October 2016 Newsletter
October 2016 Newsletter
October 2016 Newsletter
Dates to
meeting @ 6pm at
JMG Dining Hall
YOLO: You Only Live Once- Be Drug
October 19: 1st Free
Quarter ends
October 20: 2nd October 24 October 25 October 26 October 27 October 28
Quarter Begins NO Too Cool Sock-It-To YOLO Thurs- Story Heros
CLASSES Tuesday Drugs day NOT Zeros
October 20: 4th & Professional
5th grade Picture Development Too cool for Wacky Sock You Only Live Students may
Day drugs, stu- Wednesday, Once, show dress up in cos-
dents wear students wear everyone you tume as their
October 24: GDOE sunglasses to wacky socks are drug free favorite drug-
Professional Day; No show how (mix-matched, by accessoriz- free storybook
Classes cool they are wacky designs, ing with the character or su-
without etc.) to sock-it- color RED perhero!
October 25-28: Red drugs. to drugs. (headband,
Ribbon Spirit Week socks, brace-
*Uniform is *Uniform is lets, etc.)
mandatory mandatory
October 27: YOLO-
Be Drug Free Prima- *Uniform is
ry Dance mandatory
October 28: Inter-
mediate Dance
Picture Day
October 28: Kinder-
garten Halloween Collect BOX TOPS from products October 18: Kinder & 1st grade
Parade; dress up as and submit them to your teach-
your favorite story- October 19: 2nd & 3rd grade
book character or er to earn cash for our school!
superhero October 20:
October 31: Parent- 4th & 5th
Teacher Confer- grade
ence 8:30am -
1:30pm; No Classes
3rd Grade News YOLO Be Drug
Third grade is selling Spirit shirts during the month of
October. Each grade level will receive 10% of their to- Primary Dance
tal sales as a show of gratitude for helping the third (Grades Kinder, 1st & 2nd)
grade team. All order forms must be submitted with
full payment by October 31st. Orders and payment The Student Support and Celebration
can be submitted to your homeroom teacher. Order Committee will be hosting a You On-
forms have been sent home with students and addi- ly Live Once Be Drug Free Dance
tional order forms can be found in the office. Student for students in grades kinder, 1st and
sizes are $10 and adult sizes are $12 ( XXL $15, XXXL 2nd.
$16). Shirts are blue with white lettering.
Thursday, Oct. 27 at 1:45pm
JMGES Dining Hall
*Spirit shirts do not replace the uniform and cannot Entrance Fee: $2*
be worn during field trips. Shirts may be worn on des- *Get $1 off if you are wearing a RED
ignated spirit days or dress down days. accessory for Spirit Week.
Thank you for supporting our awesome 3rd graders!! Snacks will be available for purchase.
Kinder News
Please practice the following skills DAILY:
Self-Identity (full name, birth date, age, telephone number, address, par-
ents name)
Body parts
Numbers (counting and identifying)
Shapes and colors
Letter name and Letter sounds
Thank you to the families that donated snacks to our After-School Bake Sales. Your donations is greatly
YOLO-Be Drug Free Dance will be on Thursday, Oct. 27. Entrance Fee is $2. Get $1 off if your child wears a
RED accessory for Spirit Week.
October 28: Kindergarten Halloween Parade. Your child can dress up in costume as their favorite story-
book character or superhero. Please bring a treat bucket/pail/bag for their Halloween treats. Treat bags
for the parade will be provided to the students in Room 2, Ms. Tajalles class.
3rd Grade News