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County Line

Serving Palo Pinto, Parker and surrounding counties Tuesday, May 23, 2017 Volume 2 Number 8

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2 Tuesday, May 23, 2017 The County Line Shopper

The Weatherford Democrat

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the week of May 22, 2017
The County Line Shopper Tuesday, May 23, 2017 3

Your Cup
Do you feel like you
just have too much

stuff? Clear out and
clean up with cash, in

Over? the classifieds. Call

now to place your ad!

Bedroom Set
Exercise Machines
Fishing Gear

To Place Your Ad Please Call 817-598-0857

4 Tuesday, May 23, 2017 The County Line Shopper

115 Auctions 115 Auctions 115 Auctions 200 Employment 200 Employment 200 Employment

130 Flea Markets 147 Legals 147 Legals

18.7 cu ft GE frost free

Freezer, $125.00 Advertisers Are Advised To Check All real estate advertising in this
Or Best Offer. Their Ad The First Day Of newspaper is subject to the fair Hous-
940 325-2700 or 940-859-1651 Publication And Report To The Classi- ing Act which makes it illegal to adver -
fied Department Any Errors Or Omis- tise any preference,
4 18 tires. $100; Treadmill, sions At That Time. The correction limitation or discrimination based on
$100; Lawn Mower, $75; will be made in the next issue. Claims race, color, religion, or an
for error adjustment must be made intention, to make any such
Reebox Invertor, $100.; immediately after an advertisement preference, limitation or
940-682-6784 is published. The publisher does not discrimination. Familial status
assume any responsibility for an ad includes children under the age of 18
beyond the cost of the ad itself. The living with parents or legal
BowFlex, Ultimate II, still in publisher is not responsible beyond custodians, pregnant women and
the first incorrect people securing custody of
box. $300. Dining table, white
insertion or omission of an ad. children under 18. This newspaper 215 Drivers 215 Drivers
top with oak wood, $75.00, The publisher reserves the right to re- will not knowingly accept any
study desk, $75, 2 portable ject any advertisement advertising for real \estate which is in
canvas closet, $20. each. Drivers CDL-A: Visit
considered objectionable in subject violation of the law. Our readers are
(325)201-8270 matter, phraseology, or opposed to
the public interest or the policy of the
hereby informed that all
dwellings advertised in this
Local, Regional, OTR and click on the 215 Drivers
newspaper. No fraudulent, newspaper are available on an equal
Insurance (family avail!!) , classified ads to search for that
Whirlpool Dryer, $250. hard to find vehicle or
dishonest, or misleading ads will opportunity basis. To complain of Paid Vacation, Job to fill? Hire here. Reach
Overstuff chair with ottoman, the auto of your dreams!
be knowingly published. discrimination Good Home Time! the best and the brighest with
$100; Dorm refrigerator, $50.; All for Only $45 for 4 weeks
Each advertiser who submits an Call HUD toll-free at
Age 23, w/Tank End. Req. an ad in the Weatherford
Full size wood bed, $40.00, advertisement shall be responsible to 1-800-669-9777 Includes Pictures.
indemnity and hold harmless the pub- The toll-free tele-
Democrat Classifieds in print
Full size mattress $150.00; 855-349-5097 Call 817-558-2855
lisher for any cost, injury, or phone number for the and online. Call 817-558-2855
Call (409) 363-3634
liability imposed upon it hearing impaired is Drivers-CDL-A. today.
because of the content of any 1-800-927-9275
Sell Your Pet advertisement submitted.
*Local~Home Daily* Business Service Special We caught you reading a clas-
Here night shift avail. 1 Month In sified ad! Find out what thou-
For Only Here today, gone tomorrow! 215 Drivers End Dump & Tanker. The Weatherford Democrat sands of savvy sellers already
25.00 When you let the Weatherford OwnerOps welcome. Parker County Shopper know - Classified Advertising
5 Days In The Daily Paper Democrat Classifieds do the Aledo Extra Works! Call 817-558-2855 to
Drivers: Home Daily! Midlothian: 855-208-5667
& work, you wont get the & Online place your ad.
1 Free Shopper runaround. Advertising in the Local Work! Benefits! Fort Worth: 855-278-8691 For Only *$134.00
Call Now Classifieds is easy, effective CDL-A, 1yr. Exp, Looking for a Job? Subscribe (Based On 30 Word Minimum) Looking for a Job? Subscribe
Weatherford Democrat and will get you results. Call to the Weatherford Democrat to the Weatherford Democrat
817-558-2855 817-558-2855 today. In print, Great driving record. for your employment for your employment
(Non-Refundable) online, anytime. 855-632-3838 information information
The County Line Shopper Tuesday, May 23, 2017 5

General Help General Help

215 Drivers 225 225 235 Medical 395 Hay For Sale 497 Video Games
Wanted Wanted
F/T Receptionist & F/T HAY BALING
Technician needed for an & Dozer services
Equine hospital in
Weatherford, !TX Check out our website
Please call if you are
energetic, have a strong work for more information
ethic, a positive !attitude. Texas Butane Co. Inc.
As a rapidly growing concrete
Equine experience required. 817-594-2612 PERSONAL CARE www.
manufacturing company,
800-651-3640 ATTENDANTS barzcustomfarming.com
Ingram Concrete is currently
Needing Part Time Bartender
Professional Driver &
seeking C D L MIXER Seeking caring and depend- Vincent, 817-694-9359
for Private Club. Service Tech.
DRIVERS for our Willow Park able people to work in the
Must be TAB Certified CDL, Hazmat, Tanker,
h o m es o f el d er l y a n d 455 Misc. Merchandise
facility. We are looking for full & over 21 yrs. old. Propane Delivery Service
time and permanent Apply in Person disabled clients. Will assist
and Sales. Clean Driving
employees. Full benefits. VFW Post 4746 with preparing meals, shop-
224 Zion Hill Road Record.
New pay rates and compen- ping, personal care, errands,
510 Homes
Weatherford, TX. Drug Test Require.
sation based on driving expe- light housekeeping, and other
Experience a Plus.
rience. Paid weekly and assigned duties. We offer
Will train the right person.
home daily/ weekends. Guar- flex ible day , ev ening, and
anteed hours and no waiting weekend shifts. Must be at CALL TERESA
Apply In Person: least 18 y rs of age wit h TODAY
period on medical insurance.
103 W. Church St. a clean criminal background. FOR ALL Y OUR CLASSIFIED
Please apply at
Weatherford, TX 76086 MUST have reliable transpor- ADVERTISING NEEDS
6222 East I-20 in Willow Park IN THE FOLLOWING PULICATIONS
t at i on. No cer t i f i cat i ons
or call (817) 594-3832 for Vista Sand has Exciting
Job Opportunities!! or prior experience required. ~ C LEBURNE TIMES-R EVIEW
more information. EOE
M/F/D/V Entry Level & ~ Johnson County News
Experienced Positions Fax Resume referencing Ad ~ Weatherford Democrat
for Multiple Shifts. #18572 to 325-646-2278 ~ Parker County Shopper
General Help For an application, call ~ Aledo Extra New Custom Dream Home
Wanted Apply At : Accountant 800-665-4471 ~ Mineral Wells Index
~ Palo Pinto Shopper
on Norman Drive - Millsap
Apply online High End Custom Home - 4
www.vistasand.com Degreed Accountant with 3-5
**Make up to $2,500 in yrs. at www.gentiva.com/careers
817-558-2855 bdrm, 3.5 bath, 2 car, on 12
ONLY 11 days!! Experience G/L, A/P, A/R. E-M AIL acres, Granite Counter tops,
Plant Operators Or apply in-person at: Beamed ceiling, hand scraped
Managing firework stand NO Mfg. expr a plus [email protected]
Industrial Electricians 1423 Coggin Ave hardwood floor, open concept,
INVESTMENT REQUIRED! Payroll Clerk * Ask For Todays Special *
June 24th thru July 4th. Millwright Maintenance Brownwood, TX 76801 high ceilings, stock tank,
Maintenance Technician
mrwfireworks.com!to Mechanics Strong hydraulic, electrical, E.O.E / M.F.D.V. Coastal, lots of trees.
submit app, or 210-622-3788 Pneumatic, with some PLC 470 Pets & Free Pets Priced at $545,000
Please call Jon E. Cates of
Off Road Mining: Experience and HVAC pre- 340 Cemetery Lots Cates Realty, LTD.,
Haul Truck Drivers ferred Momma dog and her 3 9 week
CANTEX INC. old Female puppies are loving 817-304-1999
Excavator Operator Press Operators
Warehouse and Shipping Apply at: 2 Cemetery lots at Green for a forever home. They are
Dozer Operator Acres, Acacia Lawn Section.
Workers Jamak Fabrication, Inc part Golden Retriever & Great
Loader Operator $1725. for both. (reg. $1,525
1401 N. Bowie Drive Pyrenees (940 )329-8080
CANTEX INC. has immediate Scraper Operator each). (972) 636-7182
Weatherford, TX 76086
openings for warehouse and EOE M/F/D/V
shipping workers at its distri- Please Reference #001 365 Farm Equipment SELL YOUR 530 Land/Acreage
bution center in Mineral Wells, In the How did you hear
Texas. about this ad when 235 Medical PET HERE 2.45 acres. Cambridge Park
2014 ABI classic 50 cu. ft.
ground drive spreader. $2500
P ET S PECIAL Trail. West of Weatherford.
These positions will require RUN A 5 LINE AD FOR 5 DAYS Hwy 180.
forklift operation so candi- OFFICE CLEANERS NEEDED WEATHERFORD (817) 599-6843
IN THE DAILY P APER (682) 333-6955
dates with forklift experience * P ART TIME HEALTHCARE Brush Hogs 48 with extra AND O NE TIME IN
are favored. * $9.00 PER HOUR blades & 42 $300. for both. THE SHOPPER.
For Sale prime 8.5 acres
* FLEXIBLE EVENING SCHEDULE (817) 220-4199 506 Salesville rd,
Starting pay is $12.15 per * I DEAL 2 ND JOB TO S UPPLEMENT F OR ONLY Mineral Wells ,Texas.
hour and, with satisfactory I NCOME.
performance, is increased to 817-550-6037 ** ASK ABOUT OUR
Tractors Wanted: $35.00 Owner may finance with a
Dead or Alive. down payment.
$16.40 per hour in 9 months. WWW.GRAYCLEANING .COM
Further increases are possible
SIGN ON BONUS ** 817-523-2844
Property has lots of potential
for those who exhibit Sales Person Needed!
390 Garage Sale
including Mobile home
exceptional work ethic and Are you tired of the same old CNAS ALL SHIFTS / RV park.
reliability. wage every week?
~~~~~~~~~~ Call for more info
We offer a full benefits manufactured home dealer in LVN ALL SHIFTS Picture, Center, Bold 432-349-2573
program, including nine (9) Hood County is looking for a ~~~~~~~~~~ & Border Included.
605 Rentals
paid holidays, paid vacations, highly motivated person to CMAs 1st, 2nd &
401(k) savings plan, life & help families get into their CLEBURNE
accident insurance, and very DREAM HOME. Must be able Weekend Doubles.
generous medical benefits, to work the hours needed. ~~~~~~~~~~ Willow Park: 1 Bedroom Apt $ 450/mo ,
WEATHERFORD $400/dep. Pets no.
including dental and vision. (Saturdays are required.) Benefits Available: Medical, 19 Crown Road
Great base salary plus 817-598-0857 stove and fridge included.
Dental, Vision. Saturday, May 27th.
Applications may be obtained excellent commissions. 7am-4pm. M INERAL W ELLS 817-613-1128
at the CANTEX INC. Benefits after 90 days. 1 Day only Sale. Huge 940-327-0838
Send resume to APPLY IN PERSON @ 2 Bd Apartment
Personnel Office located at Modern Moving Estate Sale. Email Ad & Photos To
2101 SE 1st Street in Mineral [email protected]. Weatherford Healthcare Like New Refrigerator, Box Total Electric
521 WEST 7 TH S TREET. [email protected]
Wells, Texas between the Freezer, Patio Furniture, 254-977-4648
Seeking Caregiver for 817-594-8713 (Non-Refundable)
hours of 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 Household Decor, Holiday
Horse Barn with round pen &
p.m., Monday through Friday evening help for 2 senior. EOE Decor. Too much to list, dont NEWS, Sports, Religion Life-
pasture for lease. Parker
or resumes may be sent to: want to miss. Price to sell. style, Education, Business ,
(817) 341-2552 Just a few of the reasons to
County. (432) 940-0043
We caught you reading a clas- subscribe to the Weatherford
395 Hay For Sale
[email protected]
UNLIMITED, INC. Democrat. 817-594-7447
and sified ad! Find out what thou- MOVE-I N SPECIALS!!!
Is Seeking
[email protected] sands of savvy sellers already
know - Classified Advertising Attendants T OP QUALITY COASTAL ROUND Whether you sell your stuff isnt
a matter of luck, its a matter of B EAUTIFUL HOMES WITH
CANTEX is an equal opportu- Works! Call 817-558-2855 to in the Mineral Wells Area & SQUARE BALES
advertising. Get the word out! GREAT L OCATIONS.
nity and affirmative action place your ad. To Assist Clients in the Home AT GREAT PRICES.
In print, online, anytime. Call 1, 2, 3 & 4 B EDROOMS
employer. with Personal Care, Meal 817-239-9418
We caught you reading a clas- Prep, and Light 817-598-0857 SECTION 8 ACCEPTED
sified ad! Find out what thou- NEWS, Sports, Religion Life- 940-654-0940
Now Hiring Exp. P/T Tree sands of savvy sellers already style, Education, Business , Use Your Visa, Mastercard, CREDIT/DEBIT CARDS ACCEPTED
Trimmers. Must have own know - Classified Advertising Part Time Just a few of the reasons to American Express or Discover Call Teresa Today
climbing gear. Works! Call 817-558-2855 to E.O.E. subscribe to the Weatherford To Place Your Ad! For All Your Classified needs
(817) 565-0543 place your ad. Call 1-800-891-3940 Democrat. Call 817-598-0857 817-558-2855 817-558-2855

940-327-0838 Mineral Wells Index

6 Tuesday, May 23, 2017 The County Line Shopper

605 Rentals 800 Business Service 800 Business Service 800 Business Service 872 Handyperson 950 Tree Service

TRINITY Stevenson
SERVICES Handyman Services
FOR RENT All Home Repairs
Sandstone Villas - 3/2
1717 SQ FT Painting ~ Roofing~
$1785/mo Drywall & Repairs~
Carpentry ~ Tile Work~ Floor-
Sandstone Villas - 3/2 ing ~ Countertops
1612 SQ FT
We do it all
Sandstone Villas - 3/2 40 Years Experience.
1710 SQ FT Call Chuck (817)919-3416
Brock ISD - 3/1 876 J&J Services
1350 SQ FT Improvement
$1195/mo Commercial &
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Remodel & Repair Stump Grinding
www.trinityrentals.com All Types of Clean Up Ser
Mobile Home Repair~ vices
Porches~ Decks~ Tractor & Dump Trailer
610 Homes Services
Metal Roofs ~ Junk Removal
Painting 817-613-6994
All Types of James Berry
Small & Large
1 and 2 bed Jobs OK
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and Operated.
For more information, please call us at Established in 1977
817-598-0663 (940) 745-5077

Or visit us online at

884 Landscape
See us on Facebook!
AAA Properties, L.C.

3 bdrm, 2 bath brick home K&T Green Works

1208 South Rusk Hydromulch
Fenced yard, 2-car garage Landscaping
$1,250/mo; $900/dep
Most pets okay; Smoking no. Irrigation Installation
817-596-8102 and Repairs,
3/1 House $650/mo
Drainage/French Drains SERVICE
and Dirt Work.
868 General Services
1 bdrm apt $450/mo, FOR ALL YOUR TREE & SHRUB
2 bdrm apt, $550/mo Free Estimates. NEEDS
*apt all bills paid.
1200 sq ft Office, in Wford.
Contact us at
940-769-3300 817-994-8233 LI0008871 ColonialTreeServiceTX.com
3/1 living room, dining room,
$800/mo + $700/dep
K&T Green Works A+ w/BBB. 26yrs. exp., fully
Hydromulch insured. I have all the equip-
1120 Palo Pinto, Weather- ment to do any job. Chippers,
ford, TX. 972-252-7332 Landscaping chipper trucks, man lifts, and
mgelectricservices.com Irrigation Installation a 100' crane. equipment for
Towne & Country MHP and Repairs, land clearing that leaves no
!2 bed/ 1 bath mobile homes piles.
Straight forward pricing. Drainage/French Drains FREE ESTIMATE
Starting at $495/month
You know what it will cost and Dirt Work. Mike Thornton Owner
For more information, before we start the work! Free Estimates. Call 817-629-1578
call us at Azle & Aledo: 800-687-8556
Contact us at
846 Counseling 868 General Services
817-598-0663 Mineral Wells: 940-328-3051
or visit us online
817-994-8233 LI0008871
Weatherford: 817-594-4981
AAAPropertiesOnline.com Emergency Number:
See us on Facebook!! METHADONE TREATMENT
Location available to serve
630 Apartments anyone in need of Methadone
Buddy Gilmore
treatment. ! Master electrician
Medication-assisted treatment 817-594-4981 Kellers Tree Trimming &
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medications with counseling Installation Serving Parker County
and behavioral therapies to Landscape Maintenance for 25 years.
NOW AVAILABLE treat substance use disorders Sprinkler System Free Estimates
3/2 W/ 1 CAR GARAGE (817) 694-1022
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NEW PLAYGROUND 3539 NW Jim Wright FRWY Tree Service Steward Arbor Care
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Excavation/ Custom Stonework For All Your Tree Care
visit us @ Needs
TX,76086 www.sergioslandscape- www.stewardarborcare.com
irrigation.com 817-495-3376 * 817-663-3177
720 Antique/Classics to request a free estimate
R & L Electric, Inc.
for information leading to the
recovery or purchaseof
Tri J Construction
TECL 20145
Residential /
LI 20591
Antique auto parts, stolen
We are committed to
from Hamilton Meat Plant. Services, LLC
(817) 829-2923 Complete service
Excavation Services 24-hour emergency
750 RV Sales/Service Gravel & Dirt Hauling 817-613-0819 FREE ESTIMATES
Demolition Dozer Proudly serving Parker / COMPETITIVE RATES With hundreds
Excavator FROM OLD BARNS T O NEW Tarrant Counties SOD LAYING
Jayco Pinnacle 2013
5th wheel. Backhoe
and surrounding areas. FERTILIZING of used cars to
34, 3 slides,
lots of storage, 2 recliners,
Ranch Commercial Residential
FOWLER CONSTRUCTION 1 hour minimum service
choose from,
PO Box 1135
call applies.
Sofa bed, king size bed.
Good condition.
Mention this ad and re-
DIRT WORK & youll find your
$36,000. 817-771-6041 Randy Jenkins CARPORTS TRIM CUSTOM STORM S HELTERS new set of
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817-597-0604 wheels in the
868 General Services
CEILING NEW HOMES . 872 Handyperson Residential Commercial classifieds.
CALL J ACK 817-597-0430 OR
Credit Cards Accepted
Rane-Boase Remodeling DUSTY 817-771-9772
New PAINTING, 894 Painting
OBES Handy man Serv ice
Painting, inside or out spray,
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Beautywayfertilizer.com HAVE TOOLS WILL TRAVEL
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Humate Enhanced!!! CARPENTRY , HANDYMAN, Ceramic Tile,
(682) 229-8961 DOORS , WINDOWS , answer all inquiries.
Field-Home Fertilizer Program. Foundation Repair 940-325-0728
Applied Liquid $21.00 per acre Pressure Washing
Dry Mix $12.50 per acre ASK FOR JOEL REESE Painting, Roofing, 906 Repair Services

david@ (817) 596-5086 Fencing, Decks.
Gutter, Concrete & REPAIR Tune-ups, Overhauls
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Tractor work. New/Rebuilt Motors FREE
Cell # 505-399-1634 Pick Up/Delivery
Free Quote 817-599-4845 817-629-2826 Place your auto ad
838 Concrete 817-964-2562 1415 Greenwood Rd. for ...

A mos DEVINS 950 Tree Service $45 for 1

or $85 for 2
CONCRETE/ROCK WORKS Home Improvement Special
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Retaining Walls Parking Lots
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Need a tree removed? National Autoconx
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To Place
Robert's Concrete 817-304-9974 Roof & Gutters WORK!
Creations 866-374-3559 ~~ FREE E STIMATE ~~ HAPPY TREE TRIMMING
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CALL ROBERT FOR A FREE easiest way to place an ad. easiest way to place an ad. easiest way to place an ad.
Now Accepting
QUOTE Call 817-558-2855 for Call 817-558-2855 for Call 817-558-2855 for
(817) 964-2562 placement of ad. placement of ad. placement of ad. Major Credit Cards.
The County Line Shopper Tuesday, May 23, 2017 7
8 Tuesday, May 23, 2017 The County Line Shopper

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