Old Unsolved Question Papers - Part - III

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Updated: Thursday November 12, 2009/AlKhamis Thoul Ki'dah 25, 1430/Bruhaspathivara Karthika 21, 1931,

at 05:38:02 PM

Law of Civil Procedure Part I Questions:

1.Explain the difference between Res judicata and Res Subjudice. 1995, 2000

2.Write notes on the following:

(1)Preliminary Decree. 1995 (9)Cause of Action. 1995, 1999

(2)Final Decree. 1995, 1998 (10)Precept. 1995

(3)Mesne Profits. 1995, 1995, 1998 (11)Suit of a civil nature. 1995, 1998

(4)Legal Representatives. 1995 (12)Case decided. 1995

(5)Abatement. 1997 (13)Legal representative. 1997

(6)Appealable Orders. 1997, 1998 (14)Consent Decree. 1998

(7)Interpleader Suit. 1998 (15)Decree. 1999

(8)Jurisdiction of Civil Court. 1995 (16)Restoration of suit. 1999

3.How S. 35 differs from S. 35 A of the Civil Procedure Code. 1995, 1998

4.Discuss difference between the First Appeal and the Second Appeal and grounds on which Second appeal
is competent under Civil Procedure Code. 1995, 1998, 2000

5. What is the procedure prescribed in the Code of Civil Procedure for filing a suit for Public Nuisance?
1995, 1998

6.What are the essential ingredients of decree and how a decree is distinguishable from an order? 1995

7. Is the principle of resjudicata applicable between codependents? Write a note discussing generally the
salient features of the principle of resjudicata. 1995

8.Write questions, which shall be determined by a Court executing a decree? Can a Court go behind a decree
and reopen a decided issue while ordering execution of a decree? 1995

9.Can a suit be instituted against the Government of public officer without a notice u/s 80? Explain the Code
of Civil Procedure, object of such notice and consequences of it nondelivery before filing the suit? 1995,

10. A revision petition may be filed against a Case decided which may not be the final order in a case.
Explain with a general reference to the grounds of filing a revision petition. 1995

11.Civil Courts have jurisdiction, to try all suits of a civil nature excepting those of which their cognizance is
either expressly or impliedly barred. Explain. 1995

12. Can a suit be successfully depended on the plea that the matter in issue has already been decided in a
former suit? What shall be the essential grounds for such a plea in defence? 1995

13. Can a matter relating to the execution of a decree be settled through a separate suit? Discuss in the
background of powers of executing Court. 1995
14.Appeal is an extension of the original proceedings. Discuss in the light of powers of the Appellate Court
under Code of Civil Procedure. 1995

15. Who is a Pardanashin lady? Can she claim exemption from appearance in Courts? Elaborate with
reference to law on the subject. 1995

16.Civil Courts are Courts of ultimate jurisdiction. Elaborate. 1997

17. What do you understand by the territorial jurisdiction of a Civil Court? Can a case be transferred from
one district to another? Explain. 1997,

18.Which property is exempted from attachment and sale in execution of a decree? 1997, 1998

19. In what circumstances can Court order restitution? Can a Court exercise its inherent powers to order
restriction? 1997, 2000

20.What do you understand by the term territorial jurisdiction of Court? What effect does it have on a Suit, if
the subject matter situates beyond the territorial limits of a Court? What are remedies? 1997, 1997

21.Enumerate the property liable to allotment and sale in execution of a decree. 1997, 1998

22.Describe the law for filling of suits by aliens. 1997

23.Define Consent Decree. Can appeal be filed against it? 1997, 1998, 2000

24.Discuss in detail the powers of executing Court under S. 47 of Civil Procedure Code. 1995, 1998

25. Can an objection to territorial jurisdiction be taken for the first time at the appellate or revisional stage? If
so, under what circumstances. 1999

26.What are the powers of the Court regarding deficiency in Court fee on the plaint? Discuss the proposition
with special reference to the law contained in the Civil Procedure Code. 1999

27.Under what circumstances the trial Court shall stay the proceedings in a pending suit? Give the details with
special reference to S. 10 of Civil Procedure Code. 1995, 1998, 1999

28.Give the details about the principles of resjudicata. How for is it helpful in dispensation of justice? 1997,

29. How far a judgment, decree, or order is amended after being announced. Give the extent and
circumstances. 1999

30. What are the effects of cause of action and permanent and temporary residence of defendants in
determining territorial jurisdiction of Courts? 2000

31.If a suit between A and B is pending in London, can another suit on the same cause be filed at Lahore by A.

32.Under what circumstances the Court is required to exercise its inherent powers. 2000

33.What is the remedy against a judgement or order, obtained through fraud and misrepresentation? 2000

34.Define and distinguish between territorial and pecuniary jurisdiction of Courts. 2000

35.When does a revision lie? How does it differ from appeal? 2000
36.Do the Appellate Courts have the same powers/jurisdiction as are possessed by the original courts? 2000

37.Distinguish between judgement and decree. 2000

Part II Questions:

1. How shall the Court proceed, if, a party to suit fails to produce evidence or cause attendance of his
witnesses? Give detailed reply. 1995, 1999, 2000

2.Can additional evidence be produced in an appeal? If so, under what circumstances? 1995, 1999

3.Discuss the law and principles for the grant of temporary injunction under Civil Procedure Code. 1995

4.Describe the manner in which a suit against minor can be instituted? Discuss in detail. 1995

5. What do you understand by substituted service and its effect? State under what circumstances, and the
manner in which it is effected? 1995

6. What are the three main factors to be considered by the Court before issuing a temporary injunction? Is
there any limit on the duration of such injunction? 1995

7.What are the grounds for setting aside:

(1)Ex parte proceedings. 1995 (3) If a suit is dismissed in default of

plaintiffs appearance, can he bring
(2)Ex parte decree. 1995 a fresh suit on the same cause of
action? 1995

8.What is the procedure if a party desires to call a witness through orders of the Court? Discuss in detail with
reference to the provisions of Civil Procedure Code. 1996, 1997, 1998

9.Can the pleadings be amended at any stage of a proceeding? Discuss the rule giving its exceptions. 1996

10.How will the Court proceed where on a date of hearing, the defendant, after due service of summons, fails
to appear? 1996

11.What matters should a Court take into account before framing issues in a civil suit? 1996

12. What is an issue? What is its importance for a suit? Can a Court add, amend, or strike out an issue? 1997,
1997, 1998, 1999

13. When and under what law and to what extent, the defendant can correct the mistakes in his written
statement? 1997, 1998

14.What are the various modes for the execution of a decree as provided by the Civil Procedure Code? Explain
briefly. 1997

15.Explain the term misjoinder and nonjoinder of parties in a suit, and its implications, if any. 1997, 1998,

16.Write a detailed note on Order XXI Civil Procedure Code alongwith the subject it deals with. 1997, 1998

17.When a suit shall be rejected under Order 7, Rule 11 of Civil Procedure Code. 1998

18.Can a property be attached before judgement by the Court? Explain. 1998

19.What is the difference between Rejection of the Plaint and Return of the Plaint? 1998

20. What action the Court will take and under what law, if a suit property is in danger of being wasted,
damaged, or alienated by the opposite party? 1999

21.Write a detailed note on Order XVII, Rule 2, Civil Procedure Code. 2000

22.How a compromise can be effected on behalf of a minor in a suit. 2000

23.What is crossobjection? How and when can it be filed? 2000

24. What is the difference between rejection of plaint and dismissal of suit? What are its distinguishing
features. 1995, 2000

25.If ex parte decree is passed by the Court against A, what remedies are available to him. 2000

26.Write a detailed note on Order II, Rule 2 of Civil Procedure Code. 2000

Part III Questions:

1. What is the duty of the Court when suit, appeal, or application is filed after the period of Limitation
prescribed for it? 1995

2.What is meant by legal disability? Discuss in detail giving reference of Law of Limitation. 1995

3.Where limitation has started to run, nothing can stop it. Discuss the rule with its exception. 1995, 2000

4.Can a delay in filing a suit be condoned? What constitutes a sufficient cause for the purpose of condoning
delay in the filing of an appeal or application? 1995

5. What do you understand by legal disability? How does it affect the limitation for instituting suit? 1996,

6.Limitation extinguishes remedy but not the right. Explain with examples. 1996, 1998

7.Make a distinction between Limitation, Prescription, and Estoppel. 1997

8.How the Limitation Act, 1908 deals with a person who had been prosecuting his case diligently in a wrong
Court? 1997

9.State whether S. 5 of the Limitation Act extends the prescribed period for filling a suit. 1997

10.Describe the effects for fraud on the period limitation. 1997, 1998

11.Explain the essentials of an Acknowledgement under the Law of Limitation. 1998

12.When and how the Rights of Easement are acquired under the law of Limitation. 1998, 2000

13.Describe the law of disability in preemption suits. 1999

14.Discuss sufficient cause which compels the Court to condone the delay. 1999

15.Distinguish Ss. 5 and 14 of Limitation Act. 2000

Criminal Procedure Code and Medical Jurisprudence Part I Questions:

(1)Bailable offence. 1995, 1996 (13)Judicial proceedings. 1995, 1997

(2)Cognizable offence. 1995, 1995 (14)Offence. 1995, 1997, 1997

(3)Investigation. 1995, 1995 (15)FIR. 1997

(4)Inquiry. 1995 (16)Police station. 1995

(5)Murder. 1995, 1996, 1998 (17)Complaint. 1995, 1996

(6)Theft. 1995, 1998 (18) Rape or kidnapping. 1995, 1996,

(7)Public Prosecutor. 1996, 1997
(19)Assault. 1995, 1998
(8)Advocate General. 1997
(20)Officerincharge of a Police Station.
(9)Pleader. 1997 1996

(10)Armed Forces. 1999 (21)Noncognizable offence. 1997

(11)Person in Authority. 1999 (22) Powers of the Advocate General.

(12)Report of the Police Officer. 1999

2.Discuss and illustrate the territorial and judicial powers of Magistrate u/s 30. 1995

3.Where the cases are to be registered in the following cases:

(1)Abduction. 1995 (3)Stolen property. 1995

(2)Murder. 1995 (4)Theft. 1995

4.Enumerate the cases where sentence awarded by courts requires confirmation in order to make it final and
the Court by whom the same is to be confirmed and powers of Appellate Court in such cases. 1995, 2000

5.To which Court the appeal would lie in the following cases: 1995

(1)Convict is awarded sentence of fine of rupees two hundred in Summary Trial.

(2)Magistrate awarded sentence of five years.

(3)In QatliAmd death sentence is awarded.

(4)Magistrate awards two years sentence.

6.What is bail before arrest? Under what circumstances it can be allowed? 1995, 1998

7. What are the powers of Government regarding suspension and remission of sentence of convicts? 1995,
1998, 2000

8. Whether there is any power of Review of Judgements available to Criminal Courts? Are there any
exceptions to general rule? 1995

9.Under what circumstances a Magistrate can demand security for good behavior? What is the object of such
provision? 1995

10.State powers of Magistrate or Police Officer in dispersing an unlawful Assembly. 1995

11. What preventive measure can a Magistrate take where a dispute concerning an immovable property is
likely to cause breach of peace? 1995

12.Can a person charged with one offence be convicted of another offence? If so, when? 1995, 1998

13. What is Bail and when and in what circumstances and subject to what conditions, if any, may it be
granted? 1995, 1996, 2000

14.Explain the Law relating to statements made to a Police Officer during investigation. 1995, 1997

15.Which of the following offences are compoundable?

(1) Rape or kidnapping. 1995, 1996, (4)Murder. 1995, 1996, 1998

1996, 1998
(5)Assault. 1995, 1998
(2)Theft. 1995, 1998
(6)Defamation. 1996
(3)Criminal trespass. 1996

16.Describe briefly the procedure relating to the trial of summon case. 1995

17. How long can the Police Officer keep an offender in custody by his own power and with the order of a
Magistrate? 1996

18.Can prosecution against Magistrate or Police Officer be instituted in a Criminal Court in any circumstance
with reference to Chapter IX of the Code of Criminal Procedure? 1996

19.What procedure has been prescribed in Code of Criminal Procedure for trial of cases before Session Court?
1995, 1996

20. Discuss the powers of the High Court regarding illegal and improper detention of persons under Civil
Procedure Code and Criminal Procedure Code. 1995, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000

21.Explain the term Joinder of Charge. Enumerate the provisions contained in Code of Criminal Procedure .

22. How the statement of an accused person is conducted and recorded? What is the liability for refusing to
answer question put to him? 1996, 1999

23. Is it obligatory on the part of the accused to appear in the witness box during trial and give evidence on
oath in disproof of the charge? Discuss with reference to the law. 1996

24.What is the distinction between discharge and acquittal? 1997

25.What is a compoundable offence? What is the legal effect of a valid composition? What is the difference
between withdrawal of a case and composition of an offence? 1997, 1999

26. Who is an Approver? By whom and on what conditions pardon can be granted to an accused? Discuss in
detail with reference to law? 1995, 1997, 1998

27.Give the procedure followed by the Court of Session for the trial of a murder case. 1997, 1998, 1999

28.Explain the procedure to be adopted by the Appellate Court to take additional evidence in the case. 1997

29.Can Police arrest a person even if he has not committed any offence? 1997
30. On what grounds can an application be made to the High Court for transfer of a criminal case from a
subordinate Court? 1997, 2000

31.What do you understand by process? Under what circumstances property can be attached. 1997

32. When and what powers can be used by the Magistrate to control dispute over the possession of an
immovable property? Can the possession be restored back to person dispossessed? 1997, 1998

33. What do you understand by the statement of the accused? Can the accused appear as witness and make
statement on oath? Discuss with special reference to the provisos of law. 1997, 1998

34.What procedure is to be adopted to try a lunatic? Also discuss the place where he is to be kept during trial
with reference to law. 1997, 1998

35.What is bail? Can bail be claimed as a right even in nonbailable offences before and after conviction, if so,
under what provisions of law? 1997, 1997, 1998, 2000

36. What orders and judgments are appealable? When appeal is directly filed in the High Court against
judgment of the Magistrate. 1997, 1998, 1999

37. What do you understand by a person? What legal steps are put in force for the liberation of a person
improperly and illegally detained. 1997, 1998

38.What is the value of an affidavit? Who are the competent persons and courts before whom affidavits can be
sworn? 1997, 1998

39. What are irregularities and illegalities? Discuss in detail with reference to law, all those which vitiate
proceedings and which do not vitiate proceedings. 1995, 1997, 1997, 1998, 1998, 1998, 1999, 2000

40. Discuss in detail with reference to law any such power of the High Court if any by means of which relief
can be granted although there is no procedural provision in the Code of Criminal Procedure. 1997

41. Discuss the powers of trial and Appellate Courts for disposal of property regarding which offence was
committed. 1995, 1998

42.Is there any power of review of judgments available to criminal courts? 1998

43. Describe various classes of criminal courts with reference to trial, power and maximum sentence, which
they can award. 1995, 1998

44. Discuss in detail with reference to law power of the High Court by means of which relief can be granted
although there is not provision in Criminal Procedure Code. 1998

45. How is the legal procedure to be adopted for the surrender of an absconder (escape, run away)? Can his
property be attached? If so, when? 1999, 1999

46. What procedure is laid down in law in recording confession of an accused person? Explain with some
concrete examples. 1996, 1999

47. What is difference between complaint and charge? Whether the complaint can be withdrawal from the
Court or not. 2000

48. State circumstances under which the police officer may arrest a person without obtaining a warrant from
the Court? 2000
49.State circumstances under which Court may issue search warrant. What legal requirements are essential to
satisfy for making the recoveries credible? 2000

50.What is importance of First Information Report in law? State its essential requirements. 2000

51. What are necessary elements of charge? How it is framed. Whether separate charge should be framed for
every distinct offence? 2000

52. State manner in which Magistrate is required to record statements of witnesses and the accused person
elaborately. 2000

53.It is said no one should be convicted twice. Discuss and illustrate with reference to law. 1995, 2000

54.Discuss in detail powers of Appellate Court in disposing of appeal. 2000

55. What is the importance of Chemical Examiner, or Serologist in law? Whether it is considered foolproof
testimony. Discuss. 2000

56.How will you distinguish between inquiry, investigation, and trial? Please explain. 2000

57. What conditions are precedent for proclamation? What penalties in law can be imposed upon absconder?

58.What is procedure laid down in law for the prosecution for offences against the State? Whether sanction for
prosecution is essential, if so, give detail. 2000

59.Discuss in detail the procedure laid down in law to file an appeal from an order of Acquittal. 1996, 2000

Part II Questions:

1. What are objectives of postmortem examinations? Which type of death necessitates it? Discuss in detail.
1998, 1998, 2000, 2000

2.Write a detailed note on significance of medicolegal report (MLR) and its application to the administration
of criminal justice. 1998

3. Explain in detail sections of Pakistan Penal Code, which are related to wound and hurt of human body.
1998, 1998

4.Write short notes on following: 1999

(1)Dying Declaration.

(2)Dying Deposition (attestation).

(3)Professional Secrecy and Crime.

5.Describe in detail the examination of Bones in medicolegal practice. 1999

6.State various types of injuries and their value in assessing the guilt of the accused. 2000

7.Discuss the method of fingerprints. 2000

8.What is postmortem examination? Draw an outline of postmortem report. 1998

Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics Part I Questions:

1.Can the following be competent witness: 1995


(2)A dumb person.

(3)A person convicted by Court for false evidence.

2. What is meant by hearsay evidence? What are the reasons for not admitting the same? What are its
exceptions? 1995, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000

3.Explain Public document and Private document. How a Public document can be proved. 1995, 1997,

4.What are the facts, which though relevant need not be proved? 1995, 2000

5. What qualifications are necessary for a witness for proving relationship of one person to another? 1995,

6.Can evidence of bad character of accused be given in criminal cause? How far character of party is relevant
in civil case? 1995, 2000

7.Explain Admission. In what circumstances admission can be made proved by person himself who made
it or someone on his behalf? 1995, 1999, 2000

8.How can apparent conflict between illustration (b) of Article 129 and Article 16 of QanuneShahadat Order
be resolved? 1995, 2000

9. What do you know about the term Evidence when used in the context of law? Explain in what way do
the rules of evidence assist in the Administration of justice? 1995

10. Can the evidence of an accomplice alone is sufficient for conviction of the accused? Discuss in the light of
the relevant case law. 1995, 1997

11. Discuss in detail the safeguards enumerated in the QanuneShahadat Order of 1984 regarding confession
admissible for the purpose of evidence. 1995, 1998, 2000

12.When confession made by an accused person before a police officer can be proved against him at the trial?
Quote relevant law and decided cases giving illustrations. 1995, 2000

13.What is the nature of retracted confession against: 1995

(1)The maker of the confession.

(2)Other accused.

14.What is Character? How for evidence of character is relevant with reference to parties in Civil Litigation?
Discuss with case law? 1995

15. Explain the term Judicial Notice. State facts about which Court can take Judicial Notice? 1995, 1998,

16. What is Leading Question? Who can ask such a question? Can a party ask leading questions to its own
witness? If so, when? Discuss with case law. 1995, 1997, 1999

17.Under what circumstances Court can interfere with the crossexamination of a witness? Explain. 1995
18.Explain and illustrate various methods of proving handwriting of a person. 1995, 1995, 2000

19.Write a note on the following:

(1)Alibi. 1995 (10)Judicial notice. 1995

(2)Presumption of law. 1995 (11) Privileged communications. 1996,

1997, 1998
(3)Ancient documents. 1996, 1997, 1997
(12)Production of documents. 1996
(4)Leading questions. 1995, 1996, 1998
(13)Presumption of facts. 1997
(5)Proper custody. 1997
(14)Fact in issue. 1997
(6)Circumstantial evidence. 1997, 1998
(15)ShahadatalalShahadat. 1998
(7)Private documents. 1998
(16)Privileges of a counsel. 1998
(8)Res Gestae. 1998
(17)Reexamination. 2000
(9)Estoppel. 2000
(18)Examinationinchief. 2000

20. Who is competent witness in law and who is not? Does the QanuneShahadat Order of 1984 prescribe a
uniform number of witnesses in all cases? Discus with reference to certain examples. How can the evidence
of a witness be taken, who cannot speak and is dumb? 1995, 1996, 1997, 1997, 1999

21. How would you determine that the act performed is accidental or intentional? Discuss with certain case
law. 1996

22. What do you understand by the judicial and extra judicial confession? Discuss their admissibility and
evidentiary value keeping in view some leading decided cases. 1996

23.Write a detailed and comprehensive note on retracted confession giving at least three illustrations. 1996

24. What is evidentiary value of dying declaration? Can a conviction be based on it? Discuss in detail. 1996,
1997, 1998, 2000

25.What is estoppel? On what principles of law it is based and what are its essential elements? 1996

26.The improper admission or rejection of evidence shall not be a ground by itself for a new trial? Comment
on this rule. 1996

27.What is Burden of Proof? On whom it lies in civil and criminal litigation? Explain with reference to case
law. 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999

28.What is the scope and protection to a witness from answering incriminating questions? Discuss. 1996

29.How may a witness refresh his memory? What are the rights of opposite party when a witness is allowed to
do so? Discuss. 1996, 1999, 2000

30.What is admission? To what extent is it distinct from estoppel? Give illustrations. 1997, 1998

31. How would you differentiate between admission and confession? Discuss keeping in view some decided
cases. 1997
32.A child was born to a married couple within 120 days of their valid marriage. Is the child legitimate? 1997

33. What are the checks imposed under the QanuneShahadat Order of 1984 on the unfattered of cross
examination? 1997

34.What are identification parades? Under what circumstances and provision of the QanuneShahadat Order
of 1984 are relevant and what is their evidentiary value? 1997, 1997, 1998, 2000

35. Does the burden of proof ever shifts to the accused? If so, in what way can the accused discharge his
burden? Discuss with case law. 1995, 1997, 1997

36.Explain how the credit of the witness can be impeached? 1997, 1197, 2000

37.Discuss and distinguish between presumption of fact and presumption of law. 1997, 1998

38. It is said that the burden of proof lies on the prosecution in the criminal cases? Discuss. Is there any
exception to the rule? 1997

39.Who is an expert? When are the opinions of third persons relevant? 1997

40.In what circumstances confession of an accused is admissible in criminal cases. 1997

41. A child is born to a widow within two years of death of her husband. Can the child be declared as

42. A poor man is in possession of a valuable big bungalow situated in a locality in which rich people reside.
What is the presumption whether or not he is owner of said bungalow? 1998

43.To what uses the previous statement of a witness can be put? Discuss with relevant provisions. 1998

44.Explain with illustrations selfserving admission and their evidentiary value. 1998

45.Plaintiff files a suit for specific performance on the basis of an agreement to sell. Defendant denies execution
of this document. By what means plaintiff can prove contents and signatures on this document. 1998

46. Can an Advocate who was engaged for obtaining succession certificate be crossexamined as witness in
subsequent proceedings to disclose contents of WILLS? 1998

47.Discuss various modes of proving a custom. 1998

48.Explain standard of proved in civil cases and criminal cases. 1998

49. Under which principle of law Plea of Alibi is relevant and may be proved by an accused to prove his
innocence? 1998, 2000

50.All relevant facts are not admissible but all admissible facts are relevant. 1998

51.When facts not otherwise relevant become relevant? Explain with illustrations. 1999, 2000

52.When may secondary evidence relating to a document be given? 1999

53.What do you understand by a privileged communication under law of evidence? 1999

54.Give exceptions to the rule of oral evidence being excluded by documentary evidence. Give examples. 1996,
1998, 2000
55. What are the circumstances in which judgments of courts of justice are considered relevant in evidence?

Part II Questions:

1.What do you understand by professional misconduct of an Advocate Justifying cancellation of his licence or
practice? 1999

2.What are the rights and duties of an Advocate with regard to his client? 1999

3. What are general rules of professional ethics, which govern the legal profession? Discuses in detail. 2000,

4. What is professional conduct of a lawyer? What would be the consequences if a lawyer is guilty of
professional misconduct? 2000

5.What are the rights and duties of an Advocate with regard to the Court? Discuss in detail. 2000

Conveyancing, Pleadings, and Interpretation of Statutes Part I Questions:

1. Aamer is the tenant of a residential house belonging to Fizza in the Defence Area of Lahore Cantonment.
Fizza wants to eject her tenant on the grounds of default in paying the rent and personal need. Draft an
ejectment petition for Fizza. 1995, 1996, 2000

2.Faryal booked with the Pakistan Railways a German car valuing Rs. 1,500,000/ (fifteen lakhs) from Karachi
to Lahore. This was lost in transit due to the negligence of Pakistan Railways. Faryal wants to file a suit for
damages. Draft a plaint for her. 1995

3.Rana Nazir instituted a complaint against Haji Anwar for house trespass and for intentional damage to the
property. Haji Anwar was acquitted by the Trial Court. Draft a plaint on behalf of Haji Anwar for payment
of Rs. 100,000/ as damages for malicious prosecution. 1995

4. Moazzam has divorced his wife Momna. Momna wants to file a suit for the recovery of Dower Money of
Rs. 50,000/. Draft a plaint for Momna. 1995, 1999

5.In above case write a written statement for Moazzam. 1995, 1999

6.What are the basic objects of Pleadings? 1995, 1996, 1997

7.Draft a plaint in a suit for Redemption of Mortgaged Land. 1995, 2000

8.Aslam has completely neglected his wife, Saima and has failed to provide her maintenance allowance. Draft
a plaint on behalf of Saima in a suit for recovery of maintenance allowance against Aslam. 1995

9.Khalida has deserted (left alone, abandoned) her husband, Ahmad, and is not willing to rejoin him. Ahmad
wants to institute a suit for the restitution of conjugal rights. Draft a plaint for her. 1995, 1997

10.Draft a written statement on behalf of Ahmad to the plaint in the above suit. 1995

11.Draft a plaint in a suit for declaration on behalf of Rashid challenging the notice of Lahore Corporation to
demolish his house, and injunction by way of consequential relief restraining Lahore Corporation
permanently from demolishing his house. 1995

12.Draft a written statement on behalf of Lahore Metropolitan Corporation to the plaint in the above suit. 1995
13.Lahore Metropolitan Corporation has constructed a Filth Depot in front of the house of Raja Arshad, which
is proving permanent nuisance to him. He wants the Lahore Corporation to remove the filth depot. Draft a
plaint for Raja Arshad in a suit for Mandatory injunction against the Lahore Corporation praying for a
direction for the removal of filth depot. 1996

14.Rehan and Safia were married in accordance with Muslim rites. A sum of Rs. 30,000/ was fixed as prompt
dower, which remained unpaid. Subsequently Rehan divorced Safia. Draft a plaint on behalf of Safia in a
suit for recovery of the Dower Money. 1996, 2000

15.Draft a written statement on behalf of Rehan to the above plaint. 1996, 2000

16.Qurban Ali, a landlord wants to throw Rashid, his tenant out of a rented shop through force. Draft a plaint
on behalf of Rashid, the tenant against Qurban Ali, landlord in a suit for perpetual injunction restraining
him from evicting the tenant otherwise than in due course of law. 1997

17.Imam Ali borrowed a sum of Rs. 50,000/ from Bashir and executed pronote in his favour. Later Imam Ali
failed to repay the loan when demanded by Bashir. Draft a plaint on behalf of Bashir against Imam Ali for
recovery of Rs. 50,000/. 1997

18.Draft a written statement on behalf of Imam Ali to the above plaint. 1997

19.Draft a plaint in a suit for possession through partition of property. 1997

20.Write a written statement to the above suit. 1997

21.Ahmad has thrown Naghmana, his wife out of his doors and has completely neglected her without any just
excuse. He has even refused to pay her maintenance allowance. Naghmana wants to institute a suit for the
recovery of maintenance allowance against Ahmad. Draft a plait for her. 1997

22.Draft a written statement on behalf of Ahmad, the husband to the above plaint. 1997

23.Bashir, a landlord has threatened to evict Arshad, his tenant through force from a residential house without
adverting to legal course. Arshad wants to bring a suit for permanent injunction against Bashir. Draft a
plaint for Arshad. 1997

24. Draft a plaint on behalf of the plaintiff in a suit for dissolution of partnership and rendition of accounts.

25.Draft a written statement on behalf of the defendant to the above plaint. 1997

26.Imran and Kamran have mutually agreed to dissolve their partnership and settle all incidental maters. Draft
deed of dissolution of partnership for them. 1996, 1998, 2000

27.Enumerate and explain the component parts of an indenture. 1995, 1998, 2000

28.Hassan wants to gift his Bungalow at Lahore to Mohsan, his son out of paternal love and affection. Draft a
Gift Deed for them. 1998, 1999

29.Draft a special power of attorney for a Court case. 1998

30.Imran owns a house in Sialkot while Rizwan owns landed property in Gujranwala District. Both properties
are of equal value. Draft a Deed of Exchange between them. 1998

31.Asad is desirous of selling his house and Akbar wants to purchase it. Before actual sale they want to enter
into an agreement of sale. Akbar has paid a sum of Rs. 100,000/ as earnest money to Asad out of settled
sale price of Rs. 500,000/. Draft an agreement to sell the house for them. 1998
32.Draft a general power of attorney. 1998

33.Draft a deed of Waqf AlalAulad. 1996, 1997, 1998

34.Draft a Deed of Simple Mortgage. 1999

35.Khurshid and Nazir are real brothers. They want to partition mutually the immovable property left by their
late father. Draft a Partition Deed for them. 1995, 1996, 1999

36.Write notes on any THREE of the following: 1999





37.Imran has sold his house to Yusaf for a sum of Rs. 800,000/. Draft a sale deed for them. 2000

38. Nazir made WILL of his estate on 6th of March 1998 and appointed Naseer, his uncle to be executor
thereof. Naseer died subsequently on 10th November 1999. Nazir wants to substitute Akram, his elder
brother as executor of said WILL in place of Naseer, deceased. Draft a Deed of CODICIL for Nazir
appointing Akram to be executor of his said WILL in place of the said Naseer, deceased. 2000

39.Draft a Special PowerofAttorney for a Court case. 2000

40. Yunus Malik and Hammad have agreed to carry on the business relating to the export of carpets in
partnership and to share the profits. Draft a deed of partnership for them. 2000

41.Draft a Deed of Muslim Will 1995, 1996, 1997, 2000

42. Faisal has purchased from Ilyas a residential house situated at Mayo Road, Lahore that is occupied by
Mohsan as a tenant under Ilyas. Draft a notice on behalf of Faisal, new Landlord/owner addressing
Mohsan, informing him about the sale of the house under tenancy in favour of Faisal and further asking
him to execute the rent note in favour of Faisal and to pay him monthly rent. 2000

Part II Questions:

1.Define and differentiate a Promissory Note and a Bill of Exchange. Draft a Promissory Note for Rs. 1,000/
payable on demand and Bill of Exchange for Rs. 5,000/ payable two months after sight. 1995

2. Brothers, Hassan and Osama have agreed to refer their dispute about ancestral property to the sole
arbitration of Mubashar Hussain. Draft Arbitration Agreement. 1995

3.Nabil owns a plot of land adjoining the house of Nadeem. Nabil has agreed to the transfer of right of way
over his plot to Nadeem. Draft a deed of grant of right of way. 1995

4. Mubashar is coowner of undivided immovable property. He has agreed to sell his share to Moazzam.
Write sale deed between Mubashar and Moazzam. 1995

5.Draft a deed for cancellation of a general power of attorney secured by fraud. 1995

6.Allied Bank Limited has given overdraft facilities to Riaz Malik, a Rice Trader in Gujranwala. The overdraft
is to be secured by pledging movables. Write a memorandum of pledge. 1995
7.Iftikhar has sold his house to Javed for a sum of Rs. 600,000/. Draft a sale deed. 1995

8.Rizwan wants to sell his house at Faisalabad. To affect the sale, he appoints Usman as his Special Attorney.
Draft a Special Power of Attorney in favour of Usman. 1995

9.Draft deed of equitable mortgage or mortgage by deposit of title deed. 1995, 1997

10. Mahmood owns a house in Faisalabad while Ali owns landed property Sahiwan District. Both the
properties are of equal value. Draft a deed of exchange between them. 1996

11.Imran has rented out a residential house in Samanabad, Lahore, to Javed for 11 months at monthly rent of
Rs. 5,000/. Draft the necessary Rent Note for them. 1996

12.Write notes on any TWO of the following:

(1)Conveyancing. 1997 (5)Recitals. 1997, 1997

(2)Parcels. 1997 (6)Habendum. 1997

(3)Testatum. 1997 (7)Consideration. 1997

(4)Receipt. 1997 (8)Operative words. 1997

13.Faisal and Ilyas want to run the business of hardware in partnership. Draft a deed of partnership for them.

14. Hassan wants to appoint Babar as his General Attorney to conduct several cases on his behalf. Draft
General Power of Attorney on his behalf in favour of Babar. 1997

15.Saleem wants to gift his bungalow situated at Lahore to Hassan, his son out of Paternal love and affection.
Draft a Gift Deed. 1997

16.Draft an agreement to let a house. 1997

17. Rahat is desirous of selling his house. Iftikhar has agreed to purchase it. Before actual sale they want to
enter into agreement of sale. Iftikhar has paid a sum of Rs. 200,000/ as earnest money out of sale price to
Rahat. Draft An agreement to sell the house for them. 1997

18.Asif and Yunus Malik have agreed to carry on the business relating to the export of carpets in partnership
and to share the profits. Draft a Deed of Partnership for them. 1997

19.Draft a Special Power of Attorney for a Court case. 1997

20.Draft a plaint in a suit for the recovery of money lent on the basis of demand Promissory Note. 1998

21.Draft a written statement on behalf of the defendant in the above suit. 1998

22.State the general rules of pleadings. 1997, 2000

23. Arshad has turned out Safia, his wife from his house and has completely neglected her without any just
excuse. He is not paying her any maintenance allowance. Draft a plaint on behalf of Safia in a suit for the
recovery. 1998

24.Draft a written statement on behalf of the defendant in the above suit. 1998
25.Draft a plaint in a suit for possession through specific performance of the agreement of sale of house. 1998,

26.Draft a plaint in a suit for permanent injunction. 1998

27. Sarah has been deprived of the joint and undivided estate left by her late father at the time of his death.
Akbar, her brother is in possession of the entire estate. Draft a plaint for Sarah in a suit for possession
through partitioning of her separate share in the joint and undivided property. 1999

28.Iqbal has threatened to evict his tenant, Rashid from a residential house through force without adverting to
legal course. Rashid wants to institute a suit for permanent injunction against Iqbal. Draft a pliant for
Rashid. 1999

29.Draft a plaint in a suit for the dissolution of marriage on behalf of Azra against Ahmad, her husband on the
grounds of nonmaintenance and Khula. 2000

30.Draft a written statement on behalf of Ahmad, the husband who is defendant in the above suit. 2000

Part III Questions:

1.What are the powers of Court to give effect to manifest and undoubted intention of the legislature where a
plain construction would lead to absurd results? 1998

2.What is the effect of a change in substantive law during the pendency of an action. 1998, 2000

3.Power to appoint included power to remove. 1998, 1999, 2000

4.What are the powers of Court to do justice or redress a wrong is there be no express provision in a statute to
meet requirement of a case? 1998, 2000

5.State some of the cardinal rules of interpretation of statutes. 1999

6.How can an ambiguity in a statute be resolved? 2000

Constitutional Law III Part I Questions:

1.What do an aggrieved persons under the writ jurisdiction mean? 1995

2. Is there any remedy in the nature of Habeas Corpus available under writ jurisdiction? If so, to what
effect? 1995

3.Write short notes on any of the two writs given below and bring out the difference between the two:

(1)Mandamus. 1995 (7)Prohibition. 1995

(2)Quo Warranto. 1995 (8)Habeas Corpus. 1995

(3)Alternate remedy. 1995, 1997 (9)Aggrieved person. 1995, 1997, 1998,

(4)Jurisdiction. 1995
(10)Writ of prohibition. 1997
(5)Laches. 1997
(11) Principles of Audi Alteram
(6)Locus Standi. 1998, 2000 Partem. 1998
4.Is the remedy by way of writ petition in the High Court available to an employee aggrieved by the orders of
an autonomous body or a corporation? 1996

5. Briefly explain the jurisdiction and powers of the High Court under Article 199 of the constitution of
Pakistan 1973. 1997

6.What is Administrative Law? Explain the reasons for the growth of this branch of law. 1998, 2002

7.What do you understand by the principles of Rule of Law? Explain in detail. 1998, 1999

8.What is Administrative Law? How it is different from Constitutional Law? 1998, 1999, 2002

9.Explain the Rule that nobody can be condemned being unheard. 1998, 2002

10.What is meant by judicial review of administrative actions? Please describe the object and scope of judicial
review. 1998, 1998, 2000

11.What do you understand by the concept of Separation of Powers? Please explain. 1998, 2000, 2002

12.The main object of Administrative Law is the operation and control of administrative authorities. Please
comment. 1999

13.What are the factors responsible for the growth of delegated legislation? 2000

14. What do you understand by the law of natural justice? If an authority exercising powers under a statute
does not follow this law what consequence will ensue. 2000, 2002

15.Describe the various types of writs, which can be issued by the High Court under the 1973 constitution for
control of administrative action. 2000

16. What is an administrative law? What factors are responsible for the development and evolution of
administrative law? 2000

17.No one should be a judge in his own case. Please comment. 2000, 2002

Part II Questions:

1.Can the Service of a Civil Servant terminated without notice? If it is so, in what circumstances? 1998

2. There are allegations of corruption and misconduct against a Civil Servant. What is the procedure to be
observed by the authorized officer for getting an enquiry conducted against him? 1998

3.What is the law regarding promotion of Civil Servant? Can an out of turn promotion be given to him? If so,
in what circumstances? 1998

4. Explain the law regarding appeal by a civil servant against the order of the authority imposing a major
penalty on him. 1998

5.Please define the word Misconduct as given in the Punjab Civil Service (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules
1975. What are the various Penalties provided in the said Rules, which could be imposed on a Civil Servant,
proved guilty of Misconduct? 1998, 2000, 2002

6.Define and explain the following: 1998

(1)Major Penalty. 1998

(2)Probation. 1998

(3)Ad hoc appointment. 1998

7.Promotion in service is not a legal right of a Civil Servant. Please comment. 1998

8. What is the procedure given in the Punjab Civil Service (Efficiency and Discipline) Rules 1975 for the
determination of an appeal filed by the aggrieved civil servant? 1998

9.What are the powers of Service Tribunal in respect of an appeal filed before it by a Civil Servant? What is
the period of limitation for filing an appeal before a Service Tribunal established under the Punjab Service
Tribunals Act, 1974. 1999

10.What are the requirements of an appeal to be filed by a Civil Servant before the Punjab Service Tribunal as
given under the Punjab Service Tribunals (Procedure) Rules, 1975. 1999

11. Can the Service Tribunal summon witnesses in the appeal filed by a Civil Servant? If so, what procedure
would be adopted by the Tribunal for summoning the witnesses for the recording of their evidence? Cite
the relevant Rules. 1999

12. Under what circumstances an appeal of a Civil Servant with regard to the terms and conditions of his
service is not competent before the Service Tribunal. 1999

13.Explain the composition and jurisdiction of Service Tribunal established under the Punjab Service Tribunal
Act, 1974. 2000

14.A Civil Servant is dismissed from service by the competent authority. He immediately files an appeal before
the concerned Service Tribunal. Is the appeal competent? 2000, 2000

15.Who is competent to file an appeal before the Service Tribunal established under the Service Tribunal Act,
1973? What procedure would he adopt in filing the said appeal. 2000, 2000

16.Discuss the evolution of Service Tribunals in Pakistan. What is the period of limitation for filing an appeal
before a Service Tribunal established under the Punjab Service Tribunal Act, 1974. 2000, 2000

17.Can the writ jurisdiction of the High Court be invoked in respect of the terms and conditions of service by
the civil servant? If so, in what circumstances? 2000

Part III Questions:

1.What is the procedure prescribed by the Punjab Service Tribunal Procedure Rules, 1975 for the hearing of
an appeal of the Civil Servant by the Punjab Services Tribunal? 1998

2. What is the period of limitation for filing of an appeal by a Civil Servant before the Punjab Service
Tribunal? Does the Limitation Act, 1908, apply to such an appeal. 1998, 1998

3. Please describe the composition of the Punjab Services Tribunal. How are the benches of the Tribunal
constituted? 1998

4.How is an appeal filed by a civil servant before the Punjab Services Tribunal? What are the contents of the
Memo of appeal? 1998, 2002

5. The Punjab Services Tribunal has exclusive jurisdiction to hear appeal of the civil servant regarding the
terms and conditions of his service against the final order of the departmental authority. Please comment. Is
there an exception to his law? 1998, 1998
6.Write short notes on:

(1)Show Cause Notice. 1999 (5)Probation. 1999

(2)Deputation. 1999 (6)Vested right. 2000

(3)Competent authority. 2000 (7)Aggrieved person. 2000

(4)Ad hoc appointment. 2000 (8)Authorized officer. 2000

(9)Misconduct. 2000

7. What are the principles relating to the promotion of a civil servant to the higher grade? Can out of turn
promotion be allowed to a civil servant? If so, under what circumstances? 1999

8. Explain the enquiry procedure against a civil servant on a charge of corruption as given in the Punjab
(Efficiently and Discipline) Rules, 1975. 1999

9.Differentiate between an Authorized Officer and an Authority? What is their role in the enquiry to be
conducted against a civil servant? 1999, 2000

10. Discuss the law regarding the seniority and promotion of a civil servant as given in Punjab Civil Servant
Act, 1974. 2000

11.When is the service of Civil Servant terminated without notice? Explain. 2000, 2002

12. What do you understand by the term Probation? Discuss the principles about appointment of a civil
servant on probation. 2000

13. Is seniority of a civil servant under the Punjab Civil Servants Act, 1974 a vested right. If so, can a civil
servant claim promotion as a matter of legal right? 2000

Minor Acts (Stamp, Suit Valuation, Court Fee, Arbitration, and Urban Rent Restriction) Part I Questions:

1.What do you understand by the Term Impounding of instruments? How and when such an action can be
taken and by whom? 1995

2.What is the procedure for paying stamp duty on the following instrument: 1995

(1)In case several instruments are used in a single transaction.

(2)Instrument relating to distinct matter.

(3)Instruments coming within several descriptions.

3.Describe the essential ingredients of SS. 33 and 35 of the Stamp Act. 1995, 1998, 2000

4.Explain in your own words:

(1)Chargeable. 1995 (6)Instrument of partition. 1995

(2)Use of adhesive stamps. 1995 (7)Instruments reserving interest. 1995

(3)Bond. 1998 (8) Bill of Exchange payable on

demand. 1998
(4)Power of attorney. 1998
(5)Instrument. 1998

5. Discuss the aims and objects of Stamp act and describe the documents exempt from payment of stamp
duty. 1996, 2000

6. Write a brief note on the offences and penalties under the Stamp Act with particular reference to the
procedure for commencement of the prosecution and the Court and place of trial. 1996, 2000

7. Practically every document is required to be stamped under S. 3 of the Act. Discuss with reference to the
exceptions. 1997, 1999

8.Write a Selfexplanatory note on the principles laid down in Ss. 4, 5, and 6 of the Act. 1997, 1998, 2000

9.What is the principle stated in S. 33 of the Act? Discuss its object and usefulness. 1998, 1999

Part II Questions:

1.Critically examine and analyze the objects and scope of the Suits Valuation Act. 1995, 1999

2. Write a detailed note on the scope and objectives of the Court Fees Act. Are any documents allowed
exemption from payment of Court Fee? 1995, 1998, 1999

3.What is the value for the purpose of Court Fee and Jurisdiction in the following cases:

(1)Suit for Mesne Profits. 1995, 2000

(2)Suit for rendition of accounts by a Partner of a registered firm. 1995

(3)Suit for Specific Performance of contract for Sale of house valuing Rs. Ten Lakhs. 1995

(4)Suit for ejectment of tenant from agricultural land. 1995, 2000

(5)Suit for annuities payable periodically. 1997

(6)Suit for declaration and injunction. 1997

(7)Suit for declaration that the plaintiff is owner by virtue of hiba or gift. 1997

(8)Suit for specific performance of an award. 1997

(9)Suit for rendition of Accounts by a partner of registered firm. 2000

(10)Suit for specific performance of contract for sale of house valuing Rs. 10 Lac. 2000

4. Critically analyze the general impression that the provisions of the Court Fees Act and the Suit Valuation
Act are in para material with each other. 1995


(1)The suits relating to land where the valuation need not be in excess of the value of the land itself.

(2)Enumerate the categories of the suit, which shall conga and contain one and the same valuation for the
purposes of Court Fee and jurisdiction both. 1995

6.Analyze the scope of S. 11 of the Suits Valuation Act in precise details. 1996
7.When can an objection with regard to the jurisdictional value of a suit be taken before the High Court and
with what result? 1996

8. Discuss and describe the Rule making authority for determining the value for the purpose of jurisdiction.

9.When and how does a High Court determine the valuation in certain suits? Discuss in precise details. 1997

10.Describe the procedure for raising of an objection against the valuation of a suit or appeal before the Court
of Appeal. 1997


(1)The principles contained in S. 17 of the Act. 1998, 2000

(2)Discuss the power for taking decision on the question of valuation and the scope of refund of Court
Fees paid in excess by the plaintiff or an appellant. 1997

12.Explain the concept of Court Fees Act at punitive rate. 1998, 2000

13.Describe the important rules relating to Law of Court Fees. 1998, 2000

14. Are the provisions of S. 7 of the Act computing value of Court fee comprehensive and cover all types of
suits? 1999

15. State the stage for raising of an objection against the pecuniary jurisdiction of the Court and highlight the
exceptions, if any. 1997

16.When and how does a High Court determine the valuation in certain suits? Discuss in detail. 1998, 1998

17.What is the position of law with regard to taking objection to pecuniary jurisdiction of suit in the light of S.
11 of the Act? 1998, 2000

18.Write a note on Ss. 8 and 9 of the suits Valuation Act. 2000, 2000

19.Describe the procedure for raising an objection against the valuation of a suit or appeal before the Court of
appeal. 2000

20.Critically examine, analyze, and explain the precise details the salient features of S. 11 of the Act. 1997, 1998,

Part III Questions:

1.What constitutes the basis of Arbitration? Is the decision on an Arbitrator executable and how? When can
an award be set aside? 1995, 2000

2.Discuss the role of Umpire in Arbitration proceedings. Who can revoke authority and what is the effect of
such revocation? 1995

3.Discuss in detail arbitration with and without the intervention of the Court. 1995

4.Is an award announced by an Umpire is appealable? If so, on what grounds and with what results? 1995

5.Write a note on arbitration in a pending suit. 1996, 1998

6. There is an agreement between X and Y to refer their future difference and disputes to arbitration. On
arising of a dispute X has instituted a civil suit. Advise Y in the matter. 1996

7.Whether refusal of the Court to make an award as rule of the Court is appealable? If so, on what grounds?
1997, 1997

8. Describe the powers of the Court to remove an arbitrator, revoke his authority, remit, and modify an
award. 1997, 2000

9.Compare SS. 33 and 35 of the Act and differentiate between both. 1997


(1)The position of an arbitrator and umpire in the arbitration proceedings. 1997

(2)The Court refuses to make the decision of an arbitrator or umpire rule of the Court on the ground that
he took longer time than two months prescribed by law and he never asked for extension from the
Court. Is the Courts order valid? 1997

(3)Does an appeal lie from the aforesaid order of the Court. 1997

(4)What are the powers of an arbitrator? 1997

(5)When can the authority of an arbitrator be revoked? 1997

(6)How can an arbitrator be removed? 1997

11.In what matter can decision given by an arbitrator be called in question? 1998

12.What are the aims and objects of the Arbitration Act? Discuss. 1998

13.Write a detailed note on setting aside of an award on the ground that an Arbitrator has misconduct himself
of the proceedings. 1998

14.Discuss the finality of decision by an arbitrator. Are there any exceptions? 1999

15.What are the different ways for referring a matter to arbitrator? Discuss. 1999

16.Write a comprehensive note on the Arbitration proceedings and their finality. 2000

17.Discuss the various modes of Arbitration recognized in law. 2000

Part IV Questions:

1.What considerations are taken by the Court to determine FAIR RENT of a residential building? 1995, 1998

2.State grounds on which proceedings for eviction of a Tenant can be filed before the Rent Controller? 1995,


(1)A nonresidential building with particular reference to the period increases in the rate of rent. 1995

(2)What is the scope and importance of notice by the new owner to the sitting tenant? 1995, 1998, 2000

4. Enumerate the essentials of an appeal and describe the powers of the Appellate Authority for transfer of
ejectment applications under the Ordinance. 1995
5.Discuss the salient features of the West Pakistan Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance (VI of 1959) with special
importance for the tenants. 1996

6. Can the landlord deprive a tenant of the amenities? What remedy is open to a tenant in the event of such
action? 1996

7.How is lawful default constituted under the Ordinance? Is default, a good ground for eviction of a tenant?
1997, 1997

8.Describe the grounds of appeal against an order of the Rent Controller with particular reference to rejection
an ejectment application. 1997

9. Define landlord, tenant, and rent in the light of the maxim once a tenant, always a tenant and
elucidate (clarify, explain, interpret) the exceptions. 1997

10.Describe the rights of a tenant under the Urban Rent Restriction Ordinance, 1959. 1998, 1999

11.Write short notes on the following:

(1)Building. 1998, 2000 (4)Landlord. 1998

(2)Residential building. 1998 (5)Tenant. 1998, 2000

(3)Controller. 2000 (6)Nonresidential building. 2000

12.A wants to evict his tenant for being nuisance to the other tenants in the building and for having not paid
rent for the last three months. What course must he adopt to succeed? 1999

13.State the law in the following:

(1)For fixation of fair rent. 2000

(2)For eviction of personal need. 2000

Labour and Taxation Laws Part I Questions:

1.What are the provisions for reemployment of Retrenched Workmen under Industrial & Commercial (S.
O.) Ordinance, 1969. 1998

2.Draft a Charge Sheet for Misconduct against a workman under Standing Orders Ordinance, 1968. 1998,
2000, 2000

3.Explain the judicial powers of Commissioner Workmen Compensation under Workmen Compensation Act,
1923. 1998, 1999


(1)Industrial injury. 1998, 2000 (9)Dependant. 1998, 2000

(2)Loss of Earning Capacity. 1998 (10) Commissioners Recovery Powers.

(3) Works Council and its functions.
1998, 2000 (11) Public Utility Service. 1998, 1999,
2000, 2000
(4) Bargaining Union under Industrial
Relations Ordinance, 1969. 1998,
1999, 2000, 2000 (12) Fatal Accident and employers

liability. 1998, 1998
(5) Failure to register agreements for
payment of compensation. 1998 (13) Special power of Commissioner

Workmens Compensation. 1998
(6)Works Council. 1999
(14)Industrial dispute. 2000
(7)Lockout. 1999, 2000
(15)GoSlow. 2000
(8)Industrial Unit. 2000
(16)Illegal Strike. 1999, 2000

5.Explain the powers of Registrar under the Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969. 1998, 2000

6. What are the functions and powers of a Conciliator under Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969. 1998,

7.Explain the powers and functions of Labour Courts under Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969. 1998, 1999,

8.Explain the mode of payment of Gratuity under Industrial & Commercial Employment (S. O.) Ordinance.
When is it not payable? 1998, 2000

9. Explain the provisions of Compulsory Group insurance under Industrial & Commercial Ordinance, 1968.
1998, 1999

10.Which is the Appellate Authority against the decision of the Commissioner Compensation. Quote relevant
law. 1998, 2000

11.Explain the duties of the Personnel Manager. 1999

12. What is unfair Labour Practice of employer and employee under Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969?
1999, 2000, 2000

13. Draft a petition u/s 25 A of Industrial Relations Ordinance, 1969 for redress of individual complaints of
worker? 2000

Part II Questions:

1.Explain the following:

(1)Return of Total Income. 1998 (7)Dividend. 1998, 1998, 1999, 2000

(2)Firm. 1998, 2000, 2000 (8)Capital Gain. 1998, 2000

(3)Balance Sheet. 1998, 2000 (9)Domestic Company. 1998, 2000

(4) Agricultural Income. 1998, 2000, (10)Income. 1998, 2000

(11)Total Assets. 1998, 1999
(5) Banking Company and Company.
1998, 1999, 2000 (12)Taxable Income. 1998, 1999

(6)Assessment Year. 1998, 1999, 2000 (13)Assessee. 1998, 1999, 2000

2.Discuss the powers of Appellate Assistant Commissioner under the Income Tax Ordinance, 1979. 1998, 2000

3.Define a Company and its liability for the purposes of Income Tax Law. 1998

4.Explain Capital Gains and Capital Assets for the purposes of Income Tax. 1998, 1999

5. What are the conditions for the grant of Registration to a Firm under the Income Tax Ordinance, 1979.
1998, 2000

6.What is the procedure and essentials to file appeal under Income Tax Ordinance, 1979. 1999

7. What are the allowances allowed under Income Tax Ordinance, 1979 regarding payment of Income Tax?

8.Discuss the classes of Income Tax authorities under Income Tax Ordinance, 1979. 2000, 2000

Important Questions

Law of Evidence and Legal Ethics

1. Evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts. Discuss and explain with reference to the
relevant provisions of law. (Article 18 to 29).

2.What is judicial confession and extra judicial confession? Discuss their admissibility and value. (Article
39 to 42).

(I) Confession to a fellow prisoner. (II) To Mr. Rizvi, an Advocate during hunting. (III) To an Imam who
happens to be a Police Officer?

3.How far evidence regarding character to an accused person is relevant in criminal and civil cases. (Article
66 to 69).

4. Similar facts are not admissible, merely on the ground of similarity, but they may be admissible to prove
the system in an act or the mental condition of a person. (Article 28).

5. Hearsay evidence is no evidence. Discuss and give exceptions to this rule, if any. Oral evidence in all
cases must be direct. Mention the exceptions. (Article 70 & 71 and 46 & 47).

6.State briefly what facts need not to be proved by the parties to legal proceedings. (Article 111 to 113).

7.All relevant facts are not admissible but all admissible facts are relevant. Discuss. (Article 18 to 29).

Relevant No admissible
1.In conspiracy cases, said or done. 1.Confession to a Police Officer. (Article 38).

2.Occasion, cause, effect. 2.Exclusion by estoppel. (Article 115 117).

3.Conduct. 3.Exclusion by documents of oral evidence.

(Article 102 to 103).

4.Previous acts in similarity. 4. Exclusion of privileged statements.

(Article 5 to 12).

5.Alibi (plausible excuse). 5.

6.Motive and Preparation. 6.

8. What are the privileged communications? Discuss with reference to the relevant provisions. (Article 5 to

9. In what cases can a witness be asked and compelled to answer on incriminating question. Is the witness
protected from the result of such an answer? (Article 15).

10.Explain and discuss the scope and limit of examination and crossexamination. (Articles 133 to 143).

11. The Session Judge merely on the testimony of an approver convicts an accused person of an offence.
Discuss the legality. How do you reconcile illustration? (Article 16 & 129 and 129 B).

12.What do you understand by the term impeaching the character of a witness? (Article 11 and 151). When can
the Court interfere? (Article 143 to 146).

13.What do you understand by a (i) Leading question (Article 136 A)? (ii) Can a party put leading question to
its own witness? (Article 150).

14.When can a Court order a new trial? (Article 162).

15.Explain briefly the following:

(1)Presumption of fact and law. (Article 90 to 101).

(2)Evidential value of dying declaration. (Article 46 I).

(3)Estoppel. (Article 114 to 116).

(4)Retracted confession and its value.

(5)Method of proving a document. Primary and secondary evidence. (Article 72 to 76).

(6)Latent and patent ambiguities. (Article 104 to 108).

(7)Irrebutable presumptions. (Article 128). Resgestae. (Article 19).

(8)Principles of Alibi. (Article 24 & 119).

(9)Admission without prejudice. (Article 36).

(10)Refreshing the memory (Article 155).

Admission (Order 12 of Code of Civil Procedure), Confession (Article 16) Accomplice, illustration (Article 129
Exception to take judicial notice. Oral evidence. Documents of evidence.

Principles of Administrative Law

1.What are administrative laws, its importance, scope, and historical development?

2.What is difference between administrative and constitutional law? Discuss in detail.

3.What is relationship between administrative law and rule of law?

4.What is difference between administrative law and separation of power?

5.What is delegated legislation, its kinds and method of control?

6.What are administrative actions and its kinds?

7.What is discretionary power and how it is abused?

8.What are the principles of natural justice in administrative law?

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