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Stocks & Commodities V. 33:04 (2021): Calculating Pip Values by Karl Montevirgen

Its All Transparent

Calculating Pip Values

Does it make a difference if your domestic currency is the will also notice that pip values in cross currencies will change
first currency or second currency? It sure does, and it affects more frequently as the pairs exchange rate fluctuates.
how the currency is valued. Here are some different scenarios Ill go over some basic terminologies and calculation ex-
you can encounter and how you can calculate the pip values amples here.
in each of these situations.
Pip: A pipthat is, percentage in pointis the smallest
by Karl Montevirgen increment that a currency pair can move. Most of the major
currency pairs are quoted with four decimal points (for example,

rior to opening any live positions in the FX markets, it is EUR/USD 1.3000). However, some currency pairs, such as
advisable for traders to fully understand how to calculate USD/JPY (US dollar against the Japanese yen) are quoted with
pip values so they know their positional risks and can two decimal points, as in USD/JPY 87.00. Although many
determine appropriate position sizes. Because currencies dealers offer fractional pips, I will focus on the standard pip
are traded in pairs, for example, the EUR/USD, the pip-value sizes for this article. Note that the value of a pip depends on
calculations will differ according to a currencys placement the lot size that you are trading.
within the pair structure. In other words, pip value calculation
will differ according to whether your domestic currency is
Micro lot = 1,000 currency units
the base currency (first currency) or quote currency (second
JANNOON028/Shutter Stock

currency). I will go over this in more detail later. If you are Mini lot = 10,000 currency units
trading a pair in which your domestic currency is neither the Standard lot = 100,000 currency units
base nor quote currency, then you will have to calculate the
value of one of the currencies (base or quote) and convert that Note that I use the term currency units rather than units of
to your domestic currency in order to find the pip value. You a given currency (such as USD).

Copyright Technical Analysis Inc. www.Traders.com

Stocks & Commodities V. 33:04 (2021): Calculating Pip Values by Karl Montevirgen

Domestic currency is neither the base nor quote currency:

Because currencies are traded in Here is where it gets a bit tricky. In this type of scenario, the
pairs, the pip value calculations pip value calculation will require a few more steps and the
pip values will fluctuate more frequently depending on the
will differ according to a currencys exchange rate. If you are trading a cross currency in which
placement within the pair structure. the domestic currency is neither the base nor quote, then you
will need to determine the value of either base or quote and
then calculate that price against your domestic currency.
For example, suppose your domestic currency is USD and
Base currency/quote currency: The base currency is the first you are trading a mini lot of GBP/JPY at 134.44. In order to
currency in a pair; the quote currency is the second currency find the pip value in USD, you first need to determine the pip
in a pair. value in GBP by following the steps I provided earlier.

Example 1: EUR/USDThe EUR is the base currency and Step 1: 0.01/134.44 = 0.0000743
the USD is the quote currency. It can be read like this: If Step 2: 0.0000743 x 10,000 currency units
the EUR/USD rate is 1.3000, then one euro is equivalent to = 0.74 GBP
1.3000 US dollars. Step 3: Next, you will have to determine the value
of 0.74 GBP in US dollars. In this case, GBP/
Example 2: USD/JPYThe USD is the base currency and USD: 1.6147. So if one GBP = 1.6147 in USD,
the JPY is the quote currency. For USD/JPY at 87.00, one US then 0.74 x 1.6147 = 1.1948.
dollar is equivalent to 87 yen. Result: One pip in GBP/JPY at the current change
rate = $1.19.
Domestic currency in quote position: A month later, the GBP/JPY is trading at 143.83 while the
If the domestic currency is in the quote position, you can GBP/USD is trading at 1.6077. You make the same calculation
calculate pip values as follows: ((pip/price) x currency unit) to determine the pip value.
x price = pip value in domestic currency.
Note that the following example uses USD as the domestic Step 1: 0.01/143.83 = 0.0000695
currency with an exchange rate of EUR/USD = 1.3000: Step 2: 0.0000695 x 10,000 currency units = 0.695 GBP
Step 3: Convert GBP to USD: 0.695 GBP x the current
Step 1: 0.0001/1.3000 = 0.0000769 exchange rate of 1.6077 and you get 1.117
Step 2: 0.0000769 x 10,000 (the currency unit or lot (round up to 1.12)
size) = 0.769 or 0.77 euro Result: The GBP/JPY pip value in USD is now $1.12.
Step 3: Now we convert the euro to USD: 0.769 x
1.3000 (exchange rate or price) = $0.9997. Know your pips
Round up $0.9997 to $1.00. You now have a few methods to calculate pip values. One is to
Result: One pip = $1.00 have the domestic currency in the base position, another is to
have the domestic currency in the quote position, and the third
Domestic currency in base position: is to cross currencies in relation to your domestic currency. To
For currency pairs in which the domestic currency is the base reiterate, it is important to know the pip value of your position(s)
currency, simply follow steps 1 and 2. If the domestic currency in order to get a clear measure of your risk. Hopefully, when
is USD and the USD/CHF is trading at 0.9179, then (pip/price) determining your stop-loss and/or profit target distances, these
x currency unit = pip value in USD. calculations will make the currency equivalence of your risk/
reward targets and distances transparent.
Step 1: 0.0001/0.9179 = 0.0001089
Step 2: 0.0001089 x 10,000 (currency unit or lot Karl Montevirgen is the head of forex operations at Global
size) = $1.089. Round up to $1.09. Futures Exchange And Trading Company. He can be reached
Result: One pip = $1.09 at [email protected].

If USD/JPY is at 87.00 (note that the one pip in USD/JPY is Further reading
quoted with two decimals), then: Montevirgen, Karl [2014]. Position Sizing In The Spot Forex
Markets, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities,
Step 1: 0.01/87.00 = 0.0001149 Volume 32: April.
Step 2: 0.0001149 x 10,000 = $1.149
Step 3: Round up $1.149 to $1.15.
Result: One pip = $1.15

Copyright Technical Analysis Inc. www.Traders.com


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