Soal 1: Grain Size Class (Ø) Weight (Grams) Weight (%) Kumulatif (%)

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Grain size class Weight Kumulatif

Weight (grams)
() (%) (%)
-1 1 2,39 2,39
-0,5 1,4 3,34 5,73
0 2,42 5,77 11,50
0,5 3,76 8,97 20,47
1 5,92 14,12 34,59
1,5 6,96 16,60 51,19
2 6,96 16,60 67,80
2,5 5,92 14,12 81,92
3 3,76 8,97 90,89
3,5 2,42 5,77 96,66
4 1,4 3,34 100

Total 41,92 100

18 16.60 16.60
14.12 14.12
% Weight

10 8.97 8.97
5.77 5.77
4 2.39 3.34 3.34

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Grain Size Class

Dik :
P16 = 0.55
P84 = 2.45
P50 = 1.5
P95 = 3.1
P5 = -0.2
P75 = 2.2
P25 = 0.75
1. Metode Inman
P16 P84 0.45 2.45
2 2
Mean = = = 1.50

P84 P16 2.45 0.55

2 2
Standart deviasi = = = 0.95

P16 P84 2 P50 0.55 2.45 2(1.5)

P84 P16 2.45 0.55
Skewness = = = 0.00

( P95 P5 ) P84 P16 (3.1 (0.2)) 2.45 0.55

P84 P16 2.45 0.55
Kurtosis = =
= 0.74

2. Metode Folk and Ward

P16 2 P50 P84 0.55 2(1.5) 2.45
3 3
Mean = = = 1.50

P84 P16 P95 P5 2.45 0.55 3.1 (0.2)

4 6,6 4 6,6
Standart deviasi = = = 0.98

P16 P84 2 P50 ( P5 P95 ) 2 P50

2( P84 P16 ) 2 P95 P5
Skewness =
0.55 2.45 2(1.5) (0.2 3.1) 2(1.5)

2(2.45 0.55) 2 3.1 (0.2)
= = -0.02
P95 P5 3.1 (0.2)
2,44 P75 P25 2,44 2.2 0.75
Kurtosis = = = 0.93
3. Metode Moment
Class Interval u f uf u2 u2f u3 u3f u4 u4f
(- 1) - (-0,5) -0,75 -2,5 2,39 -5,96 6,25 14,91 -15,63 -37,27 39,06 93,18
(-0,5) - 0 -0,25 -2 3,34 -6,68 4,00 13,36 -8,00 -26,72 16,00 53,44
0 - 0,5 0,25 -1,5 5,77 -8,66 2,25 12,99 -3,38 -19,48 5,06 29,23
0,5 - 1 0,75 -1 8,97 -8,97 1,00 8,97 -1,00 -8,97 1,00 8,97
1 - 1,5 1,25 -0,5 14,12 -7,06 0,25 3,53 -0,13 -1,77 0,06 0,88
1,5 - 2 1,75 0 16,60 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00
2 - 2,5 2,25 0,5 16,60 8,30 0,25 4,15 0,13 2,08 0,06 1,04
2,5 - 3 2,75 1 14,12 14,12 1,00 14,12 1,00 14,12 1,00 14,12
3 - 3,5 3,25 1,5 8,97 13,45 2,25 20,18 3,38 30,27 5,06 45,41
3,5 - 4 3,75 2 5,77 11,55 4,00 23,09 8,00 46,18 16,00 92,37
4 - 4,5 4,25 2,5 3,34 8,35 6,25 20,87 15,63 52,18 39,06 130,46

Total () 19,25 0,00 100,00 18,44 27,50 136,18 0,00 50,63 122,38 469,09

V1 = uf/f V2 = u2f/f V3 = u3f/f V4 = u4f/f

0,18 1,36 0,51 4,69

Dik :

C (Interval Class) = 0.5

Xo (Mid Point) = 1.75

M1 = C.V1 + Xo
= 0.5 x 0.18 + 1.75
= 1.84
Mean = M1 = 1.84

M2 = C(V2 V1)
= 0.5 (1.36 0.18)
= 0.33
Standar Deviasi () = (M2)1/2 = (0.33) = 0.58

M3 = C(V3 3V1V2 + V1)

= 0.5 (0.51 3x 0.18 x 1.36 + 0.18)
= -0.3
Skewness (3) = M3/ = -0.3/0.58 = -0.15

M4 = C4(V4 4V1V3 + 6V1 .V2 3V14)

= 0.54 (4.69 4 x 0.18 x 0.51 + 6 x 0.18 x 1.36 3 x 0.184)
= 0.29
Kurtosis (2) = M4/4 = 0.29/0.584= 2.60

Weight Kumulatif
Grain size class () Weight (%)
(grams) (%)
-1,00 1,00 2,22 2,22
-0,50 1,00 2,22 4,45
0,00 1,30 2,89 7,34
0,50 2,48 5,52 12,86
1,00 5,48 12,19 25,04
1,50 8,14 18,10 43,15
2,00 9,18 20,42 63,57
2,50 7,88 17,53 81,09
3,00 5,00 11,12 92,22
3,50 2,26 5,03 97,24
4,00 1,24 2,76 100,00

Total 44,96 100,00


20 18.10 17.53

% Weight

5.52 5.03
2.22 2.22 2.89 2.76

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Grain Size Class

Dik :
P16 = 0.95
P84 = 2.5
P50 = 1.75
P95 = 2.95
P5 = 0.5
P75 = 2.3
P25 = 1.15
1. Metode Inman
P16 P84 0.95 2.5
2 2
Mean = = = 1.73

P84 P16 2.5 0.95

2 2
Standart deviasi = = = 0.78

P16 P84 2 P50 0.95 2.5 2(1.75)

P84 P16 2.5 0.95
Skewness = = = -0.03

( P95 P5 ) P84 P16

P84 P16
Kurtosis =
(2.95 0.5) 2.5 0.95
2.5 0.95
= = 0.58

2. Metode Folk and Ward

P16 2 P50 P84 0.95 2(1.75) 2.5
3 3
Mean = = = 1.73

P84 P16 P95 P5 2.5 0.95 2.95 0.5

4 6,6 4 6,6
Standar deviasi = = = 0.76

P16 P84 2 P50 ( P5 P95 ) 2 P50

2( P84 P16 ) 2 P95 P5
Skewness =
0.95 2.5 2(1.75) (0.5 2.95) 2(1.75)

2(2.5 0.95) 2 2.95 (0.5)
= = -0.02
P95 P5 2.95 0.5
2,44 P75 P25 2,44 2.3 1.15
Kurtosis = = = 0.87

Dik :

C (Interval Class) = 0.5

Xo (Mid Point) = 1.75

M1 = C.V1 + Xo
= 0.5 x 0.35 + 1.75
= 1.93
Mean = M1 = 1.93

M2 = C(V2 V1)
= 0.5 (1.23 0.35)
= 0.28
Standar Deviasi () = (M2)1/2 = (0.28) = 0.53

M3 = C(V3 3V1V2 + V1)

= 0.5 (0.72 3 x 0.35x 1.23+ 0.35)
= -0.06
Skewness (3) = M3/ = -0.06/0.53 = -0.43

M4 = C4(V4 4V1V3 + 6V1 .V2 3V14)

= 0.54 (4.07 4 x 0.35 x 0.72+ 6 x 0.35 x 1.23 3 x 0.354)
= 0.25
Kurtosis (2) = M4/4 = 0.25/0.534 = 3.23

Grain size class Weight Kumulatif

Weight (%)
() (grams) (%)
-1,00 1,00 1,99 1,99
-0,50 1,00 1,99 3,99
0,00 2,38 4,75 8,73
0,50 10,39 20,72 29,45
1,00 12,76 25,44 54,90
1,50 9,16 18,27 73,16
2,00 5,53 11,03 84,19
2,50 3,28 6,54 90,73
3,00 1,99 3,97 94,70
3,50 1,45 2,89 97,59
4,00 1,21 2,41 100,00

Total 50,15 100,00

20 18.27
% Weight

4.75 3.97
5 2.89 2.41
1.99 1.99

-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Grain Size Class

Dik :
P16 = 0.35
P84 = 1.7
P50 = 0.9
P95 = 2.4
P5 = 0.1
P75 = 1.4
P25 = 0.45
1. Metode Inman

P16 P84 0.35 1.7

2 2
Mean = = = 1.03

P84 P16 1.7 0.35

2 2
Standar deviasi = = = 0.68

P16 P84 2 P50 0.35 1.7 2(0.9)

P84 P16 1.7 0.35
Skewness = = = 0.13

( P95 P5 ) P84 P16

P84 P16
Kurtosis =
(2.4 0.1) 1.7 0.35
1.7 0.35
= = 0.70

2. Metode Folk and Ward

P16 2 P50 P84 0.35 2(0.9) 1.7

3 3
Mean = = = 0.98

P84 P16 P95 P5 1.7 0.35 2.4 0.1

4 6,6 4 6,6
Standar deviasi = = = 0.69

P16 P84 2 P50 ( P5 P95 ) 2 P50

2( P84 P16 ) 2 P95 P5
Skewness =
0.35 1.7 2(0.9) (0.1 2.4) 2(0.9)

2(1.7 0.35) 2 2.4 0.1
= = 0.23

P95 P5 2.4 0.1

2,44 P75 P25 2,44 1.4 0.45
Kurtosis = = = 0.99

Dik :

C (Interval Class) = 0.5

Xo (Mid Point) = 1.75

M1 = C.V1 + Xo
= 0.5 x (-0.20) + 1.75
= 1.65
Mean = M1 = 1.65

M2 = C(V2 V1)
= 0.5 (1.03 (-0.20))
= 0.25
Standar Deviasi () = (M2)1/2 = (0.25) = 0.50

M3 = C(V3 3V1V2 + V1)

= 0.5 (-0.05 3 x (-0.20) x 1.03 + (-0.20))
= 0.07
Skewness (3) = M3/ = 0.07/0.50 = 0.55

M4 = C4(V4 4V1V3 + 6V1 .V2 3V14)

= 0.54 (3.24 4 x (-0.20 x (-0.05) + 6 x (-0.20) x 1.03 3 x (-0.20)4)
= 0.21
Kurtosis (2) = M4/4 = 0.21/0.504 = 3.49


Grain size class Weight Kumulatif

Weight (%)
() (grams) (%)
-1,0 1,03 2,44 2,44
-0,5 1,27 3,01 5,45
0,0 1,57 3,72 9,17
0,5 2,05 4,86 14,03
1,0 2,65 6,28 20,31
1,5 3,31 7,84 28,15
2,0 6,37 15,09 43,25
2,5 17,32 41,04 84,29
3,0 4,60 10,90 95,19
3,5 1,03 2,44 97,63
4,0 1,00 2,37 100,00

Total 42,2 100

45 41.04
% Weight

10 7.84
5 2.44 3.01 3.72 2.44 2.37
-1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4

Grain Size Class

Dik :
P16 = 0.35
P84 = 1.7
P50 = 0.9
P95 = 2.4
P5 = 0.1
P75 = 1.4
P25 = 0.45
1. Metode Inman

P16 P84 0.35 1.7

2 2
Mean = = = 1.03
P84 P16 1.7 0.35
2 2
Standar deviasi = = = 0.68

P16 P84 2 P50 0.35 1.7 2(0.9)

P84 P16 1.7 0.35
Skewness = = = 0.13

( P95 P5 ) P84 P16

P84 P16
Kurtosis =
(2.4 0.1) 1.7 0.35
1.7 0.35
= = 0.70

2. Metode Folk and Ward

P16 2 P50 P84 0.35 2(0.9) 1.7

3 3
Mean = = = 0.98

P84 P16 P95 P5 1.7 0.35 2.4 0.1

4 6,6 4 6,6
Standar deviasi = = = 0.69

P16 P84 2 P50 ( P5 P95 ) 2 P50

2( P84 P16 ) 2 P95 P5
Skewness =
0.35 1.7 2(0.9) (0.1 2.4) 2(0.9)

2(1.7 0.35) 2 2.4 0.1
= = 0.23

P95 P5 2.4 0.1

2,44 P75 P25 2,44 1.4 0.45
Kurtosis = = = 0.99
Dik :

C (Interval Class) = 0.5

Xo (Mid Point) = 1.75

M1 = C.V1 + Xo
= 0.5 x 0.50 + 1.75
= 2.00
Mean = M1 = 2.00

M2 = C(V2 V1)
= 0.5 (1.36 0.50)
= 0.28
Standar Deviasi () = (M2)1/2 = (0.28) = 0.53

M3 = C(V3 3V1V2 + V1)

= 0.5 (0.56 3 x 0.50 x 1.36 + 0.50)
= -0.15
Skewness (3) = M3/ = -0.15/0.53 = -1.05

M4 = C4(V4 4V1V3 + 6V1 .V2 3V14)

= 0.54 (3.96 4 x 0.50 x 0.56 + 6 x 0.50 x 1.36 3 x 0.504)
= 0.29
Kurtosis (2) = M4/4 = 0.29/0.534 = 3.82

Grain size class Weight Weight Kumulatif

() (grams) (%) (%)
-1,00 1,00 1,65 1,65
-0,75 1,09 1,79 3,44
-0,50 1,83 3,01 6,45
-0,25 2,62 4,31 10,77
0,00 2,38 3,92 14,69
0,25 1,79 2,95 17,64
0,50 2,21 3,64 21,27
0,75 3,32 5,47 26,74
1,00 4,34 7,15 33,89
1,25 5,11 8,41 42,30
1,50 5,54 9,12 51,42
1,75 5,48 9,02 60,45
2,00 4,98 8,20 68,65
2,25 4,16 6,85 75,50
2,50 3,10 5,10 80,60
2,75 2,08 3,42 84,03
3,00 1,88 3,10 87,12
3,25 2,57 4,23 91,36
3,50 2,57 4,23 95,59
3,75 1,62 2,67 98,25
4,00 1,06 1,75 100,00

Total 60,73 100,00

10 9.129.02
8.41 8.20
8 7.15 6.85
6 5.47 5.10
4.313.92 4.234.23
3.64 3.423.10
% Weight

4 3.01 2.95 2.67

1.651.79 1.75

Grain Size Class

Dik :
P16 = 0.55
P84 = 2.4
P50 = 1.4
P95 = 3.4
P5 = -0.3
P75 = 2.05
P25 = 0.7

1. Metode Inman

P16 P84 0.55 2.4

2 2
Mean = = = 1.48

P84 P16 2.4 0.55

2 2
Standar deviasi = = = 0.93

P16 P84 2 P50 0.55 2.4 2(1.4)

P84 P16 12.4 0.55
Skewness = = = 0.08

( P95 P5 ) P84 P16

P84 P16
Kurtosis =
(3.4 (0.3)) 2.4 0.55
2.4 0.55
= 1.00

2. Metode Folk and Ward

P16 2 P50 P84 0.55 2(1.4) 2.4

3 3
Mean = = = 1.45
P84 P16 P95 P5 2.4 0.55 3.4 (0.3)

4 6,6 4 6,6
Standar deviasi = = = 1.02

P16 P84 2 P50 ( P5 P95 ) 2 P50

2( P84 P16 ) 2 P95 P5
Skewness =
0.55 2.4 2(1.4) (( 0.3) 3.4) 2(1.4)

2(2.4 0.55) 2 3.4 (0.3)
= = 0.09

P95 P5 3.4 (0.3)

2,44 P75 P25 2,44 2.05 0.7
Kurtosis = = = 1.12

Dik :

C (Interval Class) = 0.75

Xo (Mid Point) = 1.63

M1 = C.V1 + Xo
= 0.25 x 0.07 + 1.63
= 1.64
Mean = M1 = 1.64

M2 = C(V2 V1)
= 0.25 (1.45 (0.07))
= 0.09
Standar Deviasi () = (M2)1/2 = (0.09) = 0.30

M3 = C(V3 3V1V2 + V1)

= 0.25 (0.21 3 x 0.07 x 1.45 + (0.07))
= 0.00
Skewness (3) = M3/ = 0.00/0.24 = -0.05

M4 = C4(V4 4V1V3 + 6V1 .V2 3V14)

= 0.254 (5.08 4 x 0.07 x 0.21 + 6 x 0.07 x 1.45 3 x (0.07)4)
= 0.02
Kurtosis (2) = M4/4 = 0.01/0.244 = 2.41

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