Development of A New Type High-Efficiency Inner-Cone Hydrocyclone
Development of A New Type High-Efficiency Inner-Cone Hydrocyclone
Development of A New Type High-Efficiency Inner-Cone Hydrocyclone
a b s t r a c t
Performance of a hydrocyclone can be inuenced by many factors, such as structural type, geometric parameters
and operation parameters, among which the structural type plays a very important role. The separation principle
of a typical hydrocyclone was introduced. Focused on a gasliquid separation, numerical simulation of the typical
hydrocyclone was carried out. The gas phase fraction distribution was analysed. It is shown that the separation effect
was not satisfactory. A revising idea was thus proposed and developed step by step, so a new inner-cone hydrocyclone
(ICH) was designed. The inner-cone structure was thought to provide a more stable ow eld for phase separation.
It functions like a gas carrier that is benecial for radially separated gas congregating on and growing into larger
gas bubbles. It also produces an upward pushing force to gas bubbles, so as to enhance the gasliquid separation
performance, although the ICH has lower inner tangential velocities than the typical hydrocyclone. Numerical sim-
ulation and experimental study veried the analysis. Pressure drop of the ICH is much lower than that of the typical
hydrocyclone; and the ICH has a wider scope for the change of liquid split ratio or inlet gasliquid ratio. Development
of the ICH would provide a new thought for the design of other separators.
2012 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Hydrocyclone separator; Gasliquid separation; Numerical simulation; Experimental study; Inner-cone
Corresponding author at: College of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, 199 Fazhan Rd., High-Tech
Development Zone, Daqing 163318, Heilongjiang, China. Tel.: +86 459 6503853; fax: +86 459 6503853.
E-mail address: lx [email protected] (L. Zhao).
Received 19 December 2011; Received in revised form 6 March 2012; Accepted 20 May 2012
0263-8762/$ see front matter 2012 The Institution of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
2130 chemical engineering research and design 9 0 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 21292134
effect and pressure loss of the ICH. The design idea would also and moves upwards to overow outlet. For the segment of
be applied into the design of other kinds of separators. underow tube, its main function is to maintain a stable ow
for liquid drainage, and almost no separation process happens
there. Finally, the feed ow is divided into the overow which
Nomenclature carries most of the gas may still mixed with a part of liquid
phase, and the underow which contains most of the liquid
a centrifugal acceleration (m/s2 ) and some gas bubbles normally.
Fl ratio of overow liquid owrate to inlet liquid In order to enhance the separation performance of
owrate (%) hydrocyclones, much work has been done. Most of the
Qil inlet liquid owrate (m3 /h) research focused on changing the diameter, length, or cone
Qug underow gas owrate (m3 /h) angle of each part of standard hydrocyclone. Chu stud-
r radius (mm) ied the effect of different inlet pipes, vortex nders, cone
Rgl ratio of gas owrate at STP condition to liquid structures, underow pipes, and central insertions on hydro-
owrate at inlet cyclone performance (Chu et al., 2000). Noroozi studied
vt tangential velocity (m/s) the effects of different inlet chamber designs (exponen-
p pressure drop (MPa) tial, conical, quadratic polynomial body prole and standard
pio overow pressure drop (MPa) design) on hydrocyclone separation efciency (Noroozi and
piu underow pressure drop (MPa) Hashemabadi, 2011).
g dynamic viscosity of gas (mPa s) In addition, some researchers revised the structural style
l dynamic viscosity of liquid (mPa s) of hydrocyclones for the sake of improving the separa-
g density of gas (kg/m3 ) tion performance for specic immiscible mixtures. A revised
l density of liquid (kg/m3 ) hydrocyclone, air-sparged hydrocyclone (ASH), was investi-
gated by many researchers (Nieuwoudt et al., 1990; Beeby and
Nicol, 1993; Yalamanchili and Miller, 1995; Chu et al., 1996). In
the ASH, air is sparged radially through a porous cylinder and
2. Background dispersed by the high velocity of slurry in swirl ow, coun-
tercurrent to the froth phase rising axially in the centre of
2.1. Separation principle of a typical hydrocyclone the cylinder, so as to enhance oilwater separation efciency.
Nieuwoudt also carried out the study on the effect of different
Normal hydrocyclone, or standard hydrocyclone, is a typical underow congurations (with a bafe, a pedestal, or other
single-cone or double-cone separator, as shown in Fig. 1. Tak- insert section) on ASH separation performance (Nieuwoudt
ing a gasliquid separation for example, hydrocyclone is a et al., 1990). Some insert parts did enhance the separation per-
static separator based on centrifugal separation in a vortex formance. All these designs and research provide useful ideas
generated within the body. The feed ow, usually entering tan- for hydrocyclone structural optimisation design.
gentially into the hydrocyclone with a relatively high speed, In this research, the aim is to develop a high efcient
revolves around the inner wall of the hydrocyclone and moves gasliquid separator. The requirement is that zero gas exists
forward driven by the following feed ow. Basically there within the underow.
is much turbulent ow in the vortex cavity segment, and
an effective centrifugal force is formed preliminarily. When
moving into the main separation part, cone segment, the cen- 2.2. Performance of a typical hydrocyclone
trifugal force plays a key role. In that part, the relatively heavier
phase, liquid, moves outwards to the wall and simultaneously Initially a typical single-cone hydrocyclone, HC1, was used for
moves downwards to underow outlet, while the other phase, carrying out numerical simulation analysis. The main dimen-
gas, is forced to move inwards to the hydrocyclone centre sions of the HC1 are: separator diameter is 100 mm; separator
length 460 mm; inlet-tube diameter 12 mm; overow-tube
diameter 10 mm; overow-tube intrusion length 40 mm; cone
1 angle 30 ; underow-tube diameter 20 mm.
The adopted computational uid dynamics (CFD) soft pack
was FLUENT. Reynolds Stress Model (RSM) was employed as
a turbulent model. Based on the requirement of the actual
3 5 application, the simulated parameters were set up as follows:
liquid density l = 1.25 103 kg/m3 , liquid dynamic viscosity
l = 1.5 103 kg/m s; gas density g = 8.189 102 kg/m3 , and
its viscosity g = 8.411 106 kg/m s. Operating parameters for
the numerical simulation are as follows: inlet liquid owrate
Qil = 4 m3 /h; inlet gasliquid ratio Rgl = 0.20; liquid split ratio
4 Fl = 20%.
Boundary conditions were set up as follows: (1) Inlet con-
dition: gas and liquid phases are mixed uniformly; the inlet
(a) a single-cone hydrocyclone (b) a double-cone hydrocyclone mixture is assumed to ow vertically to the inlet cross sec-
tion; (2) outlet condition: outlet ows are assumed to be fully
1-overflow tube; 2-tangential inlet(s); 3-cone segment;
4-underflow tube; 5-large cone segment; 6-small cone segment developed; (3) solid wall condition: no slip is assumed. Inde-
pendency check of meshing has been done before carrying out
Fig. 1 Structural sketch of typical hydrocyclones. the numerical simulations.
chemical engineering research and design 9 0 ( 2 0 1 2 ) 21292134 2131
(a) enlarge the needle diameter (b) change to a cone needle Fig. 7 Liquid-ow path-line contrast between HC1 and the
p (MPa)
Fig. 8 Gas phase fraction contour of the ICH.
pio of HC1
Therefore, it is thought that there must be other factors that piu of HC1
are more important than tangential velocity for inuencing 0.05 pio of ICH
separation performance of the ICH. piu of ICH
The main difference of the new ICH from HC1 is the inner- 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
cone structure. The inner-cone structure can provide a solid
gas carrier which is benecial for radially separated gas gath- Qil (m /h)
ering on and growing into larger gas bubbles. Although the
Fig. 10 Relationship between inlet liquid owrate and
design can hardly change the radial velocities that the gas
pressure drops.
bubbles have, it can surely enlarge the gathering space for
gas bubbles due to the structural change from a circular
owrate is 3.5 m3 /h, while for HC1, the overow pressure drop
cross-section area in the cone segment of HC1 to an annular
was 0.30 MPa and underow 0.23 MPa. The values of the ICH
cross-section area in the inner-cone segment of the new ICH.
were lower than those of HC1 by 36.7% and 30.4%, respectively.
The inner-cone structure can also provide an upward pushing
It indicates that the energy-saving effect of the new ICH is
force to the radially separated gas at the separator centre, so
as to enhance separation performance of the ICH.
Fig. 11 shows the relationship between liquid split ratio Fl
and underow gas owrate Qug with a gasliquid ratio of 1.0
4.2. Experimental investigation
Experimental study was then carried out in order to investi-
gate actual separation performance of the new ICH, and make 0.12
a contrast with the results of HC1. 0.10
Qug (m3/h)
effect theoretically and practically. It has a wider suitable
0.03 range for the change of liquid split ratio or gasliquid ratio.
HC1 (5) The inner-cone design would provide a new idea for hydro-
cyclone design.
0 Acknowledgement
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
We would like to express our thanks for the sponsorship of
Fig. 12 Relationship between gasliquid ratio and the Program for New Century Excellent Talents in Heilongjiang
underow gas owrate. Provincial University, China (Contract No. 1155-NCET-003).