Response To Archbishops Response To Appeal To Bishops of British Columbia and Yukon

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Diocese of The Arctic


May 17, 2017

Dear Archbishop Privett, Bishops Andrews, McMenamie, Robertson and Skelton,

Thank you Archbishop for your email. Please permit me grace to ask questions as to what happens

As you said . with a deep awareness of the life of the Diocese of Caledonia. The process was
open, respectful and I believe, responsive to leading of the Holy Spirit. Did the process include the
people who elected Rev. Worley? What do you intend to do with Rev. Jacob Worley? Is he now not
a priest in good standing? Are the Bishops who oppose Rev. Jacob Worley 100% sure that they are
hearing God the Holy Spirit? Are the Bishops who oppose Rev. Jacob Worley 100% sure that the
priests and the people of Caledonia have not heard from God the Holy Spirit? If you continue in
your determination to oppose Rev. Worley, I must ask by which process will you expect the Holy
Spirit to now speak through Caledonia or will you come up with an entirely different process to
elect a favourable bishop? Have you talked to the National Chancellor about the ramifications of
your decisions and the possibility of fracturing the Anglican Church of Canada? Further more, as this
action has called the entire process and credibility of the credentials committee for General Synod
into question, will you request that we call the entire General Synod out of order and call for
another General Synod?

Archbishop Privett you said. I can assure you the decision was not based on any particular
theological views... I know from scripture that Holy Spirit calls us to be of one mind, with one mind
strive together for the faith of the gospel. In light of this, how do you reconcile that our Anglican
Communion is in schism as a result of the actions taken by the Province of British Columbia and
Yukon? I am very concerned that, rather than heed the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, to be of one mind
and spirit and strive together for the faith of the gospel, the Province of British Columbia and Yukon
has a tendency to lean towards a more independent style of discernment, by acting unilaterally.
This tendency has created havoc within the Anglican Church of Canada and we no longer strive
together for the faith of the gospel.
Archbishop Privett my concerns are heightened by your assurance that the decision that the
Provincial House of Bishops was not at all influenced by the theological views of the bishops. Of
course this is about differences in theology. I believe, in no other century would the reason that the

4910-51ST Street, PO Box 190, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N2 867-873-5432 FAX 867-873-8478

Provincial House of Bishops of British Columbia and Yukon have given, to oppose the Rev. Jacob
Worley, be tolerated, especially by bishops who are called to guard and defend the faith.

The revisionist determination to resist the reasonable, traditional, doctrines of our Anglican Church
of Canada has caused the majority of the Anglican Communion to question our place within the
Communion. We have also had many Canadian Anglicans dismayed and disillusioned leave our
church for other denominations. I believe that the decision of the Provincial House of Bishops of
the Province of British Columbia and Yukon is sending a very loud message to the world and to the
church. I dont think I need to say what that message is?

As our church is being torn apart my hope and prayer is that our church will indeed look closely at
the actions of Provincial House of Bishop's within the Province of British Columbia & Yukon.

Faithfully yours in Christ Jesus,

Rt. Rev. David W Parsons
Bishop of the Arctic

CC. The Most Rev. Fred J. Hiltz
The Most Rev. Gregory Kerr-Wilson
The Rt. Rev. Darren J. McCartney
The Rev. Jacob Worley,

4910-51ST Street, PO Box 190, Yellowknife, NT X1A 2N2 867-873-5432 FAX 867-873-8478

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