How To Calculate Number of Steps Amp Reactive Power of The Capacitor Banks
How To Calculate Number of Steps Amp Reactive Power of The Capacitor Banks
How To Calculate Number of Steps Amp Reactive Power of The Capacitor Banks
capacitor banks /calculate-number-steps-capacitor-banks
Google+ 2017-5-16
Thus the number of capacitors is identical to the number of steps: six capacitors controlled by six steps.
How to calculate number of steps & reactive power of the capacitor banks (photo credit: Janitza
However, compensation banks with unequal steps, for example 50 kvar and 25 kvar (see Figure 1), enable
compensation in fine-stepping mode. Smaller units up to 150 kvar approximately have combinations of different-
sized capacitors for economic reasons.
A compensation unit with a total of 110 kvar for instance is assembled with four capacitors of 10, 20 and 2 40
kvar (ratio 1:2:4:4) to enable control in 11 steps. Older power factor relays control with a fixed switching program,
the so-called geometrical switching sequence (see Figure 2).
Modern relays pick out the correct capacitor size by referring to the actual demand of reactive
power directly.
During the projecting period, a possible extension in future should be taken into consideration. This is to plan for
space for
unit and
Figure 2 Fixed switching programs for equal- or unequal-sized capacitors
furthermore to install a power factor relay with the additional control exits.
Most of the electronic power factor relays on the market are able to recognize unengaged steps automatically
and take them out of operation. If the extension unit is installed, the existing compensation must be volt-free
including the power factor relay.
On completion of the installation, the extended compensation unit will be re-energized. First of all, the power factor
relay checks all exits from the outset and recognizes the new capacitor steps (see Figure 4a and 4b).
Older power factor relays still working in many plants around the world follow a strict switching program, for example
switching step 1 up to 6 or down from 6 to 1 or 0 (see Figure 2, arithmetic sequence).
This program contains a major disadvantage with regard to the operating hours per step: In the worst case step 1
is energized all the time compared with step 6 which had never been switched in!
Therefore modern power factor relays have changed to the so-called rotational or circular switching program as
shown in Figure 5. This program distributes the operating hours equally to the capacitors.
The capacitor energized for the longest time during the control procedure will be disconnected first and the capacitor
which has been switched off the longest time will be connected next. Even for instance at finishing time on Friday
(see sectors A & B), if all capacitors are switched off, on Monday morning then capacitor 7 or 3 will be energized
first referring to sectors C and D accordingly, provided that there was no zero volt tripping in the meantime.
As mentioned above, smaller compensation units work with capacitors of different sizes, for example 10 kvar, 20
kvar and two capacitors of 40 kvar each. Due to the power ratio 1:2:4:4, the so-called geometric sequence (see
Figure 2) is used many
However, modern
power factor relays always
pick out the relevant
capacitor, depending on
the actual deviation of
reactive power.
Most compensation banks are controlled stepwise. For this purpose it is essential to know when it is allowed to
(de)activate a capacitor step by the power factor relay.
The so-called C/k value is calculated by the step size C divided by the ratio k of the current
It is clear that a capacitor with, for instance, 50 kvar may not be switched in if the power factor relay measures a
deviation of just 10 kvar reactive power with regard to the preadjusted power factor target. If so, 40 kvar would hang
over to the other side of the line representing the power factor target (see Figure 6).
The relay would switch off due to the level of 10 kvar. This procedure, called hunting (oscillating), would repeat
steadily. This danger occurred in older power factor relays with manual C/k adjustment when it was preset
wrongly, or too low. Two-thirds (66%) of a step size at least must exist as deviation to enter the control procedure.
The percentage may vary between 65 and 85% with reference to realistic tolerances of the capacitor, current
transformer and power factor relay itself.
The C/k value symbolizes a threshold level running in parallel to both sides symmetrically of the so-called reverse
line presenting the desired power factor target cos d (see Figure 6). Thus the bandwidth of an insensitive
zone arises.
If the sensed
apparent current
vector lies within
the bandwidth,
any control of
reactive power is
to be stopped.
If the vector
exceeds the
threshold level to
the right, the
power factor relay
has to switch in
capacitor steps.
If the vector
exceeds the
threshold level to
the left, capacitor
steps have to be
disconnected in
order to bring the
vector within the
bandwidth again.
C/k necessary level of reactive current to enter control procedure (Ar = amperes reactive)
Qc capacitor step (kvar)
U delta voltage of the grid (kV)
In modern microprocessor-controlled relays the correct C/k adjustment ensues automatically. They succumb to
the minimum of sensibility of 1% as well; at lower values the relays are not able to recognize capacitor steps.
Therefore the C/k value and its meaning are very important to aid understanding.
In time, reactive power factor relays with manual C/k adjustment are destined to die out.
Reference // Reactive power compensation by Wolfgang Hofmann, Jurgen Schlabbach and Wolfgang Just
(Purchase hardcopy from Amazon)