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ec” | | 19% 5:47 PM Circles —LL INCLUDES lntreduction, Gireles and its retaigd terns, Angle subtended by — Som Important Terms Belated to Circle @ chord at a point, Perpendicular from ihe centre to 2 chord, ; Circle through three paints, Equal chords and their distances * Annie Subtended by 8 Chord at a Point from canire, Angle subtended ty an are af a circle, Cyclic. perpandiqulsr From the Genre tna Chord quadrilateral. . f Through Three P 7 fal ip pons na plane, which arg ata fad "NO Through Three Points te calc Ti from a fixed point in the piano, is called a circle. = * = Gangruuenice af Circles and Arcs The fixed point is called tha eumtra of tho circle anu tw fixed * ATES aud Angles Sublenced by Therm dstanne is. called the radiws of the ninele. © Cyclic Quacrilaterals In the given figure, © is the conbu an OF is the radius of tue circle. g — Quick Recap = dssignment e VS Acirele divides the plane co which it lies ica three parts. They are: (ij inside the circle, which iz also called the interior of the cele, (ij on the circle (boundary) ane (i) outside cirela, which is also called the mero of the circle. The boundary of acicle and its interior make the circular regiue Pane |_—-rele Bounary) lnmerior Exterior SOME IMPORTANT TERMS RELATED TO CIRCLE () Chord : it we tale tao psints A and B ona elrcle, men the line segenenit AG is called a chord of the orci, The chord, which passes through the o canire of the circle, Iz called = dlameter of the circle. A diamatar is the longest chord and all the diameters have the same length, which is equal to two bres the radius. In figure, COD is a diameter of the cincke, Aakash Educational Serricas Pvt Lid. Regal Office saat Tover. Plal Nad, Suctioe-11, Dwarks, Hew Dedhi-76 Ph. 011-47623458 ta 19% 5:47 PM A= Arc : A part of the circumference of a circis is called an arc. In figure, points A and & divide the boundary of the circle Into two parts, one konger id the other smaller, The lenges is called the major arc AE and the emailer one |s called the minor arc AG. The minor arc AS ts denoted by A and major arc AB by ACA, where C is any point on the arc between A and 6. Unless olhenvise stated, arc AB or AB stands tor minor are. A. When A end Bare ends of a diameter. then both arcs ara (ii) Sagment : The region between a chord and cither of its arcs is called a segrant of the circular nepion. There are two kypes of segments ~ the major segment and the miner segment, The major and tte minor segment of a citcle are called alternate segments of cach other ¥) Sector : The region between an arc and the two radii, joining the centre to the end points of the arc is called a sector. Like eagments, the minor comasponds to the major sector. In the figura, the ragion O48 is the minor secinr and the semaining part of the circular region is the: majsr sector, The angle subtended by an arc al the centre is called the central angle of the era. In the figure, 2AQ8 is the cantral angle subtended by the arc AB. The degree messure of mnor arc is the measure of the eantral angle contahiing the ere and that of a major ar is 960° minus the degrac meas denoted by {AB}. ire of the corresponding minge ar, Degree measure af an arc AB is Clearly, tad) 1 aa,ACB) = seq" ‘Aakash Educational Sorviecs Pvt. Lid. Roget Oma :Ankash Town, Pot No.-f, Sectoe-11, Cuarka, Mw ole 75 eh. ATRDaAGE ec” | EB 19% 5:48 PM homatics Class IX Circles | iy) Concentric circles : Circles having same centre but diffarent radii are said to be concentric circles. Kc Note : 7. Any fine segment joining the centre with any point or the circie is called the radius af circle, 2 If O be the contre of a circle and r be its radius, we express circle as C(O, 1). 2 For circle C(O. 1. (A point P is said to be its interior paint, if lengttr OP is iess than radius ie. OP r. A point Mf Ke(s) on the circle or circumference of the circle when OM = f, ie. radius fie) The set of all inferior points and points an the circumference of the circle form a circular region. iM és 4. When two arcs are equal, Le, each is a semicircle. then boll segments and both sectors become the same and cach is known as a semicircular region. Rls 1. Aline segment joining any two paints on a circie is called (1) Chord @) Radius (3) Segment (4) Diameter 2. The point whose distance from the centre of a circle is greater than its radius lies (1) At the centre (2) Inside the circle (3) Oulside the circle (4) On the circle 3. The degree measure of a semicircle is 1) 90" 2) 180° (a) 270° (4) 360° 4. A.circio divides the plane into (1) 2 parts (2) 3parts (3) 4 parts (4) Infinite parts 5. The longest chord of a circle is called (1) Radius (2) Segment (3) Diameter (4) Circumference [eke ‘(ety tele tele ‘bh sew) 18h Educational Services Pvt, Ltd, Regd, Office ; Aakash Tower, Plot No.4, Sector-11, Dwrarkn, New Dolhi-?S Ph. 11-47623456 ec” | ld 19% 5:48 PM Ciretas, Mathomatics Class IX LE SUBTENDED BY A CHORD AT A POINT Consider a line segment AB and a point P, not lying on AB. Join 4 to P and also B to P, then “APB is said tp be angle subtended by lina segment AB at point F. P A 8 Now, consider a circle with centre O and chord AB. 2AO8 is the angle subtended by chord A@ at centre 0. ZAPB and ZARB respectively are angles sublended by chord AB at point P and R on major are whereas 2AQB 6 an angle subtended by chord AG at point Gon the minor arc. Pp. a Se 0 Let us now examine relationship between the length of chord and the angle subtended by it at the centre, You may observe by drawing differant chards of circle and measuring the angles subtended by them at the centre that longer is the chord, greater will be the angle subtended by it at the centre. What will happen if you take lwo equal chords of circke? Will the angle sublended at the canle be same or nat? OREM 4 Equal chords of a circle subtand equal angles at the centre, Given 2 Acirele C(O, 7) and its twe equal chords AB and CD. To prove =: ZAOB= OL is the perpendicular bisector of PO > OL as well as O'L are perpendicular bisectors of PQ > OL bes along Ot lid Similarly, M is the mid-point of RS. = OMLRS > OMis the perpendicular bleector of RS + OMas well as OM are perpendicular hisectors of RS > O'M lies along OM call) From {ijand (ii), we conclude that O'L and O'M lie along OL and OM respectively. This means that the point of intersection ef OL and O'M coincides with the point of intersection of OL and OM 16, OF coincides with O. Hence, the perpendicular bisectars af chords PC) and RS intersect at the centre of the circle. nple 2: A chord of tengih 24 cir is at a distance of 5 em from the cenive of a clrole, Find the radius of the crete. tion : Let chord AG = 24 cm and P be its mid point ec, OP 1 AB. “Neo AB 2 i + AP-8P rr 12m [Perpendicular from the centre of a circle bisects the chord) Also, given OP = § cm In AOPA, OA? = OF? + AP? [By Pythagoras theorem) = 5? 412? = 169 = Radius, OA = 12cm nple 3: inva circle of radius Bem, PQ and RS ave Iwo paraliel chords of tengih & em aid 6 em respectively. Caleutate distance between chords, if they are on () the same side af the centre (i) the opposite sides of the centre tion: (i) When chords are on the same side of the centre. Let © be the centre of circle. OA. PQ and OB 1 RS (as shown in the figure} In right AGFA, OP = § om = radius PO = 6 em and Pa = AQ = ro =4om ash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regd, Ciffice- Aakash Tower, Plot No.8, Sactor11, Dwarka, New Deh Prot a7sza456 ec” | la 19% 5:48 PM ‘Circles Mathomatios Class 12 Applying Pythagoras thearem, OA? + Ra? = OF = OA =5t-4?=9 > OA=3em In right AORB, OR = 5 om and RB = drs =3cm Applying Pythagoras theorem Of? + RB? = OR? > OB = St 3 516 » B= dem Hence, distance between the chords = AB = OB = O4 = 1 om (i) When chords ere on the opposite sides In a similar way as in (i), applying Pythagoras theorem in AOBR and AOAP, we get OA = 3 om and OB = 4m Distance between chords PQ and RS = AB = GA + OB = F om unpie 4 : Ina circle of radius § cm, AB and AC are two chords such that AB = AC = 6 cm, Find length of chord BC. tion: Jain OA, OB and OC. Since quadrilateral OBAC is a kite, Diagonals OA and BC are perpendicular to each other. Now, let Olt = x = AM= 0A- OM = (5 — xiom In right AOME, OM? + BM? = OB" » BMP = i= Al) In fight ABM, AM? + BMP = AB? > BM? = - (5 — x}? Ai) From (i) and (ij, we get Se _ ye = Be Gx? 25 — x? = BB — (25 — 10x + x3) 25-2 = 11 + ixe— x? ash Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd. Office | Aakash Tower, Plot No.nd, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Phd 1147623456 ec” | 5 keeper tse 0 hematles Class 1X Cirche a = x=14om GM? = 25 — 37 3.04 OM = J204 = 40 Since perpendicular from the centre bisects the chord. Length of chord BC = 28M = 2 «4.8 .6 am wnple 5: Jn the given figure, circles with cantras C and D intersect at points P and Q. if AB is parallel fo CD, then show that AB = 2CD. tion : Drew GM AP and ON PB. Since CM and BN are perpendicular to the same line AB. cM |] ON Also, AB || CD. [Given] CONIM is rectangle. * MM = CO [Opposite sides of a rectangle} = MP + PN=CD SAP + jae =cD (Perpendicular from the centre of a circle bisects the chord] => AP+8P=20D » AB= 2CD 6 In the given figure, if line | intersects two concentric circles at points A, B, C and D, then () 48> cD @) AB=cD (3) AB= CD 14) Cannot be determined ash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regd, Ofice Aakash Tower, Pt No.4, Sactor11, Dwarka, New DelhL75 Prin 1a7ez2456 ee | ZB 19% 5:49PM Circios. Mathematics Class IX 7. In the given figure, # PQ = 8 cm, than the length of OA is (s <—8em—> (1) 3em 2) 40m (a) Som (4) 20m 8. In the given figure, © is the centre of the circle and chord AG is parallel to CD. If AB = 18 cm, CD = 24 om and distance between chords je, PQ = 21 cm, then the radius of the circle is » tf 8 (1) 12m (2) 150m (3) 21cm (4) 240m 9. If the line joining the mic-points of two chords of 8 circle passes through its cenire, then the chords are (1) Parallel (2) Perpendicular (3) Intersecting at an angle of 60° (4) Cannot be determined 40, Two concentric circles with centre O have A, 8, C and D as the points of intersection with the line 4.85 shown in the figure. if AD = 12 cm and BC = & em, then the length of BD is (1) 8 cm (2) 100m (3) 12cm (4) 160m lio “(he Tele ti) Tela sue] REM 5 Equal chords of a circle are equidistant fram the carte Given : Two chords AB and CD of circle G{O, 4) such that AB = CD, OL 1 AB and OM L CD. To prove + Chords AB and CD are equidistant frorn the centre © he, OL = OM 18h Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regu. Office : Aakash Tower, Plol Nod, Seclor-11, Dwarka, New Dalhi-7S PhO1147623456 ec” | ta 19% 5:49PM homatics Class IX Circles | Construction : Join GA and OC. Proof 2 Since the perpendicular from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the chord, OL LAB = AL= 1B i) and, OM LCD > CM 3o0 ii) But, AB = CD 1 1 AB - {CD 22 > ALS OM [Using (i) and (i) (iy Now. in right triangles OAL and OCM. we have oa = 0c [Equal to radius of the circie) AL= cM [From (ii) and, “ALO = CMO [Each equal to 90°] So, by RHS criterion of congruence, we have AOAL = AGCM » OL=OM [ePct] Hence, equal chords of a circle are equidistant fom the centre, OREM 6 (Converse of Theorem 5) Chords equidistant from the centre of circle are equal in length. Given : Two chords AB and CD of a circle C(O, r} are equidistant from its cantre ie. OL = Ol, where OL ABand OM | CD. To prove: Ghords are equal ie. AB = GO. Construction : Join GA and OC. Proof > Since the perpendicular from the centre of a circle to a chord bisects the chord, OL. AB = AL=BL 1 AL=_AB i 2 i] and, OM 1 CD 2 CM=0M > om=/ep iy 2 ah Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regu, Offiog : Hakash Towner, Plot No.4. Sector-11, Dwarkn, New Dolbi-?S Ph T-4723456 ec” | Zz 19% 5:49PM Ciretos, Mathematics Class IX Property-2 Given To prove Construction : Proof In triangles OAL and OCM, we have A= 0c [Each equal to radius of the given circle] OLA = ZOMG [Each equal to 90°] and, OL = OM [Given} So, by RHS eriterion of congruence, we have: AOAL 2 AGCM = AL=CM 1 1 = ,AB- 50D [Using (i) and (ii) = ABCD Henoa, the chords of a circle which are equidistant from the centre are equal : Of any two chords of a circle show that the one which is larger is nearer to the centre. : Two chords AB and CD ofa circle with cantra O such that AB > CD. 1 Chord AB is nearer tn the centre of the cine ie. OL = OM, where OL and Ol are perpendiculars from 0 to AB and CD raspectively. Join GA and OC. © Since the perpendicular from the centre of a cirdle to chord bisects the chord, OL. AB + AL AB and, OM1CO = CM=—CD In right triangles GAL and OGM, we have OA? = OL? + AL? and, OC? = OM? + CM? = Ol + ALF= OM? + Cu? (i) [¢ QA= OC = ont = oc} Now, AB > CD = lass leo 2 2 2 AL» OM s ALE > CMe 2 OL? + AL? > OL? + Che [Adding OL? on both sides] 2 OM? + CME > OL? + GM? (using (i) = OM? = OL? = OM=OL = OL —OM? > OA? — OL? > OA? - OMe [Adding OA# on both sides] OA? — OL? > OG? - OF [- OA = OG, each equal to radius) = AL@> CMe [Using (i) and (ii) AL > Cht =» 2AL = 20M > AB> CD unple 6: Jf wo chords ofa click are equally Inclined ta the diameter thrauigh their point of intersection, then prove that the chords are equal. tion : Two chords AB and AC of circle C(O, r} such that AB and AC are equally inclined to diameter AOD. To prove AB= AC Construction : Draw OL | AB and OM | AC Proof In triangles OLA and OMA, we hawe a (sg \ OLA = OMA [Right angles] A / OA = 08 [Comman} and 2OAL = /OAM [Given] © AOAL = OAM [By AAS congruence criterion] + OL=OM [cPcT] ‘Chords AB and AC are equidistant fram @ = AB=AC ash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regd, Ciffice “Aakash Tower, Plot No.8, Sector-11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph. 1a7623456 ec” | Zz 19% 5:49PM ‘Circles ‘Mathomaties Cinss IX Wnple 7: In the given figure, teo equal chords AB and CD of the circle with centre ©, when produced meet at point E. Prove that BE = DE and AE = CE. tion : Draw altitudes OL and OM trom the centre to AB and CO respectively. AB = GD [Given] » Ol=eoM 4) [> Equal chords are equidistant from the centre) in triangles OLE and OME, we have ol = OM [From {i}] COLE = ZOME [Right angles} OE = OF (Comman] So by RHS criterion of congruence, we have AOLE “= AOME = LE=ME (i Now, AB = CD ily 1 1 ga 0D BL = DM ivy Subtracting (iv) from (i), we get LE- BL = ME- DM = BE = 0E ) Now, adding (aj and (v), we get AB + BE = CD + DE AE = GE unple 8 Jf two equal chords of a circle intersect within the circle, then prove that (i) Segments af one chord are equal to the corresponding segments of olter chord. (i) The fine joining the point of intersection to the centre makes equal angles with the chords. tion: Given : Two equal chords AG and CD of circle C[O, r) such that they intersect at point P within the circle. To prove 2 AP = OP, BP = OP, LP = MP, proved above] AP = GP » AB- AP = CO-OP [> AB = CO] » BP = OP unple 9 : PQ and RQ are two chards of 2 circle equidistant from the centre. If “QRS = “QPS = 90°, then prove that the diamotor OS bisects POR and ON => Chord GD is nearer to in comparison to AB > CD= AB [+> of any te cha AB< CD ry Yourself 11. In the given figure, O is centre of the circle. If AP = PB, then prove that OP is the bisector of 4AQB. Is, the one which is nearer to the cenbe is the larger] 12, If Land Mare the mid-points of two equal chords 4B and CD of a circle with centre as shown in the figure, then prowe that “ALM = “CML 6 13. AB and AC are two chords of a circle of radius r such that AB = 2AC. Hf p and q are the distances of AB and AC trom the centre respectively, then prove that 4q? = p? + 37. ssh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd, Oifice Aakash Tower, Plot Nod, Sector11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.011-87623456 ec” | ta 19% 5:50 PM homatics Class IX Circles | E THROUGH THREE POINTS We have leamt that two points are sufficient to determine @ unique line although it passes through infinite number of points. Mow, the question which arises here is, how many points are sufficient to determine a circle? Let us give it a trial. Consider one point P Ye & So, we can see that thare are many circles which can be drawn through ane paint. @®) In this case alse, there can be many circles which can be drawn through the two points, Now, consider two points P and @ ‘or three points which are collinear (lying in same line) Acircle cannot pass through three callinear paints. For three points which are non-collinsar C ) R So, there is only one circle passing through three given non-collinear points. Now, let us deduce this result analytically. ah Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regu, Offiog : Hakash Towner, Plot No.4. Sector-11, Dwarkn, New Dolbi-?S Ph T-4723456 ec” | Zz 19% 5:50 PM Ciretos, Mathematics Class IX OREM 7 There is one and only one circle passing through three given nor-collinear paints. Given 1 Thtee non-oollinear points P,Q and R To prove = There is one and only one circle passing through P,Q and R. Construction : Join PQ and QR. Drew perpendicular bisectors AL and 8M of PQ and RQ respectively. Since P. Q, Rare not collingar. therafore the perpendicular bisectors AL and BM are not parallel. Lat AL and Bi intersect at ©. Join OP, OQ and OR. MEL * Fig. (i) Fig. (ii) Proof + Since O fies on the perpendicular bisector af PQ. Therefore, oP = 0Q Again, O bes on the perpendicular bisector of OR. Therefore, Og= OR Thus, OF = OO = OR =r (say), [See figure (i)) Taking O as the centre, draw a circle of radius r. Clearly C(O, 1 passes thraugh the points P, Q and R. This proves that there is a circle passing through the points P, Q and R. [See figure (i}] ‘We shall novr prove that this is the only circle passing through the points P, Q and If possible, lot there be another circle with centre © and radius 8, passing through the points P, Qand R. Then, O will lie on the perpendicular bisectors AL of PQ and BM of OR. Since two lines cannot intersect at more than one paint, so G’ must coincide with O, Since OF = r, O'F = sand 0, OF coincide, we must hawe r= 5. = GO, r= C(O’, s) Hens, there is one and only one circle passing through three non-collinear points. Remarks : (i) There is a unique circle passing through the three vertices P,Q and R of APOR, This circle is called circunmeircle of triangle. Its centre and radius are called the circumcentre and the circumradius of the triangle respectively, (i) Circumecentre : Point of concurrence of perpendicular biseciors of the sides of a triangle. (iil) An infinite number of circle can pass through one paint or twa paints. (i) A circle cannot pass through thres collinear points P,Q and F (say) because if it is so, then perpendicular from centre to this line vill have to biseet PQ, OR and PR and thus this perpendicular intersects the line in three points, which is a contradiction. 18h Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regu. Office : Aakash Tower, Plol Nod, Seclor-11, Dwarka, New Dalhi-7S PhO1147623456 ec” | | 19% 5:50 PM homatics Class IX Circles | stration » Two different circles cannot intersect each other at more than two points, tion + Let two different circles intersect each other at three points which implies that the three points are non-collinear. But we know that one and only one circle passes through threa nan-collinear points. This falement contradicts our assumption thal hve different circles intersect each ather at thrae points. Two different circles cannot intersect each other at more than two points. GRUENCE OF CIRCLES AND ARCS Congruent cireles : Two circles are said tp be congruent if and only if their radii are equal ie. circles C(O, r) and C(O", s} are congruentif r= s. Consider two bangles of same size, we can call them congruent circles. Congruent ares : Two arcs of a circle (or of congruent circles) are congruent if degree measure of two arcs are same. For example, if a bangle is broken into hwo equal parts, we can call them as congruent arcs. Pa Htwo ares PQ and RS are congruent ares of circh Thus, PQ = RS = m{POQ)=miRS} @ £POQ= £ROS In the figure, Pc FS provided the two circles are congruent Note : Jn simple terms, we can say that hwo arcs are congruent if thair lengths are equal ar they subtend equal angies at the centre af the circte. ‘OREM 8 Htwo arcs of a circle (or of cangruent circles) are congruent, then corresponding chords are equal Given + Ane PQ of a circle CLO, ¢) and arc RS of another circle CXC’, r) are congruent. Le, To prove: POQ= AS Construction : Draw line segments OP. OQ, O'R and O's. A) (A) ah Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regu, Offiog : Hakash Towner, Plot No.4. Sector-11, Dwarkn, New Dolbi-?S Ph T-4723456 ec” | | 19% 5:50 PM Ciretos, Mathematics Class IX Proof : Case lt: Whan PQ and 8S are minor ares in trlangies OPO and O'RS, we have OP = 005 0R=O'S=r [Equal radii of two circles] £POQ = £RO'S ly POSRS = miPQ)- mS) = 2P00 - POSRS Casodll | When PQ and RS are semiciroular arcs. Since, PQ and RS are congruent arce. PQ and AE are semicircle of equal diameter Hence, PGs RS = PO = RS —EE Remark ‘Congruent arcs (or equal arcs) of a circle subtend equal angles at the centre. The angle subtended by a chord of a circle at the centre is equal to the angle subtended by the corespanding (minor) are at the centre. REM 9 (Converse of Theorem &) Theorem — = If two chords of a circle (or of congruent circses) are equal, then their corresponding arcs. sre congruent Given 2 Equal chords. PO of a circle C(O, ¢) and RS of a congruent circle CLO’. rh To prove =: PG 2S, where both PQ and RS are minor, major or semicircular arcs, Construction : If PO, RS are nol diameters, then draw line segments OP, OO, O'R and O'S. Proof : Case 1: When PO and RS are semicircular ares. In this case, PO and 8 are semi-circles of equal radii, hence thay are congruent. Case i: When BQ and RS are minor arcs In triangles POO and RO'S, we have e Q 3 18h Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regu. Office : Aakash Tower, Plol Nod, Seclor-11, Dwarka, New Dalhi-7S PhO1147623456 ec” | la 19% 5:50 PM hematlcs Class IX =. PQ= RS OP = OR=rand OO = OS =F So, by SSS-criterion of congruence, we have APOQ's ARO's /POQ = “ROS * m(PQ) = miFS) * PQ=RS Case Ill: When PG and RS are major arcs. inthis case, QE and Sy will be minor arcs Now, PQ = RS [even] = QP=5R > m(QP)= m(SR) >» 360"— mn) = 380" — mf RS) * m(PQ)= m(RS) > PO=RS Hence all the three cases, we hawe nple 14: fn the given figure, two equal chords AB and GD of a circle with centre O, intersect each ather at E Prove that AD = CB. tion + We have, ‘Chord AB = Chord CD = ABCD = AB=CD AB-BE aD = aD Chard AD= Chord CB nple 1 A, 8, C and D are four consecutive paints on a circle suck that AB = CD. Prove that AC = BD. tion + We have, AB = CD = AB= 60 [If twa chords of a circle are equal, then their comesponding arcs are congruent] ash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regd, Ciffice- Aakash Tower, Plot No.8, Sactor11, Dwarka, New Deh Prot a7sza456 ec” | ta 19% 5:50 PM ‘Circles Ae = 6B AB+86 = 60480 ABC = BCD > Chon AG= Chord aD = AC= BD nple 13: Show that if two chords of @ circle bisect one another, then they must be the diameters. tion * Let 4B and CD be two chords. bisecting each other at @, Join AG. BC, AD and BD. in AAQG and ABOD, we have 04 = 08 [yO is mict-point of AB] [Vertically opposite angles) [+ Q is mid-point of CO] [By SAS congruence criterion] > AC = BD (crc) » AD=8D (i) [If we chords of a circle are equal, then their correspending ares are congruent] Similarly, AAD = ABO >» AD= BC lepct] lil) [IF two chords of a circle are equal, then their corresponding arcs are congruent] Adding (i) and (ii), we get AC+ AD = 6D48C CAD = CBD CD divides the circle Into two equal parts > CD is the diameter Similarly, we can prave that AB is diameter of the given circle. ssh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Raga, Olfice Aakash Tower, Plot Nod, Secior11, Dwarka, New Delbi-75 Ph.011~a7820456 ec” | ta 19% 5:50 PM homatics Class IX Circles | S AND ANGLES SUBTENDED BY THEM Till now we have studied congruent arcs and angle subtended hy them. Let us now find out the relationship between angles sublended by an arc al centre and al a point on the circle REM 10 The angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre is double the angle subtended hy it at any point on the remaining part of the circle, Given 2 An are PQ of a circle C{O, r) and a point R on the remaining part of the circle ie.,on are QP To prove =: “POQ= 2/PRQ Construction : Join RO and produce it to a point M. Proof : We shall consider the following twee different cases R +M wit wt ® (iis Gil) Gasel: When Pd is @ minor arc [in figure (i)] We know that an exterior angle of triangle is equal to the sum of the interior apposite angles, In APOR, 2POM is the exterior angle. 4POM = ZOPR + ZORF 2 ZPOM= ZORP + ZORP [v OP= OR 2 “POM= 2/0RP Al In AQOR, “QOM is the exterior angle, £O0M = <00R + ORO 2 YQOM = “ORG + “ORG = <00M = 2<0R0 Aaiding equations (i) and (li), we get POM + 2Q0M = 220RP +220RQ ° POM + “OOM = 2(“ORP + “ORQ) 2 £POQ=22PRO ZORP| F . “ORQ= “OQR] Case lll: When PQ is a semicircle (in figure (ii}] We know that an exterice angle of a triangle is equal ta the sum of the interior oppasite angles, In APOR, we have ¢POM = eOPR + ORF = £POM= ZORP + ZORP OP = OR = éPOM=220RP il) ZOPR = Angles opposite to equal sides of A are equal] ABC = 2OBA + “OBC = do" + 20° = 70° {From (i) and (i) /AOG = 244ABC) [Angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre is twice the angle subtended by it at the remaining part of the circle] 440° ssh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Raga, Olfice Aakash Tower, Plot Nod, Secior11, Dwarka, New Delbi-75 Ph.011~a7820456 ec” | Zz 19% 5:51PM =. A, @ and C are three points an a circle such that angle subtended by chords AB and AC af centre O are 90" and 410° respectively Determine “BAC tion + £BOA = 90° and “AGG = 110° A 2BOC = 380" - [2BOA + ZAC] 0" — (110° + 90°] . i = 160 Since the sngle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre is twice the angle subtended by the same arc at a point on the circumference, BAC = BOC = adr ple 18 : fn the given figure, “OBC = /0C8 = BO ABOC is equilateral 08 = OC = BC = radius Length of BC is equal to the radius of circumeircla of ABC. ash Educational Services Pvt, Lid. Regd, Ciffice- Aakash Tower, Plot No.8, Sactor11, Dwarka, New Deh Prot a7sza456 ec” | @ 19% 5:51PM ‘Circles ‘Mathomaties Cinss IX wnple 17: BC is a chord of the circle with cenlre O. A is a point on arc BC as shown in the figure, Prove tral () BAG © “OBC = 90%, Hf point A is on ahe major aro. fi) 2BAG— £OBC = 90°, if point A is on the minor are, A (i) (ii) tion : In figure (i) and fi), we have z= 2x [Angle subtended by an arc of a circle at the centre is double the angle subtended by it at the remaining part of the circle] (i) In AOBC, we have OBO © OCB + “BOC = 180" yes y= 190° » 24 2y= 180° = det 2y= 180° fe 2= 2x] >» xe y= OO = “BAC+ OBC = (i) In AOBC, we have OBE + “OCB + “BOC = 180° 180° _3 ti) But, z = 300°—t = z= 360° —(180°-2y) [Using (il) 2x = 180" + 2y x-y=90" = 4BAC - 2oBC = 90° REM 11 Angles in the same segment of a circle are equal Given © circle C(O, r), anarc PQ and two angles PRO and PSQ in the same seoment of the circle. Toprove =; ZPRO= £PRO= £P3Q Thus, in both the eases, we have ¢PRQ = /P8Q Property-4: The angla ina semi-circle is a right angle. Given 2 PQis a diameter of a circle C(O, ¢} and “PRQ is an angle in semicircle. To prove =: POO is a straight line] = £POQ = 2x 20° [> 2PRQ = 20° (Given) p ie > £POQ= 180" 2 PO and O© are in the same straight line Hence, FQ is a semicircle, ah Educational Services Pvt. Lid, Regu, Offiog : Hakash Towner, Plot No.4. Sector-11, Dwarkn, New Dolbi-?S Ph T-4723456 ec” | ld 19% 5:51 PM Circles Mathomatios Class 1X unpte 18: fn the given figure, “ABC = 69° and “ACB = 31°, Find BDC. tion : In AABC, we have BAC + ZAC + BD= oC (cect) ple 23: Two oWles Intersect at A and B and AG and AD are respectively the dlameters of the circles, Prove that G, Band D are catinear tion doin C8, BD and AB Since AC is diameter of circle with centre at O, ZABG = 90° ib [Since the angle in semicircle is a right angle] Also, AD is diameter of circle with cantre at 0” “ABD = 90° ci) [Since the angle in semicircle is a right angle] Adding (|) and (lij, we get ZABG + ZABD = 90° + 90" = 2ABC+ ZABD = 180° => CBD is a straight line Henoe, C, Band 0 are callinesr. wnple 24 Prove thet any angle sublended by. minor are in the allemate segment is acute and any angle subtended by a major arc in the atermats segment Js obtuse. tion : Given © A thinor ate PQ of a citele C(O, /) and twa points Rand S on GP and AG respectively, other than F and To prove =: “PARQ is acute and “PSQ is obtuse. Construction : Jain OF and OG. ssh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Regd, Oifice Aakash Tower, Plot Nod, Sector11, Dwarka, New Delhi-75 Ph.011-87623456 ec” | ld 19% 5:51 PM OREM 12 Ita line segment joi line segment, th Given Topreve Construction : : We know thal the angles subtended by an arc of a circle al its centre is twice the angle subtended by it at any paint of the altemate segment of the circle, Since PQ is a minor arc and .PRQ is the angle formed by it in the alterata segment, 22PRQ = miPQ) » 24PRQ= “POO = 2/PRQ< 180° [> ¢POQ is an angle of APO] = 2PRO<90" f ¢PRQ is an acute angie Now, QF is a major are and SQ Is the angle formed by it in the altermate segment. 2/PSQ = mGP) Pp O SU > 24PSQ = 960"— m{PQ} < 2 24P8Q = 360" — -POQ [> m{PO)= 2P00] = 2£ 360" - 180° be 2P0Q = 1804] > £PSQ> a0" = 2P8Qis an obluse angle ng two points sublends equal angles al two other peints lying on the same side of the en the faur points are coneyalic (i.8. they lie an the same circle), : PQ is a line segment and R, S are two points lying on the same side of the line containing PQ such that ABCD are concydic > £CAD= 2CAD (Angles in same segment] Cae let) 14. In the given figure, 4, B Cand D are four points on the circle, AC and BD intersect at a point E such that “BEC = 130° and “ECD = 20°, The measure of “BAG is (1) 50° 2) oo ia) 410° a) 130° 18. In the given figure, Q is the centre of the circle. If BAC = 140°, then the value of x is (t) 130° (2) 180° 140° 14) BOF ssh Educational Services Pvt. Lid. Raga, Olfice Aakash Tower, Plot Nod, Secior11, Dwarka, New Delbi-75 Ph.011~a7820456 homatics Class IX Circles | 16. In the given figure. the value af x is B (1) 60° @) 30" (3) 90" (a) 120° 47. In the given figure, 4, B and @ re three points on the circle such that the angles subtended by the chords AG and AC at the centre O are 80° and 120° respectively. The measure of “BAC aC (Ty 80° (2) 100° (3) 60° (4) 120° 48, In the given figure, if © is the centre of the circle and “AOC = 100", then “ABC equals A ic ay SF (2) aa" (3) 100° (4) 130° [ten Cheb zion ‘test telre “suW] LIC QUADRILATERALS A quadrilateral ABCD is called cyolic if all the four wertices of it lie on a circle. c A In tha above figure, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral as all its vertices lie on a ciecls, 18h Educational Services Pvt, Ltd, Regd, Office ; Aakash Tower, Plot No.4, Sector-11, Dwrarkn, New Dolhi-?S Ph. 11-47623456

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