Tesis Kolar

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Diss. ETH No.


Ultra-Compact and
Ultra-Efficient Three-Phase
PWM Rectifier Systems for
More Electric Aircraft

A dissertation submitted to the

ETH Zurich

for the degree of


presented by


Dipl.-Ing., M.Sc. TU-Wien

born 26th Mai 1978
citizen of Zwischenwasser, Austria

accepted on the recommendation of

Prof. Dr. J.W. Kolar, examiner
Prof. Dr. P. Mattavelli, co-examiner

Fr meinen Vater Anton
For my father Anton

First of all I want to thank Prof. Dr. Johann W. Kolar for giving me
the opportunity to do my Ph.D. thesis at the Power Electronic Systems
Laboratory at the ETH Zrich and for the numerous valuable ideas
and advices he provided to me. During my work I have learned a lot
in the field of power electronics. He showed me how to conduct high
quality research. In addition I want to thank him for his understanding
during hard times.

I also wish to express my appreciation to Prof. Dr. Paolo Mattavelli

from the CPES, Virginia Tech, for kindly accepting our invitation to
take part in the Ph.D. defense as a co-examiner and his interest in this

My special thanks to Prof. Dr. Hans Ertl for his assistance and for
many discussions. He taught me to search for the essential origins of
a problem. Thank you very much Hans, this Ph.D. would not have
been possible without you. I also want to thank Dr. Johann Minibck
for constructing some of the hardware prototypes, for many helpful
hints and for supporting me to overcome the hidden issues of the
Vienna Rectifier prototypes. Thank you to the Institute E372 of the
TU-Vienna and all its staff for the possibility to use the laboratory for

Many thanks to all my ETH colleagues for their support and for the
good time. Especially I want to thank Stefan Waffler, Florian Krismer
and Uwe Badstbner for giving me shelter and for being good friends.
Also many thanks to Thomas Friedli for his help, especially during
vi Acknowledgments

EMI measurements, for his interest in my work and for being a good
friend. Many thanks are due to Simon D. Round for his assistance with
reviewing publications and for his guidance at the beginning of my
I would like to also acknowledge the work of the PES Laboratory
staff, Dr. Beat Seiler, Roswitha Coccia-Kunz, Monica Kohn-Mller,
and Prisca Maurantonio, and the technicians Peter Seitz, and Peter
Albrecht. Also many thanks to Thomas Pareihs, Konrad Heger and
Thomas Eiler for their support.

Very special thanks to my girlfriend Ines for her love, for her un-
derstanding and for her support. Thank you Ines for your encourage
during hard times and for your sunny nature. I wish to express my sin-
cere gratitude to my parents Marianne and Anton as well as to my sister
Kerstin and to my brother Roland for their support and for keeping me

In order to improve the efficiency and to reduce the environmental

impact of aircraft, global efforts for reducing the aircraft weight are
under way. One of the key issues thereto is the wide application of
electric systems instead of heavy mechanical, pneumatic and hydraulic
driven equipment. This change in the power supply structure of an
aircraft is known as More Electric Aircraft (MEA). In the course of this
concept unidirectional active three-phase rectifiers in the power range
of several kW are required, mainly for electrically driven actuators for
flight control. In modern civil aircraft a three-phase AC mains with a
voltage level of either 115 V or 230 V and a variable mains frequency of
360 Hz . . . 800 Hz exists.

In this work unidirectional three-phase rectifiers are evaluated which

are able to meet the enhanced requirements of aircraft application.
Starting with a brief survey on the power supply structure and the
demanding requirements to be met such as the power factor or input
current quality, a survey on three-phase rectifier topologies suited
for aircraft applications is given. There, also passive and hybrid
(active/passive) systems are considered. Based on this evaluation, the
two-level three-phase -switch rectifier is found to be an ideal solution
for a mains voltage of 115 V and the three-phase three-level Vienna
Rectifier topology optimally fits the requirements for a 230 V mains.

Initially, the specific characteristics and control approaches of the

well known Vienna Rectifier topology are summarized. The MEA
concept calls for a minimization of volume and weight and hence
a single-objective optimization of the three-phase Vienna Rectifier
viii Abstract

topology regarding maximum possible power density is performed

which finally results in a 10 kW rectifier system with a power density
of 14.1 kW/dm3 . Several limitations of the power density optimizations
are addressed. A magnetically coupled damping layer is proposed for
reducing the switching transients oscillations caused by the high-speed
switching. It is shown how the turn-off delay of power MOSFETs
degrades the input current quality and how the switching losses
can be minimized. These effects can clearly be illustrated with a
-THDI -Pareto Curve.
Furthermore, a purely digital implementation of a high-speed controller
using an FPGA is developed which achieves a total control cycle time of
490 ns. Also substantial improvements of the current controller, mainly
for operation at the high mains frequencies of 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz, are
shown which finally results in a THDI of the input current below 2 %.
A considerably improved noise model of the Vienna Rectifier system
is derived considering parasitic capacitances to the heat sink and to
earth. Also a novel concept for eliminating the CM voltage of the
output is proposed and analyzed in detail. Measurements taken from
the implemented prototype finally confirm the proper operation of the
rectifier circuit and the effectiveness of the discussed improvements.

Next to the Vienna Rectifier topology, a two-level -switch rectifier

system is analyzed. Basic operation of the topology is discussed,
detailed loss models are derived and a digital PWM current con-
troller/modulation concept is developed where all three phases are
controlled simultaneously. The proposed, phase related controller
concept is able to handle a single phase loss without any changes in the
controller structure. A detailed study on reactive power capability is
performed and it is analyzed to what extend this feature can be used
to compensate capacitive currents drawn by the EMI filter capacitors.
The discussion is accompanied by measurements taken from the
implemented 5 kW laboratory prototype.

In the course of this thesis, several Vienna Rectifier systems with

different switching frequencies have been built. Using the data of the
constructed rectifier systems permits to derive a Pareto Curve regarding
efficiency and power density of this topology. Also the actually achiev-
able volume reduction due to an increase in switching frequency can
clearly be illustrated.

Die Erhhung des Wirkungsgrads und die Reduzierung der Schad-

stoffemission sind Ziele in der Flugzeugindustrie die gegenwrtig mit
groem Hochdruck verfolgt werden um den Flugverkehr wirtschaftlicher
zu gestalten. Vor allem die Reduzierung des Gesamtgewichts des
Flugzeugs spielt dabei eine entscheidende Rolle. Dies soll in erster Linie
dadurch erreicht werden, dass bestehende hydraulisch, mechanisch
oder pneumatisch angetriebene Gerte durch elektrische Systeme
ersetzt werden. Dieser strukturelle Umbruch in der Energieversorgung
ist unter dem treffenden Namen More Electric Aircraft (MEA)
bekannt. Im Zuge dieses Umbruchs werden massiv unidirektionale
aktive dreiphasige Gleichrichtersysteme in einem Leistungsbereich von
mehreren kW bentigt, vor allem fr elektrisch betriebene Aktuatoren
zur Steuerung und Stabilisierung der Flugbahn des Flugzeugs. Moderne
zivile Flugzeuge besitzen ein AC-Stromnetz mit einer Spannung von
entweder 115 V oder 230 V und einer Netzfrequenz von 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz.

Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit werden unidirektionale Gleichrichterstruk-

turen hinsichtlich der erhhten Anforderungen in Flugzeuganwendungen
untersucht. Nach einem berblick ber geeignete Gleichrichterstruk-
turen, der neben aktiven Gleichrichtersystemen auch passive und
hybride Topologien beinhaltet, werden zwei vielversprechende Gleich-
richterstrukturen unter der Bercksichtigung von Anforderungen wie
Leistungsfaktor und Eingangsstromverzerrungen fr weitere Unter-
suchungen ausgewhlt. Whrend der dreiphasige 2-Level -Switch
Rectifier fr eine Netzspannung von 115 V vorteilhaft ist, erfllt die
dreiphasige 3-Level Vienna Rectifier Topologie die Anforderungen fr
das hhere Nezspannungsniveau von 230 V optimal.
x Kurzfassung

Ein Hauptpunkt des MEA-Konzepts stellt die Reduzierung der

Baugre und des Gewichts der eingesetzten Aktuatoren dar. Im
Hinblick auf diese zentralen Anforderungen wird eine detaillierte
Optimierung der Vienna Rectifier Struktur hinsichtlich Leistungs-
dichte vorgenommen, welche in einem 10 kW Gleichrichtersystem mit
einer Leistungsdichte von 14.1 kW/dm3 resultiert. Im Zuge dieser
Optimierung werden verschiedenste limitierende Faktoren fr eine
Erhhung der Leistungsdichte diskutiert. Ein neuartiges, magnetisch
gekoppeltes PCB-integriertes Snubber-Konzept zur Reduktion der
transienten Schaltberspannungen bei MOSFETs mit sehr hoher
Schaltgeschwindigkeit wird vorgestellt. Es wird weiters gezeigt, dass
die nichtlineare Ausgangskapazitt der eingesetzten MOSFETs die
Stromqualitt signifikant verschlechtert und diskutiert wie Schaltver-
luste bei hohen Schalfrequenzen in Grenzen gehalten werden knnen.
Der Zusammenhang zwischen Wirkungsgrad und Verzerrung der
Eingangsstrme kann hier sehr anschaulich in einer -THDI -Pareto
Front dargstellt werden.

Im Zuge der Realisierung des optimierten Gleichrichtersystems wird

die Implementierung eines voll-digitalen dreiphasigen Stromreglers mit
einer Berechnungszeit von nur 490 ns unter Verwendung eines modernen
FPGAs behandelt. Zustzlich werden effektive Verbesserungen der
bestehenden Regelanstze implementiert, wodurch letztendlich ein
THDI der Netzstrme von unter 2 % erzielt werden kann.
Aufgrund der hohen Schaltfrequenzen muss zudem ein verbessertes
EMV Modell der Vienna Rectifier Gleichrichterstruktur erarbeitet
werden welches auch parasitre Kapazitten der Halbleiter zum Khler
und gegen Erde bercksichtigt. Es wird eine EMV-Filterstruktur
vorgeschlagen und im Detail analysiert, welche die strende hochfre-
quente Gleichtaktspannung am Ausgang des Gleichrichters unterdrckt.
Die diskutierten und vorgeschlagenen Verbesserungen werden durch
Messungen am realisierten Gleichrichtersystem besttigt.

Darauf folgend wird eine dreiphasige 2-Level -Switch Gleichrichter-

struktur im Detail analysiert. Neben einer Diskussion der grundlegenden
Funktion des Systems und einer Ableitung von detaillierten Verlust-
modellen wird ein neuartiges phasenorientiertes Regelungskonzept
entwickelt, bei dem stets alle drei Phasenstrme geregelt werden. Die
vorgeschlagene Regelungsstruktur ermglicht im Falle eines Phase-
Kurzfassung xi

nausfalls den fortlaufenden Betrieb mit reduzierter Ausgangsleistung

ohne nderungen in der Regelungsstruktur vornehmen zu mssen.
Das -Switch Gleichrichtersystem ermglicht ausserdem den Betrieb
mit eingeschrnkter Phasenverschiebung zwischen Phasenspannung
und Phasenstrom und es wird gezeigt, dass diese Eigenschaft zur
Kompensation der Blindleistung der Filterkondensatoren am Eingang
und somit zur Verbesserung des Leistungsfaktors verwendet werden
kann. Die diskutierten Punkte werden jeweils durch Messungen an
einem realisierten 5 kW Gleichrichtersystem besttigt.

Im Zuge dieser Dissertation wurden mehrere Vienna Rectifier Proto-

typen mit unterschiedlichen Schaltfrequenzen realisiert. Die Daten und
Performance-Indizes dieser Systeme werden verwendet um eine Pareto
Front hinsichtlich Wirkungsgrad und Leistungsdichte zu erstellen. Da-
rauf basierend wird auch die effektiv ber Erhhung der Schaltfrequenz
erzielbare Reduktion des Volumens kritisch diskutiert.

1 Introduction 1
1.1 The More Electric Aircraft . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1.1 Actuators for Flight Control . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.1.2 Requirements for Equipment Connected to the
Aircraft Mains . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
1.2 Objective and New Contributions of this Work . . . . . 16
1.3 Outline of the Thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

2 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies 21

2.1 Passive Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.2 Hybrid Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.3 Active Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.4 Bidirectional Rectifier Circuits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

3 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier 41

3.1 Basic Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.1.1 Modulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
3.1.2 Third Harmonic Injection . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
3.1.3 Guidelines for Power Circuit Design . . . . . . . 56
3.2 Control of the Rectifier System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
3.2.1 Current Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
3.2.2 Output Voltage Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
3.2.3 Output Voltage Symmetry Controller . . . . . . 77

xiv Contents

3.2.4 Load Unbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

3.2.5 Operating Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
3.2.6 Reactive Power Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86

4 Multi-Objective Optimization of Power Electronic Sys-

tems 93

5 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology 103

5.1 High-Speed Switching Behavior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
5.1.1 Current and Voltage Switching Transients . . . . 114
5.1.2 Turn-Off Delay of MOSFET . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
5.1.3 Switching Loss Measurement . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.1.4 Influence of Hardware Construction . . . . . . . 130
5.1.5 Selection of Switching Frequency . . . . . . . . . 132
5.2 Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer . . . . . . . . . . 132
5.2.1 Analysis of the Damping Layer . . . . . . . . . . 133
5.2.2 Design of a Damping Layer . . . . . . . . . . . . 139
5.2.3 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144
5.2.4 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
5.3 Semiconductor Power Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
5.3.1 MOSFET Power Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
5.3.2 Total Semiconductor Power Losses . . . . . . . . 156
5.3.3 Design of a Water Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
5.4 Passive Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
5.4.1 Boost Inductor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164
5.4.2 Output Capacitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169
5.4.3 Total Power Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171
5.5 Efficiency-THD-Pareto Front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173
5.6 High Speed Current Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175
5.6.1 Design of the Control System . . . . . . . . . . . 178
5.6.2 Implementation of the System . . . . . . . . . . 187
5.6.3 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
5.6.4 Discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Contents xv

5.7 EMI Filter Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203

5.7.1 Converter Noise Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
5.7.2 Filter Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
5.7.3 Filter Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
5.7.4 EMI Filter Power Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
5.7.5 Parasitic Couplings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
5.8 Construction of the Rectifier System . . . . . . . . . . . 227
5.9 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
5.9.1 EMI Measurements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
5.10 Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 242

6 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier 247

6.1 System Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
6.1.1 Switching Sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
6.1.2 DM/CM Voltages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255
6.2 Control of the Delta-Switch Rectifier System . . . . . . 260
6.2.1 PWM Current Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
6.2.2 PWM Modulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264
6.2.3 Simulation Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266
6.3 Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
6.3.1 Current Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
6.3.2 Voltage Controller Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
6.3.3 Two-Phase Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
6.3.4 Reactive Power Capability . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288
6.4 System Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
6.4.1 Startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
6.4.2 Component Stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
6.4.3 Calculation of Power Losses . . . . . . . . . . . . 304
6.5 Laboratory Prototype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
6.5.1 Calculated and Measured Efficiency . . . . . . . 316
6.5.2 Experimental Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 322
6.6 Delta-Switch Rectifier for 230 V Mains Voltage . . . . . 329
xvi Contents

6.7 Comparison with the Vienna Rectifier . . . . . . . . . . 331

6.8 Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 337

7 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems 339

7.1 Efficiency-Power Density Pareto Front . . . . . . . . . . 340
7.2 Vienna Rectifier System VR250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
7.3 Stability Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351

8 Conclusion and Future Work 355

A Constructed Rectifier Systems 359

B Notation 365

Bibliography 375

Curriculum Vitae 407

Chapter 1


1.1 The More Electric Aircraft

In the last years the passenger air traffic has grown at an average
rate of 9 %/year and is predicted to further grow with a rate of
approximately 5 %/year in the near future [1]. One reason for this
remarkable growth can be found in the technological improvement
of the aircraft which increased the efficiency and reduced the cost of
traveling by air. An increase of the fuel economy, achieved on the one
hand by more efficient propulsive energy generation and on the other
hand by reducing the take-off weight of the aircraft, is a major point
of concern. The improvement can also be measured by reduced life
cycle costs of modern aircraft which can for instance be achieved by
technologies offering reduced periodical maintenance. Reliability is of
high importance in aerospace applications and any new technology
must not lead to reduced reliability.

The use of electronic equipment emerged to be a key technology

to further improve the efficiency and reduce the fuel-costs and CO2
emissions of aircraft and is commonly known as More Electric Aircraft
(MEA) concept [2]. The intention with introducing this concept is
to reduce the weight of the aircraft by substantial use of electronic
equipment instead of heavy mechanical, pneumatic or hydraulic driven
elements. Technology studies for military aircraft carried out in the

2 Introduction

Jet Fuel



Electrical Pneumatic Hydraulic Mechanical

Avionics Cabin pressur. Flight control Fuel pumps

Lights Air conditioning Landing gear Oil pumps
Gallay Icing protection Breaking
Cabin Engine start Doors
... ... ...

Fig. 1.1: Power distribution of non-propulsive power of a conventional aircraft using

electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic and mechanical power.

late 1990s expect a reduction of the take-off weight of 6.5 % and an

increase of mean flying hours between failures of 5.4 % by application
of MEA technologies [3].

The power generation of an aircraft is performed by its turbines where

the power can be separated in a propulsive part and in a non-propulsive
part. The non-propulsive part is used to drive several elements on the
aircraft and in an conventional aircraft such as the A330 from Airbus
Inc. it can be separated in electrical, pneumatic, hydraulic and mechan-
ical power (cf. Fig. 1.1). The mechanical power of the turbine is used to
drive the fuel and oil pumps. Due to the high power density of hydrauli-
cally powered actuators and their ability to generate large forces, the
hydraulic power is used to move the flight control surfaces in order to
control the flight path of the aircraft. It is further used for the landing
gears, braking, doors and other actuators.
Some bleed air of the turbine is used for pressurization and air condi-
tioning of the cabin and for icing protection of the wings.
An electrical generator is connected to a shaft of the gas turbine and
the electrical power is used for lighting, avionics, galley, flight entertain-
ment and other electrical loads.

In the course of the MEA concept all non-electric power take-off pos-
sibilities (mechanical, hydraulic and pneumatic) shall be replaced by
The More Electric Aircraft 3

Jet Fuel


Power Bleedless Engine

Existing Electrical New Electrical

Avionics Cabin pressurization

Lights Air conditioning
Gallay Icing protection
Cabin Entertainment Engine start
... Flight control
Fuel pumps
Landing gear / Braking

Fig. 1.2: Non-propulsive power distribution of a More Electric Aircraft.

electrical systems (cf. Fig. 1.2) [4]. The bleed air taken from the engine,
e.g. for heating and pressurization of the cabin, considerably reduces the
efficiency of the engine and a total elimination of bleed air is preferable.
This, however, requires new electrical systems for cabin pressurization,
air conditioning, icing protection or electric engine start-up as in a con-
ventional aircraft the pneumatic system is also used for engine start-up.
The hydraulic power, which is mainly used for primary and secondary
flight control, offers the advantage of a very robust actuator system
showing a high power density. The hydraulic infrastructure, however, is
heavy, inflexible and requires regular maintenance. A high reliability of
the primary flight control elements is required and typically a redun-
dant hydraulic architecture (3H) is used in conventional aircraft which
finally results in a high weight [5]. In addition, the dangerous fluids are
a problem in case of a leakage. A replacement of the hydraulic actuators
by electrically powered actuators is therefore highly desirable and one of
the biggest parts of the MEA concept. Further details will be discussed
Due to the elimination of the mechanical power sources electrically
driven fuel pumps and oil pumps with very high reliability are required.

The replacement of the non-electric systems by electrical equipment

4 Introduction

results in a considerably increased electrical power demand. Whereas in

a conventional aircraft, such as the Airbus A330, the installed capacity
is about 300 kVA the installed capacity of the recently released MEA
aircraft Airbus A380 is 600 kVA [6] and according to [7] the Boeing
Dreamliner 787 will have an installed capacity of 1 MVA.
In a conventional aircraft the electrical generators are connected with
the turbine via a mechanical gear box which transfers the variable speed
of the engine shaft to a constant speed shaft used for generation of a
three-phase on-board power net with a constant mains frequency of
400 Hz and a voltage of 115 V (cf. Fig. 1.3(a)). A three-stage perma-
nent magnet excited wound field synchronous machine is typically used
for civil aircraft [8]1 . The engine start is normally provided by the pneu-
matic system of the aircraft and due to the elimination of the bleed air
and the pneumatic system, new solutions have to be found. Instead
of using an additional element for engine start the generator is also
used as starter motor which reduces the weight of the aircraft advanta-
geously [9, 10].

In a MEA the mechanical gearbox is eliminated and the electri-

cal power generator is directly connected to the variable engine shaft
which results in a variable on-board mains frequency of 360 Hz800 Hz
(cf. Fig. 1.3(b)). Either Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines
(PMSM) or Switched Reluctance Machines (SRM) are promising mo-
tor/generator technologies due to their high power density, robustness
and temperature tolerance [1, 11, 12]. Due to the increased electrical
power demand, the mains voltage of the Boeing B787 will be increased
to 230 V which reduces the conduction losses caused by the large cur-
rent levels for VN = 115 V [8]. By increasing the mains voltage from
115 V to 230 V, however, and a simultaneous possible increase of the
mains frequency up to 800 Hz the reactive power of the system in case
of capacitive load
2 2

Q = 2fN,800 CVN,230 = 8 2fN,400 CVN,115 , (1.1)

as caused e.g. by the EMI filter capacitors or the parasitic capacitance

of the cables, is increased by a factor of eight. This huge reactive power
demand may be a problem for the intended electrical generators.
1 A permanent magnet exciter stage produces energy which is used to induce a

magnetic field on the rotor. The main rotor field strength is controlled by field control
applied in the wounded main exciter stage. More details can be found in [8]
The More Electric Aircraft 5

Power flow

Variable speed Mech. Constant speed 3 x 115 V

engine shaft Gearbox shaft 400 Hz


Power flow

Variable speed Generator 3 x 115 V (230 V)

engine shaft Motor 360 - 800 Hz


Fig. 1.3: (a) Conventional electrical power generation using a mechanical gearbox
to transfer the variable speed of the engine shaft to a shaft with constant speed
and (b) electrical power generation omitting the mechanical gearbox resulting in a
variable generator frequency of 360 Hz800 Hz. The generator is also used as starter
motor for the engine.

Whereas some AC loads, such as heaters, lights and passive rectifier sys-
tems, are not or only slightly influenced by the variable mains frequency,
some of the existing AC loads such as induction motors for pumps and
fans are significantly affected. The work given in [13] addresses the im-
pact of the variable mains frequency on the different load types. As a
result, power electronic systems are heavily required to interface the
different load types to the on-board mains. According to [5], more than
70 motors for fans, pumps or actuators with a power of less than 10 kW
are installed in the Airbus A380 .
Due to the large mains frequency and constant power loads, which re-
sult in a negative input impedance of active rectifier systems, stability
problems may occur [14] which will be further discussed in section 7.3.
Fig. 1.4 shows one half of the symmetrical electrical power system
architecture (e.g. left side) of the civil MEA Boeing Dreamliner 787.
The possible application areas of active rectifiers are highlighted. The
gas turbines drive two starter/generators which generate an AC mains
bus with a frequency of 360 Hz800 Hz and a voltage of 230 V/400 V.
An Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) is connected to the AC bus as well
which would be activated in case of an emergency. The APU is also
used for power supply on ground while the engines are not running.
6 Introduction

Auxiliary Power Unit
(APU) Airport
External Power
(115 V, 400 Hz)


3 x 230V 3 x 230V
360 - 800 Hz 360 - 800 Hz
AC BUS: 230 V, 360 - 800 Hz

AC Loads ATU

DC BUS: 540 V AC BUS: 115 V, 360 - 800 Hz

DC/DC Active
DC Loads AC Loads
Converter Rectifiers

DC BUS: 28 V

Batteries DC Loads

Fig. 1.4: Electric power system architecture of a modern More Electric Aircraft
(Boeing 787) according to [15].

Some AC loads are directly connected to this bus and depending on

the load type an active rectifier circuit is needed. By application of
active rectifiers a 540 V DC bus (270 V) is generated. On the other
hand an Auto Transformer Unit (ATU) is used to build the 115 V AC
bus with variable frequency. AC loads designed for the former AC bus
with a voltage of 115 V can directly be connected. Also the external
power connectors of the airports can be connected to this bus.
The widely used 28 V DC bus (e.g. avionics) is either generated by
active rectifiers from the 115 V AC bus or by use of DC/DC converters
from the high-voltage DC bus.

In the course of the MEA power electronic systems are also needed
for ground power supplies [17, 18], for landing gears [19], breaking [20],
and many other subsystems.

Some research on the next generation More Electric Aircraft deals

The More Electric Aircraft 7

Engine (500 kW)

Auxiliary Power Unit
(APU, 200 kW)
3 x 115 V 3 x 115V
360 - 800 Hz 360 - 800 Hz
Bidirect. Bidirect.
Converter Converter

DC BUS: 270 V

Bidirectional HV DC/AC DC/DC

DC/DC DC-Loads Converter Converter

Battery DC Bus AC BUS: 3 x 115 V, 400 Hz DC BUS: 28 V

Charge / Discharge AC Loads DC Loads

Unit 270 V

Fig. 1.5: Possible future electric power system architecture using DC primary power
supply [16].

with electrical propulsion by use of Superconductors [21] in order to

implement the true All Electric Aircraft. There it is stated that liquid
hydrogen LH2 may be used as fuel which shows only one-third of the
weight of common jet fuel if the same energy amount is compared.
However, due to safety and reliability reasons these topologies are not
expected to be in service in the next 20-30 years.

Fig. 1.5 shows a possible future electric power system architecture

using a 270 V DC bus [16]. The stability problems coming along with
the AC bus can be solved if the DC bus is used as primary power
system. In addition a battery for energy storage with a corresponding
battery DC bus can easily be installed. Also the 115 V AC bus and the
low voltage DC bus (28 V) are still present. Military aircraft already
use this power system architecture.
8 Introduction

1.1.1 Actuators for Flight Control

In order to control and stabilize the airplanes flight trajectory the

aircraft exhibits special surfaces which can be activated by the pilot.
These flight control surfaces can be separated into two groups: the
primary flight control and the secondary flight control surfaces. The
primary flight control elements, such as aileron, rudder and elevator
are absolutely essential to control the flight path whereas the secondary
flight control elements, such as spoiler, flaps, slats or horizontal
stabilizer are basically not required but mainly help to increase the lift
during starting and landing [1].

The state-of-the-art technology for flight control is called Fly By

Wire (FBW) and uses a centralized hydraulic pump, a hydraulic line
system to the actuator and an electronically controlled actuator. This
technology was first introduced in a civil aircraft by Airbus in the
1980s [22]. In order to guarantee a high safety, three independent
hydraulic lines are used for the primary control systems which is
known as the 3H architecture. Although the actuator is electronically
controlled, a connection to the redundant hydraulic system with a
centralized pump exists. These hydraulic systems and actuators show a
very high reliability but the heavy piping needs periodic maintenance
and shows the problem of leakage.

One major point of the MEA concept is to replace these heavy

hydraulic actuator system by electrically driven actuators in order to
get rid of the heavy centralized powered hydraulic lines [23, 24]. Two
types of actuators emerged as alternative - the Electro Hydrostatic
Actuator (EHA) [25] (cf. Fig. 1.6(a)) and the Electro Mechanical
Actuator (EMA) [26, 27] which is shown in Fig. 1.6(b).
The control surface for an EHA is still moved using hydraulic power.
The required hydraulic system is yet locally generated in the actuator
where the local hydraulic pump is powered by a motor. Due to
their robustness and reliability the SRM or the PMSM are suited as
electrical motor [1]. The interface to the grid can either be performed
by direct AC/AC matrix conversion or by a voltage source back-to-back
conversion consisting of a rectifier system and an inverter system which
is shown in Fig. 1.6(a). As the power grid of the aircraft typically
does not offer any energy storage element, energy regeneration into
The More Electric Aircraft 9

Rectifier Inverter

3 x 115 V
(3 x 230 V) Motor Hydr.
360 - 800 Hz el. Pump

EHA Actuator


Rectifier Inverter

3 x 115 V
(3 x 230 V) Electr.
360 - 800 Hz Motor

EMA Actuator Ball screw


Fig. 1.6: Basic schematic of (a) an Electro Hydraulic Actuator (EHA) and (b) an
Electro Mechanical Actuator (EMA) for application in the More Electric Aircraft.

the mains is not allowed. The energy has to be dissipated in the DC

voltage link which is illustrated by a braking resistor in Fig. 1.6. In
case of power distribution on the aircraft using a DC bus, the rectifier
system is not needed and the inverter can directly be connected to the
high voltage DC bus. If additionally to the AC mains also a DC bus is
available (e.g. 115 VAC , 270 VDC ), it is conceivable that the DC bus is
connected with the DC link of the rectifier/inverter system in case of
an outage of the rectifier system in order to increase the reliability of
the actuator system.
The biggest advantage of the EHA type is that it can be combined
with the existing hydraulic line where either the locally (electrically)
generated hydraulic power or the existing centralized powered hy-
draulic source drives the actuator. This type of actuator is called
Backup Electro Hydraulic Actuator (BEHA) and results in a very high
reliability. The local weight of the EHA is higher than a classical FBW
operated hydraulic actuator but due to the missing hydraulic lines the
10 Introduction

global weight is reduced [5].

In contrast to the EHA the EMA waives the hydraulic system and
the flight control surface is directly moved by the EMA as illustrated in
Fig. 1.6(b). The interface to the grid is similar to the EHA solution.
Up to now, the EMA shows reduced reliability due to possible jamming
and this type of actuator is currently not allowed to be used on civil
aircraft [28].

The power required for the different actuators varies from a few kW
for the edge slats to 50 kW for the horizontal stabilizers and the rud-
der [29] and also the mission profile of the various actuators is very
different. Whereas during starting and landing huge movements have to
be performed only small or no variations are required during the flight.
Due to safety reasons and the high reliability of existing classical hy-
draulic actuators the presented actuators are currently only used for
secondary flight control on civil aircraft [28]. The sole use of EMA and
EHA is reserved for military aircraft, such as the F18 [30] or Unmanned
Aerial Vehicles (UVA). Due to the use of hydraulic actuators in combi-
nation with electrically driven actuators the reliability of the resulting
system is improved. The recently developed Airbus A380 for instance
employs two independent hydraulic systems (2H) and and two indepen-
dent electrical systems (2E) which is a safety improvement with respect
to the former used 3H architecture.

1.1.2 Requirements for Equipment Connected to

the Aircraft Mains
The MEA concept in general calls for a reduction in size and weight in
order to reduce the take-off weight of the aircraft which finally results
in cost reduction due to reduced fuel consumption. A high power
density (expressed in kW/dm3 ) and preferably low power to weight
ratio of the electrical power systems are desirable.

As for mains interfaces in industrial environment, rectifier systems

applied in aircraft have to comply with (aircraft) standards. Primarily
the airborne standard DO160F [31] and the military standard MIL-
STD704F [32] have to be fulfilled. As reported in [33] aircraft companies
The More Electric Aircraft 11


Limits DO160F
IN(n)/IN(1) (%) 10

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Harmonic order n

Fig. 1.7: Individual current harmonic limits listed in the standard DO160F [31].

create their own standard with partly more stringent limitations than
the ones listed in the mentioned airborne standard. In the following
the main requirements will be discussed briefly.

Due to the missing energy storing elements in an aircraft the ac-

tive rectifiers are not allowed to regenerate energy back into the mains.
Strictly speaking only unidirectional rectifier systems are permitted
where an energy regeneration into the mains is inherently prohibited
by the basic structure. Bidirectional rectifier systems are able to pro-
hibit a power flow into the mains only by control logic. In case of a
failure, where for instance the rectifier system is disabled, however, an
energy feed-back could occur.
According to [31] the rectifier system must be able to handle a voltage
unbalance of 10 % and an outage of one or more phases must not lead to
unsafe operation modes. It is rather requested that the rectifier system
should be able to further operate at a reduced power level if a single
phase loss occurs.
The individual input current harmonic limits are listed in TABLE 1.1
and illustrated in Fig. 1.7 where IN(1) is the fundamental and n is the
order of the harmonics.
The harmonic limits are specified in such a way, that passive 12-pulse
rectifier systems, with their characteristic harmonics at n 12 1, can
be applied. Boeing, however, defined more stringent harmonic limits
for the 11th and 13th so that the limits can not be fulfilled with passive
12 Introduction

TABLE 1.1: Current harmonics limits of three-phase equipment according to

DO160F [31].

Harmonic Order Limits (In )

rd th th
3 ,5 ,7 0.02I1

Odd Triplen Harmonics

0.1I1 /n
(9th , 15th , 21th . . . 39th )

Odd Non-Triplen Harmonics

(11th , 13th )

Odd Non-Triplen Harmonics

(17th , 19th )

Odd Non-Triplen Harmonics

(23th , 25th )

Odd Non-Triplen Harmonics

0.3I1 /n
(29th , 31th , 35th , 37th )

Even Harmonics, 2nd , 4th 0.01I1 /n

Even Harmonics > 4

(6th , 8th , 10th . . . 40th )

12-pulse rectifiers and that either active rectifiers or passive 18-pulse

rectifiers must be used instead.

The power factor of AC interface systems is limited between 0.85 lag-

ging and unity for power levels greater than 50 % of the rated output
power. In the standard MIL-STD407F [32] it is stated that a leading
power factor is not allowed for equipment with output power levels
greater than 500 VA in order to prevent self-excitation of synchronous
generation sources [33]. No information is, however, given whether this
limitation is only valid for steady state operation or also during tran-
sients. This limitation has to be considered for an evaluation of the
applicability of active rectifier systems. Active rectifier circuits require
a specifically designed EMI filter, including filter capacitors connected
to the rectifier input, in order to limit the conducted emissions gener-
The More Electric Aircraft 13

ated by the high-frequency switching actions. Bidirectional active rec-

tifier systems, such as the two-level six-switch rectifier circuit or the
three-level NPC rectifier, are actively able to compensate the capacitive
reactive power also at no load condition. Unidirectional rectifier sys-
tems, which are discussed in this work, are partly able to compensate
the capacitive currents but require thereto a specific amount of load
current and a compensation at no-load condition is therefore not possi-
ble. Bidirectional rectifier circuits on the other hand may allow energy
regeneration into the mains which is also not permitted. In addition
the existing filter capacitance may be a problem if the rectifier control
is turned off, e.g., in case of a failure or during start up. As a result
only 12-pulse or higher order passive rectifier systems would remain. It
therefore has to be clarified if active (bidirectional) rectifier systems can
be used for such applications.
Compensation of the capacitive current by use of inductors at the in-
put is possible but sensible due to their large volume and weight. This
can be demonstrated if an input capacitance of C = 3 F per phase
is assumed. The corresponding reactive power generated by the filter
capacitors can be calculated to

Q = 2fN CVN2 = 797 VAr (1.2)

if a mains frequency of 800 Hz and a mains voltage of 230 V is

assumed. The required inductor to compensate this reactive power,
compensation inductors placed in parallel to the star-connected filter
capacitors, would be L = 13 mH. Using this compensation approach
the reactive power is only compensated for one mains frequency and
cannot be applied for aircraft showing a variable mains frequency. The
compensation is, however, independent of the applied load.
The compensation inductors could alternatively be connected to the
rectifier input (in series to the impedance of the mains) and an inductor
value of L = 750 H would be required for the case at hand. Beneath
the fact that compensation is only possible for one mains frequency
the compensation is dependent on the applied load, i.e. only a cos(1 )
of cos(1 )5kW = 0.94 can be achieved at 50 % of nominal load and is
further reduced to cos(1 )2.5kW = 0.75 at Po = 2.5 kW (VN = 230 V,
fN = 800 Hz, Po = 10 kW). A compensation only by connecting
inductors to the system is therefore not very promising.

In addition to the limitations of the low-frequency input current

14 Introduction



Emissions (dBA) 60
Category B
Category L,M

150 kHz f (Hz) 30 MHz

Fig. 1.8: Conducted input current emission limits for equipment connected to the
AC mains of an aircraft according to the standard DO160F [31].

TABLE 1.2: Requirements for three-phase rectifier circuits connected either to the
115 V or to the 230 V mains.

Mains voltage 115 V

Input voltage VN = 115 V 10 %
Output power Po = 5 kW
Output voltage Vo = 400 V (Vo < 0.1Vo )
Mains voltage 230 V
Input voltage VN = 230 V 10 %
Output power Po = 10 kW
Output voltage Vo = 2 400 V (Vo < 0.1Vo )
Mains frequency fN = 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz
Power factor > 0.85 (lagging) for Po > 0.5Po,nom
Input current quality THDI < 5 %
Indiv. harm. according to TABLE 1.1
EMI Compliance with DO160F

harmonics the rectifier system has to comply with high-frequency

conducted emission standards. The EMI limits are of high importance
as the volume of the EMI filter takes about 30 % of an active rectifier
system which will be discussed in section 5.8. The corresponding con-
ducted emission limits for the input currents of the airborne standard
DO160F are given in Fig. 1.8. Note that limitations of the noise
The More Electric Aircraft 15

currents (dBA) are given which can be translated into equivalent

noise emissions (dBV) using the frequency dependent impedance
of the Line Impedance Stabilization Network (LISN). The standard
covers the frequency range [150 kHz. . .30 MHz] and several categories
are defined for the equipment. Category L and category M are defined
for equipment which is located in the bay or in the passenger cabin
of the aircraft but far from radio receiver antennas. Equipment of the
category B is intended for equipment where interference should be
controlled to tolerable levels (cf. [31]).

The requirements for three-phase rectifier circuits treated in this work

are summarized in TABLE 1.2 for a mains voltage of 115 V and 230 V
16 Introduction

1.2 Objective and New Contributions of

this Work
The objective of this work is to select and analyze unidirectional three-
phase rectifier topologies which are suitable to fulfill the requirements for
aerospace applications (cf. TABLE 1.2). The three-level three-phase
Vienna Rectifier circuit and the three-phase two-level -switch rectifier
circuit are selected and their control and performance are discussed
particularly with regard to the high mains frequency of 360 Hz800 Hz.
In addition the highest possible power density of the Vienna Rectifier
topology is evaluated as power density and weight are of high concern
in aerospace applications.
The main new contributions of this work are:

Evaluation and selection of three-phase rectifier circuits suitable

for aerospace applications (chapter 2).

Development of detailed loss models for the Vienna Rectifier topol-

ogy and calculation of the efficiency as a function of chip area and
switching frequency (section 5.3).

Analysis and optimization of the high-speed switching behavior of

superjunction MOSFET devices and analysis of the input current
quality as a function of chip area and switching frequency (section
5.1) which finally results in the -THDI -Pareto Front (section 5.5).

Analysis of the reactive power capability of the Vienna Rectifier

topology (section 3.2.6).

Development and detailed analysis of a magnetically coupled

damping layer for switching transient shaping (section 5.2).

Design and implementation of a purely digital three-phase current

controller for the Vienna Rectifier circuit using an FPGA with a
cycle time of only 490 ns.

Derivation of an enhanced common mode model of the Vienna

Rectifier topology and analysis of a novel common mode filter
concept where the rectifier output shows no high-frequency com-
mon mode voltage (section 5.7).
Objective and New Contributions of this Work 17

Successful design and construction of a 10 kW Vienna Rectifier

prototype system operating at a switching frequency of 1 MHz
and featuring a power density of 14.1 kW/dm3 (section 5.8).
Detailed analysis of the -switch rectifier topology including
derivation of a detailed loss model (chapter 6).
Proposal and design of a novel phase-oriented PWM controller
concept which is able to handle several error conditions (section
Illustration of the relation between efficiency and power density
(--Pareto Front) based on data taken from actually implemented
rectifier systems (chapter 7).

In the course of this dissertation the following conference and journal

papers have been published:

Conference Papers
M. Hartmann, A. Muesing, J. W. Kolar, Switching Transient
Shaping of RF Power MOSFETs for a 2.5 MHz, Three-Phase
PFC, Proc. of the 7th Int. Conf. on Power Electronics (ICPE
07), Daegu, South Korea, Oct. 22 - 26, 2007, pp. 1160-1166, PDF ,

M. Hartmann, S. D. Round, J. W. Kolar, High-Frequency, Three-

Phase Current Controller Implementation in an FPGA, Proc. of
the 11th Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics
(COMPEL 2008), Aug. 17-20, 2008, pp. 1-8, PDF , IEEE .
M. Hartmann, J. Miniboeck, J. W. Kolar, A Three-Phase Delta
Switch Rectifier for More Electric Aircraft Applications Employ-
ing a Novel PWM Current Control Concept, Proc. of the APEC
2009, Washington DC, USA, February 15 -19, 2009, pp. 1633 -
1640, PDF , IEEE .
M. Hartmann, H. Ertl, J. W. Kolar, EMI Filter Design for
High Switching Frequency Three-Phase/Level PWM Rectifier
Systems, Proc. of the APEC 2010, Palm Springs, California,
February 21-25, 2010, pp. 986-993, PDF , IEEE .
18 Introduction

M. Hartmann, J. W. Kolar, Analysis of the Trade-Off between

Input Current Quality and Efficiency of High Switching Fre-
quency PWM Rectifiers, Proc. of the Int. Power Electronics
Conf. (ECCE 2010), Sapporo, Japan, June 21-24, 2010, pp. 534-
541, PDF , IEEE .

Journal Papers
M. Hartmann, J. Biela, H. Ertl, J. W. Kolar, Wideband Current
Transducer for Measuring AC Signals with Limited DC Offset,
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.24, no.7, pp. 1776-
1787, July 2009, IEEE .
M. Hartmann, A. Muesing, J. W. Kolar, Switching Transient
Shaping by Application of a Magnetically Coupled PCB Damping
Layer, Korean Journal of Power Electronics, vol. 9, no. 2, pp.
308-319, July 2009, PDF .
M. Hartmann, S. Round, H. Ertl, J. W. Kolar, Digital Current
Controller for a 1 MHz, 10 kW Three-Phase VIENNA Rectifier,
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol.24, no.11, pp. 2496-
2508, Nov. 2009, PDF , IEEE .
M. Hartmann, H. Ertl, J.W. Kolar, EMI Filter Design for a 1
MHz, 10 kW Three-Phase/Level PWM Rectifier, IEEE Transac-
tions on Power Electronics, Early Access, 2011, IEEE .

Conference Tutorials
J. W. Kolar, M. Hartmann, T. Friedli, Three-Phase PFC Rectifier
and AC-AC Converter Systems, Tutorial at the APEC 2011, Fort
Worth, TX, USA, March 6-10, 2011.

J. W. Kolar, M. Hartmann, and T. Friedli, Hybrider dreiphasiger
AC/DC-Konverter und Verfahren zu dessen Steuerung, Swiss
Patent, Appl. No. CH 00298/11, Switzerland, filed Feb. 21, 2011.
Outline of the Thesis 19

1.3 Outline of the Thesis

In Chapter 2 a survey on unidirectional three-phase rectifier circuits
suited for the intended aerospace application is given. Next to active
rectifier systems also passive and hybrid rectifier systems are consid-
ered. Based on the findings of chapter 2, the two-level -switch rectifier
and the three-level Vienna Rectifier are chosen for further investigations.

The basic operating principle of the Vienna Rectifier topology

including PWM control concept is summarized in Chapter 3. There,
also the reactive power capability of the Vienna Rectifier topol-
ogy is discussed and a novel concept for operation with considerable
phase displacement using a phase-oriented PWM controller is proposed.

In Chapter 4 a basic introduction in multi-objective optimization of

power electronic systems is given.
Chapter 5 discusses the power density optimization of the Vienna
Rectifier topology. Several issues such as the high-speed switching
behavior of the semiconductors, turn-off delay of the applied MOSFETs
and switching losses are addressed and a novel magnetically coupled
damping layer is introduced to attenuate occurring switching transient
oscillations. A detailed loss model of the rectifier is derived which is
used to calculate the possible efficiency of the rectifier circuit. Based
on the calculated results a -THDI -Pareto Front is finally sketched,
illustrating the existing basic relation between efficiency and input
current quality.
In addition, the implementation of the digital current controller using
an FPGA is given. Also an improved CM noise model of the Vienna
Rectifier system is derived and a novel concept for eliminating the CM
voltage of the rectifiers output is analyzed.
Finally, the construction of the rectifier prototype is shown and
measurements taken from the implemented rectifier are given which
verify the proper operation of the system.

The two-level -switch rectifier system is the scope of Chapter 6.

After discussion of the basic operating principle including the appearing
DM and CM voltages a novel phase-oriented current control concept
using pulse-width modulation is proposed.
20 Introduction

Next to a derivation of a detailed loss model also the reactive power

capability of the -switch rectifier topology is treated and it is shown
how this feature can be used to improve the power factor of the rectifier
circuit. Experimental results taken from the implemented hardware
prototype confirm the calculated results. Finally, a comparison of the
-switch rectifier topology with the Vienna Rectifier topology is given.

In Chapter 7 the data of actually constructed Vienna Rectifier cir-

cuits with different switching frequencies are used to derive a Pareto
Front regarding efficiency and power density (--Pareto Front). Also
the actually achieved volume reduction due to an increase in switching
frequency is discussed.
Chapter 2

Comparison of
Unidirectional Rectifier

Many possibilities are conceivable for implementing a mains interface

for electrical driven actuators. The interface can either be imple-
mented using a direct AC-AC conversion (cf. Fig. 2.1(a)) such as
the Matrix Converter (MC) or the Indirect Matrix Converter (IMC)
or by two-stage solutions based on an inner storage element. The
two-stage solutions can either be classified into DC Voltage Link
Back-to-Back connected Converters (VLBBC) using a capacitor in
the DC link (cf. Fig. 2.1(b)) yielding to an impressed voltage in
the DC link or, alternatively into a DC Current Link Back-to-Back
connected converters (CLBBC) using an inductor as storage element
(cf. Fig. 2.1(c)) which is characterized by an impressed current
in the DC link. In a broader sense, also passive rectifier topologies
can be included to the VLBBC category. The stringent require-
ments on power factor and input current quality in aircraft (cf. section
1.1.2), however, inhibit the application of a simple diode rectifier bridge.

As shown in Fig. 2.1(d), the low-frequency harmonics generated by

the diode bridge can be compensated by an active filter connected to
the grid. Such active filter structures are analyzed in [34] and [35] for

22 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies


Direct AC-AC








Fig. 2.1: Possible solutions for three-phase AC-AC converters; (a) Direct AC-AC
conversion (e.g., Matrix Converter, Indirect Matrix Converter, etc.); (b) Two-stage
conversion using back-to-back connected voltage source converters and (c) using
current source converters. (d) Mains interface using a standard diode bridge in com-
bination with an active filter compensating the harmonics generated by the diode

aerospace applications. Further contributions on active power filters

and examples can be found in [36, 37, 38].

Direct AC-AC conversion using a MC in MEA applications is

discussed extensively in [18, 39, 40, 41, 42]. An overview on matrix
converters can be found in [43] and a detailed discussion of direct
AC-AC converters can be found in [44]. It seems to be a good approach
to implement these converter systems for MEA requiring high power
density as an energy storage element such as the DC-link capacitor
is omitted. Matrix converters have therefore been subject of topology
evaluations and comparisons where the structure is benchmarked
relative to a VLBBC [45, 46, 47]. According to the evaluations, the MC
shows a slightly better efficiency and a volume reduction of the passive
components including heat sink can be achieved. A volume reduction
by a factor of 1.5 is for instance reported for the system given in [45]
with a switching frequency of 32 kHz.
Despite the advantages of a slightly higher efficiency and smaller
total volume, the MC shows also some serious drawbacks. The main
drawbacks are the limited maximum output voltage of 86.6 % of the
mains voltage, and the need of an active clamping circuit for mains
failures. The system can, furthermore, not handle an outage of a single
phase. In addition, a more complex and more powerful controller is
required as an easy PWM control of the input currents is not possible.
Also the statement, that a MC does not have any energy storage
element, has to be revised as the MC requires input capacitors for
proper operation and it can be argued that the intermediate storage
element of a VLBBC is somehow shifted to the input.
According to [45], the MC does not provide the best solution for
applications requiring high-load dynamics or single-phase operation
due to the lack of a main energy storage element and shows good
results only for loads where low dynamic performance is required or
achievable due to high inertia. Due to this set of disadvantages, the
MC is not an ideal solution for the application in MEA and is therefore
not further discussed in this work.
The topology evaluation given in [47] is performed for switching fre-
quencies between 40 kHz and 140 kHz. This evaluation also includes a
CLBBC converter which, unfortunately, shows higher weight compared
to the MC and the VLBBC. The classical VLBBC is therefore an
ideal candidate for an implementation showing high power density
and low weight. Due to the missing on-board storage element in MEA
applications energy feedback into the mains is not allowed and hence
only unidirectional front ends are considered.
24 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies

In the following an overview of unidirectional rectifier circuits is

given where the focus is laid on rectifier systems with low weight
and high power density as those are the main requirements for MEA
applications. Comparisons and reviews of rectifier topologies can be
found in [49, 50, 51] and a more comprehensive comparison is presented
in [48] which is the basis of the following discussion.

Unidirectional rectifier systems can basically be divided into passive

systems, hybrid systems and active systems. Passive systems use either
a line commutated diode or thyristor bridge without any active current
control. This results in low-frequency harmonics in the input currents
and basically in an uncontrolled output voltage. Hybrid systems on
the contrary exhibit either partly controlled input currents or output
voltages. They therefore employ low-frequency as well as high-frequency
passive components. Active rectifier systems show a controlled output
voltage and controlled, sinusoidally shaped mains currents.

2.1 Passive Systems

Passive systems using a three-phase diode bridge usually exhibit high
input current peaks which results in a very poor input current quality
and power factor. The conduction interval can, however, be enlarged if
either three inductors are inserted on the AC-side or a single inductor
is inserted on the DC-side of the rectifier bridge. This considerably
improves system performance but still a THDI above 30 % and a power
factor below 0.952 exists. In addition, the concept of passive third
harmonic injection can be used to improve the input current quality as
shown in [52] and a THDI of 5 % at full load can be achieved using this

The input current quality can be enhanced considerably if two or

more phase-shifted rectifier bridges are connected in parallel which
results in passive multi-pulse rectifier systems. Transformers are
either used for phase-shifting and isolation and such systems are
called Transformer Rectifier Units (TRU) or Auto Transformers in
combination with Rectifiers (ATRU) are applied if isolation is not
Passive Systems
Unidirectional Three-Phase Rectifier Systems

Passive Systems Hybrid Systems Active PFC Systems

Single Diode Bridge Multi-Pulse Rect. System

DC-Side Inductor (Par!al) Transf. Isol. or Auto-Transf.-Based

AC-Side Inductors AC- or DC-Side Interph. Transformer
Passive 3rd Harmonic Injec!on Passive Pulse Mul!plica!on

Combination of
Electronic Reactance Based Active 3rd Harmonic Injection Direct Three-Phase Systems Phase-Modular Systems
Diode Rectifier and DC/DC Converter

Single Diode Bridge Passive/Hybr. or Ac!ve 3rd Harm. Inject. Network Y-Rec!er
& DC-Side Electron. Ind. Delta-Rec!er
Boost- or Buck-Type or Uncontrolled Output
Single Diode Bridge 3/2-Phase Sco%-Transf. Based
& AC-Side Electron. Ind. or Cap. Diode Bridge or Mul!pulse System With
Mul!-Pulse Rec!er System Harmonic Inj. (Pulse Mul!pl.)
Employing Electron. Inter-
phase Transf.
Impressed Input Current Impressed Input Voltage
Boost-Type Buck-Type (Boost-Type) (Buck-Type)

Single Diode Bridge Single Diode Bridge

& DC/DC Output Stage & DC/DC Output Stage DCM CCM DVM CVM
Half-Controlled Diode Half-Controlled Diode
Bridge Bridge Single-Switch Two-Level Converter Single-Switch Three-Switch Converter
Mul!-Pulse Rect. System Two-Switch # Y-Switch Converter Six-Switch Converter
(Transf. or Auto-Transf.-Based) # -Switch
with DC/DC Output Stage Empl. # Y-Arrangement with Mains
AC-Side or DC-Side Ind. Ar!cial Star-Point Connec!on
Three-Level Converter
(VIENNA Rec!er)

Fig. 2.2: Overview of unidirectional rectifier systems according to [48].

26 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies

LN1 iN1

N +
Co Vo R

Fig. 2.3: Passive 12-pulse rectifier system with interphase transformer located on
the AC-side [53].

needed. The interphase transformer can be placed on the AC-side as

shown in Fig. 2.3 for a 12-pulse rectifier system [53] which results
in an impressed DC voltage. Alternatively the interphase transformer
could be inserted on the DC-side as demonstrated in [54].
Multi-pulse rectifier circuits, usually 18-pulse rectifier circuits, are
common rectifier topologies in MEA [55, 56, 57, 58, 59]. The 12-pulse
rectifier circuits can comply with the harmonic limits of the airborne
standard DO160F (cf. TABLE 1.1), however, in order to comply with
the more stringent harmonic limits of major OEMs such as Boeing
or Airbus, 18-pulse rectifier system are required. Multi-pulse rectifier
systems are very robust and due to their relatively large mass, high
short-term overloads can be handled. On the other hand, such rectifier
systems offer no dedicated control of the DC voltage, show limited input
current quality (e.g. THDI = 6 9 % for 18-pulse rectifier systems)
and exhibit a high weight due to the low-frequency transformer or
auto-transformer. Enhanced rectifier topologies are therefore required
to overcome this drawbacks.

2.2 Hybrid Systems

In order to improve the input current quality the concept of third
harmonic injection can be applied. A specific amount of current is
injected either into one phase or in all three phases resulting in the
effect that zero mains current periods are avoided. The most famous
Hybrid Systems 27

vN1 Cop
iN1 +

N 3iy
Vo R
Con +

Fig. 2.4: Minnesota rectifier using third harmonic injection into all three-phases to
achieve sinusoidal main currents.

L Po=const.

Fig. 2.5: Three-phase rectifier circuit using third harmonic injection always into
only one phase (Korea Rectifier [62]).

topology has been proposed by Prof. N. Mohan in 1995 and is known

as Minnesota rectifier [60, 61] (cf. Fig. 2.4). It uses two cascaded
boost converters at the output and a third harmonic current injection
transformer. The rectifier system shows a controlled output voltage and
purely sinusoidal mains currents. The main drawback of the topology
is the bulky, low-frequency current injection transformer which shows
a high weight. This inhibits the application of this promising approach
in aircraft applications.

The bulky and heavy third harmonic injection network can be omit-
ted if the current is injected always into only one phase. An interesting
approach has been proposed in [62, 63] and the basic structure of the
rectifier system is given in Fig. 2.5. The system uses only a single
inductor and three bidirectional, bipolar switches for injection of the
current into one phase. The current in the inductor L is modulated by
the transistors S+ and S . The three bidirectional switches connect
always the phase with smallest (absolute) voltage value to the inductor
28 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies

and only one switching action is therefore required every 60 of the

mains period. Only S+ and S are hence modulated with switching
frequency. Due to the small current level injected into the third
phase, low conduction losses occur in the bidirectional switches, in
the inductor and in the two high-frequency modulated transistors.
This finally results in a very high efficiency. A rough estimation yields
to an achievable efficiency of almost 99 %. Sinusoidal input currents
are, however, only achieved for constant power loads as indicated in
Fig. 2.5. The output voltage of the rectifier system is uncontrolled and
the output capacitor must be small so that a 6-th harmonic voltage
shape on the DC side can occur. Application of electrolytic capacitors
is therefore omitted. In addition, the system cannot deal with an
outage of a single phase. Due to its high efficiency and due to the low
complexity it is, however, an interesting approach where a controlled
output voltage is not needed and for applications where a constant
power load is connected to the output of the rectifier circuit.
Output voltage control could, however, be achieved by inserting an
electronic inductor [64] on the positive DC rail which produces the
required current shape.

A topology using third harmonic injection only into one phase in

combination with boost circuits for output voltage control is presented
in Fig. 5(e) of [51]. This topology would show sinusoidal input currents
and a controlled output voltage with a voltage level near to the
rectifier AC voltage but suffers from the high voltage stress of the

The performance of multi-pulse rectifier systems can also be improved

if the diode bridge rectifiers are combined with DC/DC boost-type
output stages. The required inductors can be located either on the DC
side [65, 66] or on the AC side [67]. These rectifier types are member
of the hybrid rectifiers category as passive low-frequency elements
are combined with high-frequency elements for current shaping or
output voltage control or both. A 12-pulse hybrid rectifier system with
inductors located on the AC side is given in Fig. 2.6. Two boost-type
output stages are there used for modulation of the diode bridge output
voltage. A detailed analysis of the the rectifier is given in [68] where
it is also compared to an implementation using only one switch. A
more comprehensive closed-loop control implementation is furthermore
Active Systems 29

L iN1

N Co +
Vo R

Fig. 2.6: Schematic of a hybrid 12-pulse ATRU using two boost stages at the output
impressing/modulating the diode bridge current.

discussed in [69].
Using this hybrid approach a THDI below 2 % at full load can be
achieved and an efficiency of 95 % can be measured for fN = 400 Hz,
VN = 115 V and Po = 10 kW. The power factor is, however, below 0.96.
This method allows to control the output voltage at almost sinusoidal
input current shape and is a good approach to improve the behavior
of the passive rectifier circuit. Due to the large size of the constructed
prototype it shows, however, only a power density of 1.55 kW/dm3 . In
addition a power to weight ratio of only 122 W/kg is achieved because
of the low frequency magnetic components. Also the low power factor
below 0.96 does not ideally fit the needs for aerospace applications.

2.3 Active Systems

Active PFC rectifier circuits are well suited for implementing a rectifier
system with high power density, low weight and high input current
quality. According to Fig. 2.2, the active rectifier topologies can be
divided into phase-modular systems and direct three-phase rectifier
systems. Phase-modular systems use a single-phase rectifier stage for
each phase. The individual rectifier systems can either be connected in
star, called Y-Rectifier [70, 71] (cf. Fig. 2.7(a)), or between the phases
which is called -Rectifier [72] (cf. Fig. 2.7(b)). The phase units show
individual output voltages and according to Fig. 2.7 isolated DC/DC
converter stages are required if a single DC output voltage should be
30 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies

C Vo,1

AC + DC +
C Vo,2 Co Vo R

C Vo,3


C Vo,1

AC + DC +
C Vo,2 Co Vo R

C Vo,3


Fig. 2.7: Basic structures of phase-modular rectifier systems. On the AC-side the
systems can (a) either be connected in star (Y-Rectifier) or (b) between the phases
(-Rectifier). Isolated DC/DC converter stages are required if a common DC output
voltage should be generated.

built. Compared to a direct three-phase rectifier system large capacitors

must be applied in the individual DC links of the modular systems as
a pulsating power flow, being typical for single-phase systems, occurs.
Also balancing issues of the three independent outputs have to be
addressed. On the other hand, in particular the -Rectifier shows
the advantage that the system can further operate with full output
power in case of a single phase loss if the diode bridges are replaced by
three-phase thyristor bridges. Overall, the modular systems show good
results but as typically a DC/DC converter is required for each phase
these systems are not the first choice to achieve highest power density.
Active Systems 31

iN1 LN1

N S +
Co Vo R

Fig. 2.8: Single-switch three-phase rectifier system operating in discontinuous op-

eration mode.

Direct three-phase rectifier circuits perform a direct energy conver-

sion from the three-phase AC-mains to a single DC-bus. In a symmet-
rical three-phase mains a continuous power flow exists which results
in a reduced current stress of the rectifiers output capacitor. Direct
three-phase rectifier systems can generally be classified into boost-type
and buck-type rectifier systems. Buck-type rectifier systems, such as the
Three-Switch Buck Rectifier System [73] or the Six-Switch Buck Recti-
fier System [74], exhibit an output DC voltage which is below Vo = 23 VN
if they are not combined with a boost-type DC/DC converter. They
show discontinuous input phase currents and therefore a relatively high
filtering effort using capacitors must be accepted. The large amount of
input capacitors, however, is in contradiction to the required power fac-
tor at mains frequencies of 360 Hz - 800 Hz. Buck-type rectifier systems
are therefore not very well suited for aerospace applications and not
further discussed in this work. The same is true for Matrix Converters
which exhibit a similar input current behavior and filter requirement or
A very simple direct three-phase rectifier circuit is the single-switch
three-phase boost rectifier [75, 76] shown in Fig. 2.8. The system oper-
ates in DCM mode and the switch is modulated with a constant duty
cycle which means that no PWM as well as no current measurement is
required. The system shows, however, discontinuous input currents and
high current peak values which results in a large EMI filter demand.
The performance can be improved by three-level arrangement or by
interleaved operation of two systems as discussed in [77] but similar
to buck-type rectifier systems this topology is not suited for aerospace
applications and hence not further discussed here.
32 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies

Three-phase rectifier systems can furthermore be divided into two-

level and three-level topologies utilizing either two or three voltages
levels for PWM voltage formation. Three-level rectifiers show a smaller
current ripple which allows to reduce the size of the boost inductor
compared to two-level systems. Dependent on the rectifier topology,
either all or only some of the semiconductors are stressed with half
of the output voltage which results in reduced switching losses and
reduced DM filtering effort. The reduced voltage stress also allows
to employ todays SJ MOSFETs which enable switching frequencies
beyond 50 kHz. The possibility of using such high switching frequencies
is the main reason why three-level three-phase rectifier systems are very
well suited to implement very high power densities. This statement
may, however, loose its generality as recently SiC-MOSFETs have been
developed [78]. They show a low on-state resistance, a high break down
voltage and they allow high switching frequencies even for devices with
a breakdown voltage of 1200 V.
Three-level rectifier systems also show some drawbacks. On one hand
a higher complexity of the system is present and on the other hand an
additional controller for balancing the two output voltages is required.
The advantages, however, overrule the drawbacks for applications
where high power density is required at a mains voltage level of 230 V.

The most famous representative of a unidirectional three-phase

three-level rectifier system is the Vienna Rectifier topology shown in
Fig. 2.9(a) [79, 80]. This is the original VR topology although the
name is often used in literature for unidirectional implementations
where all three phases can be connected to the output voltage midpoint.
The VR system requires only three switches and all semiconductors
(diodes and MOSFETs) are only stressed with half of the output
voltage. The system shows a high reliability as a short circuit of the DC
bus is not possible. In the original implementation always two diodes
are conducting current. The linked conduction losses can be reduced if
six switches are used instead (cf. Fig. 2.9(b) [81]).

The recent development of reliable SiC Schottky diodes with a block-

ing voltage of 1200 V and ideally no reverse recovery current support an
implementation shown in Fig. 2.10. The diodes are there stressed with
full output voltage whereas the switches are only stressed with Vo /2.
The main advantage of this topology is its very high efficiency and a
Active Systems 33

Vo / 2
DN+ S1 DM+
vr1 vr2 vr3
Vo / 2


EMC input filter



Vo / 2
DN+ S1+
vr1 vr2 vr3

Vo / 2


EMC input filter



Fig. 2.9: (a) Power circuit of the three-phase three-level Vienna Rectifier topology
[79, 80] and (b) of the three-phase three-level six-switch Vienna-type rectifier [81]
system showing reduced conduction losses at higher power levels.

rough estimation of power losses reveals that an efficiency of nearly

99 % is possible for a 10 kW rectifier system operating at fN = 50 Hz.
34 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies

vN1 Cop
iN1 LN1
M Vo R


Fig. 2.10: Three-level Vienna-type rectifier circuit showing very high efficiency if
SiC-diodes are applied.

M Vo R




Fig. 2.11: Unidirectional three-phase rectifier circuit based on the NPC converter

A derivation of unidirectional three-phase rectifier circuits based on

conventional bidirectional rectifier topologies such as the Neutral Point
Clamped (NPC), the Flying Capacitor and the converter employing
symmetric Cascaded H-Bridges is discussed in [82]. A unidirectional
rectifier topology based on the NPC converter (cf. Fig. 2.11) is there
proposed and an improved efficiency is predicted if synchronous rectifi-
cation is used. The topology is an interesting solution, however, a more
detailed analysis and experiences taken from a practical implemented
prototype are still needed.

In order to further reduce the voltage stress of the semiconductors

or increase the operating voltages of the rectifier systems the number
Active Systems 35

of levels can be increased. In [83], unidirectional multi-level rectifier

systems based on the topology shown in Fig. 2.10 are proposed and
carrier-based PWM strategies are derived. A five-level three-phase
rectifier system for aircraft applications is proposed in [84], which is a
combination of a NPC rectifier and a flying capacitor rectifier. Those
systems suffer from the large amount of required switches; furthermore,
multiple output capacitors have to be balanced. They show, however,
no significant advantages for the intended voltage and power range
(VN = 115/230 V, Po = 10 kW) and are therefore not further discussed

Altogether, the three-phase VR topology is an ideal candidate for

implementing a rectifier system for aerospace applications showing a
high power density, a low weight and a high performance regarding
power factor and input current quality. This is also confirmed by
the comparative evaluation given in [85] where the VR topology is
compared with a 12-pulse passive rectifier system (cf. Fig. 2.3) and a
conventional six-switch rectifier circuit (cf. Fig. 2.14) and where the
VR topology scores well. The VR topology using six switches as shown
in Fig. 2.9(b) is therefore an ideal candidate for an implementation
for the voltage range of 230 V.

In todays commercially used aircraft, a mains voltage of 115 V and

a fixed frequency of 400 Hz exists (see also section 1.1). Also in future
aircraft the AC bus with 115 V will be available so that existing equip-
ment, including equipment on the ground, can still be used. The voltage
stress on the semiconductors employed in three-level topologies is only
200 V for a total DC bus voltage of 400 V and semiconductors with a
blocking voltage around 350 V would be required. Such semiconductors
are, unfortunately, not commercially available and 600 V devices must
be used instead which show an increased on-state resistance. The
three-level VR system can therefore not show its strength and two-level
rectifier systems are the preferred solution.

A survey on (unidirectional) two-level rectifier systems can be found

in [50, 86]. In [87], a topology using either Y-connected (Y-switch
rectifier, cf. Fig. 2.12(a)) or -connected (-switch rectifier, cf.
Fig. 2.12(b)) bidirectional switches on the AC side is presented and
the operation analysis of the -version using SVM in combination
36 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies


EMC input filter

VN1 LN1 iN1
S2 Vo


EMC input filter

VN1 LN1 vr1

N VN2 LN2 vr2 Co
S23 Vo
VN3 LN3 vr3


Fig. 2.12: Active three-phase two-level rectifier systems using (a) Y-connection
(Y-switch rectifier) and (b) -connection (-switch rectifier) of the bidirectional

with hysteresis control is discussed in [88]. In general, the Y-connected

implementation shows higher conduction losses as compared to the -
connected alternative, as there are always two (bidirectional) switches
connected in series. A short-circuit of the DC-voltage is not possible
with either topology. In both implementations the semiconductors are
stressed with the full output voltage which inhibits the application of
MOSFETs for VN = 230 V. SJ devices with a blocking voltage of 650 V
can, however, be applied for a mains voltage of 115 V and Vo = 400 V.
As shown in [86], also a single three-phase rectifier power module with
low current rating can be used for implementation.

Two possibilities of implementing the bidirectional (current), bipolar

(voltage) switches using MOSFETs are given in Fig. 2.13. The original
VR topology (cf. Fig. 2.9(a)) uses the bidirectional switch shown in
Fig. 2.13(b) instead of the two MOSFETs per phase-leg shown in
Fig. 2.12(b). An elegant topology, which integrates the bidirectional
switch of Fig. 2.13(b) into the diode bridge, is shown in [89, 90]. The
Bidirectional Rectifier Circuits 37

Sij Sji

i j i j

(a) (b)

Fig. 2.13: Possible implementations of a bidirectional (current), bipolar (voltage)

switch using (a) two MOSFETs and (b) a MOSFET and a diode bridge.

conduction losses of this version are, however, higher than those when
two MOSFETs (cf. Fig. 2.12(b)) are used.
In addition, some topologies using quasi tri-directional switches [91]
or topologies operating in discontinuous conduction mode are shown
in [92, 93]. The topology using tri-directional switches increases the
system complexity and DCM topologies cannot meet the requirements
for the total harmonic distortion. Due to its low complexity, low con-
duction losses and high reliability the -switch rectifier topology seems
to be an optimal choice for implementation of a rectifier for aerospace
applications with a mains voltage of 115 V and a DC bus voltage of
400 V. The -switch rectifier circuit will therefore be analyzed in detail
in section 6 where also a novel current control concept is proposed. The
proper operation of the rectifier circuit is verified by measurements
taken from the constructed hardware prototype.

2.4 Bidirectional Rectifier Circuits

In future aircraft, feedback of energy into the mains might be allowed
and therefore a short discussion of two- and three-level bidirectional
rectifier circuits is given in the following.

The most common direct three-phase boost-type rectifier system is

the two-level six-switch PWM rectifier bridge as shown in Fig. 2.14.
The rectifier structure is simple, robust and power modules as well
as auxiliary components are available from several manufacturers.
Drawbacks are reduced reliability due to possible shoot-through of
a bridge leg resulting in a short circuit of the DC-voltage, the high
38 Comparison of Unidirectional Rectifier Topologies

iN1 LN1
N Co +
Vo R

Fig. 2.14: Commonly used bidirectional three-phase two-level PWM rectifier sys-

current stress on the semiconductors, and the involvement of the

MOSFET body diode causing a substantial limitation of the switching
frequency. Also the boost inductors show a large volume due to the
two-level nature.

The three-level bidirectional T-type neutral point clamped (NPC)

rectifier system shown in Fig. 2.15(b) can be derived by replacing the
diodes of the VR structure given in Fig. 2.10 with transistors. A three-
level bidirectional I-type NPC converter can similarly be derived by
replacing the diodes in Fig. 2.11 by transistors (cf. Fig. 2.15(b)).
According to [94], the three-level rectifier circuits show a higher effi-
ciency than the six-switch rectifier circuit for higher switching frequen-
cies. Similar to the unidirectional rectifier system the semiconductors of
three-level rectifiers are stressed with lower level voltages which lowers
switching losses. Furthermore, the volume of the passive components
can be reduced. They show, however, increased conduction losses and a
considerably increased complexity and implementation effort.
Bidirectional rectifier systems show a better input current quality than
unidirectional rectifier systems as they avoid intervals with zero current
in the vicinity of the zero crossing. Bidirectional systems can also com-
pensate a large amount of reactive power which is only possible to a
limited extend for unidirectional rectifier systems.
Bidirectional Rectifier Circuits 39

vN1 Cop
iN1 LN1

M Vo R




iN1 LN1
Vo R



Fig. 2.15: Bidirectional three-phase three-level rectifier circuits. (a) Three-level T-

type NPC rectifier and (b) three-level I-type NPC rectifier.
Chapter 3

Three-Phase Vienna

In this chapter the basic operation of the three-phase three-level Vienna

Rectifier topology will be discussed. Some of the material has already be
discussed in previous publications. The widespread informations will be
summarized here and considerably extended at specific points. Based on
a short description of the basic operation of the rectifier system design
guidelines for the power circuitry will be given. Corresponding mod-
els for the design of an appropriate controller structure, consisting of a
three-phase current controller, an output voltage controller and an out-
put voltage symmetry controller will be derived. It will be demonstrated
again that the three-level VR topology shows redundant switching states
which can be used advantageously to balance the output voltages of the
three-level topology. The information given in this chapter can be used
to design a proper VR system and are the base for the optimization of
the power density discussed in section 5.

3.1 Basic Operation

The power circuit of the original VR topology as published in [79], [80]
is given in Fig. 3.1(a). The topology consists of three bidirectional
switches, implemented using a single unidirectional switch Si in

42 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

Vo / 2
DN+ S1 DM+
vr1 vr2 vr3
Vo / 2


EMC input filter



Vo / 2
DN+ S1+
vr1 vr2 vr3

Vo / 2


EMC input filter



Fig. 3.1: (a) Power circuit of the three-phase three-level Vienna Rectifier topology
[79, 80] and (b) of the three-phase three-level six-switch Vienna-type rectifier [95]
system showing reduced conduction losses at higher power levels.

combination with a diode bridge, which are advantageously integrated

in the diode bridge DF+ , DF of the rectifier system. The output
capacitors are split and the bidirectional switches are connected to the
Basic Operation 43

output voltage midpoint M . Two diodes of the bidirectional switch

implementation are connected to the mains (DN+ and DN ) and two
diodes are connected to the output voltage midpoint M (DM+ and
DM ). The input of the rectifier system, which is connected to the
boost inductor LNi , can now either be switched to M (0) by closing Si
or, depending on the current direction, switched to the positive voltage
rail (+Vo /2) or to the negative voltage rail (Vo /2) by the free-wheeling
diodes DF+ and DF which finally results in the three-level system
The mains side diodes DN+ and DN are only commutated with mains
frequency, DN+ conducts during the whole positive half-wave and DN
conducts during the negative half-wave. The input currents commutate
with switching frequency between the free-wheeling diodes DF+ or
DF and the switches Si . Fast-recovery diodes must therefore be used
for DF+ and DF in order to limit switching losses, whereas for all
other diodes standard rectifier diodes can be applied.

The current flows through two diodes in every switching state which
results in considerable conduction losses. In order to reduce the conduc-
tion losses, the diodes DM+ and DM can be removed if two switches
are used instead of a single switch which is shown in Fig. 3.1(b). This
configuration is a six-switch version of the three-level Vienna Rectifier
and was first published in 1993 [95]. The two switches show a low uti-
lization compared with the original VR topology which employs only a
single switch but better cooling can be performed as the power losses
are distributed to two devices. In addition the commutation path can be
optimized easier as the switch Si+ only commutates with the diode DF+
and the switch Si with DF . The fundamental operation of the six-
switch version given in Fig. 3.1(b) is equal to the original VR topol-
ogy and therefore in the following only the six-switch version will be
discussed. It will be denominated as Vienna Rectifier even if it is not
exactly the original VR topology.
Dependent on the state si of the corresponding switch (si = 1 de-
notes that the switch Si is conducting) and the input current direction
(sign(iNi )), the rectifier voltage of each phase is given by

vri = 2 sign(iNi ) for si = 0
0 for si = 1 .
44 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

iN2 > 0 30
iN1 < 0 iN1 > 0
(110) iN2 < 0

iN vr*
N (011) (000)

(101) (001)
iN3 < 0
iN3 > 0

Fig. 3.2: Space vector diagram of the three-phase three-level VR topology for the
sector N [30 , 30 ] (iN1 > 0, iN2 , iN3 < 0).

Using space vector calculus the corresponding voltage space vector

2 2
vr = (vr1 + avr2 + a2 vr3 ) with a = ej 3 (3.2)
can be calculated. With the VR topology in total eight different discrete
voltage space vectors can be generated which are shown in Fig. 3.2 for
N [30 , +30 ] (iN1 > 0, iN2 , iN3 < 0). There, (s1 , s2 , s3 ) describe
the different switching states where e.g. (010) denotes that S2 is turned
on and S1 and S3 are turned off. In addition the boundary of areas
with equal input current directions is shown, e.g. iN1 shows a positive
direction in the whole right half plane. It is obvious that the switching
states (011) and (100) result in equal voltage space vectors and are
therefore equivalent for generation of the input currents. As will be
discussed below these two redundant switching states, however, lead
to different current directions in the connection to the output voltage
midpoint M which can be used for balancing of the two output voltages.
The modulation index
M = Vo (3.3)
describes the modulation index of the system and according to Fig. 3.2
a maximal value of of M = 23 is possible. A higher rectifier or mains
Basic Operation 45

voltage or both would result in significant input current distortions due

to over-modulation.
Using the voltage space vector of the mains

v N = VN ejN , N = N t (3.4)

the input current space vector

iN = IN ejiN (3.5)

is given by

v N v r = LN . (3.6)
As only discrete voltage space vectors can be generated by the rectifier
system the desired voltage space vector v r has to be approximated by
the time average over one switching period using the surrounding dis-
crete voltage space vectors. The approximation for the desired voltage
space vector v r given in Fig. 3.2 (and for all other voltage space vec-
tors in the gray shaded area) can be performed by the switching states
(000), (010), (011) and (100),

v r = (100) v r,(100) + (000) v r,(000) + (010) v r,(010) + (011) v r,(011) , (3.7)

(100) + (000) + (010) + (011) = 1 . (3.8)

The on-times (xxx) [0 . . . 1] of the particular voltage space vectors

v r,(xxx) can be calculated using simple geometrical relations and a de-
tailed calculation can be found in [96]. The on-times can be used to
implement a space vector control of the rectifier system and examples
for such a space vector control can be found in [97, 98, 99].
The sequence of the switching states is essential for obtaining minimal
switching losses which can be achieved by a minimizing the number of
switching actions. The optimal switching sequence for the voltage space
vector given in v r is

(100) (000) (010) (011) Ts (011) (010) (000) (100) .
0 2 Ts
46 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

vN1 vDM,1,avg vDM,1~
1 iN1 LN1 vr1
vCM,h3 vCM~

Fig. 3.3: Equivalent circuit of the Vienna Rectifier system where the rectifier voltage
vr1,M is split into a DM voltage components vDM,1 and in a CM voltage component

Any following switching state can be reached by a single switching action

i.e. by changing the state of only one switch and the switching states
at the end and at the beginning of the switching sequence are equal.
In addition the switching sequence is symmetrical to half of the pulse
period Ts = 1/fs .
In Fig. 3.3 the equivalent circuit of the VR is shown where the
voltage formation is represented by voltage sources. The corresponding
waveforms are plotted in Fig. 3.4. The rectifier voltage vr1,M (measured
from vr1 to M )
vr1,M = vDM,1 + vCM (3.10)
can be split into a DM voltage component vDM,1 and in a voltage com-
ponent common to all three phases (CM voltage component vCM ).
The average (low-frequency) components of the voltages, e.g., vr1,M,avg
or vDM,1,avg , can be calculated by averaging over one switching cycle
Z Ts
vr1,M,avg = vr1,M (t)dt . (3.11)
Ts 0

The voltage vr1,M is generated by chopping either the output voltage vop
(positive input current direction) or von (negative input current direc-
tion) and its low-frequency component is equivalent to the modulation
function, i.e. a sinusoidal and an added third harmonic signal. Details
on the modulation function and the third harmonic signal will be given
later. The characteristic three voltage levels (Vop , Von and 0) are clearly
visible in the voltage shape of vr1,M .
The DM voltage
vDM,1 = vDM,1,avg + vDM,1 (3.12)
Basic Operation
400 40
Voltage (V)

Current (A)
200 20
0 0
-200 -20
-400 -40
0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5
Voltage (V)


Voltage (V)
-200 vr1,M,avg 0
-400 -200
0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5 -400
500 20 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5

Current (A)
vDM,1 iN1~
Voltage (V)

0 0
-500 -2
0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5 0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5
400 vCM~
Voltage (V)


Voltage (V)
200 200
0 0
-200 -200
-400 -400
0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5
0 0.625 1.25 1.875 2.5
t (ms) t (ms)
(a) (b)

Fig. 3.4: (a) Splitting of the rectifier input voltage vr1,M (vr1 to M ) in a DM component vDM,1 and a CM component vCM ; (b)
high-frequency component of the DM voltage vDM,1 , of the CM voltage vCM and high-frequency input current ripple iN1 .

48 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

can further be split into a low-frequency component vDM,1,avg and in a

high-frequency noise component vDM,1 .
Only this DM voltage vDM,1 is available for input current formation
and its low-frequency component shows purely sinusoidal shape.

Also the CM voltage can be split into a low-frequency component

vCM,h3 , representing the added third harmonic signal, and a high-
frequency component vCM . The output voltage midpoint M therefore
shows a low-frequency variation with 3fN and a considerably large
high-frequency component. The voltages vDM,1 and vCM are relevant
for EMI filtering and will be used in section 5.7 for EMI filter design.

The high-frequency DM and CM voltages are responsible for the high-

frequency ripple iN1 of the input current and the voltages are given in
Fig. 3.4(b) together with the high-frequency current ripple. The CM
voltage only contributes to the current ripple for capacitive connection
of M to the input (see also section 5.7).

3.1.1 Modulator
A space vector modulation can be applied to implement the optimal
switching sequence, but requires a high computational effort and is
therefore no option for systems with very high switching frequencies
as intended in this work. As shown in [100], a pulse width modulation
using a proper carrier signal intrinsically implements the optimal
switching sequence. This allows to use phase-oriented average mode
current control which reduces the processing demand considerably.
The use of simple average mode single-phase PWM controllers would
be possible but due to the coupling of the three input currents non-
synchronized PWM patterns would result in non-optimal switching
sequences and increased input current distortion.

Under consideration of the balance of the mains phase voltages and

the rectifier input voltages within each switching period the modulator
has to implement the modulation function
mi (t) = M cos N (i 1) sign(iN ) i [1, 2, 3] (3.13)
Basic Operation 49

m*i si+

carrier signals


Carrier signal
0 t
2Ts m*2
s1+ 1
0 t
s1 1
0 t
s2+ 1
0 t
s2 1
0 t
s3+ 1
0 t
s3 1
0 t
Sequence: (011) (100) (011)
(010) (010)
(000) (000)


Fig. 3.5: (a) Architecture of the pulse-width modulator for the VR system and
(b) pulse-width modulation at N = 10 using two 180 -phase shifted triangular
carrier signals. The optimal switching sequence (011)-(010)-(000)-(100)-(000)-(010)-
(011) can be observed.

where the corresponding duty cycle is

i (t) = 1 mi (t) . (3.14)

The proposed three-phase modulator using two unipolar, 180 -phase

shifted triangular carrier signals is shown in Fig. 3.5(a). Depen-
dent on the input current direction either the switch Si+ or Si
has to be operated. According to Fig. 3.5(a) the modulation signal
generated by the current controller is directly used for pulse-width mod-
ulation of Si+ and the inverted modulation signal is used for switch Si .
50 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

The modulator output of each phase is high if the triangular carrier

signal exceeds the modulator input signal mi (cf. Fig. 3.5(b)). As the
carrier signal for the PWM of the switches Si+ and Si is 180 out
of phase inverse pulse-patterns are generated inherently. Symmetrical
pulse patterns are generated by the triangular shaped carrier signals
and as will be discussed in detail in section 5.6, the peaks of the carrier
signals can be used advantageously to derive the sampling instants for
the AD-converter.
Unlike the unipolar carrier signal the modulation signals mi are bipolar
and hence a duty cycle of 100 % is automatically generated for negative
modulation voltages. This means that e.g., the switch S1+ is perma-
nently on during m1 < 0 which does not matter as the input diode
DN + blocks. Using this modulation strategy the gate-drive losses of the
corresponding switch can be reduced during the inactive half-wave. In
addition the direction of the input currents sign(iNi ) must not be consid-
ered in the modulation function as negative duty cycles automatically
are handled by the opposing switch (i.e. Si for iNi < 0). Fig. 3.5(b)
shows the operation of the PWM for N = 10 (iN1 > 0, iN2 < 0,
iN3 < 0) and the optimal switching sequence (011)-(010)-(000)-(100)-
(000)-(010)-(011) can be observed (see also Fig. 3.2).

3.1.2 Third Harmonic Injection

In the previous section it was discussed that the voltage space vector
of the rectifier system v r is decisive for the generation of the input cur-
rent in combination with the mains voltage. It is well known that a
common mode signal added to all three phases has no influence on the
fundamental component of the differential mode input current (only the
ripple component is influenced). The three-level VR topology offers an
output voltage midpoint M which is not connected to the neutral N
of the mains. During normal operation, as will be discussed in section
5.7, the output voltage midpoint M itself shows a considerable high-
frequency CM voltage (see also [101]).
A low-frequency CM signal can therefore be added to the modulation
signal without changing the DM voltage required for input current gen-
eration. This circumstance can be used to optimize a specific behavior
of the rectifier system [96]. In the following the two major optimization
goals will be discussed briefly:
Basic Operation 51

1 m1,sin
mi (N) Vo/2


-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90

Fig. 3.6: Modulation signal waveforms

of phase vN1 if the rectifier system is operated
at the modulation limit (M = 2/ 3) if either an ideal sinusoidal third harmonic
injection signal h3,sin or a triangular shaped injection signal h3,tri is added to the
basic sinusoidal modulation function.

A) Increased modulation range M ;

B) Minimized current stress of the output capacitor Co .

Both optimization goals are related to the output behavior (DC side)
of the rectifier system. The degree of freedom can alternatively be used
to optimize the input behavior (AC side) of the rectifier system, e.g. to
minimize the input ripple current and details can be found in [102].

A) Increasing the Modulation Range M

A detailed analysis of the modulation signal given in (3.13) shows that
the modulation index is limited to M = 1. According
to Fig. 3.2, how-
ever, a maximal modulation index of M = 2/ 3 can be determined
which could be achieved if SVM is applied. The reason for the reduced
modulation range can be found in a missing low-frequency CM signal
in (3.13).
The modulation range of the phase-oriented control of the input cur-
rents in combinationwith the discussed pulse-width modulator can be
extended to M = 2/ 3 if a proper third harmonic CM signal
2 1

mi,sin (N ) = M cos N (i 1) cos (3N ) (3.15)
3 6

is added to the modulation function. Note, that a factor 1/6 has to be

used for the third harmonic injection thereto.
52 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

Fig. 3.6 shows the resultingmodulation function m1,sin (N ) at

the modulation limit (M = 2/ 3) if the sinusoidal third harmonic
signal h3,sin (N ) is added. Whereas for 90 < N < 30 and
30 < N < 90 the modulation signal is increased, it is reduced
below 1 for 30 < N < 30 and pulse-width modulation is therefore
possible. As the third harmonic signal is equal in all three phases the
same reduction is given for the other two phases. The addition of a
third harmonic CM signal in fact moves the output voltage midpoint M
in such a way that the peak rectifier input voltage VN stays below Vo /2
but due to the potential shift can balance a mains voltage amplitude
up to 2/ 3Vo /2. Besides the high-frequency CM voltage generated by
the PWM also a low-frequency CM voltage (3fN ) is now present.

Instead of using a purely sinusoidal third harmonic injection, which

is in practice not easy to generate, especially in aerospace applications
where a variable mains frequency exists, a triangular shaped third har-
monic signal tri(N )
1 + 2 N for 0 < N
tri(N ) = (3.16)
3 2 N for < N 2

(see also Fig. 3.6) can be used as published in [103]. The modulation
2 1

mi,tri (N ) = M cos N (i 1) + tri (3N ) (3.17)
3 4

for such a triangular CM function is plotted in Fig. 3.6 as well.

The corresponding triangular modulation signal can easily be approxi-
mated using the phase-to-neutral voltages of the mains

h3,tri (N ) max {vN1 , vN2 , vN3 } + min {vN1 , vN2 , vN3 } (3.18)

as vNi vv,i is valid in the stationary case for low boost inductance
values or high switching frequencies or both.

B) Minimizing the Midpoint Current

Fig. 3.7(b) shows the simulated current iM flowing from the con-
nection of the (bidirectional) switches into the midpoint M of the
output capacitors (cf. Fig. 3.7(a)) for Po = 10 kW, fN = 400 Hz and
Basic Operation 53

iM iN1
Vo / 2 10

Currents (A)
M 0
Vo / 2
-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90
(a) (b)

Fig. 3.7: (a) Schematic of one phase-leg of the VR system illustrating the midpoint
current iM and (b) simulated midpoint current iM for Po = 10 kW, fN = 400 Hz,
VN = 230V and fs = 250 kHz.

VN = 230V if the modulation function according to (3.13) is used. The

current shows pulsed shape and averaging over one switching period
results in the current iM,avg . This approximately sinusoidal current
shows the amplitude IN M/2 and a frequency of 3fN . Next to the
high-frequency current therefore also a low-frequency, third harmonic
current is present which has to be considered for the design of the
output capacitors. This current also results in (locally) unbalanced
output voltages with 3fN but its average over one mains period is zero.
It has to be stated here that iM shows next to the third harmonic
component also components with k3fN where k = 1, 3, 5 . . . which are
very small and can therefore be neglected.

Also here a proper CM signal can be used to minimize this unwanted

third harmonic midpoint current and will be derived in the following.
The local average of the midpoint current
iM,avg (N ) = 1 (N )iN1 (N ) + 2 (N )iN2 (N ) + 3 (N )iN3 (N ) (3.19)
can be calculated using the input currents iNi (N ) and the correspond-
ing duty cycles i (N ) = 1 mi (N )
i (N ) = 1 M cos N (i 1) M3 cos (3N ) . (3.20)
In the following the the factor M3 for minimum rms-value of the low
54 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier


(IM,avg,rms / N)2

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1


Fig. 3.8: Value of the local average, i.e. low frequency component of the midpoint
rms current as a function of the amplitude M3 of the third harmonic modulation
signal. A minimum rms value results for M3 1/4.

frequency component of the midpoint current iM will be determined. As

the midpoint current shows a frequency of 3fN only a 60 interval has
to be considered. The interval N [30 . . . 30 ] is used here for the
calculation of iM,avg which allows to replace the the abs-function by the
corresponding signs of the input currents.
2 1 6
IM,avg rms
= i2M (N )dN =
3 6
= 1 iN1 + 2 iN2 + 3 iN3 dN =

3 2 6   
= IN 1 M cos N M3 cos 3N cos N +

2    2 
+ 1 (1)M cos N M3 cos 3N cos N +
3 3
+ 1 (1)M cos N + M3 cos 3N
cos N + dN =
2 2 16 + 27 3 2 12 18 3
= IN M M3 M3 + .
16 16
Basic Operation 55


0.5 msin
IN (M/2)

mopt mtri


-90 -60 -30 0 30 60 90

Fig. 3.9: Low frequency component of the midpoint current for the modulation
function given in (3.13) (natural) compared to to a modulation including different
third harmonic injection signals where for msin (N ) the modulation function given in
(3.15), for mtri (N ) the modulation function (3.17) and for mopt (N ) the optimized
modulation function given in (3.20) is applied.

The minimum rms current as a function of M3 can be found by

16 + 27 3
M3 1 = 0
which results in an optimal amplitude of the third harmonic modulation
signal of
8 1
M3 = . (3.23)
16 + 27 3 4
Fig. 3.8 shows the resulting low frequency midpoint rms current
value as a function of M3 where the derived minimum of M3 14 can
be verified. Similar results were found in [96] where SVM is used to
derive the optimal third harmonic function.

In Fig. 3.9 the resulting waveforms of the midpoint current local

average values of several modulation functions are plotted with respect
to the midpoint current without any added third harmonic modulation
signal. The optimum modulation function using (3.20) with M3 = 1/4
results in the current iM,avg,opt which is a reduction of the peak value
by 95 %.
56 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

A reduced midpoint current iM,avg,sin can be observed as well if the

modulation function given in (3.15) is applied which is optimized to
maximize the modulation index M of the rectifier system. In Fig. 3.9
also the resulting local average midpoint current for a triangular shaped
third harmonic signal is given (iM,avg,tri ). The triangular shaped third
harmonic signal results in a considerably reduced neutral point current
with respect to iM,avg,sin . As this injection signal also maximizes the
input voltage range and considerably reduces the local average of the
midpoint current which finally reduces the capacitive requirement of the
output capacitors, this third harmonic signal is recommended.
It has to be noted, that the derived results are only valid for symmetrical
load of the two output voltages.

3.1.3 Guidelines for Power Circuit Design

The on-state losses are essential for the design of the rectifier system.
Simple analytical approximations have been derived in [104] for the VR
topology and in [105] for the six-switch VR. The results are summarized
in TABLE 3.1 where the following assumptions have been made for
the calculations:

purely sinusoidal phase current shape;

input current in phase with mains voltage;
no low-frequency voltage drop across the boost inductor for the
sinusoidal shaping of the input currents;
constant switching frequency;
linear behavior of the boost inductors (inductance is not depen-
dent on the current level).

The detailed calculation of the semiconductor power losses will be

given in section 5.3. The rms current stress on the output capacitors
ICo ,rms is the total rms current including the high-frequency pulse
current and the low-frequency third-harmonic current according to
Fig. 3.9. Please note that the total current rms-value of the output
capacitor Co is independent of the modulation function.
Basic Operation 57

TABLE 3.1: Analytically calculated current stresses of the main components of

the original VR and the 6-switch VR topology.

Six-Switch VR Vienna Rectifier

(cf. Fig. 3.1(b)) (cf. Fig. 3.1(a))
IS,avg = 1
IN IS,avg = 2
Si+ , Si q 4
q 2
1 2M 1 4M
IS,rms = 4
3 N
IS,rms = 2
3 N

IDF ,avg = M IN
DFi+ , DFi q4
IDF ,rms = 2M 3 N

IDN ,avg = I
DNi+ , DNi
IDN ,rms = 21 IN

IDM ,avg = 1 M4
DMi+ , DMi q 
IDM ,rms = 1
5 3M 9M 2
Co ICo ,rms = 4

Inductor Current Ripple

The boost inductor current ripple of the VR system, which is heavily

affected by the control and modulation strategy, is already discussed
in [96, 106]. There, the total rms value of the boost inductor current
ripple is derived using space vector control and is useful to calculate the
inductor power losses caused by the current ripple. A clear statement
on the required boost inductor value in order not to exceed a specified
peak-to-peak current ripple value, as often used for the design of the
boost inductors, is however missing and will be derived in the following.

Fig. 3.10 shows the simulated current waveform and boost inductor
current ripple for a VR system operating at Po = 10 kW, fs = 250 kHz,
LN = 100 H and a modulation index of M = 0.813 using a triangular
shaped third harmonic injection signal with M3 = 1/4 (VN = 230 V,
Vo = 800 V). It can be verified that the maximum amplitude of the
58 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

20 N=30

Inductor current (A)

10 N=0


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
current ripple (A)

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
t (ms)

Fig. 3.10: Simulated current waveform iN1 and current ripple of the boost inductor
LN1 for Po = 10 kW, fs = 250 kHz, LN = 100 H and a modulation index of M =
0.813 (VN = 230 V, V o = 800 V).

ripple current occurs at N = 30 and N = 270 30 .1 Unfor-

tunately, the phase angle where the maximum ripple current occurs
is heavily dependent on the modulation index M and as a detailed
analysis shows the maximum peak-to-peak ripple current occurs either
at N = 0 , at N = 30 or at N = 75 . This can also easily be
verified by simulation of the rectifier system. A sinusoidal shaped third
harmonic injection with the amplitude M3 (cf. section 3.1.2) is assumed
for the following calculations.

Ripple current at N = 0
The inductor voltages can be calculated using the difference voltages of
the particular voltage space vectors to the phase voltage space vector
v N (cf. Fig. 3.12). The projections of these voltages on the correspond-
ing phase results in the desired inductor voltages. The ripple itself is a
function of the switching sequence, of the voltage space vectors turn-on
times and of the particular inductor voltages. Fig. 3.11 shows the cor-
responding switching sequence at N = 0 for M = 1 (cf. section 3.1.1).
It is obvious that only the switching states (000), (011) and (100) are
used as the switching state (010) would yield to a phase shift. According
to Fig. 3.12 switching states (011) and (100) increase and the switching
state (000) decreases the inductor current iN1 . The corresponding peak-
1 Consider that cos-waveforms are assumed.
Basic Operation 59



iN2(t) iN3(t)

pwmS3 1
pwmS2 1
pwmS1+ 1 3Ts
-Ts -Ts/2 0 Ts/2 Ts t

Fig. 3.11: Schematic inductor currents iNi and corresponding pwm-signals for N =
0 ; M = 1, M3 = 1/4.

(110) (010)


(100) vN

(101) (001)

Fig. 3.12: Space vector diagram for determining the peak-to-peak current ripple at
N = 0 .

to-peak current ripple at N = 0 can be calculated using the switching

state (011) and which is dependent of the duty cycle of switch S3 .

According to (3.20) the duty cycle 3 (N ) is given by

3 (N = 0) = 1 M cos N M3 cos (3N ) =
1  (3.24)
=1M + M3
60 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

for 0 < M3 . The corresponding inductor voltage of LN1 is the difference

of the phase voltage vN1 and the voltage space vector (011)
vLN1 (N = 0) = VN vr,(011) = VN =
Vo 2
= M
2 3
which can easily be derived for the case at hand as the inductor voltages
are in/out out phase with vN1 . Using the turn-on time 3 (N = 0 ) and
the derived voltage vLN1 (N = 0 ) the peak-to-peak current ripple at
N = 0 can be calculated to
vLN1 (0 )3 (0 )
iN,pp,0 = =
LN1 fs
Vo 2 1
= M 1M + M3 .
2fs LN 3 2
Similar calculations can be performed at N = 30
Vo 3 3 1
iL,pp,max,30 = 1M M (3.27)
2fs LN 2 2 3
and N = 75
Vo 2 5
iL,pp,max,75 = M cos
2fs LN 3 12
5 5
M cos + sin 1 +
12 12
1 5 5 M3
+ M cos 1 M cos
3 12 12 2

which can be approximated by

Vo 2 M
iL,pp,max,75 1.22M 1 +
2fs LN 3 4
   ! (3.29)
1 M M3
+ 1M 1 .
3 4 2
Control of the Rectifier System 61


iL,pp,max / (Vo/(2 LN fs)

without h3


0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 1.2

Fig. 3.13: Calculated peak-to-peak inductor current ripples as a function of M and

for different third harmonic injection signals (triangular and sinusoidal shaped).

The calculated normalized peak-to-peak current ripples are depicted

in Fig. 3.13 as a function of M for different third harmonic injection
signals (triangular or sinusoidal shaped) with amplitudes M3 . The am-
plitude of the third harmonic signal at N = 30 is zero and the
current ripple at 30 is therefore independent of M3 . It is obvious that
a triangular shaped carrier signal results in smaller current ripples com-
pared to the purely sinusoidal third harmonic injection signal. The max-
imum peak-to-peak current ripple occurs either at N = 30 or at
N = 75 . The corresponding formula for calculating the inductance
value of the boost inductor has to be selected according to the applica-
tion. A reasonable design criterion for the boost inductor current would
be the ripple current at N = 30 and M = 0.813 (VN = 230 V,
Vo = 800 V) unless the Vienna Rectifier system is not operated in a
nominal point of M > 1.05.

3.2 Control of the Rectifier System

To design a controller for the active three-phase rectifier an appropriate
model of the rectifier system is required. As the switching ripple (input
current ripple) is small in comparison to the low frequency input
currents, averaging over one switching period can be applied. The
pulsed voltages are thereto replaced by an equivalent value averaged
over one switching period. Neglecting the input filter, the rectifier
62 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

system exhibits five energy storage elements (three boost inductors and
two output capacitors) and a fifth order model is therefore expected.
However, as the sum of the input currents is forced to zero, only two
inductors represent independent energy storage elements and therefore
the model is actual of fourth order.
In [107] a detailed nonlinear time varying model including all five
elements for control of the three-phase three-level rectifier system is
derived using state space averaging. It is shown that the nonlinearity
can be eliminated using a proper input signal transformation and
the time-variant behavior is avoided by application of the Park
transformation which transfers the state variables into the dq0 -space.
Based on this model a linear controller [108] as well as a quasi linear
controller [109] is designed and also large signal modeling and steady
state analysis [110] is performed.
The model itself is unfortunately not as general as it promises as for
instance cross-couplings of the d- and q-quantities of the model are
neglected. An additional drawback is that the model relies on the
Park transformation. This means that some information on the mains
frequency and the mains voltage phase angle are required. Such a
controller might not operate as intended in case of a single phase loss.

In [111] it shown that the model of the three-phase VR is flat.2 Based

on this model an overview of nonlinear control methods suited for
control of the rectifier system including several linearisation techniques
and two passivity based approaches is given in [112]. The main conclu-
sion of this work is that the system responses of the nonlinear control
methods to load steps are similar to the ones of a linear controller
and that the nonlinear methods only show advantages for trajectory
planning which is typically not required in the rectifier system as the
output voltage is normally kept at a fixed value.

An explicit design of a passivity based controller using parallel

damping injection for the three-phase VR system is given in [113]. The
2 A linear or nonlinear system is called flat if a (virtual) output y exists where

all system variables can be expressed by this output and time derivatives of the
output. In addition y must be differentially independent, i.e. there must not exist
a differential relation only in the this output y and its derivatives. The definition
of a flat system is the extension of controllability from linear systems to nonlinear
systems. A flat system can be controlled by a combination of a special designed
feedforward signal and a linear controller.
Control of the Rectifier System 63

controller design is based on the model of [107], requires therefore the

Park and inverse Park transformation and does not show notably good

In [80], beside the basic operation of the rectifier system also a

controller structure has been proposed. In contrast to the approach
given in [107] more or less decoupled models for the AC-side of the
rectifier system (current control) and DC-side of the rectifier system
(output voltage control and output voltage symmetry control) are
intended. The decoupling of the output voltage controller from the
input current controller is justifiable by the different dynamic behaviors
of both sides. The time behavior of the input current control loop is
related to the switching frequency fs where the output voltage control
is related to the mains frequency fN which is considerably lower than
fs . The typically relative large output capacitor Co is the decoupling
element of the two control loops and a cascade control structure can
therefore be used.

The basic controller structure used in this approach is shown in

Fig. 3.14 where a phase-oriented modulation strategy is assumed in
combination with superimposed output voltage and output voltage sym-
metry controllers. A three-phase current controller KI (s) is required to
ensure sinusoidal input currents which are in phase with the mains phase
voltages or leading/lagging the mains voltages by a limited amount. In
order to achieve a constant output voltage an output voltage controller
KV (s) must be employed. The output signal of the voltage controller
is equivalent to the required output power Po . Using the rms values of
the mains voltages a conductance
Ge = 2 +V2 +V2 (3.30)
VN1 N2 N3

can be calculated which is used for generating the reference currents

iNi = vNi Ge .

As the output capacitor is split into two parts an output voltage sym-
metry controller KS (s) is required for balancing of the corresponding
output voltages vop and von .
As will be discussed in section 3.2.3, a common signal i0 added to the
corresponding modulation functions can be used to balance the two
64 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier


h3 Third LNi
iNi vNi
iNi m*i si+
KI(s) AC
Ge* v0
1 DC

vm vop

0 von M
1 Po* Vo
VN1 2
+VN2 2
+VN3 KV(s)
vop von

Fig. 3.14: Basic controller structure of the three-phase three-level rectifier system.
Signal paths being equal for all phases are shown by double lines.

output voltages. It is well known that a common DC offset does not

influence the DM current generation and therefore also this control is
not directly coupled with the current control.
The models of the rectifier system and the design of the corresponding
controllers are summarized in the following.

3.2.1 Current Controller

Several approaches have been reported in literature for implementation
of a proper three-phase current controller. A hysteresis controller, as
shown in [80], is an easy way for current control but shows on one hand
variable switching frequency and on the other hand an increased cur-
rent ripple due to the cross-couplings of the three phases. A Decoupled
Hysteresis Controller (DHC) [114] has therefore been proposed which
results in a more regular switching of the power transistors and the pos-
sibility to control the output voltage balance and characteristic of the
Control of the Rectifier System 65

vN,i DN+ Si+
vN,i iN,i i+ i DF
Current controller

Fig. 3.15: One phase leg of the three-level six-switch Vienna-type rectifier.

center point current [115].

Alternatively, three commercially available analog single-phase PFC
control chips (e.g. UC3854), could be applied for current control. This
would be an easy and cheap approach but these chips typically use
a sawtooth-shaped carrier signal and usually cannot be synchronized
in an easy manner. A sawtooth-shaped carrier signal results in non-
optimal switching sequences and the three phases are not correlated due
to the missing synchronization. Altogether, this leads to higher current
ripple in the boost inductances and to significantly higher input current
distortion [100].
Average mode current control using a triangular shaped carrier signal
for PWM has emerged to be a good approach. The multiplier required
to generate the reference currents iNi is not very suited for an analog
implementation and therefore a multiplier-free implementation has been
developed [116]. In a digital implementation of the current controller,
as intended in this work, the implementation of a multiplier is easy and
a control architecture as shown in Fig. 3.14 is used.

Controller Design

In the following a very simple linear model for current controller design
is derived which describes the main behavior of the rectifier system.
As already mentioned average mode control is used which means that
all signals are averaged over one switching period. A phase leg of the
rectifier topology is shown in Fig. 3.15.
66 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

Using the duty cycle i (t), one can write

diNi (t) vo (t)  

vNi (t) LNi = 1 i (t) (3.31)
dt 2
if ideal balanced output voltages are assumed and the CM voltage vMN
is neglected, i.e. a decoupled operation of the phases is assumed in a
first step. The design of a current controller considering the coupling of
the three-phases is discussed in section 6.3.1. This equation is nonlinear
as the output voltage is multiplied by the duty cycle and time varying
as the sinusoidal mains voltage vNi is included. The output voltage vo (t)
is controlled to a constant value by the output voltage controller and as
the dynamic of the voltage control loop is much slower than the dynamic
of the current control loop a constant output voltage vo (t) = Vo can be
assumed. This eliminates the nonlinearity in (3.31).
Instead of using the Park transformation to eliminate the time variance
of (3.31) a proper feedforward signal is applied in this work. Using the
feedforward function
vNi (t)
res,i (t) = ff,i (t) + i (t) ff,i (t) = 1 (3.32)
Vo /2

also the time variance is eliminated and the Laplace transform can be
applied resulting in the very simple model

iNi (s) Vo
G(s) = = (3.33)
i (s) 2LN s

for the rectifier system. Note that an ideal input voltage feedforward
signal is assumed which generates the duty cycle according the sinu-
soidal mains voltages and that the current controller only has to deal
with the deviations from the reference current. The influence of an
error in the input voltage feedforward signal is discussed below.
In this model some details, such as the impedance of the mains, the
characteristics of the EMI-filter or the delay times of the switches are
not considered for sake of simplicity.

Previous work on a 400 kHz VR system [117] showed that a simple P

+ Lag controller
1 + sTD
KI (s) = Kp (3.34)
1 + sT1
Control of the Rectifier System 67

PWM z(s)
* (s)
iNi ei(s) iNi(s)
KI(s) kPWM G(s)




Magnitude (dB)

Phase (deg)

-90 KI(s)

10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M
f (Hz)

Fig. 3.16: Design of the analog current controller; (a) simplified control loop and
(b) Bode plot of the digital current controller for the VR250 rectifier system (cf.
section 7.2). A crossover frequency of 7 kHz and a phase margin of 53 can be read.

in conjunction with the voltage feed-forward function of (3.32) is an

adequate solution. Using the P + Lag controller, the controller gain is
reduced for frequencies above the intended maximum mains frequency
(i.e. 800 Hz). This considerably improves input current quality but
reduces on the other hand the phase margin of the control loop. A
better performance of the current controller is therefore paid by a
slightly reduced phase margin.

Fig. 3.16(a) shows the analog current control loop where G(s) is the
derived simple model of the VR system, KI (s) is the P + Lag current
controller and MI (s) is the transfer function of the current measurement
considering the bandwidth limitation of the current sensor. The digital
control implementation including a detailed discussion on sampling
effects and calculation delays is treated in section 5.6.
68 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

A Bode plot of the analog control loop of the implemented VR250

rectifier system (cf. section 7.2, system parameters: VN = 230 V,
fs = 250 kHz, Po = 10 kW, Vo = 800 V and LN = 100 H) is depicted
in Fig. 3.16(b) where Fo (s) is the open loop transfer function of the
control loop. With the controller parameters Kp = 2, TD = 23 s and
T1 = 90 s a crossover frequency of 7 kHz and a phase margin of 53 is

Improved Feedforward Signal

Initial measurements taken from the constructed prototypes showed

only moderate results regarding input current quality for mains frequen-
cies of 360 Hz-800 Hz. One reason has been found in the measurement
delay of the phase voltages which are used for the input voltage feed-
forward. This delay, e.g. caused by a filter stage of the measurement
should be as small as possible in order to achieve good input current
quality. The voltage drop across the boost inductor has been determined
as the main reason for the rather large input current distortion. This
voltage drop is negligible for a mains frequency of 50 Hz, whereas the
limited gain of the current controller is not able to fully compensate
the increased voltage drop at higher mains frequencies which causes the
increased input current distortion. As shown in [118] and analyzed in
more detail in [119] also the boost inductors voltage drop can be added
as an additional feedforward signal
Ni (t)
vNi (t) LN dt
ff,i (t) = 1 (3.35)
Vo /2
which considerably improves the input current quality. The inductor
voltage drop can be estimated by
diN (t) i (t) i [n 1] iN [n]
LN LN N = LN N (3.36)
dt T Ts
in the digital controller where iN is the reference current generated using
the measured input voltages. The two components of the feedforward
signal are plotted in Fig. 3.17 where a modulation index of M = 0.813
is assumed. A boost inductor value of 100 H and an output power
of Po = 10 kW (fN = 800 Hz, VN = 230 V) is assumed in this plot
which corresponds to the VR250 rectifier system (cf. section 7.2). The
Control of the Rectifier System 69


Feedforward signals


0.2 LN di*N/dt

0 45 90 135 180
N (deg)

Fig. 3.17: Components of the feedforward signal including the voltage drop over
the boost inductor used to improve input current quality.

voltage drop shows a maximum of 2.5 % of the mains voltage at the zero-
crossings. Despite this low value, the feedforward signal considerably
improves the input current quality as will be further discussed in section
5.1.2 using measurement results.

Influence of EMI filter

The discussed control loop relies on an ideally sinusoidal voltage source

connected to the AC-side of the boost inductors LN . Actually, however,
an EMI filter has to be connected to the rectifier input for a practi-
cally implemented rectifier system in order to comply with EMI stan-
dards. A simplified single-phase schematic of the VR input is given in
Fig. 3.18(a).
This filter, together with the impedance of the mains LM take influ-
ence on the input current quality on the mains interface. The work given
in [120] includes the total filter impedance the impedance of the mains
in the model of the rectifier system which is a good way to get a basic
idea of the system behavior. It describes, however, the implemented sys-
tem not exactly as for instance the mains voltages vNi used to derive the
reference currents are measured on the ac side of the boost inductors
and not at the (ideal) voltage sources of the mains (cf. Fig. 3.18(a)).
The same applies for the current measurement which is performed at
the boost inductors and not at the rectifier input.
If the input filter is considered in the dynamic behavior of the rectifier
70 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

LM iNi LDM2 LDM1 iNi LNi

vNi ...


iN , vN vN *
iN iN
EMI filter TI(s)


Fig. 3.18: (a) Equivalent single-phase schematic of the VR input if an EMI filter
and mains impedance LM is considered and (b) corresponding block diagram.

system the transfer function

iN (s)
G (s) = (s) (3.37)

characterizes the rectifiers input current iN as a function of the mains

voltage vN . The corresponding model is depicted in Fig. 3.18(b). The
input of the EMI filter (including the mains impedance LM ) are the

mains voltage vN and input current iN . The rectifier input voltage
voltage vN is dependent on the controlled boost inductor current iN and
the EMI filter characteristic and the reference current iN is calculated
by the use of the conductance Ge . According to (3.32) the rectifier
input voltage is used as feedforward signal for the current controller
and an ideal feedforward signal is assumed.

Fig. 3.19 shows the calculated Bode plot of the transfer function
G (j) for different grid impedances LM for the VR250 rectifier system
(cf. section 7.2) operating at an output power of Po = 10 kW. The
conductance Ge is 0.063 A/V which is -24 dB. It is obvious that the
rectifier input shows ohmic behavior up to about 1 kHz but in contrast
to the results of the current controller design slight differences in the
phase and magnitude of G (j) already occur at fN = 800 Hz. An RC-
damping circuit is implemented to damp the filter resonances but for
grid impedances below 20 H still a relatively large magnitude of G (j)
Control of the Rectifier System 71

Magnitude (dB) 0
80H 30H
-40 50H
10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M

Phase (deg)

10 100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
f (Hz)

iN (j)
Fig. 3.19: Bode plot of the transfer function G (j) = vN (j) for different grid
impedances LM .

at the resonance frequency appears and an additional damping circuit

may be required.
According to Fig. 3.19 no filter resonance occurs in the frequency range
of the grid fN = 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz as well at the switching frequency of
fs = 250 kHz.
The ohmic behavior of the rectifier circuit could also be used advan-
tageously to damp the filter resonance in case the resonance falls into
current controller bandwidth. This may occur for higher power levels
but note that in order to achieve the corresponding conductance a con-
siderably increased rectifier power level would be required.

Nonideal Voltage Feedforward

An ideal input voltage feedforward signal has been assumed for deriva-
tion of (3.33). In this section the influence of a disturbed feedforward
signal vNi,ff = vNi + vNi , e.g. evoked by an error or delay in the input
voltage measurement, is analyzed. If vN,ff is used in the feedforward sig-
nal (3.32) in conjunction with (3.31) the input current can be expressed
72 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

Vo 1
iNi (s) = i (s) vNi (s) (3.38)
2LN s LN s
and an additional part occurs besides the dependence on the duty cycle.
This part in fact can be expressed by an error term in the duty cycle
zi (s) = vVoNi/2(s) which finally results in

iNi (s) = i (s) zi (s) . (3.39)
2LN s

An error in the input voltage feedforward signal is therefore equal to an

error in the duty cycle and can be treated as disturbance input zi (s)
of the control loop (cf. Fig. 3.16(b)). The corresponding disturbance
transfer function of the control loop

z (s)
Fz (s) = (3.40)
iN (s)

of the VR250 rectifier system is plotted in Fig. 3.20(a).

Due to the P + Lag type controller the disturbance can not be
compensated and a steady state deviation remains. The DC gain is
25 dB which means that an error in the duty cycle of 1 % yields to a
steady state deviation of the input current of 0.178 A. According to
Fig. 3.20(a) the influence increases for frequencies between 1 kHz and
10 kHz which is a side effect of the PDT1 controller and which is, un-
fortunately, the frequency range where the resonance of the input filter
Fig. 3.20(b) shows the response to a step of z = 0.01. After a short
oscillation the system settles at a steady state deviation of 0.178 A. A
PI-type controller would in general be able to compensate this error but
as will be discussed in section 6.3.1 for the -switch rectifier system the
integral part of the PI-type control results in problems in the vicinity
of the zero crossings of the input currents.
A careful implementation of the input voltage feedforward signal is
therefore essential for a good performance of the current controller. This
is immediately evident as the input voltage feedforward signal is in fact
responsible for the generation of a duty cycle which balances to the
sinusoidally shaped input voltage and the current controller only com-
pensates deviations from the ideal feedforward signal.
Control of the Rectifier System 73


Magnitude (dB)
Phase (deg)

100 1k 10k 100k 1M
f (Hz)


iN (A)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
t (s)

Fig. 3.20: Influence of an error in the voltage feedforward signal (expressed as duty
i (j)
cycle error z ); (a) Bode plot of the disturbance transfer function Fz (j) = N(j)
and (b) system response Fz (s) to a step in the duty cycle of z = 0.01.

3.2.2 Output Voltage Controller

Up to now only the AC-side of the rectifier system has been considered.
In order to control the rectifier output voltage vo an appropriate model
of the DC-side has been derived in [120] (cf. Fig. 3.21) and the results
are summarized here with some extensions.
According to the equivalence of the output power po = iD,avg vo,avg
iD vo and the input power pin = 3VN IN cos(vi )pv , where pv expresses
the rectifier system power losses. Under negligence of the energy stored
74 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

iD iL
iD1 iD2 iD3 iC
Cop o
M vo RL

Fig. 3.21: Model of the DC-side of the VR topology for a resistive load RL . The
currents iDi are the pulse-shaped currents of the free-wheeling diodes DFi .

in the boost inductors and a cos(vi ) = 1

iD,avg vo = 3VN IN (3.41)

can be set. This nonlinear equation can be linearized around the oper-
ating point Vo0 , VN0 , ID0 and IN0 using

vo = Vo0 + vo
vN = VN0 + vN
iD,avg = ID0 + iD
iN = IN0 + iN .

This results in

iD = 3VN0 iN + 3IN0 vN ID0 vo (3.43)

V o0 V o0 V o0

where an interrelationship between input currents iN and current iD

iD 3VN0
kp1 = = (3.44)
iN V o0

is found.
In case of a resistive load the load side can be modeled by
HLoad (s) = (3.45)
1 + sRL Co /2

if equal output capacitors Co /2 = Cop = Con are assumed3 .

3 In Vo2 /Po
case of constant power load HLoad (s) would be .
s(Vo2 /Po )Co /21
Control of the Rectifier System 75

As the reference currents iNi are calculated by multiplying the mains

voltages vNi with the conductance Ge a linear model of the multipli-
cation and the division given in (3.30) has to be derived which can be
done by linearizing around an operating point. According to [120] this
results in !

1 Po0 2IN
iN =

p + 0
vN (3.46)
3VN0 o 3VN20 VN0

po = Po0 + po
vN = VN0 + vN (3.47)

iN = IN + iN

are used which results in the interrelationship

i 1
kp2 = = . (3.48)
po 3VN0

Using the small signal models (3.44), (3.48) and (3.45) the control loop
given in Fig. 3.22(a) can be drawn where KV (s) is the output voltage
controller, TI (s) is the closed loop transfer function of the current
controller and MV (s) is the transfer function of the measurement
In order to prevent steady state output voltage control errors a PI-type
controller is usually applied. In addition a possible feedforward signal
of the load condition pL (e.g. by measuring the load current or by
using some informations coming e.g. from a following DC/DC circuit)
is shown which can be used to considerably improve the dynamic of
the output voltage controller.

In Fig. 3.22(b) the Bode plot of a controller design for the VR250
rectifier system (cf. section 7.2) for different load conditions is shown
where GV (s) is the model of the rectifier circuit KV (s) is the transfer
function of the PI-type controller and Fo,V (s) is the open-loop transfer
function. The no-load condition (LL) shows the smallest phase margin
for the given load cases and is therefore used for stability analysis of the
rectifier circuit.
The rectifier should be able to handle a single phase loss and due to the
occurring output voltage ripple at 2fN during two-phase operation the
76 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

pL vN
v*o (s) p*o 1 Ge* i*N iN 3VN0 iD,avg RL vo(s)
KV(s) TI(s)
3VN2 Vo0 1+sRLCo/2



100 Fo,V(s)
Magnitude (dB)

50 KV(s)
-50 GV(s)

KV(s) LL
-45 GV(s)
Phase (deg)

0,1 1 10 100 1k 10k 100k
f (Hz)

Fig. 3.22: (a) Control loop of the output voltage controller and (b) Bode plot of a
voltage controller design for the VR250 rectifier system for different load conditions
(controller parameters: kp,v = 4, kI,v = 0.0625 s).

bandwidth of the output voltage controller must be sufficiently below

2fN . The VR250 rectifier system is designed for aerospace applications
(fN = 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz) and the achieved cross-over frequency of 60 Hz
using the controller parameters kp,v = 4, kI,v = 0.0625 s where

KV (s) = kp,v + , (3.49)

is therefore suitable.
Control of the Rectifier System 77

3.2.3 Output Voltage Symmetry Controller

As discussed in [121] an unbalanced output voltage
vM = (vop von ) (3.50)
which could e.g. result from unequal leakage currents of the output
capacitors or from an asymmetrical load of the two rectifier outputs,
results in an asymmetrical distribution of the switching actions which
finally yields to increased input current distortions.

The average neutral point current iM,avg can be formed by averaging

over a switching period

iM,avg = 1 iN1 + 2 iN2 + 3 iN3 (3.51)

and this current causes unbalanced output voltages according to

iM = 2Co (3.52)
if equal output capacitors Cop = Con = Co are assumed.
As already discussed in section 3.1, a third harmonic center point cur-
rent is generated due to the modulation of the rectifier which also leads
to a third harmonic output voltage unbalance. It can be minimized by
a proper third harmonic injection signal (cf. 3.1) but is still present.
According to [96] a possible output voltage unbalance vM is stable if
average mode current control in conjunction with a pulse-width mod-
ulation is applied. This can be verified using Fig. 3.23(a) where the
corresponding modulation functions mi are plotted for N = 10 . In
the following only the sector [30 . . . 30 ] is used and an output
voltage unbalance
Vop = + V
2 (3.53)
Von = V

is assumed. According to (3.31), the increased output voltage Vop

would result in a decreased input current. Accordingly, the current
controller increases the duty-cycle of phase 1 which is performed by a
78 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

Vo/2 m1
m3 m3
m2 m2

0 t
2Ts 3Ts
sa 1
0 t
sb 1
0 t
sc 1
0 t
(011) (100) (011)
(010) (010)
(000) (000)

iM iM

iN1 iN2 iN3 iN1 iN2 iN3

(b) (c)

Fig. 3.23: (a) Pulse-width modulation and switching sequence illustrating the self
stability of an unbalanced output voltage without an active output voltage balancing
if the proposed PWM-based average mode current control is applied (N = 10 ).
(b) Center point current for the switching state (100) iM = iN1 and (c) for (011)
iM = iN1 (N = 10 ).

decrease of the modulation function by m1 . On the other hand phases

2 and 3 generate a too low output voltage Von and the corresponding
duty-cycles are reduced by increasing the corresponding modulation
functions by m2 and m3 . The resulting modulation signals, as
altered by the current controller, are plotted in Fig. 3.23(a) by
dashed lines and the switching sequence is given as well. The optimized
switching sequence is still present but compared to a balanced output
voltage the duration of switching state (100) is enlarged and the
duration of the switching state (011) is shortened. The two switching
states are redundant concerning the formation of the DM input
current but show center point currents with opposite directions as
shown in Fig. 3.23(b,c). Whereas switching state (100) results in a
Control of the Rectifier System 79

positive center point current which charges Con and discharges Cop the
switching state (011) yields to a negative center point current which
discharges Con and charges Cop . The asymmetric distribution of the
two redundant switching states caused by the actions of the current
controller counteracts the voltage unbalance by discharging of Cop
and charging of Con which automatically stabilizes the output voltage
unbalance. A possible unbalanced output voltage is therefore stable if
the proposed PWM-type phase-oriented control strategy is applied but
the unbalance may not be reduced to zero. Note, that other control
strategies such as hysteresis control may not yield to stable opera-
tion without active balancing in case of unbalanced output voltages [96].

An output voltage symmetry controller is therefore required to ac-

tively balance the two output voltages. The redundant switching states
with different directions of the central point current iM can be used for
active balancing. This can be achieved by adding a variable DC compo-
nent v0 to all three modulation functions given in (3.17) which results
2 1

mi,tri (N ) = M cos N (i 1) + tri (3N ) + v0 . (3.54)
3 4

The resulting modulation signals, switching states and switching se-

quence are illustrated in Fig. 3.24. The dependency of IM,avg (aver-
aged over one main cycle) as a function of the DC component v0 can be
carried out by evaluation of (3.51) which yields to
IM,avg = ks IN M v0 (3.55)
with ks 6 .4

As already derived in [106] and also shown in [120] an unbalance of

the partial output voltages vM = 1/2(vop von ) without any active
balancing yields to an average mid point current
IM,avg = M IN vM (3.56)
which stabilizes the unbalanced operating point.

4 Note, that in contrast to the result given in [120] with k = 1.732 a careful
evaluation of (3.51) results in ks 6 .
80 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

Vo/2 m1
v0 m3
v0 m2

0 t
2Ts 3Ts
sa 1
0 t
sb 1
0 t
sc 1
0 t
(011) (100) (011)
(010) (010)
(000) (000)

Fig. 3.24: Influence of a DC component v0 added to all three modulation functions

on the switching sequence of the rectifier system for N = 10 . The component v0
inversely changes the relative on time of the redundant switching states (100) and
(011) and can therefore be used for active output voltage balancing.

Using (3.55) and (3.56) the control loop for the output voltage sym-
metry controller can be derived (cf. Fig. 3.25(a)). On the right hand
side the characteristic of the rectifier system itself is given where it is
obvious that the balancing feedback (including the controller loop) is
dependent on IN which means that a balancing at no-load or light load
condition is not possible. Balancing resistors (e.g. Rsym = 400 k) are
therefore used to balance the output voltage during no-load or light
load condition. The two output capacitors Cop = Con appear to be in
parallel for the output voltage symmetry controller.
The measurement of the output voltage unbalance is modeled by MS (s)
and vM,meas is the input of the PI-type output voltage symmetry con-
troller KS (s). The controller output i0 is multiplied by ks and added
to the rectifier system. Instead of the PI-type controller also a P-type
controller can be applied as the plant itself shows integral behavior.
According to Fig. 3.25(a) the open-loop transfer function

Fo,S (s) = (3.57)
1 + k1 Rsym + KS (s)Rsym k2 + s2Co Rsym

can be calculated where k1 = 3M IN /Vo and k2 = kS MS (s)M IN .

Fig. 3.25(b) shows the Bode plots of the controller design again for
the VR250 rectifier system for different load conditions. There, GS (s)
are the transfer functions of the model of the rectifier system for different
load conditions, KS (s) is the transfer function of the PI-type output
Control of the Rectifier System 81

GS(s) 3
M IN,pk iz
0 v0 + iM + 1 vM
KS(s) ks s 2Co
vM,meas 2


Magnitude (dB)

40 Fo,S(s) 5kW
0 KS(s)
Phase (deg)

-45 GS(s)

-135 Fo,S(s)
0.1 1 10 100 1k
f (Hz)


Fig. 3.25: (a) Control loop of the output voltage symmetry controller and (b) Bode
plot of the output voltage symmetry controller design for the VR250 rectifier system
for different load conditions (controller parameters: kp,v = 0.5, kI,v = 0.0126 s).

voltage symmetry controller and Fo,S (s) are the resulting open control
loop transfer function. Due to the inherent third harmonic neutral point
current the control bandwidth has to be selected sufficiently lower than
3fN . An output power of Po = 10 kW is used for controller design and
according to Fig. 3.25(b) a maximum cross-over frequency of 30 Hz
can be read at Po = 10 kW with a sufficiently high phase margin. It
is good practice to assign the lowest control bandwidth to the output
voltage symmetry controller.
82 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

3.2.4 Load Unbalance

Up to now only symmetrically loading of the rectifier system has been
analyzed. Unbalanced load currents result in a considerable neutral
point current. The possible amount of neutral point current is however
defined by the distribution of the redundant switching states and is
therefore limited. The rectifier system is hence only able to handle a lim-
ited amount of load unbalance. This circumstance is already analyzed
in detail in [106] and [96] and will be summarized here for completeness.

The work given in [106] is based on space vector modulation where the
control system can directly choose one of the redundant voltage space
vectors with different neutral point current directions. The distribution
is described using the ratio

= , [0 . . . 1] (3.58)
++ +

where denotes the relative on-time of the switching state giving a

negative center point current and ++ denotes the relative on-time of
the switching state resulting in a positive center point current. An equal
distribution is given by = 0.5.
The load unbalance is defined with the factor
ar = (3.59)
RL+ + RL

which results according to [106] in the maximal possible load unbalance


2  1 1 p 1 

|ar | = 1 2 + 3M 21
M 2M 2 3
  ! (3.60)
3 2 1
1 + 2 3 arcsin .
4 3 3M

The results are plotted in Fig. 3.26. It is obvious that for a typically
high modulation index only a limited load unbalance can be handled
(e.g. 25 % for M = 1). The reason can be found in the decreasing on-
times of the redundant switching states for higher modulation indices.
Also at M = 2/3 a load unbalance of 100 % (ar = 1) cannot be handled.
Control of the Rectifier System 83



-0.5 --=1


0.6 2/3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 2/3 1.2

Fig. 3.26: Admissible load unbalance ar as a function of the the modulation index
M and the ratio according to (3.60) and [106].

3.2.5 Operating Range

The rectifier system requires a set of protection features in order

to guarantee a safe operation within the specifications. One of the
most important features is the observation of the output voltage
vo and the balancing of the two output voltages vM as the boost
circuit would continue to boost up the output voltage to unacceptable
levels in case of a malfunction of the output voltage measurement.
If an overvoltage is detected the rectifier system immediately should
stop operation which can be achieved by disabling the PWM and SCRs.

In case of an overload the situation is more precarious. The limitation

of the input power can be achieved by limitation of the output of the
voltage controller Po or by limitation of the conductance Ge which also
guarantees sinusoidal input currents in case of an overload. Besides the
limitation of Ge also the output voltage has to be observed. One has to
keep in mind that by limitation of Ge only the input power is limited
and not the output power. If a larger power level is required from the
load the output voltage and therefore also the delivered output power
will decrease until it is equal to the input power limitation. Assuming re-
sistive load the output voltage will decrease according to the additional
required power if the system is operating with a modulation index be-
low M = 1.
84 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier


750 VN = 230 V
Po = 10 kW
Vo (V)



1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Po / Po,max

Fig. 3.27: Decrease of output voltage Vo if the rectifier is overloaded with a resistive
load expressed as output power at nominal output voltage Vo (VN = 230 V, M =
0.813). Please note that the input power is limited and that therefore the output
voltage and hence also the output power is reduced until it is equal to the limited
input power.

Fig. 3.27 shows the reduced output voltage

Vo = Vo,nom (3.61)
as a function of the overload situation for a rectifier system operating
with M = 0.813 (Vo,nom = 800 V, VN = 230 V) at resistive load.
According to Fig. 3.27 an overload of 1.5Po,max does not yield to an
unsafe operating condition as the rectifier output voltage is reduced to
650 V which also reduces the output power to 10 kW for a resistive load
as defined by the maximum admissible input current. If the rectifier
system is, however, further overloaded the output voltage reaches the
peak-to-peak values of the mains voltage and the controllability of the
rectifier system is lost due to the conducting rectifier diodes of the
diode bridge. This has to be avoided by disabling of the rectifier control
system which can be performed by disabling the PWM and the SCRs.
In general a boost-type rectifier circuit can not limit the output power
or output current due to the existing boost diodes.

As a power limitation for overload has to be implemented also a power

limitation on the input is required. Due to the limited current capabil-
ity of the applied semiconductors an overcurrent protection must be
considered. This limits the operating range of the rectifier system at
lower mains voltages. Fig. 3.28 shows the power limitation for a 10 kW
rectifier system (VR250). The rectifier system is able to deliver the full
Control of the Rectifier System 85



Po,lim (W) 8000

AUX Startup
50 100 150 200 253
110 VN (V) 209

Fig. 3.28: Output power limitation as a function of low mains voltage VN for the
VR250 rectifier system.

output power for mains voltages between VN = 209 V and VN = 253 V.

The output power must, however, be limited to

Po,lim = 3VN IN,lim (3.62)

if the mains voltage VN is further reduced (an ideal symmetrical mains

supply is assumed for the calculation) where IN,lim is the maximum
rms input current. As the auxiliary power supply starts to operate at
VN = 110 V this mains voltage is the absolute minimum for a safe
operation of the rectifier system.
Besides an overcurrent detection for the input currents also the mains
voltages must therefore be observed.
To summarize, the following protection functions must be imple-
mented in a constructed rectifier system:

Observation of output voltage;

Observation of output voltage balance;
Input current limitation;
Limitation of input/output power according to the mains voltage
and input current limitation;
Observation of mains voltages;
Overtemperature protection;
86 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

3.2.6 Reactive Power Capability

It was assumed for the previous calculations that the input currents
are in phase with the mains voltages which means that ideally a power
factor of = 1 is achieved. As the inductor currents are used for current
control, only these currents are in phase with the mains voltages. The
leading currents, drawn by the EMI filter capacitors, however, decrease
the power factor at light load or no-load conditions. These capacitive
currents are negligibly small for systems with a mains frequency of
50 Hz/60 Hz, but must be taken into account for the mains frequency
range of 360 Hz800 Hz. The power factor of the rectifier system could
be improved if operation with a lagging inductor current is possible.
Such a phase displacement implies, that in addition to the active power
also reactive power is generated and in the following the reactive power
capability of the VR topology is therefore analyzed.

An analysis performed in [80] resulted in a possible phase displace-

ment between mains voltage and inductor current of
30 vi = v i 90 . (3.63)

The sector N [30 , 30 ] is used in the following to discuss

this result. The possible switching states of this sector are depicted
in Fig. 3.29(a). One has to keep in mind, that the sign of the input
currents determines the transitions from one sector to the next sector.
A current space vector located iN at the sector boundary i = 30 is
shown in Fig. 3.29(a).
According to Fig. 3.29(a), leading voltage space vectors v r in
the gray shaded area can be generated. Note, that practical imple-
mentations typically
show a modulation index between M = 2/3
and M = 2/ 3 if the voltage drop across the boost inductors is
neglected. This is typically permitted for rectifier systems with high
power density. A maximal rectifier voltage space vector magnitude
equal to the magnitude of the voltage vector for switching state (110)
can be generated which yields to a lagging phase-shift capability of
vi,lag = 30 . The result is only valid for M = 2/3 and has to be
reduced for higher modulation indices.

In [80] the voltage drop of the boost inductors is not neglected which
results, depending on the size of the boost inductor, in a considerably
Control of the Rectifier System 87

iN2 > 0 30
(110) (010) iN2 < 0 (110) (010)
vN vr*
i (000)
(011) (000) (011)
(111) (111)
(100) i (100)
M=2/3 iN M=2/3
M=2/3 M=2/3

vN vr* 3
(101) (001) (101) (001) iN3 < 0
iN3 > 0 -30

(a) (b)

Fig. 3.29: Space vector diagrams illustrating the phase displacement capability of
the VR system. (a) Space vectors for maximal lagging input current at the sector
limit i = 30 and (b) space vectors for maximal leading input current at the sector
limit i = 30 for the sector i [30 , 30 ].

increased phase displacement capability. A maximal lagging phase

shift capability of vi,lag = 90 can theoretically be achieved by a
sufficiently large boost inductor.

Fig. 3.29(b) shows the situation for maximal leading inductor cur-
rents. A current space vector at the sector boundary i = 30 is
marked. It is obvious that, similar to the situation for maximal lagging
input current, the maximal rectifier voltage space vector magnitude is
equal to the switching voltage vector magnitude for state (101) which
yields to a leading phase shift capability of vi,lead = 30 for M = 2/3.
The derived phase displacement capability is only valid for a modula-
tion index of M = 2/3 and decreases for higher modulation indices. Us-
ing simple geometric interrelationships on Fig. 3.29, a practical phase
displacement capability of
1 1
arcsin 30 vi arcsin 30 (3.64)
M 3 M 3
can be calculated which is dependent on the modulation index M . This
is a more practical limitation compared to the theoretical limits given
in (3.63).
88 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier


vi,max ()
2/3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 2/3 1.2
Modulation index M

Fig. 3.30: Possible phase displacement of the VR system according to (3.64) as a

function of the modulation index M .

The possible phase displacement is plotted in Fig. 3.30 as a function

of the modulation index M . A phase displacement of 15 can be read
at the nominal operating point of VN = 230 V and Vo = 800 V (M =


In order to implement the derived phase displacement capability,

adequate switching states have to be selected which could be performed
using SVM. As verified by simulation, the average mode current
controller of section 3.2.1 in conjunction with the proposed PWM
concept of section 3.1.1 cannot directly be applied without considerably
increased input current distortions even if a phase-shifted feedforward
signal is used.

Fig. 3.31 shows schematically the input voltage and input current of
the rectifier system for a phase displacement of vi = 30 . The switch
S1 is gated with the PWM signal during negative phase voltages.
After zero-crossing of the input current the situation of positive input
current direction with simultaneous negative input voltage occurs. The
negative mains diode D1N blocks and the switching actions of S1
take no effect. An adjusted feedforward of the mains voltage does not
help to improve the situation as the remaining phase voltage is still
negative during this period.
Control of the Rectifier System 89

VN,pk vN1

Input voltage / current



- -/2 0 /2
t (rad)

Fig. 3.31: Input voltage vN1 and input current iN1 of the VR system for a phase
displacement of vi = 30 .

The proposed PWM concept can, however, be applied if a proper

CM-signal is added to the modulation function such that after the zero
crossing of iN1 also a positive input voltage is present with respect to
the output voltage midpoint M (cf. Fig. 3.32).
The CM voltage can be implemented by rectangular voltage blocks
with a specific amplitude at the time instants where the currents and
voltages show different sign. A phase shifted voltage vNi,p can be used
thereto in the controller implementation. Fig. 3.32 shows the simulated
system behavior of a rectifier system operating with a (maximum) phase
lag of 15 for M = 0.815 (VN = 230 V, fN = 400 Hz, Vo = 800 V and
Po = 10 kW). The rectangular CM voltages are added to the modulation
function and the resulting behavior of m1 at zero crossing can be read in
Fig. 3.32. The mains currents show no input current distortions which
confirms the proper operation of the proposed concept. The minimum
required amplitude to shift the modulation voltage is given by

vCM,p = VN sin(vi ) . (3.65)

In a digital implementation, the corresponding voltage levels can either

be determined using a lookup table for the sin-function or by the ap-
proximation sin(x) x which is only valid for small x.
Another possibility is to use the maximum possible phase-shift which is
a function of the modulation index M . The amplitude is then given by
vCM,p = VN sin arcsin 30 (3.66)
M 3
which is also not very convenient for a digital implementation. A linear
90 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

vN1,p vN2,p vN3,p

Mains voltages (V) 400 v
N1 vN2 vN3


0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
iN1 iN2 iN3
CM voltage (V) Mains currents (A)



0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5

0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
400 m1


0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
t (ms)
Fig. 3.32: Simulation result of a VR system operating with a lagging current of
15 using the proposed CM voltages for M = 0.815 (VN = 230 V, fN = 400 Hz,
Vo = 800 V and Po = 10 kW).

vCM,p = 0.76 0.67M (3.67)
can, however, be used to simplify this relationship (cf. Fig. 3.33)
which is suitable for a digital implementation. This approximation is
Control of the Rectifier System 91


Ampl. related to Vo/2

0.76 0.67 M

M sin arcsin M13 30

2/3 0.7 0.8 0.9 1 1.1 2/3 1.2
Modulation index M

Fig. 3.33: Linear approximation of vCM,p /(Vo /2) given in (3.66).

used for the simulation results given in Fig. 3.32.

If the amplitude of the injected CM-voltage is too large, the modu-

lation function will exceed its maximum voltage and over-modulation
will occur which finally results in considerably increased input current
distortions. It therefore has to be checked whether the proposed CM-
voltages exceed the modulation range in a specific operation point.
The CM-voltages are added to all three phases and the largest voltage
occurs at 60 for the duration of the phase shift vi (zero-crossing of
another phase). The sum of the phase voltage and the added CM-signal
must not exceed the modulation range which is equal to Vo /2. This
yields to
1 Vo
VN sin (vi + 60 ) + VN sin arcsin 30
M 3 2
M sin (vi + 60 ) + M sin (vi ) 1 (3.68)
2M sin (vi + 30 ) cos (30 ) 1

M 3 sin (vi + 30 ) 1

and with a maximum possible phase-shift of vi = 30 at M = 32 the


M 3 sin (vi + 30 ) 1
3M (3.69)
is fulfilled which confirms that the modulation range is not exceeded by
92 Three-Phase Vienna Rectifier

application of the proposed modulation function given in (3.66).

The proposed CM-voltage can be used in combination with the low-
frequency third harmonic signal used to increase the modulation range
or to reduce the low-frequency current magnitude in the output capac-
itor (cf. section 3.1.2). It has to be noted, however, that the proposed
concept increases the current ripple in the output capacitor Co .
Alternative to the proposed concept where rectangular CM voltages
are used, a low-frequency phase-shifted third-harmonic sinusoidal sig-
nal can be used to implement the reactive power capability. The am-
plitude and phase of the third-harmonic signal must then, however, be
adjusted such that the resulting zero-crossing of the modulation signal
is in phase with the corresponding mains current which is a complex
task. The proposed concept in contrast derives the CM-signal from the
input voltages/currents in combination with an easy calculation using
the modulation index M and is therefore preferred.
Chapter 4

Optimization of Power
Electronic Systems

The performance of a power electronic system is given by several

characteristics. Such characteristics can be the total volume or weight
of the system, the total efficiency or the total costs. Power electronic
systems designed for different applications have to fulfill different
requirements. This becomes immediately apparent if e.g. the require-
ments of a mains interface for a photovoltaic (PV) system are compared
with the requirements of a mains interface for MEA applications. An
outstanding efficiency and low system costs are the main requirements
for the PV system. As such a system is mounted on the ground power
density and weight are rather secondary requirements.
In contrast to PV systems, a mains interface to be applied on an aircraft
has to exhibit a small size, low weight and a high reliability. System
costs are also very important but are rather secondary requirements for
aircraft applications. Of course, also a high efficiency and good input
current quality are necessary but a slightly reduced efficiency can be
tolerated if the size or the weight of the power electronic system is
decreased on the other hand. These two examples clearly illustrate that
different applications basically show equal requirements but different
weighting of the specific items.

94 Multi-Objective Optimization of Power Electronic Systems

Relative Volume
-1 [dm3/kW]

Relative Relative
Losses Weight
(1-) [%] -1 [kg/kW]

System 1
System 2

Total Harmonic Mean Time Between Failure

Input Current Dist. MTBF [hours]
THDI [%]

Relative Costs
-1 [$/kW]

Fig. 4.1: System performance of a power electronic system where only performance
indices being important for aircraft applications are shown. Two different systems
(e.g. System 2 is designed for higher power density) will show different performance

Fig. 4.1 shows the most important characteristics for aerospace

applications together with the corresponding performance indices. Next
to efficiency, volume and weight also reliability, costs and input current
quality are of high importance. Several other characteristics such as
shape, EMI noise emissions, operating temperature, etc., may of course
also be of high importance and may be added to Fig. 4.1. All the char-
acteristics are described by a corresponding performance index which
will shortly be discussed below. In Fig. 4.1 a reference system (System
1 ) is compared to a System 2 which is optimized for higher power
density and lower weight. A higher power density and lower weight can
be achieved by an increase in switching frequency. Due to increased
switching losses, the efficiency of the rectifier system will be reduced.
Also a lower input current quality and maybe a lower reliability could
result. The optimization considering only one performance index may,
accordingly, result in a considerably reduction of the performances
characterized by other performance indices. A compromise must
therefore be found between several competing requirements which can
be done by a multi-objective optimization which will be discussed below.

The performance indices given in Fig. 4.1 will shortly be defined


and discussed in the following.

A) Power Density
Power Density describes the degree of compactness of a converter system
Po kW
= = (4.1)
Vtot dm3
using the output power Po and the total volume Vtot of the power elec-
tronic system. The power density of a constructed system can easily be
determined by measuring the total volume. During an analytical opti-
mization of the system the evaluation of the total volume is, however,
a very complex task and the sum of the boxed volumes of system el-
ements is often used instead. Also power densities given in literature
must be read very carefully as often the EMI filter or cooling system is
not included what, of course, increases the power density considerably.
The performance of the cooling system itself can be described using the
Cooling System Performance Index (CSPI) [122]
1 W
CSP I = = (4.2)
Rth Vhs Kdm3
using the thermal resistance Rth and the volume Vhs of the cooling
system. Optimized forced air coolers reach values up to 20 W/(Kdm3 )
as shown in [123].

B) Efficiency
The most common performance index of a power electronics system is
the efficiency
= 100 % (4.3)
where Pin is the input power of the system. This index increases in
importance due to rising energy prices and increasing demand for
environmentally friendly products. The rated output power is typically
used for calculation of the system efficiency which may not deliver very
meaningful results for applications where also the efficiency at partial
load is important. A mean efficiency, as given in [124] and [125], can
be defined for such applications. It has to be added here, that a high
converter efficiency may not automatically yield to highest efficiency of
the total system.
96 Multi-Objective Optimization of Power Electronic Systems

C) Output Power to Unit Weight

The relative weight of a power electronic system can be expressed by
the output power to unit weight ratio
Po kW
= = (4.4)
Wtot kg

where Wtot is the total weight of the power electronic system. This
performance index is very important for aircraft applications and for
all mobile applications as the fuel consumption can be reduced if a
high is achieved. On the other hand, a large weight is acceptable for
ground based stationary systems, such as e.g., uninterruptible power
supplies for computer servers.

D) Output Power to Costs Ratio

A very important performance index in industry are the relative costs
Po kW
= = (4.5)
Ctot $

using Ctot describing the total costs of the power electronic system. The
calculation of the relative costs is difficult as on one hand the system
costs are mainly dependent on the number of manufactured units and
on the other hand detailed cost models of several companies, e.g., cost
models for manufacturing of inductors, are not public so that a profound
research is hardly possible. Despite these uncertainties relative costs
are often used to compare different commercially available products.
In this case the correctness of the absolute costs is of limited importance

E) Reliability
Reliability of power electronic systems is a huge research area and will
only be mentioned briefly here. The reliability of a system is often
characterized by the mean time between failure (MTBF [hours]) or the
failure rate per unit - year [1/year] and the MIL-Handbook-217F [126]
or the IEEE-Std. 493-2007 [127] can be used to determine the relia-
bility of a system. One has to keep in mind, that the MTBF and the
failure rate are probabilities and do not include any information
on individual failures. Some informations on life-time prediction of
semiconductor modules can be found in [128] and [129].

F) Input Current Quality

As this work deals with unidirectional three-phase rectifier systems this
performance index is added which is actually only relevant for rectifier
systems. The input current quality is expressed by the total harmonic
distortion of the input currents
u K
uP 2
u I(k),rms
THDI = t k=22 100 % (4.6)

where I(k),rms denotes the rms current value of the k-th input current
harmonic, k = 1 is the fundamental, and K is the total number of
harmonics used to calculate the THDI . Next to the requirements of
low weight, high power density or high efficiency, this requirement
fundamentally influences the suitable rectifier topology. A high input
current quality, expressed by a low THDI , can for instance not be
achieved by a simple three-phase diode bridge or requires a multi-pulse,
hybrid or active rectifier topology or both. Next to the THDI -value
also limitations on the individual harmonics must be fulfilled (see also
section 1.1) but such a side condition cannot easily be considered for a
system comparison or optimization or both.

Design and implementation of a power electronic system means that

design parameters, such as switching frequency or amount of inductor
current ripple etc., are chosen in such a way that selected performance
indices are met. In [130], a mathematical viewpoint of the power
electronic system design is discussed in detail and only summarized
at this point as this mathematical description clearly illustrates the
arising optimization problems.

All free design parameters can be summarized in a parameter vector

x = (x1 , x2 , . . . xn ) (4.7)

and all design constants, e.g., relative permeability r or saturation flux

density Bsat of a magnetic material or forward voltage drop of a diode
in the design constants vector

k = (k1 , k2 , . . . km ) . (4.8)
98 Multi-Objective Optimization of Power Electronic Systems

x1 p2
pa pb



k1 p1
Design Space Performance Space

Fig. 4.2: Mapping of the Design Space into the Performance Space. The two different
x, ~k)a and (~
points in the Design Space (~ x, ~k)b result in two different points in the
Performance Space p~a and p
~b .

In addition, all system specifications and system operating require-

ments, such as input voltage range, output voltage or nominal output
power are summarized in the requirement vector
r = (r1 , r2 , . . . rl ) . (4.9)
The vectors x and k form together a multi-dimensional Design Space
and exactly one point is allocated for each parameter combination.
In Fig. 4.2(a), a two-dimensional Design Space is shown as example
where the points (x, k)a and (x, k)b are depicted. To give an example,
the design parameter x1 and the design constant k1 shall be the
switching frequency fs and the permeability r of an applied magnetic
material. The point (x, k)a may correspond to a switching frequency
of 10 kHz and the magnetic material N87 from Epcos Inc. (r = 2200).
A switching frequency of 500 kHz is on the other hand assumed in
the point (x, k)b and for the higher switching frequency the high-
frequency magnetic material N49 from Epcos Inc. with a permeability
of r = 1500 may be chosen.

Also the performance indices define a multi-dimensional Performance

Space (cf. Fig. 4.2(b)). The performance of the design can now be
expressed using the performance indexes
pi = fi (x, k) (4.10)
and the boundary conditions
gp = (x, k, r) = 0 p = 1, 2 . . . H (4.11)
hq = (x, k, r) 0 q = 1, 2 . . . Q . (4.12)

The mapping functions fi (. . .) map the points of the Design Space

into the Performance Space (see also Fig. 4.2). A variation of the
system parameters and constants results in an array of points in the
Performance Space.

Several approaches for optimizing power electronic circuits can be

applied. A single-objective optimization

pi max (4.13)

tries to find the best design regarding one performance index.

Highest possible efficiency or power density of a converter system
would be an example of such single-objective optimization. A high effi-
ciency, however, typically reduces the power density of the power elec-
tronic system which is not considered in this optimization as e.g. only
a system with highest possible efficiency should be achieved. Such opti-
mization will be discussed in section 5, where the highest possible power
density of the three-phase VR topology is evaluated regardless of a drop
in efficiency. A single-objective optimization of a single-phase rectifier
circuit regarding highest efficiency can be found in [131] and a single-
objective optimization of a 5 kW DC/DC converter system for telecom
applications is given in [132].
An optimization procedure which considers several performance indices
such as efficiency, power density and costs
wi pi = wi fi (x, k) M in , (4.14)

is called a multi-objective optimization [130]. The variable wi de-

fines the weighting of the different performances. A multi-objective
optimization results in a so called Pareto Front as it illustrates the
maximal possible performance index pi at a performance index pj for
the applied technologies (cf. Fig. 4.2). Careful evaluation of this Pareto
Front allows to give a general statement on the examined performance
indexes. An even more powerful statement can be given if also some
major design parameters are marked in the Performance Space.
An interesting performance analysis can be performed using the
performance indices efficiency and power density which finally
results in the --Pareto Front. Such an analysis has been carried out
for single-phase rectifier systems and the very interesting results can be
found in [133]. Results for a 5 kW DC-DC converter are given in [134].
100Multi-Objective Optimization of Power Electronic Systems

The evaluation of the --Pareto Front for hard switched DC/DC

converters is given in [135].
Another interesting Pareto Front using other performance indices can
be calculated for rectifier systems: The efficiency is there plotted as a
function of the maximum achievable input current quality THDI which
results in the -THDI -Pareto Front [136]. Details will be discussed in
section 5.5.

The mutual dependence of performance indices e.g., of the efficiency

on the power density , can be determined by calculating the gradients
of the tangents to the Pareto Curve which results for the given example

s = (4.15)
where P is the corresponding design point.

In order to calculate the influence of a specific technology or of a

specific design parameter on the system performances, the sensitivity
matrices p1 p1
x1 x n

spx = ... ..

. (4.16)
pi pi
x1 xn
and p1 p1
k1 km
spk = ... ..

. (4.17)
pi pi
k1 km

can be calculated. Using the two sensitivity matrices the impact of a

technology improvement k or of an adaption of a design parameter
x can be studied using

px = spx x (4.18)
pk = spk k . (4.19)

The sensitivity matrices are very useful to evaluate whether a possible

technology step considerably improves the performance indexes or
not. Details regarding the sensitivity analysis can be found in [130]
and [137] where a change in semiconductor technology (from Si to

SiC) is evaluated for a 3.2 kW bridgeless PFC rectifier and where the
evaluation surprisingly shows only a minor improvement in efficiency.

Multi-objective optimizations as given in (4.14) and the calculation

of a multi-dimensional Performance Space as well as a sensitivity
analysis according to (4.16)-(4.19) are a very powerful tools to analyze
and illustrate the characteristics and performances of a power electronic
system. One has, however, to keep in mind that all results rely on the
applied analytical models used to calculate the performance indices.
Whereas, for instance, the efficiency can be calculated very precisely,
the calculation of the power density is a more complex task as the
power density is heavily dependent on the final construction of the
power electronic system. This can be avoided if boxed volumes are
used which is very effective to compare different technologies but
the resulting power density will not fully coincide with the power
density of an actually constructed system. Another hardly predictable
performance index is the input current quality THDI as several effects
such as cusp distortion or DCM operation must be included into the
model. More details on the modeling of the input current distortions
will be given in section 5.1.2.

In the following, a more practical single-objective optimization re-

garding maximum achievable power density for a 10 kW VR system
will be shown where several theoretical and practical issues will be ad-
Chapter 5

Power Density
Optimization of VR

In this chapter, the design and implementation of a power density opti-

mized 10 kW active VR system is discussed. A single-objective optimiza-
tion only focusing on the maximum achievable power density and ac-
cepting a considerable drop in efficiency will be applied. The six-switch
Vienna-type rectifier topology (cf. Fig. 5.1) is selected for optimization
as it has been identified as an ideal topology for a high power density
unity power factor rectifier in past research and development projects.
The final constructed rectifier system shall fulfill the specifications listed
in TABLE 5.1. The system is only designed for a mains frequency of
50 Hz/60 Hz but the results are conditionally also valid for the higher
mains frequency of aircraft applications (360 Hz800 Hz).
The rectifier system must comply with the EMI standard CISPR
Class A [138] and water cooling shall be applied. Based on the expe-
riences derived from the implementation of a rectifier system with a
switching frequency of 400 kHz and a power density of = 8.5 kW/dm3
[117], the route to very high power density has been drafted in [139].
An increase of power density implies a reduction of the converter size
if the power level is unchanged. The size of the active components,
such as switches and diodes, can be minimized by application of a low

104 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Vo / 2
DN+ S1+
vr1 vr2 vr3

Vo / 2


EMC input filter


Fig. 5.1: Schematic of the three-phase three-level six-switch Vienna-type rectifier

used for power density optimization.

TABLE 5.1: Specification of the 10 kW rectifier system considered for the imple-
mentation of a maximum power density demonstrator.

Input voltage VN,ll = 320 V . . . 480 V

Mains frequency fN = 50 Hz/60 Hz
Output power Po = 10 kW
Output voltage Vo = 2 400 V
Output voltage ripple Vo < 0.1Vo
EMI Compliance with CISPR Class A
Cooling Water cooled

profile power module including all semiconductor dies. Such a module,

using CoolMOS switches and SiC free-wheeling diodes, was already used
in [117]. The applicability of this module has to be evaluated.
The size of the passive components, i.e. of the EMI filter, boost induc-
tors, etc., can only be reduced by increasing the switching frequency.
In [140] a maximal possible power density only of the EMI filter and
cooling system of EMI,max = 63.9 kW/dm3 at a switching frequency of
2.1 MHz is calculated. This calculation is very optimistic and as will be
shown in this work, the power density of a practical EMI filter imple-
mentation is far from this calculated value. An interesting result of the
EMI filter power density optimization given in [140] is that the switch-

ing frequency has to be in the MHz-range. An increase in switching

frequency, however, comes along with higher switching losses reducing
the efficiency of the rectifier system. Therefore, not only the switching
frequency but also the switching speed has to be increased. The maximal
achievable switching speed of the semiconductors is mainly limited by
parasitic elements, i.e., by parasitic and coupling capacitances and stray
inductances and the switching behavior of the intended diode/switch
combination is therefore analyzed in detail in section 5.1 and an ap-
proach to damp switching transient oscillations is given in 5.2.
Because of the very high switching frequency another parasitic effect of
MOSFETs plays a role: The effective duty cycles of the MOSFET are
enlarged due to turn-off delays of the MOSFETs which finally yields
to input current distortions. This effect is analyzed and discussed in
detail in section 5.1.2 and an approach to overcome this drawback is
Based on the derived limitations regarding switching speed a switch-
ing frequency is chosen in section 5.1.5 for the intended 10 kW hard-
ware prototype showing highest power density. A detailed derivation
of semiconductor losses is given and the resulting system efficiency is
calculated. The calculated efficiency is combined in section 5.5 with the
estimated input current quality which finally results in the THDI -
Pareto Front illustrating the mutual dependence of input current quality
and efficiency.
Limited switching speed and consequentially increased switching
losses are not the only limiting factors for an increase in switching
frequency. Current control of such MHz-switched three-phase converter
systems poses a real challenge. A classical analog average current con-
troller shows several problems such as limited precision. On contrary, a
purely digital implementation suffers from the limited processing speed
of the processing hardware (e.g., digital signal processor (DSP)). Field
programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) intrinsically offer parallelization
and can therefore be used to overcome this limitation and a novel
current controller implementation employing a modern high speed
FPGA is proposed in section 5.6.

The design and implementation of a power density optimized EMI

filter is shown in section 5.7. A novel CM filter strategy is employed
where the rectifier output shows no high frequency CM voltage. Selec-
tion of applicable materials for filter construction turned out to be one
106 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

of the decisive points for switching frequencies in the MHz-range.

The constructed hardware prototype is finally discussed in section
5.8 and measurements confirming the proper operation of the prototype
system are given in section 5.9.

5.1 High-Speed Switching Behavior

The reduced semiconductor voltage stress of the VR topology supports
the application of common high efficiency Super Junction (SJ) devices
(e.g., CoolMOS [141]) showing a blocking voltage of 600 V even for a
grid voltage of 230 V and an output voltage of Vo = 800 V. This cir-
cumstance is the key to ultra-high switching frequencies as with IGBTs
only switching frequencies up to 20-50 kHz can be implemented. In or-
der to achieve a high efficiency conduction losses as well as switching
losses have to be reduced. The on-state resistance of high-voltage (HV)
MOSFETs (VBR,SS = 600 V) is dominated by the drift region resistance
and it is well known that this resistance is intrinsically dependent on
the break-down voltage VBR,SS of the device according to

RDSon VBR,SS 2.4...2.7 (5.1)

(cf. [142]). Superjunction devices break with this rule and achieve much
lower area specific on-state resistances [143]. Switching losses are dom-
inant for hard switched converters with switching frequencies in the
MHz-range. In order to limit switching losses, the switching speed must
be increased if the converters switching frequency is raised. The switch-
ing speed is determined mainly by parasitic elements of the power semi-
conductors (MOSFETs and diodes) and by the wiring. The parasitic ca-
pacitances of the MOSFET hence mainly influence the system behavior
and efficiency [144]. In respect of losses, a more meaningful Figure Of
Merit (FOM)
F OM = (5.2)
RDSon E400V
can be defined [145], where RDSon is the MOSFETs on-state resistance
and E400V is the stored energy in the MOSFETs output capacitance
(Coss ) at VDS = 400 V. Modern SJ devices exhibit smaller output
capacitances (at VDS = 400 V) than standard HV-MOSFETS and
are therefore ideally suited for hard-switched high-frequency rectifier
systems. The MOSFETs output capacitance is proportional to the
High-Speed Switching Behavior 107

Source Gate Source Gate

|E| |E|

p n+ p n+

p p p

n+ n+
Drain Drain
(a) (b)

Fig. 5.2: Cross-section and electrical field distribution of (a) a conventional HV-
MOSFET and (b) a SJ device (e.g. CoolMOS)). Whereas the HV-MOSFET shows
a triangular shaped electrical field distribution a SJ device shows a mostly squared

chip area AChip and shows a strong nonlinear dependency on the

applied drain-source voltage. The output capacitance of super junction
MOSFETs rises from a few 100 pF to over 10 nF for low-blocking
voltage levels. As published in [117], this effect causes long delay times
at turn-off of the device which result in significant current distortions
at lower current levels. This effect is even more distinctive if higher
switching frequencies are used or if a device with a large chip area
is applied. This is in basic contradiction to the requirement of low
conduction losses (low RDSon ). A trade-off between efficiency and input
current quality has therefore to be accepted at selection of the switches.

In order to understand and describe the switching action of a

MOSFET-diode combination a switching model of the power MOSFET
is required. In Fig. 5.2 the structure of a conventional high-voltage
MOSFET is shown together with the structure of a SJ device. A
low-doped n drift-zone, resulting in a wide depletion zone at blocking
of the device, is used to achieve the required breakdown voltage for
conventional HV-MOSFETs. The level of doping and the length of this
n layer therefore depends on the breakdown voltage and as the full
drain-source current has to flow through this layer also the on-state
resistance of the device depends on the breakdown voltage which finally
results in the relation given in (5.1). The structure of a HV-MOSFET
results in a triangular electrical field distribution which is also depicted
in Fig. 5.2(a).

SJ devices, which are based on the idea of charge-balancing between

108 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

alternating n- and p-regions during the blocking state [141], have been
introduced to further improve the on-state resistance of high voltage
MOSFETs. As apparent in Fig. 5.2(b), p-pillars are inserted which
range deep into the n layer. The additional charge of the higher doped
n-layer (used to reduce the on-state resistance) is balanced by the p-
doped regions1 and this yields a lateral electrical field component. If a
blocking voltage is applied to the device the space charge region ini-
tially grows laterally along the p-n junction and at a relatively low
blocking voltage, e.g. 50 V, the full area is depleted. In order to further
increase the blocking voltage the depleted region acts like a pin-structure
and only the vertical electrical field component is increased for higher
blocking voltages resulting in an almost rectangular electrical field dis-
tribution. The SJ-structure has been analyzed in detail in [146] and the
calculation shows, that the on-state resistance is only linearly dependent
on the breakdown voltage

RDSon,SJ VBR,SS . (5.3)

The operating principle of SJ devices is based on a perfect charge com-

pensation in the n- and p-pillars and as it is shown in [147] a charge
imbalance would yield a reduced breakdown voltage VBR,SS . The fabri-
cation of mostly charge compensated n- and p-pillars is hence the key
to enable this technology. Detailed information on the device physics,
implementation issues and behavior of SJ devices can be found in [148],
[149] and [150].

A simplified equivalent circuit of a power MOSFET is shown in

Fig. 5.3(a), which is valid for frequencies up to several MHz. The ca-
pacitances CGS , CGD and CDS are actually distributed over the active
area of the device and are lumped to these single capacitors. In addi-
tion, the parasitic inductance of the source lead LS is depicted. High
di/dt-rates of the drain-source current induce a voltage that reduces the
effective gate voltage in terms of a negative feedback. This parasitic in-
ductance has a major impact on switching losses which will be discussed
below. Whereas CGS shows only minor variations with applied VDS the
capacitances CGD and CDS are strongly dependent on VDS .
If a blocking voltage is applied to a HV-MOSFET a space charge region
grows into the epi-layer n and this junction-depletion capacitance is
1 As the additional charges in the n -layer are compensated by the p-columns

these devices are also called charge-compensated devices.

High-Speed Switching Behavior 109

Coss = CDS + CGD 1000

Crss = CGD IPP60R099CP
Ciss = CGS + CGD

Coss (pF / mm2)

D 100 STW42N65M5

LS 1
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
S VDS (V )
(a) (b)

Fig. 5.3: (a) Equivalent circuit of a power MOSFET valid for frequencies up to
several MHz. (b) Measured area specific output capacitance Coss as a function of
the applied blocking voltage VDS of several SJ devices from different manufacturers
compared to a HV-MOSFET (IRFP27N60).

modeled by the capacitance CDS . It is directly proportional to the chip

area AChip and shows for HV-MOSFETs the relation
CDS AChip CDS,0 (5.4)

where VDS,0 is the drain source voltage where CDS,0 is measured (see
also [151]). The voltage dependence of the gate-drain capacitance CGD
is very similar to CDS even if it is not a junction-depletion capacitance
but this is not discussed further here.
Fig. 5.3(b) shows the measured output capacitance per chip area

Coss = CDS + CGD of a conventional HV-MOSFET (IRFP27N60)
compared to the output capacitance of SJ devices of different man-
ufacturers. The behavior given in (5.4) is obvious for the HV-MOSFET.

In SJ MOSFETs, the space charge region starts to grow along the

p-n junctions of the inserted p-stripes if a blocking voltage is applied to
the device which yields to a drastically increased internal surface of the
pn-junction [152]. The output capacitance Coss is consequently very
large at low VDS and (5.4) is not valid for these devices. At a relative low
blocking voltage ( 50 V) the depletion layers of the pn-junctions merge
and at this point Coss decreases abruptly. According to Fig. 5.3(b), all
SJ-devices show this effect and the devices from different manufacturers
110 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Coss (pF) SiC JFET



0 50 100 150 200 250 300

Fig. 5.4: Measured output capacitance Coss of a HV-MOSFET (IRFP27N60), a SJ

device (IPP60R099CP) and a SiC-JFET (1200 V/30 A, normally OFF) as a function
of the applied blocking voltage VDS .

only differ in the drain-source voltage where this abrupt decrease occurs.

In Fig. 5.4, the measured output capacitances Coss of a SJ device

(IPP60R099CP) and a HV-MOSFET (IRFP27N60) are plotted together
with the output capacitance of a 1200 V/30 A normally-off SiC-JFET
device (SJEP120R063). Specific parameter of the devices are listed in
TABLE 5.2. The small chip area required for the SJ device yields
to a small Coss at VDS =300 V. Due to the larger chip area, the HV-
MOSFET shows a higher Coss at VDS =300 V but its capacitance only
rises according to (5.4) and is much smaller than the Coss of the SJ
device for VDS < 50 V. In comparison to the devices based on the Si-
technology, the SiC JFET requires the smallest chip-area but shows the
largest Coss at 300 V. Only a rather small increase can, however, be
observed at smaller drain-source voltages.
A boost-type test circuit is built (cf. Fig. 5.5) in order to analyze
the switching behavior of different semiconductors. Next to the main
elements of the boost circuit, switch S1 , boost diode D1 , boost inductor
Lboost and output capacitor Co also the dominant parasitics of the
circuit are depicted. The inductances Lwire model the interconnections
forming the commutation path, Cj,D the parasitic junction capacitance
of the boost diode and Coss the nonlinear output capacitance of the
MOSFET. The input capacitor Cin as well as Co are partly imple-
mented by ceramic and electrolytic capacitors in order to guarantee a
low impedance path even at frequencies of 100 MHz and above.
High-Speed Switching Behavior
TABLE 5.2: Parameters of the MOSFETs used for benchmarking.

RDSon (RDSon E400V )1 QG E400V
(V) (mm2 ) (pF/mm2 ) ( mm2 ) (J)1 (nC/mm2 ) (J)
(300 V) (25 C) (FOM) (15 V) (400 V)

IPP60R099CP 650 30 2.4 2.7 0.97 2.8 11.5

IPP60R165CP 650 20 2.4 2.7 0.85 2.8 7.5
SPW47N60C3 650 68 2.6 4.8 0.86 2.8 16.5
IRFP27N60 600 59 2 10.6 0.44 3.0 12.5
STW42N50M5 650 33 2.9 2.6 1.58 4.3 8
FCA22N60 600 19.5 2.45 3.2 0.81 3.89 7.5
DE475-501N44A 500 126 2.5 16.4 0.26 2.06 30
SiC JFET 1200 8 12.5 0.36 2.29 7.51) 9.7
SiC MOSFET 1200 22.1 6.7 1.76 0.84 3.3 14.8
VG =2.5 V.

112 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

CLboost Cj,D
Lwire Lwire
Lboost D1
Cin Rsnub Csnub Co
Vin Vo

Fig. 5.5: Boost-type test circuit used to analyze the switching behavior of differ-
ent MOSFETs. The test circuit is also used for determining the switching losses of
different semiconductors.

Fig. 5.6: Constructed AC current transformer with a sensitivity of 100 mV/A to

measure the drain source current IDS of the MOSFET.

The MOSFET current IDS is measured with a specifically designed

AC-current probe based on a current transformer (cf. Fig. 5.6). The
current transformer consists of a small toroid R6.3 of the material T38
of Epcos Inc. with a single layer winding (N = 28 turns). The output of
the senor is terminated with a burden resistor of RB = 3 . To minimize
the influence of the measurement cable the input of the oscilloscope has
to be set to 50 which is the characteristic impedance of the applied
coax cable. The characteristic impedance is in parallel to the burden
resistance which results in a sensitivity of

RB 3 //50
S= = = 100 mV/A (5.5)
N 28 turns
for the current sensor. The lower bandwidth limit of the sensor can be
calculated using
fl = = 225 Hz (5.6)
High-Speed Switching Behavior 113



t1 t2 t

Fig. 5.7: Schematic voltage and current waveforms used to test the switching be-
havior of several semiconductors.

where Lm is the magnetizing inductance of the CT. The core is not

driven into saturation if the pulsed current and/or im follows the relation
Z t
RB dt < N Bmax AFe . (5.7)
0 N

The performance of the constructed sensor has been compared to a

2 GHz shunt of T&M research [153] and shows very good results even
for frequencies beyond 100 MHz. Due to its small size the CT can be
plugged directly on the connection leads of a TO220 or TO247 package
which minimizes distortions caused by the insertion of the current
sensor in the commutation path.

A low impedance, high output current gate driver is used with gate
voltages between 10 V and 18 V in conjunction with a gate resistor RG .
A diode is connected in parallel to the gate resistor to increase the
turn-off speed of the device. The gate resistor is therefore only used for
A test waveform as given in Fig. 5.7 is applied for studying the
switching behavior of the semiconductors. The switch S1 is closed and
the current in Lboost ramps up according to Vin = Lboost di/dt. At time
instant t1 the switch is turned-off and the current commutates from
the switch S1 to the boost diode D1 . The turn-off behavior can hence
be studied at the corresponding current level. After a short interval,
the switch S1 is turned on again at t2 and the turn-on behavior can be
analyzed. Note, that the current amplitude is slightly reduced during
the free-wheeling time (t1 < t < t2 ).
114 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology



Fig. 5.8: Current and voltage wave forms at turn-on of S1 at IDS = 20 A; vDS :
100 V/Div, iDS : 20 A/Div, time scale: 50 ns/Div.

5.1.1 Current and Voltage Switching Transients

Fig. 5.8 shows the measured voltage and current waveforms of the
CoolMOS SPW47N60C3 (specifications are listed in TABLE 5.2) in
combination with the SiC diode IDT10S60C. A gate voltage of 15 V
and a gate resistor of 1 is used. Unacceptable large current and
voltage oscillations with a frequency of approximately 100 MHz are
measured, especially at turn-on of the transistor. The origin of the
undesired switching transient oscillations shall be described briefly in
the following using the test circuit given in Fig. 5.5.

At turn-on of the MOSFET S1 the converters input current has to

commutate from diode D1 to MOSFET S1 . As SiC-Schottky diodes are
used, there is no reverse recovery current Irr . A displacement current
is, however, charging the voltage dependent junction capacitance Cj,D
of D1 . This capacitance in connection with the wiring inductance Lwire
forms a series resonant circuit which is only damped by the on-state
resistance RDSon of S1 and by the high-frequency resistance of the
At turn-off of S1 , the input current has to commutate from MOSFET
S1 to diode D1 and now the voltage dependent output capacitance
Coss of the MOSFET forms a weakly damped series resonant circuit
with the wiring inductance Lwire of the PCB. In [154], the turn-off
behavior of the MOSFET is analyzed and an analytical expression for
the turn-off switching transient overvoltage is given.
High-Speed Switching Behavior 115

The unwanted ringing can basically be reduced by application of

snubber circuits (a survey of snubber circuits can be found in [155]
and [142]). An easy RC snubber for the boost diode is often used
in power electronics to damp unwanted oscillations (resulting mainly
from the reverse recovery for Si-diodes). The losses of such a snubber
circuit would, unfortunately, be far too high for a switching frequency
in the MHz-range which will be discussed in greater detail below.
Ferrite beads [156] or amorphous magnetic materials [157] can be used
alternatively at low current levels to limit the di/dt-rate at turn-off
of the boost diode, but these magnetic devices are not applicable at
higher current levels due to their limited power dissipation capability.
Various diode recovery suppression circuits have furthermore been
developed [158], but these circuits are also not very well suited for
switching frequencies in the MHz range. Specific interconnection
concepts with low-pass characteristics based on high--materials have
been analyzed [159, 160] but these approaches are only applicable in
case of longer interconnection distances to achieve the desired damping

The application of a GaAs diode, e.g. DGSS 10-06CC [161] which

intrinsically shows a smaller parasitic capacitance as the SiC diode,
only moves the resonance to a higher frequency region and does
not solve the problem. This was also verified by measurements. The
mentioned GaAs diode, however, implements the 600 V breakdown
voltage capability by a series connection of two diodes in a single
package. Next to the unclear voltage distribution of the devices, the
two series connected diodes show a much higher forward voltage drop
which results in higher conduction losses. GaAs-diodes are therefore
not very well suited to solve this problem.

Active control of the switching transients, as known from IGBT gate

drive circuit research [162, 163, 164] would be an enhanced method for
reducing the oscillations. This active control, to be implemented into
the gate drive stage of the MOSFET, would require a reasonably high
control gain in the frequency region of the oscillations to be damped
(e.g., typ. 100 MHz for state-of-the-art power MOSFETs) or a large
control loop bandwidth or both, and is therefore no option at present
for a discrete implementation.
116 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

In section 5.2 a magnetically coupled damping layer will be dis-

cussed in detail. This promising approach shows good results and less
losses compared to a classical snubber circuit. The limited coupling of
the damping layer and the wiring layer, however, limits its performance.

The PCB inductance of the commutation path can be minimized

using a proper PCB layout. The final construction and especially the
PCB layout of the commutation path is therefore essential for limited
oscillations. A small residual value of Lwire will, however, remain. The
only applicable way to reduce or prevent these oscillations is therefore to
lower the switching speed of the device by increasing the gate resistor.
On the other hand, this considerably increases switching losses. The
adaption of the gate resistor must therefore be performed very carefully
at the final constructed hardware to find a trade-off between sufficiently
damped oscillations and limited switching losses.

5.1.2 Turn-Off Delay of MOSFET

In the intended PFC-application, Coss has to be charged by the input
current at turn-off of the MOSFET and the voltage-rise of VDS is hence
dependent on the input current. Fig. 5.9(a) shows the measured turn-
off behavior of the MOSFET IPP60R099CP for an input current of
1.3 A and a drain source voltage of 300 V. The total turn-off delay can be
separated into a pure delay time td , where the large Coss for VDS < 50 V
is charged (see also Fig. 5.3(b) and Fig. 5.4), and in a rise time tr . This
current dependent turn-off delay distorts the intended pulse pattern in
terms of extended on-times and its influence increases with increased
switching frequency.
The drain source current dependent turn-off delays of several SJ devices
of the CoolMOS CP-series (Infineon Inc., e.g. IPP60R099CP) and HV-
MOSFETs (Vishay Siliconix Inc., e.g. IRFP27N60) have been measured.
As Coss scales approximately linearly with the chip area AChip also
the turn off delay scales linearly with AChip . Using the specific chip
areas of the devices (cf. TABLE 5.2) the chip area specific turn-off
delays of the two semiconductor families can be calculated. The results
are plotted in Fig. 5.9(b). In general, the SJ-devices show a higher
chip-area specific turn-off delay than the HV-MOSFET devices. The
SJ-devices show in addition a comparatively pronounced increase of
turn-off delay at smaller IDS . According to [151], Coss shows only minor
High-Speed Switching Behavior 117

td = 180ns tr = 80ns


CH1 10V CH2 100V M 50ns


CoolMOS CP-series
delay* (ns/mm2)

4 -0.67
9.49 ns/mm2 IDS

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


Fig. 5.9: (a) Measured inductive turn-off switching characteristic of the SJ device
IPP60R099CP at a drain source current of 1.3 A and an output voltage of 300 V
using a gate resistance of RG = 7.5 and a gate voltage of VG = 14 V; (b) Measured
chip area dependent turn-off delay of the CoolMOS CP-series and the HV-MOSFET
IRFP-type as a function of IDS .

dependence on temperature and hence the turn-off delay can be modeled

without consideration of the temperature which has been confirmed by
measurements. The measured turn-off delays can be fitted by
delay AChip del (5.8)
using the least square method where del and are the variable param-
eters, IDS is the drain source current at turn-off, AChip the chip area
of the device and [A] indicates that the current IDS is in Ampere. This
118 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

TABLE 5.3: Parameters used to approximate the turn-off delays by (5.8).

Semiconductor family del

CoolMOS CP-series 9.49 ns/mm2 -0.67

IPP60R099CP 284 ns (IDS )0.67

HV-MOSFET IRFP-type 3.64 ns/mm2 -0.54

IRFP27N60 214 ns (IDS )0.54

approximation will be used in the next section to determine the result-

ing input current distortions. The corresponding parameters (del and
) for the two semiconductor families are listed in TABLE 5.3.

Evaluation of Input Current Distortions

In the following the effects of this duty cycle distortion on the input
current quality will be analyzed. The required duty cycle i [0 . . . 1]
of phase number i of the rectifier system is given by
i (N ) = 1 M cos N (i 1) i 1, 2, 3 (5.9)

(see also section 3.1) where for the sake of simplicity the possible
third-harmonic injection is not included. This duty cycle is calculated
by the controller and the generated pulse patterns of (5.9) are,
dependent on the input current, enlarged by the turn-off delay of the
MOSFET (cf. Fig. 5.9(b)). Note, that the duty cycle is limited to 1
(MOSFET is permanently on). In Fig. 5.10 the required duty cycle
(Ref.) of switch S1 is plotted for an output power of Po =5 kW and a
modulation index M = 0.813 in conjunction with the grid voltages.
As a unity power factor shall be achieved by the rectifier system, the
input currents are assumed to be in phase with the input voltages and
are therefore not shown. The required duty cycle is plotted together
with the resulting duty cycle considering the turn-off delay for the SJ
device IPP60R099CP and additionally the deviation is depicted. The
biggest deviations can be observed in the vicinity of the phase-voltage
zero-crossings where the duty cycle is near 100 %. It is also apparent,
that small duty cycles (turn-on times smaller than the turn-off delay)
High-Speed Switching Behavior 119


VN / VNpk
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
of S1

0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360


0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
N (deg)

Fig. 5.10: Required duty cycle of switch S1 and effective duty cycle due to the
turn-off delay of the MOSFET for a modulation index of M = 0.813 (VN = 230 V
and Vo = 800 V) and a switching frequency of 1 MHz and Po =5 kW.

THDI = 1.723 ln (AChip) - 2.96
4 IPP60R045CP

THDI (%)

2 IRFP21N60

THDI = 1.29 ln(AChip) - 2.57

1 CoolMOS CP-series
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
AChip (mm2)

Fig. 5.11: Simulated THDI of the input currents as a function of chip area AChip for
a 10 kW VR system with a switching frequency of 1 MHz (fN = 50 Hz, VN = 230 V,
Vo = 800 V).

cannot be implemented.
The measured delays given in Fig. 5.9 are subsequently used in a
computer simulation to determine the resulting input current distor-
tions. This is not easily possible in an analytical manner as the current
controller is partially able to compensate this error. The current
120 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

controller is designed according to [165] and for evaluation of the input

current distortions the THDI -value of the input current is calculated.
The results of this calculation are plotted in Fig. 5.11 for a switching
frequency of 1 MHz (VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V, Po = 10 kW) where the
resulting THDI value is given as a function of the chip area AChip . The
calculated THDI -value here takes only the current distortions caused
by the turn-off delay into account and serves as a good comparison
diagram. A practical implemented system, however, will show higher
THDI -values as other effects such as cusp distortion or DCM operation
will also take effect.
A curve fitting is used to approximate the delays for further calcula-
tions and the corresponding functions are given in Fig. 5.11 for the two
semiconductor families. Consistent with Fig. 5.9, the HV-MOSFET
shows a better chip area dependent input current quality but a larger
turn-off delay for a device with equal RDSon . The chip area dependent
input current quality THDI (AChip ) will be combined in section 5.4.3
with the calculated efficiency (AChip ) (cf. Fig. 5.49) which finally
results in the -THDI -Pareto Front.

The simulated results are plotted in Fig. 5.12(a) as a function of chip

area AChip and switching frequency fs for the CoolMOS CP-series. In
Fig. 5.12(b) the input current distortions are given for different Cool-
MOS CP devices as a function of fs and the corresponding specifications
of the devices are listed in TABLE 5.2. It is obvious that the input cur-
rent distortions rise with higher switching frequency. The input current
distortions are smaller than 2.5 % for all semiconductors, if a switching
frequency below 250 kHz is used. If, however, for instance a switching
frequency of 1 MHz shall be applied, only the devices IPP60R165CP
and IPP60R099 will show input current distortions near 2.5 %.
In Fig. 5.11 and Fig. 5.12, the input current distortions are plotted
for an output power of 10 kW. Considerably increased input current
distortions, however, occur at operation with partial load as the cur-
rent to charge Coss gets smaller. Also a higher mains frequency, e.g.
400 Hz, results in increased input current distortions. Fig. 5.13 shows
the simulated 5 kW THDI value as a function of fs for a mains frequency
of fN = 400 Hz.
As expected, an increased THDI value can be observed at partial
load. A device with a preferable small chip size, which consequently
shows a smaller output capacitance Coss and smaller turn-off delay, must
High-Speed Switching Behavior 121

THDI (%)

80 1500
60 1250
40 1000
AChip (mm2) 20 250
fs (kHz)
0 0


5 IPP60R045CP
THDI (%)

4 IPP60R075CP

2 IPP60R165CP

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
fs (kHz)


Fig. 5.12: (a) Simulated THDI of the input currents a function of chip area AChip
and switching frequency fs for the CoolMOS CP-series. (b) Simulated THDI as a
function of switching frequency fs for different CoolMOS-CP devices (fN = 50 Hz,
VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V).

therefore be used for a high-frequency implementation, especially if a

high input current quality at partial load is required.

Feed-Forward Compensation of the Delay

The input current distortions caused by the turn-off delay of the MOS-
FET can be reduced considerably, if a feed-forward compensation is
implemented. The input current dependent turn-off delay i,pre given in
(5.8) can thereto be added to the current controller output i,contr in
terms of a pre-control signal
122 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

10 IPP60R075CP

THDI (%) 8
4 IPP60R165CP
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600
fs (kHz)

Fig. 5.13: Simulated THDI of the input currents as a function of switching frequency
fs at half output power Po = 5 kW and fN = 400 Hz (VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V).


delay (Digits)



1.7 A 4.5 A
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

Fig. 5.14: Approximation of the turn-off delay of the switch IPP60R165CP by

piecewise linear functions for digital pre-control implementation. The delay is plotted
in digits where a value of 1024 (10 bit) relates to a full switching period (fs = 1 MHz).

TABLE 5.4: Piecewise linear functions used to approximate turn-off delay of the
CoolMOS device IPP60R165CP plotted in Fig. 5.14.

I IDS < 1.7 A 640 digits 250 digits/A IDS

II 1.7 A < IDS < 4.5 A 288 digits 47 digits/A IDS

III 4.5 A < IDS 98 digits 4 digits/A IDS

i,eff (N ) = i,contr (N ) i,pre (N ) . (5.10)

In the practical implementation the input current dependent pre-

High-Speed Switching Behavior 123


IN1 (A)
0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
duty cycle

0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
duty cycle

0 45 90 135 180 225 270 315 360
N (deg)

Fig. 5.15: Required duty cycle 1,contr generated from the current controller and
pre-control signal used to compensate the turn-off delays of the MOSFET leading
to the resulting effective duty cycle 1,eff .

control signal can be added to the modulation function (see also section
3.1.2). The modulation function given in (3.54) can be extended by the
pre-control which yields to
2 1

mi,tri (N ) = M cos N (i 1) + tri (3N ) + v0 iFF ,
3 4
where iFF is the input current dependent pre-control signal according
to (5.10) and (5.8). The value of this pre-control has to be adapted
according to the modulation function and the switching frequency.
As the calculation of the pre-control signal according to (5.8) is a
time-consuming task in a digital controller implementation (e.g. DSP,
FPGA, etc.,), it can be approximated by piecewise linear functions
as shown in Fig. 5.14 for the CoolMOS device IPP60R165CP. The
delay is given in digits where a value of 1024 (10 bit) relates to a full
switching period (fs = 1 MHz). Three piecewise linear functions are
used and the interval boundaries are set to 1.7 A and 4.5 A respectively.
The resulting approximations are listed in TABLE 5.4 which can
easily be implemented in an FPGA.
124 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Fig. 5.15 shows the required duty cycle 1,contr to generate sinusoidal
input currents. This duty cycle is generated by the current controller
and a third harmonic injection is included which is used to increase
the input voltage range. In addition, the necessary pre-control signal
used to compensate the turn-off delay and the resulting effective duty
cycle 1,eff is plotted. The greatest influence of the pre-control signal
can be observed in the vicinity of the input current zero-crossings,
where the duty cycle 1,contr is almost unity. The duty cycle there
has to be reduced considerably as the input current, which charges
the output capacitance Coss , is small and enlarges the pulse width.
According to Fig. 5.15 the duty cycle distortion can be compensated
over long periods but, dependent on the applied MOSFET, a min-
imum pulse-length of 100 ns200 ns is required to fully turn-on the
MOSFET which limits the effectiveness of the proposed feed-forward
compensation signal. The pre-control signal also only compensates
the signal distortions caused by the turn-off delays of the MOSFETs.
As a result, zero crossing distortions caused e.g. by the cusp-effect2
or by small phase differences between input voltage and input cur-
rent, which could occur in the intended aircraft application, will remain.

In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed pre-control signal

the rectifier system VR250 with a switching frequency of 250 kHz
is used (cf. section 7.2). The measurement results of this system
operating at fN = 400 Hz and Po = 4.7 kW with and without the
pre-control signal are given in Fig. 5.16. Whereas the system without
the pre-control shows significant input current distortions at the
zero-crossings of the measured phase and at the zero-crossings of the
two other phases (every 60 ) the input current quality is improved
considerably if the pre-control is enabled. A THDI of 3.4 % is measured
without the feed-forward signal which can be reduced to 1 % if the
proposed pre-control is applied. The measurement clearly illustrates
that the turn-off delay causes significant input current distortions even
for a moderate switching frequency of 250 kHz.

Simulation of the resulting input current distortions is a delicate task

2 Cusp distortions occur after the mains voltage has crossed zero where the mains

voltage and therefore the resulting voltage across the inductor is too small to program
the required current slew rate. A deviation of the input current occurs during this
time (see also [166, 167]).
High-Speed Switching Behavior 125



Precontrol OFF Precontrol ON

CH1 5A M 1ms
CH2 250V

Fig. 5.16: Measurement of the input current of the rectifier system VR250 operated
with and without feed-forward compensation of the turn-off delay. The rectifier sys-
tem operates with fs = 250 kHz (VN =230 V, fN = 400 Hz, Vo = 800 V, Po = 4.7 kW);
Ch1 (red): IN1 , 5 A/Div, CH2 (blue): VN1 , 250 V/Div, time scale: 1 ms/Div.

if a given pre-control signal is applied. The pre-control signal is only

an approximation and due to component variations the pre-control
signal may not fully compensate the delay. A deviation of 10 %, the
applied pre-control signal is assumed to be 10 % smaller then the
required pre-control signal and therefore only compensates 90 % of the
turn-off delay, seems to be a practical value and is therefore assumed
for simulation of the resulting THDI including a pre-control signal.
The simulation results of the input current distortions with pre-control
signal have to be regarded with suspicion. They can, however, be used
to benchmark different semiconductor technologies if equal deviations
are used.

Fig. 5.17 shows the simulated THDI values of the 10 kW rectifier

system if a pre-control with an error of 10 % is applied. Whereas a
negligible dependency of the input current distortion can be observed
for Po = 10 kW, still a pronounced chip area dependent input current
distortion is present for Po = 5 kW. This verifies, that a device with
preferably small chip area AChip shall be applied if a high input cur-
rent quality at partial load operation is required. The distortions at
Po = 10 kW and Po = 5 kW are almost equal at small chip sizes (e.g.
AChip = 20 mm2 ) which is a result of the smaller turn-off delays at
126 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

4 THDI = 1.32 ln (AChip) - 2.32

THDI (%)
3 IPP60R075CP IPP60R045CP

2 IPP60R099CP

1 5 kW
THDI = 0.16 ln (AChip) + 1.02 10 kW
20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
AChip (mm2)

Fig. 5.17: Simulated THDI of the input currents as a function of chip area AChip
for a 10 kW rectifier system with a switching frequency of 1 MHz using a proper pre-
control signal (fN = 50 Hz, VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V). Only devices of the CoolMOS
CP-series are considered and an error of 10 % is assumed for the pre-control signal.

smaller chip areas - the current controller is almost able to compensate

the turn-off delay. It has, however, to be mentioned here that such small
chip sizes cannot be applied for a 10 kW rectifier system due to the ex-
cessive conduction losses (cf. section 5.3.2). According to the presented
simulations, the CoolMOS device IPP60R099CP seems to be an ideal
candidate for a switching frequency of 1 MHz.

5.1.3 Switching Loss Measurement

The determination of switching losses is a relatively complex task.
Several research groups developed models for switching loss calcula-
tion [168, 169] but the most accurate approach still seems to be a to
measurement of the switching losses of the MOSFET/diode combina-
tion of interest. Due to the intended very high switching frequency the
SiC-diode IDT10S60 is selected. It is well known that SiC-diodes show
no reverse recovery current but a capacitive displacement current is
flowing if a blocking voltage is applied.
Switching losses are usually separated into turn-on losses and turn-off
losses. Turn-on losses can be determined by a voltage/current mea-
surement according to [170]. The drain source current IDS charges
the nonlinear capacitance Coss at turn-off and causes therefore no
turn-off losses. According to [171], the energy stored in Coss , however,
considerably contributes to the turn-on losses as Coss has to be
High-Speed Switching Behavior 127

discharged through the channel of the MOSFET at turn-on. These

losses are not covered by the switching loss measurement at turn-on but
can be calculated using the stored energy in the parasitic capacitance
Coss of the MOSFET. The calculated stored energies at VDS 400 V
E400V are listed in TABLE 5.2. Alternatively to the values given
in the data-sheet the energy stored in the output capacity of the
MOSFET can be measured at turn-off of the device. The total switch-
ing losses can therefore be determined by measuring the voltage and
current transients at turn-on/turn-off the MOSFET diode combination.

The boost-type test circuit given in Fig. 5.5 is used to determine

the turn-on losses and the MOSFETs are gated with the test pulse
shown in Fig. 5.7. The switching losses are mainly determined by
the switching speed of the devices (with the exception of capacitive
contributions) and, as already discussed, the switching speed is limited
by the transient voltage and current oscillations. The gate resistor is
therefore increased to a value which results in a fast transition without
significant oscillations. In order to give a fair comparison of different
semiconductor families the switching transients (vDS and iDS ) of the
SJ device IPP60R099CP are used as reference. The gate-resistors are
modified for other MOSFETs until the switching transients roughly
match with this reference. The devices will then show approximately
equal turn-on losses independent of AChip . This is, however, only possi-
ble for devices showing chip areas in the same order of magnitude. The
comparably fast switching transient reference may not be achieved for
a device with a considerably larger chip area. The internal gate-resistor
of a MOSFET and the negative feedback behavior of the parasitic
source inductance LS may inhibit such a fast transient. In this work
only MOSFET devices are considered that are able to achieve the
selected switching transient reference.

Fig. 5.18 shows the turn-on voltage and current transients of a Cool-
MOS device (IPP60R099CP) at IDS = 5 A and VDS = 400 V using a gate
resistance of RG = 7.5 and a gate voltage of VG = 14 V. The switching
action takes about 10 ns and a current overshoot up to 15 A can be mea-
sured which is mainly caused by the mentioned capacitive displacement
current of the SiC diode. Channel A (green curve) corresponds to the
instantaneous power vDS iDS and its area is equivalent to the turn-on
switching loss energy Eon . Different MOSFET/diode combinations may
128 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

vDS vS


Fig. 5.18: Measured MOSFET turn-on switching transient at IDS = 5 A and VDS =
400 V for RG = 7.5 and VG = 14 V. CH1: iDS (5 A/Div), CHC: vDS (100 V/Div),
CHA: p(t) = vDS (t) iDS (t), time scale: 20 ns/Div.

show different switching transients. The reverse recovery current of the

diode is for instance be much higher if a Si diode is used instead of the
MOSFET devices of different vendors differ in the gate threshold voltage
VG(th) and transconductance gm and the transconductance gm defines
the turn-on slew rate of IDS . The threshold voltage as well as gm are
further dependent on the junction temperature Tj and as the parasitic
capacitances of the MOSFET devices show no temperature dependence
these two elements are responsible for the slight temperature depen-
dence of the turn-on switching loss energies.
The high di/dt-rate of IDS causes a voltage drop in vDS due to the wiring
inductance of the commutation path v = Lwire diDS /dt (cf. Fig. 5.18)
which can be used to determine the total parasitic inductance of the
wiring path. On the other hand, the MOSFET device shows a source
inductance LS (cf. Fig. 5.3(a)). High di/dt rates induce a voltage

vS = LS (5.12)

which reduces the effective gate voltage of the MOSFET in terms of

a negative feedback and limits the switching speed of the device. An
optimized gate drive loop showing a small loop inductance is therefore
essential for high switching speeds.
The slew rate of the falling drain source voltage is defined by the Miller
capacitance of the MOSFET CGD and the maximum gate-drive current.
High-Speed Switching Behavior 129


Eon (J)


75 20 25 30
50 5 10 15
Tj (C) 25 0

Fig. 5.19: Measured turn-on energies of the CoolMOS-CP semiconductor series as

a function of IDS and junction temperature Tj at VDS = 400 V.

As the charging current

dvDS VG VGS(th)
iG = CGD = (5.13)
dt RG

is defined by VG and RG a low enough gate resistance RG and high gate

voltage VG are required for low switching losses where RG is the lumped
resistance consisting of the internal resistance of the gate-drive stage,
the internal parasitic gate resistance of the MOSFET and the external
applied gate resistor. Omitting an external gate resistor therefore does
not result in RG 0.

The approved test circuit is now used to measure the switching loss
energies Eon (T ,IDS ) of the CoolMOS CP series as a function of IDS
and the junction temperature (T = Tj 25 C) and the results are
given in Fig. 5.19.
The measured turn-on switching energy curves for an output voltage
of 400 V can be fitted by


Eon (T, IDS ) = k0 + k1 IDS + k2 IDS (1 + (IDS )T ) (5.14)

for further loss calculations and the parameters of this curve fitting are
listed in TABLE 5.5.
130 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

TABLE 5.5: Parameters of (5.14) for approximation of the turn-on energies of the
CoolMOS CP series given in Fig. 5.19.

k0 7.85 J k1 2.53 J/A

k2 0.066 J/A2 80E6 K1


S1+ DF+
DN+ RG CL2 Cop
LN1 iN1
VN1 S1
Thy- Coss

Fig. 5.20: Simplified model of the commutation path of switch S1+ of the con-
structed VR1000 VR system (cf. section 5.8) including main parasitic capacitances.

5.1.4 Influence of Hardware Construction

Initial efficiency measurements on the final constructed hardware (cf.

section 5.8) showed that the total semiconductor losses are much higher
than calculated and the origin was found in considerably larger switch-
ing losses. The optimized boost-type test circuit given in Fig. 5.5 is
used to determine the turn-on switching energies plotted in Fig. 5.19
and this test circuit shows very small parasitic capacitances.
A more comprehensive model of the commutation path for the switch
S1+ considering main parasitic capacitances is given in Fig. 5.20. All
semiconductors are mounted on a heat sink implemented using a water
cooler and the parasitic capacitances to the heat sink (CD and CS )
are added to the model. Next to the junction capacitance Cj,D of the
SiC diode also parasitic capacitances of the layout CL1 and CL2 have
to be included. All parasitic capacitances connected to the drain of
the MOSFET have to be charged/discharged in every switching cycle
High-Speed Switching Behavior 131


200 Vienna Rectifer

with water-cooler
Eon (J)
150 Vienna Rectifer
without water-cooler
test circuit

0 5 10 15 20 25



VG = 11 V
Eon (J)

VG = 14 V

100 VG = 17 V


0 5 10 15 20 25


Fig. 5.21: Turn-on switching loss energies measured on the constructed VR1000
prototype employing the switch IPP60R125CP. (a) Influence of the unfavorable PCB
layout and water cooler on the loss energies for VG = 14 V and (b) switching energies
(without water cooler) for different gate voltages VG .

and accordingly increase switching losses. Due to an unfavorable layout

error of the constructed hardware the parasitic layout capacitances
CL1 and CL2 show values above 100 pF which finally results in the high
switching losses.

The measured switching loss energies of the boost-type test circuit

are compared in Fig. 5.21(a) with measured energies taken from the
VR1000 prototype employing the CoolMOS device IPP60R125CP.
On one hand, higher switching loss energies are measured due to the
unfavorable PCB layout and on the other hand the turn-on energies
are further increased if the water cooler is attached. The influence of
132 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

the gate-drive voltage on switching losses is depicted in Fig. 5.21(b)

where an increase of the switching loss energy with higher drain source
current can be observed. As for a reduced gate voltage of VG = 11 V
increased turn-on energies can occur, the switching loss energies
could be reduced if VG is increased from 14 V to 17 V. The higher
gate voltage, however, results in a higher gate drive power require-
ment which may be relevant for switching frequencies in the MHz range.

The measurements in Fig. 5.21 impressively illustrate that switching

losses are considerably affected by the final hardware setup like the PCB
layout and that also the heat sink plays an important role. Switching
losses must therefore be measured on the final constructed prototype for
precise modeling. The boost-type test circuit can, however, be used to
benchmark different semiconductor technologies or to get a rough idea
of switching losses in an early development state.

5.1.5 Selection of Switching Frequency

In the previous sections several limitations of high switching frequencies
have been discussed. The switching speed of the MOSFETs is limited
due to parasitic capacitances and inductances of the commutation path
and of the devices. This yields to high switching losses if the switching
frequency is increased. Next to the high switching losses also turn-off
delays occur which yield to input current distortions. Based on the de-
rived results of the previous sections a switching frequency of 1 MHz is
chosen for implementation of the high power density 10 kW VR system.
In the following an approach to damp the unwanted current and volt-
age switching transients is presented, followed by a detailed power loss
and efficiency calculation of the intended rectifier system for a switch-
ing frequency of 1 MHz. The finally constructed hardware prototype is
discussed in section 5.8.

5.2 Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer

In this chapter a novel approach to attenuate the unwanted switching
transient oscillations, which occurred in section 5.1.1 as a result of the
very high switching speed, is discussed. The approach uses a novel mag-
netically coupled damping layer which was initially introduced in [172]
Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer 133

0.5mm 35m
35m TOP
0.5mm 35m
- Copper - FR4 material, er=4.4

Fig. 5.22: Layer stack of the proposed magnetically coupled damping layer.



Zin L1 L2 Z


commutation path damping layer

Fig. 5.23: Model of the test circuit with damping layer at turn-on of the MOSFET.

and further analyzed in [173]. An additional layer is thereto inserted

between the two wiring layers (cf. Fig. 5.22). If the copper path of the
damping layer winding is terminated by an appropriately designed RC
network, the currents induced in the damping layer will significantly
reduce the parasitic oscillations in the wiring layers. An optimized ter-
mination network results in a very good damping behavior and signifi-
cantly lower losses compared to a classical snubber circuit. The damping
network uses standard materials (FR4, copper) and no extra manufac-
turing processes are needed, which leads to low implementation costs.

5.2.1 Analysis of the Damping Layer

In the following only the behavior of the circuit at turn-on of the
MOSFET is analyzed. The turn-off behavior can, however, be treated
in a similar way.

A simple model for the turn-on behavior of the MOSFET including

the damping layer is shown in Fig. 5.23 where the following symbols
are used:

RAC HF-resistance of the wiring in the commutation path;

134 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Cj,D Junction capacitance of the SiC-Schottky diode;

LD Parasitic inductance of diode and MOSFET;
L1 Effective inductance of the commutation path;
L2 Inductance of the damping layer;
M12 Mutual inductance between commutation path and damping
C12 Coupling capacitances between wiring layer and damping
Z Termination network for damping layer.

Although the inductance of the commutation path can be minimized

using a proper layout, a small residual value will remain. An excellent
PCB layout offers stray inductances in the range of the parasitic in-
ductances of the diode and the MOSFET packages. The component
parasitics must therefore be added to the model. Due to skin effect, the
current of the high-frequency oscillations flows only in a thin layer at
the surface of the copper layer and so the HF-resistance RAC has to be
used. The skin effect additionally reduces the effective area of the cop-
per wires which reduces the high-frequency coupling capacitance C12 to
small values so that it can be neglected in a first approximation for sake
of an easier model. The parasitic capacitance CLboost of the boost induc-
tor can furthermore be neglected as the analyzed oscillations at turn-on
of T1 are not directly affected by CLboost . The natural frequency f0 and
characteristic impedance Z0 of the LC-tank at turn-on are
1 Lwire
f0 = p , Z0 = . (5.15)
2 Lwire Cj,D Cj,D

The resonance frequency f0 lies in the 100 MHz range for SiC-diodes
with some 100 pF junction capacitance and some 10 nH stray induc-
tance. In order to achieve a proper damping, the value of the damping
resistor in series to the LC-tank has to be in the range of Z0 .

Using (5.15), the stray inductance of the commutation path can easily
be determined by measuring the frequency of the voltage or current
oscillation and by using the junction capacitance Cj,D of the diode,
specified in the data sheet.
Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer 135

A simple RC-snubber

Csnub = 3Cj,D = 300 pF

Lwire (5.16)
Rsnub Z0 = = 11.8

could be designed for a SiC-diode with Cj,D = 100 pF and an estimated

wiring inductance of Lwire = 14 nH.
According to [155] the power dissipation of the snubber resistor Rsnub
could be estimated by

Csnub Vo2
PR,snub 2fs . (5.17)
If a switching frequency of fs = 1 MHz and an output voltage of
Vo = 400 V is assumed, the resulting power dissipation would be
PR,snub = 48 W what clearly shows that RC-snubbers are not applica-
ble advantageously for such high switching frequencies. Accordingly, a
damping concept which is effective only for high-frequency AC signals
and in a given frequency range must be employed.

In the following several possibilities for implementing the proposed

magnetically coupled damping layer will be discussed.
A) Resistive Material in Damping Layer
The idea of this implementation is to use resistive material in the damp-
ing layer itself. The currents induced in the resistive layer generate losses
and therefore damp the unwanted oscillations. A model of this approach
is shown in Fig. 5.24(a). The magnetically coupled damping layer is
modeled by the magnetizing inductance Lm , the leakage inductance Llk
and an ideal transformer with a ratio of u : 1. The full leakage in-
ductance is here considered on the secondary side. As is well known
from coreless transformer designs [174], the magnetizing inductance Lm
is quite small as compared to the leakage inductance Llk due to the
limited coupling of the layers. The major part of the input current is
therefore flowing through the magnetizing inductance as

|Xm | = Lm << RS u2 + jLlk , (5.18)

which results in a limited damping effect. The inductance Lm and

hence the coupling of the two layers could be increased using a ferrite
136 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

RAC Cj,D LD Llk u: 1

Zin Lm RS



RAC Cj,D LD Llk u: 1 Cs

Zin Lm RS



Zin Lm Cp Rp

ideal termination

Fig. 5.24: Equivalent circuits of Fig. 5.23 for turn-on of the MOSFET for the
proposed damping layer implementations using (a) resistive material in the damping
layer, (b) a series R-C connection or (c) a parallel R-C connection (leakage induc-
tance considered on the primary side) as termination network of the magnetically
coupled damping layer.

core or a magnetic layer as done in [175]. This, however, also raises the
inductance of the commutation path and is therefore no option in the
case at hand. Besides the limited damping capability of this approach
the demand of including resistive materials into the layer stack of the
PCB is a drawback. Additional materials and production steps are
required which results in significantly higher manufacturing costs of
the PCB.
Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer 137

B) Series R-C Connection

The high leakage inductance can be compensated if a well designed
capacitor Cs is placed in series to the resistor Rs (cf. Fig. 5.24(b)).
This capacitance forms a series resonant circuit together with the
leakage inductance Llk , which has to be tuned to a resonant frequency
being equal to the frequency of the oscillations to be damped. Sim-
ulations of the proposed system, however, showed that the coupling
capacitance C12 can not be neglected in this case and that even a very
small coupling capacitance of a few pF overrides the positive effect of
canceling the leakage inductance. The best results have been achieved
by using a parallel connection of Rp and Cp as termination network
which will be discussed in the following.

C) Parallel R-C Connection

According to Fig. 5.24(c) the series resonant circuit, formed by Cj,D
and the sum of the inductances Llk and LD , is connected in series with
a well damped parallel resonant circuit, formed by the termination net-
work and the inductance Lm . The two elements Cp and Rp have to be
transferred to the primary side (Cp , Rp ) considering u:

Cp = , Rp = Rp u2 . (5.19)
If the resonance frequency fpar of the parallel resonant circuit is cho-
sen according to
1 1
fpar = p = fser = p (5.20)
2 Lm Cp 2 (LD + Llk )Cj,D
leading to
LD + Llk
Cp = Cj,D u2 (5.21)
and the damping resistor is chosen to
LD + Llk
Rp u2 = Rp Z1 = , (5.22)

the damping of the resulting system can be increased significantly. A

Bode plot of the input impedance

Z in = Z ser + Z par (5.23)

138 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Magnitude ()
10 |Zin|
1 |Zpar|
50 70 100 200 300 400 500
f (MHz)
Phase (deg)



50 70 100 200 300 400 500
f (MHz)

Fig. 5.25: Calculated Bode diagram of impedances Z ser , Z par and Z in for the
system: L1 = 10 nH, L2 = 10 nH, M12 = 5 nH, LD = 6 nH and Cj,D = 126 pF.

1 + sRAC Cj,D + s2 Cj,D (LD + Llk )
Z ser = (5.24)
Z par = (5.25)
1+ s LRm+ s2 Lm Cp

is given in Fig. 5.25. The damping of the system is increased when

the magnitude of the input impedance is increased at the resonant

As (5.22) is only an approximation, the optimal values for a maxi-

mal damping can be found by application of the following optimization

Zopt = Z in (f, Cp , Rp ) max . (5.26)
arg(Zin (f))=0

The result of the optimization for an assumed system with the pa-
rameters L1 = 10 nH, L2 = 10 nH, M12 = 5 nH, LD = 6 nH and
Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer 139

2.5 (14, 180pF, 2.57)

Zopt ()


400 30
Cp (pF) 200 10
5 Rp ()

Fig. 5.26: Calculated magnitude of impedance Zopt as a function of the termination

network parameters Rp and Cp .

TABLE 5.6: Calculated values for the termination network according to (5.19) and
(5.22), and results of the optimization according to (5.26).

Rp Cp
Calculated values 9 186 pF
Result of optimization 14 180 pF

Cj,D = 136 pF is depicted in Fig. 5.26 and the results are summarized
in TABLE 5.6.

5.2.2 Design of a Damping Layer

The performance of the damping layer is verified using a boost converter
as design example (cf. Fig. 5.5). This circuit is also used to study the
switching behavior of different MOSFET devices. To achieve very fast
switching transients, a low impedance gate driver DEIC420 featuring
a peak current capability of over 20 A is used. A 600 V SiC-Schottky
diode CSD20060D is used for the boost diode D1 . The output capaci-
tance Co and also Cin are partly implemented by several 220 nF / 630 V
ceramic type SMD capacitors, providing high current capability and low
140 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Boost inductor

Output Capacitors
Termination network



Diode Gate drive



Fig. 5.27: Constructed prototype of the boost circuit with PCB board wiring in-
cluding a damping layer with optimized termination network. (a) TOP view and (b)
BOTTOM view of the prototype which can directly be mounted on a heat sink.

inductance. In [171], it is shown that the switching losses are dominated

by the intrinsic capacitance Coss (vDS ) of the MOSFET when very fast
switching is used.
The applied CoolMOS devices show, as discussed in detail in section
5.1.2, long delay times at turn-off of the device which finally leads to
significant current distortions for lower current values in single-phase
and three-phase active rectifier applications.
To overcome the drawback of long delay times a RF switch-mode
power MOSFET DE475-501N44 is used. This device shows a much less
pronounced Coss (vDS )-characteristic than SJ MOSFETs. The RF MOS-
FET in addition utilizes a DE475 package which is optimized for high
speed, high frequency, high power applications (cf. Fig. 5.27). Due to
the symmetrical package design, where the two source terminals lie on
either side of the drain terminal, the parasitic inductance of the device
can be reduced to less than 5 nH [176]. Two commutation paths must
therefore be considered in the model. The layout of the boost circuit
Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer 141



Dielectric cells

Damping layer

Fig. 5.28: PEEC model of the constructed prototype with damping layer.

is optimized for very low wiring inductances in the commutation path.

To form the proposed damping structure, a copper loop terminated by
the proposed RC-network, is routed in a layer that is between the two
wiring layers (see also Fig. 5.22). The MOSFET current iDS is mea-
sured using a self-made AC-current probe. A short wire is required for
inserting the current sensor into the circuit, resulting in an additional
inductance of approximately 8 nH for the commutation path which has
to be considered in the model of the damping circuit.

Design using the PEEC Method

The parasitic elements of the system have to be considered for designing

an optimal termination network of the damping layer. These elements
could be determined by impedance measurements on the constructed
hardware using an adequate impedance analyzer. As precise measure-
ments in the pF/nH-range are rather difficult, an alternative method
to determine the parameters in an early state of system design based
on simulations without building a dedicated prototype shall be used.
The PEEC method emerged as a computational efficient and accurate
technique for a simulation including layout parasitics [177, 178]. The
PCB layout is thereto discretized into a large number of individual
elements as shown in the 3D-model of the prototype layout (cf.
Fig. 5.28). The PEEC method creates matrices of partial elements
representing the magnetic and electric field couplings and the resulting
equations subsequently are solved in a Spice-like circuit simulator. Re-
cent development makes PEEC an integrated full wave method, which
can handle non-orthogonal elements [179] as well as dielectrics [180].
142 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

TABLE 5.7: Measured and simulated parasitics of the constructed prototype.

Measurements Simulation
(HP4294A) (PEEC method)
LD 10 nH (per diode)
Cj,D 55 pF
LFET 4 nH (per lead)
LSensor 8 nH
RAC 500 m
L1a /L1b 8.2 nH / 7.7 nH 11.3 nH / 10.5 nH
L2a /L2b 9.9 nH / 8.1 nH 11.5 nH / 10.6 nH
M12,a /M12,b 5 nH / 5.3 nH 6.4 nH

In TABLE 5.7 both simulation results of the PEEC method and

measurement results, using the impedance analyzer HP4294A, are sum-
marized. The difference between the measured and calculated layout
inductances L1i , L2i and M12,i has its origin in the measurement tech-
nique, which poses a challenge due to the compact geometry of an op-
timized layout. As all parameters of the prototype are identified, a sim-
plified model of the boost circuit can be drawn (cf. Fig. 5.29). The
optimization of (5.26) results in Rp,opt = 22 and Cp,opt = 184 pF for
the termination network. The optimized components of the termination
network are added to the PEEC model.

The capacitive coupling C12 between the proposed damping layer and
the circuit layout, which was neglected for the sake of easy modeling,
lowers the damping performance. Due to the distributed nature of this
parasitic capacitance it can not accurately be modeled by a single
capacitor. In addition it is difficult to determine C12 by measurement
due to its small value in the pF-range. The PEEC method considers
the distributed nature [181] and was thus used to verify the total
effectiveness of the proposed layout, including the dielectric of the FR4
material with r = 4.4, and a dissipation factor of tan = 0.02.

The simulated total impedance of the commutation path with opti-

Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer 143

Rp Cp L2a L1a
Cj,D LD 300V
LFET Sensor

RDSon Lsensor
(CSD20060D) 300V
Rp Cp L2b L1b

Fig. 5.29: Simplified model of the constructed prototype with damping layer in-
cluding parasitic elements of the RF-MOSFET, current sensor and the SiC-diode.

Calculated model
PEECSimulation without damping
Magnitude ()

PEECSimulation with damping



30 50 70 100 200 300 400 500
f (MHz)

Fig. 5.30: Impedance measurement, calculated impedance using (5.24) - (5.26) and
corresponding PEEC simulation of the commutation path, including the effect of the
damping layer.

mized damping network, including the dielectric properties of the FR4

material (r = 4.4), is depicted in Fig. 5.30. There is also an impedance
measurement included, taken from the constructed prototype, as well
as the calculated impedance of the simplified model of Fig. 5.29.
The measurements could only be performed up to 110 MHz due to
the bandwidth limitation of the used impedance analyzer HP4294A.
Comparing the simulation result without damping circuit to the results
with optimized termination network (Rp,opt , Cp,opt ) the damping effect
on the resonance at 100 MHz is apparent. A small shift in resonance
frequency to a higher value is observed when the damping network is
applied. This is due to the lowered inductance as the magnetic fields of
144 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

both layers attenuate each other. The resonance due to C12 is above
400 MHz and has therefore no significant influence on the ringing
behavior at 100 MHz. In addition the PEEC simulation showed that
the dielectric dissipation inside the FR4 material does not alter the
attenuation behavior significantly. It is therefore reasonable to neglect
dielectric loss effects in the model.

The entire effectiveness of the proposed damping layer and the validity
of the simplified model of Fig. 5.29 are approved by PEEC simulation,
even though the impedance analyzer measurement in Fig. 5.30 shows
a slightly reduced damping performance compared to the PEEC sim-
ulation. This deviation probably has its origin either in measurement
errors of the small parasitic inductance values or the fact that the par-
asitic inductances of the switch and the diode were included as lumped
inductances in the PEEC model, which do not couple magnetically with
the layout inductances of the model. The consistency of simulation and
measurement is however acceptable, but also the simplified model with
lumped elements shows good results.

5.2.3 Experimental Results

The constructed prototype with optimized damping network has

been tested for a boost converter output voltage of 300 V and for
current levels up to 20 A. The results for a current of 10 A are given
in Fig. 5.31 where for Fig. 5.31(a) the damping layer of the PCB
has been left open. The switching transient oscillations are reduced
significantly if the damping layer is applied. The first voltage/current
peak is unfortunately still present, but the decay of the ringing is
enhanced noticeably.

In Fig. 5.31(c) a measurement of a purely resistive damping layer

is shown. A 0.2 mm transformer-core Fe-sheet is therefore inserted be-
tween the two wiring layers with the thickness of 0.5 mm. The drain-
source current IDS,res (with inserted transformer sheet) is compared to
a measurement without any damping IDS,o and the results confirm the
limited damping capability of this approach. The damping effect of a
copper layer terminated by a 10 resistor (IDS,10 ) is shown as well.
Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer 145



(a) (b)

PEEC simulation
iDS,o 30

I (A)


iDS,10 10

50 0 50 100 150
t (ns)

(c) (d)

Fig. 5.31: Measurement results taken from the constructed prototypes; (a) Mea-
surement without damping layer and (b) with damping layer terminated by an op-
timized RC-network. vDS (300 V/Div), iDS (10 A/Div), time scale: 50 ns/Div; (c)
Purely resistive damping layer: iDS,i (10 A/Div), time scale: 100 ns/Div; (d) Mea-
sured and calculated current shape obtained from a numeric Laplace transform of
the impedance curve of Fig. 5.30.

The time domain response of the commutation path exited by a

step function is calculated based on the simulated impedance curve. In
Fig. 5.31(d) the numerical result of this transformation is compared
to a current measurement taken from the constructed prototype for
a current of 10 A. The amplitude of the input step of the numerical
system is thereto scaled to obtain an equal final value. The oscillation
frequency of the simulated system is slightly smaller than the measured
value which can also be seen at the lower resonance point in Fig. 5.30.
The simulated maximum peak current and especially the damping
effect are in good agreement with the measurement results. A PEEC
146 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


25 ESnubber

E (J)


10 EDamping

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
I (A)

Fig. 5.32: Measured loss-energies of the proposed damping concept (EDamping )

compared with the loss-energies of a RC-snubber (ESnubber ) designed to achieve
similar damping.

simulation can therefore be used to directly analyze the performance of

the designed damping system in an early development state with good

In Fig. 5.32 measured damping resistor loss-energies for the pro-

posed magnetically coupled damping layer are compared to losses gen-
erated by a RC snubber across the boost diode (cf. (5.17), Rsnub = 10 ,
Csnub = 150 pF). The measurements were done at Vo = 300 V and the
RC snubber is designed to achieve roughly the same damping behav-
ior as the damping layer with optimized termination network. Only
the high-frequency oscillations are coupled to the damping resistor in
the termination network for the tuned damping layer with parallel RC-
termination. On the contrary, the snubber capacitor Csnub has to be
charged / recharged in every switching cycle which results in signifi-
cantly higher losses. This confirms that considerable damping can be
achieved with the proposed damping layer by only moderate losses in
the damping resistor even at switching frequencies in the MHz-range.

5.2.4 Conclusion
In this section a novel passive damping layer was introduced for attenu-
ating the undesired voltage/current ringing appearing at the switch-
Magnetically Coupled Damping Layer 147

ing instants of hard-switched power electronic converters. An addi-

tional copper layer, terminated by an optimally designed RC-network, is
thereto inserted between the PCB wiring layers of the converter. The ad-
ditional copper loop is magnetically coupled to the commutation loop of
the power circuit. The experimental results show that the ringing can be
reduced considerably and that significantly lower losses in the damping
resistor occur compared to a traditional RC snubber circuit. The first
voltage/current peak of the oscillation is, however, still present. The
reason can be found in the weak magnetic coupling of the two loops.
The coupling could be improved by application of magnetic material,
e.g. ferrite cores or a magnetic layer, but this is no option as this also
increases the inductance of the commutation loop. Adding additional
resistive materials into the layer stack of the PCB requires additional
production steps and results in significantly higher production costs of
the PCB which is a serious drawback.
The proposed concept is shown for a boost-type test circuit but is not
limited to such topologies. It may be used in other applications where
an increase of inductance caused by the magnetic material can be tol-
erated. Impedance measurements of the built PCB would be necessary
for the arrangement and optimization of the termination network. It is
shown in this work that by application of the PEEC simulation method
the system can be designed and analyzed in an early development state
without an existing hardware prototype.
148 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

5.3 Semiconductor Power Losses

As a next step the semiconductor power losses of the VR system are
calculated where also the cooling system and the thermal interface of
the semiconductors are considered. The semiconductor current stresses
listed in TABLE 3.1 are used to calculate the power losses and the
dependence of the MOSFET losses on the used chip area AChip is eval-
uated. The selected semiconductors are listed in TABLE 5.8 where
also some key specifications are given.

Next to the selection of the MOSFET also the choice of the free-
wheeling diodes DF+ and DF is a crucial factor for implementing
a system with highest power density as the reverse recovery current
strongly determines the appearing switching losses. The SiC-diode
IDT10S60C is selected as it shows no reverse recovery current and
only a small charge of Qc = 24 nC of the parasitic junction capaci-
tance. A classical Si-diode would show a considerably higher reverse
current which would result in too high switching losses for a switching
frequency in the MHz range. The rectifier diode 10ETS08 is used for
the mains side diodes DN+ as these diodes are only commutated with
mains frequency. The thyristor TYN825 completes the list of applied
semiconductors. In the following the semiconductor power losses are

TABLE 5.8: Semiconductors selected for implementation of the high power density
VR system.

Part Type
CoolMOS CP-series
S+ , S
VBRR = 650 V, RDSon = 2.7 mm2 /AChip
SiC Schottky diode IDT10S60C
DF+ , DF
VRRM = 600 V, IF = 10 A
Rectifier diode 10ETS08
VRR = 800 V, IF,avg = 10 A
Thyristor TYN825
T hy
VRRM = 800 V, IT,rms = 25 A
Semiconductor Power Losses 149

5.3.1 MOSFET Power Losses

The power losses of the MOSFET can be divided into switching losses
PFET,sw and conduction losses PFET,con

PFET = PFET,con + PFET,sw . (5.27)

The conduction losses can be calculated using the on-state resistance

RDSon of the MOSFET channel and the switching losses can be de-
termined using the measured turn-on energies given in Fig. 5.19
and TABLE 5.5. The on-state resistance RDSon is a function of the
junction temperature Tj and the drain source current IDS and scales

with RDSon 1/AChip and therefore RDSon is defined as RDSon =
RDSon AChip . A curve fit of data sheet values results in

RDSon (Tjs , IDS ) = 1 + 1 Tjs + 2 Tjs2

1 + 1 IDS + 2 IDS (5.28)

where RDSon,25 is the chip area dependent on-state resistance at Tj =

25 C and IDS = 0. The corresponding parameters of this curve fit are
listed in TABLE 5.9.
The conduction losses
PFET,con = RDS,on (Tjs , IDS ) i2DS (t) dt (5.29)
TN 0
have to be calculated by integration over one mains period as (5.28) is
nonlinear. The total MOSFET losses can then be calculated by use of
Both, (5.14) and (5.28) require the junction temperature

Tj = Ts + Rth,js AChip PFET (5.30)

which is a function of the chip area dependent thermal interface to the

heat sink, expressed by Rth,js , with the heat sink temperature Ts and
of the total MOSFET losses PFET . Equation (5.27) has to be solved
iteratively by application of (5.29), (5.14) and (5.30).
150 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

TABLE 5.9: Selected power devices including main parameters for implementation
of the high power density VR system.


Channel Switching Losses
RDSon,25 = 80 m k0 = 7.85 J
1 = 0.0083 K1 k1 = 2.53 J/A
2 = 43 106 K1 k2 = 0.07 J/A2
1 = 0.67 106 A1 = 80 106 K1
2 = 0.17 103 A2 E400V = 11.5 J
Diode DFi IDT10S60C
VF,SiC = 0.74 V
rD,SiC = 84 m
Diode DNi+ 10ETS08 Thyristor TYN825
VF = 0.7 V VF,Thy = 0.77 V
rD = 27.5 m rD,Thy = 14 m
Output Capacitors
13 Rubycon BXA 6.8 F/450 V
ESR = 10 Ileak = 79 A
19 KEMET X7R 220 nF/500 V
fres = 8.5 MHz
Boost Inductor 20 H
AFe = 90.7 mm2 VFe = 6720 mm3
N = 18
Core Material Micrometals -8, E-core E137-8
Low Frequency (50/60 Hz) High Frequency (1 MHz)
KNF = 2.85 W/mm3 KHF = 0.19 W/mm3
NF = 1.02 HF = 1.25
NF = 2.02 NF = 2.24

An appropriate model of the chip area dependent thermal interface to

the heat sink Rth,js (AChip ) is thereto required. A chip area dependent
Semiconductor Power Losses 151


2 A  0.64

Rth,js (K/W)
8.5 K/W mm2

1 IPP60R165CP IPP60R099CP
0.5 IPP60R075CP

0 20 40 60 80 100 120
AChip (mm2)

Fig. 5.33: Chip area dependent thermal resistance Rth,js of several discrete Cool-
MOS devices considering a thermal conducting electrical isolation sheet. A curve
fitting is given which is used for further calculations.

thermal resistance Rth,js (AChip ) is proposed in [182] where the whole

chip is implemented in a single power module using an Al2 O3 DCB ce-
ramic substrate. Discrete semiconductors using TO220 or TO247 pack-
ages shall, however, be applied for the application at hand. Several de-
vices have therefore been analyzed and the corresponding thermal resis-
tances are plotted in Fig. 5.33 considering also an isolation sheet with
a thermal resistance of Rth,iso = 0.7 K/W. A curve fit of the thermal
resistances results in
Rth,js = 8.5 K/W (5.31)

for CoolMOS-CP devices in the TO220 and TO247 case.

Due to the thermal capacitances of the MOSFET devices roughly a

constant temperature Tjs of the MOSFET is assumed within a mains
period where the cooling systems ensures a constant heat sink tempera-
ture Ts . Based on this assumption the total MOSFET power losses can
be calculated using the iteration process illustrated in Fig. 5.34. At
the beginning of the iteration a junction temperature Tj [0] is defined.
Based on this junction temperature, the power semiconductor losses
PFET [n] are calculated. According to (5.31) and (5.30), the calculated
power losses on the other hand yield to a junction temperature Tj [n].
This temperature is compared to the junction temperature of the
former calculation step and compared with the termination limit . As
the switching losses PFET,sw as well as the conduction losses PFET,con
152 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


Calc PFET[n] INpk, fs, ...


Calc Tj[n]

|Tj[n]Tj[n-1]| <
n=n+1 Tj

Fig. 5.34: Graphical illustration of the iteration process used to calculate the final
junction temperature Tj and total MOSFET losses PFET .

are monotonically increasing function with respect to the junction

temperature Tj , this iteration process converges.

The conduction losses have to be calculated by integration over one

mains period
1 RDSon,25  
PFET,con = 1 + 1 Tjs + 2 Tjs2
2 0 AChip
1 + 1 IDS (N ) + 2 IDS (N )2 iDS (N )2 (N )dN (5.32)

iDS (N ) = IN cos(N ) (5.33)
and the duty cycle has to be inserted according to the applied modula-
tion function (cf. section 3.1.1).
The calculation of the conduction losses can be simplified if the drain
source rms and avg currents

PFET,con,approx = 1 + 1 T + 2 T 2
2 2
1 + 1 IDS,avg + 2 IDS,rms IDS,rms (5.34)

are used instead of integration over one period. This is mathematically

not correct but may be tolerated if the error is rather small. The devia-
tion for a 10 kW rectifier system is given in Fig. 5.35 where for practical
Semiconductor Power Losses 153


err (W) 3

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
AChip (mm2)

Fig. 5.35: Deviation of the calculated conduction losses PFET,con as a function of

the chip area AChip if (5.34) is used instead of (5.32).

reasonable chip areas of AChip > 20 mm2 an error

err = PFET,con PFET,con,approx (5.35)

below 2 W can be observed. In the case at hand with dominating switch-

ing losses the approximation is therefore tolerable.

Similar to the conduction losses the switching losses of the MOSFET

device can be calculated by integration over one mains period

1 fs
PFET,sw = fs Eon (Tjs , iDS (t)) dt + E AChip (5.36)
TN 0 2 400V

using the measured switching loss energies listed in Fig. 5.19 and TA-
BLE 5.5, where TN is the mains period. A comparison of different
CoolMOS devices with diverse chip areas shows, that the energy stored
in Coss is also directly proportional to AChip which is modeled using the

stored energy E400V in Coss . The integration in (5.36) can be avoided if
the temperature coefficient of the switching energies is assumed to be
independent of IDS (1 instead of IDS ). The switching losses can then
154 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

be calculated to
Z   2 
PFET,sw = fs k0 + k1 IN sin(N ) + k2 IN sin(N )
2 0
1 + 1 T dN + E400V AChip =
fs 2IN IN
= k0 + k1 + k2 1 + 1 T +
2 2 (5.37)
+ E400V AChip =
fs 2
= k0 + k1 IN,avg + k2 IN,rms 1 + 1 T +
+ E400V AChip
which results in
fs 2
PFET,sw = k0 + k1 IN,avg + k2 IN,rms 1 + 1 T +
+ E400V AChip .
Using the approximation (5.34) for the conduction losses and (5.38)
for the switching losses, the iteration process given in Fig. 5.34 is not
required and the total losses of the MOSFET (5.27) can directly be
solved under consideration of the thermal interface (5.31).

The calculated chip area dependent power losses of the SJ CoolMOS-

CP series for the intended 10 kW three-phase VR system are depicted
in Fig. 5.36 for a switching frequency of fs = 1 MHz. Due to the
high switching frequency, the MOSFET power losses are dominated
by switching losses. They show a minimum at AChip 27 mm2 which
would be the optimal chip area for the intended rectifier system.
Next to the good performance regarding input current distortions the
CoolMOS device IPP60R099CP is also an ideal candidate regarding
losses and is therefore used for the hardware implementation.

The optimal chip area AChip,opt yielding minimal semiconductor

losses can be calculated as a function of the switching frequency fs and
Semiconductor Power Losses 155

Losses (W)


AChip (mm2)

Fig. 5.36: Dependency of the MOSFET power losses PFET consisting of conduction
losses PFET,con and switching losses PFET,sw on the chip area AChip at a switching
frequency of fs = 1 MHz and an output power of Po = 10 kW.

the results are given in Fig. 5.37(a) for the CoolMOS-CP series. The
optimal chip size decreases for higher switching frequencies and shows
a minimum at fs 800 kHz. Due to the better thermal interface of a
larger chip area and the linearly increasing switching losses for higher
switching frequencies, the optimal chip size increases for switching
frequencies above 800 kHz. A chip size of AChip 30 mm2 can therefore
be achieved if a switching frequency of fs = 1 MHz is applied.
The corresponding junction temperature Tj is in addition given in
Fig. 5.37(b) as a function of fs , where a heat sink surface temperature
of Ts = 50 C is assumed. Due to the linearly rising switching losses
also the junction temperature rises linearly. The CoolMOS-CP series
allows a maximal junction temperature of Tj,max = 150 C. A maximal
switching frequency of 1.23 MHz can accordingly be implemented using
the CoolMOS-CP series. Note that this switching frequency limitation
is only valid for the applied model using the thermal interface given
in (5.31), for a heat sink temperature of 50 C and for the switching
loss parameters given in TABLE 5.5. A different thermal interface,
or heat sink temperature or different parasitic capacitances of the final
construction will result in a different switching frequency limitation.
The maximal switching frequency will, however, be in the range
between 1 MHz and 1.5 MHz.
156 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


AChip,opt (mm2)



200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
fs (kHz)



Tj (C)




200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
fs (kHz)


Fig. 5.37: (a) Optimal chip area AChip,opt yielding to minimal MOSFET power
losses as a function of switching frequency fs and (b) corresponding junction tem-
perature Tj as a function of fs .

5.3.2 Total Semiconductor Power Losses

In the following the total power losses are calculated for a 10 kW VR sys-
tem. Due to the turn-off delay of the MOSFET coming along with input
current distortions, the limited switching speed of the devices caused by
parasitic oscillations and the increasing switching losses a switching fre-
quency of fs = 1 MHz is chosen for the rectifier system with highest
possible power density. As already discussed the SJ CoolMOS device
IPP60R099CP with a chip area of AChip = 30 mm2 is chosen for the
power transistor.
The remaining semiconductor conduction losses can be calculated using
the average and rms current stresses listed in TABLE 3.1 in combina-
tion with data sheet values given in TABLE 5.9.
The total conduction losses of the free-wheeling diodes DFi+ and DFi
Semiconductor Power Losses 157

TABLE 5.10: Calculated semiconductor power loss break-down of a 10 kW VR for

a switching frequency of fs = 1 MHz (Po = 10 kW, Vo = 800 V, fN = 50 Hz).

Input voltage (line rms) 207 230 253 V

Input current (rms) 17.2 15.5 14.1 A
Modulation index 0.735 0.816 0.898
MOSFET conduction losses 73.8 42 24.6 W
MOSFET switching losses 381 330.6 294 W
Total MOSFET losses 454.8 372.6 318.6 W
Diode losses DFi 66.6 61.9 58.1 W
Diode losses DN+ 28.6 24.6 21.5 W
Thyristor losses 24.1 21.2 18.85 W
Total semiconductor losses 574.1 480.3 417.1 W
Semiconductor efficiency 94.3 95.2 95.8 %

can be calculated using


PDF = 6 VF,SiC IDF ,avg + rD,SiC ID F ,rms
. (5.39)

The conduction losses of the mains diodes DNi+ and the thyristors T hy
can be calculated in a similar way

PDN = 3 VF IDN ,avg + rD ID N ,rms

PThy = 3 VF,Thy IDN ,avg + rD,Thy IDN ,rms . (5.41)

The semiconductor power losses are calculated using the derived for-
mulas and the results are given in TABLE 5.10 for VN = 230 V 10 %
and for a switching frequency of fs = 1 MHz. Further system parameters
are Po = 10 kW, Vo = 800 V and fN = 50 Hz.
The calculated semiconductor power losses are illustrated in
Fig. 5.38 where the incredibly high amount of Pv,semi = 480.3 W can
be observed which causes a relatively low semiconductor efficiency of
semi = 95.2 %. The semiconductor power losses are, due to the high
switching frequency, dominated by switching losses which take approx-
imately 69 % of the total power losses. The second largest loss amount
158 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Pv,semi = 480.3 W, semi=95.2 %


Semicond. power losses (W)

450 PThy = 21 W (4 %)
PDN = 24 W (5 %)
PDF = 62 W (13 %)
300 PFET,con = 42 W (9 %)
150 PFET,sw = 330 W (69 %)

Fig. 5.38: Calculated semiconductor power loss break-down for a switching fre-
quency of fs = 1 MHz if the SJ CoolMOS IPP60R099CP is applied; System param-
eters: fN = 50 Hz, VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V and Po = 10 kW.

are the conduction losses of the SiC-diodes which take 13 %. According

to the calculation derived in section 5.3.1 the junction temperature of
the MOSFET increases up to Tj = 130 C for VN = 230 V. If the mains
voltage is reduced to the lower limit VN = 0.9 230 V = 207 V the junction
temperature will rise to Tj = 158 C which is slightly over the limit of
150 C and an operation at rated power with the reduced mains voltage
is hence not possible. The rectifier system is, however, implemented us-
ing the switch IPP60R099CP and the switching frequency fs = 1 MHz
to demonstrate that a high power density and operation with such a
high switching frequency is possible. An operation with main voltages
below 230 V, e.g. 230 V 10 % may therefore not possible if the temper-
ature of the heat sink is Ts = 50 C.
With regard to the high semiconductor power losses the question arises
if the system can be cooled by a properly designed cooler. It has been
verified, that the junction temperature stays below Tj,max = 150 C for
VN = 230 V if a heat sink temperature of Ts = 50 C can be ensured.
How this is achieved is discussed in the following section where the
design of a proper water cooler is described.

5.3.3 Design of a Water Cooler

According to Fig. 5.38, the cooling system has to dissipate a heat flow
of 480 W and the temperature of the heat sink shall be below 50 C. A
water cooler is designed in the following for this purpose. A single water
Semiconductor Power Losses 159

Thy3 DN3 Thy2 DN2 Thy1 DN1

S3- S3+ S2- S2+ S1- S1+

DF3- D DF2- DF2+ DF1- DF1+


Fig. 5.39: Placement of the semiconductors on the designed water cooler with
dimensions of 110 mm38 mm10 mm.


Pv1 p (N/m2) 10000

heat Pv,semi
exchanger Dp
water- 5000
flow cooler

pump 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6
Eheim 1048 flow (liter/min.)

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.40: (a) Cooling system employing water cooler, heat exchanger, pump and
pipes and (b) characteristic of the applied pump.

cooler is used in order to achieve a very high power density and all dis-
crete devices are mounted on top with small distances. Fig. 5.39 shows
the semiconductor placement on the water cooler with the dimensions of
110 mm38 mm10 mm. All MOSFETs are mounted in the middle row
flanked by the free-wheeling diodes DFi on one side and by the mains
diodes DNi+ and thyristors T hyi on the other side. All semiconductors
use the non-isolated TO220-case and are electrically insulated using a
Kapton insulation foil. This electrical insulation is already included in
the thermal interface given in (5.31).
The basic structure of the cooling system, consisting of a water pump,
water cooler, heat exchanger and pipes is shown in Fig. 5.40(a). The
achieved water flow is dependent on the pressure drop of the water
cooler and the characteristic of the applied pump (cf. Fig. 5.40(b))
which is discussed in detail in [183]. A similar pump as in [183] is used
for the following analysis.
Many different channel structures are possible for implementing the
160 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Fig. 5.41: Possible Design of a water cooler using a horizontal fin structure.

water channel. Some research has been dedicated to the cooling of pro-
cessors and Very Large Scale Integrated (VLSI) systems [184, 185]. Ap-
plication for an IGBT module is given in [186] and a special channel
configuration known as Shower Power is proposed in [187] and [188].
In [183] a direct water cooler using a structure of parallel channels was
proposed and analyzed. It has to be clarified in the following whether
this interesting structure is applicable in the intended application or not.
A 3D-model of such a water cooler is shown in Fig. 5.41 where the par-
allel channels with a depth of 1 mm are clearly visible. The dimensions of
these channels are chosen according to the optimization results of [183]
and show a width of 2 mm followed by a 1 mm aluminum bar.

A FEM simulation is used to determine the pressure drop and the heat
distribution of the designed water cooler. A pump with a fixed flow rate
of 1.4 liter/min is connected to the inlet and the calculated semiconduc-
tor losses are applied as heat sources according to the locations given in
Fig. 5.39. First of all the pressure drop of the cooling system has to be
evaluated which can be used to evaluate the operating point of the cool-
ing system using the measured pump characteristic. This is an iterative
process as the flow must be adapted according to the pressure drop. A
pressure drop of 2000 N/m2 can be observed for the case at hand which
is in good agreement with the selected flow rate of 1.4 liter/min. If the
surface temperature of the water cooler is, however, analyzed a con-
tinuing temperature rise from S3 to S1+ is visible (cf. Fig. 5.42(a)).
The heat sink temperature at the last MOSFET S1+ is 67 C which is
quite above the desired temperature limit of 50 C. The inhomogeneous
pressure distribution in the parallel channels in combination with the
limited thickness of the inlet and outlet channels, located on the right
Semiconductor Power Losses 161

67.6 C
62.9 C
58.2 C
53.5 C
48.8 C
44.1 C
39.4 C
34.7 C
30.0 C


1.92 m/s
1.68 m/s
1.44 m/s
1.20 m/s
0.96 m/s
0.72 m/s
0.48 m/s
0.24 m/s
0.0 m/s

Fig. 5.42: (a) Temperature distribution on the water cooler implemented according
to Fig. 5.41 and (b) water flow rate in the parallel channels.

and left side of the parallel channels, results in unequal flow rates in the
particular channels. According to Fig. 5.42(b), a considerably reduced
flow rate occurs for the channels located farther from the in/outlet.

The effective area of the inlet and outlet channels can not be increased
as the semiconductors are screwed onto the water cooler and the rest of
the cooler material has is reserved for the screws. The thickness of the
effective area of the parallel channels can be increased with increasing
length of the water cooler in order to achieve similar pressure drops in
the channels. This improvements are, however, limited as the geometry
of the water cooler, especially the long length in combination with small
width, is unfavorable for such an implementation.
A more optimized implementation using channels with different
widths results in a maximal heat sink temperature of 58 C. Due to the
limited performance and due to some other mechanical issues another
channel geometry has to be found.
162 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

38 m



54 C
51 C
48 C
45 C
42 C
39 C
36 C
33 C
30 C

Fig. 5.43: (a) Implemented water cooler using a single slot water channel and (b)
simulated temperature distribution.

A single water channel with a width of 7 mm and a depth of 6 mm

is used for the finally constructed water cooler (cf. Fig. 5.43(a)). This
channel can favorably be inserted between the mounting holes of the
semiconductors. The iterative adaption of flow-rate and pressure drop
in combination with the pump characteristic of the intended pump re-
sults in a flow rate of 1.58 l/min and a pressure drop of only 700 N/m2 .
The resulting temperature distribution of the water cooler is given in
Fig. 5.43(b) where a maximum heat sink temperature of 54 C can be
observed. A water temperature at the inlet of 30 C is used which is
in good agreement with the actual implemented system. If the water
temperature of the inlet is reduced to 25 C a maximum heat sink tem-
perature of 49 C occurs which fulfills the requirement. An appropriate
heat exchanger is therefore required for operation of the rectifier system
with full power.
Semiconductor Power Losses 163

The thermal resistance of the water cooler is calculated according to

[183] which results in Rth,sa = 0.05 K/W which is also in good agree-
ment with the measured temperature rise.
164 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

5.4 Passive Components

5.4.1 Boost Inductor
The volume of the boost inductor scales with switching frequency and
can be reduced by increasing the switching frequency. According to
section 3.1.3 a boost inductor value of LN = 20 H has to be chosen for
a switching frequency of 1 MHz if a peak-to-peak current ripple of 20 %
is allowed (k = 0.2). As analyzed in [120] the major switching ripple
spectral components occur at fs and 2fs and the magnetic material
used to implement the boost inductor must show low losses in this
frequency range.

The frequency dependency of the complex permeability = j

of the widely used ferrite materials N97 and N49 from EPCOS Inc. is
shown in Fig. 5.44(a). The real part of the permeability of material
N97 is, according to Fig. 5.44(a), only constant up to a frequency
of 1 MHz and drops quickly for higher frequencies. In addition, the
imaginary part , which is related to core losses, rises steeply. The
material N97 can therefore not be applied for implementation of the
boost inductors and is also not a good option for construction of the
DM filter inductors as will be discussed in section 5.7.
An implementation using the material N49 would be possible for
fs = 1 MHz employing two ELP32 cores but the resulting total vol-
ume of the inductor would be too high. The permeability of the powder
core material -8 from Micrometals Inc. stays constant up to a frequency
of 100 MHz (cf. Fig. 5.44(b)) and shows acceptable losses. This mate-
rial is therefore chosen for implementation of the boost inductor. Two
E-cores (E137-8) with an AL value of AL0 = 67 nH are used for imple-
mentation. Under consideration of a current dependent drop in perme-
ability of 10 % the required number ob turns to implement LN = 20 H
can be calculated as
N= = 18 turns . (5.42)
The averaged volume related core losses can be calculated using the
improved generalized Steinmetz equation (iGES)
1 dB
pv,core,avg =
ki (B)() dt (5.43)
TN 0 dt
Passive Components 165

- N97

1000 - N49

- N97

- N49
10k 100k 1M 10M
f (Hz)



10 -02

1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 100M
f (Hz)

Fig. 5.44: (a) Real and imaginary part of complex permeability = j for
the ferrite materials N97 and N49 from EPCOS Inc.; (b) Initial permeability of the
powder core materials from Micrometals.

presented in [189], where and are the Steinmetz parameters of the

magnetic material which can be extracted from the data sheet. This
approach is intended for ferrite materials but can approximately be
used also for powder core materials. The flux density curve can now
be divided into minor loops with minor peak flux densities B. In the
intended application of a boost inductor the minor loops relate to the
switching ripple and the major loop is the flux density component with
mains frequency. As the ripple current and therefore also the flux density
are piecewise linear functions the simplified version

ki X Bm
pv,core,avg = (B(tm )) tm tm (5.44)
TN m
166 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology



B (mT) 0



0 5 10 15 20
t (ms)

Fig. 5.45: Simulated flux density curve of the boost inductor: Parameter fs =
1 MHz, fN = 50 Hz, VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V and Po = 10 kW).

ki =   (5.45)
2+1 1 0.2761 + +1.354

can be applied (cf. [189]). The minor loops, which relate to the switching
frequency ripple, are extracted from the flux density waveform which is
generated by a computer simulation of the VR system (cf. Fig. 5.45).
The flux density is quite below 300 mT and the peak-to-peak flux den-
sity of the high-frequency loops is below 40 mT. The authors of [189]
supply a Matlab script [190] which provides the extraction of the mi-
nor loops and the calculation of the core losses. This script uses equal
Steinmetz parameters for the high-frequency minor loops and for the
low-frequency major loop. In order to get more accurate results differ-
ent Steinmetz parameters for low and high frequencies are used. This is
possible because the minor loops are related to the switching frequency
and the major loop is related to the mains frequency. The used Stein-
metz parameters are listed in TABLE 5.11 and applying the modified
algorithm on the the flux density curve shown in Fig. 5.45 results in

Pv,core = 0.78 W . (5.46)

for the 20 H boost inductor using two E137-8 E-cores.

Next to core losses also high-frequency losses in the winding due to
skin and proximity effect occur besides the losses caused by the low-
frequency AC resistance and/or mains frequency current component.
Passive Components 167

TABLE 5.11: Steinmetz parameters of the magnetic material -8 from Micrometals

Inc. for different frequency ranges.

f = 50/60 Hz f = 1 MHz
KLF = 2.85 W/m3 KHF = 0.19 W/m3
LF = 1.016 HF = 1.25
LF = 2.024 HF = 2.24

The skin-depth of copper at 1 MHz can be calculated to

Cu,1MHz = = 71 m (5.47)
Cu fs
which would result in unacceptable high copper losses if a single copper
wire would be used even if only a small current ripple of a few amps
would occur. A litz-wire can be used to overcome this drawback but a
litz-wire shows a small window utilization factor. The volume of such
an implementation would be considerably large which would not allow
to reach a very high power density. A bunched copper wire consisting of
5 strands with a diameter of d = 0.9 mm is used instead of the litz-wire
and shows a notable improvement compared to the single copper wire.
The copper wires show therefore a current density of
J= = 7.5 A/mm2 . (5.48)

A practical constructed inductor shows, beneath its inductance,

also parasitic capacitances, mainly the capacitance of the winding.
This parasitic capacitance has to be charged/discharged during the
switching actions of the semiconductors and generates additional
capacitive switching losses. As will be discussed in section 5.7, the
boost inductor is advantageously used for the first filter stage of the
EMI filter and should therefore show a high resonance frequency. A
helical winding arrangement, as shown in Fig. 5.46(a), is used in
order to minimize the winding capacitance. Each strand is wounded
on a single layer starting with the first strand and the second strand
starts above the beginning of the first strand which automatically
results in a helical winding arrangement if all strands are connected
in parallel after manufacturing. However, due to the different length
168 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

4 x 14 turns

N 1

d=0.9 mm
(4 Layers) Isolation

Start of
.. .. End of
winding . . winding


10 A/mm2

7.5 A/mm2

5 A/mm2

2.5 A/mm2

0 A/mm2
-1 A/mm2


Fig. 5.46: (a) Winding arrangement of the constructed boost inductor and (b) simu-
lated current densities of the current ripple using the FEM-simulator MAXWELL.

of the paralleled strands the current distribution will not exactly be

equally in the five strands and a slightly higher current will flow in
the strand with the smallest winding length. This effect, as well as the
proximity effect has to be considered when the current density of the
wires are defined.

The finally constructed boost inductor is shown in Fig. 5.47 where

also a Bode plot of the inductors impedance is given. The resonance
can be found at fres = 11.7 MHz and a winding capacitance of only
Cw = 8.1 pF can be calculated.

The high-frequency losses of the winding are composed of losses due

to skin effect and proximity effect. A 2D-FEM simulation is performed
to determine these losses using the FEM-simulation software Maxwell.
A sinusoidal current ripple with a frequency of 1 MHz and an rms-value
of 3 A is used as current source. The simulated current densities in the
winding are shown in Fig. 5.46(b). The high-frequency copper losses
can now be calculated using these current densities which finally results
PCu,1MHz = 1.25 W . (5.49)
Passive Components 169


Magnitude ZL ()

100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 10MHz
f (Hz)
Phase ZL (deg)



100Hz 1kHz 10kHz 100kHz 1MHz 10MHz
f (Hz)
(a) (b)

Fig. 5.47: (a) Constructed boost inductor with LN = 20 H and (b) Bode plot of
the inductor impedance. Parallel resonance occurs at fres = 11.7 MHz.

Considering the copper losses caused by the low-frequency mains current

(PCu,50Hz = 2.4 W) the total copper losses

Pv,Cu = PCu,50Hz + PCu,1MHz = 3.65 W (5.50)

and subsequently the total inductor losses

Pv,L = Pv,Cu + Pv,core = 4.4 W (5.51)

can be calculated. This value is relatively large and a small fan is there-
fore placed near the boost inductors for cooling as also the CM inductors
require some amount of cooling. Further details are discussed in section

5.4.2 Output Capacitor

Several design criteria such as output voltage ripple, holdup time or
current ripple stress exist for the design of the output capacitors.
Holdup time requirements typically result in large capacitance values
170 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


1k 220nF / 500V

|ZCo (jw)| (W)

6.8 F / 450 V

1 Total output


10 Hz 100 Hz 1k Hz 10 KHz 100 kHz 1 MHz 10 MHz
f (Hz)

Fig. 5.48: Measured impedance of different capacitor types (device only) used for
implementing the output capacitor Co and measured impedance of the finally im-
plemented Co (including PCB).

and these requirements are not compatible with a very high power
density and are therefore not further considered here. Output voltage
ripple is an important design criterion in case of a phase loss as the
rectifier system then behaves like a single-phase system and a pulsating
power flow, as typical for single-phase systems, exists.

The output capacitors have to handle the high-frequency current rip-

ple which can be calculated according to the formula given in TA-
BLE 3.1. Note, that also a low-frequency current (third harmonic neu-
tral point current, cf. section 3.1.1) is present. Due to the parasitic
elements of the capacitors, e.g., the ESR of the electrolytic capacitors,
this current ripples generate losses. Several capacitor types can be used
to implement Co and in Fig. 5.48 the measured impedance curve of
a 220 nF/500 V capacitor (X7R, SMD, Kemet) is compared to an elec-
trolytic capacitor (Rubycon BXA-series, 6.8 F/450 V). The impedance
of the electrolytic capacitor is limited by its ESR for frequencies beyond
5 kHz, which is about 10 . The ceramic capacitor, in contrast, shows
no distinctive ohmic behavior. Only a resonance frequency at about
10 MHz caused by the parasitic inductance of the device is visible. Its
impedance is, however, much smaller than the impedance of the elec-
trolytic capacitor at fs = 1 MHz . A combination of these two capacitor
types is therefore used. In total 19 220 nF/630 V ceramic capacitors
are connected in parallel to 13 6.8 F/450 V electrolytic capacitors
Passive Components 171

which yields a total output capacitance of

Co,tot = 19 220 nF + 13 6.8 F = 92.6 F . (5.52)

The resulting measured impedance curve of Co,tot including the PCB is

also given in Fig. 5.48. Due to the smaller impedance of the ceramic
capacitors only a small amount of the ripple current ( 500 mA) flows
through the electrolytic capacitors which is much smaller than the rated
current ripple of 150 mA per device given in the data sheet.

5.4.3 Total Power Losses

As a next step the total system losses are determined. In addition
to the semiconductor power losses calculated in section 5.3.2 and the
losses of the boost inductor and the output capacitor, all remaining
loss components must be taken into account. Those additional losses
are mainly due to the losses of the EMI filter. The power losses of the
EMI filter are estimated in section 5.7.4 and result in PEMI = 30 W.

The second largest additional loss component is the power required

for the auxiliary supply which also includes the gate drive power. Due
to the very high switching frequency of 1 MHz the power required to
charge/discharge the gate of the MOSFETs cannot be neglected. Using
the chip area dependent gate charge QG listed in TABLE 5.2, the gate
drive power demand of the MOSFET IPP60R099CP can be calculated
PG = VG QG AChip fs = 1.2 W . (5.53)
If the current consumption of the DSP, of the FPGA and of the analog
circuitry is considered an auxiliary power of 17 W is estimated which
includes the gate drive power for all six switches.
An additional loss component of Padd = 10 W containing all losses not
specifically covered by the preceding calculations such as conduction
losses of the PCB is considered.
The total power losses and the total efficiency of the system can be
calculated using all calculated loss elements. The resulting, chip area
dependent system efficiency for a system employing SJ devices of the
CoolMOS CP series is given in Fig. 5.49. As in section 5.1.2 the turn-
off delays and subsequently the input current quality of the CoolMOS
CP series is compared to HV-MOSFETs also semiconductor losses and
172 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Efficiency (%)


CoolMOS CP-series

AChip (mm2)

Fig. 5.49: Calculated system efficiency as a function of the chip area for a switching
frequency of fs = 1 MHz using either the CoolMOS CP series or HV-MOSFETs;
(VN = 230 V, fN = 50 Hz and Po = 10 kW).

rectifier efficiency is calculated for the HV-MOSFETs. The results are

also given in Fig. 5.49 even if a detailed loss calculation is omitted for
the sake of brevity.
Due to the very high switching frequency and, in consequence the high
switching losses, only an efficiency slightly above 94 % can be achieved
even if SJ devices are applied. The junction temperature of the SJ de-
vices for a chip area below 25 mm2 would rise above the limit of 150 C
and a practical implementation is inhibited because of the limited per-
formance of the thermal interface. This interval is marked by a red
dotted line. Because of the significant higher area specific on-resistance

RDSon of HV-MOSFET devices a larger chip area is required. A max-
imum efficiency of 93.6 % might be achievable for the HV-MOSFETs.

The chip area dependent energy E400V stored in the Coss of the HV-

MOSFET is smaller than E400V of the SJ devices (cf. TABLE 5.2)
and a system employing HV-MOSFETs would show advantages regard-
ing efficiency for AChip > 60 mm2 . A system using SJ-devices, however,
reaches a higher efficiency at a smaller chip size and SJ devices are
therefore preferred for a switching frequency of 1 MHz.
Efficiency-THD-Pareto Front 173

5.5 Efficiency-THD-Pareto Front

In section 5.1.2 the influence of the turn-off delay of the MOSFET on
the input current quality has been evaluated (cf. Fig. 5.11). The result
of this analysis is a curve showing the THDI of the input currents as a
function of the chip area. On the other hand the result of section 5.4.3
is an efficiency curve as a function of the chip area (cf. Fig. 5.49).
The two results can now be combined and the calculated system effi-
ciency can be plotted as a function of input current distortion THDI
where AChip acts as a parameter. This yields to the -THDI -Pareto
Front where the trade-off between efficiency and input current quality
is clearly illustrated. The input current quality as well as the system
efficiency are strongly dependent on the switching frequency. Thereby,
for every selected switching frequency a dedicated -THDI -Pareto
Front exists.

The resulting -THDI -Pareto Front for a switching frequency of

1 MHz and an output power of 10 kW is shown in Fig. 5.50(a) for
the SJ devices (CoolMOS-CP) and HV-MOSFETs. The given results
are without the proposed feedforward signal. The corresponding chip
areas (in mm2 ) are marked in the two curves. A maximal efficiency
of 94.1 % can be achieved for CoolMOS-CP devices and a THDI of
2.7 % can be read at this point. Devices with smaller chip areas would
show a better input current quality but show increased conduction
losses because of the increased on-state resistance at small chip sizes
(RDSon AChip ). Due to the limited thermal resistance of the discrete
devices (see also Fig. 5.33) the junction temperature would rise above
the limit of 150 C. A classical HV-MOSFET on the contrary, shows a
substantially better THDI at same chip size but is not able to show its
strength due to higher losses.

If the proposed pre-control signal is implemented the input current

distortion can be mostly compensated which results in the Pareto Front
given in Fig. 5.50(b). A deviation of 10 % is assumed for the pre-
control signal for simulation of the resulting THDI . The THDI stays
below 2 % for a system operating at 10 kW. It has to be stated once
again, that this THDI value only considers input current distortions
caused by the turn-off delay of the switches and its non-ideal feedforward
signal and that the actually measured THDI may be quite higher. If the
174 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Efficiency (%) 94 30
20 40
93.5 80 IPP60R045CP
60 60
93 IRFP21N60 80

92.5 100
CoolMOS CP-series
2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5
THDI (%)

20 IPP60R125CP
94 30
Efficiency (%)

40 IPP60R075CP
60 40

93 80

140 Po = 10 kW
Po = 5 kW
1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
THDI (%)

Fig. 5.50: Graphical representation of the trade-off between input current quality
(expressed by the THDI value) and efficiency for a 10 kW rectifier system with a
switching frequency of 1 MHz. (a) System operated without feedforward signal and
(b) with pre-control signal at 10 kW and 5 kW. Corresponding chip areas AChip are
marked along the curves (in mm2 ). Sections of the curves with increasing THDI for
increasing efficiency represent a Pareto Front.

system is, however, operated at partial load (e.g. 5 kW) a considerably

increased THDI occurs.
High Speed Current Control 175

5.6 High Speed Current Control

Current control of three-phase PWM rectifier circuits using switching
frequencies in the MHz-range poses a challenge. A classical analog
average current controller as in [116] shows several problems, espe-
cially, the high-speed analog PWM suffers from limited accuracy and

Using purely digital current control, the application of a modern

high-speed DSP, is a good way to control PWM rectifiers for medium
and high switching frequencies (fs = 20 . . . 200 kHz) [117] as the internal
ADCs and PWM units can be used (cf. Fig. 5.51(a)). Research into
digital control of single-phase PFCs has been performed by several
groups [191, 192, 193, 194, 195] and a good introduction to digital
current mode control can be found in [196]. Input voltage feedforward
has emerged as a very effective way to improve the input behavior of
digitally controlled PFC circuits [197]. Furthermore, special care has
to be taken for practical implementations concerning the sampling
point of the current measurement becomes very important as the
disturbances of the current measurement signal occur in the vicinity of
the switching instants [198].

In all these approaches, the data processing and numerical cal-

culations of the current controller have to be executed within one
switching cycle, which limits the switching frequency of the rectifier
system. This is even more difficult to achieve in a single DSP solution
as the control of three currents has to be performed sequentially as
illustrated in Fig. 5.51(b). One approach to overcome this limitation
is to calculate a new duty cycle for only one phase of the three-phase
rectifier during a switching period and to hold the duty cycles of the
two other phases constant during this time. In the next switching
cycle, the second phase is controlled and the two other phases are held
constant, whereas in the following switching cycle, the third phase
is controlled. This method was used in [117] to control a VR system
with a switching frequency of 400 kHz. The calculation time of the
current controller (for one phase) has been reduced to 1 s for this
implementation. The delay time of the ADC must, unfortunately, be
added to this calculation time. The inductance value and therefore
also the physical inductor size consequently has to be increased
176 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

VR Hardware

VN1 DN+ S1+






IN3 DSP (e.g. TI 2808) Vop
Current Control
VN3 Voltage Control Von
VN2 Balancing of Vo


Sampling PWM1
IN1 update

Sampling PWM2
IN2 update

Sampling Current control Current control Current control Voltage control PWM3
IN3 IN1 IN2 IN3 Balancing... update

Fig. 5.51: (a) General digital control structure using a single DSP and (b) corre-
sponding timing diagram.

to achieve a small current ripple. This approach shows in addition

only a limited improvement by a factor of three in the calculation speed.

In [199], a digital offline control technique is presented, where

the duty cycles of a single-phase boost converter are calculated in
advance based on the power balance equation of the converter. This
offline calculation is performed for several operating points and a set
of duty cycles is stored in a memory. Depending on the operating
point of the rectifier, a specific set of duty cycles is selected to control
the switches. This control strategy is not directly dependent on the
switching frequency of the converter but cannot be used for the desired
application due to the very large input current distortion; its applica-
tion is hence limited to a small number of operating points. Another
predictive algorithm presented in [200] shows several improvements,
but this approach is also not applicable in systems with variable AC
input frequencies.
High Speed Current Control 177

The key to overcome the limited processing speed is parallelization.

This could be implemented by using one DSP for each phase of the
three-phase system, but the number of instructions executed between
the sampling instants is still limited and the cost of implementation
is high. Another option is to use a field-programmable gate array
(FPGA) for current control, which intrinsically offers parallelization.
In contrast to the sequential operation of DSPs, all operations can be
executed simultaneously within an FPGA and so a substantial increase
in processing speed can be achieved. In [201], a digital controller
implementation in an FPGA using a switching frequency of 50 kHz
is presented. The efficient implementation of proportional-integral-
differential controllers in an FPGA is discussed in [202] as well as
predictive algorithms using an FPGA in [203]. All these designs use
conventional logic cells for implementation of the controller elements
and the processing speed of these elements (dependent on the type of
the FPGA) is still limited to clock rates of less than 100 MHz.
Another limitation is the implementation of a Digital PWM (DPWM).
A clock frequency of over 2 GHz would be necessary for a classical
symmetrical counter/comparator implementation with a resolution of
10 bit, which is far too high, even for high-speed FPGAs. As switching
frequencies in the MH-range are common in low-power DC/DC
converters, comprehensive research on this issue has been carried out
by research groups dealing with these converter types [204, 205, 206].
However, most of the reported solutions are, unfortunately, not directly
applicable for an FPGA implementation.
Several concepts for implementation of a high-speed, high-resolution
DPWM in an FPGA have been developed [207, 208, 209, 210], but all
these concepts implement only edge-aligned PWMs. A new high-speed
DPWM scheme is hence developed in this section which allows genera-
tion of three-phase symmetrical PWM signals.

In this section, two controller implementations for a 1 MHz three-

phase VR are presented which use modern high-speed FPGAs (cf.
Fig. 5.52(a)). Todays high-speed FPGAs contain DSP blocks includ-
ing hardware multipliers that can be used advantageously to implement
the control algorithm. The effort to implement a controller for switch-
ing frequencies above 1 MHz increases rapidly. Two implementations us-
ing FPGAs from different vendors are therefore presented. A maximal
178 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

VR Hardware

VN1 DN+ S1+






IN1 IN2 IN3 Von Vop
VN3 Current ADC
VN2 ADC Controller
VN1 (12 bit)
(12 bit)


Sampling Current control PWM1

IN1 IN1 update
Voltage control,
Sampling Current control PWM2 Balancing of Vo
IN2 IN2 update

Sampling Current control PWM3

IN3 IN3 update

Fig. 5.52: (a) Structure of the three-phase current controller for the VR system
using a single FPGA and (b) corresponding timing diagram.

switching frequency of 1 MHz is intended for the first implementation

(C1) and the high-speed FPGA ECP2 LFE2-12E-6T144I with a speed
grade 6 from Lattice is used. The second implementation (C2) is for
switching frequencies beyond 1 MHz based on a high-speed FPGA from
Xilinx Corporation (VIRTEX4 XC4-VLX25-10FF668 FPGA with speed
grade 10). The finally constructed 1 MHz VR system uses the controller
implementation C1.

5.6.1 Design of the Control System

As there are no ADCs included in the mentioned FPGAs, external con-
verters are required. The main limitation for the ADC is its delay time
(time between sampling instant and availability of the sampled data),
which is also influenced by the interface type of the ADC. Two dif-
ferent ADCs with different interface types are therefore used for the
two implementations. In order to implement a three-phase controller
High Speed Current Control 179

INi Imeas,i pwmi

Current A/D Current
measurement conversion controller
IN ,i

Fig. 5.53: Single-phase signal chain of the digital current controller for a three-phase
VR system.

with a switching frequency beyond 1 MHz, each element of the complete

signal chain, comprising current measurement, A/D conversion, digital
controller, and high-speed DPWM generation, has to be considered in
detail (cf. Fig. 5.53).
As a first step, the timing requirements on the system blocks have
to be defined. A timing diagram of the sampling strategy (of one-phase
current) is shown in Fig. 5.54. In addition to the fundamental, i.e.
local average of the rectifier input current iNi,avg , a current ripple is
present. As is well known, the sample value INi [n] is in single-phase
systems equivalent to the average current value iNi,avg if the sampling
point is located in the center of the PWM period (assuming a symmetric
center-aligned PWM). Furthermore, a large amount of ringing occurs
in the measurement signal near the switching instants. The influence
of this ringing on the current measurement can be minimized by this
sampling strategy. Synchronization between PWM generation and sam-
pling of the currents is hence very essential. This synchronization can
be implemented by a center-aligned, symmetrical PWM generation. The
center-aligned PWM offers in addition the advantage of reduced input
current distortions in the intended VR application [100] and is therefore
used here for controller implementation.

After sampling the actual current value INi [n], the ADC requires some
time to convert the sampled analog value into a digital word. This re-
sult is used by the current controller to calculate the new duty cycle
of the PWM signal. At the sampling instant n + 1, the PWM value is
updated with the new modulation function value m[n]. This sampling
strategy is also known as uniformly sampled modulation [211]. Accord-
ing to Fig. 5.54, the whole controller calculation, consisting of A/D
conversion, calculation of current controller, and update of the PWM,
has to be done within a single switching cycle. This delay (dead time)
of one cycle has to be included in the controller design and reduces
the phase margin of the controller loop considerably. For lower switch-
180 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


n n+1
n-1 n
Current PWM A/D Current PWM A/D Current
controller update conversion controller update conversion controller

n-1 n n+1

Fig. 5.54: Timing diagram of the sampling strategy. The current signal is sampled
in the middle of the pulse period. After the A/D conversion time, the duty cycle is
calculated by the current controller and updated at the start of the next PWM cycle.
Remark: For the sake of clarity the graphical representation is related to single-phase
system. The phase current ripple shows a different shape for the actual three-phase

ing frequencies, a double update of the PWM is possible, which reduces

this delay, and therefore, increases the stability of the current controller.

Current Measurement

Due to the intended very high switching frequency also an increased

bandwidth requirement for the current sensor applies. Especially
control strategies such as Direct Power Control [212] or Decoupled
Hysteresis Control [213, 114], where the switching instants are directly
derived from the measured currents, require exact knowledge of the
current ripple. But also average mode control requires a large current
sensor bandwidth in order to implement the sampling strategy shown
in Fig. 5.54.

The implementation of a novel current sensor concept with a band-

width of [DC . . . 1 MHz] is proposed in [214] where also an overview of
isolated current measurement methods is given.
The schematic of the proposed current sensor is shown in
Fig. 5.55(a). The sensor uses an AC current transformer (CT)
with special demagnetization circuitry to prevent the core from
saturation or to allow the measurement of a DC current component
or both. In the considered active rectifiers the input currents have
High Speed Current Control 181

L D1

N S1

Vz Vz
RB Current Controller


2 2
S1(PWM) tdemag

Fig. 5.55: (a) Schematic of the proposed current sensor consisting of a current
transformer and a demagnetization circuit shown for a single-phase PFC rectifier;
(b) Demagnetization concept with demagnetization after a full mains period (t < TN )
and after a half-period (t > TN ).

approximately a sinusoidal shape and therefore show zero crossings at

fixed time intervals. The measurement signals of the input currents
are only required during the positive/negative half-wave between the
zero crossings. The new sensor therefore consists of a conventional
CT, which does not saturate during the half-wave of the input current
and measures the AC and DC component of the input current during
this time. During the zero crossings the current is kept for a short
time at zero by the current controller and the magnetic core is
reset/demagnetized, so that the flux is again zero at the beginning of
the next half wave and it could measure the current during the next
half-wave (cf. Fig. 5.55(b)).
182 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

As there are already distortions at the zero crossings of the input

currents of a PFC rectifier which cannot be avoided completely [166],
the short time for demagnetizing the phase current sensors does not
cause noticeable additional distortions. The proposed sensor concept
using a CT in combination with minor extensions in the current
controller can consequently be used for measuring the AC as well as
the DC components of the input current without any additional sensor
element. A detailed analysis of the sensor concept is given in [214]
and not further discussed here. Also an adapted version of the sensor
concept suited for the VR structure is given in [214]. The size of
the magnetic core of the CT, however, inhibits an application of this
promising sensor concept for the intended ultra-high power density

The current sensor CDS4025 from Sensitec Inc. [215] is used instead in
the constructed prototype. The sensor is based on the magneto resistive
effect, shows a bandwidth of 200 kHz and is able to measure AC currents
as well as DC currents. A detailed discussion of the measuring principle
and suggestions how to extend the bandwidth of this sensor type is
given in [216]. As average mode control is used in this work a detailed
knowledge of the current ripple is not required and the bandwidth of
the Sensitec sensor is adequate. Due to its small size it is particularly
suitable for the intended high power density implementation.
During initial operation of the rectifier system a distorted measurement
signal caused by the surrounding magnetic field of the current sensor
has been observed. A proper placement of the current sensor is therefore
very important to achieve a high performance. As a solution for the case
at hand the whole sensor is wrapped with a small Mu-metal foil with a
thickness of 0.1 mm which considerably reduced the coupling effects.

A/D Conversion

Next, an appropriate ADC has to be chosen. A converter with a reso-

lution of 12 bit is required. The main selection criterion is, however, its
delay, as ADCs with high sampling rates usually show a relatively long
delay between sampling and availability of the data. ADCs with sam-
pling frequencies of 3 MSa/s are commercially available with a simple
SPI interface and such a converter is used for the controller implementa-
tion C1. Only ADCs with parallel or LVDS interface [217] are available
High Speed Current Control 183

TABLE 5.12: Specifications of the used ADCs.

Controller C1 Controller C2
AD7274 ADS5240
Sampling frequency 1 MSa/s 25 MSa/s
Resolution 12 bit 12 bit
Converters / Package 1 4
Interface SPI LVDS
Delay 448 ns 300 ns
Cots (per 1000 pcs.) US$ 6.58 US$ 25.88

for higher sampling frequencies. A pipelined ADC with a sampling fre-

quency of fsample = 25 MHz and an LVDS interface is consequently used
for controller implementation C2.
The main specifications of the used ADCs are listed in TABLE 5.12
where also the prices are listed.
The LVDS interface, in general, is well-suited for industrial applica-
tions as it is based on current drivers and differential signaling. The
circuit effort of using an LVDS interface, however, is much higher than
for a simple SPI interface. The selected FPGAs are indeed able to di-
rectly drive the LVDS signals without any additional components, but
impedance-controlled and length-matched PCB tracks have to be im-
plemented. In addition, as discussed below, the digital implementation
of the LVDS interface in the FPGA is much more complex. The serial
LVDS interface is, however, the only alternative to a parallel interface
if very high switching frequencies of fs > 1 MHz are to be implemented.

Controller Design

Two different strategies are possible for the design of a digital controller.
One strategy is to design an appropriate analog controller and convert
it into the digital domain (digital redesign). The other strategy,
known as direct digital design, is to directly design the controller in the
z-domain. The direct digital design method results in a slightly better
controller performance with regard to phase margin and achievable
bandwidth [218]. On the other hand, digital redesign offers the capa-
bility to use the well-known design methods of the continuous-time
184 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

implementations. A digital redesign of an analog controller will hence

be used.

The analog model of the current control loop, derived in section 3.2.1,
is used to design a proper digital current controller. The delay of one
sampling step caused by the controller calculation (cf. Fig. 5.54)

Gcalc (s) = esTs (5.54)

and the delay introduced by the symmetrical PWM

GPWM (s) = esTs /2 (5.55)

have to be considered.
The bilinear (Tustin) transformation is used for discretization of the
analog controller given in (3.34) which results in

1 k1 z 1
KI (z) = K . (5.56)
1 k2 z 1
The behavior of the designed controller can now be verified in the
z-domain. A block diagram of the control loop is given in Fig. 5.56(a).
According to [219], delay of the symmetrical PWM is modeled by a
sample and hold element GH0 (s) and the controller delay Gcalc (s) is
considered by the block z 1 . The bandwidth limitation of the current
sensor is included in the model by MI (s).
In Fig. 5.56(b) the Bode plot of the resulting control loop for the
1 MHz system using the controller parameters K = 0.25, k1 = 0.96
and k2 = 0.99 is depicted where a phase margin of 45 can be found.
There, G(z) is the transfer function of the converter system including
pulse-width modulation and including the transfer function of the
current measurement MI (s).

Several additional parts have to be added to the current controller for

the final controller implementation and the resulting structure is shown
in Fig. 5.57. In order to increase the modulation range of the recti-
fier, a third harmonic signal vh3 [n] is added and a zero-sequence current
component i0 [n], generated from the voltage symmetry controller. In
addition, the current feedforward signal iff [n] used to compensate the
turn-off delay of the CoolMOS switches, is shown. Two DPWM units are
necessary to generate the gate signals for the two switches, where the
High Speed Current Control 185

* [n]
iNi ei[n] -1
KI(z) z kPWM GH0(s) G(s)

kADC MI(s)


Magnitude (dB)


10 100 1k 10k 100k
f (Hz)
-45 G (z)
Phase (deg)

-90 K (z)
-135 Fo (z)
10 100 1k 10k 100k
f (Hz)

Fig. 5.56: (a) Model of the digital current control loop and (b) Bode plot of the
digital current controller. The designed controller shows a phase margin of 45 .

PWM signal of the switch Si has to be inverted. The POS_OFFSET

and NEG_OFFSET signals are used to implement the proper duty cy-
cles without the need of an additional, 180 -phase shifted, carrier signal
for the PWM. These two offsets can also be adapted by a superimposed
controller to achieve better performance in DCM [220].

PWM Generator

The generation of the symmetrical high-speed PWM signals must be

implemented inside the FPGA as there is no external PWM unit readily
available for such high frequencies. There are several possibilities known
in literature to implement a digital high-speed PWM using an FPGA.
The performance of a counter/comparator approach is limited due to
186 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

vh3[n] vo[n] POS_OFFSET

mpi[n] PWM_Si+
dff,i[n] PWM
vNi[n] iNi,ref[n]
K(z) iffi [n]
ge[n] iNi,meas[n] i0[n] PWM_Si

Fig. 5.57: Structure of the digital current controller for one phase.

the very high clock frequencies required to implement a high-frequency

PWM. An FPGA implementation using a hybrid delay line and counter
scheme is described in [207] which is, however, only applicable to
trailing edge modulators, shows a strong temperature dependence, and
is not easy to implement. It has been shown in [208] that the resolution
of a counter/comparator approach can be increased by application of
phase-shifted clocks. This approach is, however, also limited to trailing
edge modulators.

In this work, a novel symmetrical DPWM implementation using two

phase-shifted clocks is proposed (cf. Fig. 5.58). The modulator con-
sists of two different counters/comparators running with a phase shift
of 180 . The least significant bit selects, if either the PWM signal with
180 phase shift or the PWM signal without phase shift is used. A com-
bination of the two signals is used to increase the resolution of the mod-
ulator by 1 bit. Only switching between the two phase-shifted PWM
signals would result in asymmetrical signals, and therefore, the com-
parator value m of the 180 phase-shifted modulator has to be adapted.
This is done at the two instants, where the counter direction has to be
reversed (Cntr = 0, Cntr = max) and the modulator is also updated
with the new modulator values at these instants. Both comparator limits
(P W M0 and P W M180 ) have to be set to m while counting up, whereas
the comparator value for the 180 phase-shifted modulator has to be
set to m + 1 while counting down.
The necessary comparator values m are summarized in TABLE 5.13
and the resulting PWM patterns for m = 3 are plotted in Fig. 5.58(b).
The two phase-shifted signals have to be treated as asynchronous sig-
nals in the FPGA. The multiplexer must therefore be implemented by
logic cells without a (pipeline) register and operates continuously. The
High Speed Current Control 187

m [n...1] (center aligned)

Clock Gen. PWM 180 MUX
(center aligned) (2:1)

m [0] signals


Cntr max

Cnt 180
Cnt 0 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
PWM 180

Fig. 5.58: Proposed concept for a center-aligned DPWM implementation; (a) Block
diagram describing the concept and (b) generation of the PWM patterns for a com-
parator value of m = 3.

multiplexer output is changed at the same instant when the modula-

tor is updated and the output is set according to the least significant
bit of the comparator value m[0]. Timing and routing constraints must
therefore be used in the design implementation. This concept could also
be extended to four 90 phase-shifted modulators (modern FPGAs are
typically able to generate 90 phase-shifted clocks by an internal delay-
locked loop), which would increase the resolution by one more bit. The
more complex adaption of the comparator value m inhibits a high-speed
implementation of this extended concept at present.

5.6.2 Implementation of the System

In this section, the two implementations of the current controllers using
the two FPGAs are discussed. Even though the implementations are
188 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

TABLE 5.13: Comparator values m for the proposed DPWM implementation.

P W M0 = 1 P W M180 = 1
Count up Cntr < m Cntr < m
Count down Cntr < m Cntr < m + 1

VN,LL ADC Controller DPWM
Vo,p (Deserializer)
(10 bit)
Vo,n voltage feedforward)

Signals MeasRMS
Voltage FSM
Controller STARTUP
(PI-type) Start-up
(Po*, Ge*, ke) State Machine

Voltage Symmetry SYS_CTRL

Clk 125 MHz / 0 Controller
Sample Tick
125 MHz / 180 (PI-type)
25MHz 15.625 MHz /0 (I 0 )

CLK generation
ADC_Clk: 31.25 MHz
SYSTick 5 kHz HW-Monitor FPGALink
RMSTick (50Hz) 15.3 kHz
RMSTick (400Hz) 61 kHz

FPGA: ECP2 Lattice


Fig. 5.59: Overview of a controller implementation in a single FPGA. Next to

the current controller also voltage controller, balancing of the output voltages and
several system tasks are shown.

adjusted to fit the selected FPGAs in this work, nearly all other FPGA
vendors offer devices with similar functionality, and could therefore be

An overview of the controller implementation, listing all implemented

blocks, is shown in Fig. 5.59. All three current controllers, one for
each phase, are processed in parallel. Additional system parts, like the
voltage and voltage symmetry controller, system management, startup
state machine, debug interfaces and clock generation for the DPWM,
High Speed Current Control 189

are also shown. The implementation of the whole system is fully writ-
ten in very high speed integrated circuit hardware description language
(VHDL). To synthesize and fit the implemented controller, the freely
available design tools from the vendors are used (ispLEVER starter for
implementation C1 and Xilinx ISE Webpack for the implementation
C2). Both implementations are running with an internal system clock
of 125 MHz.

Implementation of the ADC Interface

According to section 5.6.1, the sampling instants have to be synchro-

nized to the PWM generation. The PWM module therefore generates
the start of conversion signal for the ADC.

1) Implementation C1:
The implementation of an SPI interface in an FPGA is relatively
simple. The serial data stream has to be deserialized, which can easily
be done by a simple shift register. The ADC clock of 31.25 MHz is
generated in the FPGA by application of an existing phase-locked
loop. In general, there are two possibilities to implement this interface
- either the asynchronous ADC clock is used as clock signal for the
ADC interface in the FPGA or the ADC signals (clock and data)
are synchronized to the internal system clock. In general, multiple
clock domains should be avoided in FPGAs whenever this is possible;
synchronization is hence the better way. Several fast clock nets are,
however, available in the selected FPGA and so the external ADC clock
is used as the clock signal for implementation of the ADC interface,
which results in a very simple system. Of course, the ADC data has to
be synchronized to the system clock after deserialization by application
of two D-flip flops.

2) Implementation C2:
In contrast to the very straight forward implementation of the SPI inter-
face of controller C1, the LVDS interface implementation of controller
system C2 is much more complex. The ADC interface is implemented
according to an application note of Xilinx [221] and it seemed to be
straightforward but several issues occurred, which will be discussed in
the following. The used Xilinx FPGA offers the capability to drive LVDS
signals without any external components. The sampled data is trans-
190 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

D0 D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 D6 D7



data Q

Output Register data[0:11]

Flip-Flop Cascade ena0 E Q

Data Multiplexer
clk0 Q

Flip-Flop Cascade ena180 E Q
clk180 Q
DDR -Reg. Ena Mux
IOB ena


Fig. 5.60: LVDS interface of the ADCs according to [221]; (a) Timing of the inter-
face. The data is sampled at the rising and falling edge of the clock signal and (b)
overview of the implementation in the FPGA.

ferred at the rising and falling edge of the differential clock signal (cf.
Fig. 5.60). To deserialize this serial data stream, the internal DDR in-
put registers (clock signal on positive and negative edges) of the FPGA
are used. In this implementation, the ADC ADS5240 runs with a sam-
pling frequency of 25 MHz. This high sampling frequency in conjunction
with a resolution of 12 bit results in a serial data rate of 300 Mbit/s. To
handle such high data rates inside of the FPGA, care has to be taken
with the signal timing. Defined timing and routing constraints are there-
fore needed for a successful implementation, which requires a detailed
knowledge of the FPGA slices. Special attention has to be provided to
the generation of the Ena_Mux signal, as there, from the FPGAs point
of view, the asynchronous signals are matched together to form one data
word. The resulting routing of the interface is shown in Fig. 5.61.

In an FPGA, data and clock inputs show slightly different delays,

High Speed Current Control 191





Fig. 5.61: Resulting placement of the ADC interface (current inputs) in the Xilinx
FPGA (implementation C2).

TABLE 5.14: Summary of the ADC interface implementation on the FPGAs.

Slices fclk,max
C1 (ECP2-LFE2-12E) 43 180 MHz
C1 (XC4VLX25) 47 248.16 MHz

and therefore, the phase of the clock signal has to be adjusted dynami-
cally. Special clock management blocks are available inside of the FPGA
for that purpose. But, unfortunately, it has been found that this clock
management block does not work well in the desired frequency range
although the frequencies still fulfill the specifications. This phase ad-
justment is therefore not implemented, and as a result, the maximal
sampling frequency is limited to 25 MSa/s, although the maximal sam-
pling frequency of the ADC is 40 MSa/s. Compared to the simple SPI
interface, the LVDS implementation requires much more detailed knowl-
edge of the used FPGA but offers very high data rates and a reduced
delay between sampling instant and availability of the data. A summary
of the used logic cells and achieved timing is given in TABLE 5.14.
192 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Controller Implementation

The controller given in (5.56) results in the control algorithm

e[n] = iref [n] imeas [n]

u[n] = K(e[n] k1 e[n 1]) + k2 u[n 1] (5.57)
m[n] = u[n] + dff [n] + iff [n]

where dff [n] and iff [n] are the voltage and current feedforward parts.
There are several possibilities to implement this control algorithm inside
of an FPGA. An implementation of a 12 12 bit multiplication using
normal logic units of the FPGA is possible, but requires a large number
of logic cells and shows a limited timing capability. Alternatively, the
multiplications can be avoided by application of shift operators, but
then the possibilities of choosing K, k1 , and k2 are limited. To overcome
this limitation, modern FPGAs offer so-called DSP blocks that include
hardware multipliers. These multipliers are able to process an 1818 bit
(signed) multiplication in a single clock-cycle and offer additional
functionality such as multiplication and addition or multiplication and
accumulation. They can run with clock frequencies of over 300 MHz, if
all multiplier stages are pipelined. Hardware multipliers are therefore
used for the controller implementation. The DSP blocks can be targeted
in a number of ways, where the most promising way is provided by
upcoming tools, which allow a system design using MATLAB Simulink,
and the design is automatically converted into VHDL code. These tools
are, unfortunately, currently only applicable for low clock frequencies,
and the DSP blocks are therefore directly inferred by VHDL code.

In a first step, after receiving the data from the ADC, it has to be
transferred from binary offset to twos complement number represen-
tation. This can be done by a simple inversion of the most significant
bit of the ADC data word. An 18 bit signed number representation is
used in the FPGA because of the 18 bit inputs of the DSP blocks, but
the 12 bit range is not extended to 18 bit which has the advantage that
no overflows can occur. On the other hand, accuracy is given away. A
fractional number representation, as given in Fig. 5.62(a), is used for
the controller constants K, k1 , and k2 and after the multiplication, the
remainder is discarded.
The implementation of the controller in an FPGA differs from an im-
plementation in a DSP, as all calculations are processed in parallel in
High Speed Current Control 193

6 bit 12 bit

18 0

e[n-1] 18
36 18 19 18
k1 18 36 18

e[n] 18
K 19 18

u[n-1] 18
36 18
k2 18


Fig. 5.62: (a) Fractional number presentation of K, k1 and k2 in the FPGA and
(b) implementation of the P + Lag current controller for one phase in the FPGA
using HW multipliers of the FPGA. All the multipliers are pipelined by registers for
highest possible throughput.

the FPGA. This does however not mean, that enable signals have to be
generated for every block. As an example, the implementation of the P
+ Lag current controller of (5.57) using the HW multipliers is shown
in Fig. 5.62(b). It is very important that all stages are pipelined for
a high-frequency implementation. According to Fig. 5.62(b), the con-
troller output u[n] is valid after five clock cycles and it only has to be
ensured that the result is not used for PWM generation before these
five clock cycles are completed.
As the controller implementation is more or less identical in the two
FPGAs, no comparison will be made for this part. The delay of the full
current controller is 128 ns for both implementations and is much lower
than the calculation time of a DSP implementation (e.g., 1 s in the
implementation presented in [117]).

PWM Generation

A clock frequency of 250 MHz is used for implementation of the

DPWM3 . A higher clock frequency is not possible even with the
3 Note, that the clock frequency of the other system parts is only 125 MHz.
194 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

TABLE 5.15: Summary of the DPWM implementation in the FPGAs.

Slices fclk,max
C1 (ECP2-LFE2-12E) 232 253.16 MHz
C1 (XC4VLX25) 712 255.36 MHz

high-speed FPGA of implementation C2.

1) Implementation C1:
The counter/comparator approach without phase shift is used for this
implementation. This results in a PWM resolution of only 7 bit at a
switching frequency of 1 MHz. The VHDL data-type std_logic_vector
has to be used for the implementation of the required 7 bit high-speed
counters, as much better results can be achieved as using the VHDL
data-type integer. A separate counter is used for each modulator, which
further increases the speed. It has to be said, that a detailed statement
about maximal clock frequency of the implementation can only be
given if the whole system is fixed by routing constraints; otherwise, the
timing is influenced by other system parts. Only timing constraints are
used for the implementation at hand and the results are summarized
in TABLE 5.15.

2) Implementation C2:
The resolution is increased to 8 bit for C2 by implementation of the
proposed PWM concept. The 180 phase-shifted 250 MHz clock is
generated by the DCM of the FPGA. The two phase-shifted modulators
have here to be treated as asynchronous signals in the FPGA so that
adding timing and routing constraints to the FPGA design is essential.
Special attention has to be paid to the connection of the modulators
output to the multiplexer and further on to the output pin, as the
multiplexer has no register. This means that different delays of these
signal paths directly result in a phase difference of the two PWM
signals. There exists no timing constraint to define the same routing
delay for several signal paths. Manual placement of the output register
and multiplexer has therefore to be done instead. With that, delay
differences under 50 ps could be achieved. A drawback of the proposed
PWM concept is that glitches of the multiplexer can occur. But, in
High Speed Current Control 195

TABLE 5.16: Report summary of the controller implementations.

C1 C2
(ECP2-LFE2-12E) (XC4VLX25)
DSP-block utilization 87 % 68 %
Logic utilization 25 % 10 %
Clock management 50 % 40 %
I/O Pins 41 % 8%

the desired application, several slow components (optocoupler, gate

driver) would absorb these glitches. The duty cycle can be updated
twice a period for lower switching frequencies (e.g., fs = 500 kHz), to
minimize the delay of the PWM modulator.

Summary of the Implementation

The two designs have been successfully fitted into the two FPGAs. A
summary of the report is given in TABLE 5.16. The utilization of
the DSP blocks (one DSP block contains several multipliers) of 68 %
and 87 % means, in practice, nearly a full usage, as there are some
mapping limitations of the multipliers into the DSP blocks that inhibit
a usage of 100 %. In contrast to the utilization of the DSP blocks, only
a small amount of the available logic cells and I/O pins are used for the
controller implementation. This clearly illustrates that the speed of the
FPGA is needed and not its size.

The resulting timings of the implementations for a switching fre-

quency of 1 MHz are depicted in Fig. 5.63. The biggest part of the
processing time is the ADC delay, even if a pipelined ADC with a sam-
pling frequency of tens of megahertz is used. The second largest part of
delay is introduced by the controller implementation caused by pipelin-
ing of all the multiplier stages. According to Fig. 5.63(b), the controller
implementation C2 is able to handle switching frequencies up to 2 MHz.
196 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

ADC Interface PWM update

32ns 32ns
448ns 128ns 360ns

ADC Delay Current

Controller gap

480ns 640ns
0 448ns 608ns 1s

ADC Interface PWM update

32ns 32ns
330ns 128ns 508ns
ADC Delay gap

332ns 492ns
0 300ns 460ns 1s

Fig. 5.63: Resulting timings of (a) current controller implementation C1 and (b)
current controller implementation C2 for a switching frequency of 1 MHz.

5.6.3 Experimental Results

The designed high-speed controller is tested using the constructed
hardware prototype with a switching frequency of 1 MHz (cf. section
5.8). Due to the large effort to build the controller hardware for
the three-phase VR prototype only controller implementation C1 is
used. Six ADCs are required for input current and input voltage
measurement. The PWM is operating with single update mode and
the current controller is implemented with the parameters K = 0.25,
k1 = 0.96 and k2 = 0.99. Detailed measurements of the VR system will
be given in section 5.9.

Measurements of the ripple of the inductor current iL3 and the

drain-source voltage of switch S3+ are shown in Fig. 5.64. The switch
S3+ is only modulated at positive input currents and is permanently
on at negative input currents. As is typically the case for three-phase
rectifier systems, the current ripple is not only affected by the switching
actions of the corresponding phase, but also by the switching actions
of the two other phases. This results in a current ripple which shows
in addition to the spectral components at switching frequency also
substantial harmonics at multiples of the switching frequency. Accord-
ing to Fig. 5.64(b), the duty cycle of the switch S3+ does not vary
significantly as it may be the case for a malfunction controller or PWM
High Speed Current Control 197

vDS,S vDS,S3+

iL3 iL3

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.64: Measurements taken from the implemented VR laboratory prototype

employing controller implementation C1. (a) Drain-Source voltage vDS,S3+ and cor-
responding inductor current iL3 at fN = 50 Hz and Po = 4.2 kW; Ch1: 5 A/Div,
Ch2: 250 V/Div; timebase: 5 ms/Div. (b) Detail of current ripple Ch1: 2 A/Div, Ch2:
250 V/Div; timebase: 500 ns/Div. As typically for three-phase rectifier systems, the
current ripple is not only affected by the switching actions of the corresponding
phase, but also by the switching actions of the two other phases.


3 Reference
iL (A)



-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
t (ms)

Fig. 5.65: Measured step response for controller implementation C1 to a reference

current step of 3 A compared to the simulated step response.

implementation, thus confirming the proper operation of the controller.

In Fig. 5.65, the measured inductor current control step response

to a reference value step of 3 A is shown together with the simulated
quantity. Please note that due to iN1 + iN2 + iN3 = 0 also steps
198 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Lboost DF

vN S Vo

|iN||vN| ADS5240 vo

Current controller
Xilinx EVAL-Board ML401

Fig. 5.66: Structure of the single-phase test system for controller implementation

with -1.5 A on the two other phases have to be applied. The current
reference of the three-phase current controller signal is created by a
step in the conductance Ge , which, in normal operation, is modulated
by the much slower output voltage controller. The step responses are in
good agreement, but the measured current shows slightly underdamped

Controller Implementation C2:

As mentioned earlier, controller implementation C2 was not used for
the final hardware prototype. In order to test the controller implemen-
tation C2, an existing single phase PFC prototype with the follow-
ing key specifications was used in combination with the TI-evaluation
board ADS5240 (implementation of ADCs with LVDS interface) and
the Xilinx evaluation bard ML401 employing the Virtex4 FPGA (cf.
Fig. 5.66):

input voltage: VN = 230 V;

input frequency: fN = 50/60 Hz;
output voltage: Vo = 400 V;
output power: Po = 3 kW;
switching frequency: fs = 150 kHz;
boost inductance: Lboost = 200 H.
High Speed Current Control 199




4 Simulation


2 Measurement
iL (A)

-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
t (ms)

Fig. 5.67: Measurements taken from the single-phase PFC employing the controller
implementation C2. (a) Input current and input voltage at a line frequency of fN =
50 Hz and a power level of Po = 1.5 kW; Ch1: 5 A/Div, Ch3: 100 V/Div; timebase:
5 ms/Div. (b) Measured response of the inductor current to a reference value step of
3 A compared to the simulated step response of the current controller.

The controller structure of implementation C2 has not been changed

for that purpose; only, the internal clock frequencies have been reduced
to handle the lower operating frequency. According to section 5.6.2,
timing analysis of the implementation C2 using the Xilinx design tools
verified that an implementation is possible employing the Virtex4
FPGA for switching frequencies up to 2 MHz. The implemented system
is, however, tested with a switching frequency of 150 kHz. A measure-
ment of the input current at Po = 1.5 kW is plotted in Fig. 5.67(a).
200 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Fig. 5.68: Measurement result of the proposed DPWM concept with a PWM
frequency of 1 MHz and the PWM-values: Ch2 (2 V/Div): m = 50 (200 ns); Ch3
(2 V/Div): m = 51 (204 ns) and Ch4 (2 V/Div): m = 52 (208 ns); timebase:
200 ns/Div.

In Fig. 5.67(b), the measured step response of the current controller

is compared to the simulated step response of the designed current
controller, where both responses are in good agreement.

The behavior of the proposed DPWM is tested using the evaluation

board. The PWM has a frequency of 1 MHz and all three PWM
channels are programmed for test purposes to a fixed duty cycle
only differing in 1 bit. According to Fig. 5.68, a modulator value of
m = 50 results in a pulse-width of 200 ns for an 8 bit PWM with a
maximum counter value of 125. A modulator value of m = 51 results in
a pulse-width of 204 ns, and for m = 52, a pulse-width of 208 ns can be
measured. This confirms that a symmetrical PWM with a resolution of
4 ns has been implemented.

5.6.4 Discussion
In this section the successful implementation of a digital current
controller for a three-phase rectifier system operating at 1 MHz has
been shown. The entire signal chain, starting with the current mea-
surement and ending with the PWM generation has been considered.
High Speed Current Control 201

The way to minimize the delay introduced by the ADC has been shown
by application of two different high-speed ADC implementations.
Implementation C1 uses a converter with a sampling frequency of
1 MHz and a well-known SPI interface that results in an effective delay
of 448 ns. In contrast, implementation C2 uses a high-speed converter
with fsample = 25 MHz and a high-speed LVDS-interface reduces this
delay to 300 ns. The implementation of this high-speed interface is,
however, much more complex and should only be used in cases where
the SPI interface is not applicable anymore.
One limitation for a high-speed controller implementation is the
generation of a symmetrical high-speed PWM signal. In this work,
an enhanced DPWM generator with a resolution of 4 ns (7 bit at
fs = 1 MHz) with symmetrical pulse patterns is developed, which is
based on a phase-shifted counter/comparator approach. Timing and
routing constraints need to be considered for a successful implemen-
tation in an FPGA, which, in turn, may require detailed knowledge
of FPGA design. If a higher PWM frequency has to be implemented
special developed integrated PWM chips would be required as the
emerging concepts for implementation of the PWM are not directly
applicable in a commercial FPGA.
The implemented controller shows, however, very good performance
as illustrated in section 5.9 and is a good solution for the intended
switching frequency of 1 MHz.

The question arises if it is really necessary to have the current con-

troller output updated with the switching frequency of 1 MHz, or if a
current controller operating at 500 kHz combined with a switching fre-
quency of 1 MHz (PWM output updated every second period) would be
sufficient. On first view, it seems that the calculated controller band-
width is more than enough for a 50 Hz line frequency. Simulations, how-
ever, show that the current ripple would be approximately 10 % higher
for a 500 kHz current controller, and therefore, the size of the boost
inductor and of the EMI filter has to be increased in order to fulfill
the given design specifications. Also a larger delay time is introduced
in the control loop from the control point of view if the PWM modu-
lator is updated every second period. The phase margin of the control
loop is therefore reduced from 45 to 36 . In order to achieve the same
phase margin as the controller with an update rate of 1 MHz, the con-
troller gain has to be reduced approximately by a factor of two. This
202 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

was tested on the existing prototype at an output power level of 4.1 kW

and the THDI increased from 2.2 % (update rate 1 MHz) to 3.1 % when
the output was updated with 500 kHz. One has hence to be aware, that
a combination of a switching frequency of 1 MHz at a controller update
of 500 kHz results in higher switching losses and a reduced input cur-
rent quality but, however, a somewhat lower EMI filter volume could be
expected. If a high switching frequency is to be implemented, the cur-
rent controller should be fast enough to benefit from the high switching
EMI Filter Design 203

5.7 EMI Filter Design

Active three-phase rectifiers show a large high frequency noise level and
require a proper EMI filter. Passive low-pass filters employing inductors
and capacitors in connection with resistors providing passive damping
can be used to attenuate resulting conducted emissions (CE) of the
systems [222,223,175]. These passive filter elements take up a relatively
large portion of the overall system volume and can be reduced in size
only by increasing the switching frequency.

It is common and very helpful for filter design to split the generated
EMI emissions into a common mode (CM) and into a differential mode
(DM) component. Whereas DM noise currents flow in and out through
the phases, CM currents return via earth. Different filter strategies and
filter elements have hence to be applied to handle the two emission
types. As will be shown in section 5.7.1, asymmetrical currents to earth
caused by asymmetrical impedances of the rectifier system also generate
DM noise. These type of emissions are called non intrinsic differential
mode noise [224] or mixed-mode noise (MM) and their origin was
analyzed in [225, 226] for single-phase flyback converters. MM noise in
three-phase diode front-end converters was discussed in [227, 228].
The performance of the DM filter can be well predicted and,
dependent on the required attenuation, multi-stage LC-filters are
usually applied [229]. Also Zero-ripple DM filter concepts have been
proposed [230]. On the contrary, CM noise currents are mainly deter-
mined by parasitic elements such as capacitances of semiconductors
to the heat sink, capacitances between heat sink and earth, magnetic
couplings of inductors, etc., and are therefore difficult to identify and
In [231, 232], a CM noise modeling technique for single-phase PFC
systems was proposed which considers these parasitic capacitances.
Several works on three-phase systems were also published [233, 234]
where some insights into CM noise sources and propagation paths in
three-phase systems are given. These papers, however, only include
limited information and guidelines for final EMI filter design.

In this work the CM noise modeling technique for single-phase PFC

[231, 232] will be extended to three-phase systems and an EMI filter
design and implementation for an ultra-compact three-phase/level VR
204 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


CD CS heat Co Vo/2
S 1+



EMC input filter

iN1 iN2 iN3
a b c
vN1 vN2 vN3

Fig. 5.69: Schematic of the three-phase/level VR including relevant parasitic ca-

pacitances from semiconductors to heat sink (CS , CD ) and from the DC output rails
to earth (CBp , CBn and CE ) for iN1 > 0, iN2 , iN3 < 0. In addition, the proposed CM
voltage reduction concept is shown, where the output voltage midpoint M is con-
nected to an artificial mains star point N . High-frequency CM currents are limited
by a three-phase CM inductor LCM .

[81] will be discussed (cf. Fig. 5.69, where the parasitic capacitances
relevant for iN1 > 0, iN2 , iN3 < 0 are shown).
The formation of the CM voltage was analyzed in detail in [101] but for
sake of simplicity only a single lumped capacitor from the output voltage
midpoint M to earth was used to model the CM current paths. This is a
reasonable approach to get an overview of the CM behavior of a system
but proved to be insufficiently accurate for designing the EMI filter.
Based on the modeling technique considering parasitic capacitances of
the semiconductors to the heat sink and from the output voltage rails
to earth a more detailed CM model will be developed in section 5.7.1.
In [101] also a concept for minimizing the high-frequency CM emis-
EMI Filter Design 205

sions was proposed (further concepts can be found in [235]). The out-
put voltage midpoint M is connected to an artificial mains star-point
N formed by three filter capacitors C. Whereas the low-frequency CM
voltage, used to increase the input voltage range of the rectifier, drops
across the capacitors C, all high frequency CM output voltage compo-
nents are attenuated by the low-pass filter action of the boost inductors
LNi and the capacitors C. This concept, unfortunately, results in a con-
siderably increased ripple of the boost inductor currents or in higher
copper and core losses or both. The basic concept therefore advanta-
geously is extended according to [236] by placing a three-phase CM
inductor LCM in series to the boost inductors LNi which considerably
reduces the additional high-frequency current ripple.

5.7.1 Converter Noise Model

The semiconductors of a power electronics converter are typically
mounted on a common heat sink which is usually connected to earth
and parasitic capacitances to earth therefore exist. In order to fully
understand the propagation of the resulting CM noise currents these
capacitances have to be considered and/or a detailed CM noise model
has to be derived. First of all, however, a review on noise components
in three-phase systems shall be given.

Review on Three-Phase Noise Components

Separation of CM and DM noise in three-phase systems is not eas-

ily possible. Orthogonal transformations as reported in [237, 238] can
be applied but these transformations are only valid if the three-phase
system is symmetrical, linear and time-invariant. Regardless of the in-
tended three-phase system and its noise sources the CM current can be
defined as the current flowing out through the phases and returning via
earth. The CM current is hence the sum of all three phase currents

iCM = i1 + i2 + i3 . (5.58)

The DM currents on the other hand can be defined as the currents

flowing out through one phase and returning through the two other
phases which implies iDM,1 +iDM,2 +iDM,3 = 0. A general high-frequency
noise model of a three-phase system is given in Fig. 5.70, where the
LISN is modeled as three 50 resistors. In addition to the DM noise
206 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

LISN Converter Noise

i1 ZDM1

i3 ZDM3

v1 v2 v3
50 vCM

Fig. 5.70: High frequency noise model of a three-phase rectifier system connected
to a three-phase LISN.

sources vDM,i and their source impedances Z DM,i the CM noise source
vCM is also shown together with a single lumped impedance to earth
Z 0 . This model implies that the propagation paths of the DM and CM
currents can be separated - which may not be true in each case. If
current and voltage signals at the interconnections of the System Under
Test (SUT) to the LISN are considered, the definition of (5.58) is still
valid even if coupled noise propagation paths exist. The CM voltage at
the LISN can be calculated as
RLISN v1 + v2 + v 3
vCM = iCM = (5.59)
3 3
where RLISN is the input resistance of the LISN. By using (5.59) the
DM voltage component of phase 1 can be calculated to
2v1 v2 v3
vDM,1 = v1 vCM = . (5.60)
3 3 3
If a symmetrical distribution of the CM current iCM on the three phases
is assumed each phase current can be written as
ii = iDM,i + . (5.61)
Note that some authors, e.g. [225], define the CM current based on
ii = iDM,i + iCM which results in a current to earth of 3iCM instead of
iCM . If, unlike in Fig. 5.70, the impedances of the three phases to earth
differ, the CM current distribution in the three phases is also not equal.
EMI Filter Design 207

Let i be the deviation of the CM current in phase number 1 to the

current i0 of the two other phases. According to (5.58) the resulting CM
current is given by iCM = 3i0 + i. The input currents can therefore be
written as
iCM 2i
i1 = iDM,1 + +
3 3
iCM i
i2 = iDM,2 + (5.62)
3 3
iCM i
i3 = iDM,3 +
3 3
which yields to the CM voltage
vCM = RLISN i0 + . (5.63)
By subtracting the CM voltages from the according phase voltages
vDM,i = vi vCM the DM voltages result in
vDM,MM,1 = RLISN iDM,1 +
vDM,MM,2 = RLISN iDM,2 (5.64)
vDM,MM,3 = RLISN iDM,3
which show, in comparison to (5.60), an additional part caused by
the unequally distributed CM currents. Unbalanced CM noise hence
also causes DM noise and this supplementary DM noise is called non-
intrinsic DM noise or mixed mode noise. The applied definition of the
CM current offers an explanation of the phenomenon of non-intrinsic
DM noise, whereas the model with iEarth = 3iCM can not explain it
without introducing an additional noise source.

Derivation of Noise Model

In the following, the modeling approach given in [231, 232] for single-
phase PFC will be extended to three-phase systems.
In Fig. 5.69, the relevant parasitic capacitors between semiconduc-
tors and heat sink are drawn for iN1 > 0, iN2 , iN3 < 0. The capacitors
208 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

CS heat

vS2 vS3
iDF2 iDF3

iN1 iN2 iN3 C

v1 RLISN v2 v3

Fig. 5.71: High-frequency equivalent circuit if the operated switches are replaced
by voltage noise sources and the corresponding free-wheeling diodes are replaced by
current noise sources. Model is valid for iN1 > 0, iN2 , iN3 < 0.

CS and CD represent the stray capacitance of a MOSFETs drain and

a diodes cathode to the heat sink which is approximately 60 pF for the
applied TO220 package. These capacitances are present for all semicon-
ductors of the rectifier system, but capacitors of circuit paths which are
not carrying current in 30 < N < 30 are not shown. The capacitors
CBp and CBn model the stray capacitances of the positive and nega-
tive output voltage rail to earth. The capacitor CE models the parasitic
capacitance of the output voltage midpoint to earth but also includes
possible parasitic capacitances of the load. The capacitance of CE can
therefore be quite large, e. g. several nF. In order to develop a high-
frequency CM model of the circuit the MOSFETs are replaced by volt-
age sources vri,M , which are impressing the switched voltage waveforms.
In a similar manner the diodes DF1+ , DF2 and DF3 are replaced by
current sources showing the same pulsed current waveform as occur-
ring in the actual diodes. The impedance of the output capacitor Co ,
implemented partly with ceramic capacitors, is very small at switching
frequency and therefore modeled as a short-circuit. The corresponding
mains diodes DN+ /DN are permanently on during a half mains period
EMI Filter Design 209

50W iNi LCM LN i

50W M
N 50W
N CFB heat sink


vi vri,M
50W iNi LCM LNi
N 50W
N CFB heat sink


Fig. 5.72: Detailed noise models valid for iN1 > 0, iN2 , iN3 < 0 if the heat sink
is connected to earth if (a) only noise current sources and (b) only noise voltage
sources are considered. In (b) only current paths involving the parasitic capacitors
Cp and Cn are shown.

and are hence also replaced by a short-circuit. The resulting equivalent

circuit is given in Fig. 5.71. As the rectifier system is modeled by linear
elements the influence of the noise sources can be analyzed by applica-
tion of the superposition principle. In Fig. 5.72(a) the corresponding
noise model is drawn if only current noise sources are considered. It is
obvious that the current sources are shorted by the low impedance paths
established by the output capacitors and that they do not contribute to
the noise measured in the LISN.
If only noise voltage sources are considered, the equivalent circuit given
in Fig. 5.72(b) can be derived.
The phase leg with positive input current (iN1 ) shows a total
capacitance of Cp = 2CD + CS to the heat sink and the phase-legs
with negative input currents (iN2 and iN3 ) show a total capacitance of
Cn = 2CD which is different to Cp . Note that this model is only valid
for iN1 > 0, iN2 , iN3 < 0, i.e. 30 < N < 30 , and that the capacitance
210 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

of Cp and Cn is changing if one of the input phase currents changes

its sign, i.e. every 60 . The capacitor Cg models all capacitances from
the output voltage rails and the output voltage midpoint to earth
(Cg = CE + CBp + CBn ). The detailed function of the CM filtering
based on a connection of M with N will be discussed later. Note
that the voltage sources vri,M include DM emissions as well as CM
emissions. In Fig. 5.72(b) only current paths involving the parasitic
capacitors Cp and Cn are shown.
Different possibilities for defining the heat sink potential exist and the
most important ones will be discussed shortly as they result in different
CM behavior.

1) Heat sink connected to the output voltage midpoint M :

If the heat sink is connected to M , Cp and Cn lie in parallel to the
voltage sources. The noise currents through them are guided directly
back to the noise source and thus no additional external CM noise
occurs. This is the best option from the EMI perspective but one must
keep in mind that M will show a low-frequency CM voltage of a few
100 V if a third harmonic injection signal is applied and this may,
depending on the application, not be permitted.

2) Heat sink connected to earth:

In many applications the heat sink has to be connected to earth due to
safety reasons. The largest impact on the noise emissions can then be
observed. According to Fig. 5.72(b) the three phases show different
capacitances to earth and therefore a separation into CM and DM
equivalent circuits is not directly possible. These unequal impedances
to earth result in an unbalanced CM current distribution of the three
phases which finally yields to non-intrinsic DM emissions as shown
before. These non-intrinsic DM emissions are not analyzed further in
this work but are subject to further research on this topic.
If the parasitic capacitors are assumed to be equal an equivalent circuit
with separated CM and DM emissions can be drawn. This will be
further discussed in section 5.7.2.

3) Heat sink floating:

If the heat sink is floating, it would show a parasitic capacitance to
earth of a few pF. This parasitic capacitance is now connected in series
to the capacitances Cp and Cn . As this parasitic capacitance is typically
EMI Filter Design 211

vDM 300
400 vDM,avg
200 vCM
vDM (V)


vCM (V)

-400 -200

-600 -300
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
t (ms) t (ms)

(a) (b)

200 200
170 dBV
160 dBV

Emissions (dBV)
Emissions (dBV)

150 vDM
Att,DM vCM AttCM

100 Att,DM2 100


50 50

0 0
0.15 1 f (MHz) 10 30 0.15 1 f (MHz) 10 30

(c) (d)

Fig. 5.73: Simulated voltage waveforms of the rectifier system operated at an output
power of Po = 10 kW and corresponding predicted EMI noise spectra using peak-
detection; (a) DM voltage; (b) CM voltage; (c) Predicted DM emission and (d)
predicted CM emission.

much smaller than Cp and Cn , the resulting total capacitances to earth

are almost equal and an equivalent circuit with separated CM and DM
emissions can be drawn. Please note, that the (equal) capacitance val-
ues of the equivalent circuit with floating heat sink are therefore much
smaller than the capacitance values of a heat sink directly connected to

5.7.2 Filter Design

In order to design a proper EMI filter the CM and DM noise levels of the
three-phase rectifier system are required. A computer simulation is used
to determine the DM and CM voltage waveforms (cf. Fig. 5.73) gener-
ated by the rectifier system (fs = 1 MHz, VN = 230 V, fN = 50/60 Hz,
Vo = 800 V and Po = 10 kW). It has to be stated here, that differ-
ent modulation strategies result in different CM and DM voltage wave-
forms which would finally lead to different EMI filter requirements. A
third harmonic triangular signal according to (3.17) is added to the si-
nusoidal phase voltage reference values in order to increase the input
212 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

voltage modulation range which results in a triangular low-frequency

component (vCM,h3 ) of the CM voltage (cf. Fig. 5.73(b)).
According to the calculation scheme given in [229] the Quasi-Peak
(QP) or Peak (PK) weighted DM and CM spectrum can be calcu-
lated. The calculated PK weighted spectra of the voltages shown in
Fig. 5.73a,b are depicted in Fig. 5.73(c,d), together with the limit
defined by CISPR11 class A [239]. The results of this calculation are the
spectra of the simulated voltage waveforms where the PK characteristic
of the detector is included but, contrary to [229], the influence of the
LISN is not considered. The EMI filter must now be designed such
that the noise emissions do not exceed the CISPR11 class A limit. The
impedances of the LISN must be considered later in the EMI filter
design process.

According to Fig. 5.73, the main amplitudes of harmonics occur

at multiples of the switching frequency. The required attenuation of
the DM and CM filter can therefore be calculated by comparing the
simulated emissions with the limit specified in CISPR11. This results
in a required attenuation of

ADM [dB] = vDM (fs )[dBV] Limit[dBV]

+ margin[dB] = 103 dB ,

for the DM filter where a margin of 6 dB is included. The required

attenuation of the CM filter can be calculated as
ACM [dB] = vCM (fs )[dBV] Limit[dBV]
93 dB . (5.66)
+ margin[dB] =

The process employed for calculating the noise spectra is a time-

consuming task. The result of this calculation are noise amplitudes over
the whole frequency range. However, as shown above only the amplitude
of the emissions generated at the switching frequency is used for EMI
filter design (in case of fs 150 kHz). In [240] an approximation method
for determining the EMI emission has been presented, where only the
DM component at the switching frequency is considered. All switching
frequency harmonics with higher order are merged into this fundamen-
tal component at switching frequency. This method, however, can also
be applied to determine the CM filter requirements. The rms value of
the CM voltage VCM,rms , which comprises a low-frequency component
EMI Filter Design 213

VCM,h3,rms and a high frequency component VCM,noise,rms containing all

switching frequency harmonics, must therefore be calculated. This could
be done purely analytically but for the sake of simplicity the rms value
of the total CM voltage is determined using the simulated CM voltage
shown in Fig. 5.73(b). The rms value of the high-frequency CM noise
VCM,noise,rms is therefore given as

2 2 2
VCM,noise,rms = VCM,rms VCM,h3,rms (5.67)

which finally yields

2 2 4
VCM,noise,rms = VCM,rms (5.68)

and an estimated noise level of

VCM,noise,rms = 164 dBV . (5.69)

The difference to the result given in Fig. 5.73(d) is only 4 dBV and
therefore, the proposed procedure is a very reasonably accurate and
simple method to estimate the EMI filter requirements.
According to Fig. 5.73c,d a relatively large noise floor of 110 dB is
generated by the rectifier system. The reason for this can be found in the
time behavior of the DM and CM voltages. As reported in [241,242,243]
carrier sideband harmonics are present in the spectrum of a PWM signal
with low-frequency local average. This leads to an increased noise floor
which has to be considered in the DM filter design. The DM filter has
therefore to reach an attenuation of at least

ADM2 [dB] = vDM (150 kHz)[dBV] Limit[dBV]

+ margin[dB]
= 37 dB

at the lower frequency limit for conducted emissions measurements, i.e.

at 150 kHz. At least one filter stage has to be designed such that the re-
quired attenuation at 150 kHz is achieved. This means the volume of this
filter stage can not be reduced by a high switching frequency. Among
other limitations, such as the lack of available high frequency magnetic
materials, this is a main limitation of EMI filter volume reduction by
increasing the switching frequency.
214 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


20 H 8 H 8 H
660 nF 660 nF 66 nF 50W


27 dB
|GDM (jw)| (dB)

115 dB



100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
f (Hz)

Fig. 5.74: (a) Equivalent single-phase DM model and (b) calculated transfer func-
tion GDM (j) of the designed DM filter.

DM Filter Design

In addition to the required filter attenuation for DM filter design the

phase displacement of the mains currents resulting from the currents
drawn by the filter capacitors must also be considered. If the maximum
phase displacement should be limited to 10 at an output power of
0.1Po , the DM filter capacitors here are limited to a total capacitance
of CDM = 3.5 F per phase.
According to the specifications given in (5.65) and (5.70) an LC-filter
with three stages is used for construction of the DM filter. The single-
phase equivalent circuit of the DM filter is shown in Fig. 5.74(a). The
boost inductor of the rectifier represents the first filter stage. The induc-
tance value of the boost inductor is defined by the maximum allowed
current ripple. A maximum allowed current ripple of iL,pp = 0.2IN,i is
defined for the implementation at hand, which results in an inductance
of LNi = 20 H. In [244] it was shown that a maximum attenuation
EMI Filter Design 215

for a multi-stage LC-filter can be achieved if all inductance values and

all capacitance values are equal, which also implies that the cut-off fre-
quencies of all filter stages are identical. Unfortunately, (5.65) as well
as (5.70) must be satisfied, and the cut-off frequency of the filter for
the case at hand has to be designed according to (5.70) which increases
the total filter volume as at least one filter stage has to implement a
specific amount of damping at 150 kHz. This concept shows in addition
the problem of multiple equal filter resonance frequencies which have
to be damped. The cut-off frequencies of the filter stages are hence se-
lected in a distributed manner and the resulting filter components are
chosen also considering aspects of practical implementation. This will
be discussed further in section 5.7.3. The calculated transfer function
GDM (j) of the designed filter is depicted in Fig. 5.74(b).

CM Filter Design

In a first design step of the CM filter the influence of the parasitic

capacitors Cp and Cn (cf. Fig. 5.72) is neglected. Safety regulations
must be considered in the selection of CM capacitors where the leakage
earth current is limited to a few mA. This results in a limited total
capacitance connected to earth which fundamentally influences the CM
filter design. If a conventional multi-stage LC low-pass filter would be
implemented at least three stages would be necessary whilst the large
CM component of Vo would still be present. By connecting the output
voltage midpoint M to an artificial star-point N as shown in Fig. 5.69,
the CM component of the output can, however, be reduced significantly
without violating the safety regulations. The capacitors CDM of the first
DM filter stage can be used advantageously to form N . An equivalent
circuit of the proposed CM filter concept is shown in Fig. 5.75(a). The
converter voltage vv,i there is split into a DM voltage vDM,i and a CM
voltage vCM

vri,M = vDM,i + vCM (5.71)

where the CM voltage

vCM = vCM, + vCM,h3 (5.72)

comprises a high frequency component vCM, and a low-frequency com-

ponent vCM,h3 which represents the third harmonic injection mentioned
above. The CM filter path is implemented by a capacitor CFB in series
216 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


50W M M
N 50W vCM,~ vCM,h3 Cg
vCM iE


LCM LNi /3 M M

RLISN,CM vCM,~ vCM,h3 Cg

50W vCM iE
3 iFB

Fig. 5.75: (a) Conducted noise equivalent circuit of the three-phase/level VR system
for the proposed CM filter concept if Cp and Cn are neglected; (b) simplified CM
equivalent circuit.

to the DM capacitors forming N . In addition, the capacitance Cg , rep-

resenting the lumped capacitance between M and earth, is shown which
is significantly influenced by the load. If this parasitic capacitance is ne-
glected for a first analysis, the generated CM voltage appears across
circuit LNi , LCM and the series connection of the capacitors CFB and
CDM . The capacitors CFB and CDM are not connected to earth and are
therefore not limited in capacitance by equipment safety regulations.
The construction of a CM inductor which is able to handle the third
harmonic voltage component vCM,h3 without saturation is possible but
would result in a very large and bulky element. If the feedback capaci-
tor CFB is designed such that it represents a short-circuit for the high-
frequency CM signals (vCM, ) but a high impedance element for the
third harmonic component (vCM,h3 ), the low-frequency component will
drop across the feedback capacitor and only vCM, has to be handled by
the inductors. Unfortunately, three-phase CM inductors typically allow
only a very small zero-sequence current without saturation because of
their very high permeability. Due to
iFB,h3 C . (5.73)
EMI Filter Design 217

the feedback capacitor has to be as small as possible to prevent sat-

uration of the CM inductor. The relatively large DM capacitors CDM
(660 nF per phase) can hence not be used alone for implementation
and a low capacitance feedback capacitor CFB is connected in series to
the star-point N .

The CM inductor on the other hand has to hold the high-frequency

CM voltage and core saturation is avoided if
R Tp Vo
vCM, dt Ts
Bsat > BCM,max = 0 = 3 (5.74)
where Ts = 1/fs and Tp denotes the maximal length of a CM pulse
which was set to Tp = Ts for a worst case approximation, N is the
number of turns and AFe is the effective magnetic area of the core.
As the CM inductors are placed in series to the boost inductors LNi
the full phase current including the high-frequency ripple flows through
their windings. The high-frequency DM current ripple does not cause
core losses due to the mutual compensation of the magnetomotive
forces but copper losses caused by the AC current fundamental and the
skin and the proximity effect (current ripple) have to be considered.

In Fig. 5.75(b) the CM equivalent circuit is shown. If the lumped

capacitance Cg is not neglected, part of the total CM current does not
return through the feedback path iFB . Depending on the size of Cg this
results in a notable earth current through the LISN. In order to limit
this current, the feedback capacitor should be large which is, however,
in contradiction to the design criteria given in (5.73). Depending on
the parasitic capacitances Cg and CFB the attenuation ACM can be
calculated by
1 + A s + Z L Cg CFB RLISN,CM s2
ACM = 20 log10

RLISN,CM Cg s (5.75)
A = Cg (Z L + RLISN,CM ) + Z L CFB

where Z L denotes the total impedance of the CM inductor and

RLISN,CM is the equivalent high-frequency CM impedance of the LISN
(RLISN,CM = 16.7 ). In Fig. 5.76(a) the resulting attenuation of
the constructed filter is plotted as a function of the earth capacitance
Cg . It is obvious that the required attenuation of 93 dB can only
218 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology



ACM (dB)100

90 CFB =500nF
CFB =300nF
80 CFB =200nF
CFB =100nF
1 2 C (nF) 3 4

Cg = 2n F
ACM (dB)



100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
CFB (nF)

Fig. 5.76: (a) Attenuation ACM of the proposed CM filter concept as a function of
earth capacitance Cg and (b) achieved attenuation as a function of CFB for Cg = 2 nF
(f = 1 MHz).

be achieved with the proposed concept if either CFB > 500 nF or

Cg < 1 nF. A higher amount of capacitance to earth would result in an
attenuation lower than the required value given in (5.66). According
to Fig. 5.76(b), a higher capacitance of CFB would increase the
attenuation but this would also increase the low-frequency current
iCM,h3 and is therefore not an option. A compromise of CFB = 200 nF
is therefore used for the filter at hand. As a result, an additional CM
filter stage, which must show the missing attenuation of 20 dB, is

Until this point, the capacitors Cp and Cn of the extended noise model
given in Fig. 5.72 have been neglected for the CM filter design. Accord-
ing to (5.71) the total converter noise vri,M can be divided into DM and
EMI Filter Design 219

M Cg

LCM LNi /3 v
50W vCM
3 iFB vCM,~

iCM2 ~CFB Cp


Fig. 5.77: CM equivalent circuit of the three-phase/level PWM rectifier with heat
sink connected to earth if Cp and Cn are assumed to be equal.

CM emissions, if the two lumped parasitic capacitors are assumed to be

equal (Cp = Cn ). A simplified CM model can hence be drawn which is
shown in Fig. 5.77. It is obvious that even if the proposed CM concept
operates ideally (iCM1 = 0), a CM current iCM2 through the LISN exists
(marked as a blue dashed line). This current is caused by the parasitic
capacitances of the semiconductors to the heat sink (if the heat sink is
connected to earth) and can only be reduced by insertion of an addi-
tional CM filter stage. As already discussed, this additional filter stage
is needed in any case in order to achieve the required attenuation given
in (5.66). It has to be stated here, that the proposed CM filter concept
(connection of M with N ) supports the propagation of this type of
CM emissions and that a large capacitance Cg would help to reduce the
emissions. The advantage of an output voltage without high-frequency
CM component, however, clearly dominates this drawback.

5.7.3 Filter Construction

After determination of the EMI filter topology and the calculation of
the filter performance the implementation of the passive components is
an important step. A proper magnetic material has to be chosen for im-
plementation of the inductors and as for the boost inductors the powder
core material -8 from Micrometals Inc. is chosen for the DM inductors
due to its high-frequency performance and low core losses. Single layer
winding toroids T90-8 with N = 16 turns are used to construct the DM
inductors with very low parasitic capacitance. This results in a high
self-resonance frequency of 25.9 MHz.
Three 220 nF/630 V X7R ceramic capacitors in parallel are used for
the construction of the DM capacitors CDM1 and CDM2 . The capaci-
220 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Vitroperm 500F
W380, 3 x 5 turns
100 |Imag{ZCM}|


100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
f (Hz)

Fig. 5.78: Measured impedance of the constructed three-phase CM inductor (N =

5 turns) employing Vitroperm 500F from VAC.

tance of these ceramic capacitors is, unfortunately, strongly dependent

on the applied voltage which results in a significantly lower effective
capacitance at high voltage. Five capacitors must be used hence for
the implementation at hand. This can be avoided by application of foil
capacitors although this results in a greater volume.

The nanocrystalline material Vitroperm 500F of Vacuumschmelze

Inc. is used for the CM inductors. The measured complex insertion
impedance Z CM of the CM inductor is plotted in Fig. 5.78. The in-
ductor exhibits a substantial real part of Z CM at f = 1 MHz which
has to be considered for the design of the CM filter stage. As the ma-
terial Vitroperm 500F is not typically applied in the frequency range
of several 100 kHz, the manufacturer provides no core loss information
for these frequencies. The core losses of the Vitroperm 500F material
at 1 MHz have hence been measured resulting in the parametrization of
the Steinmetz equation

PVP500F = Kc f B = 44.66 106 [W/dm3 ] f 1.56 B 1.77 (5.76)

where the frequency f is in Hz and the peak flux-density B is in T.

Note that these parameters (Kc , , ) are only valid for frequencies
in the vicinity of 1 MHz. Due to the relatively large loss density at
1 MHz three inductors are connected in series for implementation of
LCM1 in order to limit the core losses. By use of (5.76) the resulting
core losses of each Vitroperm 500F core (W380) can be calculated to
PFe,CM = 3.7 W. In order to limit the temperature rise of the CM and
EMI Filter Design 221

TABLE 5.17: Components used to implement the DM EMI-filter.

Part Type
LN Micrometals E137-8, N = 18 (5 strands, d = 0.9 mm)
LN = 20 H, fres = 11.7 MHz
LDM1 , LDM2 Micrometals T90-8, N = 16 (d = 1.8 mm)
LDM = 9 H, fres = 25.8 MHz
CDM , CDM1 3 x Ceramic cap. 220 nF/500 VDC in parallel
fres = 9 MHz
CFB Ceramic cap. 220 nF/500 VDC
fres = 9 MHz
CDM2 2 x Ceramic cap. X2 33 nF/250 VAC in parallel
fres = 21 MHz

boost inductors small fans are placed between them (cf. Fig. 5.79).
The core W409 (also utilizing Vitroperm 500F) is used for the second
CM filter stage in conjunction with 4.7 nF Y2-rated ceramic capacitors
which show a very small volume.

The complete schematic of the built filter including detailed informa-

tion on the used materials used is given in Fig. 5.79. The impedance
mismatch concept described in [245] is used for arrangement of the dif-
ferent filter stages. According to this concept, the impedance of the last
DM filter stage (CDM2 ) should be much smaller than the impedance
of the LISN (RLISN,DM = 50 ) which is given for the arrangement
shown in Fig. 5.79. This should also be considered for the last CM fil-
ter stage (CCM2 ). The LISN shows, however, a reduced CM impedance
RLISN,CM = 16.7 and in addition the impedance reduction of the last
CM filter stage is limited by equipment safety regulation (CCM2 ). An ad-
ditional CM inductor (LCM3 ) is therefore needed to fulfill the impedance
mismatch criteria. This CM inductor uses a ferrite core which is clamped
to the power cable. The CM inductors are placed in series to the DM
inductors as the stray inductance of the CM inductors then can be used
advantageously to increase the DM attenuation.
The constructed EMI filter prototype is shown in Fig. 5.80. The over-
all dimensions of the EMI filter board are 124.5 mm 110 mm 33 mm
which results in a power density of 22.1 kW/dm3 for the EMI filter.
Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


VAC 500F W409 VAC 500F W409 Micrometals T90-8 Micrometals T90-8 3 x VAC 500F W380 Micrometals E137-8
3 x 1 turns 3 x 4 turns 16 turns 16 turns 3 x 5 turns 20 H
a A


b B
c v2 v1 C
CDM vCM1,1
X 250V
CCM2 CDM2 CDM1 660 nF 250V
Y2 250V X 250V X 250V 220 nF M
4.7 nF 66 nF 660 nF

Fig. 5.79: Complete schematic of the implemented EMI filter including information on the used materials.
EMI Filter Design 223

TABLE 5.18: Components used to implement the CM EMI-filter.

Part Type
LCM1,i 3 x VAC Vitroperm 500F W380 (3 5 turns) in series
d = 1.8 mm, |Z CM | @ 1 MHz=970
LCM2 VAC Vitroperm 500F W409 (3 4 turns)
d = 1.8 mm, |Z CM | @ 1 MHz=520
LCM3 VAC Vitroperm 500F W409 (3 4 turns)
|Z CM | at 1 MHz=32
CCM2 Ceramic cap. Y2 4.7 nF/250 VAC

Current sensors
Boost- CM-inductors DM-inductors
inductors LCM1 LDM1, LDM2 CM-inductor
110 m

124,5 mm Shield board

Fig. 5.80: Constructed prototype of EMI filter for the ultra-compact 10 kW rectifier
system with a switching frequency of 1 MHz.

The experimental results of the EMI filter and several practical aspects
of the filter implementation such as component arrangement, shielding
layers, magnetic coupling, etc., are discussed in section 5.9 and verified
by measurements.

5.7.4 EMI Filter Power Losses

In the following, the power losses of the EMI filter will be estimated.
The calculations are only performed for Po = 10 kW, fN = 50 Hz and
VN = 230 V.
A negligible ripple current flows through the DM filter inductors LDM1
and LDM2 and the dc-resistance of the DM inductors (RDC,DM = 5 m)
224 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

can be used to calculate the copper losses which results in

Pcu,DM = RDC,DM IN,rms = 1.15 W . (5.77)

The peak flux density of the core is 240 mT and the core losses are,
according to the loss parameters given in [246], only 50 mW. The total
losses of the DM inductors are therefore

PDM,tot = 6 (Pcu,DM + PFe,DM ) = 7.2 W . (5.78)

The core losses of the CM chokes have been calculated before and
resulted in PFe,CM = 3.7 W. The copper losses of the CM inductors are
in a first step calculated using only the DC-resistance of the winding.
With RDC,CM = 2 m the copper losses of one inductor is
Pcu,CM = 3RDC,CM IN,rms = 1.35 W (5.79)

which yields to

PCM,tot = 3(Pcu,CM + PFe,CM ) = 15 W . (5.80)

Taking the losses of the third CM filter stage and losses of the capac-
itors at the input into account the total losses of the EMI filter are

PEMI = PDM,tot + PCM,tot + PEMI,add 30 W . (5.81)

5.7.5 Parasitic Couplings

In a practical filter implementation parasitic magnetic and capacitive
couplings between filter elements exist. One has to be aware that
inductive couplings can cause problems in the lower frequency range
of several 100 kHz whereas the impact of capacitive coupling is more
pronounced at higher frequencies (typ. > 1 MHz). Due to these two
effects, parasitic couplings between the different filter stages of the
multi-stage filter and also between the three phases occur which
typically degrade the actual filter performance. Some research in this
area is described in literature and some interesting results can be
found in [247, 248, 249]. The influence of parasitic couplings on the EMI
filter at hand is subject of ongoing research but, some effects will be
discussed shortly in the the following.
EMI Filter Design 225



Fig. 5.81: Arrangement of the EMI filter and inductive coupling caused by the
external field of the DM-inductor LDM1 .

It has to be stated here that typical filter elements (capacitors and

magnetic materials used for construction of the inductors) typically
show component variations of 10 % and more and that these compo-
nent variations might take a stronger influence on the filter performance
than parasitic couplings if a proper PCB layout is done. Parasitic ca-
pacitances between traces in the PCB layout are typically in the range
of some 10 pF and may hence show a more pronounced influence than
coupling through air. Also relatively large magnetic coupling loops may
be generated by the traces on the PCB. This highlights that a proper
high-frequency oriented PCB layout is very important to achieve the
desired filter performance.

Fig. 5.81 illustrates the arrangement of the EMI filter stages. The
specific inductors are mounted on the top-side of the PCB whereas the
SMD-type ceramic capacitors are soldered on the bottom side. The
standard toroid winding configuration of the DM inductors presents a
large loop area (equivalent to a single turn) which creates an external
flux (shown for LDM1 in Fig. 5.81). As discussed in [247], magnetic
coupling between the inductors and filter capacitors could significantly
degrade the filter performance for frequencies beyond a few MHz if foil
capacitors are used. At the implementation at hand ceramic capacitors
are used for filter implementation which show a much smaller coupling
area than foil capacitors. No pronounced filter degradation caused
by this parasitic magnetic coupling is therefore expected but this is
subject for further research.
226 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology


|GDM (jw)| (dB)



-60 without shield


-100 with shield

100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M 30M
f (Hz)

Fig. 5.82: Measured transfer function GDM (j) of the DM filter with and without
shield board.

As can be seen in Fig. 5.80, the DM inductors LDM1 and LDM2

are arranged face to face. The implemented winding configuration of
these inductors shows a large loop area which presents a large magnetic
coupling to other components. Due to the coupling of LDM1 and LDM2
the attenuation of the DM filter stage is reduced. This effect could be
minimized by a proper arrangement of the DM inductors but this is not
an option for the implementation at hand due to the objective of a very
high power density. Another possibility would be to reduce the coupling
area of the DM inductors by a winding technique shown in [245]. This
winding technique is, however, more expensive and difficult to perform
due to the small core geometries in conjunction with the relatively large
diameter of the solid copper wire (d = 1.8 mm). Instead, a magnetic
shield board (0.1 mm thick Mu-metal foil glued on a PCB with solid
copper layer) is inserted between the two stages to reduce the coupling
(also shown in Fig. 5.80).
In Fig. 5.82 the measured transfer function GDM (j) of the filter
with and without shield board is plotted. An improvement of 10 dB
can be measured for frequencies above 1 MHz whereas for frequencies
below 800 kHz no difference occurs. It has to be stated here that the
dynamic range of the used network analyzer Bode100 [250] is 100 dB
and that the measurement results are therefore limited to this value.
Construction of the Rectifier System 227

110 mm

33 mm

195 m



Fig. 5.83: (a) Top view and (b) bottom view of the constructed ultra-compact 10 kW
Vienna Rectifier prototype VR1000 showing dimensions of 195 mm110 mm33 mm
which yields to a remarkable power density of 14.1 kW/dm3 .

5.8 Construction of the Rectifier System

The finally constructed rectifier prototype is shown in Fig. 5.83.
The overall dimensions of the system are 195 mm 110 mm 33 mm,
thus giving a remarkable power density of 14.1 kW/dm3 including the
water cooler. The system shows a total a weight of 1.06 kg resulting
in an extremely high power to weight ratio of 9.44 kW/kg. A modular
design is chosen, where the system consists of three PCB boards. The
power board (cf. Fig. 5.84(a)) contains all semiconductors, the output
capacitors, the designed water cooler and the output connectors. In
order to keep the commutation loop of the rectifier as small as possible
228 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Current sensors
Boost- CM-inductors DM-inductors
72.5 inductors LCM1 LDM1, LDM2 CM-inductor
mm LCM2

110 m
124,5 mm Shield board

(a) (b)

110 mm


Aux-Supply Gate Drive

195.0 mm


Fig. 5.84: (a) Power board, (b) EMI board and (c) control board of the constructed
hardware prototype VR1000.

the ceramic capacitors are placed closely to the semiconductors. The

power board is connected to the EMI Board (cf. Fig. 5.84(b)) which
contains the boost inductors, the multi-stage DM and CM EMI filter,
current sensors and the input connectors.

The control board (Fig. 5.84(c)) contains all elements of the digi-
tal controller including analog measurement circuitry, auxiliary power
supply and gate drives. The heart of the control board is the digital
high-speed controller which is implemented using an FPGA. A DSP
is used for calculation of the output voltage/output voltage symmetry
controller, system management and debugging of the rectifier system.
A simple serial interface between the DSP (superimposed output volt-
age controller) and the FPGA (high-speed current controller) is imple-
Construction of the Rectifier System 229

TABLE 5.19: Volumes of the main system elements of the constructed rectifier
system VR1000.

Volume Amount of total

(dm3 ) volume
Semicond./ water cooler 0.084 dm3 12 %
Output cap. (Co ) 0.07 dm3 10 %
Boost ind. (LNi ) 0.081 dm3 11 %
EMI filter 0.34 dm3 48 %
Auxiliary supply 0.053 dm3 8%
Gate drive 0.047 dm3 7%
Control 0.032 dm3 4%
Total 0.707 dm3 100 %

Vtot = 0.707 dm3

Control (4 %)
Gate drive (7 %)
0.6 Semicond. (12 %)
Volume (dm3)

Aux. Supply (8 %)
Output Cap. (10 %)
Boost Ind. (11 %)

EMI Filter (48 %)

Fig. 5.85: Proportion of the main system elements of the constructed rectifier sys-
tem VR1000.

mented. Next to the DSP the voltage and current measurement units are
located. The ADCs are placed as near as possible to the particular mea-
surement units. The noise sensitive areas of the specific measurement
units are therefore kept very small which improves the signal quality of
the measured quantities. In addition to the measurement units also the
gate drives are placed on the control board. The auxiliary power supply,
which is located next to the gate drive stages, is supplied by the mains
voltage using a three-phase diode bridge.
The volumes occupied by the main elements of the constructed
rectifier system are listed in TABLE 5.19 and the volume distribution
230 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

TABLE 5.20: Occupied volumes of the particular boards.

Volume Power density Amount of total

(dm3 ) (kW/dm3 ) volume
Power board 0.16 dm3 62.7 kW/dm3 22 %
EMI board + Boost ind. 0.41 dm3 24.3 kW/dm3 59 %
Control board 0.13 dm3 19 %
Total 0.7 dm3 14.1 kW/dm3 100 %

is plotted in Fig. 5.85. The volumes of the three boards (cf. Fig. 5.84)
are listed in TABLE 5.20. The boxed volumes of the system parts are
used for this calculation which includes the air between the components.
The semiconductors (including water cooler) and the output capacitors
consume only 12 % and 10 % of the total volume. The power board,
consisting of these two elements, takes therefore only 22 % of total
system volume which results in a very high power-density of the power
board of 63.7 kW/dm3 .
The EMI board, consisting of the EMI filter and the boost inductors,
is the biggest system part and consumes 59 % of the total rectifier
volume, in which the EMI filter (DM and CM filter) takes 48 % and the
boost inductors take 11 %. This clearly demonstrates, that the passive
elements, mainly represented by the EMI filter limit the power density.
Even at the implemented switching frequency of 1 MHz the EMI filter
takes approximately 60 % of the total system volume. The reason can
be found on one hand in the lack of a proper magnetic materials with a
high permeability at some MHz and on the other hand, the EMI filter
has to implement a certain amount of noise attenuation at the lower
boundary of the EMI measurement range (f = 150 kHz). The size of
the inductor windings are in addition limited by copper losses and this
inhibits a smaller volume of the inductive components.

In the given power density only the size of the water cooler is con-
sidered which transfers the heat from the semiconductors just to the
water. The heat exchanger, pump system, etc., are not considered which
one has to keep in mind when the given power densities are examined.
The rest of the volume is occupied by the control board. In the volumes
of the auxiliary power supply and the gate drive some air is included
Construction of the Rectifier System 231

which results from the mechanical construction of the rectifier system

and allows to omit an additional share labeled with Air.
232 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

5.9 Experimental Results

Measurement results taken from the VR prototype at different load con-
ditions are shown in Fig. 5.86 for a mains frequency of fN = 50 Hz.
The parameters K = 0.25, k1 = 0.96 and k2 = 0.99 are used for the
current controller and the MOSFETs IPP60R099CP are employed. In
Fig. 5.86(a), the input current iN3 and phase voltage vN3 are plot-
ted for an output power of P0 = 9.6 kW (VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V).
The current shows nearly ideal sinusoidal shape being in phase with the
mains voltage which is expressed by a measured THDI of only 1.8 %
and a power factor of 0.999. A measurement at Po = 6.6 kW is given
in Fig. 5.86(b) (VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V) where a THDI of 3 % and a
power factor of 0.999 is measured.
As shown in Fig. 5.86(c), a slightly improved THD of 2.6 % can be
measured (VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V, Po = 5.8 kW) if the rectifier system
is employed with the MOSFETs IPP60R165CP which show a smaller
chip area and therefore smaller turn-off delays. In Fig. 5.86(d), a mea-
surement at fN = 400 Hz and an output power of Po = 5.8 kW is given
where a THDI of 2.4 % can be measured. An operation of the rectifier
system at higher output load at fN = 400 Hz or even fN = 800 Hz is in-
hibited by the magnetic material of the boost and DM inductors which
is not suitable for these mains frequencies.

The measurement results confirm the good performance of the im-

plemented current controller and despite the high switching frequency
a very good input current quality (THDI < 2 %) can be achieved at
nominal load. As derived in section 5.1.2, a better input current quality
is inhibited by the turn-off delays of the MOSFETs whose influence
increases with increasing switching frequencies.

The measured efficiency and input current quality, expressed by the

THDI , are given in Fig. 5.87 as a function of output power Po . Due to
the large switching losses only a moderate maximum efficiency of 94 %
can be measured which further drops when the system is operated with
power levels below Po < 4 kW. The measured efficiency is, however,
quite below the calculated efficiency given in section 5.4.3. As discussed
in section 5.1.3, the reason can be found in increased switching losses
due to an error in the PCB layout. If the switching losses are corrected
a good agreement of calculated and measured values can be observed.
Experimental Results 233

vN3 vN3


Po = 9.6 kW Po = 6.6 kW
VN = 230 V THDI = 1.8 % VN = 230 V THDI = 3 %
10 A/Div 200 V/Div 5 ms 10 A/Div 200 V/Div 5 ms

(a) (b)


iN3 iN3

Po = 5.8 kW Po = 5.8 kW
VN = 230 V THDI = 2.6 % VN = 230 V THDI = 2.4 %
10 A/Div 200 V/Div 5 ms 10 A/Div 250 V/Div 0.5 ms

(c) (d)

Fig. 5.86: Measured input current waveforms of the constructed rectifier system
operating at different power levels (fN = 50 Hz, VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V); (a)
Nominal load Po = 9.6 kW, Ch1: vN3 , 200 V/Div, CH4: iN3 , 10 A/Div; timebase:
5 ms/Div. (b) Po = 6.6 kW, Ch1: vN3 , 200 V/Div, CH4: iN3 , 10 A/Div; timebase:
5 ms/Div. (c) Measurement of the system employing the MOSFET IPP60R165CP
at Po = 5.8 kW, Ch1: vN3 , 200 V/Div, CH4: iN3 , 10 A/Div; timebase: 5 ms/Div,
and (d) operation at fN = 400 Hz, Po = 5.8 kW, Ch1: vN3 , 250 V/Div, CH4: iN3 ,
10 A/Div; timebase: 5 ms/Div.

As a result of the non-optimal PCB layout resulting in higher switching

losses the TO220 package of the MOSFETs reaches its thermal limit
and the junction temperature of the device rises to a value above 150 C
which finally would damage the transistor. A continuous operation of
the rectifier system with an output power of Po = 10 kW is therefore
not possible at present. This power level would be no problem if the
layout error described in section 5.1.4 would be fixed.
The measured power factor of the rectifier system at operation with
234 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

94 21
92 Efficiency 18
Efficiency (%) 90 15

THDI (%)
88 12
86 9
84 6
82 3
80 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Po (W)

Power factor





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Po (kW)

Fig. 5.87: (a) Measured efficiency and input current quality of the constructed
rectifier system VR1000 operating at fN = 50 Hz and VN = 230 V. (b) Measured
power factor .

50 Hz is given in Fig. 5.87(b). Due to the very small amount of filter

capacitance (CDM,tot 1.5 F) at the input, a power factor of 0.999
can be measured down to an output power of Po = 3.5 kW and at 10 %
nominal load still a power factor of 0.975 is given. This is a positive
effect of the very high switching frequency.
The measured efficiency of the rectifier system employing CoolMOS
devices IPP60R165CP instead of devices IPP60R099CP is given in
Fig. 5.88. This would yield to improved input current quality. A
reduced efficiency at higher load levels can, however, be observed due
to the higher conduction losses and an operation with this MOSFET
is therefore not possible. Even if the layout error would be fixed, the
junction temperature would remain in the area of the thermal limit of
the device which is 150 C.
Experimental Results 235

(%) 90
84 IPP60R165CP
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Po (kW)

Fig. 5.88: Measured efficiency of the rectifier system using either CoolMOS devices
IPP60R099CP (AChip = 30 mm2 ) or IPP60R165CP (AChip = 20 mm2 ).

DN1+ iN1

Dpre M



(a) (b)

Fig. 5.89: (a) Simplified start-up circuit of the rectifier system and (b) mea-
sured automatic startup sequence of the rectifier system; Ch1: IN1 , 5 A/Div, Ch4:
Vo , 250 V/Div, timebase: 0.2 s/Div.

A start-up sequence is implemented in the controller such that the

rectifier system can directly be connected to the grid and starts up
fully autonomous. In order to limit the inrush current charging the
output capacitors to the mains line-to-line voltages, a start-up circuit is
employed (cf. Fig. 5.89(a)). The lower mains diode DN is therefore
replaced by by a thyristor and a start-up resistor Rpre , implemented
by a PTC connected in series to a precharge diode Dpre , is connected
in parallel to the thyristors. No additional start-up element is therefore
inserted into the circuits power path during normal operation. A mea-
surement of the automatic start-up process is given in Fig. 5.89(b).
When the rectifier system is connected to the grid, the thyristors T hyi
236 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

vo vo

iN iN

5 A/Div 250 V/Div 20 ms/Div 5 A/Div 250 V/Div 20 ms/Div

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.90: Measured response of the rectifier system on load steps (fN = 50 Hz,
VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V); (a) Load step from Po = 3 kW to Po = 5 kW and (b) load
step from Po = 5 kW to Po = 3 kW. Phase currents iNi , 5 A/Div, output voltage vo ,
250 V/Div; timebase: 20 ms/Div.

are open and the charging current of the output capacitors is limited
by the resistors Rpre . The current controller is disabled during this time
interval and the MOSFETs are permanently off. This time interval is
marked in Fig. 5.89(b) as precharge. After the precharge state, the
output capacitors are fully charged and the input currents become zero.
Now an offset calibration of the main current sensors can be performed.
The thyristors are turned on after the output voltage Vo has reached
the line-to-line peak voltage of the mains and the output voltage
controller ramps up the output voltage to the desired output voltage
level. This interval is marked as softstart. The total startup process
lasts approximately 0.9 s. The thyristors can also be used to disconnect
the rectifier system from the mains in case of an error condition (e.g.,
overvoltage, overcurrent, etc.). In this case the thyristors are not turned
on again after a positive cycle of the corresponding mains phase voltage
and the precharge resistors remain inserted between rectifier and mains.

The measured system response of the rectifier to load steps is shown

in Fig. 5.90. The output voltage controller shows a bandwidth of
23 Hz and a phase margin of 85 . The load steps are generated by
connecting/disconnecting a 2 kW resistive load to the output with a
base load of 3 kW. Due to the requirement that the rectifier system
must be able to handle a single phase loss the bandwidth of the voltage
controller must be sufficiently below 100 Hz. A relative large voltage
Experimental Results 237

vo vo

iN iN

5 A/Div 250 V/Div 20 ms/Div 5 A/Div 250 V/Div 20 ms/Div

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.91: (a) Measured single phase loss and (b) phase return of the constructed
rectifier system operating at a power level of Po = 3.1 kW (fN = 50 Hz, VN = 230 V,
Vo = 800 V); Phase currents iNi , 5 A/Div, output voltage vo , 250 V/Div; timebase:
20 ms/Div.

drop of 80 V is therefore obvious in Fig. 5.90(a) for the load step of

2 kW. The increase of vo at load removal is much smaller which could
be achieved by a nonlinear controller implementation where the gain
is increased for a short-time if a specific higher level of vo is detected.
The performance of the output voltage controller could be improved
considerably if the load current is measured and used as feedforward
signal of the output voltage controller. Also some actual information
on required power from the DC/DC converter supplied could be used
to improve the performance. Such a feedforward signal is, however, not
implemented in the rectifier system at hand and a load step of 100 % is
therefore not possible as the overvoltage detection circuit would trip.

The constructed rectifier system can handle different error conditions.

Beside a loss of a single phase also a short circuit between two phases
at the rectifier input can be handled at a reduced output power level
(Po < 0.57Po,nom ). Fig. 5.91(a) shows the system response on a sin-
gle phase loss at an output power level of Po = 3.1 kW (fN = 50 Hz,
VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V). One phase is thereto disconnected from the
rectifier system. The output power is now delivered by only two phases
and a power flow from the mains to the DC-side pulsating with twice the
mains frequency occurs. This can be seen by the low frequency ripple of
the output voltage during two-phase operation. Note, that no changes
in the controller structure are performed to handle this error condition.
238 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

CH1 50V M 5ms

Fig. 5.92: CM output voltage time behavior (measured from M to earth) employing
the proposed CM filter concept (fN = 50 Hz, VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V).

A measurement for the return of the lost phase is depicted in

Fig. 5.91(b). After the third phase is up again, suddenly an increased
input power is available and the output voltage rises. Due to the lim-
ited bandwidth of the output voltage controller, Vo would increase to
unacceptable levels and the overvoltage detection would trip. The non-
linear controller, however, increases the voltage control gain in case of
an overvoltage and therefore, according to Fig. 5.91(b), only a limited
overvoltage occurs.

5.9.1 EMI Measurements

As a first step, the proper operation of the proposed concept reducing
the high-frequency CM voltage of the output is checked. Fig. 5.92 shows
the voltage of the output midpoint M against earth. No high-frequency
CM voltage is present and only the third harmonic triangular signal
vCM,h3 , used for increasing the rectifier modulation range, is measured.
This verifies the proper operation of the proposed CM filter concept.

In Fig. 5.93 the results of an EMI measurement according to CISPR

11 are shown together with the limits of CISPR 11 Class A. A three-
phase DM/CM noise separator according to [251] is applied to measure
the DM and CM noise separately. As expected, the main peaks in the
spectra occur at fs and 2fs and are well below the limit. The peak at
5 MHz results from a shielding layer in the PCB and will be discussed
later. The peak in the DM spectrum at 400 kHz has its origin in the
Experimental Results 239

RBW 9 kHz RBW 9 kHz

MT 100 ms MT 100 ms
dBuV 130 1 MHz 10 MHz dBuV 130 1 MHz 10 MHz
120 120

1 QP
VIEW 110 110

2 QP
100 VIEW 100

90 90


DM 70
60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10
150 kHz 30 MHz 150 kHz 30 MHz

(a) (b)

RBW 9 kHz
MT 100 ms
dBuV 130 1 MHz 10 MHz




3 QP







150 kHz 30 MHz


Fig. 5.93: Final CE measurements of the rectifier system as constructed; (a) DM

emissions, (b) CM emissions and (c) total emissions.

auxiliary power supply and the peak of the CM emissions at 200 kHz is
caused by the auxiliary supplies of the gate drives.
Next, the influence of the arrangement of the first DM and CM filter
stages (impedance mismatch) is examined. The DM filter capacitors
CDM2 are moved behind the CM choke LCM2 (cf. Fig. 5.94(a)) for
this purpose. As nothing is changed for the CM path the three Y2-
capacitors (4.7 nF) now constitute an additional DM filter stage with
the leakage inductance of the CM choke. The impedance of the Y2-
capacitors |ZC,CM2 |1 MHz = 1/CCM2 = 33.8 is unfortunately in the
same range as the DM impedance of the LISN (RLISN,DM = 50 ) and
the current is more or less distributed equally on the LISN and and the
filter capacitor. In order to achieve low EMI noise values the impedance
240 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

RBW 9 kHz RBW 9 kHz

MT 100 ms MT 100 ms
dBuV 130 1 MHz 10 MHz dBuV 130 1 MHz 10 MHz

120 LCM2 LDM2 120 LCM2 LDM2

1 QP 1 QP

100 100
DM 90
71 dBV 74 dBV

70 70 66 dBV
60 dBV
60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10
150 kHz 30 MHz 150 kHz 30 MHz

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.94: (a) Measured DM emissions of the given CM filter stage arrangement
(CCM2 and LCM2 ) with unfavorable arrangement of the DM filter stage and (b)
measured DM emissions if the improved filter arrangement.

of the filter capacitors should be much smaller than the impedance of the
LISN which is known as impedance mismatch in literature [245]. This
results in 10 dB higher noise level compared to a implementation shown
in Fig. 5.94(b) where the DM filter capacitors are moved to the input
of the rectifier system. Using this arrangement, the stray inductance
of the CM choke advantageously contributes to the attenuation of DM
noise. The arrangement of filter stages must therefore be handled with
care in order to achieve the desired attenuation.
In the following the question if a solid copper layer in the PCB
covering the whole power and EMI filter component arrangement (cf.
Fig. 5.95(a)) could act as an advantageous shielding layer is discussed.
The intention is to connect this copper layer to M in order to catch high-
frequency noise currents similar to the proposed CM filter concept. This
shielding layer, unfortunately, also introduces a capacitive coupling path
from the interconnections of the three CM chokes forming LCM1 to M
(cf. Fig. 5.79). Due to this capacitive coupling, a uniform voltage dis-
tribution between the three CM chokes is inhibited. According to the
measurements given in Fig. 5.96, a phase-shift of the voltage v2 (af-
ter the first CM inductor LCM1,1 ) drives this inductor into saturation
(vCM1,1 with shield). A uniform voltage distribution, however, occurs if
the shielding layer is not connected to M which can be verified by the
measured voltage (vCM1,1 with shield not connected) which amplitude
corresponds to vCM, /3.
Experimental Results 241

RBW 9 kHz
MT 100 ms
dBuV 140 1 MHz 10 MHz


2 QP 110



70 CM




Solid copper 20
Bottom layer
shielding layer 10
150 kHz 30 MHz

(a) (b)

Fig. 5.95: (a) Arrangement of the unfavorable solid copper shielding layer in the
PCB and (b) measured CM emissions if this shielding layer is present. The CM filter
is capacitively short circuited by the shielding layer for frequencies above 5 MHz.



vCM1,1 with shield

connected to M

vCM1,1 with shield

4 not connected

CH1 50V CH3 50V M 500ns

CH2 50V CH4 50V

Fig. 5.96: Measured voltage of CM inductor LCM1,1 with and without PCB shield
layer connected to M (fN = 50 Hz, VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V).

If the shielding layer is left open, another effect can be observed: the
copper layer covers the whole EMI filter and causes a capacitive coupling
which forms a low-impedance path bypassing the EMI filter at higher
frequencies. An EMI measurement considering solely CM emissions with
a copper layer beneath the whole EMI filter is given in Fig. 5.95(b)
and verifies increased emissions. This copper layer was cut after the CM
inductors LCM1 for the final construction but the remaining part still
caused a noise peak at 5 MHz in Fig. 5.93. Shielding layers have hence
to be handled with special care.
242 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

5.10 Conclusions
The successful implementation of a 10 kW Vienna Rectifier system with
an very high switching frequency of 1 MHz yielding to a power density of
14.1 kW/dm3 has been presented. During the design and detailed analy-
sis of the rectifier system several technical limitation emerged which are
restricting an increase of the power density of the chosen VR topology.
The main limitations are:
Limitation in switching speed due to parasitic inductances and
capacitances of the semiconductors and the PCB layout.
Accordingly, high switching losses and limited thermal perfor-
mance of the semiconductors.
Turn-off delays of the MOSFET switches which reduce the input
current quality. This influence can be reduced by a proper feed-
forward signal in the current controller.
Limited performance (e.g. permeability r ) of commercially avail-
able magnetics for construction of the EMI filter and boost induc-
An increase in switching frequency goes hand in hand with increased
losses, mainly switching losses of the semiconductors but also high-
frequency core losses of the magnetic elements and high-frequency
losses in the conductors caused by skin and proximity effects. In order
to limit the switching losses of the rectifier system not only the switch-
ing frequency but also the switching speed must be increased. The
switching speed is, unfortunately, limited by parasitic elements of the
semiconductors and the wiring inductances of the commutation paths.
These elements form together an LC resonant tank which is excited by
the very fast switching transients. This results in a pronounced voltage
and current ringing which increases the voltage stress and losses of the
semiconductors and also the EMI emissions. A classical snubber circuit
is not applicable because of far too high losses and a novel magnetically
coupled damping concept is proposed to overcome this drawback. The
proposed damping concept reduces the switching transient oscillations
considerably, although the first peak of the current and voltage ringing
is still present.

An active control of the voltage and current slopes, as discussed for

modern IGBT gate drives, would be an enhanced method for reducing
Conclusions 243

the oscillations. This active control, to be implemented in the gate

drive stage of the MOSFET, however, would require a control loop
bandwidth in the frequency range of the oscillations to be damped
(e.g., typically 100 MHz for state-of-the-art power MOSFETs) and
is therefore no option at present for a discrete implementation. An
integrated implementation, where the intelligent gate driver and power
MOSFET are integrated into a single power module, probably could
allow such implementation in future.

As a consequence, the switching transients of the MOSFETs have to

be set to 20 ns which leads to relatively high switching losses. MOS-
FETs with a small parasitic output capacitance show reduced switching
losses but exhibit a higher on-state resistance. Due to the predominance
of the switching losses a MOSFET with a small chip area should prefer-
ably be chosen. The SJ CoolMOS device IPP60R099CP with a chip area
of 30 mm2 is selected for the final implementation and this selection is
based on a detailed chip area dependent loss calculation.
Care should also be taken on the PCB layout and final construction
of the rectifier system as parasitic capacitances and inductances of the
PCB layout and to the heat sink strongly influence switching losses.
As clearly demonstrated in this work, switching loss measurements
can only be performed in combination with the constructed prototype
system in order to get sensible results. Results of a switching loss
measurement taken on a test circuit can be used to benchmark different
semiconductors but are not suitable to exactly predetermine switching
losses of the final rectifier system.
The cooling system of the constructed rectifier system has been
designed according to switching loss measurements taken from the
boost-type test circuit which shows very small parasitic capacitances.
Due to a non-ideal PCB layout in the power circuit of the finally
constructed VR1000 rectifier system considerably increased switching
losses occur and the cooling system reaches its limits. The limitation
there is the thermal resistance between junction and heat sink Rth,js
which can, according to [182], not be improved considerably by applying
a power module. As a result of the higher switching losses it has to
be recognized that the built rectifier prototype cannot permanently
be operated at an output power level of Po = 10 kW. An improved
PCB layout of the power board would, however, make a continuous
operation of the rectifier system at Po = 10 kW and fs = 1 MHz possible.
244 Power Density Optimization of VR Topology

Another limitation of very high switching frequencies is the turn-off

delay of power MOSFETs caused by the nonlinear parasitic output
capacitance Coss . The turn-off delay finally leads to input current
distortions and this effect is even more pronounced for SJ devices such
as the CoolMOS CP family. As Coss is directly proportional to AChip
a device with a preferably small chip area should be selected if very
high switching frequencies are to be implemented. This is, however, in
contradiction to a preferably large chip area required for low conduction
losses. A compromise between these two requirements has to be found
and an efficiency - input current quality-Pareto Front (-THDI -Pareto
Front) is constructed which clearly illustrates the relation between the
two performance indices.
The input current quality can, however, be improved considerably
by application of an appropriate feedforward signal in the current
controller trying to compensate the turn-off delay. A compensation
in practice means that the corresponding MOSFET has to be turned
off earlier in order to achieve the intended duty cycle which limits
the performance of the feedforward signal as for instance duty cycles
below 25 % cannot be implemented properly at a switching frequency
of 1 MHz.
A very good THDI of 1.8 % can, however, be achieved at fN = 50 Hz
and Po = 10 kW if the feefworward signal is used and at Po = 5 kW
still a THDI of 3 % can be measured.

A modern high-speed FPGA must be used for digital current control

of the VR system for switching frequencies in the MHz-range. A single
DSP control system cannot handle such high switching frequencies. The
biggest part of the time used for controller calculation is the delay time
of the external A/D converter which typically amounts to more than
300 ns. The three-phase current controller implementation in the FPGA
on the other hand takes only 180 ns. The generation of a high resolution
symmetrical high-speed PWM is the major limitation of a current
controller implementation as the internal clock frequencies of several
GHz, required for a counter/comparator approach, are not possible.
Several alternative implementation methods for high-speed PWMs
have been proposed in literature but more or less all of them cannot
be implemented using an FPGA. A detailed knowledge of temperature
and core voltage would be required for the proposed solution which is
Conclusions 245

not available in FPGAs. External, configurable integrated PWM blocks

would be optimal for switching frequencies above 1 MHz.
A novel PWM implementation is proposed in this work for implemen-
tation of a symmetrical 8 bit PWM with a frequency of 1 MHz which
fits the needs for the implementation at hand. This approach, however,
reaches its limits if higher switching frequencies are to be implemented.
Altogether, the discussed implementation of the three-phase current
controller clearly demonstrates that a digital controller implementation
is possible for several MHz and even more if an external high-speed
PWM block would be available.

Also the EMI filter design is not straight forward for such high switch-
ing frequencies. Due to the spectrum of the symmetrical PWM rectifier
voltage, the EMI filter not only has to implement a proper amount of
damping at switching frequency harmonics (mainly fs and 2fs ), but also
has to ensure a considerable damping at the lower frequency limit of the
EMI measurement (e.g., 150 kHz for CISPR11 Class A). The pulse width
modulated nature of the rectifier voltage results in a high noise floor of
110 dBV which would exceed the EMI limit of CISPR11 Class A
if the EMI filter would not show proper attenuation at this frequency.
At least one filter stage must be designed to attenuate this noise and
the volume of this filter stage is determined by 150 kHz. Its volume can
therefore not be reduced by increasing the switching frequency.
The lack of commercially available magnetic materials and components
for frequencies in the MHz range is the other limitation of a volume
reduction of the EMI filter. The core loss at such high frequencies yield
to a limited volume reduction. As will be discussed in section 7 in detail
the volume of the EMI filter could only be reduced by 12.6 % if the
switching frequency is increased from 500 kHz to 1 MHz. In the final
VR hardware prototype, the EMI filter still takes 58 % of total system
The design of an EMI filter for fs = 1 MHz and above is in addition
a very challenging task as parasitic elements of the devices and of the
interconnections show a strong influence on the EMI filter performance.
The final performance of the EMI filter can therefore only be predicted
in a limited manner by simulations or calculations.
Chapter 6

Delta-Switch Rectifier

In this chapter the three-phase -switch rectifier system will be ana-

lyzed in detail. By application of space vector calculus possible switch-
ing sequences are derived and an optimal switching sequence in terms
of minimal system power losses is derived. It will be shown that a pulse-
width modulator using a proper carrier signal is able to implement
this optimized switching sequence and that space vector control (which
comes along with a high signal processing demand in the digital con-
troller) is not required for control of the rectifier system. To facilitate the
design, analytical relationships for calculating the power components
average and rms current ratings are derived and design guidelines for the
passive components are given. The DM and CM voltages of the rectifier
system are analyzed and the corresponding emissions are predicted. In
addition the rectifiers mains current phase displacement control range
is determined and the question is clarified to what extend this phase
shift capability can be used to improve the rectifiers power factor.

6.1 System Operation

The basic schematic of the three-phase -switch rectifier system is de-
picted in Fig. 6.1. The system consists of a three-phase diode bridge

248 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier


EMC input filter

VN1 LN1 vr1
N VN2 LN2 vr2 Co
S23 Vo
VN3 LN3 vr3

Fig. 6.1: Schematic of the two-level three-phase -switch rectifier.

and three bidirectional (current) bipolar (voltage) switches Sij (i, j

{1, 2, 3}) which are connected between the phases (-connection).
The three boost inductors LNi are connected at the input of the
rectifier bridge. Together with the boost inductors the three switches
Sij are used to generate sinusoidal input currents which are propor-
tional to the mains voltage. Due to the rectifier diodes, a short-circuit
of the DC-link voltage is not possible. In contrast to a conventional
rectifier bridge the diodes commutate with switching frequency and
have to be chosen according to this requirement. Diodes showing a low
reverse-recovery current (e.g. SiC-diodes) are essential in order to limit
the switching losses of the rectifier system.

For implementation of the bidirectional (current), bipolar (voltage)

switches a (single) true bipolar switch would be needed which is unfor-
tunately not commercially available. Fig. 6.2 shows two possibilities
of implementing the bidirectional switches where in Fig. 6.2((a)) an
implementation using two back-to-back connected MOSFETs is shown.
In normal operation always one MOSFET and the body diode of the
second MOSFET is conducting. The (parasitic) body diode of the
MOSFET, however, shows a rather large forward conduction voltage
(e.g. VSD 1 V at ISD = 10 A for the CoolMOS device IPP60R075CP)
which would lead to high conduction losses especially for small currents.
These conduction losses can be reduced using the low-resistance path
of the MOSFET channel, if the second MOSFET is turned on as well.
In Fig. 6.2((b)) a bidirectional switch using a diode bridge consisting
of four diodes and a single MOSFET is given. The disadvantage
of this implementation is the fact that always two diodes and the
MOSFET are conducting which yields to large conduction losses. The
System Operation 249

Sij Sji

i j

(a) (b)
Fig. 6.2: Possible implementations of a bidirectional (current), bipolar (voltage)
switch using (a) two back-to-back connected MOSFETs and (b) a MOSFET and a
diode bridge.

implementation shown in Fig. 6.2(a) is hence preferable.

In [252] a true monolithic bidirectional switch with a blocking volt-

age of 650 V is presented. This switch uses a AlGaN/GaN based gate
injection transistor. The structure and corresponding equivalent cir-
cuit of such a bidirectional switch is given in Fig. 6.3. It is obvious
that two gate-drive stages are required in order to be able to block
currents in both directions. The switch shows an on-state resistance

of RDSon = RDSon AChip = 0.34 mm2 which is much smaller than the
RDSon of state-of-the-art superjunction devices ( 2.7 mm2 ) and is

hence very promising. GaN is a wide bandgap material which means

that this technology is capable of high-voltage high-temperature oper-
ation. Some information about the material properties and the basic
device operation can be found in [253]. Existing designs of AlGaN/GaN
devices suited for power electronic applications typically show a lateral
implementation where the the GaN layer is grown on either a sapphire,
SiC or Si substrate [254] - [255]. Due to the high availability of the Si
substrate these approaches seem to have the highest potential for a com-
mercial implementation. GaN transistors using the Si substrate with a
break down voltage of 200 V are already commercially available [256]
and 600 V versions will follow in the near future.
The lateral implementation shows limited performance regarding higher
current and power levels and a vertical implementation as shown in [257]
would be able to overcome this drawback. A GaN wafer is needed as
substrate for such an implementation and at present its high price is
the limiting factor which may change in future.
By application of space vector calculus the discrete converter voltage
250 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

Source 1 Gate 1 Gate 2 Source 2

(S1) (G1) (G2) (S2)



Si - substrate

vG1 vG2

G1 G2

S1 S D D S S2

Fig. 6.3: (a) Cross-section and (b) equivalent circuit of the monolithical bidirectional
switch according to [252] based on the 2 dimensional electron gas (2DEG) formed
by the AlGaN/GaN heterostructure. For true bidirectional operation two gate-drive
stages are required.

space vector can be calculated by

2 2
vr = (vr1 + avr2 + a2 vr3 ) with a = ej 3 (6.1)
where vri are the corresponding converter phase voltages. The possible
converter voltages vri are dependent on the state of the switches sij
(sij = 1 denotes the turn-on state of switch Sij ) and on the direction
of the input phase currents iNi . Therefore, the available voltage space
vectors change over if one of the input currents changes its sign (i.e.
every 60 of the mains period). If (s12 , s23 , s31 ) describes the different
switching states, the resulting voltage space vectors for N [30 , 30 ]
(iN1 > 0, iN2 < 0, iN3 < 0) can be calculated as
(000), (010) : v r1 = Vo (6.2)
(001) : v r2 = Vo ej60 (6.3)
(100) : v r3 = Vo ej60 (6.4)
System Operation 251

(100) 2 V e j60
3 o


(011) 2Vo
(101) iN* fN M=1 3
(110) vN (000)
(111) (010)
j? N Li N


2 -j60
(001) 3 Vo e

Fig. 6.4: Space vector diagram of the -switch rectifier for the sector N
[30 , +30 ] (iN1 > 0, iN2 < 0, iN3 < 0).

(011), (101), (110), (111) : v r4 = 0 (6.5)

and the resulting voltage space vectors are depicted in Fig. 6.4. Also
the trajectories of the local average space vector for a modulation in-
dex of M = 1 (maximal modulation index) and M = 0.7 (VN = 115 V,
Vo = 400 V) are shown where the modulation index M is defined as

M= . (6.6)

Only states (000), (001), (010) and (100) show a non-zero magnitude
and the voltage space vector of (010) is equal to the space vector for
state (000). In each 60 -sector there is a redundancy of the (000)-vector
and therefore only 4 different voltage space vectors can be generated by
the converter in each sector.
These discrete voltage space vectors are used to approximate the con-
verters voltage reference vector
v r = Vr ejvr (6.7)
in the time average over the pulse-period. In conjunction with the mains
voltage system
v N = VN ejN , N = N t (6.8)
252 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

iN1 < 0 iN1 > 0

(001)(x+x) (100) (xx)
(000)(+) (000) (++)

iN2 > 0
M=1 30
iN2 < 0

(011) (010) (+xx)

(010) (xx) (101) (000) (+)
(000) (++) (110)

iN3 < 0
iN3 > 0
(100)(xx+) (001)(xx)
(000)(+) (000)(++)

Fig. 6.5: Total available voltage space vectors of the -switch rectifier system.
Depending on the input phase current directions only four voltage space vectors
can be generated. Each vector is marked with (s12 ,s23 ,s32 )(sign(iN1 ), sign(iN2 ),
sign(iN3 )) where 1 means that the corresponding switch Sij is turned-on and 0
that it is turned-off. The current direction is marked with +/ for currents flowing
into/out of the rectifier system and x that the vector is independent of the current
direction of the corresponding phase (cf. Fig. 6.1).

the voltage difference

v N v r = L (6.9)
leads to the input current
iN = IN e N , (6.10)

if only average values over one pulse period are considered. The
controller of the rectifier system therefore has to generate a voltage
reference vector v r that results in a difference voltage across the boost
inductor needed to generate sinusoidal input currents in phase with
the mains voltage (more details on the controller implementation are
discussed in 6.2.1).
In a three-level Vienna-type rectifier system in comparison, seven
non-zero voltage space vectors are available for approximation of v r .
System Operation 253

The two-level -switch rectifier system hence shows a considerably

higher current ripple in the boost inductor as the three-level topology.
In other words, for the same amount of current ripple a larger boost
inductor has to be built for the -switch rectifier.

The total available voltage space vectors are depicted in Fig. 6.5.
Each vector is marked with (s12 ,s23 ,s32 )(sign(iN1 ), sign(iN2 ), sign(iN3 ))
where 1 means that the corresponding switch Sij is turned-on and 0
that it is turned-off. The current direction is marked with +/ for
currents flowing into/out of the rectifier system and x that the vector
is independent of the current direction of the corresponding phase.

All voltage space vectors with two or three switches in the on-state
short all three input phases on the rectifier side and are therefore redun-
dant. On contrary to the three-level Vienna-type rectifier system, the
redundancy cannot be used advantageously and only two switches can
hence be used to control the input currents. The remaining switch has
to be permanently off during this sector. The required clamping action
will be discussed in section 6.2.1.

6.1.1 Switching Sequences

As already discussed the required voltage space vector v r has to be
approximated in terms of a time-average of the surrounding available
converter voltages. It is essential for switching and conduction losses
which voltage space vectors are used and particularly in which sequence
they are applied. In addition also the generated DM and CM voltages
rely on this selection. Basically, only the switching action of one switch
should be necessary for a change over from a current switching state
(e.g. switching state (000)) to the next switching state (e.g. switching
state (100)). Based on this rule still two different reasonable switching
sequences can be generated with a minimum number of switching
actions in each 60 -sector. Fig. 6.6 shows the corresponding modula-
tion signals of the bidirectional switches (N = 15 ), and equivalent
circuits are given for the time interval where both switches are on. For
sequence A ((000)-(001)-(101)-(001)-(000), S23 = OFF), the positive
input current iN1 is shared by S12 and S31 dependent on the on-states
of the switches. In contrast to sequence A, the whole current iN1 is
carried by switch S31 for sequence B ((000)-(001)-(011)-(001)-(000),
254 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

t vN1 LN1 i
t vN2 LN2 -iN2 S12
S31 S31 Vo
t vN3 LN3 -i
(000) (001) (101)
0 Tp

t vN1 LN1 i
t vN2 LN2 -iN2
S31 Vo
t vN3 LN3 -i S23
(000) (001) (011)
0 Tp

Fig. 6.6: Possible switching sequences for N = 15 and equivalent circuits for the
time interval where both switches are on; (a) Sequence A: (000)-(001)-(101)-(001)-
(000), S23 = OFF; (b) Sequence B: (000)-(001)-(011)-(001)-(000), S12 = OFF.

TABLE 6.1: Currents through the bidirectional switches for the possible zero vec-
tors at N = 15 (|iN1 | > |iN2 | , |iN3 |).

State (011) (101) (110) (111)

iS12 0 iN2 iN1 3
(iN1 iN2 )
iS23 iN2 0 iN3 3
(iN2 iN3 )
iS31 iN1 iN3 0 3
(iN3 iN1 )

S12 = OFF) during the state (011). This results in higher conduction
losses and therefore sequence A is preferable.

According to Fig. 6.6(a) the switch S23 is permanently off. This is

true for the whole 60 -sector as an easy analysis shows and this switch
can be actively clamped to off state during this time interval.
As reported in [258], a further improvement regarding conduction losses
can be achieved if all three switches are turned on for implementing
the zero state (e.g. (101) for N = 15 ). If equal on-state resistances
System Operation 255

of the switches are assumed the phase currents will be equally shared
by the three switches which results in reduced switch currents. The
corresponding switch currents of the different zero states are listed in
TABLE 6.1. The instantaneous conduction losses of the switches can
in a first approximation be calculated by
Pcon (t) = RDSon i2S12 (t) + i2S23 (t) + i2S31 (t) (6.11)

if equal on-state resistances RDSon are assumed and by use of the

different switch currents listed in TABLE 6.1, the reduction of the
conduction losses is visible. If a linear dependence of the switching
losses on the switched current is assumed also no additional switching
losses would occur if all three switches are closed during the zero state.
Two switching actions are typically required for implementing this
zero state. This would be feasible, as the zero vectors itself are not
dependent on the switching state of the third switch if already two
switches are closed but shows higher complexity in the PWM controller
implementation in the DSP. On the other hand, no conduction losses
occur in the clamped switch (e.g. S23 for N = 15 ) during this 120
interval. Due to the reduced complexity of the modulation strategy,
which clamps always one switch to the off-state, this simple modulation
strategy is used in this work instead of closing all three switches during
the zero state.

6.1.2 DM/CM Voltages

The -switch rectifier system generates, due to the switching actions,
DM as well as CM voltages. The DM voltages are used to force the
input phase currents to follow the sinusoidal mains voltages. The CM
voltage on the contrary is typically an unwanted effect. CM currents,
caused by parasitic elements (e.g. capacitances between the semicon-
ductors and the heat sink and between the heat sink and earth), are
often the reason for malfunction of power electronic systems. This in-
trinsic CM voltage can, however, sometimes advantageously be used to
improve the system performance. It can for instance be used to increase
the possible modulation range for the three-phase Vienna-type rectifier
or to minimize the intrinsic third harmonic current in the connection
to the output voltage midpoint of the three-level topology (cf. section
256 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

300 vDM
200 vDM,avg

vDM (V)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
t (ms)


50 vCM
vCM (V)


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
t (ms)

Fig. 6.7: Simulated voltage waveforms of the -switch rectifier system (Parameters:
VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, Po = 5 kW, fN = 400 Hz and fs = 72 kHz); (a) DM voltage
and (b) predicted CM voltage if a symmetrical diode bridge (equal leakage currents
in the blocking state) is assumed.

The (high-frequency) CM and DM voltages cause high-frequency emis-

sions which are limited by EMI-norms and hence the DM/CM emissions
have to be attenuated by a proper EMI filter. The amplitude and shape
of the particular DM and CM voltages are used for defining the require-
ments concerning the EMI filters.

In TABLE 6.2 the voltage space vectors v r , phase voltages including

CM components vri , phase voltages without CM components vDMi and
the corresponding CM voltage vCM in dependency of the switching
state (s12 , s23 , s31 ) for N [30 , +30 ] are listed. The half output
voltage V2o is used as a virtual reference point for the CM voltage. The
DM voltage shows voltage steps with a maximal amplitude of 32 Vo and
the CM voltage steps show only an amplitude of 16 Vo for all switching
For the case that two or three switches are closed all three input phases
are shorted, no bridge diode is conducting and hence no connection
System Operation
TABLE 6.2: Calculated voltage space vectors v r , phase voltages including CM components vri phase voltages vDMi without CM
components and CM voltage vCM in dependency of the switching state (s12 , s23 , s31 ) for N [30 , +30 ].

vr1 vr2 vr3 vDM1 vDM2 vDM3 vCM vr

(0 0 0) 2 Vo 21 Vo 12 Vo 2
3 Vo 31 Vo 13 Vo 61 Vo 2
3 Vo
1 j60
(0 0 1) 2 Vo 21 Vo 1
2 Vo
3 Vo 32 Vo 1
3 Vo
6 Vo
3 Vo e
(0 1 0) 2 Vo 21 Vo 12 Vo 2
3 Vo 31 Vo 13 Vo 61 Vo 2
3 Vo
1 1 j60
(1 0 0) 2 Vo 2 Vo 21 Vo 1
3 Vo
3 Vo 32 Vo 1
6 Vo
3 Vo e

(0 1 1) 0 0 0 ) ) ) ) 0

(1 0 1) 0 0 0 ) ) ) ) 0

(1 1 x) 0 0 0 ) ) ) ) 0

) CM voltage is not defined by the switching state - only by parasitic elements.

258 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

between the DC side and the AC side exists. The CM voltage is

therefore not defined by the switching states during this time period. A
CM voltage will appear in practice which depends on parasitic circuit
elements (e.g. leakage currents of the blocking rectifier diodes Dip and
Din , parasitic capacitances of the semiconductors to the heat sink,
etc.,). The required attenuation of the CM filter stage has thus to be
analyzed carefully at the practically implemented prototype. It also has
to be noted that the -switch rectifier topology is not able to actively
generate a CM voltage. This can be verified if the amplitude of the
mains voltage is assumed to be zero. In this case no CM voltage can
be generated by any switching actions due to the -connection of the
switches and due to the missing connection to the output.

If equal leakage currents of the blocking rectifier bridge diodes are

assumed and if parasitic capacitances to the heat sink or to earth are
neglected, the DM and CM voltage waveforms can be determined by
simulation. The nominal operation point of the intended application
(VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, Po = 5 kW, fN = 400 Hz and fs = 72 kHz) is
chosen for this simulation and the results are plotted in Fig. 6.7. The
calculated DM voltage steps with a magnitude of 32 Vo the CM voltage
steps with an amplitude of 61 Vo can be verified for the case of an
ideal symmetrical system. The average DM voltage vDM,avg , averaged
over one pulse period Tp is of sinusoidal shape which is needed in
order to achieve sinusoidal input currents. It is also obvious that the
applied modulation scheme (cf. section 6.2.1) yields to a third harmonic
triangular shaped low-frequency CM part. The CM voltage waveform,
however, changes completely if parasitic capacitances are considered.

At least for the design of the DM filter stage the voltage waveform
shown in Fig. 6.7 can be used to apply the filter design procedure
presented in section 5.7. By application of the calculation scheme given
in [229] the peak weighted DM an CM spectra can be determined. In the
EMI standard DO160F [31], however, noise current limits are given. The
resulting voltages noise spectra have been used in combination with the
frequency dependent impedance of the LISN (50 H, 50 ) to calculate
the noise currents. The results of this calculation process are plotted in
Fig. 6.8 together with the limits listed in the EMI standard DO160F.
Due to the chosen switching frequency of fs = 72 kHz, the third switch-
ing frequency harmonic (3fs = 216 kHz) is the first harmonic which is
System Operation 259


DM Emissions (dBA)
Category B
Category L,M
150 kHz 1 MHz f (Hz) 10 MHz 30 MHz


CM Emissions (dBA)

Category B
Category L,M
150 kHz 1 MHz f (Hz) 10 MHz 30 MHz


Fig. 6.8: Calculated peak detection weighted current noise spectra using the simu-
lated DM and CM voltages of Fig. 6.7; (a) DM noise spectrum and (b) predicted
CM noise spectrum provided that a symmetrical diode bridge exists.

covered by the EMI norm. This harmonic presents the highest DM as

well as CM noise peak and the envelope of further noise peaks decreases
approximately with -23 dB/decade. This can be used to calculate the re-
quired frequency dependent attenuation of the DM and CM EMI filter

ADM/CM [dB](f ) = iDM/CM (f )[dBA] Limit[dBA]

+ margin[dB],

where typically a margin of 6 dB is included. The required attenuation

of the DM and CM filter stage can therefore be calculated as a function
of the frequency and the results are plotted in Fig. 6.9. The highest
attenuation has to be provided at the kink in the EMI standard at
2 MHz.
260 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

ADM,Cat. B
Attenuation (dB) 80
ADM,Cat. L
60 ACM,Cat. B

ACM,Cat. L


150 kHz 1 MHz f (Hz) 10 MHz 30 MHz

Fig. 6.9: Required attenuation of the DM and CM filter stage in order to fulfill
EMI noise limits of the EMI standard DO160F.

6.2 Control of the Delta-Switch Rectifier

In this section the control of the -switch rectifier system will be dis-
cussed. The controller has to force the input currents to follow the sinu-
soidal input mains voltages and has to ensure a constant output voltage.
In addition it has to ensure a stable and safe operation under a wide
range of load conditions including no-load condition and the rectifier
system must be able to deal with a distorted or unsymmetrical mains
voltage. Several concepts for the control of three-phase rectifiers exist
and a survey of these methods can be found in [213]. In this work a
cascade control consisting of a three-phase current controller and a su-
perimposed voltage controller will be analyzed. Several possibilities for
implementing a three-phase current controller exist and the capability
of the different concepts will be evaluated in section 6.2.1.
The modulator, generating the corresponding gate signals of the
switches, plays an important role in the control loop. As will be shown
in this section, a PWM modulator using a proper carrier signal is able
to implement the optimized switching sequence derived in section 6.1.1.
A stability analysis of the current controller and the design of a proper
output voltage controller are discussed as well. In order to ensure a high
reliability of the rectifier system the controller must be able to handle
a single-phase loss and further operation at a reduced power level.
Control of the Delta-Switch Rectifier System 261

6.2.1 PWM Current Controller

The aim of the current controller is to force the input currents of each
phase to follow the (sinusoidal) mains voltages and to ensure that the
low frequency input current harmonics stay below the limits listed
in [31].
A control method for the -switch rectifier based on low switching fre-
quencies is given in [259] but cannot be used for the desired application
due to the high mains current harmonics.
A hysteresis controller as shown in [88] would be an easy way to control
the rectifier system, but its varying switching frequency increases the
effort of EMI filtering. A controller implementation using the one-cycle
control method is presented in [260], but there the controller structure
has to be changed over every 60 and the input current control is
always limited to two phases.
In [261, 86] a PWM control method for the rectifier system is proposed
but no information was given about the exact switching sequence of
the switches, which mainly influences the efficiency of the rectifier
system. Hence, a control scheme using a PWM modulator is derived
in this section which automatically implements the optimal switching
sequence as discussed in section 6.1.1.

The -connected switches directly influence the line-to-line voltages.

The idea of controlling virtual -currents is therefore near at hand but
is unfortunately not very convenient due to the necessary clamping ac-
tions caused by the large number of redundant switching states. This
can be avoided if the phase currents iNi of the rectifier are controlled.
The resulting phase-oriented modulation signals then have to be trans-
ferred to -oriented quantities.
The high redundancy of the switching states, more precisely the fact
that all switching states where two or three switches are closed, i.e. all
three mains phases are shortened by the bidirectional switches and no
current flows from the mains-side to the DC-side, result in an equal
voltage space vector with a magnitude of zero (cf. Fig. 6.5), prohibits
a direct implementation of the phase-oriented control method. As dis-
cussed in section 6.1.1, switching sequence A should be implemented
by the current controller and it has been shown that for instance dur-
ing the 60 -sector N [30 , +30 ] the switch S23 has to be clamped
to the off state. In this way all three phase currents can be controlled
262 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier


sector LNi
iNi vNi pwmij
iNi mi mij sij
KI(s) & AC
mji sji
carrier signal 1 & DC
Ge* vo
o vo

Fig. 6.10: Structure of the proposed cascaded control including the phase-oriented
PWM current control. Signal paths being equal for all three phases are shown by
double lines.

permanently and the necessary clamping actions are performed in a fi-

nal logic unit just before the PWM signals sij are transferred to the
switches. This shows the advantage that the structure of the current
controller does not need to be changed for different 60 -sectors of the
mains period.

The structure of the proposed controller is shown in Fig. 6.10. All

three input currents iNi are sensed by appropriate current sensors and
compared with the corresponding reference currents iNi . The reference
currents are generated by multiplying the mains voltages vNi by a
reference conductance Ge which is defined by the superimposed output
voltage controller KV (s). The output voltage controller is typically
implemented as a PI-type controller in order to avoid steady state
deviations. Due to the multiplication with the Ge , ohmic input current
behavior is achieved.

Together with a mains voltage feedforward signal [118], the current

controller KI (s), implemented as P-type controller, generates the re-

quired converter phase voltages vri or the phase related modulations
signals mi or both. The bidirectional switches are connected between
Control of the Delta-Switch Rectifier System 263

two phases and therefore the equivalent line-to-line modulations signals

m12 = m1 m2
m23 = m2 m3 (6.13)
m31 = m3 m1

are required for PWM generation which correspond to the line-to-line

voltages vij .
The star- transformation is followed by two pulse-width modulators
which generate the PWM signals for the MOSFETs of the bidirec-
tional switches. The bidirectional switches are implemented according
to Fig. 6.2(a). In general, dependent on the current direction of the
bidirectional switch, only one MOSFET has to be gated. If the second
MOSFET is permanently off during this time, the current is carried
by its body diode. The body diode shows a relative large forward volt-
age drop which yields to higher conduction losses. These losses can
be reduced by the low-resistance path of the MOSFET channel, if the
second MOSFET is turned on as well. This reduction of conduction
losses is only possible until the voltage drop over the MOSFET channel
RDSon iDS is larger than the forward voltage of the body diode. Higher
drain source currents are shared by the body diode and the channel of
the MOSFET. The current direction of the switch only changes every
120 and this MOSFET can therefore be permanently on during this
time interval. Two independent PWM signals are hence required for the
bidirectional switches. As shown in Fig. 6.2(a), MOSFET Sij connects
port i of the bidirectional switch to port j and its PWM signals are de-
fined by pwmij . The operation of the modulator will be discussed in the
next section.

The clamping actions are controlled by a sector-detection unit which

derives the clamping signals clampij from the mains voltage. The result-
ing clamping actions considering all 60 -sectors are summarized in TA-
BLE 6.3 for all MOSFETs, where i.e. 0 indicates that the corresponding
MOSFET is permanently off in this sector. The clamping action signals
can easily be derived from the mains line-to-line voltages. According to
Fig. 6.11 the bidirectional switch of the phase with the smallest line-
to-line voltage amplitude absolute value has to be clamped to off-state
which is very easy to perform in the DSP.
264 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

1 V12 V23 V31

VN,ll / VN,ll,pk


0 30 90 150 210 270 330
N ()
clamp12 1
clamp23 1
1 t

Fig. 6.11: Determination of the required clamping actions from the line-to-line
mains voltages. clampij = 1 means that the corresponding switch Sij is clamped to
off state.

TABLE 6.3: Required clamping actions; 0 indicates that the corresponding MOS-
FET is off for the whole interval; 1 indicates a continuous turn-on in the considered
interval and pwmij that the MOSFET is modulated by the current controller.

s12 s21 s23 s32 s13 s31

330 . . . 30 pwm12 1 0 0 pwm13 1

30 . . . 90 0 0 pwm23 1 pwm13 1
90 . . . 150 1 pwm21 pwm23 1 0 0
150 . . . 210 1 pwm21 0 0 1 pwm31
210 . . . 270 0 0 1 pwm32 1 pwm31
270 . . . 330 pwm12 1 1 pwm32 0 0

6.2.2 PWM Modulator

A space vector control method, calculating the particular turn-on times
and switching sequences, would be a possibility to operate and control
the rectifier system. This is, however, a time consuming task in the
digital controller and limits the rectifiers switching frequency. In the
following a PWM modulation scheme is presented which automatically
Control of the Delta-Switch Rectifier System 265

selects the desired voltage space vectors and implements the preferable
switching sequences.

On one hand the modulator has to assure the optimal switching se-
quence and on the other hand it has to generate the duty cycles

vrij (t)
vrij (t) > 0 : ij (t) = 1 = 1 mij (t)
Vo (6.14)
ji (t) = 1

vrij (t) < 0 : ij (t) = 1

vrji (t) (6.15)
ji (t) = 1 = 1 mji (t) .
By use of the modulation index M defined in (6.6) the ideal modulation
functions based on perfectly sinusoidal mains voltages are given by
mij (N ) = M cos N (i 1) + . (6.16)
3 6
A single unipolar triangular carrier signal is used for implementation
of the PWM modulator (cf. Fig. 6.12). As for the Vienna-type recti-
fier system a sawtooth carrier signal would not yield to the optimized
switching sequences. The modulation signal mij is compared to the tri-
angular carrier signal and if the carrier signal exceeds mij , the output
of the modulator is changing to the high state. Unlike the unipolar tri-
angle signal, the modulation signals mij are bipolar and hence a duty
cycle of 100% is generated for negative modulation voltages. According

mij = (1) mji , (6.17)

one MOSFET of the bidirectional switch is always permanently on (e.g.

S21 for N [30 , 30 ] ), which reduces the on-state losses of the
bidirectional switch. The required clamping actions to ensure the con-
tinuous on-state (as listed in TABLE 6.3) are therefore automatically
performed by the modulator and no additional clamping logic is needed.
Fig. 6.12 shows the operation of the pulse-width modulator at
N = 15 . The two modulation signals m21 and m31 are negative and
result in a duty cycle of 100%. According to TABLE 6.3, switches S23
and S32 are permanently off in this sector and are therefore not shown.
266 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

Carrier signal

Vo/2 m13

0 t
2Ts 3Ts
Ts=1/fs m31= m13

Vo/2 m21= m12

1 pwm12
0 t
0 t
1 pwm13
0 t
0 t
Sequence: (000) (101) (000)
(001) (001)

Fig. 6.12: PWM modulation and resulting switching sequence at N = 15 .

Switches S23 and S32 are not shown as they are continuous off in this sector. The
resulting (optimal) switching sequence is (000)-(001)-(101)-(001)-(000).

The remaining modulation signals m12 and m13 are used and result
in the desired optimal switching sequence (000)-(001)-(101)-(001)-(000)
(see also Fig. 6.6).

6.2.3 Simulation Results

A digital computer simulation using the simulation software Gecko [262]
is performed to confirm the operation of the proposed control concept.
A P-type controller is used to implement the current control which
will be discussed in section 6.3. Fig. 6.13 demonstrates a good perfor-
mance of the proposed concept at an input frequency of fN = 800 Hz
(VNi = 115 Vrms , Vo = 400 VDC , Po = 5 kW, LNi = 330 H). The input
currents iNi follow the sinusoidal 800 Hz input voltages VNi , even for
a rather low switching frequency of 72 kHz. The current ripple of the
clamped phase is furthermore not higher than in the two controlled
phases. It has to be mentioned again that the current controller works
permanently, i.e without any structural changes over the mains period,
and that only a logic-block just before the modulator output provides
the necessary clamping actions.
Controller Design 267

VN 1 VN 2 VN 3
VN (V)


V12 V23 V31


IN 1 IN 2 IN 3
IN (A)

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
t (ms)

Fig. 6.13: Simulation results of the -switch rectifier; (a) VNi = 115 V, fN = 800 Hz,
Vo = 400 V, Po = 5 kW, LNi = 330 H

6.3 Controller Design

In order to be able to design the voltage and current controller ade-

quate models of the rectifier system are required. The digital controller
will be implemented using a DSP and sampling effects and delay times
caused by the calculation time of this digital implementation have to
be considered for the stability analysis of the controller loops. Due to
sampling of the analog signals the phase margin of the system may be
reduced considerably and a system model neglecting these effects will
268 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

iN1 LN1 iN1 LN1 D1p


iN2 LN2 D2p

v12 S13 S12 Vo
LN2 D2n v13
-iN2 v23 S13 S23 Vo
LN3 D3n LN3 D3n
-iN3 -iN3
(a) (b)

Fig. 6.14: Equivalent dual-boost circuits for (a) N [30 , +30 ] and (b) N
[30 , 90 ].

not yield to an optimal control of the rectifier system.

6.3.1 Current Controller Design

Prior the design of a proper current controller, an appropriate model
of the three-phase rectifier system is needed. The three switches are
connected between the phases which means that all three currents are
directly affected by the switching action of one bidirectional switch. Due
to the high redundancy of voltage space vectors one switch is always con-
tinuously clamped to the off-state in a 60 -sector. An equivalent circuit
consisting of two boost circuits (dual-boost circuit), as already shown
in [260], can be drawn for each sector. Fig. 6.14(a) shows the result-
ing dual boost circuit for N [30 , +30 ]. The input voltages v12
and v13 show positive values and the input current iN1 shows positive
direction whereas the input currents iN2 and iN3 show negative direc-
tion. Switches S12 and S13 are pulse-width modulated and according
to TABLE 6.3 the switches S23 and S23 are clamped to the off-state.
It is obvious that the boost inductor LN1 and the rectifier diode D1p
are shared by the two virtual boost circuits. Fig. 6.14(b) shows the
equivalent dual-boost circuit for the sector N [30 , 90 ].

An analysis of all sectors shows that for each sector a correspond-

ing equivalent dual-boost circuit similar to the circuits given Fig. 6.14
can be derived. A dual-boost circuit according to Fig. 6.14(a) can be
derived for sectors N {[30 , 30 ], [90 , 150 ], [210 , 270 ]}, whereas
sectors N {[30 , 90 ], [150 , 210 ], [270 , 330 ]} can be modeled by
Fig. 6.14(b). The resulting parameters of the dual-boost circuits for
Controller Design 269


iN1(t) iN1
I (A) iN2(t)


290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330


290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330
290 295 300 305 310 315 320 325 330
t (s)

Fig. 6.15: Simulated voltage and current waveforms for N = 45 System param-
eters: VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, fN = 400 Hz, LN = 330 H and Po = 5 kW).

each sector are listed in TABLE 6.4.

In the following a model for sector N [30 , 90 ] is derived. The ap-
proach can be applied in a similar manner to the other sectors.
Average mode control will be used to control the rectifier system. This
means that all signals are averaged over one switching period. Fig. 6.15
shows the simulated voltage and current waveforms around N = 45
(VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, fN = 400 Hz, LN = 330 H and Po = 5 kW),
where vS13 and vS23 are the corresponding voltage waveforms of the
bidirectional switches and v13 and v23 are the line-to-line mains volt-
ages. The averaged input current iN1,avg for instance can be calculated
Z Ts
iN1,avg = iN1 (t) dt (6.18)
Ts 0
Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

TABLE 6.4: Equivalent dual-boost circuits of the -switch rectifier and corresponding circuit elements for each 60 -sector.


LB DB v S! S Vo
v! LB DB
v S! S Vo

Circuit C1 Circuit C2
N Circuit v v LA LB LC S S DA DB DC
30 . . . 30 C2 v12 v13 LN2 LN3 LN1 S12 S13 D2n D3n D1p
30 . . . 90 C1 v13 v23 LN1 LN2 LN3 S13 S23 D1p D2p D3n
90 . . . 150 C2 v21 v23 LN1 LN3 LN2 S21 S23 D1n D3n D2p
150 . . . 210 C1 v21 v31 LN2 LN3 LN1 S21 S31 D2p D3p D1n
210 . . . 270 C2 v32 v31 LN2 LN1 LN3 S32 S31 D2n D1n D3p
270 . . . 330 C1 v12 v32 LN1 LN3 LN2 S12 S32 D1p D3p D2n
Controller Design 271

where Ts = 1/fs is one pulse period. In the following, only iN1 is written
instead of iN1avg for a better readability but means the averaged value
over one pulse period. Averaging over one pulse period and application
of Kirchhofs law on the circuit given in Fig. 6.14(b) results in
diN1 diN3
v13 LN1 + LN3 = (1 13 ) Vo
dt dt (6.19)
diN1 diN2
v12 LN1 + LN2 = (1 12 ) Vo
dt dt
where (1 13 ) Vo is the averaged voltage across switch S13 . The forward
voltage drops of the switches and diodes are neglected in (6.19). Due to
the missing neutral wire connection in addition
iN1 + iN2 + iN3 = 0 (6.20)
has to be satisfied. The output voltage controller ensures a constant
output voltage Vo which is in most cases fulfilled (except during load
transients). In a first approach Vo is assumed to be constant so that
the nonlinear equation (6.19) gets linear. The Laplace transform can
therefore be applied and if equal boost inductors LN1 = LN2 = LN3 =
LN are assumed (6.19) and (6.20) yield to
v13 iN1 LN s + iN3 LN s = (1 13 ) Vo
v12 iN1 LN s + iN2 LN s = (1 12 ) Vo (6.21)
iN1 + iN2 + iN3 = 0
This simplification yields to an easy model for current control where the
impacts of output voltage variations or saturation effects of the boost
inductors are not considered. Solving (6.21) results in

iN1 2
31 ! 2
13 !
3 3
Vo 1 2 13 V o v 13
iN2 = 3 3
+ 31 2
LN s 1 1 23 LN s 1 1 v23
iN3 3 3 3 3

Vo 31
+ 3 .
LN s 2

According to (6.22), the input currents are dependent on the duty-cycles

ij , the line-to-line mains voltages vij and the output voltage Vo . Using
272 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

the modulation function m12 the duty cycle is defined by

ij = 1 mij . (6.23)

The -related modulation functions are given by

mij = mi mj (6.24)

where the corresponding duty cycles of the virtual single-phase systems


i = 1 mi . (6.25)

In the final controller implementation an input voltage feedforward part

is used in conjunction with a P-type controller. The mains phase voltage
vi , related to the output voltage Vo , is there added to the output of the
current controller mi
mi,ff = mi + . (6.26)

After a short calculation the -related duty-cycles ij result in

ij,ff = 1 + i j . (6.27)
By use of (6.27), the input currents can be described as a function of
the phase related duty-cycles

iN1 3 13 31 1
Vo 1 2 1
iN = iN2 = 3 3 2 = G(s) (6.28)
LN s 3
iN3 13 13 2
3 3

where iN and are vectors and the 3 3 matrix G(s) is the multiple
input/multiple output (MIMO) small signal average mode transfer
function describing the -switch rectifier system.
It is obvious that not only the elements Gii (s) but also elements
outside of the main diagonal Gij (s)|i6=j are not zero. This means that
for instance a change in the duty-cycle 1 does not only take effect just
on the phase current iN1 but also on the input currents iN2 and iN3 .
The reason for this strong coupling can be explained by use of (6.20).
Due to the missing neutral connection of the rectifier system the sum
Controller Design 273

wd (s)
* (s)
iN iN (s)
e(s) (s) +
K(s) +
iN,meas (s)

Fig. 6.16: Multiple-input multiple-output controller loop of the rectifier system

consisting of the controller K(s), model of the rectifier system G(s) and current
measurement M(s). The vector wd (s) models a disturbance in the duty cycle.

of all three input currents is forced to zero. A change of the duty-cycle

1 therefore result in a change of input current iN1 which automatically
affects the currents iN2 and iN3 . Due to this circumstance the cross
couplings are physical in nature and cannot be neglected.
The elements in the main diagonal of G(s) are equal and the elements
outside of the principle diagonal are equal which results in a symmet-
rical system behavior. The step responses on 1 and the step responses
on 2 are equal with respect to the corresponding phase current iNi .

The matrix G(s) given in (6.28) was only derived for the sector
N [30 , 90 ] and is only valid in this sector. However, due to the
symmetry of the system all sectors result in the same transfer matrix
(6.28) as can easily be verified by repetition of the calculation for other

Because of the non-zero non-diagonal elements of G(s) in general a

multivariable controller K(s) (3 3 matrix) has to be designed. Nine
controller elements Kij (s) would have to be determined in order to im-
plement a proper controller. The multivariable controller structure is
depicted in Fig. 6.16, where G(s) is the derived model of the rectifier
system, K(s) is the multivariable controller and M(s) is the transfer
function of the current measurement. It is assumed that the measure-
ment systems are not coupled and that M(s) is a diagonal matrix. The
vector wd (s) models a possible disturbance in the duty cycle generation
(e.g. turn-off delays of the MOSFETs).
As for single-phase control systems the poles of the multivariable control
systems are decisive. They can be calculated by solving the character-
274 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

(0 G12 G13
G21 0 G23
G31 G32 0 (
* (s) iN (s)
( K11
K33 ( (s)
( G11
G33 ( +

iN,meas (s)

Fig. 6.17: Control loop illustrating the basic idea of the direct Nyquist control
design method. The three controller elements Kii (s) are designed according to the
main diagonal elements Gii (s). The operating controller, however, has to deal with
the full system G(s).

istic equation  
det I + G(s)K(s)M(s) = 0 . (6.29)
All poles have to lie in the left (negative) half-plane for stability of the
multivariable control system. A return difference matrix
F(s) = I + G(s)K(s)M(s) (6.30)
can be defined which will be used below.
An easy approach for controller design is to ignore the cross-couplings
of G(s) in a first step. The multivariable control problem then simplifies
to three independent single-input single-output (SISO) control systems
according to the elements Gii (s) and the influence of the remaining
cross-couplings have to be analyzed carefully after the controller ele-
ments have been designed. Fig. 6.17 illustrates the basic idea of this
control method [263]. The precondition for this control approach are
loose cross-couplings of G(s) and the amount of cross-coupling can be
estimated by calculation of the corresponding Gershgorin bands. The
Gershgorin-theorem states that the eigenvalues of the return difference
matrix F(s) lie in bands with the radii
Dj (j) = Fij (j) . (6.31)

The following design method will be used below:

1. Design of three single-phase controllers Kii (s) which show, to-

gether with the diagonal elements Gii (s) and Mii (s), the desired
Controller Design 275

transfer characteristic.
2. Check if the poles of the characteristic equation (6.29) lie in the
negative half-plane or if

Fii (j) > Fij (j)

or (6.32)

Fii (j) > Fji (j)

is fulfilled.
3. If 1. and 2. are fulfilled the resulting multivariable control system
is stable. Otherwise the controller structure has to be altered as
long as 2. can be satisfied.

This controller design method is known as direct Nyquist method [263].

The measurement system can be modeled by a gain kM typically

representing the number of bits per ampere. The matrix M(s) results
kM 0 0
M(s) = 0 kM 0 (6.33)
0 0 kM
and together with the P-type controller matrix

kp 0 0
K(s) = 0 kp 0 (6.34)
0 0 kp

the return difference matrix can be calculated to

F(s) = I + G(s)K(s)M(s) =

s3LN +2kp kM Vo kpwm kp kM Vo kpwm kp kM Vo kpwm
3LN s 3LN s 3LN s

kp kM Vo kpwm s3LN +2kp kM Vo kpwm kp kM Vo kpwm
= 3LN s 3LN s 3LN s

kp kM Vo kpwm kp kM Vo kpwm s3LN +2kp kM Vo kpwm
3LN s 3LN s 3LN s
276 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

* [n]
iNi ei[n] -1
KI(z) z kPWM GH0(s) G(s)

kADC MI(s)

Fig. 6.18: Single-input single-output control loop of input current iN1 if the occur-
ring cross-couplings are neglected.

It is now assumed, that the P-type controller with the gain kp is designed
in such a way that the single-phase control loop is stable (details about
that are discussed later). The stability of the MIMO control system has
then to be checked by examining (6.32). It is obvious, that independent
of the gain kp

Fii (j) > m Fij (j)
3LN j+2kp kM Vo kpwm 2kp kM Vo kpwm
3LN j > 3LN j

is fulfilled. This means that the whole rectifier system is stable if the
equivalent single-phase control loops are stable.

As a next step, the controller elements K11 (s), K22 (s) and K33 (s)
have to be determined according to the diagonal elements G11 (s), G22 (s)
and G33 (s). The three elements Gii (s) are luckily equal and the design
of the three independent controllers can be reduced to the design of
one controller. The control system will be implemented in a DSP and
sampling effects and scaling constants have to be considered as shown
in section 5.6.1 for the VR system. The resulting (single-phase) control
loop for the elements G11 (s) and K11 (s) is shown in Fig. 6.18. The
current sensor and analog measurement circuits contain a first order
low-pass filter and the more comprehensive model
Mii (s) = , (6.37)
1 + sTM
where km is the number of samples per ampere and TM is the filter
constant, is used.
Controller Design 277

TABLE 6.5: System parameter for design of the controller.

Mains voltage: Vo = 400 V

Mains frequency: fs = 72 kHz
Boost inductor: LN = 330 H
Scaling measurement: km = 821 Digits/A
Meas. time constant: TM = 2.4 s.
Scaling PWM: kpwm = 11104 Digits/PeriodTs

Magnitude (dB)

60 Controller
40 Fo(j)
Phase ()

Pm = 60
10 100 1k 10k
f (Hz)

Fig. 6.19: Calculated Bode plot of the (digitalized) equivalent single-phase system.
A P-type controller with a gain of kp = 0.25 leads to a phase margin of 60 .

A P-type controller is designed in the following for a system with the

parameters listed in TABLE 6.5. Fig. 6.19 shows the Bode plot of
the equivalent single-phase system with and without the P-type current
controller. The controller gain was set to kp = 0.25 which yields a phase
margin of 60 . Due to the limited sampling frequency of 72 kHz and
the dead time Tt = 13.9 s introduced by the calculation time of the
controller a pronounced drop of the phase with increasing frequency can
be observed. The system therefore has to be analyzed as sampled data
system (as shown here) for a proper control design and cannot be treated
as continuous system which is frequently done in order to simplify the
controller design. A controller design neglecting the sampling effects
would result in a control loop with considerably reduced phase margin
which could finally cause instability of the rectifier system. At least the
robustness of the controller is reduced.
278 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier


Amplitude (A) 10
Current iN

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Controller output
Duty cycle


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4

t (ms)

Fig. 6.20: Simulated response to a current reference step iN = 0 10 A and

controller output of the equivalent single-phase system.

Fig. 6.20 shows the step response of the digitalized single-phase sys-
tem for a step of iN1 = 10 A, if cross-couplings from/to the other phases
are not considered. An overshoot of only 5 % can be observed. In ad-
dition, the controller output (duty cycle ) is plotted. A P+Lag-type
controller as shown for the VR-system in section 3.2.1 could also be
used for implementation of the current controller which could further
increase the input current quality as the controller gain is reduced for
higher frequencies. The selected P-type controller, however, shows good
results and the simpler implementation supports this selection. The in-
fluence of the EMI filter and the (unknown) impedance of the mains
are not considered in this controller design for the sake of a simplicity;
these elements could require a reduction of the controller gain kp .

Using the designed current controller K(s), the MIMO control trans-
fer function

2 1 1
3 3 3
kp kpwm Vo
T(s) = 31 2
1 (6.38)
sLN + kpwm kp km Vo 3

13 31 2

can be calculated. With this transfer function the step response of

the MIMO rectifier system on a step in iN1 can be calculated. The
Controller Design 279


Amplitude (A) 0

0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
t (ms)


Amplitude (A)



0 0.1 0.2 0.3
t (ms)

Fig. 6.21: Simulated response of the MIMO control system for a (a) forced current
step of only iN1 to 1 A and (b) of iN1 to 1 A and iN2 , iN3 to 0.5 A.

responses of the three input currents are depicted in Fig. 6.21(a). Such
a current step is in practice not possible due to iN1 + iN2 + iN3 = 0 and
accordingly a response of all three phases can be observed. The response
is, however, useful to study the influence of a control action in one
phase on the other two phases. According to Fig. 6.21(a) the input
current iN1 reaches only an amplitude of 0.66 and the two remaining
phases show a response in neg. direction. Both responses show the same
time constants which can also be verified by inspecting the elements of
T(s). A control action in one phase therefore intrinsically affects the
two other phases.
Fig. 6.21(b) shows the step response of the input currents for refer-
280 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

4 2

1 *
iN1 *
0 0
Amplitude (A)

Amplitude (A)
2 1
iN2 *

0 0

-2 -1
2 1
iN3 *


-2 -1
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
t (ms) t (ms)
(a) (b)

Fig. 6.22: Simulated step responses of the MIMO control system to a disturbance
in the duty-cycle wd1 = 0.33 using (a) a P-type controller (kp = 0.25) and (b) a
PI-type controller kp = 0.25, TN = 0.2 ms).

ence values not violating iN1 + iN2 + iN3 = 0. A step of iN1 to 1 A and
iN2 , iN3 to 0.5 A is performed. Quite evidently, the system response
shows the same time constants with the difference that no steady state
control errors occur.

According to Fig. 6.16 also the disturbance transfer function

wd (s)
Fd (s) = =
iN (s)

3 13 31 (6.39)
kpwm Vo
= 1 2
sLN + kpwm kp km Vo 3 3

13 13 2

can be calculated. The simulated response of the rectifier system to

a step in wd1 = 0.33 is plotted in Fig. 6.22(a). As well known from
single-phase systems a P-type controller cannot fully compensate such
distortions. According to Fig. 6.22(a), this is also true for the -switch
rectifier system. A PI-type controller would be able to compensate this
disturbances and the simulated system response to a step in wd1 using
a PI-type controller (kp = 0.25, TN = 0.2 ms) is shown in Fig. 6.22(b).

A PI-type controller seems to be the ideal solution for implement-

Controller Design 281



Fig. 6.23: Measured input current iN1 and input voltage vN1 taken from the im-
plemented laboratory prototype if a PI-type current controller is used (VN = 115 V,
fN = 50 Hz, Po = 2.5 kW); CH1: iN1 , 10 A/Div; CH4: vN1 , 100 V/Div; timebase:
5 ms.

ing from this point of view. The PI-type controller, however, generates
distortions in the vicinity of the zero crossings. Directly after a zero-
crossing the integral part of the controller shows a wrong sign and has
to be reduced by an according control error (with the integrator time
constant TN ). The resulting (wrong) duty cycle yields to input current
distortions. Fig. 6.23 shows a measurement result taken from the im-
plemented laboratory prototype (cf. section 6.5), where a PI-type con-
troller is implemented. Rather large distortions in the vicinity of the zero
crossings can be observed. In addition, due to the cross-couplings of the
rectifier system, the zero-crossing distortions of the two other phases
are evident (every 60 ). An implementation of a zero-crossing detec-
tion, which allows to reset the integral part of the PI-type controller
directly after a zero crossing occurred, would be a possibility to reduce
this negative effect. The system operation, however, then depends on
the correct detection of the zero-crossings which should be omitted. The
designed P-type controller is therefore used for implementation of the
rectifier system.

6.3.2 Voltage Controller Design

The results derived in section 3.2.2 can be used to design the output
voltage controller. The -switch rectifier system shows a two-level struc-
ture and in contrast to the three-level VR topology the output capacitor
is not divided. An output voltage symmetry controller is therefore not
282 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

needed and only an output voltage controller has to be designed. In ac-

cordance to the VR-system, the output current id of the rectifier system
is formed by a combination of the three phase currents (depending on
the switching state) which means that (3.44) can directly by applied.
The reference value of the input currents is calculated by multiplying
the phase voltages with the conductance Ge

iNi = Ge vNi . (6.40)

The conductance is defined by

Ge = 2 2 2 (6.41)
VN1,rms + VN2,rms + VN3,rms

using the desired output power level Po and the mains rms voltages
VNi,rms . The linearized small signal model given in (3.48) can therefore
be used. Fig. 6.24(a) shows the resulting output voltage control loop.
There, and also for the following discussion, a resistive load RL is as-
sumed. By altering this resistor the system behavior can be analyzed
for different load conditions starting from no-load condition to full-load
condition. The control error of the output voltage is the input of the
PI-type output voltage controller KV (s). The output of the voltage con-
troller po is a control variable equivalent to the required output power
of the system. A possible feedforward signal can be added for a better
transient behavior of the system. The required conductance Ge and ref-
erence current iNi are then calculated which is the input of the current
controller TI (s) which actually processes sinusoidal phase currents. An
equivalent PT1-element
1 1
TI (s) = = (6.42)
1 + sTi 1 + s 0.1 ms
can be used to model the behavior of the current controller. The total
output capacitance of the constructed rectifier system is 1.47 mF.
The rectifier should be able to handle a single-phase loss and during the
two-phase operation an oscillating power flow (with f = 2fN ) from the
input to the output of the rectifier system occurs (similar to a single-
phase PFC). This finally results in an output voltage ripple and the
output voltage controller must not compensate this ripple in order to
prevent input current distortions. The bandwidth of the output voltage
controller must therefore be sufficiently lower than 2fN .
Controller Design 283

pL vN
v*o (s) p*o 1 Ge* i*N iN 3 V N 0 iD,avg RL vo(s)
KV(s) TI(s)
3VN2 Vo0 1+sRLCo/2



100 Fo,LL
Magnitude (dB)

0 G

Phase ()

0.1 1 10 100 1k 10k
f (Hz)

Fig. 6.24: (a) Linearized small signal output voltage control loop for a resistive
output load RL and (b) Bode plot of the open voltage control loop for the case of
no-load condition and nominal load Po = 5 kW for the controller parameters kpv = 4
and TNv = 0.031 s.

As the no-load condition shows the smallest phase margin of the differ-
ent load cases the PI-type controller is designed according to the no-load
condition. The PI-type voltage controller
1 + sTNv
Kv (s) = kpv (6.43)
with the parameters kpv = 4 and TNv = 0.031 s yields to a crossover fre-
quency of about 35 Hz and a phase margin of 78 . Fig. 6.24(b) shows
a Bode plot of the linearized rectifier model, the PI-type voltage con-
troller Kv (j) and the open control loop Fo (j) for no-load condition
(LL) and nominal load Po = 5 kW.
The simulated step response of the control loop for an output voltage
step from 350 V to 400 V is shown in Fig. 6.25 where only a small
284 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier



Vo (V)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2

Po (kW)


0 0.5 1 1.5 2
t (s)

Fig. 6.25: Simulated step response and response of a load step from Po = 2.5 kW
to Po = 5 kW of the voltage control loop depicted in Fig. 6.24(a).

voltage overshoot of about 20 V can be read. In addition the system

response on a load step from Po = 2.5 kW to Po = 5 kW is shown. A
voltage drop of about 100 V occurs which might be too large in a prac-
tical application. The voltage control loop can only react on a deviation
of the output voltage and due to the limited gain crossover frequency
this large voltage drop occurs. This behavior can be significantly im-
proved if some information of the load condition (e.g. output power of
the following DC/DC converter stage or information of the load cur-
rent) is available which can be used as feedforward signal.
The undershoot/overshoot of the output voltage caused by connec-
tion/disconnection of load can also be reduced by implementation of
a nonlinear controller part (cf. section 5.9).

6.3.3 Two-Phase Operation

The control system must be able to handle a single phase loss
(e.g. caused by tripping of the fuse at one phase input) as shown
in Fig. 6.26(a) without any changes in the controller structure.
Fig. 6.26(b) illustrates the voltage phasor diagram of a three-phase
power system. All three phase-to-neutral voltages (and also the line-to-
line voltages) show the same amplitude and are phase shifted by 120 .
The voltage phasors of a system with disconnected mains voltage at
LN1 is plotted in Fig. 6.26(c). In this case the input currents of the
Controller Design 285

S31 Vo



V23 VN1
N N' N


(b) (c)

Fig. 6.26: (a) Simplified schematic of the -switch rectifier system during a single
phase loss if the first EMI filter stage is considered; (b) Voltage phasor diagram of
the three-phase mains and (c) voltage phasors for two-phase operation.

two remaining phases are directly controlled by the switch S23 . The
virtual neutral point N , which is built by three star-connected resistors
as the neutral wire is typically not connected to the rectifier system,
moves then to the line-to-line voltage V23 (N ). The two remaining
phase voltages are in phase/180 out of phase with the correspond-
ing line-to-line voltage. A sudden phase-shift of 30 will hence appear
in the two remaining phases. According to Fig. 6.26(c), the proposed
phase-oriented control of the input currents followed by a star- trans-
formation can still be applied.
Considering the maximal input current amplitude the output power has
to be reduced in order to prevent the semiconductors from overcurrent.
In three-phase operation mode the output power can be calculated as

Po = 3VN IN . (6.44)

During two-phase operation, power is only delivered to the output by a

single line-to-line voltage source

Po,PL = Vij IN (6.45)

286 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

and hence the maximal available output power

Po,PL = (6.46)
can be calculated if it is assumed that the amplitude of the input cur-
rent is as for (6.44).
As a next step the influence of a single phase loss on the output voltage
control loop is analyzed. According to Fig. 6.24(a) the output of the
voltage controller is equivalent to the desired output power of the recti-
fier system. The conductance Ge is calculated by dividing the required
output power Po by the sum of the squared phase voltage. In case of a
phase loss this yields to
Po Po Po
Ge = 2 2 2 = 2 2 =  2 (6.47)
VN1 + VN2 + VN3 0 + VN2 + VN3 Vij
2 2

and the phase current is calculated by multiplying the conductance Ge

with the phase voltage
vij (t)
iNi (t) = vNi (t)Ge = Ge (6.48)
which is in agreement with (6.45). Therefore, no changes in the
structure of the output voltage control are required. Care should be
taken if a limitation of the conductance Ge shall be implemented due
to the larger conductance expressed by (6.47).
Fig. 6.27 shows the simulated system response of the boost inductor
currents on a single phase loss at t = 0.85 ms. After some minor ringing
the system operates in two-phase mode without any changes in the
controller structure or parameters. After the phase loss occurs, an
output voltage ripple is apparent which is caused by the non-constant
power flow from the mains to the load. Due to the large output
capacitor Co = 1.47 mF only a very small voltage ripple occurs.

In Fig. 6.26(a), the implementation of an EMI filter with DM ca-

pacitors (CDMi ) after the boost inductors is shown. Together with the
boost inductors these filter capacitors form a resonant circuit which is
excited by the switching actions of the corresponding switches Sij . If
phase L1 is disconnected from the mains the input currents of the two
remaining phases (L2 and L3 ) are controlled by the switching actions
Controller Design 287

vo,AC (V)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Inductor currents (A)

20 iN2 iN3



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
pwm12 1
pwm23 1
pwm31 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
t (ms)

Fig. 6.27: (a) Simulated system response for a single phase loss at t = 0.85 ms
(VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, fN = 800 Hz, LN = 330 H and Po = 2.5 kW).

of switch S23 . According to Fig. 6.27 more or less random switching

actions of the two remaining switches occur if the controller structure
is not changed. If both switches are turned on (S12 and S31 ) the switch
S23 is shortened by these two switches and the (random) switching ac-
tions also influence the input currents on the two remaining phases. As
a result a current oscillation in the boost inductor of the disconnected
phase occurs which is much more pronounced in a practical implemen-
A simple RC-snubber circuit could be connected in parallel to the DM
capacitors in order to damp these unwanted oscillations but the power
dissipation in the snubber resistor would be far to high for a mains fre-
quency of fN = 800 Hz. A much better solution is to clamp one of the
two switches to permanent off-state during two-phase operation (e.g.
S12 ) which is finally implemented in the constructed rectifier system.
Accordingly, a possible phase loss has to be detected which can for in-
stance be done by the rms measurement of the input voltages (which is
typically needed for output voltage control).
288 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

vo,AC (V)
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Inductor currents (A)

20 i iN2 iN3
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
pwm12 1
pwm23 1
pwm31 1
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
t (ms)

Fig. 6.28: (a) Simulated system response on a single phase loss at t = 0.85 ms if
switch S12 is clamped permanently to off-state after a loss of phase L1 is detected
(VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, fN = 800 Hz, LN = 330 H and Po = 2.5 kW).

The simulation results of the rectifier system, where after detection

of a loss of phase L1 the switch S12 is clamped to permanent off-state,
is given in Fig. 6.28. No oscillations in the boost inductor of the dis-
connected phase are now present which verifies the effectiveness of this
approach. The input currents are only controlled by the switching ac-
tions of switch S23 . Only minor changes in terms of enabling/disabling
of PWM signals have to be done in order to achieve an optimal system
behavior. These changes in the controller structure are in principle not
required and the operation in two-phase mode is therefore only improved
by this clamping action.

6.3.4 Reactive Power Capability

Up to this point, it was assumed that the mains currents are in phase
with the mains voltages which means that ideally a power factor of = 1
is achieved. The inductor currents are used for current control and hence
only the inductor currents are in phase with the mains voltages. The
Controller Design 289

b b
(100) (100)
iN1 < 0 iN1 > 0 iN1 < 0 iN1 > 0
iN2 > 0 iN2 > 0
iN2 < 0 iN2 < 0
vi 30 30

a a
(010) iN* (010)
-30 vi -30
iN3 < 0 iN3 < 0
iN3 > 0 vNvr* iN3 > 0

(001) (001)
(a) (b)

Fig. 6.29: Space vector diagrams used to explore the limits of the phase angle
between mains voltage and rectifier input current. (a) Space vectors for maximal
lagging input current at the sector limit N = 30 and (b) space vectors for maximal
leading input current at the sector limit N = 30 for the sector N [30 , 30 ].

leading currents drawn by the EMI filter capacitors, however, decrease

the power factor at light load or no-load conditions. These capacitive
currents are often negligibly small for systems with a mains frequency of
50 Hz/60 Hz but have to be taken into account for the mains frequency
range of 360 Hz800 Hz. As for the VR-system the question again arises
whether the system can operate with a limited phase difference between
input voltage and inductor current or not. The power factor of the rec-
tifier system could be improved if operation with a lagging inductor
current is possible. A phase difference between inductor current and
mains voltage implies that in addition to the active power also reactive
power is generated. This can for instance be used to interface induc-
tion generators as well as permanent-magnet synchronous generators
for wind energy applications as discussed in [258]. The reactive power
capability of the rectifier system is now analyzed in detail.

For the following discussion the sector N [30 , 30 ] is chosen and

Fig. 6.29(a) shows the available voltage space vectors for this sector.
The sector limits, which are identical with the points where one input
phase changes its direction, are plotted with dashed lines. The input
current iN1 is therefore always positive in the right half plane of the
290 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

space vector diagram and negative in the left half plane. The rectifier
circuit generates the voltage space vector v r by pulse-width modulation
of the corresponding switches. This voltage can be generated in such
a way that the input current space vector iN is leading or lagging the
mains voltage space vector. Fig. 6.29(a) is used to discuss the case
of lagging input currents. The capacitive currents drawn by the EMI
filter capacitors are neglected in a first step. Similar to the discussion
of the VR system also the voltage drop of the boost inductor is
neglected as it is normally small in comparison to v r . The rectifier
system moves on to the next sector as soon as the current space vector
reaches the sector limit. The discrete, non-zero voltage space vectors
(001), (000), (010) and (100) can be generated in the selected sector
N [30 , 30 ]. A maximally displaced voltage space vector can be
generated by switching state (001) for an input current space vector at
the sector limit i = 30 and therefore a maximal phase difference of
vi = v i = 30 can be generated by the rectifier system for the
condition of a negligible voltage drop across the boost inductor.

Similar considerations can be applied for the case of leading input

phase current (cf. Fig. 6.29(b)). In that case an input current space
vector at the sector limit i = 30 has to be assumed and the voltage
space vector with the largest phase difference is resulting for switching
state (001). As a result a maximal phase difference of vi = 30 can
be generated by the rectifier system in case of leading current. In both
cases, leading and lagging input current, the feasible phase shift is inde-
pendent of the voltage transfer ratio and the modulation index M . The
phase angle between the voltage and current space vector is equal to the
phase angle between the mains voltage and input currents for balanced
three-phase systems and the -switch rectifier system is therefore able
to generate input currents with a phase of

30 vi = v i 30 . (6.49)

This wide phase angle range is possible due to the fact that line-to-line
voltages are used to form the input currents. This can also be con-
firmed by the phase angle range of vi [30 , 30 ] which corresponds
with the phase shift between the line-to-neutral and line-to-line volt-
ages. Lets, for instance, take the negative zero crossing of input current
iL1 under consideration. The zero crossing of phase voltage vN1 already
occurred and vN1 shows a negative amplitude at positive input current
Controller Design 291

vNi pwmij clampij
vNi,p *
iNi mi mij sij
Ge K I( s ) &
mji sji
carrier signal 1 &

Fig. 6.30: Basic schematic of the current controller structure.

iN1 for lagging input currents. The line-to-line voltage v13 , however, is
still positive and can be used to impress positive input currents with-
out any additional input current distortion which clearly demonstrates
the phase angle capability. Similar considerations can be used for the
positive zero crossings and leading input currents.
Note that, similar to the VR-system in general theoretical phase an-
gles of 30 vi 90 can be generated if the voltage drop across
the boost inductors are not neglected or limited. In practical systems,
however, this voltage drop is small and (6.49) applies. Equation (6.49)
describes the phase limits of the rectifier system which can be achieved
without increased input current distortions. Considerably increased in-
put current distortions would occur if larger phase differences would be

The -switch rectifier system is therefore able to generate input

currents with a phase angle given in (6.49) but up to now no in-
formation on implementation of such a phase shifted operation was
given in literature. A space vector control could be used to select
the optimal space vectors (and switching sequences) also in the case
of a phase shift between input currents and phase voltages. In the
following it will be analyzed if an implementation using the proposed
pulse-width modulators and phase related current controllers is also
able to generate such phase differences with optimal switching sequence.

The simplified structure of the current controller is again depicted in

Fig. 6.30 (see also Fig. 6.10). In order to achieve phase shifted input
currents, the reference currents iNi must be generated by multiplying
the phase shifted phase voltages vNi,p with the conductance Ge
292 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

generated by the output voltage controller. The generation of the

phase shifted voltages is discussed below. According to Fig. 6.30 the
input voltage vNi is added to the current controller output in terms
of a voltage feedforward. This feedforward signal is used to get rid
of the input voltage terms in the transfer function of the rectifier
system (cf. (6.27)) and hence the measured, mains voltages (without
phase shift) must be used for this signal. Another explanation of using
the non-phase shifted mains voltages for feedforward can be found if
the duty-cycle generation is examined. If the phase shifted voltages
would be used as feedforward signal the generated duty-cycle would be
different to the actually existing phase voltages. This would require a
large current controller gain in order to prevent massive zero crossing
distortions and would finally result in a non-stable current control loop.
The phase shifted input voltages vNi,p on contrary must be used for
sector detection and clamping. Otherwise the system would switch
to the next sector too early or too late which would finally lead to
considerably increased input current distortions.

A digital computer simulation is used to clarify if still optimal

switching sequences are generated by the proposed pulse-width mod-
ulated current controller in case of a phase difference between input
current and input voltage. Fig. 6.31 shows a simulated behavior of
a system operating with a phase shift of 30 . The input currents are
sinusoidal and no additional zero-crossing distortions occur. In practice,
however, due to other parasitic effects (distortions caused by limited
current slew-rate after zero-crossing (cusp distortion), turn-off delay
of the MOSFETs, etc.,) slightly increased zero-crossing distortions
will appear. The corresponding switches are operated according to the
phase shifted input voltages vNi,d which are in phase with the inductor
currents but are not shown in Fig. 6.31. The clamping signals are
derived from this phase voltages as well.

Fig. 6.32 shows the PWM signals in the vicinity of N = 30 . The

current space vector is lagging the input voltage space vectors and ac-
cording to Fig. 6.29(a) the rectifier states (000), (100) and (101) shall
be used for approximation of v r . The switching sequence (000)-(100)-
(101)-(100)-(000) can be read which confirms that the optimal switching
sequence is selected by the proposed current controller even if the system
operates in phase-shift mode. Fig. 6.33 shows the simulation results of
Controller Design 293

vN1 vN2 vN3

Mains voltages (V)



0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
iN1 iN2 iN3
Input currents (V)

-10 =30
0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
pwm23 6
0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
t (ms)

Fig. 6.31: Simulation result of a -switch rectifier system operating with 30 lag-
ging phase currents using the proposed current controller (VNi = 115 V, fN = 400 Hz,
Vo = 400 V, Po = 5 kW).

a system operating with a phase-shift of vi = 15 .

Reactive Power Compensation

In order to fulfill the input current harmonics limits and EMI require-
ments filter capacitors are needed at the input of the rectifier system
and these filter capacitors considerably degrade the rectifiers power fac-
tor . The phase-shift capability of the -switch rectifier system can be
used advantageously to improve the decreasing power factor at partial
load. Note that the rectifier system is only able to shift the phase of
the input currents and cannot generate any reactive power during no
294 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

pwm12 1
pwm21 1
pwm23 1
pwm32 1
pwm31 1
pwm13 1
0.32 0.34 0.36 0.38 0.4
t (ms)

Fig. 6.32: Switching sequence of the simulation results plotted in Fig. 6.31 for
t = 0.3 . . . 0.4 ms. The switching sequence (000)-(100)-(101)-(100)-(000) can be read
which is the optimized sequence concerning to conduction losses.

load condition. The possible amount of reactive power compensation is

therefore dependent on the load connected to the rectifier system.
Fig. 6.34(a) shows the simplified equivalent single-phase circuit of
the rectifier. The inductor current iL is forced by the current controller
to follow the sinusoidal references and the rectifier system is therefore
modeled by a controlled current source. In addition the (lumped) filter
capacitor CDM is shown which draws the current iC,DM and the to-
tal input current iN is the sum of iL and iC,DM . In Fig. 6.34(b) the
corresponding phasor diagram is plotted where the rectifier system is
assumed to operate in phase shift mode with a lagging current (vi ).
If the amount of capacitive current iC,DM cannot fully be compensated
by the implemented phase shift between the inductor current and phase
voltage, a phase shift between rectifier input current and mains volt-
age remains. The projection of the input current on the mains voltage
is responsible for the active power transferred to the load and is given
ip = (6.50)
if system losses are neglected. According to Fig. 6.34(b) the remaining
power factor of the input current can be calculated using the capacitor
current |iC,DM | = VN CDM and

|iC,DM | = ip tan(vi ) + tan() (6.51)
which results by use of (6.50) in
= cos() = cos arctan tan(vi ) . (6.52)
Controller Design 295

200 vN1 vN2 vN3

Mains voltages (V)



0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
iN1 iN2 iN3
Input currents (V)

-10 =15
0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
pwm12 1
pwm21 1
pwm23 1
pwm32 1
pwm31 1
pwm13 1
0 1.25 2.5 3.75 5
t (ms)

Fig. 6.33: Simulation result of a -switch rectifier system operating with a current
phase angle of 15 using the proposed current controller (VNi = 115 V, fN =
400 Hz, Vo = 400 V, Po = 5 kW).

vN iN iL
iC,DM -switch
ip i
rectifier vi C,DM
(a) (b)

Fig. 6.34: (a) Simplified equivalent single-phase circuit including the input ca-
pacitors CDM and (b) corresponding phasor diagram considering the phase shift
capability of the rectifier system..
296 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

400 Hz
800 Hz
400 Hz

Power factor
800 Hz

without compensation

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Po (W)

Fig. 6.35: Calculated maximal achievable power factor with and without compen-
sation of currents drawn by filter capacitors at the input of the rectifier system
(VN = 115 V, CDM = 3.4 F, vi = 30 ).

Using (6.52) the maximal achievable power factor for a given amount
of filter capacitance can be calculated. The results for star connected
filter capacitors CDM = 3.4 F are depicted in Fig. 6.35. A strong de-
crease in the power factor especially for fN = 800 Hz can be observed
without compensation if the load is reduced. In addition the power fac-
tor of a system using compensation by altering the phase shift between
inductor current and mains voltage in the full range (vi [0 . . . 30 ])
is shown. The system is able to achieve a unity power factor down
to an output power of approximately 500 W for fN = 400 Hz and for
fN = 800 Hz down to 1 kW. For smaller output power levels the phase
shift cannot be compensated anymore and the power factor drops very
The corresponding output power limits Po,lim for full compensation are
plotted in Fig. 6.36 as a function of the total amount of filter capaci-
tors CDM and the mains frequency fN . It is obvious that especially for
fN = 800 Hz the total amount of filter capacitance should be held as
small as possible in order to achieve a high power factor.

To conclude on the reactive power compensation capability of the

-switch rectifier system it has to be summarized that in theory the
system is able to increase the power factor at light load by introducing
a phase shift between inductor current and mains voltage. This phase
shift is limited to vi [30 . . . 30 ] which finally defines a minimum
output power Po,lim where a unity power factor can be achieved without
System Design 297


Po,lim (W) 1500



600 4
fN (Hz) 2
400 1 CDM (F)

Fig. 6.36: Calculated minimum output power limit for enabling full filter capacitor
reactive power compensation as a function of total amount of filter capacitors CDM
and mains frequency fN .

any additional input current distortions. As it is shown in section 5.1.2

increased input current distortion will occur due to other effects such as
the turn-off delay of the MOSFETs which finally limits the performance
of this compensation in practical applications.

6.4 System Design

In this section some issues of the design and the practical implementa-
tion of the -switch rectifier will be discussed.

6.4.1 Startup
At startup of the rectifier system the output capacitors have to be
charged to the peak value of the line-to-line phase voltage. The out-
put capacitors are connected to the mains by the three-phase diode
bridge and the (small) boost inductors. If the system would directly be
connected to the mains a huge inrush current would occur. In order to
limit this inrush current a startup circuit and sequence is required.
Fig. 6.37(a) shows the proposed startup circuit for the -switch rec-
tifier system. The pre-charge circuit consisting of diode Dpre , resistor
Rpre and thyristor T hy pre is employed on the DC side of the rectifier.
During startup, the thyristor is off and the pre-charge resistor limits
298 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier


Dpre Rpre
S12 iN1 LN1 D1p Thypre
S23 Co Vo
VN3 LN3 v12 Vo
S31 S12
LN2 D2n
(a) (b)

Fig. 6.37: (a) Proposed pre-charge circuit for startup of the rectifier, consisting of
pre-charge diode Dpre , precharge resistor Rpre and thyristor T hy pre ; (b) Equivalent
circuit for switch S12 at N = 15 .

the inrush current. The bidirectional switches are permanently off dur-
ing startup and also the current controller is disabled during this time.
The thyristor and pulse-width modulator are turned on as soon as the
capacitors are completely charged to the peak value of the line-to-line
voltage and the controller ramps up the output voltage to the desired
value. This functionality has to be implemented in the digital controller
for the system at hand in the DSP.
Fig. 6.37(b) shows the commutation path for the switch S12 for
N = 15 . The thyristor is unfortunately located within the commu-
tation path of the rectifier (S12 , D1p , T hy pre and Dn2 ). In order to mini-
mize the thyristors influence on the parasitic inductance of the commu-
tation path, three thyristors (one thyristor closely placed to each switch)
can be used in parallel. This also reduces the on-resistance and therefore
the conduction losses of the additional element advantageously.

6.4.2 Component Stresses

In order to evaluate the performance of the rectifier and to design the
system the on-state losses of the semiconductors are required. The cur-
rent rms and average values are therefore calculated and simple ana-
lytical approximations are derived. For the following calculations it is
assumed that the rectifier has

a purely sinusoidal phase current shape;

a phase difference between mains voltage and input current is in
the range of vi (cf. (6.49));
System Design 299

iS23 channel

Switch current (A)


0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Diode current (A)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Thyristor current (A)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Capacitor current (A)



0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
t (ms)

Fig. 6.38: Simulated current waveforms of the switch current iS23 (channel and
body diode), rectifier diode current iD2p , thyristor current iThy and output capacitor
current io for VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, fN = 800 Hz, vi = 0 and Po = 5 kW).

no low-frequency voltage drop across the boost inductors for the

sinusoidal shaping of the input currents;
a constant switching frequency;
a linear behavior of the boost inductors (inductance is not depen-
dent on the current level).

1) Bidirectional switches Sij

Each bidirectional switch of Fig. 6.2(a) consists of two MOSFETs
300 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

and hence two elements have to be considered: the MOSFET which

is modulated by the current controller and the body diode of the
second MOSFET. The current average values of the semiconductors
are therefore not zero, although the entire average current of the
bidirectional switch is zero (averaging over a full line-frequency period).
The simulated current waveforms of the MOSFET and the body diode
are plotted in Fig. 6.38. Positive currents are drawn by the channel of
the MOSFET, whereas negative currents flow through the bode-diode
of the switch. The envelopes of the modulated currents are sections
of sinusoidal current waveforms. In the following the average and rms
current values of the MOSFETs are derived using the switch S23 . The
results are, however, valid for all six switches.

The switch S23 is modulated between 30 < N < 150 , and accord-
ing to TABLE 6.4 the line-to-line voltage v23 has to be used to deter-
mine the corresponding duty cycle
1 M sin(N 6 + vi ) for 30 < N < 150
23 (N ) = . (6.53)
0 else
The average current of the MOSFET and the body diode can be calcu-
lated by
Z 2
IT,avg = iS23 ()23 ()d =
2 0
Z 3   
= IN sin() 1 M sin + vi d =
2 0 6
1 M
= IN cos(vi ) (6.54)
2 4 3
and the rms-current of the MOSFET and the body diode is given by
Z 2
IT,rms = i2 ()23 ()d =
2 0 S23
Z 3  2   
= IN sin() 1 M sin + vi d =
2 0 6
1 3 M
= IN cos(vi ) .
6 8 2 3
System Design 301

Please note, that the calculated current stress is only valid for the pro-
posed modulation strategy discussed in section 6.1.1. Other modulation
strategies (such at the ones given in [258]) may lead to different average
and rms currents of the switches.
2) Rectifier Diodes Dpi , Dni
The simulated current waveform of the rectifier diode D2p is illustrated
in Fig. 6.38. In contrast to the switch currents, where the switching
actions of the switch directly influence the current, the current flowing
through the rectifier diodes is determined by the switching actions of
two switches.

f (S23 ) for 30 < N < 90

f (S , S ) for 90 < < 150
12 23 N
iD2p =
. (6.56)

f (S 12 ) for 150 < N < 210

0 else
After a short calculation similar to (6.54) and (6.55) the average and
rms currents of the rectifier diodes follow as
ID,avg = IN cos(vi ) ,
2 3
s  (6.57)
M 5+2 3
ID,rms = IN cos(vi ) .

3) Startup Thyristor T hy i
The thyristor current is a combination of the diode currents. The average
value of the thyristor is equal to the load current and is given by

b M 3
IThy,avg = 3 ID,avg = IN cos(vi ) (6.58)
and the rms-current results in
IThy,rms = IbN cos(vi ) . (6.59)
4) Output Capacitor Co
The rms current stress of the output capacitor for a constant load cur-
rent Io can be calculated by considering the characteristic thyristor
current values
ICo ,rms = IThy,rms 2
IThy,avg , (6.60)
302 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

Inductor current (A)



0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
current rippel (A)

2 -3
x 10

0 0.5 1 t (ms) 1.5 2 2.5

Fig. 6.39: Simulated current waveform iN1 (in boost inductor LN1 ) and corre-
sponding current ripple for Po = 5 kW (VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, fN = 400 Hz,
LN = 330 H and fs = 72 kHz).

which leads to
5M 3 (M cos(vi ))
ICo ,rms = IbN cos(vi ) . (6.61)
2 4

5) Boost Inductor LNi

In order to be able to design the boost inductors the maximum ampli-
tude of the input current ripple is needed. Ohmic fundamental mains
behavior (vi = 0) is assumed for the calculation below. The simulated
current waveform and current ripple of the boost inductor current iN1
for Po = 5 kW, LN = 330 H and a switching frequency of fs = 72 kHz
is plotted in Fig. 6.39. It can be verified that the maximum ampli-
tude of the ripple current occurs when the two operating switches show
equal duty cycles (e.g. t = 0.625 ms in Fig. 6.39). This means that also
the two line-to-line voltages are equal in this point and the dual boost
circuit collapses to a single boost circuit. The maximal current ripple
occurs at N = 0 or N = 180 for the inductor LN1 (consider that
cos-waveforms are assumed). According to TABLE 6.4, the switch S12
is modulated in this point and with the duty-cycle
12 (N ) = 1 M cos N + (6.62)
System Design 303

IThy,avg = 3 ID,avg = IN M23
IThy,rms = IN 5M2

iL,pp,max = Vo 3M
1 3
M q
3L f 2
2 N s
2 2
ICo ,rms = IN 52


ID,avg = IN M
2 3
r IT,avg = IN 2

M(5+2 3) r  43 
ID,rms = IN 12 IT,rms = IN 1

2 3

Fig. 6.40: Summary of the analytical approximations for the average and rms cur-
rent values of the semiconductors and main passive components for vi = 0.

the inductor voltage balance results in

3 iL1 ,pp,max  
LN = V12 cos N + . (6.63)
2 t 6
With t = 12 /fs the maximal peak to peak current ripple at N = 0

iL,pp,max = 3 cos 1 M cos = (6.64)
2 LN fs
6 6
Vo 3 3
= 3 M 1 M . (6.65)
2 LN fs
2 2

can be calculated. The required boost inductor in order to limit the

ripple current to iL,pp,max = k IN is therefore given by
Vo M 3
LN = 1 M . (6.66)
k IN fs 3 2

The factor k is typically chosen to k = 0.1 . . . 0.2 which gives a peak

to peak current ripple of 10 to 20 %. The analytical approximations are
summarized in Fig. 6.40.
304 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

TABLE 6.6: Analytically calculated and simulated mean and rms current values of
the semiconductors for vi = 0 and Po = 4 kW, VN = 115 V (M = 0.7), fs = 72 kHz,
LNi = 330 H.

Simulated Calculated
IbN 16.5 A 16.5 A
IT,avg 0.98 A 0.95 A
IT,rms 3.09 A 3.0 A
ID,avg 3.33 A 3.35 A
ID,rms 6.53 A 6.56 A
IThy,avg 10.0 A 10.06 A
IThy,rms 12.3 A 12.35 A
IC,rms 7.16 A 7.16 A
iL,pp,max 2.6 A 2.67 A

To verify the derived formulas the mean and rms currents for an
output power of 4 kW and mains voltage of VNi = 115 V (M = 0.7)
have been calculated. The results of this calculation are compared in
TABLE 6.6 to the results of a simulation and show a good accuracy.

6.4.3 Calculation of Power Losses

By use of the derived rms and average current levels, the semiconductor
losses and the efficiency considering only semiconductors can be calcu-
lated. In the following, only the favorable bidirectional switch realization
using two series connected MOSFETs, as given in Fig. 6.2, will be dis-
cussed. The power losses of the MOSFET in general can be divided into
switching losses PFET,sw and conduction losses PFET,con

PFET = PFET,con + PFET,sw . (6.67)

1) Power MOSFET Conduction Losses

Two back to back connected MOSFETs are used to implement the
bidirectional switch. Dependent on N always one MOSFET is forward
biased whereas the second MOSFET is reverse biased during this
system state.
In order to calculate the conduction losses of the bidirectional switch
the transfer characteristic of a MOSFET, or more precisely of a
System Design 305




Fig. 6.41: Bidirectional transfer characteristic of a MOSFET where the dashed line
shows the transfer characteristic if the MOSFET is turned on.

superjunction device (e.g. CoolMOS), is required. In Fig. 6.41 the

transfer characteristic of a MOSFET is shown. If the MOSFET is
forward biased and turned on, the channel conducts current and
a voltage drop according to the temperature dependent on-state
resistance RDSon occurs. If the MOSFET is reverse biased its parasitic
body diode conducts current. The characteristic of the body diode
can be approximated by a forward voltage drop VF and a small
differential resistance rD . The forward voltage drop would yield to
increased conduction losses if the MOSFET is reverse biased which
can be lowered by turning the MOSFET on even if it is reverse biased
(equivalent to operation of a synchronous rectifier).
The resulting ohmic transfer characteristic is given in Fig. 6.41
by a dashed line and a considerably reduced voltage drop can be
observed which results in reduced conduction losses. The voltage drop
of the MOSFET channel reaches the transfer characteristic of the
body diode for higher currents and from this point on the current
is shared by the channel and by the body diode. Due to the smaller
voltage drop of the body diode for currents beyond this point the total
conduction losses of the diode/channel configuration will be smaller
than the conduction losses of the MOSFET channel alone. The on-state
resistance of the MOSFET and the transfer characteristic of the body
diode, however, are strongly dependent on temperature which means
that the intersection point of voltage drop of the channel and voltage
drop of the body diode is also temperature dependent. Whereas the
MOSFET channel shows a positive temperature coefficient the body
diode shows a negative temperature coefficient. It is therefore excepted
306 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier


Ik (75C)

125 C
25 C
75 C
0 5 10 15 20 25



(17.3 - 0.17 T + 0.0008 (T)2)A
Ik (A)



0 25 50 75 100
T (C)

Fig. 6.42: (a) Measured voltage drop of a reverse biased CoolMOS IPW60R045CP
as a function of drain-source current IDS and temperature and (b) corresponding
currents Ik as a function of temperature difference T = Tj 25 C.

that the intersection point moves down to smaller drain-source currents

for higher temperature levels.

It is difficult to model this behavior using the semiconductor parame-

ters listed in the data sheet due to very spare informations on the tem-
perature dependency of the forward characteristic of the body diode.
An accurate approach is to measure the temperature dependent volt-
age drop of the reverse biased MOSFET in on-state. The result of such
a measurement using the CoolMOS device IPW60R045CP is given in
Fig. 6.42(a).
The MOSFET channel shows, as expected, a low impedance path un-
til the voltage drop across the on-state resistance RDSon is equal to the
forward voltage of the body diode. In this region a kink in the character-
istic of the drain source voltage VDS occurs and a much lower gradient
can be read for higher current levels. The gradients before and after
System Design 307

the kink and the current Ik are additionally plotted in Fig. 6.42(a)
for a temperature of 75 C. The current transition from the channel
to the body diode is not sharp, but a smooth transition can be ob-
served. In order to determine the temperature dependent kink cur-
rent Ik (T ), linear approximations of the curve sections can be used (cf.
Fig. 6.42(a)). It is obvious that the kinks appear at considerably lower
current levels for higher temperatures. The corresponding currents Ik
are plotted in Fig. 6.42(b) as a function of the temperature difference
T = Tj 25 C. It can be approximated by
Ik = 17.3 0.17T + 0.0008 (T ) A (6.68)

for further calculations.

The transfer characteristic given in Fig. 6.42 is nonlinear and the

conduction losses of the corresponding MOSFETs can therefore not di-
rectly be calculated by application of the rms (6.54) and average (6.55)
current values of the switch. The voltage drop can, however, be approx-
imated by two piecewise linear elements separated by the current level
Ik . The voltage drop can by modeled by the RDSon for currents below
Ik of the MOSFET and for larger currents a diode characteristic mod-
eled by a forward voltage drop VF and a differential resistor rD can be
applied. Without loosing generality the temperature dependent power
losses of the reversed biased switch can be calculated using
Z k
PFET,con,r (T ) = RDSon (T )i2Sij ()ij ()d+
2 0
Z !

+ iSij ()VF (T ) + i2Sij ()rD (T ) ij ()d (6.69)

for k < 3 where k can be calculated by

iSij (N ) = IN sin(k ) = Ik (T ) . (6.70)

Please note, that in contrast to other derivations in this work a sin(x)-

function is assumed instead of the cos(x)-function which corresponds
to the space vector representation. If k is larger than 3 , e.g. due to
partial load condition, only the on-state resistance of the channel has to
be considered and the distinction of cases is not required. The junction
308 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

temperature Tj is assumed to be constant over one mains period, which

is justified by the thermal capacitances of the semiconductor chip and
case, and the on-state resistance RDSon (T ) can therefore be considered
as a constant for integration of (6.69). The corresponding duty cycle ij
can be written as
ij (N ) = 1 M sin N + . (6.71)
Equation (6.69) is a function of the junction temperature Tj which is
on the other hand a result of semiconductor losses and a direct solution
is hence not possible. An iterative approach can however be applied.
Integration of (6.69) is possible but yields to an unhandy solution and
is therefore not given here.

According to the measurement results the temperature dependent

parameters of the MOSFET IPW60R045CP can be modeled by

VF (T ) = VF,25 (1 + VF T ) = 0.7 V 1 66 106 K1 T
rD (T ) = rD,25 (1 + rD T ) = 9.7 m 1 3 105 K1 T .
Analogous to the calculation shown in section 5.3.1, the conduction
losses of the forward biased MOSFET can be calculated using its tem-
perature dependent on-state resistance

RDSon (T, IDS ) = RDSon,25 1 + 1 T + 2 T 2

1 + 1 IDS + 2 IDS (6.73)
where RDSon,25 is the chip area dependent on-state resistance at Tj =
25 C and IDS = 0 A. If the dependence on IDS is neglected the conduc-
tion losses of the forward biased MOSFET can be calculated using the
rms current stress of the bidirectional switch derived in (6.55)
PFET,con,f (T ) = RDSon (T )IT,rms . (6.74)
According to Fig. 6.38, each MOSFET is forward biased and reverse
biased for a duration of 120 and the total conduction losses of one
MOSFET are given by
PFET,con = PFET,con,f + PFET,con,r . (6.75)

2) Power MOSFET Switching Losses

The switching losses are separated into turn-on losses and turn-off losses
System Design 309


Eon (J)
100 30
75 20
50 15
Tj (C) 10
25 5 IDS (A)

Fig. 6.43: Measured turn-on energies of the combination CoolMOS IPW60R045CP

and the Si-diode APT30B60BHB as a function of IDS and junction temperature Tj
at VDS = 400 V.

(see also section 5.3.1). A Si-diode is used as rectifier diode for imple-
mentation of the -switch rectifier system instead of the SiC-diodes
used for the VR system (cf. TABLE 5.8). Si-diodes show a pronounced,
temperature dependent reverse recovery current and a measurement of
turn-on losses is essential for determining the turn-on switching losses.
During turn-off of the MOSFET its nonlinear output capacitance is
charged by the input current which does not create additional losses.
The energy stored in this capacitance is, however, dissipated during
turn-on in the MOSFETs channel and this part of switching losses can
be described by the stored energy E400V given in the data sheet.

As can easily be verified, the current only commutates between one

diode and one switch even if at least an additional rectifier diode and
the second MOSFET of the bidirectional switch implementation are
involved in the commutation path. The boost-type test circuit of section
5.1 (cf. Fig. 5.5) is used to measure the switching losses of the CoolMOS
IPW60R045CP and Si-diode APT30B60BHB combination. The results
are illustrated in Fig. 6.43 and for further calculations the measured
turn-on energies can be fitted by

Eon (T, IDS ) = k0 + k1 IDS + k2 IDS (1 + T ) . (6.76)

Due to the pronounced reverse recovery current of the Si-diode

the applied combination shows much higher turn-on losses then the
CoolMOS/SiC-diode combination. This can be tolerated due to the
moderate switching frequency of 72 kHz. The Si-diodes typically show
310 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

smaller forward voltages yielding to smaller conduction losses which jus-

tifies the use of Si-diodes. It has to be noted here again that the most
accurate results can be achieved if the switching loss measurements are
performed on the final hardware using the final PCB layout. The reason
for that are the parasitic capacitances of the construction and the PCB
layout which considerably affect switching losses.
Using the measured turn-on energies the switching losses can be calcu-
lated under consideration of Fig. 6.38 by
Z 3 
2 2  
Psw = fs k0 + k1 IN sin() + k2 IN sin() 1 + T d+
2 0
+ fs E400V =
fs  k2 IN
sin(2)  3
= k0 + k1 IN cos() + 1 + T +
2 2
+ fs E400V =
k0 k1 2 4 3 3 
=fs + IN,avg + k2 IN,rms 1 + T + E400
3 4 12

if in contrast to other derivations in this work, where cos(x)-functions

of the current shape are assumed, sin(x)-functions are used.

3) Total Power MOSFET Losses

The total MOSFET power losses

PFET,tot = 6 (Pcon,f + Pcon,r + Psw ) (6.78)

can be calculated using the derived results for the power MOSFET con-
duction and switching losses. Each switch is partly operating in forward
and in reverse direction in sections of the mains period and hence the
forward conduction losses Pcon,f and reverse conduction losses Pcon,r
must be considered.
4) Rectifier Diode Losses
In order to calculate the conduction losses of the rectifier diodes the
derived average and rms currents of (6.57) can be used in conjunction
with the data sheet values of the rectifier diodes. As for the body diode
of the MOSFET the transfer characteristic of the rectifier diode can be
System Design 311

approximated by a forward voltage drop VF and a differential resistance

rD and the conduction losses can therefore be calculated by

PD,tot = 6PD = 6 VF ID,avg + rD ID,rms . (6.79)

5) Thyristor Losses
The calculation of the thyristors conduction losses can be performed in
an equal manner using the current levels given in (6.58) and (6.59). In
the final construction three thyristors are connected in parallel in order
to optimize the commutation path of the switches. A uniform current
distribution on the three thyristors is assumed and under consideration
of the parameters given in the data sheet the total conduction losses of
the three thyristors
 2 !
IThy,avg IThy,rms
PThy,tot = 3PThy = 3 VF,Thy + rD,Thy (6.80)
3 3

can be calculated.
5) Output Capacitor Losses
Electrolytic capacitors are typically used for the output capacitors due
to the high energy density of this capacitor technology [123]. The ESR
of this capacitor type in conjunction with the rms current stress of
the capacitors yields to power losses. Also the leakage current of the
capacitors has to be considered. If N is the total number of capacitors
connected in parallel used to realize the output capacitor Co the total
capacitor losses

PCo = IC,rms + N (IC,leak Vo ) (6.81)
can be calculated using the rms current stress derived in (6.61) and the
leakage current IC,leak listed in the data sheet.
5) Losses in the Boost Inductors
In this section only a very rough and practical discussion on boost in-
ductor losses will be given. Several calculation methods and models exist
for each loss mechanism which may yield to more accurate prediction of
power losses but will not be discussed here for sake of a simple converter
loss model.
In general the boost inductor losses can be divided into copper losses
caused by the winding and core losses caused by the hysteresis effect
312 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier


|ZL| (dB)

100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M

(ZL) (deg)
100 1k 10k 100k 1M 10M
f (Hz)
(a) (b)

Fig. 6.44: (a) Helical winding boost inductor (Schott Inc. HWT-19) with LN =
330 H using the magnetic material -52 from Micrometals Inc. and (b) Bode plot
of inductor impedance. Resonance occurs at 1.44 MHz which yields to a parasitic
winding capacitance of Cw = 37 pF.

and eddy currents in the magnetic material. Regarding copper losses,

skin and proximity effects play a major role and are defined by the effec-
tive copper area and winding arrangement. Dependent on the winding
configuration, which is in a practical implementation also dependent on
the magnetic core geometry, models for skin and proximity effects can
be derived and copper losses can be calculated by application of these
models. In this section the copper losses, and also the core losses, of an
already manufactured inductor are determined (Schott Inc. HWT-19,
cf. Fig. 6.44). The helical copper foil winding results in a large copper
filling factor at a moderate parasitic capacitance. Skin and Proximity
effects, however, increase the AC winding resistance for higher frequen-
cies. Due to the orthogonality of the sine-function of different frequencies
Z 2
sin(n) sin(m)d = 0 for m 6= n (6.82)

the current waveform can be separated into a low-frequency part IN,rms

showing only the fundamental mains frequency fN and a ripple current
Ir,rms at switching frequency fs . All higher switching frequency harmon-
ics and all low-frequency harmonics of the mains are neglected for this
In a next step the AC-resistances of the implemented inductor winding
are measured using the Bode network analyzer [250] which results in the
System Design 313

resistances RCu,400Hz , RCu,800Hz and Rcu,72kHz . Using the rms values of

the fundamental current and the current ripple the cooper losses can
approximately be calculated using
2 2
Pv,Cu = RCu,fN IN,rms + RCu,fs Ir,rms . (6.83)

On one hand the approach shown in section 5.4.1 using the improved
generalized Steinmetz equation can be applied for the calculation of the
core losses. The corresponding flux densities can be calculated by

i(N )LN
B(N ) = (6.84)
where LN is the boost inductance value, AFe is the effective magnetic
area and N is the number of turns. A separation of flux-density into a
fundamental part and a ripple flux-density in a strict sense is not possi-
ble. The high frequency current ripple results in small magnetizing loops
(minor loops) which shows, due to the nonlinear material properties of
the magnetic material, different power losses dependent on the instan-
taneous value of the low-frequency component of the flux density. This
effect can, however, be neglected in a first approach without making a
large error. According to the loss formulas given in the data sheet of
the applied material -52 of Micrometals Inc. [246] the core losses can
therefore be approximated by
fN 2 +
Pv,core = a b c
+ dfN2 BN
+ 2.3
+ 1.65
fs 2
+ a b c
+ dfs2 Bs
+ 2.3
+ 1.65
s s s

where BN is the peak flux density caused by the fundamental frequency

fN and Bs is the peak flux density caused by the ripple current. The
parameters a, b, c and d are given in the data sheet. The resulting
inductor losses

Pv,L,tot = 3Pv,L = 3 (Pv,Cu + Pv,core ) (6.86)

can be determined summarizing the calculated copper and core losses.

314 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

EMI filter

Boost inductors
Semiconductors Output DC-link
Controller board

Fig. 6.45: 5 kW -switch rectifier laboratory prototype. Dimensions: 170 mm

120 mm128 mm.

6.5 Laboratory Prototype

Based on the proposed controller concept a laboratory setup of the
-switch rectifier according to the specifications given in TABLE 6.7
has been built. The prototype is shown in Fig. 6.45. An existing
EMI filter, originally designed for a 72 kHz Vienna-type rectifier, was
applied to this rectifier. The overall dimensions of the system are
170 mm 120 mm 128 mm (6.69 in 4.72 in 5.04 in), thus giving a
power density of 1.9 kW/dm3 (or 31.4 W/in3 ). The system is forced
air-cooled and has a weight of 3.78 kg resulting in a power to weight
ratio of 1.3 kW/kg. The proposed controller is digitally implemented in
a fixed point Texas Instruments DSP (TI 320F2808) and a switching
frequency of 72 kHz is used. CoolMOS power transistors IPP60R045CP
with a very low RDSon of 45 m are used for implementation of the
bidirectional switches, and the Si-diodes APT30D60BHB are employed
as rectifier diodes. A summary of the devices is given in TABLE 6.9.

The occupied volumes of the main system elements are listed in TA-
BLE 6.8 and illustrated in Fig. 6.46. The boxed volumes of the system
elements/PCB boards are used for volume calculation and the gaps be-
tween these boxes are summarized to the item Air. The air in between
the components is included into the boxed volumes. The heat sink in-
Laboratory Prototype 315

TABLE 6.7: Specifications of the implemented laboratory prototype.

Input voltage (L-N): VN = 97 VRMS . . . 132 VRMS

Input frequency: fN = 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz
Switching frequency: fs = 72 kHz
Output voltage: Vo = 400 VDC
Output power: Po = 5 kW

TABLE 6.8: Volumes of the main system elements of the implemented -switch
rectifier system.

Volume (dm3 ) Share of tot. volume

Semiconductors, Aux, Control 0.34 dm 13 %
Boost inductors 0.3 dm3 12 %
Output capacitors 0.25 dm3 10 %
EMI filter 0.63 dm3 24 %
Heat sink, fans 0.82 dm3 31 %
Air 0.27 dm3 10 %
Total 2.61 dm3 100 %

cluding fans, is the biggest system part and takes about 31 % of the
total system volume. It is interesting, that the semiconductors together
with the gate drive PCB, auxiliary supply and control PCB take nearly
the same share of system volume as the boost inductors. The second
largest system element is the EMI filter which amounts to 24 %. Even if
the EMI filter has not been designed for the two-level -switch rectifier
topology a proper designed EMI filter will show similar volume and as
will be shown below the applied EMI filter nearly fulfills the EMI norms.
The output capacitors are designed to be able to take on the ripple cur-
rent. In order to guarantee a certain possible holdup time the required
capacitance and volume could be much higher. An increase in switch-
ing frequency would reduce the volume of the EMI filter and the boost
inductors but would on the other hand increase the volume of the heat
316 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

Output capacitors
10% EMI filter

Heatsink + fans

Boost inductor Aux, Control
12% 13%

Fig. 6.46: Volume distribution of the main system elements of the constructed 5 kW
laboratory prototype with a switching frequency of fs = 72 kHz.

6.5.1 Calculated and Measured Efficiency

The power losses and the resulting efficiency of the implemented -
switch rectifier system are calculated in this section for fN = 400 Hz
using the analytical expressions derived in section 6.4.3. The corre-
sponding component parameters, partly based on data sheet specifi-
cations and partly based on measurements, are listed in TABLE 6.9.
As shown in section 5.3.1, the thermal interface of the semiconductors
to the heat sink and also the heat sink itself have to be modeled in order
to determine the junction temperatures of the semiconductors. The cor-
responding equations for conduction and switching losses can thus not
be solved directly. An iterative solution is used instead where a junction
temperature is assumed for calculation of the losses and verified using
the calculated system losses and the properties of the thermal interface.
All the semiconductors are mounted on a forced air-cooled heat sink
with a thermal resistance of
Rth,sa = 0.3 (6.87)
and the MOSFETs show a total thermal resistance of
Rth,js = 0.8 (6.88)
if also a Kapton-foil for isolation is considered. Due to the lack of ac-
curate thermal parameters of the applied rectifier diodes and thyristors
the temperature dependence of VF and rD is not modeled and the values
for a junction temperature of 100 C are used instead.
Laboratory Prototype 317

TABLE 6.9: Selected power devices and corresponding parameters for implemen-
tation of the -switch rectifier.


Channel Body diode
RDSon,25 = 39 m VF,25 = 0.7 V
1 = 0.0083 K1 VF = 66 106 K1
2 = 43 106 K1 rD,25 = 9.7 m
1 , 2 = 0 rD = 3 105 K1
Switching Losses
k0 = 38.3 J k1 = 15 J
k2 = 0 = 0.011 K1
E400V = 27.5 J
Diode APT30B60BHB Thyristor 40TPS12A
VF = 0.8 V VF,Thy = 1.04 V
rD = 13 m rD,Thy = 10 m
Output Capacitors 18 Nippon Chemicon KXG 82 F/450 V
ESR = 1 Ileak = 250 A
Boost Inductor Schott HWT-193 326 H
AFe = 227 mm2 VFe = 27000 mm3
N = 44
Core Material Micrometals -52
a = 109 c = 2.1 106
b = 1.1 108 d = 6.9 1014
Winding Resistance
RCu,50Hz = 12 m RCu,400Hz = 27 m
RCu,800Hz = 45 m RCu,72kHz = 3.6

The results of the loss calculation using different mains voltages for
fN = 400 Hz and Po = 5 kW are given in TABLE 6.10 where also the
calculated semiconductor and total efficiencies are listed.
318 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

TABLE 6.10: Calculated power loss break-down and efficiency of the proposed
-switch rectifier for an output power of Po = 5 kW, a switching frequency of fs =
72 kHz and a mains frequency of fN = 400 Hz.

Input voltage (line rms) 97.7 115 132 V

Input current (rms) 17.9 15.2 13.3 A
Modulation index 0.598 0.704 0.808
MOSFET conduction losses 16.3 9.6 5.4 W
MOSFET switching losses 102.3 91 83.1 W
Total MOSFET losses 118.6 100.6 88.5 W
Diode losses 27.8 26.8 26 W
Thyristor losses 14.7 14.6 14.4 W
Total semiconductor losses 161.1 142 128.9 W
Semiconductor efficiency 96.7 97.1 97.4 %
Input choke 83.9 66.8 55.8 W
Output capacitors 9.3 6.7 4.8 W
Auxiliary power 10 10 10 W
Additional losses (EMI,...) 30 30 30 W
Total power losses 294.3 255.5 229.5 W
Efficiency 94.1 94.9 95.4 %

The semiconductor losses are illustrated in Fig. 6.47 for VN = 115 V.

The total semiconductor losses of 142 W are clearly dominated by
switching losses of the Si-diode/CoolMOS combination. The second
largest portion of semiconductor losses are the conduction losses of
the rectifier diodes followed by the conduction losses of the thyristors.
The forward and reverse biased conduction losses of the MOSFETs on
the other hand are rather small. A semiconductor efficiency of 97.1 %
can be achieved with the described semiconductors. Consideration of
the the heat sink and the semiconductors thermal interfaces yields
to a MOSFET junction temperature of Tj = 105 C if an ambient
temperature of Ta = 45 C is assumed.
The dominating switching losses can be reduced by application of
SiC-diodes which show, except of a capacitive current charging the
Laboratory Prototype 319

Pv,semi = 142 W, semi=97.1% Pv,semi = 120 W, semi=97.6%

Semiconducor power losses (W)

PThy = 14.6 W (10 %)
PD = 26.8 W (19 %)
PThy = 14.6 W (12 %)
100 Pcon,r = 3.8 W (3 %)
Pcon,f = 5.7 W (4 %)
80 PD = 51.9 W (43 %)
Psw = 91 W (64 %) Pcon,r = 3.8 W (3 %)
40 Pcon,f = 5.7 W (5 %)

20 Psw = 43 W (36 %)


Fig. 6.47: Calculated semiconductor power loss break-down if either Si diodes or

SiC diodes are used; System parameters: fN = 400 Hz, VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V,
fs = 72 kHz and Po = 5 kW.

parasitic output capacitance at turn-off, no reverse recovery current.

As already mentioned, SiC-diodes show a larger forward voltage drop
which yields to higher conduction losses on the other hand. The
switching losses of the SiC/CoolMOS combination are estimated using
the switching loss measurements given in section 5.1.3 and the results
are also summarized in Fig. 6.47. Whereas the switching losses can
be cut in half, the conduction losses of the rectifier diodes are doubled
which all together slightly increases the semiconductor efficiency to
97.6 %. Using SiC-diodes the distribution of semiconductor losses on
the particular components is more even which could be an advantage
for cooling of the devices. On the other hand, the costs of SiC-diodes
are much higher than the costs of Si-diodes and since the total
semiconductor losses of the two implementations are more or less equal
the use of Si-diodes is preferred for the switching frequency of 72 kHz.
The SiC-diodes would show their strength if the switching frequency
would be increased to higher values where Si-diodes would end up with
far to high switching losses.

Fig. 6.48 shows the power loss break-down considering the main pas-
sive components. Next to the largest part of semiconductor losses Pv,semi
(56 %) the total system losses are dominated by the inductor losses Pv,L
which are mainly dominated by core losses at fN = 400 Hz. The con-
structed rectifier system and also the boost inductors are designed for
50 Hz applications and unfortunately the core material is not suited for
320 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

Pv,tot = 255.5 W, tot=94.9% Pv,tot = 181 W, tot=96.4%

PEMI... = 30 W (12 %) SiC-diodes
Total power losses (W)

250 Redesigned boots inductor

PAux = 10 W (19 %)
200 PCo = 6.7 W (3 %) PEMI... = 30 W (17 %)
Pv,L = 66.8 W (26 %) PAux = 10 W (6 %)
PCo = 6.7 W (4 %)
Pv,L = 15 W (8 %)
Pv,semi = 142 W (56 %)
Pv,semi = 120 W (66 %)

Fig. 6.48: Calculated total system power loss distribution of the constructed rectifier
system and a rectifier system using SiC-diodes and optimized boost inductors. Sys-
tem parameters: fN = 400 Hz, VN = 115 V, Vo = 400 V, fs = 72 kHz and Po = 5 kW.

360 Hz - 800 Hz and yields to inadmissible high inductor losses. The to-
tal system losses are 255.5 W and this results in a total system efficiency
of only 94.5 % at fN = 400 Hz.
A more sophisticated design of the boost inductors using a ferrite core
instead of the unsuited powder core could reduce the inductor losses
considerably and the total boost inductor losses are excepted to be
Pv,L = 15 W instead of 66.8 W which is a reduction of almost 80 %. The
loss break-down of a rectifier system using SiC-diodes and redesigned
boost inductors is illustrated in Fig. 6.48. The main losses are now
semiconductor losses which take about 60 % of total system power losses.
The remaining power losses are more or less equally spread on boost-
inductor losses Pv,L , losses caused by the EMI filter and the wiring PEMI ,
auxiliary power supply PAux and losses in the output capacitors PCo . It
is obvious that the total system losses could be reduced to 181 W which
would result in an efficiency of 96.4 %.
The measured efficiency for the specified input voltage range is de-
picted in Fig. 6.49(a). The measured efficiency varies between 93.5%
and 95% and the results are in good agreement with the calculated
efficiencies which verifies the correctness of the derived loss models. The
measured efficiencies are somewhat lower than the calculated values
and the difference has been found in the current dependent losses of
the EMI filter. For the sake of brevity these losses have been considered
as a constant term in the calculation. A three-phase power source [264]
is used for testing the rectifier and the output current capability of
this power source (5 kW, 13 Arms ) limits the power level for the given
efficiency measurements.
Laboratory Prototype 321

VN = 132 V
94 VN = 115 V

93 VN = 97.3 V
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000
Po (W)

Power factor

0.99 6

THDI (%)
0.98 5
0.97 4
0.96 3
0.95 2
0.94 1
0.93 0
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Po (W)


Fig. 6.49: (a) Measured efficiency of the 5 kW laboratory prototype at fN = 400 Hz

for the specified mains voltages and (b) measured power factor and input current
quality THDI as a function of Po (fN = 400 Hz, fs = 72 kHz and VN = 115 V).

The measured power factor is plotted in Fig. 6.49(b) together

with the measured input current quality (expressed by the THDI -value).
Whereas at high power levels a power factor of = 0.999 can be achieved
the power factor drops to lower values at partial load. The reason can
be found in the capacitive current drawn by EMI filter capacitors. As
already mentioned, an existing EMI filter originally designed for a 50 Hz
VR system is used for the -switch rectifier system. The total amount
of input capacitance for a system operated with 360 Hz 800 Hz may
be reduced but one has to keep in mind that a specific amount of input
capacitance is needed for proper operation of the rectifier system. As
analyzed in [258], the -switch rectifier system would be able to com-
pensate a specific amount of current phase lag which is discussed below.
Fig. 6.49(b) also confirms that a very good input current quality
(THDI < 4 %) can be achieved despite the relatively low switching
322 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

vN3 vN3

1 1

iN1 iN2 iN3 iN1 iN2 iN3

2 2
34 34

CH1 100V CH3 10A M 1ms CH1 100V CH3 10A M 0.5ms
CH2 10A CH4 10A CH2 10A CH4 10A

(a) (b)

Fig. 6.50: Measurement results taken from the laboratory prototype at an output
power level of Po = 4 kW; (a) Input currents and phase voltage at fN = 400 Hz
(THDI = 2.3 %, = 0.999) and (b) at fN = 800 Hz (THDI = 2.9 %, = 0.999).

frequency of 72 kHz.

6.5.2 Experimental Results

The measured input currents of the rectifier system are given in
Fig. 6.50(a) for Po = 4 kW, fN = 400 Hz where an excellent THDI
of 2.3 % and a power factor of = 0.999 have been measured.
Fig. 6.50(b) shows a measurement of the input currents at Po = 4 kW
and fN = 800 Hz. There, a THDI of 2.9 % and a power factor of = 0.999
have been measured. This verifies, that even at 800 Hz a good input
current quality can be achieved by the -switch rectifier system.

In Fig. 6.51 the measured inductor current iN1 over two periods is
shown for Po = 4 kW, VN = 115 V and fN = 400 Hz. An increased current
ripple can be observed in the phase drawing the largest input current
(e.g. N [30 . . . 30 ] for iN1 ), where the ripple current shows its
maximum at N = 0 . This is in good agreement with the simulation
results and confirms the operation of the proposed current controller.

The individual input current harmonics of the rectifier system

operating at Po = 4 kW and fN = 400 Hz are summarized in Fig. 6.52
Laboratory Prototype 323



CH1 100V CH2 10A M 0.5ms

Fig. 6.51: Measured inductor current iN1 at Po = 4 kW, VN = 115 V and fN =

400 Hz.

-switch rectifier
Limits DO160F
IN(n)/IN(1) (%)

5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 6.52: Measured input current harmonics compared to the limits of the standard
DO160F (Po = 4 kW and fN = 400 Hz).

together with the limits of the airborne standard DO160F. Each

harmonic IN (n) is related to the fundamental IN (1). All harmonics
are quite below the limits of DO160F which highlights the good
performance of the -switch rectifier system. The standard itself also
covers ATUs and TRUs which explains the large harmonic limits for
n = 11, 13, 17, 19, ... (the limits for n = 11, 13 are not fully shown). The
relative large amount of fifth harmonic is a result of the rather low
switching frequency.
324 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier



modulation of S12
S12 clamped S12 clamped

CH1 200V CH2 10A M 0.2ms

Fig. 6.53: Measured drain-source voltage vDS of switch S12 at an output power
level of Po = 4 kW.

As mentioned in section 6.4, the commutation paths include four

semiconductor devices. It is therefore difficult to minimize the parasitic
inductance of this path in practice. The result is a considerable ringing
of the MOSFETs drain-source voltages at turn off. In Fig. 6.53, a
measurement of the drain-source voltage vDS of switch S12 is shown.
Although the layout has been optimized to minimize the commutation
path inductance, a voltage overshoot of 60 V can be observed in case
the switch is PWM operated. In addition the MOSFET, as depicted
in Fig. 6.53, experiences a PWM shaped blocking voltage, originating
from the two other switches while the device is clamped into continuous
off state (S12 in N [30 . . . 90 , 210 . . . 270 ]). This voltage overshoot
is unfortunately even higher than the over-voltage generated from the
switch itself which has to be considered in the system design.
The occurring over voltage is a major practical problem of the -switch
rectifier topology. Each bidirectional switch has, depending on the input
current direction, two different commutation paths. This is tightened
by the fact that if for instance the commutation path of switch S12 is
optimized in the PC layout, automatically the commutation paths of
S23 and S31 are degraded. A careful PCB layout is therefore essential
for a successful implementation of a -switch rectifier system.

Fig. 6.54(a) shows the measured system behavior in case of a

single phase loss at Po = 2.25 kW and fN = 400 Hz. Input phase L1
is therefore disconnected from its power source. In agreement with
Laboratory Prototype 325

vo vo

Return of phase 1
iN2 iN3
iN1 iN3 iN2

12 12
34 34

Loss of phase 1
All switches operating Switch S12 clamped Switch S12 still clamped All switches operating

CH1 100V CH3 10A M 2ms CH1 100V CH3 10A M 2ms
CH2 10A CH3 10A CH2 10A CH3 10A

(a) (b)

Fig. 6.54: Measured response of the rectifier system on a loss of phase L1 ; Parame-
ters: Po = 2.25 kW and fN = 400 Hz; (a) Measured inductor currents iN i and output
voltage vo at loss of one phase and (b) return of the phase voltage.

the simulation results given in Fig. 6.13 the system further operates
in two phase mode without any changes in the controller structure
(cf. Fig. 6.54(a)). During two-phase operation a pulsating power
flow from the mains to the rectifier output with a frequency of 2fN
occurs which results in a corresponding output voltage ripple. Note,
that this voltage ripple cannot be seen in the measurement due to
the large output capacitance (1.47 mF) and the unfavorable scaling of
the output voltage. As already discussed in section 6.3.3 one switch
has to be clamped during two-phase operation. The rms measurement
of the phase voltage, which is already implemented for calculation of
the required conductance Ge , is used for detection of the phase loss.
In Fig. 6.54(a) the phase loss is detected approximately after half a
period and switch S12 is subsequently clamped to permanent off-state.
After this clamping action no oscillations occur. In theory a change
of the controller structure is not necessary but in practice appearing
current oscillations can be prevented if one of the remaining switches
is clamped to permanent off state.

Fig. 6.54(b) shows the behavior of the rectifier system if phase

L1 is connected to the grid again. Due to the clamping action of S12
the rectifier system is not able to generate sinusoidal input currents
(cf. gray shaded area in Fig. 6.54(b)) but the amplitude of the
326 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

vN1 vN1
iN1 iN1
1 1
2 2

vi = 21 vi = -21

CH1 100V M 5ms CH1 100V M 5ms

CH2 10A CH2 10A

(a) (b)

Fig. 6.55: Measured input current iN1 and input voltage vN1 if the phase current is
phase shifted by the controller (Po = 2.5 kW and fN = 400 Hz) for (a) lagging input
current (vi = 21 ) and (b) leading input current (vi = 21 ).

currents is still limited. After approximately half a mains period

the control system detects that the corresponding phase is up again
and the clamped switch S12 is released. This confirms that the recti-
fier system is able to handle a single phase loss at a reduced power level.

The phase shift capability of the -switch rectifier system has been
tested and the results for vi = 21 are depicted in Fig. 6.55. In
contrast to the simulation results slightly increased input current
distortions in the vicinity of the current zero crossings can be observed
which results in a THDI of 3.5 % instead of 2.8 % for operation without
phase shift. Please note, that the input currents without phase-shift
show similar distortions in the vicinity of the zero crossings as given
in Fig. 6.55. The current distortions could, however, be reduced by
application of the turn-off delay compensation as discussed in section
5.1.2. Due to the phase-shift, the actual line-to-line voltage available
to generate the required current slope at near the zero crossing gets
smaller which results in addition in increased zero crossing distortions
called cusp-distortions (see also [167]). The measurement results of
Fig. 6.55, however, clearly demonstrate the phase shift capability of
the rectifier system.
In addition, it has been determined to what extend the phase shift
capability can be used in practice to improve the power factor of the
Laboratory Prototype 327

0.999 7

Power factor
0.99 6

THDI (%)
0.98 5
0.97 4
0.96 THDI 3
0.95 2
with comp.
0.94 1
without comp.
0.93 0
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500
Po (W)

Fig. 6.56: Measured power factor and input current quality with and without
enabled reactive power compensation by the rectifier system for VN = 115 V,
fs = 72 kHz and fN = 400 Hz.

rectifier system and the results are plotted in Fig. 6.56. The power
factor can be improved considerably for partial load. Whereas without
compensation the power factor already degrades for Po below 2.5 kW,
can be kept above 0.99 for Po > 1 kW. On the other hand, an
increased THDI can be measured caused by the phase shift action of
the rectifier system. Below Po = 1 kW the load current is too small to
generate the required reactive power and the power factor drops very
quickly accompanied by heavily distorted input currents. The phase
shift capability of the -switch rectifier system can therefore be used
advantageously to improve the power factor for intermediate output
power levels.

In order to get a basic idea of the conducted EMI emissions of the

-switch rectifier, initial EMI measurements were performed for an
input frequency of fN = 50 Hz. For that purpose a standard LISN
according to CISPR 16 (50 H, 50 ) [138] was used. A three-phase
DM/CM noise separator [251] was applied to measure the DM and
CM noise separately. The measurements were done without a specific
EMI filter, but to provide proper operation of the rectifier, capacitors
of 3.4 F per phase have been placed at the rectifier input in star
connection. In the airborne standard DO160F [31] emission limits for
the noise currents are defined, but only noise voltage measurements
have been performed. Under consideration of the frequency dependent
impedance of the LISN the required current noise levels have been
calculated using the measured noise voltages. The results of the
328 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier


Total Emissions (dBA)


Category B
Category L,M

150 kHz f (Hz) 30 MHz


100 100
DM Emissions (dBA)

CM Emissions (dBA)
80 80

60 60
Category B Category B
40 40
Category L,M Category L,M
20 20

0 0
150 kHz f (Hz) 30 MHz 150 kHz f (Hz) 30 MHz

(b) (c)

Fig. 6.57: Initial CE measurements of the rectifier system without EMI filter at
fN = 50 Hz using a standard LISN according to CISPR 16 (50 H, 50 ); (a) Total
conducted emissions, (b) DM emissions and (c) CM emissions.

peak-measurements and subsequent calculations for the frequency

range 150 kHz . . . 30 MHz are shown in Fig. 6.57 together with the
limits of the airborne standard DO160F (Category B and Category
L,M,H). According to Fig. 6.57, CM emissions are the main noise
components of the converter. A preferably accurate modeling of the
parasitic CM paths and careful design of the CM filter stage is therefore
essential and subject for further research. The total amount of input
capacitors (3.4 F) would almost be sufficient for DM noise and this
type of emissions can therefore be handled by a common multi-stage
Delta-Switch Rectifier for 230 V Mains Voltage 329

TABLE 6.11: Power devices selected for power loss calculation of a -switch rec-
tifier system with VN = 230 V.

Part Device Description

Sij IPW90R500C3 (VDS = 900 V, RDSon = 0.5 )
Dni , Dpi IDH15S120 (VRRM = 1200 V, IF = 15 A)
T hyi TYN1012 (VRRM = 1000 V, IF = 12 A)
Co 2 12 Nippon Chemicon KXG 82 F/450 V
LNi 730 H (2 E65 cores, material: Epcos N87, N = 47 turns)

6.6 Delta-Switch Rectifier for 230 V Mains

The 650 V-CoolMOS devices and 600 V-rectifier diodes used for the
constructed prototype cannot be used anymore if the -switch rectifier
system shall be employed for future aircraft mains voltage of 230 V.
One possibility is to use 1200 V-IGBTs and 1200 V-rectifier diodes but
the switching behavior of the IGBTs and rectifier diodes does not allow
a high switching frequency and a switching frequency in the range
of 25 kHz has to be selected instead. This considerably increases the
volume of the passive components such as boost inductors and EMI
If the input voltage range is for instance limited to 230 V 10 %,
recently developed CoolMOS devices with a breakdown voltage of
900 V can be applied in conjunction with 1200 V SiC-diodes. With
this combination the switching frequency can be kept at 72 kHz or
even raised to higher values. In order to demonstrate the capability
of the -switch rectifier topology for a mains voltage of 230 V and
an output power of 10 kW the system losses and expected volumes of
the main components are calculated according to 6.4.3. The intended
components are listed in TABLE 6.11 where also the main parameters
are given.

The output voltage is chosen to be 650 V and according to (6.66) a

boost inductor value of 720 H is required if 20 % peak to peak cur-
rent ripple is allowed. Two E65 cores with the material N87 from Ep-
cos Inc. are assumed for implementation of the boost inductors where
330 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

Pv,semi = 202.6 W, semi=98 % Pv,tot = 294.8 W, tot=97.0 %

Semiconducor power losses (W)

200 PEMI... = 40 W (13 %)

PThy = 23 W (11 %) PAux = 10 W (3 %)

Total power losses (W)

PCo = 6.2 W (2 %)
150 200
PD = 74 W (37 %) PL = 36 W (12 %)

100 Pcon,r = 9.6 W (5 %)

Pcon,f = 43.2 W (21 %) 100 Pv,semi = 202.6 W (69 %)

Psw = 52.8 W (26 %)
0 0

(a) (b)

Fig. 6.58: Calculated power loss distribution of a 10 kW -switch rectifier system

for VN = 230 V using 900 V CoolMOS devices and 1200 V SiC-diodes for fs = 72 kHz.

N = 47 turns are required in order to prevent the core from saturation.

Each inductor would show the dimensions 65 65 65 mm3 which is
significantly larger than the boost inductor required for a comparable
three-level VR system (cf. VR72 in section 7). Two capacitor banks,
each with 12 82 F/450 V electrolytic capacitors, are connected in
series for implementation of the output capacitor Co .
Fig. 6.58 illustrates the results of the loss calculation. The selected
CoolMOS devices IPW90R500C3 show a relatively large RDSon of 0.5
which results, besides the large switching losses, in significant conduc-
tion losses. The switching losses are estimated using the switching loss
measurements given in section 5.1.3. These switching loss measurements
are performed for a drain source voltage of 400 V and have to be esti-
mated for 650 V. In addition, the CP-series of the CoolMOS devices has
been used which may show a different switching behavior than 900 V
CoolMOS C3 devices. The estimated switching losses are therefore the
biggest uncertainty of the loss calculation. Also the 1200 V SiC-diodes
show, due to their large forward voltage drop, significant conduction
Despite that, a semiconductor efficiency of 98 % is expected. In
Fig. 6.58(b) the estimated total system losses including the losses of
the main passive components are shown. The biggest part are the semi-
conductor power losses followed by the estimated losses in the boost
inductor and the EMI filter. All together, a total system efficiency of
97 % can be expected which is quite good. The efficiency may, however,
be reduced to lower values in case larger switching losses occur.
Comparison with the Vienna Rectifier 331

Output capacitors EMI filter

8% 24 %

Heatsink + fans
24 %

Aux, Control
Boost inductor 11 %
24 %

Fig. 6.59: Estimated volumes of the 10 kW -switch rectifier system with VN =

230 V and fs = 72 kHz.

TABLE 6.12: Specifications of the rectifier systems used for benchmarking.

Mains voltage (L-N): VN = 230 V 10 %

Mains frequency: fN = 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz
Switching frequency: fs = 72 kHz
Output voltage: Vo = 800 VDC
Output power: Po = 10 kW

Fig. 6.59 shows the estimated volumes of the intended 10 kW rectifier

system. The volume occupied by the semiconductors, auxiliary power
supply and gate drive units is assumed to be equal to the volume of the
5 kW rectifier system. The major increase in volume can be observed
by the boost inductors which take now 24 % of the total volume. The
boxed volume of the system would be 3.4 dm3 which would result in
a power density of 2.9 kW/dm3 . This power density only considers the
boxed volumes and the corresponding air taken from the constructed
5 kW rectifier system without doing a construction or component ar-
rangement. In a final implementation the power density may therefore
slightly be reduced.

6.7 Comparison with the Vienna Rectifier

In the following the characteristics of the -switch rectifier (cf.
Fig. 6.60(a)) are benchmarked with the Vienna-type rectifier shown
in Fig. 6.60(b). Both systems require the same number of rectifier
332 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier


EMC input filter

VN1 LN1 vr1
N VN2 LN2 vr2 Co
S23 Vo
VN3 LN3 vr3


S1 Cop
EMC input filter




Fig. 6.60: Rectifier systems used for the comparative evaluation. (a) Two-level -
switch rectifier and (b) three-level VR structure.

diodes and bidirectional switches which are implemented by back-to-

back connection of MOSFETs. The systems are designed to obtain
the specifications listed in TABLE 6.12. A mains voltage level of
230 V is chosen as this might be the AC voltage level of future aircraft.
All rectifier diodes have to be implemented by either by high-voltage
ultrafast Si diodes or 1200 V SiC diodes. The switches of the -
switch rectifier system can be implemented using 900 V CoolMOS
devices as discussed in section 6.6 or by recently released 1200 V
SiC-MOSFET [78]. The switches of the VR on the other hand are only
stressed with Vo /2 and 600 V CoolMOS devices can be used. Compared
to the original VR structure shown in Fig. 3.1(a), or the 6-switch
version given in Fig. 3.1(b), this implementation shows lower diode
conduction losses as only one diode is now present in the free-wheeling
path. These diodes must, however, exhibit a larger voltage blocking ca-
pability compared to the diodes in the VR structures shown in Fig. 3.1.

The benchmark can now be done using a detailed calculation of the

power losses and specific volumes of the system elements as shown
in [265, 45, 266, 267] and [47]. Detailed models of the rectifier systems
Comparison with the Vienna Rectifier 333

and time consuming calculations would therefore be necessary.

An easy and powerful topology evaluation method, only based on the
component voltages and current average and rms values, has been
proposed in [49]. No detailed calculation of the power losses is there
required which makes it very interesting for a first, rough evaluation.
Specific advantages of the rectifier topologies are not directly addressed
by this approach and have to be considered in a more detailed evalua-
In the following this approach will be used for the comparison of
the two rectifier topologies and the performance indices derived
in [49] will be modified to fulfill the requirements of unidirectional
three-phase rectifier systems. The average and rms current stresses of
the -switch rectifier derived in section 6.4.2 and of the Vienna Rec-
tifier system given in TABLE 3.1 are used for the following calculation.

1) Transistors:
The relative transistor VA-rating
1 n VDS,max,n IDS,max,n
Rel. Transistor VA-rating = = (6.89)
T Po

is the reciprocal of the transistor utilization T defined in [49] where

VDS,max and IDS,max are the maximum voltage/current values of the
transistor occurring over a mains period. The maximum values do
not have to appear simultaneously and the results of all switches are
summed up. The VA-ratings are finally related to the nominal output
power Po . This performance index reflects the voltage/current stress of
the switches and the smaller this index is the better.

The conduction losses of the switches are benchmarked using the sum
of the transistors rms values
pT,con = n (6.90)

related to the load current Io . One may claim that the squared rms
currents would have to be summed in order to get a meaningful result.
If, however, also the thermal interface of the semiconductor chips is
considered (i.e. a larger chip area is provided for larger losses) a short
calculation shows that the conduction losses are proportional to IDS,rms
334 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

and not to IDS,rms .

Regarding switching losses the performance index

IDS,avg,n VDS,off
pT,sw = n (6.91)
can be calculated assuming a linear dependency of the switching losses
on the switched current, where VDS,off is the drain source voltage during
the off-state. This approach can only be used if VDS stays constant over
the whole mains period which is true for the considered boost topologies.

2) Diodes:
As for the switches, a diode VA-rating
1 VD,max,n ID,max,n
Diode VA-rating = = n (6.92)
D Po

can be calculated and a performance index for the diode conduction

losses is defined by P
pD = n (6.93)
using the average diode currents.

3) Passive Components:
The converter topology determines which passive components must be
taken into account. While for a boost-type rectifier system the boost
inductor and the output capacitor have to be selected, the input ca-
pacitor and the DC side inductor would have to be used for buck-type
rectifier systems. Also different performance indices may be calculated
for different topologies.
The boost inductor of the three-phase rectifier system can in a first step
be described by the percentage reactance

2fN IN,rms LN
pL,p = . (6.94)

Accordingly, a system requiring a larger inductor value, such as a two

level system, shows a higher percentage reactance.
Comparison with the Vienna Rectifier 335

The stress on the output capacitor is modeled by a performance factor

considering its current stress
pC = (6.95)
which, considering data sheets, is related to a certain capacitance

3) EMI Filter:
The EMI filter requirements can be evaluated using the approach pro-
posed in [240] which is used in section 5.7.2 to calculate the required
attenuation of the CM filter stage. A computer simulation can be used
to derive the DM and CM voltage waveforms of the rectifier systems.
The DM and CM noise voltages are then calculated using the rms values
of the simulated voltage waveforms VDM,tot and VCM,tot
2 2
VDM = VDM,tot VN2
2 2 2
where VN is the mains voltage and VCM,LF is the low frequency CM
voltage, e.g. a third harmonic voltage signal used to increase the
modulation range of the rectifier system.

The calculated performance indexes of the two rectifier systems are

summarized in TABLE 6.13. In order to illustrate the performance of
the system a radar chart of the performance indexes can be drawn (cf.
Fig. 6.61). The particular performance indexes of an element (e.g. of
transistors or diodes) are arranged together so that the performances of
these elements can easily be compared. All plotted performance indexes
are then connected which finally defines an area in the performance
space. This is done for both systems and the system resulting in a
smaller area, in a qualitative sense, shows a better performance. It has
to be stated here that the total area may be a function of the arrange-
ment of the individual performance indexes and that an appropriate
arrangement could pretend a higher performance of one system. It
is, however, a very powerful method to illustrate the performance of
a system as all indexes can be observed at a first glance and as the
specific performance indexes of two systems can directly be compared
also detailed information of one system can be read from the diagram.
336 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

TABLE 6.13: Calculated performance indexes of the two rectifier circuits.

-switch Vienna-type
rectifier Rectifier
Num. of transistors 6 6
Num. of diodes 3 3
Trans. VA-rating (1T ) 7.69 4.55
Trans. cond. losses pT,con 2.01 3.02
Trans. switch. losses pT,sw 1.41 0.7
Diode. VA-rating (1D ) 8.85 8.85
Diode Cond. Losses pD,con 2 2
Percentage reactance pL,p 0.7 0.41
Cap. current stress pC 0.4 0.4
DM Noise VDM 165 dBV 159 dBV
CM Noise VCM 159 dBV 162 dBV

The VR system shows a smaller transistors VA-rating as the

bidirectional switches are only stressed with half of the output voltage.
This can also be seen in the switching losses as also there only the half
output voltage has to be taken into account. The -switch rectifier
on the other hand shows smaller conduction losses as the -connected
switches are stressed with smaller currents. Both rectifier topologies
show equal performance indexes for the diodes as they are stressed
with the same current and voltage levels.
The percentage reactance of the -switch rectifier is larger than the
one of the VR as the VR system allows a smaller boost inductor due
to the three-level topology. This is also visible in the smaller DM noise
level of the three-level topology. The CM noise level of the -switch
rectifier system is, however, smaller than the noise level of the VR.

Overall, the VR shows a better performance than the -switch rec-

tifier system and is therefore the better choice for a mains voltage of
230 V. The -switch rectifier shows, however, a slightly better efficiency
than the VR system at equal size and power density for a mains voltage
of 115 V and an output voltage of 400 V as shown in [268]. The -switch
rectifier is therefore the optimal choice for a mains voltage of 115 V and
a corresponding output voltage of Vo = 400 V.
Conclusion 337

Trans. VA-Rating
-Switch Diode VA-Rating
8 Rectifier (D)-1
Cond. Losses 5
4 6 8

3 6
Vienna Rectifier 2
Transistor 5 2 Diode
4 1
Switching Losses 3 2 5 Cond. Losses
2 4
1 3
155 150 0.2
0.4 0.4
DM-Noise 170 160 0.5 Output Cap.
[dBV] 0.6 Current Stress

165 0.8

170 1

CM-Noise Percentage
[dBV] Reactance [%]

Fig. 6.61: Radar diagram illustrating the performances of the -switch rectifier
and of the VR.

6.8 Conclusion
In this section the three-phase -switch rectifier circuit has been
analyzed. Due to the high voltage stress of the -connected switches,
state-of-the-art SJ MOSFETs with a blocking voltage of 650 V cannot
be used. The topology is, however, ideally suited for a mains voltage
of 115 V. The required bidirectional switches are implemented using
two back-to-back connected MOSFETs as there are no bidirectional
switches commercially available. True bidirectional switches using the
semiconductor material GaN have, however, been presented in research
which would be ideally suited to reduce the conduction losses. Also
recently released SiC MOSFETs with a blocking voltage of 1200 V
would allow an operation of the -switch rectifier at a mains voltage
level of 230 V. As a calculation of semiconductor losses shows the
-switch rectifier performs well at VN = 230 V if semiconductors with
a higher blocking voltage are applied (e.g. 900 V CoolMOS devices or
SiC MOSFETs). The main advantage of the topology is the reduced
current stress of the -connected switches.
338 Three-Phase Delta-Switch Rectifier

A novel phase-related current control concept is proposed which

continuously controls all phase currents and uses a pulse-width modu-
lator. A proper implementation of the modulator yields to optimized
switching sequences resulting in reduced conduction losses. The con-
troller concept is easy to implement and only a simple clamping logic
is required. In addition, the concept can handle a single phase loss
without any changes in the controller structure. The rectifier system is
able to operate with a phase displacement of 30 % which can be used
advantageously to improve the power factor at partial load.
The implemented laboratory prototype with a power level of 5 kW
shows a power density 2.35 kW/dm3 and a THDI of 2.3 % is measured
at fN = 400 Hz. As a detailed loss calculation shows, the measured
efficiency of = 96.4 % can be improved considerably to 96.5 %
by a more sophisticated design of the employed magnetics and by
application of SiC diodes.
Chapter 7

Constructed Vienna
Rectifier Systems

In chapter 5, an optimization regarding power density has been

discussed for the VR topology where a maximum power density of
14.1 kW/dm3 has been achieved using a switching frequency of 1 MHz.
The very high switching frequency, however, causes input current
distortions and a relation between input current quality and efficiency
has been derived. This finally yields to the -THDI -Pareto Front (cf.
Fig. 5.50) illustrating this limitation.
Another interesting relation exists between efficiency and power
density and a --Pareto Front can also be derived here. The
derivation of such a --Pareto Front is demonstrated in [133] for
single-phase rectifier systems accompanied by measurements taken
from constructed rectifier demonstrator systems. In order to calculate
the --Pareto Front for the discussed three-phase PFC rectifier
systems a detailed model of the volume of the EMI filter would be
required as the EMI filter, including boost inductors, takes approxi-
mately 60 % of the total volume in a power density optimized system
(cf. TABLE 5.20). Such a model is given in [140] but, as shown
in section 5.7, the calculated volumes are too optimistic and the
given power densities cannot be achieved by a practical system. An
enhanced model of the EMI filter volume would therefore be required
which is, however, not derived in this work or a topic of further research.

340 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems

7.1 Efficiency-Power Density Pareto Front

Another approach, based on constructed rectifier systems, will be pre-
sented here. Several VR systems with a power level of 10 kW and differ-
ent switching frequencies between 72 kHz and 1 MHz have been built in
the course of this work (cf. TABLE 7.1). This set of rectifier systems
can be used to determine the --Pareto Front. The derived curve is then
based on real constructed systems and not on theoretical calculations
which may differ from a practical implementation.
During the design of each considered rectifier system the focus was
laid on a high power density and the component selection/arrangement
was done according to this requirement.
The volume of the EMI filter, boost inductor, etc., can subsequently
be analyzed using the data of the constructed systems which allows
to give a statement on the achievable power density. The resulting
power densities may, however, not be the highest possible values for
the corresponding switching frequencies and topologies but could serve
as basis for a first orientation.

An overview on the constructed rectifier systems is given in TA-

BLE 7.1. The rectifier system VR72, with a switching frequency of
72 kHz, is rather a standard solution as used in industry today. The
system is forced air cooled and shows a power density of 6 kW/dm3
(without cooling system). Further details of this rectifier system can
be found in appendix A. The rectifier system VR250, with a switching
frequency of 250 kHz, and a power density of 10 kW/dm3 and an
efficiency of 96.7 % represents a good trade-off between power density
and efficiency. It is therefore discussed below in more detail where also
measurement results are given.
The rectifier system VR500, using fs = 500 kHz, is water cooled
and was a intermediate step during the exploration of the maximum
possible power density. Further details on this rectifier can be found
in appendix A as well. The constructed VR1000 rectifier system with
fs = 1 MHz has been discussed in detail in section 5.

A breakdown of the particular volumes of the rectifier systems is

Efficiency-Power Density Pareto Front
TABLE 7.1: Constructed VR prototypes with an output power level of Po = 10 kW using different switching frequencies.

VR72 VR250 VR500 VR1000

fs = 72 kHz fs = 250 kHz fs = 500 kHz fs = 1 MHz
= 6 kW/dm3 = 10 kW/dm3 = 13.8 kW/dm3 = 15.1 kW/dm3
= 97.3 % = 96.7 % = 95.2 % = 93 %

342 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems

TABLE 7.2: Breakdown of particular volumes and calculated power densities of

the constructed VR prototypes using either an optimized forced air cooling system
with a CSP I = 17.5 K/(Wdm3 ) or water cooling.

VR72 VR250 VR500 VR1000

Semicond. 0.059 dm3 0.042 dm3 0.038 dm3 0.038 dm3
Output cap. 0.255 dm3 0.174 dm3 0.07 dm3 0.07 dm3
Boost ind. 0.285 dm3 0.223 dm3 0.117 dm3 0.08 dm3
EMI filter 0.612 dm3 0.403 dm3 0.345 dm3 0.34 dm3
AUX 0.104 dm3 0.019 dm3 0.053 dm3 0.053 dm3
Gate drive 0.074 dm3 0.045 dm3 0.047 dm3 0.047 dm3
Control 0.059 dm3 0.053 dm3 0.032 dm3 0.032 dm3
Air 0.22 dm3 0.039 dm3 0.021 dm3 0 dm3
Total volume 1.67 dm3 0.998 dm3 0.723 dm3 0.66 dm3
Power density
6 kW/dm3 10 kW/dm3 13.8 kW/dm3 15.1 kW/dm3
(No cooler)

Forced air cooling

Heat sink 0.32 dm3 0.39 dm3 0.58 dm3 0.86 dm3
Tot. volume 1.99 dm3 1.38 dm3 1.30 dm3 1.52 dm3
Power density 5 kW/dm3 7.2 kW/dm3 7.7 kW/dm3 6.57 kW/dm3

Water cooling
Heat sink 0.092 dm3 0.074 dm3 0.046 dm3 0.046 dm3
Tot. volume 1.77 dm3 1.07 dm3 0.77 dm3 0.71 dm3
Power density 5.7 kW/dm3 9.3 kW/dm3 13 kW/dm3 14.1 kW/dm3
Efficiency-Power Density Pareto Front 343


VR72 VR250
(%) 96

0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
fs (kHz)

Fig. 7.1: Measured efficiency of the constructed rectifier systems as a function of

switching frequency fs .

given in TABLE 7.2 where boxed volumes are used for the system
elements. This means that all parts include some air in between the
components. The volume contribution denominated as Air is the re-
maining space between the boxed volumes of the specific elements. The
boxed volumes fit more or less seamless together for the VR1000 recti-
fier system and no Air-volume is therefore specified for this prototype.

The measured efficiencies of the single rectifier systems at VN = 230 V,

fN = 50 Hz, Vo = 800 V and Po = 10 kW, are depicted in Fig. 7.1.
The efficiency decreases roughly linearly with increasing switching
frequency and an efficiency below 93 % can be observed for fs = 1 MHz
whereas an efficiency of 97.3 % is achieved for fs = 72 kHz. All systems
use CoolMOS devices and the efficiencies are therefore comparable.
The degradation of efficiency is a result of the switching losses
which increase linearly with switching frequency. The extrapolated
linear approximation shown in Fig. 7.1 may be a too pessimistic
estimation for low switching frequencies where the conduction losses
exceed the switching losses. This is, however, not further discussed here.

The volumes of the corresponding boost inductors are given in

Fig. 7.2. All inductors are designed for a peak current value of 27 A.
According to Fig. 7.2, this volume decreases continuously for higher
frequencies. A high-frequency material (Micrometals -8) must be used
for a switching frequency of 1 MHz in order to avoid high core losses.
Due to the considerably reduced permeability of this material (see also
Fig. 5.44) the size of the inductor is bigger than the one of a system
using a material with higher permeability. Another limitation can be
344 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems

0.08 300 H VR250
VL (dm3) 100 H
40 H VR1000
20 H


0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
fs (kHz)

Fig. 7.2: Volumes of the constructed boost inductors for the implemented 10 kW
rectifier systems.

0.6 VR72
VEMI (dm3)

0.4 VR500 VR1000
0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
fs (kHz)

Fig. 7.3: EMI filter volumes of the implemented 10 kW rectifier systems as a function
of switching frequency.

found in the minimum required copper area of the winding as the rms
current of the inductor does not scale with switching frequency.

Next, the volumes of the EMI filters are inspected and the corre-
sponding volumes are plotted in Fig. 7.3 as a function of switching
frequency. It is obvious, that an increase of switching frequency from
500 kHz to 1 MHz does not result in a significant volume reduction
of the EMI filter. The reason can again be found on one hand in the
lack of a suitable magnetic material. On the other hand, two small
fans are inserted into the VR1000 rectifier system in order to improve
the cooling of the inductors operating at their thermal limit. These
fans consume the reduced space obtained by the increase of switching
Efficiency-Power Density Pareto Front 345

16 Without Cooler

12 Water Cooled
Forced Air Cooled
4 VR72
0 200 400 600 800 1000
fs (kHz)

Fig. 7.4: Achieved power densities of the constructed rectifier systems without
cooling. In addition the power densities are given if either a water cooler or a forced
air cooler with a CSP I of 17.5 K/(Wdm3 ) is used for cooling.

frequency. An additional limitation is the lower emission limit of

the EMI standard for high frequencies (see also Fig. 1.8 or section
5.7) which requires a higher attenuation for a switching frequency of
500 kHz or 1 MHz.
An increase to such high switching frequencies is therefore, from the
EMI filters point of view, not as beneficial as expected. If the emission
limit of the EMI standard DO160D given in Fig. 1.8 applies, a
switching frequency below 666 kHz or below 500 kHz is recommended
as then the third/forth switching frequency harmonic is still below the
kink in the emission limit curve. Similar considerations apply for the
emission limits of CISPR class A and class B. The switching frequency
might there be chosen below 500 kHz in order to benefit from the
higher emission limit of the EMI standard.

Using the volumes listed in TABLE 7.2 the power densities of

the rectifier systems can be calculated and the results are given in
Fig. 7.4. The volumes of the heat sinks are not included in this power
density. Two of the systems are forced air cooled (VR72 and VR250)
and the other two systems use a water cooler (VR500 and VR1000).
The volumes of the constructed systems are therefore not directly
comparable. Due to the limited volume reduction of the EMI filter for
switching frequencies above 500 kHz also the power density saturates.
A maximal power density of 15.1 kW/dm3 is achieved for fs = 1 MHz
if the heat sink is not considered.
346 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems

A practical system, however, requires a heat sink and its volume must
be included in the power density as the switching losses and therefore
also the cooling demand increases with increasing switching frequency.
The calculated power densities including a water cooler are plotted
in Fig. 7.4 as well. The designed water cooler discussed in section
5.3.3 is applied for the water cooled systems (VR500 and VR1000). A
water cooler with a thickness of 11 mm and an area equivalent to the
power module is assumed for the systems VR72 and VR250. Only a
slight reduction of power density can be observed if a water cooler is
attached. The VR1000 system then results in a remarkably high power
density of 14.1 kW/dm3 but it is worth noting that even for fs = 72 kHz
a power density of 6.5 kW/dm3 can be achieved.

The question arises how the VR system performs if forced air cooling
is used. According to [123] an optimized heat sink with a Cooling Sys-
tem Performance Index (CSPI) of CSP I = 17.5 K/(Wdm3 ) is assumed
which is the practically achievable maximum value for an aluminum
heat sink. Using 
Po 1 1 1
Vhs = (7.1)
CSP I (Ts Ta )
where Ts is the temperature of the heat sink and Ta is the ambient
temperature, the volume of the heat sink Vhs can be determined. A
heat sink temperature of Ts = 75 C and an ambient temperature of
Ta = 25 C are assumed and the total power densities including the
heat sink are given in Fig. 7.4. The power density is now considerably
reduced and a maximal value of 8 kW/dm3 results for a switching
frequency of 500 kHz. According to (7.1) a theoretical heat sink volume
of 1.8 dm3 would be required for fs = 1 MHz in order to limit the heat
sink temperature to Ts = 75 C but then problems with heat spreading
may occur. It has to be stated therefore that a switching frequency
of 1 MHz cannot be implemented using forced air cooling. The power
density curve is hence continued in Fig. 7.4 with a dashed line to high
frequencies in order to illustrate this limitation.
In addition, the power densities of the practically implemented air
cooled rectifier systems VR72 and VR250 are shown (orange tri-
angles). The cooling system of these rectifiers show a CSP I below
17.5 K/(Wdm3 ) and a reduced power density is therefore obtained.

If the power densities are plotted using a logarithmic scale for fs (cf.
Efficiency-Power Density Pareto Front 347

14 VR500

10 VR250
10 30 100 300 1000
fs (kHz)

Fig. 7.5: Logarithmic plot of the power densities over switching frequency.

98 72 72
97 VR72 250
250 250 Without Cooler
Efficiency (%)

Water Cooled 500

95 500
Forced Air Cooled
93 1000 1000

4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Power density (kW/dm3)

Fig. 7.6: Efficiency-Power density --Pareto Fronts of the VR topology. Pareto

Fronts without a cooler, using forced air cooling with CSP I = 17.5 K/(Wdm3 ) and
using a properly designed water cooler are given. Switching frequencies (in kHz) are
marked along the particular curves.

Fig. 7.5) the improvement of power density as a function of switching

frequency can directly be read. A straight line is therefore fitted into
the achieved power densities plotted in the logarithmic scale. According
to Fig. 7.5 the power density is improved by a factor of 1.88 ( 2) if
the switching frequency is increased by a factor of 10.
The resulting --Pareto Fronts are given in Fig. 7.6 where corre-
sponding switching frequencies (in kHz) are marked along the curves.
The Pareto Fronts based on the systems without considering the heat
348 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems

Fig. 7.7: Constructed VR prototype employing a switching frequency of 250 kHz.

System dimensions: 195 mm120 mm42.7 mm.

sink and for the water cooled system shows a smooth degradation
of efficiency with increasing power density for frequencies below
500 kHz. A severe drop in efficiency can be observed for switching
frequencies beyond 500 kHz which is in agreement with the results
given in Fig. 7.4. The Pareto Front, based on the forced air cooled
systems shows a decreasing power density for switching frequencies
above 500 kHz which indicates that an implementation of such a system
makes no sense in practice.

According to Fig. 7.6, a water cooled rectifier system using a switch-

ing frequency of 250 kHz shows still a high efficiency of 96.7 % at a high
power density of 9.3 kW/dm3 . Considering the outstanding input cur-
rent quality in combination with the high efficiency and power density, a
switching frequency of 250 kHz is therefore recommended for an imple-
mentation focused on high power density. The rectifier system VR250
is therefore discussed shortly below including measurement results at
50 Hz and 400/800 Hz confirming the very good performance.
Vienna Rectifier System VR250 349



Po = 10 kW Po = 10 kW
fN = 400 Hz THDI = 1.4 % fN = 800 Hz THDI = 1.6 %
iN 10 A/Div VN 200 V/Div 1 ms/Div IN 10 A/Div VN 200 V/Div 0.5 ms/Div

(a) (b)

Fig. 7.8: Measured input currents taken from the constructed rectifier system
VR250 at (a) fN = 400 Hz (timebase: 1 ms/Div) and (b) fN = 800 Hz (timebase:
0.5 ms/Div); VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V, Po = 10 kW; IN : 10 A/Div, VN : 200 V/Div.

7.2 Vienna Rectifier System VR250

The constructed VR prototype with a switching frequency of 250 kHz
is shown in Fig. 7.7. The rectifier system exhibits dimensions
of 195 mm 120 mm 42.7 mm resulting in a power density of
= 10 kW/dm3 if the cooling system is not considered. Taking the
non-optimized aluminum heat sink and fans of the implemented rectifier
system into account, still a quite high power density of 5.7 kW/dm3 is
achieved (cf. Fig. 7.4). With a weight of only 2.7 kg the rectifier system
exhibits a power to weight ratio of 3.37 kW/kg which is of high impor-
tance as the system is designed for aerospace applications. This means
further, that all magnetic components are able to handle the main fre-
quencies of 360 Hz-800 Hz. The system is fully digital controlled by use
of a single FPGA from Lattice Inc. and offers several debug capabilities.

The measured input currents of the rectifier system operating at fN =

400/800 Hz and Po = 10 kW are given in Fig. 7.8 (VN = 230 V, Vo =
800 V). The currents show an excellent sinusoidal shape, are in phase
with the phase voltages and an incredibly low THDI of 1.4 % is measured
at 400 Hz which slightly increases to 1.6 % for fN = 800 Hz.
Fig. 7.9(a) shows the measured efficiency of the rectifier system
operating with a mains frequency of 400 Hz and 800 Hz (VN = 230 V,
Vo = 800 V) and in Fig. 7.9(b) the measured input current quality
THDI and power factor are given for these mains frequencies. The
350 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems

98 14
fN = 400 Hz 0.999 THDI,400Hz 12

Power factor
0.98 10

THDI (%)
96 fN = 800 Hz 800Hz

0.96 8
0.94 THD 6
94 0.92 (800 Hz) 4
93 0.9 2
92 0.88 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Po (W) Po (W)

(a) (b)

Fig. 7.9: (a) Measured efficiency and (b) measured power factor and input current
quality THDI of the built VR250 prototype at fN = 400/800 Hz without compensa-
tion of the phase shift; (VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V).

98 14
0.999 12
96 fN = 50 Hz 50Hz
Power factor

THDI (%)
0.995 10

94 0.99 8
0.985 6
0.98 4

90 0.975 THDI 2
0.97 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Po (W) Po (W)

(a) (b)

Fig. 7.10: (a) Measured efficiency and (b) measured power factor and input
current quality THDI of the built VR250 prototype at fN = 50 Hz; (VN = 230 V,
Vo = 800 V).

THDI value stays below 2 % for output power levels above 5 kW. The
input current quality decreases for smaller output levels whereas the
system shows better THDI values for 800 Hz. This can be explained by
the higher capacitive, sinusoidal currents drawn by the DM capacitors
of the EMI filter. These capacitors, 2.35 F in total, are on the
other hand responsible for the reduced power factor, especially at
fN = 800 Hz. The power factor may be compensated in a limited range
using the reactive power capability of the VR topology (cf. section

The measured efficiency of the rectifier system at fN = 50 Hz is

Stability Issues 351

dBV 100 1MHz 10MHz

dBV 100 1 MHz 10 MHz



70 70
60 60

50 50

40 40

30 30

20 20

10 10

0 0

150 kHz 30 MHz 150 kHz 30 MHz

(a) (b)
dBV 100 1MHz 10MHz









150 kHz 30 MHz


Fig. 7.11: Final QP CE measurements of the VR250 rectifier system as constructed;

(a) DM emissions, (b) CM emissions and (c) total emissions.

depicted in Fig. 7.10(a) and the measured input current quality and
power factor are given in Fig. 7.10(b). In contrast to the measure-
ment at fN = 800 Hz, the power factor stays above 0.99 for Po > 1.5 kW.

The results of a CE measurement are shown in Fig. 7.11. The DM

emissions as well as the CM emissions stay well below the limit of CISPR
class A which confirms the performance of the designed EMI filter. In
order to fulfill the limits of CISPR class B an additional CM filter stage
would be required as the noise peak at fs exceeds the desired limit of
CISPR class B (not shown in Fig. 7.11).

7.3 Stability Issues

During operation of the VR250 rectifier system with an active voltage
source (linear power amplifier from Spitzenberger Inc.) at fN = 400 Hz
or 800 Hz, oscillations in the input currents are observed. A measure-
352 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems



iN 5 A/Div VN 200 V/Div 0.5 ms/Div


Fig. 7.12: Measured input currents taken from the constructed rectifier system
VR250 at fN = 800 Hz, VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V and Po = 1.6 kW.

ment of the input current at Po = 1.6 kW (fN = 800 Hz VN = 230 V,

Vo = 800 V) is shown in Fig. 7.12. The oscillations are excited at the
zero-crossings of the two other phases and degrade the input current
quality considerably. The origin of these unwanted oscillations has
been found in interactions between the converter and the power source.
Similar behavior has been observed in [269] for single-phase PFC
rectifier systems and based on an analysis using the output impedance
of the source and the input impedance of the single-phase rectifier
system it is concluded that the lack of sufficient dynamic stability
margin could be the origin of system harmonic currents. There, a
simple RC-snubber circuit in parallel to the DM filter capacitor is
proposed to attenuate the oscillations.
Three 1.5 resistors are connected in series to the input terminals of
the rectifier circuit for the case at hand and the measurement results
with and without these resistors are given in Fig. 7.13.

The stability analysis of a single-phase PFC rectifier circuits in

combination with various AC sources is discussed in [270] where also
the impedances of the source and of the converter are used. Both
systems use the impedance criterion published by Middlebrook [271]
to determine stability. A review of other small signal methods is given
in [272] and an input impedance analysis of single-phase rectifier
circuits is given in [273].

Stability analysis of three-phase systems is, however, much more

Stability Issues 353



iN 10 A/Div VN 200 V/Div 0.5 ms/Div iN 10 A/Div VN 200 V/Div 0.5 ms/Div

(a) (b)

Fig. 7.13: Measured input currents taken from the constructed rectifier system
VR250 at fN = 800 Hz, VN = 230 V, Vo = 800 V and Po = 10 kW. (a) Rectifier
directly connected to the three-phase power source and (b) including three 1.5
resistors for damping in series.

difficult as typically all three phases are coupled due to the missing
connection to the star point of the rectifier system. It prevents the
stability analysis using equivalent single-phase systems. In [274] an
impedance criterion for three-phase rectifier circuits is derived which
is based on a transformation into the dq-reference frame. Due to this
transformation the time-varying AC voltages and AC currents are
transferred into a constant operating point and the generalized Nyquist
criterion can be applied to determine system stability. There, also
simpler stability criteria based on matrix norms are given.

If the frequency of the occurring oscillation is below the upper

bandwidth limit of the current controller the concept of a virtual
resistor for attenuation of the oscillations can be applied as shown
in [275, 276]. In [277] it is demonstrated that filter resonances can
be shifted using the concept of a virtual impedance emulated by the
control of the rectifier circuit.

All these methods for stability analysis or stability improvement of

the complete system require a detailed knowledge of the impedance
characteristics of the source as well as of the rectifier system. Mea-
surement of the impedances, preferably in the dq-reference frame, is
therefore essential. It has to be performed during operation of the rec-
tifier circuit in order to consider nonlinear effects of the filter and of
354 Constructed Vienna Rectifier Systems

the output impedance of the source. Three-phase impedance analyzers

which are able to sustain the high mains voltages and with an upper
bandwidth limit of approximately 100 kHz are required. Alternatively,
injection methods as proposed in [278] can be used.
A detailed analysis of the stability condition of the discussed recti-
fier systems, including the calculation and measurement of the input
impedance is, however, not performed in this work and is subject of
further research.
Chapter 8

Conclusion and Future


Based on a survey on unidirectional three-phase rectifier systems two

rectifier topologies, the two-level -switch rectifier and the three-level
Vienna Rectifier, are selected and analyzed with regard to aerospace
applications. Especially the high mains frequency of 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz
and the tight requirements on input current quality are challenging
for rectifier design. The operation principle of both rectifier systems is
analyzed and detailed loss models are derived. Also the reactive power
capability of the topologies is determined and it is shown how it can be
used advantageously to improve the power factor of the system.
In aircraft applications, power density and weight are of high concern
and a single-objective power density optimization of the VR topology
is given. There, the switching frequency is raised to 1 MHz and finally
a prototype with a power density of 14.1 kW/dm3 (including water
cooler) is built. Due to the high switching frequency several parasitic
effects such as the turn-off delay or limited switching speed of the
MOSFETs have to be considered. Those limitations are discussed in
detail and a -THDI -Pareto Front is derived which clearly illustrates
the dependency between efficiency and input current quality. Despite
these effects, still a good THDI below 2 % can be measured. The
derivations showed that the three-level three-phase VR topology is
ideally suited for aerospace applications with a mains voltage of 230 V.

356 Conclusion and Future Work

One limitation for increasing the switching frequency is the imple-

mentation of a symmetrical PWM. As shown in section 5.6, classical
approaches based on the counter/comparator concept reach their limit
at switching frequencies in the range of 500 kHz. The development of an
external integrated PWM chip, which is able to generate symmetrical
pulse patterns, would be required to overcome this limitation.

The two-level -switch rectifier is well suited for applications with

a mains voltage of 115 V. The proposed digital phase-oriented control
concept shows good results and is able to handle a single phase loss
without any changes in the controller structure. The constructed recti-
fier shows good input current quality and an efficiency of 94.5 % which
can be improved to 96.5 % by a redesign of the magnetic components
and by application of SiC diodes.

As shown in section 5.1, switching frequencies in the MHz-range

require a very high switching speed. Unfortunately, this comes along
with switching transient oscillations which reduce the efficiency of the
rectifier circuit and worsen the EMI behavior. An active gate-drive
stage (with a bandwidth of 100 MHz) would be able to prevent
such oscillations by a control of the switching transient. A discrete
implementation is, however, not possible for such high bandwidth. An
integrated implementation could be possible and is subject of further
research. A power module, integrating all semiconductors of the VR
structure and active gate drive stages would thereto be required. Also
some amount of DC-link capacitance could directly be included into
this module in order to keep commutation loops as small as possible. In
addition, similar damping approaches as proposed in section 5.2 could
be applied in such a module.

In section 5.7, the EMI filter design of the VR topology is discussed

where the appearance of mixed-mode noise is determined. This noise
source and its influence on the EMI behavior of the rectifier system
has to be analyzed in more detail. Also the existing noise current paths
must be analyzed in more detail for a better understanding of the
rectifiers EMI behavior. This also applies to the -switch rectifier as
no dedicated EMI filter design is presented, neither in this work, nor
in literature. In addition, it has to be clarified whether the artificial
output voltage midpoint M can be connected to earth or not.

Based on the results given in [140], more detailed volume models of

the EMI filter components must be derived under consideration of the
limitations discussed in this work. This would allow to calculate the
--Pareto Front which is very useful for converter design. Also the
concept of frequency dithering in order to reduce the EMI noise level
should be tested.

The recently released SiC MOSFET with high blocking voltages

enable several new possibilities. The application of SiC MOSFETs with
a blocking voltage of 1200 V allows to use the -switch rectifier circuit
also for a mains voltage of 230 V and initial calculations (cf. section
6.6) promise good results.
The application of high-voltage SiC diodes enables the implementation
of a VR system according to Fig. 6.60(b) and a rough calculation
certifies that an efficiency of nearly 99 % is possible.
The availability of a true monolithic bidirectional switch with high
blocking voltage, as presented in [252], would allow to further increase
the efficiency of the VR system as well as of the -switch rectifier.

Next to the research demand on the discussed rectifier topologies,

also the power supply structure of future aircraft requires further
research. As discussed in section 7.3 interactions between the rectifier
systems and the weak mains of an aircraft exist which may also worsen
input current quality, especially for three-phase rectifier equipments
connected to the mains. Stability criteria and design aids are required
to support the system design. The measurement of the source output
impedance and of the rectifier input impedance are thereto of high
importance and equipment for measuring theses impedances during
operation must be developed.
Appendix A

Constructed Rectifier

360 Constructed Rectifier Systems

Vienna Rectifier VR72

Input line-to-line voltage 320 V520 V
Input current 23 Arms
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz
Power factor (> 25 % load) > 0.99
Input current THDI < 3 % @ 50 Hz (> 50 % load)
Rated output power (Po,nom ) 12 kW
Rated output voltage 800 VDC (400V )
Output power in case of phase loss 57 % Po,nom
Overvoltage protection 450 V
Dimensions 170 mm120 mm128 mm
Power density 5.7 kW/dm3 with water cooler
4.6 kW/dm3 with constr. forced air cooler
Weight 3.78 kg
Power to weight ratio 3.17 kW/kg
Switching frequency 72 kHz
Cooling forced air cooling
Controller fully digital control (single DSP)

Vienna Rectifier VR250

Input voltage (line-to-neutral) 230 V 10 %
Input current 20 Arms
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz, 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz
Power factor (> 25 % load) > 0.99
Input current THDI < 2.5 % @ 800 Hz (> 50 % load)
< 2 % @ 800 Hz (full load)
Rated output power (Po,nom ) 10 kW
Rated output voltage 800 VDC (400V )
Output power in case of phase loss 57 % Po,nom
Overvoltage protection 450 V
Dimensions 195 mm120 mm42.7 mm
Power density 9.3 kW/dm3 with water cooler
7.2 kW/dm3 with forced air cooler
Weight 3.37 kg
Power to weight ratio 2.97 kW/kg
Switching frequency 250 kHz
Cooling forced air cooling
Controller fully digital control (single FPGA)
362 Constructed Rectifier Systems

Vienna Rectifier VR500

Input line-to-line voltage 320 V520 V
Input current 20 Arms
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz, (360 Hz 800 Hz)
Power factor (> 25 % load) > 0.99
Input current THDI < 2 % @ 50 Hz (> 50 % load)
< 3.5 % @ 800 Hz(> 50 % load)
Rated output power (Po,nom ) 10 kW
Rated output voltage 800 VDC (400V )
Output power in case of phase loss 57 % Po,nom
Overvoltage protection 450 V
Dimensions 212 mm110 mm33 mm
Power density 13 kW/dm3 with water cooler
7.7 kW/dm3 with forced air cooler
(CSPI=17.5 K/Wdm3 )
Weight 1.48 kg
Power to weight ratio 6.75 kW/kg
Switching frequency 500 kHz
Cooling water cooled
Controller fully digital control

Vienna Rectifier VR1000

Input line-to-line voltage 320 V520 V
Input current 20 Arms
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz
Power factor (> 25 % load) > 0.99
Input current THDI < 3 % @ 50 Hz (> 50 % load)
< 2 % @ 50 Hz (full load)
Rated output power (Po,nom ) 10 kW
Rated output voltage 800 VDC (400V )
Output power in case of phase loss 57 % Po,nom
Overvoltage protection 450 V
Dimensions 195 mm110 mm33 mm
Power density 14.1 kW/dm3 with water cooler
Weight 1.06 kg
Power to weight ratio 9.44 kW/kg
Switching frequency 1 MHz
Cooling water cooled
Controller fully digital control
364 Constructed Rectifier Systems

-Switch Rectifier DS72

Input line-to-neutral voltage 115 V 10 %
Input current 20 Arms
Mains frequency 50/60 Hz, 360 Hz . . . 800 Hz
Power factor (> 50 % load) > 0.99 @ 400 Hz
Input current THDI < 4 % @ 400 Hz (> 2 kW)
< 2.5 % @ 400 Hz (full load)
Rated output power (Po,nom ) 5 kW
Rated output voltage 400 VDC
Output power in case of phase loss 57 % Po,nom
Overvoltage protection 450 V
Dimensions 170 mm120 mm128 mm
Power density 2.83 kW/dm3 with water cooler
1.91 kW/dm3 with constr. forced air cooler
Weight 3.78 kg
Power to weight ratio 1.32 kW/kg
Switching frequency 72 MHz
Cooling forced air cooled
Controller fully digital control (single DSP)
Appendix B



ADC Analog to Digital Converter

APU Auxiliary Power Unit
ATU Auto Transformer Unit
BEHA Backup Electro Hydraulic Actuator
CISPR Comit International Spcial des Perturbations
CLBBC Current DC-Link Back-to-Back Converter
CM Common Mode
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor
CSPI Cooling System Performance Index
CT Current Transformer
DC Direct Current
DCM Discontinuous Mode of Operation
DDR Double Data Rate
DHC Decoupled Hysteresis Control
DM Differential Mode
DPWM Digital Pulse Width Modulator
DSP Digital Signal Processor
DUT Device Under Test
ECPE European Center for Power Electronics
EHA Electro Hydraulic Actuator

366 Notation

EMA Electro Mechanical Actuator

EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
FBW Fly-by-Wire
FEM Finite Element Method
FOM Figure-of-Merit
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
GaAs Gallium Arsenide
GaN Gallium Nitride
HF High Frequency
HV High Voltage
HW Hardware
IEEE Institute of Electric and Electronics Engineers
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
IMC Indirect Matrix Converter
I/O Pin Input Output Pin
JFET Junction Field Effect Transistor
LISN Line Impedance Stabilization Network
LVDS Low Voltage Differential Signaling
MC Matrix Converter
MEA More Electric Aircraft
MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output
MM Mixed Mode Noise
MOSFET Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor
MTBF Mean Time Between Failure
NPC Neutral Point Clamped
PCB Printed Circuit Board
PEEC Partial Element Equivalent Circuit
PI Proportional Integral
PFC Power Factor Correction
PK Peak Detection
PSM Permanent Synchronous Machine
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
PV Photovoltaic
PWM Pulse Width Modulator(n)
QP Quasi Peak Detektion
RMS Root Mean Square
SRM Switched Reluctance Machine
SVM Space Vector Modulation

SiC Silicon Carbide

SISO Single Input Single Output
SCR Silicon Controlled Rectifier
SMD Surface Mounted Device
SJ Super Junction
THD Total Harmonic Distortion
TRU Transformer Rectifier Unit
UVA Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
VHDL Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Hardware De-
scription Language
VLBBC Voltage Link Back-to-Back Converter
VLSI Very Large Scale System Integration
VR Vienna Rectifier
368 Notation


x, x(t) Time-varying quantity or signal

X Peak value
X DC component or RMS value for AC quantities
Xavg Average value
x Single column vector
X Matrix
x Reference value for x
x Space vector or
Complex number x = |x|ejx

Commonly used Variables

ADM , ACM Required Attenuation of DM/CM filter

AChip Chip area of MOSFET
ACu Copper area of inductor wire
AFe Equivalent area of magnetic core
ar Load unbalance factor
Bsat Saturation flux density of magnetic core
C Capacitor
C12 Coupling capacitance between wiring layer and
damping layer
CBp , CBn Parasitic capacitance of busbar to earth
CCM Common mode filter capacitance
CD Parasitic capacitance from MOSFET drain to
ground or to heat sink
CDM Differential mode filter capacitance
CDS Drain-Source capacitance of MOSFET
CE Lumped capacitance from M to earth
CFB Feedback capacitance of EMI filtering concept
Cin Input capacitance of the boost-type test circuit
Cj,D Parasitic junction capacitance of diode
CL1 , CL2 Parasitic layout capacitances
Co Output capacitance
Cop , Con Output capacitances

Coss Parasitic output capacitance of MOSFET

Coss Chip area dependent MOSFET output capacitance
Cp Capacitance of termination network
Csnub Snubber capacitance
Ctot Total system costs
Cw Parasitic capacitance of winding
delay Turn-off delay of MOSFET
del Parameter to describe turn-off delay of MOSFET
DF Freewheeling diode
DM Diodes of the Vienna Rectifier connected to M
DN Diodes of the Vienna Rectifier connected the mains
D1p , D1n Rectifier diodes
Dpre Pre-charge diode for start-up
e Control error of current control
E400V Energy stored in the output cap. of MOSFET
Eon Turn on switching energy
f0 Natural frequency of LC-tank
Fd (s) Disturbance transfer function
fl Lower bandwidth limit of AC current sensor
fN Mains frequency
Fo (s) Open loop transfer function of current control loop
Fo,V (s) Open loop transfer function of voltage control loop
Fo,S (s) Open loop transfer function of voltage symmetry
control loop
Fz (s) Disturbance transfer function of current control
fs Switching frequency
fsample Sampling frequency of AD converter
Ge Conductance used to generate the ref. currents
gm Transconductance of MOSFET
G(s) Transfer function of the converter model for the
current controller
GDM (s) Transfer function of DM EMI filter
GPWM (s) Transfer function of PWM
GV (s) Transfer function of the converter model for the
voltage controller
h3 third harmonic injection signal
Hload (s) Transfer function of the load
ICo Current in output capacitor
iD Current of rectifier diode
370 Notation

IDF Current of free-wheeling diode

IDM Current of diode connected to M
IDN Current of mains side diode
iDS Drain source current
iFF Feedforward signal to compensate turn-off delay of
iL Load current
iN Mains input current
iN High-frequency current ripple of iN
iN [n] Sample point n of iN
IN (n) n-th harmonic of IN
im Magnetizing current
iM Mid-point current
IS Current of switch
J Current density
k Defines amount of ripple current
Design constants of multi-objective optimization
k0 ,k1 ,k2 Parameters of curve fit for switching loss energies
KI (s) Transfer function of current controller
Kp Gain of the P+Lag controller
kp2 Constant of model for voltage controller
kp,v Proportional part of the PI-type voltage controller
kI,v Integral part of the PI-type voltage controller
kPWM Gain of pulse-width modulator
KS (s) Transfer function of output voltage sym. contr.
ks Constant of the model for output volt. sym. contr.
KV (s) Transfer function of voltage controller
L Inductor
L1 Effective inductance of the commutation path
L2 Inductance of the damping layer
LCM Inductor of common mode filter
Llk Leakage inductance
LD Parasitic inductance of diode and MOSFET
LDM Inductor of differential mode filter
Lm Magnetizing inductance of a transformer
LM Inductance of the mains
LN Boost inductor
LS Parasitic source inductance of the MOSFET
Lwire Parasitic inductance of the wiring

M Modulation index
Output voltage midpoint
M12 Mutual inductance between commutation path
and damping layer
M3 Modulation index of third harmonic injection
MI (s) Transfer function of current measurement
MV (s) Transfer function of voltage measurement
MS (s) Transfer function of volt. unbal. measurement
mi Modulation function
n Harmonic order, sample instant
N Neutral point
Number of turns
PCM Power losses of CM inductor
Pv,Cu Inductor copper losses
Pcon Conduction losses
PD Conduction losses of a diode
PDM Power losses of DM inductor
PEMI Total power losses of EMI filter
PFET MOSFET power losses
PFET,con MOSFET conduction losses
PFET,sw MOSFET switching losses
PG Gate drive power losses
Pin Input power
PL Feedforward of load condition
Po Output power
Po,nom Nominal output power
Po,lim Maximum possible output voltage
PT hy Conduction losses of thyristor
Pv,core Power losses of magnetic core
Pv,L Total inductor losses
Pv,semi Total semiconductor power losses
Pv,tot Total power losses
Q Reactive power
QG Gate charge of MOSFET
R Resistor or resistive load
RB Burden resistor of AC current sensor
rD Differential resistor of diode or SCR
RDSon On-state resistor of MOSFET

RDSon Chip area dependent on-state res. of MOSFET
372 Notation

RLISN Equivalent resistance of the LISN

Rp Resistor of termination network
Rpre Pre-charge resistor for start-up
Rsym Resistor used for balancing
Rsnub Snubber resistor
Rth Thermal resistance
S Sensitivity of AC current sensor
Si Switch
si Switching state of switch Si
Sij -connected switches
sij Switching state of -connected switches
t time
Ta Ambient temperature
Ts Switching period Ts = 1/fs
Heat sink temperature
TD , T1 Parameters of P+Lag controller
TI (s) Closed loop transf. function of current contr.
Tj Junction temperature
TN Mains period
u Transfer ratio of transformer
VBR,SS Breakdown voltage of the MOSFET
Vc Total volume of cooling system
vCM Total common mode noise voltage
vCM,h3 Third harmonic common mode noise voltage
vCM, High-frequency common mode noise voltage
vCM,p CM voltage of VR system for operation with phase
vDM Differential mode noise voltage
vDM,avg Low-frequency differential mode noise voltage
vDM, High-frequency differential mode noise voltage
vDS Drain source current of MOSFET
VEMI Volume of EMI filter
VF Forward voltage drop of diode or SCR
VG Gate voltage
VGS,th Threshold voltage of MOSFET
VL Volume of boost inductor
vN Mains voltage
vN,p Phase shifted mains voltage
vM Output voltage unbalance

Vo Output voltage
Vop , Von Pos. and neg. output voltages
vr Rectifier input voltage
vri,M Noise voltage with respect to M
Vtot Total volume of converter
Wtot Total weight of converter
Z Impedance of the termination network of damping
ZL Impedance of CM inductor
Z0 Characteristic impedance of LC tank
Parameter to describe turn-off delay of MOSFET
1 , 2 Parameters for curve fit on RDSon
1 , 2 Parameters for curve fit on RDSon
Relative on time
(xxx) Relative on time of switching state (xxx)
Relative on-time of switching state giving
a negative center point current
++ Relative on-time of switching state giving
a positive center point current
ff Feedforward signal of duty cycle
res Resulting duty cycle considering ff
z Disturbance input of current control loop
iL,pp Peak-to-peak current ripple of boost inductor
p Pressure drop of water pump
T Temperature difference
vN Deviation of the input voltage feedforward
Vo Output voltage ripple
vs Voltage drop over
Output power to unit weight ratio
Parameter for curve fit on switching loss energies
Power factor
N Phase angle of mains
i N Phase angle of current space vector iN
i Phase angle of mains current
v Phase angle of mains voltage
vi Phase displacement between mains voltage
and mains current
374 Notation

Power density
Distribution of switching states for balancing of vo
Relative costs
Angular frequency.

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Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details
Name Dipl.-Ing. Michael Hartmann
Date of Birth 26th May 1978
Place of Birth Feldkirch, Austria
Citizen of Zwischenwasser, Austria
Nationality Austria
Civil state Single

1984 1988 Elementary school, Batschuns
1988 1992 Secondary school, Zwischenwasser
1992 1997 Technical High School (HTL Rankweil)

2001 2006 Electrical Engineering at the Vienna University
of Technology; field of study: Automation
2.2.2005 B.Sc. degree, passed with honors
24.11.2006 M.Sc. degree, passed with honors

2007 2011 Doctorate at the Power Electronic Systems
Laboratory (PES), ETH Zurich

Work Experience
1998 2001 Omicron electronics GmbH
Hardware development

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