PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of The Philippines
PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of The Philippines
PD 705 Revised Forestry Code of The Philippines
Forestry Code of
the Philippines
As amended by PD 1559, PD
865, PD 1775, BP 701, BP 83,
RA 7161, EO 277 and Official
Gazette No. 31
Forest Statistics
Species of flora and fauna in 1
ha of Philippine forests is
equivalent to the species of
entire Europe
Philippine forests - 7.2 M has
24% of land
Closed canopy - 38%
Open forests - 56%
Mangrove - 2%
Plantations - 4%
Role of Forests in
Climate Change
Forest is not just a RESOURCE but a
BIODEVERSITY area and part of the
terrestrial system of the earth.
Statistics on Forest
200,000 has. annually
P11.9 B loss yearly
Completely denuded by 2025
Logging (legal and illegal)
Geothermal Plants
Dam Construction
Rapid Population
Sec. 2 Policies
a.) development and progress
requirements of the country, the
advancement of science and
technology, and the public welfare;
Sec. 3 Definitions
mass of lands of the public domain which has
not been the subject of the present system of
a sustainable management for land which
increases overall production
is the harmonized utilization of the land,
soil, water, wildlife, recreation value,
grass and timber of forest lands.
Sec. 4 12 amended by EO
192 (Reorganization of the
Sec. 13 System of Land
The DENR Secretary shall
study, devise, determine and
prescribe the criteria, guidelines
and methods for the proper and
accurate classification and
survey of all lands of the public
domain into agricultural,
industrial or commercial,
residential, resettlement,
mineral, timber or forest, and
grazing lands, and such other
classes as may be provided by
law rules and regulations.
Sec. 14 Existing
Pasture Leases in
Forest Lands
Forest lands which are not
reservations and which are the
subject of pasture leases shall be
classified as grazing lands and areas
covered by pasture permits shall
remain forest lands until otherwise
classified under the criteria,
guidelines and methods of
classification to be prescribed by the
Sec. 15 Topography
No land of the public domain 18% in slope or
over shall be classified as alienable and
Sec. 17 Establishment
of Boundaries of Forest
All boundaries between
permanent forests and AaD
lands shall be clearly marked
and maintained on the ground,
with infrastructure or roads, or
concrete monuments at intervals
of not more than 500m in
accordance with established
procedures and standards, or
any other visible and practicable
signs to insure protection of the
Sec. 20 License
Agreement, License,
Lease or Permit
No person may utilize, exploit, occupy,
possess or conduct any activity within any
forest and grazing land, or establish, install,
add and operate any wood or forest products
processing plant, unless he had been
authorized to do under a license agreement,
license, lease or permit.
No more TLAs
Sec. 21 Sustained
All measures shall be
undertaken to achieve an
approximate balance
between growth and harvest
or use of forest products in
forest lands.
Sec. 22 Silvicultural and
Harvesting Systems
In any logging operation in production forests
within forest lands, the proper silvicultural and
harvesting system that will promote optimum
sustained yield shall be practiced, to wit:
Timber Inventory
The DENR shall conduct a
program of progressive
inventories of the harvestable
timber and young trees in all
forest lands, whether covered by
any license agreement, license,
lease or permit, or not, until a
100% timber inventory thereon
has been achieved.
Duration of License
Agreement or License
to Harvest Timber
The duration of the PRIVILEGE to harvest
timber in any particular forest land under a
license agreement or license shall be fixed
and determined in accordance with the
annual allowable cut therein, the established
cutting cycle thereof, the yield capacity of
harvestable timber, and the capacity of
healthy residuals for a second growth.
The privilege shall AUTOMATICALLY
terminate, even before the expiration of the
license agreement or license, the moment the
harvestable timber have been utilized without
leaving any logged-over area capable of
commercial utilization.
Sec. 30 Rationalization
of the Wood Industry
While the expansion and integration of
existing wood or forest products processing
plants, as well as the establishment of new
processing plants shall be encouraged, their
locations and operations shall be regulated in
order to rationalize the whole industry.
No expansion or integration of existing
processing plant nor establishment of new
processing plant shall be allowed unless
environmental considerations are taken into
account and adequate raw material supply on
a sustained-yield basis is assured.
Private lands
Forest Protection
Sec. 37 Protection of all
All measures shall be taken
to protect the forest
resources from destruction,
impairment and depletion.
Sec. 38 Control of
Concession Area
For the effective protection of the forest lands
and the resources thereof from illegal entry,
unlawful occupation, kaingin, fire, insect
infestation, theft, and other forms of forest
destruction, the UTILIZATION of timber therein
shall not be allowed EXCEPT through license
agreements under which the holders thereof
shall have the exclusive privilege to cut all the
allowable harvestable timber in their respective
concessions, and the additional right of
occupation, possession, and control over the
same, to the exclusion of all others, except the
government, but with the corresponding
obligation to adopt all the protection and
conservation measures to ensure the continuity
of the productive condition of said areas,
conformably with multiple use and sustained
yield management.
If a holder of a license agreement over a forest
area expressly or impliedly WAIVES the
privilege to utilize any softwood, hardwood or
mangrove species therein, a LICENSE may be
issued to another person for the harvest thereof
without any right of possession or occupation
over the areas where they are found, but he
shall, likewise, adopt protection and
conservation ,measures consistent with those
adopted by the license agreement holder in the
said areas.
Sec. 39 Regulation of
Timber Utilization in
other classes of lands
The utilization of timber in AaD
lands, private lands, civil
reservations and all lands containing
standing or felled timber, including
those under the jurisdiction of other
government agencies, and the
establishment and operation of
sawmills and other wood-processing
plants, shall be REGULATED in
order to prevent them from being
used as shelters for excessive and
unauthorized harvests in forest
lands, and shall not therefore be
allowed except through a LICENSE
AGREEMENT, license, lease or
Sec. 40 Timber
Inventory in other lands
The DENR shall conduct a
100% timber inventory in AaD
lands and civil reservations
immediately upon classification
or reservation thereof.
No harvest of standing or felled
timber in AaD lands, private
lands, civil reservation and all
other lands including those
under the jurisdiction of other
government agencies, shall be
allowed unless a 100% timber
inventory has been conducted
Sec. 41 Sworn Timber
Inventory Reports
All reports on timber
inventories of forest lands,
AaD lands, private lands,
civil reservations, and all
lands containing standing or
felled timber must be
subscribed and sworn to by
all the forest officers who
conducted the same.
Forest officers may be liable
for perjury if they give
incorrect and untruthful
Sec. 42 Participation in
the Development of
The privilege to harvest timber
in AaD lands and civil
reservations shall be given to
those who can best help in the
delineation and development of
such areas in accordance with
the management plan of the
appropriate government
exercising jurisdiction over the
Sec. 46 Scaling
In collaboration with
appropriate government
agencies, the DENR shall
establish control of scaling
stations at suitably located
outlets of timber and other
forest products to insure
that they were legally cut or
Sec. 49 Roads and
other Infrastructures
Roads and other infrastructure in forest lands shall
be constructed with the least impairment to the
resource values thereof. Government agencies
undertaking the construction of roads, bridges,
communications, and other infrastructure and
installations inside forest lands, shall coordinate
with the DENR, especially if it will involve the
utilization or destruction of timber and/or other
forest resources, or watershed disturbance
therein, in order to adopt measures to avoid or
reduce damage or injury to the forest resource
Sec. 53 Criminal
Kaingineros, squatters,
cultural minorities and other
occupants who entered into
forest lands and grazing
lands before may 19, 1975,
without permit or authority,
shall not be prosecuted,
provided that they do not
increase their clearings.
Sec. 54 Pasture in
Forest Lands
No forest land 50% in slope or
over may be utilized for pasture
Forest lands which are being
utilized for pasture shall be
maintained with sufficient grass
cover to protect soil, water and
other forest resources.
The privilege to utilize, exploit, occupy or
possess forest lands shall be diffused to as
many qualified and deserving applicants as
Citizenship requirement.
Sec. 61 Transfers
No licensee, lessee, or permittee may transfer,
exchange, sell or convey his license agreement,
license, lease or permit, or any of his rights or
interests therein, or any of his assets used in
connection therewith UNLESS authorized by
the DENR Sec.
Sec. 62 Service
The DENR Sec., may in the national
interest, allow forest products licensees,
lessees or permittees to ENTER into
SERVICE CONTRACTS for financial,
technical, management, or other forms of
assistance, in consideration of a fee, with
any FOREIGN person or entity for the
forest resources, covered by their license
agreements, licenses, leases or permits.
Existing valid and binding service
contracts for financial, technical,
management or other forms of
assistance are recognized as such.
Relate with:
Sec. 63 Equity
Every corporation holding a
license agreement, license,
lease, or permit to utilize,
exploit, occupy or possess
any forest land, or conduct
any activity therein, or
establish and operate a
wood-processing plant shall
formulate and submit to the
DENR Sec for approval a
plan for the sale of at least
20% of its subscribed
capital stock in favor of its
employees and laborers.
Sec. 64 Charges, Fees
The DENR Sec shall fix the
amount of charges, rental,
bonds, and fees for the different
kinds of utilization, exploitation,
occupation, possession or
activity inside forest lands, the
filing and processing of
application therefore, the
issuance and renewal of license
agreements, licenses, leases
and permits, and for other
Timber taken and removed from
PRIVATE lands shall for
commercial purposes shall be
exempt from the payment of
forest charges.
Sec. 67 Basis of
Tree measurement shall be
the basis for assessing
government charges and
other fees on timber cut and
removed from forest lands,
alienable or disposable
lands, and the civil
The present scaling method
provided for in the National
Internal Revenue Code shall
be used.
Sec. 68 Measuring of
forest products,
invoicing and collection
The duties incident to the
measuring of forest products
shall be discharged by the
The invoicing and collection of
the charges thereon shall be
done by the Bureau of Internal
Revenue under regulations
approved by the Department of
Finance. ( as amended by BP
Blg. 83, Sept. 17, 1980.
Sec. 69 Mode of
Measuring Timber
All timber shall be measured and manifested
in the round or squared, before being sawn
or manufactured.
for loss)
Sec. 70 Charges on
Timber cut in forest
There shall be collected charges
on each cubic meter of timber
cut in forest land, whether
belonging to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or
4th group, 25% of the actual
FOB market price based on
species and grading.
In case of pulpwood and
matchwood cut in forestland,
forest charges on each cubic
meter shall be 10% of the
actual FOB market price. (as
amended by RA 7161, October
10, 1991)
Sec. 71 Charges on
Firewood, Branches,
Wood wastes
Cutting of MANGROVE species shall be
There shall be collected forest charges
of P10 on each cubic meter of firewood
cut in forestland, branches and other
recoverable wood wastes of timber, such
as timber ends, tops and stumps when
used as raw materials for the
manufacture of finished products.
Sec. 72 Charges on
Minor Forest Products
All OTHER forest products of
forestland which are not covered
by the preceding sections shall
be EXEMPT from any or all
forest charges, EXCEPT
BAMBOO which shall be
charged at 10% of the actual
FOB market price. (as
amended by RA 7161)
Sec. 73 Determination
of Market Price of
Forest Products
The actual FOB market price of forest products
shall be justly determined once a year by the
Secretary of DENR.
Sec. 74 Charges on
gums, resins and other
On gums, resins and other forest
products of forest lands, there is
imposed upon the person removing
such forest product a charge of 10%
of the actual market value thereof.
The market value of the various forest
products on which forest charges may
thus be collected shall be determined
from time to time by a joint
assessment of the BIR and the DENR
Heads, the same to be published for
the information of the public in the
OG, in 2 daily newspaper of national
circulation, and posted in a
conspicuous place in the municipal
building of a municipality concerned.
(as amended by BP Blg. 83)
Sec. 75 Tax
exemptions of forest
products under
gratuitous license
No charges shall be
collected on forest products
removed in conformity with
the terms of a gratuitous
license issued by the DENR
and in compliance with the
law and the regulations of
the DENR. (as amended by
BP Blg. 83)
Sec. 76 Tax
Exemptions under a
Tree Farm Lease
No charges shall be
collected on trees and
products removed from
public lands planted to ipil-
ipil and/or falcata under a
tree farm lease with the
government. (as amended
by BP blg. 83)
Criminal Offenses
and Penalties
Sec. 77 Cutting, Gathering and/or
Collecting Timber, or other forest
products without License
- AaD land
- PRIVATE land,
Punished with the penalties imposed under
Articles 309 and 310 of the Revised Penal
Code. (Qualified Theft)
In case of partnership, associations, or
corporations, the OFFICERS who ordered
the cutting, gathering, collection or
possession shall be liable, and if such
officers are aliens, they shall in addition to
the penalty, be deported without further
proceedings on the part of the Commission
on Immigration Deportation.
FINE in an amount of not less than P500 nor
more than P20,000 AND IMPRISONMENT
for not less than 6 mos nor more than 2 yrs
In all cases, the Court shall further order the
EVICTION of the offender from the land and
the forfeiture to the government of all
improvements made and all vehicles,
domestic animals and equipment of any kind
used in the commission of the offense. If not
suitable for use by the DENR, said vehicles,
domestic animals, equipment and
improvements shall be sold at public auction,
the proceeds of which shall accrue to the
Development Fund of the DENR.
Sec. 79 Pasturing
under a lease or permit
- GRAZE or
Sec. 81 Destruction of
Wildlife resources- relate
with Wildlife Conservation
Sec. 82 Survey by
Unauthorized Persons
Elements of the Offense:
from the DENR,
ENTER any forest lands, whether
covered by a license agreement, lease,
license or permit or not
CONDUCT or UNDERTAKE a survey for
whatever purpose
IMPRISONMENT for not less than 2 nor
more than 4 years
the confiscation of the implements used in
the violation of this section
including the cancellation of the license, if any.
Sec. 83
Misclassification and
Survey by Government
Any public officer or employee who:
or RECOMMENDS the release of forest
lands as alienable and disposable lands
contrary to the criteria and standards
established in this Code, or the rules and
regulations promulgated hereunder, shall
after an appropriate administrative
proceeding be DISMISSED from the
service with prejudice to reemployment.
IMPRISONMENT for a period of not less
than 2 nor more than 4 yrs AND perpetual
disqualification from holding an elective or
appointive office
Sec. 86 Payment,
Collection and
Remittance of Forest
Any person who:
fails to pay the amount due and payable under
the provisions of this Code, the NIRC, or the
rules and regulations promulgated thereunder,
Sec. 86 Payment,
Collection and
Remittance of Forest
For each offense shall, upon conviction be punished
by a FINE of not exceeding P100,000 and/or
IMPRISONMENT for a period of not exceeding 6yrs
in the discretion of the Court.
If the offender is a government official or employee,
he shall in addition, be DISMISSED from the service
with prejudice to reinstatement and with
disqualification from holding any elective or
appointive office.
Sec. 87 Sale of
Wood Products
No person shall sell or offer for sale any log,
lumber, plywood or other manufactured wood
products in the international or domestic
market unless he complies with grading rules
and established or to be established by the
Failure to adhere to the established grading
rules and standards, or any act of falsification
of the volume of logs, lumber, or other forest
products shall be a sufficient cause for the
suspension of the export, sawmill, or other
license or permit authorizing the manufacture
or sale or such products for a period of not
less than 2 years.
Sec. 87 Sale of
Wood Products
Every dealer in lumber and other building
material covered by this Code shall issue an
INVOICE for each sale of such material and
such invoice shall state that the kind,
standard and size of material sold to each
purchaser in exactly the same as described
in the invoice.
Sec. 89 Arrest,
Institution of Criminal
A forest officer or employee of the
PNP shall
arrest without warrant any person who
has committed or is committing in his
presence any of the offenses defined in
the Code.
He shall also seize and confiscate, in
favor of the government, the tools and
equipment used in committing the
offense, and the forest products cut,
gathered or taken by the offender in the
process of committing the offense.