1447420817-Power Engineering Eng 9

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Energy Utilization
Energy consumers, in particular the large ones like the Thesemetersfirstlyprovidethebasisforcalculatingthecostof
industrial plants, are now obliged, either by contract or for thepowertobedebitedtotheconsumerandsecondlyarean
reasonsofeconomy,toprovidereactivepowercompensation important mean for the power supply companies to identify
fortheirequipment. the need for an extension or a modification of the supply
Iftheconsumerrefusestosetupacompensatingfacility,the network.
power supply companies install reactive power meters and These topics are analyzed from the theoretical point of view
thereactivepowerwhichisconsumedmustbepaidfor. andalsobymeansofpracticalexamples.
However, even modern and efficient compensating facilities PowerfactorimprovementGTU104.1
often create difficulties in generating harmonic currents and
demonstration of the manual operation on the control of
generate harmonicrelated problems in conjunction with
In fact, the compensating capacitors and the feeding
reactive power at various inductive loads and at different

The subjects related to reactive power compensation and EnergymetersandtariffsGTU104.2
reactivepowercontrollersareaddressedinthislaboratory. demonstration of the measurement of active energy
Finally, the laboratory deals also with the problem of the consumption
measurementofactiveandreactivepower.Inductionmeters demonstration of the measurement of reactive energy
are usually employed for measuring electrical energy in ac consumption
currentandinthreephasenetworks. determinationofthemetersconstant
demonstration of the measurement of the maximum

GTU104.1 GTU104.2 TOTAL
Resistiveload DL1017R 1 1
Inductiveload DL1017L 1 1
Threephasesquirrelcagemotor DL1021 1 1
Magneticpowderbrake DL1019P 1 1
Brakecontrolunit DL1054TT 1 1
Loadcell DL2006E 1 1
Opticaltransducer DL2031M 1 1
Universalbase DL1013A 1 1
Threephasepowersupply DL2108TALSW 1 1 1
Powercircuitbreaker DL2108T02 1 1
Reactivepowercontroller DL2108T19 1 1
Switchablecapacitorbattery DL2108T20 1 1
Movingcoilammeter(1.252.5A) DL2109T2A5 2 1 2
Movingironvoltmeter(125250500V) DL2109T3PV 1 1
Powermeter DL2109T26 1 2 2
Powerfactormeter DL2109T27 1 1
Threephasepowermeter DL2109T29 1 1
ThreephaseActiveandReactiveEnergyMeter DL2109T34 1 1
Electronicstopclock DLCRON 1 1
Connectingleads DL1155GTU 1 1 1
Table DL10011 1 1 1
Frame DL21003M 2 2 2
Accessory:Storagecabinet DL2100TA 1 1 1

Threephasetransformer DL2100TT 1 1 1

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