CSC 104 CT 3

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College of Computing Sciences and Information Technology

Bagarpur, Delhi Road, Moradabad-244001 (U.P.)

3rd Internal Class Test
B.Sc. (C.S.)-H
Year: First Academic Year: 20152016 Semester: First
Course Code: CSC 104 Course Title: Principle of Management
Duration: 90 minutes Max. Marks: 30

Attempt any three questions. Question no. 1 is compulsory.

1. Answer any five questions

a. What is autocratic style & participative style of leadership? [2]
b. Explain types of training. [2]
c. Define stages of controlling function. [2]
d. Differentiate directing & supervision. [2]
e. Define training. [2]
f. What is T-group training? [2]
g. Enlist various training methods according to on the job & off the job. [2]
h. Write four principles of directing. [2]

2. Explain the concept of motivation. Define contribution of Maslow, Clayton Alderfer

& Herzberg towards motivation.

3. Explain the importance of controlling function of management with the process of


4. Discuss following persons leadership style.

A. Ratan Tata [5*2]
B. Bill Gates

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