514 Sociology of Education and Contemporary
EDU 523 General Teaching Methods and Educational
EDU 522 Human Growth & Development 2
www.daystar.ac.ke 65
Course Description
ACS 501 Computer Literacy 0 (1 Credit) EDU 511 Historical & Philosophical Foundations 3 Credits
This course is intended to form a basic introduction to Personal Computers of Education
(PC) hardware and software applications. Basic PC hardware and software Historical development of educational ideas from antiquity to the present:
will be introduced and also the following currently, used operating systems and ancient foundations of education: education among ancient civilizations:
application programs: historical survey of education and ideas plus systems in antiquity including
. MS Windows XP (Operating System) Sumerian, Egyptian, Indian, Chinese, Greek and Roman civilizations. Medieval
. MS WORD and Islamic foundations of education during the renaissance and protestant
. MS ACCESS reformation; education during the rise of modern science and technology;
factors that influenced the growth of education during the twentieth century
BUS 517 Entrepreneurship & Innovations 0 (1Credit) with particular emphasis on Africa; background to the rise, trends and
Definition and meaning of entrepreneurship and innovation, the needs for development of education in Kenya from the pre colonial era to the present.
innovations in the country and communities; merits and demerits of Definition of philosophy, branches of philosophy; philosophy of education;
entrepreneurship; business prospects; financial aid, managing a business: nature, meaning, and relevance of philosophy in education; the meaning,
small vs. big, organizations of interest: women, youth and NGOs; the role and functions of educational philosophy in teaching and learning, the
management process in small and big businesses, in individual businesses, concepts of education: criteria, meanings, role and aims of education; a
in groups, humanresources management; motivation; other complex business clear understanding of the worldview and nature of man in the development
types; marketing principles: an overview of marketing; the marketing of meaningful philosophy of education; major schools of thought in philosophy
concept; marketing communication, new product development and pricing of education; efforts made so far in the formulation and development of an
objectives; wholesaling, retailing and physical distribution; production and African philosophy of education; steps towards the formulation of a more
operations management: fundamentals of production, the production meaningful African philosophy of education, the nature and theories of
process and computerization; management information and computers; knowledge and their relevance in education; education and human values;
money and banking - a brief introduction to insurance. education and scheme of values; democracy and education; democracy in
education; Christian view of education in the context of national development
EDU 508 Teaching Practice 2 Credits stirring up the human quest.
Demonstration of acquired knowledge and skills in a classroom situation,
preparation of detailed and appropriate schemes of work for the term by the EDU 514 Sociology of Education 2 Credits
student, preparation and utilization of appropriate lesson plans in the classroom & Contemporary Issues
as well as supportive teaching notes and teaching/learning resources, Introduction: meaning of sociology, definition of society; origin and
updated records for every class taught, setting classroom tests and other forms development; branches of sociology; relation of sociology to other social
of assessments, administering tests and grading of pupils scripts, effective sciences; theories and methods of sociology; family social position: socio-
evaluation of learning by student, participation in various school activities as economic status, race, religion, social system, family structure and interrelations;
assigned to him/her by the schools administration, and report writing with effects of gender on personal abilities, personality traits, motivation and
regard to his/her teaching practice experience, at the end of the school term. socialization; Individual abilities: I.Q, its origin, cognitive style, creativity
and testing consequences; the school as a social system: principal,
teachers, special service personnel, the students; classroom role structure,
EDU 509 Introduction to Environmental Studies 0 (1Credit) student/teacher roles, teacher structure, relationship; the effectiveness of the
Foundations and perspectives of environmental education; the earth: its school: characteristics of students, school size, social context, equality of
environmental systems and resources; environmental management, educational opportunity; school environment: school board, government
demography and the environment; human settlements; eco systems; society role in education, centralized vs. decentralized school system and policy,
culture and environmental awareness; source of energy: renewable and effects of external examination; cross-cultural comparison of societies
non-renewable resources; deforestation and desertification; water resource and schools: relations of societies and schools, work ideologies, moral
policy; environmental conservation; environment and human health; instruction, vocational training, cross cultural difference in achievement; some
environmental economics; nuclear science and radiation; global warming social issues in education today: social, marital and family problems,
and loss of stratospheric ozone; weathering; soil erosion and earthquakes; adolescents, juvenile delinquents; educational problems, religious conflicts,
technology and settlement; development and environment; chemicals and poverty, inequality, unemployment; population problems, birth rate, health,
environment pesticides and pest control; legal aspects of environment; teaching minority groups, class conflict; HIV/AIDS and drug abuse.
of environmental education in the secondary schools.
66 www.daystar.ac.ke
EDU 520 Introduction to EduCaTIONAl , 3 Credits use of learning and teaching materials, non-projected media: chalkboard,
PSYCHOLOGY, Tests & Measurements graphic materials: charts, posters; display boards, flannel, peg, felt; projected
Definition of educational psychology; importance of educational psychology media: overhead projector, computer projector, slides and films strips.
in learning; Behavioral theories of learning and their educational Photographic still pictures, slides, audio, visual media; tape recording,
implications-Pavlov, Skinner; types of learning; motivation; reinforcement and educational radio and broadcasting to schools; television and video, computer
punishment; cognitive development Piagets theory of cognitive development; and instruction.
individual differences, I.Q., ability grouping, reading ability; instructional
objectives and Blooms taxonomy of educational objectives and its EDU 524: Guidance and Counselling 2 Credits
relevance to curriculum development and effective teaching, definitions of Theories, methods and techniques of counselling, the role of a teacher
tests, measurements and evaluation; classifications of tests; purposes of tests; counselor, teacher, counselor and colleagues, role conflicts, the place of the
test construction- taxonomies of educational objectives, table of specification, family in guidance and counseling, function of the school in individual
test item types; administration and scoring of tests; item analysis- distracter and group counseling, peer counselling, assessment, screening, referrals
analysis, item difficulty and discrimination; scales of measurement- nominal, and mediation of counsellee, skills in counseling those affected and infected
ordinal, interval, ratio; frequency tables and graphs; measures of central by HIV/AIDS.
tendency- mode, median, mean, percentiles; measures of dispersion- range,
variance, standard deviation; distribution curves and converted scores; EDU 525 Curriculum Studies 2 Credits
correlations- Rank Difference and Pearson Product Moment; reliability- test Meaning of curriculum; curriculum goals and objectives; theories of curriculum
retest, parallel forms, internal consistency, standard error of measurement and development; social and cultural forces affecting curriculum; philosophical
validity- content, construct, predictive and concurrent. and psychological bases for curriculum design; curriculum designs and
patterns; the curriculum development process with special emphasis
EDU 521 Comparative Education 2 Credits on the development of school curriculum in Kenya; domains of learning;
Definition of comparative education; development of comparative education formulating learning objectives; organizing subject content; selecting learning
as a discipline, problems in comparative education; the major contrasting experiences; curriculum interpretation: implementation and assessment;
educational systems; education in Britain, USA, Canada, Russia, Japan, developing a curriculum unit; curriculum monitoring and evaluation.
South Korea, France, Germany, Kenya, Ghana, Nigeria and South
Africa; Factors that have led to the particularisation of a particular EDU 531 Educational Administration 2 Credits
countrys education system, the following elements of each of the systems & Planning
the countrys system of education: goals, objectives, structure, administration An introduction to the theory and practice in organizational leadership,
and control, financing, teacher training, curriculum development, supporting management and planning with particular emphasis on education as an
services and future trends education. organization; principles of organization; definition of major terms and
concepts such as organization, leadership management, administration,
EDU 522 Human Growth & Development 3 Credits planning, organizational theory, management and organizations;
An introduction to developmental theories and exceptionalities in human growth organizational planning; span of control and levels of management; selected
and development. The meaning of change and delayed change; principles theories of management: Maslows hierarchy of needs, McGregors X and
of development and history of child development and education; theories Y theories that influence educational administration: Herzbergs theory
of human development, cognitive, affective, social, physical, psychosocial, of motivation, bureaucracy, organizational leadership; communication as
humanistic etc.; pre-natal, neo-natal, postnatal development; birth process a tool of organizational management; the school as an organization, school
African and Western approaches to birth Lamaz; Leboyer approaches; administration, basic considerations in leadership management, education
beliefs, taboos, of births, motor, language, personality, social, emotional system as an organization; the Kenya educational structure; the Education Act
development; traditional child rearing practices birth, naming and as legal instrument for governance; organizational structure of the Ministry of
adolescents ceremonies meaning and definitional children; historical Education: educational planning; rationale for educational planning, policies
background of special education in developed world and Africa; types, in educational planning, financing of education, the cost sharing policy.
characteristics and causes of exceptionalities, early intervention; assessment
screening, referrals and services of the handicapped children; educational EDU 542 Subject Methods (Business Studies) 2 Credits
policies; advocacy and pressure groups for handicapped children and youth. The nature of business studies and its role in the school curriculum, the business
studies syllabus and the strategies of teaching business studies; preparation
EDU 523 General Teaching Methods 2 Credits of schemes of work, lesson plans and records of work covered; identifying,
& Educational Media selecting, acquiring resources and developing appropriate learning
Nature and components of teaching and learning processes, educational resources; measurement and evaluation of business studies.
aims & instructional objectives, Blooms Taxonomy of educational objectives,
principles of teaching, teaching strategies, effective communication in the
class-room, a systems approach to classroom instruction, preparation and
www.daystar.ac.ke 67
EDU 543 Subject Methods (English Language 2 Credits EDU 547 Subject Methods: Music 2 Credits
& Literature in English) Development of principles of teaching Music skills and concepts; philosophical,
The development of language skills necessary for teaching of English as psychological and sociological basis of teaching music; systems approach
a second language; aims and objectives of English language and to teaching and learning; preparation for teaching writing schemes of work,
literature; an evaluative and critical study of books and other materials for lesson plans and records of work; identification, selection, acquisition,
language teaching; the development of instruments to measure linguistic skills; development and use of resources; evaluation of music learning; core activities.
recognition and identification of various purposes for which English is used;
current issues and problems in the teaching of English language in Kenyan BIL 615: Biblical Foundations of Christian Service 2 Credits
Secondary Schools; The relationship between literature and language in the Introduction and definition of terms: Kingdom of God; servanthood; Jesus
curriculum; current issues in teaching literature with reference to the secondary teaching on the Kingdom of God; parables of the Kingdom; the teaching of
schools; approaches to teaching oral literature, poetry, drama, novel and short the early church on the Kingdom of God; various views on the Kingdom of
stories; construction of schemes of work, lesson plans and records of work God; ethics of the Kingdom; implication of Kingdom teaching for believers;
covered; identification, selection, acquisition and use of resources; tests and analysis of Christian service/ servant hood; Biblical teaching on Christian
measurements of English and Literature teaching/learning. service; Christian service and the contemporary world; integration of Kingdom
ethics into Christian life.
EDU 544 Subject Methods: Christian 2 Credits
Religious Education HPE 511 First Aid 2 Credits
Organization and planning; techniques of teaching CRE; planning for Definition and meaning of terms such as CPR; Heimlich maneuver, artificial
instructional objectives, lesson plans, schemes of work, records of work respiration, and ABC of first aid; why and when first aid is administered;
covered; identification, selection, acquisition and use of learning resources; when first aid is terminated; respiration and respiration disorders; circulation
demonstration of teaching skills in a simulated classroom; evaluation of the and circulatory disorders; nervous system and unconsciousness; wounds and
video recorded lessons. bleeding; first aid for sports injuries; injuries to bones, splitting; Injuries
to muscles; ligaments and joints; burns and extremes of temperature;
EDU 545: Subject Methods (Mathematics) 2 Credits aches, foreign bodies poisoning; fire drills and evacuation; R.I.C.E. - Rest, Ice,
Principles of teaching applied to Mathematics, teaching skills, curricula compression, elevation, lifting and carrying
issues, philosophy and foundations of mathematics, preparation of mini-
lessons for teaching in a simulated classroom situation and evaluation of ENV 509 Introduction To Environmental Studies 1 Credits
the same on video. An introduction to mathematics education; philosophy The need to study the environment, introduction of concepts, environmental
and foundation of mathematics; general goals and objectives of mathematics; pollution, impact of pests and pesticides on the environment, role of man
the secondary school mathematics curriculum and syllabus; learning and on the environment, population and resources of energy, deforestation and
instructional theories in teaching mathematics; models for teaching and learning desertification, environmental conservation, the environment and human health,
the objects of mathematics; teaching/learning resources. nuclear science and radiation, weathering, soil erosion and earthquakes.
68 www.daystar.ac.ke
www.daystar.ac.ke 69
Required Courses
70 www.daystar.ac.ke
Suggested 4-year plan of study for B.A in Peace and Conflict Transformation
First Year
First Semester Second Semester
PHL 111 3 ACS 101 2
INS 111 3 BIL 112 3
BIL 111 3 INS 112 3
ENG 098 OR 111 3 ENG 111 OR 112 3
ART 111 OR MUS 111 PHY 112 2
OR LIT 111 2
MAT 102/Economics 111 2 BIO 111 2
Total 16 Total 15
Second Year
First Semester Second Semester
INS 212 2 CHM 224 3
HPE 113 1 POL 320 3
POL 220 3 PEA 240* 3
BIL 212 2 PEA 301* 2
PEA 285 3 POL 201 3
ETH 202 3 Minor 3
Minor 3
Total 17 Total 17
Third Year
First Semester Second Semester
INS 313 3 PEA 242 3
RET 320 2 PEA 345 3
PEA 312 3 PEA 407 3
PEA 141 3 RET 321 2
PCT Elective 3 Minor 3
Minor 3 Minor 3
Total 17 Total 17
Fourth Year
First Semester Second Semester
CHM 421 3 PEA 363 3
INS 412 3 PEA 365 3
PEA 386 2 PCT Elective 3
PEA 410 3 PCT Elective 3
PCT Elective 3 Minor 3
Minor 3
Total 17 Total 15
www.daystar.ac.ke 71
To graduate with a minor in Peace and Conflict Transformation a student shall
Course descriptions
be required to fulfill the following requirements.
Required courses Credit Hours CHM 224 Introduction to Christian Counseling 3 Credits
To provide students with an introduction to the principles and theories of
PEA 240: Conflict theory 3
counseling and to develop basic skills for the practice of counseling based on
PEA 241: Introduction to peace studies 3 a Biblical theology of God, man, creation, the fall and redemption. The course
PEA 285: Biblical Theology of Peacebuilding 3 also provides opportunities for students to practice counseling, and to become
PEA 312: Disaster Management 3 familiar with local counseling facilities
72 www.daystar.ac.ke
PEA 312 Disaster Management 3 Credits PEA 405 Peace Education 3 Credits
This course seeks to introduce students to the concept of disaster management This course seeks to develop attitudes and skills for living together, preventing
and to examine natural and man-made disasters with a view to seeking ways violence, and to develop constructive attributes and behavior that encourage
of reducing the risk of disaster in communities. the practice of peace in everyday life.
PEA 240 Conflict Theory 3 Credits PEA 406 Peace Missions and Peacekeeping 3 Credits
The course aims at surveying and critically examining the theoretical This course provides a foundation to the students of the principles, practices
explanations on the causes and conditions of war, violence, and conflict with a and rationale of international peacekeeping operations.
view to introducing students to the approaches used in the study of conflict and
seeking possible solutions to these problems. PEA 407 Human Security 3 Credits
The purpose of this course is to re-conceptualize security from the peoples
PEA 141 Introduction to Peace Studies 3 Credits perspective vis--vis the traditional understanding of security including regional
The purpose of the course is to conscientize students towards non-violent stability and territorial security of nation states with a view to influencing policy
approaches to dealing with interpersonal relations and social justice/social formulation and decision making in Africa.
injustice and to understand and address the root causes of problems, and non-
violent ways to transform conflict and end inequity PEA 410 Environmental Conflict Management 3 Credits
The course will examine the relationship between environmental degradation
PEA 242 Communication & Conflict Transformation 3 Credits and intrastate and international conflicts, the dynamics of the world economy
The purpose of the course is to familiarize the student with approaches to and the ways in which it contributes to environmental degradation, and
conflict transformation, conflict resolution, and negotiation and conciliation skills the issue of environmental conflict resolution including various national and
from the perspective of transformative theory. Students will also be introduced international norms and regimes in place to help mitigate such conflicts.
to the dynamics of intrapersonal, interpersonal, intragroup, and intergroup PEA 412 African Politics and Society 3 Credits
conflict with a view to enabling them apply this knowledge in a wide variety of This course will introduce the student the approaches to the study of African
settings in order to promote conflict transformation. politics and society, as well as presenting the main elements of an interactive
method for the investigation of political structures, processes and change. To
PEA 345 Strategic Peacebuilding 3 Credits this end, the course will provide basic concepts, theoretical perspectives, and
This course seeks to introduce students to the concepts, actors, approaches essential information that are necessary to understand the dynamics of Africa
and values of peacebuilding and to equip them with the appropriate skills politics and society, as well as to establish in broad strokes the complexities
for purposes of evaluating the root causes of conflict, issues and interests in and diversities of African politics and society since independence.
a conflict, conflict ripeness and for implementing appropriate intervention This course will also seek to provide a basic knowledge of political events
functions and mediation activities in any given conflict situation. and a deeper comprehension of major problems, processes and trends. This
course, therefore, constitutes a preliminary exploration into the multiple forces
PEA 363 Peace and International Human Rights Law 3 Credits that make up contemporary Africa.
The purpose of this course is to enable students understand the fundamental rights
and duties protected under international and domestic human rights instruments PEA 508 Practicum in Peace & Conflict 3 Credits
and to relate them to the theory and practice of peace and peacebuilding. Transformation
The purpose of the course is to provide students the opportunity to engage in
PEA 386 Advocacy: The Churchs Mission 3 Credits practical work in the field of peace and conflict transformation. Students must
for a Just Society be registered in the peace and transformation major, be in their final year of
This course explores the Old Testament prophetic Tradition and evaluates the study, and have completed all required courses for the major.
life, works, and ministry of Christ and other New Testament writers from the
perspective of social justice and underscores the role of the Church in promoting POL 201 Political Science 3 Credits
peace and justice at all levels of the society. The purpose of the course is to introduce the student to political science as
the phenomenon of conflict and cooperation, the exercise of power, order,
PEA 301 African Culture And Peace Building 3 Credits authority and justice, the making of collective decisions, and the allocation of
This course explores the concepts of conflict, peace and conflict resolution from scarce resources. The student will be able to better understand and analyze
a traditional African perspective and assesses African indigenous mechanisms the complex nature of conflict so that he/she can act as a peacemaker and
of dispute settlement and conflict resolution vis--vis Western theories of conflict peacebuilder in a wide variety of reconciliation ministries both in the private
resolution with a view to encourage and challenge students to incorporate and the public realm.
lessons learned in contemporary conflict transformation.
www.daystar.ac.ke 73
POL 220 International Relations 3 Credits SWK 213 Social Work and the Church 3 Credits
This course is to give the students a scientific perspective of the variables that Social work focuses on the ecological model and person in-situation. In this
affect politics at the international level. This course will also introduce the course there is limited consideration of issues in social work. It explores the
theories and paradigms of international relations, give overview of the history of relevance of spiritual ideas and thoughts to social work practice through the
international history and important aspects of international relations; including socio-spiritual approach as it applies to social work theory and practice.
diplomacy and negotiation, foreign policy making, the concept national
security, international organization, and international political economy. Here,
the stress will be placed on the ability to use concepts, models, theory and
paradigm as tools to analyze current political issues, disputes, and trends.
74 www.daystar.ac.ke
MINOR in Peace & Conflict Transformation Courses recommended for free electives 9 Credit Hours
COM 223: Public Speaking 3
Requirements for Graduation with a B.A. Minor in Peace &
Conflict Transformation COM 226: Interpersonal and Group Communication 3
SWK 213: Social Work and the Church 3
To graduate with a B.A in Peace and Conflict Transformation a student must
meet the following: SWK 412: Social Policy and Social Welfare
Credit Hour combinations Credit Hours
DEV 318 Human Resources Management 3
General Education (Required Courses) 46
DEV 415 Participatory Development Techniques/
Peace & Conflict Transformation (Required Courses) 52 3
A minor of a students choice 21
SWK 413: Gender and Development 3
Electives in Peace and Conflict Transformation 9
PEA 363: Peace and International Human Rights law 3
Internship 3
PEA 405 Peace Education 3
Total 131
PEA 406: Peace Missions and Peacekeeping 3
PEA 412: African Politics and Society 3
Required Courses
PSY 411 Social Psychology 3
Courses inculcating values for Peacebuilding Credit Hours PSY 413 Group Dynamics in Psychology 3
ETH 202: Introduction to Ethics of War and Peace 3
PEA 301: African culture and Peacebuilding 2
CHM 224: Introduction to Christian Counseling 3
CHM 421: Christian Muslim Relations 3
PEA 285: Biblical Theology of Peacebuilding 3
PEA 386: Advocacy: The Churchs Mission for a Just
Total 16
76 www.daystar.ac.ke
The School of Business and Economics aims at equipping business servant leaders for Department of Commerce Undergraduate Programmes
Africa with a world-class business education. The school concerns itself with issues Bachelor of Commerce in
ranging from servant-leadership, sustainable business management and ethical business Diploma programmes in - Accounting
behavior. The school also aims to contribute to an advancement of governance, justice Air Hostess and Cabin Crew Studies - Business Administration
and economic development through developing and increasing knowledge and skills. Air Travel Ticketing and Tourism - Purchasing and Business Logistics
The School degree programmes prepare students for the personnel needs of the Business Administration and
changing business environment and for participation in the global economy. - Commerce Law Option,
- Management Information Systems
Business Information Technology
- Bachelor of Commerce - Law Option
Objectives of the School Entrepreneurship
To enable the student acquire advanced knowledge in different management Hospitality Management Postgraduate Programmes
disciplines. Human Resource Management Master of Business Administration
To equip the student with knowledge and skills needed for playing an effective role Purchasing and Business Logistics (MBA) (Strategic Management, Human
in running of organizations. Sales and Marketing Management Resources Management, Finance or
To enable the student to learn to obtain knowledge needed to keep for the ever Tours and Travel Marketing).
changing global environment.
To provide the student with opportunity to learn to be creative and innovative
To enable the student to adopt Christian values and ethics that will help in building Department of Economics
a just society within organizations and without.
Undergraduate Programmes
To enable the student to learn to be socially responsive manager who has a desire
to respond positively to the social, economic and environmental problems affecting Bachelor of Science in Economics
the society.
www.daystar.ac.ke 77
About the Department
The Department of Commerce offers Diplomas in Business Administration and Management, Sales and Marketing Management, Purchasing and Business
Logistics, Business Information Technology, tours and Travel, Hospitality Management, Air Travel Ticketing and Tourism, Human Resource Management,
Entrepreneurship, Finance and Air Hostess and Cabin Crew Studies; Bachelor of Commerce degree with majors in Accounting, Business Administration and
Management, Marketing, Management Information Systems, Purchasing, Business Logistics and Business Law Option, besides a Bachelor of Science degree
in Economics. The Bachelor of Commerce degree programme is broadly based and aims at enabling the student to integrate knowledge and skills acquired in
various fields of commerce with the right relationship with God and people. Its objective is to produce a well rounded person, a worthy citizen of the nation and
the world at large, ready to face challenges and contribute fully to the development of society and the community they live in.
Diploma in Air Hostess and Cabin Crew After successfully completion, the student will be able to:
1. learn ways of communicating with people in the internal and external
Studies environment of an organization;
2. acquire and learn first aid, safety management skills and emergency
management techniques;
Tourism is one of the worlds largest and fastest growing industries. In terms of
3. equip students with interpersonal skills of managing people,
revenue and number of people involved, it has become worlds number two
communicating and handling customer and build lifelong;
industry next to petroleum industries.
4. relationships with consumers based on limited and complete
It helps nations to earn a large sum of foreign exchange without exporting
any tangible product. Tourism helps to earn the much needed foreign
exchange for our country. Tourism ranks as one of the top foreign exchange
earning industries. The Government of Kenya is therefore taking special efforts Admission Requirements
to increase foreign exchange earning through tourism such as preserving The minimum entry requirement is an overall grade of C (Plain) and
national parks, beaches, and historical sites. The industry needs professionals Mathematics C (plain) for those with KCSE; or Advanced Level Principal Pass
to handle the foreign tourists visiting the country. or the equivalent for candidates coming from outside Kenya. This is, however,
Having the above need of trained personnel in mind, new courses have been a minimum entry requirement and meeting it does not automatically entitle an
designed for two year diploma in tourism to enable individuals enter the field applicant admission to the University.
of tourism including airlines, hotel industry and travel trade as junior level
executives. Additional Industry Requirements
The Air Hostess and Cabin Crew Studies Diploma is a broad market oriented Students wishing to pursue Diploma in Air Hostess and Cabin Crew Studies
programme intended to provide managerial and operational orientation to will be required to meet the following additional requirements:
the emerging tourism industry. The programme is designed to develop well 1. Height 5 2 (157.5 cm) to 5 9 (173.3 cm) for ladies. Men 53
rounded executives in air travel facilities. (160 cm) to 6 0 (182.9 cm)
2. Weight shall be proportional to the height. 50.8kg 54kg Small frame
Objectives of Diploma in Air Hostess and Cabin Crew Studies 5 2 53kg 58kg Medium frame 57kg 64kg Large frame.
The student will gain a broad understanding of cabin crew and air hostess 3. Attractive
functions and also become familiar with related subject matters such as
customer services and industry regulations of dealing with people. Student Assessment
Continuous Assessment: This will be carried out continuously during the
semester and will include tests, assignments, term/ research papers, project
work, and final examinations.
78 www.daystar.ac.ke
Final examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at
Concentration Courses Credit Hours
the end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to
the final examination will vary from course to course and will be specified AHC 023: Customer Care Service 3
in the course syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of AHC 024: Public Relations 3
what is required is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning, AHC 025: First Aid and Safety Management 3
assessment will be based on 70% for final examination and 30% for
AHC 026: People Management 3
continuous assessment. For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e.
courses that require the students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by TSM 021: Tourism Principles and Practices 3
the particular content, assessment will be based on 60% for final exam and TSM 022: Hospitality Management 3
40% for continuous assessment.
TSM 027: French 3
Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and seminars. Total Concentration Courses 21
They will be required to do an attachment in a business organization. A Total Credit Hours 64
University lecturer and the person directly in charge of the student in the
business organization will supervise and assess the student.
www.daystar.ac.ke 79
Admission Requirements Requirements for the Diploma in Air Travel Ticketing and
The minimum entry requirement is an overall grade of C (Plain) and Tourism
Mathematics C (plain) for those with KCSE; or Advanced Level Principal Pass
Required Core Courses Credit hours
or equivalent for candidates coming from outside Kenya. This is, however, a
minimum entry requirement and meeting it does not automatically entitle an ICC 014: Old Testament Introduction and Survey 3
applicant admission to the University. ICC 015: New Testament Introduction and Survey 3
MGT 009: Introduction to Information Technology 3
Student Assessment
MGT 010: Professional Business Communication 3
Continuous Assessment: This will be carried out continuously during the
semester and will include tests, assignments, term/ research papers and MGT 011: Financial Accounting 3
project work. MGT 012: Organization & Mgt. 3
MGT 013: Principles of Marketing 3
Final examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at
MGT 014: Economics 3
the end of the semester.
MGT 015: Business Law 3
The relative weight of the continuous assessment to the final examination will MGT 02 : Managerial Accounting 3
vary from course to course and will be specified in the course syllabi.
MGT 022: Quantitative Techniques 3
For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of what is required is MGT 023: Business Ethics & Corporate Governance 3
mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning, assessment will be MGT 024: Entrepreneurship & Risk Management 3
based on 70% for final examination and 30% for continuous assessment. MGT 098: Research Project; OR MGT 099: Practicum 4
For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
assessment will be based on 60% for final exam for 40% for continuous
assessment. Concentration Courses Credit hours
Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and seminars.
ATT 023: Transportation (Air Travel) & Communication 3
They will be required to do an attachment in an business organizations.
A University lecturer and the person directly in charge of the student in the ATT 024: Marketing Management for Destinations 3
business organization will supervise and assess the student. and Attractions
ATT 025: Air Fares and Ticketing 3
Requirements for Graduation ATT 026: Selling Skills 3
Required General courses 43 TSM 021: Tourism Principles and Practices 3
Required courses 21 TSM 022: Hospitality Management 3
Total Concentration Courses 21
Total Credit Hours 64
80 www.daystar.ac.ke
Diploma in Business Administration & syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of what is required
is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning, assessment will be
based on 70% for final examination and 30% for continuous assessment.
For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
The Diploma program in Business Administration and Management is
assessment will be based on 60% for final exam and 40% for continuous
designed to cater for the increased demand for basic management skills
among employees of different cadres and disciplines within various
organizations. It has now become essential for almost every worker to be
Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and seminars.
familiar with basic concepts of management so that they can improve the
They will be required to do a compulsory attachment in business organizations.
efficiency of their organization. In todays world you find that, for example,
A University lecturer and the person directly in charge of the student in the
an engineer is working for a firm and with the passage of time he or she is
business organization will supervise and assess the student.
promoted to the level of a manager. Such a person will be required to utilize
management skills. The Diploma in Business Administration and Management
is therefore growing from a need to service the business enterprises with Requirements for Graduation
people who must be knowledgeable in basic management practices. Core Courses 46
As business enterprises embrace more and more people who are multi
Concentration Courses 18
disciplinary this diploma will be of help in bridging management skills not
earlier learnt by the employee. Total Credit Hours 64
Student Assessment
Continuous Assessment: This will be carried out continuously during the
semester and will include tests, assignments, term/ research papers and
project work.
Final examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at the
end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to the final
examination will vary from course to course and will be specified in the course
www.daystar.ac.ke 81
Concentration Courses Admission Requirements
The minimum entry requirement is an overall grade of C (Plain) and
MNG 030: Organizational Behavior 3
Mathematics C (plain) for those with KCSE; or Advanced Level Principal Pass
MNG 031: Company Law 3 or equivalent for candidates coming from outside Kenya. This is, however, a
MNG 032: Business Finance 3 minimum entry requirement and meeting it does not automatically entitle an
applicant admission to the University.
MNG 033: Human Resource Management 3
MNG 034: International Business Management 3
Student Assessment
MNG 035: Corporate Strategy 3 Continuous Assessment: This will be carried out continuously during the
Total Concentration Courses 18 semester and will include tests, assignments, term/ research papers and
project work.
Total Credit Hours 64
Final examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at
the end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to
the final examination will vary from course to course and will be specified
Diploma in Business Information & in the course syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of
Technology what is required is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning,
assessment will be based on 70% for final examination and 30% for
continuous assessment.
For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
The dynamism of the Internet and other telecommunication networks, and
students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
the willingness of business organizations to adopt these technologies in their assessment will be based on 60% for final exam and 40% for continuous
business functions in both the strategic and middle levels of the organization, assessment.
calls for both business organizations and individuals to keep abreast of the
current information technology for effective business enterprise management. Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and seminars.
Due to the effectiveness and efficiency of the information systems, their usage They will be required to do a compulsory attachment in a business
has spread in all sectors of business from production to service delivery. organization. A University lecturer and the person directly in charge of the
This wide spread use of information systems calls for well trained middle student in the business organization will supervise and assess the student.
level people who can design, develop, implement and maintain information
technology based systems. Therefore, the Business Information Systems Requirements for Graduation
Diploma Programme would meet these growing business challenges and
Core Courses 33
Concentration Courses 31
Objectives of Diploma In Business Information Technology Total Credit Hours 64
This Programme is designed to prepare business information systems
graduates to: Requirements for the Diploma in Business Information Technology
a) be servant leaders and can be entrusted with the organizations
Information Technology Systems resources; Required Core Courses Credit Hours
b) develop and implement information technology based system products for ICC 014: Old Testament Introduction & Survey 3
business organizations; ICC 015: New Testament Introduction & Survey 3
c) integrate information technology knowledge to business functions and
processes; MGT 009: Introduction to Information Technology 3
d) understand and comprehend the business functions and processes and MGT 010: Professional Business Communication 3
apply the acquired information technology knowledge to design MGT 011: Financial Accounting 3
innovative information systems product for such functions;
MGT 012: Organization & Management 3
e) oversee proper functionality and maintenance of information systems in
business organization; MGT 013: Principles of Marketing 3
f) enter and excel in any information systems degree Programme. MGT 014: Economics 3
MGT 022: Quantitative Techniques 3
MGT 023: Business Ethics & Corporate Governance 3
MGT 025: Business Research Methods 3
Total Credit Hours 33
82 www.daystar.ac.ke
Daystar University hopes to contribute to Africas development through
Concentration Courses
entrepreneurship training. Our Diploma in entrepreneurship graduates will
BIT 012: Computing Mathematics 3 be ale to holistically to apply the management skills of traditional business
BIT 02: Database Management systems 3 disciplines to the recognition and shaping of entrepreneurial opportunities.
BIT 022: Fundamentals of Computer Technology 3 They will develop business models that make use of those opportunities in
ways that create value, thereby becoming wealth and employment creators.
BIT 023: Visual programming 3
BIT 031: Systems Analysis and Design 3
Objectives of Diploma in Entrepreneurship
BIT 032: Computer Networks 3
The Diploma in entrepreneurship seeks to:
BIT 033: Information Technology Project Management 3
1. enable students understand and apply Biblical perspectives, in
BIT 034: Business Information Systems 3 mobilizing African People to sustainable enterprise creation and
BIT 041: Web Design and Development 3 development;
BIT 098/099: Information Technology Project OR 4 2. enable student to understand the African micro and small enterprise
Practicum environment and appreciate its attendant problems, challenges and
Total Concentration Courses 31 opportunities;
Total Credit Hours 64 3. develop responsible entrepreneurs who will apply Christian principles of
morality integrity, honesty and ethics in business;
4. enable student to understand the genesis unemployment in Africa with a
view towards employment generation through entrepreneurial ventures;
Diploma in Entrepreneurship
5. equip students with knowledge and skills in business creation,
Rationale development, counseling and management process through which
they will gain and understanding of what it takes to be successful
Africa has often been described as developments last frontier. This is
happening at particular Asia, is developing rapidly while many African
countries appear to be sliding back into forth World. Economic growths 6. challenge each student to recognize develop an act upon their innate
as well as income per capital are quite low and majority of citizens still potential in the ones self creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
live below the poverty line. Real earnings and purchasing power are low,
unemployment and underdevelopment are high, hunger and famine are Admission Requirements
endemic causing many to depend on food aid. Despite the negative aspect The minimum entry requirement is an overall grade of C (Plain) and
there is still hope that African countries can emulate Asia and develop. This Mathematics C (plain) for those with KCSE; or Advanced Level Principal Pass
can be done in many ways such as good governance political stability and or the equivalent for candidates coming from outside Kenya. This is, however,
empowerment economically. a minimum entry requirement and meeting it does not automatically entitle an
The situation of unemployment in Kenya is very serious. Every year both the applicant admission to the University.
public and private universities release about 13,000 graduates into the
labour market. Polytechnics and other tertiary institution, secondary schools Student Assessment Policy
and primary school release some more into the same labour market as well. Continuous Assessment: This will be carried out continuously during the
According to the Government of Kenya Central Bureau of Statistics, more than semester and will include tests, assignments, term/ research papers, project
half a million young people each and every year join this large labour market work, and final examinations.
looking for jobs. The exact number of unemployed in this country remains
unknown. This figure of more than 500,000 young people pouring into the Final examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at
the end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to
labour market annually forms the formidable potential market for this diploma
the final examination will vary from course to course and will be specified
in Entepreneurship.
in the course syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of
The dismal performance of many African Economies for many years now what is required is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning,
has resulted in massive unemployment amongst a majority of the population. assessment will be based on 70% for final examination and 30% for
Worst hit have been the majority of the youth who despite good education continuous assessment.
and training remain unemployed, dependant, miserable and hopeless. The
situation has been worsened by sudden and growing infux of retrenches who For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
despite having retrenchment benefits often do not know how or where to
assessment will be based on 60% for final exam for 40% for continuous
invest viably.
www.daystar.ac.ke 83
Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and Diploma in Finance
seminars. They will be required to do a compulsory attachment in business
organizations. A University lecturer and the person directly in charge of the
student in the business organization will supervise and assess the student.
Finance has traditionally been a major part of financial management. Every
organization is keen about its financial matters. Ordinary people have also
Requirements for Graduation
been intrigued with the area of finance. In Kenya there has been a growing
Core Courses 46 interest in finance and investments. It is true that a person cannot invest their
Concentration Courses 18 money well without first understanding how finance is handled and how the
finance and money markets operate. Organizations are now also involved
Total Credit Hours 64
in investments in a bigger way than before. Large sums of capital are been
invested by organizations in capital projects while the individual investor is
Requirements for Diploma in Entrepreneurship interested in areas such as real estate and stock exchange and other money
Required Core Courses Credit Hours markets. With this growing tendency to invest, it has now become imperative
that people be educated in finance. It is with this in mind that this new
ICC 01 : Old Testament Introduction & Survey 3
diploma is being developed. The Finance diploma will equip the individual
ICC 015: New Testament Introduction & Survey 3 to be more skilled in handling financial matters. Fraud is today at high levels
MGT 009: Introduction to Information Technology 3 leading to the collapse of organizations. Anti money laundering and other
practices have created a crisis in financial management. Organizations
MGT 01 : Professional Business Communication 3
are in dire need of help to arrest these cases and the Finance Diploma will
MGT 011: Financial Accounting 3 appropriately equip the student to manage the financial resources of an
MGT 012: Organization & Management 3 organization.
MGT 013: Principles of Marketing 3
MGT 014: Economics 3 Objectives of Diploma in Finance
The diploma programs seek to:
MGT 015: Business Law 3
1. train students to work in the area of finance in both the public and
MGT 021: Managerial Accounting 3
private sectors;
MGT 022: Quantitative Techniques 3
2. equip students with sound financial management principles and skills
MGT 023: Business Ethics & Corporate Governance 3 that can enable them carry out research and to assist them in providing
MGT 024: Entrepreneurship & Risk Management 3 solutions to practical issues;
MGT 098: Research Project; or 3 3. train the student to design and implement effective financial strategies;
MGT 099: Practicum 4 4. ground the student in theoretical and practical foundations in financial
Total Required Core Courses 46 management in an ever changing and dynamic world of financing;
5. assist the student to appreciate financial theories and their application to
contemporary issues;
Concentration Courses Credit Hours
6. provide a solid base in sound financial management that will help an
ENT 011 : Introduction to Entrepreneurship 3 organization to gain competitive advantage;
ENT 012 : Innovation and Entrepreneurship 3 7. prepare students to be upright and responsible citizens who will apply
ENT 013 : New Venture Creation 3 Christian principles of honesty, morality, integrity and ethics in their
ENT 014 : New Product Mgt. & Sale of Knowledge 3 profession, while appreciating the importance of nation building and
national heritage.
ENT 015 : Family Business Management 3
ENT 016 : Imagination, Entrepreneurship & 3
Creative Business Problem Solving Admission Requirements
Total Concentration Courses 18 The minimum entry requirement is an overall grade of C (Plain) and
Mathematics C (plain) for those with KCSE; or Advanced Level Principal Pass
Total Credit Hours 64
or the equivalent for candidates coming from outside Kenya. This is, however,
a minimum entry requirement and meeting it does not automatically entitle an
applicant admission to the University.
84 www.daystar.ac.ke
Student Assessment Policy Concentration Courses Credit Hours
Continuous Assessment: This will be carried out continuously during the
semester and will include tests, assignments, term/ research papers, project FIN 011: Business Finance 3
work, and final examinations. FIN 012: Financial Institutions 3
FIN 013: Financial Analysis and Reporting 3
Final examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at
the end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to FIN 021: Financial Management 3
the final examination will vary from course to course and will be specified FIN 022: Portfolio Mgt & Investments 3
in the course syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of
what is required is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning, FIN 023: International Finance 3
assessment will be based on 70% for final examination and 30% for Total Concentration Courses 18
continuous assessment.
Total 64
For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
assessment will be based on 60% for final exam for 40% for continuous
assessment. Diploma in Hospitality Management
Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and seminars.
They will not be required to do a compulsory attachment (clinical) in law
Tourism is one of the worlds largest and fastest growing industry. In terms of
courts or in business organizations. However, where they do so a University
revenue and number of people involved, it has become worlds number two
lecturer and the person directly in charge of the student at the law courts or in
industry next to petroleum industry.
the business organization will supervise the student.
It helps nations to earn a large sum of foreign exchange without exporting
any tangible product. Tourism ranks as one of the top foreign exchange
Requirements for Graduation Credit Hours earning industry. Government of Kenya is therefore taking special efforts
to increase foreign exchange earning through tourism such as preserving
Required Core courses 46
national parks, beaches, and historical sites. The industry needs professionals
Required Concentration courses 18 to handle the foreign tourists visiting the country.
Total Credit Hours 64 The Diploma in Hospitality Management is a broad market oriented
programme intended to provide managerial and operational orientation to
the emerging tourism industry. The programme is designed to develop well
Requirements for Diploma In Finance rounded professionals in the hospitality industry.
Required Core courses Credit Hours
ICC 014: Old Testament Introduction & Survey 3 Objectives of Diploma in Hospitality Management
ICC 015: New Testament Introduction & Survey 3 The student will gain a broad understanding of hospitality management
MGT 009: Introduction to Information Technology 3 and be familiar with related subject matters such as industry regulations, the
MGT 010: Professional Business Communication 3 management and practices of hospitality services.
www.daystar.ac.ke 85
Student Assessment Concentration Courses Credit Hours
Continuous Assessment: This will be carried out continuously during the HOM 023 : Principle and Practices of Management 3
semester and will include tests, assignments, term/ research papers and in the Hospitality Industry
project work.
HOM 024: Hospitality, Leisure and Tourism 3
Final examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at HOM 025: Hospitality and Travel Marketing 3
the end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to HOM 026: Hospitality and Related Services 3
the final examination will vary from course to course and will be specified
TSM 021: Tourism Principles and Practices 3
in the course syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of
what is required is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning, TSM 022: Hospitality Management 3
assessment will be based on 70% for final examination and 30% for TSM 027: French 3
continuous assessment. Total Concentration Courses 21
For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the Total Credit Hours 64
students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
assessment will be based on 60% for final exam for 40% for continuous
Diploma in Human Resource Management
Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and seminars.
They will be required to do an attachment in business organization. A Rationale
University lecturer and the person directly in charge of the student in the The new concept of People Management has revolutionized the role and
business organization will supervise and assess the student. function of human resource management within business organizations. The
Diploma in Human Resource Management will develop persons who will
Requirements for Graduation Credit Hours contribute to the role and function of human resource management in an
organization. As organizational structures become more complex the human
Required Core courses 43
resource management function is also changing. This diploma seeks to
Required Concentration courses 21 disseminate knowledge and skills that are necessary for creating new human
Total Credit Hours 64 resource functions within organizations.
86 www.daystar.ac.ke
8. prepare student to be upright and responsible citizen who will apply
MGT 012: Organization & Mgt. 3
Christian principles of honesty, morality, integrity and ethics in their
profession, while appreciating the importance of nation building and MGT 013: Principles of Marketing 3
national heritage. MGT 014: Economics 3
MGT 015: Business Law 3
The minimum entry requirement is an overall grade of C (Plain) and MGT 022: Quantitative Techniques 3
Mathematics C (plain) for those with KCSE; or Advanced Level Principal Pass MGT 023: Business Ethics & Corporate Governance 3
or equivalent for candidates coming from outside Kenya. This is, however, a
MGT 024: Entrepreneurship & Risk Management 3
minimum entry requirement and meeting it does not automatically entitle an
applicant admission to the University. MGT 025: Business Research Methods 3
MGT 098: Research Project; or 4
Student Assessment MGT 099: Practicum
Continuous Assessment: This will be carried out continuously during the Total Required Core Courses 46
semester and will include tests, assignments, term/ research papers and
project work. Concentration Courses Credit Hour
HRM 011: Human Resource Management 3
Final examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at
the end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to HRM 012: Organizational Behaviour 3
the final examination will vary from course to course and will be specified HRM 013: Employee Relations & Labour Law 3
in the course syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of
HRM 014: Industrial Psychology 3
what is required is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning,
assessment will be based on 70% for final examination and 30% for HRM 015: International Human Resource Mgt 3
continuous assessment. HRM 016: Public Relations 3
Total Concentration Courses 18
For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
Total Credit Hours 64
students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
assessment will be based on 60% for final exam and 40% for continuous
Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and seminars. Diploma in Purchasing & Business Logistics
They will not be required to do a attachment in law courts or in business
organizations. However, where they do so a University lecturer and the Rationale
person directly in charge of the student at the law courts or in the business The supply chain management concept is currently revolutionizing global
organization will supervise the student. business. Modern business organizations are becoming more and more
aware that the management of logistics activities, also referred to as
Requirements for Graduation Credit Hours supply chain management, has tremendous impact on sales and corporate
profitability. As African enterprises attempt to compete with foreign imports
Required Core courses 46
or find a place for African products and services in world markets, there is a
Required Concentration courses 18 growing demand for workers with the knowledge and skills necessary to use
Total 64 the tools of modern supply chain management to create:
1. significant cost savings for the firm, its partners in the supply chain, and
Requirements for the Diploma in Human Resource Management the final customer.
2. increased focus on the needs of the customer, improved customer
Required Core courses Credit Hours
satisfaction, and, ultimately, increased sales and profits.
ICC 014: Old Test. introduction and survey 3
3. marketing weapons that become major competitive advantages for the
ICC 015: New Test. introduction and survey 3 firm.
MGT 009: Introduction to Information Technology 3
MGT 010: Professional Business Communication 3 The Diploma in Purchasing and Business Logistics is aimed at developing
students who are well trained and skilled in all aspects of creating value
MGT 011: Financial Accounting 3
for customers and for the firm by management of purchasing and other
www.daystar.ac.ke 87
logistics functions. The Diploma will give the students theoretical as well as mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning, assessment will be
practical knowledge in areas such as purchasing, inventory management, based on 70% for final examination and 30% for continuous assessment.
packing and materials handling, warehousing and stores management, For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
transportation, forecasting, production control, customer service management students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
etc. The curriculum focuses on developing the quantitative tools necessary for assessment will be based on 60% for final exam for 40% for continuous
application of computer based logistics management systems. assessment.
88 www.daystar.ac.ke
Diploma in Sales & Marketing Management Final Examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at
the end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to
Rationale the final examination will vary from course to course and will be specified
The arena of sales and marketing has become dynamic in the world. As in the course syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of
people move from markets dominated and commanded by the seller to what is required is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning,
those dictated by the buyers, a lot of creativity is required from todays assessment will be based on 70% for final examination and 30% for
organizationsin trying to attract customers to buy their product. Organizations continuous assessment.
in this dynamic world of marketing are constantly pushing their sales and
marketing personnel to achieve even higher target levels. Today business For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
organizations are looking for sales executives who can be used to make students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
sales and service delivery to create a competitive advantage. The art assessment will be based on 60% for final exam and 40% for continuous
of selling is distinguished from the art of marketing that involves more assessment.
persuasion. The Diploma in Sales and Marketing will enhance the skills of
the student and develop a versatile person who can open and close a sale Practical: Students will be required to do class presentations and
transaction successfully. As a result of effective sales and marketing skills the seminars. They will be required to do a compulsory attachment in business
organizations will begin to experience higher levels of sales and in turn the organizations. A University lecturer and the person directly in charge of the
profits will be maximized. The Diploma in Sales and Marketing will provide student in the business organization will supervise and assess the student.
the students with an appreciation of the theoretical aspects of marketing.
Ranges of practical skills are included in the program in order to enhance the Requirements for Graduation
students value to the employer. The courses are designed so that they build
on one another moving from the basics right to the more strategic areas in Required General courses 46
management. Required courses 18
The Diploma in Sales and Marketing seek to: Requirements for the Diploma in Sales and Marketing Management
1. equip student with sales and marketing management principles and
Required Core courses Credit Hours
skills that can enable the student close a sale and provide solutions to
practical issues; ICC 014 : Old Testament Introduction & Survey 3
2. train and challenge the student to design and implement effective sales ICC 015 : New Testament Introduction & Survey 3
and marketing strategies;
MGT 009 : Introduction to Information Technology 3
3. ground the student in theoretical and practical foundations in sales and
marketing in an ever changing and dynamic environment; MGT 010 : Professional Business Communication 3
4. provide the student with an appreciation of theories and their MGT 011 : Financial Accounting 3
applications to contemporary issues; MGT 012 : Organization & Management 3
5. prepare student to be upright and responsible citizen who will apply
MGT 013 : Principles of Marketing 3
Christian principles of honesty, morality, integrity and ethics in their
profession, while appreciating the importance of nation building and MGT 014 : Economics 3
national heritage. MGT 015 : Business Law 3
MGT 021 : Managerial Accounting 3
Admission Requirements
MGT 022 : Quantitative Techniques 3
The minimum entry requirement is an overall grade of C (Plain) and
Mathematics C (plain) for those with KCSE; or Advanced Level Principal Pass MGT 023 : Business Ethics & Corporate Governance 3
or equivalent for candidates coming from outside Kenya. This is, however, a MGT 024 : Entrepreneurship & Risk Management 3
minimum entry requirement and meeting it does not automatically entitle an MGT 025 : Business Research Methods 3
applicant admission to the University.
MGT 099 : Practicum 4
www.daystar.ac.ke 89
Concentration Courses Credit Hours Objectives of Diploma in Tours and Travel
MKT 011 : Consumer Behavior 3 The students will be able to gain a broad understanding of Tours and Travel
and will be familiar with related subject matters such as transport systems,
MKT 012 : Advertising 3
the management of tourists, tour organizations, tourist behavior and tourist
MKT 013 : Sales Management 3 transport; and other industry regulations.
MKT 021 : Marketing Management 3 After successful completion of the course, the student will be able to:
MKT 022 : Public Relations 3 1. understand the growth, role and impact of transport system;
MKT 023 : International Marketing 3 2. have a broad understanding of different travel organizations and
understanding of the relationship between travel and tourism;
Total Concentration Courses 18
3. understand different types of tourists and factors motivating them to
4. identify different travel operations.
Having the above need of trained personnel in mind, the diploma in tourism
Final Examinations: Each student will be required to do an examination at the
will enable individuals to enter the field of tourism including airlines, hotel
end of the semester. The relative weight of the continuous assessment to the final
industry and travel trade as junior Level executives.
examination will vary from course to course and will be specified in the course
The Tours and Travel Diploma is a broad market oriented programme intended syllabi. For courses that are essentially conceptual i.e. much of what is required
to provide managerial and operational orientation to the emerging tourism is mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning, assessment will be
industry. The programme is designed to develop well rounded tours and travel based on 70% for final examination and 30% for continuous assessment.
For courses that are essentially skills oriented, i.e. courses that require the
students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by the particular content,
assessment will be based on 60% for final exam and 40% for continuous
90 www.daystar.ac.ke
Requirements for the Diploma in Tours and Travel Course Descriptions
Required Core Courses Credit Hours
ICC 014: Old Testament Introduction and Survey 3 AHC 023 People Management/Managing Behaviour 3 Credits
ICC 015: New Testament Introduction and Survey 3 Behavioural science: meaning and scope, origin of behavioural science,
MGT 009: Introduction to Information Technology 3 contribution of behavioural science to people management, importance of
scientific methods of studying individual behaviours. Nature of management:
MGT 010: Professional Business Communication 3
historical foundations, of management, theories of management, roles of
MGT 011: Financial Accounting 3 management. Individual system; personality and attitude, perception and
MGT 012: Organization & Management 3 attribution, learning and reinforcement, managerial problem solving styles.
Group dynamics: group formation and development, characteristics of an
MGT 013: Principles of Marketing 3
effective work groups, formal and informal groups, group decision making
MGT 014: Economics 3 model, individualism and collectivism, inter group dynamics. Team leadership
MGT 015: Business Law 3 and motivation; working with peoples staff retention and turnover, staff
MGT 021: Managerial Accounting 3 recruitment and selection, employee development, selection and training, labor
cost management. Pre requisite MGT 012.
MGT 022: Quantitative Techniques 3
MGT 023: Business Ethics & Corporate Governance 3 AHC 024 First Aid & Safety Management 3 Credits
MGT 024: Entrepreneurship and Risk Management 3 Introduction: meaning and scope of first aid, applications/instances,
importance of first aid, limitations of first aid. Assessment of the situation:
MGT 098: Research Project; or
control of the situation, safety enhancement, locally available resources.
MGT 099: Practicum 4 Diagnosis: listening, smelling, looking, touching. Treatment: urgent treatment,
TOTAL REQUIRED CORE COURSES 43 importance treatment important treatment, after treatment. Common first aid
practices: respiration, asphyxia, circulatory and circulation disorders, wounds
and bleedings, nervous system and unconsciousness, bone injuries, aches,
Concentration Courses Credit Hours
poisoning, burns, etc. Safety management: safety precautionary measures.
TAT 023: Transport Systems 3
TAT 024: Travel Organization 3 AHC 025 Public Relations 3 Credits
History of public relations; Public relations defined and distinguished; definition,
TAT 025: Travel Behaviour and Management 3
characteristic and role of public relations. Public relations departments; The
TAT 026: Tour Operations Management 3 public relations officer, press relations, gaining publicity, the familiarization
TSM 021: Tourism Principles and Practices 3 visit, handling the unfavourable publicity. Planning public relations programs;
TSM 022: Hospitality Management 3 Public of public relations; The news media; Press relations; Created private
media; Budgeting; Photography; The ethics of public relations; Management
TSM 027: French 3
and employee relations; Sponsorships; Export public relations; Marketing
Total Concentration Courses 21 research; Public relations in developing countries. Pre requisite: MGT 013.
AHC 026 Customer Care 3 Credits
Customer service skills: customer communication skills; listening skills;
demonstrating or positive attitude to customers; letter writing in a service
environment; dealing with customers by telephone; handling criticisms and
complaints; customer care and selling skills; importance of teamwork in
customer service; how to make a customer feel special. Putting customer service
into practice: introducing customer services and management change; service
mission statements; service actions plans; setting standards of service; service
chains managing the service process; measuring customer service; the
internal customer; etiquette and grooming; relationship marketing. The role
of positive impact, methods of responding effectively to customer needs,
effective interpersonal kills for handling upset customers, recognizing sources of
stress and methods of coping with stress. Prerequisite; MGT 013.
www.daystar.ac.ke 91
ATT 023: Transportation (Air Travel) and Comm 3 Credits
Modes of Transport: road, rail, sea and air; public, private and individual BIT 012: Computing Mathematics 3 Credits
modes of transport; their characteristics. Organization and management of Introduction to matrix, determinants, inverses and their applications. Introduction
transport enterprises: economics of transport; need for regulation; customer to differentiation, definition of derivative, derivative of sum, product and quotient.
oriented policies. Types of aircrafts used in civil aviation: airports and runways; Application of differentiation in determining the maximum and minimum points
Role and functions of ICAO; Department of Civil Aviation; domestic and of function and curve sketching. Differentiation of logarithmic functions.
International Tariff, fares and schedules; Air cargo. Role and functions of IATA. Introduction to integration as reverse of differentiation. Integration methods and
How supply of transport stimulates development of Tourism. How growth of their application. Introduction to logical statements and constructing the truth
travel leads to improvement in air transport network. The transport component tables and their application to computing.
in the travelers expenditure, his choice of carrier. Price elasticity, promotional
rates, group travel, scheduled and supplementary carriers. Charter rates and BIT 021 Database Management Systems 3 Credits
IATA fares. Impact of technology on transport. Airlines in the hotel business. Introduction to Database: File systems and databases. Database design
methodology. The relational models. Entity Relationship (ER) modeling,
ATT 024 Marketing Mgt for Destinations 3 Credits introduction to Structured Query Language (SQL). Design and development of
& Attractions database tables, forms and reports. Conceptual database design & verification,
Tourism perspective, role of branding, marketing, research, statistics etc. a logical database design and implementation. Database Administration.
range of case studies reviewing both success stories and worldwide failures Limitation of relational database management systems such MS Access. Project
used to consider issues involved in destination management. Introduction to using MS Access. Pre requisite; MGT 009.
marketing, marketing research, understanding needs and wants, product
policy, pricing, communication process (reaching the customer), distribution BIT 023 Fundamentals of Computer Technology 3 Credits
channels, selling skills, Market segmentation, advertising and sales promotion, Computer structure, components their connectivity and their functions, computer
marketing for destinations. Pre requisite: MGT 013. abstraction and technology, introduction to integrated circuits, language of
machines, arithmetic for computers, processors and peripherals, I/O devices
ATT 025 Air Fares & Ticketing 3 Credits and multiprocessors, computer registers and counters.
History; Fare selection criteria, currency rules and rounding procedures, OW
fare component steps and checks, special mileage provisions, RT/CT/RW BIT 024 Visual Programming 3 Credits
Fare construction, exceptions the HIP and other checks, Add ons, journey Over view of visual basic, an introduction to Visual Basic, Designing
with surface sectors, normal fare open jaw construction, journey vs pricing Applications, Using Variable and constants. The selection and the Repetition
unit concept, lowest combination principle, limitations on indirect travel, C structure. Sequential Access file, menu and reports. Dialog boxes and Error
construction, taxes, fees and other charges, PTA transactions, mixed class Trapping. Random Access files, Database access using visual data manager
travel, rerouting and reissuances, control and security of BSP Accountable and Variable arrays.
documents and special fares, NUCs and round resulting local currency fares,
endorsement procedures, reissue tickets with additional correction, voluntary BIT 031 System Analysis & Design 3 Credits
and involuntary rerouting, fare calculation techniques, pricing units and service The system development environment. System development process models,
sectors, issue and honour NICO/MPD, normal one way, round trip, circle trip e.g., waterfall, spiral and structured system analysis and development
and round the world fares in NVCs. methodology (SSADM): Systems study and requirement specification,
managing an information systems project, identifying and selecting systems
ATT 026 Selling Skills 3 Credits development projects, Initiating and planning system development projects,
Understanding the difference between sales and marketing, the changing determining systems requirements. System design: process modeling, logic
role of travel sales sand the new millennium. Understanding the sales process: modeling, conceptual data modeling. Selecting the best alternative design
making initial contact with a prospect, identifying needs, demonstrating features strategy. Pre requisite; BIS 024.
and benefits, getting a commitment, overcoming objections and making a
follow up. Understand selling by telephone versus selling in person the role BIT 032 Computer Networks 3 Credits
of travel sales and the new millennium. Recognizing the buying influences in Introduction to data communications. Network applications, architectures,
large account sales and difference between large account and other account devices and circuits. Layers of networking technology. Local area network and
sales. The use of social and personal skills, the sales sequence, the role of wide area network. Communication: wired and wireless, data, voice, and
the sales representative, managing sales representatives, selling through travel video. Data communication protocols, carrier options. Broadband technologies
agents, use of selling tools: advertising objectives, strategy, agencies, door to including their application, regulation, standards, and cost issues. Frame relay
door distribution; travel brochure, its role, preparing a brochure, distributing and ATM. Project: Students will connect a small LAN comprising two or three
a brochure; sales promotion; its nature, techniques, planning, its impact; computers and set the protocols.
exhibitions and trade fares, planning and organizing consumer presentation.
Pre requisite: MGT 013.
92 www.daystar.ac.ke
BIT 034 Business Information Systems 3 Credits Innovation Strategies: Innovations as a source of competitive advantage,
Introduction to information systems: Information system development, kinds Specific strategies: defensive/offensive, imitative. The management of
and types of information systems and the strategic role of information Innovation: Networks, Collaboration and innovation, Organizational and
systems. Information systems, organizations, and management, computers individual learning, Implementing innovations: risk assessment, project planning
and information processing. Information systems software. data resources and team coordination.
management. Telecommunications systems and networks. The Internet and
business applications. Redesigning the organization with information systems. ENT 013 New Venture Creation 3 Credits
Approaches to system building. Ethical and social impact of information Students will work in teams to launch companies, working through issues of
systems. Information systems security and control. market analysis, technology viability assessment, competitive positioning, team
building, product life cycle planning, marketing strategy, sales channel analysis,
BIT 041 Web Design and Development 3 Credits and strong emphasis on the entrepreneurship as a sales person. They will map
Web fundamentals. Client/server architecture. Page design. Content design. the new company, and well address the strategic considerations for creating
Site design. Intranet design. Web browsers. Accessibility for users with companies that can quickly define and dominate a new category of disruptive
disabilities. International (Global) Use of the internet and E commerce. The technology. The course will feature a prestigious line up of guest speakers
trend and future of the Internet. Simplicity in web design. HTML and ASP and hands on mentors who have deep and recent experience starting and
programming. Introduction to Dream weaver. building companies. Topics to be covered in this course include the process
BIT 042 IT Project Management 4 Credits of identifying and quantifying market opportunities, then conceptualizing,
Introduction to project management, IT project phases: IT project initiation, It planning, and starting a new venture. Topics include opportunity assessment,
project planning, IT project scheduling network diagrams: A map of the IT value propositions, the entrepreneur, legal issues, entrepreneurial ethics, the
project, Building an IT project Team, IT project assignment. Risk management: business plan, the founding team, and seeking funds. Also to be covered in this
Evaluation of Risks and Constraints in an IT project and their management. IT course are issue relating to business risks analysis, strategic and operational
project implementation Phase: starting an IT project, leadership, communication planning, financial planning and measuring and controlling performance;
protocols. Controlling phase: monitoring and control, conflict resolution, managing innovation, marketing the entrepreneurial organization, managing
change management, management of common project problems. Termination human resource in rapidly growing firms, and the exit strategies. Identifying
phase: project conclusion, termination and evaluation. and evaluating the main sources of funding new ventures; including: venture
capital, informal investors, banks, investment bank, suppliers, buyers and the
BIT 045 Information Technology Systems Project 3 Credits government. Some of the topics for this course include valuation, guerilla
The student will be required to apply the acquired knowledge to develop financing, joint ventures, strategic alliances, private placements, IPOs, ESOPs
an information technology based system within an organization or business and management buyouts. Prerequisite: ENT 011.
function of his or her choice.
ENT 014 New Product Mgt. and Sale of Knowledge 3 Credits
LOG 011 Introduction to Business Logistics 3 Credits This provides an extensive and detailed focus on the new product. It explores
To introduce the role of logistics in the economy and the organization, customer in detail the process of converting ideas, technologies, and customer needs
service management and logistics information systems. Inventory concepts and into new products, services and processes, packaging, branding and labelling
the basics of inventory management. Managing materials flow in production decisions. It also examines the role of a new product in the sustainable
and operations. Transportation and traffic management. Warehousing, marketplace advantage. Attention is also paid to registration and protection
materials handling, computerization, and packaging issues. Introduction to issues. Students will be required to identify an idea and develop it into a
global logistics. Organizing for effective logistics and controlling logistics product. Prerequisite: Also examines the history, development and components
performance. Fundamentals of supply chain management. Developing and of franchisee, licensee and distributorship systems, focussing particularly on
implementing logistics strategy. Prerequisite; MGT 022. business format franchise networks. The perspectives of both franchise and
franchisor are considered, as are various management issues which may arise
ENT 011 Introduction to Enterpreneurship 3 Credits within the network. Prerequisite: ENT 011 & MNG 022. ENT 011.
In addition to definition of terminology this course gives an overview of a variety
of issues surrounding new venture creation, such as opportunity identification, ENT 015 Family Business Management 3 Credits
the business plan, the economics of the business, determining resource needs Family businesses represent the interests of two distinct, yet overlapping
an acquiring resources, marketing requirement , harvesting issues, among institutions: the firm and the family. It examines special problems of family
others. business and other closely held corporations. Attention is devoted to family
business planning, effective governance approaches in family businesses,
ENT 012 Innovation and Enterprenuership 3 Credits preparing heirs for entry into and management of family firms, tax and
This course will explore the following aspects of innovation: The nature compensation planning, and succession strategies. Actual family business case
and process of innovation: Theories of innovation, Technological change, studies will be used to examine these issues. Family business owners will serve
Entrepreneurship and innovation, The changing nature of the innovation process. as invited speakers. Prerequisite: ENT 011.
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ENT 016 Imagination, Entrepreneurship and 3 Credits including EDI and purchasing on the Internet. Purchasing organization
Creative Business Problem Solving and strategic role in the firm. Purchase descriptions, specifications and
This is a practical course that aims at stimulating students to apply the theories standardization. Purchasings role in new product development. Outsourcing
and skills acquired from the other entrepreneurial courses on real life situations. and make or buy decisions. Finding, evaluating and selecting domestic and
Prerequisites: ENT 011, ENT 012, ENT 013, ENT 014. international sources of supply. Price and cost analysis. Principles of contracting
and negotiation. Purchasing capital equipment and services. Contract
FIN 011 Business Finance 3 Credits administration, managing for quality, and general management responsibilities
Sources of business finance: shares, loans, hire purchase, lease hire, trade including value analysis, developing the buying plan, and appraisal and
credit; ploughed back capital; financial institutions: specialized financial control of the purchasing function. Pre requisite: LOG 013.
institutions, ICDC, KIE, IDE, AFC, KTDC, HFCK, CDC, ADB; savings and
credit cooperative society; cooperative insurance; expected future financing of LOG 021 Inventory Planning and Control 3 Credits
cooperatives; the commercial banks, merchant banks, etc.; Other institutions:
Functions, types and uses of inventories. Nature and uses of forecasts in the
the CBK; the banking system; problems of indigenous banks and possible
firm. Demand management, forecasting periods and accuracy. Forecasting
solutions; the stock exchange: functions, issuing of shares, purchase timing;
CMA, dealings, yield and P/E ratio; cost of capital; working capital approaches including Box Jenkins, econometrics, Delphi method, market
management; the capital budgeting decision; financial analysis: ratio analysis. surveys, statistical series, time series, moving average, exponential smoothing,
Prerequisites: MGT 011and MGT 014. and Bayesian techniques. Adjusting for seasonality and cyclic patterns
around the trend. Monitoring and controlling forecasting systems by using
FIN 012 Financial Institutions 3 Credits mean absolute deviation, mean absolute error, mean absolute percent error,
Overview of the financial system, theory of the financial system, mobilizing and tracking signals. The use of focus forecasting, pyramid forecasting, and
savings, asset transformation, Central banking, the determinants of interest rates, combination methods to improve forecast accuracy.
modern central banking, principles of banking, retail banking, wholesale Vector smoothing for simple and multiple items. Percentage done estimating
banking, building societies, regulation and the control of the financial system, method. Percent of aggregate demands method. Slow moving item forecasting
issues concerning the prudential controls of the financial system, the demand using exponential smoothing and vector smoothing. Measures of inventory
for and supply of assets, models of the demand for assets, models of the supply system performance including ROI and ROA. Inventory distribution by value
of assets. and Pareto (ABC) analysis. Trade offs between holding costs, set up costs,
ordering costs, costs of production down time, and cost of stock outs. Basic
FIN 013 Financial Analysis and Reporting 3 Credits order point/order quantity systems and calculation of EOQ/EPQ. EOQ
Income statement, balance sheet and cash flow statement review and the big with quantity discounts and shortages. Annual, cycle count, and low point
picture analysis, profitability and risk analysis, ratios analysis, common size inventory systems. Multi item joint replenishment inventory models including
analysis, trend analysis, Percentage change analysis, cross sectional analysis, Browns algorithm and Kaspi and Rosenblatts algorithm, Joint replenishment
time series analysis. production quantity models. Inventory systems under risk including calculation
of safety stocks. Interaction between service levels and safety stocks. Balancing
FIN 021 Financial Management 3 Credits backorder or lost sales costs against inventory costs. Lead time adjustments and
Capital budgeting cost of capital, portfolio analysis, capital structure, foreign variability. Impact of demand lumpiness and variability. Impact of anticipated
exchange, merger, and acquisitions. Prerequisite: FIN 011. price changes on demand. Common inventory control systems in practice.
Aggregate inventory management including lot size inventory management
FIN 022 Portfolio Management & Investment 3 Credits interpolation technique (LIMIT), exchange curves, LaGrange multipliers, unit
Nature and Scope of Investment Management. Risk and Returns. Security and situation stock out objectives. Facility location decisions including echelon
Valuation. Alternative Forms of Investment. Investor and Interest Rates, Dividend inventory and echelon holding costs. Types of distribution systems, distribution
Policies and Tax Planning. Fundamental Analysis. Technical Analysis. Efficient requirements planning, and allocation systems. Outsourcing of distribution and
Market Theory. Portfolio Analysis. Prerequisites: BUS 314 and STA 211. inventory storage. Pre requisites; BUL 011, MGT 025.
FIN 023 International Finance 3 Credits LOG 022 Warehousing and Stores Management 3 Credits
International monetary system, balance of payments, foreign exchange markets, Nature and importance of warehousing. Types of warehousing. Three functions
parity conditions, derivatives, foreign exchange risk management, transaction of warehousing movement, storage, and information transfer. Receiving,
exposure, economic exposure, translation exposure, Global financial markets, transfer or put away, order picking, cross docking, and shipping functions.
Capital structure, capital budgeting and cash management in the global Information transfer including computerization, EDI, and bar coding. Private
market. vs. public warehousing. Determining warehouse number, types size, and
location. Warehouse location models. Warehouse layout and design. Use of
LOG 012 Purchasing Principles & Management 3 Credits randomized and dedicated storage locations. Product groupings in dedicated
Introduction to the purchasing profession, Christian ethics and professional storage. International dimensions of warehousing. Warehouse productivity
standards, the role of purchasing and supply management in business, and measurement and improvement. Financial dimensions of warehousing.
purchasing objectives, policies and procedures. Computer based systems Activity based costing. Warehouse security, accounting and control. Materials
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handling equipment types, uses and costs. Manual and automated storage
facilities. Warehousing for JIT environment. Packaging and its effects on costs, ICC 015 New Testament Introduction Survey 3 Credits
customer service and satisfaction. Computers and technology in warehousing The history of the Jewish people from the time of Ezra until the end of the New
and tracking operations. Warehouse activity profiling. Humanizing warehouse Testament period, how this history shapes Judaism during the first century C. E.,
operations. Prerequisite; BUL 011. and how the New Testament church understood Jesus Christ as the fulfilment
of the hopes and longings of that Judaism and its Scriptures; Geography of
LOG 031 Management of Customer Service 3 Credits Palestine as well as the northern and eastern Mediterranean during the first
Developing a customer orientation in all functions of the firm, especially those century C. E., and its significance for understanding the New Testament; its
that interface with the customer. Integrating customer service management with purpose and key themes; a survey of the life and ministry of Jesus Christ; A
other functions of the firm. The essential elements of great customer service. survey of the life and ministry of Paul, including an overview of the spread of
Developing and implementing the customer service call path for telephone the church outside the boundaries of Palestine; An introduction to important
customer service operations. Techniques for identifying how the company is factors of the cultural background of the New Testament. Prerequisite: ICC 014.
perceived and establishing action plans to maintain or enhance the reputation
of the business. Ethical standards in customer service to build credibility, HOM 023 Principles & Practices of Management 3 Credits
believability and professionalism. Empowering customer service providers to IN the Hospitality Industry
improve their ability to serve the customer. The importance of communications A perspective on the hospitality service industry; the hospitality service industries
in customer service to include effective listening, appropriate word usage, and an overview; industry segments; types of food service operations; inns, hotels,
proper voice inflection. Techniques for dealing with difficult or angry customers. and motels. Management history development, theory and organization:
Selecting, training, monitoring and motivating customer service representatives history of management; elements of management; definitions of management;
and first line managers. Building effective customer service operations on the characteristics of management, the resources of management; roles and skills
Internet. Dealing with communications barriers and prejudice in a multicultural of a manager; the functions of management; the environs of management; the
environment. Measuring customer satisfaction and customer churn, and levels of management and the goals of management. Development of modern
developing programs for continuous improvement. Financial implications of management thought: classical scientific management; classical organization
customer service including cost vs. service level trade offs, measuring the value theory; the human relations approach; management science; contingency
of an existing customer, and controlling customer churn. Prerequisite; BUL 011, approach to management; the Japanese approach to management; systems
MGT 013. approach to hospitality management. Organization: the need for organization;
formal organization; classical principles of organization; organization structure;
LOG 032 Transportation Management 3 Credits the organization chart; types of formal organization; modern organization
Transportations interaction with the supply chain and the economy. Transportation theory; theory X & Y; factors in hospitality organization. Information, planning
regulation and public policy. Motor carriers including truck load (TL), less than and decision making. Special areas of management concern: control;
truck load (LTL) and small package carriers. Freight documentation including production management; labor relations and safety management; financial
the bill of lading (B/L), carrier freight bill, and delivery receipt (D/R). Use of management; marketing and sales management; legal aspects, insurance and
railroads. Inland water carriers. Air carriers including air cargo, integrated risk management; business ethics and professionalism.
carriers, small package express delivery, freight forwarders, and next flight
out (NFO) services. Air transportation documentation. Use of pipelines. Use HOM 024: Hospitality Leisure and Tourism 3 Credits
of special modes of transportation including bulk carriers, heavy haul carriers, Travel and Tourism: Partnership in hospitality; Relating hospitality to travel
and temperature controlled carriers. Ocean freight carriers including bulk, and tourism, marketing and promoting hospitality and tourism, destination
container, and roll on/roll off (Ro Ro) ships. Intermodal transportation including development, destination marketing, Tourism motives and destinations: Mass
traileron flat car (TOFC), container on flat car (COFC) piggy back services. market tourism, Man made environments: Theme parks, casinos, gaming.
Transportation tariffs and rate determination. Negotiating transportation pricing. Natural environments. The role of tourism in the hospitality industry. Effects
Use of private transportation and the economic and operational advantages of hospitality, travel and tourism: economic and non economic, Leisure and
and disadvantages of private trucking vs., common carriers. Relationship hospitality: Leisure defined, leisure vs. recreation, leisure segments in the
management and partnering between shippers and haulers. Information industry, managing leisure segments, purpose of leisure segments, recreation
systems in transportation and the growing importance of technology in the management. Specific leisure segments: Novel lodging facilities, clubs (types
transportation industry. Prerequisites; BUL 011, MGT 022. and ownership), Health and fitness facilities, casions (checks and balances,
legal aspects), The cruise industry, Recreation facilities (Theme parks, Resorts,
ICC 014 Old Testament Introduction and Survey 3 Credits Resorts and tourism). The role of entertainment. Marketing in the different sectors
The importance of the study of the Old Testament and its authority for the of leisure industry: 4Ps of marketing mix and leisure. The future of the hospitality
Christian life; The divisions of the Old Testament; A survey of Old Testament industry: demographics and cultural diversity.
history and indispensable role it plays in understanding the Old Testament;
Selected issues of ancient Israels culture; The background, content, purposes, HOM 025 Hospitality and Travel Marketing 3 Credits
and important themes of each Old Testament book; Key Old testament Introduction to marketing: marketing defined; Differences between marketing
theological themes. products and hospitality/travel services; The hospitality and travel marketing
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system. Planning: customer behavior in the hospitality and travel industry; HRM 014 Industrial Psychology 3 Credits
Analyzing marketing opportunities; Marketing research; Marketing strategy Introduction: Definitions and history; Research methods in organizational
market segmentation and trends, marketing mix, Positioning and marketing psychology; Job analysis; Employee selection; Evaluating employee
objectives; Marketing plan and the 8Ps of hospitality and travel marketing. performance; Employee training and development; Job satisfaction and
Implementing the marketing plan: The product/service mix and people: positive employee attitudes and behaviour; Worker stress and negative
Packaging and programming; The distribution mix and the travel trade; employee attitudes and behaviour; Communication in the workplace; Group
Communications and the promotion mix; Advertising; Sales promotion and processes in the workplace; Influence, power, and politics; Organizational
merchandizing; Personal selling and sales management; Public relations and culture and development; Human factors and occupational health psychology.
publicity, Pricing. Controlling, measuring and evaluating the plan: Marketing Pre-requisite; HRM 011.
management, evaluation and control. Pre requisite: MGT 013.
HRM 015 International Human 3 Credits
HOM 026 Hospitality and Related Services 3 Credits Resource Management
Introduction: An overview of the hospitality service industry, definition of Meaning of international human resource management; Contemporary issues
service, types of service, rendering personal service, management in service expatriate banking; Multinational corporations; Cultural dimensions; Human
transaction; How organizations organize for service, service strategy, resource management practices in foreign companies in Kenya; Human
service culture, importance of people. General classifications of hospitality/ resource management practices and environment in foreign countries; HR trends
accommodation services, their distinctive features, Functional areas of hotel and innovations Expatriate development; Maintaining corporate identity
organization. Classification criteria of hotels, reasons for classifications. through corporate culture; Factors affecting human resource management in
Hospitality services available in Kenya and East Africa. The main objectives of the international market. Pre-requisite; HRM 011, HRM 012.
hospitality services: sales, profits, guest satisfaction, boosting image of
accommodation facilities. Demand for hospitality services; Consumer HRM 016 Public Relations 3 Credits
demographics, Educational impacts on hospital demand. Supply conditions; History of public relations; Public relations defined and distinguished; Public
Food and labor. The environment: competitive environment, physical relations departments; Planning public relations programs; Public of public
environment, Global issues, and technical environment. Service standards: relations; The news media; Press relations; Created private media; Budgeting;
Factors promoting service standards; Other related services Recreation, Photography; The ethics of Public relations; Management and employee
Game viewing, Medical, etc. Planning and management of hospitality related relations; Sponsorships; Export public relations; Marketing research; Public
services. relations in developing countries. Pre-requisite: MGT 013.
HRM 011 Human Resource management 3 Credits MGT 009 Introduction to Information 3 Credits
Human Resource Management in Perspective; History of Human Resource Technology
Management; Human Resource Management and the Legal Environment; History of computers and development information technology. Computer
Recruitment, Selection, and Human Resource Planning; Training and hardware: Overview and definitions, input/output devices, processors,
Development; Compensation and Benefits; Employee and Labor Relations; memory, storage. Computer software: data/information. Operating systems:
Safety, Health, and Security; Global Human Resource Management; overview and definitions; Examples: DOS, Windows 98/2000, Windows
Human Resource Research; Electronic Human Resource Management; Future NT, Unix, linux. Internet: definition, brief history, URL, search engines, searching
Considerations and Issues for Human Resource Management. Pre-requisite: techniques.
MGT 012.
MGT 010 Professional Business Communication 3 Credits
HRM 012 Organizational Behavior 3 Credits The communication process; business communication and management;
Motivational perspectives; Managing conflict; Interpersonal communication, packaging and delivering effective messages, document layout, letters and
Organization culture and change; Leadership; International aspects; Ethics; memos; reports; special topics in business communication cross cultural
Diversity management; Group dynamics; Decision making; Managing careers; communication, technology aided communication, public presentation,
Organizational structure and design: Psychology at work; Social philosophy; persuasive communication, non verbal communication, working in teams,
Work behavior. Pre-requisite: MGT 012. receiving and answering telephone calls, job applications and networking.
HRM 013 Employee Relations & Labour Law 3 Credits MGT 011 Financial Accounting 3 Credits
Labor history in Kenya; Major legal influences on labor law; Union structure The need for accounting records and accounts information. Parties who need
and strategy; Union organizing; Collective bargaining; Impasse resolution; accounting information. Principles and concepts used in writing up accounts.
Contract administration; Arbitration and mediation; Employee discipline; Terminologies used in accounting. Double entry book keeping. The accounting
Management rights; Economic issues; Labor relations in the public sector; Labor equation. The golden rule of accounting. The ledger accounts of sole
relations in multinational corporations. Pre-requisite: HRM 011. proprietors. The day books; The journal proper. Balancing up ledger accounts.
The trial balance. The trading and profit and loss account. The balance sheet:
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The presentation of fixed assets, current assets and the liabilities. The two account and monetary account; Economic growth and development: Classical
column cash book. The three column cash book. Cash discount accounts. Bank and neoclassical growth theory, endogenous growth theory, liberalization,
reconciliation statement. The petty cash book. Errors in accounts. Suspense SAPs: IMF and World Bank.
accounts and the correction of errors. Year end adjustments: Prepayments and
accruals. The depreciation of fixed assets commonly used. Capital expenditure MGT 015 Business Law 3 Credits
and revenue expenditure. Manufacturing accounts. Reserve and provisions. Nature and meaning of law. Sources of law in East Africa and law of persons.
The legal systems in Kenya. Law of contract. Tort law. Law of agency. Types
MGT 012 Organization & Management 3 Credits of business organizations in East Africa: Sole trader, partnership, company
Definition and nature of management; management and managers. corporation, the legal person. Negotiable instruments. Hire purchase. Banking
Management a profession, a commitment. Efficient and effective managers. law. Insurance law. Sale of goods.
Dimensions of management. The development of management and organization
theory. Planning and decision making: organizational goals, strategy and MGT 021 Managerial Accounting 3 Credits
strategic planning, developing and implementing plans, managerial decision Introduction: Definition of management accounting, Role of management
making: steps in decision making, quantitative techniques for decision making, accounting, Difference between financial accounting, Cost accounting and
management by objectives. The organizing process: Concept and approaches management accounting, Kind of decisions that need the use of management
of organization theory, designing structures, span of control, departmentation, accounting statements. An overview of management accounting: Planning
delegation, centralization and decentralization, organization charts, line and decisions, Control decisions, Organizing decisions, Production decisions,
staff authority. Staffing: Its nature and purpose, manager and organization Marketing decisions, Personnel decisions, Financial decisions, Forecasting
development. Leading: motivation, leadership, communication and the decisions. Cost volume profit analysis: Marginal costing: concept; cost
personnel factor. The controlling process: Steps in control, effective control, variations, Break even analysis, Relevant costs for decision making. Capital
resistance to controlling and strategic perspectives of controlling. Management expenditure decisions. Inventory control. Cost of holding stock. Stock re order
and society, ethical issues in management, social responsibility. Management planning. Budgeting and budgetary control. Responsibility accounting. Pre
and Christianity. Coordination the essence of management. A managers requisite: MGT 011
roles and skills.
MGT 022 Quantitative Techniques 3 Credits
MGT 013 Principles of Marketing 3 Credits Collection, organization and presentation of data: Definition, scope and role
Marketing: the marketing concept, the role of marketing in an organization of statistics, Sources and types of data, Methods of collection, organization
and within an economy and the concept of marketing mix, Integration of and presentation of data. Descriptive statistics: Measures of central tendency,
Christian faith and marketing, and the new marketing challenges. Marketing Measures of dispersion. Correlation: Scatter diagram, Coefficient of correlation,
opportunity analysis: Environmental analysis, opportunity identification, Coefficient of determination, Simple linear regression. Functions and graphical
market segmentation, market information systems, consumer behavior. Product representations: Functions and graphs, Linear functions and nonlinear functions,
decisions: Definitions, classifications, product life cycle, consumer adoption Economic applications of linear functions and non linear functions. Differential
process, product development and management, packaging, branding and calculus: Rate of change, Concepts of limits and continuity, Derivative and
labeling decisions. Price decisions: Price setting, objectives and approaches differentiation, Partial differentiation, Economic applications of differential
and pricing policy. Promotion decisions: Tools of promotion. Distribution calculus. Integral calculus: Introduction, Rules of integration, Economic
decisions: Channel decisions, types of Middlemen and distribution systems. applications of integral calculus. Matrix algebra: Introduction: Definitions
and basic concepts, Properties of matrices, Determinant of a matrix, Matrix
MGT 014 Economics 3 Credits operations, Matrix inversion, Solution to linear simultaneous equations: matrix
Introduction: meaning of economics, nature and scope of economics, central approach, Economic applications of matrix algebra. Linear programming:
economic goals and problems, basic concepts, historical survey of economics; Formulation of linear program, Graphical and simplex methods, Duality theory,
economic system: free enterprise systems, salient features, merits and demerits, Sensitivity analysis.
centrally planned systems characteristics, advantages and limitations, mixed
economy; Introduction to price theory: law of demand, individual demand MGT 023 Business Ethics & Corporate Governance 3 Credits
and markets, determinants of demand, determinants of supply, market price Definition and significance of business ethics terms and ideas in ethics. The
determination; Production: meaning and forms of production, factors of corporate governance system, the legal obligation of directors, effective boards,
production, combination of factors of production; introduction to market the board CEO relationship the boards role in management. Basic principles
structures; National income, Aggregate demand and aggregate supply: and practices of corporate governance; development in the governance of
meaning of national income and related concepts, the circular flow of income enterprise, duties and liabilities of stakeholders, corporate governance and
and the methods of accounting, problems of measurement, importance of reporting, determining good governance, assessing board and Directors
national income accounting; Money and banking: the nature and functions performance. Governance, leadership and management: competence of
of money, the role of commercial banks, the role of central bank; Introduction board members, designing the governance process, leadership, monitoring
to international trade and balance of payments: Importance and limitations of and evaluation. Christian ethics.
international trade, balance of payments accounts, current account, capital
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MGT 024 Entrepreneurship and Risk Management 3 Credits MGT 099 Practicum 4 Credits
The Entrepreneur. Theoretical and conceptual base for entrepreneurship(myths The student is responsible for acquiring his/her own practicum site, which
and origin). Entrepreneurship vs Intrapreneurship. The importance and meets the minimum requirement of the University undergraduate programme for
drawbacks of entrepreneurship. Types of entrepreneurship. Innovation, creativity approval and which agrees with the employers need and students training.
and entrepreneurship. Business idea generation Assessment and evaluation He/she will do an average of 40 hours per week at the site over the course
of new ventures. Business plan and business proposal. Elements of fraud of the ten week period after the last semester of course study for a minimum of
related offences theft, obtaining property by deception, obtaining a financial 280 hours. He/she will be required to receive at least one hour per week of
advantage, false accounting, Furnishing false information, falsification of individual supervision from his/her on site supervisor. The project report should
documents, fraudulently inducing a person to invest money, Secret commissions, reflect an application of learnt theories and concepts to describe, diagnose,
conspiracy; Computer crime computer crime law, Impact of computer crime, prescribe and provide appropriate business solutions and strategies to
internet based crime, hacking, computer security framework, the forensic respective cases. The report should be at least 55 pages.
process as it applies to computers; Crime investigationsgeneral investigations,
evidence and its sources, crime scenes. Risk Management Fundamental MKT 011 Consumer Behavior 3 Credits
concepts; Types of risks and their management; Financial risks, Industry and The nature and diversity of consumer behavior: The 7 keys to consumer
company risk, Regulators, sovereign and country risk, Operations risk. behavior; Market segmentation; Consumer behavior influences and consumer
research; the consumer as an individual (internal influences): Consumer
MGT 025 Business Research Methods 3 Credits motivation and personality, Consumer perception and attitude formation,
Meaning and purpose of research, objectives of research, types of research, Learning and consumer involvement. The consumers in their social and cultural
significance of research, research methods and methodology, research and settings (external influences): The concept of culture and its influence in
scientific method, research process, characteristics of a good research, consumer behavior, Social stratification (social class), Families and households,
problems encountered by researchers, selecting and defining of the research Group influences and consumer behavior, Cross cultural consumer behavior
Problems: what is research problem? Selecting the problem; Techniques (international perspective). The consumer decision process: choosing and
involved in defining a problem; Importance and scope of literature review; consuming: Situational influences, problem and need recognition, information
Conceptual framework. Research design: Meaning of research design; Need search, alternative evaluation and selection, outlet selection and purchase
for research design; Features of a good research design; Important concepts decision, post purchase processes, customer satisfaction, repeat purchases and
related to research design; Different types of research designs; Basic principles customer commitment. Case studies and project presentation. Pre-requisite;
of experimental designs; Important experimental designs. Case study: Develop MGT 013.
a research plan and a proposal; Sampling of research design: Sampling
need, Sampling definitions, Census and sample survey, Implication of MKT 012 Advertising 3 Credits
sample design, Steps in sampling design, Criteria for selecting a sampling The foundations of advertising: advertising and society: ethics and regulation,
procedure, Characteristics of a good sample design, Different types of ethical issues in advertising. The marketing concept, The 4 Ps of marketing.
sample designs, Determining the sample size. Measurement and scaling Advertising agencies: The consumer audience: Consumer behavior, Influences
techniques: Measurements in research; Measurement scale; Sources of error on you as the consumer personal influences. Strategy and marketing planning.
in measurement; Tests of sound measurements; Techniques of developing The marketing plan, the advertising plan, creative plan and copy strategy. How
measurement tools; Meaning of scaling; Scale classification bases; Important advertising works: Media strategy and planning: Print media: News papers,
scaling techniques. Methods of data Collection: Methods of collecting primary magazines. Broadcast media: The structure of television, TV advertising, the TV
data; Methods of collecting secondary data; Construction of a questionnaire; audience, advantages and disadvantages of TV, the structure of radio, radio
Case study method. Processing and analysis of data: Processing operations; advertising, the radio audience, advantages and disadvantages of radio.
Types of data analysis; Measures of central tendency; Measures of dispersion; Media buying: Media buying functions, special skills and expert knowledge of
Skewness; Regression analysis. Interpretation and report writing: Meaning media opportunities, knowledge of media pricing, media vehicle selection and
of interpretation; Techniques of interpretation; Precaution in interpretation; negotiation, maintaining plan performance. The Creative side of advertising:
Significance of report writing; Different steps in writing report; Layout of the The creative concept, creative execution, and effective creativity. Creating
research report; Types of reports; Mechanics of writing a Research report. print advertising: Print advertising, writing for print, print production. Creating
Hypothesis; Definitions; characteristics. Issues in research: Validity; Reliability; broadcast advertising: Mastering TV commercials, the TV environment; nature of
Objectivity; Research report. Pre-requisite: MGT 022. commercials, planning and producing commercials. Sales promotion: defining
sales promotion, the size of the sales promotion, the role of sales promotion in
MGT 098 Research Project 3 Credits marketing, the relationship between sales promotion and advertising, types of
The student will be expected to choose a topic with the help of a lecturer. The sales promotion, the future of sales promotion. Public relations: The challenge of
lecturer must be specialized in that area of study as he/she will be required to public relations, comparing public relations and advertising, The components
give guidance to enable the student to write a report at the end of the course. of public relations, public relations techniques. International advertising: The
Pre requisite: Permission of Instructor. global perspective, organization of international advertising agencies. Pre-
requisite: MGT 013.
98 www.daystar.ac.ke
MKT 013 Sales Management 3 Credits of perception, perceptual selectivity, perceptual organization and social
Origin and development of salesmanship; overview of sales management; perception. Attitudes and job satisfaction: nature and dimensions of attitudes,
strategic role of selling and sales management; knowledge of the buying importance of employee attitudes, job satisfaction sources, consequences of job
motives: the process of buying and selling; environmental influence on satisfaction/ dissatisfaction; Body language. Job stress: meaning, background
sales programs and performance. Effective presentation and demonstration: of stress, causes of stress, coping strategies for stress; the focus of organizational
overcoming objections organizing sales force; demand estimation; sales behavior. Meaning of motivation, primary motives, work motivation
territories; motivation of salesmen; training of salesmen: remuneration of approaches. Motivation applied job design and goal setting. Interpersonal
salesmen; sales analysis. Pre-requisite; MGT 013. and group behavior, dynamics and influence, the informal organization, group
dynamics, organizational conflicts and politics; leadership styles; adapting
MKT 021 Marketing Management 3 Credits organizations to changing conditions: Organizational culture nature, creating
Definition of marketing management, adapting marketing management to new and maintaining a culture; organization change, development and the future
economies; building customer satisfaction, value and retention, market oriented of organization behavior.
strategic planning; information gathering and measurement of market demand;
environmental analysis; consumer markets and buyer behaviour; analyzing MNG 031 Company Law 3 Credits
business markets and business buying behaviour; dealing with competition; Historical background; the meaning of a company; fundamental concepts
market segmentation; product planning; new product development; global of company law; legal personality, limited liability, veil of incorporation,
marketing; branding strategies; service marketing; pricing strategies; placing advantages and disadvantages of incorporation; memorandum of association
and promotion strategies. Pre-requisite; MGT 013. and concept of ultra vires; articles of association; variation of class rights:
variation of the rights clause; promoters of prospectuses; companys organs
MKT 022 Public Relations 3 Credits and officers; the rule in Turquands case and subsequent case law; directors
History of public relations; Public relations defined and distinguished; Public duties; the law relating to auditors; minority protection; raising and maintaining
relations departments; Planning public relations programs; Planning of public capital, reduction of capital; distribution of dividends; types of corporate
relations; The news media; Press relations; Created private media; Budgeting; securities; shares and debentures; reconstructions, mergers and takeovers;
Photography; The ethics of public relations; Management and employee winding up process; promoters; prospectuses. Pre-requisite: MGT 015.
relations; Sponsorships; Export public relations; Marketing research; Public
relations in developing countries. Pre-requisite: MGT 013. MNG 032 Business Finance 3 Credits
Sources of business finance: shares, loans, hire purchase, lease hire, trade
MKT 023 International Marketing 3 Credits credit; ploughed back capital; financial institutions: specialized financial
Introduction: International marketing concept International marketing, institutions, ICDC, KIE, IDE, AFC, KTDC, HFCK, CDC, ADB; savings and
basis for international trade. The international marketing environment: the credit cooperative society; cooperative insurance; expected future financing of
economic environment, the cultural and social environment, the political cooperatives; the commercial banks, merchant banks, etc.; Other institutions:
and legal environment, the financial environment, international institutions. the CBK; the banking system; problems of indigenous banks and possible
Strategic decisions in international marketing; the market selection decision; solutions; the stock exchange: functions, issuing of shares, purchase timing;
screening and segmentation; international market research: Research CMA, dealings, yield and P/E ratio; cost of capital; working capital
strategy; desk research; field research; organizing for international market management; the capital budgeting decision; financial analysis: ratio analysis.
research. International product decision I: Product standardization or product Pre-requisites: MGT 011, MGT 014.
modification, new product development; Product elimination. International
product decision II: Packaging, labeling, servicing and trade markets. MNG 033 Human Resource Management 3 Credits
International distribution decisions: Channels between nations; channels within An overview of HRM: The origins of human resource management [HRM];
nations. Direct vs. Indirect export. Joint ventures; Licensing; franchising; industrial Personnel management versus HRM where is the difference; pressures behind
co op agreements; Contract manufacture; management contract; International the rising interest in HRM; the nature and place of people (employees) in
pricing: Pricing strategies, Export pricing, Devaluation; Government influences creation; characteristics of a Christian human resource manager. Context of
on pricing. International communications: Media advertising, Sales promotion human resource management: the environment of HRM; HRM a developing
and public relations; International sales management. Management of risk in country perspective; HRM in Kenya. Employee resourcing: human resource
International marketing. Pre-requisite: MGT 013. planning; recruitment and selection; selection problems in Kenya; orientation
of new employees; employee layoffs; a biblical approach to employee
MNG 030 Organizational Behavior 3 Credits layoffs; dismissing employees biblical principles. Employee Processes:
Managers and organizational behavior, definition, fundamental concepts, the human resource policies; job analysis; job evaluations. Performance
emerging organizational: The role of information technology; benchmarking; Management: the performance management process; a biblical approach
mimicking brains; electronic data interchange, reengineering; flattening and to employee performance management. Salary and benefits administration:
downsizing of organizations. Behavior. personality: meaning, development salary administration; biblical principles for salary administration; benefits
and major determinants of personality. Perception: nature and importance administration; biblical principles for benefits administration. Training and
www.daystar.ac.ke 99
Development: meaning of training and development (T&D); training and corporate strategy: environmental analysis, PEST; steps, stages and techniques
development responsibility, the process; a biblical approach to training and for auditing the environment, strategic group analysis, competitor based
development. Managing promotions and employee Discipline: a biblical strategies market leaders, market followers and market challengers; SWOT
approach to managing promotions; the promotion system; managing employee analysis; identifying strategic options: mission, vision, objectives; Ansoffs
discipline; a biblical approach to disciplining employees. Employee relations: Product Market matrix; mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, strategic alliances;
the context of industrial relations; healthy and safety; managing HIV/AIDS in competitive advantage strategies cost and price based strategies, added
the workplace; selected Kenyan labour laws. Prerequisite: MGT 012. value strategies, differentiation strategies, focus and hybrid strategies. Strategy
evaluation and selection: concepts and techniques of evaluating and selecting
strategic options, concept of strategic fit and synergy, decision tree analysis,
MNG 034 International Business Management 3 Credits
risk analysis, financial analysis. Implementing and controlling strategies: factors
The nature and scope of international management: definition of international
affecting implementation and control, determination of policies, procedures
management, reasons for international management, risks of foreign trade and
and budgets, resource allocation and control. Techniques for corporate
investment ventures, international business environment. Corporate strategy:
strategies: BCGs Growth Share Matrix, directional policy matrices, Porter
motives for operating internationally, expansion and trading strategies, the vital
industry/market evolution matrix, A D Littles competitive position/industry
choice. Trade in goods and services: pre export, market selection, significant maturity matrix, the parenting matrix, PIMS technique, the experience curve
obstacles, the options, the foreign agent, organization and staffing, concept and GAP analysis; Contemporary and future developments such as
documentation procedures. Trade in knowledge and expertise: visible and Information Technology and Information systems, international and global
invisible trade, selling knowledge abroad, technology transfer, licensing aspects of corporate strategic planning.
agreements, franchising agreement, management contracts, selecting and
control of contract partners, organization and management of the foreign TAT 023 Transport Systems 3 Credits
base. Foreign investment: the first steps, motives for direct investment, foreign Spatial interaction, movement of goods, materials and people; flow of
subsidiaries for manufacture and services, ownerships and joint ventures, the information, growth of transport network and its role in economic development;
parent company and subsidiary, disinvestment, time and reasons. International modes of transport, road, rail, sea and air; private and individual modes of
marketing management: market research in a foreign country, product policies, transport; their characteristics. Organization and management of transport
consumer identification and produce image, pricing policies, promotion and enterprises; economics of transport; need for regulation; customer oriented
sales, elements of marketing mix, counter trade, external affairs management, policies. How supply of transport stimulants development of tourism. Transport
international finance and control, international corporate planning. Human demand, transport network, transport costs and pricing; transport planning
resources and industrial relations: staffing policies, industrial relations, personnel and economic development in the third world; transport problems in rural and
policies, and regulatory environment of labour. Purchasing and supplies urban areas in the developing countries, price elasticity, promotional rates,
management: procurement, distribution, production, record research and group travel, scheduled and supplementary carriers, impact of technology on
development. Decision making and organization in international management,
organizational structurechannels of decision making, centralization and
TAT 024 Travel Organization 3 Credits
decentralizationprocess in decision making. The company and national state:
Concepts related to leisure, recreation and tourism; intermediaries (travel
the types of country authority, power and politics of national state, basis of
agents and operators). Travel agents: historical development and their present
conflict, investment policies of national states, power of the multi national
status, organization and management of the travel agency i.e. ticketing and
company. International trade organizations and the new international economic reservations, information tours, transport administration, relationship between
order: Regional trade arrangements, the United Nations and its trade organs, tour operators and travel agents; transport undertakings and accommodation
the World Bank, the IMF, GATT, UNCTAD. Regional organizations, international unit fares, liability for travel agents. Tour operations: functions and roles.
financing, international trade order, regulatory bodies, ISO standardization Activities,aims and competence of national tourist organizations. Planning,
and ethical codes of conduct, doing business in industrialized countries the Less development and maintenance of travel and services. National and cultural
Developed Countries (LDCs). The command (controlled) economies (communist resources. Travel requirements (formalities): passport, visa, currency, customs,
and socialist), peace, war, reconciliation, economic embargoes; the global health and taxes. Removal of travel barriers. Role of Kenya Tourism Board
village concept; the future of international management. Pre-requisite: MGT and National Museums. Role and functions of international travel and travel
013. organizations.
MNG 035 Corporate Strategy 3 Credits TAT 025 Travel Behaviour and Management 3 Credits
Nature, scope and need for corporate strategy: importance of corporate Needs assessment among travelers; choice of places to be visited, optimizing
strategic planning, definitions, models, characteristics of corporate strategic and satisfying behavior in individual and mass travel schedules, management
decision making, elements in development of corporate strategy. Application of travel; air, sea, road and rail travel; travel requirements including government
of corporate strategy in different organizations, strategy development for small procedures, immigration procedures and regulations; operations of travel
businesses, manufacturing and service organizations, public sector, not for agencies; travel law rights of travelers; liability of travel agents. Different types
profit organizations, patterns of strategy development intended vs. realized of tours, bookings conditions, organization of tours, tour brochures, bookings
strategies, pre planned vs. emergent strategies, imposed strategy. Factors and reservations, the economic physical and social impacts of tourists at a
affecting strategy development; challenges for strategy development. Analysis of destination.
100 www.daystar.ac.ke
TAT 026 Tour Operations Management 3 Credits TSM 022 Hospitality Management 3 Credits
Tour operations business in tourism; location of tourists circuits in Kenya and A perspective on the hospitality service industry; an overview and operational
neighborhood counties; detailed case students of the management geography structure, management history, development theory and organization; The
and facilities available in national parks and game reserves and other tourist development of modern management thought, Systems approach to hospitality
areas; conducting of tours: reservations, tour packages, accommodation, management, Trends and development in the hospitality industry: globalization,
reservations, travel and transport procedures including the airport; payment government policy, future prospects, etc. Areas of management concern in the
and billing for services, budgeting and writing tour reports, preparation of industry: Hotel management; Catering sectors and management; Front office
itineraries, office management relating to tours communications, costing, operations: Front office procedures: Front office management. Planning
invoicing. Linkages between tours, travel and hotels. Components of the tourism in the hospitality industry: planning concepts, long range planning tools:
industry and their relationship with tour operations. organization in hospitality management: line and staff, departmentation, issues
in organization. Staffing: human resource management in hospitality industry,
TSM 021 Tourism Principles and Practices 3 Credits fitting people with jobs, staff planning and retention. Training: Tools for control
Tourism in perspective: the study of tourism principles and practices; economic in hospitality industry.
importance. Tourism through the ages: early beginnings; early and later tourism
attractions; the first travel agents; historic transportation; accommodations. TSM 027 French 3 Credits
Tourism organization: international organization; development organizations This course is designed for students with no prior knowledge of French.
(international and national); regional international organizations; national However, students with some basic knowledge of French could be allowed to
organizations; regional organizations. Passenger transportation: the airline take the course. Introduction to the course syllabus. Introduction to the French
industry: the rail industry; the motor coach industry; automobile industry; cruise language. Study tips on how to learn French. Formal and informal greetings.
industry. Hospitality and related services: the lodging industry; the food service Use of French alphabet. Diacritical signs. French sounds (French phonetics).
industry; meetings and conferences. Organizations in the distribution process: Use of verbs etre (to be) and avoir (to have) in the present tense. Name things
travel agents; tour wholesalers; specialty channels. Attractions, recreation
in the classroom. Introduction to masculine and feminine. Use French numbers
entertainment and others: attractions; gaming; recreation; entertainment; festivals
up to 100. Learn how to ask questions in French (qui, quell, quand, ou...).
and events; shopping; marketing and publicity organizations. Understanding
Talk about your family and your home. Talk about other peoples families and
travel behavior: pleasure travel motivation; cultural and international tourism
homes. Talk about the days of the week. Use the definite article (le, la, l) and
for life enrichment. Sociology and tourism: life characteristics and travel;
the indefinite article (une, une). Use possessive adjectives (mon, ma, mes, ton,
group travel patterns; social tourism. Tourism safety, demand, planning and
development: tourism components and supply: infrastructure; transportation; ta, tes). Practice numbers up to 100 by listening to the audio tape. Days of
hospitality and cultural resources; matching supply with demand. Meaning the week verb etre, masculine and feminine, etc. Talk about animals, especially
and forecasting demand: Measuring demand. Tourism economic impact: pets. Describe animals and other things (use colors and size). Talk about your
generators of economic impact; number of visitors; economic multiples. Tourism likes, dislikes and preferences. Use French adjectives and agreement between
planning, development, and social considerations: the planning process; adjectives and nouns. Ask for and give the date. Talk about public holidays in
goals of tourism development. Tourism and the environment: sustainable France. Talk about some clothes. Talk about birthdays and present. Talk about
development; current tourism industry practices. Tourism marketing: nature and the weather. Talk about the four seasons in France. Talk about sports and other
scope; marketing concept; marketing mix; risk segmentation. Future of tourism: leisure activities Say what you do at weekends. Use of regular verbs with er
professional impacts of tourism; nature of future growth; future scope of tourism (ler groupe). Use of regular verbs with ir (2eme groupe). Exercises on festivals
marking; tourism and peace. and seasons. Prepositions (a, a, la, au, aux). Using prepositions with countries
(au Kenya, en Ouganda). Use some irregular verbs (aller, venire, mourir)
Say where things are using prepositions. As what the time is. Talk about places
in town. Ask for, and give directions. Understand and tell the time in French.
Talk about school subjects. Learn some examples of reflexive verbs. Talk abou
the time of the day. Talk about a typical day. Talk about food and drinks. Talk
about means. Accept or refuse food and drinks. Talk about food and drinks you
like and dislike. Use the negative ne.. pas. Use the partitive article du, de la, l,
des (some). Use the verb with re(3eme groupe). Practical learning activity: go
out for lunch. Exercises on time, prepositions, verbs. Talk about leisure activities.
Use and understand the 24 hour clock. Say what you do to help at home. Use
a verb and an infinitive. Use possessive adjective. Use the past and future of
the vers ettre and avoir.
www.daystar.ac.ke 101
Diploma in Air Hostess and Cabin Crew Studies Diploma in Business Administration and Management
Diploma in Air Travel Ticketing and Tourism Diploma in Business Information Technology
102 www.daystar.ac.ke
Diploma in Hospitality Management Diploma in Finance
www.daystar.ac.ke 103
Diploma in Purchasing and Business Logistics Diploma in Tours and Travel
ICC 014 3 ICC 015 3 ICC-014 3 ICC-015 3
MGT 009 3 MGT 013 3 MGT-009 3 MGT-013 3
MGT 010 3 MGT 014 3 MGT-010 3 MGT-014 3
MGT 011 3 MGT 015 3 MGT-011 3 MGT-015 3
MGT 012 3 LOG 011 3 MGT-012 3 TAT-023 3
MGT 022 3 LOG 012 3 MGT-022 3 TAT-024 3
Total 18 Total 18 Total 18 Total 18
LOG 021 3 LOG 031 3 TAT-025 3 MGT-098/099 4
LOG 022 3 LOG 032 3 TSM-021 3 TAT-026 3
MGT 021 3 MGT 098/099 4 TSM-022 3 TSM-027 3
MGT 023 3 MGT-021 3
MGT 024 3 MGT-023 3
MGT 025 3 MGT-024 3
Total 18 Total 10 Total 18 Total 10
104 www.daystar.ac.ke
www.daystar.ac.ke 105
ECO 212: Principles of Economics (Macro) 3 Requirements for Graduation
MAK 212: Marketing Principles 3 Students with a major in Accounting must fulfill the following course
MAT 111: Mathematics for Economics & Management I 3 requirements:
106 www.daystar.ac.ke
Business Administration and Management Major in Business Administration & Management
Required courses Credit Hours
www.daystar.ac.ke 107
Marketing Major Required courses in Marketing
The Marketing major is a broad based globally oriented programme which is MAK 315: Consumer Behaviour 3
intended to provide managerial orientation to marketing in a complex, rapidly MAK 316: Advertising 3
changing global environment. The programme is designed to develop well MAK 317: Marketing Research 3
rounded marketing executives with a sound working knowledge of activities
MAK 335: Marketing Communication 3
involved in developing marketing programmes and strategy to achieve
competitive advantages both locally and globally. A wide selection of topics MAK 336: Marketing of Service 3
in related disciplines gives the student excellent tools and a firm ground in the MAK 337: Retailing Management 3
technicalities of marketing management. The treatment of various sectors MAK 420: Sales Management 3
of the market and conceptual analytical tools are studied to enhance
MAK 421: International Marketing 3
understanding of the management of markets. The global and ethical
dimensions of the marketing decisions are emphasized. MAK 422: International Business Management 3
MAK 423: Customer Care and Public Relations 3
This course incorporates: analysis of markets, planning, research and project
MAK 424: Marketing Management 3
synthesis which constitute the marketing major.
Specifically, the goals of the major are to: MAK 426: Strategic Marketing 3
1. encourage the student to consider a marketing profession or career as a MAK 520: Practicum, or MAK 498: Senior Project 4
worthy means of serving God, country and self; TOTAL 40
2. challenge the student to practice Christian principles of integrity and
honesty in serving customers as an expression of Christian commitment;
3. prepare students to practice their vocations as Christian business persons Marketing Electives Credit Hours
in church, para church organizations, or government and private
MAK 330 Product Strategy and Planning 3
4. develop in students a foundational understanding of the major areas of MAK 331 Financial Aspects of Marketing 3
marketing, accounting, economics, management information systems, MAK 333 Agricultural Marketing 3
statistics, management, human resource management, business law;
MAK 334 Marketing for non Profit Organizations 3
5. provide students with the necessary basic skills, knowledge, and MAK 337 Retailing Management 3
methods for success in the marketing effort. MAK 338 Export Marketing 3
Requirements for Graduation MAK 416 Special Topics in Marketing 3
MAK 419 Business to Business Marketing 3
Students with major in Marketing must fulfill the following course requirements:
MAK 492 Independent Study in Marketing 3
Requirements for Graduation Credit Hours
General education courses 30 Marketing Minor
Commerce core courses 57 Required courses Credit hours
Marketing Major required courses 40 MAK 212: Marketing Principles 3
Free Commerce electives 6 MAK 315: Consumer Behaviour 3
Total 133 MAK 316: Advertising 3
MAK 317: Marketing Research 3
MAK 421: International Marketing 3
MAK 422: International Business Management 3
MAK 426: Marketing Management and Strategy 3
Total 21
108 www.daystar.ac.ke
Management Information System MIS Courses Credit Hours
MIS 113 Introduction to System Programming 3
Rationale MIS 114 Object Oriented System Design and 3
As years go by, the world is becoming more and more an electronic global Development
village. This poses many challenges like privacy, confidentiality, availability, MIS 211 Management Information System 3
and integrity of information held in individual/ organizational database. This
MIS 212 Business Systems Analysis and Design 3
calls for both individual and organizations to keep abreast with the current
information technology for effective protection and efficient production by MIS 220 Computer Organization & Design 3
optimizing the technology. There is a dire need of people who are well MIS 221 Advanced Object Oriented System Design 3
literate in the usage of computers to assist in the production of data and and Development
information that will go along way in helping managers to make good MIS 222 System Algorithms and Data Structures 3
decisions. Therefore, this program will seek to address this shortage/gap.
MIS 224 Business Database Management Systems 3
Specifically, the goals of the major are to: MIS 228 Operating Systems 3
a) prepare students to be servant leaders in a business environment or other MIS 320 Business System Networks and Data 3
organization to develop and implement information systems for business Communication
MIS 311 Information Systems Management 3
b) create an in depth understanding of performing a needs analysis and
the design development, and implementation of information systems in a MIS 312 Business System Development 3
business environment including data base management; MIS 313 Information Systems Research Methods 3
c) prepare the student to have a broad general understanding of the latest MIS 321 System Software Engineering 3
computer technology as it is applied to information systems within the
MIS 322 Business Network Design and Management 3
organization, including networking and programming;
d) provide the student with a solid base in business administration, MIS 400 Information System Project 3
management, strategic planning, forecasting, and policy formulation; MIS 412 Business Systems Security 3
e) develop in the student a foundational understanding of business
MIS 416 Web Site Development and Management 3
administration process such as accounting , human resource management,
marketing , inventory control, capacity planning and material requirement MIS 418 Information System Project Management 3
planning and how these can be integrated into an information system; MIS 520 Information System Practicum or MIS 598 4
f ) challenge the student to practice being a responsible citizen who will Senior Project
apply Christian principles of morality, integrity, honesty and ethics in his or Total 61
her profession as an expression of his or her Christian commitment;
g) prepare the student to enter an advanced degree program in information
systems or other post graduate program. To prepare and equip the student Business Course Credit Hours
to practice his vocation as a Christian business person in church, church ACC 111 Financial Accounting 3
organizations, government and private business.
BUS 113 Professional Business Communication 3
BUS 211 Organization and Management 3
Requirement for Graduation
BUS 309 Business Finance 3
A student will be required to complete 136 hours in order to be able to
BUS 313 Human Resource Management 3
graduate with a degree in B.COM in Management Information System. The
distribution of the hours is as shown below. ECO211 Principles of Economics (Micro) 3
ECO 212 Principles of Economics (Macro) 3
Particulars Credit Hours MAK 212 Principles of Marketing 3
General Education 30 MAT 111 Mathematics for Economics and 3
Business Courses 36 Management I
110 www.daystar.ac.ke
continuous assessment and 60% final examination. Independent courses will Purchasing and Business Logistics Minor
be based 60% on final project/paper and 40% on continuous assessment
items. Required courses Credit Hours
For courses that are essentially conceptual (much of what is required is
LOG 211: Introduction to Business Logistics 3
mastery of information or cognitive aspect of learning), assessment will be
based on 70% for final examination and 30% from continuous assessment. LOG 221: Purchasing Principles and Management 3
Such courses are: BUS 211, BUS 321, BUS 322, BUS 323, BUS 431, LOG 311: Inventory Planning and Control 3
ECO 211, ECO 212, MAK 212.
LOG 321: Warehousing and Stores Management 3
For courses that are essentially skills oriented (these are courses that will LOG 331: Production and Operations Management OR
require the students to demonstrate specific skills as demanded by, the LOG 341: Management of Customer Service
particular content. Assessment will be based on 50% for final examination LOG 351: Logistics Financial Decision Analysis, or LOG
and 50% from continuous assessment. Such courses are: ACC 111, ACC 3
361: Transportation Management
112, ACC 314, BUS 418, LOG 211, LOG 221, LOG 311, LOG 321,
LOG 331, LOG 341, LOG 351, LOG 361, LOG 411, LOG 421, LOG TOTAL 18
431, LOG 441, LOG 451, MAK 426, MAT 112, MAT 211, STA 211 &
STA 212.
www.daystar.ac.ke 111
BACHELOR OF COMMERCE - Law Option Requirements for Graduation
112 www.daystar.ac.ke
BCL 302: Criminal Law 3 Course Descriptions
BCL 303: Commercial Law 3
BCL 304: Company Law 3 ACC 111 Financial Accounting I 3 Credits
BCL 305: Law of Insolvency 3 Need for accounting and accounting information, parties who need
BCL 306: Securities Regulation Law 3 accounting information; Terminologies in accounting; Generally accepted
accounting principles; Principles and concepts in writing up accounts; Double
BCL 401: International Economic Law 3
entry book keeping; The accounting equation; The golden rule for accounting;
BCL 402: Principles of Environmental Law 3 The day books; The journal proper; The ledger accounts of sole proprietors;
BCL 403: Arbitration & Alternative Disputes Resolution 3 Balancing up the ledger; The two column and three column cash books, cash
discounts; The petty cash book; The trial balance; Errors in accounts, suspense
BCL 404: Labour Law 3
accounts, correction of errors; The trading, profit and loss. The balance sheet;
BCL 520: Legal Practicum 4 Presentation of fixed assets, current assets and liabilities; Year end adjustments;
TOTAL 58 Prepayments and accruals; Reserves and provisions; Capital expenditure and
revenue expenditure; Bank reconciliation statement; Depreciation meaning,
methods and need for depreciation.
Law Electives (2 courses only) Credit Hours
BCL 307: Competition Law 3 ACC 112 Managerial Accounting I 3 Credits
BCL 308: Taxation Law 3 Purpose of managerial accounting: difference between financial accounting,
cost accounting and management accounting; Role and functions of
BCL 309: Family Law 3
management accountant; Cost volume profit analysis: break even analysis
BCL 310: Law of Succession 3 multiple products; Managerial costing vs absorption costing statements;
BCL 405: Insurance Law 3 Application of marginal costing in analysing make or buy decisions, sell or
BCL 406: Banking Law 3 process further decisions, add or drop decisions, pricing standard products,
pricing special orders, choosing product mix; Capital expenditure decisions:
BCL 407: Property Law 3
NPV, IRR, ARR, Payback Period Method; Profitability index; Inventory, Control:
BCL 408: Intellectual Property Law 3 cost of holding stock re order planning (stock levels & EOQ); Budgeting and
BCL 409: Equity and Trusts 3 budgetary control: cash budget, flexible budget, master budget, administrative
budgets and functional budgets; Responsibility accounting. Pre requisite: ACC
BCL 410: Public International Law 3
BCL 411: International Trade Law 3
BUS 425: Entrepreneurship & Innovation 3 ACC 211 Financial Accounting II 3 Credits
Final accounts; double entry of end of year adjustments: depreciation,
provision for bad debts, accruals and prepayments, preparation of trading
Bachelor of Commerce (Law Option) Minor Credit Hours
profit & loss accounts & balance sheet of sole traders and partnerships,
BCL 100: Legal Research & Writing 3 preparation of receipts and payments accounts, income and expenditure
BCL 101: Social Foundations of Law 3 accounts and balance sheets of non trading organizations; Accounting
statements for incomplete records, control accounts; Financial statements for
BCL 200: Constitutional Law 3
farming enterprises including issues of livestock & produce valuation, Accounts
BCL 201: Elements of Contract Law 3 of professional firms such as advocates, architects, doctors and accountants.
BCL 202: Principles of Tort Law 3 Prerequisite: ACC 111.
BCL 203: Constitutional Systems 3
ACC 311 Intermediate Accounting I 3 Credits
BCL 204: Law of Evidence 3
Accounting theory, Accounting framework, overview of accounting standards;
BCL 303: Commercial Law 3 Introduction of company accounts; manufacturing accounts, financial & legal
TOTAL 24 framework of limited liability companies, quoted and unquoted companies
preparation of final accounts of companies, financial statements of banks and
financial institutions, insurance companies, building societies, accounting for
hospitals, published accounts, legal requirements; Balance sheet and profit
and loss account; Movement of fixed assets; Cash flow statements.
Prerequisite: ACC 211
www.daystar.ac.ke 113
ACC 312 Intermediate Accounting II 3 Credits circumstances leading to unqualified/qualified reports.
Partnership accounts; admission, retirement/death, dissolution, Conversion of a Pre requisite: ACC 311.
partnership to a limited company appropriation accounts; valuation of Goodwill
for partnership accounts; Bills of exchange; Consignment accounts; Issues of ACC 408 Special Topics in Accounting & Finance 3 Credits
shares and debentures; Share premium accounts; Over subscription; Forfeiture As faculty are available and as student demand is apparent, special topics
of shares; Investment accounts; Purchase of shares; Purchase of debentures; in finance and accounting will be offered as separate courses in a classroom
Income tax in accounts; Royalty accounts; Leases and Hire purchase accounts; setting and may be repeated for credit if topics are different. For example:
Instalment payments; Valuation of business and shares; Returnable containers; personal finances of non profit organizations; Public finances and national
Joint ventures. Pre requisite: ACC 311. accounting; Fund raising and donor funding, etc.
Pre requisite: ACC 313
ACC 313 Intermediate Accounting III 3 Credits
Valuation of tangible assets; Revaluation; Estimated Useful life (EUL) extension; ACC 411 Advanced Accounting 3 Credits
Change in the depreciation method; Valuation of intangible assets; Good Consolidated accounts: horizontal and vertical groups, complex groups,
will; Research and Development Expenditure; Long term contracts: percentage associate companies and joint venture, acquisition and mergers, foreign
of work completed; completed contract method; Accounting for stocks; exchange; consolidated cash flow statement; Inflation accounting: current
Departmental accounts; Branch accounts; Business combinations: absorption purchasing power (CPP), current cost accounting (CCA); Value added
amalgamation; Reconstruction: internal (capital re organization), external; statements; Earnings per share: basic EPS and diluted EPS; Taxation in
Bankruptcy and receivership; Public sector accounts, accounting for insurance accounts: current tax, deterred tax; Accounting for VAT.
claims. Prerequisite: ACC 312. Pre requisite: ACC 313.
114 www.daystar.ac.ke
manufacture under bond, mining investment deduction, Shipping investment documentation layout. Business communication vs. information technology:
deduction; Farm work deduction; tax investigation: Tax evasion and avoidance, Application of I.T. in communication, job applications and networking and
back duty Investment, critical appraisal of Kenya tax System in relation to other proposal.
countries, double tax agreement/treaty, tax treaties through regional economic
integration e.g. COMESA, EAC, tax amnesty in Kenya and other countries, BUS 211 Organization and Management 3 Credits
most favoured nations status concept. Tax administration in Kenya: PIN, Definition and nature of management; Management principles and early
notice of assessment, tax set offs , types of assessments, local committee and theories of management:, management functions ; organizational culture;
tribunals, tax returns, collection and recovery of tax, relief of errors, penalties & organizational structure and design; managerial communication; planning
interest including offences. VAT : accounting for VAT, rights and privileges of a and decision making in organizations; strategic management; human resource
registered person, VAT records, VAT refund audit and certificate, offenses and management a profession, a commitment; Efficient and effective managers;
penalties. Customs and excise duty: dumping and anti dumping measures, Dimensions of management; The development of management and organization
bond security, refund of duty, valuation of imports and exports. theory; Planning and decision making: organizational goals, strategy and
Pre requisite: ACC 315. strategic planning, developing and implementing plans, managerial decision
making: steps in decision making, quantitative techniques for decision making,
ACC 416 Computerized Accounting 3 Credits management by objectives; The organizing process: concept and approaches
Introduction to systems: Definition and meaning of accounting information of organization theory, designing structures, span of control, departmentation,
system, different views of a system; contextual and control view, basic concepts delegation, accountability, centralization and decentralization, organization
and strategies in the study of systems. Types of information systems: Accounting charts, line and staff authority; Staffing: its nature and purpose; Leading and
application software: Sage Pastel, Quick books, access accounts horizons. directing, motivation, leadership, Management and society, ethical issues in
Prerequisites: ACC 313 & MIS 211. management, social responsibility. Prerequisites: ENG 112.
BUS 111 Business Studies 3 Credits BUS 213 Business Research Methods 3 Credits
Definition of commerce, commercial goods and services, production nature of Introduction: meaning and purpose of research, basic and applied research,
buying and selling, aids to trade occupation; Domestic and foreign commercial overview of the research process; selection and definition of the research
activities, direct and indirect production, location of industry, specialization; problem; importance and scope of literature review; developing the conceptual
Types of business organizations, sole proprietors and partnerships; Incorporated framework; research designs: basic designs, exploratory research, descriptive
and non incorporated companies, legal limitation, mode of operation, the research, casual research, secondary designs, case studies, surveys,
legal person; Government, community cooperatives, Channels of distribution, experiments; developing a research plan or proposal; sample design: population
producers, stockists, wholesalers, middlemen, retailers, warehousing, of interest, sample and census studies, sample units, sample size, sample
manufacturers representatives, commission agents, physical distribution, How selection; data collection: secondary data, primary data, construction of data
businesses buy and pay for goods and services, financing the business, short collection instruments e.g. observation forms and questionnaires, measurement
term and Long term financing; credit societies, hire purchase. scales, attitude measurement, attribute measurement, multidimensional scaling,
communicating with respondents and fieldwork, procedures andmanagement;
BUS 112 Business from a Christian Perspective 3 Credits data analysis and interpretation: preliminary steps, summarizing techniques,
Introduction: Business from a Christian perspective, personal goals and measuring differences, discriminate analysis, cluster analysis; issue in research:
business; Understanding the Biblical principles of business; Gods intention validity, reliability, objectivity; research report. Pre requisites: STA 212.
and our response to work; Obligation and right management as means of
doing justice; Christian concept of leadership and use of power; Self control,
BUS 309 Business Finance 3 Credits
accountability, motivation and manipulation, human selfishness; Moral
responsibility of business, social control; Biblical principles of stewardship, Sources of finance; share capital: ordinary share capital, preference share
justice and wealth; Morality in business transactions; Biblical truth in world of capital; debit finance: term loans, bonds and debentures; other sources of
change, secularism, moral decadence, corruption, the Biblical role modelling finance: bills of exchange, trade credit, debtors factoring, lease finance and
in business. hire purchase, venture capital etc; the capital and money market: money market
operations of banks in Kenya, financial instruments in money markets; capital
BUS 113 Professional Business Communication 3 Credits markets the stock market and the operations of CMA, specialized financial
Theoretical background of communication: Purpose of communication, institutions, the central bank; financial analysis (ratios): liquidity ratios, turnover
communication process, barriers of communication and how to overcome ratios, profitability ratios, gearing ratios, investment ratios; capital budgeting,
them. Modes of communication: Letters, memos, reports, press releases, essays. NPV, IRR, PI, PBP and DPBP, ARR; cost of capital: components cost of capital,
Techniques of oral communication: Telephone, effective listening. Strategic weighted average cost of capital, marginal average cost of capital: dividend
visual communication: Graphical presentations, statistical presentations. Speech policy and theories; working capital management: management of cash,
delivery and presentation of self: Visual aids, stimulating audience response. management of debtors, management of inventories e.g. Economic Order
Non verbal communication: communication without words, non verbal skills. Quantity (EOQ). Pre requisites course is ACC 111 and ECO 211.
Conducting effective meetings and interviews: The structural framework, panel
www.daystar.ac.ke 115
BUS 313 Human Resources Management 3 Credits organizations, current trends and changes in career development; the role of
Human resource management An overview: The origins of human resource education in career development Career planning; The labour market; Training
management [HRM]; Personnel management versus HRM; Importance of HRM; and development in Organizations; International careers; career management
Goals of HRM; Pressures behind the rising interest in HRM; The environment Prerequisite: BUS 211
of HRM; Employee resourcing: Human resource planning [HRP]; Recruitment
and selection;; Orientation of new employees; Release from the organization BUS 321 Business Law I 3 Credits
[redundancy, dismissals, resignations, etc.]. : Human resource [HR] policies; Nature and meaning of law and its classifications; Sources of law in Kenya
Developing HR policies; Revising HR policies; Job analysis. Performance and law of persons; The legal systems in East Africa; Law of contract; Tort
management: Performance appraisals. Training and development: Reward law; Law of agency; insurance law; Relations of the East Africa business
management: Pay and benefits; Job evaluation; Welfare services. Employee organizations to the economic systems: sole trader, partnership, company,
corporation; Negotiable instruments; Hire purchase; Banking law; Insurance
relations: Industrial relations; HRM approach to employee relations; Kenyan
law; Sale of goods. Prerequisite Bus 113, Bus 211
labour laws. Prerequisite; BUS 211
BUS 320 Career Development 3 Credits BUS 326 Industrial Psychology 3 Credits
Introduction to the study of career development; Environment for career The origin, the nature, scope and significance of industrial psychology; The
development; Home environment, learning institution and work place; Means domains of work psychology; development of industrial psychology in developed
of career development, education, training and experience; Model of career and developing countries; Emergence of industrial and urbanization, changes
stage; challenges in career development; strategic career development in
116 www.daystar.ac.ke
at the work place ; management of the employee stress ; career management, goals, objectives, core values. Strategic management process; situational
fitting the man to the job and fitting the man to the job; organizational behavior analysis internal and external, strategic choice; industrial analysis; strategy
modification ; Attitudes at the work; employee recruitment and selection; implementation ; monitoring and evaluation of strategies competitor analysis;
industrial psychology and work environment; psychological contract; industrial planning levels corporate strategy, business strategy, functional/operational
psychology and organizational structure; emerging trends in work psychology strategy; planning models generic strategies, BCG, Ansoff, GE; decision
Why people work; the effects of work; Workers analysis; Work environment; making; Strategy and organization building; strategic management of change;
Formal and informal organizations; Quality of work life and balanced work life strategy and social responsibility; strategic leadership. Prerequisite BUS 211,
Prerequisite: BUS 211, BUS 318. BUS 314, MAK 212, BUS 313.
BUS 328 Small Business Management 3 Credits BUS 415 Project Planning & Management 3 Credits
Scope of small business management; the role of small business to an
Introduction to project management; project cycle project management
economy; opportunities for small business management new vs. existing
stages; project initiation; project management skills; project initiation
business franchising and licensing Small business in enterprise development;
identification and analysis; project planning and activity planning; Monitoring
management practices in small business marketing, human resource, finance,
and control; resource allocation and cost schedules; Network planning models
operations, small business role; small business financing; stages of business
and critical path analysis; Project planning and managing people, Project
growth and business cycle ; business planning; analysis of management
evaluation and risk management. Pre requisites: BUS 211, BUS 318.
practices in the on going small businesses; small business technology and
innovation; social cultural and ethical issues in small business; succession
planning in small business; Biblical Principles of Stewardship & Business BUS 416 Special Topics in 3 Credits
Management. Prerequisite: BUS 111, BUS 212, ACC 112. Business and Management
Course content will vary. The instructor will define the content for each course.
BUS 329 Labour Relations & Labour Law 3 Credits Examples of subjects which may be covered are: Industrial psychology;
Definition, meaning and nature of labour relations and law; Historical Consumerism; The Green Movement and marketing; Consumer laws;
development of industrial law; basis of Kenyas labour laws; The role of Employee motivation; Marketing for non profit organizations; Marketing of
the government, employer and employee; Individual relations; Principles of agricultural products and the role of marketing boards especially in selected
negotiation; The role of trade unions; Collective bargaining agreement (CBA); African countries (Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana, Uganda, Tanzania and others),
Trade disputes; Employment Act_Chapter 226, Wages Act_ Chapter 229, Procurement and other management areas.
Industrial Training Act_ Chapter 237, Workmans Compensation Act_ Chapter
236, Factories Act_ Chapter 514; The law of master and servant; Control of BUS 417 Entrepreneurship & INNOVATION 3 Credits
essential services. Pre requisites: BUS 313 Introduction and scope of entrepreneurship; the role of entrepreneurship to an
economy; characteristic features of leadership; theoretical and conceptual base
BUS 330 Conflict Management 3 Credits for entrepreneurship (myths and origin); Entrepreneurship vs. intrapreneurship;
Definition: Nature and source(s) of conflict. The conflict process; stages in conflict Characteristic features of entrepreneurship; Types and kinds of entrepreneurs;
development. Types of conflicts; conflict situations in organizations. Functional entrepreneurship creativity and innovation; Business idea generation;
& dis functional conflicts, Levels of conflicts; intrapersonal, interpersonal, Assessment and evaluation of new ventures. Entrepreneurship and risk
intragroup, intergroup, and inter organizational conflicts. Consequences of management. Entrepreneurship and stress management; entrepreneurship and
conflicts; functional and dysfunctional consequences, effects of conflicts at time management; emerging issues in entrepreneurship; biblical perspective in
the work place. Managing conflicts; strategies for managing intrapersonal, entrepreneurship. Pre requisite; BUS 211, BUS 323, BUS 314, ACC 112.
interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup and inter conflict stress detection and
control, current trends and challenges in conflict management in organizations,
BUS 419 Corporate Governance 3 Credits
Implications of conflict management. Pre requisites: BUS 211.
Corporate governance system: The legal obligation of directors, Election of
the board, the board CEO relationship, the boards role in management.
BUS 340 Cooperative Management 3 Credits
Basic principles and practices of corporate governance: Development in the
Background of cooperative management; organization structures for co
governance of state enterprise, duties and liabilities of directors of corporation,
operatives ; the roles of cooperatives in the economy; cooperative laws ;
Cooperative management; Cooperatives and members participation; The corporate governance and reporting, determining good governance,
government and cooperatives; Application of commercial knowledge in governance and good results, assessing board and directors performance;
cooperatives; Cooperative banking and finance; Cooperative act Cooperative governance of state corporations in Kenya; OECD principles of governance;
societies and their marketing strategies; merging issues in cooperative leadership and management: competence of board members, designing
development. Prerequisite BUS 211. governance process, leadership, monitoring and evaluation; governance of
BUS 414 Strategic Management & Decision Making 3 Credits state corporations under state corporations act; Possible benefits from greater
The Scope of strategic management and decision making. The strategic monitoring, possible problems into greater monitoring and evaluation; legal
management theories; The role of strategic planning in organizations. reforms, governance of public and private institutions; investors protection and
SWOT/TOWS profile; Developing Strategic statements vision, mission, corporate governance. Prerequisite BUS 211,BUS 330.
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BUS 421 Risk Management 3 Credits BUS 598 Senior Project 4 Credits
Introduction to risk management; the role of risk management in an economy; The student will get involved with one or two companies in order to develop a
types of risks; principles of risk management; risk management and insurance; creative idea that may be of use to one or more of them. The student chooses,
strategic approach towards risk management; risk aversion and risk with the help of a lecturer, a specialized and creative topic he/she would like
management; insurability of risks and contractual provisions; risk management to explore. The lecturer must be specialized in that area of study, so as to give
and shareholder wealth; tools and techniques used to measure risk; issues all guidance necessary to enable the student to write a report for grading.
in liability risk and its management; Elements of fraud related offences; risk Pre requisite: Permission of Instructor.
management and wealth creation. Prerequisite BUS 211, BUS 323, BUS
314. BCL 100 Legal Research & Writing 3 Credits
Historical development of English common law: sources of law and its
BUS 431 International Trade 3 Credits
classification, court structure and jurisdiction; application principles and statutes
Introduction: Meaning of term international trade, forces in international trade
in general; application in Kenyan legal system; the doctrine of precedent and
environment, importance of international trade, advantages and disadvantages
hierarchy of courts; stare decisis, obiter dicta; interpretation of statutes; case
of international trade, problems of international trade; International trade and
law technique; research methodology construction rules.
foreign investment: direction of trade, major trading partners and foreign
investment; Theories of international trade, barriers to international trade,
arguments for and against protection; Exporting: how to enter foreign markets, BCL 101 Social Foundations of Law 3 Credits
types of markets, procedure and documentation and prices in international Review of society and its social formulation; the place of law in social relations,
trade payments; Importing: procedure, documentation payments and social dynamics and legal processes; issues in legal theory; religion and law;
restricting imports; International organizations relevant to international trade: elements of legal philosophy; law and political institutions.
examples, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF), International
Finance Corporation (IFC), International Development Association (IDA), World BCL 200 Constitutional Law 3 Credits
Trade Organization (incorporating GATT); International monetary system and Constitutional theory and introduction to jurisprudence; the foundations of the
balance of payments: the gold standard, balance of payments, equilibrium and constitution and its supremacy vis _ vis other legislative enactments, single
disequilibrium experiments in floating money markets and foreign exchange; party & multi party states, constitutional values of safe guards and types of
Government involvement in international trade: functions of customs and excise constitutions; contents of a constitution legislature; judiciary and executive;
department, government aids to exports, commodity markets and international separation of powers; the executive: authority and powers, the presidency,
cooperation. Pre requisite: ECO 211, ECO 212. prerogative and related powers, extra juridical executive powers and the
cabinet, collective and individual responsibility, the civil service and political
BUS 492 Independent Study in Business 3 Credits
neutrality; the legislature: theory and history, one or two chambers in Africa
Administration and Management
and their composition, the Kenyan Parliament; the judiciary: judicial powers
This course is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to explore
and functions, justifiability, powers of subordinate public agencies and the
specialized and innovative topics in Business Administration and Management
public administration.
through directed study. The student will choose a topic and will discuss it with
the lecturer responsible for the subject. The lecturer will study the students
proposal and make suggestions to ensure that sufficient ground will be BCL 201 Elements of Contract Law 3 Credits
covered. The lecturer will then give the student a list of textbooks, newspapers English legal system and contract; reception of contract law into Kenya;
and magazines to read. He will set questions for the student and discuss his characteristics and formalities of contract: the essentials of a valid contract, terms
answers with him not less than once a week. Pre requisite: BUS 213 and and types of contracts, characteristics and retraction, irrevocable offers, the
completion 3/4 of course work. concept of unilateral contracts, acceptance, consideration, its consequences,
intention to create legal relations, contracts ubirrmae fidei; privity of contract
BUS 520 Business Practicum 4 Credits and court interpretation of case law; typical provisions of a contract: duties
The student will be expected to do an assigned task in an employing business and obligations, classification of contractual terms; conditions and warranties:
organization, which agrees with the employers need and the students training. implied terms, express terms, parole evidence, vitiating factors, exclusion and
As part of the assignment, the student will be expected to examine and report termination clauses, remedy clauses, mergers and arbitration clauses; estoppel.
on the relative effectiveness of the business functions to which he is assigned
and of his performance of his assigned functions. Specific reading will be BCL 202 PRINCIPLES OF TORT LAW 3 Credits
assigned that relates to the nature of the students task. The assignment will take Nature, foundations and functions of law and the definition of a tort; sources
seven (7) Weeks or 270 hours. Pre requisite: BUS 213 and completion 3/4 of the law of tort, tortuous liability; principles of tort and the system of tortuous
of course work. liability; general conditions of liability in tort; invasion of property and persons.
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Legislative control of executive powers; powers to confer sanctity of the Nature and meaning of law and its classifications; Sources of law in Kenya
law; control, the courts and the electoral process; members of parliament; and law of persons; The legal systems in East Africa; Law of contract; Tort
independence and separation of powers; comparative analysis of the law; Law of agency; insurance law; Relations of the East Africa business
constitutions of Kenya and those of Britain, U.S.A.; South Africa and regional organizations to the economic systems: sole trader, partnership, company,
countries like Uganda, Tanzania and other African nations; current constitutional corporation; Negotiable instruments; Hire purchase; Banking law; Insurance
developments in Kenya and participation in constitution making. Pre requisite: law; Sale of goods. Prerequisite Bus 113, Bus 211
BCL 200.
BCL 304 Company Law 3 Credits
BCL 204: LAW OF EVIDENCE 3 Credits Historical background; the meaning of a company; fundamental concepts
The nature, philosophical and historical background of the law of evidence of company law; legal personality, limited liability, veil of incorporation,
and its place in judicial process; preliminary definitions and principals items of advantages and disadvantages of incorporation; memorandum of association
judicial evidence, admissibility and relevance; similar facts evidence, character and concept of ultra vires; articles of association; variation of class rights:
evidence;matters established otherwise than by evidence, relevant facts which variation of the rights clause; promoters of prospectuses; companys organs
may not be proved, estoppel, admissions,presumptions;burden and standard and officers; the rule in Turquands case and subsequent case law; directors
of proof; public policy and privilege, illegally obtained evidence;documentary duties; the law relating to auditors; minority protection; raising and maintaining
evidence, confessions, corroboration;examination of witnesses, oaths and capital, reduction of capital; distribution of dividends; types of corporate
affirmation; competence and compellability. securities; shares and debentures; reconstructions, mergers and takeovers;
winding up process; promoters; prospectuses. Prerequisite: BCL 303.
BCL 300 Enforcement OF Contract 3 Credits
Interpretation of contracts: intention of parties, background facts, consistencies, BCL 305 Law of Insolvency 3 Credits
inconsistencies, rectification; third party involvement in contracts, sub The history of solvency law in England and Kenya; principles, policies and rules
contractors, assigning benefits to contracts, the right to sue upon death and governing financial failure of companies and individuals; the statutory, common
bankruptcy; quasi contracts: restitution, quantum meruit, discharge of contracts: law and equitable rules; acts of bankruptcy; creditors; the bankruptcy petition;
by performance, express agreement, operation of the doctrine of frustration, proceedings after petition: administration of an estate; effect of bankruptcy
by breach, partial performance, tender of performance, time performance; on transactions; realization of property; bankruptcy offences and remedies;
remedies for breach of contract; repudiation or rescission, specific performance, grounds for winding up: voluntary, by the court, indebtedness, just & equitable
liquidated or unliquidated damages, assessment of compensatory damages; provision, disappearance of substratum, minority protection; Consequences of
defenses: justification, mistake, misrepresentation, non adherence to specification, winding up; duties of directors to creditors; distribution of assets; alternatives to
economic duress. Prerequisite: 201. winding up; discharge of bankrupt. Prerequisite: BCL 304.
BCL 301 TORTS 3 Credits BCL 306 Securities Regulation Law 3 Credits
Defamation; nuisance; liability torts; trespass; the concept of negligence; History and development of securities regulation, definition and characteristics
causation; defences ; accidents and compensation; legislative intent ; remedies of securities; origins and dimensions of disclosure; insider dealing or trading;
and immunities. Prerequisite: BCL 202 development and role of Nairobi Stock Exchange (NSE); role, objectives and
powers of the Capital Markets Authority; negotiable instruments. Prerequisite:
BCL 302 Criminal Law 3 Credits BCL 305.
Definition of criminal law and its historical development; sources of criminal law;
constitution, penal code, customary law; socio legal concept of criminal law; BCL 307: Competition Law 3 Credits
criminal law and legality: criminal liability, actus reus, the general presumption The origin of competition law & policy; antitrust and unfair competition laws;
of mens rea, voluntary conduct and consequences, causation and responsibility, activities governed by law; monopoly, pricing limitations, predatory practices,
the statutory and judicial position in Kenya; strict liability, historical background, merger control, abuse of dominant position, cartels and price fixing: analysis
exclusion of mens rea, stautory wording and context, provisions regarding of case law from Kenya, USA and European Community.
punishment; vicarious liability; social origins and development; the principle of
delegation; variations to avoidance of criminal liability: the McNaghten Rules, BCL 308 Taxation Law 3 Credits
burden of proof, other mental conditions; general defences and other defenses; Taxation Theory Basic Concepts; Why governments levy taxes; Types of
classification of and parties to conspiracy and incitement; assembly association taxes; Purpose of taxes; Principles/canons of taxation; Classification of taxes;
and public order; administration of lawful authority; life and health; liberty and Incidence of a tax; Taxable capacity. Taxation of the Income of Persons
character; morality and sexual offences; unlawful taking of property; economic and Institutions: Taxable incomes; Non taxable incomes; Specified sources;
crimes ; the criminal process and procedure. Allowable and non allowable deductions; Taxable and non taxable persons
and institutions; Tax rates, individuals, companies, withholding taxes; Individuals
sources of income, tax at source, personal relief, tax payable; Corporate
www.daystar.ac.ke 119
bodies, taxable income, tax payable. Capital Deductions: Investment The theory of environmental management and history of environmental
deductions; Industrial building deductions; Wear and tear allowances. law;defining environment, environmental degradation, environmental
Taxation of Partnerships: Subdivision of income from profits and legal consciousness and environmental law;concepts of standards and sustainable
provisions; Adjustment of profits for tax purposes. Taxation of Companies and development; national and international legal frameworks; physical
Shortfall of Income: Legal provisions; Additional expenses to be deducted for planning, environmental impact assessment, environmental media, water,
tax purposes. Administration of Taxes: Kenya Revenue Authority; Identification solid waste management, hazardous substances and chemicals, biodiversity
of new taxpayers through: pin, investigators, public media and business management;use of civil and criminal law in enforcement of environmental
registrars; Assessments: Self assessments, additional assessments, estimated
assessments; Installment tax; Tax returns; Notices; Objections, appeals and
BCL 403 Arbitration & Alternative Dispute 3 Credits
relief of mistake; Appellant bodies; Collection, recovery and re payment of
taxes; Offences, penalties and interest. Administration of Value Added Tax:
Types of conflicts; history and advantages of arbitration; nature of disputes;
Introduction and development of V.A.T. in Kenya; VAT Act Cap (476); Taxation
jurisdiction of tribunals and the International Chamber of Commerce;
of goods and services; Registration of taxable persons; De registration of organization and jurisdiction of the International Center for Settlement of
taxable persons; Accounting for VAT; Remission, rebate and refund of VAT Investment Disputes; basic principles of conflict prevention; diplomacy in dispute
tax; Offences and penalties; Privileges and rights of a VAT registered person; settlement: negotiation; mediation, inquiry; conflict resolution and management
Appeals and objections requirements. Other Revenue Sources: Miscellaneous activities of International Organizations; role of the UN in regional instability
revenue sources; road licenses, inspection charges, trade licenses, airport in Africa; role of the African Union in conflict management and other regional
taxes, cesses, stamp duties, royalties, property taxes, petroleum levy; New organizations.
taxes, levies and cheques.
BCL 404 Labour Law 3 Credits
BCL 309 Family Law 3 Credit Introduction to labour law: definition, scope and functions; historical
Sources of family law & systems of marriage under Kenyan law: customary, development of labour; employment relationship: nature, problem of status,
Hindu, Islamic, Christian and statutory law; changing from one system to status vs. contract; contract of employment: formation, terms and conditions;
another; judicial treatment of polygamy; creation of a marriage relationship; sources of regulation, rights and duties, termination and remedies; relationship
requirements for a valid marriage: agreement to marry, consent, capacity, between employment contract and collective agreement; special provisions
dowry, foreign marriages; consequences of marriage; rights to consortium & relating to women, disabled persons, juveniles, etc.; international labour
its limits, interference with consortium; termination of marriage under different standards; collective bargaining and collective labour law: theory, functions,
systems of law; bases of termination: death, annulment, divorce; grounds for role of law, legal status, arbitration; industrial disputes and the law; disputes
divorce: cruelty, adultery, desertion, unnatural offences; the process of divorce and conflict resolution procedure; strikes and the law; trade unions and the
decree nisi, decree absolute; property rights, custody and maintenance of law; the state as an employer.
children, adoption, guardianship; nationality acquisition, renunciation of
citizenship, domicile, legitimacy. BCL 405 Insurance Law 3 Credits
Introduction to nature and history of insurance law in England and Kenya;
BCL 310 Law of Succession 3 Credits good faith, full disclosure, insurable interest, indemnity, subrogation and its
Foundation and history of the law of succession and the four modes of effects on third party contracts, the concept of insurance risk; classification of
succession under customary, Islamic, Hindu & statutory law and conflicts contracts according to the event, parties to insurance contracts; formation of
of succession laws; nature and purpose of law of succession; Patterns of insurance contract, nature of the offer, when acceptance occurs, issuance of a
succession; testate and intestate succession, provisions in the statutory law; wills policy, the insurers conduct, the cover note and the legal effects of acceptance,
and their creation; privileged, unprivileged, validity, construction, attestation, commencement of policy and its construction; insurable interest pecuniary and
appointment of executor, trustee; lapse and revocation of a will; doctrine of proprietary interest, contractual policies, statutory policies, indemnity contracts
election; administration of estates; probate, dependency, African customary and re insurance schemes; termination of the contract, attachment of risk and
law of succession, Islamic law of succession. available remedies: reinstatement, salvage, arbitration, damages, contribution
and apportionment of loss; insurance claims: third party claims adjudication by
BCL 401 International Economic Law 3 Credits courts and arbitration.
Nature of international economic transactions; sources of international
economic law: trade transactions; regulation of international trade, investment BCL 406 Banking Law 3 Credits
and international trade agreements; history, role and organization of World Principle sources of banking law, evolution of banking business & law and
Trade Organization (WTO) and regional bodies; principles on tariffs; non tariff the early beginnings in Kenya; the role, functions and categories of banks:
barriers; subsidies and trade practices; sovereignty over natural resources; commercial, investment, government lending agencies, central banks & joint
conflict of laws; nature and jurisdiction of contracts. stock companies; services offered by banks: loans, securities, goods as
BCL 402 PRINCIPAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL LAW 3 Credits securities, warehouse warrants, guarantees and pledges; establishment and
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regulation of banks; creation of the banker; customer and the debtor creditor BCL 410 Public International Law 3 Credits
relationships; rights and liabilities of parties; types of accounts and the Nature of international law: role, character, historical development and
accounting process; mistakes in favour of the customer and mistakes detrimental scope; sources of international law: treaties, custom, general principles of
to the customer; third party claims; trust money and tracing; electronic banking law, judicial decisions, publicists. Relationship between International Law
law and policy; rights and liabilities of parties to electronic systems, laws and Municipal Law: dualist and monist theories, internal law in municipal
regulating electronic transfers and resolving legal problems; Bills of Exchange: courts and municipal rules in international tribunals, concept of opposability;
the cheque and its form, crossed and open cheques, bankers cheques, international personality: locus standi, legal status of states, individuals and
letters of credit, money orders, issue, operation and alterations of cheques, international personality; recognition of governments, states and belligerency
endorsements and dishonour of cheques; forged and unauthorized instruments; and legal consequences; statehood; treaties; state immunity: distinction
other types of negotiable instruments: promissory notes, credit notes, bankers between jure imperii and jure gestionis, sovereign immunity; diplomatic
drafts; Garnishee proceedings; International finance, regional banks, IMF and and consular immunity; state responsibility: liability for breach of international
World Bank; commercial credits. law, nationality of claims, local remedies rule and the calvo clause; settlement
of disputes: judicial and non judicial settlement of disputes, international
BCL 407 Property Law 3 Credits judicial tribunals; succession and self determination.
Philosophic foundations of property rights in land, ownership and possession
under common law; sovereignty theory, the idea of property in land; definition BCL 411 International Trade Law 3 Credits
of tenure and the concept of property and property rights; the historical Introduction to international trade law; sources, subjects and objects of
perspective and philosophical foundations of private property rights under international trade and turnover; international trade transactions: international
English and customary law jurisprudence under Kenyan law; the colonial factor trade representation; international payments and finance: bank guarantees and
and evolution of property law in Kenya; the pre and postcolonial period and cargo insurance, international financial leasing; international transportation
impact of colonial policies on indigenous tenure; regulation of transactions in of goods; international franchising, international investments; international
land; the statutory provisions, ascertainment and registration of rights, transfers contracts; international licensing and conflict resolution by international
& transmissions, alienation of rights; the rights and liabilities of property owners arbitration; role and functions of World Trade Organization (WTO).
and customary and rules governing ownership of land; doctrine of eminent
domain; police powers and limitation; the concept of communal tenure and BCL 520 LEGAL PRACTICUM 3 Credits
feudal tenure; acquisition of control over land; case studies; voluntary & non Students will be attached to the bench where they will be exposed to the
voluntary alienation of property rights; licenses; leases; assignment; easements; handling of legal issues. The students will develop skills in time and court
proprietorship in common and joint proprietorship; encumbrances: mortgages management, court practice, trial techniques, civil procedure, criminal
and charges and remedies for default; functions, duties and responsibilities of procedure, and the taking of evidence, writing rulings and judgements.
the Registrar and the Commissioner of Lands. Students will keep a short and concise daily journal on key learning for the
period. They will be evaluated by both the University Supervisor and the
BCL 408 Intellectual Property Law 3 Credits External Supervisors.
History and rationale of intellectual property rights (IPR); the concept of invention,
protection of creativity and enhancement of scientific and literary research and LOG 211 Introduction to Business Logistics 3 Credits
development; national IPR laws & institutions; theoretical and legal framework The role of logistics in the economy and the organization. Customer service
and international aspects of intellectual property law; patents; ethical and management. Logistics information systems. Inventory concepts and the
moral issues: Biotechnology innovations, pharmaceutical products, transfer of basics of inventory management. Managing materials flow in production
technology, utility models; plant variety protection; copyrights; infringement & and operations. Transportation and traffic management. Warehousing,
defences; trademarks; confidential information/trade secrets; infringement & materials handling, computerization, and packaging issues. Introduction to
remedies; industrial designs; contemporary issues in IPR law: IPR vs trade; IPR global logistics. Organizing for effective logistics and controlling logistics
vs Technology development: IPR vs Technology transfer; IPR in cyberspace; role performance. Fundamentals of supply chain management. Developing and
and relevance of World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO). implementing logistics strategy. Pre requisite: ENG 112, MAT 111.
BCL 409 Equity & Trusts 3 Credits LOG 221 Purchasing Principles & Management 3 Credits
Nature and source of principles of equity; doctrines of Benami, election, Introduction to the purchasing profession, Christian ethical and professional
consideration and exclusion by statutes; equitable remedies; application standards, the role of purchasing and supply management in business, and
of equitable principles in Kenya; requirements for the creation of a trustee/ purchasing objectives, policies and procedures. Computer based systems
beneficiary relationship; classification of trusts; succession, wills, probate, letters including EDI and purchasing on the Internet. Purchasing organization
of administration, appointments, duties, powers and liabilities, testamentary and strategic role in the firm. Purchase descriptions, specifications and
gifts, failure of gifts, intestate distribution and testate distribution; fiduciary standardization. Purchasings role in new product development. Outsourcing
nature of the trustees obligations; appointment, retirement and removal of and make or buy decisions. Finding, evaluating and selecting domestic and
trustees; breach of trust. international sources of supply. Price and cost analysis. Principles of contracting
and negotiation. Purchasing capital equipment and services. Contract
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administration, managing for quality, and general management responsibilities LOG 331 Production and Operations Management 3 Credits
including value analysis, developing the buying plan, and appraisal and Developing a customer orientation in the production environment. Integrating
control of the purchasing function. Pre requisite: MAT 112. operations management with other functions of the firm. Supply chain decisions
and configuration strategies to align the production process with customer
LOG 311 Inventory Planning and Control 3 Credits expectations and supplier processes. Product and service design process.
Functions, types and uses of inventories. Nature and uses of forecasts in the Process selection and capacity planning. Facilities layout, location, and design
firm. Demand management, forecasting periods and accuracy. Forecasting of work systems. Total quality management, continuous improvement, quality
approaches including Box Jenkins, econometrics, Delphi method, market improvement tools, and six sigma quality programs. Aggregate planning,
surveys, statistical series, time series, moving average, exponential smoothing, master scheduling, and their interaction with inventory decisions. Materials
and Bayesian techniques. Adjusting for seasonality and cyclic patterns Requirement Planning (MRPII) systems including system logic, supply chain
around the trend. Monitoring and controlling forecasting systems by using impact, and detailed scheduling in an MRP environment. E commerce based
mean absolute deviation, mean absolute error, mean absolute percent error, improvements to master scheduling and inventory management. Control
and tracking signals. The use of focus forecasting, pyramid forecasting, and of work in process inventories. Planning and control of Just in Time systems.
combination methods to improve forecast accuracy. Vector smoothing for Mathematical optimization techniques including linear programming, the
simple and multiple items. Percentage done estimating method. Percent of transportation model, and queuing analysis. Prerequisite: LOG 211, LOG
aggregate demands method. Slow moving item forecasting using exponential 221, LOG 311.
smoothing and vector smoothing. Measures of inventory system performance
including ROI and ROA. Inventory distribution by value and Pareto (ABC) LOG 341 Management of Customer Service 3 Credits
analysis. Trade offs between holding costs, set up costs, ordering costs, costs of Developing a customer orientation in all functions of the firm, especially those
production down time, and cost of stock outs. Basic order point/order quantity that interface with the customer. Integrating customer service management with
systems and calculation of EOQ/EPQ. EOQ with quantity discounts and other functions of the firm. The essential elements of great customer service.
shortages. Annual, cycle count, and low point inventory systems. Multi item Developing and implementing the customer service call path for telephone
joint replenishment inventory models including Browns algorithm and Kaspi customer service operations. Techniques for identifying how the company is
and Rosenblatts algorithm, Joint replenishment production quantity models. perceived and establishing action plans to maintain or enhance the reputation
Inventory systems under risk including calculation of safety stocks. Interaction of the business. Ethical standards in customer service to build credibility,
between service levels and safety stocks. Balancing backorder or lost sales believability and professionalism. Empowering customer service providers to
costs against inventory costs. Lead time adjustments and variability. Impact improve their ability to serve the customer. The importance of communications
of demand lumpiness and variability. Impact of anticipated price changes on in customer service to include effective listening, appropriate word usage, and
demand. Common inventory control systems in practice. Aggregate inventory proper voice inflection. Techniques for dealing with difficult or angry customers.
management including lot size inventory management interpolation technique Selecting, training, monitoring and motivating customer service representatives
(LIMIT), exchange curves, LaGrange multipliers, unit and situation stock out and first line managers. Building effective customer service operations on the
objectives. Facility location decisions including echelon inventory and echelon Internet. Dealing with communications barriers and prejudice in a multicultural
holding costs. Types of distribution systems, distribution requirements planning, environment. Measuring customer satisfaction and customer churn, and
and allocation systems. Outsourcing of distribution and inventory storage. developing programs for continuous improvement. Financial implications of
Prerequisite: LOG 211, LOG 221. customer service including cost vs. service level trade offs, measuring the value
of an existing customer, and controlling customer churn. Prerequisite: LOG
LOG 321 Warehousing and Stores Management 3 Credits 211, LOG 221, LOG 331.
Nature and importance of warehousing. Types of warehousing. Three functions
of warehousing movement, storage, and information transfer. Receiving, LOG 351 Logistics Financial Decision Analysis 3 Credits
transfer or put away, order picking, cross docking, and shipping functions. Cost system concepts including committed and flexible costs, costs of resource
Information transfer including computerization, EDI, and bar coding. Private supply and usage, opportunity costs, theory of constraint, and cost of unused
vs. public warehousing. Determining warehouse number, types size, and capacity. Financial considerations in choosing an optimal product mix. Short
location. Warehouse location models. Warehouse layout and design. Use of term budgeting and resource allocation. Identifying and quantifying support
randomized and dedicated storage locations. Product groupings in dedicated and service department costs. Activity Based Costing including assigning
storage. International dimensions of warehousing. Warehouse productivity resource costs to activities, activity cost drivers, and cost hierarchy. Use of
measurement and improvement. Financial dimensions of warehousing. regression analysis in cost estimation. Activity Based Management including
Activity based costing. Warehouse security, accounting and control. Materials use of ABC for pricing analysis, life cycle product costing, target costing,
handling equipment types, uses and costs. Manual and automated storage kaizen costing, and cost of quality. Decision making about products including
facilities. Warehousing for JIT environment. Packaging and its effects on costs, measuring product and customer profitability. Using the Balanced Scorecard
customer service and satisfaction. Computers and technology in warehousing to measure total business unit performance. Linking scorecard measures to
and tracking operations. Warehouse activity profiling. Humanizing warehouse corporate strategy decisions. Financial measures of performance including,
operations. Prerequisite: LOG 211, LOG 221. ROI, ROA, IRR, and economic value added (EVA). The nature of financial
122 www.daystar.ac.ke
control including measurement of sales, profitability and productivity variances. LOG 411 Advanced Supply Chain Management 3 Credits
Responsibility accounting and transfer pricing. Shortcomings of ROI measure Gaining competitive advantage through logistics. Creating the logistics vision
and adjustments to POI and EVA calculations. Measuring performance from within the firm. Developing the logistics organization and using it as a vehicle for
customer and internal business process perspectives. Total quality management change. Importance of information in an integrated supply chain management
and continuous improvement. Cycle time management and time to market environment. Inter organizational information systems (IOIS). Information
measures. Investments in technology related to customer satisfaction, process requirements determination for a supply chain IOIS. Information and technology
improvements, and internal capabilities and their impact on supply chain costs. applications for supply chain management. Supply chain management impact
Computer modeling in financial decisions. Prerequisite: BUS 309, LOG 311, on customer service and customer retention. Setting customer service priorities
LOG 341, LOG 351. and standards. Total cost analysis and the principles of logistics costing.
Logistics and shareholder value. Benchmarking and mapping the logistics
LOG 361 Transportation Management 3 Credits process. Identifying key logistics performance indicators and reengineering
Transportations interaction with the supply chain and the economy. Transportation the supply chain. Time based competition including lead time and logistics
regulation and public policy. Motor carriers including truck load (TL), less than pipeline management. Quick response and JIT logistics. Production strategies
truck load (LTL) and small package carriers. Freight documentation including for quick response. Vendor managed inventories. Conceptual model of alliance
the bill of lading (B/L), carrier freight bill, and delivery receipt (D/R). Use of development. Developing a trusting relationship with partners in the supply
railroads. Inland water carriers. Air carriers including air cargo, integrated chain. Resolving conflicts in a supply chain relationship. Sharing risks in inter
carriers, small package express delivery, freight forwarders, and next flight organizational relationships. Managing the global supply chain. Prerequisite:
out (NFO) services. Air transportation documentation. Use of pipelines. Use LOG 311, LOG 321, LOG 351.
of special modes of transportation including bulk carriers, heavy haul carriers,
and temperature controlled carriers. Ocean freight carriers including bulk,
container, and roll on/roll off (Ro Ro) ships. Intermodal transportation including
traileron flat car (TOFC), container on flat car (COFC) piggy back services.
Transportation tariffs and rate determination. Negotiating transportation pricing.
Use of private transportation and the economic and operational advantages
and disadvantages of private trucking vs., common carriers. Relationship
management and partnering between shippers and haulers. Information
systems in transportation and the growing importance of technology in the
transportation industry.
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LOG 421 Logistics For E Commerce 3 Credits Current technology and information management systems in global logistics.
Building e commerce logistics infrastructure including defining business Organizational structures and performance measurements in global logistics.
processes and resources. Protecting consumer privacy on line. Dealing with Dealing with cultural and legal differences in global logistics. Logistics and
children on line. Measuring e business financial costs and values. E business trade in different parts of the world. Government interests and regulation of
cost reduction potential, including reductions in the cost of supply and the cost of global transportation. Types of ocean ships and shipping, rate determination,
sales. Cost of acquiring customers vs. retaining them. On line payment methods and charter processes. Land transport to and from ports. International air
and processing. Internet fraud and taxation issues. Online customer service. transportation. International logistics intermediaries. Terms of sale and terms of
Multiple customer service contact points and customer selfservice. Evolving payment. Managing foreign exchange. Documentation and insurance. Foreign
from call centers to contact centers to commerce centers. Customer relationship trade zones, bonded warehousing and transportation. Advanced technologies
management systems. Shipping for e commerce and the importance of trace in international transportation and logistics management. Prerequisites: LOG
ability. Online shipping tools for e commerce. Online vs. offline fulfillment 221:Purchasing Principles and Management, LOG 361: Transportation
models. Efulfillment processes. Global logistics in e commerce. Databases and Management.
data exchange standards. Reverse logistics in e commerce. Return policies
and the return merchandise authorization (RMA) process. Pros and cons of MAK 212 Marketing Principles 3 Credits
outsourcing and drop shipping. Evaluating potential outsourcing partners. Third Marketing: definition, historical development of marketing thought and practice,
party logistics providers. Prerequisite: MIS 211, LOG 321. the marketing concept, the role of marketing in an organization and within an
economy and the concept of marketing mix, the Christian faith and marketing
LOG 431 Management Of Service Operations 3 Credits and the marketing philosophy; Marketing opportunity analysis: environmental
The role of services in the economy. The nature of services, service encounters, analysis, opportunity identification, market segmentation, market information
and service quality. New service development and process design including systems, consumer behaviour; Product decisions: definitions, classifications,
the design and location of service facilities. Customer attitudes and needs product life cycle, consumer adoption process, product planning and
for services. Risk perception in service purchases, and strategies for reducing management, packaging, branding and labelling decisions; Price decisions:
perceived risk. Forecasting demand for services, planning capacity, and price setting, objectives and approaches and pricing policy; Promotion
managing waiting lines. Queuing models and simulations. Service facilitating decisions: tools of promotion; Distribution decisions: channel decisions,
goods and supply chain management. Process and information technologies in types of middlemen and distribution systems; Marketing management: plan
service systems. Human resource planning, recruiting, training, and supervision components and development, profitability and introduction to international
of service providers. Balancing service standardization and empowerment. marketing; Agricultural marketing: special problems, role of cooperative
Teamwork and recognition. Focus on customer satisfaction and achieving societies and marketing boards; Marketing of services: characteristics of
service quality. The gaps model of service quality. Benchmarking and continuous services, problems in service marketing and role of service marketing; Non
improvement. The importance of good recovery and service guarantees. profit oriented marketing: aims and objectives, classifications and expectations
Measuring and improving service productivity. Data envelopment analysis for of the consumers; Course review: careers in marketing and marketing problems
measurement of service efficiency. Routing and scheduling problems and in developing countries. It is strongly recommended that the course is taken in
models for their solution. Use of linear and goal programming in managing the second year of study. Pr requisite: ENG 211.
service operations. Special problems in managing provision of technical and
repair services including management of spare parts. Prerequisite: LOG 211, MAK 315 Consumer Behaviour 3 Credits
LOG 221. Introduction: diversity of consumer behaviour; What is consumer behaviour;
Consumer research; Market segmentation: bases for segmentation, criteria
LOG 441 Advanced Modeling of Logistics Systems 3 Credits for effective targeting of market segments; Consumer needs and motivation;
Review of probability concepts, game theory, and decision theory models. Dynamic nature of motivation types and systems of needs; Personality and
Decision trees with utility theory. Advanced forecasting and inventory control consumer behaviour: theories of personality, personality and understanding
models. Linear programming modeling applications using Excel and QM consumer diversity; Self and self images; Consumer perception: what is
for Windows. Transportation and assignment models. Integer programming, perception?, the dynamics of perception, consumer imagery; Consumer
goal programming, nonlinear programming, and branch and bound model learning and involvement: what is learning?, behavioural learning theories,
applications in logistics. Network models, waiting lines and queuing theory cognitive learning theory; Brand loyalty and brand equity; Consumer attitude
models. Simulation modeling and Markov analysis. New models for material formation and change; Communication and persuasion: components
requirement planning and Just In Time inventory. Quantitative models for of communication, the communication process, designing persuasive
reverse logistics. The SAP R/3 Business Blueprint applications in supply chain communication: Group dynamics and consumer reference groups: what is a
management. New advances in CRM and SCM software. Prerequisite: MAT group; applications of reference group concept; The family: what is a family;
111, MAT 112, LOG 211, LOG 301. functions of the family, family decision making, the family life cycle; Social
class and consumer behaviour: what is culture; characteristics of culture, sub
LOG 451 International Transportation and Logistics 3 Credits culture; Aspects of consumer behaviour: what is sub culture; Personal influence
The evolution and design of global logistics operations. Formulation of global and opinion leadership process; Dynamics of the leadership process and
logistics strategies and integrating them into the strategic planning of the firm. measurement of opinion. Pre requisite: MAK 212 BUS 213.
Supplier network development, global supply chain management, and logistics
network design for global operations. Risk management in global operations.
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MAK 316 Advertising 3 Credits profit organization and its definition of the intended audience, target message
Introduction: What makes great advertising players; Advertising and society; to fit strategic plan that will best use limited resources to meet organization
Ethics and regulation; Advertising; The marketing mix; Advertising agencies; goals, image building for non profit organization, marketing proposal plans to
How agencies are organized; Consumer audience; Strategy and planning: the communicate the results for program of non profit organization, marketing and
advertising plan, creative plan and copy strategy, psychology of advertising, its role in financial partnership for non profit organization, multiple communication
how brand image works; Media planning: media operation, setting objectives, tactics for non profit organization, select and use of appropriate media for non
developing strategies, media selection, procedures, staging a media plan, profit organization. How to develop a strong, well known identity overtime for
print media, broadcast media, media buying functions, special skills expert non profit organization. Pre requisite: MAK 212.
knowledge on media opportunities; Creative side of advertising: creative
concept, execution and effective creativity; Creating print advertisements: MAK 335 Marketing Communication 3 Credits
writing for print, print production; Creating broadcast advertising: mastering Promotional management; Foundation: Promotion and marketing, Marketing
television commercials, the television environment, the nature of commercials, communication systems, Interpersonal communication process. Setting for
planning and producing commercials; Sales promotions: defining sales the promotional effort: Establishing promotional objectives, objectives and
promotions, the size of sales promotion, the future of sales promotion; Public the promotion lick. Advertising and advertising management: Importance of
Relations: the challenge of public relations, comparing public relations and advertising, advertising objectives, advertising media strategy, advertising
advertising, international advertising, the global perspective, organization of message. Personal selling and sales management: Personal selling roles,
international advertising agencies. Prerequisite: MAK 212, MAK 315. activities and process, developing sales strategy, executing the sales strategy.
Sales promotion and publications: Managing sales promotion objectives,
MAK 317 Marketing Research 3 Credits activities, sales promotion to consumer, to dealer, sales personnel, public
Introduction to the course: definition of marketing research, process and relations process, role, publicity. Pre requisite: MAK 212, MAK 317
problem formulation, the Christian faith and marketing research; Problem
definition; Identification of information needs and formulating specific projects; MAK 336 Marketing of Services 3 Credits
Research designs: types of research design, nature and functions of design; Development of services marketing: Marketing an Introduction, development
Data collection: secondary data; Data collection: primary data; Levels of of marketing theory, environment, organizations. Marketing today. Green
measurements, validity and reliability; Processing and analyzing data; Writing marketing. Is service marketing different?: Marketing defined. The marketing
report. Prerequisite: MAK 212, MAK 316 mix, special characteristics of services, nature of the service product, services
marketing. The scope and range of services marketing: The service economy,
MAK 330 Product Strategy and Planning 3 Credits service providers and manufacturers service, classification of services marketing,
Product and marketing planning strategy focus on describing and demonstrating technological developments in services marketing, international services
how strategy is derived and put into action. The course uses simple planning marketing, competition in services, future trends. Organization for services
approach by helping students understand the current state of product or products marketing: The role of marketing in service organization, Functions of marketing.
in the market, clarifying the mission and vision of the organization, synthesizing Understanding the market for services: Marketing research applications for
data such as the resulting opportunities for products, product audience, product service marketing, developing new services. Services marketing management:
message. Product research, production process, product strategy and strategic Corporate mission and objectives, strategic growth options, strategic marketing
options for product and markets. Prerequisite MAK 212. planning. Marketing planning for services: The marketing audit, the marketing
planning process. Roles and responsibilities. Internal marketing. relationship
MAK 331 Financial Aspects of Marketing 3 Credits marketing. Service quality. The services marketing mix: Packaging the service
The emphasis here is on the need for financial literacy amongst marketing product, pricing the service, promotion and communications in services
practitioners. An analysis of the financial concepts and their relevance to marketing, service distribution planning, people the fifth P, process and
marketing, basic computations, interpretations and application of financial physical evidence. Special aspects of services marketing. Not for profit services
principles to issues concerning the marketing mix elements (product, price, marketing. Leisure services marketing. Tourism marketing. Industrial marketing.
promotion and place). Pre requisite: ACC 111, MAK 212. charities marketing. Financial services marketing. Professional services and
marketing. The internationalization of services. The importance of after sales
MAK 333 Agricultural Marketing 3 Credits service; consumer/industrial markets. Pre requisite: MAK 212.
Particular features and problems in agricultural marketing in developing
countries; The importance of supplies, prices and profits in farming and the MAK 337 Retailing Management 3 Credits
food sector; National policies for food and agriculture; Production, storage, Introduction to retailing, nature and framework, retail strategy, owning or
processing, pricing and distribution of food and farm products; Making the managing a business, retail institutions, environment of retailing, consumer
best use of the resources to satisfy consumers needs against a background behavior, marketing research in retailing, choosing store location, retail
of technical progress, innovation and the influence of culture. Pre requisite: organization and resource management, merchandise planning and
MAK 212. management, pricing and retailing, communicating with customers, promoting
strategy, service retailing, the virtue store and retail database marketing and
MAK 334 Marketing for Non profit Organization 3 Credits the changing environment of retailing. Pre requisite: MAK 212, MAK 315,
Historical selling problem for non profit organization, community awareness, MAK 316, MAK 335,.
developing and maintaining a visible credible identity in the market. Non
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MAK 338 Export Marketing 3 Credits MAK 423 Customer Care and Public Relations 3 Credits
Problems of product, price, communication and distribution policies with special Customer care is there a definition?: Building profitable business through
reference to the exporting of semi processed industrial and consumer goods world class marketing using marketing to understand, create, communicate
from developing economies to other developing countries and to developed and deliver value. Identifying opportunities and developing targeted value
countries. An analysis is made of export promotion strategies, export financing, offering; Developing value propositions and building brand equity. Competitive
export documentation and the concept of export processing zones (EPZ). The strategies, acquiring, retaining and growing customers. Public relations
role of regional groupings and international organizations like PTA, COMESA, programs: New media, press relations, ethics of public relations, sponsorship.
GATT, UNCTAD etc is also examined. Pre requisite: MAK 212. Loyal for life how to take unhappy customers from hell to heaven in 60
seconds or less (John Ischohl). The customer is boss: Practical ways of making a
MAK 419 Business to Business Marketing 3 Credits difference when providing customer service, communicate with your customer,
A business marketing perspective. Business and consumer market. The build effective relationships with your customers, positive attitudes, be solution
business market: Perspectives on the organization, buyer. The organizational focused think of all your possibilities, be part of a winning team, keeping
buying behavior new task, straight Rebuy, modified Rebuy. Forces shaping promises, service recovery, one customer at a time, genuine care, its the little
organizational buying behavior. Relationship marketing/buyer seller things that count in customer care and the unpredictable factor in customer
connection. Relationship marketing strategies. Supply chain management. care, You dont bring me flowers any more. Public speaking: Fundamental
Logistics in supply chain management. Market driven organizations. The techniques in handling people, ways to win people to your way of thinking,
marketing plan. The management of innovation. Managing services for how to develop self confidence and influence people by public speaking,
business markets. Managing services for business markets. Prerequisite: steps in successful speaking, business executive branding i.e. self branding,
MAK 212, MAK 317. achieving excellence through customer service. Pre requisite: MAK 212,MAK
315, MAK 316, MAK 317.
MAK 420 Sales Management 3 Credits
Salesmanship: Origin and development of salesmanship. Overview of sales MAK 424 Marketing Management 3 Credits
management, strategic role of selling and sales management, knowledge of Defination of marketing management, Adapting marketing management to
the buying motives: the process of buying and selling, environmental influence new economies, Building customer satisfaction, value & retention, Market
on sales programs and performance, effective presentation and demonstration: oriented planning, Information gathering & measurement of market demand.
overcoming objectives organizing and sales force. Sales management: Environmental analysis, consumer markets and buyer behaviour, Analyzing
Demand estimation, sales territories, motivation of salesmen, training of business markets and business buying behaviour, Dealing with competition,
salesmen: remuneration of salesmen, sales analysis. Pre requisite: MAK 212, Market segmentation, Product planning, New product development, Global
MAK 315, MAK 316, MAK 317. marketing, Branding strategies, Service Marketing, Pricing Strategies, Placing
& promotional strategies. Pre requisite: MAK 212, MAK 315, MAK 316, MAK
MAK 421 International Marketing 3 Credits 317.
Objective: To gain greater insight into the process of management at the
international level and to understand the role of the international marketing MAK 426 STRATEGIC Marketing 3 Credits
manager in overseeing international operations. The importance of exports to Business and marketing strategies: The strategic role of marketing, dynamic
a developing country; The global approach; Comparative analysis of world business arena, getting closer to the customer, product/ service Innovation,
markets; World marketing infrastructures and intra community trade activities; developing strategies for competitive advantage, competing in global markets,
The international marketing planning and control; International market research, business strategy and competitive advantage, environmental turbulence,
marketing planning and control; International and multinational marketing competitive advantages, business strategy and strategic analysis and
strategy; Exporting and international trade regulations. Pre requisites: MAK strategy selection, marketing strategy, strategic marketing, situation analysis,
212, MAK 315, MAK 316, MAK 317. etc. Marketing situation analysis: Defining and analyzing markets, market
segmentation, analyzing competition, Michael Porter five forces driving industry
MAK 422 International BUSINESS Management 3 Credits competition, marketing strategies for marker leader, challenger, followers and
Objective: To gain greater insight into the process of management at the nichers. Tools for competitive differentiation. Designing marketing strategy:
international level and to understand the role of the international business Market targeting and positioning strategies, marketing strategies for selected
manager in overseeing international operations. Contents: The international situations, planning for new products. Marketing program development:
business environment; Alternative foreign involvement strategies (exporting, Product portfolio strategy, distribution strategy, price strategy, promotion
licensing, franchising direct investment); International competition; Relations strategy. Implementing and managing marketing strategy: Designing effective
between multinational firms and host nations; International transfer of technology; marketing organization, marketing strategy implementation and control.
position of developing countries in the international trade. Prerequisite: The strategic role of information information and competitive advantage,
MAK 212, MAK 315, MAK 316, MAK 317. computerized information systems, artificial intelligence and expert systems,
issues in managing information, creating successful long term growth. Pre
requisite: MAK 212, MAK 315, MAK 316, MAK 317.
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MAT 111 Mathematics for Economics and Mgt. I 3 Credits current, simple, structured language such as Basic, C or Pascal.
Nature of management mathematics, role of mathematics in economics Pre requisite MIS102.
analysis, applications of mathematics in business management, strengths
and limitations of mathematics in management. Set theory: Definitions and MIS 114 Object Oriented System Design 3 Credits
concepts in set theory, set operations and laws, Venn diagrams. The real AND Development
number system; Types of numbers, Rules of algebraic operations, Permutations Introduction to solving real world cases in business using object oriented
and combinations binomial expansion. Equations and inequations: Equations, programs. Design and development of event driven Object oriented programs.
definition and types of equations, linear and non linear equations, single Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts, Objects and classes,
and simultaneous equations, solutions to equations (linear and non linear), inheritance, dynamic binding, message passing, polymorphism, abstraction
applications; inequations definition and types of inequations, Solutions and information hiding, basic data types, elementary syntax, control
to inequations. differential calculus: Rate of change, concepts of limits and structures, testing, debugging and documentation, introduction to building
continuity, derivative and differentiation, partial differentiation, applications. classes, pointers, virtual functions, templates and dynamics programming. The
Integral calculus: Rules of integration, applications. Matrix algebra: Definitions programming language will be a current OOP language such as visual Basic,
and basic concepts, properties of matrices, determinant of a matrix, matrix Visual C+, Dephi o Java. Pre requisite MIS 113.
operations, matrix inverse, solution to linear simultaneous equations: matrix
approach. MIS 211 Management Information Systems 3 Credits
Information systems revolution; transforming business and management; the
MAT 112 Mathematics for Economics and Mgt. II 3 Credits strategic role of information systems; information systems; organization and
Functional and graphical representations: Functions and graphs, linear functions management; ethical and social impact of information systems; computers
and their applications, non linear functions and functions with more than one and information processing; information systems software; managing data
independent variables and their applications. Matrices: Matrix operations, resources; telecommunications and networks; the internet: electronic commerce
determinant of a matrix, inverse of a matrix. Matrix applications to business and electronic business; redesigning an organization with information
problems: Solution of simultaneous equations, input output analysis, Markov systems; approaches to systems building; managing knowledge; enhancing
analysis. calculus: Concepts of limits, differentiation, Integration, maximum management decision making; information systems security and control;
and minimum points, lagrange multipliers and applications. Mathematics of managing international information systems. Pre requisites: ACS 101, MIS 101
finance: Simple and compound interest, Present and future values, ordinary
annuities, capital investment appraisal methods. Linear programming model: MIS 212 BUSINESS SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 3 Credits
formation, graphical method of solution, simplex method of solution, duality The system development environment. System development process models,
theory. Sensitivity analysis. Prerequisites: MAT 111, ECO 211. e.g. waterfall, spiral, and structured system analysis and development
methodology (SSADM): systems study and requirement specifications,
MAT 211 Operations Research 3 Credits managing an information systems project, identifying and selecting systems
Linear programming models: simplex method, dualily theory, sensitivity development projects, initiating and planning system development projects,
analysis. Network analysis (CPM/CPA and PERT): construction of network determining systems requirements. System design: process modeling, logic
determination of critical path(s), time and resource analysis. Transportation modeling, conceptual data modeling. Selecting the best alternative design
models: Formulation, solution, search methods. Assignment models: strategy. Prerequisite MIS 211.
Formulation, solution, search methods. Inventory models: Optimal levels
of inventory, deterministic and stochastic methods, materials requirement MIS 220 Computer Organization & Design 3 Credits
planning, limitations of EOQ. Queuing models: Queues and queuing systems, Course involves study of fundamentals of current computer design, exposing
evaluating queuing systems, solution methods, nature of single channels students to the basic understanding of the operation of computer components
and multiple channels queues, economic implication of queues, limitations. and organization. Topics: Fundamentals of computer design; computer
Integer and non linear programming. Dynamic programming models, goal abstraction and technology: integrated circuits and chips; CPU architecture
programming models, integer programming and heuristic programming. (ISA): RISK & CISC architectures: Principles and examples; role of performance
Simultation models: simultation process, stochastic simultation, the Monte Carlo and measuring performance ; machine language: introduction to assembly
language; pipelining: introduction to, principles, enhancing performance;
simultation techniques, simultation languages. Prerequisites: MAT 111, 112;
system memory: introduction, semiconductors memory technology and
ECO 211, 212.
hierarchical memory organization; input/output sub systems: peripheral
devices, I/O module organization; secondary storage: the HDD, floppy
MIS 113 Introduction to System Programming 3 Credits
drive, CD/DVD, flash disks; introduction, physical organization, operational
Overview of programming, definition of a program and algorithm., steps to
overview , performance factors, quality and reliability; computer arithmetic:
writing a good program, design using flowchart and pseudocodes, modules, signed and unsigned numbers , addition and substation, logical operands,
hierarchy charts, structures: sequences, selection and loops, decision making multiplication, division, floating points numbers; Student project assemble
using Boolean, AND, OR logic, Looping using; While, For, DO Until, Nesting a typical PC; physically assess memory modules and different processors.
loops; array, menus and debugging. The programming language will be a Prerequisite MIS 114.
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MIS 221 Advanced Object Oriented System 3 Credits organizational structures; Information systems resources and the location of IS
Design and Development within organizations; Acquiring software and hardware in organizations and
Good experience and advanced features of object oriented are applied to using an objective procurement process; Strategic planning for IS and change
create compressive programs. Topics: Advanced abstraction, objects, classes, management in information systems. Prerequisite MIS 212.
methods, messages, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation and information
hiding, input and output streams; working with files to process large qualities MIS 312 BUSINESS SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT 3 Credits
of data; exception handling for making robust programs; templates and class This course is a follow up of Business system analysis and design; It involves
libraries; application programming interfaces (API); database applications; developing Business systems on a Visual software platform. Introduction to Visual
software, working with numbers/data, development of Menu and interface
creation of more responsive and interactive programs. Pre requisite MIS 114.
designs, selection structures- If ..Else.. Then, select case, repetition loops-For
Next, Do-While, Do Until. Working with Arrays, Strings and procedures,
MIS 222 System Algorithms and Data Structures 3 Credits
Database Design and link to Visual code, File Management, System security
A more advanced course that further develops programming skills in visual,
issues in systems development. Prerequisite MIS 211.
Object oriented application development and programming of real business
cases. Topics: Relationship between data structures and algorithms. Data MIS 313 INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH METHODS 3 Credits
structures and processing such as arrays, lists stacks, queues, indexes, records, Introduction: meaning and purpose of research, basic and applied research,
files and database structures; hierarchy of data: bit, byte, fields, records, files overview of the research process; selection and definition of the research
and databases; sorting and searching methods, modular design, cohesion and problem; importance and scope of literature review; developing the conceptual
coupling concepts, application of data structures and files processing techniques framework; research designs: basic designs, exploratory research, descriptive
: streams and files ; simulation and modeling. Student project demonstrating research, casual research, secondary designs, case studies, surveys,
user interface construction, simple file/database/object searches and updates, experiments; developing a research plan or proposal; sample design: population
and report generation. Software to be used will be current OOP language such of interest, sample and census studies, sample units, sample size, sample
as C++, Visual Basic or Java. Pre requisite MIS 114. selection; data collection: secondary data, primary data, construction of data
collection instruments e.g. observation forms and questionnaires, measurement
MIS 224 Business Database Management System 3 Credits scales, attitude measurement, attribute measurement, multidimensional scaling,
The course focuses on the design, development and management of business communicating with respondents and fieldwork, procedures and management;
database. Topics: file systems and databases; database design methodology; data analysis and interpretation: preliminary steps, summarizing techniques,
the relational database model; Entity relationship (ER) modeling; introduction measuring differences, discriminate analysis, cluster analysis; issue in research:
to structured Query language (SQL); normalization of database tables; models validity, reliability, objectivity; research report. Prerequisite MIS 212, STA 212.
for data databases: relational, hierarchical, networked and object oriented
MIS 320 Business System Networks 3 Credits
designs; data directories, repositories, warehouses; conceptual design
and Data Communication
verification, logical design and implementation; database administration,
The course introduces students to networking concepts. Topics: Introduction
limitation of relational database management systems. Student project: Design,
to networking basic concepts: data communication and networks, impetus
development and implementation of a business database using a selected
for networked communications system, specific network applications, basic
DBMS. Pre requisite MIS 114.
communication models and components, classification of networks; transmission
media, and cabling ; structured cabling, campus backbones , WANs & links ,
MIS 228 Operating Systems 3 Credits transmission media and their characteristics, considerations in network installation;
The course explores the concepts and general survey of operating system data transfer and synchronization , the ISO/OSI model: communication modes:
concepts. Topic: computer system overview, OS overview; functions of operating simplex, half & full duplex , network protocols, packets switched and circuit
systems (OS): I/O device drivers, files systems; process management: process, switched networks, carrier options, synchronization : synchronous , asynchronous,
CPU scheduling, process synchronization, deadlocks; storage management: frame relay, ATM, FDDI, SMID, etc.; communication and network standards :
memory management, virtual memory, file system implementation, I/O wire and wireless data , voice and video etc. emerging data communication
systems, secondary storage structure, tertiary storage structure; distributed technologies. Prerequisite MIS 228.
systems: networks structures, distributed file systems, distributed co ordination;
protection and security: protection , security; Case studies on : DOS, Unix or MIS 321 Software Engineering 3 Credits
Linus, windows (current version) .NIX, LINUX, WINDOWS. Pre requisite MIS Software engineering is an advanced course mainly focusing design and
222. implementation of software systems. Topics: Software design methodology
and engineering. Software life cycle; planning and managing the project,
MIS 311 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT 3 Credits requirement specifications, writing and testing the software program, testing
This course is a follow up of Management Information Systems courses and and delivering the system, verification and validation, software maintenance.
is geared to equipping the students with the concept of information systems Code control, management of test and administration of bugs fixes. Decision
planning and management. Topics: Systems concepts and challenges on developing or buying. Pre requisite MIS 212.
facing IS management today; The interaction between information systems
and organizations; Information systems management: functions, levels and
128 www.daystar.ac.ke
MIS 322 Business Network Design & Management 3 Credits systems to fit global business strategies; managing Global systems; Technology
Topics: Networking concepts: Specification, designing a network; requesting issues and opportunities for Global value chains. Prerequisite - 300 level work.
quotations; analysis of responses; contracting with suppliers; documentation;
regulations and legalities; installing and testing a network project; project MIS 412 Business Systems Security 3 Credit
management; multiplexing; signal encoding; errors in communication systems. The course focuses on the threats and security of Business data, information and
Student project: Workings in a group student install the necessary hardware systems. Topics: information security in computers & communication systems;
and software to set up a LAN Network server, clients and configure it for WAN potential security threats and lapse in computer systems; security evaluation
application. Pre requisite MIS 320. in computer systems; identification and authentication; system access control;
security models; the security kernel; introduction to cryptography; application of
MIS 408 SPECIAL TOPICS IN MANAGEMENT 3 Credits computer security in operating systems such as Unix security or Windows NT,
INFORMATION SYSTEMS worldwide Web, database, networks security. Prerequisite - 300 level work.
Topics offered under this course number will vary depending on faculty
availability and interest and student need. These topics will allow students to MIS 415 ELECTRONIC COMMERCE SYSTEDMS 3 Credits
go into greater depth in areas of special interest. Regular topics will include, Business models and market; Effective content for electronic commerce;
without being limited to the following: Internet,Intranet Application Development, Marketing for electronic commerce. Electronic commerce security; Transaction
Multimedia Programming, Data & Database Administration and Management security and payment technology; Business to business electronic commerce.
of Global Information Systems. Prerequisite - 300 level work. The outlook for E-Commerce. Prerequisite - 300 level work.
Inter-networking applications and development with a focus on the internet Web fundamentals. Client/server architecture; Page design. Content;
and corporate intranets. Topics include electronic data interchange; electronic design. Site design. Intranet design. Web browsers. Accessibility; for users
commerce (EC); information access; application development technologies and with disabilities. International (Global) use of the Internet and E-commerce.
techniques. Special emphasis is placed on planning, security, privacy, ethics The trend and future of the Internet. Simplicity in web design. HTML and
and management as related to developing a Website in a business. Impact of ASP programming. Introduction to JAVA language. Writing JAVA applets.
the Internet on the disciplines of business, including information produces and Prerequisite - 300 level work.
distribution channels, Internet focused marketing, operational transformation,
formation of electronic markets and digital economy. Fundamentals enabling MIS 418 INFORMATION SYSTEM PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3 Credits
technologies, including World Wide Web, browsers, search engines, portals Introduction to project management; Basic definition, project management
andinternet service providers, HTML and web development tools, andWebsite stages, advantages and disadvantages; Project initiation, Identification
metering tools. Designing principals of EC applications in business process and analysis; Project planning and activity planning; Project schedules,
contexts. Skills for simple WebPage development, WebPages development network planning models and critical path analysis; Managing people and
with embedded spreadsheets and data base functionality. Software to be organisational teams; Monitoring and control, Responsibility and change
used may include HTML (including frames, tables, forms, and image maps), control, Resource allocation; Identifying requirements and cost schedules;
Microsofts Front Page, VB Script and JavaScript. Prerequisite - 300 level work. Project evaluation, Risk management; The nature of risk, managing risk and
evaluation risks; Project termination. Prerequisite - 300 level work.
Introduction to concepts of multimedia. It coves applications, tools, and design MIS 520 INFORMATION SYSTEM PRACTIUM 3 Credits
of multimedia systems. Students will be expected to develop a multimedia The student will be placed with any agency (Governmental or non-governmental),
system or systems. Prerequisite - 300 level work. involved in business developmental work; The student will be expected to
examine and report on the relative effectiveness of the organization, functions
MIS 408C DATA & DATABASE ADMINISTRATION 3 Credts to which he/she is assigned, performance of the duties assigned to him/her,
This course explores the planning and management of corporate data, report on strengths, weakness, opportunities of the organization and make any
information and knowledge resource. Topics include data and database recommendation in relation to information systems usage in the organization.
administrator, strategic data planning, information resource management, Prerequisite - 300 level work.
data quality, data security, global information architecture; advanced data
manipulation languages, comprehensive DBMS facilities and object oriented MIS 598 SENIOR PROJECT IN INFORMATION SYSTEM
DBMS; analysis and data mining tools; deploying and managing databases The student will choose a research topic of his/her choice in the area of
in a distributed environment. Data integrity and privacy. Technologies include management information system and be supervised by a lecturer specialized
Oracle database server and Oracle enterprise (OEM) graphical DBA interface. in that area. At the end of the study, the student will compile the findings and
Prerequisite - 300 level work. present the written report for grading. Prerequisite - 300 level work.
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130 www.daystar.ac.ke
Curriculum for the MBA Degree
The MBA programme consists of four specialized concentrations. The Human Resource Management Concentration Credit Hours
programme is arranged in three parts: the core or required courses (compulsory HRM 620: Integrative Project (4 hrs.) or Thesis (6 hrs.) 4 or 6
for all students), the concentration requirements and the general electives parts.
HRM 611: Human Resource Management Strategy 3
Students with business background will be exempted from the course BUS 530.
HRM 612: Labour Relations & Labour Laws 3
Core Courses Credit Hours HRM 613: Employee Motivation and Productivity 3
BIL 615: Biblical Foundations of Christian Service 2 HRM 617: Human Resource Management Seminar 3
ECO 610: Managerial Economics 3 BUS 620: Integrative Project (4 hrs.) or Thesis (6 hrs.) 4 or 6
FIN 610: Financial Accounting Theory 3 MGT 612: Strategic Policy Management 3
FIN 611: Financial Management and Control 3 MGT 614: Management Change & Organization
FIN 612: Managerial Accounting 3
MGT 617: Strategic Management Seminar 3
GRA 613: Introduction to Graduate Studies 1
MGT 618: Organization Leadership & Management 3
HRM 610: Human Resource Management 3
TOTAL 16 or 18
MAK 610: Marketing Management 3
MAT 610: Quantitative Techniques 3
MGT 610: Cross Cultural Management 3
MBA - Elective Courses
MGT 611: Strategic Management & Innovation 3 Course Title Credit Hours
MGT 616: Organizational Behaviour 3 BUS 612 Special Topics 3
MIS 610: Management Information Systems 3 BUS 613 Independent Study 3
TOTAL 42 BUS 614 Business Logistics and Management 3
ECO 611 Monetary Economics 3
Finance Concentrations Credit hours ECO 612 Women in Economic Development 3
BUS 620: Integrative Project (4 hrs.) or Thesis (6 hrs.) 4 or 6 FIN 613 Corporate Finance 3
FIN 614: International Financial Management 3 HRM 614 Compensation and Employee Benefits 3
FIN 615: Investment Analysis & Portfolio Management 3 HRM 615 Public Relations for Managers 3
FIN 616: Financial Risk Management 3 INS 610 Christian Mission and Economic Justice 3
FIN 617: Finance Seminar 3 INS 700 Christian Mission and Social Transformation 3
TOTAL 16 or 18 MAK 615 Marketing Financial Services 3
MAK 614 Advertising Production and Consumption 3
Marketing Concentration Credit Hours MAK 616 Marketing Research 3
BUS 620: Integrative Project (4 hrs.) or Thesis (6 hrs.) 4 or 6 MGT 615 Management of Non-Business Organizations 3
MAK 611: Marketing Strategy and Management 3
MAK 612: Consumer Behavior 3
MAK 613: Global Marketing 3
MAK 617: Marketing Seminar 3
TOTAL 16 or 18
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Course Descriptions Students are encouraged to think about their topics from early in the second
semester so that they can begin work immediately the examination results are
available. Most students might find that the thesis or project represents three
BUS 530 Introduction to MBA 0(3) Credits to four months of full time work. Projects are of an academic nature fulfilling
Introduction; collection, presentation, organization of data; measures of central the requirements of thesis writing i.e. they should include chapter 1, 2 and 3
tendency; measures of dispersion; correlation; probability analysis; matrices; similar to that of a thesis, with slight variation to suit the nature of the project.
calculus. Introduction to accounting, double entry bookkeeping; the accounting Instead of Chapter 5 and 6 which traditionally have data analysis and
equation and the balance sheet; double entry for income and expenses, interpretation, the project should be a creative solution to a particular well
balancing off accounts, final accounts for sole traders. documented problem. Early in the second semester the MBA Coordinator will
circulate a list of possible supervisors and their areas of interest. Students should
BUS 610 Business Research Methods 3 Credits then approach two appropriate supervisors to discuss their proposals. Students
Problem selection and formulation; Writing proposals that work; Project wishing to undertake a project within a firm are responsible for organizing their
definition; Research objectives and design; Sampling; Questionnaire design; own placements. However, the Postgraduate Office will have a file of possible
Fieldwork; Using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Data leads from companies and other organizations. Prerequisite GRA 610.
analysis using both quantitative and qualitative approaches. Thesis writing;
Reporting results. ECO 610 Managerial Economics 3 Credits
Introduction: Factors influencing managerial decisions; scope of managerial
BUS 611 Ethics & Corporate Social Responsibility 3 Credits economics. Demand analysis; theory of production; the laws of return; returns
Introduction to sources of law Kenya and the East African Community (EAC); to scale; proportional change in inputs; economies of sale: internal and
The legal system in Kenya; the law of persons, law of torts, law of contracts; external; optimal input combination; cost concepts; optimum size and long
legal principle on partnership and corporations; protection of business secrets; run cost curves; break even analysis; pricing and market structure: monopoly,
company law company act, property law, protection of business secrets; monopolistic, competition; oligopoly. Prerequisite MAT 610.
introduction to ethics concepts; businessmens attitudes towards ethical issues;
some ethical problem areas in business organizations; protecting consumers, ECO 611 Monetary Economics 3 Credits
shareholders, employees, and the environment; Christian influence in ethical Definition of money and banking; d0epositing institutions; central banks of
decisions making in business; the gospel, business and the state. Prerequisite independent states; bonds, interest rates, discounting; commercial banks;
GRA 613. private, state and joint stock banks; financial markets with a view to their
impact on the national and world economy; monetary theory and policy; the
BUS 612 Special Topic 3 Credits functioning of banks and other financial institutions; financial deregulation;
Course content will vary according to the subject. The instructor will define money and capital markets; simple share valuation relationships;iInterest rates
the content for each course. Possible topics include: Africa development and foreign exchange rates; international finance and economy; third world
policy, African business development, development consulting, development debt problems, aid financing and debt servicing.
of cooperatives, strategies for inner city ministry, housing in community and
economic development, restructuring, decontrol of prices, past present and ECO 612 Women in Economic Development 3 Credits
future role of the stock exchange, etc. Introduction: concepts for the analysis of women; reproductive versus
production; the subordination of womens female and nutrition; theories of
BUS 613 Independent Study 3 Credits women in development; women in the rural areas; the economies of polygamy:
The student will discuss the topic chosen with the lecturer responsible for the status of younger wives, work input and women status, influence of caste on
subject. The lecturer will make suggestions to ensure that sufficient ground womens work and wages; the impact of agricultural modernization on the
will be covered. The lecturer will give a list of textbooks, newspapers and employment of women; urban women and development; women in a mans
magazines to the student. He will set questions each week and discuss answers world; why employers prefer male workers to female, urban job opportunities
with the student. for women; the design of education; the new home economics; economics
and intra household relationship; policy implications; practical strategic needs;
BUS 614 Business Logistics Management 3 Credits aim at how to improve the current rates of return on investment in women and
The role of logistics in the economy and the organization; customer service; female children; practical gender needs; protection of entitlement; changing
logistics information systems; inventory concepts; inventory management; rights to land and common property resources; access to credit; gaining equal
management materials flow transportation; warehousing; materials handling, opportunities to employment and equal wages, empowering women.
computerization, and packaging issues; purchasing; global logistics;
organizing for effective logistics; methods to control logistics performance; FIN 610 Financial Accounting Theory 3 Credits
supply chain management; implementing logistics strategy. Accounting theory: Objectives of financial statements, user groups, and
desirable characteristics of accounting reports, fundamental accounting
BUS 620 MBA Thesis or Project 6 Credits concepts I.A.S.I presentation of financial statements; the Companies Act:
The third and final part of the MBA degree, is the preparation of a thesis or legal framework, requirements of the Act in reporting. Regulatory framework:
a project that should commence after the two taught semesters. Thesis is more accounting standards committee, standards setting process, standardization;
theory based and often involves testing of hypothesis while projects are focused international accounting standards an overview of all international accounting
more on providing solution(s) to practical problems in a firm or outside a firm. standards; cooperate governance; published accounts and annual reports
132 www.daystar.ac.ke
including income statements, balance sheet and cash flow, statements based pricing model, arbitrage pricing theory, need for and problems of portfolio
on I.A.S.7, I.A.S.1; Valuation of tangible and intangible assents I.A.S.38, IAS revision. Introduction to derivatives; financial futures, options and warrants.
36 and 16; Preparation of important financial statements from various accounts Prerequisite FIN 611.
books. Ratio analysis; introduction to auditing; environmental accounting and
auditing; introduction forensic accounting; creative accounting. Prerequisite FIN 616 Corporate Finance 3 Credits
BUS 530, GRA 613. Corporate governance and investor protection; portfolio theory; the capital
asset pricing model; capital budgeting under uncertainty; cost of capital;
FIN 611 Financial Management & Control 3 Credits gearing and corporate valuation; dividend policy; mergers, acquisitions,
The role and environment of financial management; agency theory; sources restructuring and Sorporate control. Prerequisite FIN 611.
of finance and financial markets; risk and return; capital investment appraisal;
valuation of securities; cost of capital; capital structure; managing working FIN 617 Finance Seminar 3 Credits
capital, dividend policies and theories, mergers and acquisitions. Prerequisite Overview of financial management concept of value; capital market efficiency;
FIN 610 Market risk return relationship and valuation of risky assets CAPM and APT;
capital structure and the cost of capital; portfolio selection decision; dividend
FIN 612 Managerial Accounting 3 Credits policy decision; theory of the firm agency theory; financial strategy and
Evolution of management accounting; user decision models; information analysis the discriminant analysis; understanding the stock exchange; Financial
economics and its relation to management accounting; the nature of risk management; topical issues in Kenya for example, interest rates control
managerial decisions; short term planning decisions; basic C V P analysis, level of investment and so on. Prerequisite FIN 613, 614, 615.
C V P under uncertainty, real risks analysis with multiple products, selection of
product mix, analysis of special orders; performance evaluation decisions; cost HRM 610 Human Resource Management 3 Credits
variance investigation models; materiality significance, statistical significance, Introduction; a historical view of Human Resource Management (HRM), HRM
and control charts, cost benefit investigations. Inventory control decisions; stock models, competitive challenges influencing HRM, meeting the competitive
replenishment models; strategic and tactical decisions; and Game theory. challenges through HRM practices, a conceptual framework of HRM. Acquiring
Transfer pricing in domestic and multi national organizations; performance human resources: the Human resource planning process; Job choice and
evaluation in domestic and multinational organizations; strategic management recruitment of human resources; employee selection and placement. Assessing
accounting issues. Prerequisite FIN 611. work and work outcomes: the analysis and design of work, performance
management. Compensating human resources: Pay structure decisions,
FIN 613 Financial Analysis & Reporting 3 Credits recognizing individual contributions with pay, employee benefits. Developing
Overview of financial reporting, financial analysis, and valuation; asset human resources: training, employee development, and career management.
and liability valuation and income measurement; income flows versus cash Increasing the effectiveness of human resource practices through technology.
flows; profitability analysis; risk analysis; bankruptcy risk; financial reporting Prerequisite GRA 613.
manipulation risk; quality of accounting information and adjustments;
accounting for effects of changing prices; accounting for investments and HRM 611 Human Resource Management Strategy 3 Credits
business combinations; reconstruction of companies; valuation of business and Corporate and Business Strategy; the Academic debate on human resource
shares; different methods; financial analysis. Prerequisite FIN 610. management; The changing business environment; The contribution of
HRM to business strategy: the planning process, philosophies and policies;
FIN 614 International Financial Management 3 Credits Organization structure and the human resource function; Human resource
International trade concepts; foreign currency accounts; international monetary management models and roles. Prerequisite HRM 610.
agreements and institutions; international trade finance; players in international
trade finance; international cash management; financial control in multi national HRM 613 Employee Motivation & Productivity 3 Credits
enterprises; financial policy in multi national enterprises. Capital budgeting for Introduction: The motivation process; Motivation theories; Intrinsic and extrinsic
motivation; The relationship between motivation and performance; The Nature
multinationals; capital structure of multinationals. Prerequisite FIN 611.
of work: the psychological contract; Motivational models for developing
countries; Bases of work; Motivation in developing countries; Designing work
FIN 615 Investment Analysis & 3 Credits
in developing countries; The issue of culture fit; Reward management: Employee
Portfolio Management
benefits, pensions and allowances; The management of compensation
Introduction to investment; an overview of investment, differences between
and Welfare services; Involvement and participation management; Work
investments, savings and speculation, risk and returns, types of investments:
alienation. Prerequisite HRM 610.
fixed and variable return securities, shares and debentures, government
securities, real estates, certificate of deposit, investment in building societies
HRM 614 Compensation & Employee Benefits 3 Credits
and other kinds of investments. Security markets; securities commissions, capital
Economic and psychological foundations related to compensation. Job analysis:
markets, stock exchange operations, i.e. organization, members and dealings
job description, job specification and person specification. Administration of
of the stock exchange, listing requirements, regulation of the stock exchange
salaries and wages; Distinguish, factors influencing wage rates wage and
e.g. the capital market authority and retirement benefits authority acts. Security
salary policy; Objectives of a sound policy; Wage structure, salary structure,
analysis; valuation of securities, fundamental analysis, technical analysis and
creating scales from job evaluation results; Discretional increments, overtime
random walk analysis. Portfolio management; portfolio risk and return, efficient
payments; Salary planning, wage salary surveys, international comparison of
market hypothesis: forms and tests, portfolio construction models, capital asset
salaries. Pay related benefits, total benefits package; Conditions of service;
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Hours of work, holidays, shift working, Sickness pay, pension schemes, and strategy, cooperative strategies and global strategic partnership. The global
welfare policies. Pricing and updating performance appraisals; Incentives marketing mix: global product strategies, global pricing strategies, logistics.
management; Administration of fringe benefits. Prerequisite HRM 610. Global business involvement: market entry strategies, global promotion
strategies. Exporting and importing. Leading, organizing and controlling the
HRM 615 Public Relations for Managers 3 Credits marketing effort. Ethics and global marketing; the future of global marketing.
Nature of Public Relations; Origin and development of Public Relations Prerequisite HRM 610.
function, The concept of publics, responsibility of the Public Relations
function, Theoretical underpinnings. Need for Public Relations; Public Relations MAK 614 Advertising Production & Consumption 3 Credits
management process; Experiences of managing the PR activities in Kenya; History of advertising, advertising and the marketing mix, models of
Strategic planning and organizing the Public Relations function; Social and communication, semiotics, targeting, advertising, media choices gender, race,
ethical issues in Public Relations; Social responsibility and the PR function; ethical issues, and the future of advertising. Prerequisite HRM 610.
Communication in Public Relations; Leading and control in Public Relations;
Managers as leaders of PR activities; Evaluating the PR Function; Interpreting MAK 615 Marketing Financial Services 3 Credits
and using results of evaluation for control of PR activities. Market segmentation; product development; pricing; branch location and
distribution; advertising; promotion and communications; control of marketing
HRM 617 Human Resource Management Seminar 3 Credits programs; credit cards; insurance salespersons management.
The field of Human Resource Management; The external context of HRM;
Functions of Human Resources Management; The secular view of work; Christian MAK 616 Marketing Research 3 Credits
views of work; The internal context of HRM; Management of the employee The Marketing research system; Role of marketing research; the marketing
relationship; Christian principles of employee relations; The managing diversity system; gathering marketing intelligence; research process; the Christian
discourse; Outcomes of HRM. Prerequisite: HRM 611, 612, 613.. faith and marketing research; the marketing research business; practice
of marketing research, ethics and legal aspects; the problem setting, study
MAK 610 Marketing Management 3 Credits proposal and the research project; research designs; exploratory, descriptive
The market objectives of successful organizations, the information input (MIS) and causal; data collection methods; secondary and primary; marketing
market research, market research, sales fore casting; product planning, decision support systems; sampling and data collection; measurement and
development, and management; promotion, planning and management of causality; measurement process, attitude measurement, causal design; data
sales advertising, sales promotion, publicity. distribution; understanding and analysis; data processing; reporting research findings; applications; demand
managing the distribution channels; customer service, framework for marketing measurement and forecasting; product research and test marketing; advertising
planning; control: profits and performance analysis, contribution analysis cash research.
flow analysis and net present value.
MAK 617 Marketing Seminar 3 Credits
MAK 611 Marketing Strategy & Management 3 Credits Course introduction and overview of marketing management. Topics for
The strategic role of marketing; nature and value of strategic management; presentation and discussion in class; citing introduction, where appropriate,
business strategy and competitive advantage; formulating long term strategies discuss the relevance of marketing management as demand management in
and grand market strategies; marketing strategy; Strategic analysis and choice Kenyas market place environment. Briefly discuss the major market (customer)
of markets; market segmentation; analyzing competition; designing marketing characteristics in Kenya. Role and importance of market places and roadside
strategy; marketing and program development; implementing and managing selling in Kenya. Critically review the promotion mix (advertising, personal
marketing strategy. Prerequisite MAK 610. selling, sales promotion, and publicity) as it is currently used in Kenya.
Is marketing a catalyst (stimulus) or response to Kenyas socioeconomic
MAK 612 Consumer Behaviour 3 Credits development? The main objective of the structural adjustment programs (SAPS)
Introduction; keys to consumer behavior; market segmentation and consumer in Kenya has been to reduce the role of government in the production and
research; consumer needs and motivation; personality and consumer behavior; distribution of goods and services and to increase that of the private sector. To
consumer perception; learning and consumer involvement; the nature of what extent has this objective been achieved? Critically discuss the marketing
consumer attitudes; communication and persuasion; group dynamics and strategies followed by micro and small scale enterprises (SSEs) in Kenya. What
consumer reference groups; the family; social class and consumer behavior; the are the marketing implications of the Uruguay Round Agreement to Kenya?
influence of culture and sub cultural aspects on consumer behavior; consumer Critically discuss marketing implications of the recent adoption of modern
decision making process; diffusion of innovations; public policy and consumer information technology (IT) by financial and product distribution sectors in Kenya.
protection. Prerequisite HRM 610. Problems and opportunities for transferring marketing know how from western
countries to Kenya and vice versa. Evaluate the marketing roles of regional
MAK 613 Global Marketing 3 Credits economic groupings with special reference to those in Africa. Marketing
A Conceptual Overview: introduction to global marketing; global marketing cases and problem solving exercises will be given later. Time allowing, guest
planning. The global marketing environment: economic environment, social speakers will also be invited. Prerequisite MAK 611, 612, 613.
and cultural environment, legal and regulatory environment, financial
environment. Targeting global markets: global marketing information systems MAT 610 Quantitative Techniques 3 Credits
and research, global segmentation, targeting and positioning. Formulating Functions; Definitions; graphical representation; types of functions; polynomial;
global marketing strategy; sourcing decisions and the value of chain, strategy exponential and logarithmic; multivariate; matrix algebra; matrix operations;
alternatives for global market entry and expansion, competitive analysis and matrix applications; solutions to systems of equations; input output models,
134 www.daystar.ac.ke
markov analysis. calculus; integration and applications; linear programming; MGT 615 Mgt of Non Business Organizations 3 Credits
descriptive statistics; probability; decision theory and decision trees. probability Meaning of non business organization: historical perspectives of non profit
distributions; inferential statistics; hypothesis testing: Z test, T test, X2 tests, organizations; mission, purpose and objectives of nonprofit organizations;
ANOVA tests, non parametric tests; correlation; regression Analysis; scatter principles of management the meaning of management; organizing in
diagrams, parameter estimation; fitness of overall model R2 and F tests; the non profit organization; management and people; employment policy;
significance of regression parameters. communication, co ordination, delegation and control; managing donor
relations and conflict resolution; financial management: mechanics of non profit
MAT 611 Operations Research 3 Credits finance management, budgetary control, costing control; measurements of
Meaning and scope; linear programming; graphic, simplex and duality performance; serving the consumer, the satisfaction of consumers needs. public
methods; transportation; assignment and sequencing problems; replacement relations: dealing with interested parties; government, suppliers, associations,
decisions; queuing theory; inventory management; statistical quality control; staff, and organization.
investment; PERT and CPM; forecasting techniques; work study; simulation.
MGT 617 Strategic Management Seminar 3 Credits
MGT 610 Cross Cultural Mgt in a Global Society 3 Credits The management challenge; The formulation, implementation and control
Comparing culture; shifts in culture; organisational culture vs national culture; of competitive strategy focusing on concepts like: key success factors, core
culture and ethic; cross cultural management and communication; culture and competencies, strategic business units, employee empowerment, reengineering,
structure; motivating across cultures; conflict mediation across cultures; cross organization restructuring and total quality management in an African context.
cultural negotiations; cultures influence on decision making and planning; Prerequisite MGT 612, 614, 618.
global staffing policies; managing cultural teams; training for an expatriate
assignment; doing business with: Europeans, Americans, Latin Americans, MGT 618 Organizational Leadership 3 Credits
Arabs, Asians and Africans. Prerequisite GRA 613. & management
The nature of leadership; Learning about leadership; leadership and
MGT 611 Strategic Management & Innovation 3 Credits management; role of leader and manager; leadership theories, trait theory;
The nature of strategic management: An introduction; models of strategic behavior theory; transformational theory; characteristics of leaders; Gender
management; competitive advantage; strategic planning for IT; organizational and leadership; the development of leadership; leaders and risk.
learning as a competitive strategy; cross cultural transferability of management
strategies; IT outsourcing as a competitive strategy; managing technical change MGT 619 MANAGING CHANGE AND ORGANIZATIONS 3 Credits
in Japan; innovation and management of information systems; managing Conceptual, theoretical and practical perspectives on change management,
business process re engineering; exploiting the World Wide Web for marketing examining the change agent role and issues associated with change
and business collaboration; The investment appraisal of innovative IT based management in the contemporary context. Individual, group and organizational
projects; managing the IT resource infrastructure. Prerequisite MAK 610. strategies for change and the role of HRM in the effective management of
MGT 612 Strategic Policy Management 3 Credits
Introduction to the course; methodological practices; practices of integrating MIS 610 Management Information Systems 3 Credits
work groups; general strategies; strategic administration; types of strategies; Business systems fundamentals; transaction processing systems and
implementation of strategies; business missions; external evaluation; internal management reporting systems; decision support systems; expert systems &
forces; analysis and choosing strategies; annual policies and objectives; executive information systems; data as a corporate resource; models of MIS;
aspects of marketing, finances, research and development and information the IT platform; the systems development lifecycle; Tools of structured systems
systems in the implementation, evaluation and control strategies; strategic analysis; Controlling MIS; management issues arising from MIS and IT.
management in a globalized world. Prerequisite: MGT 611.
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Suggested 4-Year Study Programme
Accounting Major Business Administration and Management Major
1st YEAR 1st YEAR
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
ACC 111 3 ACC 112 3 INS 111 3 INS 112 3
ACS 101 2 ART/LIT/MUS 2 ENG 111/098 3 ART/LIT/MUS 111 2
BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3 BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3
ENG 111/098 3 BUS 113 3 MAT 111 3 MAT 112 3
INS 111 3 INS 112 3 ACC 111 3 ACC 112 3
MAT 111 3 MAT 112 3 ACS 101 2 BUS 113 3
HPE 113 1 HPE 113 1
Total 17 18 Total 18 17
4th YEAR
Semester I Semester II 4th YEAR
136 www.daystar.ac.ke
Marketing Major MIS Major
1st YEAR 1st YEAR
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
ENG 111/098 3 BUS 113 3 INS 111 3 INS 112 3
INS 111 3 INS 112 3 BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3
BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3 ENG 098/111 3 BUS 113 3
ART/LIT/MUS111 2 ACS 111 3 ACS 112 3
MAT 111 3 ACC 112 3 ACC 111 3 MIS 211 3
ACC 111 3 BIO 111 2 ACS 102 2 MAT 111 3
ACS 101 2 ENV 112 2 HPE 113 1
HPE 113 1 Total 18 17
Total 18 18
2nd YEAR
2nd YEAR Semester I Semester II
Semester I Semester II ACS 211 3 ACS 212 3
BUS 211 3 BUS 321 3 PHY 112 2 MIS 282 3
POL 111 1 MAT 112 3 MIS 281 3 STA 212 3
MIS 211 3 MAK 212 3 ENV 112 2 MAK 212 3
ENG 112 3 STA 212 3 STA 211 3 BUS 213 3
STA 211 3 ECO 212 3 BUS 211 3 MAT 112 3
ECO 211 3 Total 16 18
Total 16 15
3rd YEAR
3rd YEAR Semester I Semester II
Semester I Semester II ACS 231 3 ACS 302 3
General Electives 3 BUS 314 3 ACS 351 3 ACS 352 3
BUS 213 3 RET 320 2 ECO 211 3 ECO 212 3
BUS 309 3 MAK 316 3 ENG 112 3 BUS 309 3
BUS 323 3 MAK 317 3 ACS 223 3 ART/LIT/MUS 111 2
MAK 330 3 MAK 335 3 BUS 313 3 POL 111 1
MAK 315 3 MAK 336 3 BIO 111 2
Total 18 18 17 Total 18 17
www.daystar.ac.ke 137
Purchasing and Business Logistics Major
1st YEAR
Semester I Semester II
ACC 111 3 ACC 112 3
BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3
ENG 111/098 3 BUS 113 3
INS 111 3 INS 112 3
MAT 111 3 MAT 11 2 3
HPE 113 1
Total 18 17
2nd YEAR
Semester I Semester II
MAK 212 3 ENV 112 2
BUS 309 3 ECO 212 3
ECO 211 3 BUS 314 3
BUS 211 3 ENG 112 3
MIS 211 3 BUS 213 3
STAT 211 3 STA 212 3
Total 18 17
3rd YEAR
Semester I Semester II
LOG 211 3 LOG 421 3
LOG 311 3 RET 320 2
POL 111 1 LOG 321 3
BUS 321 3 LOG 331 3
BUS 313 3 LOG 221 3
BIO 111 2 LOG 431 3
Daystar gave me the opportunity as a Total 15 17
Larry Madowo
138 www.daystar.ac.ke
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Exemptions Required Courses in Economic Credit Hours
If a student has done a course similar to the ones they are required to take, they ACC 111 Financial Accounting 3
are free to apply for exemption provided they can provide proof that they have ACC 112 Managerial Accounting 3
taken and passed the course. Under no circumstances will a student be given
BUS 113 Professional Business Communication 3
exemption for third level and high level courses.
BUS 213 Research Methods 3
Requirements for Graduation BUS 309 Business Finance 3
BUS 313 Human Resource Management 3
Credit hours
BUS 321 Business Law I 3
General Education 30
BUS 323 Business Ethics 3
Required Courses in Economic 63
BUS 414 Strategic Management and Decision Making 3
Concentration in Economics 30
BUS 415 Project Planning & Management 3
Economics Electives 6
MIS 211 Management Information Systems 3
Total 129
ECO 211 Principles of Microeconomics 3
ECO 212 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
General Courses for Economics Credit Hours
ECO 309 Intermediate Microeconomics 3
ACS 101 Basic Comp Knowledge 2
ECO 310 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3
ART 111/MUS 111 or LIT 111 2
ECO 316 Econometrics I 3
BIO 111 Biology 2
ECO 320 Econometrics II 3
BIL 111 Old Testament Introduction & Survey 3
MAT 111 Mathematics for Economics & Management I 3
BIL 112 New Testament Introduction & Survey 3
MAT 112 Mathematics for Economics & Management II 3
ENG 098/111 Basic English 0/3
STA 211 Business Statistics I 3
ENG 112 Advanced Writing 3
STA 212 Business Statistics II 3
ENV 112 Environmental Science 2
Total 63
HPE 113 Health and Physical Fitness 1
INS 111 Communication & Culture I 3
Economics Concentration Courses Credit Hours
INS 112 Communication & Culture II 3
ECO 308 International Economics 3
POL 111 Introduction to Political Science 1
ECO 311 Money and Banking 3
RET 320 Christianity and Islam in Africa 2
ECO 312 African Economic Problems 3
Total 30
ECO 313 Economic Development 3
ECO 314 Economics of Population 3
ECO 318 Environmental & Resource Economics 3
ECO 411 Public Finance 3
ECO 412 Economic Planning Techniques & Structural 3
ECO 418 Advanced Microeconomics 3
ECO 419 Advanced Macroeconomics 3
Total 30 hours
140 www.daystar.ac.ke
Economics Electives: A student should select two courses from the Course Descriptions
following list:
Economics Electives Credit Hours
ECO 211 Principles of Microeconomics 3 Credits
BUS319 Insurance Practice 3 Introduction: Meaning, nature and scope of micro economics; Methodology;
BUS324 Investment 3 Central economic problems; Basic economic concepts; Economic
systems; Types; Merits and demerits; Price theory; Theory of demand and
BUS314 Financial Management 3
supply; Determinants; Demand and supply functions; market equilibrium;
ECO 317 Comparative Economic System 3 Elasticity of demand and supply; Theory of consumer behaviour; Cardinal
ECO 319 Economics of Industry 3 and ordinal approaches; Income and substitution effects; Consumer and
ECO 322 Economics of Labour 3 producer surpluses; Theory of production; Demand and supply of factors of
production; Production function; Law of variable proportions; Combination of
ECO 408 Special Topics Game Theory 3
factors of production. Theory of costs; short run and long run costs; profit
ECO 413 Economics of Tourism 3 maximization. Theory of the firm and market structures: perfect competition,
ECO 414 Economics of Poverty & Income distribution 3 imperfect competition monopoly, Monopolistic competition, Oligopoly;
Price and output determination; profit maximization; Welfare economics and
ECO 415 Gender & Economic Development 3
microeconomic analysis: Free market; Government intervention and policy.
ECO 417 Economics of Rural Development 3 Prerequisite; MAT 112.
BUS 414 Strategic Management & Decision Making 3
ECO 520/598 Economics Practicum/Senior Project 4 EC0 212 Principles of Macroeconomics 3 Credits
Definition and meaning of major terms; National incomes and national output;
Total 6
Determination of employment theories; Inflation and unemployment; Money
and banking; The banking system; International trade and finance; Economic
Minor in Economics problems of poverty; Markets for capital and natural resources; Integrated view
of monetary and fiscal policies; International economics; National debt; Donor
Economics minor for Non-Commerce students Credit Hours aid and economy. Pre-requisite: ECO 211.
ECO 211Principles of Microeconomics 3
ECO 308 International Economics 3 Credits
ECO 212 Principles of Macroeconomics 3
Introduction: Meaning and definition; Nature and scope; The classical theory
ECO 311 Money & Banking 3 of comparative advantage, including Adam Smith, Ricardo; Application to
ECO 312 African Economic Problems 3 developing countries; Herbelers theory of opportunity cost. Terms of trade;
MAT 112 Mathematics for Economics & Management I 3 The modern theory of factor endowments i.e. Heckscher-Ohlin Theory (H.O.);
Its superiority over the classical theory; International trade and economic
ECO 313 Economic Development 3
growth; Terms of trade; Gains from trade; Commercial policy: free trade vs.
One Economics elective 3 protection, tariffs, import quotas; Exchange control and custom union; Case
TOTAL 21 for integration in Africa; Balance of payments: meaning and components;
Balance of payment policy; Foreign exchange rate and policy; International
economic relations and organizations: i.e., foreign aid, multinationals and
Economics minor for Commerce students Credit Hours economic development; International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.), The International
ECO 309 Intermediate Microeconomics 3 Bank for Reconstruction and Development (I.B.R.D.) and international liquidity;
ECO 310 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3 World Trade Organization (W.T.O.). Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212.
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factors in competitive factor and product market; Price and employment of ECO 313 Economic Development 3 Credits
factor inputs in competitive input markets and monopolistic product markets; The meaning of development e.g. measuring development; Difference
Bilateral monopoly. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212. between growth and development; The main characteristics of developing
countries; Dimensions of poverty; Concept of basic needs approach; Trade-off
ECO 310 Intermediate Macroeconomics 3 Credits between growth and distributions; Measuring poverty; Theories of economic
The analysis of the behaviour of economic aggregates; National accounting; development: classical theories: Harrod-Domar, Solow-Swan, Rostow etc.
Consumption: Keynes and post-Keynesian theories of consumption (including dependency and counter-revolution; Mobilization of domestic resources for
absolute, relative, permanent Income hypothesis, and life cycle hypothesis); development; Savings; Cooperative; Micro-financing; Industrialization as a
Investment: interest rates and acceleration principle. The production function development strategy; The role of agriculture in economic development; Human
and the supply and demand for labour; Price levels and goods markets; Money resources in development; Population growth and development; Population
market; demand for and supply of money including major theories; General control, education and training; Health; Mobilization of foreign resources for
macro-economic models: Classical model; Keynesian model including the development: with particular emphasis on aid, foreign direct investment; Trade
Multiplier IS-LM analysis; Inflation and trade cycles; Macro-economic policy. and economic development; Regional economic cooperation; Development
Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212. planning: rationale for planning; Planning process and basic models: micro
and macro planning. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212.
ECO 311 Money and Banking 3 Credits
Definition of money, the nature of money and historical background of money; ECO 314 Economics of Population 3 Credits
The role of finance in the economy; Financial assets, securities, bonds, stocks; Introduction: Meaning and nature of demography; Sources and users of
The principal financial markets, capital markets, stock brokerage, relationship demographic data; History of population growth; Less developed versus
of capital markets and economy; Concept of funds flow liquidity; Monetary developed countries population growth; Population theories: Malthus and
theory and policy, control of currency circulation, interest rates, re-valuation non-Malthusian perspective; theory of optimum population; Theory of
and devaluation; Role of governments in the monetary and fiscal policy of demographic transition; Relative income theory; Population processes; Fertility;
the nation; Regulatory control of banks and banking systems in Kenya, role Socio-economic effects of high/low fertility; Measurement: Policy measures;
of the central bank, exchange control regulations, deposit protection fund; Mortality; Determinants, measurement; Policy issues; Migration; Determinants;
Management of banks and financial institutions in liquidation; functions of Policy; Age and sex structures: Impacts of population processes; Population
official receiver. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212. and urbanization: demographic components; Impacts of population processes;
Labour supply; Population growth and economic growth and development;
ECO 312 African Economic Problems 3 Credits Structural changes with economic development; Population and food supplies:
Meaning of economic growth and development. What is underdevelopment? Population and capital formation: Population policies: Assessing the future;
African development history. Problems and policies: Common characteristics of Kenyas population policy; Family planning programmes. Pre-requisites: ECO
African countries (poor countries), Poverty - meaning of poverty, vicious circles 211, ECO 212.
of poverty, breaking out of vicious circles, unemployment issues in African
countries. Population and economic development: Population growth and ECO 316 Econometrics I 3 Credits
resource use in Africa, problems associated with high population growth rate, Introduction: Definition of econometrics; Processes of econometric analysis;
the positive side of population growth, measures to control population growth, Econometric models; Correlation; Regression; Two variable linear regression
Malthusian population theory: its relevance in Africa. Natural disasters, models; Multivariable linear regression model; Evaluation of the statistical
management issues and democracy in relation to Africas development: reliability of the model; Non-linear relationships, estimates and regression
Famine, drought, floods, desertification and other natural disasters, analysis of variance; Problems of econometrics; Regression of matrix algebra;
Governance, corruption and development, management issues - tribalism, Simultaneous equation models. Students will be introduced to Econometric
nepotism, clanism, racism, linguistic, racial, linguistic, religious problems and tools of analysis such SPSS, STATA, Eviews. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO
differences, Civil wars, political disturbances and development. The West, 212, STA 212, MAT 112 .
donor agencies and development in Africa: How is the west under developing
Africa? Donor agencies - role of World Bank, IMF and other International ECO 317 COMPARATIVE ECONOMIC SYSTEMS 3 Credits
donor agencies. Debt crisis and the new international economic order (NIEO); Goal of an economic system; Growth, income distribution, employment,
Economic crisis in Africa; The nature and dimension of the third world debt efficiency, justice peace, freedom and community well-being; Capitalistic and
crisis - with special reference to Sub-Saharan Africa. Attempts at alleviation, The socialistic economies including the Marxian interpretation; Feminist model,
new international economic order (NIEO), origins and the content of NIEO, the the green model, Soviet model, Chinese model, Mixed economies; Selective
future of Africas debt crisis. Future development in Africa: Regionalization and aspects; Market socialist economies; Centrally planned economies; Other
trade arrangements viz: Preferential Trade Area (PTA), COMESA, East African topics include; Permanent employment systems in Japan, Industrial democracy
Economic Integration, ECOWAS, Strategic approach to development priorities in Sweden, Indicative planning in France, Workers self-management in the
in Africa. Pre-requisites; ECO 211, ECO 212. former Yugoslavia, Economic reforms in Hungary, Resource allocation in the
former Soviet Union; Centralization and decentralization of the economy;
142 www.daystar.ac.ke
Model for understanding transnational capitalism and new international order; methods of price stabilization; The farm firm; Profit vs. satisfaction;
The permanent arms economy; The political economic question, ownership Maximization principles of production; Resource-product relationship; Factors
of factors of production; Whether democracy promotes growth or vice versa; of farm production and the determination of their efficiency and return; Risk
African model, African Socialism, Planning in mixed economic systems, East and uncertainty in agriculture; Agricultural development policy in Kenya:
African recent reforms in political and economic spheres with special emphasis characteristics of Kenyas rural economy, obstacles to Kenyas agricultural
on Kenya. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212, ECO 309, ECO310, STAT development, structural, institutional and technological; Kenyas agricultural
211 or Permission of Instructor. development policy and strategy pre and post 1963 problem of land size
e.g. land reforms, problems of labour and wages and working conditions,
ECO 318 Environmental & Resource Economics 3 Credits price fluctuation and stabilization; Agricultural credit and finance; Adequacy
Definition of major concepts relating to environment, population and pollution and need; Institutional structure of rural credit e.g. cooperatives and commercial
abatement externalities and environment public choice; Emissions and pollution; banks. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212.
Methods of pollution concept of optimum pollution; Pollution control measures;
Social cost of pollution; Estimating the cost and benefits of pollution control; ECO 322 Economics of Labour 3 Credits
Negative externalities, efficient pollution control; Pollution abatement policies; The theory of labour: labour market, labour productivity, human resource
Regulation, command and control, emission charges, pollution tax permits, management, labour as a factor of production; Equilibrium allocation of time
excise duty on manufacture of pollutants, tax rebates, recent EPA policies, of work: marginal analysis, income and substitution effect of wage changes,
lobby groups; Coping with negative externalities; Wood stoves improvement, backward (kinked) labour supply curves; Market demand for supply of
appropriate technology on renewable resources, rehabilitation and recycling; labour: market supply of labour services, population effects on wages; Wage
Political reality of environmental economics; Economics of exhaustible differentials: reasons for wage differentials, compensating wage differential;
resources; Markets for depletable natural resources; Renewable resources, Motivating workers: human resource development, signing, screening and
property rights and laws; Interest groups and economics of environment; recruitment of personnel, human resource development; The economics of
World environmentalism, the Green movements, public awareness, consumer labour unions, organizational problems of labour unions, economic theories
education and environmental matters mobilizing public awareness on economic of employment; efficiency wage, search and march, insider-outsider models,
changes of pollution use of dangerous chemicals and application in Agriculture labour unions in developed countries of Europe and America, labour unions
and livestock. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212, STA 211, MAT 112. in less developed countries (LDCS), labour union movement in Kenya, labour
shop stewards and membership, labour union and productivity; Collective
ECO 319 Economics of Industry 3 Credits bargaining and employment: impact of unions on wages; Monopoly of
Introduction: Firms, objectives and industrial structure, conduct and performance labour marginal input cost for monopsony firms, monopsony power; Bilateral
approach; Cost conditions and pricing behaviour; Game theory: players, monopoly: effects of labour unions on wages and employment in dealing with
objectives, payoffs and strategies, normal form representation of a game, monopsony; Conflict between labour unions and modern technology, place of
N-player game theory, prisoner/s dilemma, Nash equilibrium, introduction computers, robots, electronic impact, competition and future of labour unions.
to simultaneous-move games, Market structure and concentration including Prerequisites: ECO 211, ECO 212.
product differentiation, monopolies and barriers to entry; Role of advertising in
individual growth; Vertical integration and diversification; Invention, innovation ECO 411 Public Finance 3 Credits
and diffusion; Industrial location; State or private control; De-industrialization; Introduction: Meaning and scope of public finance; Functions of public finance;
Public policy and industrial structure in Kenya and the East African cooperation Role of government; Public Choice Evaluating public policy; Theory of public
region. Prerequisites: ECO 211, ECO 212. goods: Private versus public sector provisions; Characteristics of public goods;
Free rider problem; Efficiency output of public goods; Principles of taxation:
ECO 320 Econometrics II 3 Credits Characteristics of a good tax system; Theories of taxation; Patterns of taxation;
Matrix algebra: Solving linear simultaneous equations using matrix algebra; direct and indirect taxation; Taxable capacity and tax burden; Theory of tax
Classical linear regression: Assumptions of the linear regression, the K-variable incidence; Taxation for development; Tax structure and development in LDCs;
model estimation (OLS); Hypothesis testing and dummy variables; Simultaneous Tax policy and international trade; Economic effects of income taxation; Public
equation systems: instrumental variable estimation, indirect least squares expenditure systems and fiscal policy: Theories of expenditures; Composition
estimation, two-stage least squares estimation, identification problem; Time of Kenyas public expenditures; Kenyas fiscal policy and economic growth;
series analysis: Characteristics of time series data, Stationary and non-stationary National budget: Importance and functions; Budget process in Kenya; Types
series, Unit roots; Limited dependent variable models: Linear probability model; of budgets; Medium term expenditure framework; Balanced budgeting and
Probit and logit models. Using econometrics software such as SPSS and STATA. issues of public debt; Structure of national debt; burden of national debts; debt
Pre-requisite: ECO 316. management. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212, MAT 112.
ECO 321 Economics of Agriculture 3 Credits ECO 412 Economics of Planning Techniques & 3 Credits
Production analysis: nature and scope of agriculture; Demand for agriculture; Structural Adjustment
Marketing farm products; Agricultural prices fluctuation, objectives and Introduction: Meaning and rationale for development planning in LDCs; The
www.daystar.ac.ke 143
planning process and types of planning; Economic planning and relevance issues in research study, problem identification and statements; Secondary
to Kenya; Case Study the current development plan; Project appraisal and information hypothesis, research design, experimental versus non-experimental
evaluation: Rationale for project planning; Project evaluation techniques; methods; Sampling project proposed; Data collection, measurement, ranking
Discounted and non-discounted case flow methods; Merits and demerits; methods, field techniques; evaluation and interpretation, econometrics
Transition from financial to socio-economic evaluation: Structural adjustment computer software usage, ethnographic analysis, statistical analysis; Role of
programmes; Meaning and basis of SAPS and LDCs; Nature of adjustment; statistics, data coding; Report writing and presentation. Pre-requisites: ECO
Expenditure reducing versus expenditure switching policies; Impacts of SAPs 316, ECO 320.
on development of LDCs; Role of IMF and World Bank; funding; Economic
role of developed countries; Monitoring the SAPs process. Pre-requisites: ECO ECO 417 Economics of Rural Development 3 Credits
211, ECO 212. The nature of rural development (definition of peasant societies); Measurement
and dynamics of rural poverty; Operational strategies for rural development;
ECO 413 Economics of Tourism 3 Credits Policies and programmes for rural development; Rural population and
Tourism as an invisible industry; Introduction and the dynamics of the industry; rural poverty in developing countries, impact of Agricultural development;
Tourism as a national asset and liability; Cost benefit analysis of the tourism Migration and its effects on rural development; Population, landlessness and
industry; National and international influences on tourism industry: political rural development; Nutrition levels in rural areas and effects in productivity;
influences; Revenue; Tariffs and taxes; The effects of macro-economics policies Government and non-government intervention in rural development; Education
on tourism; Effects of exchange rate on fluctuations; Supply and demand levels and rural development; Resource distribution acquired human capital,
economies with regard to tourism: tourism products, the pricing of tourism breaking the vicious cycle of rural poverty; Informal sector development in rural
areas; The new home economics, farm size, and technical change; the green
products; Tourism investment: Financing tourism; Investment policies in the
movement of rural development. Pre-requisites: ECO 211, ECO 212.
tourism sector Investment incentives; Kenya tourism strategy; Marketing;
The competitiveness of Kenya as a tourist destination in comparison with
ECO 418 Advanced Micro-Economics 3 Credits
other countries in the region; Role of multinational corporations in tourism.
Introduction: A brief overview of micro-economic analysis, basic concepts and
Prerequisites: ECO 211 and ECO 212.
techniques of micro-economic theory; Partial equilibrium analysis of markets:
Marshallian supply-demand synthesis; Neoclassical theories of consumption
ECO 414 Economics of Poverty 3 Credits and production including uncertainty i.e. choice under uncertainty; Optimal
& Income Distribution risk sharing and implicit contracts; Input/output and linear programming
Definition of poverty and economic inequality; Distribution curves, income analysis; Further treatment of perfect and imperfect competition: perfect
entitlement approach; Indicators of poverty, Lorenz Curve; Factors determining competition, monopolistic competition, monopoly, oligopoly, duopoly; General
distribution of income: human capital, vicious cycle of poverty, theories of equilibrium and welfare theory: general equilibrium and macro-economic
poverty, dynamics of input markets and income distribution; Technology and equilibrium, equilibrium in exchange and production, criteria of social welfare,
productivity change; Personal distributions of income in developed countries maximization of social welfare; Game theory: players, objectives, payoffs
and developing countries including Kenya; The role of the government in and strategies, normal form representation of a game, N-player game theory,
income distributions, taxation, development of social capital, health care, prisoner/s dilemma, Nash equilibrium, introduction to simultaneous-move
social welfare (NSSF, Pensions, Provident Funds, old age & child welfare games. Prerequisites: ECO 211, ECO 212, ECO 309, MAT 112.
programmes); Fighting poverty and human deprivation; The new economic
order; South/North divide. Poverty gap. Prerequisite: ECO 212. ECO 419 Advanced Macro-Economics 3 Credits
Introduction: basic concepts of macro-economic theory, varieties of macro-
ECO 415 Gender & Economic Development 3 Credits economic theory; Keynesian model of Income determination in a closed
Basic concepts of division of labour by gender, time allocation, gender economy: Keynes vs. classical economists; Extension of the Keynesian model
oppression and subjection; Basic models: feminist, technological and welfare of income determination in an open economy: the foreign trade multiplier and
models; The new household economics: intra-household relationships, changes in the level of income; Critique and relevance of Keynesian system;
cooperation and conflict; Feminization of poverty; Rights of women, property Supply-side macro-economics: the aggregate supply function: Keynesian
ownership, and the girl child; Bridging the gender inequality gap, gender and classical; Rational expectations; Trade (real business) cycles: phases of
policies, eradicating gender under-privileges; Role of United Nations bodies a trade cycle; Theories of trade cycle; Theories of growth: Harolds growth
in fostering gender sensitivity and equitable income distribution. Prerequisites: model, Domars growth model, the link between Harrods and Domars models
ECO 211, ECO 212. (Harrod-Domar model), Neoclassical growth theories. Prerequisites: ECO 211,
ECO 212, ECO 310, MAT 112.
ECO 416 Research Methods in Economics 3 Cedits
Foundational issues; definition of research methods in scientific research ECO 520 Economics Practicum 4 Credits
and exploration, kinds of research, criteria for research, goals of research, The student will be placed with any agency (Governmental or non-governmental),
application in economic exploration; Research planning and strategies; Ethical involved in business developmental work. The student will be expected to
examine and report on the relative effectiveness of the organization, functions
144 www.daystar.ac.ke
to which he/she is assigned, performance of the duties assigned to him/her, MAT 112 Mathematics for Economics 3 Credits
report on strengths, weakness, and opportunities of the organization and make & Management I
any recommendation. Prerequisite: To be done in the final semester. Functional and graphical representations: Functions and graphs, linear
functions and their applications, non-linear functions and functions with more
ECO 598 Senior Project 4 Credits than one independent variables and their applications. Matrices: Matrix
The student will choose a research topic of his/her choice and be supervised operations, determinant of a matrix, inverse of a matrix. Matrix applications
by a lecturer specialized in that area. At the end of the study, the student will to business problems: Solution of simultaneous equations, input-output analysis,
compile the findings and present the written report for grading. Prerequisite: To Markov analysis. Calculus: Concepts of limits, differentiation, Integration,
be done in the final semester. maximum and minimum points, Lagrange multipliers and applications. Game
theory: players, objectives, payoffs and strategies, normal form representation
MAT 111 Mathematics for Economics 3 Credits of a game, N-player game theory, prisoner/s dilemma, Nash equilibrium,
& Management I introduction to
Nature of management mathematics, role of mathematics in economics Simultaneous-move games; Mathematics of finance: Simple and compound
analysis, applications of mathematics in business management, strengths interest, Present and future values, ordinary annuities, capital investment
and limitations of mathematics in management. Set theory: Definitions and appraisal methods. Linear programming model: formation, graphical method
concepts in set theory, set operations and laws, Venn diagrams. The real of solution, simplex method of solution, duality theory. Sensitivity analysis.
number system; Types of numbers, Rules of algebraic operations, Permutations Prerequisites: MAT 111.
and combinations binomial expansion. Equations and inequations: Equations,
definition and types of equations, linear and non-linear equations, single MAT 211 Operations Research 3 Credits
and simultaneous equations, solutions to equations (linear and non-linear), Meaning and scope, Linear programming models: simplex method, duality
applications; inequations - definition and types of inequations, Solutions to theory, sensitivity analysis. Network analysis (CPM/CPA and PERT): construction
inequations. Differential calculus: Rate of change, concepts of limits and of network determination of critical path(s), time and resource analysis.
continuity, derivative and differentiation, partial differentiation, applications. Transportation models: Formulation, solution, search methods. Assignment
Integral calculus: Rules of integration, applications. Matrix algebra: Definitions models: Formulation, solution, search methods. Inventory models: Optimal
and basic concepts, properties of matrices, determinant of a matrix, matrix levels of inventory, deterministic and stochastic methods, materials requirement
operations, matrix inverse, solution to linear simultaneous equations: matrix planning, limitations of EOQ. Queuing models: Queues and queuing systems,
approach. evaluating queuing systems, solution methods, nature of single channels
and multiple channels queues, economic implication of queues, limitations.
Integer and non-linear programming. Dynamic programming models, goal
programming models, integer programming and heuristic programming.
Simulation models: simulation process, stochastic simulation, the Monte Carlo
simulation techniques, simulation languages. Prerequisites: MAT 112.
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Suggested 4-Year Study Programme Bachelor of Science in Economics
1st Year
3rd Year
Semester I Semester II
Semester I Semester II
Course Credit hours Course Credit hours
Course Credit hours Course Credit hours
BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3
ECO 308 3 RET 320 3
ACS 101 2 A R T / L I T / 2
BUS 309 3 BUS 323 3
ECO 310 3 ECO 316 3
ENG 111/098 0/3 INS 112 3
ECO 309 3 ECO 313 3
INS 111 3 ACC 112 3
BUS 321 3 ECO 314 3
ACC 111 3 MAT 112 3
BUS 213 3 ECO 311 3
MAT 111 3 BUS 113 3
Total 18 Total 18
HPE 113 1
Total 18 Total 17
4th Year
Semester I Semester II
2nd Year
Course Credit hours Course Credit hours
Semester I Semester II
ECO 320 3 ECO 411 3
Course Credit hours Course Credit hours
ECO 318 3 ECO 412 3
MIS 211 3 ECO 212 3
BUS 414 3 ECO 419 3
POL 111 1 STA 212 2
BUS 415 3 ECO electives 6
ECO 211 3 ENV 112 2
ECO 418 3
STA 211 3 BIO 111 3
Total 15 Total 15
BUS 313 3 ECO 312 3
ENG 112 3
Total 16 Total 13
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Course Credit Hours
Common Core Courses 15
The Diploma in Communication Arts offers specialized training in print and
electronic media and provides a broad understanding of the principles Required Courses in Communication 44
and concepts of effective communication. The programme is designed for Concentration: Print or Electronic Media 6
aspiring media and communication professionals. In addition to the general
communication courses, the learner may specialize in either print or electronic
media and will be trained to apply these skills to improve his or her service to
the Church and community. General Courses Credit Hours
The department prepares students to assess communication needs, develop ICC 012 Communication & Culture I 3
strategies to achieve communication goals, prepare audience-centered
ICC 013 Communication & Culture II 3
communication programmes and products, and work with others to create
understanding among various publics. ICC 014 Old Testament Introduction & Survey 3
ICC 015 New Testamnet Introduction & Survey 3
www.daystar.ac.ke 149
ICO 026 Public Relations & Fundraising 3 Credits ICO O41 Book Publishing 3 Credits
This course introduces students to the principles and practice of public relations An introduction to the editorial, management and commercial aspects of
and fundraising. Topics will include public relations theory and practice, the book publishing. Topics will include major categories of publishing: structure
public relations environment, internal and external publics and communication and functions of the book trade, editorial department and roles of the book
strategies, producing Public Realations materials, fundraising skills and donor editor, acquisition and processing of manuscripts, editing process, elements
relations. of book design, book production, book costing, marketing and distribution.
Pre-requisite: ICO 031.
ICO 031 Writing & Editing Skills 3 Credits
This course exposes the student to the use of words i.e. nouns, adjectives ICO 047 Magazine Editing & Production 3 Credits
etc; sentence construction, punctuation, conventions, paragraphs, transitions; An introduction to the principles and procedures of magazine publishing.
writing a narrative, descriptive, personal experience, interviews and personal Topics will include: the print media industry, magazine publishing, types
profile; how-to-do-it and devotional articles; the editing process and symbols. of magazines, editorial concepts, editorial formula, production planning,
financing the magazine, magazine editing skills, costing and magazine
ICO 032 Introduction to Graphic Design & 3 Credits production process. Pre-requisite: ICO 034.
Desktop Publishing ICO 049 Photography & Photojournalism 3 Credits
This is an introduction to the principles of graphic design with emphasis on An introduction to the basic knowledge and skills necessary to produce
magazine page layout and practices in desktop publishing. Topics include: photographs and photojournalistic work. Topics include operational functions
principles of design and layout, typography, layout techniques, using of a 35mm SLR camera, communication properties of light, types of film, types
photographs and illustrations, use of colors, magazine design and introductory and functions of lenses and filters, composition and special effects, basic
skills, using a desktop publishing dark-room procedures for black & white film and print processing, ethics and
computer package. Pre-requisite: ICS 010. etiquette in photography, photojournalism. The course will also cover digital
photography and computer-assited image processing as well as the use of
ICO 033 Introduction to Media Management 2 Credits photographs to write a story. NB: Students will provide their own cameras.
The course explores basic management principles and their application to
the media. It discusses different management theories and how they affect ICO 050 Visual Communication 3 Credits
a workers morals and production. Case studies will be introduced to help An introduction to the selection, production and use of appropriate visual aids.
students deal with ethical work dilemmas. It will also discuss history, theory
Topics will include: definition of terms, role of visual aids in communication,
and practice of management, media ownership patterns, characteristics of
drawing materials and basic skills, types of visual aids, effective use and
organizations, newsroom organizations, leadership styles in media, staff
management, budgeting, management of finances, advertising and distribution. production of paper pictures, sequence pictures, chalkboard, posters and
Pre-requisite: ICO 016. charts, display boards, adhesive aids, demonstrations, tours and visits, exhibits,
models, drama, slides, overhead projectors, use of multimedia and evaluation
ICO 034 Writing and Reporting for the Print Media 3 Credits of visual aids.
The course is designed to teach students the principles of reporting and writing
for newspapers and magazines. Students will also learn how to write and ICO 056 Communication by Radio 3 Credits
prepare publishable copy on deadline. The course will examine definitions of This course introduces students to the basic principles, approaches and practical
news and various structures of new stories and other journalistic forms. skills necessary for planning, producing and evaluating programmes for radio
broadcast. Topics will include: cross-cultural and aural-oral communication
ICO 035 Writing for Children 3 Credits theory; understanding the role and function of a producer; the audience;
This course introduces students to the specialized nature of writing for young alternative programme formats: devotional, documentaries, news, interviews,
audiences. It involves the study of: child development, child and society features, magazine, music; planning for production research; preparing an
in Africa, the child as a special audience, process of writing for children, outline; specifying objectives and target audience; basic script writing and
choosing themes, plot development, characterization, dialogue and conflict, layout; interviewing; music and radio; exposure to basic studio equipment and
principles of writing, words and tools, proper use of language, emotion in the production techniques; evaluation of programmes and follow-up techniques.
story, publishing childrens stories. Pre-requisite: ICO 031. Pre-requisite: ICO 016.
ICO 036 Introduction to Communication 1 Credits ICO 065 Scripting for Video Production I 3 Credits
Research Methods This course trains students in writing effective video scripts for various programme
The course is aimed at introducing students to basic concepts and process of formats and audiences. It provides an overview of communication principles
communication. It will expose students to the techniques of using interviews, and basic technology underlying the production of an audio and video signal,
content analysis, questionnaires, and panel discussions (focus groups) to collect challenges in writing, mechanics and language of script writing, writing non-
data, how to analyze data and prepare research report. dramatic material including commercials, public service announcements,
150 www.daystar.ac.ke
interviews, talks, documentaries, magazines, educational materials, news, video production in regards to the feature film and similar genres. The course
music and special events, writing dramatic material including drama, plot, focuses on preproduction, production, and post production processes, and
characterization and comedy, ethics and evaluation of scripts. Prerequisite: seeks to develop group dynamics of the production team. Special emphasis is
ICO 016. laid on producing, directing camera, lighting, sound management and editing.
Pre-requisite: ICO 065, ICO 066
ICO 066 Introduction to Video Production 3 Credits
An introduction to the principles and skills of video production. The course ICO 094 Keyboarding 0(3) Credits
provides exposure to basic video equipment and production techniques. Topics An introduction to keyboarding, the course enables students to master basic
include: overview of video as a medium of Christian communication, video care and maintenance of the computer and standard keyboard touch typing.
camera, basic camera, shots and frames, pictorial composition, use of lights, Students become familiar with setting and layout of various documents as well
pre-production planning: audience issues, goals; scheduling; writing a treatment as word processing tools.
and scene script; logging; production; crew functions; location scouting and
post production (audio, editing); legal issues; evaluation. Prerequisites: ICO 099 Communication Field Study 6 Credits
ICO 016, ICO 065. This practicum enables the student to apply the knowledge and skills acquired
in the classroom to a practical communication ministry situation that is related
ICO 067 Scripting for Electronic Media II 3 Credits to the concentration taken. Content will be based on assigned tasks related to
The course is designed to help the student acquire advanced skills in scripting course work as proposed and agreed upon by the student, the faculty and,
for the dramatic formats. Emphasis is on the story, story treatment, synopsis, where applicable, the employer. A minimum of eight weeks (320 clock hours)
plot, characterisation and internal logic in story development, scripting feature or a communication project or research project and an accompanying paper
film script, serials and series comedy. Prerequisite. ICO 066. of at least 30 pages typed in double spacing will be required. Students should
do their Project /Practicum during the last semester of study as stipulated by
ICO 068 Video Production and Editing II 3 Credits the study programme. Pre-requisite: Complete 56 credits and GPA of at least
This is an advanced course in video production designed to refine the practical 2.00 be maintained.
skills acquired by the student in ICO 065. It focuses on the aesthetic aspects of
ICO 094 0 (3) (Also take ICO 018 if did not do first semester)
Total 17 18
www.daystar.ac.ke 151
Music is a key form of communication which can profitably be used to
Common core courses Credit Hours
promote Christian faith and conduct. On the other hand, traditionally, music
is studied in terms of its aesthetic and artistic forms, not from the perspective ICC 012 Communication & Culture 3
of its being a vehicle of communication. There is, therefore, the need for ICC 013 Communication & Culture II 3
specialized training in the areas of musical skills as applied to a broadened ICC 014 Old testament Introduction & Survey 3
understanding of Christian communication for ministry. Thus, the diploma in
ICC 015 New testament Introduction & Survey 3
Christian Music Communication focuses on equipping Christian workers for
evangelism, spiritual formation and worship- church ministry that is relevant to ICC 016 Introduction to Bible Doctrine 2
the needs of contemporary Africa. ICC 092 Communication Skills 1
Admission Requirements
In addition to the general requirements for admission to Daystar University
Required Courses Credit Hours
and the Institute of Christian Ministries and Training, the applicant for the
diploma in Christian Music Communication must demonstrate a high aptitude IMU 011 Christian Communication Through Music 3
for applied music by enrolling in and passing the Christian Music Ministry IMU 021 Basic Music Theory I 3
certificate course with a minimum of grade ofB- (Minus), This pre-requisite IMU 022 Basic Music Theory II 3
course is offered only in July before the semester begins in August.
IMU 023 Composing Songs for the Church 3
152 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Descriptions IMU 031 Foundations in African Church Music 3 Credits
A panorama of African Music; Roles and functions of music in African societies;
Sources and origins of African music; Musicians; Introduction to organology;
IMU 011 Communication Through Music 3 Credits Instrument construction and playing techniques; Issues in performance
Course introduction; What is music; The roles and functions of music in ensembles; Vocal music and their forms; Songtexts and W orldview; Dance
culture; the role, use and function of music in biblical cultures; Communication and dance drama; Musical acculturation; Music of urban centers and village
principles applied to music; Using the twelve signal systems as a guide settings; Historical factors for African music in the church; Determining culturally
to developing effective worship services and communication events; appropriate music for the church; Issues in musical contextualization; Strategies
Ethnomusicology: definitions, directions, and problems as they relate to the for using African music in the church for worship, evangelism and discipleship.
Christian communicator; The study of song texts in shaping a peoples working Pre-requisite: None.
theology and maturity in the Christian faith; Issues in organology; Basic analysis
of varying musical systems; History of the misuse in world missions; Case IMU 032 African Songs and Drama 3 Credits
studies of culturally appropriate music employed in Christian ministry; Strategies: Creating and composing African-style Christian songs; Writing in African
urban, town, and rural settings. Pre-requisite: None. story telling style with accompanying songs; Developing and using drama in
worship services and evangelism; Creating and producing Christian dance
IMU 021 Basic Music Theory I 3 Credits drama; Introducing African songs into the church; Developing composers
Feeling for the main pulse; Performing various rhythm patterns; Singing various for Christian Music Communication; Planning special occasion services (e.g
intervals; Dictation of intervals, rhythm patterns, and melodies; Singing the Easter and Christmas); New ways of using oral art forms in Christian ministries.
pentatonic and major scales; Sightsinging from staff and tonic sol-fa notations; Prerequisite: None.
Knowledge and use of Kodalys sol-fa hand signs; Understanding the grand
staff, note names, ledger lines, note and rest values, accidentals, key and time IMU 041 Choral Conducting and Choir Ministries 3 Credits
signatures; Major scales in all keys; Intervals up to one octave; Primary triads Maintaining meter, rhythm and tempo; Controlling dynamics; English
with inversions; Analysis of simple four-part harmony in major keys using Roman singing diction; Choral voice training; Phrasing and melody singing; Choral
numerals or popular chord symbols. Pre-requisite: Christian Music Ministry or intonation; Historic style and performance practice; Planning and conducting
by Entrance Exam. the rehearsal; Conducting motions and techniques; Choir competitions;
Composing and performing African choral works; techniques for arranging
IMU 022 Basic Music Theory II 3 Credits choral music; spiritual development in a church choir; The role of the choir in
Sightsinging in four-parts from hyrnnbooks; Sightsinging in minor keys; worship services; Guidelines for organizing a choir. Pre-requisite: IMU 021.
Identification and singing of intervals up to one octave; Identification by ear
of the natural, harmonic and melodic scales; Identifying and notating modern IMU 051 Basic Instrumental Skills I 3 Credits
Western rhythms based on African roots- rock, pop, rhythm and blues, jazz Introduction to maintaining instruments; Introduction to the guitar; Playing
and country rhythms; Collecting, identifying, and notating rhythms found in techniques for the guitar; Three basic chord progressions; Three basic strumming
East Africa; Composing 4-bar rhythms, 8-bar melodies, and setting words and picking styles for guitar; The role of the guitar in ministry; Worship and
to rhythms; Minor and chromatic scales; Introduction to compound intervals; evangelism; Introduction to the keyboard; Keyboard playing techniques; Three
Irregular time signatures and beat divisions; Sol- fa rhythm and notation basic chord progressions; Working with set rhythms and instrumental sounds;
for four-part harmony; Voices in score; Harmonic analysis; Introduction to The role of the keyboard in ministry, worship and evangelism. Pre-requisite:
cadences and voice leading; How to harmonize a melody; Common chord None.
progressions; Basic principles in choral arranging in Western and Eastern
styles. Pre-requisite: IMU 021. IMU 052 Basic Instrumental Skills II 3 Credits
The content will vary depending on the instrument chosen and the students
IMU 023 Composing Songs 3 Credits previous study of the instrument. Students will train to perform from staff notation
Writing appropriate song texts; Identifying needed song texts; The relationship of as well as to play by ear (using aural skills with no notation to read). Good
language to melody and rhythm; Four-part harmonic patterns; Identification and techniques, musicianship, musical expression, musical interpretation and
analysis of various melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic structures for composition; development of a repertoire will be the main focus. Pre-requisite: IMU 051.
Composing in various song forms--choruses, hymns, choral works, varying
call-and-response forms, and African-based songs; Building songs on spoken IMU 061 Leading Worship 3 Credits
words; Composing with instrumental resources; Working with traditional and/ Definition of worship; Biblical patterns of worship; Music in worship; Liturgical,
or naturally gifted musicians. Pre-requisite: IMU 021. Baptist and Pentecostal worship in Africa; Patterns for personal worship; Biblical
teaching on corporate worship; Congregational worship; Team leadership in
worship; Practical guide to leading worship. Pre-requisite: None.
www.daystar.ac.ke 153
IMU 062 Music and the Media 3 Credits IMU 091 Special Topics in Christian 3 Credits
Small and big media; Mini communication and music; Employing music in Music Communication
mass communication products; Music and drama; The song in storytelling; Students may, with relevant approval and availability of faculty, study specific
Music cassette ministries; Music on radio; Primary and secondary music for areas of Christian music communication which are not in the regular diploma
television, video, and film; Developing dance drama; Using traditional folk curriculum. The content will vary with specific course offerings. Topics may
media forms; Using foreign music: integrating folk media with extending media; include the Study and performance of African instruments; Ethnomusicology;
Communication principles for selecting music for any medium; Composing and Contemporary African church music, among others. Pre-requisite:
music for various media. Pre-requisite: None. Departmental Approval.
IMU 065 Music Cassette Production and Distribution 3 Credits IMU 099 Field Project in Christian 6 Credits
The cassette at work; The mobility of music cassettes; Research and strategies Music Communication
for Christian music cassettes; Organizing a cassette project; The distribution Assigned tasks related to the course work done as agreed upon by the student,
system; Knowing your audiences musical tastes; Selecting musical styles; Music the assigned faculty, and where applicable, the employer. A minimum of 10
cassettes for Christians; Music cassettes for non-Christians; Music cassettes for weeks (400 clock hours) or a music product and an accompanying paper of
oral communication; Programming music cassettes for evangelism; Production at least 10 pages.
facilities; Purchasing equipment; Management in Christian music cassette
ministry. Pre-requisite: None.
154 www.daystar.ac.ke
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Students Assessment Concentration Courses in Communication
Grades for courses offered by the department are computed as follows with Each student will choose, based on his or her instructors advice, a narrowed
minor variations, depending on the type of course: area of Communication in which to concentrate additional studies. These
1. Grades for courses that are concerned only with skill development (like areas are Print Media, Electronic Media, Advertising and Public Relations.
COM 099) depend entirely on the final examination.
2. Grades for courses that involve both conceptual understanding
Print Media Required Coureses Credit Hours
and acquisition of skills are generally computed at 70% from final
examination and 30% from continuous assessment. COM 247 News Writing & Reporting 3
3. Grades for Independent Study and Senior Projects are computed at COM 344 Photography 3
90% from the final paper and 10% from continuous assessment.
COM 349 Feature & Magazine Writing 3
4. Grades for Field Study, are derived from 60% field report and 40% from
field evaluation. COM 430 Business & Economic Journalism 3
COM 436 Editorial & Opinion Writing 3
Requirements for Graduation COM 445 Editing Skills 3
To graduate with a major in Communication, a student must meet the COM 459 Electronic Publishing & Design 3
following criteria of course requirements and credit hour combination from COM 474 Media Management 3
various disciplines: Choose One Course from the Following:
Credit Hours COM 408 T Reporting Transitional Justice 3
General Education 51 COM 408 C Issues Reporting 3
Communication Courses 61 COM 408 D Publishing 3
Required Courses in Communication 34 COM 408 E Photojournalism 3
Concentration Courses 27
Minor/Electives 17-22 Electronic Media Required Courses Credit Hours
TOTAL 129-134 COM 263 Broadcast Writing 3
COM 264 Broadcast Techniques 3
Required Courses Credit Hours COM 361 Audio Production 3
COM 099 Keyboarding 0 (3) COM 364 Writing for the Screen 3
COM 223 Public Speaking 3 COM 466 Video Production 3
COM 226 Interpersonal & Small Group Communication 3 COM 467 Broadcast Journalism 3
COM 231 Introduction to Mass Media 3 COM 474 Media Management 3
COM 243 Writing for Business 3 COM 468 Broadcast Presentation 3
COM 302 Communication Statistics 3 OR
COM 321 Communication Research & Design 3 COM 469 Broadcast Programming, Promotion &
COM 323 Communication Systems in Africa 3 Strategy
COM 419 Communication Ethics & Law 3 Choose One Course from the Following:
COM 421 Strategies of Communication 3 COM 365 Broadcast Drama 3
COM 422 Media and Christianity 3 COM 408 Advanced Audio Production 3
COM 497 Senior Project OR 4 COM 408 F Introduction to TV Production & Directing 3
COM 499 Communication Field Study 4 COM 468 Broadcast Presentation 3
TOTAL 34 COM 469 Broadcast Programming Promotion &
156 www.daystar.ac.ke
Students wishing to minor in a particular specialization in Communication
Public Relations Required Courses Credit Hours
should choose as follows:
COM 247 News Writing & Reporting 3
COM 263 Writing for Broadcast 3 Print Media Credit Hours
COM 322 Persuasion 3 COM 247 News Writing & Reporting 3
COM 426 Public Relations 3 COM 349 Feature & Magazine Writing 3
COM 427 Public Relations Writing 3 COM 445 Editing Skills 3
COM 445 Editing Skills 3 COM 459 Electronic Publishing & Design 3
COM 459 Electronic Publishing & Design 3
Electronic Media
COM 475 Management & Research in Public
3 COM 263 Broadcast Writing 3
Relations & Advertising
COM 361 Audio Production 3
Choose One Course from the Following:
COM 466 Video Production 3
COM 264 Broadcast Techniques 3
COM 467 Broadcast Journalism 3
COM 344 Photography 3
Public Relations
COM 349 Feature & Magazine Writing 3
COM 247 News Writing & Reporting 3
COM 361 Audio Production 3
COM 426 Public Relations 3
COM 466 Video Production 3
COM 427 PR Writing 3
COM 459 Electronic Publishing & Design 3
Advertising Required Courses Credit Hours
COM 263 Writing for Broadcast 3
COM 322 Persuasion 3
COM 322 Persuasion 3
COM 346 Creative Graphic Arts 3
COM 344 Photography 3
COM 448 Advertising 3
COM 346 Creative Graphic Arts 3
COM 459 Electronic Publishing & Design 3
COM 448 Advertising 3
COM 449 Advertising Copy Writing 3
COM 459 Electronic Publishing & Design 3
COM 475 Management & Research in Public
Relations & Advertising
Choose one course from the following:
COM 450 Advertising Creative Strategy & Execution 3
COM 451 Advertising Media Strategy & Tactics 3
COM 461 Advertising Campaigns 3
*Advertising students must take ART 111
Minor in Communication
Students with a minor in communication must have a B (plain) in English at
KCSE and fulfill the following requirements:
www.daystar.ac.ke 157
Course Descriptions
ART 111 Art in Africa 2 Credits COM 263 Writing for Broadcast 3 Credits
A survey of art in traditional and contemporary African societies. The An introduction to writing for the broadcast media. The course covers basic
course develops in students an appreciation of art form and content and an elements of radio and television script formats and introduces students to
understanding of how African culture and society relate to African art. writing for different types of programming including documentaries, talk shows,
features, newscasts, and radio and television commercials. Pre-requisites:
COM 099 Keyboarding 0(3) Credits COM 231.
An introduction to keyboarding designed to enable students to master basic
care and maintenance of the computer and standard keyboard touch typing. COM 264 Broadcast Techniques 3 Credits
Students become familiar with setting and layout of various documents as well An introduction to basic principles and terminologies associated with television,
as word processing tools. radio and film production. Content includes studio experience, demonstrations
of the workings of the studio, and production process including technical and
COM 223 Public Speaking 3 Credits creative aspects of the electronic media.
An introduction to theory and skills in public speaking. Topics include topic
choice, organization, delivery, speech types, language and style, visual aids COM 302 Statistics for Communication Research 3 Credits
and audience analysis. A substantial component of the course is devoted to A basic course in the use of statistics in communication research. The course
student speeches and critiques. is designed to give students a foundational knowledge of the most common
statistical procedures so that they become informed consumers of research
COM 226 Interpersonal & Group Communication 3 Credits reports and can, with little additional training, apply basic statistical procedures
An overview of interpersonal and small group communication processes to quantitative data. Pre-requisite: MAT 102.
including theories of interpersonal and group communication, preparation
and management of group interactions, group formation and development,
group leadership, interviewing, self-disclosure, perception, relationships, and
interpersonal conflicts. Prerequisite; INS 112.
158 www.daystar.ac.ke
COM 321 Communication Research & Design 3Credits COM 344 Photography 3 Credits
A course designed to develop students understanding of the process and A basic introduction to photography covering operational functions of a 35mm
terminology of communication research including elements of research, various SLR camera, digital cameras and principles of the photographic process.
research methods, sampling techniques, hypothesis formulation and testing, Students get hands on experience on dark room procedures. The course also
data analysis techniques, and research report writing. Pre-requisites: COM covers types of photography and film, composition, editing, legal and ethical
302, ENG 112, INS 112. considerations. Students are required to bring their own manual camera. Pre-
requisites: ENG 112, INS 112. NB: All students are expected to have their
COM 322 Persuasion 3 Credits own cameras. The University will not provide students with cameras.
An exploration of the historical, classical and modern foundations of persuasion
theory. The course considers persuasion in interpersonal, group, and mass COM 346 Creative Graphic Arts 3 Credits
mediated contexts and introduces students to related theory in each area. An introduction to graphic design as the visual communication of print media
Emphasis is placed on application of persuasive principles to current social including typography, uses of photographs and illustrations, color publication
and media contexts. Prerequisites: ENG 112, INS 112. layout and techniques, print production processes, computer graphics,
exhibition and display, and use of graphics in various media. Pre-requisites:
COM 323 Communication Systems in Africa 3 Credits ART 111, COM 344.
A survey of problems, promises, and features of transition from traditional to
modern communication systems in Africa. The course examines the interactive COM 349 Feature & Magazine Writing 3 Credits
influence of Africas socio-economic, technological and political conditions on A course focused on developing writing skills appropriate for magazine and
the development and form of communication systems on the continent. Pre- newspaper feature sections. Significant emphasis is placed on assessing trends
requisites: ENG 112, INS 112, POL 111. in the industry and in the development of different types of feature articles
including the first-person narrative, the how-to-do-it article, the personality
profile, the column, and the critical review. Pre-requisite: COM 247.
www.daystar.ac.ke 159
COM 415 Advanced Writing & 3 Credits COM 430 BUSINESS AND ECONOMICS JOURNALISM 3 Credits
Speech Consultation The course is designed to provide the student with skills to cover professionally
A limited enrollment course that trains selected students in advanced writing business and economics stories. It offers a doorway to the understanding
and speaking pedagogy as well as consultation methodology. Course contents of the market forces that shape and affect the quality of daily lives for
societies and individuals. It introduces the student to the concepts of finance,
include English grammar and syntax, bibliographic and reference formats,
investment, marketing, corporate management, micro and macroeconomics,
techniques and philosophies of tutoring, and advanced public speaking
entreupneurship. It equips them to gauge and understand what is going on
instruction. Pre-requisite: Invitation by instructor. in companies big and small, and be able to report and write compelling
stories about them. It facilitates the student to discover the deeper business
COM 419 Communication Ethics & Law 3 Credits and economics elements in stories that may be viewed as politics, sports,
An examination of ethics and law in the various areas of the field of environment or science. Pre-requisite COM 247, 349.
communication including interpersonal, public speaking, and mass media
contexts. Students are introduced to major theories of ethics and examine COM 436 Editorial and Opinion Writing 3 Credits
related case studies as well as the laws and statutes that govern media in This course aims at developing thoughtful contributors to commentary pages
Kenya. Pre-requisites: ENG 112, INS 112, COM 247 or COM 349 or in print and online publications. It involves a theoretical and applied study of
Com 263. the opinion piece and examines several types of commentary, including the
editorial, the column and the blog. A significant portion of the course is devoted
COM 421 Strategies of Communication 3 Credits to the practice of opinion writing. Pre-requisites: COM 247.
An exploration of the different definitions of communication and the impact of
these definitions on the approach to communication situations including the COM 445 Editing 3 Credits
biblical foundation for communication. Topics include different elements of A course designed to develop students editing abilities through considering
communication: the communicator, the audience, the channel, the message, definition and functions of the editor and the editing process. Students gain
feedback, noise, and the environment of communication; an in depth skills in writing various types of news stories, magazine stories, textbooks,
analysis of the characteristics of mass media; the process of setting goals of and childrens books. A strong emphasis is placed on practical application of
communication; and analysis of the different strategies for communication. Pre- editing skills. Pre-requisite: COM 247 or COM 349.
requisite: Must be a senior student to take this course.
COM 448 Advertising 3 Credits
COM 422 Media & Christianity 3 Credits An exploration into the history and theory of advertising and advertising
This course provides communication majors with opportunities to study, agencies. The course considers a range of types of advertising, advertising
discuss, defend and integrate a Christ-centered worldview in the field design, art and photography, advertising campaigns, advertising in various
of communications, electronic media and emerging technologies. The contexts, and measures of effectiveness in advertising. Pre-requisites: COM
course entails a comprehensive analysis of fundamentalist and evangelical 099, COM 322, COM 346.
Christianitys appropriation of media in a comparative context, giving attention
to similarities and differences in various religious traditions. Students examine COM 449 Advertising Copy Writing 3 Credits
how to integrate their faith into their careers and give practical responses A study of the language of advertising including writing campaigns, headlines,
to cultural and historical shifts in worldviews. Pre-requisite: Must be senior taglines, body copy, and use of typefaces for various types of publications.
student to take this course. Focus is on application of knowledge to advertising procedures. Pre-requisite:
COM 448.
COM 426 Public Relations 3 Credits
An overview of the theory and practice of PR as a profession in the modern COM 450 Advertising Creative Strategy 3 Credits
organizational context. Contents include specific tasks of PR within an and Execution
organization, PR tactics for dealing with media, crisis, fund raising, and various An in-depth practical study of the creative side of advertising including
stakeholders. The course also examines PR as it is practiced in various contexts examination of branding, direct response advertising, out-of-home advertising
such as Christian ministries, NGOs, governmental organizations, corporations, and broadcasting. Pre-requisite: COM 449.
and other enterprises. Pre-requisites: COM 243, COM 247, COM 223.
COM 451 Advertising Media Strategy & Tactics 3 Credits
COM 427 Public Relations Writing 3 Credits An advanced exploration of the media used in advertising. The course examines
An advanced level writing course for students who are familiar with concepts the functions of media planning in advertising, media planning operations and
and principles of PR. The course involves planning, organizing, writing and tactics, setting objectives, developing strategies, and staging a media plan.
editing various organizational communication materials. It helps to shape, Pre-requisite: COM 448.
refine and strengthen students written communication skills with particular
emphasis on communicating on behalf of the organization or clients to diverse
publics. Pre-requisites: COM 426.
160 www.daystar.ac.ke
COM 459 Electronic Publishing & Design 3 Credits COM 475 Management AND Research IN 3 Credits
This course covers the publishing and designing of various print materials PUBLIC RELATIONS & ADVERTISING
using computer software. Through completing assigned exercises and projects The course examines the rise of management as related to the public relations
students learn how to use appropriate software, editing, image sourcing and advertising industry as well as practical application of organizational
and acquisition, scanning, computer based design, typography, color and planning. Topics include: creative directorship, account supervision, agency/
client relationship, personnel management, budgeting, crisis management,
production. Pre-requisites: ACS 101.
media, events. Pre-requisite: Either COM 448 or COMM 426.
COM 461 Advertising Campaigns 3 Credits
COM 496 Independent Study 3 Credits
In this course basic skills acquired in previous advertising courses are utilized
There are times when a student may be interested in an area of study but
and refined. Students examine creation and presentation of a full campaign for
which for varied reasons the department may not be able to offer. In such case
a new product including marketing concepts, objectives, product positioning,
a student may, in consultation with either a member of faculty or the head of
goals, layouts, media and actual commercial presentation. Pre-requisite:
department, design a programme of study to satisfy that interest. Pre-requisite
COM 449.
COM 497 Senior Project 4 Credits
COM 466 Video Production 3 Credits
In special cases students may substitute a senior project for the communication
An examination of and training in the tools of video production. Topics include
field study. Students will turn in a 3-4 page proposal containing enough
use of the cameras, camera shots, angles and movements, composition;,
information about the project for the faculty advisor to assess. The paper should
lighting, scripting, editing, and postproduction work. Pre-requisite: COM 264.
be an original piece of research which includes a review of relevant literature,
statement of the problem, description of method, presentation of research
COM 467 Broadcast Journalism 3 Credits
findings, interpretation of findings, and conclusions and recommendation, or
An advanced exploration of the essentials of broadcast news writing, reporting,
a radio or video production of a specified length. Pre-requisite: COM 321.
and production. The course emphasizes skills in copy writing, good grammar,
techniques of field reporting, interviewing and news editing for radio and
COM 499 Communication Field Study 4 Credits
TV news. The course also examines the ethical/professional dimension of
An assigned task for which the students course work has prepared him/her
broadcsat journalism from a Christian perspective. Pre-requisites: COM 361,
and to which the student, faculty, and employer agree. The minimum time-
COM 466.
period for the field study is seven weeks of full time work with the employer, or
270 clock hours. The assignment must require competence in areas relevant
COM 468 Broadcast Presentation 3 Credits
to the students chosen sequence of study and stimulate growth in those areas
An introduction to the art, discipline, and business of radio and television
of competence. Under special circumstances to be determined in consultation
presentation skills. The course gives the student both a theoretical and practical
with the head of department a student may replace COM 499 with Senior
experience in performing for broadcast. Pre-requisites: COM 223, COM
Project COM 497, for example when a student has a cumulative GPA of less
361, COM 466.
than 2.5. Pre-requisite: Completion of third year and all or most courses in
the concentration area.
COM 469 Broadcast Progamming, 3 Credits
Promotion & Strategy
INS 111 Communication and Culture I 3 Credits
An exploration of broadcast programming and promotion strategies and
A course that introduces students to foundational concepts in communication
practices for radio, television and the web. The course focuses on audience
and anthropology as well as intercultural communication. The course is built
and programme research, promotion and marketing, programme acquisition,
around principles of communication as articulated by Donald Smith with
selection, promotion, scheduling and evaluation. Pre-requisites: COM 361,
amplification by other communication theorists. The course is considered to be
COM 466.
the foundation of student experience in Daystar.
COM 474 MEDIA Management 3 Credits
An overview of the principles and theories of media management. Course INS 112 Communication and Culture II 3 Credits
content includes the philosophy of media organizations, management A continuation of INS 111 that introduces students to additional communication
structures of various types of media, management of circulation, readership, and anthropological concepts and theories. Emphasis is placed on integrating
audience, programs, human resources, technical issues in broadcast, sales and course material into student understanding of contemporary events and issues
advertising, and budgeting. Pre-requisite: Either COM 445 or COMM 466. in society from a biblical viewpoint. Prerequisites: INS 111.
www.daystar.ac.ke 161
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
INS 111 3 INS 112 3 ACS 101 2 COM 226 3
BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3 ECO 111 2 COM 263 3
ENG 111 3 ENG 112 3 INS 212 2 INS 313 3
PHY 112 2 PHL 111 3 COM 223 3
ENV 112 3 BIO 111 2 BIL 212 2 Minor or Elective 6
MAT 102 3 HPE 113 1 COM 231 3 6
ART/LIT/ MUS 111 3 COM 099 0 (3) POL 111 1
15 14 (17) 15 18
162 www.daystar.ac.ke
Requirement For Graduation Technical and Professional Communication Elective Courses (Choose 8 for a
total of 24 credit hours.)
Daystar University allows students to graduate with a single major, a double
major, or a major and a minor. It will therefore be possible for student to Course Credit Hours
graduate with either a Major in Technical and Professional communication TPC 426 Speech Writing 3
and a minor in another field; or a minor in Technical and Professional
TPC 457 Designing Online Information 3
communication and a Major in another program.
TPC 458 Instructional Design 3
To graduate with a Major in Technical and Professional Communication, a TPC 459 Project Management 3
student must meet the following criteria of course requirement and credit hour TPC 408 Special Topics 3
combination from various disciplines besides meeting the general university
COM 322 Persuasion 3
regulations stipulated in chapter 1 of this document.
MAK 316 Advertising 3
TPC 496 Independent Study 3
General Education Courses 39 COM 499 Advertising Copywriting 3
Technical and Professional Communication required 51 DEV 213 Communication for Development 3
TPC Course Electives 24 Requirements for Graduation with a TPC (Minor)
Free Electives 15
To graduate with a minor in TPC, the student must fulfill the following requirements:
Courses Credit Hours
Required courses in TPC 15
Required Courses Credit Hours
Elective courses in TPC 6
TPC101 Introduction to Technical and Professional 3
Communication Total 21
TPC102 Technical and Professional Communication 3
Style Required Courses Credit Hours
TPC 201 Technical and Professional Communication 3 TPC 101 Introduction to Technical Communication 3
TPC 102 Technical Communication Style 3
TPC 202 Designing Technical Report 3
TPC 201 Technical Editing 3
ACS 111 Introduction to Programming 3
TPC 202 Designing Technical Reports 3
ACS 361 Introduction to Database Systems 3
COM 346 Creative Graphic Arts 3
MIS 451 Designing and Building Web Pages 3
MAK 212 Marketing Principles 3
TPC Elective Courses (choose two for a total of 6 credit hours)
COM 302 Statistics for Communication Research 3
Credit Hours
COM 321 Communication Research and Design 3
COM 302 Statistics for Communication Research 3
MAK 335 Marketing Communication 3
COM 321 Communication Research Design 3
TPC 340 Communication in a Corporate Culture 3
MAK 335 Marketing Communication 3
COM 346 Creative Graphic Arts 3
TPC 340 Communication in Corporate Culture 3
TPC414 Ethics in Technical and Professional 3
TPC 408 Special Topics 3
TPC 426 Writing Speeches 3
TPC 507 Internship 6
MIS 451 Designing and Building Web Pages 3
TPC 597 Senior Project 3
TPC 458 Instructional Design 3
TPC 459 Publications and Project Management 3
www.daystar.ac.ke 163
Students who have done COM 346, Creative Graphic Arts must take an extra
elective to meet their graduation requirement for the minor.
164 www.daystar.ac.ke
Programme Structure
Like other undergraduate programmes at Daystar, the programme is planned to extend over a period of four academic years. TPC 597 must be taken in the June-
July semester of the third year of the students progress in the programme. The proposed 4 year structure is as stipulated in the table below:
1st YEAR
First Semester Second Semester 3rd YEAR
TOTAL 18 15
www.daystar.ac.ke 165
3 Credit hours
166 www.daystar.ac.ke
TPC 408 SPECIAL TOPICS 3 Credit hours TPC 459 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 3 Credit hours
The content will be derived from any area of technical and professional This course includes an introduction to project management, the role of a
communication that is not covered in the technical and professional project manager; needs analysis; writing project proposals; and the project
communication major or already chosen electives in any department at development phases i.e. planning, designing, implementing, completing, and
Daystar University. The course will be taught on the basis of availability of maintaining projects in a corporate team environment.
faculty with interest and expertise in that area and a complete course outline
approved by the department. Examples of proposed areas of study include TPC 496 INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Credit hours
gender bias in technical and professional communication/ women in technical The content will depend on the area of study chosen by the student. Students
and professional communication, rhetorical styles in technical and professional are free to choose study areas from technical and professional communication
communication. as long as the study area does not have the same content as a required course
of a chosen elective. The student should write a proposal from which the course
TPC 414 ETHICS IN TECHNICAL & 3 Credit hours outline is drawn.
The course will focus on what is ethics; business ethics; ethical dilemmas; TPC 597 SENIOR PROJECT 3 Credit hours
resolving ethical conflicts values, interests and ethics; codes of ethics; legal The student will choose a topic that meets departmental requirements. The
obligations; privacy; striving for perfection; working in teams; conflict of interest; student will submit a 3-4 page proposal stating; the problem, objectives of
sensitivity to culture; principles of ethical communication; social responsibility; study, method of study, preliminary outline of study, expected results and,
professional growth; advancing professionalism. tentative bibliography. The writing of the paper will not commence until the
student submits an acceptable proposal. The paper will be reviewed weekly
TPC 426 WRITING SPEECHES 3 Credit hours by the students supervisor. The final project will be submitted in a diskette or
Topics in the course include fundamentals in speech writing, ethics in CD and a hard copy.
speech writing, the rhetorical situation, speech criticism, professional speech
writing; historic speechwriters and their speeches; contemporary theories TPC 507 TECHNICAL & PROFESSIONAL 3 Credit hours
of speechwriting, speechwriting workshops; cooperative writing as part of COMMUNICATION INTERNSHIP
an organizational team, revision and critical analysis in preparing effective The student will complete an attachment in the industry, business or research
speeches; use of the internet to discover and utilize resources for preparing organization, or carry out a client sponsored project in the fourth year of study.
speech texts. The internship will be at least seven weeks of full time work with the employer
within Nairobi and its environs. (270 hours); Assignments will require
MAK 316 ADVERTISING 3 Credit hours competence in the areas relevant to the students course of study and which will
What is advertising; advertising and the economy; advertising players/ stimulate growth in those areas of competence. The student may not enroll in
agencies; the relationship between advertising and marketing; product branding other courses while undertaking the field study. Prerequisite Completion of third
and images; advertising and media planning; advertisement strategies and year and all relevant courses.
types; international advertising; creating and designing advertisements.
MIS 451 DESIGNING AND BUILDING 3 Credit hours Definition of a program; algorithms; program design and steps to writing a good
WEB SITES program; flowcharts and pseudo-code; structure sequence, decisions, loops;
Web fundamentals; client/server architecture, page design; content top down programming modules and hierarchy charts; decision making using
design; site design; Intranet design; web browsers; accessibility for users Boolean, and, or logic; looping using while, for, do until, and nested
with disabilities; international (Global) use of the internet and E-commerce; loops; arrays and parallel arrays; using menus; validating input; debugging
the trend and future of the Internet; simplicity in web design; HTML and ASP error types; compile (syntax), run time logic; methods modularization and
programming; introduction to JAVA language; writing JAVA applets. implementation using procedures and functions.
To create an understanding of information design, the relationship between the SYSTEMS
client and the technical communicator, the place of content and appearance File systems and databases; database design methodology; the relational
in information design, approaches to document design e.g. writing as a database model; Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling; introduction to Structured
problem solving activity, minimalism, use-centered design etc; frameworks for Query Language (SQL); normalization of database tables; project using a
information design, application through the design and development of on-line selected database management system.
help systems.
Student assessment will be based on project work, continuous assessment and
a final examination. The project work and continuous assessment will comprise
This course will focus on needs assessment, audience analysis, writing
70% of the final grade and the final examination 30%.
instructional objectives, development of a learner profile, development
of instructional frameworks, instructional media, instructional assessment
tools, impediments to effective instruction, designing tutorials and job aids
programme evaluation.
www.daystar.ac.ke 167
1. To prepare students for leadership, management and service in communication- COM 302 Statistics 0 (3)
related offices in churches, para-church organizations, non-governmental COM 592 Exploring Mass Media 0 (3)
organizations, government agencies, corporate establishments and other
societal institutions;
2. To equip students for further postgraduate study in communication; Communication Core Courses
3. To promote students ability to integrate their Christian faith with the COM 618/GRA 614 Communication & Leadership 3
various disciplines in the field of communication; COM 621 Communication Theory 3
4. To develop students ability to think critically about human problems and
COM 624 Media Law & Ethics 3
to effectively strategize communication-related solutions;
5. To equip students with advanced research and writing skills; COM 636 Global Communication 3
6. To train students to be critical consumers of communication research and COM 698 Communication Thesis 6
to effectively apply research findings.
168 www.daystar.ac.ke
Corporate Communication Concentration Course Descriptions
Required Courses GRW 611 Graduate Research & Writing i 2 Credits
COM 600 Corporate Communication 3 This course forms part of a 4 credit hour course that is taken in two semesters
with the first part (GRW 611) meant to introduce research to students and build
COM 639 Media Relations & Crisis Communication 3
up to the level where students can have the first parts of a proposal written in
COM 643 Advanced Public Relation Writing 3 draft form ( Introduction, background, problem statement, objectives, research
COM 652 Communication and Advocacy 3 questions, hypothesis, rationale and literature review). The course will seek to
ground students in the basics of research writing. The next course (GRW 613)
COM 653 Public Relations Research 3 is intended to build up on GRW 611 and will concentrate on methodology
COM 654 Advanced Corporate Communication 3 section and wriring up of the final thesis after data collection.
GRW 613 Graduate Research & Writing II 2 Credits
This course forms part of a 4 credit hour course that is taken in two semesters
with the first part GRW 611 meant to introduce research to students. GRW
Development Communication Concentration 613 concentrates on methodology section and writing up of the final thesis
after data collection. The course content includes, Data collection procedures,
Required Courses approaches to sampling, Data analysis and processing. Pre-requisite GRW
COM 652 Communication and Advocacy 3
COM 684 Theories of Development Communication 3 INS 612 Process and Principles of Communication 3 Credits
COM 685 Theories of Health Communication 3 & Culture
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the basic principles of
COM 686 Programme Monitoring & Evaluation 3 communication and their application in messages to audiences and to acquaint
COM 687 Risk Communication 3 them with key concepts and assumptions with which cultural anthropologists
COM 692 Development Communication Campaigns 3
SUBTOTAL 18 COM 592 Exploring Mass Media 0(3) Credit
An introduction to the main principles, terms and process, as well as the theories
of mass media. The course is a requirement for all M.A. students joining the
Media Studies Concentration
M.A. programme without undergraduate or sufficient professional background
in communication. Content covered includes: history and development of
Required Courses
media globally, regionally and nationally; impact of media on society; future
COM 668 Writing for Media 3 of media industry in Kenya; and specific characteristics of various print and
COM 669 Applied Media Research 3 electronic media.
www.daystar.ac.ke 169
field. It studies the nature of communication theories and theory development, to professional employment in the public relations field. It introduces the major
theories of meaning, information processing and influence with applications theoretical traditions in public relations illustrated by specific theories, and
to selected communication contexts. Attention will be directed throughout builds on understanding of PR research methodologies. The students will learn
the course to the processes of developing a theoretically based research to apply various theories and skills for PR research in the work place. Topics
programme within a disciplinary context, conducting useful and significant covered will include: communication audit, opinion polls, audience analysis,
research, and understanding the relation between types of claims and the context analysis, focus groups, evaluation of message exposure, measurement
data and arguments used to support them. Students will be invited to envision of audience awareness, attitude, activity, supplemental activity, web and email
themselves as potential developers of original programmes of communication surveys, market research. Prerequisite: COM 600.
research. Content includes the history of communication studies, the broad
intellectual and institutional contours of the field, issues related to disciplinarity COM 654 Advanced Corporate 3 Credits
and professionalism, epistemological foundations of communication research, Communication MANAGENENT
and how basic assumptions about knowledge shape research and theory in An examination of the importance of strategic corporate communication to the
the field. success of organizations, providing analyses of critical challenges confronting
todays communications professionals in business, government and non-for-profit
COM 624 Media Law & Ethics 3 Credits enterprise as well as enhancing development of communication skills to resolve
This course acquaints students with important ethical issues involved in the these challenges. Topics covered include: theoretical foundations, definition,
communication process as human beings interact with one another, with and characteristics of strategic corporate communication; communication
particular attention to the ethical problems arising from the use of the mass processes, principles and models; the social context of strategic communication;
media. Course content includes: definition of ethics; components of ethical philosophical implications of strategy, tools and techniques used by
systems; bases for ethical judgment: legal constraints on the mass media; communications practitioners; strategic planning, execution, and evaluation
laws concerning defamation, libel and slander; copyright law; registration of of communications; practical and ethical dimensions of communications.
publications; systems of media law; constitutional guarantees; Christianity and Prerequisite: COM 600.
communication ethics.
COM 668 Writing For Media 3 Credits
COM 636 Global Communication 3 Credits The course enhances students skills in writing quality professional script for the
This course introduces the student to the underlying historical trends of global electronic media (radio, print, television and film). Content covered includes
communication, attempts to theorize global communication, globalization of principles of good writing; news writing; style, format, script; news features and
media industries its impact on the world economy, politics and culture as well documentaries; entertainment programmes; music shows, variety show, radio
as the implications of new technologies for communication in the future. magazines, radio drama, analysis and critique of radio and television drama;
childrens programmes, womens programmes, writing for the Christian world,
COM 639 Media Relations & Crisis Communication 3 Credits ethics and social responsibility of journalism and media. Prerequisite: COM
This course will develop skills in students for effectively dealing with the 592.
news media and create an understanding of the make up, methodology
and motivations for media relations efforts. Students will learn how to assess COM 669 Applied Media Research 3 Credits
and critique media relations to meet the needs of their organization or client. The course equips the student with knowledge and skills in applied media
Emphasis will be placed on writing and interviewing for the news media in research. Topics explored include: application of mass media theories to
addition to methods of preparing for and dealing with crisis communication. research, formative research for programme design, production, and pre-
testing; audience research; uses and gratification, audience dynamics,
COM 643 Advanced Public Relations Writing 3 Credits analysis of programme design; research for public communication; public
This course provides guidance in crafting a story for the media on behalf opinion research; market research; research skills on media effects; research
of an organisation, with an emphasis on strategic thinking, and sharply for programme rating, viewership, listenership and readership.
focused writing. Attention is paid to defining clear message points, organizing
information for clarity, and understanding different audiences and media. COM 675 Mass Media Language, Formats, 3 Credits
Students will learn to conceptualise and execute a variety of written pieces. Aesthetics & Criticism
An introduction to research and writing about and for the ever-changing new The course helps the student to explore the history of various media, and how
media. Prerequisite COM 600. content interacts with each to form a message. Content covered in the course
includes history of media aesthetics, media language and formats; media
COM 652 Communication & Advocacy 3 Credits appreciation; criticism of media and society; art for arts sake, technical and
This course provides information and skills to plan, implement an evaluate artistic critique; working and implications of digital technology. Prerequisite:
advocacy programmes, that is, to highlight important issues to decision makers COM 592 or equivalent.
in order to influence and facilitate eventful change in policy maker attitudes,
practices, or policies. This course provides the students with the tools to plan, COM 681 Advanced Audio & Video Production 3 Credits
implement and evaluate advocacy programmes to effectively impact society. This course explores the aesthetics of picture and sound through studying the
design and creation of video, audio, graphic and narrative content. The visual
COM 653 Public Relations Research 3 Credits portion will include such topics as: the color of light, sound in its environments,
This course is designed to equip students with the theoretical background and color schemes, the emotions of color, theories of editing, aesthetics of lighting
research methodology skills for successful transition to continued education or and the aesthetics of composition; use of the camera to tell a story; explore the
170 www.daystar.ac.ke
way the camera uses color, depth of field, exposure, movement, angles and COM 686 Programme Evaluation & Monitoring 3 Credits
composition to express deeper message meaning. The audio portion studies An introduction to issues and strategies for monitoring and evaluating
advanced recording and mixing techniques for voice, music, sound effects and development programs in a variety of settings. The course establishes a
silence while focusing on the quality of emotions and messages it produced. framework, rationale, and the basic concepts essential to planning, designing,
The students will evaluate both audio and video production but will spend and conducting an evaluation of development and health programming at
considerable time in the practice of production. various stages. Content includes: background and significance of programme
evaluation and monitoring; programme conceptualization and design;
COM 682 Advanced Print & 3 Credits programme coverage and delivery; participatory planning and evaluation;
Multimedia Production & Design planning an evaluation; internal, construct, and external validity; impact
This is a practical course designed to sharpen the student reporting, writing, evaluation; formative evaluation; process evaluation; cost evaluation; the
editing, publishing and design skills in print media. Content covered includes: evaluation report; critiquing evaluation proposals; and needs assessment.
advanced reporting and writing of news; designing and writing online news; Prerequisites: GRW 611, GRW 613.
fundamentals and principles of page design; typography; fundamentals of
jacket design; computer editing of text; and the editor-writer relationship. COM 687 Risk Communication 3 Credits
Students will spend considerable time in practical work of designing, writing An examination of theory and research related to communication of scientific
and editing using the appropriate computer software. information about environmental, agricultural, food, health, and nutritional risks.
Course concentrates on social theories related to risk perception and behavior.
COM 683 Media Mgt, Planning & Evaluation 3 Credits Case studies involving waste management, water quality, environmental
A capstone course that highlights and analyses the field of management hazards, and/or personal health behaviors are examined. Topics covered
within the print and electronic media industry. The course aims at developing include: defining risk; situating risk communication in the field of risk studies;
and sharpening skills in media management. Content includes: management psychological aspects of risk; risk assessment; trust and credibility as related to
philosophy and principles, management of media institutions; radio, television, risk perception; media coverage and risk; sociological aspects of risk; strategies
cable, print and the Internet; management of not-for-profit and for-profit media for risk communication; stakeholder involvement in risk communication.
entities; media ownership and control, resource management and mobilization, Prerequisite: COM 684.
audience management, media policy regulations and ethics; planning,
promotions, sales and advertising; management of convergent media and the COM 692 Development Communication Campaigns 3 Credits
future of media management; strategic management skills, and evaluation of A critical and practical examination of what does and does not work with
media performance. Prerequisite: COM 685. development campaigns. Blending theory and practice, the course encourages
thoughtful criticism of past campaigns based on solid theoretical ideas and the
COM 684 Theories of Development Communication 3 Credits subsequent development of worthwhile applications. Students are expected
An introduction to use of communication and information systems and processes to apply theories by creating a mini-campaign on the development issue of
to promote national and regional development, to support specific development their choice. Topics covered include: history of campaigns; free and paid
projects, and to facilitate social change. By the end of the course, students modalities; application of social marketing, risk communication, edutainment,
should have developed through exposure to a variety of approaches the and media advocacy to campaigns; assessing campaign effectiveness;
flexibility to critically adapt to specific social, political, cultural, and economic planning models for communication campaigns, ethical issues in campaigns
realities. Topics covered include: definition, history, and philosophy of planning and implementation. Prerequisites: COM 684, COM 685.
development; theories of development; definition and concept of development
communication; development communication theories; development COM 698 Communication THESIS/PROJECT 3 Credits
communication study as a multi-disciplinary field; strategies in communication The final thesis/project takes the form of a research proposal followed by an
for development; participatory development; perspectives on participation in oral defense. Upon successful presentation the student, under the guidance of
development; nature of aid agencies; debates on information flow and new a supervisor drawn from among the faculty, will conduct research/project and
technologies, diffusion theory and practice; social marketing; entertainment analyze the results in a written thesis. The student will be required to defend the
education/infotainment; indigenous communication and folk media; meanings core ideas therein to a review board, which may comprise of class instructors,
of third world. Prerequisite: COM 592 or equivalent. a supervisory committee of instructors from previous courses, members of the
programs advisory board and if, necessary, including an external examiner.
COM 685 Theories of Health Communication 3 Credits The thesis/project course is conducted all year round. Due to the demands of
An introduction to theories and research about the role that communication this course, students are advised to avoid excessive course load in the same
plays in health behavior change programmes. The first half of the course focuses semester. Students must have completed three semesters of course work before
on behavioural change theories. The second half of the course covers research enrolling in thesis/project.
on specific topics relevant to health communication. Topics covered include:
entertainment education, multicultural audiences, the relationship of health
communication theory to general communication theory, community-based
health care organizations, health and daily interpersonal communication,
health literacy, patient provider communication, popular media and health,
the role of faith-based organizations in health and health communication, and
health communication ethics. Prerequisite: COM 684.
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172 www.daystar.ac.ke
Communication technologies in Africa in the 21st century are impacting society Student Assessment
and the Church. While Daystar University will continue to provide, with other A final examination will be administered at the end of each semester
Christians, academic leadership to the church in Africa so as to address for some courses; the mark scored by the student will be added to those
through research, education, and consultation, the economic, social, political, marks from continuous assessments to establish the students final mark for
post-colonial, and conflict communication challenges of African societies and a given course.
those issues unique to the church of Christ, the Ph.D. in Communication seeks to Course grades for Communication Ph.D students will vary from course to
provide further education for aspiring servant leaders desiring to integrate their course. The dissertation will be based 100% on assessment of complete
Christian faith with their communication skills, creative abilities and knowledge work at defence, while the Professional Development and Service
of communication and the arts in an African context. Learning will be based 100% on assessment on completed work at final
Our programme seeks to equip our graduates on two levels: intellectual and For each course the student is given a letter grade, which has the
spiritual. On the intellectual front, we aspire to instil within the framework following significance:
of African values the following qualities in our graduates: critical and
creative thinking skills; confidence to commit to African ideas and values; an
Marks Letter Grade Grade Point Average Significance
understanding of the larger context in which they live; opportunity to develop
competence to compete in academic, corporate, and governmental arenas.
91 100 A 4.00 Superior
Spiritually, the programme seeks to enable graduates to do the following: know
God through Christ as Saviour within an African context; develop an individual, 81 90 A- 3.70
authentic walk with Him; share that journey with others; find a purpose and a 76 80 B+ 3.30 Average
calling; and develop the skills to pursue that calling. 71 75 B 3.00
Below 71 Unacceptable for
Finally, in producing a network of Ph.D graduates, Daystar seeks to empower
Christians with a powerful voice in our global society through, development and
health communication channels, through corporate communication networks,
through both print and electronic media, through media professionalism, Duration of the Course/Examinations and Dissertation
teaching and academic scholarship. Defence
The duration for the Ph. D in Communication program will be between three
Admission Requirements to four years of full-time study, including time for dissertation. The program will
Admission to the doctoral programme is limited to one intake annually, run on a semester basis, whereby a semester will run for 15 weeks (13 weeks
comprising a 5-10 member student cohort of candidates of exceptionally high of classwork and 2 weeks of examinations) The program will operate a
competence and promise. All applicants must meet the entry requirements of credit system where one credit hour is equivalent to one lecture hour per week.
the School of Communication, Languages & Performing Arts. Specifically, All requirements must be completed within eight-year limit from the time of a
the students wishing to enter the Ph.D in Communication program must hold students first enrolment in the program.
a Masters degree in Communication. The admission requirements normally For one to start the dissertation, one will be expected to pass the comprehensive
include: examination.
Evidence of devotion to Christ and good standing with their churches as
stipulated in Daystar Universitys Charter Section 5(1); Coursework
A 3.00 (on 4.00 system) grade point average in Master of Arts in The coursework will consist of 39 credit hours which include 8 hours of general
Communication with thesis or a Master of Arts in Communication without education core courses, 10 hours of statistics and research methods courses,
thesis but with at least two research-based papers published in refereed 6 hours of core communication courses, 12 hours of communication elective
journals. courses and 3 hours of a professional development course. Students must
For students whose medium of instruction is not English, and who have not achieve a minimum of B grade (3.00) in each course.
earned an earlier degree at a college or university at which the teaching
language is English, a score of 250 out of 300 (computer assisted)/ Comprehensive Examination
500 out of 677 (manual) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language A comprehensive examination is given when the student has completed all
(TOEFL) is required. required and prescribed courses. The comprehensive examination must be
www.daystar.ac.ke 173
taken within three years of a students first enrolment in the program. The exams
Research Methodology and Analysis Courses 10 Credits
will be written but students may be required to submit to oral examination
in cases where the written exams need clarification. To undertake the RES 850 Research Methodology 4
comprehensive examination, a student must have passed all the core courses RES 851 Quantitative Research Methods and Analysis 3
and attained a cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.00. It is on a RES 852 Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis 3
pass or fail basis and will not contribute to the total credit hours. However,
candidates who do not pass the comprehensive examination will not be
allowed to proceed with the program. Communication Core Courses 6 Credits
COM 810 Advanced Communication Theory 3
The Dissertation COM 815 Communication Ethics 3
Each candidate for the Ph.D in Communication degree must submit an
acceptable dissertation. The Ph.D dissertation at Daystar is expected to be
a substantial contribution to research in the field of study, demonstrating Specialization Courses 12 Credits
originality, creativity, breadth of research, careful argumentation, and clear Students must complete any four of the following:
English style. In principle, a good dissertation will be publishable (certainly COM 830 Seminar on Human Communication 3
in the form of an article or articles). The dissertation is the centrepiece of
Media Stewardship and Socio-Cultural
the doctoral enterprise. The topic should be chosen wisely, and the proposal COM 831 3
should be written after extensive appropriate reading and careful and thorough
research. Seminar on Political, Public and Corporate
COM 832 3
174 www.daystar.ac.ke
Tentative Schedule for the Communication Ph. D. Program Semester 6-9:
Semester 1: COM 995 Dissertation I 6
GRA 801 Doctoral Colloquium 2 COM 996 Dissertation II 6
BIL 801 Seminar on Integration of Faith and Life 3 COM 997 Dissertation III 6
BIL 802 Philosophy of Scientific Inquiry 3 COM 998 Dissertation IV 3
COM 810 Advanced Communication Theory 3
Semester 2:
COM 815 Communication Ethics 3
Course Descriptions
RES 850 Research Methodology 4
RES 851 Quantitative Research Methods and Analysis 3
This course is intended to develop the knowledge skills and attitudes necessary
COM 830 Seminar on Human Communication 3 for students to fulfil academic requirements for producing and evaluating
postgraduate research writing. Through the course, students gain exposure to
Semester 3: major steps in designing, implementing, analysing, synthesising, and evaluating
RES 852 Qualitative Research Methods and Analysis 3 research reports. The students will demonstrate understanding of the academic
Seminar on Applied Organizational rigour and standards expected of postgraduate students.
COM 835 3
COM 834 Seminar on Media Studies 3
The course seeks to enable students to reach their full potential as Christians by
Semester 4: integrating their faith with their disciplines, lives and careers.
www.daystar.ac.ke 175
RES 852 Qualitative Research Methods & Analysis 3 Credits health communication. It will examine the role of communication as an
This course is intended to provide the students with skills needed to do intervention tool particularly within the backdrop of continuing poverty and
qualitative research. Building on foundational material from RES 850, it health challenges in the emerging democracies. The course will apply social
aims at developing the students to become researchers that can competently marketing principles to campaign strategies in health and development sectors
study social and cultural phenomena related to communication. Through the and critique their suitability for the African environment. Students will explore
course students will gain exposure to major steps in designing, preparing, current research trends in development and health communication.
and conducting qualitative research. This course provides an opportunity for
students to explore data analysis within the context of the principles of individual COM 834 Media Studies 3 Credits
qualitative research approaches. Prerequisite: Research Methodology (RES The course addresses relationships among audiences, media texts and
850) institutions (the way that media and society interact and affect each other
COM 810 Advanced Communication Theory 3 Credits within political, cultural, and social contexts); development of the necessary
skills for critical consumption and production of media texts; relationships
This course is designed to equip communication doctoral students with the
between media technologies, economy, politics and socio-cultural forms
requisite advanced theoretical background in interpersonal, group, public and
through a range of innovative methodological approaches, with a focus on
mass communication contexts for a successful transition to continued education
placing these developments within historical and social contexts; development
or to professional employment in their chosen communication field.
of critical understanding of digital media and online social practices that inform
academic research and public debates. The course also addresses emerging
COM 815 Communication Ethics 3 Credits
media issues in todays increasingly information-driven and globalised digital
This course provides students with an opportunity to grow in moral wisdom, world.
through case analysis, reading moral theory from African and other authors,
and engaging in the contemporary conversation surrounding communication COM 835 Seminar on Applied 3 Credits
ethics with leaders in business, media, church and the academy. Organizational Communication
This seminar will enable students to understand the foundational and current
COM 830 Seminar on Human Communication 3 Credits research trends in the theories and practices of the lifeblood of all organizations:
This course is designed to critically review the concepts, models and theories communication. The course covers the nexus between theory and practice,
in several areas in the human communication discipline particularly in gender, enhances students critical thinking ability, develops their organizational
intercultural, intrapersonal and interpersonal context. It seeks to enable students diagnostic and analytical skills through the study of organizational processes
to articulate some of the crucial questions in the field, summarize current and structures, enables them to carry out research on organizational
theories and research, and provide relevant applications, and interrogate the communication and ultimately prescribes solutions to communication problems
gender and cultural variation of human communication. in organizations.
COM 831 Media Stewardship & 3 Credits GRA 814 Leadership Development & Management 3 Credits
Socio-Cultural Institutions This course will equip students with knowledge, skills, and help them form
The course is designed to provide students with tools to better understand attitudes that will enable them to assume leadership in the academia, church,
and explore and critically evaluate societys own experiences of religion and private and corporate organisations, and also public institutions or any
other emerging themes. and the portrayal of social institutions in the media: other place where they may be called upon to serve. The course is aimed at
religions, ethnicity, marriage and family, cultural practices, electronic faith enabling graduates of the Ph.D. in communication program to be equipped
communities.. The course will also examine the impact of media content with leadership and management skills, drawn from their area of specialisation,
that they can draw from as they assume leadership positions in the various
underlying motivations for usage of selected media within divergent groups in
facets of society.
community. Students will come out of the class with improved critical thinking
skills for understanding the integration of faith in media selection, media content
GRA 870 Education, Critical Thinking & 3 Credits
and culture, stewardship and the future development and appropriation of
Teaching Methods
mass communication technologies locally and internationally.
The course aims at enabling students to develop skills, engender knowledge, and
create (and renovate) attitudes that will enable them to facilitate transformative
COM 832 Seminar on Political, Public & 3 Credits
learning, critical reflective thinking, and perspective transformation in the lives
Corporate Communication of learners in post-secondary education programmes. The course focuses on a
This seminar equips students with a communication knowledge bank that variety of educational philosophies and their related teaching methodologies.
enables them to operate in the public arena, corporate world, and within the Additionally, students will experience these philosophies and methodologies in
academic community, engaging in both research and teaching. ways that will facilitate transformative learning, critical reflective thinking, and
perspective transformation in them, their worldview, teaching, and profession.
COM 833 Seminar on Development & 3 Credits
Health Communication
This course will provide students with an in-depth look at the theory, the
practice, and an examination of the emerging trends in development and
176 www.daystar.ac.ke
Communication and creativity play a vital role in any society. The courses in the Department of Language and Performing Arts contributes to this
role by offering students the opportunity to develop their talent in poetry, fiction, writing, translation, speech and music, as well as to appreciate the
arts from different parts of the world. We also equip students with the skills to become educators who will develop skills in these areas among the
upcoming generations.
The programmes under the department are; Each degree programme has a variety of courses which
Graded Certificate in Music (GCCM) prepare students interested in careers in;
Diploma in Music teaching
BA Kiswahili film/script writing
acting for theatre and film
BA English
poetry writing and performance
BA French
speech writing
BA Music. fiction writing
journalism and news broadcast
translation and interpretation
music performance
www.daystar.ac.ke 177
CMU 003 Performance Instruction I Concentrations
CMU 004 Performance Instruction II There are six different certificates with different concentrations.
CMU 007 Recital I Credit Hours
CMU 008 Recital II Certificate In Performance 24
CMU 016 Music Project Planning and Management Certificate In Church Music 24
CMU 018 Class Instrumental/Vocal Studies & Techniques Certificate In Music Business 24
CMU 026 Performance Repertoire I Certificate In Performing Arts 24
CMU 027 Performance Repertoire II
CMU 028 Dance Performance Certificate in Performance
CMU 031 Instrumental instruction (keyboard/guitar/voice) Term One (12 Hours) Term Two (12 Hours)
CMU 001 3 CMU 002 2
ii) Second category 70% Continuous Assessment, 30% Final Examination
CMU 003 2 CMU 004 2
Courses under this category combine both knowledge and skills in music. The
final grade consists of an average of written continuous assessments and the CMU 005 3 CMU 006 3
final examination marks. Courses under this category are: CMU 018 3 CMU 019 4
CMU 007 1 CMU 008 1
CMU 001 Basic Music Theory and Aural Skills I
CMU 002 Basic Music Theory and Aural Skills II
Certificate in Church Music
CMU 005 Biblical Foundation of Performing Arts
Term One (12 Hours) Term Two (12 Hours)
CMU 006 Presentation, Stagecraft & Concert Organization
CMU 001 3 CMU 002 2
CMU 009 Church Music Administration
CMU 003 3 CMU 006 3
CMU 010 Church Music and Ministry
CMU 005 3 CMU 004 2
CMU 011 Leading Worship
CMU 011 3 CMU 010 2
CMU 012 Business Ethics in Music
CMU 007 1 CMU 009 2
CMU 013 Music Business Outlets and Marketing
CMU 030 3 CMU 008 1
CMU 014 Music Business Management
CMU 030 1
CMU 015 Basic Principles of Administration & Personnel Management
CMU 017 Music Production
Certificate In Music Business
CMU 019 Music Collection and Composition for Ministry
Term One (13 Hours) Term Two (11 Hours)
CMU 020 Performing Arts Instruction I
CMU 001 3 CMU 008 1
CMU 021 Performing Arts Instruction II
CMU 003 2 CMU 014 2
CMU 022 General Teaching Methods & Administration in Music
CMU 005 3 CMU 015 3
CMU 023 Micro-teaching
CMU 007 2 CMU 016 2
CMU 024 Music Educational Planning & Human Development
CMU 012 2 CMU 017 3
CMU 025 African Performing Arts
CMU 013 2 CMU 030 2
CMU 029 Curriculum Development in Music
CMU 030 3
CMU 030 Special Topicelective
178 www.daystar.ac.ke
and impolite language; Reading aloud of texts and making conversation on
Certificate In Performing Arts
different topics such as ordering a meal in a restaurant, looking for a house
Term One (13 Hours) Term Two (11 Hours) to rent.
CMU 001 3 CMU 002 2
FRE 112 Beginning French II 3 Credits
CMU 005 3 CMU 006 3
The preposition a and the article; Questions with quel, quelle(s); Imperative
CMU 007 1 CMU 008 1 positive and negative; Verbs simple present; Indirect interrogation; Pronominal
CMU 020 2 CMU 021 1 verbs; Adjectives; Tenses (futur proche, passe compose); The pronoun moi
with imperative; Interrogation using qui; Reciprocal verbs; Answering using
CMU 025 2 CMU 027 2
the words parce que; Expression of quantity; The past tense with etre as
CMU 026 2 CMU 028 2 auxiliary; The past tense of auxiliary verbs; Construction of sentences using the
CMU 030 3 CMU 030 2 infinitive; The past tense using il y a. Pre-requisite: FRE 111
LIT 111 Literature 2 Credits
This course provides an introduction to Literature, different genres and concept
General Electives of literature, different themes addressing a variety of contemporary issues, e.g.
Love, Human Suffering, Culture conflict, Racism, Religion and Gender issues.
The department offers the following courses to all students as part of their
The primary aim of the course is to sensitize the student to the universality of
electives requirements:
some of these themes regardless of differences in culture, race, age or ethnicity.
KIS 111 Beginning Kiswahili I 3 Credits
MUS 111 Music in Africa 2 Credits
This course is intended for foreign students who have not been exposed to
Definition and meaning of major terms and concepts such as ethnomusicology,
the Kiswahili language. Content includes: A short introduction to the Kiswahili
musical culture, musical syncretism and musical acculturation; Role of music
language; The language situation geographically and historically; Dialects
in the African societies; Characteristics of African music; Study, functions and
and related languages; Greetings; Morphology: Vowels and consonants; The
categorization of African musical instruments; African vocal music and style
syllable; Sentence formation; Verb forms infinitive, imperatives and plurals;
(including African popular music); African dances and dance dramas; Process
The Noun Classes: Introduction to noun classes. M-Wa class: its pronominal
of musical acculturation in Africa; Characteristics of contemporary African
concords, prefixes; possessives and demonstrative agreements; Adjectives:
music; Approaches in ethnomusicology; History of church music in Africa;
types and their pronominal concords; Other noun classes and their agreements
Characteristics of African church music; Approaching innovations in church
will be dealt with as above. Diminutive and Augmentative forms; The Phrase
music and worship in Africa.
Structure: Noun Phrases, verb phrases and prepositional phrases; Adverbs:
Adverbial concepts and prefixes Pa - Definite, Ku- indefinite, etc; Complex
structures with amba, ingine -enye, ndi and si; Conclusion: Miscellaneous
notes/and drills. Pre-requisite:KIS 111.
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Course Descriptions
CMU 001 Basic Music Theory And Aural Skills I 3 Credits determining culturally appropriate performing arts for the church; and issues
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to African and Western in contextualization of performing arts in church worship, evangelism and
music literacy skills (reading and writing music) and to develop students music discipleship.
aptitude and aural skills. Emphasis is placed on developing the aural skills of
sight singing using tonic solfa and staff notations. Introduction to the grandstaff; CMU 006 Presentation, Stagecraft 3 Credits
note names, values and rests; key and time signatures, major scales in all & Concert Organization
keys in treble and bass clefts, introduction to minor scales; intervals, primary The course seeks to equip the student with production skills of major musicals.
triads with their inversions and basic performance directions, sight singing of Essential elements of music, dance and drama; forms and varieties of dance and
melodies in sofa and staff notation within pentatonic scales; aural dictation drama; production skills; voice, speech, design and costume for productions;
of melodies and rhythms up to four bars using semibreves, minims, crochets, scenery and stage-setting for concert productions; preparing, planning and
quavers and semiquavers; composing simple melodies and rhythms up to 8 organizing Performing Arts concerts; and evaluating and directing concerts.
bars; knowledge and use of Kodalys solfa hand signs and introduction to
simple four part harmony in major keys. CMU 007 Recital I 1 Credit
The purpose of the course is to develop the students ensemble performance
CMU 002 Basic Music Theory & Aural Skills II 2 Credits skills in music. Singing selected pieces within students ability; playing musical
This course is a development of music concepts, skills and materials acquired in instruments to accompany group songs; conducting music performances; team
CMU 001. Sight-sing melodies in diatonic major and minor keys in both treble work; song selection; sightsinging songs for performances; performance skills;
and bass clefts; identify and sing intervals up to one octave; aural identification SATB harmony and singing; composition skills; choral arrangement; adaptation
of harmonic and melodic forms of minor scales; chromatic scale; major and arrangement techniques; vocal production skills; practical choral rehearsal
and minor triads; clapping and aural recognition of simple and compound techniques; and accompaniment skills and techniques.
time rhythms with syncopation using semi-breve, minim, crotchet, quaver,
semiquaver, in original and dotted notes, double sharps and flats; composing CMU 008 Recital II 1 Credit
rhythm to words; four-bar rhythms and melodies; irregular time signatures and This course is a development of CMU 007: Recital I. The objectives, teaching
beat divisions; harmonizing a melody; common chord progressions; basic methodology, instructional materials/equipment, and student assessment
principles in choral singing; analysis of chords in 4 parts (Roman numeral remain the same. Only the choice of songs/music pieces will vary according
and popular chord analysis); voices in score; dominant sevenths, augmented to the students level of performance skills and competence. Singing selected
and diminished triads. pieces within students ability; playing musical instruments to accompany
group songs; conducting music performances; team work; song selection;
CMU 003 Performance Instruction I 2 Credits sightsinging songs for performances; performance skills; SATB harmony and
The course is designed to enable each student to acquire and develop singing; advanced composition skills; choral arrangement; adaptation and
performance skills and knowledge on a chosen musical instrument. Emphasis arrangement techniques for choirs and small singing groups; advanced vocal
is placed on correct expressions, execution and techniques of performing the production skills; practical choral rehearsal techniques; and accompaniment
musical instrument. The content will vary depending on the musical instrument skills and techniques.
chosen and the students entry level/experience with the musical instrument.
The students will be exposed to the care of instrument chosen; playing and/or CMU 009 Church Music Administration 2 Credits
singing techniques; the role of the instrument in ministry; and skill development The course aims at providing the student with basic administrative and
of the range and performance ability of the instrument. leadership skills in the management of church music ministry and musicians.
Biblical perspective of accountability; introduction to financial management;
CMU 004 Performance Instruction II 2 Credits budget and audit practices; general procurement; maintenance of inventory;
This course is a development of CMU 003: Individual Performance Instruction I. time management; church music ministries; record keeping; introduction to
It is designed to further advance and develop the students performance on his/ modern trends in information technology; basic principles of administration;
her chosen instrument. The content varies depending on the musical instrument work of boards and committees; decision making and problem solving
chosen and students previous level/experience in CMU 003: Individual processes; efficient and effective administrators; planning for music ministry
Performance Instruction I. General contents include advanced playing and/or and management; and managing the church music office.
singing techniques, and performance skill development.
CMU 010 Church Music and Ministry 2 Credits
CMU 005 Biblical Foundation of Performing Arts 3 Credits This course introduces the student to church music as ministry. It examines
This course exposes the student to biblical principles, knowledge and the use of music for worship, evangelism, and discipleship in the context of
understanding of music, dance and drama. Definitions of performing arts; the African church. Definitions of terms; an examination of the use of music
biblical teachings on God; biblical patterns of worship; music, dance and for worship, evangelism, and discipleship; issues of African church music;
drama in worship; performing arts as ministry; African performing arts; identification of music areas in church ministry; choral ministries; conducting
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and song selection; worship and worship teams ministry and leadership; CMU 016 Music Project Planning & Management 2 Credits
instrumentalists and instruments; solo and group ensembles; ministry needs for This course prepares the student for management roles and functions in a music
the church musicians and the congregation; music as ministry; communication business organization. It equips the student with practical skills in developing
through music; and contemporary gospel music. music projects/businesses of the students choice. Identifying of investment
opportunities; market and demand analysis; technical analysis; financial
CMU 011 Leading Worship 3 Credits analysis; institutional analysis; planning and developing a music project.
The course is designed to prepare the student to be an effective worship leader
who has a deep biblical understanding of worship. Definitions of worship; CMU 017 Music Production 3 Credits
biblical patterns of worship; music in worship; patterns for personal and group The course seeks to prepare students for the music production careers and
worship; biblical teachings on corporate worship; qualities of a worship functions.Video, CD and audiocassette work and production processes;
leader; the roles of a worship team; congregational worship; practical guide research and strategies for cassette/CD/video project; the distribution system;
to leading worship; building effective worship teams; and ministry evaluation. knowing your audiences musical tastes; selecting musical styles; music CDs/
tapes/and video for Christians and non-Christians; programming recorded
CMU 012 Business Ethics in Music 2 Credits music for evangelism; production facilities; purchasing equipment; and
The course seeks to equip the student with moral principles and convictions in management in Christian music recording ministry.
the music business in order to work and behave as an upright person at his/
her place of work. Principles of business ethics to the world of music business; CMU 018 Class Instrumental/ 3 Credits
Christian concept of work; fair employment practice; honesty in business; Vocal Studies & Techniques
social responsibilities; relationship with competitors; work ethics; morality with The purpose of the course is to equip the student with theoretical understanding
advertising; definition of ethics; structure of an ethical system; free enterprise of their chosen instrument and ensemble performance skills. This course will
and fair competition; the socially responsive manager; and a Christian in the be taken as a class. All students taking similar instruments will be grouped
business world. together for instruction. Students can select African and/or Western instruments.
The course content will vary depending on the instrument chosen. General
CMU 013 Music Business Outlets & Marketing 2 Credits topics will include historical background of instruments, harmony, ensemble
The purpose of the course is to prepare the student to perform marketing roles performance, rehearsal techniques, varied accompaniment or performance
and functions in the music production and service industry. It will expose the techniques, tonal range of chosen instrument (s), theoretical and cultural issues
student to a wide range of career opportunities in the music business. Definitions of instrument chosen, and use of instruments in African context.
of marketing and terminology used in marketing; principles of marketing;
integration of Christian faith and marketing; marketing opportunities in music CMU 019 Music Collection & 4 Credits
business; product, price, promotion and distribution decisions; designing Composition for Ministry
marketing strategies; marketing management; and music The course aims at helping the student to develop a repertoire of resource
production. materials for use in music performances and teaching. The course provides an
essential preparation for Christian music composers who will enhance worship
CMU 014 Music Business Management 2 Credits ministry. Topics include repertoire selection; music and ministry; identifying song
The course aims at preparing the student for management roles in music texts for worship, evangelism and discipleship; composing songs for church
business. Starting a music business; management functions; biblical principles ministry; record-keeping of songs/pieces; principles of music ethics; melodies,
of stewardship; music business development; book-keeping and costing; rhythms, text and accompaniment; and compositional styles.
marketing, pricing and costing; risks of music business; loan schemes and
insurance; attitude and performances; and legal issues such as copyright laws, CMU 020 Performing Arts Instruction I 2 Credits
patents, contracts, performing laws, publishing and distribution laws. This course prepares students to be effective and efficient African Christian
performing artists. An examination of drama, music and dance elements;
CMU 015 Basic Principles of Administration 3 Credits dance drama; dramatization; dance patterns, styles and choreography;
and Personnel Management stage performance; preparing for performance; song/music piece selection
The course is designed to prepare students for administrative and personnel for performing arts; creating performing arts that educate; acting; rehearsal
management roles in running a music business. Basic principles of administration; techniques; and presentations.
interview skills for personnel selection; task clarification; discipline; orientation
of new workers; conducting appraisal, interviews and planning for personnel CMU 021 Performing Arts Instruction II 1 Credit
development; employing and placing staff according to competency; employee This course is a development of CMU 020: Performing Arts Instruction I.
relations and working with volunteers; wage and salary administration; and Elements and concepts learnt in CMU 020 will further be developed for deeper
keeping personnel records. understanding. The purpose of this course is to advance the performance
skills of the student. An examination of drama, music and dance elements;
dance drama; dramatization; dance patterns, styles and choreography;
stage performance; preparing for performance; song/music piece selection
for performing arts; creating performing arts that educate; acting; rehearsal
techniques; and presentations.
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CMU 022 General Teaching Methods 3 Credits CMU 027 Performance Repertoire II 2 Credits
& Admn. Music This course is a development of CMU 027: Performance Repertoire. New
This course seeks to prepare the student to be a practical and effective music musicals will be used to add to the repertoire of the students experiences. The
teacher and administrator. It will assist the student to identify and choose the objectives, content, teaching methodology, instructional materials/equipment,
best methods and materials suitable for his/her lessons and appropriate ways and assessments remain the same. Content will vary depending on chosen
of managing the classroom. Organization and planning for music lessons; musicals for a given term. General contents discussed and demonstrated in
techniques of teaching music; nature and components of teaching and learning CMU 026:Performance Repertoire I will be developed further.
process; planning for instruction; lesson objectives; lesson plans, scheme of
work; record of work; marking scheme; effective classroom communication; CMU 028 Dance Performance 2 Credits
basic principles of teaching; preparation and use of learning and teaching The course aims at preparing the student for dance roles and functions in
materials: electronic media, photographic, non-projected media; graphic the church such as choreographer, dancer, and dance teacher. Biblical
media, and other visual /audio media; and leadership management. foundation of dance; types of dance; dance choreography; dance movements
and patterns; dance styles; body language; interpretative dances; music
CMU 023 Micro-teaching 1 Credit and dance; dance aerobics; care of the body; diet for dancers; dancers
The course aims at developing the students teaching methods, techniques, and psychological, social, physical and spiritual well-being and performance;
confidence. Demonstration in a simulated classroom; evaluation and critique dance performance; dance aerobics; and costumes.
of demonstrations.
CMU 029 Curriculum Development in Music 2 Credits
CMU 024 Music Education Planning 2 Credits The purpose of this course is to prepare the student for music curriculum
& Human Development development roles in schools, private sectors, and churches. It will also aid
This course is designed to prepare students to plan effectively for music students in developing and managing teaching resources. Definition of terms
education with specific reference to the human developmental stages/needs of used in curriculum development; curriculum goals and objectives; social
their pupils/students. Definition of human development terms such as growth, cultural and spiritual forces affecting curriculum; psychological basis for
development and maturation; music education; planning for music teaching; curriculum design; the curriculum development process with specific reference
rationale for studying child development; psychological theories of Piaget, to music education in schools (pre-school, primary, Sunday school, music
Ausubel and Bruner and their application to music education; authorities in schools); formulating learning objectives; organizing subject content; selecting
music education and their philosophies-Zoltan Kodaly, Carl Orff, and Suzuki; learning experiences; curriculum evaluation; and developing resources for
music developmental stages; music needs of students; elements of planning and music education.
their application to music education; and factors to consider in music education
planning. CMU 030 Special Topic (Elective) 3 Credits
This course will only be offered to a student who has had prior music training
CMU 025 African Performing Arts 2 Credits in music theory and aurals. If the students level is higher than the course, CMU
This course aims at exposing the students to the history, practice, and nature 001: Basic Music Theory and Aural Skills I, s/he will be given a proficiency
of African performing arts. An examination of the music, dance and drama in placement test (Written music theory and aural tests) to determine his/her level
Africa; vocal forms, history, values and cultural contexts of performing arts in of competency. The minimum grade required for this test is 70% for each exam
Africa; traditional and contemporary forms of African performing arts; definitions (written and aural). A student who gets less than the required grade will need
of terms used in performing arts; the role of performing arts in Africa; dance to take CMU 001. Students who pass the proficiency placement test will be
drama, dance rituals, dramatized dances and songs; choreography; music allowed to take CMU 031.
making in Africa; organology; church music in Africa; approaching innovations In term two, these students will be allowed to take the special topic course for
in church music and other performing arts in Africa, and presentations of 2 credit hours in place of CMU 002: Basic Music Theory and Aural Skills II,
African performing arts. which also carries 2 credit hours.
CMU 026 Performance Repertoire I 2 Credit CMU 031 Instrumental Instruction (Keyboard/guitar/voice)
This course provides an opportunity for students to practically develop their The course is designed to enable students to acquire and develop performance
performance skills and to collect a large repertoire of the performing arts. skills and knowledge on a chosen instrument. Emphasis is placed on correct
Content will vary depending on chosen musicals for a given term. General expressions, execution and techniques of performing the instrument. The
content will include theme, songs, artistic interactions, dance, integration of course is open to all students/staff and faculty of Daystar. The content will vary
music and other performing arts, and choice of props, movements, costumes, depending on the instrument chosen and the students entry level/experience
choreography and performing arts. with the instrument. The student will be exposed to the care of instrument
chosen; playing/singing techniques; the role of the instrument in ministry; and
skill development of the range and performance ability of the instrument.
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Mpangilio wake ni kama ufuatavyo.
Kozi za hiari katika lugha (mwanafunzi achague kozi tatu)
KIS 311 Semantiki 3 Masaa
KIS 314 Kiswahili na Vyombo vya Habari 3 Kozi nne za lazima 12
KIS 409 Mada Maalum (Lugha) 3 Kozi za hiari (kozi moja ya lugha na moja ya fasihi) 6
KIS 410 Lugha na Teknolojia 3 Jumla 18
KIS 411 Ujifunzaji Lugha ya Pili 3
KIS 418 Uchanganuzi Usemi 3 Mpangilio wa Kozi Ndogo
KIS 419 Somo Huru (lugha) 3 Kozi za lazima Masaa
KIS 113 Historia na Maendeleo ya Kiswahili 3
Kozi za hiari katika fasihi: (mwanafunzi achague kozi tatu) KIS 114 Misingi ya Lugha 3
KIS 215 Fasihi ya Watoto 3 KIS 212 Utangulizi wa Fasihi 3
KIS 409 Mada Maalum (Fasihi) 3 KIS 213 Utangulizi wa Nadharia za Kifasihi 3
KIS 415 Mtindo 3
KIS 416 Tungo Teule 3 Kozi za Hiari I - Lugha (Wanafunzi wachague kozi moja)
KIS 417 Masuala ya Kijinsia katika Fasihi 3 KIS 211 Stadi za Mawasiliano 3
KIS 419 Somo Huru (fasihi) 3 KIS 310 Isimujamii 3
KIS 313 Tafsiri na Ukalimani 3
Mwanafunzi atasoma kozi moja ya KIS 597 AMA katika fasihi au lugha. Vivyo
KIS 314 Kiswahili na Vyombo vya Habari 3
hivyo atasoma KIS 409 mara moja, ama katika fasihi au lugha.
KIS 410 Lugha na Teknolojia 3
KIS 411 Ujifunzaji Lugha ya Pili 3
Usomi wa Kozi Ndogo ya Kiswahili KIS 414 Uandishi na Uhariri 3
(Swahili Minor) Kozi za Hiari II - Fasihi (Wanafunzi wachague kozi moja)
KIS 214 Fasihi Simulizi 3
Kozi hii inanuiwa kuwawezesha wanafunzi wa Kiswahili kutumia lugha
na fasihi ya Kiswahili katika nyanja mbalimbali za maendeleo ndani na KIS 312 Riwaya ya Kiswahili 3
nje ya nchi ya Kenya. Mwanafunzi atapewa fursa kusoma lugha na fasihi KIS 315 Sanaa za Maigizo 3
kwa minajili ya kumwezesha kujiendeleza yeye binafsi na pia kumwezesha
KIS 316 Hadithi Fupi 3
kutumia vipengele vyote vya lugha na fasihi kwa madhumuni aliali. Kufikia
mwisho wa kozi hii mwanafunzi anatarajiwa: KIS 412 Tamthilia ya Kiswahili 3
1. Kuwa na misingi bora katika dhana ya lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili KIS 417 Masuala ya Kijinsia katika Fasihi 3
2. Kufahamu sayansi ya lugha kwa Kiswahili.
3. Kuimarisha stadi mbalimbali za lugha mathalani kuzungumza na
kuandika kwa ufasaha kwa lugha ya Kiswahili.
4. Kukuza ujuzi wa kuchambua na kuchanganua makala mbalimbali za
lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili
Mahitaji ya Kufuzu
Ili mwanafunzi afuzu akiwa na kozi ndogo ya Kiswahili, ni sharti awe
amesoma masaa18 au kozi sita katika Kiswahili. Ni lazima afanye kozi
mbili katika lugha na mbili katika fasihi. Kozi nyingine mbili ni za hiari.
184 www.daystar.ac.ke
Ufafanuzi Wa Kozi mkondo na vipengele vya mawasiliano: Vikwazo vya mawasiliano,
mawasiliano mwafaka: Mazungumzo; mada, hadhira, muktadha: Kusikiliza
na kuandika, viashiria katika mihadhara; sarufi na mitindo sahihi katika
mawasiliano bora: Mbinu za uandishi; hatua, tahajia na uakifishaji: Utafiti
wa maktabani, kutafuta marejeleo, kudondoa na kurejelea, bibliografia na
Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi atambue asili ya Waswahili
tanbihi. Kuandika ripoti na hojaji.
na Kiswahili na kuenea kwa Kiswahili katika Afrika Mashariki, Afrika na
duniani kwa jumla. Hii itamwezesha mwanafunzi kubaini uamilifu wa Kiswahili
katika miktadha na sajili mbalimbali kiwakati na kimaeneo. KIS 212 UTANGULIZI WA FASIHI
Kozi hii inanuiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kuzielewa dhana za kimsingi
Maelezo: Asili ya Waswahili na Kiswahili. Ithibati kama vile maandishi ya
zinazohusiana na uchambuzi wa fasihi na pia kutambua misingi ya fasihi na
awali ya Kiswahili. Kuenea kwa Kiswahili katika pwani ya Afrika Mashariki.
uhusiano wake na jamii kwa jumla. Baadhi ya mada zitakazorejelewa ni fani,
Hali ya Kiswahili katika muktadha wa sera ya lugha katika Afrika Mashariki.
maudhui, riwaya, tamthilia, hadithi fupi na fasihi simulizi.
Kiswahili katika Elimu. Nafasi ya asasi mbalimbali katika uenezaji wa
Kiswahili. Kiswahili na utandawazi. Maelezo: Dhana ya fasihi; maana, fani na maudhui; fasihi na maisha.
Uchambuzi wa fasihi. Uainishaji wa fasihi; fasihi simulizi, riwaya, hadithi fupi,
tamthilia na ushairi. Mikondo na mielekeo katika tanzu za fasihi.
Madhumuni ya kozi hii ni kumtanguliza mwanafunzi kwa somo la lugha na
isimu kama mawanda ya taaluma na kumtanguliza kwa dhana na istilahi za KIS 213 NADHARIA ZA FASIHI
kimsingi za lugha na isimu. Aidha somo hili litamwezesha mwanafunzi kubaini Kozi hii inanuiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutambua na kufafanua nadharia
umuhimu wa lugha kama ala ya mawasiliano ya kibinadamu. mbalimbali za uhakiki wa fasihi na kuzitumia katika uchambuzi wa matini
Maelezo: Dhana za kimsingi katika lugha: isimu, isimu kama sayansi; fonetiki, mbalimbali za fasihi.
fonolojia, mofolojia, sintaksia, semantiki na pragmatiki; Maana na sifa za Maelezo: Misingi ya nadharia za uhakiki wa fasihi, fasihi, uhakiki na nadharia:
lugha: asili, sifa bia za lugha, aina za lugha, kazi za lugha. Nadharia na ulimbwende; urasimi, uhalisia na uhalisia wa kijamaa; umuundo,
u-Marxi, semiotiki, udhanaishi, unisai/ufeministi, ujumi mweusi; ubwege,
uamali uhalisiajabu, usasa na usasaleo, na nyinginezo.
Kozi hii inanuiwa kumpa mwanafunzi mafunzo kuhusu sauti za lugha ya
Kiswahili kwa kuchanganua dhana mbalimbali. Mada zitakazojadiliwa ni KIS 214 FASIHI SIMULIZI
kama vile sauti na mageuko yake. Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kuthamini utanzu wa fasihi
Maelezo: Dhana za fonetiki na fonolojia kwa jumla; uainishaji wa sauti za simulizi ya Kiafrika na vile vile kuthamini mila na tamaduni za Kiafrika kwa
lugha ya Kiswahili foni; matamshi; sifa za sauti: vipashio vya sauti, fonimu, jumla. Aidha Kozi hii inatazamiwa kumwonyesha mwanafunzi uhusiano
silabi, usimilisho, muungano na udondoshaji. uliopo kati ya fasihi simulizi na jamii husika. Kozi itazingatia mada mbalimbali
zikiwemo uainishaji wa tanzu za fasihi simulizi k.v. ngano, tarihi, methali,
vitendawili na nyimbo.
Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kuzifahamu dhana Maelezo: Dhana ya fasihi simulizi; utunzi, uhifadhi na ueneaji wa fasihi
muhimu zinazohusika katika uchanganuzi wa lugha. Miongoni mwa mada simulizi: Uainishaji wa fasihi simulizi: Tanzu na vitanzu vya fasihi simulizi;
zitakazofundishwa ni maana ya mofolojia, mofu, mofimu, dhana ya sintaksia, Fasihi simulizi na utamaduni; Fasihi simulizi katika jamii ya kisasa. Mabadiliko,
neno, sentensi na umuundo. ueneaji na uamilifu.
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taaluma nyinginezo, uhusiano wa lugha na jamii, jamii lugha, lugha na KIS 315 USHAIRI WA KISWAHILI
maingiliano na pia sera na upangaji wa lugha. Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumpa mwanafunzi fursa ya kuchanganua maudhui na
Maelezo: Maana ya isimujamii; isimujamii na taaluma nyinginezo; umuhimu maumbo ya ushairi wa Kiswahili kwa kuzingatia ushairi mkongwe na ule wa
wa somo la isimujamii; nadharia; masuala ya kimsingi: lugha, lahaja, tabia kisasa.
na mielekeo, jamii lugha, uwili lugha, ulumbi, diglosia, triglosia, lingua Maelezo: Dhana ya ushairi; uchambuzi wa ushairi mkongwe na ule wa kisasa
franka, pijini, krioli. Lugha na mahusiano, hali na miktadha, uchanganuzi na katika muktadha wa jamii za nyakati hizo na umuhimu wake katika maendeleo
ubadilishaji misimbo, kuimarika na kufifia kwa lugha; sera na upangaji wa ya jamii; Fani na maudhui; Tanzu za ushairi wa Kiswahili; Mgogoro katika
lugha. taaluma ya ushairi wa Kiswahili. Maudhui ya ushairi katika vipindi mbalimbali:
Kazi za watunzi k.v. Ahmed Nasir, Muyaka, Shaaban Robert, Amri Abedi, A.
Abdalla, E. Kezilahabi, Kahigi na Mulokozi.
Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi atambue dhana kuu na
nadharia muhimu katika uchambuzi wa maana. KIS 316 HADITHI FUPI
Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumpa mwanafunzi maelezo kuhusu hadithi fupi kwa
Maelezo: Dhana na nadharia za maana. Nafasi ya semantiki kama kipengele kuzingatia asili na historia yake pamoja na muundo na kanuni za hadithi hizo.
cha lugha: malengo na mawanda ya maana. Maelezo: Utanzu wa hadithi fupi, usuli, utendakazi na aina zake; muundo na
kanuni za utunzi; ngano, hekaya, visasili: Hadithi fupi ya kisasa; hadithi za
KIS 312 RIWAYA YA KISWAHILI upelelezi; fasihi pendwa; uhakiki wa hadithi fupi za waandishi mbalimbali k.v.
Kozi hii inanuiwa kumpa mwanafunzi ujuzi kuhusu maana, mawanda na E. Hussein, R. Haggard, M.S. Mohamed, K. Wamitila, M. Mbatiah.
uchambuzi wa riwaya ya Kiswahili. Kozi yenyewe ina sehemu tatu kuu.
Maana ya riwaya katika muktadha wa kinadharia, historia ya riwaya ya KIS 317 MBINU ZA UTAFITI
Kiswahili na mapitio ya riwaya kadhaa. Mahitaji ya kozi: mwanafunzi awe amechukua Kiswahili kama somo kuu.
Madhumuni ya kozi: Kozi hii inakusudiwa kumpa mwanafunzi stadi na ujuzi
Maelezo: Ufafanuzi kuhusu riwaya kwa jumla. Chimbuko na maendeleo ya
unaofaa katika kufanya utafiti kwa jumla na hasa utafiti wa kiakademia.
riwaya ya Kiswahili. Uchambuzi maudhui, mtindo na muundo katika riwaya
Isitoshe, Kozi inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutambua aina na
mbalimbali. Nafasi ya riwaya katika fasihi kwa jumla, riwaya ya Kiswahili na
majukumu ya kazi za utafiti katika lugha na fasihi ya Kiswahili.
Maelezo: Maana na umuhimu wa utafiti, Aina na majukumu ya kazi za utafiti;
Mada ya utafiti; uteuzi wa kundi la kufanyiwa utafiti, ukusanyaji data; Data ya
KIS 313 TAFSIRI NA UKALIMANI kimsingi kutokana na maktaba, mahojiano; hojaji na uchunguzi: Uchanganuzi
Kozi hii kama kitangulizi cha taaluma ya tafsiri inadhamiriwa kumwezesha na ufafanuzi wa data, Uandishi na mswada, kurejelea, kuhariri na kuhakiki.
mwanafunzi kufahamu maana, historia na maendeleo ya tafsiri pamoja na
Maelezo: Nadharia ya tafsiri kwa ufupi; fasihi ya matini chasili; aina za matini Madhumuni ya kozi hii ni kumpa mwanafunzi nafasi ya kufanya kozi ambayo
na upekee wake, mtazamo wa mtafsiri, Kuhariri; stadi na mikakati ya kutafsiri; angeihitaji lakini hakupata nafasi ya kuisoma kwa sababu haipo katika mtaala
kutafuta visawe vya lugha lengwa; upekee wa lugha chasili na lugha lengwa; wa masomo wa Chuo kikuu cha Daystar. Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha,
Tafsiri matumizi; aina mbalimbali za matini; matatizo ya kutafsiri. Tathmini ya mwanafunzi kuzama zaidi katika uchanganuzi wa mada atakayosoma mradi
tafsiri; malengo yake, mbinu, taratibu: Ukalimani; historia na umuhimu wake, tu pawe na mwongozo wa kozi utakaoidhinishwa na kamati ya kitivo.
aina za ukalimani, nyenzo za ukalimani; sifa za mkalimani. Lengo la kozi hii ni kustawisha yale ambayo mwanafunzi amejifunza katika
lugha na fasihi
Maelezo: Mada mbalimbali zinaweza kuzingatiwa katika kozi hii kama vile
KIS 314 KISWAHILI NA VYOMBO VYA HABARI Uchanganuzi wa Miundo ya Sentensi katika Kiswahili, Uchanganuzi wa
Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutambua nafasi ya Kiswahili Makosa, Fasihi ya Afrika Mashariki, Uchanganuzi wa Matini, Mchango wa
katika vyombo vya habari. Kozi italenga kubainisha matumizi ya lugha katika Fasihi Shuleni, Kiswahili Ulimwenguni, Lugha katika Siasa n.k. Mada za kozi
vyombo hivyo yakiwemo matangazo, vipindi tofauti na pia machapisho zitabadilika kutegemea mahitaji ya kila muhula.
ya magazeti. Miktadha na mashirika mbalimbali yanayotumia Kiswahili
Maelezo: Matumizi ya Kiswahili katika vyombo mbalimbali k.v. majarida, Kozi hii inadhamiria kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutambua maswala muhimu
magazeti, redio na televisheni. Uainishaji wa vyombo hivyo. Mchango kuhusu lugha na teknolojia ya kisasa hasa katika ukuaji na uamilifu wa lugha
wa Kiswahili katika uendelezaji wa harakati za kimaendeleo katika nchi ya Kiswahili.
mbalimbali. Tathmini ya ufaafu wa Kiswahili kinachotumika. Mabadiliko na Maelezo: Nafasi ya teknolojia katika kukuza lugha ya Kiswahili; Matumizi ya
mielekeo katika matumizi ya Kiswahili na lugha kwa jumla katika vyombo tarakilishi na mtandao; Tarakilishi na ufundishaji wa lugha; Uchanganuzi wa
hivyo. data za lugha kwa kutumia tarakilishi; kamusi za elektroniki; tafsiri kwa kutumia
mashine; vyombo vya habari na ukuaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili; Kiswahili na
Utandawazi; Nadharia za teknolojia na mawasiliano.
186 www.daystar.ac.ke
Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutambua maswala muhimu Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumpa mwanafunzi uwezo wa kutathmini mielekeo ya
yanayohusu lugha ya pili pamoja na nadharia zinazoelezea utaratibu wa kiuana kama inavyobainika katika fasihi ya Kiswahili.
kujifunza lugha ya pili. Maelezo: Dhana ya uana; Nadharia za kiuana; Uhakiki wa kiuana kwa
Maelezo: Nadharia mbalimbali kuhusu kujifunza lugha ya pili. Tathmini ya mujibu wa nadharia za kiuana; Uandishi na mielekeo ya kiuana; Itikadi za
mbinu mbalimbali za utafiti wa maswala kuhusu kujifunza lugha ya pili; Dhana kiuana katika fasihi simulizi; Mielekeo ya kiuana katika kazi za fasihi andishi
za kimsingi; Mikakati ya mawasiliano; tofauti miongoni mwa wanafunzi; kwa mujibu wa maudhui, Matumizi ya lugha na usawiri wa wahusika.
mchango wa taaluma zingine.
KIS 412 TAMTHILIA YA KISWAHILI Kozi hii inanuiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kuchanganua maana kwa
Mahitaji ya kozi: KIS 212:- Utangulizi wa Fasihi; KIS 213:-Nadharia za kurejelea mzungumzaji na msikilizaji. Inahusika pia na fasiri ya nia ya
Fasihi Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutambua chimbuko anayezungumza kwa kuhakiki jinsi muktadha unavyoathiri kile kinachosemwa
la tamthilia kwa jumla na uhusiano wake na tamthilia ya Kiswahili na pia na mzungumzaji. Kozi hii inashughulika pia na jinsi wasikilizaji wanavyofasiri
kuelezea maendeleo ya tamthilia ya Kiswahili kwa kurejelea nadharia husika. kinachosemwa na kutambua maana.
Maelezo: Maana na asili ya tamthilia. Aina za tamthilia k.v. futuhi, tanzia; Maelezo: Uchanganuzi wa maana; fasiri ya makusudio ya mazungumzo
uchambuzi wa tamthilia kimaudhui na kimuundo; Maendeleo ya utanzu wa katika miktadha mbalimbali; Nadharia za Uchanganuzi usemi Mtazamo
tamthilia na nafasi yake katika kukua na kubadilika kwa fasihi ya Kiswahili. wa Birmingham, Ethnografia ya mazungumzo, uchanganuzi wa mazungumzo,
Uzungumzaji tendaji/usemi tendaji, uchanganuzi usemi, matini na umatini:
KIS 413 SANAA ZA MAIGIZO Mshikamano na muwala, urejeleaji, udondoshaji, deiksisi na umbali.
Kozi hii inanuiwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kufahamu asili na historia ya
sanaa za maigizo pamoja na maendeleo yake katika fasihi ya Kiswahili. KIS 419 SOMO HURU
Maelezo: Maana ya sanaa za maigizo; aina za maigizo (miigo, sherehe, Mahitaji ya kozi: ENG 111, ENG 112, KIS 114, KIS 212
muziki nk), sifa za sanaa za maigizo: Sanaa za maigizo na utendaji kazi Somo hili linadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kuzamia maeneo ya lugha
wake; mwigizaji, hisia, vitendo, sauti, Kumwesesha mwanafunzi kupata au fasihi yanayomvutia yeye binafsi lakini hayapo katika ratiba ya masomo
maarifa kuhusu matumizi ya Kiswahili katika vyombo vya habari ikiwemo yanayotolewa.
magazeti, utangazaji na vipindi maalum mazungumzo, uimbaji; maleba na Maelezo: Somo hili litachaguliwa na mwanafunzi mwenyewe. Wanafunzi
vifaa vingine, hadhira; uigizaji, jukwaa, mawanda ya uigizaji. wana uhuru wa kuchagua maeneo katika lugha au fasihi mradi tu maeneo
hayo yasilingane na mada zilizo kwenye kozi za lazima au alizochagua
KIS 414 UANDISHI NA UHARIRI kati ya kozi za hiari. Mwanafunzi atahitajika kuandika mswada katika eneo
Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutambua mbinu na taratibu alilochagua. Mswada huu si mradi wa utafiti kwani hili ni somo la kuchagua.
zinazopaswa kutiwa maanani katika taaluma ya uandishi. Mifano ya mada za somo huru; Utafiti kuhusu mwandishi maalum katika
Maelezo: Kanuni za uandishi; utayarishaji wa miswada; uhariri, alama za riwaya, tamthilia au ushairi. Utafiti juu ya mada fulani kwa kuzingatia wasanii
uhariri, usahihishaji, picha, uchapaji; sheria za Uchapishaji; usambazaji na tofauti; kulinganisha kwa mtindo katika matini mbalimbali; kulinganisha athari
mauzo ya machapisho. Aina mbalimbali za uandishi mathalani uandishi wa za muundo wa sauti wa lugha fulani ya kwanza (ya mama) kwa wazungumzaji
kiumbuji, uandishi wa kiuamilifi, uandishi wa hojaji nk. Stadi za uandishi kama wa Kiswahili kama lugha ya pili; masuala ya kijinsia katika lugha na fasihi;
vile uakifishi, ufupishaji, tafsiri na nyinginezo. Uandishi wa makala mbalimbali kulinganisha miundo ya sentensi kati ya lugha yoyote na Kiswahili; uchanganuzi
kama vile, ripoti, majarida, magazeti, vitabu. wa makosa; hali; uchanganuzi wa matini kwa kurejelea hasa vitabu vya kiada
vya shule; Fasihi Simulizi Utafiti linganishi.
Kozi hii inadhamiria kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutambua na kutumia mitindo KIS 597 MRADI WA UTAFITI
mbalimbali katika matini na sajili tofauti tofauti. Nadharia mbalimbali za Mahitaji ya Kozi: Kozi kumi na moja (11) katika lugha na fasihi; KIS 317
mtindo zitafundishwa. Kozi hii inajikita katika utafiti. Mwanafunzi atabidika kutumia ujuzi
Maelezo: Maana ya mtindo; Nadharia za mtindo; Mtindo na Isimu; Mtindo aliopata katika kozi mbalimbali kufanya utafiti na kuwasilisha matokeo
na sajili mbalimbali; Uchambuzi wa matini kimtindo. hayo kimaandishi. Ni sharti mada itakayoshughulikiwa ipitishwe na idara.
Mwanafunzi atawasilisha pendekezo la utafiti la kurasa 3-4 likiwa na suala
KIS 416 TUNGO TEULE la utafiti, malengo ya utafiti, mbinu za utafiti, muhtasari wa utafiti, matarajio
Kozi hii inadhamiriwa kumwezesha mwanafunzi kutathmini ubora wa kozi za na marejeleo. Karatasi ya mwisho ya utafiti ni sharti ipigwe chapa na iwe
fasihi kwa kutumia vigezo vya mtindo, maudhui na nadharia, kwa kuzingatia na suala la utafiti, malengo ya utafiti, yaliyoandikwa kuhusu mada, mbinu,
vipindi mbali mbali vya kihistoria. uwasilishaji na uchanganuzi wa data, maamuzi na mapendekezo. Maendeleo
Maelezo: Uchambuzi wa tungo teule za ushairi, riwaya na tamthilia kwa ya uandishi wa mradi huu yatachunguzwa kila wiki. Hii ni kozi ya lazima kwa
kuzingatia mtindo, maudhui nadharia; Kubainisha sifa maluum katika vipindi kila mwanafunzi anayechukua somo la Kiswahili kama somo kuu (Kiswahili
mbalimbali vya kihistoria kama vile urasimi; Uhalisia, Umuundo na Usasaleo. Major).
www.daystar.ac.ke 187
Muhula wa Kwanza Muhula wa Pili Muhula wa Kwanza Muhula wa Pili
INS 111 3 INS 112 3 INS 313 3 RET 321 3
BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3 KIS 310 3 KIS 313 3
KIS 113 3 ENV 102 2 KIS 311 3 KIS 315 3
KIS 114 3 KIS 115 3 KIS 312 3 KIS 316 3
MAT 102 2 LIT111/ 2 RET 320 2 KIS 317 3
HIARI(Fasihi) (Lugha)
ENG 098/111 3 ACS 101 2
ENG 112 3
Muhula wa Kwanza Muhula wa Pili
INS 412 3 KIS 597 3
Muhula wa Kwanza Muhula wa Pili
ECO 111 2 BIO 111 3 (LUGHA)
INS 212 3 BIL 212 3 KIS 413 3 KOZI YA HIARI 3
HPE 113 1 KIS 211 3 (FASIHI)
KIS 210 3 KIS 214 3
188 www.daystar.ac.ke
English plays a significant role as one of Kenyas two official languages and
English Major (non-teaching) Credit Hours
as a medium of instruction in educational institutions. It is also the medium
of oral and written communication in both public and private institutions. General Education 51
Graduates in English can pursue a variety of vocations, including teaching, English 54
writing, translation, editing and journalism, as well as professions in the civil Minor 18 -22
service, the Christian ministry and business.
Free Electives 2-6
Student who have not used English as the medium of instruction at secondary
school must take ENG 096 (Basic English) and ENG 098 (Remedial English)
before embarking on any of the degree level courses.
Student Assessment
Course grades in this department will be derived as follows:
1. For conceptual courses (e.g. ENG 111 and ENG 210), 70% will come
from the final examinations and 30% from continuous assessment items.
2. For courses that include a significant skill component (e.g. ENG 112,
ENG 314), 70% will come from the project and 30% from continuous
www.daystar.ac.ke 189
English Electives Credit Hours English Minor
a. Language (All students must choose three (3) courses
Requirements for Graduation
ENG 317 Psycholinguistics 3
Students with a minor in English, must have accumulated 21 credit hours in
ENG 320 Second Language Learning 3
English as follows:
ENG 408 Special Topics 3
ENG 413 Discourse Analysis 3
Required Courses Credit Hours
ENG 414 Sociolinguistics 3
ENG 210 History and Development of the English
ENG/COM 415 Advanced Writing and Speech Language
ENG 211 African Literature 3
ENG 496 Independent Study 3
b. Literature (All students must choose three (3) courses)
ENG 215 Oral Literature 3
ENG 229 Introduction to Dramatic Art 3
ENG 212 The Phonology of English 3
ENG 323 East African Literature 3
ENG 214 English Structure and Usage 3
ENG 324 European Drama 3
ENG 320 Second Language Learning 3
ENG 325 Shakespeare 3
ENG 326 Survey of English Literature 3
ENG 343 Fiction Writing 3
Electives I Language (Student must choose one) Credit Hours
ENG 408 Special Topics 3
ENG 314 Creative Writing 3
ENG 412 African-American and Caribbean Literature 3
ENG 413 Discourse Analysis 3
ENG 421 The English Novel 3
ENG 414 Sociolinguistics 3
ENG 496 Independent Study 3
ENG/COM 415 Advanced Writing and Speech
ENG 496 Independent Study (in Language) 3
190 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Descriptions
ENG 096 Basic English 0(9) Credits ENG 211 African Literature 3 Credits
This is a non-credit course that covers one semester. It is intended for those Study of the major concerns of African writers during the colonial and post-
students who come to Daystar from educational backgrounds where English colonial periods. These will include anti-colonial literature, cultural conflicts in
is not the medium of instruction. The only criterion for exemption is a TOEFL different parts of Africa, struggle for independence, disillusionment, apartheid,
score of at least 500 out of 700 or 250 out of 300 computer based points
current social and political themes; Textual analysis of short stories, novels,
less than two years old. Such students are introduced to the basic English skills
plays and poems from leading writers in Eastern, Western, Southern and
which will enable them to do other English courses as well as all other courses
taught in English at the University. The course focuses on oral skills, grammar, Northern Africa. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112.
intensive and extensive reading and various writing tasks. It helps students to
get intensive practice in using the English language. ENG 212 The Phonology of English 3 Credits
Organs of speech; Articulation of English vowels (including diphthongs),
ENG 098 Remedial English 3 Credits and consonants; Phonemic analysis and transcription; Stress, rhythm and
Listening comprehension; Reading comprehension involving extracts depicting intonation; Strong and weak forms and how they occur in spoken English;
different styles of writing; Grammar, comprising parts of speech and their Relation between English sound and the spelling systems; American and British
functions: nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, prepositions, English; Rhoticity; Varieties of spoken English; The choices of a formal standard
conjunctions, interjections; Tenses; Modal auxiliaries; Vocabulary: common of pronunciation and its uses; Appropriateness of other varieties for different
roots, synonyms, antonyms, homonyms; Figures of speech: similes, metaphors, purposes; A comparison of English sounds with those of the students mother
personification, hyperbole, euphemism, onomatopoeia, proverbs; Sentence tongue. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112.
structure and punctuation; Creative writing, including official letter writing,
report writing, minute writing, writing of memos and notices, essays of different ENG 213 Theory of Literature 3 Credits
types; Literature analysis of given texts. General Introduction to theory of Literature; definition of literature; theory, critic
and criticism. Functions of Literature with special focus on: Plato (427-347)
ENG 111 Advanced Reading 3 Credits and Aristotle (384-322B.C), Dante Alghieri (1265-1321) Alexander Pope
A variety of listening passages given regularly; Faster reading skills: establishing (688-1744), William Wordsworth (1770-1850), Henry James (1843-1916);
reading goals, time management, dealing with bad reading habits, developing Reader response criticism, new criticism; structuralism, realism; romanticism;
vocabulary, previewing, scanning and search reading, noting relationships; maxism, feminism; deconstruction; cultural poetics and post-colonialism. Pre-
Various comprehension passages that help the student to appreciate varieties requisites: ENG 111, ENG112.
of written English: formal, informal, literary, journalistic, etc; verbal expressions:
defining; Facts and opinions; transcoding; judging interpretations; summarizing ENG 214 English Structure and Usage 3 Credits
skills; critical thinking, connotations; book reviewing techniques; analysis of Traditional school of grammar; Principle elements of sentence structure;
given texts in terms of plot, themes, characterization, styles, taking exams etc. Common sentence patterns; Parts of speech; Phrases: their sub-classes and
internal structure; Clauses: their sub-classes and internal structure; Morphological
ENG 112 Advanced Writing 3 Credits categories of number, person, gender, tense and mood; Practice exercises.
Introduction to the research paper process; Using the library and other sources Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112.
of information; Pre-writing and thesis statement; Outliningpurpose and method;
Quotations; Footnotes and endnotes; Tables, illustrations, numbering systems; ENG 215 Oral Literature 3 Credits
Bibliography; Sentence structure: sentence types and fragmentscomma splices,
Definition and general characteristics of oral literature; Oral poetry: praise,
fused sentences, unbalanced sentences; Punctuation: the period, capitalization,
pleasure, survival, relationships, gods and ancestors, protest and satire; Oral
quotation marks, underlining, comma, semicolon, colon, apostrophe; Spelling;
Paragraph writing: Topic sentence, assertions and supports; deductive, narratives: content and form; Proverbs: form, style and content; Riddles: style
inductive, combination paragraphs; Methods of paragraph development; and content; field techniques and methods. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG
Types of writing: expository, descriptive, argumentative, narrative; Research 112.
paper project. Pre-requisite: ENG 111, ICA 111
ENG 229 Introduction to Dramatic Art 3 Credits
ENG 210 History and Devt of the English Language 3 Credits The history and development of drama: Greek, Medieval, Renaissance,
The origin of English; Old English; Celtic and Christian influence on English; Elizabethan, Western and African; Essentials of drama: (a) Characterization,
conflict, plot, performance, meaning (b) Forms: tragedy, comedy, ritual; Variety
Invasions and their influence (The Danes and the Normans); Latin and Greek
of drama: play, musical, dance-drama; Script writing and development: raw
influence on the grammar and vocabulary of English; Sound change from
material, organizational language; Acting and movement: techniques of acting,
the Early Modern English period to the present; Standardization of English: use of senses and body, relaxation and concentration; Improvization: the idea,
Expansion of English; English today. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112. characterization development of the plot and acting; Production skills: casting,
rehearsals, production team, design, stage management, directing; Voice and
www.daystar.ac.ke 191
speech in drama: production of sounds, variety of speeches, oral interpretation; Eric Ngmaryo, Bahadur Tejani from Tanzania. Drama: Francis Imbuga from
Design of costumes and make-up in drama: planning a production, role of Kenya, John Ruganda from Uganda, Hussein from Tanzania. Prose: Ngugi
costumes and reasons for make-up; Sound and lighting effects. Pre-requisites: wa Thiongo from Kenya, Taban Lo Liyong from Uganda, Eric Ngmaryo from
ENG 111, ENG 112. Tanzania. These may be changed from time to time to include new authors.
Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112.
ENG 314 Creative Writing 3 Credits
A study of the basic elements of fiction writing: plot, theme, setting, ENG 324 European Drama 3 Credits
atmosphere, characterization, conflict, dialogue, suspense, flashbacks, story A historical survey of European drama ; Major thematic concerns of chosen
beginnings, story endings, climax; A critical analysis of these techniques in European dramatists; Such themes as love, nature versus the supernatural, class
selected stories from different writers; Individual writing of short stories of a struggle and the implications will be studied; Playwrights like Shakespeare,
given length; Elements of drama; A study of these elements of drama in short, Marlowe, Henrik, Ibsen, Homer, Chekov, etc. will be studied; Changes in
one-act plays; Students individual writing of short, one-act plays; Elements of European drama through time e.g. the shift from gods to man and nature as
poetry; A comparative study of different poems to appreciate how the different influencing mans character. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112.
techniques have been employed; Individual writing of poems as guided. Pre-
requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112, ENG 214. ENG 325 Shakespeare 3 Credits
The course will deal with chosen plays and poems by Shakespeare. These
ENG 315 Major Trends in World Literature 3 Credits will be chosen from four categories namely: comedies, histories, tragedies
This course aims at introducing students to literature as universal and as a and poems. Life and times of Shakespeare comedies such as The Comedy of
world experience. The students will therefore study selected works from different Errors, Much ado About Nothing, A Midsummer Nights Dream; Histories
regions and historical periods with the purpose of enabling them to appreciate such as King Richard the Second, King Henry the Fifth, King John, King
world socio-economic, political and philosophical experiences and hence be Richard the Third; Tragedies such as Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar,
able to put their own experiences into perspective. The course surveys world Macbeth, Othello and Hamlet; Poems such as Sonnets, A Lovers
literature by focusing on selected texts that exemplify major philosophical and Complaint, Venus and Adonis, The Passionate Pilgrim. Pre-requisites:
literary trends that have significantly influenced literature. The trends include ENG 111, ENG 112.
classism, realism, feminism et.c. Samples from Greek literature, European,
Russian, Afro-American and Indian literatures are studied. Pre-requisites: ENG ENG 326 Survey of English Literature 3 Credits
111, ENG 112, ENG 214. Early English literature (from antiquity to the 15th Century); 15th - 18th Century
English literature; 19th - 20th Century English literature; Major movements in
ENG 317 Psycholinguistics 3 Credits English literature (a) Romanticism (b) Realism (c) Socialism. Pre-requisites: ENG
Introduction to the area of study, nature and limitations of available evidence; 111, ENG 112.
Child language development; Nativism versus Behaviourism; Development
stages; Chomskys premises; Syntactic approaches to child language ENG 327 Modern African Poetry 3 Credits
development; Pivot grammar; Telegraphic speech; Semantic approaches; Case The study will focus on the rise of modern African poetry, its origin and growth;
grammar; Holophrases; Functional and interactional approaches; Ontogenetic Major features of African poetry case studies, e.g. pBitek and the cultural
and philogenetic development; Lexical development; Caretaker speech; revolutions; A study of poetry from different regions, i.e. poets from North,
Comparability of first and second language development; Animal language South, West, East and Central Africa. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112,
and attempts to teach human language to animals; Language and the brain; ENG 214.
Evidence for laterisation and localisation; Insights and evidence from speech
disorders, surgery and autopsy; Language and the mind; Memory storage and ENG 343 Fiction Writing 3 Credits
retrieval; Encoding and decoding language. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG Plot structure; characterization; theme; viewpoint; dialogue; suspense and
112, ENG 214. suprise; flashbacks and transitions; beginnings and endings; emotions and
conflicts; setting; language style; The short story and the novel. Pre-requisites:
ENG 320 Second Language Learning 3 Credits ENG 112, ENG 213, ENG 214.
The concept of a second language; The audio-lingual approach; Direct
association principle; Learning by immersion; The translation approach; ENG 408 Special Topics in Language & Literature 3 Credits
Theories of learning vocabulary and grammar; First and subsequent language The course will be offered when students wish to study areas in language or
inference; Variability; Learning and communication strategies. Pre-requisites: literature which are not in the Daystar curriculum. The course is intended to
ENG 111, ENG 112, ENG 210. enrich what students have studied in Language and Literature. The topic chosen
may not have the same content as any required course or an already chosen
ENG 323 East African Literature 3 Credits elective in any department at Daystar. The course will be taught when there is
The concept of East African literature. Poetry: examples; Jared Angira, Everett faculty with interest and expertise in that area and a complete course outline
Standa, Amateshe, Luvai, Kassam from Kenya; Okot pBitek, Kalungi Kabuye, approved by the Faculty Board is availed to the student. Examples of proposed
Richard Ntiru, Laban Erapu from Uganda; Noah Ndosi , Richard S. Malaba, areas of study include the English verb phrase; Error analysis; The noun phrase;
192 www.daystar.ac.ke
North American literature; African drama; Drama in education; Women in ENG 416 Advanced Grammar 3 Credits
African literature; Women writers; Generative phonology; Transformational Introduction to the study of syntax; traditional approaches to syntax; structural
syntax and pragmatics. Contents of the course may change from semester to approach to syntax; basic English syntax; the simple sentence; the verb phrase;
semester. Pre-requisites: All 200 level courses. noun, pronoun and the basic noun phrase; adjectives and adverbs; the verb;
adjuncts, disjuncts, conjuncts; sentence connection; complex sentence; focus,
ENG 411 Stylistics and Literary Criticism 3 Credits theme and emphasis. Pre-requisites: All 200 level courses.
General introduction to the concepts of style and stylistics, language and
criticism; An overview of literary criticism beginning with clasical times to ENG 421 The English Novel 3 Credits
the present; Literature and language use: inflections, word formation, fore- The rise of the novel: Contribution of philosophers such as Descartes, John Locke,
grounding, lexico-semantic choices in literary style,syntax; Literature and style. Thomas Reid, etc.; The rise of the reading republic, social change, e.g. effects
Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112, ENG 214. of the industrial revolution movements that have affected the English novel:
Realism, Romanticism, Naturalism, Surrealism, Formalism, Art for Arts sake,
ENG 412 African-American &Caribbean Literature 3 Credits Social Darwinism, etc. Points of view and the narrative modes of the English
Introduction I: Landmarks in African-American Literature. Introduction II: novel: First person, Omniscient narrator and other aspects of the novel; Critical
Landmarks in Caribbean Literature; African-American, Caribbean literature examination of novels by chosen English Novelists, e.g. Defoe, Richardson,
and history. Major thematic concerns of the author in the Caribbean and Fielding, Dickens, Austen, D.H. Lawrence, Conrad, E.M. Forster, James Joyce
African-American regions; Perspective, style and innovation in literary art from etc.; The place of modern theory in the English novel; Deconstruction, Feminism,
the two regions. Pre-requisites: All ENG 200 and 300 level courses. New Historicism, Psycho-analysis, etc. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112.
ENG 413 Discourse Analysis 3 Credits ENG 496 Independent Study 3 Credits
The meaning of discourse in the study of language; The domain and objectives This will depend on the area of study that the student wants to explore. Students
of discourse analysis: functions of language; Spoken and written discourse; are free to choose study areas from either Language or Literature, as long as
The role of context in interpretation; Discourse topic; Cohesion; Coherence; they do not have the same content as a required course or a chosen elective.
Analysis of discourse. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112, ENG 214. Examples: Study of a particular author in prose, drama or poetry; Study of a
particular theme from different authors; A comparative study of style in specific
ENG 414 Socio Linguistics 3 Credits texts; A comparative study of the effects of the sound system of a specific
The meaning and domain of socio-linguistics in the study of language; The first language on speakers of English as a second language; Gender issues
linguistic principles and methods involved in the study of geographical, social in literature or language; A comparative study of sentence patterns between
and stylistic variations within languages; Language and human interactions; a specific language and English; Error analysis; Aspect and mood; Textual
Bilingualism, multilingualism; Pidgins and creoles, lingua franca; Speech analysis with special reference to school textbooks; Oral literature a
communities; Idiolect, dialect, languages in contact (transfer, code switching Comparative Study. Pre-requisites: ENG 111, ENG 112, ENG 214.
and language shift); Language and culture and how they affect modes of
thinking; Language choice and language planning; Policy with regard to ENG 597 Senior Project 3 Credits
education, administration, commerce; Language registers; Language situation The course enables students to apply what they have learned in their major
in Kenya and the roles of former colonial languages, indigenous languages in fields of study through a written research paper. A students topic must meet
Kenya and the rest of Sub-Saharan Africa. Pre-requisites: All ENG 200 level departmental approval. The student will submit a 3-4 page proposal stating:
courses. the problem, objectives of study, method of study, preliminary outline of
study, expected results, tentative bibliography. The final paper will be typed
ENG/COM 415 Advanced Writing 3 Credits and should contain: statement of the problem, objectives of study, literature
& Speech Consultation review, methods, presentation of the research findings, analysis of the findings,
This is a limited enrollment course that trains selected students in advanced conclusions and recommendations. The writing of the paper will be reviewed
writing and speaking pedagogy as well as consultation methodology. Upon every week. Pre-requisite: 33 credit hours in Language and Literature.
completing the course, students will serve on work study as peer tutors in the
Writing and Speech Center, where they will help other students with their
language and writing. Course content includes English grammar and syntax,
bibliographic and reference formats, techniques and philosophies of tutoring,
advanced public speaking instruction. Pre-requisite: Invitation by instructor.
Students who would like to be interviewed to join the course should have
scored a B+ and above in ENG 112, and will apply a semester in advance
to the course instructors in the Communication Department and the Language
and Performing Arts Department.
www.daystar.ac.ke 193
1st YEAR 3rd YEAR
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
INS111 3 POL 111 1 ACS 101 2 RET 321 2
BIL111 3 BIL 112 3 RET 320 2 ENG 327 3
ENG098 or 111 3 ENG 112 3 INS 313 3 ENG 411 3
MAT 102 2 PHY 112 2 ENG 314 3 ENG 416 3
ENV112 2 HPE113 1 ENG 315 3 ENG ELECTIVE 3
4th YEAR
2nd YEAR Semester I Semester II
Semester I Semester II ENG 597 3 ENG ELECTIVE 3
ECO111 2 BIL212 2 INS 412 3 ENG ELECTIVE 3
ENG 211 3 ENG212 3 TOTAL 16 TOTAL 18
ENG210 3 ENG Electives 3
194 www.daystar.ac.ke
French is the official language as well as the medium of instruction in many Reqiured Courses for the B.A. French Major
African countries. The French degree programme aims to prepare graduates
To graduate with a major in French is listed as follows:
to practice a range of professions such as teaching, translation, interpretation,
journalism, as well as service in the civil service, Christian mission and Required Courses 36
business in Africa and beyond. The degree in French will also enable them to Language electives
enhance the cultural exchange between different countries in Africa. 9
(students must choose at least 3 courses)
Literature electives
Admission Requirements (students must choose at least 3 courses)
In addition to the general requirements by the university listed in Chapter 1, TOTAL 54
section 4, a student pursuing the French Major degree must also have:
a minimum grade of C+ in French in KCSE, or
Required Courses for French Major Credit Hours
credit 6 under the `O level system, or
60% with systems that use percentages, or FRE 121 French Language 3
a principal pass at `A level in French. FRE 122 French Usage 3
FRE 210 Introduction to General Linguistics 3
Student Assessment FRE 211 Introduction to African Literature in French 3
For conceptual courses, 70% will come from the final examinations and 30% FRE 212 French Phonetics 3
from continuous assessment. FRE 215 Oral Literature 3
FRE 312 Literary Theory 3
Marks for the Research Project in French (FRE 597) will be 30% from the
research proposal and 70% from the final research project. FRE 318 Theories and Techniques of Translation I 3
FRE 315 French Syntax 3
Requirements For Graduation FRE 327 African Poetry in French 3
Students may graduate with a major in French, or a major in French and a FRE 414 African Novel and Short Stories in French 3
minor in another field, or a major in another field and a minor in French. The FRE 597 Research Project in French 3
number of credit hours required for each option varies according to the field
of study. Regardless of the students option, they must complete at least 129
credit hours in order to graduate.
Language Electives for French Major
Credit Hours Credit Hours
(Students must choose at least 3 courses)
General Education 51
FRE 216 French Semantics 3
French 54
FRE 217 Discourse Analysis 3
Minor in another field/Free electives 24
FRE 218 Sociolinguistics 3
FRE 313 Applied Linguistics 3
FRE 408 Special Topics 3
FRE 411 Theories and Techniques of Translation II 3
FRE 413 French for Specific Purposes 3
FRE 496 Independent Study 3
www.daystar.ac.ke 195
Literature Electives for French Major
Credit Hours
Course Descriptions
(Students must choose 3 courses)
FRE 214 Introduction to the Francophone World 3 FRE 121 FRENCH LANGUAGE 3 Credits
FRE 314 Issues in the Francophone World 3 The purpose of the course is to help students understand the different uses of
FRE 316 French Literature in the 20th Century 3 tenses and voices in oral and written French. Special emphasis will be laid on
listening and reading comprehension, with the aim of helping students identify
FRE 319 Gender and African literature in French 3
the use of special aspects of communication.
FRE 408 Special Topics 3 The following topics will be covered: conjugation of verbs in different tenses
FRE 415 History of French literature: 17th to 19th and how they are used: present, past and future. Kinds of verbs: transitive,
3 intransitive and pronominal verbs, the conditional and the subjunctive, the
active and passive voices, pronouns (personal, possessive indefinite and
FRE 496 Independent Study 3
demonstrative), number and gender, compound and complex sentences,
homophones and markers of written language.
French Minor
A breakdown of the French courses required to graduate with a minor in French FRE 122 FRENCH USAGE 3 Credits
is listed as follows: The purpose of this course is to enable the student to understand oral and
written expressions in French in different situations of communication such as in
Credit Hours
conversation, the media and literature.
Required Courses 15
The course will cover oral and written expression in the French language: the
Language electives different registers of French, Formal and informal communication, narratives,
(students must choose at least 1 course) notices, official documents, French in the print and electronic media.
Literature electives
(students must choose at least 1 course) FRE 210 INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL LINGUISTICS 3 Credits
TOTAL 21 This course seeks to introduce the student to linguistics as a field of study, to
help the student appreciate language as a human tool of communication, and
to introduce the student to different linguistic terms with particular reference to
Required Courses for French Minor
the French language. The following topics will be taught: general linguistics
FRE 121 French Language 3
as the study of language, language as a human ability, language as a
FRE 122 French Usage 3 performance and language as communication; introduction to phonetics,
FRE 210 Introduction to General Linguistics 3 syntax and semantics; dialect, idiolect and style, `standard language, pidgins
FRE 211 Introduction to African Literature in French 3 and creoles, bilingualism and multilingualism. Pre-requisite: FRE 122
FRE 212 French Phonetics 3
Language Electives for French Minor
(Students must choose at least 1 course)
This course introduces the student to African literature written in French, and to
FRE 216 Semantics 3 the philosophical, historical and economic backgrounds that influenced African
FRE 217 Discourse Analysis 3 authors. The course will trace the historical development of literature from oral
FRE 218 Sociolinguistics 3 literature to the beginning of the 20th century, the period before the World
FRE 312 Applied Linguistics 3 Wars, the negritude movement in Africa and the diaspora, panafricanism and
literature in the period before independence. The course will also focus Pan
FRE 413 French for Specific Purposes
African Congress of 1919. The role of Prsence Africaine in publication of
FRE 496 Independent Study
works by African writers and works of major writers such as Aim Cesaire,
L. S. Senghor, Lon Damas, Bernard Dadi and Frantz Fanon. Pre-requisite:
Literature Electives for French Minor FRE 122
(Students much choose at least 1 course)
FRE 314 Gender and African literature in French FRE 212 FRENCH PHONETICS 3 Credits
This course seeks to enable the students to understand the pronunciation and
FRE 316 French Literature in the 20th Century 3 intonation of French to enable them to improve their own oral skills in French.
FRE 414 The African Novel 3 Topics include the organs of speech, production and classification of French
FRE 415 History of French Literature: 17th to 19th sounds; vowels, semi-vowels and consonants in French, liaisons, intonation
3 and articulation, transcription and practical exercises in speech production and
International Phonetics system.
196 www.daystar.ac.ke
FRE 214 INTRODUCTION TO THE 3 Credits literary criticism but will also be exposed to Marxist, psychoanalytic theories,
FRANCOPHONE WORLD stylistics, and the impact of feminist criticism. Study will be done of chosen
This course seeks to help the students understand the extent of the use of French texts from Africa and the diaspora such as Une si longue lettre Les bouts de
in the world today, the history, the political organizations of the Francophone bois de dieu Les Soleils des indpendances, Le vieux ngre et la mdaille.
world and their objectives, and the importance of French in global politics Prerequisite: FRE 210
and economy. The course will cover members of the Francophone world La
Francophonie, the assimilation colonial policy, de Gaulle and decolonisation, FRE 313 APPLIED LINGUISTICS 3 Credits
Senghor and Negritude, the role of international organizations such as the This course seeks to help the students apply the study of linguistics to professional
United Nations, the establishment of the group of Francophone nations as and scholarly work. Students will learn about the application of linguistics to
an organization, Franco-African relations, organizations of cooperation such other domains in the world; anthropology, sociology, psychology, language
as the ACCT, the Francophone vis - a - vis Anglophone world, historical, teaching, communication, translation and literature. Prerequisites: FRE 210
geographical, economic and political perspectives of the Francophone world,
the differences between the Francophone body and the Commonwealth. FRE 314 ISSUES IN THE FRANCOPHONE WORLD 3 Credits
This course seeks to help the students understand the political, social and
FRE 215 ORAL LITERATURE 3 Credits cultural issues in the Francophone world surrounding the use of the French
This course will introduce the students to oral literature in order to help them language. It will focus on the period beginning from the history and growth
understand and appreciate this genre of African literature as well as African of the Francophone region to linguistic issues in Francophone countries,
culture as a whole. The course will cover the definition of genres of African colonisation and independence. Other topics covered will be the influence
oral literature: narratives, proverbs, riddles and poetry; African oral literature of Francophone countries in international politics and economy. Issues such
as source of traditional wisdom, style and content of African oral genres. as the Francophone countries vis-a-vis the Commonwealth, conflict as a result
Literature under study will be mainly from, but not restricted to oral literature of use of French with particular reference to Belgium, the Maghreb - (Algeria,
from francophone countries. Morocco and Tunisia), Sub-Saharan Africa, Canada and South Eastern Asia
(Laos , Thailand and Cambodia), use of French at the expense of indigenous
FRE 216 FRENCH SEMANTICS 3 Credits (African) languages, feminization of the French language, orthography and the
This course seeks to introduce the students to the field of semantics so that they dictionary. Prerequisite: FRE 211
can appreciate the application and significance of the study and understanding
of language. It will cover philosophical and linguistic interest in meaning, word FRE 315 FRENCH SYNTAX 3 Credits
and sentence meaning, syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations between This course seeks to help the students understand the relationship between
words as lexical items, lexicology and lexicography. words in a sentence and sentence structure, with specific reference to the
French language.Topics to be covered will include: types of sentences, analysis
FRE 217 DISCOURSE ANALYSIS 3 Credits of sentence structures, as well as noun, verb, adjective and adverbial phrases,
The purpose of this course is to enable students to make an interpretation and preposition and their roles in the sentence, agreement and cohesion in the
analysis of language and discourse. It will cover the meaning of discourse in sentence, meaning, transformational rules and grammar. Prerequisite: FRE 210
the study of language, the functions of language, spoken and written discourse
with reference made to biblical and Christian discourse, cohesion, coherence FRE 316 FRENCH LITERATURE IN THE 20TH CENTURY 3 Credits
and analysis of discourse. The aim of this course is to give the students an understanding of literature
by French authors in the 20th century. Particular attention is paid to the
FRE 218 SOCIOLINGUISTICS 3 Credits philosophical and historical background that influenced poetry, drama and
This course seeks to give the student a deeper understanding of the social the novel during this particular period. The course will cover French literature
factors that influence the development and use of language, in order for the before, between and after the World Wars, Surrealism, Existential and Free
student to appreciate the richness of language diversity. Liberal philosophy in French literature and selected works by authors such as
The course will cover the meaning and domain of sociolinguistics in the study Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Mauriac, Beckett, Prvert, Valery, Malraux,
of language, varieties of language: dialects, language, pidgin and creole, Saint-Exupry, Simone de Beauvoir. Prerequisite: FRE 312
speech and thought, language and social interaction, linguistic and social
inequality, languages in contact (interference, code-switching and language FRE 318 THEORIES AND TECHNIQUES 3 Credits
shift), language choice and language policy and planning, the role of former OF TRANSLATION I
colonial languages and indigenous languages in Sub-Saharan Africa. This course aims at giving students the theoretical background and practical
skills necessary for translation. The student will learn the theory and techniques
FRE 312 LITERARY THEORY 3 Credits of translation, interpretive theory, source and target language, machine
This course seeks to help students understand literary criticism and give them translation, translation of texts in certain communication situations such as
the tools with which to analyze varied literature using various literary theories scientific, technical and literary texts.
including the Christian perspective. Students will not only be introduced to
www.daystar.ac.ke 197
The purpose of this course is to enable the students to appreciate gender The purpose of this course is to expose the student to the novel in French by
issues in Africa put forward through literature. The students will be exposed to African writers since 1921 in order to give the student insight into the political
the gender issues facing writers in Africa; themes, metaphors, language and and social issues treated by the authors. A study will be done of novels from
images of both genders in literature, as well as sex roles, theories of criticism 1921 to date. Writers such as Mongo Beti, Ferdinand Oyono, Henry Lopes,
and Biblical perspective. A study of selected works by Mariama B, Aminata Ousmane Sembne, Aminata Sow Fall, Boubacar Boris Diop, Fatou Diome
Sow Fall, Ousmane Sembene, and Henri Lopes will be done. Prerequisite: and Alain Mabanckou will be studied. Prerequisite: FRE 311
FRE 312
This course seeks to acquaint the students with African poetry written in French. It The purpose of the course is to expose the student to French literature from
will cover themes, the historical, cultural and political background of its writing, the 17th to the 19th Century, as well as to give the students the philosophical
as well as the Negritude movement and its influence on poetry in the period and historical issues that influenced their writing. A study will be done of
after the World Wars leading up to independence, legendary, historical and major literary movements in France from the 17th to 19th century: Romanticism,
anti-colonial themes of poetry in French. A study of works of poetry by Senghor, Classical and Baroque Era, Surrealism; and of works by Voltaire, Molire,
Birago Diop, David Diop, Benard Dadi, Grald Flix, Tchicay U Tamsi. Diderot, Hugo, Rousseau, Madame La Fayette. Prerequisite: FRE 311.
The purpose of the course is to create greater awareness in the students who The aim of this course is to give the students an opportunity to apply what
have special interest in studying a language or literature topic in more detail. they have learned throughout the major fields of study and to carry out a
The topic will be derived from any area in language, literature or civilization research and presentation on a topic of their own interest. This course will
selected on the basis of student interest and faculty availability. Content will cover proposal writing and report writing. Some of the topics to be covered
vary from semester to semester and may be repeated for credit if topics are include statement of the problem, justification of the study, research questions,
different. The course will be offered for areas the students wish to study that objectives of study, hypotheses, significance of the study, scope and limitation,
are not normally included in the curriculum. Examples of proposed areas conceptual framework, the literature review, the methodology, presentation of
of study include Literature from the diaspora, issues such as exile, disease research findings, analysis of the findings, conclusions and recommendations.
and war in African literature, African drama, theory and method in Oral The writing of the paper will be reviewed every week.
literature, ideology and language: (language and power, language and
social emancipation, feminism and linguistic theory), oral communication vs
written communication, the Bible as literature. Prerequisite: 300 level courses
in language and literature.
198 www.daystar.ac.ke
1st YEAR 3rd YEAR
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
INS 111 3 INS 112 3 INS 313 3 RET 321 2
BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3 RET 320 3 FRE 315 3
ENG 111 3 HPE 113 3 FRE 215 3 FRE 318 3
ENV 112 2 ENG 112 3 FRE 313 3 FRE ELECTIVE 3
PHL 111 3 ACS 101 2 ELECTIVE 3
www.daystar.ac.ke 199
5. citizens who can contribute to the national consciousness and cultural MUS 119 Applied Private Instruction I (African and Western)
heritage through participation in musical events and research. MUS 217 Western Music I
MUS 218 Practical Musicianship II
Admission Requirements MUS 219 Applied Private Instruction II (African and Western)
Applicants must fulfill entry requirements that apply to the admission of all MUS 221 Resources and Approaches for Schools and Churches
Daystar undergraduate students. In addition, they must have obtained any of MUS 311 Western Music II
the following:
MUS 312 Conducting
at least a grade C+ in the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education
(KCSE) or its equivalent in Music MUS 314 Music Education
diploma in Music from Daystar may join the degree program MUS 318 Practical Musicianship III
MUS 319 Applied Private Instruction III (African and Western)
Student Assessment
MUS 321 Music Composition and Ethics
a. All quizzes, assignments, projects, tests, term papers, practical work
and the final examination will be included in the calculation of the MUS 408 Special Topics in Music
students final grade for a given course. MUS 411 Church Music
b. All grades below D will carry no credit and will be calculated as 0 MUS 412 Survey of World Music
grade point and automatically carry an F rating.
MUS 414 Leading Worship
c. The student is allowed to repeat failed courses only twice. If the failed
MUS 415 Advanced Music Composition
course is a required course, the student will be discontinued from the
programme. Repeated courses will receive a grade not higher than a C. MUS 418 Practical Musicianship IV
d. A cumulative grade point average (G.P.A) of at least 2.00 must be MUS 419 Applied Private Instruction (African and Western) IV
maintained in all courses. MUS 421 Advanced Conducting
e. Course grades for this major are derived from the continuous assessment
MUS 496 Independent Study in Music
items and from the final examination as guided by the following two
Grading for MUS 408 (Special Topics in Music) will depend on the area of
study selected. For certain kinds of topics the first category of grading will be
i) First Category 100% Continuous Assessment, 0% Final Exam
applied while for others the second category will be applicable.
Courses under this category are purely practical in orientation. Students
are continuously graded on contact hour basis. The final grade constitutes
an average of all the grades attained throughout the course. The following
200 www.daystar.ac.ke
Music Minor Applied Private Instruction
Students may learn more than one instrument for the applied instruction series.
Music Minor Requirements Credit Hours However, lessons for each instrument must be registered separately. As such,
MUS 113 Introduction to Choral Singing 1 the first semester of learning each instrument is as follows:
MUS 412 Survey of World Music 3 MUS 319a MUS 319b MUS 419a MUS 419b
piano piano piano piano
MUS 319a MUS 319b MUS 419a MUS 419b
violin violin violin violin
www.daystar.ac.ke 201
Course Descriptions
MUS 098 Introduction to Music Theory 0(3) Credits harmonization; Melodic composition and harmonization (African and Western
Sight-singing both pentatonic and diatonic melodies using staff notation in the styles); Secondary Seventh and their inversions in major and minor keys;
keys of C,F,Bb,Eb.G,D and A; Transcribing 4 to 8 beat patterns of rhythmic Suspensions, modulations; Composing within a given harmonic framework
dictation using semibreves, minims, crotchets, quavers and semi-quavers; (African and Western styles), counterpoint; Analysis of rhythmic structure and of
Melodic dictation up to 8 bars, knowledge and use of Kodays sol-fa hand phrasing (African and Western music). Pre-requisite: MUS 098.
signs; Identifying melodic and harmonic intervals; Understanding the grand
staff, note names, leger lines, note and rest values, accidentals, key and time MUS 118 Practical Musicianship I a & b 2 Credits
signatures, major scales, minor scales, chromatic scale, diatonic intervals, Semester I (a)
primary triads with their inversions, use of triplets, double dots, double Introduction to the course; Rhythm names; Rhythm exercises; Sol-fa: s-m-d;
sharps and flats, syncopation, transposition using treble and bass clefs and Notation skills; Staff; Barlines; Notes; Handsigns; Rhythm names/exercises; 2
performance directions; Analysis of simple four-part harmony using Roman time; pentatonic scales, songs, exercises; first and second endings; conducting
Numerals and Figured Bass. in 24; Ostinato work; Extending the material learned; Rhythm names/exercises
in 34 time; Fa and Ti; Diatonic scale; Diatonic songs/exercise/dictation; Letter
names; Keyboard acquaintance; Diatonic intervals; Rhythm names/exercises;
MUS 111 Music in Africa 2 Credits
Upbeat; Conducting in 44; Tie; Keyboard work; Inversion of intervals; Sharp;
Definition and meaning of major terms and concepts such as ethnomusicology,
Key of C and G; Slur; Ostinato; Pause; D. C. al Fine; Interval dictation;
musical culture, musical syncretism and musical acculturation; Role of music
sightsinging songs in Key of C and G; Keyboard work; Form AABA, ABBA;
in the African societies; Characteristics of African music; Study, functions and
Bass clef; Letter names; Leger lines; Phrases; Keyboard work; Flat; key of F;
categorization of African musical instruments; African vocal music and style
songs in F; Two-part singing; Canons in F; Scales on key board
(including African popular music); African dances and dance dramas; Process
of musical acculturation in Africa; Characteristics of contemporary African Sightsinging in 3 parts; Rhythmic exercises; Key of D; Note names; Italian terms
music; Approaches in ethnomusicology; History of church music in Africa; for dynamic markings; Key of B flat; Extending material learned; Keyboard
Characteristics of African church music; Approaching innovations in church work/scales; Key of A; Rhythmic exercises; Three-part singing; Key of E flat;
music and worship in Africa. Triads; Primary triads; Dictation in triads;
Note names; Keyboard work; Simple melodic writing; Review and extension of
MUS 113 Introduction to Choral Singing 1 Credit concepts with more advanced musical experiences.
Vocal exercises with attention to proper posture and breathing to develop good
vocal technique; Rehearsal of selected songs as a choir; Performances of well Semester II 2 Credits
rehearsed/learned songs in Daystar chapel services or outside. Review all rhythmic and melodic elements; Sightsinging and aural dictation.
Sol-fa and note names; Review extended; Harmonic minor; Fi; Italian dynamic
MUS 114 African Music Ensemble 1 Credit markings extended; A harmonic minor; Songs and dictation in A harmonic
Participation in learning basic techniques of music making on the chosen minor; Compound time; Conducting in 6; Keyboard work; D harmonic minor;
instruments, incorporating individual playing into songs and pieces for the entire Songs; scales, keyboard work in D harmonic minor; E harmonic minor;
group, singing and/or dancing when appropriate to the music; Developing Compound time 64; Conducting in 6; Keyboard work; 44; Key of B minor
songs that will carry a Christian message, joining with student singing groups and G minor; Si; Melodic minor; Keyboard work; Sightsinging in compound
such as the Daystar Choir, Daystar Christian Fellowship groups, or local church time in the studied minor keys; All triads and their functions; C harmonic minor;
choirs; Learning about instrument construction, maintenance, symbolism and F sharp harmonic minor; Form; Theme and Variations; Sightsinging in that
social contexts. Pre-requisite: MUS 111. form; Keyboard work; Ostinato work; Extending the material learned; More
advanced keyboard work.
MUS 115 Music and Dance Performance 1 Credit
Participating in rehearsals as a class. This includes learning and perfecting MUS 119 Applied Private Instruction I a & b 1 1 Credit
of selected songs and dances; Performance in a variety of settings such (African and Western)
as concerts, mass media (TV) and educational institutions; Selection and The content will vary depending on the instrument chosen, and the students
entry level. Emphasis is placed on correct execution and technique, as well as
adaptation of music for performance. Pre-requisite; MUS 111.
musical expression. The course is designed so that each student can acquire
meaningful musical growth from her/his entry level. The course is designed
MUS 116 Music Literacy and Theory 3 Credits
so that a student goes through two semesters. This ensures that an absolute
Rhythmic and melodic dictation (African and Western styles); Interval
beginner under the music minor programme can reach the standardized level
recognition- harmonic form up to two octaves; Alto and Tenor clefs; Diminished
of proficiency at the end of the second semester of study. The proficiency
sevenths and Neopolitan sixths; Realizing Figured Bass for keyboards and for
requirements also form a guideline for non-music students taking the course.
voices; Composing Figured Bass to a given melody; Part-writing and chorale
Pre-requisite: MUS 098.
202 www.daystar.ac.ke
NOTE: All music students will be required to pass a proficiency examination and me1odic minors; conducting and singing in 5/4 time; Extending the
in the piano keyboard. A pass in proficiency is a graduation requirement for material learned; Key of F sharp; Keyboard work; Key of D sharp harmonic
both music major and music minor students. The proficiency requirements are and melodic minors; Keyboard work; Part-singing; Key of G flat; Keyboard
as follows: work; Key of E flat harmonic and melodic minors
1. Any major scale 2 octaves, both hands, ascending and descending.
2. Two contrasting ear pieces. MUS 219 Applied Private Instruction II a & b 1 Credit
3. One prepared piece. (African and Western)
4. A four-part hymn. The content will vary depending on the instrument chosen, and the students
entry level/experience with the instrument. Emphasis is placed on correct
Students coming with prior experience of the instrument under study will be execution and technique, as well as musical expression. The course is designed
expected to advance progressively from their entry level. Their proficiency will that each student can acquire meaningful musical growth from her/his entry
be at a higher level to match the progress envisaged. level. The course is designed so that a student goes through two consecutive
semesters with one instrument of study. This is to ensure reasonable exposure
MUS 217 Western Music I 2 Credits an instrument before changing from one to another, Pre-requisite: MUS 119.
Introduction to the course, ancient sources of music; World of chant, early
Medieval period (500-1100); Antiphon, trope, conductus, secular monophony, MUS 221 Resources and Approaches 3 Credits
Gregorian chant; Late Middle Ages (1100-1430), musical ficta, canzo, for Schools and Churches
conductus, motet,church modes, organum; Polyphony, polyphonic mass, Introduction to course, Folk song, A comparison between folk songs and art
Estampie, Perotin, Machaut; Renaissance period (1430-1600), fauxbourdon, music; Philosophy of music education - Orff, Suzuki, Daicrose, Kodaly; Scales,
motet, madrigal, anthem,chanson, cantus firmus, ricercar, canzona; Dunstable, )des, Analysis of folk songs; Tools for teaching; rhythm names, sol-fa, good
Dufay, Ockeghem, des Prez, Tallis, Gabrielli, Byrd, Victoria, Palestrina, Morley, materials; Organization of Retrieval File; Song presentation; Lesson planning,
Gesualdo, Hassler, Monteverdi; Baroque period (1600-1750), recitative, Teaching of aurals; Videos showing master music teachers; Ingredients of
aria, trio sonata, opera, operaseria, oratorio, cantata, theme and variations, dance; Presentation of dances in class setting; How to teach a dance; How to
homophony; Toccata, fugue, passacaglia, chaconne, chorale prelude, suite, listen music; kinds of listeners; Structured listening and analysis; Completion of
concerto grosso, solo concerto, passion; Monteverdi, Praetorius, Schutz, retrieval Files. Pre-requisites: MUS 115, MUS 217.
Carissimi, Lully, Purcell, Pachelbel, Scarlatti, Vivaldi, Teleman, Rameau; J.S.
Bach, Handel; Classical period (1725- 1800), oratorio, opera buffa; Sonata- MUS 311 Western Music II 2 Credits
Allegro form; Rondo, variation form, minuet and trio, overture, chamber music, Introduction to the course, review of material studied in Mus 117; Romantic
symphony, serenade, divertimenti, requiem; Gluck, CPE Bach, Haydn, Mozart, period (1800- 1910), Art song. Beethoven, Schubert, Schumann, Wolf,
Beethoven. Pre-requisites: MUS 116, MUS 118. Brahms; Italian, French and German Opera, Verdi, Wagner, Rossini, Bellini,
Donizetti, Puccini; Choral works, Mendelssohn, sonata form, symphony,
MUS 218 Practical Musicianship II a & b 2 Credits Berlioz, Mahler; no works, polonaise, nocturne, mazurka, waltz, rhapsody,
Semester I etudes, chopin; Programme music, symphonic poem, Liszt, virtuoso, Paganini;
Review of material learned in MUS 118; Extending the material learned with Nationalism, Smetana, Borodin, Mussorgsky, Tchaikovsky, Dvorak, Grieg,
new musical experiences;2 time; Conducting and singing in2 time; Key of E Rimsky-Korsakov; Faure, Bruckner, Franck, Strauss, Sibelius; Early Twentieth
and C sharp harmonic minor; Melodic minors in keys of E and C sharp; Part- Century (1900- 1945), impressionism, Debussy, Ravel; Schoenberg, twelve-
singing in scales learned; Triplets; duplets; Upbeats with quaver; Keys of A flat tone technique, serialism, microtonality, sprechstimme, atonality; Stravinsky,
and F harmonic and melodic minors; Part-singing in scales learned; Dotted polytonality, concerto, suite, ballet; Choral works, Kodaly, Bartok, Vaughan
quavers and semi-quavers; Upbeats with semi-quavers; Tied notes; all triads Williams, Hoist, Prokofiev, Varese, Gershwin, Jazz; Expressionism, Berg, Elgar,
and functions in the diatonic scale; Singing in four-parts; Extending the material Copland, de Falla, Bloch, Weberri, Ives, Milhaud, Orff, Hindemith, Sessions;
learned; Compound time 2; Rhythmic exercises and conducting in and 12; Late Twentieth Century music (1945-present), rise of jazz and popular music,
Various rhythmic syncopations; Harmonic dictation; 34 time; Conducting and ragtime, blues, swing; Minimalism, electronic music, music, music theater,
singing in 34 time; 22; Extending the material learned. Pre-requisite: MUS Carter, Cage, aleatory music, Britten; Babbitt, Foss, Ligeti, Boulez, Musgrave,
118. Stockhousen, Crumb, Glass, Davies. Pre-requisite: MUS 217.
www.daystar.ac.ke 203
of breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, the role of the conductor, rationale for MUS 408 Special Topics in Music 3 Credits
church choirs, the role of the choir in the Church and school; Accompaniment, Topics will be offered depending on student interest and availability of faculty.
elementary diction, marking a score, advantages of various musical styles, Course content will vary depending on the nature of the topic. Course may be
e.g. Western and African, choir competitions; Techniques of choral arrangers, repeated for credit when topic is different. Pre-requisites: MUS 217, MUS
composing for choirs, rehearsal techniques, performance considerations, basic 318, MUS 321.
seating arrangements. Pre-requisite: MUS 217.
MUS 411 Church Music 3 Credits
MUS 314 Music Education 3 Credits Introduction to course, logical fallacies, the infinite variety of music, meaning
Definition and meaning of major terms and concepts such as Music Education, in music; Philosophies of music ministry, foundations in worship, textual
Teaching Methods, Teaching Strategies and Teaching Techniques; Music considerations, matching of texts and tunes; Worship models, service planning,
and Education; The basic principles and methods of the music syllabus for continuums in worship, hymns, congregational singing; Choir ministry,
schools; Scheme of work and lesson plans in music; Music course objectives for historical overview of church music, psychological considerations in worship;
teaching; Music, motivation and psychology; Evaluation and measurement of Music for evangelism, the Engel scale, history of witness music; Popular music
progress in music; Selection of music content; Teaching aids in music and their styles, the secular/sacred debate, music for discipleship; History and issues in
use; Organization of music programmes; The Christian music teacher; Music African church music, directions for the 2 1 Century, summary. Pre-requisite:
and communication. Pre-requisite: MUS 221. MUS 111.
MUS 318 Practical Musicianship III a & b 1 Credit MUS 412 Survey of World Music 3 Credits
Semester I Introduction to course, connections between the New and Old Worlds;
Review of material learned in MUS 118 and MUS 218; Extending the material Music philosophies of China; The nature of ethnomusicology, relationship of
learned; Alto Clef; Singing in the alto clef; Harmonic analysis of simple ethnomusicology to the social sciences and the arts, history and approaches
works; tending the material learned; All altered notes; Enharmonic notes; from ethnomusicology, field methods in ethnomusicology (including sound
Review of material learned; Chromatic scale; Singing the chromatic scale; recording and reproduction techniques, notation and transcription), participant
Keyboard work; Harmonic analysis and harmonic composing; Keyboard observation, acoustics; American Indians; Overview of African music: selected
work; Sightsinging using letter names; Keyboard work; Tonal and real answers; African cultures and their use of music, African music in Diaspora; Music of
Review and tension of concepts with more advanced musical experiences. the Middle East: music of India, music of Indonesia; Forces of world musical
acculturation, summary. Pre-requisite: MUS 217, MUS 411.
Semester II 1 Credit
Review of material learned in Semester I; Extending the material learned with the MUS 413 Advanced Choral Training& Conducting 2 Credits
more advanced musical experiences; More complicated syncopated rhythmns; Conducting technique: irregular/changing meters, unifying the technique,
Harmonic analysis; Keyboard work; 4/8 Tenor clef; Singing in the tenor clef; achieving expressive conducting, adapting to styles (e.g., legato, marcato),
Harmonic analysis and composing in minor keys; Keyboard work; Modulation; fast and slow tempos, offbeat and displaced accents, fermatas, syncopation,
Harmonic analysis involving modulation; Simple harmonic composition with facial expression and body posture; Preparing a score, accompaniment,
modulation; Extending the material learned; 4/8 time; Singing and conducting diction, building blocks of choral tone: posture, breath and vocalization, vocal
in 4/8 time; Parallel minors; Changing meters; Conducting melodies with range, diction, vowels and consonants, classifying voices, interpretation,
changing meters; Extending the material learned with more advanced musical evaluating techniques of other conductors; Overview of conducting stylistic
experiences. Pre-requisite: MUS 218. periods: Renaissance, Baroque, Classic, Romantic, 20th Century; Approaches
to conducting African songs; Arranging of African folk songs for choir,
MUS 319 Applied Private Instruction III a & b 1 Credit international song styles; Rehearsal techniques: factors in choosing songs,
(African and Western) introducing songs, polishing songs, rhythmic responsiveness, tonal awareness,
The course is an extension of the instrumental/vocal skills established in MUS balance and blend, pitch and intonation, use of verbal and physical directives,
219. Students will be expected to perform at a progressively higher level with warming up, pacing the rehearsal, stimulating concentration, memorization
continued emphasis on correct execution and technique. Pre-requisite: MUS of songs; Programmes and concerts: selecting songs, knowing the audience,
219 programming (achieving unity and variety), special programmes, publicity,
the final rehearsal, special problems of concert performance; Planning and
MUS 321 Music Composition and Ethics 3 Credits organization of the choir: recruiting, stimulating interest, festivals, adjudicating,
Aural training techniques of composition incorporating motif, phrase, cadence, results of seating arrangements; Instrumental conducting: contrast with choral
augmentation, diminution, ornamentation, modulation, part-writing for voices conducting, the baton, reading orchestral scores, marking orchestral scores,
keyboard; Composing in the style of hymns, chorales. traditional melodies balancing of instruments, special challenges of orchestral conducting,
from Africa and other parts of the world, composing vocal descants to a given conducting combined instrumental and choral groups, achieving balance
melody, composing vocal/instrumental music and applying African multi-part between voices and instruments. Pre-requisite: MUS 312.
harmonic style in vocal composition; Principles and application of music ethics.
Pre- requisite: MUS 311.
204 www.daystar.ac.ke
MUS 414 Leading Worship 2 Credits song styles; Rehearsal Techniques: factors in choosing songs, introducing songs,
Definition for worship, Biblical patterns of worship (old and new testaments), polishing songs, rhythmic responsiveness, tonal awareness, balance and
music in worship, biblical patterns and teaching on corporate worship, planning blend, pitch and intonation, use of verbal and physical directives, warming up,
for congregational worship, team building in leading worship (pastors, stimulating concentration, memorization of songs; Programmes and concerts:
worship leaders/choir directors, instrumentalists, musicians); Practical hints for selecting songs, knowing the audience, progamming (achieving unity and
leading worship, qualities and roles of worship team and its responsibilities. variety), special programmes, publicity, the final rehearsa1, special problems
Prerequisite: MUS 411. of concert performance; Planning and organization of the choir; recruiting,
stimulating interest, festivals, adjudicating, results of seating arrangement;
MUS 415 Advanced Music Composition 3 Credits Instrumental conducting: contrast with choral conducting, the baton, reading
Advanced aural techniques of composition incorporating motif, phrase, orchestral scores, marking orchestral scores, balancing of instruments, special
cadence, augmentation, moduration, part-writing for voices and keyboard; challenges of orchestral conducting, conducting combined instrumental and
Composing advanced vocal descants to a given melody; Composing vocal/ choral groups, achieving balances between voices and instruments. Pre-
instrumental music in African style; Applying hymns, chorales, German lied, requisite: MUS 312.
traditional melodies from Africa and other parts of the world to compose in
either African or Western style. Pre-requisite: MUS 321. MUS 496 Independent Study in Music 3 Credits
Topics will vary according to student interest and the availability of faculty.
MUS 418 Practical Musicianship IV a & b 1 Credit Topics are generally more advanced in nature than those covered in class
Semester I setting and include orchestral music, the place of music in worship in the
Review of material learned in Mus 318; Extending the material learned; Church African Church, the music industry.
modes; Review of modes; Sightsinging intermodal melodies of the Renaissance
period; Modal cadences; Extending the material learned: Composition and
analysis of modal pieces; Mezzo-soprano clef; Part-writing and part-singing;
Strong chord progressions; part-writing and analysis; Chord progressions
continued; Review and extension of concepts with more advanced musical
Semester II 1 Credit
Review of material from Semester I; Extending the material learned;
Harmonization of melodies in major keys; Harmonization of melodies in
minor keys; Baritone clef; Singing melodies in baritone clef; Transposition;
Extending the material learned; Chorale analysis and writing; Analysis of more
complicated musical material with modulations; Extending the material learned
with more advanced musical experiences. Pre-requisite: MUS 318.
www.daystar.ac.ke 205
1st YEAR 3rd YEAR
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
ICA 100 1 MAT 098 or 111 3 PHY 111 3 RET 319 3
INS 111 3 INS 11 3 INS 31 4 MUS 312 2
BIL 111 3 BIL 112 3 RET 318 3 MUS 318 (b) 1
ENG 098 OR 111 3 ENG 112 3 MUS 311 2 MUS 319 (b) 1
MUS111 2 MUS 114 1 MUS 318(a) 1 MUS 321 3
MUS 113 1 MUS 115 1 MUS 319 (a) 1 FREE ELECTIVES 6
MUS 116 3 MUS 118 (b) 2 FREE ELECTIVES 3
MUS 118(a) 2 MUS 119 (b) 1 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 16
MUS 119(a) 1
Semester I Semester II
2nd YEAR INS 411 4 MUS 412 3
Semester I Semester II MUS 411 3 MUS 414 2
INS 211 4 ICA 211 2 MUS 418(a) 1 MUS 418(b) 1
BIL 211 2 BIL 212 2 MUS 419( a 1 MUS 419(b) 1
ICA 211 2 ENV 111 3 FREE ELECTIVES 8 MUS 421 2
MUS 218(a) 2 MUS 218(b) 2 TOTAL 17 TOTAL 15
MUS 219(a) 1 MUS 219(b) 1
MUS 221 3
206 www.daystar.ac.ke
www.daystar.ac.ke 207
Many people are facing problems caused by the complexity of modern ICM 056 Introduction to Psychology 3
life and breakdown of the traditional ways of life. At the same time ICM 057 Personality Development 3
we realize that many people have not heard the Gospel of Jesus ICM 058 Abnormal Psychology 3
Christ. In response to these needs, the Department offers diploma
ICM 059 Loss and Bereavement Counseling OR
certificates in Counseling. The courses aim at producing workers 3
ICM 065 HIV/AIDS and Crisis Counseling
interested in counseling at the Diploma level, at the end of the course.
Students will graduate with a Diploma in Counseling. This will enable our ICM 060 Human Growth and Development 3
counseling students to be recognized by Kenyan Association of Professional ICM 063 Introduction to Social Psychology 3
Counselors and other psychological associations.
ICM 064 Christian Counseling 3
ICM 066 Personal and Professional Development 3
Admission Requirements
ICM 081 Introduction to Sociology 3
Applicants must meet the general admission requirements for the
ICM 099 Field Project/ Practicum 6
Diploma Programme in the department of Psychology and Counseling.
Student Assessment
ICM 054 Counseling with Young People 3
1. The final course grades will be derived 40% from continuous assessment
and 60% from the final examination except for independent Study and ICM 067 Spiritual Growth and Development 3
Practicum which are continuous assessment courses. ICM 071 Substance Abuse 3
2. Practicum will be based 40% from students field report, 20% from
site supervisors written report, and 40% from evaluations by Daystar
University supervisors.
208 www.daystar.ac.ke
Courses Descriptions
ICM 051 Principles & Practices of Counselling 3 Credits ICM 061 Understanding the Old Testament 3 Credits
This course will cover meanings and definitions; structure and process; the Old Testament history, geography and culture; literary genres; ways of
counsellor and counselee; counselling. Crisis intervention and case studies. understanding the content of various books of the Old Testament major divisions
Prerequisites: ICM 056, 060, 057, 058 of Old Testament; Old Testament interpretations; major themes in the Old
ICM 053 Marriage & Family counseling 3 Credits
The course deals with the problems and conflicts within marriage and family ICM 062 Understanding the New Testament 3 Credits
set up: systems, sex, and love, family planning, raising and disciplining History of the inter-testamental period; first century Judaism; fulfillment of
children, amongst others; Biblical basis of marriage; counselling techniques scripture; summary of contents and themes of each New Testament book;
and behavioral methods of solving marriage, family problems and conflicts; a survey of the life and history of Jesus Christ; Growth and expansion of the
conflict resolution; premarital counseling: building healthy relationships, Early Church in Acts; history, geography and cultural background of the New
choosing a marriage partner, courtship, wedding and honeymoon, sexual Testament; survey and ministry of Paul; New Testament interpretation; key
problems e.g gender roles and discrimination, prostitution, child labour. Case themes in the New Testament.
studies. Prerequisites: ICM 051.
ICM 063 Introduction to Social Psychology 3 Credits
ICM 054 Counselling with young People 3 Credits The course will cover the definition of social psychology; building blocks
This course will cover the understanding of young people in general; of social life- what makes humans unique: socialization; organization of
understanding their problems; the challenges they face; issues concerning the self- the world as you think it is, the world as you feel it is, who am
family relationships; peer pressure and delinquency. Prerequisites: ICM 060, I? Organization of personal relationships communication, social changes,
ICM 057, ICM 051, ICM 051. social interdependence; complex group interaction setting- group structure and
processes, social networks.
ICM 056 Introduction to Psychology 3 Credits
Definition and the history of psychological aspects of human development Such ICM 064 Christian Counselling 3 Credits
as learning, cognition, memory, motivation and emotions and consciousness. This course will cover the concepts of the Biblical and Christian counseling; the
ICM 057 Personality Development 3 Credits presuppositions and principles- meaning of life, hope, prayer, reconciliation;
An overview of personality theories represented by the major schools such the Christian counsellor; practice and process language of counselling;
as analytic or dynamic, humanistic, cognitive, existential and behavioral; language of emotions, sin, confession, forgiveness, love; effective Biblical
personality disorders; case studies. change-conversion, salvation, spirituality, the Christian personality; the art
pastoral conversation; Biblical case histories. Pre-requisites; ICM 051, ICM.
ICM 058 Abnormal Psychology 3 Credits 057, ICM 063
A study of nature, causes and intervention of a wide variety of mental ICM 065 HIV/AIDS and Crisis Counselling 3 Credits
disorders such as personality disorders, anxiety, mood, stress and adjustment, The course is intended to bring awareness of the pandemic nature of the
schizophrenia, disassociate and affective disorders; case studies. Pre- diseases and also develop skills that are necessary for dealing with victims
requisites: ICM 056, ICM 057, ICM 060, ICM 063, ICM 081. of HIV/AIDS; it will cover HIV/AIDS overview; human sexuality; methods
of management; cultural beliefs and practices; socio-economic development;
ICM 059 Loss and Bereavement Counseling 3 Credits Biblical and theological issues; ethical and legal issues; behavior modification;
Biblical view of suffering and human pain; including divine omnipotence and skills in counsellor care, training of trainers; dealing with crises. Pre-requisites.
goodness, human wickedness and the fall of man; the loss of life; the meaning ICM 051.
of grief: effects and factors influencing; the grief process, problems in grieving
and recovery; recovering from other forms of losses; counseling in grief. ICM 066 Personal & Professional 3 Credits
Prerequisite: ICM 051. Development for Counsellors
This course will include what is personal and professional development; further
ICM 060 Human Growth and Development 3 Credits training; professional recognition; personal therapy; supervision; contribution
The course will cover all aspects of growth and development from conception to the furtherance of knowledge; resourcing yourself; determining a personal
to death. This will include physical and mental growth touching areas of and professional development. Pre-requisites: ICM 056, ICM 060, ICM 057,
learning, emotions, and behavour. Pre-requisites: ICM 056. ICM 051.
www.daystar.ac.ke 209
ICM 067 Spiritual Growth and Development 3 Credits ICM 099 Field Project in Christian Counseling 6 Credits
This course is intended to help a Christian grow in faith. The contexts will Assigned tasks related to the course work done as agreed upon by the student,
include understanding and applying the biblical principles in ones daily life; the faculty, and , where applicable, the employer. A minimum of 10 weeks
understanding Christian faith and applying it in daily life; understanding sin (400 clock hours) and production of a project paper of 25 to 30 typed pages.
and salvation in order to develop deeper faith in Jesus Christ; spiritual morals Students must provide verification by a professional counselor that he/she has
and discipline; discipleship and discipline; interpreting the mission of Daystar completed a minimum of 10 hours of personal psychotherapy. The student
University and its philosophy. must also submit a report of what has been gained from the experience of
personal counseling/psychotherapy including lessons learned, difficulties
ICM 071 Substance Abuse 3 Credits faced, and overall evaluation of the process of the personal counseling/
An introduction to chemical dependency including definitions of alcohol and psychotherapy experience.
drug dependencies; diagnosis; management; recovery; community responses
to dependency problems and case studies. NOTE:
1. Practicum must be registered for when the student has successfully
ICM 081 Introduction to Sociology 3 Credits completed all the coursework.
The nature of sociology and theories; socialization; organization and 2. The student must not register for any other courses during practicum.
mobilization; social stratification and inequality; race and ethnicity; group
3. Those working and would face challenge getting ten continuous weeks
relations; the changing family; functions of religion; problems of social change;
can express his/her problem a semester before the practicum semester
African social issues and problems e.g polygamy, barenness and impotency,
to the HOD.
medicine men and women, soothsayers, sorcerers, witches and wizards, witch
craft, magicians, elders, priests and prophets, etc. and their roles in society; 4. The student should proceed to the practicum experience only after
African concept of God and his/her role in regulating individual and corporate registration. All practicum sites should be approved by the department
life. through the lecturer responsible for practicum.
5. Every student should proceed to the practicum experience when they
have completed 10 hours of personal therapy
210 www.daystar.ac.ke
www.daystar.ac.ke 211
Science and Mathematics Credit Hours Required courses For Psychology Courses Credit Hours
BIO 111 Biology 2 PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology 3
ENV 112 Environmental Science 2 PSY 112 History, Systems & Schools of Psychology 3
MAT 102 Basic mathematics 2 PSY 211 Human Development 3
ACS 101 Basic computer Knowledge 2 PSY 212 Psychology of Personality 3
TOTAL 8 PSY 213 Physiological Psychology 3
PSY 214 Abnormal Psychology 3
Language skills Credit Hours PSY 215 Basic Counseling Skills 3
ENG 096 Basic English 0(9) PSY 311 Psychology of Learning 3
ENG 098 Basic English 0(3) PSY 312 Christian Guidance and Counseling 3
ENG 111 Advanced Reading 3 PSY 313 Introduction to Clinical Counseling 3
ENG 112 Advanced Writing 3 PSY 314 Child Therapy 3
TOTAL 6 PSY 318 Adolescent Therapy 3
PSY 319 Loss and Grief Counseling 3
Credit Hours PSY 408 Special Topics in Psychology & Counseling 3
General Education 32 PSY 411 Social Psychology 3
Psychology & Counseling Major 78 PSY 412 Theories of Marriage & Family 3
Minor (optional)/ Free electives 20 PSY 413 Group Dynamics in psychology 3
TOTAL 130 PSY 414 Ethics in Psychology 3
PSY 415 Human Sexuality 3
PSY 416 Short- Term Theories of Counseling 3
PSY 417 Addictions & Interventions 3
PSY 418 Trauma & Post Traumatic Stress Counseling 3
PSY 508 Psychology Practicum A & B 6
SOC 314 Introduction to Social Statistics 3
SOC 315 Social Research Methods 3
212 www.daystar.ac.ke
Minor in Psychology Course Descriptions
To graduate with a minor in Psychology and Counseling, the student MUST
PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology 3 Credits
PSY 111 Introduction to psychology 3 Introduction: Psychology and Christianity; family issues and parenting;
PSY 211 Human Development 3 neuroscience and behavior; sensing learning, cognition; memory; motivation;
emotion; personality; stress and health; states of consciousness; psychological
PSY 311 Psychology of Learning 3
disorders; somatoform; dissociative disorders; personality disorders; organic
PSY 411 Social Psychology 3 mental disorders; paranoia; affective disorders; schizophrenia; preventive
In addition to these courses, the student must take any other three (3) courses psychological disorders; treatment and therapy; individual and cultural diversity.
from the following:
PSY 112 History, Systems & Schools of Psychology 3 Credits
PSY 212 Psychology of Personality 3 Historical Roots of Psychology; Development of Psychology from its Beginning
PSY 214 Abnormal Psychology 3 to Today; Contributions of S. Freud, E. Erikson, C. Jung, Gestalt, B.F.Skinner, C.
Rogers, J. Watson, Beck, W. Glasser, A. Adler, A. Ellis, T.S. Mwa Mwenda.
PSY 216 Disaster Management 3
How Psychology Relates to Philosophy, Science, Psychology and African
PSY 312 Christian Guidance & Counseling 3 Culture. Prerequisite PSY 111
PSY 313 Introduction to Clinical Counseling 3
PSY 408 Special Topics in Psychology 3 PSY 211 Human Development 3 Credits
Introduction; Prenatal Development and Birth; Physical and Cognitive
PSY 412 Theories of marriage & Family 3
Development in Infancy; Early Influence on Development; the Preschool Child;
PSY 413 Group Dynamics in Psychology 3 The School Age Child; Adolescence; Early Adulthood; Middle Adulthood; Late
PSY 414 Ethics in Psychology 3 Adulthood; Death and Dying; Developmental Theories. Prerequisite PSY 111,
PSY 415 Human Sexuality 3
PSY 496 Independent Study in Psychology 3 PSY 212 Psychology of Personality 3 Credits
Theories of Personality: S. Freud- Psychoanalytic; Neo-Psychoanalytic-Analytic;
Students must provide verification by a professional counselor that he/she has A. Maslow- Humanistic; Albert Ellis RET- Cognitive; Pavlov and Skinner
completed a minimum of 15 hours of personal psychotherapy. The student must Learning; J. Watson Behavior; J. Piaget Developments; Integration of
also submit a report of what has been gained from the experience of personal Personality with Biblical Teaching on Human Personality. Prerequisite PSY 111
counseling/psychotherapy including lessons learned, difficulties faced, and
overall evaluation of the process of the personal counseling/psychotherapy PSY 213 Physiological Psychology 3 Credits
experience. Introduction; Body Senses and how they Work; The Nervous Systems such
as Central, Autonomic, and Somatic; The Muscular Systems Such as Striated,
Smooth, and Cardiac and Glandular Systems such as Endocrine and Exocrine;
The Relationship Between and Physiological Systems and Behavior; Cho-
Physiological Influence or Behavior Including Drug Effects. Prerequisite PSY
111, 112.
www.daystar.ac.ke 213
PSY 216 Disaster Management 3 Credits Disorders, Drug Use, Suicide, Peer Related Issues, Mental Health Issues);
Introduction to Disaster; Types of Disasters; Theories and Practice of Disaster Techniques and Skills (Talk Therapy, Family Therapy, Adolescent Group
Management; Effects of Disaster; Disaster Risk Management; Intervention and Therapy, Creative Arts Adolescent Therapy. Prerequisite PSY 111, 211, 212,
Treatment of Survivors; Trauma; Stress; Post-Traumatic Stress; Conflict and 215.
Conflict Reduction; Loss And Grief; Group Therapy
PSY 319 Loss And Grief Counselling 3 Credits
PSY 311 Psychology of Learning 3 Credits Biblical View of Suffering and Human Pain; Meaning of Grief and Loss,
Introduction; Historical Background of Learning; Observational Learning; Definitions, Nature of Grief, Normal Grief Reactions, Grief Determinants,
Theories of Learning Classical or Pavlovian Conditioning, Pavlovian Unhealthy/Abnormal Grief, Effects and Factors Causing Grief; Culture and
Experiments, their Meaning and Application; Operant or Skinners Conditioning, Grief; The Grief Process, Problems in Grieving and Recovery, Grief Models;
Skinners Experiments their Meaning and Application; Application of Principles Dealing with Personal Grief and Death (Theory and Practical); Family and
of Learning to Animal and Human Behavior including Transfer of Learning; Grief, Children and Grief, Adolescents and Grief, Parents and Grief; Traumatic
Relationship between Animal Experiments and Human Behavior; Perception; Bereavement; Grief Counseling; The Role of The Church in Loss and Grief;
Cognition; Sensation and Motivation. Prerequisite PSY 111, 211. Grief and Burnout; Caring for The Caregivers. Prerequisite PSY 214, 215,
211, 312.
PSY 312 Christian Guidance & Counselling 3 Credits
Introduction and Definition of Counseling; the Principles of Counseling; PSY 411 Social Psychology 3 Credits
The Counselor/Counselors Language; Models of Counseling(Carkuffs): Introduction; Social Theories; Relationship between Social Theories And
Psychoanalytical Therapy, Reality Therapy, Adlerian Therapy, Cognitive Individual/Social Behavior; Development of Self as a Process, Individual/
Therapy; A Biblical View of People, Problems and Solutions; Counseling Social Perception Attitudes, Motives, Values, Affiliations, Aggression and
Attitudes; Basic Skills: Listening, Responding and Feelings; Case Analysis/ Relationships; Interpersonal Communication Dynamics in the Society; Peace
Case study; The Communication Process; Crisis Intervention; Some Essential and Resolution in Homes, Churches and Society. Prerequisite All 100 And
Conditions for Crisis Counseling; Loneliness and Depression: Grieving Process; 200 Level Courses.
Drug Abuse/Drug Addiction: Commonly Abused Drugs; Alcoholism: The Scope
of The Problem, The Family of The Alcoholic; Suicidal Persons and Suicidal PSY 412 Theories of Marriage and Family 3 Credits
Counseling; Basic Principles of Suicidal Prevention; AIDS/HIV Counseling; Introduce the Major Models and Schools of Marriage and Family Theories
Ethical Issues. Prerequisite PSY 111, 211, 213, 215. Structural, Functional, Post-Modern, Behavioral, etc.; General Systems
Theory; Family Systems; Family Communication; Intergenerational and
PSY 313 Introduction to Clinical Psychology 3 Credits Multigenerational Patterns; Marriage and Family Structural-Strategic Systems;
Meaning of Clinical Psychology; Examine Psychological Assessment Theories; Marriage and Family Cognitive Behavior Patterns; Genograms; African and
Interviewing Techniques Carry out Video Tape and Audio Taped interviews Biblical Concepts of Marriage and Family; Marriage and Family Functions Role
with Clients; Classroom Presentation and Role Play on Interviewing Style with Allocation Today; Changing Concepts of Marriage and Family its Effects on
Clients; Practical Exercises on Taking of The History; Test Construction, Analysis the Couples, Siblings Church and Society. Prerequisite All 300 level courses.
and Application; Diagnosis and How to Draw out Therapeutic Conclusions.
Prerequisite PSY 111, 211, 312. PSY 413 Group Dynamics in Psychology 3 Credits
Introduction and Definition of Groups; Characteristics of Groups; Major
PSY 314 Child Therapy 3 Credits Concepts of Groups; Group Resources; Group Types; Role Played By
Introduction; Theories and Techniques for Studying Child Development; The Members; Advantages and Disadvantages of Groups; Conflicts in Groups,
Infant: Personality, Physical, Mental, and Social Development, Early Childhood: Homes Church, Family and Application of Group Dynamics in East Africa and
Physical Growth and Motor Development, Brain and Nervous System, Health the Region. Prerequisite PSY 111, 211, 212, 215.
and Wellness, and Abuse and Neglect - Cognitive Development (Piagets View,
Challenges to Piagets View, Alternative Theories of Early Childhood Thinking PSY 414 Ethics in Psychology 3 Credits
and Language, Intelligence) and Theories of Social Development, Family Introduction; Morality, Standards, Laws, Professionalism, Community; Legal
Relationships and Structure [Attachment, Ethnicity, Socioeconomic Status and and Ethical Issues in Child Abuse, Incest, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Sodomy,
Parenting Styles, Divorce, Peer Relations through Play, Aggressing, Pro-Social Infidelity, Suicide and Suicide Attempts; Confidentiality; Human Rights and
Behaviour and Friendships. Moral Development (Kohlberg); Child Abuse; Divorce; Abortion; Professional Codes Governing a Therapeutic Relationship;
Spirituality of Children during Early Childhood Development and Counseling Legal, Moral and Spiritual Issues and the African Code of Conduct. .
Children. Prerequisite PSY 111, 211, 212, 215. Prerequisite ALL before Practicum.
PSY 318 Adolescent Therapy 3 Credits PSY 415 HUMAN SEXUALITY 3 Credits
Introduction; Theories of Counseling; the Adolescent (Physical, Mental, Introduction; Sex Roles; Gender Issues; Sexual Dysfunctions and Sexual Script
Personality And Social Development); Adolescent-Related Issues (Eating and Attitudes; Traditional African and Biblical Concepts of Human Sexuality;
214 www.daystar.ac.ke
Pre and Extra- Marital Sex; the Role Of Sex in Marriage; Incest, Homosexuality, and diagnosis. Other areas of supervision include the ability to work with
Lesbianism, Sodomy, Infidelity; Other Perverted Sexual Behavior in Relation to the site supervisor and other personnel, demonstrating maturity, responsibility,
African Traditional Beliefs and Biblical Teachings on Sex. Prerequisite All 100 stewardship, and promoting interpersonal and interactional skills. At the end of
And 200 Level Courses. practicum, the student presents a written document of his/her observation and
experience, including a sealed confidential letter of the students report from the
PSY 416 Short Term Theories of Counseling 3 Credits site supervisor. This must be submitted in a sealed envelope through the student
Introduction: Historical Overview of Brief Theories of Counseling; Adlerian to the University Departmental supervisor. Prerequisite ALL courses.
Therapy: Historical Background, Theoretical Framework, Therapeutic Process,
Techniques and Application; Gestalt Therapy: Historical Background,
1. Practicum must be registered for when the student has successfully
Theoretical Framework, Therapeutic Progress, Techniques and Application;
completed all the coursework.
Reality Therapy; Behavioral Approaches: Fundamental Concepts, Therapeutic
2. The student must not register for any other courses during practicum.
Process and Techniques and Application; Cognitive Behavioral Approaches:
3. Those working and would face challenge getting ten continuous weeks
Key Concepts, Therapeutic Process, Techniques and Application; Place Of
can express his/her problem a semester before the practicum semester
Intake Interview/Assessment in Short-Term Therapies; Effectiveness of Short-
to the hod.
Term Therapies: the Counseling Relationship and The Issue of Effectiveness,
4. The student should proceed to the practicum experience only after
Client and Therapist Variables Affecting Effectiveness; Integration: Creating
registration. All practicum sites should be approved by the department
a Personal Philosophy of Counseling, Biblical And Cross-Cultural Issues.
through the lecturer responsible for practicum.
Prerequisite 300 level courses.
5. Every student should proceed to the practicum experience when they
have completed at least 15 hours of personal therapy.
PSY 418 Trauma And Post Traumatic Stress 3 Credits
DisordeR - Crisis Counseling And Intervention
PSY 496 Independent Study in Psychology 3 Credits
Introduction; History, Causes of Trauma; Epidemiology; PTSD as a Diagnosis;
The content for each study will vary depending on the topic chosen. The
Assessment Tools; PTSD in Relationship to other Psychological Disorders;
student(s) will choose a topic with the help of the lecturer responsible for the
Symptoms of Trauma; Traumatic Losses; Coping with Trauma; Healthy and
course. The topic chosen must have sufficient content equivalent to any course
Unhealthy Coping; Treatment of Trauma; Overview of Treatment Approaches,
outline done in a psychology major but must not be a course already taken
Stabilization and Crisis Intervention (Introduction and Definition of Crisis
by the student(s). The whole study is to be done by the student(s) under the
Counseling; Historical Background of Theories of Crisis Counseling; Methods
guidance and help from the lecturer for the purpose of obtaining text books and
of Crisis Counseling; General Characteristics and Categories; Phases of
also assessment on weekly consultations.
Crisis Counseling; Roles of an Effective Counselor and Counselee in Crisis
Counseling; Techniques used in Crisis Counseling; Specific Issues Requiring
Note: Independent study will not be allowed for less than 4 students.
Crisis Counseling: Family in Crisis, Grief, Divorce, Suicidal Crisis, Terminal
Illness, and Community Crisis; Role of the Church in Crisis Counseling;
Integration of Crisis Counseling Process; Review of Some Case Studies. (CISD),
Psychopharmacology in PTSD, Psycho-Education of Individual and Family,
Psychotherapy; Multicultural Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment; Special Topics;
Trauma in Children, Suicidal Patients; Therapists Issues; Theological Issues.
Prerequisite 300 level courses.
www.daystar.ac.ke 215
216 www.daystar.ac.ke
Students will periodically be evaluated by faculty on a number of dimensions
PSY 662 Professional Issues and Ethics 2
related to personal readiness to engage in the professional practice of
counseling psychology. PSY 671 Integration of Psychology, Christian (Biblical)
and African Worldviews
Note: PSY 697 Practicum and Seminars 6
1. All students whose undergraduate degree is not in psychology will
be required to have done PSY 211 Human Development before
commencing their MA in counseling programme or to do it during
the first or the second semesters of the programme. Those who have Electives
psychology degree or have done this course on the undergraduate
level are exempted from doing it. PSY 696 Independent Studies 3
2. Students who have obtained an undergraduate degree from Daystar PSY 698 Thesis 3
are exempted from INS 612 and should replace it with an optional
course from their concentration chosen from PSY 608.
3. Because of psychological emphasis, GRW 611 and GRW 613 will be
projected by the department.
4. For proper and beneficial supervision of PSY 697, a class will have a Course Descriptions
maximum of 10 and a minimum of 5.
www.daystar.ac.ke 217
and the issue of effectiveness; Client and therapist variables affecting PSY 646 Group Processes 2 credits
effectiveness; effectiveness of psychodynamic and brief therapies; critique of History of group therapy; Theoretical approaches to group therapy; Curative
psychoanalytic model of counseling; Feminist approaches and cross-cultural factors and limitations of group therapy; Group therapist characteristics; Group
issues; Transference and counter-transference issues in counseling: Boundary therapy techniques; Group formation: Screening and selection of members;
issues, touch and physical contact in counseling; Therapist self-disclosure and Ground rules; Group development: Conflict, power, coalitions, cohesiveness;
the ethics of sharing Christian values (faith); Gestalt model of counseling. African community support system; Dynamics of African social groups; Special
issues in group therapy: Termination issues; Ethical issues in group therapy.
PSY 642 Additions and Their Interventions 3 Credits Prerequisite PSY 641, 640, 642,643, 644.
Addiction diagnosis, treatment, research and theory; co-dependency PSY 650 Psychopathology 3 credits
diagnosis, treatment, theory and research; Christians and addictive Course introduction: ethical, political, and economic considerations in
disorders; Neuropsychopharmacology: basics of neuropsychopharmacology diagnosis; validity and reliability of diagnostic categories; overview of DSM-
principles of drug action and their adverse side effects; African and addictive 1V: Multiaxial assessment and Emerging diagnostic categories; clinical
disorders; Substance abuse involving alcohol, marijuana, prescription disorders and their pharmacological treatment (addiction): mood disorders,
medication, amphetamines, benzodiazepines (addiction), nicotine, cocaine, anxiety disorders, thought disorders; interface between mental and medical
opiods, hallucinogens, sedatives, khat, hypnotics, gasoline, glue and paint conditions; eating disorders, sexual disorders, personality disorders, childhood
( the behavioral impulse control disorders, such as rage gambling and sex disorders, substance abuse disorders; Christian and African understanding of
addiction, eating disorders; common co-morbid disorders, such as depression, mental disorders: witchcraft, demonology, exorcism; holistic understanding of
post-traumatic stress disorders; treatment models, such as AA, harm reduction, Psychopathology psychologically, physiologically, socially, culturally, and
abstinence, inpatient, residential outpatient group, family, and individual spiritually. Prerequisite PSY 641, 640, 642,643, 644, 646.
therapies; case reviews; program visits and participation. Prerequisite PSY
641, 640, 643. PSY 651 Neuropsychology 3 credit
Introduction to the field of neuropsychology: neuron structure and function and
PSY 643 Counseling Fundamentals 3 Credits synaptic transmission. System organization: neurological assessment and brain
and Micro-skills development. Visual perception: other sensory systems. States of consciousness:
This course establishes fundamentals of good counseling practice and includes motivation and sexual behavior; emotions: learning and memory; cognitive
demonstration of supervised practices of counseling skills. Emphasis is on disorders; literalization and language; disorders of language and brain
development of core helping skills and attitudes, which are foundational to an damage. African medicine: herbs, antipsychotic drugs, anti-anxiety drugs,
effective counseling process. Special attention is given to introducing ethical anti-depressant drugs and ECT (shock therapies). Prerequisite PSY 641, 640,
issues and how gender, class, and culture affect the counseling process. It 642,643, 644, 646, 650.
will cover introduction to counseling and process; the counselor as a person;
general counseling models; introductory ethical issues; the art of constructive PSY 656 Psychological Assessment 1 3 Credits
feedback. Diversity issues in counseling. Rapport and structuring; attending (Career &Intelligence Assessment)
behaviour; observational counseling; and active partnership. Clarifying Philosophy and history of psychological assessment: Issues in administering
clients present scenario; clarifying core concerns and assets; basic listening surveys and tests; Norms, reliability, and validity in assessment; Cross-cultural
sequence; encouraging, paraphrasing, summarizing; reflecting feeling; and issues: Issues arising from psychological testing; Report writing; Interest
positive asset search. Establishing therapeutic contact; goal setting; best- Inventories; Aptitude Measures; Intelligence Testing; Achievement Testing;
fit strategies; agreeing on counseling plan. Implementing counseling plan; Organicity Testing and Social Maturity; Future of Assessment.
evaluation; and modification. Termination and follow-up. Skill integration and
personal style including African therapeutic skills, such as story-telling, myths. PSY 657 Psychological Assessment 11 2 Credits
(Personality psychopathology Assessment,
PSY 644 Family Systems and Marital Therapy 2 credits Report Writing & Treatment Planning)
Introduction and Definitions; Key family theorists: Minuchin, Bowen, Whitaker, Course introduction and Overview: Diagnostic Interviewing; Mental status
Satir, and others; General systems theory and how it applies to family systems; exam; MMP-2; Theory, Administration, Interpretation, and report writing;
Family relationship and communication patterns; Multigenerational patterns; MCMI-3, Beck Depression Inventory: BVGT, SCL-R-90: Theory, administration,
Genograms and sculpting; Christian family and marriage: definitions and interpretation and report writing; Projective Testing: theory, administration,
conceptions (meanings); Biblical marriage; role relationship: communication, interpretation and report writing; Integrating Assessment Data: Considerations
gender and sexuality, unfaithfulness, adultery; sexual problems and marriage: of testing in the future and limitation, especially cultural bias of assessment
impotence and infertility, premature ejaculation, family planning, sex and instruments. Prerequisite PSY 641, 643, 656.
HIV positive partner(s); African Traditional Marriage and Family - Cultural
considerations in family theory and therapy: polygamy, monogamy, parenting; PSY 662 Professional Issues and Ethics 2 credits
Rites of passage: conception, birth, naming, initiation, family structure: nuclear Introduction to African code of conduct: Ethical, legal, and professional issues;
and extended, marriage and death rites. Client rights: Confidentiality; Professional Responsibility: duty to warn; Counselor
218 www.daystar.ac.ke
as a person; Professional abuses and liabilities; Values and Controversial NOTE:
issues; Christian values, competence, training, certification, Ethics in research, 1. Practicum must be registered for when the student has successfully
Testing and diagnosis, Suicide and right to die (Euthanasia); Multicultural completed all the coursework.
concerns; Boundary issues, especially dual role relationship; Supervision and 2. The student must not register for any other courses during practicum.
consultation; Child, marriage and family issues; Group counseling/therapy 3. Those working and would face challenge getting ten continuous weeks
issues; Community issues; Recognizing burnout issues; Issues of termination. can express his/her problem a semester before the practicum semester
Prerequisite PSY 641, 640, 642,643, 644.646, 650, 656, 657. to the HOD.
4. The student should proceed to the practicum experience only after
PSY671 Integration of Psychology, Christian 2 Credits registration. All practicum sites should be approved by the department
(Biblical) and African Worldviews through the lecturer responsible for practicum.
Definition of worldview, and specifically, a Christian worldview and an African 5. No student should proceed for practicum before they have done over
worldview; The Kingdom of God and an individual: spiritual maturity; African half of personal therapy of the required 25 hours.
spirit world; Models of integrating psychology, Christianity and African world
view; A Biblical understanding of the nature of persons, sin, evil, demonology,
and spiritual warfare with implications for counseling psychology; The role
of personal faith in professional life; The process of healing. Prerequisite ALL SUGGESTED TWO-YEAR STUDY
except Practicum. PROGRAMME
PSY 696 Independent Study 3 credits
1st YEAR 2nd YEAR
The content for each study will vary depending on the topic chosen. The
student(s) will choose a topic with the help of the lecturer responsible for the 1st Semester Credits 1st Semester Credits
course. The topic chosen must have sufficient content equivalent to any course GRW 611 2 PSY 646 2
outline done in a psychology major but must not be a course already taken INS 612 3 PSY 650 3
by the student(s). The whole study is to be done by the student(s) under the
PSY 641 2 PSY 651 3
guidance and help from the lecturer for the purpose of obtaining text books and
also assessment on weekly consultations. PSY 643 3 PSY 698 3(OPTION)
Note: Independent study will not be allowed for less than 2 students. PSY 656 2 PSY 608D 3
TOTAL 12 TOTAL 11(14)
Students are responsible for acquiring their own practicum sites, which meet the
minimum requirements of the Daystar graduate programme. They will be guided 2nd semester Credits 2nd semester Credits
and encouraged in that process by the lecturer supervising practicum. Students GRW 613 2 PSY 698 3(OPTION)
will average 40 hours per week at the site over the course of the semester of
BIL 615 2 PSY 608A 2
the practicum for a minimum total of 420 hours of the total 500 hours required
for the whole practicum experience including Saturday/weekday supervision PSY 640 2 PSY 671 2
and seminars of 4 hours each. Students will be required to receive at least one PSY 642 3 PSY 697 6
hour per week of individual supervision from their on-site supervisor. About half
PSY 657 2
of the students hours should be in direct clinical service, with the remaining
hours dedicated to other experiences, supervision, consultation with staff, and TOTAL 11 TOTAL 10(13)
other training activities. The site and supervisor must be approved by Daystar
and meet qualification standards established by the Daystar M.A. programme. 3rd Semester Credits
Prerequisite ALL.
PSY 211 3(0)
COM 302P 3(0)
PSY 644 2
PSY 662 2
www.daystar.ac.ke 219
A GPA of 3.00 is equivalent to B in other Universities
220 www.daystar.ac.ke
b. Prerequisite Courses for the Ph.D. v. Submit a written essay of 1000 words covering the following areas
vi. State your interest in the field of Clinical Psychology, professional
Courses Credit Hrs. experience (if any), and your reason for choosing Daystar University and
Abnormal Psychology 3 choice to pursue Ph.D. at this point in your life.
vii. Applicants who are shortlisted will be invited for an interview that will
Introduction to Psychology 3
provide an opportunity for them to present their qualifications for admission
Human Growth and Development 3 and for faculty evaluation of student skills. International applicants will be
Theories of Personality 3 interviewed by telephone by one or more members of the admissions
Social Research Methods 3 committee. The Admissions Committee reserves the right to determine, in
its sole discretion, whether a candidate is suitable for admission to the
Introduction to Statistics 3
Ph.D. program.
Marriage and Family Therapy 3 viii. Upon notification of admission, applicants must confirm in writing to the
Human Sexuality 3 Chair, Admissions Committee, School of Human and Social Sciences
prior to joining the program of choice their intent to take up the offer.
Introduction to Clinical Practice/Practicum/
3 Students who do not complete the program within the eight-year limit
Interviewing Techniques or Micro Skills
can appeal for extension. Such an extension can only be approved for a
Theories of Counseling 3 maximum of two years. Students who do not complete their studies within
Psychopathology 3 the extended period shall be discontinued. Applicants who do not take
TOTAL 33 up their admission immediately have one year to do so after which they
c. Additional admission requirements: would have to reapply.
i. Submit duly completed Daystar University admission forms.
ii. Provide one copy of transcripts of all previous collegiate coursework.
iii. Submit three references: two academic references and one clinical
reference (clinical supervisor).
iv. Submit a curriculum vita (rsum).
www.daystar.ac.ke 221
Required Courses for Graduation and Ph.D. Courses Structure
Personal psychotherapy must be undertaken with at least a Master level Counselor or
222 www.daystar.ac.ke
Progress Evaluation Interview (PEI) Professional Qualifying Examination
All students are required to have an oral Progress Evaluation Interview with a All Ph.D. students are required to successfully complete a Professional
Faculty Committee from the School of Human and Social Sciences, specifically, Qualifying Examination that will show their readiness for Internship. This
Psychology Department, at the end of second year. The Progress Evaluation examination must be taken prior to applying for Internship and after the
Interview provides an opportunity for students to demonstrate their prowess Comprehensive Examinations. The Faculty Committee Chair will co-opt one
in terms of academic and clinical performance, and to demonstrate their more faculty member to constitute a panel. In addition, the student must submit
suitability in the doctoral clinical psychology program3. During the Progress all the required materials to the Chair and the panel members one week prior
Evaluation Interview, students will receive personal progress evaluations to the scheduled Professional Examination. All information for this examination
from their instructors through the committee. Depending on the committees must be handled in a confidential manner . The examination will comprise the
evaluation, the student may continue with or without conditions, or discontinue following:
doctoral study in the program4.
Intake and Diagnostic Skills
a. An Intake Report including diagnosis using DSM-IV and recommendations
Comprehensive Examinations (Raw data must be provided to show validity and reliability of the Intake
A comprehensive examination (also referred to in this document as comps) Report).
is given when the student has completed all the required and prescribed b. An audio/visual recording of the Intake
courses. Comprehensive examinations are given once a year prior to taking
the Professional Qualifying Examination. The comprehensive examination An On-going Supervised Client Case Presentation
must be taken in the third year of a students first enrolment in the program. Students will present an on-going case of a client seen under supervision for a
The examinations will be written but students may be required to submit oral minimum of 10 sessions. The student must submit the case in both audio and
examination in cases where the written examinations need clarification. To transcript format as follows:
undertake the comprehensive examination, a student must have completed a. An audio/visual recording of the session,
78 credit hours of coursework, passed all the core courses and attained a b. A typed transcription of the session in a., and
cumulative grade point average (CGPA) of 3.00. It is on a pass or fail basis c. A typed case summary report of the individual client or couple or family.
and will not contribute to the total credit hours. However, students who do not
pass the comprehensive examination will not be allowed to proceed with the
The student is expected to demonstrate competence in therapeutic interventions,
doctoral program.
ethical considerations and professionalism to qualify for this examination.
All students must pass the following set of doctoral level (administered for 3
hours each) examinations:
a. Professional Ethics and Issues.
b. Psychological Assessment including Diagnosis
c. Psychological Intervention (Treatment and Research)
d. Integration (Psychology, Theology/Spirituality and Worldview)
Clinical Psychology programs are intended to produce clinical and research competency
in all students.
Bias will be dealt with through meticulous scrutiny, academic and professional ethics
www.daystar.ac.ke 223
Course Descriptions and regulation of internal states, the biology of sex and gender, emotion and
health, hearing and language, vision and visual perception. The body sense
and movement, learning and memory, intelligence and cognitive functioning.
GRA 801 Doctoral Colloquium 2 Credits Sleep consciousness, psychological disorders. The brain; neurotransmitters
Library research skills; use of search-engines, summarizing, synthesizing, and and hormones, reproductive behavior, sensory and motor functions, brain
critical evaluation skills; academic writing and referencing skills; literature development and change, arousal and sleep, emotions, and emotional and
review; report writing and presentation; concepts and praxis on producing neurological disorders. Research ethics in neuroscience, split brain studies, a
a text in written form; activities of note-taking such as drafting the contents comparison of two (or more) methods of examination of the live brain, human
and organization of the document; documentation entailing literature citation: face recognition, the truth about crash diets, mnemonics, an example of
footnoting, proofreading and editing of text; and steps in writing a research amnesia, and a biopsychological aspect of blindness (or deafness). What is
paper. EMDR? Music and the brain, human attractants and meaning of mirror neurons.
BIL 801 Seminar on Integration of Faith and Life 3 Credits PSY 818: Multicultural Issues in Clinical Psychology 2 Credits
Definitions of faith, integration, worldview and kingdom of God; a critique of Definition: Cultural competency, attribution theory, ethnic identity development,
the biblical basis for a Christian world-life view; analysis of kingdom of God acculturation (mendoza model) and identity development models. perspectives
values and principles; analysis of other ideologies and philosophies of life; on culture, individualism vs. Collectivism, value orientation and worldviews.
examination of integration steps, models, styles and strategies; evaluation of Differences in communication, culture and mental health. Worldview, intercultural
the integration of faith with the discipline of clinical psychology; application communication, Christian worldview, multicultural and ethnic underpinnings,
of the concept of integration in ethics, values, attitudes and the building of the language, and artifacts. Intercultural conflict, assimilating, accumulating and
kingdom of God; and an evaluation of the African worldview foundations and social mores or faux pas. Cultural values, rituals and beliefs. Comparison
Christian truth. of social taboos and rules of own culture. Examples of verbal or non-verbal
misunderstanding and miscommunication. Clinical issues in psychotherapy,
BIL 802 Philosophy of Scientific Inquiry 3 Credits cultural shock, and acculturation, ethnocentrism and xenophobia, cues and
Scientific knowledge and its production in relation to concepts, statements, clues. Cultural orientations, appropriate means of communication, gender
observation, theory, evidence, scientific realism and instrumentalism, roles, individualism or collectivism, dress protocol, stereotypes. Christian
constructivism, scepticism; analysis and reductionism; acquisition of culture, personal Ethnography charting, cultural Adaptation, communication for
knowledgethe regress problem, a priori and a posteriori knowledge, Transformational relationships, Diversity in culture and case studies.
analytic/synthetic distinction, and theories of knowledge acquisition; the major
grounds of validity of reasoning; the crucial importance of social accountability; PSY 820: Child & Adolescent psychotherapy 2 Credits
modernism and postmodernism; towards a philosophy of science that is Introduction, brief review child and adolescent development, setting the frame
relevant and adequate to the African context. The content will require students and ethical issues, role play on: initial interview, essential conditions and
to be able to discuss issues in psychology inquiry and distinguish claims based therapeutic alliance, techniques of play therapy, barriers to successful treatment
on social empirical theories. outcomes , cultural issues & cultural responsiveness, role play: initial session,
introduction to play therapy and family based approaches, adolescent therapy,
PSY 815: Advanced Psychotherapy 2 Credits interpretation in play, understanding play behavior and themes in play therapy,
Intake procedures, interviewing skills, intake handouts, identifying data, child-centered play therapy, child-centered play therapy: a clinical session,
behavioral observations, presenting problems, informed consent, existential parent education and collaboration, psychoanalytic play therapy, physical
therapy, diagnostic impressions, summary and recommendations. Ethical and sexual abuse 1, essentials of play therapy with abused children, physical
dilemmas, dynamic therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy, suicidal clients, and sexual abuse ii, play therapy for severe psychological trauma, depression
family systems theory and experience, and family secrets. Reality, Adlerian, and suicidal behaviors, ADHD and conduct disorder and autistic spectrum
Limited/Brief, Gestalt, Rogerian, Schematic and other therapeutic techniques. disorder. Issues of treatment strategy, diagnosis, treatment implementation and
resolving ethical dilemmas.
PSY 816: Advanced Cognitive & 2 Credits
Affective bases of behavior PSY 821: Attachment and Psychodynamic Therapy 2 Credits
A framework imaging the brain, the brain, brain injuries and its effects on Introduction, foundations of attachment theory, the development of attachment
behavior, vision, attention and consciousness, learning and memory, hearing theory and relational psychoanalysis, neurobiology of attachment and emotional
and speech, thinking and problem solving, information processing, goals, information processing, internal working models and attachment patterns/
executive control, and action, brain and emotion, social cognition and psychodynamics, nonlinear dynamics and intentionality in the change process
development. and psychotherapeutic applications of attachment/relational psychoanalysis.
how attachment shapes self, attachment in psychotherapy, and attachment and
PSY 817: Advanced Biological Aspects of Behavior 2 Credits spirituality. Multiple memory systems in psychotherapy, representations and
Define biopsychology. Neurons and communication within the nervous system. attachment styles. varieties of attachment experience, attachment and African
The functions of the nervous system, drugs addiction, and reward, motivation culture and mending the split between mind and spirit.
224 www.daystar.ac.ke
PSY 825: Trauma, Diagnosis and 2 Credits PSY 844: Measurements & Assessment III: 3 Credits
Psychopharmacology Clinical Disorders
Introduction. Administration, absorption, effects and contraindications and The assessment process, clinical judgement and psychological prediction.
elimination of drugs. Types of drugs, principles of pharmacology and how Bias in psychological assessment: Empirical review and recommendations.
drugs affect the Central Nervous System. Scientology and its teachings Testing and assessment in cross-cultural psychology. Psychological assessment
regarding mental illness and psychotropic medication, Pharmaceutical in treatment settings: Adult mental health; Child mental health; school settings;
companies marketing strategies, Validity of Informed Consent in the use of medical settings; industrial/organizational and forensic settings. Assessment of
psychotropic drugs, Benzodiazepines: are they useful or dangerous, or both? neurological functioning and psychopathology with behavioral approaches.
Computerized psychological assessment; ethical issues in assessment;
Use of controlled substances in the treatment of children and adolescents with
Education and training in psychological assessment. Exceptionality and
ADHD, Use of alternative medicine options in the treatment of mental illness,
special education; Current trends and issues; multicultural and bilingual aspects
approaches to the treatment or mental disorders and Validity of research data on
of special education; parents and families and mental retardation in Kenya
the effectiveness of drugs. Introduction and Diagnosis of PTSD; Epidemiology,
and elsewhere. Learning disabilities; Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder;
Risk factors, Co-morbidity; Neurology of trauma / Psychopharmacology, Grief
emotional or behavioral disorders; communication disorder; autism spectrum
and trauma / Childhood trauma, Assessment: Self-report scales I; Assessment: disorders; low-incidence; multiple and severe disabilities. Physical disabilities
Self-report scales II; and Assessment: Interview scales. Other pertinent issues and other health impairments (child abuse). Special gifts and talents.
include intervention: EMDR / Hypnosis, Intervention: CISD / Cognitive-
behavioral; intervention: Psychodynamic / Group and intervention: Family / RES 850 Research Methodology 4 Credits
Art. It will also cover cross-cultural dimensions of trauma including all affected Fundamental research paradigms and their philosophical underpinnings,
populations. research process, social versus scientific research, inductive and deductive
psychology research methods, evaluation research, rhetorical criticism,
PSY 842: Measurement & Assessment I: 3 Credits transformation inquiry, sampling techniques, ethics in psychology research,
Cognitive and Projective Tests current research developments in psychology, research proposal, research
Philosophy and History of Psychological Assessment, issues in administering design, methods of data collection, data collection instruments, validity,
surveys and tests, Norms, Reliability, and Validity in Assessment. Cross- reliability, triangulation, bias, qualitative or quantitative research, data analysis
cultural issues arising from the use of assessment instruments in Africa, ethics software.
of psychological testing and report writing. Wechsler Adult Intelligence
Scale IV (WAIS-IV), Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children-IV (WISC-IV), RES 851 Advanced Quantitative 3 Credits
Woodcock Johnson-III (WJII), Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-(AD/HD), Research Methods
Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-11),Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency, measures of variability,
bivariate correlation, confidence intervals, inferential statistics, power analysis,
Visual-Motor Integration V (VMI-5), Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt II, Child
statistical vs. practical significance, hypothesis testing, significance testing, t-tests,
Behavior Checklist (parent and teacher versions), Stroop Color and Word
one-way, two-way and three-way ANOVAs, single and multiple regression, chi-
Test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales II,
square tests, analysis of covariance, factorial designs, post hoc and planned
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test II (WIAT-II), Wechsler Memory Scale
comparisons, logistic regression. multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA),
III (WMS-III), Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence III (WPPSI-
multivariate analysis of covariance (MANCOVA), repeated measures analysis
III) and Wide Range Assessment Test IV (WRAT-4). It includes Integration of variance, discriminant analysis, ingredients of a statistical model, estimation
of test data and report 1 writing (Battery 1: WAIS-III or WISC-III, MMPI-11, of linear models, time series analysis, evaluation and selection of models,
Rorschach, House-Tree-Person drawings, Clinical interview including Mental panel data models, structural equation modelling, stochastic models, linear
Status). Cultural responsiveness and Rorschach, Thematic analysis, legal and differential models, curvilinear models, probit models, multiple levels models
Forensic implications for Rorschach and Report 2 writing (Battery 2: WAIS-III among others. Prerequisite: Research Methodology (RES 850)
or WISC-III, MMPI-11 or MCMI-III, Rorschach, TAT or CAT, Clinical interview
including Mental Status).
RES 852 Advanced Qualitative Research Methods 3 Credits
PSY 843: Measurement & Assessment II: Personality 3 Credits Processes, principles, and application of qualitative research techniques,
Course introduction and overview, diagnostic interviewing, mental status coding and categorizing, grounded theorizing, narrative analysis, discourse
exam, MMPI - 2 - Theory, administration, interpretation and report writing. analysis, software tools and their use in analysing raw data, research
MCMI - 3, Beck Depression Inventory, BVGT, SCL-R-90: Theory, administration, design in qualitative research, case study, action research, ethnography,
interpretation, report writing; Integrating assessment data, considerations of survey research, participatory research, historical research; methods of data
testing in the future, limitation, especially cultural bias of assessment instruments. collection: interviews, observational methods, document analysis, focus
In addition, Personality tests also include Thematic Apperception Test (TAT), groups; populations and samples, record keeping in qualitative research,
Symptom Checklist - 90 - Revised (SCL - 90 - R), Sentence Completion Test, methodological positions for the construction and interpretation of data;
overview of developments in qualitative analysis, thematic analysis, review of
Projective Drawings, Myers Briggs Type Inventory, Sixteen Personality Factor
contemporary approaches and their use in different arenas, selected analytic
Inventory (16PF) and modified California Personality Inventory (CPI).
schemes. Prerequisite: Research Methodology (RES 850)
www.daystar.ac.ke 225
PSY 854: Research Design 3 Credits injuries and forgiving injuries. Motivation, interaction, intervention, positive
Introduction; advantages and limitations of the experimental method; emotion and keeping love alive. Abuse, addictions, affairs, healing power
assumptions inherent in the method; key terms; flaws in an experimental design of love and love connection. Bonding in sex, gender and culture issues, gay
and inappropriate conclusions drawn from a study; differentiation of multivariate couples, polygamy.
statistics to use for a given research design, and application of the experimental
method in selected areas of psychology. This course should help you develop PSY 888: Pre-practicum 0(3)
the skills necessary to conduct and evaluate research in the field of Psychology. Overview of empathy training; counseling setting; role play presentations;
Review of relevant literature on a given research topic; application of the vocabulary of affective adjectives and vocabulary of feelings; introduction
appropriate research methodology to a given research question; and analysis to professional ethics; listening skills and how to interview clients. Empathic
of different types of data. A formal written research proposal. Evidence-based skills such as responding; paraphrasing; initiating and implementing. Highlight
research methods; empirically supported treatments, meta-analysis, internal and Rogerian and Egan therapeutic skills. Self-growth and awareness.
external validity; sources of bias; control and comparison groups; quantitative
research designs and observational research. Ethical issues; qualitative PSY 89I: Practicum I (Children) 3 Credits
research; mixed methods research; multiple regression, ANCOVA, MANOVA, This will be a supervised clinical experience for Ph.D. students. Students will
factor analysis, path analysis, and structural equation modeling. Developing a be placed in Primary School sites around Nairobi, where they will receive
research proposal. supervision on site as well as at Daystar University. They will be expected to
engage in diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Prerequisite: PSY 888
PSY855: Research Apprenticeship 2 Credits
Introduction; review of Literature: Review of relevant literature that provides: PSY 892: Practicum II (Adolescents) 3 Credits
brief summary and appraisal of relevant literature with clear identification This will be a supervised clinical experience for Ph.D. students. Students will
of the rationale and importance of the research problem; foundation for be placed in Secondary School sites around Nairobi, where they will receive
research procedures and assessment instruments and theoretical rationale for supervision on site as well as at Daystar University. They will be expected
hypotheses or expected outcomes. Statement of research question, objectives, to engage in both diagnostic and therapeutic interventions. Prerequisite: PSY
and hypotheses; statement of the research problem; hypotheses or expected 888: Prepracticum
outcomes; Limitations and delimitations of the study. Methodology subjects,
sampling and demographic characteristics; Type of design; identification PSY 893: Practicum III (Adults) 3 Credits
of independent and dependent variables. Instruments to be used, validity This will be a supervised clinical experience for Ph.D. students. Students will be
of measures or scales to be used; scoring procedures and validity and placed in either hospitals or Counselling Centres around Nairobi, where they
reliability of information. Data collection procedure, analysis, conclusions and will receive supervision on site as well as at Daystar University. They will be
recommendations. expected to engage in both clinical diagnostic and therapeutic interventions.
Prerequisites: PSY 888, PSY 891 & PSY 892.
PSY 862: Ethics and Professional Issues; 3 Credits
Consultation and Supervision PSY 998(A-D): Dissertation I - IV 18 Credit Hours
History of Formal Ethics Code, Preamble, General Principles, Resolving All Ph.D. students are required to write a Dissertation. The Dissertation is divided
ethical issues, Ethical Standards, Competence, Human Relations, Multiple into 4 sub-sections (A-D) consisting 6, 6, 3 and 3 credit hours respectively.
Relationships, Privacy and Confidentiality, Therapy, Psychological Assessment, Students may not enrol for more than 1 sub-section in a semester.
Hospital Practice, suicidal clients, Avoiding Malpractice, Advertising and
Each Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology student must submit an acceptable
making other public statements, Forensic Activities, Duty to warn, Child and
dissertation not exceeding 100,000 words. The Ph.D. dissertation is expected
Elder Abuse, and Reporting Abuse issues. Record keeping and fees, Research
to be a substantial contribution to research in the field of study, demonstrating
and Publication, Education and Training, Introduction, understanding of
authenticity, and creativity, breadth of research, careful critical argumentation,
components of effective supervision and application of ethical principles to the
quality work, and explicit English style. In principle, a good dissertation will be
supervisory process. Enhancement of supervision strategies regarding diversity,
publishable (certainly in the form of an article or articles). The topic ought to be
exploration of current models of supervision, familiarity with significant research
chosen wisely, and the proposal should be written after extensive appropriate
and exploration of the integration of spirituality in supervision. Training and
reading, careful and thorough research and consultation with the supervisor.
practice in supervisory and consultation roles. Biblical ethical principles and
African values. The Dissertation is done in the fourth year of study under the direction of a
faculty Supervisor and a Reader. Students must register for the appropriate
PSY 876: Couples Therapy 2 Credits Dissertation credits hours every Semester. They may not enroll for PSY 998A I
Introduction, attachment theory, a new light on love, Tasks and interventions, until they have completed ALL the Research and other courses as indicated in
demon dialogue, emotion, raw spots and affect regulation. Atkinsons Pragmatic the Ph.D. courses structure.
Experiential Therapy for Couples (PET-C), Gottman Method Couple Therapy
and other theories and approaches. Special issues of abuse, affairs, and
addictions in the treatment of couples. Hold me tight, forgiveness, attachment
226 www.daystar.ac.ke
Students must successfully defend the final Dissertation at an oral examination
panel before the Dissertation/Doctoral project committee in order to receive
credit for the Dissertation. More guidelines and details for proposing,
implementing, and completing the Dissertation are provided in 2.7.9 of this
www.daystar.ac.ke 227
Rationale Study objectives on child development, will do the following among other
Africa has a rapidly growing number of vulnerable children facing multiple Identify key activities that a supporting organization should consider to
violations of their rights. Many of these children suffer hunger, ill health, enable the community to serve children well.
violence, neglect, lack of access to education and opportunities for play. Work with children as partners listening to them, engaging them and
They also have little chance of a successful and happy future and eternal finding out their needs, interests and hopes, understand the challenges
life. An estimated 12 million children in Africa have lost one or both parents they face, identify and prioritize strategies to address these challenges
to AIDS. Many others are living in households with sick parents, guardians, Ensure that all organizational activities protect children from harm,
and grandparents who are helping to care for them. Millions of African become transparent and accountable to children
children are affected by conflict, war, famine and poverty. The total number Make realistic and manageable plans that benefit children
of orphaned children in sub-Saharan Africa is more than 50 million today. All Make the best use of available resources and successfully access
these have interrupted the growth and development of children. additional resources to further the cause of children.
Monitor and evaluate what is being done for children and see what
Although African governments have the responsibility to care for these
impact interventions are making in their lives.
children, too often, they do not do it to satisfactory levels. For centuries,
Advocate for changes within the community and within national and
communities in Africa have helped their needy members in crisis. Today, the
international levels so that childrens rights are realized.
traditional social system where the extended family took care of their children
Improve students ability to communicate clearly both orally and in
is dying or has died. Consequently, many children are forgotten and are in
writing to professionals and to lay persons about psychological matters
deep trouble. The traditional support can no longer be relied on.
concerning children.
As a response, community members and organizations are coming together Provide students with a clear understanding of the principles of child
to assist children and their families with various kinds of assistance including behavior;
parenting, protection, psychosocial and spiritual support, and material Enable the students to develop coping skills, self-acceptance, self-
assistance. appreciation, positive self-image, self-esteem, self-dignity and
However, these groups and organizations require assistance to effectively appreciation of children despite their limitations.
care for the children. They require support to deliver the best responses, Enable the student to assume the responsibilities of a Christian
reaching the most vulnerable children holistically and for eternity in a professional whose main goal is commitment to bettering the
contemporary society as Gods steward, co-worker and an agent of
sustained way.
The Child Development Programme is designed to carter for this need to
equip professionals in the ministry to children that are currently supporting, or Study Objectives for students on child development:
wishing to support children with the necessary knowledge and skills to impact 1. To equip students with knowledge, social and counseling skills in Child
positively into the lives of children. The programme curriculum is designed Development.
to promote the competence of professionals to respond to needs of children 2. To identify developmental needs and changes among children and
particularly those at risk as the first resort. adolescents.
This curriculum includes excellent courses that provide clear guidance and 3. To identify various ways of handling the developmental needs and
facilitation for community mobilization for supporting children; research in the changes in children.
identification of children needs; programming interventions, administration 4. To explore ways through which student will integrate Christian faith and
and leadership skills. work among children and adolescents.
5. To equip students with skills in studying, research, and publication in the
field of Child Development.
Instruction in Child Development is grounded on the essential principles that 6. To equip students with facilitation skills that will assist them in carrying
are necessary when working with children. These include the following: out participatory training on child development issues at the community
1. Child participation level.
2. Child protection 7. To impart skills to students on how to connect theories of child growth
3. Provision of holistic services to children. and development to social policy, education and intervention.
228 www.daystar.ac.ke
Duration & Course Structure Required courses for graduation
Full time students will take 2 academic years to complete the course, which Course Code/Course Title Credit Hours
will be through course work, examination, thesis or projects. The course will
BIL 615 Biblical Foundations for Christian Service 2
comprise 4 Semesters. Part time students will take a minimum of 2 and half
years to complete. GRW 611 Graduate Research & Writing (Research
Methods for Children) I
Admission Requirements GRW 613 Graduate Research & Writing (Research
Methods for Children) II
To qualify for admission in the MA Child Development, an applicant should:
CHD 600 Special Topics In Child Development 2
Hold an undergraduate degree in child-related study discipline like
CHD 601 The Church and Child Development 3
Child Development, Social Work, Community Development, Psychology,
and Christian Ministry. Applicants with degrees in education, post CHD 610 Introduction to Child Development 3
graduate diploma in education are also eligible. Applicants with field- CHD 611/PSY 608D Theories of Child & Adolescent
based experience in working with children despite having degrees that 3
are not necessarily child focused will be considered
CHD 621 Facilitation for Child Development 2
Applicants should have attained their degrees from accredited
CHD 631/PSY 650 Psychopathology in Children 3
institutions of higher learning, with a cumulative Grade Point Average
(GPA) of at least 2.7 on a 4.0 scale, or a degree awarded with an CHD 632 Health Education & Habit Formation in
upper second class honors or lower second honors with further studies/ Children
experience with working with children. CHD 633/PSY 656 Child Psychological Assessment 2
Because of the psychological courses in this programme, students will CHD 641 Children Rights, Ethics & Advocacy Skills 3
need to have done psychology or a minor in psychology or must do PSY
CHD 635 Child Intervention 2
211 as a zero credit hours.
PGM 611 Project Development, Monitoring &
PGM 612 Management of Child Development
CHD 698 Thesis/Project OR 6
CHD 697/PSY 697 Practicum and Seminar
www.daystar.ac.ke 229
Course Descriptions Development). Heredity, genetics, and genetic testing, Hormonal influences,
Influences of drugs, Motor development, Nutritional influences, Perinatal
influences, Physical growth and maturation, Prenatal influences, Sexual
BIL 615 BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR CHRISTIAN SERVICE 2 Credits maturation, Teratogens. Early childhood: Physical and Cognitive Development,
Introduction and Definition of term: Kingdom of God; Servant hood; Jesus Emotional and Social Development. Middle childhood: Physical and Cognitive
teaching on the Kingdom of God; Parables of the Kingdom; The teaching of Development, Emotional and Social Development. Adolescence :Physical
the early church on the Kingdom of God; various views on the Kingdom of and Cognitive, Emotional and Social Development, atypical development:
God; Ethics of the Kingdom; Implication Servant hood; Biblical teaching on Antisocial behavior, Asocial behavior, fears, phobias, and obsessions,
Christian service; Christian service and contemporary world; Integration of Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Autism spectrum disorders, Chronic
Kingdom ethics into Christian life. illnesses and physical disabilities, Cognitive disorders, including dementia,
Genetic disorders, Giftedness, Learning disabilities, Mental retardation, Mood
GRW 611 GRADUATE WRITING 2 Credits disorders, Trauma-based syndromes.
This course is designed to expose the student to the higher level academic
skills required for graduate studies and to develop those skills, especially CHD 611 THEORIES OF CHILD & 3 Credits
as applied to the development of acceptable academic papers. It seeks to ADOLESCENT DEVELOPMENT
prepare the student to do effective research in his/her major field of study Selected models and theories of Child Development potentially applicable to
by introducing him/her to different research paradigms, procedures and nurturing children including Piaget, Vygotsky, Kohlberg and Erikson, Freud,
processes. Types of research studies and methodologies, philosophical bases Gardner, Bronfenbrenner, James Fowler, Oser, Gillespie, Elkind, Aden, and
for perspectives, research design, statistical data analysis techniques, data Fuller. Explore the Holy Scriptures with a view to developing a theology of
presentation, Qualitative methods - observational techniques, validity and children with the aim of developing an integrated approach to the transmission
reliability, interpretation of research findings are explored. of religious values and nurturing the spiritual and character growth of
children primarily through the home, and secondarily through the church,
GRW 613 GRADUATE RESEARCH & WRITING 2 Credits the school and the wider community. Ecological influences of development:
( RESEARCH METHODS FOR CHILDREN) Family relationships, Family structures, Media and technology, Multicultural
These courses are an introduction to attitudes, skills and knowledge necessary perspectives, Parenting styles Social and class influences. Personality and
to fulfill academic requirements for producing and graduating postgraduate emotion development: Attribution styles, Development of emotions, Emotional
communication research and writing. Through the courses, students gain expression and regulation, Emotional intelligence, Stability and change,
exposure to major steps in designing, implementing and reporting. Temperament. Learning development: Classical conditioning, Discrimination
and generalization, Habituation, Operant conditioning, Social learning and
Discipleship and children, Children and the Law, Street families, Child Labour;
Children with Special needs/ disabilities, current issues facing adolescents CHD 621 FACILITATION FOR CHILD DEVELOPMENT 2 Credits
including pregnancy, sexually- transmitted diseases, sexual abuse, sexual Introduce or reinforce facilitation as an empowering/enabling process
harassment, alcohol/substance abuse, Abandoned Children, Children with for working with partner projects, and to introduce and review facilitation
psychological disorders, Child participation, Effects of domestic violence on methodologies and techniques that are consistent with this philosophy in relation
children growth and development, parenting roles and training effects on Child to child and adolescent development. Prerequisite CHD 610, 611, 631, 632
growth and development or any other topic the student may be interested in.
CHD 601 THE CHURCH AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT 3 Credits Course Introduction: ethical, political and economic considerations diagnosis;
An awareness of the history and activities in a wide variety of churches and validity and reliability of diagnostic categories; overview DSM IV: Multiaxial
church-related contexts in both urban and rural Kenya as they specifically relate assessment and emerging diagnostic addiction): mood disorders, anxiety
to children. The mission of the church for children including preaching, worship, disorders, thought disorders; interface between mental and medical conditions;
evangelism, discipleship, pastoral care, leadership, mentoring children, faith eating disorders, Prerequisite CHD 610, 611.
and moral development, effective ways of organizing bible study and other
activities that enhance cognitive, physical, social-emotional development of
children, counseling children about salvation, skills for equipping parents and understanding the basic principles and practices of safety, health and nutrition
leaders to talk to children about conversion, baptism, prayer and confession. as they relate to the children settings, homes, and communities. This will
Prerequisite CHD 610, 611. include a study of the principles of creating appropriate environments for
children to grow and live, a study of nutrition, health, safety, and related
CHD 610 INTRODUCTION TO CHILD DEVELOPMENT 3 Credits activities, including skill development in management of issues, guidelines, and
Introduction to the childs physical, social, emotional, intellectual growth and practices in nutrition, as well as community health, hygiene, safety, and legal
development. Biological basis of Development, Prenatal Development, Infancy implications. Integration of these principles applied to a variety of settings will
and toddlerhood (Overview, Cognitive Development, Emotional and Social be emphasized. Prerequisite CHD 610, 611.
230 www.daystar.ac.ke
This course addresses the assessment of young children from birth to 12 years. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMMES
In this course, students will develop strategies for the assessment of young Introduction to key principles and framework for development and effective
childrens social, emotional, cognitive, adaptive, and motor development in management of Child Development programmes. Examining the issues
the context of home, school, and community environments. They will become surrounding the development and administration of Child Development
familiar with procedures and formal and informal instruments used in the programmes/projects and develop knowledge of and skills in the directorship,
assessment of young children. Students will also develop methods of conducting the development of budgets, funding acquisition, the writing of program
formative and summative evaluations of both individual children and programs. policies, and the management of a facility and the formation of professional
Analysis and interpretation of observation and assessment results to enhance relationships with staff, parents and the community. Introduction to the theory and
learning outcomes and determine program effectiveness are key components of practice of leadership and management from a Child Development perspective
this course. The role of the family and family concerns, priorities, and resources within public, private and faith based organizations. Theories of management
in assessment will be addressed, as well the impact of cultural, economic, and (human resource, policy, functional, and strategic management), organizational
linguistic diversity. Prerequisite CHD 610, 611. structure, roles, and skills for macro and micro practice within an agency or
organization are examined. The unique perspective that child development
CHD 641 CHILDREN RIGHTS, ETHICS & ADVOCACY SKILLS 3 Credits workers bring to program management in the resolution of community and
Identifying childrens rights as stipulated in the childrens act as per the current agency issues, ranging from teamwork, to personnel management, strategic
constitution of Kenya. Understanding of the various categories of children with planning, power, and decision making, are central elements in this course.
special needs and their need for special care and protection. Under child Prerequisite PGM 611.
policy, learning the place of policy in the childrens rights, while appreciating
the role of research in influencing policy, learning on advocacy and how to CHD 697 PRACTICUM AND SEMINARS 6 Credits
apply it to improve children welfare, learning on the place of Childrens rights This course aims to assist students in integrating their learning as preparation for
and justice in the bible, understanding why and how all children are covered beginning professional practice in Child Development. The course integrates
by the law and their duty to work towards advocating for children rights and practical experience and theoretical knowledge as the student works directly
facilitate children to participate in issues affecting their lives. Prerequisite CHD with children living in Childcare settings, families and Institutions. Students
610, 611. examine and develop environments, materials, interactions, and planning
which foster meaningful growth and development of children. The course is
CHD 635 CHILD INTERVENTION 2 Credits designed to provide comprehensive experience in application of knowledge
This course is designed to equip the learner with knowledge on the intervention and values learned in previous coursework. Students will select a program or
strategies to apply in the various levels of the problems of development facility which provides human child care services and will work at that site as
and deprivation affecting children. This course is designed to help students a supervised intern. Regular weekly meetings with the instructor and colleagues
develop a variety of child management strategies and skills for guiding and will provide opportunities for discussion and evaluation of the work experience.
counseling children based upon Child Development principles and ethics. This practicum will focus more on direct service activities such as assessment,
The emphasis of the course is on preparing, organizing and maintaining planning and intervention skills, case management, documentation and
physically and psychologically safe environments for children to live and thrive. recording competencies, advocacy, and information and referral knowledge.
The establishment of positive, collaborative family relations and supportive, Educational/observational activities will also be credited as part of the
professional, ethical behavior is emphasized. Special attention is given to practicum experience. Students meet weekly for a seminar to discuss theory,
introducing ethical issues and how gender, class, and culture affect the helping strategies, curriculum, and observations related to their practicum. Prerequisite
process. (prerequisite CHD 633). Prerequisite CHD 610, 611. ALL.
www.daystar.ac.ke 231
1. Practicum must be registered for when the student has successfully
completed all the coursework.
2. The student must not register for any other courses during practicum.
3. Those working and would face challenge getting ten continuous weeks
can express his/her problem a semester before the practicum semester
to the hod.
4. The student should proceed to the practicum experience only after
registration. All practicum sites should be approved by the department
through the lecturer responsible for practicum.
232 www.daystar.ac.ke
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Course Code Course Title Credit Hours Course Descriptions
BIL 615 Biblical Foundations For Christian 2
CHD 500 Evangelism & Discipleship for Children 2 The purpose of this course is to provide a biblical view of the Kingdom of God;
Christian service and servant hood from the Old Testament, New Testament,
CHD 501 The Role of The Church in Child 2
and the specific teachings of Jesus Christ. The course covers: Introduction and
Definition of terms: Kingdom of God; Servant hood; Jesus teaching on the
CHD 507 Practicum & Seminar 4 Kingdom of God; Parables of the Kingdom; The teaching of the early church
CHD 510 Introduction to Child Development 3 on the Kingdom of God; various views on the Kingdom of God; Ethics of the
GRW 511 Graduate Writing 2 Kingdom; Implication Servant hood; Biblical teaching on Christian service;
Christian service and contemporary world; Integration of Kingdom ethics into
CHD 530 Children Rights & Advocacy Skills 2
Christian life and work among children and families.
CHD 532 Health Education and Habit Formation 3
in Children CHD 510 Introduction to Child & 3 Credits
CHD 533 Assessment & Intervention Skills 3 Adolescent Development
CHD 534 Design and Management of Child 2 The course will introduce students to the study of all aspects of child and
Development Programmes adolescent growth and development. The student will be expected to identify
and explain those factors that influence growth and development during
CHD 535 Facilitation for Child and Adolescent 2
childhood and adolescence. The course will cover theory and research in
child and adolescent development; History, theory and research strategies.
PSY 543 Child Counseling in Context 3 Foundations of development: biological and environmental; Pre-natal
Total Credits 30 development, birth and the newborn baby, infancy and toddler-hood; the first
two years: physical development in infancy, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and
social development in toddler-hood; early childhood (two to six years): physical,
cognitive, emotional, spiritual and social development; middle childhood (six to
eleven years): physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual and social development;
adolescence and transition to adulthood: physical, cognitive, emotional,
spiritual and social development.
234 www.daystar.ac.ke
CHD 532: Health Education & Habit Formation 3 Credits CHD 535 Facilitation for Child and 2 Credits
in Children & Adolescents Adolescent Development
This course aims at introducing the student to community health education. It The course will introduce or reinforce facilitation as an empowering/
touches on health education and prevention of diseases, need and demand enabling process for working with partner projects, introduction to facilitation
for health services, administration of health services, environment and health methodologies and techniques consistent with child and adolescent
immunization, child spacing, nutrition and health, health education, control of development. It will cover: definition of terms; Techniques/methodologies
communicable diseases, maternal and child health, and health services for of facilitation: dialogue, producing new ideas, and new ways of looking at
special groups. It will cover Defining the terms health education and health things, new content, evaluation, and reflection. Facilitating adult learning and
promotion: practical application of health promotion e.g. health education, the Training of Trainers (TOT). This will include various approaches like formal,
hygiene and sanitation, immunization, accessing clean drinking water in informal, and non-formal learning. How to facilitate child and adolescent
schools, promoting good latrines at community level, hand washing habits development i.e. concepts, communication, and change; and how participants
in schools and at home, promoting the use of insecticide treated bed nets, and partners can be rooted in continuing learning; learning individually and
life styles: prevention of drug use and abuse, competition in team games collectively.
(exercises), promoting the things that make people remain healthy, promotion
of kitchen gardens, etc. Major categories of disease: genetic, nutritional CHD 597 Practicum and Seminar 4 Credits
disorders, environmental, degenerative, metabolic, biochemical disorders, This course aims to assist students in integrating their learning as preparation for
communicable diseases, tumours, etc. Communicable diseases: definition beginning professional practice in Child Development. The course integrates
of communicable diseases, characteristics of communicable diseases, some practical experience and theoretical knowledge as the student works directly
major communicable diseases in Africa, general principles in managing with children living in Childcare settings, families and Institutions. Students
communicable diseases, outcome of infection by an infectious agent, main examine and develop environments, materials, interactions, and planning which
routes of transmission, control of communicable diseases, principles of foster meaningful growth and development of children. Students meet weekly
immunization, starting a disease control programme, school health programme for a seminar to discuss theory, strategies, curriculum, and observations/ case
and personal hygiene, levels of responsibility in disease control, etc. Principles studies related to the practicum. The practicum is a semester long supervised
of maternal and child health: mother-child linkage, landmarks in maternal practical experience for a minimum of 400 hours in total.
health, common childhood diseases, malaria: Roll Back Malaria (RBM), HIV/
AIDS and maternal health, prevention and management, etc. Key issues in GRA 511: Graduate Writing 2 Credits
adolescent health: defining an adolescent, common causes of ill health in the This course is designed to expose the student to the higher level academic
adolescent, role of health education in adolescent health, life skills for the child skills required for graduate studies and to develop those skills, especially
and the adolescent, etc. Nutrition and health. Drug use and abuse: information as applied to the development of acceptable academic papers. It seeks to
management of misuse of drugs. Organization of community health services prepare the student to do effective research in his/her major field of study
in Africa. by introducing him/her to different research paradigms, procedures and
processes. Types of research studies and methodologies, philosophical bases
CHD 533 Assessment and Intervention Skills 3 Credits for perspectives, research design, statistical data analysis techniques, data
for Children and Adolescents presentation, Qualitative methods - observational techniques, validity and
The course will equip students with skills for assessment of the levels of the reliability, interpretation of research findings are explored.
problems of deprivation and intervention techniques. It will cover introduction
to child assessment and intervention. Child assessment: principles of child PGM 534 Design and Management of 2 Credits
assessment; psychological assessment for children; Educational assessment Child Development Programmes
for children; development assessment; Health/nutritional assessment; and The course will introduce the student to the major concepts associated
case study. Intervention skills (to include psychological intervention): basics of with project planning and management. It aims at giving the student an
intervention; individual therapy (these will include play therapy, art therapy, understanding of the various aspects of project planning, monitoring and
safe house therapy, etc.); group therapy (these will include drama, story telling, evaluation. It seeks to develop in the student special skills in planning and
group art, puppets, etc.); case studies. Educational interventions (i.e. education implementing development activities at both the micro and macro levels. It
and the disadvantaged child): formal education (e.g. Std. 1- 8 and Form 1 will cover: socioeconomic development: poverty and sectoral development.
4); informal education (school-bound track); non-formal education (literacy Basic theories of economic development (including Christian transformational
track); and case studies. Developmental interventions: holistic developmental development). The logical framework approach as tool for project design
model (physical, spiritual, emotional, developmental, social, economic, etc.); and management will be taught. Financial and technical analysis; institutional
health/nutritional intervention (to include HIV and AIDS in children, palliative analysis; Economic appraisal of projects; feasibility studies and reports
care, nutrition, in particular diet, morbidity and change in health monitoring (including Participatory Rural Appraisal-PRA); techniques and tools of planning;
of the population). Child guidance/resilience: child training; child discipline; planning children and adolescent projects. Perspectives on project monitoring;
character development; and reproduction; psychological assessment and techniques and tools of evaluation.
intervention strategies for abused and traumatized children and adolescents.
www.daystar.ac.ke 235
PSY 543 Counseling Fundamentals and Micro-Skills 3 Credits
This course establishes fundamentals of good counseling practice and includes
demonstration of and supervised practicing of counseling skills. Emphasis is on
development of core helping skills and attitudes, which are foundational to an
effective counseling process. Special attention is given to introducing ethical
issues and how gender, class, and culture affect the counseling process. It
will cover introduction to counseling and process; the counselor as a person;
general counseling models; introductory ethical issues; the art of constructive
feedback. Diversity issues in counseling. Rapport and structuring; attending
behaviour; observational counseling; and active partnership. Clarifying
clients present scenario; clarifying core concerns and assets; basic listening
sequence; encouraging, paraphrasing, summarizing; reflecting feeling; and
positive asset search. Establishing therapeutic contact; goal setting; best-
fit strategies; agreeing on counseling plan. Implementing counseling plan;
evaluation; and modification. Termination and follow-up. Skill integration and
personal style.
236 www.daystar.ac.ke
Applicants will be expected to fulfill the general entry requirements for the IMD 065 Gender & Development 3
Diploma programme of Daystar University. TOTAL 33
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Course Descriptions IMD 042 Community Development & the Church 3 Credits
A theology for social interventions; Biblical mandate for the Christian ministry to
poor and suffering people provides the basis for this course; The responsibility
for, and activities of Christians as light and salt of the world; Church involvement
IMD 014 Fundamentals of Leadership 3 Credits
in business and political issues related to development; a pro-active role of local
Biblical models and principles of leadership; various leadership qualities roles
churches and para-church organizations in meeting specific needs is discussed;
described and students do self analysis to determine their own spiritual gifts,
problems of partnership among churches and with government agencies; how
strengths and limitations as leaders; proper use of authority; practical aspects
the church can minister to those with special needs.
of managing conflict, group dynamics, managing conflict and evaluating
group effectiveness; Understanding a world view in working with diverse types
IMD 043 Small Scale Enterprise 3 Credits
of people groups is also studied.
Review of all aspects of starting a small business; analysis of management
practices; Biblical principles stewardship; small enterprise development;
MD 021 Basic Principles & Practices of Admin 3 Credits
buying and selling; planning for the new enterprise; bookkeeping and costing;
Building on a Biblical perspective of accountability, the course develops
marketing, pricing and credit; risk and constraint analysis for small scale for-
introductory level skills in financial management through level skills in financial
profit enterprise; loan schemes; institutional support and policy implications;
accounting and financial controls including budget and audit practices. Other
topics include: general procurement; maintenance of inventory; preparing
correspondence for business purposes; time management; record keeping and
IMD 051 Communication For Development 3 Credits
concepts for filling systems; office layout and management of space. Also
Understanding the community as media audience; Community participation in
introduced are modern trends in informational technology.
communicating development messages; Organizing the communication work;
media; Evaluating the impact of communications.
IMD 033 Foundations of Community Development 3 Credits
Foundations of community development for Christian workers; The nature of
IMD 052 Supervision & On-the-Job Training 3 Credits
community (koinonia) and development is studied from Biblical perspective
The course explores the activities and skills necessary for adequate supervision
then applied to contemporary development issues; causes of poverty and
and training of workers on the job; the Biblical mandate for discipleship is
need for development; Six steps around development cycle; different strategies
applied to boss-subordinate relations as the boss oversees work activities and
and approaches to community problems; definition of key terms: relief and
personal growth workers; Participatory approaches to setting performance
rehabilitation, development, community, participation, transformation,
standards and work objectives; Job task analysis; How to plan and conduct an
on-job training programme; How to adjust training strategies when outcome is
change in knowledge vs. skills vs. attitude vs. thinking process.
IMD 034 Facilitation of Devt. in Local Communities 3 Credits
Prerequisite: ICC 021; Prior experience as per supervisor.
Focus is on rural community development; understanding power and conflict
issues at community level; overcoming hopelessness and encouragement of
IMD 053 Training of Trainers 3 Credits
less developed communities toward development; community organization,
Adult learning principles establishes a basis for practical student experiences in
empowerment and capacity building; applying the scientific method to
the following areas: writing lesson plans and learning objectives, developing,
problem solving for development decisions; characteristic of successful
selecting and using appropriate training aids and methods, handling problem
community facilitators; practice in performance of basic community facilitation
situations among learners, preparing and facilitating a learning session;
skills. Pre-requisite: IMD 031, IMD 051.
the process of critical, reflective thinking; assessment of learning styles and
evaluation of teaching effectiveness. Pre-requisite: IMD 031.
IMD 035 Urbanization & Development 3 Credits
Theories of urban development focusing on how to help the poor; factors
IMD 061 Managing change for Development 3 Credits
influencing rural-urban migration; cocial problems unique to urban living;
Understanding change as a process of information in knowing, doing,
church related interventions especially for slum areas; public policy and
feeling, and acting; the process is studied as applied to individuals, groups,
planning processes; problems of housing and ecological issues in urban
organizations and communities; factors that lead to resistance or promotion
living; developing understanding and unity among peoples of diverse cultures;
of change; four models for change: force field analysis, problem solving;
strategies for assistance to the most vulnerable groups: street children, prostitute,
adopting-diffusion, praxis.
adult beggars, etc.
238 www.daystar.ac.ke
IMD 068 Health, Community & Communication 3 Credits
Community health problems; community based health care programme:
planning, implementation; appropriate preventative methods; Appreciating
traditional and modern methods of prevention; how to evaluate community
based health practices; community health education and services; methods of
contacting the community; how to produce media training materials; how to
train others in their use.
1st YEAR
Semester I Semester II
ICC 012 3 ICC 013 3
IMD 021 3 ICC 015 3
ICC 014 3 MNG 022 3
ICC 092 1 IMD 051 3
IMD 033 3 Elective 3
IMD 014 3
Total 16 15
2nd YEAR
Semester I Semester II
ICC 016 2 IMD 042 3
IMD 034 3
IMD 035 3 Electives 3
IMD 065 3
IMD 099 6
Total 17 6
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Admission Requirements
Applicants must possess a minimum grade of C+ or its equivalent in any one
of the following subjects: Economics, CRE or Social Ethics.
Student Assessment
1. All course grades in this major will be derived thus: 60% from final
examination and 40% from continuous assessment.
2. Practicum marks will be based 40% on students field reports, 30% from
site supervisors report and 30% by Daystar University supervisors.
240 www.daystar.ac.ke
Specialized Courses in Integrated Community Minor in Community Development
Credit Hours
Development Major To graduate with a minor in either Integrated Community Development option
DEV 310 Urban Sociology & Sustainable Development 3 or Rural Development Option, the Student must take the following courses:
DEV 317 Planning for Development 3 DEV 111 Introduction to Community Development 3
DEV 318 Personnel/Human Resource Management for PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology 3
SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology 3
DEV 319 Extension, Education for Development 3
DEV 323 Economic Development 3
DEV 320 Financial Management for Development 3
DEV 415 Participatory Development Techniques/
DEV 408 Special Topics in Development: Issues on 3
3 Methodology
Contemporary Development
DEV 416 Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation 3
DEV 414 Integrated Appropriate Technology 3
DEV 418 Project Management 3
DEV 417 Community Development Approaches &
Strategies NOTE: In addition to the above courses, the student must take a minimum
DEV 418 Project Management 3 of 9 credits from any specific specialization. Total number required hours
for a minor is 21.
DEV 419 Sociology & Politics of Development 3
DEV 422 Programmes for Community Development 3
DEV 496 Independent Study 3
DEV 597 Senior Project 3
NB: Dev 408 Students can be allowed to take more than one topic but not
exceeding two.
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Integrated Community Development Option
242 www.daystar.ac.ke
Rural Development Option
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244 www.daystar.ac.ke
Required Courses for Graduation in Social Work Credit Hours Minor in Social Work Credit Hours
SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology 3 To graduate with a minor in Social Work, the student must take
PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology 3 SOC 111 Introduction to Sociology 3
SWK 111 Introduction to Social Work 3 PSY 111 Introduction to Psychology 3
SWK 112 Principles of Helping & Ethics of Social work 3 SWK 111 Introduction to Social Work 3
SWK 113 Introduction to Social Work counseling skills 3 SWK 112 Principles of Helping & Ethics of Social work 3
SWK 211 Human Behaviour and Social Environment 3 SWK 113 Introduction to Social Work Counseling skills 3
SWK 212 Methods & Techniques of Social Wor 3 SWK 212 Methods and Techniques of Social Work 3
SWK 213 Social Work and the Church 3
In addition to the above courses, the student must take one course of three
SWK 214 Social Work Practice with Individuals 3
credit hours from the required/ elective courses in social work to have a total
SWK 311 Crime and Criminal Justice 3 of 21 credit hours required for minor.
SWK 312 Community Health and Nutrition 3
SWK 313 Family Studies 3
SOC 314 Statistics for Social Sciences 3
SOC 315 Social Research Methods 3
SWK 317 Social Work Practice with Groups 3
SWK 412 Social Policy and Social Welfare 3
SWK 413 Gender and Development 3
SWK-414 Social Work Practice with Communities 3
SWK 508 Seminars and Social Work Practicum 6
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Course Description
Introduction to generalist social work practice, historical development, scope
Introduction to primary and secondary methods of social work; social case
and mission of social work, its value base and philosophy; social work as a
work, social group work, community organization, social action, social welfare
Profession ,fields of practice, its relationship with other helping professions,
administration, and social work research. Social Work Practice frameworks;
societal role, major social problems, welfare provisions, program and
Theories, perspectives and models of social work, knowledge and skills
policy initiatives and the response of planned change process. Obligation
necessary in the problem solving process with individuals, large groups,
of professional social workers in promoting socio-cultural, economic and
communities and organizations and their individual members. Emphasis on
political justice for vulnerable or at risk populations. Religions and social work,
values, ethics, human diversity and social justice.
Christianity as a foundation for social work, Social welfare in Africa visa viz the
Pre-requisites: SWK-111 & 112
west. Pre-requisites: SOC-111 and PSY-111.
Historical development in western society, Development of Social work in
Africa, Social work values and ethics, fields of Social Work Practice: Child
Introduction; The Church as a Community: The historical framework, Life in the
Welfare, Crime and Criminal Justice, Mental Health and Developmental
community, The Churchs participation in social welfare network; Importance of
Disability, Health Care, Housing and Homelessness, Aging and Displaced
faith and peoples relentless economic deprivation/ social isolation: Generalist
practice, The five divine roles of a Church social worker, the Gestalt intervention
of a Church setting; Justice, values and ethics of Church social work: Gods
justice and social segregation, Social work and the pursuit of justice through
mediation; Counseling using social work theory: Ethnic variation in dying, death
Basic Components in Social Work Helping: What we mean by help, the
and grief, Attempted suicide; Changing dysfunctional behaviour relying on
helping relationship, what it takes to give help, What it takes to receive help,
spiritual beliefs and practices; Mental health services in faith communities: The
the helping factor, helping values systems, and religious beliefs which support
role of the clergy in service delivery, Service delivery in Christian communities,
helping, Practice Issues: Professional Social Work Ethics, General principles of
Factors responsible and associated with service delivery; The social worker
social work, Ethical principles, Ethical Values and Christianity and Social Work
as a moral citizen: Ethics in Christian action: Contemporary transformation,
Ethics, African perspective of helping and the emerging trends of professional
Framework of moral citizenship, Moral citizenship in practice; Church and
helping. Pre-requisites: SOC-111 and PSY-111.
Denominational Interventions: Mezzo-level intervention, Skills and knowledge
necessary to help mobilization for resources for social ministry and various
subsystems in the Community and the Church. Pre-requisites: All 100 level
courses, SWK-211.
Introduction, Personal Characteristic of the effective interviewer/counselor,
Communication, Attending skills; body posture, vocal qualities, Active listening,
Questioning: open and closed questions, clarifying questions, Probing:
special aspects of probing, Reflecting back feelings, reflecting back meaning,
In-depth understanding of the theory and practice of working with individuals,
Challenging, The stages of counseling; intake to termination follow up, Record
Integrating developmental and bio-psycho-social understanding of human
keeping, uses of social work records, Content of social work records, Narrative
behaviour with a person-in-situation, person in-environment perspective.
and other clinical records. Pre-requisite SWK 111.
Sustainment, direct influence and exploration description ventilation.
Reflective considerations of person-in-situation configuration, pattern dynamic
and development factors. Psychosocial therapy, worker-client relationship,
psychosocial study, assessment, diagnosis, planning and supportive
Human development across the life span with emphasis on the effects of
intervention. Enhancing adaptation to stressful life transitions, traumatic events,
physical, cognitive, social, emotional, spiritual and environmental maturation
environmental stressors and dysfunctional processes in diversity sensitive
while utilizing the person-in-the-environment perspective. Attention should be
practice: ethnic, racial, gender, economic and religious issues affecting
given to social forces that inhabit growth and social functioning related to
individuals. Prerequisite SWK 111, 112 & 212 Level courses.
gender issues, individual unique experiences of racial and ethnicity, age and
other special populations with special emphasis on environmental contexts
for human behavior with reference to families, groups, organizations and
The changing role of development today: emphasis on people participation; The
communities. Pre-requisites: SWK 111 and SWK 112.
place of the youth in development, understanding the youth, socio-economic,
cultural, political and spiritual settings; existing disparities, challenges and
problems; Empowerment, capacity building strategies for youth development;
Youth projects/programs by the government, NGOs, Church and other
246 www.daystar.ac.ke
development partners and Case studies i.e. youth and health, education, b). Introduction to Psychiatric Social Work, concept; development of psychiatry
sports, culture, technology etc. Pre-requisites: All 100 level courses, SWK 211, and social sciences; mental health; factors affecting mental health; Brief
SWK 212. reference to major psychiatric disorders; use of psychiatric social work with
various types of psychiatric disorders; Role of the social worker in different
SWK 311 CRIME AND JUSTICE 3 Credits types of psychiatric settings like mental hospitals; child guidance clinics, and
The nature of crime and deviance; definitions of concepts; legal classification psychiatric clinics. Prerequisites: All required 100 and 200 level courses.
of crime; classification according to age; Theories of crime causation;
penology, treatment of offenders and crime control; the rationale or justification SWK-317 SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH GROUPS 3 Credits
for punishment; efficacy or non-efficacy of types of punishment and penal Group Work Theories and Terms: Group work history, Group theories, Types
reform; Juvenile Delinquency; The causes and prevention of crime and Juvenile of groups; Stages of Group Development: Forming a group, Initial stage of a
delinquency; Institutional organization; the role of a Christian in the prevention group, Transition stage, Working stage, Final stage; Special Considerations:
of crime and in the handling of offenders Prerequisites: All required 100 & 200 Record keeping for groups, Groups with children, Groups with teens, Groups
level courses. with adults and Groups with mental/emotional issues. Prerequisites: All
required 100 & 200 level courses.
Introduction to community health and nutrition, community-based health care, SWK 318: SOCIAL ACTION AND ADVOCACY 3 Credits
community health in the rural setting, problem-based learning, community- Practice within organizations, communities, societies and political systems.
based health care, community health and communication, community health The fundamental purpose, values, knowledge, processes and skills common
communication, behavioural sciences, change and community health, in varied types of social work practice. The frameworks for understanding
community health education, participation in promoting of community health, community and organizational problems, opportunities and governmental
culture and community health, family and reproductive health, maternal structures, political processes, major social policies and programs. Knowledge,
and child health, immunization, epidemiology, communicable and non- skills, and values needed to analyze and assess organizations, communities,
communicable diseases. Basic nutrition, balanced diet and food security. ; social policies and political systems as they relate to client welfare. Formulation
Effects of malnutrition; common deficiency diseases and their prevention. of macro interventions, advocacy and collaboration in change and capacity
Environmental health, public health laws and policies, disaster and emergency building processes within organizations and communities and to influence social
management, community outreach programmes, health service management, policies and political processes that affect the everyday lives and opportunities
planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of community health of clients. Understanding of distributive justice, human and civil rights and the
programmes. Prerequisites: All 100 & 200 Level courses. dynamics of oppression, challenges of advocacy and social change action in
the pursuit of social and economic justice through responsible organizational,
SWK 313 FAMILY STUDIES 3 Credits community, policy and political practice. Prerequisites: All required 100 & 200
Exploring the family: definition and functions, theories of the family, types of level courses.
families, influences that impact on families today, methods of studying the family;
Dating: personal ties, mate selection, love, self esteem; Sexuality: abstinence, SWK-408 SPECIAL TOPICS 3 Credits
sex and sex in marriage. Defining marriage and family marriage: beginning Course content will be defined each time the course is offered as is appropriate
a marriage, communication in marriage, power\ authority in marriage to the subject matter to be covered. Prerequisites: All required 100 and 200
and families, problems in marriage, conflict resolution; Family commitment: level courses.
parenting, work and family, managing financial resources; Family change and
crisis: dysfunctional families, divorce, abuse, illness, Aging policies family SWK-410 STRESS MANAGEMENT 3 Credits
and impact of religion i.e. Christianity on the family. Prerequisites: All required Introduction: Definitions of stress/ stressors, Stress psychophysiology, Stress
100 and 200 level courses. and illness; General Applications: - Life-situations & perception Intervention:
Intervention, Life-situation intervention: Interpersonal & Intrapersonal, Perception
SWK 316 MEDICAL INFORMATION 3 Credits intervention; Relaxation techniques: Meditation, Autogenic training, Progressive
& PSYCHIATRIC SOCIAL WORK training, Biofeed back & other techniques; Physiological Arousal and
a. Introduction to medical Social Work, Concept of health and disease; Behavioural change intervention; Strategies for reducing stressful behaviours;
causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases. Concept Specific applications: Occupational stress, College student stress; Stress and
and development of social preventive medicine, social and public health sex-roles and Family stress. Prerequisites: All required 100, 200 and level
approach in prevention of illness. Scope and uses of medical social work; courses.
social and emotional Psychological components of illness. Role of social
worker in hospitals, special clinics, alternative medicine and community health SWK-411 SOCIAL CONFLICT & DISASTER MANAGEMENT 3 Credits
programme. Introduction and definition of social conflict; Introduction and definition of
disaster management; Causes and actors of social conflicts; Dynamics of
social conflicts; Types of disaster management; the role and impact of disasters
www.daystar.ac.ke 247
management; The dynamics of disaster management and Ethical issues in SWK 416 INTRODUCTION TO GERONTOLOGY 3 Credits
social conflict and disaster management. Prerequisites: All required 100 and Introduction to Gerontology, Aging: A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Biology of
200 level courses. Aging: Theories of gerontology, Physical Examinations, and Changes, Fitness
and Health: Vision, Hearing, Mobility, and Health, Nutrition, Appearance,
SWK-412 SOCIAL POLICY AND SOCIAL WELFARE 3 Credits and Sexuality, psychology of aging: Personality, Response and Theories of
Introduction, social policy, administration, social welfare services, Historical Coping with aging, Dementia: Alzheimers and Related Diseases; Strategies
and current patterns of provisions, policy formulation and implementation, the for Prevention of these diseases, Social Psychology of Aging: Social Interaction,
effect of social policy on social work practice. identification of basic needs Human Touch, Body Language, Verbal Communication, Communication
in housing, health, education, etc., Fund raising, Role of a social welfare Problems, Mutual Assistance and marginalization of the elderly, Family and
administrator. Prerequisites: All required 100 and 200 level courses. community relationships of the elderly, Planning for old age, Work, Leisure,
housing, nutrition and health care of the elderly, Gender; Retirement and
SWK 413 GENDER ISSUES IN SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE 3 Credits Lifestyles; Church and Spiritual nurture of the elderly, Death, Dying and
Introduction to the origins, purpose, subject matter and methods of women and Grieving, Widowhood and Aging: Rural vs. Urban, Ethnicity and class in
gender studies. The Feminist perspective on issues affecting women. Gender, relation to aging, public policy for the elderly, Gerontology Demographic
health and environment, women in rural and urban communities, gender issues, Statistics and Research. Prerequisites: All 100, 200 Level courses.
and culture, role of men and women in social development, women and
men status in society, gender construction and perception in society, women SWK 417 INDUSTRIAL SOCIAL WORK 3 Credits
representation in various spheres in society, globalization of womens poverty, Definition and origins of industrial/occupational social work, roles and skills
womens empowerment, gender and social development, men and women of social workers in the industrial settings and occupational life. Historical
as co-workers, parents, political allies and partners in social development. development of occupational social work and welfare, economic implications
The role of public policy and the law in transforming gendered society: family of labour in the developing economy, labour market demand and supply,
law, reproductive rights, affirmative action, equal legal protection, international wage determination, minimum wage and living wage. Concept of labour
human rights. Prerequisite: All 100, 200 Level courses. welfare, need, objectives, principles and limitations. Organizational and
structural arrangements of business, labour welfare employees, labour and
SWK-414 SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH COMMUNITIES 3 Credits trade unions, voluntary agencies, welfare trusts, coordination of various
Models of macro practice; Historical roots of macro practice; Locality agencies and the various social work roles in industrial settings. Labour
development; social planning; Community organizing; Administration and welfare services: education, housing, health and sanitation, safety, recreation,
Management; the Community as a Target of Change; A framework for employees benefits plans. Counseling services, family intervention, labour
conceptualizing community; Identifying target populations; Determining policies and legislations. Prerequisites: All required 100 & 200 level courses.
community characteristics; Identifying structure; Understanding community
human service system; The Organization as a Target of Change; Bureaucracy SWK 418: SOCIAL WORK PROJECTS & 3 Credits
and organizational structure; Management theories; Decision-making; A PROGRAMME MANAGEMENT
framework for organizational analysis; Macro Change; Identifying the Introduction to social programme management, Knowledge, skills, tools, and
population and the problem; Analyzing the problem; Developing an intervention techniques needed to successfully manage social work projects throughout a
strategy; Assessing resource considerations and Selecting appropriate tactics. project lifecycle. Social service programme, administration, problem analysis
Prerequisites: All required 100 and 200 level courses. (understanding social problems), needs assessment, planning, designing and
tracking intervention (selecting appropriate intervention strategies), setting goals
SWK 415 SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE WITH CHILDREN 3 Credits and objectives, designing effective programmes, building a management
Introduction to social work with children, understanding child psycho-social information system. Budgeting for control, resource management, planning
development and dynamics, individual work with gifted children and children and performance measurement. Project management knowledge, processes
with special needs, children in the family context, foster care, adoption, child and characteristics of each phase. Project initiation, planning, execution,
care institutions (substitute care) and its effects. Perspectives of child abuse, monitoring, controlling, evaluating and closing a project. Human dimension
group work with abused children, effects of abuse in later years, prevention of of group/ team dynamics, individual and group behaviors and organizational
child abuse. Working with street, orphaned, refugee and vulnerable children. culture. Prerequisites: All required 100 & 200 level courses.
Children stressors, disruptive children disorders, methods of intervention with
children: art and play therapy, Legislation for child protection and welfare SWK 419: SOCIAL WORK FACILITATION SKILLS 3 Credits
services, child welfare agencies, childrens rights in the African context. Knowledge and skills of facilitation and working with diverse teams and small
Children participation in decision-making processes. Working with parents, groups in varied social work settings. Philosophy and principles of dialogic
teachers and other service providers for children. Prerequisites: All required education and dialogic communication; intergroup communication; social
100 & 200 level courses. identity development; principles of working with conflicting parties; group
dynamics, observation, team building among co-facilitators; and creating a
support system among instructors and facilitators. Review of cultural diversity
248 www.daystar.ac.ke
and justice, conceptual, theoretical, and empirical knowledge base related to consultation meetings with the lecturer. Prerequisites: All 100, 200 and 300
emergence of differences in dominance, social injustice, and disempowerment. level courses.
Knowledge of intergroup relations, team building and conflict resolution.
Active change agents of intergroup and diverse groups facilitation, methods SWK-508 SEMINARS & SOCIAL WORK PRACTICUM 3 Credits
of facilitation: team building, consensus planning, and planning for strategic The student will be assigned to work for 11 weeks (420 hours) with a Social
action, and the application of skills to targeted groups. The development of Work agency or project. The student will be under the supervision of a Social
new partnership structures and the differential role of the social worker with Worker in the agency for five days in a week for the entire working day (8
diverse groups. Prerequisites: All required 100 & 200 level courses. hours). This experience will afford the student an opportunity to apply and
integrate social Work philosophy, ethics, values and skills in a social work
SWK 420 ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 3 Credits setting. In addition, a seminar will be held weekly with other social work
Key concepts of organization development, concepts of organizational students and faculty to process the experience, and help make connections to
change, health and transformation; vision, mission and goals (VMG) social work theory, and to provide required support. SWK-508 will be taken
of organizations, boards and committees will be discussed; managing in the third and fourth year. Integration of theory and practice will be brought
effective organization change and development within both profit and non- out in the written report which will be submitted to the university supervisor two
profit organizations-change process in organizations, practical methods of weeks after completion of attachment. Pre-requisites: All 100, 200, 300 level
organizational diagnosis and intervention; capacity assessment/building. required courses.
Prerequisites: All 100 and 200 level courses.
SWK-496 INDEPENDENT STUDY 3 Credits The student will be required to come up with a 3-4 page proposal containing
The content for each study will vary depending on the topic chosen. The enough information about the project, for the advisor to advise. The
student will choose the topic and discuss it with the lecturer responsible for the components are: Objectives of study; Methods of study; Preliminary outline of
subject. The topic chosen must have sufficient content equivalent to any course study; Expected results of study; tentative bibliography; the writing of the paper
outline done in Social Work. The whole study is to be done by the student which will be reviewed weekly. This will be divided into: Review of research;
in consultation with the lecturer who will ensure the availability of textbooks, Statement of problem; Statement of method; Presentation of research data;
magazines, newspapers etc.; Assessment tests and examinations; and weekly Interpretation of findings; Conclusions and recommendations.
www.daystar.ac.ke 249
1st Year 3rd Year
Semester I Semester II Semester I Semester II
PSY 111 3 SWK 111 3 SWK 311 3 SWK 313 3
SOC 111 3 SWK 112 3 SWK 312 3 SWK 315 3
INS 111 3 ELECTIVE 3 SWK 314 3 Electives 6
BIL 111 3 INS 112 3 RET 320 2 RET 321 2
ENG 111/098 3 ENG 112 3 PHY 112 2 ECO 111 2
POL 111 1 BIL 112 3 INS 313 3
250 www.daystar.ac.ke
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Admission Requirements Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
Qualifications for admission to the Master of Arts in Community Development Common Postgraduate Courses
are/will be: BIL-615 Biblical Foundations of Christian Service 2
i) A Bachelors or a higher degree in Community Development or related GRA-611 Introduction to Graduate Studies 1
degrees from an accredited institution with a cumulative grade point average
of at least 2.75 (on a 4.0 scale) or second class honours, upper division or MCD-610 Advanced Community Based Research 3
lower division with two years of relevant experience. MCD-606 Dynamics of Leadership 3
ii) Applicants with a first degree in fields unrelated to development studies Sub-total 9
may be admitted but will be required to start with specified zero credit
hours in community development. These courses are DEV-111 Introduction to Required M.A Development Courses
Community Development, SOC-111 Introduction to Sociology, and PSY-111 MCD-601 Advanced Rural Sociology 3
Introduction to Psychology. MCD-602 Poverty in a Globalizing World 3
Medium of Instruction and Programme Administration MCD-604 Advanced Sociological Theory 3
The medium of instruction for the Master of Arts Community Development shall MCD-608 Statistical Methods in Community 3
be English. Development
MCD-609 Participatory Development Techniques 3
MCD 612 Project Management, Monitoring and 3
Students Assessment Policy
Course grades will be derived as follows: MCD-614 Social Change and Community 3
a. Most of the courses in this programme require masterly, conceptualization,
and appreciation of development approaches and practices, hence the MCD-615 Christian Environmental Stewardship and 3
continuous assessments are at 40% and final examination 60%. Management
MCD- 617 Disaster Management 3
a. Any marks awarded with decimal points will be rounded to the nearest MCD-619 Gender and Development 3
whole number. For example a student scoring 75.6% this will be rounded
Sub Total 30
to 76%; 74.3% will be rounded to 74%
Electives in M.A in Development Courses
MCD-607 Demography and Development 3
Grading System
MCD-603 Role of NGOs and Sustainable 3
A student scoring less than a C grade (an equivalent of 56%) will auto- Community Development
matically be graded an F and must be repeated in order to receive credit.
MCD-605 Microfinance for Community Development 3
Students will be allowed to repeat failed courses. Whatever grade the student
MCD-618 Human Resources Management for 3
achieves after repeat will be averaged in the GPA.
Community Development
Courses which are required but carry no credit are not used in calculating the
MCD-620 Conflict Transformation and peace 3
Building in Development
GPA for a student is obtained by dividing the total number of credits
attempted by the total number of grade points obtained. Sub-total 15
MCD-623 Practicum OR 6
Requirements For Graduation MCD-624 6
252 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Descriptions
MCD 601 Advanced Rural Sociology 3 Hours and civil society, NGOs and Faith-based organizations, NGOs and CBOs,
The purpose of this course is to enable the student to gain an in depth prospects and challenges of NGOs, Northern Vs Southern NGOs.
understanding of the structure and functioning of rural communities in developing
countries in general and East Africa in particular. It will explore the dynamics MCD 604: Advanced Sociological Theory 3 Hours
of rural life and analyze the socio-economic and cultural issues associated with This course is designed to expose the students to higher levels of contemporary
rural life in developing countries. The course will also evaluate the impacts sociological theories. Sociological Theories will assist students in the application
of the current development approaches on the enhancement of rural living of skills in critical reflection to developmental issues as well as designing
conditions among rural communities in Kenya. acceptable academic and research papers. It will cover the origin, growth and
The course covers background information, Sociology as an academic development of sociological theories, importance and functions of sociological
discipline, Rural Sociology; origin, development and relationship with other theories, classification of sociological theories, sociological theories and
behavioural sciences, importance of the rural sector in national development the founding fathers; Karl Marx; communism, commodities and capitalism,
of third world countries, the Rural-Urban continuum debate, agricultural sector Fredrick Engels; critical theory, legitimization crisis and de-industrialization,
(crop and animal husbandry) and rural development, rural non-agricultural politics, economics and culture. Emile Durkheim; social fact, anomie, suicide
(manufacturing & mining) and rural development, domestic tourism and rural and alienation. Marx Weber; capitalism, bureaucracy, society as a product of
economy, women and rural development, socio-economic and political symbolic interactions and relationships. Modern sociological theories; Gender
obstacles to rural development in developing countries, case studies of the and feminist theory, and interactionist.
current development approaches in Kenya (CDF, DFRD, LATF ) and their
effectiveness in poverty alleviation among rural communities. MCD-605: Micro-Finance for Community Development 3 Hours
The course seeks to provide the student with a practical overview of the structure
MCD-602 Poverty in A Globalizing World 3 Hours and functionality of microfinance in institutions. It will also equip the student with
The purpose of this course is to analyze the possible causes of poverty among knowledge and skills on how to start and professionally manage micro-finance
developing nations. It will particularly examine and analyze the various industry/program for sustainable community development. It will covers key
theories and thoughts by various scholars as to why developed countries concepts, objectives and goals of microfinance programs, process of starting
continue to amass wealth while developing countries continue to be poverty- microfinance, sources of funding, to microfinance (SED), credit schemes,
ridden. The course will also explore the relationship between globalization, informal sector, policies and regulations, programs and models, designing
internalization of poverty and sustainable community livelihoods. It covers models, minimalist model, community based model, integrated models,
background information, globalization meaning, trends, development vis-- credit guarantee schemes, social promotion: challenges of establishing and
vis underdevelopment, their features; the historical background to theories of running community based programs; collateral requirements, attitudes and risk
wealth creation among Western civilization and underdevelopment of non- perception of lending institutions, inadequate loanable funds (volume, supply
western civilizations; Theories/model of development; modernization and post and demand), leadership and managerial constraints, case studies of micro
modernization theories, Adam Smiths theory (nature and causes of the wealth financing programs for community development:- Kenya Women Finance Trust
of nations); the Malthusian population growth theory; Rostows economic (KWFT), Faulu Kenya, Grameen Bank, K-REP. Professionalism and ethics for
growth theory Myrdals circular causation theory; factors responsible for wealth sustainable microfinance management.
creation among western civilization and underdevelopment of non-western
civilization including: natural resources, capital accumulation, organization, MCD-606: Dynamics of Leadership in Development 3 Hours
technological progress, structural changes, social factors, the human factor, The course will enable the student to understand the classical theoretical
political and administrative factors; globalization and internalization of poverty frameworks of leadership as well as key alternate approaches to leadership
and their implication on sustainable livelihood among non-western civilizations. in relation to community development. It covers the concept of leadership;
Biblical foundations of leadership; theories and principles of leadership; forms
MCD-603: Role of NGOs & Sustainable 3 Hours and practices of African leadership in pre and post-colonial times, Western
Community Development leadership styles in the African contexts; transformational and transactional
This course will equip the student with the knowledge and skills to understand leadership styles; types and effectiveness of leadership; sources and role of
the operations of NGOs, government and other development-oriented power in leadership; cross-culture variations in perception of power; leadership
agencies. It will focus on the origin, workings, dynamics and impact of NGOs and resource stewardship; external leaders and their role in development;
in community development processes. It covers origin and philosophical bases leadership and community participation; delegation its elements and
of NGOs, their growth and development, types and characteristics, structure importance; self- managed teams in community development, facilitation and
and management; policy trends, governance, NGO boards, their structure promotion of emerging of local leadership for community development.
and committees, resource mobilization, sourcing and development, functions
of NGOs; lobbying, networking, advocacy, enterprise development. NGOs
and sustainable community development, NGOs and governments; NGOs
www.daystar.ac.ke 253
MCD-607: Demography and Development 3 Hours MCD 610 Advanced Community-Based Research 3 Hours
The purpose of the course is to explore the various demographic issues and This course provides an opportunity for students to explore, conduct, and
how they affect development especially among developing countries. It will evaluate research in the field of community development at levels appropriate
equip the student with knowledge on the dynamics of human population with for postgraduate study. It will emphasize on the philosophy, theories, processes,
reference to processes such as fertility, mortality and migration and their impact principles, methodologies, presentation, and evaluation of community-based
on community development. It covers introduction to population studies; global research. It covers concepts and nature of community-based social research,
trends and accompanying explanations; demographic perspectives; relevance philosophical foundations, role of social research in community development,
of demography; demographic theories; demographic data collection social research in the field of community development, Ethical considerations
techniques-strengths and weaknesses; quality of demographic data collected in in social research. Identification and definition of a research problem, research
developing countries; demographic processes; fertility, mortality and migration; design; formulation of objectives, question(s), assumptions/hypotheses.
age and sex structure of the population; effects of population growth on Sampling designs, Data collection process; construction of instruments, data
agricultural development, education, urbanization, population growth and collection, organizing, processing and analysis Report writing and presentation
social change; population programs and policies; case studies of population and dissemination.
programs in Kenya.
GRA 611: Introduction to Graduate Studies 1hour
MCD-608 Statistical Methods for Community 3 Hours This course is designed to expose the student to the higher level academic skills
Development required for graduate studies and to develop those skills, especially as applied
This course introduces and builds on various statistical concepts, theory and to the development of acceptable academic papers. It covers introduction to
practical applications to problem solving in community development. It covers Daystars M.A in Community Development program; purpose, Requirements:
introduction to advanced social statistics; evolution and application of social bible/theology proficiency, English proficiency, thesis, preliminary exams,
statistics; stages of statistical inquiry; measurement in social research: Levels coursework (core, concentration and electives). Graduate study is different;
of measurement; qualitative and quantitative data collection, processing, and time management, amount of work, amount of Pressure, standard of excellence,
analysis; Thurstone and Likert scales and ranking; principles and methods of amount of responsibility. Study skills; reading speed and comprehension, basic
sampling; theory of errors; descriptive techniques for data analysis; bivariate study methods, library usage and secondary research skills, writing skills.
and multivariate data; inferential techniques for data analysis; advanced Analysis, summary, and synthesis skills; reading comprehension, analyzing,
inferential statistical techniques; theory of probability and non-probability reporting, and linking disciplines. Research methods and approaches; search
distributions; principles and rules of probability; The normal distribution; for knowledge: theory and methodology, thesis preparation, topic choice,
hypothesis testing; principles, and confidence intervals. advisor choice.
MCD-609: Participatory Development Techniques 3 Hours MCD 612: Project Management, 3 Hours
This course aims at equipping the student with appropriate skills, knowledge Monitoring & Evaluation
and practices that will facilitate the carrying out of participatory development This course will help to equip the student with knowledge and skills to apply
projects and activities with a view to achieving sustainable development. the various techniques; in project planning, implementation, monitoring and
It seeks to equip the student with knowledge on the philosophy behind evaluation community development oriented projects and programs. It will
participation and the different participatory techniques applied to community enable students to appreciate and critically evaluate current practices employed
development. It covers conceptual and theoretical frameworks behind in project planning monitoring and evaluation of social welfare programs. It
participatory development techniques; historical development, types and levels covers project planning and management concepts, nature, characteristics
of participation, guidelines and principles; qualities and functions of community and historical development of project and management, project cycle,
development agents, community participatory action research methodologies importance of project planning and management in community development,
(participatory learning and action (PLA), participatory appraisal monitoring needs analysis and project selection process, project work breakdown
and evaluation (PAME), development education and leadership teams in structure. Project planning and scheduling; the project triangle (time, cost and
action (Delta), participatory hygiene and sanitation transformation (PHAST), quality), project planning and scheduling techniques. Feasibility study. Project
participatory workshops. Participatory monitoring and evaluation, design of implementation; process and techniques of implementing projects, project
participatory action methodologies, steps and processes, trade-offs, challenges leadership and project teams. Project proposal writing; components of a
and future prospects, case studies. (RRA, RRI etc.) challenges of participatory project proposal, role of project proposal in project management, developing
approaches in developing countries, strategies to overcome these challenges, project proposal. Conceptual theoretical logical framework on projects and
local leadership structures and community participation, socio-cultural, socio- programs design, monitoring and evaluation design, contextualization of the
economic and political structures vs. human rights, Participatory Educational role of results based management, application of participatory monitoring and
Theatre (PET), Participatory Analysis Poverty Livelihood Dynamics (PAPOLID), evaluation approaches, implementation of diverse monitoring and evaluation
Local livelihood forums (LLF), their relation to and application in community systems, types, methods and tools of Evaluation, Data collection and analysis
development. including use of computer based software such as Statistical Package for Social
Sciences (SPSS), monitoring and Evaluation proposal writing, case studies.
254 www.daystar.ac.ke
Fundraising techniques (activities and events) Project monitoring and evaluation MCD 617: Disaster Management 3 Hours
will be introduced. The course seeks to enable the student to understand the types and nature of
disasters experienced by various communities. It will equip the student with the
MCD 614: Social Change & Community Development 3 Hours knowledge and skills to prepare and respond to disasters. It covers background
The purpose of this course is to explore the processes of various forms of information, disaster management theory, principles of management, types
change and how they impact on the communitys livelihoods at local, national and causes of disasters, Identification and definition, phases of preparedness;
and International levels. It covers key concepts of change and community pre-disaster warning, impact and recovery, rehabilitation, disaster prevention
livelihoods, overview of change process, sources, nature and prerequisites and mitigation policies; physical, economic, social-cultural vulnerability, relief
for social change, theories and types of social change, causes, extent and operation; psycho-socio interventions; structure of relief organizations, types
impact on community livelihoods; governance and democratization, civil and nature of relief approaches; quick and confused, fire-fighting, development
society and human rights and their influence on community livelihoods; change oriented and development seed planting, disaster preparedness planning for
and devolution of power; social, political, economic, and cultural systems, local communities, conflict and peace building processes, critical analyses of
emerging environmental laws and policies geared towards promotion of disasters and response.
community livelihoods and the challenges faced, case studies on change and
community livelihoods. MCD 618: Human Resources Management for 3 Lecture Hours
Community Development
BIL 615: Biblical Foundations of Christian Service 2 Hours The purpose of the course is to enable the students to explore the place of human
The purpose of this course is to further prepare students for Christian life and resource development, administration management and policy articulation
service in their homes, Churches, careers and society by a careful analysis in a community context. It equips the student with the knowledge, attitudes
of Biblical and theological teaching, contextual, philosophical reflections and skills of handling human and social capital deemed crucial in community
and practical experience as it relates to their management and leadership development. It covers introduction to concepts in human resource management
at all levels. It covers analysis of the biblical teachings on Gods Kingdom in to development; sustainable and strategic human capital, social capital as a
both the Old and New Testaments, the purpose of Testaments, contextual and resource in development; staffing, human resource recruitment in Para-church
philosophical reflection on the Kingdom of God including a historical review organizations, CBOS, NGOS both local and international ,administration,
and contemporary models, the Parables of the Kingdom, the Kingdom of God management of human and social capital public offices as well as local
and the Church, the ethics of the Kingdom, the world view of the ethics of the administrative structures, marshalling teams, groups and non-profit making
Kingdom, the call to Christian service as it relates to ones gifts, talents, and institutions for development; overall coordination of human resource networks
profession. in development; training and developmental, career planning, performance
appraisal, employment counselling, compensation ,staff motivation: Social
MCD 615: Christian Environmental Stewardship & 3 Hours capital as parallel theory to human capital, review mechanisms in social
Management structures leading to social capital, complementing human capital and
The course aims to equip the student with an understanding of the relationship sustaining financial capital for organization success; Workers welfare, labour
between Christian faith, stewardship of the creation, and sustainable relations, Information communication technology (ICT) and ethical standards
development. The student will be challenged to discover the ways that the and professionalism. Expatriate staff in community development and overall
multifaceted and complex creation reflects the glory of God. Sustainable human resource challenges; Sustainable intervention strategies in human and
development will be analyzed from both secular environmental and Christian social capital resources.
perspectives, culminating in a synthetic view. The student will also be equipped
to analyze the context of natural resources for development and to offer MCD 619: Gender and Development 3 Hours
suggestions for wise sustainable use. It covers Christian faith and the creation, The course aims at helping the student gain a deeper understanding of gender
important functions of diversity of the creation, stewardship and sustainable issues and their impact on community development. It will prepare the student
development, some destructive Christian views, secular and Christian to handle gender concerns and become gender sensitive when addressing
perspectives; major factors threatening the sustainability of the creation, soil community development issues. It covers introduction to gender studies; gender
erosion, water, destruction of forests, waste management; air quality, ecology dynamics and community development, theories and approaches to gender
and urban environment; natural resources and their classification, occurrence studies, Nature, approaches and effects of gender empowerment, Religious
and abundance; tools of environmental analysis, instrument for environmental perspectives on gender and development; gender construction; gender equality,
management and assessment; environmental impact assessment (EIA), life government gender policies; nature and impact, global issues; conflict; gender
cycle analysis (LCA), environmental and management systems, strategic and environment, agriculture, gender relations at work; men and women
environmental assessment (SEA), agriculture, environment and ecosystem relationships, division of labor, and employment, and access to resources,
management, agriculture and agro-ecosystem, environment and land policy. gender and culture, feminization of poverty, affirmative action, implementation
of millennium development goals, HIV/AIDS and gender health, case studies of
women empowerment programs, challenges in the implementation of gender
issues under the new constitution and vision 2030.
www.daystar.ac.ke 255
MCD 620: Conflict Transformation & 3 Hours University practicum supervisor(s) for approval. They will be expected to be in
Peace Building in Development the field for 600 hours; an equivalent of 15 weeks. The students will familiarize
The course seeks to expose students to the concepts, actors, approaches themselves with the organizations historical background, vision and mission,
to conflict and to equip them with skills of evaluating the place of conflict structure, strategies and programme design. They will critically evaluate the
transformation and peace building in development. It covers background to organizational procedures and intervention strategies. Further, the student will
war and conflict at individual level, Key definition of concepts, Theories of develop an implementable to be presented in a departmental seminar to be
conflict, Sources and types of conflict, breakdown in social structure: family, organized at the end of the practicum period. However, monthly students
groups, community, religion, media, state & politics, economy and workplace, seminars with their supervisor(s) will be organized during the practicum period
the place of trauma and healing, connecting resolution, transformation and and all students registered for practicum will be required to attend. The students
management, dynamics and progression of conflict, conflict and change will be required to submit their practicum report to the departmental supervisor(s)
process. Structures as platforms for change, Justice and Freedom, responses within 2 weeks from the date of completion of practicum.
to conflict, the role of mediation, mediation vs arbitration. Mediation Tool Kit:
before mediation. Introduction, story-telling, problem solving and agreement, MCD 624: Academic Thesis 6 hours
reconciliation, sustainability and mainstreaming of peace in development. The MA Community Development thesis requires the student to conduct an in-
Communication skills; facilitation and building peace in communities; extending depth Social Science research that will integrate library and field research on
mediation values into group conflicts. Case studies in conflict Transformation an issue related to their own context of community development training.
and Workshop Designs. The student will carry out his/her research under the supervision of a main
faculty advisor and at least one or two thesis committee members within
MCD-623: Practicum 6 Hours Daystar University. The chair of postgraduate studies may assign an additional
The programme aims at preparing students to initiate and implement supervisor beyond the university provided the relevant qualifications and
development projects intended to improve the welfare of communities. The experience are demonstrated.
purpose is to expose the students to actual practical community development In addition to the above, thesis work will be done in accordance with the
work i.e. the daily tasks of the organization, organizational procedures guidelines set forth in the Daystar University postgraduate students handbook.
and processes, and the overall philosophies of operation. Students will be Any student considering entrance into a doctoral program or an academic
responsible for acquiring their own practicum sites in consultation with Daystar career is strongly advised to complete the academic thesis.
256 www.daystar.ac.ke
www.daystar.ac.ke 257
has failed the fourth time, then the student will be advised to discontinue the
Course Descriptions
The grade the student achieves after repeating will be averaged in the GPA.
Courses which are required but carry no credit are not used in calculating the Programme structure
The programme will take 2 years full-time or four years part-time. It will consist
GPA for a student is obtained by dividing the total number of credits attempted
of course work, practicum, project or thesis for a minimum of fifteen weeks.
by the total number of grade points obtained.
258 www.daystar.ac.ke
participatory workshops, design of participatory action methodologies, steps sharpen the students critical thinking abilities. The course content will cover
and processes, trade-offs, challenges and future prospects, case studies. background information on the evolution of monitoring and evaluation; different
monitoring and evaluation approaches used by diverse international players
MME 604 Project Management Information Systems 3 Hours such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); Department
Communication and information technology has rapidly advanced, changing for International Development (DFID); United States of America International
business and opening a new window of business opportunities. Inherently Development (USAID).
this demands for new knowledge and innovation tactics paced at the new The course will be run in form of a seminar where students will choose topics of
advanced systems. Technology has also changed the systems of management, interest from a broad choice, research on them and make class presentations.
siring new better and advanced systems of management focused and bound Presentations will be critiqued by colleagues and peers.
on accuracy and precision of information. Monitoring and evaluation like any
system of management requires knowledge around new systems of management MME 609 Ethical Practices in 3 Hours
and governance, as the best way to conduct business and effectively manage monitoring & evaluation
programme in the modern world. The purpose of this course is to help the student learn and maintain high
Overview of Information System; theories and concepts; Nature and types of standards of morality and professionalism in monitoring and evaluation of
Information Systems, Utility of information systems in Monitoring and Evaluation programmes. The course content will include definitions of concepts and
Systems Cycle, Information Systems Perspective in Monitoring and Evaluation, terms, values and principles of ethics in monitoring and evaluation, ethical
and Information Environment (Organization, Management, and Technology), standards in monitoring and evaluation practices such as data collection,
Monitoring System, The Control System, System Applications in Monitoring and analysis, management, dissemination and disposal. Ethical accountability and
Evaluation, Managing data resources, Information Systems Challenges. responsibilities in monitoring and evaluation, Issues of confidentiality, informed
consent, respect of human rights or dignity and cultural diversity, competence,
MME 605: Proposal and report writing 3 Hours integrity and honesty, ethical decision-making, ethical dilemma in monitoring
This course aims at enabling the student fully comprehend the process and and evaluation.
procedures of developing standard project proposals. It will also explore the
significance of the component of monitoring and evaluation in funded project MME 610 Advanced Social Research 3 Hours
proposals. This course provides an opportunity for students to explore, conduct, and
Background to proposal and report writing, importance of proposals , factors evaluate research in the field of social sciences at levels appropriate for
guiding proposal writing, proposal format; cover page, table of contents , postgraduate study. It will emphasize on the philosophy, theories, processes,
abstracts, project goal and justification, problem statement, objectives, principles, methodologies, presentation, and evaluation of social science-based
anticipated outcomes, implementation plan, monitoring and evaluation plan, research. It will cover concepts and nature of social research, philosophical
project sustainability consideration, budget, report writing; background foundations, role of social research in the social science field, research design;
information, purpose statement, scope, aims and limits of the report, identification and definition of a research problem, formulation of research
methodology, findings and discussions, conclusions and recommendations , questions, constructing authenticity and trustworthiness in social research, data
appendices. collection, data cleaning, processing, and analysis and the use of computer
and manual processes and procedures in data analysis, packaging and
MME 606 Gender in Monitoring and evaluation 3 Hours presentation in appropriate report formats.
The course aims at equipping the student with a deeper understanding of
gender issues and their impact on development programs and policy. It will MME 611 Monitoring and Evaluation in 3 Hours
prepare the student to critically examine gender concerns while conducting Human rights and advocacy Programmes
monitoring and evaluation activities. To build the students foundational knowledge base on human rights and how
Overview of gender; gender dynamics in monitoring and evaluation, it links to good governance and accountability. It will enhance the capacity
theories and approaches in gender analysis, tools and frameworks, gender of the student to carry out effective M&E on human rights and advocacy
empowerment, religious perspectives on gender and development; gender work to ascertain its impact on the target population. The key components
construction; M&E in gender policies, nature and impact; gender and covered in this session will include: Human rights; historical perspectives; local
environment; agriculture; gender relations; division of labour; employment and constitutional dispensations; and international charters. Features of human rights
access to resources; M&E in relation to MDGs; emerging issues on gender; and advocacy; People, power, politics and the question of legitimacy, The
challenges in implementing M&E gender related issues and case studies. principles of human rights and advocacy, Factors crucial for effective human
rights and advocacy, Steps in M&E process design; source mobilization,
MME 608: Seminar in Monitoring and Evaluation 3 Hours training, research, negotiation skills, networking and partnerships, feedback
This course aims at equipping the student with practical knowledge and skills and analysis of issues in advocacy, challenges and prospects of M&E in human
necessary for carrying monitoring and evaluation activities. It will also enable rights and advocacy, case studies
the student to explore and participate in M&E related seminars. It will also
www.daystar.ac.ke 259
MME 612: Statistical Methods 3 Hours and practical experience as it relates to their management and leadership
This course introduces and builds on various statistical concepts, theory at all levels. Key areas covered will include an introduction and background
and practical applications to problem solving in monitoring and evaluation information, the Kingdom of God in the Old Testament, the Kingdom of God
in diverse development initiatives. It includes concepts such as introduction; in the New Testament, the purpose of Testaments, the Parables of the Kingdom,
evolution; stages of statistical inquiry; measurement in social research: Levels the Kingdom of God and the Church, the Kingdom of God and the Church, the
of measurement; qualitative and quantitative data; Thurstone and Likert scales Church, the ethics of the Kingdom, the world view of the ethics of the Kingdom.
and ranking; principles and methods of sampling; theory of errors; descriptive MME 697 Practicum 6 Hours
techniques for data analysis; bivariate and multivariate data; descriptive The programme aims at preparing students to initiate and design monitoring
statistical techniques; inferential techniques for data analysis; advanced and evaluation programmes or systems for development projects intended to
inferential statistical techniques; theory of probability and non-probability improve the welfare of communities. The purpose is to expose the students
distributions; principles and rules of probability; The normal distribution; to hands on monitoring and evaluation work i.e. the daily tasks of the
hypothesis testing; principles, and confidence intervals. organization, its procedures and processes, and the overall philosophies of
operation and tracking of an existing project. Students will be required to be
GRA 613: Introduction To Graduate Studies 1 hour in the field for 600 hours; an equivalent of 15 weeks. They will be expected
This course provides an orientation to graduate students on the conventions to familiarize themselves with the organizations historical background, vision
involved in research and scholarly writing expected at graduate level. Students and mission, structure, strategies and programme design. The students will
will be acquainted with basic skills and strategies necessary for the effective be required to critically evaluate the existing organizational procedures
organization of their ideas in both oral and written presentations. In addition, and intervention strategies. Further, they will be expected to develop an
it will extend students knowledge on the general conventions involved in implementable monitoring and evaluation system. Monthly students seminars
research and academic writing. Key topics include: effective time management, with their supervisor(s) will be organized during the practicum period and
qualities of academic discourse, conventions and format required for references all students registered for practicum will be required to attend. Students are
and quotations, elements of style and form in graduate research writing. The responsible for acquiring their own practicum sites in consultation with Daystar
paramount goal of this course is to develop graduate students ability to express University practicum supervisor(s) for approval. They will be required to submit
themselves effectively, especially in written assignments. The students critical their practicum report to the departmental supervisor(s) within 2 weeks from the
and analytic research skills and editing techniques will also be enhanced date of completion of practicum.
through practical exercises and assignments.
This course will cover introduction to Daystars graduate studies expected THESIS OR PROJECT
standards, requirements and formats for writing academic reports, papers, This will comprise MME 698 Thesis and MME 699 Project. Students will be
and thesis; English writing skills, referencing of papers and citations; library at liberty to choose either Thesis or Project. The student will be informed that
search (manual and electronic); time management, coping with the mounting in case they wish to pursue a doctoral programme in future, then a thesis is
pressure of work; study skills; reading speed and comprehension, summary, recommended.
and synthesis skills; critiquing of research and scholarly work, and linking
disciplines; research methods and approaches; search for knowledge: theory MME 698 Thesis* 6 Hours
and methodology, thesis preparation, topic choice, and advisor selection. The MA Monitoring and Evaluation thesis requires the student to conduct an
in-depth Social Science research that will integrate library and field research
GRA 614 Dynamics of Leadership 3 Hours on an issue related to his or her own context of monitoring and evaluation of
The purpose of this course is to enable the student to understand the theoretical development initiatives.
and practical frameworks of leadership and management and how they are The student will carry out his or her research under the supervision of a main
applied in different organizations and real life situations. The course content faculty advisor and at least one or two thesis committee members within Daystar
will include leadership and management; primary concepts in leadership and University. The Dean, School of Human and Social Sciences may assign an
management, theories and principles, types and styles, functions, biblical additional supervisor beyond the university provided the relevant qualifications
perspectives, sources and role of power, leadership qualities and leadership and experience are demonstrated.
and resource stewardship, policy formulation and interpretation of Vision, All aspects of the academic thesis, including the research proposal,
Mission and Goal (VMG) of the organization, effective meetings management, implementation and thesis writing, must be in accordance with the guidelines
basics of public relations and etiquette, team work and participatory set forth in the Daystar University postgraduate student handbook. Any student
involvement, effective delegation, leadership versus management, managing, considering entrance into a doctoral program or an academic career is strongly
new paradigms in management, self-management. advised to complete the academic thesis.
The student will be required to orally defend the research proposal and thesis
BIL 615:Biblical Foundations of Christian Service 2 Hours before a panel of at least three post-graduate faculty appointed by The Dean,
The purpose of this course is to further prepare students for Christian life and School of Human and Social Sciences and pass with a minimum grade of B. A
service in their homes, Churches, careers and society by a careful analysis copy of the thesis with final corrections must be submitted within 90 days after
of Biblical and theological teaching, contextual, philosophical reflections successful defence and before graduation.
260 www.daystar.ac.ke
MME 699 Project Paper** 6 Hours
The MA Monitoring and evaluation project requires the student to select a topic
of his or her choice. He or she will then design and complete a monitoring
and evaluation project, detailing the key phases such as institutional profile,
mandate, scope, and objectives, main activities, and the results tracked through
monitoring and evaluation in an organization of his/her choice. Other key
components will include the data collection procedures, processing, analysis,
packaging and dissemination.
The student will carry out his or her project paper under the supervision of a
lead faculty advisor and at least one or two other advisors drawn from within
Daystar University.
All aspects of the academic project writing, including the project proposal,
implementation and paper writing, must be done in consultation with the lead
supervisor in accordance with the guidelines set forth in the Daystar University
postgraduate student handbook.
The student will be required to orally defend the project report before a panel of
at least three post-graduate faculty appointed by The Dean, School of Human
and Social Sciences.
www.daystar.ac.ke 261
I studied music and communication
at Daystar. Through my gift and
training I have nurtured many
young musicians through what I
call music communication. Long
live Daystar.
Hellen Mtawali
262 www.daystar.ac.ke
Information Technology
The school has four departments namely: Computer Science, Science & Database Administration & Programming
Engineering, Nursing and Pre University. Computer Network & Security
Our motto is, Science for Service.
Our programmes are tailored to provide holistic learning and a Christ-
Undergraduate PROGRAMME
Centered approach and contribute to the achievement of the vision and
mission of Daystar University. Daystar University has provided state-of- Bachelor of Science in
art laboratories and library resources that will be used for teaching and Nursing:- Regular & Upgrade
Applied Computer Science
Our qualified faculty and staff are ready to offer high quality education
that will produce an all-round graduate for the 21st century. Environmental Health
Acturial Science
Biomedical Science
www.daystar.ac.ke 263
The Department of Science teaches both general science courses required Bridging Mathematics
for all students and majors in various areas in science. The general courses MAT 096 Bridging Mathematics 0 (3)
enable the student to have an all-round development which is in line with
MAT 096 is a non-credit course for those students who wish to take
liberal arts education approach at Daystar. It helps students to have a broad
a major in Commerce but who had a grade of D+ to C- in KCSE in
knowledge of the world around them with a Christian perspective. They
Mathematics. A grade of B- or better in this course allows the student to
gain basic knowledge in physical science, environmental science, biology,
select a major in Commerce.
mathematics and health. Currently the science majors include Physics,
Mathematics, Environmental Health, Actuarial Science and Biomedical
Mathematics Major
Admission Requirements
There are no special entry requirements for students doing the general
science courses once the student has been admitted to any undergraduate Our Mathematics major is designed to encourage students to think clearly
programme. and to express mathematical concepts in meaningful statements, give students
necessary skills to perform operations in professional fields that require the
The science majors have well stipulated requirements for admission as shown use of mathematics, and also to create the desire, curiosity and interest to
under each major in the following pages. further their education in mathematics. Daystar University, in line with its
vision and mission, offers a major in mathematics with four concentrations,
namely, Applied Mathematics, Pure mathematics, Financial
Student Assessment Mathematics, and Statistics. These will meet the needs and aspirations
of society in which the trained students will serve and lead.
Assessment will be based on continuous assessment work, practical, field
work and final examination. Generally, continuous assessment items carry
30% and final examination carries 70% of the total marks. This may vary from Rationale
course to course depending on the nature of a given course. Mathematics is one of the most basic and fundamental courses in science. It
forms the foundation for many fields of study and is one of the basic subjects
Requirements for Graduation for carrying out research. This programme will produce graduates who will
perform with excellence in all professions that require mathematical skills.
The general science courses required for graduation varies from one major to Such areas include: banking, insurance, biometrics, biostatistics, quality
another and the specific courses required are spelt out for each major. control, research, pure science and engineering, and business management,
among others.
General Science Courses
Admission Requirements
General Science Courses Credit Hours
Applicants must meet the general admission requirements that apply to all
MAT 102 Basic Maths (for non-commerce and ACS) 2 Daystar University students as stated in the University Catalogue.
BIO 111 Biology 2
ENV 112 Environmental Science 2
PHY 112 Physical Science 2
HPE 113 Health and Physical Fitness 1
264 www.daystar.ac.ke
Examination Minimum Admission Requirements The following tables list the required courses including the common courses
and the concentration courses.
C+ overall
C+ in mathematics
5 Upper Level Passes with a Credit pass in Common Required Courses for all
IGCSE Credit Hours
Mathematics Concentrations
5 O Level passes with C and above and/or Code Title
principal C at A level BIL 111 Old Testament Survey 3
12th Grade GPA of 2.5
BIL 112 New Testament Survey 3
Equivalent results will be used for students from countries which do not sit
any of the above examinations. BIO 111 Biology 2
ECO 111 Introduction to Economics 2
A student with the following qualifications will be eligible for admission ENG 111 Advanced Reading 3
i. Credit passes in a relevant diploma from a recognized tertiary
ENG 112 Advanced Writing 3
ii. Relevant Higher National Diploma ENV 112 Environmental Science 2
iii. B+ or better in Mathematics from Daystar Universitys Pre-university HPE 113 Health and Physical Fitness 1
Programme. INS 111 Communication and Culture I 3
INS 212 African Societies and Traditional Religion 2
Structure of the Programme and Duration MUS 111 Music (or Art or Literature) 2
a. The program will normally require four academic years to complete. An MAT 120 College Algebra 3
academic year is composed of two semesters, where a semester is a MAT 121 Differential Calculus 3
period of 16 weeks. Of these 14 weeks are used for teaching and 2
weeks are for university end-of-semester exams. MAT 125 Analytical Geometry 3
b. Typically a student will take an average of 18 credit hours per semester. MAT 221 Integral Calculus 3
A credit hour is defined as one contact hour per week for fourteen weeks. MAT 223 Discrete Mathematics I 3
Two hours of practical are equivalent to one credit hour. MAT 224 Discrete Mathematics II 3
c. The required common courses are designed to give the student a broad MAT 231 Advanced Calculus 3
foundational base.
MAT 312 Linear Algebra 3
d. The concentration courses provide the student with a solid base in each
MAT 313 Vector Analysis 3
area of specialization.
MAT 323 Ordinary Differential Equation I 3
e. The mathematics major will comprise courses grouped by type as shown
in the following table: MAT 324 Complex Analysis I 3
MAT 325 Numerical Methods I 3
Type of Course Credit Hours
MAT 327 Partial Differential Equations I 3
Mathematics Common Courses 56
MAT 330 Operation Research I 3
Mathematics Concentration 43
MAT 430 Operations Research II 3
Computer Science 8
MAT 470 Scientific Computing 2
Physics 4
PHL 111 Introduction to Philosophy 3
General Education 31
RET 320 Christianity and Islam in Africa 2
STA 130 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3
STA 230 Mathematical Statistics I 3
Requirements for Graduation STA 313 Research Methodology 3
In order to graduate a student must complete and pass all the required SUBTOTAL 56
courses in mathematics, computer science, physics and the general University
courses. In addition the student must achieve an overall Grade Point Average
(GPA) of 2.00 or better overall and 2.00 or better in the required courses in
the major.
www.daystar.ac.ke 265
Code Title Credit Hours Code Title Credit Hours
MAT 301 Set Theory 3 MAT 328 Numerical Methods II 3
MAT 302 Real Analysis I 3 FMA 360 Mathematics for Finance 3
MAT 303 Real Analysis II 3 FMA 361 Financial Models I 3
MAT 304 Algebra I 3 FMA 362 Stochastic Calculus 3
MAT 326 Ordinary Differential Equations II 3 FMA 461 Financial Models II 3
MAT 328 Numerical Methods II 3 FMA 462 Fixed Income Securities 3
MAT 406 Topology I 3 FMA 463 Portfolio Management 3
MAT 409 Measure Theory 3 FMA 464 Currency Risk 3
MAT 410 Complex Analysis II 3 FMA 466 Risk Theory and Management 3
MAT 415 Partial Differential Equations II 3 FMA 467 Numerical Computations in Finance 3
MAT 423 Ordinary Differential Equations III 3 STA 331 Theory of Estimation 3
MAT 424 Applied Mathematical Methods 3 STA 334 Test of Hypothesis 3
MAT 425 Differential Geometry 3 STA 431 Time Series Analysis 3
MAT 429 Project in Applied Mathematics 4 FMA 469 Project in Financial Mathematics 4
MAT 410 Complex Analysis II 3 STA 435 Quality Control and Acceptance 3
MAT 423 Ordinary Differential Equations III 3
STA 436 Probability Theory 3
MAT 419 Project in Pure Mathematics 4
ECO 401 Strategic Management 3
STA 439 Project in Statistics 4
266 www.daystar.ac.ke
The suggested four-year program of study is shown in the table below.
MAT 120 College Algebra 3 ENG 112 Advanced Writing 3
ACS 102 Basic Computer Skills 3 BIL 112 New Testament Survey 3
ACS 111 Introduction to Programming 2 ACS 112 Introduction to Object 3
Oriented Programming
ENG 111 Advanced Reading 3 MAT 121 Differential Calculus 3
BIL 111 Old Testament Survey 3 MAT 223 Discrete Mathematics I 3
INS 111 Communication and Culture I 3 STA 130 Introduction to Probability 3
and Statistics
PHL 111 Intro to Philosophy 3 ECO 111 Intro to Economics 2
MAT 221 Integral Calculus 3 PHY 123 Mechanics 4
MAT 312 Linear Algebra I 3 MAT 313 Vector Analysis 3
STA 230 Mathematical Statistics I 3 MAT 323 Ordinary Differential 3
Equations I
MAT 125 Analytical Geometry 3 MAT 324 Complex Analysis I 3
MAT 224 Discrete Mathematics II 3 MAT 231 Advanced Calculus 3
FIRST SEMESTER Applied Pure Finance Statistics
MAT 325 Numerical Methods I 3 3 3 3
MAT 330 Operations Research I 3 3 3 3
MAT 327 Partial Differential Equation I 3 3 3 3
INS 212 African Societies & Traditional Religion 2 2 2 2
MAT 301 Set Theory 3 3
MAT 302 Real Analysis I 3 3
STA 331 Theory of Estimation 3 3
FMA 360 Mathematics for Finance 3
STA 332 Design and Analysis of Sample Surveys 3
TOTAL 17 17 17 17
www.daystar.ac.ke 267
SECOND SEMESTER Applied Pure Finance Statistics
HPE 113 Health and Physical Fitness 1 1 1 1
RET 320 Christianity and Islamic in Africa 2 2 2 2
STA 313 Research Methodology 3 3 3 3
MAT 326 Ordinary Differential Equations II 3 3
MAT 303 Real Analysis II 3 3
MAT 328 Numerical Methods II 3 3 3
MAT 304 Algebra I 3 3
FMA 362 Stochastic Calculus 3
FMA 361 Financial Models I 3
STA 334 Test of Hypothesis 3 3
STA 335 Mathematical Modelling 3
STA 336 Stochastic Processes 3
STA 337 Mathematical Statistics II 3
TOTAL 18 18 18 18
FOURTH YEAR First Semester Applied Pure Finance Statistics
MAT 410 Complex Analysis II 3 3
MAT 406 Topology I 3 3
MAT 423 Ordinary Differential Equations III 3 3
MAT 401 Functional Analysis I 3
MAT 404 Algebra II 3
MAT 424 Applied Mathematical Methods 3
MAT 425 Differential Geometry 3
FMA 464 Currency Risk 3
STA 431 Time Series Analysis 3 3
FMA 462 Fixed Income Securities 3
FMA 461 Financial Models II 3
FMA 463 Portfolio Management 3
STA 432 Multivariate Methods 3
STA 433 Analysis of Experimental Designs 3
STA 434 Non Parametric methods 3
STA 435 Quality Control & Acceptance Sampling 3
TOTAL 15 15 15 15
268 www.daystar.ac.ke
FOURTH YEAR Second Semester Applied Pure Finance Statistics
MUS 111 Music (Art or Literature) 2 2 2 2
BIO 111 Biology 2 2 2 2
ENV 112 Environmental Science 2 2 2 2
MAT 470 Scientific Computing 2 2 2 2
MAT 430 Operations Research II 3 3 3 3
MAT 415 Partial Differential Equations II 3
MAT 409 Measure Theory 3 3
MAT 407 Topology II 3
FMA 466 Risk Theory & Management 3
FMA 467 Numerical Computation in Finance 3
STA 436 Probability Theory 3
ECO 401 Strategic Management 3
TOTAL 17 17 17 17
www.daystar.ac.ke 269
Environmental Health Major Admission Requirements
All candidates admitted to the Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental
Introduction Health at Daystar University must have the following requirements:
The goal of the Department of Science and Engineering in implementing a 1. The minimum entry requirement shall be an overall grade of C+ (C plus)
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health is to provide a strong Christian for holders of the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE)
foundation in the Environmental Health programme for students who have or equivalent requirements for students who have gone through other
completed their secondary school education, and who aspire to become systems.
experts in environmental health management locally and internationally. 2. In addition, candidates must obtain a minimum of a C+ (Plus) in Biology
The Environmental Health major is a rigorous, science based, applied and Chemistry and at least a C (Plain) in Mathematics.
curriculum that prepares students for careers in environmental health fields. 3. Candidates with Diploma in Environmental Health Sciences from the
Students who successfully complete the programme of study receive the Kenya Medical Training College or other recognized institutions, and
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health degree. Graduates will be who fulfill all other university entrance requirements may be considered
prepared to serve as Christian servant leaders as Environmental Health for admission if they had an average KCSE grade of C (plain) or better.
Specialists, Occupational Health Specialists, Health and Safety Officers,
Environmental Consultants and Educators among others. The degree can Assessment of Students Performance
also be used as a step to an advanced degree in many fields including
environmental health, industrial hygiene, toxicology, epidemiology, ecology The University common regulations for undergraduate examinations and
and environmental engineering, and will satisfy entrance requirements for faculty specific regulations shall apply. The continuous assessment shall be
professional degree programmes such as medicine, veterinary medicine, based on written assignments, field work, laboratory exercises and written
dentistry, optometry and pharmacy. tests. The end of semester examinations and continuous assessment shall
usually comprise of 60% and 40% respectively, although this may vary for
some courses as defined in the course syllabus.
The rapid growth of population in developing countries has been Duration and Requirements for Graduation
accompanied by enormous environmental degradation. Some of the
degrading activities have resulted to poor living and health standards. The Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health shall typically extend over
Consequently diseases that affect Man, animals and plants have been on a period of four academic years, unless Senate on recommendation of the
the increase in these countries. Therefore a need arises to have an in depth School Board approves exemption.
understanding of the relationship of people to their environment, in order to The Universitys common regulations for undergraduate examinations shall
protect and enhance their health. Most of the environmental problems and apply for all the examinations leading to the award of the degree. The
their health effects have been aggravated by lack of adequate well-trained candidates will be expected to do a minimum of 160 credit-hours, divided
personnel to combat them. Therefore people should be empowered to as follows: 115 credits required in Environmental Health, 20 credits from
participate actively, individually or collectively to improve the quality of the related science fields and 25 credits from General Education. A credit hour
environment. This calls for specialized training of personnel in Environmental is defined as one contact hour per week for sixteen weeks in a semester. Of
Health. these 14 weeks are used for teaching and 2 weeks are for university end-
Environmental Health is an interdisciplinary course of study incorporating of-semester exams. Undergraduate programs must be completed within a
Biology, Chemistry, Public Health, Christian Religion &Ethics and Engineering, period of seven (7) years total elapsed time. In order to graduate, a student
with an emphasis on the effect of the environment on human health and its should attain an average GPA of 2.00 or better.
control. The programme includes both theoretical as well as practical aspects
related to the assessment and control of environmental factors that could Required Courses
potentially be dangerous to the health of the current and future generations.
In Environmental Health; The Credit hours per week are represented as total
The curriculum in Environmental Health is designed to educate professionals
credits (Theory hours/practical hours), for example 4(3/3) OR total credit
by providing graduates with the appropriate knowledge and values
(theory hours), for example 3(3) where there are no practical hours OR total
necessary for identification, assessment, prevention, and control of
credit (practical hours) where there are no theory hours.
environmental factors potentially harmful to human health, quality of life and
to the stability and sustainability of ecosystems. In addition, graduates will
obtain the necessary skills to plan, implement, update and enforce related Course Code Course Title Credit Hrs
programmes. ENH 101 Introduction to Environmental Health 2
ENH 102 Basic Botany 3
ENH 103 Basic Zoology 3
270 www.daystar.ac.ke
ENH 120 Principles of Ecology 3 ENH 420 Environmental Health Administration 3
ENH 121 Introduction to Environmental pollution 3 ENH 421 Society, Poverty, Gender & 3
ENH 122 General Chemistry 3 Environmental Health
ENH 210 Environmental Health, Water, Food 2 ENH 422 Project Development & Implementation 2
and Nutrition ENH 423 Environmental Health Education and 3
ENH 211 Atmospheric Processes, Pollution & 3 Extension
Control ENH 424 Environmental Disaster Management 2
ENH 212 Organic Chemistry 3 ENH 425 Environmental Health and Development 2
ENH 220 Apparatus & Analytical Techniques for 1 ENH 426 Environmental Law and Policy 2
Environmental Health ENH 430 Environmental Health Internship II 4
ENH 221 Principles of Toxicology 3 TOTAL 115
ENH222 Food Safety and Hygiene 3
ENH 223 Environmental Microbiology 3 Other required courses
ENH 224 Pollution of Tropical Ecosystems 3
ACS 102 Basic Computer Skills 2
ENH 225 Research Methodology 2
BMS 111 Human Anatomy 3
ENH 310 Occupational Health, Safety & 3
Hygiene MAT 120 Foundational Mathematics 3
www.daystar.ac.ke 271
Physics Major
List of Required and Elective Physics Courses
Rationale The major will consist of course credit-hours in the following areas of study:
The Science and Engineering Department of Daystar University, in line with
the vision and mission of Daystar University, offers a major in Physics, which Physics 60
meet the needs and aspirations of society in which the trained students will Mathematics 30
serve and lead. Computer Science 11
Physics is one of the most basic and fundamental of all the sciences. It is
Chemistry 9
central to our understanding of Gods creation through natural phenomena,
namely energy and matter. Physics attempts to understand nature at its General courses 31
deepest level from elementary particles, to nuclei, atoms, molecules, TOTAL 141
macromolecules, solids, liquids, gases, plasma, living organisms, complex
systems, supercomputers, the atmosphere, planets, stars, galaxies and the
entire universe. The importance of physics is captured in that its theories
explain reactions, energy transfer, forms of matter and all the processes and As a general rule, unless stated otherwise in the course syllabus, courses that
interactions that we witness every day. are lecture (or theory) only will be assessed by 40% for continuous assessment
items such as tests, quizzes, assignments, projects, and 60% for the final
Admission Requirements for the Programme examination. Courses that contain a laboratory (or practical) component will
be assessed at 30% for continuous assessment, 20% for the laboratory work,
Applicants must meet the general admission requirements that apply to and 50% for the final examination.
all Daystar University students. A student must fulfill one of the following
1. Have passed the KCSE examination or equivalent exam with a minimum
Required Courses for Graduation
grade of a C+ or better in physics or a B+ or better in physical science
Code Title Hrs
and C+ or better in mathematics.
2. Students having an A-level certificate must have at least two (2) principal Physics
passes of which one must be in physics. PHY117 Mechanics 4
3. Students having an O-level certificate must have five (5) credits and must PHY217 Waves, Electricity & Magnetism 4
have a credit of 4 or better in physics and mathematics.
PHY224 Thermodynamics I 3
4. Credits pass in a relevant ordinary diploma from a recognized tertiary
institution. PHY321 Geometric Optics 3
5. Hold a relevant Higher National Diploma PHY324 Quantum Mechanics I 3
6. Students may also enter the program from the Daystar Universitys Pre-
PHY313 Electronic Devices I 3
university Programme if their grades in mathematics and physical science
are a B- or better. PHY315 Circuits and Networks I 4
For students from other systems, the equivalent percentages will be used. PHY325 Condensed Matter I 3
PHY326 Intro to Relativity, Particle, and Cosmology 3
Structure of the Programme and Duration PHY351 Electromagnetic Fields 3
The program will require four academic years to complete. The academic PHY421 Atomic Physics 3
year is composed of two semesters, where a semester is a period of 16 PHY422 Thermodynamics II 3
weeks. Of these 14 weeks are used for teaching and 2 weeks are for
PHY427 Physical Optics 3
university end-of-semester exams.
Typically a student will take 16 to 18 credit hours per semester. A credit hour PHY428 Geophysics 3
is defined as 1 (one) contact hour of lecture per week for sixteen weeks. PHY429 Nuclear Physics 3
Three practical hours are equivalent to one credit hour.
PHY491 Project I 4
The required (core) courses are designed to give the student a broad
foundational base. PHY492 Project II 2
Required electives and special topics courses are taken by students to TOTAL 54
strengthen their area of specialization, based on the needs and interests of
students. A student needs to select the specified number from the list of courses
272 www.daystar.ac.ke
Chemistry General Education
CHE111 Basic Inorganic Chemistry 3 ENG111 Advanced Reading 3
CHE112 Basic Organic Chemistry 3 ENG112 Advanced Writing 3
CHE113 Basic Physical Chemistry 3 BIL111 Old Testament Survey 3
TOTAL 9 BIL112 New Testament Survey 3
INS111 Communication and Culture I 3
Computer Science INS 212 African Society & Traditional Religion 2
ACS102 Basic Computer Skills 2 BIO111 Biology 2
ACS111 Introduction to Programming 3 ECO111 Introduction to Economics 2
Introduction to Object Oriented ENV112 Environmental Science 2
ACS112 3
Programming HPE113 Health and Physical Fitness 1
ACS211 Algorithms and Data Structures 3 MUS111 Music (Art or Literature) 2
TOTAL 11 RET320 Christianity and Islam 2
PHL111 Introduction to Philosophy 3
Mathematics TOTAL 31
MAT120 College Algebra 3
MAT121 Differential Calculus 3 Special Topics
MAT125 Analytic Geometry 3 PHY408A Solar Energy 3
MAT221 Integral Calculus 3 PHY408B Astronomy & Astrophysics 3
MAT312 Linear Algebra 3 PHY408C Introduction to Polymer Science 3
MAT313 Vector Analysis 3 PHY408D Laser Physics 3
MAT322 Probability & Statistics 3 PHY408E Plasma Physics 3
MAT323 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 PHY408F Advanced Mechanics 3
MAT324 Complex Analysis 3 Elementary Particles and High Energy
PHY408G 3
MAT325 Numerical Analysis 3 Physics
www.daystar.ac.ke 273
MAT120 College Algebra 3 PHY117 Mechanics 4
MAT125 Analytic Geometry 3 MAT121 Differential Calculus 3
ACS102 Basic Computer Skills 2 MAT312 Linear Algebra 3
ACS111 Intro to Programming 3 ACS112 Intro to Object Oriented Program. 3
CHE111 Basic Inorganic Chemistry 3 ENG111 Advanced Reading 3
CHE112 Basic Organic Chemistry 3 BIO111 Biology 2
PHY217 Waves, Electricity and Magnetism 4 PHY224 Thermodynamics I 3
MAT221 Integral Calculus 3 MAT313 Vector Analysis 3
MAT322 Probability and Statistics 3 MAT323 Ordinary Differential Equations 3
BIL111 Old Testament Survey 3 MAT324 Complex Analysis 3
ENG112 Advanced Writing 3 ACS211 Algorithms and Data Structures 3
INS111 Communication & Culture I 3
PHY321 Optics I (Geometric) 3 PHY324 Quantum Mechanics 3
PHY313 Electronic Devices I 3 PHY325 Condensed Matter I 3
PHY315 Circuits & Networks I 4 PHY326 Intro to Relativity, Particles & Cosmology 3
CHE113 Basic Physical Chemistry 3 BIL112 New Testament Survey 3
MAT325 Numerical Analysis 3 ECO111 Introduction to Economics 2
HPE113 Health & Physical Fitness 1 INS212 African Society & Religion 2
MUS111 Music (Art or Literature) 2
274 www.daystar.ac.ke
PHY421 Atomic Physics 3 PHY427 Optics II (Physical) 3
PHY422 Thermodynamics II 3 PHY428 Geophysics 3
PHY492 Project II 2 PHY429 Nuclear Physics 3
PHYxxx Physics Elective I 3 PHYyyy Physics Elective II 3
PHY351 Electromagnetic Fields 3 PHL111 Introduction to Philosophy 3
ENV112 Environmental Science 2 HPE113 Health & Physical Fitness 1
RET320 Christianity & Islam 2
www.daystar.ac.ke 275
Course Descriptions glands; liver and pancreas; digestion and absorption of nutrients; renal system:
functional organisation; cortex and medulla; the nephron; glomerulus and
tubular functions, the urinary bladder; functions and regulation; the endocrine
BIO111 Biology 2 Credits system: organisation, functions and integrated control; sensory nervous system:
Relationship between biology and our Christian faith; principles of nutrition; functional organisation, peripheral and central mechanisms; pain and pain
types of nutrients, balanced diet, diet plans and demands; diet and health; behaviour; special senses: organs of vision, hearing, olfaction, balance and
protein calorie, malnutrition, eating disorders, diabetes; food preservation, taste; motor nervous system: functions of the spinal cord, the brainstem, the
food handling and food storage; human diseases (selected) control, prevention cerebellum and cerebrum; higher neural functions: regional functions; control
and treatment; drug resistance by pathogens; types of immunity; vaccines and of visceral functions; the hypothalamic nuclei, functions and connections;
their application; role of the immune system in the transplantation; introduction integration of autonomic reflexes, vital centres and vegetative functions; body
to human genetics, DNA, RNA, genes, chromosomes; human reproduction; temperature regulation and skin function.
gamesomeness, prenatal development, pregnancy, infertility, genetic, birth
defects, and introduction to biotechnology. BMS 206 BIOSTATISTICS 3 Credits (3)
Prerequisite: None Definition and importance of statistics in medical sciences; Populations
sampling: methods, types of variables; Measurement scales; Graphical
BMS111 Human Anatomy 3 Credits (2/2) presentation of data: graphs, tables, pie charts, stem and leaf presentations,
Introduction: definition, scope and subdivisions; anatomical positions, terms and box and whisker displays; Measures of central tendency: means, modes,
surface anatomy; introduction to body systems,; skeletal system: organization, medians; Measures of variation: the range, variance, standard deviation,
features and functions of bone; classification and movement of joints; muscular percentiles and quartiles; Probability: elementary probability rules, conditional
system: organization and types; nervous system: central, peripheral and probability, random variables, probability distribution of discrete variables,
autonomic; types of nerve cells and neuroglia; special senses: structure of the properties of the mean and variance of random variables, binomial distribution
eye and the ear; circulatory system: types of blood cells; heart, great vessels and continuous probability distributions, the normal distribution, confidence
and coronary circulation; organization of arteries, veins and capillaries; intervals for population means, sample size determination; Hypotheses:
lymphatic system: lymph nodes and lymphatics; respiratory system: features definitions, the null and alternative hypothesis, hypothesis testing, errors in
of the nasal cavity and the paranasal sinuses, features of the larynx, trachea hypothesis testing, using p-values; Statistical inferences: definitions, comparing
and the bronchial tree; lungs: features of the right and left side. Integumentary population means, comparing population variance, comparing population
system and its features; Urinary system: organization of the kidneys, ureters, proportions; Test statistics: assumptions, the chi square, analysis of variance,
urinary bladder and urethra; endocrine system: location and structure of regression and correlation analysis; Non-parametric statistical methods: types
hypothalamus, pituitary, pineal, thyroid, parathyroid, suprarenal, pancreas; of non-parametric methods.
Reproductive system including reproductive cycles, gametogenesis and
fertilization, implantation, and embryonic development; foetal development; BMS410 INTEGRATED PEST AND 3 Credits (2/2)
congenital malformations, causative and preventive measures. VECTOR MANAGEMENT
Man and insects: impact, pests and vectors, categories of pests and vectors,
BMS 112 Human Physiology 3 Credits (2/2) beneficial impacts of insects; Causes of pests and vector outbreaks; Insecticides
Basic physiological concepts; introduction to human physiology; descriptive and their formulations: industrial development of new insecticides, groups of
terms and units; concept of normal physiology; cell physiology and functional insecticides, formulations; Application of insecticides: Spray, solids, deposits
organization of the body and homeodynamism; cellular communications; and residues, special forms of application; Problems of insecticides: Case
excitable tissues and basics of electrical communication; the neuron: types, histories, toxicity to humans & wildlife, natures response to insecticides;
structure and functions; membrane potentials; the peripheral nerve classification Environmental and Cultural control; Biological control: Introduction, advantages,
and properties; chemical communication; the synapse: types functional disadvantages, techniques, successful biological control cases; Application of
organization; autonomic nervous system: types, functions, organization and pathogens to control pests and vectors; Genetic control procedures; Pheromones
applied aspects; muscles: types, functions and organization; blood and the and their application; Mechanisms of plant and host resistance; Other control
immune system; blood composition and functions; plasma, serum, formed measures: physical, behavior-modifying chemicals, legislative; Pest and
elements, and the immune system; physiology of blood transfusion. blood Vector management: Integrated control concept and procedures, future of the
coagulation and hemostasis; cardiovascular system: function and organisation integrated control practices, pest management packages, modeling medical
of the heart and the blood vessels; blood volume, cardiac output and blood and veterinary pest populations.
pressure; integrated control mechanisms; hemorrhage and shock; blood brain
barrier and the cerebrospinal fluid; respiratory system: functional organization; CHE 111 Basic Inorganic Chemistry 3(2/2) Credits
breathing, ventilation, lung volumes and capacities; alveolar function; pulmonary The early theories of atomic structure: the fundamental particles of the atom;
circulation and ventilation perfusion ratios; integrated control mechanisms and Plancks quantization of energy and the photoelectric effect; Rutherfords
acid base balance. Gastrointestinal system: functional organization and design; planetary model and the Bohr theory of the atom; failure of the Bohr theory.
humoral and neuromyogenic control of regional gut functions; gastrointestinal Qualitative treatment of the atomic orbitals (s, p, d and f). The Aufbau principle
and the periodic table. Common oxidation states of the elements. Naturally
276 www.daystar.ac.ke
occurring and artificially made isotopes, and their applications. Hybridization evaluate the consequences of this hazards to various ecosystems; management
of atomic orbitals and shapes of simple molecules and ions; electronegativity, of hazards; establish importance of a healthy environment; historical background
electron affinity, ionization energy; nature of ionic and covalent compounds of environmental health; the pertinent scientific principles associated with
as influenced by the above factors. The mole concept and its applications. the major environmental health programme areas; influence of community
General concepts of acids and bases; strong and weak acids and bases; pH perceptions, public health laws, traditions, socioeconomic conditions, politics
calculations. Balancing of redox reactions. Prerequisite: None and interpersonal communications, on the practice of environmental health;
benefits and limitations of the various methodologies (such as regulation,
CHE 112 Basic Organic Chemistry 3 Credits education, impact statements and funding) through which society attempts to
Review of bonding: Lewis Concept, electronegative and electropositive minimize negative environmental impacts; the theoretical framework which
elements, covalent bond, tetrahedral structure of carbon (sp3, sp2, sp hybrid guides environmental health practitioners and the differences from other
bonds), catenation, simple ideas on structural isomerism; determination of environmental and health professionals; the major agencies and organizations
empirical and molecular formulas of organic compounds: determination of the involved in environmental health protection; their basic responsibilities,
elemental composition, determination of the empirical formulae, determination programmes, and problems; and, analysis of environmental health programme
of molecular formulae, mole concept. Simple organic functional group for its theoretical and legal base, its organization and management, and its
chemistry: alkenes, alkanes, alkynes, alky halides, alcohols, ethers, carboxylic interaction with and impact on the community and other agencies.
compounds; nomenclature, structure, structural isomerism, properties, reaction
mechanisms: simple ideas on mechanism such as electrophone, nucleophile, ENH102 Basic Botany 3 Credits (2/2)
carbocation, carbanion, use of curly arrows, SN1, SN2, E1, E2 pyrolysis, The course will cover: unifying themes of botany; structure of plants (roots,
cracking and halogenation; chemical identification methods. geometric stems, leaves and flowers and their types), function of each structure; the plant
isomerism, E and Z notation, sequence rules. Prerequisite: None cell and its components; plant tissues, (xylem, phloem); transport in plants;
classification of Kingdom Plantae; plant physiology: photosynthesis (plants
CHE 113 Basic Physical Chemistry 3 Credits as producers); respiration; study of carnivorous plants; transpiration; plant
Properties of gases: kinetic molecular theory of gases, ideal gas laws, growth and development; growth rings; plant nutrition (essential elements);
deviation from idealist and Van -der Waals equation, Maxwell -Boltzmann plant hormones and their roles; control of plant hormones (auxins, gibberellins,
distribution; physical equilibria; Roults Law and its application to distillation; cytokinins, ethylene, abscisic acid and others); response to stimuli (tropism,
solid - liquid equilibrium (SLE) colligative properties and their application in nastic movements, circadian rhythms); pollination processes; patterns of
determination of relative molecular mass; liquid - liquid equilibrium (LLE) inheritance; genetic engineering; role of grazing to plant growth; adaptation
between two immiscible liquids, the distribution law and steam distillation; of plants to different biomes/ responses of plants to environmental stresses
chemical equilibria: reversible chemical reaction, equilibrium constants and (chilling; freezing; high temperature, saline); role of fire in regulation of
their dependence on concentration and pressures, Le Charteliers Principle; vegetation in areas prone to forest fires; protection (thorns, chemicals produced,
ionic equilibria; ionization of water, acids, bases and salts pH and buffer smells produced); plant reproduction and breeding; plant ecology: contribution
solutions; theory of acid/base indicators; solubility and solubility products; of plants to their ecosystems; interaction between plants and insects/ birds/
factors affecting solubility; electrochemistry: electrochemical processes, half animals; collection, preparation and preservation of plant samples (flowers,
reactions, standard cells and electrode potential, electromotive force (EMF) of seeds, barks, leaves, thorns) for identification in the laboratory/ herbarium;
a cell. Prerequisite: None methods of conservation of plant populations (seed banks and botanical
gardens). Identification of botanical resources.
EEE 221 Digital Logic 3 Credits
Introduction; digital electronics; analog and digital, relation to computers; ENH103 Basic Zoology 3 Credits (2/2)
number systems: binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal; codes systems; basic The course will cover animal classification: vertebrates (mammals; reptiles, birds;
logic components: AND, OR, NOT; universal gates: NAND, NOR; higher amphibians, fishes) and invertebrates; biogeography; structure (comparative
order gates: EXOR, ENOR gates; truth tables and combinational circuits; anatomy) and function of their parts; their growth and development; animal
laws of Boolean algebra: Boolean expression; implementation using sum- nutrition; tools of protection (camouflage; toxins; shells etc.); climates that
of-products(SOP) and product of sums (POS); simplification using Boolean support them best; adaptations in different biomes; impact of climate change
algebra and Karnaugh maps (K-maps); analysis and design of combinational on animal survival; natural services provided by the animals; animal behaviour;
circuits using K-maps; implementation of combinational circuits using practical social organization of populations; animal migration and identification of some
gates (TTL and/or MOS gates); sequential circuits: characteristics and migratory species and their migratory routes particularly for mammals, fishes
operation; flip flops(FFs); S-R FF, D-FF,TFF, JKFF; application of FFs in design of and birds; relationship between migration and breeding patterns; population
ripple counters and shift registers. Prerequisite: None genetics and how these affect a population; interaction among animal groups
(animal ecology); study of marine animals: their basic anatomy and physiology;
ENH101 Introduction to Environmental Health 3 Credits (3) their adaptations to the aquatic ecosystem. Conservation of migratory species,
Impacts of environmental factors in community, occupational and residential resident species, wildlife management: protection of wilderness, National
settings on health; highlight the hazards and risks in our environment (fires, parks, reserves, regulation of carrying capacity.
earthquakes, famine, nuclear explosions, floods, drowning among others);
www.daystar.ac.ke 277
ENH120 Principles of Ecology 3 Credits (2/2) ENH 122 General Chemistry 2 Credits (2)
The biosphere: global interaction of land air and water. The biotic and abiotic General chemistry:- Matter: States and classification; Chemical elements,
elements of the environment; the make-up of an ecosystem; trophic structure: symbols and periodic table; Measurements: SI units, mass, length, volume,
food chains and food webs; energy transfer; nutrient flow /cycling (carbon scientific notation, energy, heat, specific heat, density and specific gravity;
cycle; nitrogen cycle, phosphorus cycle, sulfur cycle, hydrologic cycle and Atoms: structure, atomic number, atomic weight, isotopes, periodic table,
rock cycle); bioaccumulation concept. Population density, limiting factors of electronic structure, electron configuration; Ionic compounds: ions and octet rule,
a population; population crash; adaptations within a population (to water properties, ionic bonds, naming ionic bonds; Molecular compounds: covalent
availability, saline conditions, temperature variations, light availability, bonds, types of covalent bonds, Lewis structures, resonance, electro negativity,
nutrient availability); fundamentals of population genetics: gene pool, genetic characteristics of molecular compounds; Chemical reactions: formula weights,
drift, effect of migration to the genetics of a population; Hardy-weinberg molecular weights, mole, balancing, calculating mass relationship, oxidation
equilibrium; intraspecific variations; types of interactions among species: and reduction reactions; Energy, rates and equilibrium: energy vs. chemical
mimicry; parasitism; commensalism; mutualism; predator-prey relationships bonds, exothermic and endothermic reactions, free energy, reaction rates,
resource partitioning; age-structure dynamics; sex ratio, effect of habitat effects of temperature, concentration and catalysts on the rates, equilibrium
fragmentation to the dynamics of an ecosystem; life history strategies and equations and constants, Le-Chateliers principle; Solutions; properties,
reproductive strategies (r and k); behavioral ecology: innate behavior and solubility, dilution; Acids and bases: definitions, strength, acid dissociation
environmental factors; social order/ systems; community ecology: competition constants, pH, buffer solutions, acid base reaction and titrations.
(intraspecific and interspecific) and effects of competition; effect of introduction
of alien species; concept of niche; predation: adaptations of predator and ENH 210 Environmental Health, Water, 2 Credits
prey; effects of herbivory; use of predators as biological controls; community Food And Nutrition
structure; species diversity; succession stages following disturbance; Island Introduction to food science; factors affecting diet; nutrient classes; fibers;
biogeography; global biomes (terrestrial and aquatic): species diversity/ essential and non-essential nutrients; chemicals of life (water, protein,
richness; adaptations of the plant and animal communities; resources therein; carbohydrate, lipids: saturated and unsaturated, vitamins), their structure,
roles of the biomes and threats facing them. Biodiversity and conservation of functions, deficiencies (from all nutrient classes) that can result from them;
threatened and endangered species, design of nature reserves, sustainable fortification of foods; proximate analysis of food components. Digestive
harvest of populations, species invasions, and global climate change. Apply processes, absorption and transportation of nutrients; food enzymes: properties,
the Scientific method in ecological studies. Impact of biotechnology on species factors affecting enzymatic reactions, and enzymatic reactions; maintenance of
diversity. sugar balance: role of insulin and other hormones; storage of fats in the body;
role of hormones in balance of water and salts in the body; diet plans for
ENH121 Introduction to Environmental 3 Credits (3) persons in different states of health; nutrition through the lifespan (infant, child,
Pollution adolescent, young adult, middle aged, the elderly); healthy food combinations;
Concepts in Environmental pollution, causes and effects of environmental diet and health: obesity, hypertension, atherosclerosis, kidney stone formation;
contamination; Identification of negative impacts of conventional agricultural cancers; eating disorders (anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa); diet-
practices on the land such as water logging, soil salination, soil erosion, drug interactions; methods of nutritional assessment (anthropometric data,
desertification, leaching; use of pesticides and the impact of the chemicals on biochemical analysis, physical examination).
the environment, bioaccumulation/ biomagnification; Water pollution: pollution
of groundwater; pollution of oceans, lakes, rivers and streams; eutrophication; ENH 211 Atmospheric Processes, Pollution 3 Credits (2/2)
biological oxygen demand in water bodies; effect of pollution to aquatic and & Control
terrestrial ecosystems. Case studies such as BP accident in the Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric composition; sources and effects of air pollution; Effects of
will be used. Effect of use of fossil fuels for energy in degradation of the meteorology on air pollution; Processes of environmental radiation and
environment; negative impacts of use of nuclear energy using case studies such photochemistry; Stratospheric ozone; Urban and regional air pollution; Aerosol
as Fukushima explosion and Chernobyl accident. Identification of negative particles; Atmospheric processes over varying surface types as well as complex
terrain, which often produce local wind systems and other local climate
impacts from mining activities, including mining activities in the country (sand,
variations; major ocean currents. Formation of photochemical and industrial
limestone, stones, trona), the region and internationally. Pollution from the
smog, acid rain; Air quality and climate change; air quality standards/
municipal wastes generated; Urban air pollution; trans-boundary air pollution, emission inventory; Meteorological aspects related to air pollution (wind
respiratory diseases due to air pollution; disorders such as cataracts due to circulation, lapse rate, stability conditions, turbulence, Richardson number,
ozone depletion; Metal pollution: lead, mercury, arsenic. Cognitive and boundary layer structure, mixing height, plume behavior, heat island effect,
analytical skills for detection and quantification of environmental pollution; wind rose); Air Quality modeling and its application (Model classification,
impacts of environmental pollutants on the ecosystems and biota; impact of box model, Gaussian dispersion model, dispersion parameters, plume rise,
environmental pollution to human health: cancer development; increased infant removal mechanisms, point/line/area sources, long term and short term
mortality; shortened life expectancy. dispersion models); Case studies and model applications and trans-boundary
air pollution. analytical and measurement techniques. Applications to such
problems as air pollution dispersion, wind energy and agriculture.
278 www.daystar.ac.ke
ENH 212 Organic Chemistry 2 Credits (2) adverse health effects therapy; Methaqualones (Ludes): effects on health;
Introduction & definitions; sources of organic compounds, structural formulas; Nicotine: addictive properties, kinetics and mechanism of action, adverse
functional groups; Alkanes: structural formulas, constitutional isomers, naming health effects, therapy; Methyllxanthines (caffeine, theophylline, theobromine):
alkanes (IUPAC), sources, cycloalkanes, physical and chemical properties, Tolerance and dependence, kinetics and mechanisms, adverse health
haloalkanes; Alkenes and Alkynes: naming, structural and physical properties, effects; Cocaine: chemical properties, mechanisms of action, health effects,
chemical reactions, alkene polymers; Benzene and its derivatives: structure, tolerance and withdrawal effects, treatment; Amphetamines: mode of action,
characteristic reactions, phenols; Alcohols, Esters and Thiols: structure, naming health effects, tolerance, dependence and withdrawal syndromes, treatment;
and physical properties, characteristic reactions, commercially important Hallucinogens: classification and chemical properties, reinforcing effects,
alcohols; Amines: properties and naming, heterocyclic nitrogen compounds, adverse health effects; LCD, DMT and mescaline, phencyclidine; Opiates
basicity of amines, amine salts, plant alkaloids; Aldehydes and ketones: and Opioids ( Morphine, Heroin, Codeine and methadone): terms, opioid
naming, physical properties, characteristic reactions, keto-enol tautomerism; receptors, reinforcing properties and kinetics, adverse health effects, tolerance,
Carboxylic acids: naming, physical properties, soaps and detergents, dependence and withdrawal syndromes, treatment; Marijuana: legal and
characteristic reactions of carboxylic acids; Carboxylic anhydrides, Esters medical Controversies, kinetics, adverse health effects; Ecstacy
and Amides: preparation, characteristic reactions, phosphoric anhydrides and and eve: reinforcing properties, adverse health effects, treatment; Sports
esters, step-growth polymerization. medicine:classes of drugs used, banned classes of drugs, blood doping,
anabolic steroids, detection of drug use, drugs used in equine racing; NSAIDS:
ENH 220 Apparatus and Analytical 1 Credit (1) aspirin, acetaminophen (tylenol), others; Over the counter drugs (OTCs): cough
Techniques For Environmental Health and cold medications, laxatives and cathartics, antacids, antidiarrheals,
Introduction to apparatus used in analysis of environmental samples; topicals, vitamins and iron supplements, tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs).
fundamental concepts: proper use of balances, laboratory glassware;
symbols used in analytical tests; handling chemicals; source characterization; ENH 222 Food Safety and Hygiene 3 Credits (2/2)
sample preparation; separation techniques (sieving, filtration, centrifugation,); Roles of microorganisms in food production- types of microorganisms and their
distillation; migration of contaminants in media such as water, soil, air and effects: fermentation of food and alcoholic products; causes of food spoilage
food chains; exposure assessment; handling and storage of specimen; (intrinsic e.g. enzymes, and extrinsic), detection of food spoilage- observable
analytical methods in environmental health; introduction to qualitative tests color, odor, texture changes; prevention methods: temperature control, pH
and quantitative tests: precipitation, gravimetry, titration, spectroscopy, control in food preservation; use of food additives and their possible impact
gas chromatography, liquid chromatography, high performance liquid to human health; food borne illnesses; food poisoning/ intoxication: types
chromatography (HPLC), electrochemical tests; principles of the analytical tests; of toxins from bacteria and fungi; food allergies: aflatoxin challenge facing
procedure for the analytical test; factors to consider in selecting the appropriate food national reserves; relationship between food safety and food security
test; study of mathematical tools necessary for interpretation of data/ results; for a nation. Industrial microbiology: industrial products of microorganisms;
handling hazards in a laboratory; Principles of laboratory management; application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) toward
managing laboratory information systems, selection and implementation of new food safety; measures in food handling and proper storage (small scale and
procedures, laboratory safety, emergency management. large scale); sanitation procedures. Nutrient supplements and toxicity challenge
(Recommended dietary intake); natural toxins found in food; Identification of
ENH 221 Principles Of Toxicology 3 Credits (2/2) contaminated food; analysis of food contamination; inspection criteria for food
General introduction to toxicology: Relevant terms; Toxicodynamics: definitions, premises. Effect of pesticides and chemical contaminants in food on human
receptors, binding forces, drug receptors, dose response curves; Toxicokinetics: health and the levels acceptable in food for human consumption; National
membrane structure and transport, absorption of drugs, distribution of food health policies.
drugs, kinetic factors in drug elimination, mechanisms of drug elimination;
Biotransformation of drugs and toxicants (drug metabolism): general concepts ENH 223 Environmental Microbiology 3 Credits (2/2)
on drug metabolism, chemical alteration of toxicant drugs, factors affecting Classification, identification, description of bacteria, fungi, viruses, algae
metabolizing enzymes; Factors affecting the toxicity of a drug: factors related protozoa and helminthes in the natural environment (including the soil, water
to the toxic agent, factors related to the host animal (man), environmental and air). The principle activities and properties of microorganisms: structure
factors; Principles of diagnosis and treatment: components of diagnosis, and replication of microorganisms. Microbial ecology (how they relate with the
specimen collection and submission, procedures for decontamination and environment); adaptations in microbial survival; role of microbial antagonism;
detoxification; Drug tolerance, dependence and addiction: terminology, Beneficial roles of microorganisms in the environment. It will cover their roles
origin of drug tolerance, etiology of substance abuse, classes of drugs in biogeochemical cycles. Applications such as microbial technology e.g.,
commonly abused, medical problems needing treatment, techniques to stop bioremediation in waste management; alternative fuels (biofuels); use of
substance abuse; Ethanol: terms, kinetics, health effects, withdrawal syndrome, biological controls (e.g. Bacillus thuringiensis); biosensors and bioreporters,
therapy; Barbiturates: chemistry and pharmacology, kinetics, health effects; will be studied. Soil microbiology: factors influencing microbial abundance in
Barbiturates: chemistry and pharmacology, kinetics, adverse health effects; soil; biomining; soil borne diseases; aquatic microbiology: types of aquatic
Sedatives/Hypnotics (Benzodiazopines): Mechanism of Action and kinetics, habitats; waterborne illnesses; Microorganisms that affect the health of humans,
animals, plants and insects, thereby causing disease. Focus on a select
www.daystar.ac.ke 279
bacterial, viral, protozoan diseases their symptoms, transmission, control and grounded theory. Integrity in qualitative research: strategies to enhance quality;
prevention. Role of the environment in transmission of diseases and how this can credibility of qualitative results.
be utilized in disease control. Host/parasite relationships; Immune responses;
Practical techniques in laboratory: media preparation, growth and monitoring ENH310 Occupational Health and Safety 3 Credits (2/2)
of cultures, use of selective media, and isolation of pure cultures. It will also Definition; history and place of occupational health in environmental health:
cover the effect of global warming on microorganisms particularly pathogens areas of integration, economic importance, primary health care; Sources
such as Salmonella typhi, Vibrio cholerae among others. Biological warfare of hazard: the input models of occupational hazard, chemicals, energies,
and bioterrorism; assessing biological threats; defense against bioterrorism. climates. Psycho-social, micro- predators; The working environment:
environmental factors affecting the health and safety of workers; Environmental
ENH224 Pollution Of Tropical Ecosystems 3 Credits (2/2) monitoring instruments and techniques; Biological monitoring; Interpretation and
In depth understanding of all major tropical ecosystems, ranging from the application; Housekeeping structural requirements; work place environmental
terrestrial: hot deserts, savannas, tropical dry forests, tropical rain forests, to standards; Principles of environmental control measures; Plant and systems of
tropical aquatic ecosystems (including mangroves, oceans, estuaries, intertidal work ( safety technology): sources of machinery dangers, types of accidents
systems). Wetland ecosystems shall also be studied. It will cover ecology of and dangers; Principles of guarding; Ergonomics of machinery safe guarding;
these biomes: communities and their interactions and adaptations. The threats Law related to safe guarding; Toxic and dangerous substances: nature,
affecting the biomes will be addressed and endangered organisms and properties, industrial toxic substances and their associated health hazards;
ecosystems identified. The effect of climate change and human ecological Accident prevention and investigation: psychology of accident causation and
dimension that contributes to ecosystem pollution with coverage of issues such prevention, role of human factors, investigation and inspection techniques;
as population growth, urbanization, agriculture and fisheries, natural resource Safety policies and laws; Government intervention in health and safety; Fire
use; Cities and human ecology; biodiversity conservation, climate change risks and precautions: principles of ignition combustion, flame spread and
and the concept of ecological sustainable development. Causes of pollution extinction; Fire retarding and resistant walls and materials, compartmentation,
will be identified, both point and non-point sources, anthropogenic or natural. escape routes and means, fire alarms and detectors, fire extinguishers, fire
Natural pollution processes: volcanicity, mudslides, tsunamis, earthquakes and regulations and standards; Ionizing and non-ionizing radiations: nomenclature
floods will be addressed. Anthropogenic causes including industrialization that and principles, radioactivity units and doses; Industrial, medical and scientific
has led to degradation through emission of greenhouse gases, formation of uses of radioactive materials and associated environmental problems; Principles
acid rain, effect of acid rain on nutrient cycles, soil acidification, oil spillage of protection: shielding materials, remote handling, protective clothing and
in marine waters; population growth; Poor disposal of wastes e.g. dumping equipment, assessment of radiation exposure, personal and environmental
of hazardous wastes, deforestation, haphazard land settlement... Effects of monitoring; Instrumentation; Safety in the use of laser. UV lights and micro
pollution will also be addressed such as eutrophication. Opportunities for waves; Personal protection: against inhalation, eye, ear, head and feet;
Ecosystem restoration / rehabilitation, wetland construction. RED, Reduced factors influencing selection, use and suitability; Inspecting personal protective
Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (REDD) in relation to schemes; Legislation: development of health and safety legislation; Enforcement
Carbon Credits. Role of EIA in mitigating against human induced ecosystem of relevant acts and laws; Occupational health diseases: lung, skin, infectious
degradation. Field work will include methods to determine biodiversity, trips diseases, occupational cancers and their causes.
to selected tropical ecosystems in the country to create an experience with the
ecosystems. ENH311 Solid Waste Management 3 Credits (2/2)
Classes of refuse: Domestic, commercial, industrial, institutional, constructional,
ENH 225 Research Methodology 2 Credits (2) objectionable junks. Estimation and analysis: yield per capita; yield
Definition and introduction; Purposes of environmental research; Ethics in estimate, sample collection, analysis procedure, constituents of wastes, and
research: codes of ethics, government regulations, ethical principles and importance of analysis. Salvage potential: plastics metal, glass, paper, and
procedures for protecting study participants. Key concepts and steps in organic matter. Storage receptacles: sizes, material, types. Labour, plant
qualitative and quantitative research: experimental and non-experimental and equipment organization: personnel, vehicles, buildings, choice of
studies; steps in a quantitative study; steps in a qualitative study. Research equipment, maintenance, and setting. Disease control, nuisance, removal,
problems, questions and hypotheses; Literature reviews; Theoretical and pollution control, fire control, salvage. Storage and removal: purposes, types
conceptual frameworks; Research designs: Experimental, Quasi experimental of premises, storage and deterioration of receptacles, access to receptacles,
and non-experimental designs, cross sectional study, longitudinal study; property management, population problem, householders roles, economic
characteristics of good research design; Qualitative designs and approaches; collection, frequency of collection, labour organization, and systems used,
Sampling techniques designs: Target population, representative samples, classes of vehicles maintenance, factors affecting collection. Transfer stations
sampling bias, strata, non-probability sampling, probability sampling, sample and pre-treatment: purpose, location, and management of transfer stations,
size; Data collection methods; Measurement and data quality: reliability, problems, pulverization, and compaction. Financing collection operation/
validity, sensitivity, specificity; Data analysis and interpretation: Quantitative cost recovery. Different ways of managing wastes: open dumping; sanitary
data- descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, bivariate statistical tests, landfills, incineration- their pros and cons. Disposal of the dead- sanitary
multivariate analysis; Qualitative data management and organization of data, handling, body storage and disposal; Conversion of waste to energy options;
methods of analyzing qualitative data ethnographic, phenomenological, waste reduction techniques; integrated waste management; The RRR policy.
280 www.daystar.ac.ke
ENH312 Environmental Health 3 Credits (2/3) tertiary and quartenary) and function, amino acids and groups, proteins and
Sampling & Analysis enzymes, enzyme kinetics, specific important proteins; Bioenergetics: general
Introduction to environmental health sampling and analysis; environmental definition, nitrogen cycle, anabolism and catabolism, relationship anabolic
sampling design; environmental sampling techniques; sampling methods relevant and catabolic paths, metabolic pathways, discreet energy use and laws of
to the evaluation of contaminants in the workplace and community environment; thermodynamics; Energy transduction: Basic concepts, relationship of free
proper collection methods; sample preparation; sample integrity and quality energy to Keq, energy transfer molecules (ATP, acetyl CoA and reduced co-
assurance/quality control (QA/QC) considerations; biological and chemical enzymes (NADH, FADH2), biological circuits and electron transfer; gene
analysis of water, sampling of water, soils, sediments and hazardous waste; structure and organization, nucleic acids; citric acid cycle; fermentation
metal analysis; application of field and laboratory-based analytical methods; processes; regulation of pathways by enzymes.
use of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS), gas chromatography
(GC), and Portable Photo ionization Detector (PID) for compound and specific ENH316 Environmental Ethics, 2 Credits (2)
determinants will be demonstrated; use of electrochemical methods in analysis; Philosophy and Health
interpretation of data collected through different instruments; Documentation Review of major environmental problems; study of factors that influence ones
procedures; methods of validation including generation of precision, accuracy, ethic: cultural, religious (focus on major religions) or historical backgrounds;
and detection limits; writing comprehensive and project specific quality study of major moral theories in environmental ethics: biocentrism, ecofeminism,
assurance plans. and land ethic; the positives and negatives of the ethics held; environmental
worldviews; impact of the political field, economics, culture and development
ENH313 Sanitation, Water Quality & Health 3 Credits (2/2) on worldviews; introduction of philosophy; pragmatism; argument recognition
Introduction on sanitation and safe water; factors affecting water quality, and how to address them; relationship between environmental philosophy and
chemical composition of rocks and soil affecting water quality; human activities environmental health; reconciliation of philosophical perspectives; Christian
affecting water quality; geochemical processes affecting water quality stewardship: biblical basis.
water quality monitoring techniques: sampling, analysis and interpretation
of data; unsafe water supplies and inadequate disposal of human excreta; ENH320 Water Access and Distribution 2 Credits (2)
decentralized sanitation solutions, natural systems (wetlands ponds, soil The hydrological cycle; underground waters: aquifers, springs, wells, boreholes;
infiltration and sand filters) and how they contribute to water purification; surface waters; water supplies; surface water; natural water purification
treating combined wastewater and greywater, small diameter pressure systems (wetlands, ponds, soil infiltration and sand filters); salty versus fresh
vacuum and gravity collection systems, source separating systems (dry water - proportions, distribution; water harvesting techniques; hydraulic
sanitation, urine diverting and blackwater systems) and anaerobic treatment flow; hydraulics of water distribution systems; water distribution systems;
of waste resources for production of biogas and fertilizer from excreta and characteristics of distribution system facilities; system design; hydraulic design
organic household waste. Cleaning and disinfecting wells, boreholes, water for water storage facilities; operation, drainage, and maintenance; fitments,
storage tanks and tankers; measuring chlorine levels; sanitation of recreational jointing, cleansing access; ventilation size; drainage systems, branch drains
facilities such as swimming pools; catchment processes (silicate weathering, systems; drain testing and equipment; plumbing; drainage security; leakage
oxide or clay formation); kinetics of water-mineral interactions; water flow and management; techniques for recognizing hazards; developing safe procedures
transport; water pathways; soil charge (pzc); chemical sorption and hard / and programs; water distribution systems for rural and urban settings; network
soft elements; quality control of chemical data, data interpretation; pollutants models; network vulnerability to disasters; stormwater systems; sustainable
(heavy metals, inorganic pollutants, pesticides, organic pollutants); partitioning water distribution systems; management of distribution systems; portable water
coefficients; BOD and COD concentrations; patenogenic agents; salinization; accessibility in urban and rural areas; social considerations in water supply
acidification; radioactivity; chemical speciation with PHREEQC computer and sanitation; key principles of environmental health and epidemiological
programme; maintenance of sanitation infrastructure; Relationship between transitions; sharing of transboundary water resources; legal and institutional
poverty and sanitation challenges and impact on the environment. Affordable framework on water resources in Kenya. Water Act 2002. Integrated water
and appropriate solutions to local sanitation challenges; sustainable sanitation management systems.
solutions in developing countries. Case studies including sanitation in crisis
situations such as floods; Technical and socio-economic factors relevant for ENH321 Environmental Risk Assessment 3 Credits (2/2)
successfully improving sanitation programs. The course will cover topics relating to: defining environmental risks, categorize
risks into relevant classes (fire, explosion, chemical leak, radon, nuclear power,
ENH315 Principles of Biochemistry 2 Credits (2) occupational hazard, accidents etc.), study Material Safety Data Sheets;
Importance of biochemistry and definitions of the relevant terms; Lipids and identify safety regulations and policies, facility operations, carrying out facility
fatty acids: Fatty acids, monoglycerides, diglycerides and triglycerides, audits to verify risk management practices, characterizing source areas, linking
phospholipids and sphingolipids, Cell membrane phospholipids; fatty acid fate and transport mechanisms; evaluating exposure pathways and applying
metabolism; glucose metabolism; glycolysis, krebs cycle; Aldoses and ketoses, toxicology data to evaluate environmental risk in a variety of differing contexts;
ring structures, modification of simple sugars, disaccharides, polysaccharides, the methods to be presented are applicable to all types of environmental
cell surface heteropolysaccharides; Proteins: structure (primary, secondary, restoration and protection engineering problems; the focus will be primarily on
human health risk related to both chemical and radiological release scenarios;
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developing risk management plan; risk reduction; risk communication: results. Water testing: drinking water, swimming pool waters, sewage effluent
principles of risk communication, evaluating information, packaging risk for COD levels, ammonia levels, nitrate levels, phosphate, nickel, chromium,
information; guidelines for successful News Media interviews, speedy release iron, zinc and copper.
of information; educating society on risks and prevention.
ENH325 Epidemiology I 2 Credits (2)
ENH322 Liquid & Hazardous 4 Credits (3/3) Introduction: definition of terms; historical background; scope and applications.
Waste Management Epidemiological approach to disease and intervention: identify etiology of
Types of liquid wastes generated; their composition and characteristics; disease; dynamics of disease transmission (who, what, when, where, how, and
principles of liquid waste management; challenges of type of liquid wastes; why); determination of morbidity and mortality rates; assessing the validity and
sewage/excreta disposal systems; dry conservancy system; semi-dry reliability of diagnostic and screening tests; natural history of disease- expression
conservancy; water carriage, Chemical closet; types, Pit latrine, Bored hole of prognosis; assessing the efficacy of preventive and therapeutic measures-
latrine, Ventilated Improved Pit Latrine (V.I.P.), Ventilated Improved Double Pit randomized trials; non-randomized trials; observational and experimental
Latrine (V.I.D.P), Compost Latrine, Water carriage system, Chemical closet. studies. Using epidemiology to identify the cause of disease: cohort studies;
Definition of hazardous wastes, health wastes; radioactive waste; generation, case-control studies; comparisons of cohort and case-control studies; case-
transportation, treatment, storage and disposal facility responsibilities; crossover designs; case-sectional studies; estimating risk and associations-
Underground storage tank responsibilities, Waste minimization, Risk base absolute risk, relative risk, odds ratio, attributable risk; associations versus
corrective action, Geotechnical considerations; land treatment, Underground causal relationships; causal inferences- bias, confounding and interaction;
injection; Physical and chemical treatment methods; Thermal methods; Roles of genetic and environmental factors in disease causation.
Biological treatment methods and evaluation of specific case studies; standards
according to World Health Organization; International recommendations on ENH326: General Entomology 3 Credits (2/2)
disposal of toxic and hazardous wastes, including Basel Convention. Introduction and definitions; Phylum Arthropoda: classification, general
characteristics and adaptations; Class Insecta: classification, medical
ENH323: Environmental Health and 3 Credits (2/2) importance (overview) and general adaptations; Vectors of diseases (external
Building Services morphology, lifecycle, medical importance, and methods of controlling the
Identification and use of drawing equipment; Terminologies used in drawing; vectors); The vectors includes, Mosquitoes: introduction; Anopheline mosquitoes
Plane and Solid Geometry: Lettering and line work, drawing layout, lines and (Anophelinae); Culicine mosquitoes (Culicinae); Blackflies (Simuliidae);
angles, triangles, circles, tangents, quadrilaterals, polygons, plain scales, Phlebotomine sand-flies (Phlebotominae); Biting midges (Ceratopogonidae);
prisms, pyramids, conic sections, elevations of prism, developments of prisms, Horse-flies (Tabanidae); Tsetse- flies (Glossinidae); House-flies and stable-flies
cylinders, pyramids and cones; Eclipse parabola, hyperbola; Engineering (Muscidae) and latrine-flies (Fanniidae); Flies and myasis: types of myasis,
drawings: Isometric projection of rectangular and non-rectangular objects; First classification, non-metallic and metallic flies, flesh flies, bot flies; Fleas
angle projection, section in first angle projection, oblique projection, third angle (Siphonaptera); Sucking lice (Anoplura); Bedbugs (Cimicidae); Tritomine
projection; Free hand sketching. Dimensioning, abbreviations, drawing paper bugs (Triatominae); Cockroaches (Blattaria); Soft ticks (Argasidae); Hard Ticks
sizes, conventional representations for materials, bricks and vetting of building (Ixodidae); Scabies mites (Sarcoptidae); Scrub typhus mites (Trombiculidae).
plans; Policies governing building services; philosophy and principles of repair Non arthropods of medical importance: Snails, mites; arthropods of agricultural
and conservation. Management of wastes generated from building services; importance (pests; carnivorous insects /arthropods; production of goods);
the built environment; conservation of resources such as water and energy in desert locusts; arthropods of industrial importance (silkworms, bees); dynamics
the built environment; use of green technology in construction. Assessment of of arthropod populations and their impacts to the health of an environment; new
nature of a building (materials used, plan form, design, period of occupancy, technology and approaches that are currently in use for controlling arthropods.
its location, structural condition); maintenance of buildings; demolition in a
sustainable manner; conservation areas in a built environment. ENH410 Environmental Impact Assessment 3 Credits (2/2)
Concept, origin and functions of EIA; policies and guidelines for an EIA in
ENH324 Environmental Chemistry 3 Credits (2/2) Kenya according to NEMA; Environmental Health Impact Assessment (EHIA);
This course will be interdisciplinary in nature whereby it shall accommodate primary impact evaluation, mitigation, measures, assessment, comparison
atmospheric, aquatic and soil chemistry. It shall focus on the following under of externalities, documentation and decision making; cost-benefit analysis;
atmospheric chemistry: oxidant formation in the troposphere; aerosols and monitoring effects of a development project; case studies such as EIA of water
their effect on atmospheric chemistry; Stratospheric chemistry; passive bio- resources, energy development, agricultural development, mining, paper,
remediation of metals and inorganic contaminants. It shall seek to explain textiles, wood, automobile, cement, soda ash. International procedures for EIA
environmental colloids and their effects in diverse ecosystems. It shall also /EHIA; Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) and ASEA.
address environmental chemistry of trace metals, Metal catalyzed hydrolysis
of organic compounds in aquatic environments, as well as chemistry of natural ENH411 Control Of Communicable Diseases 3 Credits (2/2)
organic matter. It will establish the effect of chemicals used in mining on the A study of environmentally related communicable diseases: aetiology, trans-
environment. Recommended soil testing procedures and how to interpret test mission, symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment; Identification of
climatic factors promoting disease development; relationship between the
282 www.daystar.ac.ke
environment and these conditions will be established. Urban and rural settings ENH415 Environmental Inspection 2 Credits (2)
and the conditions in each enhancing disease transmission. The communicable Purpose of inspection; safety, sanitary conditions, facilities, adequacy, and
diseases will include amoebiasis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases licensing; Methods and techniques of inspection; inspection of meats, milk
such as trachoma, river blindness, trypanosomiasis, jigger infestations. and milk products as well as dairy centers; inspection of fish and fish products;
Control measures will be outlined: - notification, isolation, quarantine, inspection procedures for houses, factories, schools, hospitals, health centres,
surveillance, collection and disposal of samples, immunization, chemotherapy, markets, abattoirs, parks, poultries, dairies, schools, nursing homes and other
chemoprophylaxis, disinfection and sterilization and safety procedures. Control public places especially in relation to construction, state of repair, dampness,
of disease vectors and reservoir hosts; control of water pollution, adequate overcrowding, diseases, vectors, sewage, and refuse disposal, drainage,
treatment of sewage; Laboratory techniques involving handling, identification, lighting, ventilation, water supply and cooking and washing facilities;
culturing, preservation and storage. inspection of disaster preparedness; inspection of licensing documents.
ENH 412 Research Project 3 Credits (1/2) ENH416 Parasitology 3 Credits (2/2)
The project: We anticipate that teams of two to four learners will work on a The general characteristics of protozoans and helminthes: classification,
project. It will be up to the learner to group themselves into teams according to morphology, distribution, transmission & life cycles, clinical features and
their interests, with help of the Lecturer. Each team will be guided by one of the pathology, treatment, prevention and control, laboratory diagnosis; Immunity
course instructors and, in most cases, one other advisor. Project advisors may to parasitic infections; economic importance of parasites. The protozoans
be Daystar faculty members or staff working on related research, or resource to be covered include: Plasmodium spp, Trypanosoma spp., Leishmania
persons from outside government agencies, interest groups, or business. spp., Toxoplasma spp., Cryptosporidium parvum; Balantidium spp.,
Criteria for the choice of projects: The project topics should relate to the Entamoeba spp., Naegleria spp., Giardia lamblia, Trichomonas spp. The
environment (broadly defined); it should be of sufficient scope to be done by following helminthes shall be covered: Nemathelminthes (cylindrical worms):
the team of learners for two academic semesters; each team (with the help of Nematodes (roundworms)- Ascaris lumbricoides, Enterobius vermicularis,
the instructors) should identify a knowledgeable resource person. Strongyloides stercolaris, Trichuris trichiura, Ancylostoma duodenale,
A final oral report will be scheduled before or during final exams; each group Wuchereriabancrofti, Brugia malayi, Brugia timori, Loa loa, Onchocerca
shall be expected to give a 30-minute presentation on their research project. volvulus, Drancunculusmedinensis, Trichinella species. Cestodes (tapeworms)-
This will be followed by a 15-minute discussion period. Taenia solium, T. saginatta, Echinococcusgranulosus, Hymenolepsis nana,
Diphyllobothrium latum; Platyhelminthes (flatworms): Trematodes (digenetic
ENH 413 Geographic Information Systems 3 Credits (1/2) flukes)- Clonorchis sinesis,Fasciolopsis buski, Fasciola hepatica, Paragonimus
& Environmental Health westermani, Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni, Schistosoma
Application of GIS software of ArcViewTM and MapInfoTM EpiInfo japonicum, Schistosomaintercalatum; Laboratory sessions will include
and EpiMap Global Mapper, MaptitudeHealthMapper IdrisiTM, and identification of parasite, collection and preservation of specimen, concentration
GeomediaTM in Determining geographic distribution of diseases using GIS; techniques and culture.
Analysing spatial and temporal trends; Mapping populations at risk; Stratifying
risk factors; Assessing resource allocation; Planning and targeting interventions; ENH417 Land Use And Environmental Health 2 Credits (2)
Monitoring diseases and interventions over time The Public Health Mapping Soil types, soil properties (texture, temperature, composition, structure, minerals,
and GIS programme, based within WHO Communicable Diseases, Benefits pH, color); soil profile; effect of climate on soil; land use types (irrigation,
and Limitations of GIS application in Environmental Health application. rice farming, horticulture, pasture lands, shifting cultivation, wild regions);
land classification systems and use of these systems in planning development;
ENH 414 Epidemiology II 2 Credits (2) impact of technology on land; impact of polythene bags on soil; impact of
Study designs; estimating risk; changing patterns of community health fertilizers and pesticides, biomagnification, irrigation, terracing, burning land,
problems; identifying the role of environmental factors in disease causation impact of intense grazing on land, methods of harvesting, comparison of effect
(water quality, air quality with relation to respiratory diseases; soil quality; effect of subsistence farming versus conventional farming on large scale capacity;
of contamination of water on environmental health: humans and other living impact of organic farming; impact of monocultures and that of polycultures;
organisms); review study designs: cohort studies; case-control studies; cross- impact of agroforestry; study of minerals found in the ground, mining methods
sectional studies; estimating risk; using epidemiology to evaluate health services; and impact of the mining methods employed to the health of the environment;
the epidemiologic approach in evaluating screening programmes; application impact of mining fossil fuel on quality of soil; leaching and groundwater;
of epidemiologic approach in control of disease (primary prevention; secondary composting. Policies to promote soil conservation; sustainable land use for
prevention and tertiary prevention); applying epidemiology to evaluation different types of soils; range conservation; land tenure and land policy in
and policy. Application of epidemiology: evaluation of health services and Kenya.
screening programs; epidemiology and public policy. Ethical and professional
issues encountered in epidemiology: privacy and confidentiality. ENH420 Environmental Health Administration 3 Credits (3)
Planning and Management of Health Care Delivery system: Micro planning,
Macro planning. Basic accounting and finance principles; management of
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finance, supplies and human resource; leadership styles; Health Economics: campaign dynamics, how to encourage participation of community; Principles
Economic problems of health care provision, macroeconomic dependencies, of communication, Uses of mass media, visual, audio-visual, aids in health
sustainability, investment, recurrent and development costs, financing recurrent education, psychological, cultural and socio-economic considerations in health
costs, socioeconomic aspects of Environmental Health services including cost education, application of health education to the prevention and control of
benefits and cost effectiveness. Economic appraisal: choices between uses of diseases, planning health messages and carrying out mass campaigns and
resources, Gross Domestic product per capita, health care expenditure per evaluation of the impact of health education.
capita, perspectives of evaluation, project benefits, project costs, different
types of analyses, efficiency, effectiveness and distribution; social etiquette, ENH424 Environmental Disaster Management 2 Credits (2)
professional ethics and negotiation techniques. Disaster preparedness: identification of possible causes of disasters: natural
and anthropogenic- floods, locust invasion, radiation accidents; landslides,
ENH421 Society, Poverty, Gender & 3 Credits (3) fires, famine, electrical faults/ electrocution, tsunamis, earthquakes, volcanic
Environmental Health eruption, collision of earth with objects from space; hazard zonation maps;
The link between globalization, poverty and Environmental Health; Climate use of GIS to detect potential disasters; mitigation measures in industrial
change, and vulnerability to Environmental Disasters; relationship between settings; mitigation in the event of natural disaster, use of early warning systems
poverty, poor sanitation and waste disposal; poverty, informal settlements in detection of possible disasters (observation of meteorological changes;
and urbanization in developing countries; links between poverty, culture seismological reports, volcanic activity reports) for prevention purposes;
and environmental health; principles of environmental health. Societal handling displaced people or refugees in a sustainable manner (water supply,
gender roles; Women and Health, Feminist Theories, Women gender and sanitation, food availability and safety); communication before, during and
development, Women health and environment, Sociology of Gender, Politics after disaster; Assessment surveys; Case studies of past disasters and how
of Gender and Globalization, women and environmental law; Feminism and they affected the environment and health of human beings; disaster mitigation:
critical race theory, Gender, culture and human rights; Women Vulnerability emerging approaches in disaster management; disaster prevention/reduction;
to effects of Climate Change; unequal access to resources and to decision- national disaster policy.
making processes between gender; Women and indoor air pollution, effect
of agro-chemicals on men and women; Gender and Equity Issues in Liquid ENH425 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH & DEVELOPMENT 2 Credits (2)
Biofuel; emerging and controversial environmental health and poverty issues. Development: necessity for our livelihood- its positives; the negative impacts on
Impacts of politics on environment and environmental health. Environmental environmental health; patterns of development; case studies of various cities
economics, appreciation of natural capital and how it supports economies; on impact of development to the health of their environment. Study of cities
implications for business and society when solutions to environmental problems that have used development to restore unhealthy ecosystems. Introduction to
are applied or disregarded; Learn various approaches available to society environmental economics: the value of the environment (forest products, aquatic
in dealing with environmental problems; Encouraging and advocating resources, value of grasslands, deserts); challenge present development
interest/activism in community natural resources; Alternative policy options patterns that do not promote healthy environments; study working development
for pertinent environmental Health Problems; summary of the fiscal, legal, patterns that are sustainable; Christian stewardship and responsible dominion;
social, political, administrative and overall public health implications of each International agreements on sustainable development, such as the Earth
option. Opportunities for public private partnerships in improving Environmental Summit, 1992; challenges affecting the treaties. Technologies for prevention
health amongst poor and the Vulnerable; improving literacy as key to fighting and remediation of environmental pollution and the way they are designed and
poverty and ill health; links between better health and poverty reduction; Major applied in practice. Demonstration of alternative lifestyle and clean technology
research and analytical methods used in basic environmental health science. toward environmental conservation: Integrated waste management; integrated
pest management techniques; organic farming and sustainable agriculture, soil
ENH422 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT & IMPLEMENTATION 2 Credits (2) conservation, water conservation, use of renewable sources of energy: solar,
This course addresses the basic nature of managing general projects, Topics hydroelectric power, geothermal energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biofuels,
will include: basic concepts of project and project management, project and hydrogen.
selection, project definition, project organization structure, team building,
communication and conflict management, project initiation and planning, ENH426 ENVIRONMENTAL LAW AND POLICY 3 Credits (3)
implementation methods and techniques, resource allocation, management of Introduction to the concepts and philosophy of law; Historical development:
accounts for accountability; project monitoring and control, project termination Evolution, Industrialization, Urbanization and Impact of uncontrolled
and post-evaluation of a project. development; Public Administration: International, National and Local, Sources
and types of law: The Constitution of Kenya, International Statutes, Parliaments,
ENH423 Environmental Health 3 Credits (3) Case Laws, Common Law, Customary Law, Islamic Law, Moral and Natural
Education & Extension laws, professional Views and Ethics and By-laws. Procedures of enacting
Aims and scope of health education; Principles of health Education; hierarchy laws; Characteristics of a criminal law, other laws and their application in
of needs by Maslow; the educational role of the Environmental Health relation to health law; Investigation and prosecution procedures; Appointment/
instructor/Public Health Officer; ways to obtain community cooperation, Role gazettement procedures; Statutory powers and authority; Application and
of environmental health team in community mobilization, publicity and mass enforcement of relevant laws related to health. Critical appraisal of the public
284 www.daystar.ac.ke
health laws. Environmental health laws and regulations in force: Provision of FMA 362 STOCHASTIC CALCULUS 3 Credits
content and requirements, Public Health Act Cap. 242 including code of Probability spaces. Simple asset price model. Elimination of randomness.
ethics, Food Drugs and Chemical Substances Act Cap. 254, Meat controls Wiener process. Stochastic differential equation. Stochastic Vs Classical
Act Cap. 356; Liquor Licensing Act Cap. 296, Factories Act Cap. 514; calculus. Dynamics of derivative prices: stochastic process, Markov process,
EMCA Act 1999; The Public Health Act, Cap 242; The Radiation Protection Brownian and geometric Brownian motion. Itos process and Lemma.
Act, Cap 243; Meat control Act, Cap 356; Liquor licensing Act, Caps 121; Stochastic differentiation and integration. Stopping times. Local martingale and
The traditional liquor licensing Act, Cap 122; Malaria prevention Act Cap semi martingale. Solution of stochastic differential equations: The arithmetic &
246; The Building Code (adoptive By- Laws); The Hotel and restaurants geometric Brownian motion and Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
Act; The Kenya Bureau of Standard Act, Cap 296; The Education Act, cap Prerequisites: MAT 231.
211; Occupational Health and Safety Act; The Physical planning Act; The
Environmental Management Act; The Building Code, adoptive By-laws; FMA 461 FINANCIAL MODELS 2 3 Credits
Housing Act and The Local Authority Act, Cap 265. Black-Scholes model: introduction, assumptions, lognormal dynamics, Black-
Scholes equation and the greeks. Delta hedging. Solving diffusion equation
ENH430 ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH INTERNSHIP 4 Credits (4) with its initial & final conditions. Solving the Black Scholes equation: heat
The internship will give the learner experience with projects or opportunities to equation with the boundary & final conditions. Implied volatility. Volatility smile.
interact directly with matters concerning environmental health. Learners should Estimating historical volatility. Variations of the Black- Scholes model: options
seek placement with institutions that carry out analysis such as water quality, on futures, options on stocks paying dividends. Blacks model.Exotic options:
air quality, soil quality, food quality among others. They will work under a Asian, Look back and Barrier. The Greeks:delta, gamma, theta, vega and
University Supervisor as well as Industrial Supervisor who shall be mentoring rho. Trading strategies: bull, bear, butterfly, calendar, strangle and straddles.
them during their attachment. They will be exposed to administration of Pre-requisites: FMA 361 and FMA 322.
environmental health services, environmental epidemiology, use of technology
relevant in environmental health, carrying out inspection reports, carrying out FMA 462 FIXED INCOME SECURITIES 3 Credits
EIAs, intervention plans in the event of disaster, sustainable developments, Term structure of interest rates: theories and shapes of yield curve, spot and
among many others. forward rates, term structure theories. Treasury bills. Bonds. Bullet and Non-
bullet bonds. Non-conventional bonds. Pricing a conventional bond. Bond
ENV112 Environmental Science 2 Credits yield and bond price. Macaulay and modified duration. Convexity. Risks
The need to study the environment, introduction of environmental concepts, associated with bonds. Common and preferred stock. Convertible bonds:
environmental pollution, impact of pests and pesticides on the environment, Characteristics of convertibles: call and put features, relationship with stock
environmental improvement, role of man in the environment, population, price and convertible bond funds. Types of swaps: Equity, commodity, interest
demography and renewable and non-renewable resources, deforestation and rate and currency. Engineering interest-rate swaps. Risks of swaps. Uses of
desertification, environmental conservation, the environment and human health, swaps. Caps, floors and swaptions. Pricing caps, floors and collars. Uses of
nuclear science and radiation, weathering, soil erosion and earthquakes. caps, floors and collars. Pricing swaptions, uses of swaptions. Pre-requisite:
Prerequisite: None FMA 461.
FMA 360 Mathematics for Finance 3 Credits FMA 463 PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 3 Credits
Interest rates: simple, compounding. Continuous varying interest rates. Streams Risk and return in two and more securities. Measuring risk: mean, standard
of payments. Future and present value. Time value of money. Market players. deviation, part and future returns. Portfolio: Introduction, diversification,
Types of financial markets. Introduction to risk-free assets: Money market, systematic and unsystematic risk. Portfolio theory: Markowitz model, mean-
variance analysis, optimal portfolios, constrained and unconstrained portfolio.
Coupon bonds, Zero-coupon bonds and treasury bills. Introduction to options:
Efficient frontier: Two and n risky assets. Asset allocation. Risk & return. Capital
Definitions, Call and put, European and American, Vanilla and exotic. Short
Asset Pricing Model Security market line (SML), beta factor, Capital market line
and long position. Future and forward. Risky assets: Dynamics and return. (CML). Market portfolio and Capital market line. Estimating beta. Systematic
Arbitrage theorem. Prerequisites: MAT 231 risk and beta. Performance measures: Sharpe ratio and Jensen Alpha. Single
index model. Multifactor models and the Arbitrage Pricing Theory (APT).
FMA 361 FINANCIAL MODELS 1 3 Credits Prerequisites: STA 230.
Put-call parity. American and European options, dividend and non dividend
paying, bounds on option prices, variables determining option prices. Binomial FMA 464 CURRENCY RISK 3 Credits
tree model: One Step Binomial Model, general N step model, Cox-Ross- Forex. Interbank market. Currency quotes. Bid and offers. Spreads. Cross
Rubinstein Formula, risk neutral probability, Martingale property, and one step trades and cross rates. Direct dealing. Determinants of foreign exchange
trinomial model. Pricing American and European options in a binomial model rates. Long and short position. Spot and forward markets. Forward discounts
and its application in excel software. Discrete time market models. Pricing and and premiums. Interest- rate parity. Structure of foreign exchange operation.
valuation of futures and forwards. Relationship between forward and futures Currency volatility. Cross-rate volatility. Currency options, futures and forwards.
prices. Pre-requisite: FMA 360 Hedging with currency. Prerequisites: FMA 362.
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FMA 466 RISK THEORY AND MANAGEMENT 3 Credits of; remainder theorems, rational functions, asymptotes of rational functions,
Utility. Utility function. Risk behaviour, aversion and premium. Risk. Types of exponential functions and their properties; logarithmic functions; trigonometric
risks. Economic and regulatory capital. Basel 1 and 2 accord. RaROC and functions, identities, double, half-angle and reduction formulae. Introduction
Risk Adjusted Performance Measure. Risk measures. Value at Risk. Analytical to sequences and series, sequences, arithmetic and geometric sequences,
Value at Risk models. Speculation with the trading strategies. Hedging a vanilla binomial theorem Prerequisite: none
option position: delta, delta-neutral hedge, gamma neutrality, vega neutrality
and hedging a short option position. Forward hedge. Protective put. Covered MAT 121 Differential Calculus 3 Credits
call. Collars. Hedging with the greeks and bonds. Pre-requisites: FMA 461. Limits and continuity of functions: rates of change; limits and their properties;
continuity at a point; continuity on intervals and intermediate value theorem;
FMA 467 Numerical Computations In Finance 3 Credits differentiation: the derivative of a function; rules of differentiation; rates of
Solving non differential equations: three problems, bisection, Newton- change (motion); tangent and normal lines; trigonometric functions: limits of
Raphson, goal seek. Numerical optimization: unconstrained & constrained trigonometric functions; derivatives of sine and cosine from 1st principles;
numerical optimization. Stability analysis; matrix eigen value/ vector differentiating trigonometric functions; exponential and logarithmic functions;
method. Introduction to finite difference: Finite difference approximations, finite differentiating exponential and logarithmic functions; implicit differentiation;
difference mesh. Finite difference methods: explicit finite-difference, Implicit related rates of change (growth and decay); LHospitals Rule; partial
finite-difference, Fully-implicit, Crank-Nicolson. Binomial model pricing using derivatives; application of differentiation: extreme values (local and global);
a computer program script. Monte Carlo simulation for option pricing with Rolles theorem and the mean value theorems; chain rule, critical and stationary
vanilla and exotic options. Pre-requisites: FMA 361 & MAT 325 & MAT 327. points (Fermats theorem); increasing and decreasing functions; first derivative
test for local extrema; second derivative test for local extrema; curve sketching
FMA 469 Project In Financial Mathematics 4 Credits (identifying asymptotes); optimisation. Prerequisite MAT 120.
Prerequisites: FMA461, MAT330, STA313
MAT122 Foundation Mathematics 3 Credits (3)
HPE113 Health & Physical Fitness 1 Credit Equations and Inequalities: linear, complex numbers, quadratic, inequalities;
General anatomy: naming and identification of bony and soft tissue landmarks; Graphs and functions: functions, linear functions, equations of lines, quadratic
health: meaning of and differences in health; benefits of physical fitness: functions, composite and inverse functions, graphs of basic functions; linear
description of the importance of physical fitness and activity, well-being; and quadratic functions, Exponential and logarithmic functions: inverse
identification and description of the five health related components of fitness; functions, exponential functions, logarithmic functions; Basic trigonometric
description of the proper strategies to exercising effectively; nutrition and functions and angles, functions, solving right angles. Sequences and Series;
weight control: identification and description of the six classes of nutrients and Arithmetic sequences and series; geometric sequences; Binomial theorem:
their relationship to wellness; body composition: definition, description of body binomial expansion pattern, pascals triangle, n-factorial, binomial coefficient,
fat and obesity and its health related problems; cardio-respiratory endurance: binomial theorem; Differential calculus: introduction to derivatives, derivative
explanation of effective exercise strategies to develop cardio-respiratory of function and its interpretations, rules of differentiation, derivatives of sine
endurance; Muscular endurance; strength training and flexibility; interpretation and cosine from the first principles, second derivative. Integral Calculus:
of diagnostic signs and triage; athleticinjuries: dislocations and sprains; basic integration by substitution, integration by parts, integration by partial fractions,
life support(CPR); first aid; HIV management. Prerequisite: none area under the curve and between curves; Introduction to descriptive statistics:
data mining, data organization and graphical representation, skewness of the
MAT102 Basic Mathematics 2 Credits data, measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion; Fitting of linear
Logic: simple and compound statements, logical connectives, truth tables, types regression, correlation coefficient, coefficient of variation.
of statements; sets: definitions, operations, Venn diagrams, enumerating sets;
real numbers: sets of real numbers, properties, fractions and decimals, LCM MAT 125 ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY 3 Credits
and HCF, absolute values; powers, standard forms; linear equations, quadratic The rectangular co-ordinate system in two and three dimensions, the distance
equations, linear simultaneous equations in two unknowns, application of formula, equations of a straight line, direction cosines, angle between lines,
equations; inequalities, functions: general concepts, linear functions, quadratic equation of the plane, angle between planes; intersection of lines, intersection
functions, graph of linear and quadratic functions, application of linear and of planes, intersection between lines and planes; parallel and perpendicular
quadratic functions; empirical functions: visual fit, direct and indirect variations. planes; polar co-ordinates, polar equations, graphs of polar and parametric
Prerequisite: none equations of conics; changing Cartesian equations to polar equations using the
origin as the pole and o-x as the polar axis, and vice versa.
MAT 120 College Algebra 3 Credits
Equations: linear, quadratic, equations convertible to linear and quadratic MAT 221 Integral Calculus 3 Credits
form, functions and graphs; domain, range, value of a function, linear Introduction to integration and techniques of integration: integration as reverse
functions, quadratic functions and graphs, composite and inverse functions, of differentiation; integration by substitution (standard substitution); integration
graphs of functions, shifting of graphs; polynomial functions: division of, roots by parts; trigonometric substitutions; trigonometric integrals; integration by
partial fractions; application of integrals: area under the curve and between
286 www.daystar.ac.ke
two curves; volume of solids of revolution; surface area of surfaces of MAT 303 REAL ANALYSIS II 3 Credits
revolution; arc lengths and simple harmonic motion; improper integrals; inverse Limits of functions: limits at infinity, basic limit theorems, monotone functions,
trigonometric and hyperbolic functions: definitions; differentiation (revisit implicit continuity, differentiation, the differential chain rule, mean value theorem,
differentiation); integration; standard substitutions for hyperbolic functions; Taylor polynomials and series, integration: Riemann integrals, integrability of
numerical methods: Taylors approximations to functions; bounding the errors. functions, fundamental theorems. Riemann-Stiettjes integral, integrable functions,
Prerequisite MAT 121 sequences and series of functions. Convergence (point-wise and uniform) of a
sequence of functions, convergence for series of functions. Prerequisites: MAT
MAT 223 Discrete Mathematics 1 3 Credits 302.
Elementary notations: proof primer, logical statements, sets, other structures;
functions: definitions, constructing functions, properties of functions, construction MAT 304 Algebra I 3 Credit
techniques, inductively defined sets, language constructions, recursively Set theory. Equivalence relations and partitions of sets, quotient sets;
defined functions, equivalence, order and inductive proof, properties, Groups. Axioms and examples (including the general and special linear
equivalence relations, optimal algorithms, elementary counting principles, groups, the orthogonal groups, Euclidean groups, groups of symmetric of
solving recurrences, elementary logic, propositional calculus, formal reasoning plane configurations, the symmetric group Sn and the alternating group An).
systems, predicate logic, equity, program correctness, computational logic, Subgroups, cosets, Lagrange theorem, orders of elements. The subgroups of
algebraic structures and techniques, graphs, and trees. Prerequisite MAT 221 a cyclic group. Isomorphisms, homomophisms, kernels, normal subgroups,
quotient groups. Rings and fields. Axioms and examples, the field of fractions
MAT 224 Discrete Mathematics II 3 Credits of an integral domain. The rings Zm and the fields Zp. Integers. The Chinese
Orthogonal latin squares, finite geometries, combinatorial designs, difference remainder theorem, Fermats theorem, properties of Eulers function.
sets, introduction to graph theory, graph terminology, representing graphs,
graph isomorphism, connectivity, Euler and Hamilton paths, Shortest path MAT 312 Linear Algebra 3 Credits
problems, Planar graphs, graph colouring, trees, application of trees, tree Systems of linear equations; row reduction and echelon forms (Gaussian
traversal, trees and sorting, minimum spanning, Boolean functions, logic gates, elimination); matrices and matrix operations; determinant, inverse of a
minimization of circuits, languages and grammars, finite-state machines with matrix and elementary matrices; Cramers rule; characterization of an
output, language recognition, introductory matroid theory. Prerequisites MAT invertible matrix; vector spaces and subspaces; linear independence; basis
121, MAT 221. and dimension of matrices, rank of a matrix; Euclidean n-space; linear
transformations: eigenvectors; diagonalization; equations of lines, planes and
MAT 231 Advanced Calculus 3 Credits orthogonality: coordinate and position vectors; parametric equations of lines
Functions of several variables: partial differentiation, including change of and planes; inner product, length and orthogonality; cross products of vectors;
variables, Taylors theorem, stationary points, Lagrange multipliers and tangent angles between lines and planes; orthogonal sets; orthogonal projections.
plane, infinite series and tests of convergence. Improper integrals and their Prerequisite MAT221.
convergence. Mean value theorem. Double and triple integrals, Jacobian
and change of variables, line and surface integrals, Stokes, Greens and MAT 313 Vector Analysis 3 Credits
Divergence theorems, space co-ordinate systems, i.e. Cartesian rectangular, Vector algebra, Dot product, cross product, triple scalar product and products
cylindrical and spherical. Integral transforms, Laplace and Fourier transforms, of four vectors, Differentiation; directional and partial derivatives and their
inverse transforms by contour integration. Gamma function, Beta function, applications to engineering and differential geometry, mechanics, gradient,
duplication formula. divergence and curl operators including their physical interpretations. Vector
integration, line, volume and surface integrals. Greens and Stokes divergence
MAT 301 SET THEORY 3 Credits theorems and their applications, orthogonal and curvelinear coordinates, del
Arbitrary unions and intersections, sequence of sets, limit superior and inferior, and del-square in spherical, polar, and cylindrical coordinates. Prerequisites:
families of sets, quotient sets, ordered sets, well ordered sets, partially ordered MAT 121 and or 125, Co-requisite MAT 221.
sets, cardinality, ordinal and cardinal numbers, infinite sets, functions, images,
inverse functions, elements of axiomatic foundations, axiom of choice. MAT 323 Ordinary Differential Equations 3 Credits
Prerequisites: MAT 327. Separable differential equations, exact differential equations, linear differential
equations modeling 1st order and 2nd order linear differential equations:
MAT 302 REAL ANALYSIS I 3 Credits homogeneous, linear equations: Euler-Cauchy equation, existence and
Real numbers: Cardinality, infinite sets, compact sets, rules of arithmetic, fields, uniqueness theory, non-homogeneous equations, undetermined coefficients,
ordering, intervals, neighborhoods, structure of real number system, upper and variation of parameters: 3rd order, linear differential equations: systems of
lower bounds, supremum, infimum, nested intervals, cluster points, topology differential equations: linear systems with constant coefficients, critical points,
of real numbers, sequences; convergence, sequence and order, sequence methods for non-linear systems; numerical methods for differential equations;
and topology, subsequence convergence without limits, monotone sequences, methods for 1 st order ordinary differential equations. Prerequisites: MAT 121,
recursively defined sequences. Prerequisites: MAT 312. MAT 221
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MAT 324 Complex Analysis 3 Credits Post optimality (sensitivity) analysis. Introduction to transportation and assignment
Review of complex numbers systems, fundamental operations, polar form of problems. Survey of continuous optimization problems. Unconstrained
complex numbers, de- Moivres theorem, roots of complex numbers, polynomial optimization problems and methods of solution. Introduction to constrained
operations. Functions, limits and continuity, complex differentiation, analytic optimization. Integer programming. Two-phase methods Duality: concept
functions, Cauchy-Reimann equations, Harmonic functions and their applications of duality, fundamental theorem of duality, existence theorems, economic
to geometry and mechanics, complex integration, line integrals, integrals interpretation of duality and applications.
around simply closed positively oriented curves, Cauchy integral formulae
and related theorems and their applications. Laurent series, singularities and MAT 401 FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS I 3 Credits
residues, and application. Prerequisites MAT 121, MAT 221 Compactness in general metric spaces. Relatively open and closed sets in
general metric spaces. Relatively compact sets in general metric spaces.
MAT 325 Numerical Methods 1 3 Credits Compactness and continuity.
Polynomials and their zeros: evaluation of polynomials (nesting); methods of Completeness: Complete metric spaces . Examples of complete and
determining zeros of polynomials (bisection, Newtons, Biairstow,s and Lehmans incomplete metric spaces. Counter intersection theorem. Completeness and
methods).Synthetic division. Finite differences: tables, curve fitting; Interpolation compactness. Banachs fixed point theorem. Applications. Introduction to
technique (linear, quadratic, Newtons forward - difference and Lagrangian). Categories: Definition. Nowhere dense sets. Sets of first and second categories.
Convergence and accuracy of interpolation techniques. Numerical integration: Prerequisites: MAT 302
trapezoidal and Simpsons rule; undetermined Coefficients, Newton - Cotes
and Euler Maclaurin formula: Iteration: Simple cases, convergence and order MAT 404 ALGEBRA II 3 Credits
iterative process: rule of false position. Aitkens and Newton-Raphson methods. Groups. The isomorphism theorems. The Jordan-Holder theorem for finite groups.
The solution of polynomial equations. Groups acting on sets, stabalisers and orbits, Cayleys theorem. Conjugacy
classes. The symmetric groups; cycle notation, conjugacy. Commutator
MAT 326 ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS II 3 Credits subgroups; soluble groups; The Sylow theorems; groups of small order. Finite
Matrix method for solving linear systems normal form, homogeneous & non- nilopotent group in a direct product of p-groups. Rings and modules. Ideals
homogeneous linear systems. Systems with constant coefficients, systems and quotient rings. Maximal ideals and simple rings. Simple commulative
with analytic coefficients, series solution using Leibnitz Maclaurin & ring. Euclidean domains and principal ideal domain. Unique factorization.
Frobenius methods. Power series solutions. Solution by Laplace transforms Field extensions; degrees of extensions; adjoining a root of an irreducible
and its convolution. Existence and uniqueness of solutions. Fourier series and polynomial. Application to trisection of angles and squaring the circle. Modules
applications. Prerequisites: MAT 323 over principal ideal domains and applications. Jordan canonical forms for
matrices. The fundamental theorem for finitely generated Abelian groups.
MAT 327 Partial Differential Equations I 3 Credits Prerequisites: MAT 304
Basic concepts which includes definitions, origins of P.D.E, curves and surfaces
in 3-dimension methods of solving linear partial differential equations of first MAT 406 TOPOLOGY I 3 Credits
order and second order. Classification of partial differential equations of Topological spaces: Definition and examples. Accummulation points. Closed
first order, orthogonal trajectories of systems of curves on a surface. Pfaffian sets. Closure, interior and exterior of a set. Neighbourhood and systems.
equations, non-linear equations, methods of solution, including Cauchy, Coarser and finer topologies. Subspaces and relative topologies. Equivalent
Charpit and Jacob methods, applications in mechanics. Integral surfaces definitions of topologies. Bases for topology. Continuity and topological
passing through a given curve. equivalences. Continuous functions, open and closed maps, homeomorphic
spaces and topological properties. Formation of new spaces. Relative induced
MAT 328 NUMERICAL METHODS II 3 Credits and identification topologies. Topological product and adjuction spaces.
System of linear algebraic equations methods of solutions including iterative Separation axioms, Haussdorf, regular, normal and T-spaces. Urysohns
methods such as Jacobs, Gauss-Seided, successive-over-relaxation methods, Lemma. Category and separability. Dense sets, nowhere dense sets, sets of
approximations by polynomials and orthogonal interpolation. Eigen values the first category and of the second. Perfectly separable spaces. Separable
and Eigen vectors. Numerical differentiation of data and functions. Methods spaces. Axioms of countability. Prerequisites: MAT 302
of numerical integration including series expansion, Romberg Chebyshev
and Gaussian quadrature Numerical methods of solving ordinary and partial MAT 407 TOPOLOGY II 3 Credits
differential equations including predictor-corrector and Runge-Kutta methods. Compactness: covers, compact sets, subsets of compact spaces. Finite
Error analysis and choice of method. Prerequisites: MAT 325 intersection property compactness and compactification. Product spaces,
product topology, base for a finite product topology. Defining sub-base
MAT 330 Operations Research I 3 Credits and defining base for the product topology. Tychonoff product theorem.
Linear programming: Formulation of linear optimization models. Graphical Connectedness. Separated sets. Connected spaces and simply connected
solution method: more than one solution, unbounded solution, non-existence of spaces. Homotopic paths. Homotopy relationships. Fundamental groups:
solution. The simplex algorithms; duality theory and economics interpretations. construction and properties. Prerequisites: MAT 406
288 www.daystar.ac.ke
MAT 409 MEASURE THEORY 3 Credits MAT 429 Project In Applied Mathematics 4 Credits
Lebesgues measure on the real line Lebesgue outer measure. Measure. Prerequisites: MAT415, MAT 423, MAT424, STA313
Measurable functions, Measurable subset of R, Borel Measure. Integral,
monotone convergences theorem, Borel Cantelli lemma, Fotous lemma. MAT 430 Operations Research II 3 Credits
Lebesgue dominated convergence theorem. Completeness of Lebesgue Decisions under risk, decision trees, decisions under uncertainty. Markov
measure and non-completeness of Borel measure. Relation between Riemann decision processes, dynamic programming models; linear programming
and Lebesgue integral. Prerequisites: MAT 302 solutions of the Markovian decision problem. Queuing models, types of
queues; roles of Poisson and exponential probability models; queues with
MAT 410 COMPLEX ANALYSIS II 3 Credits combined arrivals and departures; queues with priorities of services. Traffic
Power and Laurent series, improper integrals, definite integrals of trigonometric flows models. Inventory models, practical stock systems; types of inventory;
functions and integration round a branch point. Conformal mappings, rotation scheduling policies; storage models. Simulation models, roles of random
of tangents, conjugate harmonic functions, transformation of boundary numbers; simulation experiments; Monte Carlo calculus and variance
conditions. Schwarz Christoffel transformation. Uniform convergence and reduction techniques, simulation estimation, control variates, antithetic variates,
infinite products, summation of series by residue methods. Uniqueness and stratified and importance sampling. Analogue simulation systems e.g. queues,
principle of reflection. Analytic continuation. Prerequisites: MAT 324 inventories, traffic networks, storage systems. Assignment problems.
MAT 415 PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS II 3 Credits MAT 470 Scientific Computing 2 Credits
Characteristics of the linear and semi-linear partial differential equations of Introduction to Matlab. Input and output. Symbolic expressions, variable
the second order, boundary value and initial value problems, separable precision. Errors in input. Solving equations. Vectors, matrices and
equations, similarity solutions, transform methods, converting nonlinear to linear determinants. Functions. Built in functions. Data classes. Graphics 2D, 3D
PDE, equations of the hyperbolic type, Transport equation, Laplace equation, and plot style. M-files. Loops. Solving linear systems. Calculating Eigen-values
Heat equation, wave equation, Riemanns method, the equation of the wave and Eigenvectors. Doing calculus with MATLAB. MATLAB programming
motions, equation of the elliptic type, heat equations parabolic equations, logical expressions. Branching with if and switch. Sub functions. Debugging.
hyperbolic equations, canonical forms. Prerequisites: MAT 32 Tex vs LaTeX. Basics layout design. LaTeX input files special characters.
LaTeX commands, new commands, comments. Layout of the document
MAT 419 Project In Pure Mathematics 4 Credits document classes, packages, page style. Typesetting text. Titles, chapters and
Prerequisites: MAT214, MAT221, MAT303, MAT401, MAT402, MAT406, sections. Cross references, tabular. Typesetting mathematical formulae. List of
STA313 mathematical symbols. Specialties EPS graphics and Bibliography. LaTeX
error messages.
Fundamental Theory: existence and uniqueness theorems for systems of STA 130 Introduction to Probability & Statistics 3 Credits
equations, continuation of solutions, continuous dependence on initial Types of data, graphical methods of describing and summarizing quantitative
conditions, Gronwalls lemma, flow of a differential equation, Linear Systems: data including stem and leaf displays. Measures of central tendency; mean,
fundamental matrices, homogenous, non-homogenous equations, Floquet mode, median, quartiles and percentiles. Measures of dispersion; range,
theory for periodic systems. Stability types, limit sets, Poincare-Bendixson quartiles range, MAD, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. Skewness,
theorem, application. Prerequisites: MAT 326 Kurtosis. Regression: Linear regression, correlation coefficient. Probability:
events, sample space. Definitions of probability , properties of probability;
MAT 424 APPLIED MATHEMATICAL METHODS 3 Credits random variables; Probability distributions of discrete random variables and
Linear ordinary differential equations of special kind including, Legendre, continuous random variables; Binomial, Poisson, Hyper-geometric Uniform,
Bessel, hyper-geometric, Gamma and Beta equations. Methods of solving exponential, Normal, approximation of binomial distribution with the normal,
partial differential equations including method of separation of variables and Gamma, Betta distributions. Expected values of random variable. Prerequisite
their applications to mechanics equations. Linear equations of second order MAT 121 and MAT 221.
with constant coefficient and their canonical forms. Fourier series, Laplace
transform and their applications, Orthogonal functions. Prerequisites: MAT STA 230 Mathematical Statistics I 3 Credits
327 & MAT 328 Continuous random vectors, discrete random variable. Bivariate frequency
distributions. Joint probability tables and marginal probabilities. Moments and
MAT 425 DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY 3 Credits moment generating functions. Markov and Chebychev inequalities. Special
Introduction to differential geometry, Review of vector algebra, vector functions univariate distributions. Bivariate probability distributions; Joint marginal and
of real variables, concept of curves, curvature, torsion and general theory of conditional distributions; Independence; Bivariate expectations; Regression
curves, vector and tensor functions of variables, concept and general theory of and correlation on bivariate data. Calculation of regression and correlation
surfaces, first and second differential forms, curves on surfaces. Prerequisites: coefficients for bivariate data .Transformation of discrete and continuous
MAT 125 random variables. Jacobean Matrix.
www.daystar.ac.ke 289
STA 313 Research Methodology 3 Credits single server exponential queuing system, queuing system with bulk service.
History and development of research. Research processes: research design, Network of queues, open systems and closed systems. The system M/G/I. The
measurement, sampling design, and secondary data, survey instrument multiserver queues. Prerequisites: STA 230, MAT 330
design, scaling, data collection, experimentation and simulation. Elements
of analysis. Statistical inferences: non-parametric statistics. Statistical analysis STA 337 Mathematical Statistics II 3 Credits
of relationships: regression and correlation analysis, trend analysis, cluster Distribution functions of random variables; bivariate normal distribution.
analysis. Model building: simulation, stochastic models, and computer Derived distributions such as chi square, t and F. Function of random samples,
techniques in modeling. Research communication: research report preparation. Cumulative distribution techniques, characteristics techniques and Change of
variable techniques. Random samples; Functions of several random variables.
STA 331 Theory Of Estimation 3 Credits The independence of sample means and sample variance in normal samples.
Point estimation: method of moments, maximum likelihood and least squares. Order statistics. Convergence and limit theorem. Prerequisites: STA 230
Unbiased estimators. Sufficiency: Joint, minimal and complete statistics.
Minimum variance unbiased estimators. Consistent and efficient estimators, STA 431 Time Series Analysis 3 Credits
Cramer-Rao for a single parameter, Interval estimation - mean square error. Loss Simple descriptive of time series; Economic time series. Components of time
and risk functions. Bayesian estimation. Minimax estimation. Prerequisites: series. Stationary time series; Stationary in the strong (strict) sense. Stationary
STA 230 in the weak sense. Use of filters in time series analysis. Method of moving
averages. Variate difference method. Fitting Time Series Models in the Time
STA 332 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF SAMPLE SURVEYS 3 Credits Domain; correlogram, stationary process, partial autocorrelation time series
Fundamental ideas. Probability sampling and purposive sampling, sampling models. White noise, random walk, Autoregressive(AR) Moving average(MA).
errors of estimators and their estimation, simple random sampling and stratified Autoregressive-Moving average(AR-MA) and their Correlogram. Spectral
random sampling, ratio and regressions estimators, systematic sampling, cluster analysis. Linear operation on stationary process. Linear stochastic models;
sampling, two stage sampling, designing sample surveys, non-sampling errors, linear and probability. Spectrogram analysis; first order autoregressive series,
national sample surveys. Prerequisites: STA 230 Second order autoregressive series. Prerequisites: MAT 231
STA 334 Test of Hypotheses 3 Credits STA 432 Multivariate Methods 3 Credits
Concept of statistical hypothesis and statistical test: Chi, Z, t, Fisher test; simple Introduction to multivariate data, summarization of multivariate data.
and composite hypotheses. Type I and type II errors. Optimal tests: Neyman- Mean vectors and convariance matrices, correlation matrices. Multinomial
Pearson criterion for testing simple hypotheses most powerful and uniformly most distribution. Sampling from the multinormial, MLEs and test for the mean vector;
powerful tests; confidence sets and tests. Properties of test. Confidence sets and simultaneous confidence intervals; test of structural relationship. MLESs of
tests. Generalized likelihood ratio tests. Tests for correlation and regression. partial and multiple correlations and tests; testing for complete independence;
Analysis of variance, linear regression and correlation analysis. Sequential canonical correlations and variates, test of canonical correlation and reduction
probability ratio tests. Stein fixed width confidence intervals practical exercise. in dimensionality. Calculation and interpretation of principle components
Prerequisites: STA 230 . Discriminant analysis; factor and cluster analysis. Element of multivariate
analysis of variance (MANOVA). Use of statistical packages.
STA 335 Mathematical Modelling 3 Credits
Introduction: Mathematical modeling techniques using ODEs, difference STA 433 Analysis Of Experimental Designs 3 Credits
equations, integral equations. Probability and stochastic problems. Optimization. Randomization, replication and blocking. The one-way analysis of variance.
Applications in Dynamics: First thought on equilibria and stability. Back and The two-way classification. The randomised block with interaction design. Latin
forth. Up and down. Harmonic Oscillator. Stable equilibrium. What comes squares design. Balanced incomplete block design. Introduction to factorial
out is what goes in. Stable and unstable motion. Perpendicular stable linear designs. Prerequisites: STA 230, STA 337
systems. Stable non linear systems. Phase plane. Growth and Decay: Logistic
model. Discrete versus continuous. Struggle for life. Stable equilibria for struggle STA 434 Non-Parametric Methods 3 Credits
for life model. Concepts of non-parametric methods; Tests of randomness and Symmetry,
Goodness of fit problems; Chi-square and Kolmogrov-Smirnov tests.
STA 336 Stochastic Processes 3 Credits Independence in bivariate samples: Kendalls and Spearmans rank correlation
Markov Chains: Chapman Kolmogorov equations, classification of states, Coefficients; Comparison of two populations; The Analysis of Contingency
limiting probabilities, Gamblers ruin problem, model for algorithmic efficiency, table; sign, run, medium and Wilcoxon tests. Pre-requisite: STA 337.
branching processes, time reversible Markov chains, Markov decision
processes. Continuous Time Markov Chains: Birth and death processes, the STA 435 Quality Control and Acceptance Sampling 3 Credits
Kolmogorov differential equations, limiting probabilities, time reversibility, Statistical basis of control charts, specification and tolerance limits, different
uniformaization, transition probabilities. Renewal Theory and Its Applications: types of attributes, process control and process control charts viz. X-bar, R,
Queuing theory:-cost equations, steady state probabilities, exponential models, Cusum, moving average, S squared, P and C charts. Acceptance sampling
by attributes and by variables. Single, Double and Sequential sampling plans.
290 www.daystar.ac.ke
Consumers and producers risk. The operating characteristic and average PHY 217 Waves, Electricity and Magnetism 3 (2/2) Credits
sample number functions. Specification of sampling plans by lot tolerance Wave motion: transverse, longitudinal, and traveling waves; the wave equation;
percent defection and the average outgoing quality level. Dodge and Roming superposition principle; reflection and transmission coefficients; interference
Sampling Inspection tables. Prerequisites: STA 337 and beats; standing waves; sound waves; sound intensity; relationship
between frequency, velocity and wavelength; acoustic measurements and
STA 436 PROBABILITY THEORY 3 Credits applications, Doppler effect; group and phase velocity. Electrostatics: electric
Measure theory, measure theoretical interpretation of probability, sequences charge, insulators and conductors, electric forces and Coulombs law; electric
of random variables, convergence in probability, convergence in mean and fields, electric flux and Gausss Law; electric potential; electric potential energy;
in distribution, Borel Cantelli lemma, Kolmogorovs weak and strong laws of capacitance and dielectrics; current and resistance; direct current circuits;
large numbers, Indicator functions, Bonferroni inequalities, limiting distribution, single and many loops, Ohms law; Kirchoffs rules; magnetic fields; Biot-Savart
probability laws of large numbers, Chebyshevs inequality and central limit law; Amperes law; magnetic flux; magnetic field of a current and a moving
theorem. Prerequisites: STA 337 charge; force on a moving charge; torque on a current loop; Faradays law
of magnetic induction; self and mutual inductance; alternating current circuits.
STA 439 Project in Statistics 3 Credits The laboratory sessions will include components on basic circuits: (including
Prerequisites: MAT330, STA313 resistors, capacitors, combined RC), as well as circuits including, diodes and
transistors; digital circuits, and integrated circuits will also be considered.
PHY 112 Physical Science 2 Credits Prerequisite: PHY117
Exploration of the magnificence of God through His created world; nature of
science, scientific method, impact of science on daily life; basic mechanics: PHY 224 Thermodynamics I 3 (2/2) Credits
force, motion, Newtons laws of motion; energy: forms [mechanical (kinetic Introductory course covering: temperature: zeroth law of thermodynamics,
and potential), nuclear (fusion, fission, E=mc2), chemical, thermal], transfer of thermometers, thermal expansion of solids and liquids. Heat and internal
thermal energy (conduction, convection, radiation), conservation of energy, energy; heat capacity and specific heat; latent heat, work and heat
second law of thermodynamics, basic electricity; properties of matter: physical, in thermodynamic processes; energy transfer mechanism; conduction,
chemical; states of matter: elements: basic atomic structure, isotopes, ions, convection, radiation; adiabatic, isothermal and isobaric processes; first law
period table; compounds: ionic and covalent bonding, acids,bases and salts; of thermodynamics, equations of state, kinetic theory of gases; equipartition of
chemical reactions; introduction to inorganic, organic chemistry, polymers. energy, gas laws; basic P-V diagrams; reversibility and irreversibility of thermal
Prerequisite: None processes, Carnot cycle and heat engines; refrigerators; entropy and second
law of thermodynamics. Prerequisite: PHY217
PHY 117 Mechanics 3 Credits
Measurement; basic concepts of mass, velocity, acceleration; motion in PHY 313 Electronic Devices I 3 (2/2) Credits
one dimension, vectors, motion in two-dimensions, Newtons three laws of Signal processing electronic devices; construction and characteristics of :
motion, free-body technique; circular motion; momentum; work and energy; P-N Junction Diodes, Bipolar Junction Transistors ( BJTs ), Junction Field Effect
conservation of energy and linear momentum; rotational motion; static Transistors ( JFETs ), JUGFET, MOSFET; simple biasing of transistors: common-
equilibrium and elasticity, strength of materials, bending of beams; power base (CB) configuration, common-emitter (CE) configuration and common-
transmission through gears, belts and pulleys; angular momentum; moment of collector (CC) / emitter-follower configuration; operational amplifier (OPAMP);
inertia, center of gravity; gravity; fluid mechanics, pressure, measurement of ideal and non-ideal operation of the OPAMP; characteristics including slew-
pressure and flow rates (manometers, Pitot tubes, venturi meter), surface tension rate, off-sets, common-mode rejection ratio, input and output impedances;
and energy of liquids, viscosity, laminar flow and Bernoullis equation. compensation techniques. Prerequisite: PHY217
Prerequisite: MAT 120 Co-requisite MAT 221
PHY 315 Circuit and Network Theory I 3(2/2) Credits
PHY120: Physics for Life Sciences 3 Credits (2/2) Network theorems: Ohms Law, Kirchoffs Laws; resistors in series and in
Electricity and magnetism; Electrostatics; electric fields and potentials; direct parallel; power and energy in resistive networks; wye-delta transformation;
current electricity; Ohms law; heating effect of current; bioelectricity magnetic constant voltage and constant current sources; Nortons and Thevenins
fields; properties of magnetic materials; and their uses; electromagnetic theorems; maximum power transfer; nodal and mesh analysis; duality; two-port
induction, alternating currents and electronics; Electromagnetic radiation; networks; open circuit parameters, short circuit parameters, hybrid parameters,
physics of seeing; nature and propagation of Light; geometrical Optics; mirrors transmission parameters. First and second order systems: natural and complete
and lenses; defects in lenses; optical instruments; elementary spectroscopy; responses of first order (RC, RL) systems; unit-step and unit-impulse response
electromagnetic spectrum; diffraction; energy levels; explanation of atomic of first order systems; natural and complete response of second order (RLC)
spectra; x-rays; radioactivity and applications; nuclear fission; fusion and systems; over-damped, under-damped and critically damped cases; unit-step
nuclear energy. and unit-impulse response of second order systems; convolution. Sinusoidal
steady-state analysis: sinusoidal functions; period, frequency, mean, peak
and root mean square values, form factor; instantaneous and average power;
www.daystar.ac.ke 291
The j operator; phasor representation of sinusoids; sinusoidal steady state PHY 325 Condensed Matter I 3 (2/2) Credits
analysis; resistance, reactance and impedance; conductance, susceptance Molecular bonds, energy spectra of molecules; bonding in solids; crystal
and admittance; power and power factor; sinusoidal steady-state response of structure; elastic waves, vibrational modes and spectrum; semiconductors;
RLC circuits; series and parallel resonance; balanced and unbalanced 3-phase Brilluoin zones, energy band theory; free electron model of metals, conduction
circuits; delta and star connections. Prerequisite: PHY217 in metals; semiconductors and dielectrics (insulators); modes of electronic
transport in solids, diffusion; internal field of a semiconductor; N and P
PHY 321 Optics I (Geometric) 3 (2/2) Credits type semiconductors and their role in electronic devices; non-crystalline
Electromagnetic waves; nature of light; color; ray approximation in geometric semiconductors, structure, preparation, and density of states distribution;
optics: laws of reflection and refraction, Snells law, Huygens principle, photo-voltaic effect; introduction to superconductivity; phonons; liquid crystals.
dispersion and prisms, total internal reflection; images formed by plane and Prerequisite: PHY217
spherical mirrors; thin lenses; lens equation; the eye, the camera, simple
magnifiers; telescopes; microscopes; optical fiber; polarization of light PHY 326 Introduction to Relativity, 3(3/0) Credits
waves; introduction to lasers, light emitting diodes (LEDs) and laser diodes; Particle Physics and Cosmology
optical isolators; classical optical aberrations: coma, astigmatism, lateral and Relativity: historical development; Newtonian relativity, Michelson-Morley
transverse chromatic aberration; resolving power of optical instruments; modern experiment; Einsteins principle of relativity; consequences of special relativity;
methods of optical design: ray tracing, automatic optimization; aspheric Lorentz transformations; relativistic momentum and energy; equivalence of
surfaces; diffractive lenses; point transfer function. Prerequisite: PHY217. mass and energy; electromagnetism; introduction to general relativity; particle
physics and cosmology: fundamental forces in nature; anti-particles; mesons;
PHY 324 Quantum Mechanics I 3 (2/2) Credits classification; search for a unified field theory. Prerequisite: PHY, 217, 224
Hamiltonian operators, time independent Schroedingers equation, problems in
one dimension: i) zero potential ( the free-particle case) ii) infinite square well PHY 351 Electromagnetic Fields 3 (2/2) Credits
potential (particle in a box) iii) potential step (reflectance and transmittance) Electric fields: static electric fields; Coulombs law, Gausss law and Stokes
iv) potential barrier iv) rectangular potential well v) periodic potential vi) theorem; electromagnetic induction, Faradays Law, electromotive force, self-
linear harmonic oscillation ; the Schroendinger equation for spherically inductance and mutual inductance; electric potentials; time-varying electric
symmetric potential , hydrogen atom and atomic orbital; postulates of quantum fields; static magnetic fields. Laplace and Poisson equations for time-dependent
mechanics, complementarity, matrix mechanics, angular momentum operators. electric fields; Biot-Savart law and Amperes circuital law; Maxwells equations:
Eigenvalues and Eigen-functions of angular momentum and spin, commutators, differential and integral forms; Poyntings theorem and Poynting vector; uniform
parity operators, commutation rule. Prerequisite: PHY217 plane waves in a vacuum, conducting and non-conducting media; application
of electromagnetics in industry; quasi-electrostatics (isolators, properties of
cables), quasi-magnetostatics (induction heating, transformers, actuators,
electric machines), dielectric heating. Prerequisite: MAT 313, 217, PHY 223
292 www.daystar.ac.ke
PHY 408E Plasma Physics 3 (3/0) Credits
PHY 408A Solar Energy Physics 3 (3/0) Credits Structure; kinetic theory, gas dynamics; continuity equations; dynamics
Energy and its various sources: the solar energy option; direct and indirect of particles, orbit theory, electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions;
conversion of solar energy; models for the sun, radiative emission from the sun, occurrence of plasma in nature; single particle motion; plasma as fluids;
solar constant; solar angles, solar time, solar radiation analysis; measuring hydro magnetic waves in plasma; diffusion and plasma stability; properties
instruments, solar radiation data, solar radiation on a tilted surface; heat transfer of equilibrium plasma; elementary theory of charge conductivity; measurement
analysis for solar energy utilization; optics of solar collectors, (transmittance and techniques. Prerequisite: All 300 level courses
reflectance) ; flat plate solar collectors and their efficiency; anti-reflective and
selective coating; parabolic, cylindrical and spherical concentrators; materials PHY 408F Advanced Mechanics 3(3/0) Credits
and construction of collectors; storage of solar energy; thermodynamic Hamiltonians methods: Hamiltonian equations, Hamiltonian for conservative
conversion of solar energy to work; solar photovoltaic cells; junction solar cell: systems, Hamiltonian principle, Lagrange equations; generalized coordinates,
spectral responsivity, characteristics and quantum efficiency; quantum and generalized velocities, generalized forces, Lagrange generalized momenta,
other losses in real solar cells. Prerequisite: All 300 level courses Lagrange equation with impulsive forces. Canonical transformations,
generating functions, Hamiltonian-Jacobi theory, phase integrals. Prerequisite:
PHY 408B Astronomy and Astrophysics 3 (3/0) Credits All 300 level courses
Structure and evaluation of the universe; the star-without the telescope; the big
dipper, north and south circumpolar stars, non-circumpolar stars, navigation; PHY 408G Elementary Particles & 3(3/0) Credits
latitude parallels; meridians; parallels of declination; effect of latitude on view High Energy Physics
of the sky; the stars-with the telescope; periodical observations with small Discovery of elementary particles (leptons, baryons, mesons); anti-particles;
telescopes; mirror-lens telescopes, the radio telescopes, types of spectroscopes the four forces that act on particles of matter (gravitational, electromagnetic,
and stellar spectra; physical properties of the stars; interstellar matter; stellar weak nuclear, strong nuclear); quarks; particle classifications and their physical
energy; black holes, quasars, space time; the galaxies; the big-bang theory properties; interaction of particles; (weak nuclear force, electro-weak force,
of an expanding universe; mechanics of solar system; the sun and basic strong nuclear force); elementary dynamics; gravitational force and quantum
planetary data; inferior planets; earth and moon; superior planets eclipses, gravity; the super force-unification of all forces; particle accelerators (cyclotron,
other heavenly bodies, comets, meteorite, artificial earth satellites; types of betatron). Prerequisite: All 300 level courses
stars; life cycle of the stars. Prerequisite: All 300 level courses
PHY 408H Applied Geophysics 3 (2/2) Credits
PHY 408C Introduction to Polymer Science 3(3/0) Credits Geophysical properties of the earth; methods of measuring properties of the
Polymers: categories and structures; polymerization mechanism and polymer earth: gravitational, magnetic, electromagnetic, radioactive, seismic and
behavior; representing structures, chain formation by addition mechanism; electrical; aerial and satellite photography using UV, visible, and IR wavelengths;
unsaturated bonds, tetrahedral structure of carbon; functionality; initiation of data reduction from the various methods; geological interpretation of the
addition mechanism; growth and termination of the addition chain; chain earths structure; (sub surface areas); minerals and groundwater exploration.
shape and formation by condensational mechanism; structure and properties Prerequisite: All 300 level courses
of thermoplastic polymers; elastic and plastic behavior; visco-elasticity; creep
and impact properties; degree of polymerization; effect of temperature on PHY 421 Atomic Physics 3(3/0) Credits
thermoplastics; type of polymers: amorphous, glassy , and crystalline polymers; Atomic structure: hydrogen spectrum, X-ray spectra and interpretations; alkali-
copolymers, nonsymmetrical polymer chain; thermoplastic, elastomers and metal spectra, fine structure; electron spin; vector model of the atoms: magnetic
thermosetting polymers; phenols, amines, polymer networks; cross-linking; moments, orbital spin, space quantization; spin-orbit coupling; total angular
common polymers: PVC, polyethylene, polycarbonate, nylon; introduction momentum; vector coupling; LS-and JJ coupling; normal and anomalous
to fabrication methods: blow molding, injection molding, casting, extruding. Zeeman effect, Lande splitting factor; Zeeman splitting in high magnetic fields;
Prerequisite: All 300 level courses Paschen-Back effect; hyperfine splitting; one-electron spectra; two electron
spectra. Prerequisite: PHY217, 224
PHY 408D Laser Physics 3(3/0) Credits
Interaction of light and matter; purity of spectral lines; stimulated emission; PHY 422 Thermodynamics II 3 (2/2) Credits
pumping and population inversion; laser resonator; flat mirror resonator; Thermodynamic systems: definitions, processes, temperature; equations
confocal resonator; and non-confocal cavities; line broadening,; band pass of state: intensive and extensive variables, ideal gas, P-V-T surfaces; work:
and laser modes; Gaussian light beams and propagation; focusing and lens dependence on path, partial derivatives; first law: heat depends on path,
transformation; steady state operations: population inversion; output power heat capacity; equations of state, heat capacity at constant volume and
parameters and transients; laser types: principle, description and characteristics; constant pressure, relations between partial derivatives; consequences of first
gas lasers; neutral molecular lasers; solid state lasers; dye lasers; semiconductor law, enthalpy; Carnot cycle; phase changes; heat of transformation; second
lasers. Prerequisite: All 300 level courses law of thermodynamics: efficiencies, absolute zero, Clausius-Clapeyron
equation, Stefans law; entropy, reversible adiabatic processes; temperature-
www.daystar.ac.ke 293
entropy diagrams; Helmholtz and Gibbs functions; engineering applications; nuclei; systematics of nuclear stability, nuclear forces, decay processes and
kinetic theory of an ideal gas; distribution of molecular velocities; mean free neutron sources; nuclear fission and nuclear fusion; power reactors; neutron
path, distribution of free paths, viscosity; thermal conductivity; introduction to absorption, cosmic rays, pair production and annihilation; introduction to
Maxwell-Boltzmann; Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics; micro and macro nuclear instruments (radiation monitoring).applications of nuclear physics in
states; thermodynamic probability. Prerequisite: PHY 224 power engineering, medicine, agriculture and defense; elementary particles.
Prerequisite: All 300 level courses.
PHY 425 Statistical Mechanics 3(3/0) Credits
Second law of thermodynamics, direction of natural processes, microscopic PHY 431 Energy and Environmental Physics 3 (2/2) Credits
and macroscopic processes, micro and macro states, probability state of a Concept of energy and energy conservation; world energy sources; renewable
system; average value of a macro state, equilibrium of a system in a heat and non-renewable sources; energy supply in the world and Kenya; consumption
bath (canonical ensemble) and of isolated system (micro-canonical ensemble); patterns, and the global environment; physics of atmospheric processes, solar
second law for infinitesimal changes, Claudius inequality; perfect classical gas: and terrestrial radiation; solar energy: green house, flat-plate and concentrating
partition function, equation of state, entropy; perfect quantum gas: quantum collectors; transport processes in the atmosphere; hydropower; (principles,
statistics, principle of equi-partition of energy, Gibbs distribution, quantum- turbines, and hydro-electric systems), heat exchange; heat and conduction
Einstein statistics, statistical meaning of entropy, degeneracy in gases obeying is soils; pollution; application of physics to environmental problems; medical
quantum statistics. Prerequisite: All 300 level courses and biological problems; nuclear energy (advantages and disadvantages).
Prerequisite: All 300 level courses
PHY 426 Condensed Matter II 3 (3/0) Credits
Solids: metals, semiconductors, and insulators ; origin of energy bands in PHY 432 Quantum Mechanics II 3 (3/0) Credits
solids; Bloch functions; the Kronig-Penny model of a solid; effective mass and Time independent perturbation theory; variation theory; Hermitian operators;
the concept of a hole; density of states and the probability of occupancy; Hellman-Feynman theorem; time dependent perturbation theory; transition
Fermi-level, in intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors; effective density of states; and the Fermi golden rule; Einstein transition probabilities; spectrum of atomic
electron transport phenomena; diffusion (Einsteins relation), continuity equations; hydrogen; selection rules, spin-orbit coupling; structure of helium atom; Pauli
internal field of a semiconductor; electrical properties of semiconductors; principle; Zeeman effect and Stark effect; theory of scattering (classical and
conductivity versus temperature; Hall effect; optical properties; absorption quantum); Born approximation; method of partial waves. Prerequisite: PHY
spectrum; direct and indirect gaps; structure, preparation, electron transport 221 and All 300 level courses
processes, (hopping), and applications of non-crystalline semiconductors.
Prerequisite: All 300 level courses PHY 491 & 492 Physics Project I & II 4(0/4) & 2(2/0) Credits
These two courses will span one inter-semester period and the following
PHY 427 Optics II (Physical) 3 (2/2) Credits semester. The second is a continuation of the first.
Conditions for interference: Youngs double-slit experiment; phasors; addition The first course (PHY491) will include eight hours of classroom instruction on
of waves; change of phase due to reflection; interference in thin films; the research methods and proposal writing. The student will (with consultation with
Michelson interferometer; other interferometers; diffractive optics: diffraction supervisor) choose an area of research; writes and defend the proposal at
from narrow slits, change of phase due to reflection; holography; color: the department, conduct the research while periodically submitting progress
additive and subtractive color; optical filters; color systems; optical activity: reports.
Fresnels explanation; polarimeters. Prerequisite: PHY321 In the second course (PHY492) the student presents the experimental findings
at the department level with demonstrations and thereafter writes up a final
PHY 428 Geophysics 3 (2/2) Credits report. The student may carry out the project while on attachment in industry or
The solar system: earth as a planet, its shape, its structure and its rotation; a research organization.
the reference spheroid and geoids; gravitation and international gravity
formula; isostasy; measurements, reduction and interpretation of gravity data
for anomalies; seismology; seismicityof the earth; body and surface waves
and their propagation in the earth; seismology and the earths structure;
earthquakes, their measurement and precautions; geomagnetism; earths
magnetic field and its variation; magnetic surveys; thermal properties of the
earth; heat flow studies; geodynamics; theories of continental drift, sea-floor
spreading and plate tectonics. Prerequisite: All 300 level courses
294 www.daystar.ac.ke
The goal of the Department of Nursing is to provide a strong Christian K.C.S.E. or its Equivalent; Aggregate of C+
foundation in the nursing program for students who have completed their Cluster Subjects Combined Sciences
secondary school education, and who aspire to undertake nursing training in English or Kiswahili C+ Physical Science or C+
a Christian University that offers diverse courses that complement and enrich Biological Sciences
the nursing profession. As part of the planning exercise, the department
Mathematics or Physics C+ Mathematics C+
has considered the complex contemporary context of nursing, including
rapidly changing health care practice arenas in which the graduates will Chemistry C+ English or Kiswahili C+
practice and the dramatic changes in the populations for whom nurses Biology C+
will provide health care. The department will promote evidence-based
practice which will integrate clinical experience, research and Christian Or K.A.C.E; 2 or more Principals, with one in Biology and one in Chemistry
values to meet these challenges. The scope of nursing practice in Kenya is
changing and expanding. Nurses are being called upon to function in a Student Assessment
variety of specialized settings such as HIV/AIDS clinics, health promotion
Assessment will be based on continuous assessment work and final
and prevention programs. Daystar University offers Bachelor of Science in
examination. Generally, continuous assessment items carry 30% and final
Nursing Degree (BScN) program that integrates the beliefs and teaching of
examination carries 70% of the total marks. All clinical experiences and
Jesus Christ throughout the course curriculum and provides a holistic view
prescribed clinical assessments are compulsory.
of health care delivery. Kenyans are also looking for accessible, affordable
and flexible Kenyan approved bachelor of science in Nursing degree
(BScN) education courses to enable them serve individuals, families and Requirements for Graduation
communities in health locally, regionally and internationally. Therefore the
All candidates who pass the prescribed examinations in all semesters shall,
BScN programme is designed to prepare a nurse who will lead productive
on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners and with the approval of
professional lives. The program will provide holistic training in nursing
Senate, be awarded the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BScN).
practice, administration, education, research and leadership and the
The pass mark in all core courses for the BSc Nursing programme is D+(D
graduate will be expected to demonstrate Christian servant- leadership traits
Plus) with a score of at least 50%. In order to graduate with BSc Nursing, a
including care, compassion, empathy, love and patience in their service.
student must have covered 200 credit-hours and pass at GPA of 2.00 on a
scale of 4.00.
Admission Requirements
The university shall admit for the BSc Nursing degree program, such
candidates as shall be accepted by the Senate as being academically
qualified, having met the Nursing Council of Kenya entry requirements,
and those who accept the Universitys Christian mission and philosophy as
provided under Sections 4 to 7 of the University Charter, without regard or
preference to gender, ethnic origin, race being imposed as a condition for
admission. Bachelor of Science Nursing degree will be offered for nursing
students who wish to pursue the program to completion. The University may
consider other criteria approved by Senate that enhances quality.
www.daystar.ac.ke 295
Course Offering BScN Required Core Courses
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours
General Education Courses
NUR 101 Human Anatomy I 4
Course Code Course Title Credit Hours NUR 102 Medical Physiology I 4
ENG 111 Advanced Reading 3 NUR 103 Medical Biochemistry 4
BIL 111 Old Testament Introduction & Survey 3 NUR 104 Basic Nutrition 3
ENG 112 Advanced Writing 3 NUR 105 Fundamentals of Nursing 8
INS 112 Communication & Culture II 3 NUR 106 Nursing Informatics (ICT) 3
BIL 112 New Testament Introduction & Survey 3 NUR 107 Health Assessment 3
296 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Descriptions
NUR 101 Human Anatomy I Credit Hours 4 (3/1/0) NUR 106 NURSING INFORMATICS Credits Hours 3(2/1)
The course introduces the structures of the human body. The aim is to equip The course introduces the students to basic computer knowledge, operating
students with knowledge of the normal human body structures to enable systems and application in nursing. It prepares the student on how to use
him/her differentiate the normal structures from abnormal. The contents are computers in accessing information for nursing practice, education and research.
anatomical terminologies, introduction to cells, genetics, embryology, skeletal The contents are computer components, computer software packages, Nursing
system, muscular system, cardiovascular and circulatory system and respiratory information technology and organizational impact.
NUR 107 HEALTH ASSESSMENT Credit Hours 3 (2/1)
NUR 102 MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY I Credit Hours 4 (3/1/0) This course is designed to provide the student with knowledge and skills needed
The course is designed for the student to acquire knowledge on the body to assess the health status of clients/patients in order to arrive at a nursing
functions. The student will learn the normal body functions and differentiate diagnosis. The contents are interviewing technique; Health history; Examination
the normal from abnormal functions due to disease, malfunction or other techniques and Assessment flow.
conditions. The contents are basic physiological concepts, biophysics, internal
and external environment, skeletal and muscular systems, circulatory system, NUR 108 HUMAN ANATOMY II Credit Hours 4 (3/1/0)
cardiovascular system and respiratory system. The course is designed to equip the student with knowledge of human
anatomy focusing on the alimentary system, renal system, endocrine systems,
NUR 103 MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY Credit Hours 4 (3/1/0) reproductive systems, integumentary, nervous system and special senses.
The course will enable the student to learn concepts and gain knowledge of the The contents are alimentary system; Urinary system; endocrine system; Male
altered physiology mechanisms and their impact on the body. Body chemicals, reproductive system; Female reproductive system; Integumentary system;
hormones, enzymes and metabolism will be discussed. The contents are Nervous system and Special senses: the ear; the eye: sense of smell: sense
definition of terms, biomolecules, chemistry, metabolism, DNA and RNA and of taste.
NUR 109 MEDICAL PHYSIOLOGY II Credit Hours 4 (3/1/0)
NUR 104 BASIC NUTRITION Credits Hours 3 (3/0) The course is designed to enable the student to acquire knowledge of the body
The course will enable the student to learn about basic nutrition and dietetics functions. The student will learn the normal body functions and differentiate the
and the importance of a balanced diet in growth and development of a normal from abnormal. The course involves theory and laboratory practicals.
person. The student will also acquire knowledge on nutritional deficiencies The contents are gastrointestinal system; hepatic and biliary; Renal system;
and their management. The contents are nutrition science and health, essential endocrine system; Reproductive system: male and female, The skin: nervous
nutrients, diet planning, nutriton deficiencies and disorders, cultural practices system and special senses.
and beliefs and nutritional status assessment.
NUR 110 HUMAN PATHOLOGY Credit Hours 4 (2/2)
NUR 105 FUNDAMENTALS OF NURSING Credit Hours 8 (6/2) This course enables the student to acquire knowledge of altered physiological
The course introduces the basic nursing principles. The student will acquire mechanisms in cells and organ systems. It explores factors involved in
knowledge, attitude and skills to enable him/her meet patient/client needs. pathogenesis of diseases. The contents are introduction; Pathological
It involves theory and practical experiences. The contents are introduction to processes; Disease classification and immune mediated disorders.
nursing, professionalism, role of professional organizations, ethical and legal
accountability, Nursing care delivery modalities, Theories and models of NUR 111 COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING I Credit Hours 3(3/0)
nursing, Nursing Process, Problem solving, critical thinking and reflection and The course introduces community health nursing, models of care, ethics and laws
evidence-based practice, Social aspects of HIV/AIDS/STI, Admission process,
in health care delivery, primary health care and strategies for implementation.
effective communication, written and verbal, ward report, Basic skills in patient
The student will also learn the role of the community health nurse. The contents
care, Body mechanics, Patient assessment, Safety, principles of infection
prevention and control, Principles of asepsis and aseptic technique, Feeding; are definitions and history; Principles and Conceptual models; Role of
Elimination; Specimen collection; Patient hygiene; Drug administration and community health nurse; Ethics and Laws and Primary Health Care.
storage; documentation in nursing; basic life support and first aid, care of an
unconscious patient, pre and post general operative care; process of death NUR 112 PSYCHOLOGY Credit Hours 4 (4/0)
and dying. The course discusses the nature of psychology, and human behavior and
development. The student will gain knowledge on human motivation, emotion,
personality and learning. The contents are introduction; Human growth
and development; Personality development theories; Counseling; defense
mechanisms and Crisis concept.
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NUR 113 MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY Credit hours 4 (4/0) contents are paediatric assessment; growth and development; Management of
The course introduces basic concepts of socio-cultural anthropology, intellectual common paediatric conditions; health problems in infants and children; common
background and theories used to explain human nature. The similarities and respiratory disorders; haematological; cardiovascular; gastrointestinal; urologic
differences in human behaviour and culture will be discussed including factors & reproductive; metabolic; ophthalmologic/ ear, nose & throat; connective
tissue; neurologic; orthopaedic; oncology; paediatric HIV/AIDS; special (at
accounting for social order and dynamic change. The contents are sociology;
risk) children; paediatric emergencies; paediatric techniques and Integrated
religion and culture and Anthropology.
Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI).
298 www.daystar.ac.ke
The course introduces the students to gender mainstreaming in provision of health SURGICAL NURSING
care. It includes gender issues affecting health and womens empowerment. The course is designed to equip student with knowledge, skills and attitudes
The contents are reproductive health; Gender construction and mainstreaming; on specialized conditions/diseases. This includes casualty, accident and
gender issues affecting health; forms of gender- based violence; female genital emergency, theatre, ophthalmology, ear, nose and throat (ENT) and critical
mutilation; Gynaecology and several conditions. care nursing (ICU). Care of patients in specialised areas to include accident
and emergency nursing; Perioperative nursing; ENT; Dental Nursing;
NUR 304 MIDWIFERY I Credit Hours 5(4/1/0) ophthalmology; Intensive care and Geriatric Nursing.
The course is designed to provide knowledge, skills and attitudes to enable
the student manage women in pregnancy, antenatally, labour and NUR 402 LEADERSHIP & MANAGEMENT Credit Hours 5 (5/0/0)
puerperium, obstetric emergencies, and manage the newborn. The contents OF NURSING SERVICES
are introduction; review of anatomy and physiology; The foetus; Pregnancy; The purpose of this course is to introduce students to science of management,
Antenatal care(ANC); Diseases associated with pregnancy; Health messages principles of organization; leadership, theories, motivation, hospital and
and counseling on; Normal labour; active management of 1st stage; Second public health administration, supervision and management of health services.
stage; Third stage of labour and Fourth stage of labour. The contents are concept of leadership and management; Management
theories; principles of management; Styles of leadership; Functions; Change
NUR 305 MIDWIFERY II Credit Hours 5(4/1) management; Time management; Health services management and health
The course is designed to provide knowledge, skills and attitudes on the role of economics; Health economics; Public relations and entrepreneurship.
a midwife in abnormal labour, puerperium, obstetric emergencies and neonatal
nursing. The contents are puerperium; abnormal puerperium; Abnormal labour: NUR 403 RESEARCH PROJECT REPORT Credit Hours 2 (2/0)
abnormal first stage of labour; abnormal second stage of labour; abnormal The course gives the student an opportunity to present research report and share
third stage of labour; major obstetric emergencies; Neonatology; high risk findings. Check the research process, sequential steps for research proposal
baby abnormal conditions in the new born and emerging concepts and issues development, subject introduction, statement of the problem, justification,
in obstetric care. research question, objectives, hypothesis, benefits of the research, literature
review; materials and methods; time frame, research budget; references,
NUR 306 EDUCATION COMMUNICATION & Credit Hours 3 (3/0) appendices and give feedback.
The course introduces students to communication processes and to educational NUR 404 CURRICULUM & INSTRUCTION Credit Hours 6(4/2/0)
media used to enhance teaching and learning. The contents are definitions; IN NURSING
theory of communication and communication process; communication in the The course is designed to enable student to learn about trends of nursing
classroom and scope of educational technology. education, theories and models of education relevant to nursing, curriculum
development and administration of programs in schools of nursing. The contents
NUR 307 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Credit Hours 3 (3) are trends in Nursing Education; Curriculum development; Classroom teaching;
The course introduces the students to research concept, methodology, proposal clinical teaching techniques and Administration in schools of nursing.
development, data analysis and report writing. The contents are introduction;
types of research study designs; sampling techniques; Research process; data CLP 408 COMMUNITY DIAGNOSIS REPORT 1 CREDIT
analysis and interpretation and components of research report writing. The course gives the students an opportunity to present community diagnosis
report and share findings.
NUR 308 MENTAL HEALTH & Credit Hours 4 (4/0/0) Discuss community diagnosis steps and the cycle. Discuss situational analysis
The course is designed to equip the student with knowledge, skills and attitude
on trends, concepts and legal aspects of mental health and psychiatric nursing
to enable students manage clients/patients suffering from psychiatric disorders/
conditions. The contents are introduction; Concepts in mental health and
psychiatric nursing; classification of mental disorders and psychiatric disorders.
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Bachelor of Science in Nursing - Upgrading Programme
Admission Requirements
The University shall admit into the BSc Nursing Upgrading degree
programme, such candidates as shall be accepted by the Senate as being
academically qualified, having met the Nursing Council of Kenya entry
requirements, and those who accept the, Universitys mission and philosophy
as provided under Sections 4 to 7 of the university charter, without regard or
preference to gender, ethnic origin, race being imposed as a condition for
admission. The University may consider other criteria approved by Senate that
enhances quality.
300 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Offerings
List of the BSCN uprgading theory core courses.
NUP 220 Midwifery II 4
Course Title Credit Hours NUP 301 Leadership & Management 6
NUP 101 Human Anatomy I 4 NUP 302 Medical/Surgical Nursing (Specialties) II 4
NUP 102 Medical Physiology I 4 NUP 303 Community Health Nursing Practice I 3
NUP 103 Fundamental Concepts of Nursing 4 NUP 304 Community Health Nursing Practice II 3
NUP 104 Communication & Counseling 2 NUP 305 Curriculum & Instruction In Nursing 3
NUP 105 Nursing Informatics 3 NUP 306 Palliative & Home Based Care 2
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Clinical Placements (Practicum)
302 www.daystar.ac.ke
Total Credit Hours
Course Code Course Title Theory Hours (Ch) Practical Hours (Ch) Tutorial Hours (Ch) Total Hours
NUR 101 Human Anatomy I 48 (3) 52 (1) 4 100
NUR 102 Medical Physiology I 48 (3) 52 (1) 4 100
ENG 111 Advanced Reading 48 (3) - 3 48
NUR 105 Fundamentalso f Nursing 96 (6) 144 (2) 8 240
Sub Total 240(15) 248(4) 19 488
NUR 107 Health Assessment 32 (2) 16(1)- - 3 48
NUR 108 Human Anatomy II 48 (3) 52 (1) 4 100
NUR 109 Medical Physiology II 48 (3) 52 (1) 4 100
NUR 104 Basic Nutrition 48 (3) - 3 48
NUR 106 Nursing Informatics (ICT) 32 (2) 16(1) - 3 48
NUR 103 Medical Biochemistry 48 (3) 52(1) 4 100
ENG 112 Advanced Writing 48 (3) 3 48
Sub Total 304(19) 188(5) 24 492
NUR 112 Psychology 64 (4) - - 4 64
BIL 111 Old Testament Survey 48 (3) - - 3 48
Medical Sociology &
NUR 113 64 (4 ) - 4 64 64
NUR 110 Human Pathology 48 (3) 48 (1) - 4 96
Community Health
NUR 111 48 (3) - 3 48
Nursing I
Clinical Chemistry &
NUR 203 48 (3) - - 3 48
INS 112 Communication & Culture 48(3) 3 48
Sub Total 368(23) 48(1) 24 416
Total Credits & Hrs In Year One 67 1396
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Practical Hours Clinical Hours Tutorial Hours Total Credit
Course Code Course Title Theory Hours (Ch) Total Hours
(Ch) (Ch) (Ch) Hours (Ch
NUR 204 64 (4) 32 (1) 5 96
Nursing I
Medical Microbiology
NUR 202 48 (3) 52 (1)
& Parasitology
4 100
Community Health
NUR 201 80(5) 80(1) 6 160
NUR 205 Pharmacology & 100 (6) 6 100
Medical Nursing
CLP201 2 Wks 80 (1) 1 80
Surgical Nursing
CLP202 2 Wks 80 (1) 1 80
Sub Total 292(18) 164(3) 160(2) 23 616
NUR 206 Paediatric Nursing 64 (4) 32(1) 5 96
NUR 207 48 (3) 16(1) - 4 64
Nursing II
NUR 208 Family Health Nursing 64 (4) 32 (1) 5 96
NUR 209 Biostatistics 48 (3) - - 3 48
NUR 211 Applied Nutrition 48 (3) - - 3 48
Sub Total 272(17) 78(3) _ 20 352
CLP203 Paediatrics 4 Wks 160 (2) 2 160
Community Health
CLP204 4 Wks 160 (2) 2 160
CLP205 Orthopaedics 2 Wks 80 (1) 1 80
CLP206 Medical Nursing 2 Wks 80 (1) 1 80
CLP207 Surgical Nursing 2 Wks 80 (1) 1 80
Sub Total 48(3) 14 Wks 660(7) 10 608
Total Credits & Hrs In Year Two 53 1576
304 www.daystar.ac.ke
Theory Hours Practical Hours Clinical Hours Tutorial Hours Total Credit
Course Code Course Title Total Hours
(Ch) (Ch) (Ch) (Ch) Hours (Ch
NUR 301 48 (3) 3 48
Community Health
NUR 302 48 (3) 96 (2) - 5 144
Nursing II
Gender &
NUR 303 48(3) 3 48
Reproductive Health
NUR 304 Midwifery I 80 (5) 48 (1) 16 (0) 6 144
CLP301 Midwifery 6 wks 240 (2) 2 240
Sub Total 224(14) 144(3) 240(2) 16(0) 19 624
NUR 305 Midwifery II 64 (4) 16 (1) 5 80
NUR 306 Communication & 48 (3) 3 48
NUR 307 48 (3) - - 3 48
Mental Health &
NUR 308 64 (4) 16(0) 4 80
Psychiatric Nursing
Art Or Literature Or
LIT111 32(2) - - 2 32
CLP 302 Midwifery 6 wks 240 (2) 2 240
CLP 303 Gynaecology 2 wks 80 (1) 1 80
CLP 304 Medical Nursing 2 wks 80 (1) 1 80
CLP 305 Surgical Nursing 2 wks 80 (1) 1 80
CLP 306 Psychiatric Nursing 4 wks 160 (2) 2 160
Sub Total 16 wks 640(7) 7 640
Total Credits & Hrs In Year Three 44 1632
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Theory Hours Practical Hours Clinical Hours Tutorial Hours Total Credit
Course Code Course Title Total Hours
(Ch) (Ch) (Ch) (Ch) Hours (Ch
NUR 401 Medical/Surgical 64 (4) 16(1) 5 80
Leadership &
NUR 402 Management of 80 (5) 5 80
Nursing services
CLP 401 Specialized M/S 5 wks 200 (2) 2 200
CLP 402 Casualty 2 wks 80 (1) 1 80
CLP 403 Theatre Nursing 2 wks 80 (1) 1 80
Sub Total 144(9) 16(1) 360(4) 14 520
Curriculum &
NUR 404 64 (4) 76 (2) 6 140
Instruction in Nursing
New Testament
BIL 112 48 (3) 3 48
African Societies &
INS 212 48 (3) 3 48
Traditional Religion
PHL 111 Philosophy 48 (3) 3 48
Research Project
CLP 404 32 32
Sub Total 208(13) 76(2) 32 15 316
CLP 405 Administration 4 wks 160 (2) 2 160
Com. Health District
CLP 406 4 wks 160 (2) 2 160
CLP 407 Teaching Practicum 4 wks 160 (2) 2 160
CLP 408 Diagnosis Practice & 2 wks 80(1) 32 1 112
Sub Total 14 wks 560(7) 32 7 592
Total Credits & Hrs In Year Four 36 1476
Grand Total Credits & Hrs In Four Yrs 200 6086
306 www.daystar.ac.ke
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Practical Hrs Total Credit Hrs
Course Code Course Title Theory Hrs(Ch) Tutorial (Hrs) Grand Total Hrs
(Ch) (Ch)
NUP 101 Human Anatomy 1 45(3) 30(1) 37 4 112
NUP 102 Medical Physiology 1 45(3) 30(1) 37 4 112
NUP 103 Fundamental Concepts In Nursing 45(3) 45(1) - 4 90
ENG 111 Advanced Reading 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 104 Communication & Counselling 30(2) - 15 2 45
NUP 105 Nursing Informatics 30(2) 15(1) - 3 45
NUP 106 Psychology 45(3) - 3 45
Sub Total 285(19) 120(4) 89 23 494
NUP 107 Medical Biochemistry 1 15 (1) 15(1) - 2 30
NUP 108 Human Anatomy 11 45(3) 30(1) 37 4 112
NUP 109 Medical Physiology 11 45(3) 30(1) 37 4 112
NUP 110 Nutrition & Health 45(3) - - 3 45
Introduction to Community Health
NUP 111 45(3) - - 3 45
BIL 111 Old Testament Survey 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 112 Health Assessment 30(2) 15(1) 3 45
Subtotal 300(20) 105(4) 74 22 449
ENG 112 Advanced Writing 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 113 Pharmacology 60(4) - 30 4 90
NUP 114 Immunology 30(2) 15(1) 2 45
NUP 115 Medical Parasitology 30(2) 15(1) - 3 45
NUP 116 Medical Microbiology 45 (3) 30(1) 15 4 90
BIL 112 New Testament Survey 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 117 MEDICAL BIOCHEMISTRY11 15 (1) 15 (1) - 2 30
Subtotal 300 (20) 75(4) 45 22 390
308 www.daystar.ac.ke
Practical Hrs Total Credit Hrs
Course Code Course Title Theory Hrs (Ch) Tutorial (Hrs) Grand Total Hrs
(Ch) (Ch)
NUP 201 Community Health Nursing Science 1 30(2) - 15 3 45
NUP 202 Haematology 30(2) 15(1) - 3 45
NUP 203 Clinical Chemistry 30(2) 15(1) - 3 45
NUP 204 Human Pathology 60(4) 45(1) 30 5 135
NUP 205 Medical/Surgical Nursing 1 60(4) - 15 4 75
INS 112 Communication And Culture 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 206 Biostatistics 45(3) - - 3 45
Subtotal 270(19) 75(3) 90 22 435
Clinical Placement
CLP 221 Med/Surg Nursing 4 WEEKS 2 160
Subtotal 4 WEEKS 160
NUP 207 Community Health Nursing Science 11 30(2) 15(1) - 3 45
NUP 208 Midwifery 1 45(3) 15(1) 10 4 70
NUP 209 Sexual And Reproductive Health 45(3) - 3 45
NUP 210 Medical/Surgical Nursing 1I 45(3) - 15 3 60
NUP 211 Gynaecology 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 212 Gender & Health 30(2) - - 2 30
Communicable & Vector Borne
NUP 213 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 214 Research Methodology 45(3) - - 3 45
Subtotal 330(22) 30(2) 25 24 385
Clinical Placement
CLP 222 Med/Surg Nursing 4 WEEKS 2 160
CLP 223 Gynaecology 2 WEEKS 1 80
CLP 224 Orthopaedics 2 WEEKS 1 80
CLP 225 Antenatal Ward 2 WEEKS 1 80
CLP 226 Labour Ward 4 WEEKS 2 160
Sub Total 14 WEEKS 7 560
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Practical Hrs Total Credit Hrs
Course Code Course Title Theory Hrs (Ch) Tutorial (Hrs) Grand Total Hrs
(Ch) (Ch)
NUP 215 Sociology And Anthropology 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 216 Paediatric Nursing 45(3) - - 3 45
Mental Health And Psychiatric
NUP 217 45(3) - - 3 45
NUP 218 Educ. Comm. And Technology 30(2) - 15 2 45
PHIL 111 Philosophy 45(3) - - 3 45
Medical/Surgical Nursing
NUP 219 45(3) - 15 3 60
(Specialities 1)
NUP 220 Midwifery II 60(4) - 5 4 65
LIT./MUS/ART 30(2) - - 2 30
Subtotal 345 (23) 15 (1) 20 23 380
Clinical Placement
CLP 227 Paediatric Nursing 4 WEEKS 2 160
CLP 228 Mental Health Nursing 2 WEEKS 1 80
NUP 307 Research Project 4 WEEKS 2 160
10 WEEKS 5 400
NUP 301 Leadership And Management 90(6) - - 6 90
Medical/Surgical Nursing
NUP 302 60(4) - - 4 60
(Specialities 11)
Clinical Placement
CLP 321 Post Natal Ward 2 WEEKS 1 80
CLP 322 Med/Surg Specialities 9 WEEKS 2 360
CLP 323 Newborn Unit 2 WEEKS 1 80
Sub Total 13 WEEKS 4 520
310 www.daystar.ac.ke
Clinical Placement
CLP 324 Teaching Practice 4 WEEKS 2 160
CLP 325 District Experience 2 WEEKS 1 80
CLP 326 Ward/Unit Management 4 WEEKS 2 160
Maternal And Child Health (MCH/
CLP 327 4 WEEKS 2 160
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312 www.daystar.ac.ke
Common Core Courses Credit Hours Networking & User Support
ICC 012 Communication and Culture I 3 Database Systems Administration & Programming
Note that the above courses that can be challenged or exempted can
give the student up to a whole year of exemption should they join the ACS
undergraduate program.
www.daystar.ac.ke 313
Diploma in IT (Computer Networking, Security and User Support) Diploma in IT ( Database Systems, Administration and Programming)
1st Year, 1st Semester 1st Year, 1st Semester
Code Course Name Hrs Code Course Name Hrs
DIT004 Mathematics For Computer Science 3 DIT004 Mathematics for Computer Science 3
DIT002 Introduction To Information Systems & Applications 2 DIT002 Introduction to Computers and Applications 2
DIT001 Computer Programming 3 DIT001 Computer Programming 3
ICC012 Communication and Culture I 3 ICC 012 Communication and Culture I 3
DIT003 Systems Analysis and Design 3 DIT003 Systems Analysis and Design 3
ENG011 Advanced Reading 3 ENG011 Advanced Reading 3
Total Hours for the Semester 17 Total Hours for the Semester 17
314 www.daystar.ac.ke
For students coming from outside Kenya the equivalent percentages will be
www.daystar.ac.ke 315
Required Mathematics, Science & Electronics Courses Electives in Applied Computer Science (select 2 for 6 hours total)
Course Code/Course Title Credit Hours Course Code/Course Title Credit Hours
EEE221 Digital Logic 3 ACS 412 Computer Graphics 3
MAT120 College Algebra 3 ACS 413 Computational Theory 3
MAT121 Differential Calculus 3 ACS 417 Interactive Multimedia Design & Development 3
MAT221 Integral Calculus 3 ACS 442 Neural Networks 3
MAT223 Discrete Mathematics 3 ACS 444 Knowledge Based Systems
MAT312 Linear Algebra 3 ACS 451 Data Communication Security & Networks
MAT322 Probability and Statistics 3 Controls
PHY117 Physics 1 4 ACS 455 Human Computer Interaction 3
PHY217 Physics 2 4 ACS 462 Data & Database Administration 3
TOTAL 29 ACS 484 E-Business 3
Required Applied Computer Science courses TOTAL 6
Course Code / Course Title Credit Hours
ACS102 Basic Computer Knowledge 2
ACS113 Structured Programming 3
ACS114 Object Oriented software Design and
ACS181 Systems Analysis and Design 3
ACS211 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
ACS213 Advanced Object Oriented Software Design
and Development
ACS216 Visual Programming 3
ACS251 Computer Networks and Data Communication 3
ACS261 Database Management Systems 3
ACS302 Software Engineering 3
ACS303 Software Project Management 3
ACS311 Principles of Programming Languages 3
ACS313 Information Technology Research Methods 3
ACS314 Mobile Application Development 3
ACS323 Computer Organization, Design & Architecture 3
ACS331 Operating Systems 3
ACS332 Computer Systems Security 3
ACS354 Network Design and Management 3
ACS355 Internet Applications Design and Development 3
ACS362 Advanced Database Management Systems 3
ACS400 Computer Science Project 4
ACS401 Ethics and IT 2
ACS404 Entrepreneurship and Small Business
ACS442 Artificial Intelligence 3
ACS454 Distributed Systems 3
316 www.daystar.ac.ke
Course Descriptions
ACS 101 Basic Computer Knowledge 2 Credits Hours ACS 211 Data Structures and Algorithms 3 Credits Hours
A basic introduction to computers, their history, functions and use in society An advanced course that further develops programming skills using visual,
today. Personal computers (PC) hardware and software will be introduced object-oriented application development and programming techniques applied
including a current, commonly used operating system and application to real world problems. Topics include: Relationship between data structures
programs. Topics include: PC hardware and peripherals; memory, CPU and algorithms, Data structures and processing such as arrays, lists, stacks,
functions, a current operating system and applications in the following areas; queues, indexes, records, files and database structures; hierarchy of data: bit,
word-processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentation graphics, E-mail and byte, fields, records, files, databases; sorting and searching methods, modular
use of the Internet facilities. design, cohesion and coupling concepts, applications of data structures and
file processing techniques: streams and files; simulation and modelling. A major
ACS 102 Basic Computer Knowledge 2 Credits Hours project will be carried out that will involve user interface construction, simple
In addition to the contents of ACS 101 this course includes: number systems file/database/object and updates, and report generation. The software to be
used in computing such as binary, octal and hexadecimal; memory hierarchy, used will be a current OOP language such as C++, Visual BASIC or JAVA.
microprocessor operations and an introduction to the UNIX and LINUX Prerequisite: ACS 213
operating systems; features in word processing and spreadsheets of use to
science and engineering students such as, equation writer, graphing and curve ACS 213 Advanced Object Oriented Software 3 Credits Hours
fitting. Design and Development
Extensive experience and advanced features of object oriented features
ACS 113 Structured Programming 3 Credits Hours are applied to create comprehensive programs. Topics include: advanced
A first course in programming that covers basic programming concepts and application of object oriented programming paradigms: data abstraction,
style. Topics include: definition of a program and algorithms, steps to writing a objects, classes, methods, messages, inheritance, polymorphism, encapsulation
good program, design using flowcharts and pseudocode, modules, hierarchy and information hiding; input and output streams; working with files to process
charts structure: sequence, selection and loop, decision making using Boolean, large quantities of data; exception handling for making robust programs;
AND, OR logic, looping using: While, For, Do Until, Nesting loops; arrays, templates and class libraries; application programming interfaces (APIs);
menus and debugging. The programming language will be a current, simple, database applications; creation of more responsive and interactive programs.
structured language such as Basic, C or Pascal. Co-requisite: ACS 102 Prerequisite: ACS 114
ACS 114 Object Oriented software Design 3 Credits Hours ACS 216 Visual Programming 3 Credit Hours
and Development To expose the student to Visual Software Applications development using visual
Introduction to solving real world cases in business and engineering using software tools. Topics include: Introduction to GUI applications development
Object Oriented Systems Development. Emphasis is on the Event Driven using a visual programming language; Interface creation using Visual
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) approach. Topics include: OOP Objects; Setting object properties; Basic code construction; GUI applications
concepts: objects and classes, inheritance, dynamic binding, message development for database applications using visual programming tools; Visual
passing, polymorphism, abstraction and information hiding, basic data types, programming techniques in large scale application development; Database
elementary syntax, control structures, testing, debugging and documentation; programming:- SQL statements, database connectivity, data errors control in a
introduction to building classes, pointers, virtual functions, templates and visual programming environment. Prerequisite: ACS181
dynamic programming. The programming language will be a current OOP
language such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, Delphi or JAVA. Prerequisite: ACS ACS 251 Computer Networks and 3 Credits Hours
111 Data Communication
Concepts of data communications and networking requirements including
ACS181 System Analysis and Design 3 Credits Hours telecommunications technologies, hardware and software. Topics include:
The system development environment. System development process models. Introduction and basic concepts: introduction data communications and
E.g. waterfall, spiral, and structured system analysis and development networks, impetus for networked communication system, specific network
methodology (SSADM): systems study and requirement specifications, applications, basic communication model and components, classification
managing an information systems project, identifying and selecting systems of networks; transmission media and cabling: structured cabling, campus
development projects, initiating and planning system development projects, backbones, WANs & links, transmission media and their characteristics,
determining systems requirements. System design: process modeling, logic considerations in network installation; data transfer and synchronization the
modeling, conceptual data modeling. Selecting the best alternative design ISO/OSI model: communication modes: simplex, half & full duplex, network
strategy. Prerequisite ACS113 protocols, packet switched and circuit switched networks, carrier options,
www.daystar.ac.ke 317
synchronization: synchronous, asynchronous, frame relay, ATM, FDDI, SMIDs language design; the programming language spectrum; compilation and
etc.; communications and network standards: wired and wireless, data, voice interpretation; programming environments; an overview of compilation; lexical
and video etc.; emerging data communication technologies, full-blown wireless and syntax analysis; semantic analysis and intermediate code generation;
technologies: computer telephony integration, pans, dans and wearables, grid target code generation; code improvement; programming language syntax;
computing & distributed computing; the Internet: evolution, growth, advantages specifying syntax: regular expressions and context-free grammars; syntax
and dangers. errors; top-down and bottom up parsing; grammar and language classes; the
role of the semantic analyzer; control flow: expression evaluation, precedence
ACS 261 Database Management Systems 3 Credits Hours and associativity, assignments; data types; subroutines and control abstraction;
Design and implementation of database management systems. Topics include: building a runnable program; data abstraction and object orientation; non-
file systems and databases; database design methodology; the relational imperative programming models. Prerequisite: ACS 211
database model; Entity Relationship (ER) Modeling; introduction to Structured
Query Language (SQL); normalization of database tables; models for ACS313 Information Technology 3 Credit Hours
databases: relational, hierarchical, networked and object oriented designs; Research Methods
data dictionaries, repositories, warehouses; conceptual design verification, Introduction: meaning and purpose of research, basic and applied research,
logical design and implementation; database administration, limitations of research and scientific methodology, overview of the research process;
relational database management systems. A project using a selected current selection and definition of the research problem; importance and scope of
database management program. literature review; developing the conceptual framework; research designs:
basic designs, exploratory research, descriptive research, casual research,
ACS 302 Software Engineering 3 Credits Hours secondary designs, case studies, surveys, experiments; developing a research
Advanced topics associated with design and implementation of software plan or proposal; sample design: population of interest, sample and census
systems. The emphasis is on software methodology and engineering. A studies, sample units, sample size, sample selection; data collection: secondary
continued emphasis on problem solving concepts is integrated with a treatment data, primary data, construction of data collection instruments e.g. observation
of modeling the process and the software life cycle, planning and managing forms and questionnaires, measurement scales, attitude measurement, attribute
the project, requirement specifications, writing and testing the programs, testing measurement, multidimensional scaling, communicating with respondents and
and delivering the system, verification and validation, maintaining the system. fieldwork, procedures and management; data analysis and interpretation:
Other topics include code control, management of test and administration of preliminary steps, summarizing techniques, measuring differences, discriminate
bug fixes. Consideration is given to make/buy decisions. Prerequisite ACS analysis, cluster analysis; issue in research: validity, reliability, objectivity;
311 and ACS 261 research report. Pre-requisites: MAT 322
ACS 303 Software Project Management 3 Credit Hours ACS314 Mobile Application Development 3 Credit Hours
Software project management looks at project initiation, planning, This project-oriented course examines the principles of mobile application design
implementation or design, controlling, and termination. The course provides and development. Topics include memory management; user interface design;
an in-depth understanding of the importance of Software Project Management user interface building; input methods; data handling; network techniques and
in todays fast growing economy and how to deliver successful projects. URL loading; and, finally, specifics such as GPS and motion sensing. Course
Topics include: Project identification and appraisal, estimation of resources: works includes project conception, design, implementation, and pilot testing
development activities, efforts in human hours, financial cost, software, hardware; of mobile phone software applications, and deploy applications to the mobile
project management techniques: project initiation document (PID), Gantt charts devices marketplace for distribution. Pre-requisites: ACS216
CAPM tools, SWOT analysis, resource histogram, budget, network analysis:
PERT/CPM; team selection: evaluation of skills required, team structure: wide ACS 323 Computer Organization, 3 Credit Hours
(flat), tall (hierarchical), the tasks to be performed and the sequencing; change Design and Architecture
control: configuration management, process, configuration audit, configuration A study of the fundamentals of current computer design, exposing students
standards; quality and productivity factors: quality management, team size, to the basic understanding of the operation of computer components and
standards: level of-technology, reliability; product implementation: planning organisation. Topics include: fundamentals of computer design; computer
for implementation, parallel runs, benchmarking, integration of hardware abstraction and technology: integrated circuits and chips; CPU architecture
and software, post implementation reviews; project deliverables: qualitative (ISA): RISK & CISC architectures: principles and examples; role of performance
and quantitative information, reviews, inspections; approaches to software and measuring performance; machine language: introduction to assembly
quality assurance (SQA): metrics, productivity and software, reliability factors, language; pipelining: introduction, principles, enhancing performance; system
standards: e.g. ISO 9000 concepts, CMM. Co-requisite ACS 302 memory: introduction, semiconductor memory technology, and hierarchical
memory organization; input/output sub-systems: peripheral devices, I/O
ACS 311 Principles of Programming 3 Credit Hours module organization; secondary storage: the HDD, floppy drive, CD/
Languages DVD, flash disks; introduction, physical organization, operational overview,
Advanced programming topics and skills incorporating the most recent performance factors, quality and reliability; computer arithmetic: signed and
developments in programming language design. Topics include: the art of unsigned numbers, addition and subtraction, logical operands, multiplication,
318 www.daystar.ac.ke
division, floating point numbers; project: assemble a typical PC; physically ACS 362 Advanced Database Systems 3 Credit Hours
assess memory modules and different processors. Prerequisite: EEE 221 and This course is a continuation of ACS361 and goes into greater depth in
PHY 217 covering information systems design and implementation within a database
management environment. Topics include: Transaction management and
ACS 331 Operating Systems 3 Credit Hours concurrency control; distributed database management systems; object-
An introduction and general survey of operating system concepts. Topics oriented databases; client-server systems; the data warehouse; database
include: computer system overview, OS overview; functions of operating administration; current issues in database management systems. Prerequisite
systems: I/O device drivers, file systems; process management: processes, ACS261
CPU scheduling, process synchronization, deadlocks; storage management:
memory management, virtual memory, file-system implementation, I/O systems, ACS 400 Computer Science Project 4 Credit Hours
secondary-storage structure, tertiary-storage structure; distributed systems: The student will carry out a significant real-world project from conception,
network structures, distributed-file systems, distributed co-ordination; protection through design, development (or implementation), testing, demonstration to
and security: protection, security; case studies: DOS, Unix or Linux, Windows delivery. The student, in conjunction with the lecturer, will identify a project
(current version). Prerequisite: ACS323 during the previous January semester. The project could include investigating
current literature, software development, network development, web
ACS 431 Computer Systems Security 3 Credit Hours development, or other. If the project involves software development, the student
Business, conceptual, and technical aspects of computer systems security. must be involved in at least two of the major phases (requirements, design,
Topics include: information security in computer & communication systems; implementation and testing). The student will work under the direct supervision
potential security lapses in computer systems; security evaluation in computer of a lecturer from the Computer Science department unless an external
systems; identification and authentication; access control; security models; the supervisor has been approved by the department. For example, the customer,
security kernel; introduction to cryptography; application of computer security at their discretion, may opt to provide the project manager. The project will
in: operating systems (e.g. UNIX security, Windows NT), worldwide web, be executed during blocks, i.e., from May through August, but could continue
databases, network security. Prerequisite: s ACS 331 and ACS251 through November. Very large projects may continue the following year with a
new team of students. Prerequisite: all 300 level courses
ACS 354 Network Design and Management 3 Credit Hours
Working in groups, students install the necessary hardware and software to set ACS 401 Ethics and IT 2 Credit Hours
up a LAN server with several clients and configure it for a WAN application. Social, legal and ethical issues related to computing emphasizing professional
Topics include: Defining network specifications; designing a network; requesting responsibilities, risks and liabilities in the computer industry. Topics include:
quotations; analysis of responses; contracting with suppliers; documentation; ethical issues in computing, privacy concerns in a computerized society, work
regulations and legalities; installing and testing a network; compliance with in computerized society, the World Wide Web and Internet governance,
local requirements; evaluation of the network project; project management; piracy, intellectual property and copyright law, computer professionals and
multiplexing; signal encoding; errors in communication systems. The course will their ethical responsibilities, the ten commandments of computer ethics and role
be based on a current popular operating system such as Windows, UNIX or of governments in a computerized society. Prerequisite: all 300 level courses
LINUX. Prerequisite ACS 251
ACS404 Entrepreneurship and 2 Credit Hours
ACS 355 Internet Applications Design 3 Credit Hours Small Business Development
and Development The course examines the history and theories of entrepreneurship; factors,
Internet Technologies covers a broad range of protocols and techniques which give rise to the phenomenon, its role in economic development and
in todays Internet and World Wide Web technologies. Topics include: how the student can use the knowledge, gained to advance their career by
introduction to Internet technologies: basic definitions; internet topology and establishing and successfully managing their own enterprises. Topics include:
application protocols: Internet addresses, sockets, ports, ftp and telnet, http What is entrepreneurship; Nature and characteristics of entrepreneurship;
and html, Internet e-mail, other internet application protocols; communication Distinction between entrepreneurship and small business; is entrepreneurship
protocols: TCP/IP architecture, RFC; the world wide web: http protocol, a style of management? Competing Theories of Entrepreneurship; Different
web servers/browsers, intranets, client/server architecture, web design Views on Entrepreneurship; role of Entrepreneurship in Developing Small
fundamentals (page design, content design, site design, web usability and Enterprises; Nature and Scope of Small Business and Entrepreneurial context
accessibility); design and implementation of Internet application programs: in Kenya, Barriers to the Development of Entrepreneurship; Opportunity and
client side programming using client side web development tools (such as: Prospects for Developing Entrepreneurship in Kenya; Conceptual Frameworks
html, Javascript, Java applets); network programming: overview, specifying an for Developing Entrepreneurship. Prerequisite: All 300 level courses
address, opening a communication channel, data transfer (UDP, broadcast,
TCP. Prerequisite: ACS251
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ACS 412 Computer Graphics 3 Credit Hours ACS 442 Neural Networks 3 Credit Hours
A study of the hardware and software principles of computer graphics. Topics A study of concepts of neural networks, its benefits and applications. Topics
include: computer graphics basic concepts; basic hardware requirements for include: Introduction to neural networks: basic definitions, biology neural
computer graphics; algorithmic aspects of creating a computerized image; systems vs. convention serial computers; pattern recognition theory and decision
modeling: representing 3-D objects, constructing models for specific objects; making; artificial neural networks: perceptions, multilayer perceptions, back
animation: generating the motion of objects, giving animators control of this propagation, biopsychology, learning, learning paradigms; Hopfield and
motion; rendering: simulating the formation of images, simulating real world hamming networks; self-organizing techniques: self-organizing maps, Kohonen
light interaction; interactive graphics; graphics programming using C++ networks; adaptive systems: adaptive resonance theory, Boltzmann machines;
and OpenGL; computer graphics using a graphics application package; simulated annealing; genetic algorithms; hardware realization; neural networks
application areas such as industrial design, entertainment, user interfaces, etc. applications: robotics control. Prerequisite: ACS441
Prerequisite: all 300 level courses
ACS 444 Knowledge Based Systems 3 Credit Hours
ACS 413 Computational Theory 3 Credit Hours An application of artificial intelligence techniques and strategies in the
An examination of what computations can be accomplished with various management of information systems. Topics include: overview of artificial
combinations of computing resources. Topics include: automata and languages; intelligence; introduction-definitions and history; branches of AI; applications
finite automata; regular expression and languages; context-free grammars and of AI; state space search strategies; brute force and heuristic search strategies
languages; pushdown automata; computability theory; introduction to turing of depth-first, breadth-first, uniform-cost search, A* Search algorithm, greedy
machines: turing thesis and variants of turing machines; decidability: decidable search, etc; knowledge-based systems (KBS); definitions- knowledge,
languages, the halting problem; reducibility: undecidable problems; complexity knowledge representation, inference; components of a KBS; types of KBS-
theory: time complexity and space complexity; intractability. Prerequisite: all Expert systems, rule based systems, KB DSS, etc; KBS development and
300 level courses implementation; knowledge acquisition; knowledge representation schemes/
techniques; prepositional and predicate logic; definitions: rules, frames,
ACS417 Interactive Multimedia Design 3 Credit Hours semantic networks, e.g., overview of logic programming; examples of shells
And Development for ES implementation; reasoning; inference strategies; forward and backward
The course aims at developing necessary and critical skills for students to chaining systems; reasoning with uncertainty, fuzzy logic; learning systems;
effectively use and produce multimedia elements and products. Topics include: evolutionary algorithms. Prerequisite: all 300 level courses
Introduction to multimedia and making multimedia Multimedia skills story board
understanding multimedia elements; text, images, colour, sound, animation, ACS 451 Data Communication Security 3 Credit Hours
video etc; Multimedia authoring program; Multimedia project development & Networks Controls
and design, management and planning and presentation Prerequisite: all 300 This course continues from ACS431 with an emphasis on network security
level courses issues. Conventional encryption, cryptography and many other hardware,
software and managerial controls needed to operate a data communication
ACS 441 Artificial Intelligence 3 Credit Hours network in a safe and secure manner. Emphasis is on security attacks, malicious
An exploration of concepts, approaches and techniques of artificial intelligence programs, authentication and availability. Legal and ethical issues may also
with application to problem solving. Emphasizes both underlying theory and be discussed. Topics include: cryptography, message authentication, digital
applications. Topics include: artificial intelligence: introduction, intelligent signatures, electronic mail security, IP, web, intruders, viruses and worms and
agents; problem solving; solving problems by searching, informed search firewalls. Prerequisite: ACS 354 and ACS 431
methods, game playing; knowledge and reasoning: agents that reason
logically, first-order logic, building a knowledge base, inference in first order ACS 454 Distributed Systems 3 Credit Hours
logic, logical reasoning systems; acting logically: planning, practical planning,
Provides an in-depth knowledge of distributed systems especially the principals
planning and acting; uncertain knowledge and reasoning: uncertainty,
and paradigms that underlie the issue of distributed computing. Topics include:
probabilistic reasoning systems, making simple decisions, making complex
distributed systems: introduction: definitions, motivations, characteristics,
decisions; learning: learning from observations, learning with neural networks,
components; distributed systems & O-O models; operating systems, distribution
reinforcement learning, knowledge in learning; communication, perceiving,
transparency; middleware: positioning middleware, middleware models,
and acting: agents that communicate, practical communication in English,
middleware services, middleware & openness; distributed processing:
perception, robotic. Prerequisite all 300 level courses
introduction, synchronization, IPC, models of communication, RPC, RMI;
directory services: introduction, name spaces, name spaces, name resolution,
implementing distributed services; fault tolerance: basic concepts, failure
models, redundancy; replication: introduction, functional model, replication
control (active & passive replication; clocks: clock synchronization, logical
clocks, physical clocks, clock synchronization algorithms; mutual exclusion:
mutual exclusion algorithms (centralized, distributed, token ring); atomic
320 www.daystar.ac.ke
transactions: introduction to atomic transactions, transaction primitives, Applied Computer Science Minor
transaction properties; implementing transactions, concurrency control (locking,
optimistic control, timestamps) deadlocks; distributed file systems: introduction The minor in Applied Computer Science comprises a core of 8 required
to DFS, features of a good DFS, file models, file replication security; introduction courses for 24 credit hours. These core courses provide an introduction to each
to security, security threats, policies and mechanisms, encryption algorithms. of the major areas of computer science. These courses are:
Prerequisite: all 300 level courses.
Code /Title Credit
ACS 455 Human Computer Interaction 3 Credit Hours ACS113 Structured Programming 3
HCI is a study of how users interact with computer technology; it is becoming
ACS114 Object Oriented Software Design & Development 3
one of the most important areas of study in information science, library science
and technology management as well as in the industrial domain. Topics ACS211 Data Structures & Algorithms 3
include: introduction to human-computer interaction (HCI): human factors, ACS251 Computer Networks & Data Communication 3
usability, accessibility; theories and principles: high-level theories, object-
ACS261 Database Management Systems 3
action interface model, golden rules of interface design; evaluation of interface
design: expert review, usability testing, acceptance tests, experiments; ACS323 Computer Organization, Design & Architecture 3
interface techniques and technologies: graphical user interface (GUI), direct ACS331 Operating Systems 3
manipulation, menu selection, form filling and dialog boxes, command and ACS355 Internet Applications Design & Development 3
natural languages, multiple windows, hypermedia and world wide web, virtual
environments; user interface: interface widgets, interactive devices, printed and
online facilities; user interface design: design development process, software
tools, user and task analysis, multimodal interfaces, response time and display
rate, presentation style; advanced topics: ubiquitous computing interaction,
information visualization. Prerequisite: all 300 level courses
ACS484 E-Business
This course demonstrates the potential of the Internet, World Wide Web,
and related technologies for the marketing, selling, and distribution of goods
and services. The course explores what e-business is and how it is managed.
Topics include: Internet Consumers and Market Research; Advertising; Business
to Business (B2B) E-Commerce; E-Marketplace; B2B Support Services;
Introduction to E-Business; Economics of E-Business; E-tailing; E-Business
Applications; E-Business Strategic Management; Privacy and Legal Issues;
E-Business Emerging Issues; Mobile Commerce
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