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Optimization of Eco-efficiency
College, Norway
POMS 18th Annual Conference Dallas, Texas, U.S.A. May 4 to May 7, 2007
A Closed-loop Supply Chain Model for Managing Overall
Optimization of Eco-efficiency
The focus and scope of environmental care has been extended over the past four decades.
More and more attention has been attached to pollution prevention and minimization rather
than end-of-pipe pollution control. It is believed that there is an optimized break-even point
where more goods and services are created with fewer resources, less waste and pollution.
This point is termed eco-efficiency. This paper discusses, firstly, the major challenges of
eco-efficiency are also addressed. The disadvantages of applying traditional supply chain
supply chain model is proposed. Suggestions on future works are given at the end of this
1. Introduction
Lately, business organizations are facing the increasing pressure of balancing marketing and
the fabrication and the service processes, the reverse logistics procedures as well as on waste
treatment programs for products after their lifecycle. To catch up with this global trend,
It is evident that green supply chain practice leads to significant values for
conducted by (Lamming and Hampson, 1996) indicated that supply chains did benefit from
better environmentally-sound approaches. (Rao and Holt, 2005) have carried out a survey on
organizations in the South East Asia region. Based on this investigation, they confirmed that
there was “a significant correlation between greening certain phases of the supply chain and
In parallel with environmental issues, the increasingly severe global energy shortage
has drawn much attention to the topics like energy conservation (Markis and Paravantis, 2007,
Lin, 2007, He et al., 2006) and development of renewable energy (de Vries et al., 2007,
Dincer, 2000, Jefferson, 2006). Comparing with the development of renewable energy which
has its objective in developing and utilizing regenerated and self-recoverable energy sources,
energy conservation aims to reduce or eliminate energy use and waste by increasing energy
efficiency during the production and consumption processes. Increasing energy efficiency can
ease energy shortage crisis with immediate effect while developing renewable energy has
rather longer term influence. Further, comparing with traditional energy sources (i.e., fossil
fuel, coal and natural gas), renewable energy represents those energy sources with zero or
minimal negative environmental impact. However, because over 75% of current energy
comes from traditional energy sources and traditional energy industry is the biggest
Eco-efficiency is a break-even point on which the use of natural resources is most
efficient, the environmental pollution is minimal and the balance between economical and
factors i.e., available technology, management philosophy, and etc., its continuous
an eco-efficient manner. Many state that a focus on supply chain is already a step towards the
broader adoption and development of sustainability since the supply chain considers the
product from initial processing of raw materials to delivery to the customer (Linton et al.,
rather anthropocentric than bio-centric. The economic measures in these chains are usually
preponderate comparing with their environmental objectives. Further, a major part of value
generation as well as energy consumption and their environmental influences usually happen
during the processes before the formation of raw material as well as after the products are
finished with their first utility lifecycles. Applying current supply chain formulation as the
base to discuss sustainability is, at best, achieving only local eco-efficiency optimization and,
at worst, providing excuses for moving environmental problems over to others in the chain.
Neither is optimal for overall eco-efficiency optimization of entire supply chain system. The
arising of sustainable supply chain demands therefore a closed-loop supply chain model to be
Currently, despite the fact that an increasing attention is being paid to green supply
chain management and sustainable supply chain management, very little research has been
undertaken in the area of connecting sustainability with eco-efficiency and closed-loop supply
chain. In this paper, the authors first discuss the evolution of supply chain management
regarding the role of environment plays in each phase. Further, the concept ‘eco-efficiency’ is
discussed based on its relevance to explain the interdisciplinary nature and continuously
optimization needs within sustainable supply chains. A review of current supply chain models
is provided. A discussion is followed and concluded with a need for closed-loop supply chain
model. The authors continuous with suggesting a closed-loop supply chain. In the final part of
It is widely accepted that supply chain and its management are the logical progression of
1993;Bowersox and Closs, 1997; Kent and Flint, 1997; Ganeshan et al., 1998). Many
literatures agrees that the evolution of logistics and later supply chain management
experienced three phases (Masters and Pohlen, 1994; Langley Jr., 1992): (1) functional
management (1960-1970) – functions such as purchasing, shipping, and distribution are each
managed separately, (2) internal integration (1980s) – the management of supply chain
functions of a single facility are unified and become the responsibility of a single individual,
and (3) external integration (1990s) – the management of supply chain functions throughout
the chain are unified requiring cooperation and coordination between links in the chain. These
phases are rather being viewed based on an increasingly extended concept of management
scope. Prior to 1990s, the environmental or green issues are barely mentioned. Major focuses
had their focus on environmental issues. The prevailing of reverse logistics was not until the
beginning of 1990s.
At the same time, green issues can be traced back as far as the 50's with the
introduction of the Clean Air Acts (1956 & 1968) and the 60's when environmentalism
became “fashionable” with “hippies” and the mass publication of the environmental cause 1 .
Yet it was not until 1980s the global warming has become the major trigger for sustainable
development (as shown in Figure 1). The famous Brundtland (1987) report was the first that
needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own
needs”. Since then, the sustainability is gaining exponential relevance and increasing
popularity in almost all research fields. In 1990s, several studies showed evidences that the
damaging effect of ozone depletion on human health (Longstreth et al., 1998, Lim and
management together. As one can see, the evolution courses of sustainability and supply chain
management were not merged until the earlier 1990s. It was then when policy makers,
environmentalists, researchers, industrial practitioners, and general public realized the needs
and importance of reclaiming the value of the products after their first useful lifecycles.
Further, the idea of conducting upstream pollution prevention rather than end-of-pipe
Nevertheless, it takes another decade to include reverse logistics part into the scope of
a green supply chain. A green supply chain, aiming at pollution prevention and value
reclamation from both forward and reverse material flows, includes all stages of lifecycle of a
product from a manufacturing perspective (e.g., (Karinuma and Tawara, 2006, Sheu et al.,
2005a). Furthermore, a new concept termed “sustainable supply chain” is appearing in recent
supply chain research arena. (Linton et al., 2007b) in their short introduction on sustainable
supply chain argued that “the interaction between sustainability and supply chains is the
critical step from recent examinations of operations and environment and operations and
sustainability”. They went further to state that though the “important contributions have been
made in relation to environmental operations and policy, strategy, finance, product design,
supplier relations and post-consumer product management it is critical to move forward to the
systemic issues that exist at the intersection of sustainability, environmental management and
supply chains”. Comparing with green supply chain management, one of the most significant
differences is that, with sustainable supply chains, the energy consumption and efficiency
issues are integrated with system operational functions and environmental measures. In other
considering energy and material are reused (Sarkis, 2003) and environment and energy are
Sustainable 1980s
It is argued that sustainable development has been widely adopted as a goal and it does not in
itself provide the means by which an unsustainable development could be transformed into a
sustainable one (Mickwitz et al., 2006). It is therefore eco-efficiency was proposed as a route
adopted by a growing number of businesses as a logical driver for management and a way of
not consistently defined. (Reith and Guidry, 2003) viewed eco-efficiency as “the efficiency
with which resources are converted into product”. (Vogtländer et al., 2002) viewed eco-
efficiency as a measure for the sustainability and described it simply as eco-costs/value ratio
of a product. Most of the researches cite the definition given by the World Business Council
for Sustainable Development 2 as: “the delivery of competitively priced goods and services
that satisfy human needs and bring quality of life while progressively reducing ecological
impacts and resource intensity, throughout the life cycle, to a level at least in line with the
for approaching system sustainability and eco-efficiency, both short-term consequence and
Many researches have pointed out that eco-efficiency is a central strategy in the
cradle-to-cradle development method and seeks to create industrial systems that emulate
healthy natural systems. Regarding supply chain systems which originally focused on cradle-
to-grave, pursuing sustainability and eco-efficiency demands supply chains to close the loop.
Sustainable supply chain management demands a closed-loop supply chain model as its base.
A closed-loop supply chain can be defined as a system with no waste. Comparing with
traditional supply chain which has open ends (Figure 2), a closed-loop supply chain put all
outputs back to the system. In other words, a closed-loop supply chain is a conjunction of
forward and reverse material flows. It completely reuses and recycles of all materials and
There is limited research being conducted in the field of closed-loop supply chain modeling.
(Beamon, 1999) defined a closed-loop supply chain model with major focus of handling
wastes (Figure 3). Energy measures were left out in this model.
Figure 4. In this model, the forward and reverse material flows and their interrelationships
were defined. However, this model includes neither waste treatment nor energy supply.
Figure 4 Conceptual Framework for Integrated logistics control across a green-supply chain
(Adapted from Sheu et al., 2005)
Kumar and Malegeant (2006) treated reverse supply chain and closed-loop supply
All these models are made from a manufacturing perspective. None of them have
managed to combine forward-reverse material flow together with waste and energy flows.
In Figure 5, we propose a closed-loop supply chain model. The primary material flow
which starts from raw material supplier and ends at consumer has been extended. For the
products which have no utility value, they will be decomposed or dissembled in the direct
treatment process and the utilizable material/parts go back to the chain. The rests go further to
transformation are applied (Shah, 2000). Examples of outputs of this stage are renewed
material and/or energy. The residuals after this stage are transported to landfill. Over the last
decade wastes that end up at landfills are the most hazardous ones (Lagerkvist, 2001). Waste
hydrocarbons (PAH) are dissolved in the leachate. Small concentration can make
much harm when coming into contact with ecosystems since they are persistent.
Handling all these wastes consume energy. Further purification processes are also needed in
order to absorb last portion of detrimental composition from the leachate and render harmless
Raw Component Manufacturer Distributor combustion)
material supplier & & Consumer
supplier Assembler Retailer
Direct reuse & recycle, i.e., (e.g.,
components and package material )
Mother Earth
The treatment of other liquid and gassy wastes that generated in processes, i.e., production,
This process often needs huge amount of energy and has great potential to reclaim value
Sustainability is the backbone of current and future economical development. For achieving
is necessary. In this paper, eco-efficiency represents the balance of economical and ecological
measures of a system. The ecological issue which are associated with a supply chain system is
environmental, and energy measures in a supply chain system prompted a closed-loop supply
This paper, in contrast with others in the same research field, justifies the needs for
including waste treatment and purification processes into the traditional supply chain model
and current closed-loop/green supply chain model. Further, energy supply and waste-energy
interrelationship are becoming visible in the closed-loop supply chain model that proposed.
Though both energy supply and waste-energy conversion issues are belong to other fields of
study, the implication of this research suggests that the cooperation among all relevant fields
proposed closed-loop supply chain model may serve as a starting point for such a
multidisciplinary collaboration.
as a goal and it is eco-efficiency provides the means that directing the transformation of an
promised to be obviously easy. Now as the closed-loop supply chain model provides the
answers for questions like “who should be involved in an eco-efficiency transformation?” and
“what their interrelationships are?” the following question will naturally be “how should we