00f4lebk300 PDF
00f4lebk300 PDF
00f4lebk300 PDF
This manual
is valid for frequency inverter KEB COMBIVERT F4-F Lift Version 3.0
must be made available to every user
Before working with this unit you must familiarize yourself with
it. Pay special attention to the safety and warning guides. Make
sure to read Technical Documentation Part 1.
Table of Contents
2. Summary ............................................................................................................ 6
3. Inputs/Outputs ................................................................................................... 7
3.1 Terminal X2 Control Terminals (units > G-housing) ............................................. 7
3.2 Terminal X3 I/O-Expander (units > G-housing) .....................................................8
3.3 Function of the Digital Inputs (units > G-housing) ................................................... 9
3.4 Function of the Digital Outputs / Relay Outputs (units > G-housing) ................... 11
3.5 Terminal X2 Control Terminals (D- and E-housing) ............................................ 13
3.6 Function of the Digital Inputs (D- and E-housing) .................................................. 14
3.7 Function of the Digital Outputs (D- and E-housing) ............................................... 15
6. Connection....................................................................................................... 21
6.1 Example connection diagram for Lift Inverters > G-housing................................. 21
6.2 Example connection diagram for Lift Inverters in D- and E-housing .................... 22
6.3 Connection X4 ............................................................................................................ 23
6.3.1 Connection Incremental Encoder ................................................................................ 23
6.3.2 Connection SIN/COS Encoder .................................................................................... 24
6.3.3 Connection Resolver ................................................................................................... 25
6.3.4 Connection Hiperface Encoder .................................................................................... 25
6.3.5 Connection UVW Encoder ........................................................................................... 25
6.4 Connection X5 - Incremental Encoder Emulation ................................................... 26
Table of Contents
7. Operation ......................................................................................................... 27
7.1 Digital / Interface Operator ........................................................................................ 27
7.2 Parameter Identification ............................................................................................ 28
7.3 Parameter Selection .................................................................................................. 28
7.4 Changing Parameter Values ..................................................................................... 29
7.5 Parameter Structure .................................................................................................. 29
7.6 Storing Parameter Values ......................................................................................... 30
7.7 Error Messages .......................................................................................................... 30
Operating Specifications
1. Operating Specifications
1.1 Application The frequency inverter KEB COMBIVERT F4-F Lift Version 3.0 is a
drive component, which is specified for lift technology. The frequency
inverter is exclusively for stepless open loop /closed loop speed control
of three-phase asynchronous motors and permanent magnet motors.
The operation of other electrical consumers is not permitted and can
lead to the destruction of the unit.
1.2 Protective Separation
The connections of the terminal strip and encoder
inputs are safely isolated in accordance with VDE
0100. The person who installs the system/machine
must make sure that the wired circuit, whether new
or old, meets the VDE requirements.
1.4 Interference Protection The control and power inputs of the frequency inverter
of the Frequency are protected against interferences.
Inverter For more operational reliability and additional protection
against malfunctions take notice of these measures:
Use of mains filter, when the mains voltage is affected by the
connection of large consumers (reactive-power compensation
equipment, HF-furnaces etc.)
Protective wiring of inductive consumers (solenoid valves, relays,
electromagnets) with RC elements or similar devices to absorb the
energy when the unit is switched off.
Install wires, as described in the connection directions, to avoid
inductive and capacitive coupling of interference pulses.
Paired-twisted cables protect against inductive parasitic voltages,
shielding provides protection against capacitive parasitic voltages.
Optimal protection is achieved with twisted and shielded cables
when signal and power lines are installed separately.
! See also Instruction Manual part 2 !
15-pole sub-D socket
connection motor encoder (encoder 1)
9-pole sub-D socket
incremental encoder simulation
(encoder 2)
terminal strip
connection control terminals
terminal strip
connection I/O-expander
Inputs / Outputs
3. Inputs / Outputs
3.1 Terminal X2 Control Terminals (units > G-housing)
Terminal Function
1 Control Release
9 Digital output signal: main contactor control inverted see chapter 3.4
16 Analog input of the load measure for pretorque Differential voltage input -10V ... +10V
(see parameter LF.30, LF.67 and resolution:12 Bit Ri = 40 kOhm
17 An-parameter) Smoothing time: 2 ms / processing time: 1...3 ms
30 VDC / 0,01 ... 1 A
21 Relay output for cabinet fan control (LF.66)
see chapter 6.1
Inputs / Outputs
Terminal Function
1 Digital input signal: contactor control (see chapter 3.6) max. voltage endurance to ground: 100 V
Ground for X3.9 / X3.10
13 Output signal: ready / overspeed UX3.9 / X3.10 / 500 mA see chapter 3.4
14 Output signal: switching frequency warning UX3.9 / X3.10 / 500 mA see chapter 3.4
Output relay contact: braking control 30 V DC / 0,01 ... 1 A see chapter 3.4
17 Output signal: delay control UX3.9 / X3.10 / 500 mA see chapter 3.4
Output relay contact: running open doors 30 V DC / 0,01 ... 1 A see chapter 3.4
Output relay contact: main contactor control 30 V DC / 0,01 ... 1 A see chapter 3.4
23 Output signal: motor temperature warning UX3.9 / X3.10 / 500 mA see chapter 3.4
Inputs / Outputs
Terminal Description
X2.1 Control Release To control the power modules the input must have +24V. If the input
is not set, the inverter shows the message nOP (no operation).
X2.2 Reset With the falling edge of a +24V pulse, the error message (E.xxx) is
Exception: The error message E.OS" (error, overspeed) and
E.EnC (error, encoder) can only be reset by switching off the
X2.3 Direction of When the input is set at +24V a clockwise rotating field is produced
Travel Forward at the output side. The inverter shows the direction of travel in the
indication (F.xxx). The set speed has a positive display. Whether
the cabin moves up or down, depends on the phase sequence of the
motor wiring and how the hoist is set up in the machine room.
Note: If the entries for forward (X2.3) and reverse (X2.4) are
simultaneously set, the input forward has priority. To change
the direction of travel you can only use one input (X2.3).
X2.4 Direction of When the input is set at +24 V, a reverse rotating field is produced
Travel Reverse at the output side.The inverter shows the direction of travel in the
indication (r.xxx). The display of the set speed has a negative sign.
Whether the cabin moves up or down, depends on the phase
sequence of the motor wiring and how the hoist is set up in the
machine room.
Note: If the entries for forward (X2.3) and reverse (X2.4) are
simultaneously set, the input forward has priority. A change
of direction is done with input (X2.3).
X2.5 Control Mode By activating the input you can switch from open loop operation to
speed controlled operation.
! only when LF.30 = 1 !
Inputs / Outputs
Terminal Description
X2.6 Door Drive In addition to the main drive the inverter can also start a door drive.
Active The activation of the input causes the switching from the main drive
to door drive. For settings, functions and drive curves of the
door drive see chapter 4.
X2.7 Door Drive When the input is set with +24 V the set value of the door drive is
Setpoint Input activated. The set speed of the door drive is preset in parameter
LF.46. For settings, functions and drive curves of the door
drive see chapter 4.
X3.1 Contactor Control The input X3.1 checks whether the main contactors and the braking
contactor are released. The input must be activated when a drive
command is entered. If the input is not set, the display S.Co (Error,
contactor open) appears in parameter LF.98. The power modules
are blocked.
The contactor control can be simulated, by bridging input X3.1
with output X2.9.
X3.2 Correction When the input is assigned +24 V the correction speed is activated.
Speed VB ! also see parameter LF.40 !
X3.3 Crawl Speed, VE When the input is assigned +24 V the crawl speed is activated.
! also see parameter LF.41 !
X3.4 Rated Speed, VN When the input is assigned +24 V the rated speed is activated.
! also see parameter LF.42 !
X3.5 Inspection When the input is assigned +24 V the inspection speed is activated.
Speed, VI ! also see parameter LF.43 !
X3.6 1st Intermediate When the input is assigned +24 V the 1st intermediate speed is
Speed, V1 activated. ! also see parameter LF.44 !
X3.7 2nd Intermediate When the input is assigned +24 V the 2nd intermediate speed is
Speed, V2 activated. ! also see parameter LF.45 !
Inputs / Outputs
3.4 Function of the Digital After the voltage is switched on several digital outputs need
Outputs / Relay Out- approximately 10s for initialization. All switching thresholds have 12%
puts (units > G- hysteresis.
housing) Exception: Output X3.22 has 6% hysteresis.
Terminal Description
X2.9 Main Contactor The output signal corresponds to the inverted signal of terminal
Control inverted X3.20. When the function of the contactor control is not used, input
X3.1 must be bridged with output X2.9, to simulate the contactor
X2.20 Relay How the relay output is switched depends on the temperature level
X2.21 Control Cabinet set (parameter LF.66).
X2.22 Fan Control actual heat sink temperature > LF.66 Relay closes
actual heat sink temperature < LF.66 - 5 K Relay opens
! see wiring diagram chapter 6.1 !
X3.13 Ready for The output is set, after the inverter has completed an internal check
Operation (after the voltage is switched on). The output is reset, when the supply
Common Error voltage is switched off, when an inverter disturbance occurs or when
Overspeed overspeed is detected.
X3.14 Operating The output is reset, when the temperature of the heat sink is approx.
Frequency 50C.
Warning For the next drive the operating frequency is reduced to 8 kHz.
After cooling down (heat sink temperature approx. 40C) the operating
frequency increases to 16 kHz and the output is set again.
! see operating frequency chapter 5.2 !
Inputs / Outputs
Terminal Description
X3.15 Braking Control The output emits the signal applied on terminal X3.16.
The output is activated when the following conditions are met:
- no error message is present
- a setpoint must be selected (VX 0 m/s)
- the contactor control input (X3.1) must be set
- the control release (X2.1) must be activated
- a direction of travel (X2.3/X2.4) must be selected
- a motor current must flow (hardware test);
X3.17 Delay Control The output is set as long as the speed is smaller than in LF.62. The
function only works when the incremental encoder is connected and
when the speed controller is switched on (LF.30 0).
X3.18 Crawl Speed The output emits the signal applied to terminal X3.19. The signal
output occurs as long as the speed is smaller than in LF.63. This
function only works when the incremental encoder is connected and
the speed controller is switched on (LF.30 0).
X3.20 Main Contactor The ouput emits the sginal applied to terminal X3.21. The signal
Control occurs, when the following conditions are met at the same time:
- no error message is present
- setpoint must be selected
- the input contactor control input (X3.1) is occupied
X3.22 DC-Voltage The output is set, when the dc-link voltage exceeds the level LF.64.
X3.23 Motor The output is reset, when the connection between the OH inputs
Temperature becomes high-resistant. The lift control receives the messages that
Warning the motor is overheating, it completes the run and then lets the motor
cool down. If the overheating continues, the inverter switches off,
when the delay time set in LF.65 has run out. The error signal E-
dOH (Error, drive overheat) is displayed. When the connection
between the OH terminal is low-resistant again, the inverter shows
the message E.nOH (no overheat). The error can then be reset.
See parameter LF.65
Inputs / Outputs
Terminal Function
1 Control Release
8 Digital output signal: braking control 14...30 V / max. 20mA (per output)
16 Analog input of the precontrol torque Differential voltage input -10V ... +10V
(see parameter LF.30, LF.67 and resolution:12 Bit Ri = 40 kOhm
17 An-parameter) Smoothing time: 2 ms / processing time: 1...3 ms
30 VDC / 0,01 ... 1 A
21 Relay: Ready / overspeed
see output signal description
Inputs / Outputs
X2.1 Control Release To control the power modules the input must have +24V. If the input
is not set, the inverter shows the message nOP (no operation).
X2.2 Reset With the falling edge of a +24V pulse, the error message (E.xxx) is
Exception: The error message E.OS" (error, overspeed) and
E.EnC (error, encoder) can only be reset by switching off the
X2.3 Direction of When the input is set at +24V a clockwise rotating field is produced
Travel Forward at the output side. The inverter shows the direction of travel in the
indication (F.xxx). The set speed is displayed with a positive sign.
Whether the cabin moves up or down, depends on the phase
sequence of the motor wiring and how the hoist is set up in the
machine room.
X2.4 Direction of When the input is set at +24 V, a reverse rotating field is produced
Travel Reverse at the output side.The inverter shows the direction of travel in the
indication (r.xxx). The set speed is displayed with a negative sign.
Whether the cabin moves up or down, depends on the phase
sequence of the motor wiring and how the hoist is set up in the
machine room.
Note: If the entries for forward (X2.3) and reverse (X2.4) are
simultaneously set, the input forward has priority. A change of
direction is done with input (X2.3).
X2.5 Setpoint The binary-coded occupation of the inputs with +24V activates the
X2.6 setting setpoint value.
X2.7 binary-coded
X2.5 X2.6 X2.7
V=0 0 0 0
VB 1 0 0
VE 0 1 0
VN 1 1 0
VI 0 0 1
V1 1 0 1
V2 0 1 1
nDoor 1 1 1
Inputs / Outputs
Terminal Description
X2.8 Brake Control The output emits the signal applied on terminal X3.16.
The output is set, when the following conditions are met at the same
- no error message is present
- a setpoint must be selected (VX 0 m/s)
- the contactor control input (X3.1) must be set
- the control release (X2.1) must be activated
- a direction of travel (X2.3/X2.4) must be selected
- a motor current must flow (hardware test);
The output is reset when one of the following conditions is met:
- overspeed is recognized
- a fault signal occurs
- after the setpoint values are removed the operating point of the
brake (LF.60) is gone below
- 5 s after the setpoint values are removed
X2.9 Main Contactor The output is set, when the following conditions are met at the same
Control time:
- no error message is present
- setpoint must be selected
X2.20 Ready for The output is set, after the inverter has completed an internal check
Operation, (after the voltage is switched on). The output is reset, when the supply
Common Error voltage is switched off, when an inverter disturbance occurs or when
X2.22 Overspeed overspeed is detected.
20 21 22
Output relay RLA RLB RLC
Drive Curves
4. Drive Curves
4.1 Activation of the Main Drive (LF.02 = 2)
v LF.50 LF.52
LF.51 LF.53
LF.50 LF.53
2 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Operating Points 1 3 5
Drive Curves
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN? Description of the Operating Points of the Main Drive
1: Presetting of the setpoint for the drive speed and the selection of
the direction of travel. The inverter checks whether input X3.1
(contactor control) is set. If yes the output X3.20 (main contactor
control) is set. If X3.1 is not set, the display S.Co is seen in LF.98
and output X3.20 is not set.
3: X2.1 (control release) is set with the precontrol contact of the main
contactor. After this is done the inverter provides the motor with
current, when the main contacts are connected (powerless
When the safety circuit is interrupted input X2.1 must be reset
immediately. (See chapter control instructions).
4: When the motor can receive a current (hardware test), the output
X3.15 (brake) is set. If there is not enough current flowing, you will
see the display E.nC in LF.98 and X3.15 is not set.
5: After X3.15 is set, the brake release time (LF.70) runs out; then
the motor starts to turn.
10: When speed has under-run the level of running open doors (LF.63)
the output X3.18 is set.
11: When the limit switch is reached, the set value for the positioning
speed is set 0 and thus the drive keeps the cabin stopping until
the brake is engaged,.
12: When the speed has under-run the level for the brake (LF.60), the
output X3.15 is reset.
13: When X3.15 is reset, the modulation is switched off after the brake
release time (LF.79) has run out. 0.3 s later output X3.20 is reset.
Drive Curves
4.2.3 ACC and DEC Ramps For the ACC and DEC ramps of the door drive the values of parameters
LF.50, LF.51, LF.53 und LF.54 are valid, like with the main drive.
4.2.4 Set Speed Door Drive The set speed (rpm) for the door drive is preset in parameter LF.46 (set
speed door drive). The setpoint activation for the door drive is done with
the digital input (X2.7).
Drive Curves
v LF.50 LF.54
LF.51 LF.53
LF.50 LF.54
Operating Points 1 2
What happens when? Description of the operating points of the door drive.
Changes in the Operating Frequency
5.1 T e m p e r a t u r e - To protect KEB COMBIVERT F4-F Lift from overheating during 16kHz
Dependent Changes in operation and thus prevent the lift from being interrupted, the operating
the Operating frequency can be reduced dependent on the heat sink temperature
Frequency (only in condition nop). Inverters with temperature dependent operating
frequencies are characterized in parameter In.0 with xx.F4.F1.-xxxx
8kHz/16kHz. !see also parameter LF.38!
5.2 Digital Output X3.14 When the heat sink temperature reaches approximately 50C, the
Operating Frequency signal at output X3.14 (operating frequency warning) is reset. With a
Warning heat sink temperature of approx. 40C the signal at the output is set
6. Connection
6.1 Example connection diagram for Lift Inverters > G-housing
Braking resistor
+PA(++) PB
A L1 U
EMC-Filter M
L2 V
S Lift V. 3.0A K1 K2
Motor- Encoder
to the lift
To switch off the control X5 (9-pole)
release the auxiliary
contacts of both main
contactors or a relay (K12),
Encoder X4 (15-pole)
behind the safety circuit,
must be used. KBR
Control release *
X2.1 X3.16 +24V
K12 K11 K1 K2
RST Trigger level for to the lift control
X2.2 X3.18
running open doors
Direction of travel forward
X2.3 X3.19 +24V
Direction of travel reverse Main con- K11
L X2.4 X3.20
tactor control
I Control mode *
X2.5 X3.21 +24V
Secondary drive active
T X2.6 X2.20
Heat sink KFan
- Secondary drive setpoint input
X2.7 X2.21 tempera-
ture level
C Contactor control *
+24V X3.1 X2.22 +24V
O KBR K1 K2 KReady
N X2.9 Ready
T Correction speed, VB *
Operating frequency warning
X3.2 X3.14 to the lift control
R Positioning speed, VE Deceleration control to the lift control
O X3.3 X3.17
L Rated speed, VN DC-monitoring
X3.4 X3.22 to the lift control
Inspection speed, VI Motor temp. warning
X3.5 X3.23 to the lift control
Intermediate speed 1, V1 Speed diviation-
X3.6 X2.8 Warning
Intermediate speed 2, V2 Main contactor
X3.7 X2.9 control inverted X3.1
Braking resistor
A L1 U
EMC-Filter M
I L2 V 3~
S Lift K1 K2
Motor- Encoder
to the lift
To switch off the control X5 (9-pole) control
release the auxiliary
contacts of both main X4
contactors or a relay (K12),
behind the safety circuit, Encoder X4 (15-pole)
must be used. KBR
X2.8 control *
Control release
L K12 K11 K1 K2
RST Main con- K11
I X2.2 X2.9
tactor control
F *
Direction of travel forward
T X2.3 X2.20
- Direction of travel reverse KReady
C X2.4 X2.21
O *
Setpoint selection
N X2.5 X2.22 +24V
T binary-coded
R Setpoint selection
O binary-coded
Setpoint selection
L X2.7
+24V X2.23 X2.11 Ground GND
6.3 Connection X4
Encoder 1 The incremental encoder of the motor is connected to the 15-pole sub-
5 4 3 2 1
13 12
PIN-No. Signal PIN-No. Signal
1 - 9 B+
6.3.1 Connection 2 - 10 -
Incremental Encoder 3 A- 11 + 15 V
4 B- 12 +5V
5 - 13 GND
6 - 14 N-
7 - 15 N+
8 A+ Housing Shield
Input Wiring
A+ 10 kOhm
121 Ohm
A- 10 kOhm
B- 10 nF
Encoder Specification:
1- Voltage Supply:
+ 5 V (+/-10 %) max. 110 mA
2- Increments:
256 - 10000 inc. (recommended: 2500 inc.)
Observe limit frequency of encoder:
increments nmax
flimit >
3- Output signals:
Rectangular pulse signal
Two square-wave pulses that are electrically by 90 out of phase
and their inverse signals.
2...5 V
A+ 0V
6.3.2 Connection
PIN-No. Signal PIN-No. Signal
SIN/COS Encoder
1 C- 9 B+
5 4 3 2 1 2 D- 10
10 9 8 7 6
15 14 13 12 11 3 A- 11
4 B- 12 +5V
5 13 GND
6 C+ 14 R-
7 D+ 15 R+
8 A+ Housing Shield
6.3.4 Connection
Hiperface Encoder PIN-No. Signal PIN-No. Signal
1 9 SIN+
2 10 12 V
3 REF_COS 11
4 REF_SIN 12
5 13 GND
6 14 DATA-
7 15 DATA+
8 COS+ Housing Shield
9 8 7 6 1 A+ Signal Channel A
2 B+ Signal Channel B
3 reserved
4 +5V Voltage output
5 + 24 V external voltage supply
6 A- inverted signal channel A
7 B- inverted signal channel B
8 reserved
9 GND external ground
Housing Shielding
7. Operation
7.1 Digital- / Interface- An operator is necessary for the local adjustment of the inverter KEB
Operator COMBIVERT F4-F. To prevent malfunctions, the inverter must be
brought into nOP status (control release terminal X2.1 ).
The operator is not necessary for operating.
Operator panel
PE-Connection RS232/RS485
7.2 Parameter
Display Parameter Group
NON-ENTER-Parameters ENTER-Parameters
are programmable parameters, a are programmable parameters,
change is immediately accepted a change is accepted and stored
and stored. LF.5, LF.20...LF.28, only after the ENTER-key is
LF.31...LF.75, LF.78...LF.79, pressed. LF.0...LF.4, LF.6,
EC.2...EC.4, EC.8, EC.22...EC.23, LF.19, LF.30, LF.77, dr.0...dr.42
An.13...An.14, An.18, ru.8, ru.12,
ru.25, In.65
7.6 Storing Parameter If the parameter value of an ENTER Parameter is changed, a point
Values appears behind the last position in the display. The adjusted parameter
is transferred and permanently stored when ENTER is pressed.
Example: ENTER
Transfer /
7.7 Error Messages If a malfunction occurs during operation, the actual display is overwritten
with the error message. By pressing the keys "UP" or "DOWN" the error
message is reset.
Error /
Malfunction or
8. Parameter description
8.1 LF-Parameter
In order to prevent unauthorized adjustment, a password (factory
setting: 440) must be entered (see also parameter LF.01). The inverter
Password can be barred from further use by entering 400 or by switching off the
supply voltage.
Possible displays: - 4 = read only
- 5 = operation released
Factory setting: -4
This password replaces the KEB factory password and is valid the next
time you switch on the inverter. This parameter can only be used
when a valid password is entered in parameter LF.0.
User-Defined Password
Value range: 0 ... 399, 400, 401 ... 9999
Factory setting: 440
The value 400 may not be set in the parameter LF.1! The
value 400 is only reserved to block the unit! Only KEB
can enable a unit, which is blocked by LF.1
This value determines the type of setpoint selection and rotation setting.
The value 2 cannot be adjusted on units in D- and E-housing (KEB
Part-No.: 1x.F4.F1E-4Ixx and 1x.F4.F1D-4Ixx).
Steering/Operating Mode
Unit: 1
Value range: 1 ... 4
Factory setting: 1
Set value Setpoint Selection Rotation Selection
1 binary coded Terminals X2.3, X2.4
Terminals X3.2, X3.3, X3.4
At units in D- and E-housing:
Terminals X2.5, X2.6, X2.7
2 input coded Terminals X2.3, X2.4
This adjust- Terminals X3.2, X3.3, X3.4,
ment is not X3.5, X3.6, X3.7, X3.8
possible for
units in D-and
3 analog setpoint, 0... +10V Terminals X2.3, X2.4
Terminals X2.14, X2.15
4 analog setpoint, -10V...+10V rotation detection from
Terminals X2.14, X2.15 analog value polarity
Unit: 1
Value range: 0:ASM / 1:SSM
Factory setting: 0:ASM
Adjustment value: in accordance with type of the motor
Unit: 1
Value range: 0:off / 1:on
Factory setting: 0:off
Adjustment value: in accordance with the direction of travel
Unit: 1
Value range: 0:off / 1:on
Factory setting: 0:off
Adjustment value: depending on used motor or encoder type
Unit: Volt
Value range: 150...500, off V
Factory setting: 400 V
Adjustment value: supply voltage of the inverter
The speeds adjusted in parameter LF.42, LF.44 and LF.45 are limited
with LF.20.
Rated System Speed For analog setpoint setting applies:
Unit: Millimeter
Value range: 200...2000 mm
Factory setting: 600 mm
Traction Sheave Diameter
Adjustment value: in accordance with the available traction sheave
(may be determined with a folding rule).
Unit: 1
Value range: 1,00 ... 99,99
Gear Reduction Ratio Factory setting: 30,00
Adjustment value: in accordance with the gear name plate
(determine by counting the revolutions of the
handwheel during one traction sheave
revolution). For gearless = 1.
Unit: 1
Value range: 1...8 (1:1...8:1)
Catenary Suspension Factory setting: 1
Adjustment value: in accordance with the system data
Unit: Kilogram
Value range: 0...65535 kg
Factory setting: 0 kg
Adjustment value: in accordance with the system data (you may
need to multiply the number of people by 75kg)
Unit: Hertz
Value range: 20...100 Hz
Rated frequency of the Factory setting: 50 Hz
door drive This parameter has no function at units in D- and E-housing!
! Door drive also see chapter 4.2 ff !
Unit: Volt
Value range: 1...650 V
Rated voltage of Factory setting: 400 V
the door drive This parameter has no function at units in D- and E-housing!
! Door drive also see chapter 4.2 ff !
Unit: 1
Value range: 0...3
Factory setting: 0
Adjustment value: 0 open-loop operation
1 selection over terminal X2.5
2 closed-loop operation with speed feedback
3 closed-loop operation with speed feedback
and pretorque
With open-loop operation (LF.30=0) the digital outputs
for crawl speed, overspeed and deceleration control are
not set. With SSM-selection only the closed-loop operation
(2 or 3) is permitted.
Vibrations occur during constant run when the KP-values are too large.
If the KP-values are too small a deviation occurs between the set and
actual values of the set speed characteristic.
For a better load transfer at high efficiency gears. This parameter works
for asynchronous and synchronous machines.
Ki speed offset
Unit: 1
Value range: 0...65535
Factory setting: 1000
Adjustment value: to avoid roll-back whilst start increase in steps
by 1000.
Unit: 1
Value range: 1...65535
Factory setting: 1500
Adjustment value: self-optimizing, dependent on ratio of inverter /
Upper limit of the motor torque, which protects the motor from breaking
down. The acceleration process will probably take longer with a full
Maximum Torque load.
Using parameter LF.38 (operating frequency) you can set, whether the
operating frequency should constantly be 8 kHz or whether the
automatic transfer should be activated.
Operating Frequency
Change Unit: 1
Value range: 0 = operating frequency constantly 8 kHz
1 = automatic operating frequency change
Factory setting: 1
Adjusted value: as needed
If the display often shows the error message E.OL2 the
adjustment = 0 (operating frequency constantly 8 kHz) is
If the inspection speed is selected for the actual set speed it is not
possible to accelerate.
Unit: rpm
Value range: 0,0...16000 rpm at asynchron.machines (LF.04 =0)
Set Speed of Door Drive 0,0... 2000 rpm at synchron. machines (LF.04 = 1)
Factory setting: 0,0 rpm
This parameter has no function at units in D- and E-housing! !
! Door drive, also see Chapter 4.2 ff !
General: The jerk or shock, which always occurs during the accleration
process, is crucial for the comfort of passengers in a passenger lift.
This causes objects on conveyor systems to topple over or sway and
puts a lot of stress on the mechanical components. Each person
expierences this 'shock' differently, depending on their age, physical
and mental state and whether they awaited this movement or not.
Empirical values: 0.5...0.8 m/s3 for retirement homes, hospitals,
apartment buildings
0.8...1.2 m/s for office buildings, banks etc.
higher LF.50
lower values
LF.50 t
The stopping jerk determines the ride comfort as the car approaches
the floor. If the setting LF.54 = off, then the stopping jerk = deceleration
jerk (LF.52)
Stopping Jerk
Unit: meter per second3
Value range: off, 0,02...9,99 m/s3
Factory setting: off
Adjustment value: according to comfort
(Crawl Speed) gear-release is done with crawl speed and if in normal operation the
start with crawl speed is not used.
With this parameter and LF.58 and LF.59 a speed deviation can be
monitored. If the actual speed (LF.89) deviates from the setpoint speed
Speed Deviation - Mode (LF.88) by a pre-set speed difference (adjustable in LF.58) for a defined
time (adjustable in LF.59), a response is triggered, which is adjustable
in LF.57.
Set speed
Actual speed
Unit: 1
Value range: 0...2
Factory setting: 1:Error E.hSd
Adjusted value: according to requirements
If the actual car speed drops below the speed which is adjusted here,
the output for the brake X3.15/16 (X2.8 at units in D- and E-housing)
is switched off.
Switching Level
Brake Disconnection
Unit: meter per second
Value range: 0,000...0,010 m/s
Factory setting: 0,005 m/s
Adjusted value: 0,005 m/s
If the current speed becomes larger than the value adjusted here, the
inverter is shut down with E.OS (Error overspeed). The outputs for
Monitoring Overspeed the brake and the main contactors are then switched off.
Can be used as speed level for running-open doors. If the actual car
speed drops below the value adjusted here, the output X3.18/19 is set.
Unit: meter per second
Value range: 0,000... 0,300 m/s
Factory setting: 0,250 m/s
Adjusted value: dependent on the running time of the door
and speed
Unit: seconds
Value range: 0...3600 s
Factory setting: 300 s
E.dOH-Deceleration Time
After the delay time has run out, the inverter stops with the message
E-dOH (Error, drive, overheating). The malfunction can be reset,
when the motor has cooled down and the frequency inverter shows the
display E.nOH (Error, no overheating). If the motor cools down before
the delay time runs out, no fault indication is triggered.
For LF.65 = 0 (off) applies: Stop the inverter after the control release
is removed.
Dependent on the temperature level the relay output for the control
cabinet fan (X2.20 / X2.21 / X2.22) is switched.
Heat Sink Temperature
current heat sink temperature > LF.66 relay closes
current heat sink temperature < LF.66 - 5 K relay opens
If the control method with pretorque is adjusted in LF.30 =3, the analog
signal at X2.16 is normed from a load weight device to a torque input.
Pretorque Gain
0V the cabin is empty rated torque
5V cabin weight + half load
= counterweight 0
10 V the cabin is full + rated torque
Unit: 1
Value range: 0,50 1,50
Factory setting: 1
Adjusted value: adjust until there is no movement of the sheave
when the brake opens.
If the balancing load is not 50 % , the difference can be adjusted with
Pretorque Offset
Unit: %
Value range: 25,0 % 25,0 %
Factory setting: 0%
Adjusted value: dependent on the counter weight
Unit: 1
Value range: off / on
Pretorque Factory setting: off
Reversal of direction Adjusted value: dependent on the requested torque direction
Unit: seconds
Value range: 0,000...0,300 s
Brake Release Time Factory setting: 0,300 s
Adjusted value: 0,300 s
Unit: centimeter
Value range: 0,0...200,0 cm
Factory setting: 0,0 cm
Crawl Path Optimization
Rated Speed VN V
Deceleration point
Unit: centimeter
Value range: 0,0...200,0 cm
Crawl Path Optimization Factory setting: 0,0 cm
Speed V1 Function see parameter LF.71.
Unit: centimeter
Value range: 0,0...200,0 cm
Crawl Path Optimization Factory setting: 0,0 cm
Speed V2 Function see parameter LF.71.
Unit: millimeter
Value range: 0...300 mm
Crawl Path Optimization Factory setting: 0 mm
Crawl Speed VE The levelling position of the cabin can be exactly adjusted with the
crawl path optimization. Precondition: The stop switches in all floors
have the same distances to the levelling position for both directions.
The crawl speed (LF.41) and stopping jerk (LF.54) must be adjusted
prior to the path optimization crawl speed.
stop switch
VE t
Delay point
LF. 75 = off
VS ogive-status
VE t
Delay point
LF. 75 = on
Unit: 1
Value range: off / on
Factory setting: off
Adjustment instructions - All deceleration points must have the same distance to the floor
for ogive function levels. Also at top- and bottom-floor.
- Increase LF.50 and reduce LF.51 until the ogive ride can be carried
out or until no ogive ride is necessary.
- If the crawl distance during the execution of the ogive ride is too
long, adjust a larger value in LF.77.
- If the crawl distance during a ride over several floors is too long,
optimize it with LF.71.
We are quite prepared to calculate for you the best possible adjustment.
Just send us a fax to #49 5263 / 401 116 or an email to [email protected].
0 --> no ogive ride
Ogive Status 1 --> ogive ride is active
(drive accelerates to the ogive speed VS)
2 --> ogive ride is active
(drive decelerates from ogive speed VS to crawl speed)
4 --> actual speed is too high
If there are several messages active then the sum is displayed.
VE t
Delay point
If the switching speed < crawl speed the drive accelerates to the crawl
speed. The ogive status remains on 0, because no ogive ride is
ogive status
VE t
Delay point
The drive decelerates directly into the crawl drive and sets the ogive
status to 4, because no ogive ride can be executed.
ogive status
VE t
Delay point
The inverter detects that the changeover speed is too high, sets
the ogive status to 4 and then still executes one ogive ride. The
drive comfort may not be very good.
Once the ogive ride is completed the ogive status remains on 4.
Only when the braking distance or the floor level are readjusted,
the ogive status will be set to 0.
Do not change!
Factory setting: 0,100
Modulation Ramp
Down Timer
The time, that expires between taking away the brake output X3.15
and switching off the modulation, is adjusted here. It is the time the
Brake Engage Time inverter must still hold the load until the brake is applied. If the adjusted
time is too short, the inverter switches off the modulation, before the
brake is applied and thus the lift can jerk towards the direction of the
Unit: seconds
Value range: 0,000...3,000 s
Factory setting: 0,300 s
Adjusted value: 0,300 s
Software Version
Software Date
Example: Input control release (X2.1) and direction forward (X2.3) are
triggered with 24V .
Display value: 1+4 = 5
Display Value: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Speed: V=0 V V V V V V V=0
Actual Set Value B E N I 1 2
The value shows the actual set speed in rpm, calculated from the
system data.
Actual Set Speed
The value shows the real speed in rpm, only with connected
Actual Speed
Crawl Distance
Display of the total path in cm, from releasing to applying the brake.
Total Path
The parameter shows the fault indications that occur during the starting
process and continuous operation.
See parameter LF.99 for more information about other fault indications.
a) Running Messages
Display Significance
Inverter State noP No Operation; term. X2.1 (control release) is not assigned.
LS Low speed; control release is set, no direction of rotation
selected, modulation off.
Facc Forward acceleration; acceleration phase forward.
Fcon Forward constant running; constant drive forward.
Fdec Forward deceleration; deceleration phase forward.
racc Reverse acceleration; acceleration phase reverse.
rcon Reverse constant running; constant drive reverse.
rdec Reverse deceleration; deceleration phase reverse.
bbl Base-block-time; power modules are locked for 3s (always,
if control release is switched off or when an inverter error
occurs) .
b) Error messages
Errors cause the immediate switch off of the modulation and the output
of a corresponding error message. An error is always marked by the
initial letter E.
E.UP The voltage in the DC-link circuit is below the permissible limit.
Error underpotential Input voltage is too low or instable.
Wrong input connection.
Transformer at the input is too small or, if existing, incorrectly
All input phases are missing.
E.OP The voltage in the DC-link circuit is above the permissible limit:
Error overpotential Input voltage is too high - use transformer.
Voltage peaks from the supply systems - use 5% line reactor.
No braking resistor is connected.
The value of the braking resistor is incorrect - re-measure the braking
The cable to the braking resistor is interrupted or incorrectly connected.
Poor grounding of the inverter.
E.OL Continuous overload, inverter must remain on the supply system for
Error overload cooling down, the cooling-off time depends on the prior period of overload.
Motor is wired for the wrong voltage.
Motor data are incorrectly adjusted (dr - parameters).
Inverter is dimensioned too small.
High mechanical load due to too heavy counterweight.
High mechanical friction because brake is only partially released or
not at all, defective gearbox, no oil in the gearbox etc.
E.nOL The inverter has cooled down after error E.OL or E.OL2. The errors
Error no overload can be reset and the inverter restarted again.
E.OH The heat sink temperature of the inverter has risen above the
Error inverter overheat permissible limit.
The cooling of the inverter is insufficient - air circulation at the inverter
must be improved.
Ambient temperature is too high - a fan must be used for the control
Fan is stuck - fan must be cleaned.
E.dOH The external motor temperature sensor tripped and the pre-warning
Error drive overheat time (LF.65) is up.
The resistance between terminals OH/OH is > 1650 Ohm.
The motor temperature sensor tripped.
The wire jumper between OH/OH is missing, if no temperature
sensor is connected.
E.nOH The inverter respectively the motor cooled down after error E.OH or
Error no overheat E.dOH. The errors can be reset and the inverter restarted again.
E.OS The current speed (LF.90) exceeded the value Monitoring Overspeed
Error over speed (LF.61). This error can occur only with connected motor encoder and
activated controller (LF.30 = 1, 2 or 3). The error can be reset only by
switching the unit off and on again.
Motor data are incorrectly adjusted.
Monitoring overspeed (LF.61) is adjusted smaller than the selected
Phase assignment inverter - motor is wrong (only at synchronous
Position alignment was not executed (only at synchronous
Encoder or encoder cable is defective.
Encoder clutch is not firmly connected with the motor shaft.
E.hSd The current speed deviates from the setpoint speed by a preset speed
Error high speed difference for an adjustable time (see LF.57 - LF.59).
difference Set speed and actual speed have wrong signs.
Encoder clutch is not firmly connected with the motor shaft.
Encoder line number are incorrectly adjusted.
Motor data are incorrectly adjusted or do not fit to the motor see
Adjustment instructions for conventional lift motors).
Motor is too weak.
Inverter operates at the current limit.
Inverter operates at the torque limit (see LF.36).
Loading of the counterweight or the cabine is too high.
Acceleration is adjusted too stiff.
High mechanical friction because brake is only partially released or
not at all, defective gearbox, no oil in the gearbox etc.
Input voltage is smaller than the motor rated voltage.
Error load shunt failure Load shunt relay of the inverter did not close. This error often occurs
for a short time when switching on the inverter, but it is immediately
and automatically reset, if everything is in order.
Input voltage is incorrect or too low.
High resistance in the supply to the inverter.
Braking resistor is incorrectly connected.
Braking transistor does not work.
Hardware error exchange of the inverter.
Error encoder failure Encoder breakage detection
Encoder is electrically not connected with the inverter.
Encoder clutch is not firmly connected with the motor shaft.
Encoder tracks are exchanged (see EC.02).
Encoder increments are incorrectly adjusted (see EC.01).
Pin-assignment of the encoder cable is incorrect.
Encoder or encoder cable is defective.
Shielding of the encoder cable is poor or not attached on both sides.
Encoder cable is laid parallel to the motor cable.
Phase assignment inverter - motor is wrong (only at synchronous
Position alignment was not executed (only at synchronous machine).
Motor is poorly grounded or not at all.
Inverter is poorly grounded or not at all.
At asynchronous machine the sychnronous speed was entered in
High mechanical friction because brake is only partially released or
not at all, defective gearbox, no oil in the gearbox etc.
Error Power Unit Code The power section of the inverter could not be identified by the control
Hardware error - exchange of the inverter
8.2 dr-Parameter
Asynchronous machine (LF.04 = 0)
Unit: Kilowatt
Value range: 0,00...160,00 kW
Rated motor power
Factory setting: 4 kW
Default value: according to motor name plate
Synchronous machine (LF.04 = 1)
Unit: Kilowatt
Value range: 0,00...160,00 kW
Factory setting: 3,53 kW
Default value: according to motor name plate
(The function of this parameter corresponds to the parameters LF.10
and LF.A0 at KEB F4-F Lift V. 1.4.)
The maximum motor torque is the torque which the inverter can make
available to motor, converted into current.
Max. motor torque
Asynchronous machine (LF.04 = 0)
Unit: Newtonmeter
At asynchronous machines (LF.04 = 0) the maximum motor torque is
calculated from the inverter and motor data. The calculated torque is
indicated here and cannot be changed.
Synchronous machine (LF.04 = 1)
Unit: Newtonmeter
Value range: 0,1 Nm...dependent on inverter at
high-resolution OFF (LF.06 = 0)
1 Nm...dependent on inverter at
high-resolution ON (LF.06 = 1)
Factory setting : dependent on inverter
Default value: according to motor name plate
8.3 EC-Parameter
The value for the encoder pole pairs can only be adjusted to 1:on
with the selection of synchronous machine (LF.04 = 1).
If the drive system (inverter and motor) is put into operation for the first
time, the position of the encoder to the rotor position of the motor must
System position be known.
By entering a 1 in EC.4 a system position adjustment is started. At that
the drive must not be loaded (remove the ropes from the sheave).
During the adjustment the zero track is also checked. For this purpose
the motor slowly completes one full revolution.
Value Meaning
0 no position adjustment executed
1 give drive command and hold until EC.4 = 5
2 automatic voltage increase until rated current flows
(motor is turned into the pole position)
3 rotation check
4 secure system position
5 reset drive command
6 Power-On-Reset, done by the inverter
7 system position adjustment completed
Unit: 1
Value range: 07
Factory setting: 0
Default value: 0 position adjustment off
1 position adjustment started
With this parameter the excitation frequency for the resolver is preset
(only units with the part-no.: xx.F4.Fxx-xi4x).
Clock frequency encoder 1
Unit: Kilohertz
Value range: 5,00...10,00 kHz
Factory setting: 8,00 kHz
Default value: depending on the type of resolver
1. LF.06 = 0 + EC.06 = 0 Recommended setting for motors with gearbox and incremental
encoder or resolver.
This parameter displays the position to the rotor position of the motor
(also see EC.04).
System position
If the system position of motor to encoder is known, then the system
adjustment described under EC.04 needs not to be executed. The
position value can be entered directly in parameter EC.07.
Unit: 1
Value range: 0...FFFFhex
Factory setting: 4A49hex
Default value: depending on the encoder position
The value for the system position can be entered only with the
selection of synchronous machine (LF.04 = 1).
Unit: Milliampere
Value range: -1:Auto...72,0 mA
Factory setting: 7,7 mA
Default value: depending on the type of resolver
With this parameter a divider can be preset for the signals of the
incremental encoder output X5. The output of the increments is
Divider incremental calculated by dividing the value of EC.11 through the value adjusted
encoder output in this parameter (only units with the part no.: xx.F4.Fxx-xi3x und -
Unit: 1
Value range: 1...128
Factory setting: 1
Default value: according to requirements
Status Code
Error Type
Hiper Status
00h OK X X
01h Analog signal outside the specification X
With this parameter the data in the encoder can be read, which was
previously downloaded by a KEB-Combivert to the encoder.
Read Hiperface data
The type of motor LF.04 and the high-resolution are also loaded.
ASM LF.04 = 0
dr 00 rated motor power
dr 01 rated motor speed
dr 02 rated motor current
dr 03 rated motor frequency
dr 04 rated motor power factor
dr 12 rated motor voltage
The data, which can be read with EC.22 from the Hiperface-encoder,
can be downloaded to the encoder with parameter EC.23
Write Hiperface data
8.4 An-Parameter The KEB COMBIVERT F4-F contains one differential voltage input
for setpoint setting (REF1 ), one programmable differential voltage
input (REF2 ) and two programmable analog outputs (A1 / A2).
Depending on analog input/output signal the function, offset and gain
can be adjusted.
Analog Inputs The analog inputs are smoothed by a digital filter through averaging.
The digital signals are now available in the characteristic curve
amplifiers. In the characteristic curve amplifier the input signals can
be influenced in X- and Y-direction as well as in rise. In order to reduce
the effect of voltage fluctuations and ripple voltages around the zero
point, the analog output signal can be faded out up to 10 % around
the zero point.
ru.22 ru.23
Circuit proposal 1. Analog input wiring: External differential voltage without internal
reference potential.
Internal resistance Ri = 40 kOhm
12 13 14 15 16 17
+ +
external external
source of source of
differential differential
voltage voltage
12 13 14 15 16 17
+ +
external external
source of source of
differential differential
voltage voltage *)
12 13 14 15 16 17
+ +
3 kOhm
3 kOhm *)
Input value (In)
Parameter assignment
Function REF1 REF2 Value range Resolution Default value
Gain An.3 An. 9 -20...+20 0,01 1,00
X-Offset An.4 An.10 -100...+100% 0,1 % 0,0 %
Y-Offset An.5 An.11 -100...+100% 0,1 % 0,0 %
Adjust X-Offset to 50 %
-100% An.4
Input value (In)
+50% +100%
Input value (In)
-100% +75%
Input value (In)
An.4 +100%
Input value (In)
from characteristic
10% amplifier
fade out range
An.2 / An.8
0,5 x (An.2 or An.8)
An.2 / An.8
0,5 x (An.2 or An.8)
An.13 AUX-Function
0 no function
1 The AUX-signal is added to the current setpoint signal (ana-
log or digital) Setpoint = setpoint signal + AUX-signal (-10 V
... +10 V).
2 The AUX-signal acts as multiplier for parameter LF.31 (KP-
speed). AUX 0...10 V ^ gain 0...1.
3 The AUX-signal acts as multiplier for parameter LF.32 (KI-
speed). AUX 0...10 V ^ gain 0...1.
4 The AUX-signal acts as multiplier for LF.31 and LF.32 (total
gain); AUX 0...10 V ^ gain 0...1.
5 The AUX-signal acts as multiplier for parameter LF.36 (torque
limit); AUX 0...10 V ^ gain 0...1.
6 no function
7 Torque precontrol
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
+ +
Output voltage
variable to be displayed
-10 V
Example 1
Following values shall be adjusted for output A1:
1. adjust the gain to -1 (single gain)
2. adjust X-offset to 100 %
1. +10 V
An.15 = 1, An.16 = 0 %
An.15 = -1, An.16 = 0 %
-10 V
2. +10 V
An.15 = -1, An.16 = 0 %
An.15 = -1, An.16 = +100 %
-10 V
With these settings the analog output A1 is inverted and reacts only to
positive values of the variable to be displayed.
That means:
0 % of the variable to be displayed correspond to +10 V at A1
+50 % of the variable to be displayed correspond to +5 V at A1
+100 % of the variable to be displayed correspond to 0 V at A1
Example 2
Following values shall be adjusted for output A2:
1. adjust the gain to 20 (twentyfold gain)
2. adjust the X-offset to 25 %
1. +10 V
An.19 = 1, An.20 = 0 %
An An.19 = 20, An.20 = 0 %
-10 V
2. +10 V +30%
An.19 = 20, An.20 = 0 %
An.19 = 20, An.4 = +25 %
-10 V
Due to the high adjusted gain the change of the output voltage from -
10V to +10V takes place within a very small change margin of the
variable to be displayed. Thus the output can be used as switch (HI
and Low level) for some applications. The adjustment of the X-offset
defines the switching level.
That means:
0...20%of the variable to be displayed correspond to -10V at A2
20...30%of the variable to be displayed correspond to -10...+10V at A2
30...100% of the variable to be displayed correspond to +10V at A2
8.5 ru-Parameter The actual operating condition of the inverter can be read in these
parameters. The parameters in this group are read-only. Exception:
parameters ru.8, ru.12 and ru.25 can be reset with the serial interface
by entering any value. You can also use the keyboard and do the reset
with the UP/DOWN keys.
The value shows the actual speed in rpm, only with connected speed
Display Actual Speed
In ru. 4 the set speed value, at the output of the ramp generator, is
displayed. If the modulation is switched off or abnormal operating state
is active, then the actual setpoint 0 rpm is shown. During controlled
Set Speed Display
operation this parameter shows the output frequency calculated in
Display of the actual active current. Resolution 0.1A. The active current
is calculated from the motor parameters. The restrictions for the torque
Active Current accuracy are therefore valid for the active current display as well.
During open loop operation the display is always 0.0A.
Actual DC Voltage
Displays the parameter set currently active (meaning the set, in which
the motor presently operates).
Actual Parameter Set
Shows the set speed at the input of the ramp generator. As long as no
function with a higher priority is activated, the inverter regulates onto
Speed Reference Display this speed.
Resolution: 0.5 rpm at high-resolution OFF (LF.06 = 0)
0.1 rpm at high-resolution ON (LF.06 = 1)
Shows the time that the inverter was supplied with power.
Resolution: 1 hour
Power On Counter
In the case of more than 1000 kWh in 3 months you should ask for a
KEB R4 Feedback System, to save energy and thus money.
8.6 In-Parameter Data about the frequency inverter are read out in these parameters
Serial Number
Order No. High
Serial Number
Order No. Low
Customer Number
Customer Number
Shows the total number of overcurrent errors that have been occurred.
The maximum value is 255. (see table In.40)
Error Counter OC
Shows the total number of overload errors that have been occurred.
The maximum value is 255. (see table In.40)
Error Counter OL
Shows the total number of overpotential errors that have been occurred.
The maximum value is 255. (see table In.40)
Error Counter OP
Shows the total number of overheat errors that have been occurred.
The maximum value is 255. (see table In.40)
Error Counter OH
Shows the total number of watchdog errors (Bus) that have been
occurred. The maximum value is 255. (see table In.40)
Error Counter WD
The software version number and the control software are coded in this
Software ID Version DSP
Displays the software date. The day, month and year (but only the last
digit of the year) are shown.
Software Date DSP
Example: Display = 1507.4
Date = 15.07.94
For a better error diagnostic the last 4 errors are displayed. (see table
Display Last Error (t-1)
Unit: Ohm
Value range: 0,1 ... 100 Ohm
Brake Resistance Factory setting 12 Ohm
Default value: depending on brake resistance
Start-Up Instructions
9. Start-Up
With inspection speed check, whether the lift moves. In case of error
message E.EnC execute an encoder track change with EC.2=1.
Reset the error message through switch off and switch on.
If the cabine rolls back when releasing the brake, increase LF.33 in
steps of 500.
Start-Up Instructions
Start-UP Instructions
Check with inspection speed, if the lift moves. In case of error message
E.EnC or E.OS check, if the motor cables UVW inverter correspond
to UVW motor.
If the cabine rolls back when releasing the brake, increase LF.33 in
steps of 500.
Start-Up Instructions
LF.54: Due to the high mass moment of inertia, adjust the stopping
jerk as small as possible
(ca. 0,3m/s3)
Start-Up Instructions
Check with inspection speed, if the lift moves. In case of error message
E.EnC execute an encoder track change with EC.2=1. After that the
inverter may indicate E.OS. Reset the error message through switch
off and switch on.
If the cabine rolls back when releasing the brake, increase LF.33 in
steps of 500.
Start-Up Instructions
Start-Up Instructions
Check with inspection speed, if the lift moves. In case of error message
E.EnC or E.OS check, if the motor cables UVW inverter correspond
to UVW motor.
If the cabine rolls back when releasing the brake, increase LF.33 in
steps of 500.
9.5 A d j u s t m e n t The inverter KEB COMBIVERT F4-F Lift is well suited for modern lift/
Assistance for industrial motors and conventional lift motors and thus equally suited
Conventional Lift Mo- for modernization.
tors (Asynchronous
Machine) Unlike modern lift motors and industrial motors, conventional and old
lift motors have a soft torque-speed-characteristic. This can be seen
in the rated speeds. Typical for modern machines are 1450 rpm (with
4-pole motors) and with conventional motors 1380 rpm or 880 rpm (6-
pole machines).
If the lift does not reach the rated speed during empty-downward-drive
(display LF.90), do the following:
3.) Decrease rated motor speed dr.01 in steps of 20 until the rated
speed is reached during a downward drive.
When the power consumption of the motor is too high (display in ru.02
or LF.87) it helps to increase dr.01 in steps of 10. At the same time
check, if the empty-downward-drive can still be driven with rated
If possible remove hand wheels with big inertia. If that is not possible,
then the starting jerk (LF.50) and acceleration (LF.51) should be as low
as possible (both values approx. 0.4), so that the motor is not
10. Annex
10.1 New Functions with New parameter group dr for motor data
Version 3.0 The existing parameters LF.10 LF.16, LF.91 and LF.A0 LF.A8 in
V1.4 have been combined and extended in this new parameter
group and are displayed, depending on the selected machine type
(see dr-parameters).
New function separate acceleration curve for the safety gear release
(see parameter LF.55 and LF.56)
24V 0V 24V
K1 K12
K2 K11
M 24V 0V
N 230V AC 1ph
10.5 Safety Gear Release First check in which direction the safety gear is engaged, so that the
safety gear release is made in opposite direction.
Following settings are recommended for the safety gear release:
- Increase LF.36 to maximum value, that is displayed in dr.10
- Adjust LF.55 and LF.56 to maximum values. Works only if VE is
selected as inspection speed. Possibly increase VE, reset after safety
gear release.
- Adjust LF.50 and LF.51 to maximum values if safety gear release
was not executed with VE. Reset again after safety gear release!
- Adjust LF.38 = 0, if error E.OL2 is displayed.
1 LF.06 = 1 high-resolution on
2 LF.04 = 1 SSM
Gr. No. Name Address P E R Resol. Lower Limit Upper Limit Default Value Unit
LF 64 DC-voltage circuit control 3540 1 0 800 0 V
LF 65 E.dOH deceleration time 3541 1 0 3600 300 s
LF 66 Heat sink temperature level 3542 1 20 50 40 C
LF 67 Pretorque gain 3543 0,01 0,50 1,50 1,00 ---
LF 68 Pretorque offset 3544 0,1 -25,0 25,0 0,0 %
LF 69 Pretorque reversal of direction 3545 1 0:off 1:on 0:off ---
LF 70 Brake release time 3546 0,001 0,000 3,000 0,300 s
LF 71 Crawl path optimization rated speed VN 3547 0,1 0,0 200,0 0,0 cm
LF 72 Crawl path optimization speed V1 3548 0,1 0,0 200,0 0,0 cm
LF 73 Crawl path optimization speed V2 3549 0,1 0,0 200,0 0,0 cm
LF 74 Crawl path optimization crawl speed VE 354A 1 0 300 0 mm
LF 75 Ogive function 354B 1 0:off 1:on 0:off ---
LF 76 Ogive status 354C R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 77 Braking distance 354D E 0,001 0,000 5,000 0,000 m
LF 78 Modulation Ramp Down Timer 354E 0,001 0,000 3,000 0,100 s
LF 79 Brake engage time 354F 0,001 0,000 3,000 LF.70 s
LF 80 Software version 3550 R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 81 Software date 3551 R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 82 X2 input state 3552 R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 83 X2 output state 3553 R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 84 X3 input state 3554 R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 85 X3 output state 3555 R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 86 Actual set value 3556 R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 87 Actual inverter utilization 3557 R --- --- --- --- %
LF 88 Actual set speed 3558 R 0,5 --- --- --- rpm
0,1 '1
LF 89 Actual speed 3559 R 0,5 --- --- --- rpm
0,1 '1
LF 90 Actual car speed 355A R --- --- --- --- m/s
LF 92 Crawl distance 355B R --- --- --- --- cm
LF 93 Total path 355C R --- --- --- --- cm
LF 98 Error status in starting procedure 3562 R --- --- --- --- ---
LF 99 Inverter state 3563 R --- --- --- --- ---
1 LF.06 = 1 high-resolution on
10.6.2 dr-Parameter The dr-parameter group contains the motor parameters. Depending
on the selected motor (see LF.04), the dr-parameters are differently
LF.04 = 0:ASM
Gr. No. Name Address P E R Resol. Lower Limit Upper Limit Default Value Unit
dr 00 Rated motor power 2400 0,01 0,00 160,00 4 kW
dr 01 Rated motor speed 2401 E 1 100 15000 1440 rpm
0,1 '1 10 '1 1500 '1
dr 02 Rated motor current 2402 E 0,1 0,1 1,1*IN.01 8 A
dr 03 Rated motor frequency 2403 E 1 20 800 50 Hz
0,1 '1 2 80
dr 04 Rated motor power factor cos phi 2404 E 0,01 0,05 1 0,86 ---
dr 09 Rated motor torque 2409 R 0,1 --- --- --- Nm
1 '1
dr 10 Max. motor torque 240A R 0,1 --- --- --- Nm
1 '1
dr 12 Rated motor voltage 240C E 1 100 500 400 V
dr 13 Corner speed for max. torque 240D E 0,5 200 6000 dr.12 rpm
0,1 '1 25 '1 750 '1 '2
dr 16 Max. torque at dr.19 2410 E 0,1 0 dr.10 dr.12 Nm
1 '1 '2
dr 19 Corner speed field weakening 2413 E 0,5 200 6000 dr.12 rpm
0,1 '1 25 '1 750 '1 '2
dr 20 Gain factor field wakening 2414 E 0,01 0,10 2,00 1,20 ---
dr 21 Flux adaptation 2415 E 1 25 250 100 '2 %
1 LF.06 = 1 high-resolution on
2 After the input of dr.12 the dr-parameters dr.13-19 are recalculated from the motor data.
The dr-parameter dr.20 and 21 are reset again to the default value.
LF.04 = 1:SSM
Gr. No. Name Address P E R Resol. Lower Limit Upper Limit Default Value Unit
dr 00 Rated motor power 2400 0,01 0,00 160,00 3,53 kW
dr 01 Rated motor speed 2401 E 1 100 15000 1500 rpm
0,1 '1 10 '1 1500 '1
dr 02 Rated motor current 2402 E 0,1 0,1 1,1*IN.01 7.5 A
dr 03 Rated motor frequency 2403 E 1 20 800 75 Hz
0,1 '1 2 80
dr 07 Static continuous current 2407 E 0,1 0,1 1,1*IN.01 1,1* A
dr 09 Rated motor torque 2409 E 0,1 0,1 1000,0 7,5 Nm
1 '1 1 '1 10000 '1
dr 10 Max. motor torque 240A E 0,1 0,1 Inv. Inv. Nm
1 '1 1 '1 dependent depentent
dr 17 EMK voltage constant 2411 E 1 0 8000 0 V * rpm
dr 41 Winding resistance Ru-v 240D E 0,1 0,1 100,0 2,6 Ohm
dr 42 Winding inductance Lu-v 2410 E 0,1 0,1 100,0 29,7 mH
1 LF.06 = 1 high-resolution on
10.6.3 EC-Parameter
Gr. No. Name Address P E R Resol. Lower Limit Upper Limit Default Value Unit
EC 00 Encoder interface 1 3800 R 1 ---
EC 01 Pulse number encoder 1 3801 E 1 256 10000 2500 Inc
EC 02 Track change encoder 1 3802 1 0 : off 1 : on 0 : off ---
EC 03 Encoder pole pairs 3803 1 0 : off 1 : on 0 : off ---
EC 04 System position adjustment 3804 1 0 7 0 ---
EC 05 Clock frequency encoder 1 3805 E 0,01 5,00 10,00 8,00 kHz
EC 06 Encoder 1 mode 3806 E 1 0 1 0 ---
EC 07 System position E 1 0 65535 19017 ---
EC 08 Speed sampling time encoder 1 3808 1 0 5 3 ---
EC 09 Current input resolver 3809 E 0,1 -1:Auto 72,0 7,7 mA
EC 10 Encoder interface 2 380A R 1 --- --- --- ---
EC 11 Pulse number encoder 2 380B E 1 256 10000 2500 Inc
EC 17 Divider incremental encoder output 3811 E 1 0 : off 1 : on 0 : off ---
EC 20 Hiper-Type 3814 R 1 ---
EC 21 Hiper-Status 3815 R 1 ---
EC 22 Read Hiperface data 3816 1 0 1 0 ---
EC 23 Write Hiperface data 3817 1 0 1 0 ---
10.6.4 An-Parameter
Gr. No. Name Address P E R Resol. Lower Limit Upper Limit Default Value Unit
An 01 Noise filter analog inputs 2801 Tab 0 8 3 ---
An 02 Zero point hysteresis REF 1 2802 0,1 0,0 10,0 0,2 %
An 03 REF 1 gain 2803 0,01 -20,00 20,00 1,00 ---
An 04 REF 1 Offset X 2804 0,1 -100,0 100,0 0,0 %
An 05 REF 1 Offset Y 2805 0,1 -100,0 100,0 0,0 %
An 08 Zero point hysteresis REF 2 2808 0,1 0,0 10,0 0,2 %
An 09 REF 2 gain 2809 0,01 -20,00 20,00 1,00 ---
An 10 REF 2 Offset X 280A 0,1 -100,0 100,0 0,0 %
An 11 REF 2 Offset Y 280B 0,1 -100,0 100,0 0,0 %
An 13 REF 2 Funktion 280D E 1 0 7 7 ---
An 14 Analog output 1 function 280E E 1 0 6 4 ---
An 15 Analog output 1 gain 280F 0,01 -20,00 20,00 1,00 ---
An 16 Analog output 1 offset X 2810 0,1 -100,0 100,0 0,0 %
An 18 Analog output 2 function 2812 E 1 0 6 0 ---
An 19 Analog output 2 gain 2813 0,01 -20,00 20,00 1,00 ---
An 20 Analog output 2 offset X 2814 0,1 -100,0 100,0 0,0 %
10.6.5 ru-Parameter
Gr. No. Name Address P E R Resol. Lower Limit Upper Limit Default Value Unit
ru 00 Display inverter status 2000 R Table -
ru 01 Display actual speed 2001 R 0,5 --- --- --- rpm
0,1 '1
ru 02 Actual torque display 2002 R 0,1 --- --- --- Nm
1 '1
ru 04 Set speed display 2004 R 0,5 --- --- --- rpm
ru 05 Display setpoint torque 2005 R 0,1 --- --- --- Nm
1 '1
ru 08 Peak inverter utilization 2008 0,1 --- --- --- %
ru 09 Apparent current 2009 R 0,1 --- --- --- A
ru 10 Active current 200A R 0,1 --- --- --- A
ru 11 Actual DC voltage 200B R 1 --- --- --- V
ru 12 Peak DC voltage 200C R 1 --- --- --- V
ru 14 X2 Input terminal status 200E R Table --- --- ---
ru 15 X2 Output terminal status 200F R Table --- --- ---
ru 18 Actual parameter set 2012 R Table --- --- ---
ru 20 Speed reference display 2014 R 0,5 --- --- --- rpm
0,1 '1
ru 23 REF 2 display 2016 R 0,1 --- --- --- %
ru 24 OL counter display 2018 R 1 --- --- --- -
ru 25 Peak apparent current 2019 R 0,1 --- --- --- A
ru 29 Heat sink temperature 201D R 1 --- --- --- C
ru 31 Power on counter 201F R 1 --- --- --- h
ru 32 Modulation on counter 2020 R 1 --- --- --- h
ru 50 Display of feeback power 2032 R 1 --- --- --- kWh
1 High-resolution at LF.06 = 1
10.6.6 In-Parameter
Gr. No. Name Address P E R Resol. Lower Limit Upper Limit Default Value Unit
In 00 Inverter type display 2C00 Table --- --- --- ---
In 01 Rated inverter current 2C01 0,1 --- --- --- A
In 06 Configfile number 2C06 R 1 --- --- ---
In 07 Serial number high 2C07 1 0 65535 0 ---
In 08 Serial number low 2C08 1 0 65535 0 ---
In 09 Serial number order no. high 2C09 1 0 65535 0 ---
In 10 Serial number order no. low 2C0A 1 0 65535 0 ---
In 11 Customer number HIGH 2C0B 1 0 65535 0 ---
In 12 Customer number LOW 2C0C 1 0 65535 0 ---
In 40 Last error 2C28 1 0 63 0 ---
In 41 Error counter OC 2C29 1 0 255 0 ---
In 42 Error counter OL 2C2A 1 0 255 0 ---
In 43 Error counter OP 2C2B 1 0 255 0 ---
In 44 Error counter OH 2C2C 1 0 255 0 ---
In 45 Error counter WD 2C2D 1 0 255 0 ---
In 54 Software ID version DSP 2C36 R --- --- --- ---
In 55 Software date DSP 2C37 R --- --- --- ---
In 60 Display Last error (t-1) 2C3C R 1 --- --- --- ---
In 61 Display Last error (t-2) 2C3D R 1 --- --- --- ---
In 62 Display Last error (t-3) 2C3E R 1 --- --- --- ---
In 63 Display Last error (t-4) 2C3F R 1 --- --- --- ---
In 65 Braking resistance 2C41 0,1 0,1 100,0 12,0 Ohm
Karl E. Brinkmann GmbH
Frsterweg 36-38 D-32683 Barntrup
fon: +49 5263 401-0 fax: +49 5263 401-116
net: www.keb.de mail: [email protected]