Dinosaurs and Wooly Mammoths - Is There A Torah Viewpoint?: Babich. PH.D
Dinosaurs and Wooly Mammoths - Is There A Torah Viewpoint?: Babich. PH.D
Dinosaurs and Wooly Mammoths - Is There A Torah Viewpoint?: Babich. PH.D
Dinosaurs and, to a lesser extent, wooly mammoths are bright meteorite (i.e., a fireball), 5 to 15 kilometers in
exciting and appealing to children and stimulate the diameter, impacting upon the planet in the vicinity of the
imagination of young minds. The Museum of Natural Yucatan Peninsula in southeastern Mexico, creating the
History in Manhattan is visited by many Jewish day Chicxulub Crater, approximately 180 kilometers in
schools, yeshivas, and seminaries. In the spring of 2016, diameter. Death was caused by extreme heat followed by
the Museum introduced a new exhibit: the Titanosaur, a extreme cold. First, impaction of the meteorite directly
gigantic dinosaur with a length of 122 feet and neck length generated an unusual heat wave. Secondly, impaction
of 39 feet [1]. What is the Orthodox Jewish viewpoint caused the ejection of much particulate matter into the
towards these long extinct creatures? In the Ask the atmosphere, which reflected thermal solar radiation and
Rabbi section of the on-line site, Ohr Somayach [2], the lead to a world-wide rapid cooling. Dinosaur extinction
following question was asked. A friend recently asked me was quick, occurring within hours [3]. Recently, it was
how Orthodox Judaism deals with the issue of scientific suggested that dinosaurs were already suffering from
proof of dinosaurs existence. Is there an explanation to be climate changes triggered by volcanic eruptions and
found in Torah? Your answer or explanation would be impaction by the meteorite was the coup de grace leading to
greatly appreciated as we are both teachers in a Hebrew their mass extinction [4].
day school and the children argue amongst themselves Yet planet Earth, although affected by volcanic eruptions
about whether dinosaurs did or did not really exist. This and impaction of a giant asteroid, was still intact, albeit
article discusses, within a Torah framework, the greatly modified. HaShem was preparing this planet
occurrence of these creatures. In the Torah, there is no eventually for mammalian inhabitation and thereafter for
mention of these creatures, nor should there be, as these human inhabitation. As long as dinosaurs dominated the
animals are extinct (i.e., kashrus is not an issue), have no Earth, there was no possibility for large mammals or
relevance to halachic Judaism and the performance of human beings to exist. Only after the dinosaurs were
mitzvos, and their mention could not have been understood wiped out could mammals flourish to become the
by earlier generations, as the fossilized skeletons of these dominant species. Dr. Luis Alvarez, who proposed the
gigantic creatures were found only within the past 200 impact theory, stated, From our human point of view,
years. that impact was one of the most important events in the
Current scientific thinking is that dinosaurs appeared on history of our planet. Had it not taken place, the largest
this planet about 230 million years ago, were the dominant mammals alive today might still be the rat-like creatures
animal life form for 135 million years, and abruptly that were then scurrying around trying to avoid being
disappeared about 66 million years ago. [Note, there are no devoured by dinosaurs [5].
anti-Torah comments in this article and the number of Following the extinction of dinosaurs, large mammals
years noted above do not refer to life on our present became the dominant species. Of interest to this article are
world, which began 5,777 years ago, but rather to life on a the mammoths, close relatives of modern-day elephants.
prior, earlier form of this planet. Do not panic; be patient, Mammoths are quite large, reaching heights of 13 feet,
as this will be explained, as it is based on a midrash.] with extremely long tusks that have a characteristic curve;
Dinosaurs inhabited every continent (terrestrial dinosaurs), the tusk length was usually the same length as the
the air (flying dinosaurs), and the oceans (marine mammoths height. During the last ice age, mammoths
dinosaurs); some were herbivores and others were lived in northern Eurasia and North America. One of the
carnivores. Biologically, dinosaurs are classified as reptiles, last species of mammoth was the wooly mammoth,
exhibiting egg laying and nest building. Some dinosaurs adapted to live in cold climates by a layer of fur covering
were bipedal, others were quadrupeds, and still others were all parts of the body. The last habitats of wooly mammoths
able to shift between these stances. Size varied as well: included Siberia and Alaska. Interestingly, many frozen
some dinosaurs were very small, about 20 inches in length, specimens of wooly mammoths have been discovered.
and others were huge, reaching lengths of 130 feet and Cave paintings depicting wooly mammoths were found
heights of 59 feet [3]. and attributed to prehistoric man. Whereas dinosaurs and
Dinosaurs, and most other species of that epoch, suddenly prehistoric men were not together in the same epoch, there
and abruptly disappeared and became extinct. The is evidence that wooly mammoths and prehistoric men
dominant hypothesis, known as the impact theory, is were contemporaries [6, 7].
that a mass extinction was triggered by a giant, extremely Mammoths existed about 55 million years ago and became
extinct over 10,000 years ago. The reasons accounting for and icy crevasses of Siberia [8]. As an aside, it is interesting
extinction of mammoths vary and include a warming trend, to note that the bodies of mammoths found in the
accompanied by glacial retreat and rising sea levels, permafrost are well preserved, with identifiable cell nuclei.
shrinkage of habitat, susceptibility to infectious disease, and Currently, competing scientific teams in Japan, South
drowning (e.g., in Siberia, while traveling to the Northern Korea, and Russia are engaged in research to clone a
River, many mammoths broke through the ice and mammoth [10].
drowned). Lastly, mammoths may have been hunted by Essentially, there are three major theories to explain the
Neanderthal prehistoric men [6, 7]. past occurrence of dinosaurs and mammoths on this planet.
Our knowledge of dinosaurs and mammoths comes from Based on the findings of fossilized bones of dinosaurs,
findings of their remains, which for dinosaurs include their Rabbi Menachem Schneersohn, the past Lubavitch Rebbe,
fossilized skeletons, eggs, and footprints and for presented two thoughts. Perhaps, dinosaurs existed over
mammoths include their fossilized skeletons, tusks, and the past 5,776 years, died, and because of environmental
frozen specimens. A brief discussion of fossil formation is conditions that differ from today, their skeletal remains
needed, as it will help elucidate the concept of the existence underwent a rapid fossilization process. The second
of worlds prior to our present world. Fossils are found in thought is that living dinosaurs never existed. Perhaps, G-
the outermost and thinnest layer of the Earth, termed the d created ready fossils, bones, or skeletons (for reasons best
crust. The Earths crust is composed primarily of known to Him). If so, why did G-d have to create fossils
sedimentary rock, formed when sand and silt collect and in the first place? The answer is simple: we cannot know
harden. Over geological time, thick layers of sedimentary the reason why G-d chose this manner of creation in
rock are formed, termed strata. Lets assume that many, preference to another, and whatever theory of creation is
many years ago a dinosaur died in an environment that had accepted, the question will always remain unanswered. The
a lot of moving sediment. The soft tissues of the dinosaur question, Why create a fossil? Is no more valid than the
decomposed, leaving the harder parts, such as the skeleton. question, Why create an atom? [11].
The organic constituents of the skeleton eventually Rabbi Naftali Berlin (Netziv) in parshas Noach (HaAmek
decomposed, leaving the inorganic constituents composed Davar; 7:23) suggested that dinosaurs roamed the world in
primarily of calcium salts. Water carried iron and calcium the pre-mabul period. According to Chazal, animals in the
phosphate into the dinosaurs porous and fragile bones, antediluvian pre-mabul era mated outside their species,
causing some minerals to precipitate. Gradually, the leading to the birth of different types of hybrid creatures,
dinosaur bone became rocklike. Over the course of time, including the dinosaurs. The flood waters destroyed the
sediment around these reinforced bones became dinosaurs and it was HaShems intent that their bones
sedimentary rock, thereby preserving the fossilized remain buried for centuries, as a warning to future
skeleton. Sedimentary rock may also hold trace fossils, or generations not to mate with different species. Rabbi Meir
evidence that a creature once existed. Dinosaur footprints Leibush ben Yechiel Michel (Malbim commentary to
are a type of trace fossil, formed when the animal left its Genesis 7:23) also suggested that dinosaurs lived in the era
prints in soft, but sturdy, soil, creating a mold. Sediment prior to the flood. Accordingly, although they (i.e., the
filled the mold and, over geological time, both the mold dinosaurs) may have survived the action of the water, they
and its filling hardened. When erosion removed the upper were nevertheless eliminated from the face of the earth by
layers of rock, the preserved footprint was revealed [8]. the strong currents which carried them into the chasms that
Animals living in a common era would be found in had been formed when the ground was split. They were
common strata. None of the thousands of locations in absorbed and deposited thousands of cubits deep - and so
which dinosaur fossils and footprints have been found have completely that when Noach later left the ark, he found no
ever included human fossils or the remains of human traces of any animal remains, not even of those giant
civilizations. Similarly, none of the countless archeological creatures which existed before the Flood. A weakness with
excavations of ancient human civilization have ever the theory presented by the Netziv and the Malbim is that if
included traces or records of dinosaurs. Dinosaurs clearly dinosaurs died along with other animals and with human
lived in a different era than humans [9]. beings, then fossilized bones of dinosaurs would be found
No fossils of mammoths have ever been found in the same in the same sedimentary rock layers as fossils of other
strata as the dinosaurs. It is clear that there was an age of creatures. The fact that we do not find this is a strong
dinosaurs distinct from an age of mammoths [9]. Preserved indication that dinosaurs, large mammals, and human
mammoths have been found in tar, e.g., the La Brea Tar Pits beings lived in different epochs [9]. Rabbi Brown [12] noted
in Los Angeles, CA. No remnants of dinosaurs are found in that the mabul cannot explain the numerous geological
the Tar Pits. Another form of fossilization applicable to strata, each containing its unique blend of fossilized
mammoths is freezing, a process which can preserve the animals. As pointed out by Rabbi Slifkin [9], both the
entire body. Well-preserved mammoths, still with their hair, Malbim (1809-1879) and the Netziv (1817-1893) lived when
skin, and intact organs, have been found in frozen tundra fossilized dinosaur bones were just being discovered. If
they were alive today, with the abundance of fossilized It should be noted, however, that not all Torah scholars
dinosaur bones found, perhaps they would have presented concur with the above-noted interpretation of the midrash.
a different explanation for the occurrence of dinosaurs on For example, the Netziv (HaAmek Davar; Bereishis 7:23)
this planet. concluded that dinosaurs could not have roamed in prior
The third approach is based on a midrash (Bereshis Rabbah, worlds, as according his interpretation of the midrash, these
3:7; 9:2; Koheles Rabbah 3:1.11; prior worlds were totally destroyed, leaving no remnants.
Thus, according to the Netziv, the fossilized dinosaur
Yalkut Shimoni Koheles Rabbah 968:3) that, according to bones must have been from creatures that lived in our
Rabbi Avahu, prior to this world, HaShem created many current world. Rabbi Slifkin [9] cited Rabbi Yaakov Yisrael
other words and destroyed them, saying, This one pleases Kanievsky, who suggested that, perhaps, the prior worlds
Me, those did not please Me. According to this thought, were entirely spiritual in nature and even if they were
dinosaurs and wooly mammoths lived, independent of each physical, there would be no remnant in our universe. Rabbi
other, in two of these prior worlds. The concept of prior Chaim Eliezar Shapira (the Rebbe of Munkatch) noted that
worlds eliminates a controversy between Torah and science Drush Or HaHayyim contained statements that were
of the age of the universe. The Torahs viewpoint is that, as damaging views that tend towards heresy, and suggested
of September 2016, our world is 5,776 years old, calculated that this essay was forged by the son of Rabbi Lipschitz, yet
from the creation of Adom HaRishon. However, according published in his name. Citing Shemos Rabbah 1:2, ... that
to the scientific viewpoint, our universe dates back 13.8 He created worlds and looked at them and they were not
billion years, calculated from Bereshis (i.e., the Big Bang) and endearing to him, and He returned them to chaos and
progressing through all the prior worlds that were created emptiness, the Netziv stated that if neither vestige nor
and destroyed (boneh olamos umachrivon) subsequent to the trace remained from these worlds, then dinosaur fossils
world that we now inhabit. Thus, depending upon your could not be remnants from prior worlds.
point of reference, both calculations are correct.
The article will follow the thoughts of Teferes Yisrael and the
The concept of boneh olamos umachrivon was promulgated by concept of boneh olamos umachrivon as elucidated by Rabbi
Rabbi Israel Lipschitz (author of the commentary Teferes Belsky [15]. An English translation of the document
Yisrael on the Mishnah) in his Drush Or HaHayyim, printed composed by Rabbi Lipschitz is printed in Immortality,
in the Yachin u-Boaz edition of the Mishnah, after Sanhedrin. Resurrection, and the Age of the Universe: a Kabbalistic
Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik [13], Rabbi Isaac Elchanan View, authored by Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan [16]. According to
Theological Seminary, Yeshiva University, Rabbi Shlomo Rabbi Lipschitz, the scientific discoveries of fossilized
Aviner [14], Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim, Rabbi Yisroel dinosaur bones and of frozen mammoths were
Belsky [15], Mesivta Torah Vodaath, Rabbi Dovid Brown confirmatory of Jewish tradition, as these discoveries were
[12], Ner Yisrael, and, as cited by Rabbi Natan Slifkin [9], proofs of the existence of the prior worlds that were
Rabbi Shalom Mordechai Schwadron (the Maharsham), created and destroyed. It is worthwhile to quote a few
Rabbi Samson Raphael Hirsch, and Rabbi Yehudah Yudel paragraphs authored by Teferes Yisrael.
Rosenberg (author of the Talmudic work, Yados Nedarim)
agreed with the approach of boneh olamos umachrivon. The spirit in man which yearns, which desires to uncover
all hidden matters, to search out, like a weasel, the innards
Every Orthodox Jewish child is aware of the initial two of the earth in the high mountains - the Pyrenees and the
verses in the Torah: In the beginning G-d created the Carpathians, the Rocky Mountains in America, the
heaven and the earth. The earth was without form and Himalayas on the border of China - discovering that these
empty Although there are some variations, basically mountains were formed by gigantic layers of rock which lie
most biblical commentators begin with this statement. helter-skelter on one another with great and terrible force,
However, Targum Onkelos, who comprised an Aramaic hanging cliff-like one on another by a hairsbreadth, to the
translation of the Torah, added the word point at which it is impossible to imagine that this could
bkadmon (translated as previously or earlier) to the come to pass except by a world-overturning revolution
beginning of the sentence. Perhaps, Targum Onkelos which once occurred by His hand, may He be blessed, Who
addition of bkadmon was a subtle hint to the midrash of reproves the earth and turns it over in a moment.
Rabbi Avahu. Based on this Targum Onkelos, Rabbi
Joseph B. Soloveitchik [13], translated the initial sentences Not satisfied with this, they dug several hundreds of
of the Torah as follows. In the very beginning, long, long, fathoms into the deeps of the earth. They found four layers
long ago, HaShem created matter yesh meiayin, and from this of earth, each above the other, each made up of a different
He made many worlds and destroyed them. These worlds sort of mineral, and between these layers they found fossils
had physical and spiritual life (shamayim vaaretz), but then which indicate that the earth has been overturned and
there was tohu vavohu - desolation and confusion - when changed its surface four times. The creatures found
these worlds were destroyed and other worlds were created. between these layers are arranged in such a way that those
After this introductory statement, the Torah then continued which lie farthest from the surface are fashioned in a larger
with the creation and description of our present world. measure than those which lie in the next layer, and so to
those which lie in the second layer are larger than those America, whose length is 17 feet, and whose height from
which are to be found in the upper, most recent, layer, the soles of its forelegs to its shoulders is 11 feet, and from
Moreover the diminution in size corresponds to a greater its hindlegs to its back is 9 feet. Bones of this creature have
degree of perfection in the structures of the creatures found been found in Europe too, and in the Harz Mountains
in the upper layers as compared to those in the lower layers. scattered all around. This species has been named a
Natural scientists also write that evidence exists that the mammoth.
earth received a terrible blow from the southwest to the They have also found fossilized remnants of a creature
northeast, and that by this blow the earth was blasted and they call iguanodon (Fig. 3), whose height was 15 feet and
made desolate (i.e., the impact theory). whose length was as much as 90 feet; from the character of
Likewise, in the year 1807, according to their reckoning, its limbs, scientists have judged that it ate only grass. There
they found in Siberia, in the northern part of the earth, is yet another species of animal called a megalosaurus
under the terrible ice which is ever present there, a great (Fig. 4), which was only a little smaller that the iguanodon,
elephant [the wooly mammoth] (Fig. 1, 2), three or four but which was a hunter and carnivorous.
times the size of those found today, and whose skeleton
now stands in the Zoological Museum in Petersburg.
Moreover, inasmuch as elephants cannot live in the extreme
cold which dominates that region, this carcass indicates that
by the blow which the earth received and by which it was
blasted and disordered, this elephant, which once lived in a
warm climate that could support elephant life, was carried
to its current location by the mighty waves (i.e., a cosmic
upheaval), or that at one time the climate there was warm
enough to support such animals. So too they have found in
the depths of the highest mountains on earth, creatures of
the sea which have fossilized and become stone. Fig 3. An iguanodon, illustration
own world, specifically during the 974 pre-Adam HaRishon supernova, which produced all the types of atomic
generations noted in the Talmud (Chagigah 13b, 14a; elements, including oxygen and carbon. Rabbi Belsky
Shabbas 88b). He explained that these pre-Adamites explained that these destructions followed by creations
behaved egregiously and were banished from the world ultimately lead to the creation of our universe and are
like thorns in the vineyard. Thereafter, the world was examples of boneh olamos umachrivon. The end-product of
recreated in a more perfect fashion, it was fitting that the these processes was the formation of our universe and, in
Torah be given to Adam of this cycle, for the world had particular, of planet Earth, earmarked for Torah and for
matured to that point. Bnei Yisrael to perform mitzvos (kiyum hamitzvos) [15].
Although the concept of boneh olamos umachrivon is accepted With regard to the Earth and under the rubric of boneh
by past and present Torah scholars, there is little elucidation olamos umachrivon, Rabbi Belsky noted that this planet was
of the ramifications of that concept. Rabbi Belsky, however, remodeled and rebuilt several times [15]. Specifically, he
provided several examples to elucidate the meaning of what noted the ice age, when vast sheets of ice covered large
was meant that HaShem built and destroyed many worlds regions of the Earth, with their accompanying geological
prior to this one [15]. He noted that according both to movements which ultimately made this planet more suitable
Ramban (Bereishis 1:1) and to current scientific thought, for human habitation. For example, the slow advancement
the universe originated from an infinitesimally small speck, and retreat of the ice sheets and glaciers pulverized the
called tohu, consisting of an unimaginable concentration rocky surfaces beneath them into a fine powder that formed
of pure potential energy, maintained at an extremely high the basis for soil of today. The ice age is interesting in itself,
temperature. The speck contained all the potential, formless as supposedly we are now in the midst of an ice age, despite
elements of shamayim vaaretz, Heaven and earth. HaShem the rhetoric of global warming. Ice ages are times when the
further imbued the primordial speck with an elemental entire Earth experiences colder climate conditions. During
structure, called bohu. This primeval fireball, suddenly an ice age, the polar regions are cold, there are large
appeared out of nothing (yesh meiayin) and marked the differences in temperature from the pole to the equator,
beginning of the universe, as before its appearance, nothing and large, continental-size glaciers cover enormous areas of
at all existed. Ramban referred to this primary substance as the Earth. Our climate today is actually a warm interval
hule and it represented creation ex nihilo. Ramban between these many periods of glaciations. During our
explained that HaShem brought into being, absolute present ice age, glaciers have advanced and retreated over
nihility, an exceedingly fine primary essence with practically 20 times [17]. It is the destructive movements of glaciers
no substance. But this essence had the potential for that affected the topology of the Earth and that enhanced
bringing forth other things, ready to receive form and to the planet for human inhabitation. Examples of ice age
emerge from the potential to the actual. After this hule benefits from the destructive movements of glaciers
HaShem did not create anything out of nothing. Rather, He include: (a) nutrient rich silt brought to the plains by ice
formed and made things, for He brought all things into fields; (b) wind-blown dust delivered nutrients to the plains;
being from this hule, endowed them with forms and (c) melting glaciers watered the plains; (d) formation of
perfected them. lakes and connecting rivers transformed barren deserts into
The connection between this intense concentrated form of productive land regions; (e) retreating ice sheets formed
potential energy and the formation of the universe is land bridges warm enough to facilitate human migration; (f)
represented by Einsteins formula, E = mc2, to explain his glacial retreat formed many safe harbors; and (g) retreating
Theory of Relativity. E denotes energy, m denotes matter, ice sheets, ice fields, and glaciers made possible enhanced
and c denotes the speed of light. Accordingly, energy can be abundance of plants and animals during warm interglacial
converted to matter. Although this conversion required a episodes [18].
vast amount of energy to produce a small amount of matter, Another example of boneh olamos umachrivon presented by
the potential energy content in this primeval fireball was so Rabbi Belsky is the origin of fossil fuels, including oil,
huge that is would be the source of all matter that now natural gas, and coal. Apparently, specific regions of the
exists in the entire universe. Subsequent explosion of this Earth were covered with massive forests, which captured
primordial speck of energy, i.e., Bereishis or the so-called solar energy by photosynthesis. According to the impact
Big Bang, created plasma (particles having ether positive or theory, a large meteorite impacted upon the Earth,
negative electric charges) mixed with the light of the fireball. destroying most life forms. Over time, this dead biotic
Rapid cooling of the universe allowed the charged particles matter underwent anaerobic decomposition as it was
of the plasma to form atoms - i.e., the basic constituents of compressed into deep subterranean layers. Subsequently,
matter [5]. Giant clouds of these primordial atoms fossil fuels formed from the fossilized remains of these
subsequently coalesced through gravity to form stars and dead plants by their exposure to heat and pressure in the
galaxies. Massive stars, called Red Giants, thousands of Earths crust [19]. Both soil formation during the ice age
times larger than our Sun, eventually depleted their fuel and and fossil fuel formation are examples of boneh olamos
collapsed, to form massive nuclear fireballs, termed umachrivon for the purpose of remodeling planet Earth.
From these examples, the following generalizations can be new research focuses on the universe and its formation, or
developed: (a) at times, destruction means a total oblivion more specifically on the development of our world
(e.g., the Big Bang) and at other times it means the Anyone who is well versed in Torah can attest to the fact
remodeling of a prior world (e.g., the ice age); (b) after a that every facet of our physical universe is discussed by our
specific destruction/remodeling event, HaShem continued Sages. The explanations given by scientists for natural
in the subsequent world from where He left off in the prior phenomena can help us understand the relevant passages in
world (e.g., if a meteorite impaction led to the extinction of Chazal more deeply. In the interest of Torah, therefore, all
90% of the existing species, thereafter life continued empirical data relating to the origins of the world should be
through proliferation of the remaining 10%); and (c) every examined in light of the knowledge of Maaseh Bereishis that
destruction/remodeling event ultimately was positive, in our Sages have revealed to us. This information, and
that, it gradually led to an enhancement, culminating in our sometimes even the theories based upon it, may be used to
present world. Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan [16], citing Rabbenu help provide a clearer understanding of the pertinent
Bachya, noted that after each remodeling event, the world maamarei Chazal. After these introductory remarks, Rabbi
was in a greater state of perfection than in the proceeding Belsky then proceeded to elucidate Rabbi Avahus midrash
world. Each prior world was a preparation for the that HaShem created and destroyed worlds prior to our
following world and each world was more highly perfected current world, designated for the Torah and for Klal Yisrael
than the one before. Rabbi Belsky cited the first Rashi that to use this world for kiyum hamitzvos.
the word Bereishis was understood by Chazal as Beis reishis The question of whether one can delve into Maaseh Bereishis
- the world was created for two firsts, for the Torah and was tackled differently by Rabbi Dovid Brown [12]. He also
for Bnei Yisrael. The universe and the planet Earth were connected the Rabbi Avahus midrash (Bereishis Rabbah 3:7)
designed and redesigned to allow Bnei Yisrael to observe the to the concept of boneh olamos umachrivon, but expounded
Torah and fulfill the commandments (kiyum hamitzvos) [15]. that today, it is necessary for the honor of the Creator to
The Malbim (Bereishis 1:4) wrote that the destruction of reveal this secret. To quote Rabbi Brown, We live today at
earlier creations and their replacement by more advanced a time when the theory of evolution is accepted as obvious
successors was described as good by the Torah. and indisputable. The basic evidence for the theory of
Everywhere in the creation narrative, it concludes with, evolution is the finding by geologists in the bowels of the
And G-d saw that it was good. This was meant to earth of fossils of creatures that do not exist in life today.
emphasize that although each successive stage of creation These fossils are disposed in various strata of rock, which
was yesh miyesh, i.e., it came about at the expense of the themselves are jumbled, distorted, and broken. Fossils of
destruction of what had been before, yet it was good. All certain types tend to be found in certain strata of rock and
annihilation is negative for that which was annihilated, fossils of other types occur in other strata. This led those
nevertheless, since its purpose was to affect a positive who desired to show that There is no Divine judge; we
improvement, a higher stage in Creation, it was seen by G-d may do what we wish, to conclude that species were not
as good. directly created but evolved from other species over
The remodeling concept apparently coincides with a gemora millions of years. Rabbi Brown continued that the
(Chagigah 16a) and a midrash (Bereishis Rabbah 1:5): If a creatures represented by the fossils existed in a world that
human king built a palace on a site that previously served as refused the Torah, and their world was turned upside down
a rubbish heap, anybody who mentions the prior use of the from the thomos Similar upheavals occurred during the
site of the palace insults the king. The same is true of this many remodeling events of planet Earth, explaining the
world (i.e., the concept of boneh olamos umachrivon). Whoever occurrence of shellfish fossils even on the highest
reveals the fact that this world was built on tohu and bovu mountains, which were, at one time, under water.
insults its Creator. The Mishnah (Chagigah 11b) even goes Concerning Rabbi Avahus midrash that HaShem created
so far as to state that whoever scrutinizes what existed in many worlds and destroyed them, Rabbi Soloveitchik [13]
the past, prior to Creation, has no heed for the honor of his posed the obvious question, How could HaShem not get it
Creator and it would have been better for him that he had right the first time? G-d is omnipotent, omniscient. The
never come into the world. Ein Sof, did He have to experiment? Why did He have to
If so, how can one delve into the prior worlds that were create worlds and destroy worlds, create worlds that
created and destroyed? It appears that Rabbi Belsky [15] disintegrated into nihility until He created this world? The
was hesitant to discuss Maaseh Bereishis, noting that our Rav answered that the purpose was to present a moral
Sages therefore warn us that the human mind does not challenge to Bnei Yisrael, to be creative and not to feel
have the ability to fully grasp the depth of this area of anything is impossible to accomplish. He presented some
knowledge. He continued, We have witnessed an examples, such as education of Jewish children not
unprecedented explosion of scientific research and affiliated with or not knowledgeable of Orthodox Judaism.
discovery over the last two hundred years. Much of this Or, the seemingly impossibility of a Holocaust survivor to
rebuild a family, of Rabbi Akiva to reestablish a vibrant
Torah community after the death of his students, or of a Acknowledgment
business man to restart a business after bankruptcy. To
Appreciation is expressed to Rabbi Yisrael Reisman, Rav,
quote, The message of creating and destroying worlds:
Agudath Yisrael of Madison, Brooklyn, NY and Rosh
strength: to start again - in life, business, and Torah.
HaYeshivah, Mesivta Torah Vodaath, Brooklyn, NY, for
reviewing the Torah content of this article.
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[2] Ohr Somayach, n.d., Jurassic Judaism, Ask the Rabbi 14.htm
[12] Brown, D., 1997, Mysteries of the Creation,
[3] Wikipedia, n.d., Dinosaur, https://en.wikipedia.org/ Targum/Feldheim, Southfield, MI.
[13] Holzer, D., 2010, The Rav. Thinking Aloud on the
[4] Renne, P.R. et al., 2015, State shift in Deccan Parsha. Sefer Bereishis, Laor Ltd., Jerusalem, Israel.
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