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World health statistics 2017: monitoring health for the SDGs, Sustainable Development Goals

ISBN 978-92-4-156548-6

World Health Organization 2017

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v.4_17162_World Health Statistics 2017.indd 2 12/05/17 13:16


Abbreviations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v

Introduction. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi

Part 1
Six lines of action to promote health in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1.1 Monitoring the health-related SDGs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.2 Health system strengthening for universal health coverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
1.3 Health equity leave no one behind. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.4 Sustainable health financing.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
1.5 Innovation, research and development. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
1.6 Intersectoral action for health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25

Part 2
Status of the health-related SDGs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.1 Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
2.2 Infectious diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
2.3 Noncommunicable diseases and mental health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
2.4 Injuries and violence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.5 Universal health coverage and health systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
2.6 Environmental risks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
2.7 Health risks and disease outbreaks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Part 3
Country success stories. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
3.1 Ending preventable maternal deaths in Kazakhstan. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
3.2 Reducing the level of malaria in Papua New Guinea.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
3.3 Combating viral hepatitis in Cambodia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
3.4 Improving health by clearing the air in Ireland. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
3.5 Preventing suicide in the Republic of Korea. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
3.6 Preventing early deaths due to alcohol in the Russian Federation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
3.7 Fighting the tobacco industry in Uruguay. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
3.8 Strengthening health emergency preparedness in Ghana. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
3.9 Monitoring mortality and cause of death in the Islamic Republic of Iran. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48


Annex A: Summaries of selected health-related SDG indicators. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Explanatory notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Indicator 3.1.1 Maternal mortality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Indicator 3.1.2 Skilled birth attendance.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Indicators 3.2.1/3.2.2 Child mortality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
Indicator 3.3.1 HIV incidence.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Indicator 3.3.2 Tuberculosis incidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56
Indicator 3.3.3 Malaria incidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Indicator 3.3.4 Hepatitis B incidence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
Indicator 3.3.5 Need for neglected tropical disease treatment/care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
Indicator 3.4.1 Mortality due to noncommunicable diseases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
Indicator 3.4.2 Suicide mortality rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Indicator 3.5.2 Alcohol use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Indicator 3.6.1 Deaths from road traffic injuries. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Indicator 3.7.1 Family planning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
Indicator 3.7.2 Adolescent birth rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Indicator 3.9.1 Mortality due to air pollution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Indicator 3.9.2 Mortality due to unsafe WASH services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Indicator 3.9.3 Mortality due to unintentional poisoning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Indicator 3.a.1 Tobacco use. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
Indicator 3.b.1 Vaccine coverage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
Indicator 3.b.2 Development assistance for health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Indicator 3.c.1 Health workers. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Indicator 3.d.1 IHR capacity and health emergency preparedness. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Indicator 1.a.2 Government spending on essential services, including health. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Indicator 2.2.1 Stunting among children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Indicator 2.2.2 Wasting and overweight among children. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Indicator 6.1.1 Safely managed drinking-water services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Indicator 6.2.1 Safely managed sanitation services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
Indicator 7.1.2 Clean household energy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
Indicator 11.6.2 Air pollution. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80
Indicator 13.1.1 Mortality due to disasters. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
Indicator 16.1.1 Homicide. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Indicator 16.1.2 Mortality due to conflicts. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Indicator 17.19.2 Death registration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84

Annex B: Tables of health-related SDG statistics by country, WHO region and globally. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Explanatory notes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

Annex C: WHO regional groupings.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103



ABV alcohol by volume

AIDS acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
AFR WHO African Region
AMR WHO Region of the Americas
ART antiretroviral therapy
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CRVS civil registration and vital statistics
CVD cardiovascular disease
DHS Demographic and Health Survey
EMR WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region
EUR WHO European Region
EVD Ebola virus disease
FCTC Framework Convention on Tobacco Control
GDP gross domestic product
GERD gross domestic expenditure on R&D
GGE general government expenditure
GGHE general government health expenditure
GHO Global Health Observatory
GNI gross national income
HBV hepatitis B virus
HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
IDSR Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response
IGME Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation
IHR International Health Regulations
ITN insecticide-treated net
JEE joint external evaluation
LLIN long-lasting insecticidal net
LMIC low- and middle-income countries
MDG Millennium Development Goal
MICS Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey
MMR maternal mortality ratio
NCD noncommunicable disease
NHPSP National Health Policies, Strategies and Plans
NTD neglected tropical disease
ODA official development assistance
OOP out-of-pocket
PEPFAR Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief
PM particulate matter
R&D research and development
RDT rapid diagnostic test
RMNCH reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
SDG Sustainable Development Goal
SEAR WHO South-East Asia Region
SRS sample registration system
TB tuberculosis
TRIPS Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
UHC universal health coverage
UNAIDS Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS
UNDESA United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
UNICEF United Nations Childrens Fund
WASH water, sanitation and hygiene
WPR WHO Western Pacific Region



he World Health Statistics series is WHOs annual compilation of health statistics for its 194 Member States. The
series is produced by the WHO Department of Information, Evidence and Research, of the Health Systems and
Innovation Cluster, in collaboration with all relevant WHO technical departments.

World Health Statistics 2017 focuses on the health and health-related Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated
targets by bringing together data on a wide range of relevant SDG indicators. In some cases, as indicator definitions are
being refined and baseline data are being collected, proxy indicators are presented. In addition, in the current absence of
official goal-level indicators, summary measures of health such as (healthy) life expectancy are used to provide a general
assessment of the situation.

World Health Statistics 2017 is organized into three parts. In Part 1, six lines of action are described which WHO is now
promoting to help build better systems for health and to achieve the health and health-related SDGs. In Part 2, the status
of selected health-related SDG indicators is summarized, at both global and regional level, based on data available as of
early 2017. Part 3 then presents a selection of stories that highlight recent successful efforts by countries to improve and
protect the health of their populations through one or more of the six lines of action. Annexes A and B present country-
level estimates for selected health-related SDG indicators.

As in previous years, World Health Statistics 2017 has been compiled primarily using publications and databases produced
and maintained by WHO or United Nations groups of which WHO is a member, such as the UN Inter-agency Group
for Child Mortality Estimation (IGME). Additionally, a number of statistics have been derived from data produced and
maintained by other international organizations, such as the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
(UNDESA) and its Population Division.

For indicators with a reference period expressed as a range, figures refer to the latest available year in the range unless
otherwise noted.

Unless otherwise stated, the WHO regional and global aggregates for rates and ratios are weighted averages when
relevant, while for absolute numbers they are the sums. Aggregates are shown only if data are available for at least 50%
of the population (or other denominator) within an indicated group. For indicators with a reference period expressed as
a range, aggregates are for the reference period shown in the heading unless otherwise noted. Some WHO regional and
global aggregates may include country estimates that are not available for reporting.

Unless otherwise stated, all estimates have been cleared following consultation with Member States and are published here
as official WHO figures. Where necessary, the estimates provided have been derived from multiple sources, depending
on each indicator and on the availability and quality of data. In many countries, statistical and health information systems
are weak and the underlying empirical data may not be available or may be of poor quality. Every effort has been made
to ensure the best use of country-reported data adjusted where necessary to deal with missing values, to correct for
known biases, and to maximize the comparability of the statistics across countries and over time. In addition, statistical
modelling and other techniques have been used to fill data gaps. However, these best estimates have been derived using
standard categories and methods to enhance their cross-national comparability. As a result, they should not be regarded
as the nationally endorsed statistics of Member States which may have been derived using alternative methodologies.


Because of the weakness of the underlying empirical data in many countries, a number of the indicators presented here
are associated with significant uncertainty. It is WHO policy to ensure statistical transparency and to make available to
users the methods of estimation and the margins of uncertainty for relevant indicators. However, to ensure readability
while covering such a comprehensive range of health topics, the printed and online versions of the World Health Statistics
series do not include the margins of uncertainty which are instead made available through online WHO databases such
as the Global Health Observatory.1

While every effort has been made to maximize the comparability of statistics across countries and over time, users
are advised that country data may differ in terms of the definitions, data-collection methods, population coverage and
estimation methods used. More detailed information on indicator metadata is available through the Global Health

1 The Global Health Observatory (GHO) is WHOs portal providing access to data and analyses for monitoring the global health situation. See: http://www.who.int/gho/en/, accessed 18
March 2017.



WHO/SEARO/Gary Hampton

Overview the six main lines of action shown in Table 1.1. Recognizing
that the SDGs embrace all aspects of health, these actions
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (1) is are intended to encourage not only the realigning of
the worlds first comprehensive blueprint for sustainable present efforts in relation to the 2030 Agenda, but also
development. Launched at the end of 2015, this Agenda the investigating of new ways of accelerating gains already
frames health and well-being as both outcomes and made in improving health and well-being. For each of the six
foundations of social inclusion, poverty reduction and lines of action expanded upon in more detail in subsequent
environmental protection. From a health perspective, sections of this report (see sections 1.11.6) there are a
development can be said to be sustainable when resources number of opportunities and challenges.
natural and manufactured are managed by and for all
individuals in ways which support the health and well-being First, the monitoring and evaluation of progress made
of present and future generations (2).1 towards defined targets was a major strength of the
Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) both in terms
In addition to acting as a stimulus for action, the 2030 of measuring progress and fostering accountability. In the
Agenda provides an opportunity to build better systems for SDG framework, health both contributes to and benefits
health by strengthening health systems per se to achieve from all the other goals. As a result, the measurement of
universal health coverage (UHC), and by recognizing that progress must traverse the whole framework. In addition
health depends upon, and in turn supports, productivity to the 13 specific health targets of SDG 3, a wide range
in other key sectors such as agriculture, education, of health-related targets are incorporated into the other
employment, energy, the environment and the economy. goals. Examples include SDG 2 (End hunger, achieve food
security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable
To help build better systems for health and to achieve the agriculture); SDG 6 (Ensure availability and sustainable
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) WHO is promoting management of water and sanitation for all); SDG 7 (Ensure
access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern
This definition, oriented towards health, builds upon the general definition of energy for all); SDG 8 (Promote sustained, inclusive
sustainable development given in: Our common future. Report of the United Nations and sustainable economic growth, full and productive
World Commission on Environment and Development. Geneva: United Nations World
Commission on Environment and Development (www.un-documents.net/our-common- employment and decent work for all); SDG 11 (Make
future.pdf, accessed 13 March 2017).


cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and diseases (NCDs), mental health and injuries, while fostering
sustainable); SDG 12 (Ensure sustainable consumption practical ways of implementing health interventions through
and production patterns); SDG 13 (Take urgent action already established international and other mechanisms.
to combat climate change and its impacts); and SDG 16 Such mechanisms include the WHO Framework Convention
(Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable on Tobacco Control (4) which is now considered to be
development, provide access to justice for all and build an instrument capable of promoting not only health but
effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels). development more broadly.

Health research, and monitoring and evaluation activities The persistence of profound social and economic inequities
have been boosted in recent years by rapid technological not only compromises the freedoms and entitlements of
advances that allow for the collection and management of individuals but directly contravenes the principle, clearly set
increasingly large volumes of primary data disaggregated out in the WHO Constitution, that the right to the highest
to reveal the individuals and populations most in need. The attainable standard of health is a fundamental right of
advent of big data is a motivation to build links between every human being. As well as being an objective in its own
databases in different sectors, to provide greater access to right, health equity is a key enabling factor, for example in
data and to develop new analytical methods that will lead working towards UHC. In seeking health equity, there are
to a better understanding of disease and open up pathways mutual synergies to be harnessed between activities aimed
to new interventions. at achieving the SDG 3 targets and those that promote
gender equality (SDG 5), equality within countries more
Efforts to compile health statistics including for the WHO generally (SDG 10) and transparency, accountability and
World Health Statistics series have prompted reflection non-discriminatory laws (SDG 16). However, to make the
on how best to measure health as both an outcome and movement towards equity a real force for change, specific
determinant of sustainable development. In order to programmes of work are needed to identify objectively
monitor progress towards the overall SDG 3 goal (Ensure who is being left behind, and to develop and implement
healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages), effective solutions.
WHO has considered several overarching indicators. These
include life expectancy; healthy life expectancy; and Sustainable financing underpins any system that aims to
number of deaths before age 70 (3). Such indicators are improve health. One unintended consequence of the focus
affected not only by the progress made towards the SDG 3 on disease-control programmes during the MDG era was
targets but also towards the health-related targets in other the creation of parallel financial flows and the duplication
goals. They therefore reflect the multisectoral determinants of health system functions, such as those for information
of health. Current estimates of life expectancy and healthy gathering and procurement. It is intended that inclusion
life expectancy are included in this report as summary of the concept of UHC within SDG 3 will lead to a more
indicators of health throughout the life-course (see Annexes comprehensive approach to health financing.
A and B). The development and monitoring of comparable
indicators of health-state distributions, disability and well- New priorities for health financing have now been set out in
being in populations will require further research, along with the Addis Ababa Action Agenda (5). One point of agreement
the implementation of standardized survey instruments and is that each country has the primary responsibility for its
methodologies. own economic and social development. In that context, the
guiding principles of health financing include, for example,
During the period 20002015, the MDGs focused on enhancing domestic tax administration and reducing
programmes tailored to specific health conditions mainly tax avoidance to increase the overall capacity for public
in relation to maternal and child health, and communicable spending, including on health. In addition to the principles
diseases (notably HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis). outlined in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, good practice
Far less attention was given to the performance of whole also involves reducing the fragmentation of financial flows
health systems, including health services, with the result and pooling health revenues so as to maximize redistributive
that the potential benefits of doing so were neglected. The capacity and better match funds to priority health services
SDGs remedy this situation by emphasizing the crucial and populations.
need for UHC, including full access to and coverage of
health services, with financial risk protection, delivered Research and innovation are further prerequisites for
via equitable and resilient health systems. UHC is not achieving the SDGs. Here, innovation refers not only to
an alternative to the disease-control programmes of the the invention and development of new technologies but
MDG era rather it embraces these programmes so that also to finding novel means of implementation that would
increased population coverage can be sustained within a include legal and financial instruments, health workforce
comprehensive package of health services. The SDGs also expansion outside the medical profession, and the use of
encompass the provision of services for noncommunicable common platforms for health delivery. Without continuous


Table 1.1
New opportunities provided by the 2030 Agenda with reference to six main lines of action

Six main lines of action Opportunities provided by the 2030 Agenda

Intersectoral action by multiple stakeholders (see Placing health in all sectors of policy-making; combining the strengths of multiple
section 1.6) stakeholders
Building better systems for health Disease-control programmes embedded in a comprehensive health system that
Health systems strengthening for UHC (see section1.2) provides complete coverage through fully staffed and well-managed health
services, with financial risk protection
Improving health for whole populations by including all individuals (leave no one
Respect for equity and human rights (see section 1.3)
behind) and empowering women
Attracting new sources of funding; emphasizing domestic financing, with alignment
Sustainable financing (see section 1.4)
of financial flows to avoid duplication of health system functions

Enabling factors Reinforcing research and innovation as foundations for sustainable development,
Scientific research and innovation (see section 1.5) including a balance of research on medical, social and environmental determinants
and solutions
Exploiting new technologies to manage large volumes of data, disaggregated to
Monitoring and evaluation (see section 1.1) ascertain the needs of all individuals; tracking progress towards SDG 3 and all other
health-related targets

investment in research and innovation in new technologies will provide the foundation for both regional and global-
and health service implementation many of the ambitious level reviews. Countries have affirmed their resolve to
SDG targets simply will not be achieved. implement robust monitoring strategies in order to ensure
accountability to their citizens. For many countries, this
It is clear that responsibility and accountability for health in would imply new and improved data-collection efforts.
the context of sustainable development extend well beyond Disaggregation by all relevant inequality dimensions is
the health sector. The 2030 Agenda now provides a real another key guiding principle that will have important
opportunity to place health in all domains of policy-making, implications for data gathering (see section 1.3).
to break down barriers and build new partnerships, and to
bring coherence to policies and actions. Among the many The SDGs also represent new directions in terms of the health
examples of key synergies that characterize the SDGs, and health-related indicators chosen. In addition to the 13
health stands on common ground with social inclusion explicit health targets of SDG 3 there are numerous health-
and poverty alleviation, and efforts to move towards UHC related targets in the other 16 goals (Table 1.2). In addition, in
contribute directly to public security. In addition, ending contrast to the MDG focus on maternal and child health and
hunger and achieving food security and improved food priority infectious diseases, the SDGs are broader and more
safety and nutrition are vital for health and development, comprehensive, and include indicators for NCDs, mental
while the provision of clean water and sanitation could health and injuries. The use of mortality indicators to monitor
substantially reduce the hundreds of thousands of deaths the health of populations has also increased. Around one
each year caused by diarrhoeal diseases. third of the selected health-related indicators shown in Table
1.2 require information on total or cause-specific mortality.
The six lines of action shown in Table 1.1 and individually Countries will face new challenges in building or improving
discussed in more detail in sections 1.11.6 below are systems for monitoring mortality by cause.
not intended to be comprehensive and exclusive. Rather,
their purpose is to highlight the core values that underpin Data for monitoring the health-related SDGs
sustainable development, and to identify some of the Currently, very few of the 42 selected health-related SDG
crucial factors that will need to be addressed in building indicators listed in Table 1.2 are adequately measured in
better systems for health and well-being, and in achieving most countries with the result that high-quality data
the ambitious goals and targets set by the international are not routinely collected with sufficient detail to allow
community. for regular computation of national levels and trends, or
for disaggregation across key dimensions of inequality.
In addition, whereas many countries have established
1.1 Monitoring the health-related SDGs monitoring systems for some indicators that can be
strengthened, other indicators are new and hard to measure,
One key element in fostering accountability around the and further investment and development will be required
MDGs was the increased emphasis placed on monitoring before sufficient country-level data are available. Countries
progress. In the SDG era this focus on monitoring progress will need strong health information systems that use
continues, with countries proposing a country-led follow-up multiple data sources to generate the statistics needed
and review framework (6). One of the frameworks guiding for decision-making and for tracking progress towards the
principles is that the monitoring process will be voluntary SDG targets.
and country-led, and that national official data sources


Table 1.2
SDG 3 indicators and other selected health-related indicatorsa by data source

Indicator Indicator area CRVSb Surveyc Facility Other common data Key definitional or methodological challenges
recordsd sources

3.1.1 Maternal mortality Specialized study; Reporting of pregnancy-related deaths in surveys; under-reporting of
(census) maternal deaths in CRVS systems

3.1.2 Skilled birth attendance Need for consistent definition of skilled cadres across countries and
data sources

3.2.1 Under-five mortality (Census) Under-reporting of neonatal deaths; age misstatement


3.2.2 Neonatal mortality rate Under-reporting; age misstatement; misclassification with stillbirths

3.3.1 HIV incidence Models needed to infer incidence from observed prevalence and
antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage data

3.3.2 Tuberculosis incidence Case notifications Determining rate of under-reporting of cases from facility data and/or
routine surveillance systems

3.3.3 Malaria incidence Case notifications Incompleteness of case notifications in high-burden areas; prediction
of incidence from parasite-prevalence surveys

3.3.4 Hepatitis B incidence Need to survey large number of five-year-olds once vaccination is at

3.3.5 Need for neglected Case notifications Under-reporting of cases; aggregation across diseases
tropical disease

3.4.1 Mortality due to NCD Quality of cause-of-death assignment

3.4.2 Suicide mortality rate Police/coronial data Determination of intent; under-reporting due to stigma, economic or
legal concerns

3.5.1 Treatment for substance Lack of agreed indicator definition

use disorders

3.5.2 Alcohol use Industry/government Estimating tourist consumption and home production
sales records

3.6.1 Deaths from road traffic Police/coronial data Definitional differences across death registration data, surveillance
injuries systems and police data

3.7.1 Family planning Unmarried women are typically excluded

3.7.2 Adolescent birth rate (Census) Age misstatement

3.8.1 UHC coverage index Asynchronous data collection across tracer indicators; lack of
disaggregation variables for some tracer indicators

3.8.2 Financial protection Lack of standard survey instrument

3.9.1 Mortality due to air Air-quality monitors/ Uncertainty around assumptions used to attribute deaths to poor air
pollution satellite data quality

3.9.2 Mortality due to unsafe Hand-washing Uncertainty around assumptions used to attribute deaths to unsafe
WASH services observation studies WASH

3.9.3 Mortality due to Deaths from alcohol and illicit drug use are often assigned to
unintentional poisoning unintentional poisoning with an unspecified substance

3.a.1 Tobacco use Inconsistent indicator definition measured across surveys

3.b.1 Vaccine coverage Reconciliation of household survey and administrative data sources

3.b.2 Development aid for Official government Incomplete reporting

health research report

3.b.3 Essential medicines Health-facility survey Establishing sampling frame of public and private facilities; confirming
quality of medicines in stock

3.c.1 Health workers Census Inconsistent definitions across sources

3.d.1 IHR capacity Country self- Consistency and accuracy of reported assessments
and emergency assessment and/or
preparedness key informant survey


Table 1.2, continued

Indicator Indicator area CRVSb Surveyc Facility Other common data Key definitional or methodological challenges
recordsd sources

1.a.2 Proportion of Government budget Difficulty accessing expenditures that are not centrally available or are
government spending data off-budget
on essential services,
including health

2.2.1 Stunting among Proper measurement requires trained anthropometrist; age

children misreporting

2.2.2 Wasting and overweight Accuracy and precision of the scale used to weigh the child; age
among children misreporting

5.2.1 Intimate partner Definitional issues and comparability of self-reporting across countries
violence against women

5.3.2 Female genital Reliability and validity of self-reporting is not known


6.1.1 Safely managed Supplementary data Obtaining data on water availability and quality in households
drinking-water services on quality of water

6.2.1 Safely managed Supplementary Obtaining data on excreta management

sanitation services data on excreta

7.1.2 Clean household energy Survey modules must be revised to monitor clean energy

8.8.1 Occupational injury Occupational Definitions vary across countries

mortality surveillance systems

11.6.2 Air pollution Air-quality monitors; Placement of air-quality monitors; calibration of satellite data to match
satellite data ground measurements

13.1.2e Mortality due to Estimates by Defining end of disaster event and attributing deaths to the disaster
disasters governments, aid
agencies, NGOs,
academics and the

16.1.1 Homicide Police/coronial Under-reporting and misreporting in death registration data; under-
records reporting and inconsistent definitions in criminal justice data sources

16.1.2 Mortality due to Estimates by Civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) systems are likely to break
conflicts governments, aid down during large-scale conflicts; definitional issues; under-reporting,
agencies, NGOs, double counting and biased reporting
academics and the

16.1.3 Population subject to Operational definition of psychological violence; data collection among
violence children

17.19.2 Birth and death Census Imprecise demographic methods used to determine completeness

Note: Use of indicates preferred data source; or ( ) indicate a lower-quality, or non-preferred data source.
Indicators outside the health goal (SDG 3) were selected from indicators of health outcomes, proximal determinants of health, health-service provision or health information systems; in
cases where several indicators cover the same area, only a subset are shown above. Other health-related indicators within scope include: 2.1.1 (undernourishment); 4.2.1 (children
developmentally on track); 5.2.2 (non-intimate partner sexual violence against women); 5.3.1 (child marriage); 5.6.1 (women making informed decisions on reproductive health); 6.3.1
(wastewater treatment); 11.6.1 (urban waste management); 12.4.2 (hazardous waste management); 16.2.1 (children subject to physical punishment/caregiver aggression); 16.2.3 (youths
experiencing sexual violence); and 16.9.1 (birth registration).
Predominantly referring to death registration with medical certification of cause of death.
This category comprises a wide variety of population-based surveys, including demographic and health surveys, general health examination surveys, disease-specific biomarker surveys
and living-standard surveys.
Data based on facility contacts, at the primary, secondary or tertiary level.
Indicator 13.1.2 is the same as indicators 1.5.1 and 11.5.1 (all include deaths from natural disasters).


Effective monitoring of SDG indicators requires well- subnational unit, particularly if specific mortality questions
functioning country health information systems that are included. Household surveys, in particular DHS and
include data from sources such as civil registration and vital MICS, are an important source of mortality data for children
statistics (CRVS) systems, household and other population- through birth histories, and in some surveys, with greater
based surveys, routine health-facility reporting systems and uncertainty adults through sibling survival histories.
health-facility surveys, administrative data systems and
surveillance systems (Table 1.2). Some indicators also rely Although data on cause-specific mortality (for example, due
on non-health-sector data sources. For several indicators, to NCDs) can be obtained from household surveys through
multiple data sources potentially exist. For example, in verbal autopsy, their accuracy and precision are major
countries without a well-functioning CRVS system to record problems. In general, verbal autopsy modules in national
births, deaths, and causes of death, household surveys household surveys can provide a general idea of causes
(and sometimes health-facility data) can be used. Sample of death but do not generate data of sufficient quality to
registration systems (SRS), such as those used in China and allow for the monitoring of trends over time. Mortality
India, can also provide valuable information by recording due to some specific injury categories (such as road traffic
vital events in a subset of the national population, and injury) may be better measured by verbal autopsy, but
can serve as a platform for transitioning to a complete important biases remain for any injury mortality associated
CRVSsystem. with stigma, such as suicide. Repeated use of a consistent
verbal autopsy instrument, sampling method and analysis
The predominant data sources needed to monitor the method to assign cause of death maximizes the utility of
health-related SDGs are household surveys and CRVS verbal autopsy data for monitoring purposes.
systems, specifically death registration data (Table 1.2).
Household surveys such as Demographic and Health Given the limitations of surveys and censuses, well-
Surveys (DHS) and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys functioning CRVS systems are ultimately needed to
(MICS) are routinely carried out in many low- and middle- properly monitor mortality and related indicators. However,
income countries (LMICs) every 3 to 5 years. However, data efforts to strengthen CRVS systems, although crucial,
for some of the SDG indicators that could be measured by are unlikely to improve statistics in the short term as it
household surveys are not routinely collected, such as NCD generally takes more than a decade to implement a fully
service coverage indicators in the UHC coverage indicator functioning system. Developing SRS, with verbal autopsy for
3.8.1. In addition, due to their focus on reproductive, community deaths, in conjunction with CRVS strengthening
maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH), DHS will therefore be essential in bridging the current gap.
and MICS may not interview important segments of the Examples of countries currently implementing or working
population, such as unmarried men or older adults. National towards SRS include Indonesia and Mozambique, while
health examination surveys carried out in some high- and both China and India have long-term positive experience
middle-income countries such as the National Health of using of such systems.
and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) in the United
States of America are more comprehensive. All countries Data for SDG monitoring: the case of death registration
should consider implementing routine, comprehensive data
health examination surveys, with the periodic inclusion Death registration data, including with medical certification
of specific in-depth modules, in order to monitor all the of the cause of death and cause of death coded using ICD,
relevant indicators efficiently, without overburdening survey are the preferred source of information for monitoring
respondents. WHO, the World Bank, and the International mortality by cause, age and sex. However, there are major
Household Survey Network (IHSN) are developing a set of gaps in the coverage of death registration and persisting
standardized short and long survey modules for collecting quality issues in death registration data. The two main
data on health and health-related SDG indicators as a dimensions of quality which impede the use of death
resource for countries. These modules will be linked to the registration data for public health monitoring are: (a) failure
Survey Solutions tool of the World Bank to enable end-users to register some deaths; and (b) missing, incomplete or
to build a survey questionnaire that can be implemented in incorrect information on cause of death. Completeness
a Computer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI) platform. defined as the percentage of all deaths in a geographic area
that are registered is a measure of the reach of a death
For mortality data, death registration data from CRVS registration system. The cause-of-death information given
systems are the preferred source. However, in almost all on the death certificate may be incorrect, incomplete or
low-income countries, and some middle-income ones, missing, reducing the utility of the data for public health
CRVS systems do not function well enough to produce monitoring purposes. The percentage of deaths certified
data for monitoring (Table 1.3). Instead, population to one of a short list of leading garbage codes that is, a
censuses and household surveys are the main data sources cause which is not a valid underlying cause of death or is
currently available in most LMICs. Population censuses can ill-defined is an indicator of the quality of cause-of-death
provide data on levels of mortality by age and sex, and by information. If too few deaths are registered, or the quality


Figure 1.1 such deaths are assigned a garbage code,1 leaving just 23%
Number of global deaths in 2015, by expected registration/reporting statusa
of deaths reported to WHO with precise and meaningful
60 56.4 information on their cause.
Number of deaths (millions)

Figure 1.2 shows the proportion of deaths assigned to

garbage codes by age (7). The proportion of deaths assigned
30 27.0 to garbage codes increases sharply for older age groups.
20 15.8
Overall and at all ages over 5 years of age, a larger proportion
of male deaths had precise and meaningful information on
cause of death than female deaths.
Total Registered Reported to Reported to Reported
with cause of WHO WHO, by ICD to WHO, by
deathb code meaningful Completeness of death registration and quality of cause-
ICD code of-death information vary widely between countries, with
Reports to WHO are projected based on 2010 data to allow for reporting lag. some countries having high completeness and low use of
Local death registration, in the absence of a state or national system to compile data, is
excluded, as is registration with cause of death based on verbal autopsy. The discrepancy garbage codes and others vice versa (Figure 1.3) (7, 8). In
between deaths registered and deaths reported to WHO is primarily due to China
reporting only SRS data. order to assess the overall quality of death registration data,
WHO has developed the concept of usability (9), which is
of cause-of-death information is too poor, death registration defined as the percentage of all deaths which are registered
data cannot be used to reliably monitor mortality by cause. with meaningful cause-of-death information.2 Usability is a
key indicator of the utility of the data generated by national
In 2015, nearly half of all deaths worldwide were registered death registration systems in monitoring mortality rates
in a national death registration system with information on (Figure 1.3). Together with information on reporting status,
cause of death (Figure 1.1), an increase from around one third WHO has used data on usability to categorize national
in 2005. However, only 38% of all global deaths are currently death registration data reported to WHO as very low, low,
reported to the WHO Mortality Database (7) which collects medium or high quality (Table 1.3).
information on registered deaths and their causes from WHO
Member States. In addition, some countries report their 1
A selected set of ICD-10 garbage codes were considered in this analysis: A40A41
data to WHO using a condensed cause list, thereby limiting (streptococcal and other septicaemia); C76, C80, C97 (ill-defined cancer sites); D65
(disseminated intravascular coagulation [defibrination syndrome]); E86 (volume depletion
assessment of the quality of cause-of-death information. for example, dehydration); I10, I26.9, I46, I47.2, I49.0, I50, I51.4I51.6, I51.9, I70.9,
Only around 28% of all global deaths are reported to WHO I99 (ill-defined cardiovascular); J81, J96 (ill-defined respiratory); K72 (ill-defined hepatic
failure); N17N19 (ill-defined renal failure); P28.5 (respiratory failure of newborn); Y10
by ICD code (regardless of ICD revision), and even then many Y34, Y87.2 (injuries of undetermined intent); R00R94, R96R99 (signs and symptoms
not elsewhere classified). Equivalent ICD-9 codes were extracted when available. WHO
plans to review and update a list of leading garbage codes for the assessment of death
registration data quality.
Usability is calculated as completeness multiplied by the proportion of registered deaths
that are assigned a meaningful cause of death. ( Usability (%) = Completeness (%) x
(1-Deaths assigned to a garbage code (%) ).

Figure 1.2
Proportion of deaths assigned to selected garbage codes by age and sex, 2005-2015a

Males Females

Deaths assigned to selected garbage codes (%)






All ages





















Unknown age

Data available by five-year age group up to age 85, average of all years with data 20052015.


Figure 1.3
Percentage of deaths assigned to a garbage code against completeness, and 1.2 Health system strengthening for
universal health coverage
resulting WHO usability category, selected countries

Low (< 60%) Medium (6079%) High ( 80%)
SDG Target 3.8 on achieving universal health coverage
Completeness (%)
(UHC) lies at the centre of SDG 3 on health. Making progress
40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
l l l l l l l towards UHC is an ongoing process for every country as they
Singapore Finland work to ensure that all people receive the health services they
10% need without experiencing financial hardship. The health-
related targets of the SDGs cannot be met without making
20% France
Garbage code (%)

substantial progress on UHC (Figure 1.4) (10). Achieving

Peru Ecuador
30% UHC will, in turn, require health system strengthening to
Fiji deliver effective and affordable services to prevent ill health
and to provide health promotion, prevention, treatment,
50% rehabilitation and palliation services. Health system
strengthening requires a coordinated approach involving
60% improved health governance and financing to support the
health workforce, and provide access to medicines and other
Table 1.3 health technologies, in order to ensure delivery of quality
Quality of death registration data reported to WHO by Member States, assessed for
the period 20052015, by WHO regiona services at the community and individual levels. As part of
this, health information systems will be vital in informing
WHO region High quality Medium Low quality Very low Total decision-making and monitoring progress. Investments in
quality quality or
no data these areas, financial and otherwise, should seek to increase
AFR 1 2 1 43 47 responsiveness, efficiency, fairness, quality and resilience,
AMR 10 18 4 3 35 based on the principles of health service integration and
SEAR 0 0 3 8 11
people-centred care.
EUR 33 12 8 0 53
EMR 0 1 7 13 21
WPR 5 5 3 14 27 The broad focus of the SDGs offers an opportunity to reset
Global 49 38 26 81 194 and refocus health strategies and programming to strengthen
(percentage) (25%) (20%) (13%) (42%)
health systems. The MDGs provided an important impetus
High quality refers to countries reporting at least 5 years of data to WHO, reporting latest for making progress in a selected set of health areas namely
year of data by ICD code, and with average usability during this period 80%. Medium
quality refers to countries reporting at least 5 years of data to WHO, reporting latest year reproductive, maternal and child health, and HIV/AIDS,
of data by ICD code, and with average usability 60% and < 80%; or to countries malaria and tuberculosis. However, far less attention was
reporting at least 5 years of data to WHO, reporting with a condensed cause list, and with
average usability 80%. Low quality refers to countries reporting any data by ICD code given to the performance of whole health systems, including
with average usability 40% and < 60%; or to countries reporting any data with a
condensed cause list with average usability 60% and < 80%. All other countries
health services, with the result that the benefits of doing
reporting death registration to WHO are considered to have very low quality data. so were not sufficiently emphasized. Many countries lack
sound health financing, leading to high out-of-pocket (OOP)
A number of countries have now made major improvements payments and financial catastrophe or impoverishment for
in both completeness and quality of cause-of-death families. Many countries also have major inadequacies in
assignment in death registration data, and two examples are terms of their health workforce and infrastructure (especially
highlighted later in this report. In Kazakhstan, a confidential in rural areas), medical products, service quality, information
audit of deaths among reproductive-age women was systems and accountability. Weak health systems also leave
implemented to identify all maternal deaths. This then major gaps in national, regional and global defences against
resulted in the correction of death registration data when outbreaks of infectious diseases, such as Ebola virus disease
new maternal deaths were identified (see section 3.1). In and novel strains of influenza.
the Islamic Republic of Iran, the recording of deaths with
detailed cause-of-death information was scaled-up from 5% Since the SDGs expand well beyond the MDGs to embrace
in 1999 to 90% in 2015 (see section 3.9). These and other NCDs, mental health and injuries, and explicit targets
success stories have very clearly demonstrated that a long- on implementing health services, strengthening health
term strategy of investment in CRVS systems, including systems becomes the only realistic way of achieving the
regular assessment of the quality of cause-of-death data, health-related SDG targets. The platform for achieving all
can bring about substantial improvements in the data of this is UHC, which requires that effective health services
used for monitoring. This in turn allows for more targeted are provided to all who need them, while ensuring that
investments in health-system strengthening, and ultimately accessing such services does not expose users to financial
leads to significant improvements in populationhealth. hardship.


Figure 1.4
Health system strengthening, universal health coverage and the SDGs

SDG 1: No poverty SDG 3: Equitable

SDGs SDG 2: End malnutrition health outcomes and
(impact) SDG 4: Quality education well-being; global SDG 8: Inclusive
SDG 5: Gender equality public health security economic growth and
SDG 16: Inclusive societies and resilient societies decent jobs

UHC Achieve Universal Health Coverage

All people and communities receive the quality health services they need,
(outcome) without financial hardship

Responsiveness Efficiency Fairness Quality Resilience

(input/output) Medicines and other

health technologies



The International Health Partnership for UHC 2030 is an Monitoring progress

initiative coordinated by WHO and the World Bank to enable In response to the calls of governments for technical support
multi stakeholder action in building and expanding robust on UHC monitoring, WHO and the World Bank have
and resilient health systems, and ensuring accountability for developed a UHC monitoring framework. This framework
the progress made towards UHC as a vital part of achieving is based on a series of country case studies and technical
the health-related SDGs (11). Effective and efficient health reviews, and on consultations and discussions with country
system strengthening will require new approaches such representatives, technical experts, and global health and
as ensuring a capable and motivated health workforce as development partners. The framework focuses on the
outlined by the WHO Global strategy on human resources for two key components of UHC coverage of the population
health: Workforce 2030 (12). Coordination will also be needed with quality essential health services and coverage of the
across the wide range of topic-specific initiatives that will population with financial protection. This work led to the
all share the benefits of improved health systems. These adoption of two indicators for UHC within SDG Target 3.8.1
include global strategies and plans in the areas of women, The United Nations recognizes WHO as the custodian
children and adolescent health (13), HIV, viral hepatitis and agency for both of these indicators with the World Bank as
sexually transmitted infections (14), and the prevention and a partner agency for SDG indicator 3.8.2.
control of NCDs (15). In addition, coordinating efforts to
improve health information systems will require the support The UHC SDG indicators, supplemented with others, will
of initiatives such as the Health Data Collaborative (16). enable countries to monitor progress in health system
strengthening towards UHC at national and subnational
The challenge of monitoring progress in all of the above levels. WHO has summarized the currently available data
strategies and other initiatives to strengthen aspects of in a recently launched UHC data portal (17). Beyond these
health systems can seem overwhelming. However, by global assessments, efforts are ongoing across all WHO
selecting a small, representative set of tracer indicators of regions to contextualize UHC monitoring to better reflect
health service coverage, along with indicators of financial
hardship experienced by those accessing health services,
SDG indicator 3.8.1: Coverage of essential health services (defined as the average
a concise summary can be produced of the extent to coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that include reproductive,
which health systems are progressing towards the delivery maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, noncommunicable diseases and
service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged population;
ofUHC. and SDG indicator 3.8.2: Proportion of population with large household expenditures on
health as a share of total household expenditure or income.


specific health system challenges in each region and at have seen more modest but steady increases with some
country level (1821). The following sections summarize the being more rapid, such as DTP3 coverage in the WHO
methodologies and data used for monitoring the UHC SDG African Region, where an almost 50% increase since 2000
indicators of essential health service coverage and financial was presumably driven at least in part by GAVI, United
protection coverage. Nations agency and donor funding. Antenatal care coverage
has increased by 3060% across regions outside of Europe
Coverage of essential health services and the Americas.
SDG indicator 3.8.1 is measured using an index of 16 tracer
indicators of health services (Table 1.4). These indicators Figure 1.5
were selected based on epidemiological and statistical Trends in global coverage of tracer indicators of essential health services, 20002015

criteria, and following several years of consultation with 100

country representatives, academics and international
90 Immunization (DTP3)
agencies. The indicators draw on a variety of different Non-raised
80 Tobacco non-use
data sources, the most important of which are household blood pressure
Family planning IHR
surveys. Many of the indicators are well studied with United 70

Nations estimates available for Member States. 60 Improved sanitation

Coverage (%)
50 Antenatal care
As shown in Figure 1.5 (17), global coverage of tracer 40
4 visits

interventions against HIV, TB and malaria have increased

30 ART among
substantially since 2000, which is consistent with the TB people living
20 ITN use with HIV
massive increase in resources devoted to these disease detection and
areas through the Global Fund and the Presidents 10

Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). Coverage of 0

l l l
tracer interventions for maternal, newborn and child health 2000 2005 2010 2015

Table 1.4
Tracer indicators of the coverage of essential health services

Tracer area Tracer indicator Key definitional or methodological challenges

Reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
a. Family planning Demand satisfied with a modern method among women aged Unmarried women are typically excluded
1549 years (%)
b. Pregnancy and delivery care Antenatal care four or more visits (%) Quality of antenatal services not captured
c. Child immunization One-year-old children who have received three doses of a vaccine Does not capture all vaccines in national schedule
containing diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (%)
d. Child treatment Care-seeking behaviour for children with suspected pneumonia Small sample sizes and respondent errors
Infectious diseases
a. TB treatment TB cases detected and treated (%) Determining rate of under-reporting of cases from facility data
and/or routine surveillance systems
b. HIV treatment People living with HIV receiving ART (%) Mixture of different data sources on HIV prevalence and people
receiving ART
c. Malaria prevention Population at risk sleeping under insecticide-treated bed nets (%) Defining at-risk population
d. Water and sanitation Households with access to improved sanitation (%) Improved facilities may not be safely managed
Noncommunicable diseases
a. Treatment of cardiovascular diseases Prevalence of non-raised blood pressure (%) Not specific to health system response conditional on background
b. Management of diabetes Mean fasting plasma glucose (FPG) (mmol/l) Not specific to health system response conditional on background
FPG levels
c. Cervical cancer screening Cervical cancer screening among women aged 3049 years (%) Does not capture whether effective treatment is available
d. Tobacco control Adults aged 15 years not smoking tobacco in last 30 days (%) Inconsistent indicator definition measured across surveys
Service capacity and access
a. Hospital access Hospital beds per capita (in relation to a minimum threshold) Optimal level unclear and may vary depending on health system
b. Health worker density Health professionals per capita (in relation to a minimum threshold): Nurses/midwives should be included but hard to measure and define
physicians, psychiatrists and surgeons comparably across countries
c. Essential medicines Proportion of health facilities with basket of essential medicines available Establishing sampling frame of public and private facilities; confirming
quality of medicines in stock
d. Health security IHR core capacity index Key informant data


Several tracer indicators of services targeting diseases indicators. Although coverage levels increased for both the
outside the focus of the MDGs suggest that broader health poorest and wealthiest quintiles, the increase was almost
system strengthening is needed in many countries. For threetimes larger for households in the poorest quintile
example, the prevalence of hypertension, a key tracer (24). Thus, there is evidence that progress can be made in
indicator of health services for cardiovascular diseases, has reducing inequalities in the coverage of health services.
not declined in many low-income countries in Africa and Nevertheless, large inequalities still remain apparent for
Asia since 2000 despite the existence of effective and many indicators, with lower coverage among disadvantaged
inexpensive treatment that has led to substantial reductions populations.
in higher-income countries. Limited data on access to
essential medicines during the period 20072014 indicate Financial protection
that the median availability of selected essential medicines The primary objective of the health-financing system
was only 60% and 56% in the public sector of low-income is to promote financial protection in health. At a global
and lower-middle-income countries (22). Available data for level, WHO support for monitoring financial protection
20052015 also indicate that around 40% of countries is underpinned by the World Health Assembly resolution
have less than one physician per 1000 population (23) and WHA58.33 on sustainable health financing, universal
less than 18 hospital beds per 10 000 population (17). coverage and social health insurance (25). SDG indicator
3.8.2 focuses on financial protection and is defined as:
The state of health service coverage can be summarized proportion of population with large household expenditures
using an index, which averages the coverage values of on health as a share of total household expenditure or
the tracer indicators. One challenge in working with an income.1 Large household expenditures on health are
index, particularly when tracking progress over time, is the defined in terms of two thresholds: 10% and 25% of total
asynchronous timing of data collection for the different household expenditure or income. This definition was
indicators both within and across countries. Based on chosen following a consultative two-year process led by
the underlying data sources available since 2010 for each the Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators and
of the tracer indicators (that is, ignoring estimates and is often referred to as catastrophic health expenditures.
projections), the average proportion of indicators used to
compute the UHC service coverage index is around 70% SDG indicator 3.8.2 aims to identify people that must devote
across countries globally, with the following WHO regional a substantial share of their wealth or income to pay for health
breakdown: care. The focus is on payments made at the point of use to
receive any type of treatment, from any type of provider,
African Region 74% for any type of disease or health problem. These payments
Region of the Americas 72% also known as out-of-pocket (OOP) payments exclude
South-East Asia Region 71% any reimbursement by a third party such as the government,
European Region 65% a health insurance fund or a private insurance company (26).
Eastern Mediterranean Region 63% OOP payments are the least equitable way to finance the
Western Pacific Region 67% health system as they only grant access to the health services
and health products that individuals can pay for, without
Although other data systems, such as CRVS systems, are solidarity between the healthy and the sick. And yet OOP
typically incomplete in the WHO African Region and WHO payments remain the primary source of funding in many
South-East Asia Region, data availability for monitoring LMIC, where risk-pooling and pre-payment mechanisms
the coverage of essential health services is relatively both tend to play a limited role (Figure 1.6) (27, 28).
high compared to other WHO regions because of the
widespread implementation of standardized household OOP payments on health care can be a major cause of
health surveys. However, even with available data, many impoverishment. This can be monitored by measuring
of the tracer indicators shown in Table 1.4 are imperfect changes in the incidence of poverty2 and severity of poverty3
proxies of the effective coverage of health interventions and due to OOP payments using a poverty line of US$ 1.90
services, meaning that they only capture data on access to per person per day. Such analyses of impoverishing
a particular service not on whether or not that service is
of sufficient quality to improve health. 1
Total household expenditure is the recommended measure of household monetary
welfare. Income is to be used only if there is no household survey with information on
Summarizing service coverage across key inequality both total household expenditure on health and total household expenditures.
The incidence of poverty is measured by the poverty headcount ratio which simply counts
dimensions presents a further challenge because the same the number of people whose total household expenditure or income is below a given
poverty line. Changes in the incidence of poverty due to OOP payments are measured as
disaggregation variables are not collected for all tracer the difference in poverty headcount ratios due to household expenditure or income gross
indicators. However, coverage indicators for reproductive, of OOP payments above a poverty line but household expenditure or income net of OOP
payments below a poverty line.
maternal, newborn and child health services for 39 3
The severity of poverty is measured by the poverty gap ratio, which is the average
LMIC with available data show reductions in inequality amount by which total household expenditure or income falls short of the poverty line as
a percentage of that line (counting the shortfall as zero for those above the poverty line).
by household wealth quintile between 19952004 and It lies between 0% when no one in a country is poor and 100% when everyone has zero
consumption expenditure or income and the poverty line is positive.
20052014 in the median value for average coverage across




Figure 1.6
Out-of-pocket expenditures as a fraction of total health expenditures,a 2014 0
200 500 1000 2000 5000 10 000 20 000
100 G DP per capita (US $, log s cale)

Inc ome group

High-income countries Upper-middle-income countries Not applicable
90 Lower-middle-income countries Low-income countries


OOP as a % of total health expenditures







200 500 1000 2000 5000 10 000 20 000 50 000 100 000 200 000
G DP per capita (US $, log s cale)

Inc omeare proportional to population size.
High-income countries Upper-middle-income countries Not applicable
Lower-middle-income countries Low-income countries

health expenditure demonstrate the interdependency Based on the latest available household expenditure survey
between different SDG targets specifically, eradicating data for 117 countries as of March 2017 (median year
extreme poverty (SDG Target 1.1) and achieving UHC (SDG 2008), around 9.3% of the population on average faced
Target3.8). OOP payments in excess of 10% of their budget (total
household expenditure or income), including on average
The primary source of data for estimating levels of both 1.8% of the population who spent 25% or more of their
catastrophic and impoverishing health expenditure is a budget on health care.1
household survey with information on both household
expenditure on health and total household expenditures, Across 106 countries with data (median year 2009) the
as routinely conducted by national statistics offices. Based average incidence of poverty was about 0.65 percentage
on information available to WHO in February 2017, the points higher than it would have been without OOP
extent of data availability is fair, with about half of all WHO payments for health care, based on a US$ 1.90 per capita
Member States having at least one data point since 2005, per day poverty line. This means an additional 4.6% of the
with the following WHO regional breakdown in terms of population ended up with less than US$ 1.90 per capita per
proportion of countries having such data: day after paying for health care. Looking at the extent to
which total expenditure or income fell short of the poverty
African Region 62% line, the severity of poverty as measured by the poverty gap2
Region of the Americas 37% was 7.5% higher than it would have been without any OOP
South-East Asia Region 82% payments for health care. As shown in Figure 1.7, OOP
European Region 59% health payments exacerbate the severity of poverty the
Eastern Mediterranean Region 43% most among the poorest and those living in rural areas.
Western Pacific Region 37%
All WHO Member States 52%
Average figures are unweighted.
The poverty gap is the average amount by which total household expenditure or income
falls short of the poverty line as a percentage of that line (counting the shortfall as 0 for
those above the poverty line).


Figure 1.7 reducing inequalities and to SDG target 17.18.1 on data
Average changes in the poverty gap due to OOP payments, by quintiles of daily
per capita total household expenditure or income, and by rural or urban location, disaggregation.
19912015 (median year 2009)a

1 As evidenced by recent WHO reports (29, 30), health

inequalities within and between countries can be
0.8 substantial. It is therefore now crucially important to
Percentage points

reinforce and reform national health information systems
to ensure that they have the capacity to collect, analyse and
0.4 report equity-relevant data, and to support the systematic
integration and use of such data in decision-making and in
ongoing national and subnational planning, programming,
Poorest Second Middle Second Richest Rural Urban
monitoring, reviewing and evaluation.
20% poorest 20% richest 20%
20% 20%
(q1) (q2) (q3) (q4) (q5) Trends in health inequality
Analysis based on a US$ 1.90 per capita per day poverty line, from the latest available WHO World Health Statistics 2013 examined the health
survey for 106 countries with available estimates as of February 2017. The horizontal line gaps between countries and concluded that concerted
indicates the average change across the 106 countries.
efforts to achieve the MDGs and other health goals had
led to their reduction, at least in absolute terms, between
Progressive realization high-resourced and low-resourced countries (31). It is harder
Despite health system reforms, all countries struggle to to assess trends in within-country health inequality due
extend the coverage of quality services with financial to a lack of comparable and relevant data across health
protection, including high-income countries with long- indicators in a large number of countries. It is important here
established institutional arrangements for health systems to distinguish between the concepts of health inequality
that may, for example, be working to maintain their levels differences in health indicators among population subgroups
of coverage in the face of rising costs. Demographic and and income or wealth inequality. Although there has
epidemiological changes play an important role along with been an average increase in income inequality in both
technological advances and changes in patterns of service developing countries and many high-income countries in
utilization. Meeting the health-related SDG targets will recent decades (32), health inequalities have not necessarily
therefore require a progressive realization of UHC, through followed the same pattern.
significant efforts to strengthen health systems. This can
only be achieved through committed and coordinated Recent WHO global health inequality reports (29, 30) and
investments in health governance and financing; health a number of recent studies (33, 34) have indicated that
workforce, medicines and other health technologies; and overall, and in most countries with data available, health
health information systems. The key to delivering high- inequalities have been decreasing in terms of reproductive,
quality, people-centred and integrated health services is maternal and child health intervention coverage (Figure 1.8)
to: (a) establish efficient, decentralized and integrated (24), and child mortality. On the other hand, trends in child
health systems staffed by motivated and well-trained malnutrition inequalities are mixed, with no overall increase
professionals; and (b) provide and ensure appropriate use or reduction at the global level (29, 35).
of the full range of quality-guaranteed essential medical
products, financed in ways that guarantee predictable and There are currently no comparable cross-national studies of
adequate funding for the system while at the same time trends in adult mortality, life expectancy, NCDs or injuries.
offering financial protection to its users. There is, however, evidence of widening health inequalities
in some high-income countries. For example, several studies
found widening inequalities in life expectancy in the United
1.3 Health equity leave no one behind States of America with falling life expectancy among
non-Hispanic white Americans, particularly those of lower
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development emphasizes socioeconomic status (3638). Suicide, drug poisoning and
the need for monitoring to go beyond the measurement of violence were major contributors to increased mortality.
aggregate performance to ensure that no one is left behind. Conversely, one study of health outcomes for 45 English
This means that data for health-related SDG targets should subregions grouped into quintiles of average deprivation
be disaggregated for key disadvantaged subgroups within (39) found that between 1990 and 2013, the range in life
countries and health inequality measures calculated. In expectancy remained 8.2 years for men and decreased from
keeping with the mutually reinforcing nature of the SDGs, 7.2 years in 1990 to 6.9 years in 2013 for women. Trends in
progress towards this end will not only contribute to the NCD risk factor inequalities are likely to vary depending on
achievement of the health-related targets themselves but the country and risk factor, with a lack of comparable data
also to SDG 5 on achieving gender inequality, SDG 10 on precluding any global understanding of these (40).


Figure 1.8
Composite coverage index of reproductive, maternal and child health interventions: change over time in national average, and in poorest and richest quintiles, in 39 LMICa

WHO region
A nnual abs olute exc es s c hange in the poores t c ompared with the ric hes t quintile

Dec reas e in national average Inc reas e in national average

P ro-poor c hange P ro-poor c hange

B olivia (P lurinational S tate of)

2.0 C ambodia
G hana

V iet Nam Niger
(perc entage points )

K enya Madagas car R wanda
Median = 0.6 C had Mali Nepal
0.5 Uzbekis tan
Mozambique B enin

J ordan K azakhs tan


E thiopia
C ameroon Uganda

Dec reas e in national average Inc reas e in national average
P ro-ric h c hange Median = 0.7 P ro-ric h c hange

-1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5

A bs olute c hange in national average (perc entage points )


Data taken from DHS and MICS 19952004 and 20052014. Each country is represented by the shape corresponding to its WHO region. Dashed orange lines indicate the median values

(middle points). Blue and red text indicates desirable and undesirable scenarios, respectively. For each study country, annual absolute change in national average was calculated by
subtracting the national coverage in survey year 1 (conducted in 19952004) from the coverage in survey year 2 (conducted in 20052014) and dividing by the number of intervening
years. Annual absolute excess change was calculated by subtracting the annual absolute change in quintile 5 from the annual absolute change in quintile 1.

Health inequality monitoring educational level, sex, age, place of residence, ethnicity,
Monitoring health inequality helps to identify the health migrant status, disability status, and other characteristics
gap for disadvantaged population subgroups, and appropriate to the country context, such as caste.
to ensure that policies, programmes and practices are
successful in reaching the most vulnerable. Additional Table 1.5 lists potential ways of improving data sources for
information on the reasons behind the differences in health health inequality monitoring (41). Household surveys and
provides decision-makers with the information they need population censuses allow for the collection of a range of
to more effectively understand the barriers to health and inequality dimensions at individual and household level,
to design interventions and approaches to overcome them. including socioeconomic variables, minority population
status and disability status. Household survey programmes
Developing equity-oriented health information systems such as DHS and MICS currently offer comparable data
entails country capacity-building to support the collection, across a large number of developing countries (42, 43) and
analysis and reporting of data for the SDG health and health- are usually repeated over time. The main disadvantage
related indicators by population subgroups. Disadvantaged of household surveys for inequality monitoring is the
groups may be defined in terms of their economic status, requirement for relatively large sample sizes to allow

Table 1.5
Improving data sources for health inequality monitoring

Data source
Population census CRVS Household survey Institution-based records Surveillance system
Potential means of improvement
Include individual or small area Expand coverage Repeat surveys regularly Standardize electronic records Integrate surveillance
identifiers Include individual or small area Harmonize survey questions across institutions functionality into the national
identifiers over time Include individual or small- health information system
Include at least one Increase sample sizes area identifiers Include individual or small area
socioeconomic indicator (for Include individual or small area identifiers
example, educational level) identifiers
Include cause of death, birth Include a comprehensive list of
weight and gestational age (if relevant inequality dimensions
not included)


meaningful subgroup comparisons, while population Box 1.1
Selected WHO tools and resources for health inequality monitoringa and data use
censuses are infrequent (typically conducted once every
10 years) and do not usually cover as many topics as
The WHO Health Equity Monitor data repository and theme page provide comparable
household surveys. CRVS systems usually include data and disaggregated RMNCH data. Aiming to serve as a platform for both global and
on place of residence and may also collect individual national health inequality monitoring, the Health Equity Monitor data repository
covers over 30 RMNCH indicators, with data from more than 280 DHS and MICS
measures of socioeconomic disadvantage. In the case of across 102 countries. The theme page supports the analysis and interpretation of
disaggregated data by highlighting key messages and demonstrating innovative
death registration, there are concerns about the accuracy of reporting approaches.
individual measures obtained from registration informants. The theme page can be accessed at: www.who.int/gho/health_equity/en/
The data repository can be accessed at: http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.
Even so, well-functioning registration systems and health main.HE-1540?lang_en
information systems enable some countries to report The WHO Handbook on health inequality monitoring: with a special focus on low-
comprehensively on health indicators disaggregated by and middle-income countries is a resource designed to support the development
and strengthening of health inequality monitoring systems at national level. The
relevant inequality dimensions. Health-facility data can handbook provides an introduction to health inequality monitoring concepts, and
be used at lower administrative levels such as districts, describes a step-wise approach to monitoring, drawing from examples from LMIC.
The handbook is available at: www.who.int/gho/health_equity/handbook/en/
but fragmentation and poor quality may hinder their wider
The WHO Health inequality monitoring eLearning module is based on the content and
use. In addition, health-facility data exclude people not organization of the Handbook on health inequality monitoring: with a special focus on
using facility services, who are also likely to be the most low- and middle-income countries. The eLearning module allows the learner to build
up a theoretical understanding of health inequality monitoring through self-directed
disadvantaged. progressing through the material. Learner engagement is encouraged through
discussion points, application exercises, quiz questions and suggested readings.
The eLearning module is available at: extranet.who.int/elearn/course/category.
In many countries substantial investments will be required php?id
to build capacity for health inequality monitoring. This will The WHO Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT) was developed as an online tool for
include investments in developing and strengthening data- health inequality analysis. HEAT enables users to perform health inequality summary
measure calculations using an existing database of disaggregated data, and to
collection practices for different data sources, including create customized visuals based on disaggregated data or summary measures. A
new edition of the software package HEAT Plus is currently under development
household health surveys, censuses, CRVS systems and and will allow users to upload and work with their own database.
health-facility records. For example, household health HEAT can be accessed at: http://www.who.int/gho/health_equity/assessment_
surveys can be expanded to cover topics for which data
The WHO Innov8 approach for reviewing national health programmes is intended
are often unavailable, such NCDs and injuries. Countries to support operationalization of the SDG commitment to leave no one behind.
are also urged to move towards the implementing of Innov8 is an eight-step analytical process undertaken by a multidisciplinary review
team. This then leads to recommendations for improving programme performance
standardized electronic facility-reporting systems, which through concrete action to address health inequities, support gender equality and
enable more efficient data processing compared to the bring about the progressive realization of UHC and the right to health, and address
crucial social determinants of health.
pen-and-paper method. Further improvement opportunities Innov8 materials can be accessed at: http://www.who.int/life-course/partners/
include allowing for the linking of different data sources
through the integrating of small-area identifiers such as
Extracted from: State of inequality: childhood immunization. Geneva: World Health

postal codes, or individual identifiers such as personal Organization; 2016.

identification numbers, into data-collection processes.
Particular attention should be given to ensuring adequate
personal identity protection measures and safe data storage. Understanding the why behind inequalities
In addition, ethical safeguards such as the Fundamental Health inequality monitoring identifies where inequalities
Principles of Official Statistics or the Declaration on exist and how large they are. It is also important to
Professional Ethics of the International Statistical Institute understand why these inequalities exist. Quantitative
should be adopted and enforced with a view to creating an studies help to identify the relationships between potential
institutional framework that helps to prevent the misuse determinants and the health indicators of interest. There
of data (44). In addition to the improvements in data are also more specific analytical techniques to further
collection mentioned above, many countries also need to break down the determinants of health inequalities. It is
enhance technical expertise in health inequality analysis also important that national health information systems
and reporting. have the capacity to link with, and track data from, other
sectoral domains to evaluate other factors (such as social
National health inequality monitoring is the foundation protection or environmental determinants) that influence
of global health inequality monitoring, which will require health and health inequalities.
comparable data and indicators both within and across
countries to track the progress made in international Additional qualitative data and participatory analysis
initiatives such as the SDGs and UHC. The WHO Health may enable the unpacking of the drivers behind
Equity Monitor (45) is an example of a global database that health inequalities at national and subnational levels.
provides disaggregated and comparable data on RMNCH. For example, informant interviews can be carried with
WHO has also developed other tools and resources to health professionals to discuss bottlenecks in system
assist its Member States in monitoring health inequality performance that may influence inequalities. Focus
(Box 1.1) and has conducted training workshops in a number groups can also be conducted with the target population
of regions. for health interventions, and should include people who


access and complete treatment and, importantly, those It is also important that national health information
who do not access or do not complete treatment. Focus strategies include an appropriate focus on health inequality
groups can provide information on demand-side issues monitoring, with related strengthening of data sources,
that more disadvantaged subpopulations disproportionately analysis capacity, reporting and dissemination, and the
face often linked to adverse social and environmental linking of data across sectoral domains. National health
determinants as well as gender norms, roles and relations. information strategies, if sufficiently equity-oriented, can
Other measures include community monitoring efforts, be important mechanisms for generating data demand, and
such as community scorecards, and reflect a human-rights- hence ensuring accountability for leaving no one behind in
based approach to planning and implementation. Joint the context of the SDGs.
stakeholder meetings at which decision-makers, providers,
communities and partners meet to review the quantitative A further entry point for using data on health inequalities
and qualitative findings on who is being left behind and why and their drivers occurs during the regular and ongoing
provide vital inputs needed to review plans and redesign review of health programmes. Data on the subpopulations
services and financial protection measures. not accessing programme services, not obtaining effective
coverage and/or experiencing financial hardship as a result
Strengthening use of data on who is being left behind of service usage can feed into programme performance
and why reviews. This information can inform adjustments to
Data collection, analysis and reporting on health inequalities programming that help close coverage gaps and reduce
and their drivers will not be sufficient, in themselves, to inequities. The WHO Innov8 approach for reviewing national
ensure that no one is left behind during progress towards health programmes to leave no one behind (49) (Box 1.1) can
the SDGs. A crucial next step is data use. Making changes help to generate demand for the use of data on health
in policies, programmes and budgetary allocations will inequalities and their drivers.
require a systematic approach to demand-generation for
data, informed by a mapping of the most strategic entry
points across all levels of the health system and at cross- 1.4 Sustainable health financing
governmental level.
Sustainable health financing means that the obligations
One such entry point will be National Health Policies, that a health system has with respect to what a population
Strategies and Plans (NHPSP) (46), many of which will be is entitled to receive as a country seeks to progress
renewed in the coming years and can be adapted to further towards UHC are balanced with its ability to meet those
synergize with the SDGs. In support of policy-making and obligations given available resources (50). Following a brief
programming that incorporate a leave-no-one-behind focus, summary of recent trends in health financing, this section
WHO launched its Strategizing national health in the 21st focuses on the approach countries can take to financing
century: a handbook (47) that includes a cross-cutting focus health in the SDG era.
on equity. In NHPSP and associated subnational plans, data
on health inequalities can be incorporated into situation Trends
assessments, priority setting/prioritization processes, and Across income levels on average, as economies grow
monitoring, evaluation and review approaches. It is then then total health expenditure per capita increases. This
essential that corresponding measures and approaches to overall increase in the level of total health expenditure
address inequities feature in the main implementation lines masks shifting dynamics with respect to the source of
of the NHPSP and in budgeting. Such measures could include funds. As countries move from low-income to lower- and
closing remediable and unjust coverage gaps between upper-middle income status, both external (that is, donor)
sexes, by rural/urban area or by income quintiles, as well sources and out-of pocket (OOP) sources1 as a proportion of
as improving health information systems to be more equity total health expenditure tend to decline, with the proportion
responsive. The NHPSP can, along with cross-governmental of total health expenditure coming from public (that is,
development strategies, also incorporate a strengthened government) sources tending to rise. However, these trends
focus on intersectoral action for health and equity (47). do not all happen at the same pace. The decline in the
Generating and using data on the social and environmental proportion of total health expenditure coming from external
determinants of health will be important for this. sources tends to happen at an average lower country
income level than the decline in that coming from OOP
NHPSP may include targets linked to the strategic directions sources (Fig 1.9) (27, 28, 51).
and key objectives of the health sector. There will thus be
opportunities to develop targets in support of the concept of
progressive universalism (48). Under this concept, the more
disadvantaged subpopulations benefit at least as much
OOP sources refers to payments made by patients at the point of use to receive any
as more advantaged subpopulations in reforms aimed at type of service, from any type of provider, for any type of disease of health problem. See
achieving UHC. section 1.2 for more discussion on OOPs.


Figure 1.9 Figure 1.12
Health financing patterns across income levels, 2014a Public expenditure on health as a percentage of total health expenditure, 19952014

10 000 70 Global Low-income countries

Proportion of total health expenditure (%)

Total health expenditure per capita (US$)

Total health
expenditure 60 70

Percentage of total health expenditure

per capita
1000 (left axis) 60

40 50
100 Out-of-pocket 40
(right axis) 30
External 20
10 20
(right axis)
1 0 0






14 400

28 800

57 600
l l l l l
1995 2000 2005 2010 2014

GDP per capita (US$, log scale)

Figure shows trend lines of best fit based on observed values for all countries. Despite a strong political push at both the global and
regional levels to prioritize public spending on health to
support progress toward UHC, health as a share of total
Across time between 1995 and 2014 there was a government spending on average increased only modestly
general slight increase in the level of health spending from worldwide (Figure 1.13) (27). Furthermore, following large
public sources both globally and in low-income countries increases in the proportion of total health expenditure
(Figure1.10) and a slight decline in the proportion derived derived from external sources in the 2000s in low-income
from OOP sources (Figure 1.11) (27). The proportion of total countries there are now indications that the rate of increase
health expenditure in low-income countries coming from is now slowing or even reversing (Figure 1.14) (27).
OOP sources during this same period was higher than the
global average (Figure 1.11), while the proportion coming Figure 1.13
Public expenditure on health as a percentage of general government expenditure,
from public sources was lower than the global average 19952014
(Figure 1.12) (27).
Global Low-income countries

Figure 1.10 14
Percentage of total general government

Public expenditure on health as a percentage of GDP, 19952014

Global Low-income countries 10

5.0 8
Percentage of GDP

3.0 2
2.0 l l l l l
1995 2000 2005 2010 2014

0 Figure 1.14
l l l l l External sources as a percentage of total health expenditure, 19952014
1995 2000 2005 2010 2014
Global Low-income countries

Figure 1.11 40
Percentage of total health expenditure

Out-of-pocket spending as a percentage of total health expenditure, 19952014

Global Low-income countries 30
Percentage of total health expenditure

50 15
l l l l l
20 1995 2000 2005 2010 2014

0 Such trends underscore the challenge of implementing

l l l l l
1995 2000 2005 2010 2014 financial protection measures, particularly in low-income
countries where continued concerted efforts are required
to address persistently high OOP spending levels.


Health financing in the SDG era Strategic priorities
UHC stresses that all programmes and priority interventions While there is no single best model of health financing,
fall within the overall health system and are part of there exist a number of key strategic priorities for sustaining
coverage objectives (1). Unlike the MDG era, during which progress towards UHC that are applicable across country
a fragmented approach to financing specific diseases or contexts.
interventions was often taken, the focus now is on how to
sustain increased effective coverage of priority interventions Continued importance of the fundamentals of good
not simply specific programmes. UHC brings these and health financing policy while specific systems will vary,
other issues together under a common umbrella with a there is now convergence around the desirable attributes
system-wide focus that is needed to tackle the challenges of national health financing arrangements needed to make
of sustainability (52). progress towards UHC. These include: (a)moving towards
a predominant reliance on compulsory (that is, public)
One such important challenge is ensuring an increased funding sources for the health system (60); (b)reducing
emphasis on domestic public sources of revenue for the fragmentation in pooling to increase the ability of the
health sector. Data obtained in a number of countries health system to redistribute available prepaid funds to
demonstrate clearly that, on average, greater public meet health needs and protect against the financial risk
spending on health is associated with a lower dependence of paying for care (6164); and (c)increasingly link the
of health systems on potentially impoverishing OOP payment of providers to information on their performance
payments (53). Due to the current global economic climate, and to the health needs of the populations they serve
and as countries transition away from donor support as (strategic purchasing) (54).
their economies grow, there is now a greater emphasis
being placed on domestic public sources of revenue to Increasing overall government budget revenues this
finance the health system (54, 55). This requires concerted is central to mobilizing resources for the health sector.
efforts by governments to provide public funding for health As outlined in the Addis Ababa Action Agenda, revenue-
services derived from general taxes (56). In particular, many raising involves enhancing revenue administration
countries have explicitly used general budget revenues to through progressive tax systems, improved tax policy,
expand coverage of health interventions for the poor, for more efficient tax collection and reduced illicit financial
people in the informal sector or for the entire population. flows (65). These key elements underpin strong fiscal
This shift requires donors and countries alike to refine the capacity, which in turn is essential for health financing.
ways in which aid is targeted, while requiring governments Without them, systems will be more dependent upon
to improve overall domestic resource-generation efforts private funding sources, such as OOP spending and
through improved national taxation systems that are both voluntary health insurance high levels of which are
equitable and efficient (57). associated with inequity and poor financial protection.

Another important challenge is to develop comprehensive Productive dialogue between the health sector and
approaches that go beyond framing sustainability as finance authorities tasked with allocating government
a revenue issue alone, and which also address system resources this should be done at the sectoral level
inefficiencies and expenditure management problems(58). (not at the level of a single programme or disease
Sustaining current and improved levels of health service intervention) and should focus on the overall level of
coverage will require efforts to address the ways in which funding for health. Such communication channels are
currently available resources are allocated and used. The important in aligning health-financing reform strategies
crucial importance of such a dual revenue-expenditure with public financial management rules, and enable
focus is underscored by recent evidence that shows wide health systems to take real steps towards results-
variations in key measures of health service coverage and oriented accountability rather than merely focusing on
financial protection at very low levels of public spending input control and budget implementation.
on health (< PPP$ 40 per capita). It has been noted that
some countries achieve coverage levels more than double Move away from silos this will require tackling the
those observed in other countries with similar levels issues of how resources for health are apportioned
of spending(59). Such results emphasize that ensuring and how the overall health system is designed and
sustainability is not about meeting a specific spending organized. At present, externally financed vertical health
target or advocating for funding streams for a particular programmes are often in place, and frequently operate
programme, because progress towards UHC will not depend independently of the rest of the health system so as to
simply on the level of health spending. In all countries, focus resources on a single disease or intervention. The
addressing existing system bottlenecks, constraints and rationale for such a narrow organizational approach
inefficiencies is essential for sustaining progress towards may no longer make sense when these programmes are
achieving UHC (59). domestically financed. Rather, in the context of overall


health system strengthening efforts, the efficiency rights in promoting innovation and its impact on access to
and general effectiveness of programmes might be medicines. This includes efforts to increase transparency in
improved if certain key aspects were better integrated the patenting of essential medicines and to promote access
or coordinated with the rest of the health system. For to medicines through different means, including through the
example, the unifying of previously duplicative and use of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights
uncoordinated information and data systems can result (TRIPS) flexibilities and de-linking the cost of developing
in important benefits in terms of both the efficiency technologies from their market price.
and coherence of the overall system. More generally,
the sustainability challenge needs to be reframed away The establishment of the WHO Global Observatory on
from programmes per se and towards increased effective Health R&D
coverage of priority health services. In May 2013, the Sixty-sixth World Health Assembly
specifically mandated the establishment of the Observatory
in resolution WHA66.22 to:
1.5 Innovation, research and development
...consolidate, monitor and analyse relevant information on
The health-related SDGs include daring and audacious health research and development activitieswith a view to
targets, such as the SDG Target 3.2 to end preventable child contributing to the identification and the definition of gaps and
mortality and SDG Target 3.3 to end the epidemics of AIDS, opportunities for health research and development priorities,
tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and supporting coordinated actions on health research and
by 2030. These aims will not be achieved in all countries development.
simply by continuing past improvements. Instead, innovation
will be needed, both in technologies and in the means of The Sixty-ninth World Health Assembly in May 2016 then
implementation of activities. The WHO Global Observatory re-emphasized the central role of the Observatory and
on Health Research and Development (R&D)(66) (hereafter requested the establishment of an expert committee on
referred to as the Observatory) maps and analyses data health R&D to set priorities for new investments based on
on health R&D, including on funding streams for innovation information primarily provided by the Observatory. The
in health technologies, with the goal of improving access to Observatory was launched in January 2017 after feedback
these technologies through better coordination of new R&D on a demonstration version released in 2016. This global-
investments based on public health needs. level initiative aims to achieve the goals set out in resolution
WHA66.22 by:
Health R&D innovation and access to medicines
Health R&D is vital not just in ensuring the availability consolidating, monitoring and analysing relevant
of appropriate health technologies but also in ensuring information on the health R&D needs of developing
access by all affected populations. Ensuring access to health countries
technologies is vital for the protection and promotion of building on existing data-collection mechanisms
health. However, despite improvements in recent decades, supporting coordinated actions on health R&D.
innovation for new products remains focused away from
the health needs of those living in the poorest countries. By doing so, the Observatory will contribute towards
For example, as little as 1% of all funding for health R&D achieving the SDG targets, specifically SDG Target 3.b and
is allocated to diseases that are predominantly incident SDG Target 9.5 (Box 1.2).
in developing countries, such as malaria, TB and NTDs,
Box 1.2
despite these diseases accounting for more than 12.5% of SDG targets and indicators related to health R&D
the global burden of disease (67, 68). The result is diseases
which are considered to be neglected, with insufficient SDG Target 3.b
incentives to stimulate market-driven investments. These Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable
equity concerns exist not only on an international level, and noncommunicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries, provide
access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha
but also within countries, with inequities in availability, Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms the right of
developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade-
affordability and acceptability the three dimensions of Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to protect public
access to health technologies and services. health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all
SDG indicator 3.b.2: Total net official development assistance to medical research
and basic health sectors
New health technologies, such as medicines, vaccines and
SDG Target 9.5
diagnostics, are also becoming increasingly expensive. WHO Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial
collaborates with key partners including the World Trade sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030,
encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and
Organization, the World Intellectual Property Organization development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and
and other relevant intergovernmental organizations on development spending
SDG indicator 9.5.1: Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
public health, intellectual property and trade-related issues,
SDG indicator 9.5.2: Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants
and in particular on the key role of intellectual property


Mapping and analysis of health R&D data for coordinated Monitoring bringing together data from global data
priority setting of new investments sources that allow health R&D activities to be monitored,
The process of meeting the health R&D needs for achieving with a description of the scope and limitations for each
the SDGs can be broken down into three stages (Figure set of data. Examples include R&D inputs such as funding
1.15). flows or availability of human resources; R&D processes
such as clinical trials or tracking of health technologies
Figure 1.15 in the pipeline for new product development; and R&D
Three stages for an informed and coordinated priority-setting process for new R&D
investments based on public health needs outputs such as research publications.
Benchmarking comparing health R&D activities and
1 performance across countries for example, in terms
Mapping of of expenditures on, or research capacity for, health R&D
health R&D
data relative to other criteria such as the disease burden.
Indicators tracking indicators that are closely linked
to the SDG targets relating to health R&D, for example,
SDG indicators 3.b.2, 9.5.1 and 9.5.2.
PROCESS Analysis identifying strategic R&D needs, priorities and
3 2
Priority Analysis of gaps for specific diseases through expert assessment,
setting and health R&D
coordination data and
with preliminary analyses currently available for TB,
of new identification malaria and leishmaniasis.
investments of gaps
Databases and resources providing users with access
to a range of health R&D-related information.
Implementation of these stages will lead to the rational Classifications and standards providing data
allocation of R&D resources to meet priorities based on classification standards used by the Observatory as
population needs. The Observatory was developed to work a step towards catalysing and promoting increased
across all three stages in the case of stage 3, through its uniformity in the collecting and sharing of R&D data.
close interaction with the newly established WHO Expert
Committee on Health R&D. SDG monitoring data available from the Observatory
Data for monitoring SDG indicator 3.b.2 and the health-
The content of the Observatory and how it can be used related component of SDG indicator 9.5.1 are available from
The Observatory is structured around the following six the Observatory, and are summarized below. Figure 1.16
areas: (69) shows the official development assistance (ODA) for

Figure 1.16
ODA for medical research and basic health sectors as a percentage of GNI and of total ODA, by donor country, 20102015a

United Kingdom
United Arab Emirates
United States of America
Republic of Korea
New Zealand
l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l
0.07% 0.06% 0.05% 0.04% 0.03% 0.02% 0.01% 0% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12%
As a % of GNI As a % of total ODA
Latest available data.


medical research and basic health sectors as a percentage sectors as a percentage of total ODA ranges from less
of gross national income (GNI) (left chart), and as a than 1.0% in some countries to 10.4% in Canada. ODA for
percentage of total ODA (right chart), across 35 donor medical research and basic health sectors per capita by
countries with available data since 2010. ODA for medical recipient country are presented in Annex A and Annex B.
research and basic health sectors as a percentage of GNI
ranges from less than 0.01% in some countries to 0.07% Figure 1.17 (27, 70) shows gross domestic expenditure on
in Luxembourg. ODA for medical research and basic health R&D in the field of health and medical sciences (health
GERD) as a percentage of gross domestic product (GDP),
across 62countries with available data since 2010. Values
Figure 1.17
Gross domestic expenditure on R&D in health and medical sciences (health GERD) as range from 0.01% or less in some countries to 0.51% in the
a percentage of GDP, 20102014a
Republic of Korea.
Republic of Korea
Singapore These analyses provide baseline information for
Netherlands benchmarking progress in SDG indicator 3.b.2 and the
Bulgaria health-related component of SDG indicator 9.5.1. Other
Malta analyses available from the Observatory relevant to these
Portugal SDG indicators include health GERD as a percentage of
Turkey total gross domestic expenditure on R&D (total GERD),
Estonia and number of researchers in the field of health medical
United Kingdom
Greece sciences per million population and as a percentage of
Croatia all researchers. In addition, a wide range of detailed data
South Africa
analyses and visualizations are available to monitor and
Montenegro benchmark specific health R&D areas of interest, including
those with specific focus on neglected diseases.
Expansion of the Observatory
Uganda The Observatory will continue to expand the scope, types
and sources of data used for the mapping and analysis of
Serbia health R&D. It will also continue to contribute to existing
Slovenia efforts to improve data quality and classification standards
Thailand in order to improve information sharing and the knowledge
Romania base in this area.
Republic of Moldova
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.6 Intersectoral action for health
Russian Federation
Ukraine The SDGs provide the first comprehensive blueprint for
Belarus human development, within which population health plays
El Salvador
a central role as a precondition, outcome and indicator of
Costa Rica sustainable development (1). Health contributes to, and is
influenced by, the actions taken to achieve all the SDGs
Colombia and SDG targets. This presents the health sector with new
opportunities. By addressing the policies and decision-
Uzbekistan making processes of other sectors through intersectoral
Kyrgyzstan action, it is possible to strengthen both health care and
Iraq the broader systems for promoting population health and
Paraguay well-being.
Sri Lanka
Tajikistan Intersectoral action broadly refers to the alignment of
Madagascar intervention strategies and resources between actors
Bahrain from two or more policy sectors in order to achieve
Philippines complementary objectives (71). Systems for promoting
Trinidad and Tobago health and well-being are constrained wherever sectoral
l l l l l l l policies are unaligned, as much of the disease burden
0% 0.1% 0.2% 0.3% 0.4% 0.5% 0.6%
worldwide is caused by modifiable health determinants. For
Health GERD as a % of GDP
example, it is estimated that more than 15% of all deaths
Latest available data.
a are caused by environmental risks, 22% by dietary risks,


3% by low physical activity levels and 3% by maternal determined by the policies of sectors other than health
and childhood undernutrition (7273). A large percentage (Table 1.6). In many cases, co-benefits can be identified
of these deaths can be prevented, and many of the most that help bring about health benefits while advancing
cost-effective interventions are intersectoral. sustainable development targets in other sectors (76). A
number of strategies for achieving intersectoral alignment
During the MDG era, important strides in relation to health are outlined in this section.
determinants were made with increased coverage of
access to improved water sources and decreased HIV/ Linking public health policies and planning, and sustained
AIDS stigma being two key achievements. The last decade provision of strategic health advice, to overarching
in global health has also seen the WHO Framework national development plans and processes
Convention on Tobacco Control and the International Health plans that incorporate a clear orientation towards
Health Regulations improving policy alignment between the determinants, rather than an exclusively health care
finance, trade, agriculture, industry and education sectors, systems focus, will allow for greater intersectoral alignment.
among others. In addition, the United Nations Road Safety Intersectoral approaches to governance such as the Health
Collaboration and the Conference of the Parties for Climate in All Policies approach (77) create supportive systems for
Change have reinforced collaboration with the transport providing strategic advice to the range of different agencies
and environment sectors. However, all intersectoral efforts implementing country development plans and for co-
also present challenges, requiring constant attention, for designing policies (Box 1.3). At the same time, the health
example, to improving interdisciplinary understanding, sector becomes more open to other sectors priorities.
to recognizing and addressing conflicts of interests, to
identifying and revamping outdated health legislation, and Contributing to the development of population-based
to generating rewards for health promotion and disease policies addressing socioeconomic problems
prevention. The health sector will need to demonstrate The WHO Commission on Social Determinants of
strong public health leadership in stewarding health in Health referred to structural determinants related to
the SDG era (74), while developing sustained, overarching discrimination, the labour market and the welfare state,
systems supporting health governance. and to policies addressing poverty, inequalities, social
exclusion and early child development. Enhancing social
Opportunities for action protection yields enormous economic, security, health
There are many opportunities for improving health via and equity co-benefit. Potential approaches here include:
intersectoral action (75). Foremost among these are actions (a)cash transfers (Box 1.4); (b)maternal and paternal leave;
to reduce harmful exposures which are predominantly (c)interventions on minimum wages and employment

Table 1.6
Examples of opportunities for leveraging intersectoral action to improve health and achieve multiple other SDG targets

Exposure Key health outcomes Intersectoral action: SDG targets

examples of key actions beyond the health sector
Inadequate water, sanitation and Diarrhoeal diseases, protein-energy malnutrition, Actions by water, sanitation, and education sectors 1.4; 4.1; 6.1; 6.2; 16.7
hygiene intestinal nematode infections, schistosomiasis, to improve management, affordability, and use
hepatitis A and E, typhoid and poliomyelitis of appropriate technologies, while empowering
Poverty and food insecurity Under-five child deaths, stunting and wasting Social welfare cash transfer programmes for better 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 2.1; 2.2; 10.4
child nutrition and improved use of preventive
health services
Air pollution Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), chronic Health-promoting urban design and transport 7.1; 7.2; 9.1; 11.2; 11.6; 13.1
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), respiratory systems resulting in multiple health and
infections and lung cancer environmental co-benefits
Substandard and unsafe housing, Asthma, CVDs, injuries and violence deaths Implementation of housing standards and urban 1.4; 5.2; 7.1; 7.2; 9.1; 11.1; 11.6;
and unsafe communities design that promote health 12.6; 16.1
Hazardous, unsafe and unhealthy COPD, CVDs, lung cancer, leukaemia, hearing loss, Labour sector promotion of occupational standards 8.5; 8.8; 12.6; 13.1; 16.10
work environments back pain, injuries, depression and workers rights to protect worker health and
safety across different industries (including the
informal economy)
Exposure to carcinogens through Cancers, neurological disorders Sound management of chemicals and food across 6.3; 12.3; 12.4
unsafe chemicals and foods the food industry, agriculture sector, and different
areas of industrial production
Unhealthy food consumption and Obesity, CVDs, diabetes, cancers and dental caries Improving product standards, public spaces, 2.2; 2.3; 4.1; 9.1; 12.6
lack of physical activity and using information and financial incentives,
involving the education, agriculture, trade,
transport, and urban planning sectors
Inadequate child care and Suboptimal cognitive, social and physical Specific early child development programmes 1.3; 4.1; 4.2; 4.5; 5.1; 8.6; 8.7
learning environments development designed by the health and other sectors, with
supportive social policies (for example, paid
parental leave, free pre-primary schooling and
improvements in female education)


Box 1.3
Instruments of overarching intersectoral work and governance for health and health equity (8083)

Finnish developments for equity and well-being 2015

To take into account health, well-being and equity in all sectors in Finland, the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, with help from the National Institute for Health and Welfare, is
leading a process of voluntary inter-ministerial collaboration around health equity and well-being. The collaboration initially targets a limited number of key government programmes
being implemented by different ministries (including the digitalization of public services; energy and climate strategies; reform of vocational upper secondary education; and
the youth guarantee to tackle unemployment among young people). Equity is seen by many as an intersectoral goal, rather than being the domain of the health sector alone.

Starting South Australias Health in All Policies 20072017

The South Australian Health in All Policies approach uses a model specific to the governments organizational structure to address the governments overarching strategic objectives.
By incorporating a focus on population health into the policy development process of different agencies, the government is able to better address the social determinants of health
in a systematic manner. The successful adoption and implementation of Health in All Policies in South Australia has been influenced by the following four factors: a high-level
mandate from central government, an overarching policy framework which can accommodate health lens application to diverse areas, a commitment to work collaboratively
across agencies, and a strong evaluation process.

Estonian National Health Plan 20092020 Core Action Areas

Social cohesion and equal opportunities
Safe and healthy development of children and adolescents
Living, working and learning environment
Healthy lifestyle
Development of the health care system

Box 1.4
Socioeconomic policies (8487)

Cash transfers in Zambia

The Kalomo cash transfer, launched in 2004 by the Ministry of Community Development
originally covered 1000 households in Kalomo District. A monthly grant was provided Figure 1.18
to households considered destitute. Those benefiting were the most vulnerable (70% Pre- and post-analysis of Kalomo cash transfer, Zambia, 20042007
impacted by HIV/AIDS; orphanhood among children was 30% (national average 17%);
55% of households heads were aged 65 or over). By 2007, the population enrolled in 2007 2004
the programme had increased their food consumption and reported reduced illness
(Figure1.18). Owing to the positive impacts recorded, by 2014, the number of beneficiaries 05 year-olds reported sick
had risen to 48 000 households.
65+ years reported sick
Mexico Prospera (previously, Opportunidades)
This conditional cash transfer programme was implemented in 1997 to ameliorate Households living on
extreme poverty. Prospera has systematically demonstrated direct beneficial effects on one meal a day
health and nutrition outcomes, and on important social determinants such as education.
Households consuming
One of the main indicators used to monitor its performance is the percentage of people proteins and vitamins
living in extreme poverty. There is evidence indicating that Prospera has contributed to
the gradual reduction in extreme poverty. l l l l l l
0 20 40 60 80 100
Chile grows with you Proportion (%)
Chile Crece Contigo (Chile Grows with You) is a social protection policy for children 04
years of age, based on a system of benefits, interventions and social services. It includes
home visits, education groups on parenting skills and child development, child care,
health care, counselling and referral services. The poorest households have free access
to nurseries and pre-schools, as do vulnerable families and those with special needs.

conditions for vulnerable groups (such as workers in of consumables such as tobacco, alcohol, fat and sugars
the informal economy and children); and (d) affordable to address associated health risks such as smoking, poor
housing. Such policies address socioeconomic and health nutrition, interpersonal violence and obesity. Regulatory
inequalities, thus contributing to SDG 1 on poverty, SDG 2 levers are also effective in regulating products used in
on hunger, SDG 4 on education, SDG 5 on gender equality construction (for example, asbestos or lead paint). A
and SDG 10 on inequality, while also contributing to the 2014 World Health Assembly resolution on public health
sustainability of health care systems, with direct relevance impacts of exposure to mercury and mercury compounds
to SDG 3. For example, it has been estimated that each (88), aims to protect human health and the environment
additional month of paid maternity leave in LMIC is from the adverse effects of mercury, and encourages
associated with 7.9 fewer infant deaths per 1000 live births ministries of health to cooperate with related ministries
(78), while integrated social and medical services, tailored to including those for the environment, labour, industry and
disadvantaged families and delivered by nurses in homes, agriculture. In other areas, global health security can
result in significant developmental benefits(79). be improved through national intersectoral committees
constituted in accordance with the International Health
Leveraging world production, consumption and trade Regulations (2005), while the issue of global migration is
systems, and global phenomena such as migration and being given an increasing public health focus, broadening
climate change from codes of practice on international health worker
Economic and legal levers such as tax, regulation and recruitment to encompass refugee and economic migrant
laws have been used to change the production and trade populations (89).


Creating health-promoting physical, economic and social Influencing the agendas, policies and laws of other
environments sectors requires: (a) the sharing of health-based targets
Placing a strong focus on creating healthy environments with the other sectors; (b) understanding their policy
as, for example, in the Healthy Cities initiative (90) can imperatives; (c) using prospective evaluation techniques
bring enormous health gains across disease types, and can (such as human-impact assessments) to design policies;
be achieved through intersectoral action and integrated (d) developing guidance on the health implications of
policies involving national and local governments. Policies non-health-sector policies; (e) assessing the costs of such
for environmental services (including safe water, sanitation policies and decisions, and integrating strategies; and
facilities and waste removal), integrated safe and active (f)tracking the health impacts of such policies and ensuring
transportation, adequate housing, clean air, space for joint accountability through routine national public health
exercise, healthy and safe schools and workplaces, affordable reports. At the core of such efforts, health-sector staff
nutritious and healthy food, and control of tobacco, alcohol, dedicated to, and valued for, their intersectoral work at the
fat and sugar consumption are all important in addressing policy level will be essential, along with efforts to engage
communicable and noncommunicable diseases, and with the higher levels of central leadership(77).
promoting maternal and child health.
Other policy sectors as major health players
Roles of the health sector Central government at the highest level plays a key
All health sector roles whether lead agency, negotiator role in elevating population health as a key outcome of
or partner require strong public health leadership skills. development. Building a whole-of-government commitment
Health authorities may: (a) initiate actions; (b) join up to population health can only be spearheaded if the head
to initiatives developed by the head of government or of government, cabinet and/or parliament, as well as the
new integrated government entities (such as initiatives on administrative leadership of different sectors, are all fully
migration or equity); (c) partner with authorities outside engaged. Such engagement can result in an incentivized
health that are leading on an issue (such as the prevention environment for joint work and the valuing of joint
of road deaths); or (d) ensure linkages between national problem solving and integrated policy design. High-level
authorities and local government to support community policy processes can be facilitated and responsibilities
action (91). Whole-of-government approaches such as embedded into government strategies, goals and targets
Health in All Policies supported by tools such as the across policy sectors.
Framework for Country Action Across Sectors (92) and
training resources (93) are practical means to strengthen all The health sector can be provided with the policy space
spheres of intersectoral work. Multidisciplinary technical needed to engage other sectors of the government, with
knowledge in local settings is valuable and requires the involvement of such sectors depending upon the
development through intersectoral partnerships. Practice- signals given regarding national high-level priorities, and the
oriented evidence tools are increasingly available in a wide understanding that considering health aspects in all policy
range of areas, including childrens environmental health, offers significant co-benefits. Ultimately, creating strong
NCDs, nutrition, climate change, WASH in health facilities, alliances and partnerships that recognize mutual interests
chemical risk assessments and food safety.1 National and share targets will be essential for success.
policy-makers can capitalize on the range of international
custodian and partner roles to be played by WHO in relation
to 27 SDG targets across nine SDGs (SDGs 13, 57, 11, 13,
16 and 17).

For a range of available resources in these areas see: http://www.who.int/ceh/capacity/
training_modules/en/; http://www.who.int/nmh/action-plan-tools/en/; http://www.who.
int/elena/en/; http://www.who.int/globalchange/mediacentre/news/country-profiles/en/;
https://www.washinhcf.org/home/; http://www.who.int/ipcs/methods/en/


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WHO/Hans Everts
Overview many countries, weak health systems remain an obstacle to
progress and result in deficiencies in coverage for even the
More than 50 SDG indicators, across more than 10 goals, most basic health services, as well as poor preparedness
have been selected to measure health outcomes, direct for health emergencies. Based on the latest available data,
determinants of health or health-service provision. These the global and regional situation in relation to the above
health-related indicators may be grouped into the following seven thematic areas is summarized below. Country-
seven thematic areas: specific findings by indicator, where available, are presented
graphically in Annex A and in tabular form in Annex B.
reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health
infectious diseases 2.1 Reproductive, maternal, newborn and
noncommunicable diseases and mental health child health
injuries and violence
universal health coverage and health systems Worldwide, approximately 830 women died every single
environmental risks day due to complications during pregnancy or childbirth
health risks and disease outbreaks. in 2015 (1). Reducing the global maternal mortality ratio
(MMR) from 216 per 100 000 live births in 2015 to less
Available data indicate that despite the progress made than 70 per 100 000 live births by 2030 (SDG Target
during the MDG era major challenges remain in terms 3.1) will require a global annual rate of reduction of at
of reducing maternal and child mortality, improving least 7.5% which is more than triple the annual rate of
nutrition, and making further progress in the battle against reduction that was achieved between 1990 and 2015 (2).
communicable diseases such as HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis Most maternal deaths are preventable as the necessary
(TB), malaria, neglected tropical diseases and hepatitis. medical interventions are well known. It is therefore crucially
Furthermore, the results of situation analyses provide important to increase womens access to quality care
clear evidence of the crucial importance of addressing before, during and after childbirth. In 2016, millions of births
NCDs and their risk factors such as tobacco use, mental globally were not assisted by a trained midwife, doctor or
health problems, road traffic injuries and environmental nurse, with only 78% of births were in the presence of a
conditions within the sustainable development agenda. In skilled birth attendant (3).


In 2016, 77% of women of reproductive age who were remains the most severely affected, with 4.4% of adults
married or in-union had their family planning need met aged 1549 years living with HIV. Globally, 18.2 million
with a modern contraceptive method. While nine out of 10 people living with HIV were on antiretroviral therapy by
women in the WHO Western Pacific Region had their family mid 2016 (8).
planning need satisfied, only half of women in the WHO
African Region did (4). Globally, the adolescent birth rate in In 2015, there were an estimated 212 million malaria cases
2015 was 44.1 per 1000 adolescent girls aged 1519 years (5). globally, translating into an incidence rate of 94 per 1000
persons at risk a 41% decrease from the rate in 2000.
The global under-five mortality rate in 2015 was 43 per The greatest decrease was achieved in the WHO European
1000 live births, while the neonatal mortality rate was Region, with the number of indigenous cases being reduced
19 per 1000 live births representing declines of 44% to zero in 2015. There were an estimated 429000 malaria
and 37% respectively compared to the rates in 2000. deaths globally, with the heaviest burden borne by the
Newborn deaths represented half or more of all deaths WHO African Region where an estimated 92% of all
among children under 5 years of age in all WHO regions in deaths occurred and by children under 5 years of age, who
2015 with the exception of the WHO African Region where accounted for more than 70% of all deaths (9).
one third of under-five deaths occurred after the first month
of life (Figure 2.1). The WHO African Region also had the Tuberculosis (TB) remains a major global health problem,
highest under-five mortality rate (81.3 per 1000 live births) despite being a treatable and curable disease. In 2015, there
that year almost double the global rate (6). were an estimated 10.4 million new TB cases and 1.4 million
TB deaths, with an additional 0.4 million deaths resulting
Figure 2.1
from TB among HIV-positive people. In 2015, the TB case
Under-five mortality rates by age at death, by WHO region, 2015 fatality rate (calculated as mortality divided by incidence)
Neonatal Post-neonatal varied widely from under 5% in some countries to more
than 20% in most countries in the WHO African Region.
This finding highlights the persistence of large inequities in
access to high-quality diagnostic and treatment services.
SEAR The WHO European Region recorded the highest incidence
AMR rate of multidrug- or rifampicin-resistant TB (MDR/RR-TB)
at 14 per 100000 population (10).

EUR The number of global deaths in 2015 attributable to hepatitis

l l l l l l
0 20 40 60 80 100 is estimated to be in the order of 1.3 million (11). This figure
Mortality rate (per 1000 live births) includes deaths from acute hepatitis, liver cancer due to
hepatitis and cirrhosis due to hepatitis. In the same year,
an estimated 257 million people were living with hepatitisB
Globally in 2016, there were 155 million children under virus infection, and 71 million people were living with
the age of five who were stunted (too short for their hepatitisC virus infection (12). Global coverage with three
age), 52million wasted (too light for their height) and doses of hepatitis B vaccine (a priority intervention) reached
41million overweight (too heavy for their height). Stunting 84% among infants in 2015. However, in 36 countries the
prevalence was highest (34%) in the WHO African Region estimated coverage was less than 80% (Figure 2.2) (13).
and the WHO South-East Asia Region. Both the highest
prevalence of wasting (15.3%) and number of wasted In 2015, a reported 1.6 billion people required mass or
children (27million) were found in the WHO South-East individual treatment and care for neglected tropical diseases
Asia Region. Between 2000 and 2016, the number of (NTDs) down from 2.0 billion people in 2010. Most
overweight children under the age of five increased globally of these people required mass treatment for lymphatic
by 33% (7). filariasis, soil-transmitted helminthiases, schistosomiasis,
trachoma and/or onchocerciasis. The progress made in
reducing the number of people requiring mass treatment
2.2 Infectious diseases has been driven in large part by the fact that lymphatic
filariasis and trachoma have either been eliminated or are
Globally, 2.1 million people were estimated to have become under surveillance for verification of elimination in 18 and
newly infected with HIV in 2015, representing a rate of 0.3 eight countries respectively. In 2015, fewer people required
new infections per 1000 uninfected people. In the same individual treatment and care for dracunculiasis, human
year, an estimated 1.1 million people died of HIV-related African trypanosomiasis and visceral leishmaniasis than
illnesses. At the end of 2015, an estimated 36.7 million ever before (14).
people were living with HIV. The WHO African Region


Figure 2.2
Hepatitis B third-dose (HepB3) immunization coverage among one-year olds (%), 2015

Coverage (%)
<50 (6 countries, or 3%)
5079 (30 countries, or 16%)
8089 (35 countries, or 18%) Data not available/HepB not introduced (9 countries, or 5%)
90 (114 countries, or 59%) Not applicable 0 750 1500 3000 Kilometres

2.3 Noncommunicable diseases and mental Figure 2.3

Global trends in age-standardized mortality rate by NCD cause, by country income
groups, 20002015

Cardiovascular diseases Diabetes mellitus

In 2015, an estimated 40 million deaths occurred due to Cancers Chronic respiratory diseases
NCDs, accounting for 70% of the overall total of 56 million
High-income countries
deaths. The majority of such deaths were caused by the four 350
main NCDs, namely: cardiovascular disease, 17.7 million
deaths (accounting for 45% of all NCD deaths); cancer,
Age-standadized mortality rate
(per 100 000 population)

8.8 million deaths (22%); chronic respiratory disease, 250

3.9 million deaths (10%); and diabetes, 1.6 million deaths 200
(4%). The risk of dying from any one of the four main
NCDs between ages 30 and 70 decreased from 23% in
2000 to 19% in 2015. In high-income countries, age- 100
standardized cardiovascular mortality rates have declined 50
rapidly in recent years, while mortality rates from the other
main NCDs have fallen at a slower pace. Although age- l l l l
standardized cardiovascular mortality rates and chronic 2000 2005 2010 2015

respiratory mortality rates have improved substantially in

low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), they remain far Low- and middle-income countries
higher than rates in high-income countries (Figure 2.3) (11). 350

The worldwide level of alcohol consumption in 2016 was
Age-standadized mortality rate
(per 100 000 population)

6.4 litres of pure alcohol per person aged 15 years or older,
with considerable variation between WHO regions (15). 200
Available data indicate that treatment coverage for alcohol 150
and drug-use disorders is inadequate, though further work
is needed to improve the measurement of such coverage. 100

In 2015, more than 1.1 billion people smoked tobacco,
with far more males than females currently engaging in l l l l
2000 2005 2010 2015
this behaviour (16). The WHO Framework Convention on


Tobacco Control has now been ratified by 180 Parties It is estimated that in 2015, 152000 people were killed
representing 90% of the global population. More than 80% in wars and conflicts, corresponding to around 0.3% of
of Parties have either strengthened their existing tobacco all global deaths that year. This estimate does not include
control laws and regulations or have adopted new ones. deaths due to the indirect effects of war and conflict on the
spread of diseases, poor nutrition and collapse of health
Almost 800000 deaths by suicide occurred in 2015, services (11).
making it the second leading cause of death by injury
after road traffic injuries. Men are almost twice as likely as
women to die as a result of suicide. Suicide mortality rates 2.5 Universal health coverage and health
are highest in the WHO European Region (14.1 per 100000 systems
population) and lowest in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean
Region (3.8 per 100000 population) (11). The average national percentage of total government
expenditure devoted to health was 11.7% in 2014.
Regionally, such average ranged from 8.8% in the WHO
2.4 Injuries and violence Eastern Mediterranean Region to 13.6% in the WHO Region
of the Americas (20). This measure indicates the level of
Around 1.25 million people died from road traffic injuries government spending on health within the total expenditure
in 2013, with up to 50 million people sustaining non-fatal for public sector operations in a country, and is part of
injuries as a result of road traffic collisions or crashes. Road SDG indicator 1.a.2 on the proportion of total government
traffic injuries are the main cause of death among people spending on essential services (education, health and social
aged 1529 years and disproportionately affect vulnerable protection).
road users, namely pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists.
Between 2000 and 2013 the number of road traffic deaths Consultations with WHO Member States on estimating
globally increased by approximately 13% (17). the SDG indicators needed to monitor SDG Target 3.8 on
UHC began in February 2017. Once completed, estimates
Latest estimates indicate that globally almost one quarter of the SDG indicators 3.8.1 and 3.8.2 coverage of essential
of adults (23%) suffered physical abuse as a child (18) health services; and the proportion of population with
and about one third (35%) of women experienced either large household expenditures on health as a share of
physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non- total household expenditure or income, respectively will
partner sexual violence at some point in their life (19). provide the first comparable set of SDG monitoring figures
for developing an index for use as a measure of financial
During the period 20112015, the global annual average protection. On average, countries have data since 2010 for
death rate due to natural disasters was 0.3 deaths per around 70% of tracer indicators within SDG indicator 3.8.1,1
100000 population. The WHO Western Pacific Region had with 50% of countries having at least one data source for
the highest rate at 0.5 deaths per 100000 population (11). SDG indicator 3.8.2 since 2005.

In 2015, there were an estimated 468000 murders, with In 2015, global coverage of three doses of diphtheria-
four fifths of all homicide victims being male. Men in the tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) vaccine, as a proxy for full
WHO Region of the Americas suffered the highest rate of immunization among children, was 86% (13). Data from
homicide deaths at 32.9 per 100000 population, 12 times 20072014 show that the median availability of selected
the rate among men in the WHO Western Pacific Region essential medicines in the public sector was only 60% in
(Figure 2.4). Globally, during the period 20002015 there selected low-income countries and 56% in selected lower-
was a marked decline (19%) in homicide rates (11). middle-income countries (21). Access to medicines for
chronic conditions and NCDs is even worse than that for
Figure 2.4 acute conditions. Despite improvements in recent decades,
Homicide rates by sex, by WHO region and globally, 2015
the development of innovative new products remains
Male Female focused away from the health needs of those living in
developing countries. As a result, the current landscape
of health research and development (see section 1.5) is
Mortality rate (per 100 000 population)

insufficiently aligned with global health demands and needs.
25 Health workforce densities are also distributed unevenly
20 across the globe. As shown in Figure 2.5, WHO regions
with the highest burden of disease expressed in disability-

SDG indicator 3.8.1 Coverage of essential health services is defined as the average
5 coverage of essential services based on tracer interventions that include reproductive,
maternal, newborn and child health, infectious diseases, noncommunicable diseases
0 and service capacity and access, among the general and the most disadvantaged
AFR AMR SEAR EUR EMR WPR Global populations.


Figure 2.5 Unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene also
Regional health workforce density, 20052015, and estimated total burden of
disease, 2010 remain important causes of death, with an estimated
871000 associated deaths occurring in 2012.1 Such deaths
disproportionately occur in low-income communities and
100 among children under 5 years of age (28, 29). Although
Skilled health professionals density

6.6billion people used an improved drinking-water source

(per 100000 population)

in 2015 the coverage of safely managed drinking-water
services remains low, with preliminary estimates of 68%
coverage in urban areas and only 20% in rural areas(30,31).
40 WPR Around one third of the world population (32%) did not have
access to improved sanitation facilities in 2015, including
AFR 946 million people who practised open defecation(30).
l l l l l l l l l
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 An estimated 108 000 deaths were caused by unintentional
Disability-adjusted life years (per 1000 population) poisonings in 2015. In LMIC, pesticides, kerosene,
household chemicals and carbon monoxide are all common
causes of such poisoning. In high-income countries, the
adjusted life years (22) also have the lowest densities of substances involved primarily include carbon monoxide,
health workforce required to deliver much-needed health drugs, and cleaning and personal-care products in the
services. Data from 20052015 show that around 40% of home. The number deaths attributed to this cause are
countries have less than one physician per 1000 population highest among children under 5 years of age and among
and around half of all countries have less than three nursing adults aged 60 years or older. Mortality rates are also
and midwifery personnel per 1000 population (23). Even in higher among men than among women across all age
countries with higher national health worker densities, the groups (Figure2.6)(11).
workforce is often inequitably distributed, with rural and
hard-to-reach areas tending to be understaffed compared Figure 2.6
Global mortality rate due to unintentional poisonings, by age and sex, 2015
to capital cities and other urban areas.
Male Female

In the area of monitoring and evaluation (see section 1.1 4.0

above), WHO estimates that only half of its 194 Member
Mortality rate (per 100 000 population)

States register at least 80% of deaths, with associated
information provided on cause of death (11, 24). In addition,
data-quality problems further limit the use of such


2.6 Environmental risks 0.5

04 514 1529 3059 60+
Around 3 billion people still heat their homes and cook
Age (years)
using solid fuels (that is, using wood, crop wastes, charcoal,
coal or dung) in open fires and leaky stoves. The use of
such inefficient fuels and technologies leads to high levels
of household air pollution. In 2012, such household air 2.7 Health risks and disease outbreaks
pollution caused 4.3 million deaths globally. Women and
children are at particularly high risk of disease caused by The International Health Regulations (IHR) monitoring
exposure to household air pollution, accounting for 60% of process involved the use of a self-assessment questionnaire
all deaths attributed to such pollution (25). sent to States Parties to assess the implementation status
of 13 core capacities. In 2016, 129 States Parties (66% of all
In 2014, 92% of the world population was living in places States Parties) responded to the monitoring questionnaire.
where WHO air quality guideline standards were not met. The average core capacity scores of all reporting countries
Outdoor air pollution in both cities and rural areas was in 2016 was 76% (32, 33).
estimated to have caused 3 million deaths worldwide in
2012. Some 87% of these deaths occurred in LMIC(26).
Jointly, indoor and outdoor air pollution caused an estimated 1
Includes deaths from diarrhoea, intestinal nematode infections and protein-energy
6.5 million deaths (11.6% of all global deaths) in 2012 (27). malnutrition attributable to lack of access to WASH services.


References 14. Neglected tropical diseases [online database]. Global Health
Observatory (GHO) data. Geneva: World Health Organization
(http://www.who.int/gho/neglected_diseases/en/); and the
1. Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2015. Estimates by WHO, Preventive chemotherapy and transmission control (PCT)
UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and the United Nations databank. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.
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2015 (http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/ en/).
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2. Alkema L, Chou D, Hogan D, Zhang S, Moller A-B, Gemmill et Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/gho/
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to 2030: a systematic analysis by the UN Maternal Mortality 16. WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking
Estimation Inter-Agency Group. Lancet. 2016;387(10017):462 2015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://apps.who.
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3. WHO global database on maternal health indicators, 2017 update 17. Global status report on road safety 2015. Geneva: World Health
[online database]. Geneva: World Health Organization (http:// Organization; 2015 (http://www.who.int/violence_injury_
www.who.int/gho/maternal_health/en/). prevention/road_safety_status/2015/en/, accessed 22 March
4. Estimates and projections of family planning indicators 2016.
New York (NY): United Nations, Department of Economic and 18. World Health Organization, United Nations Office on Drugs and
Social Affairs, Population Division; 2015 (see: http://www.un.org/ Crime and United Nations Development Programme. Global
en/development/desa/population/theme/family-planning/cp_ status report on violence prevention 2014. Geneva: World Health
model.shtml, accessed 23 March 2017). Special tabulations were Organization; 2014 (see: http://www.who.int/violence_injury_
prepared for estimates by WHO region. prevention/violence/status_report/2014/en/, accessed 23 March
5. World Population Prospects, the 2015 Revision (DVD edition).
New York (NY): United Nations, Department of Economic and 19. World Health Organization, London School of Hygiene & Tropical
Social Affairs, Population Division; 2015 (http://esa.un.org/unpd/ Medicine and South African Medical Research Council. Global
wpp/Download/Standard/Fertility/, accessed 13 April 2016). and regional estimates of violence against women: prevalence
and health effects of intimate partner violence and non-
6. Levels & Trends in Child Mortality. Report 2015. Estimates partner sexual violence. Geneva: World Health Organization;
developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality 2013 (http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/
Estimation. United Nations Childrens Fund, World Health violence/9789241564625/en/, accessed 23 March 2017).
Organization, World Bank and United Nations. New York (NY):
United Nations Childrens Fund; 2015 (http://www.unicef.org/ 20. Unweighted averages of country-specific data from WHO Global
publications/files/Child_Mortality_Report_2015_Web_9_ Health Expenditure Database [online database]. Geneva: World
Sept_15.pdf, accessed 22 March 2017). Health Organization (http://apps.who.int/nha/database/Select/
Indicators/en, accessed 22 March 2017).
7. Global database on child growth and malnutrition [online
database]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 (http:// 21. Millennium Development Goal 8: taking stock of the global
www.who.int/nutgrowthdb/database/en). partnership for development. MDG Gap Task Force Report
2015. New York (NY): United Nations; 2015 (www.un.org/en/
8. AIDS by the numbers: AIDS is not over, but it can be. Geneva: development/desa/policy/mdg_gap/mdg_gap2015/2015GAP_
UNAIDS; 2015 (http://www.unaids.org/sites/default/files/ FULLREPORT_EN.pdf, accessed 23 March 2017).
media_asset/AIDS-by-the-numbers-2016_en.pdf , accessed 18
April 2016). Estimates by WHO region were calculated by WHO. 22. Global Health Estimates 2015: DALYs by cause, age, sex, by country
and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization;
9. World Malaria Report 2016. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/
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11. Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by 2016.
country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health
Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_ 25. Burning opportunity: clean household energy for health,
burden_disease/estimates/en/index1.html, accessed 22 March sustainable development, and wellbeing of women and children.
2017). Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://apps.who.
12. Global hepatitis report, 2017. Geneva: World Health Organization; accessed 23 March 2017).
2017 (http://www.who.int/hepatitis/publications/global-
hepatitis-report2017/en/, accessed 17 April 2017). 26. Ambient air pollution: a global assessment of exposure and burden
of disease. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (see: http://
13. WHO/UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage. July who.int/phe/publications/air-pollution-global-assessment/en/,
2016 revision (http://www.who.int/immunization/monitoring_ accessed 23 March 2017).
surveillance/routine/coverage/en/index4.html, accessed 22
March 2017).


27. Public health and environment [online database]. Global Health 31. Hutton, G, Varughese M. The costs of meeting the 2030 Sustainable
Observatory (GHO) data. Geneva: World Health Organization Development Goals targets on drinking water, sanitation and
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WHO/Sergey Volkov

Overview enclosed public places and workplaces in Ireland, and the

largest-in-the-world warning labels placed on cigarette
The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development lays out an packs in Uruguay.
ambitious array of goals and targets, including one SDG on
health and many health-related SDG targets. Faced with this Another prominent strand in these country success stories
potentially daunting challenge, countries have maintained is the vital importance of health system strengthening.
and accelerated actions to improve the health of their The importance of relentless efforts to implement known
populations. In Part 3, a selection of stories are presented health system interventions using validated strategies
which illustrate the wide range of actions that countries should not be underestimated. This was demonstrated by
have taken to achieve documented progress. These stories the experiences of Cambodia, Papua New Guinea and the
demonstrate that the health-related SDG targets can be Russian Federation in their efforts to improve coverage of
reached through the six lines of action outlined in Part 1 of hepatitis B vaccination, reduce malaria incidence and treat
this report. alcohol-use disorders, respectively. These stories show
that reaching all populations, as well as being an important
One central theme in this part has been the diverse goal in itself, is a necessary step in ensuring high levels of
range of intersectoral actions taken by Ghana, Ireland, population coverage by interventions. In Papua New Guinea,
the Republic of Korea, the Russian Federation, and the challenge of ensuring sustainable financing was also
Uruguay in bringing about significant improvements in highlighted where funding sources for an activity are not
strengthening IHR capacity, and reducing mortality due maintained, any progress made will be put at risk.
to noncommunicable diseases, suicide, harmful use of
alcohol, and tobacco use, respectively. These actions have The importance of monitoring in raising awareness,
variously involved collaborations with the agricultural, identifying areas for improvement and identifying successful
financial, transportation, customs and immigration, and policy actions cannot be overstated. The existence of
housing sectors, among others. Many of these intersectoral monitoring data demonstrating an improvement in a health-
actions involved innovative strategies and interventions, related SDG indicator was a prerequisite for the selection
such as the trailblazing nationwide ban on smoking in all of country stories. In Kazakhstan and the Islamic Republic


of Iran a specific focus was placed on improving monitoring is encouraging. The stories selected range across different
systems for capturing maternal deaths and on building countries, WHO regions and income levels, and across
up the national CRVS system for monitoring mortality by the broad spectrum of health-related SDG targets and
cause, respectively. indicators. All share the common message that efforts
made in accordance with the six lines of action described in
The evidence presented here of successful efforts to this report can be the catalyst for bringing about profound
enhance country capacities to achieve the health-related change in the lives of so many.
SDG targets and ultimately to improve population health


3.1 Ending preventable maternal deaths in Kazakhstan
SDG Target 3.1
By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100 000 live births
Indicator 3.1.1: Maternal mortality ratio
Country: Kazakhstan
WHO region: European Region
World Bank income category, 2015: Upper middle income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 70.2 years
Maternal mortality ratio, 2015: 12 per 100 000 live births

Despite global progress in reducing the maternal Kazakhstan initiated its confidential enquiry This example shows how the proactive reviewing
mortality ratio (MMR) (1) immediate action is system in 2011, when the Central Confidential and reclassification of maternal deaths can
needed to meet SDG Target 3.1 and ultimately Audit Commission (CCAC) audited the officially improve the classification of cases and quantify
eliminate preventable maternal mortality. Although reported maternal deaths for 20092010 to the accuracy of the data systems used to monitor
the rates of reduction that are needed to achieve determine why these deaths occurred (8). This the MMR. Such efforts are recognized by the
country-specific SDG targets may be ambitious audit resulted in recommendations to revise UN-MMEIG for countries conducting and
for most high-mortality countries, some countries clinical guidelines. In 2014, the CCAC audit describing this type of high-quality study, UN
have already made remarkable progress in was expanded to cover deaths in women of estimates of maternal mortality can be computed
reducing their MMR. Such countries can provide reproductive age that were not officially assigned directly from the country data without global
inspiration and guidance on how to accomplish to maternal causes. The CCAC then reviewed adjustment factors. As a result, in countries
the acceleration of efforts needed to reduce the pregnancy-related deaths1 that had occurred with primarily high-quality CRVS data, national
number of preventable maternal deaths. between 2011 and 2013. These included 166 level data and global estimates are harmonized.
deaths that had officially been registered as Furthermore, the results of confidential enquiries
Measuring maternal mortality is challenging maternal deaths2 and 18 deaths that had been can be used to revise and strengthen clinical
because of limited data availability, and even registered as accidents or deaths due to other guidelines, and to support activities aimed at
countries with well-functioning civil registration causes. Following CCAC review, 10 of the ending preventable maternal deaths.
and vital statistics (CRVS) systems have difficulties, original 166 deaths were found not to have been
due to misclassification, in ascertaining the due to maternal causes, while eight of the 18
causes of maternal deaths. The United Nations pregnancy-related deaths were re-categorized
Maternal Mortality Estimation Inter-Agency as maternal deaths (Table 3.1) (9).
Group (UN-MMEIG), of which WHO is a member,
has published a succession of MMR estimates Table 3.1
used for global reporting and comparison (27). Results of the 2014 CCAC confidential enquiry, Kazakhstan
Before each release of new MMR estimates, Number of deaths
WHO conducts a country consultation process Categorization 2011 2012 2013 Total
during which countries have the opportunity to
Officially registered as maternal deaths (a) 65 52 49 166
review and discuss the estimates made, and the
data and methodology used to generate them. Re-categorized as non-maternal deaths (b) 4 1 5 10
A particular focus is placed on the strengths Confirmed maternal deaths (a - b = c) 61 51 44 156
and limitations of data inputs and on problems Additional pregnancy-related deaths identified in the enquiry (d) 8 3 7 18
related to the misclassification of maternal deaths.
Re-categorized as maternal deaths (e) 4 2 2 8
In acknowledging the problem of misclassification, Total maternal deaths (c + e) 65 53 46 164
Kazakhstan is one of a number of countries
that have implemented specialized surveillance
systems and conducted confidential enquiries
into maternal deaths. This has allowed for the
strengthening of CRVS systems, and for the
reviewing and correction of mistakes in cause-
of-death assignment. Such confidential enquiries 1
Defined as: ...the death of a woman while pregnant or
are designed to improve maternal health and within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective
health care by collecting data, identifying any of the cause of death (International statistical
classification of diseases and related health problems,
shortfalls in the care provided and devising 10th revision. Volume 2: Instruction manual. Geneva:
recommendations to improve future care. The World Health Organization; 2011).
approach involves identifying and investigating 2
Defined as: ...the death of a woman while pregnant or
the cause of all deaths of women of reproductive within 42 days of termination of pregnancy, irrespective
of the duration and the site of the pregnancy, from any
age using multiple sources of data including cause related to or aggravated by the pregnancy or
interviews with family members and community its management, but not from accidental or incidental
health workers, and reviews of CRVS data, causes (International statistical classification of diseases
and related health problems, 10th revision. Volume 2:
household surveys, health-care facility records Instruction manual. Geneva: World Health Organization;
and burial records. 2011).


3.2 Reducing the level of malaria in Papua New Guinea
SDG Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases
and other communicable diseases
Indicator 3.3.3: Malaria incidence per 1000 population
Country: Papua New Guinea
WHO region: Western Pacific Region
World Bank income category, 2015: Lower middle income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 62.9 years
Malaria incidence, 2015: 122 per 1000 population at risk

Papua New Guinea is largely mountainous but has The numbers of malaria cases, admissions and Figure 3.2
a diverse geography which also includes coastal Trend in prevalence of Plasmodium falciparum or
deaths at health facilities is tracked through the P. vivax malaria parasites in Papua New Guinea,
plains, swamps, plantations and offshore atolls. national health information system. In addition, 20092014
Malaria is highly endemic in coastal areas, where progress has been monitored through three
two thirds of the population live. People in these nationally representative household surveys 15

Proportion of population living below 1600 m

areas are continuously exposed to malaria, with undertaken in 2009, 2011 and 2014 (1113) and 12.4

altitude infected with malaria (%)

both cases and deaths being concentrated in through health-facility surveys in 2010, 2011,
younger age groups. Patterns of malaria are less 2012, 2014 and 2016 (14). The household surveys
stable in the Highlands Region, which is prone showed that the proportion of the population
to epidemics that cause a significant number that had access to long-lasting insecticidal 6.7
of fatalities. In 2005, an estimated 1.4 million nets (LLINs) increased, with a corresponding
cases occurred leading to an estimated 2800 increase observed in the proportion of the 5
deaths, representing one of the highest malaria population sleeping under such nets (Figure
morbidity and mortality rates outside Africa (10). 3.1). The health-facility surveys showed that the 1.8
proportion of suspected malaria cases receiving
The WHO-recommended package of core a diagnostic test rose from 17.5% in 2010 to 0
2009 2011 2014
interventions to prevent infection and reduce 73.5% in 2016. Antimalarial prescriptions for
morbidity and mortality comprises vector febrile patients who were not tested declined
control, chemoprevention, diagnostic testing over the same period. Despite the impressive progress made, gaps
and treatment. Two forms of vector control in programme coverage remain and continued
insecticide-treated nets (ITNs) and indoor Figure 3.1 efforts are needed to ensure the continuity of
residual spraying are effective in a wide range Trends in LLIN access and use in Papua New Guinea, ITN distribution between mass campaigns, and
of circumstances. WHO recommends that all to extend diagnostic testing and treatment to the
cases of suspected malaria be confirmed using Access to LLIN Slept under LLIN most remote populations. However, the large
parasite-based diagnostic testing using either reduction in malaria cases and deaths may result
microscopy or a rapid diagnostic test (RDT) 80 in the disease no longer being seen as a priority
before any treatment is administered. All episodes 68 for funding. Approximately 80% of the financing
Proportion of population covered (%)

of malaria should be treated with at least two 61 for malaria programme expansion in Papua New
60 54
effective antimalarial medicines with different Guinea stems from the Global Fund, and more
mechanisms of action (combination therapy). 50 44 diverse sources of funding will be needed to
40 ensure programme stability. According to data
The reduction of malaria-related morbidity and 33 reported to WHO (10) governmental funding for
mortality is a key objective of Papua New Guineas the countrys malaria programme increased
National Health Plan, with the mass distribution 20 more than ten-fold between 2010 and 2015.
of ITNs viewed as an essential component of the 10 However, Papua New Guineas recent GDP
malaria-control strategy. In 2009, the country growth, which allowed for this investment, is
received US$ 102 million from the Global Fund 0 largely attributed to an expansion of natural
2009 2011 2014
and more than 7.5 million ITNs were distributed in resource projects and international demand for
three mass distribution rounds between 2009 and such resources can be volatile.
2015. In addition, RDTs for improving diagnosis Household surveys (11, 12) also revealed a drop in
and guiding the use of combination therapy parasite prevalence among the population living
(artemetherlumefantrine) were introduced below an altitude of 1600 metres (Figure 3.2). In
in 2011. Substantial investments, including total, WHO estimated that in 2015 the number of
investments in activities of nongovernmental malaria cases in Papua New Guinea had been
organizations, were made to reach some of the reduced to 900 000, with 1200 deaths (10).
most remote population groups in the world.


3.3 Combating viral hepatitis in Cambodia
SDG Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases
and other communicable diseases
Indicator 3.3.4: Hepatitis B incidence per 100 000 population
Country: Cambodia
WHO region: Western Pacific Region
World Bank income category, 2015: Lower middle income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 68.7 years
Infants receiving three doses of hepatitis B vaccine, 2015: 89%

In 2015, infection with the hepatitis B virus (HBV) In 2011, a second biomarker survey was Despite the absence of nationally representative
contributed to an estimated 887 000 deaths conducted in three provinces among children data following the implementation of HBV
worldwide. Most of these deaths result from who had been born in 20062007 following vaccination, the intermediate biomarker-based
the chronic sequelae of HBV infection such as the national roll-out of HBV vaccination (17). In assessment conducted in 2011 had suggested
cirrhosis (52%) and liver cancer (38%) (15). These all three provinces, the prevalence of HBsAg that Cambodia was on course to meet the goal
chronic sequelae in adulthood are most often had decreased compared with the estimates set by the Regional Committee for the Western
the result of HBV infections acquired at birth or obtained for children born in similar settings in Pacific of reducing the seroprevalence of HBsAg
during childhood. The prevalence of hepatitis B 2000. In Phnom Penh, where third-dose coverage to < 2% among children 5 years of age by 2012
surface antigen (HBsAg) among children 5 years and timely birth-dose coverage were 91% and (18). The lessons learnt from this intermediate
of age may be used as a surrogate indicator of the 55% respectively, 0.33% of 1196 children were evaluation also led to successful national efforts
cumulated incidence of chronic HBV infections HBsAg positive. In Kratie (third-dose and timely to increase both third-dose coverage and timely
from birth to age five. Such early HBV infection birth-dose coverage 82% and 36% respectively) birth-dose coverage (Figure 3.4). Such increases,
can be prevented by timely vaccination. 1.41% of 569 children were HBsAg positive. In if maintained, would allow the country to meet
Ratanakiri (third-dose and timely birth-dose the new control goals of the global health sector
Several studies had indicated that the prevalence coverage 64% and 22% respectively) 3.45% strategy on viral hepatitis 20162021 of reducing
of chronic HBV infection as measured by the of 637 children were HBsAg positive. Children HBsAg seroprevalence in children 5 years of
prevalence of HBsAg was high in Cambodia, born at home without a skilled birth attendant age to 1% by 2020, and to 0.1% by 2030 (19).
with prevalence in specific adult populations were 1.94 times less likely to have received a In 2017, a new biomarker survey will further
such as blood donors and emigrants ranging timely birth-dose compared with those born in document the progress made towards these
from 8% to 14% (16). In 2001, Cambodia a health facilities with a skilled birth attendant. goals. The incorporation of robust monitoring
began to phase-in the universal immunization Children who had received a first dose of vaccine and evaluation activities as part of HBV vaccine
of infants against HBV, based upon a first dose after 7 days of life or who had never received roll-out in Cambodia will allow for the efficient
administered as soon as possible after birth and the vaccine were found to have the highest targeting of resources to ensure that all children
two subsequent doses. HBV vaccination was prevalence of HBsAg (Figure 3.3). are covered by the vaccination programme.
implemented nationwide in 2005. Biomarker
surveys conducted in 2006 and 2011 documented Figure 3.3 Figure 3.4
the improvement in immunization rates that had Prevalence of HBV infection (HBsAg) by first-dose WHO and UNICEF estimatesa of hepatitis B timely birth-
occurred since 2000. vaccination timing among four- and five-year olds in dose and hepatitis B third-dose vaccination coverage,
Phnom Penh, Kratie, and Ratanakiri, Cambodia, 2011 Cambodia, 20062015

The 2006 national biomarker survey was Phnom Penh Birth dose, within 24 hours of birth
conducted specifically to provide a formal Kratie Third dose
initial assessment prior to large-scale vaccine Ratanakiri
introduction (16). The prevalence of HBsAg 12 90
was measured among children 5 years of
Prevalence of HBV infection (%)

10 80
age all of whom had been born prior to the
introduction of routine hepatitis immunization 70
Coverage (%)

in their geographical area. At the national level, 60

it was found that 55 out of 1558 children were 6 50
HBsAg positive, corresponding to a prevalence 40
of 3.5%. Prevalence was higher in males than 30
in females (4.8% versus 2.2% respectively) 2 20
and in the least-developed areas compared 10
with the most developed region (8.6% versus 0
Within 27 days 8 days No 0
3.2% respectively). 24 hours or later vaccine


Based on national immunization coverage data reported
to WHO and UNICEF.


3.4 Improving health by clearing the air in Ireland
SDG Target 3.4
By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental
health and well-being
Indicator 3.4.1: Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease
Country: Ireland
WHO region: European Region
World Bank income category, 2015: High income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 81.4 years
Probability of dying from any of cardiovascular disease,
cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease,
between age 30 and exact age 70, 2015: 10.3%

SDG Target 3.4 on reducing premature mortality exposure may occur indoors or outdoors. Policies of bituminous (smoky) coal abruptly improved air
from noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) will implemented in Ireland to reduce exposure to quality in Dublin and reduced chronic respiratory
require multifaceted action. Such action will dangerous particles have resulted in documented disease mortality (27). The ban was subsequently
include improving primary health care to treat reductions in mortality from chronic respiratory extended to other cities and large towns in the
heart disease, diabetes and hypertension; diseases. In September 1990, a ban on the sale following decades, contributing to declines in
promoting healthy diets and physical activity; measured black smoke concentrations and to
and building healthy environments. Between Figure 3.5 the reductions in NCD-associated mortality
2000 and 2015, the rate of mortality due to the Probability of dying from any of the four main NCDs observed from 2000 onwards.
four main NCDs1 declined globally by 17% (15). between age 30 and exact age 70, Ireland (by sex),
WHO European Region and the world
Such recent improvements are estimated to be Although the Dublin coal ban was implemented
mainly due to reductions in cardiovascular and Ireland (all) more than 25 years ago, bituminous coal is still
chronic respiratory disease mortality. Because Ireland (males) used for home energy needs in small towns and
Ireland (females)
of the myriad of ways in which deaths from World
rural areas in Ireland. Currently, smoke from
cardiovascular disease can be prevented, EUR solid fuel use continues to be the main source
modelling studies are typically used to estimate of particulate matter (PM) in rural areas where
which particular factors have led to the observed PM10 concentrations2 are similar to those seen
reductions in mortality. These studies have in cities and large towns (28). These exposures
shown that previous improvements in high- 21 are expected to reduce following the scheduled
Probability of dying (%)

income countries were the result of reductions 19 nationwide implementation of the coal ban by
in risk factors and improvements in medical 17 the end of 2018 (29).
care in approximately equal measure (20, 21). 15
In the case of chronic respiratory diseases, the 13 In 2004, Ireland became the first country in the
main risk factors are tobacco smoking, outdoor 11 world to ban smoking in all enclosed public places
air pollution and indoor use of solid fuels (22). 9 and workplaces. The ban is strictly enforced
7 and includes bars, restaurants, clubs, offices,
Ireland has achieved exemplary reductions in 5 public buildings, company cars, trucks, taxis
mortality from NCDs having achieved the l l l l and vans. A private residence is considered a
2000 2005 2010 2015
second largest reduction in mortality from the workplace when trades people, such as plumbers
four main NCDs between 2000 and 2015. During or electricians, are working there. Premises
this period, the probability of dying from any of Figure 3.6 must display a sign informing patrons of the
the four main NCDs between the ages of 30 Age-standardized mortality rate by cause, four main ban and providing the details of the person to
and 70 fell from 17.8% to 10.3% (Figure 3.5), NCDs, Ireland be contacted in the event of any complaints. A
corresponding to a reduction of 42%. Of the workplace can be given a fine of 3000 for each
four main NCDs, the largest reductions were Cardiovascular diseases person found smoking (resulting, for example,
observed in the level of cardiovascular mortality Chronic respiratory diseases in a 15000 for five people in violation). In
(Figure 3.6). Among the factors contributing to Diabetes addition, a compliance line has been set up
these reductions were declining prevalence of 250 by the Office of Tobacco Control that people
both cigarette smoking (23, 24) and raised blood can call to report incidences of smoking in an
pressure (25), and improvements in medical enclosed public place. Studies have found that
Age-standardized mortality rate

(per 100 000 population)

treatment. A further contributing factor was the ban has resulted in significant reductions in
a reduction in exposure to harmful particles 150
hospital admissions for pulmonary disease and
in the air. acute coronary syndromes (30) and in mortality
from ischaemic heart disease, stroke and chronic
Breathing fine particles is known to cause obstructive pulmonary disease (31). These findings
cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease and are consistent with international reviews of the
cancers (26). These dangerous particles may health effects of smoking bans (32,33). Together
come from tobacco smoke, smoke from fires with other anti-tobacco initiatives, the ban on
for home energy needs, or from transportation 0 smoking may also have contributed to an observed
and industrial sources. Depending on the source, l l l l decline in the rate of cigarette smoking.
2000 2005 2010 2015

Refers to the probability of dying between age 30 and


exact age 70 from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, Concentrations of particulate matter with an

diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease. aerodynamic diameter of 10 m or less.


3.5 Preventing suicide in the Republic of Korea
SDG Target 3.4
By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental
health and well-being
Indicator 3.4.2: Suicide mortality rate
Country: Republic of Korea
WHO region: Western Pacific Region
World Bank income category, 2015: High income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 82.3 years
Suicide mortality rate, 2015: 28.4 per 100 000 population1

In 2015, there were almost 800 000 suicide Figure 3.7 half of the overall reduction in the suicide rate
deaths, making suicide the second leading Estimated suicide mortality rates in the Republic of between 2011 and 2013 could be attributed to
Korea,1 high-income countries, and the WHO Western
cause of injury death after road traffic injuries, Pacific Region, 20002015 the paraquat ban. Notably, this was achieved
and one of the leading causes of death overall without any impact on crop yield.
(15). Some suicides are linked to depression a Republic of Korea
High-income countries
mental health disorder estimated to affect 311 WHO Western Pacific Region
Given the magnitude of suicide by pesticide self-
million people worldwide (34). Because of this poisoning around the world, tens of thousands of
link, suicide mortality was selected as one of 40 Initiation of lives could be saved every year should effective
the two indicators for SDG Target 3.4. paraquat ban regulation of pesticides be enforced worldwide.
Suicide mortality rtae (per 100 000 population)

35 Ensuring safer access to pesticides will require

The importance of limiting access to means of 30
an intersectoral approach, including pesticide
suicide as an effective way of reducing suicide bans and other related policies, community
mortality was highlighted in the first-ever WHO 25 interventions (45), improved health care (46),
report on suicide prevention in 2014 (35). A 20
and training and surveillance activities. The
leading means of suicide in many parts of the successful approach taken by the Republic of
world is self-poisoning with pesticides (36). 15 Korea provides an encouraging model for other
The impact of access to pesticides on suicide countries aiming to reduce suicide deaths.
rates was first identified in a 1995 study (37)
that demonstrated both an increase in suicide 5
mortality following the introduction of paraquat Figure 3.8
(a highly toxic herbicide) in Samoa in 1972, Total number of suicides and the proportion of suicides
by pesticide in the Republic of Korea, 200920151

and a subsequent reduction in such mortality

after its banning in 1981. Since then, further Total suicides
studies demonstrating the link between pesticide % suicide by pesticide
availability and suicide rates have emerged
(3840). A recent study of a proposed ban on Suicides by pesticides accounted for about 20 000 Initiation of 20
one fifth of all suicides in the Republic of Korea paraquat ban

Proportion of suicides by pesticide (%)

pesticides in India concluded that such a policy 18 000 18
would reduce health inequities by providing during 20062010 (42). Efforts to control and 16 000 16
higher protection to the poor relative to the minimize the harmful impact of pesticides in 14 000 14
Number of suicides

rich given the greater availability of pesticides the Republic of Korea prior to 2011 had not had 12 000 12
in rural areas (41). any meaningful impact as the pesticides that 10 000 10
accounted for the majority of deaths were not 8000 8
For many years, suicide mortality in the Republic adequately controlled. In 2011, the Republic of 6000 6
of Korea has been high compared to other high- Korea cancelled the re-registration of paraquat
4000 4
income countries and to the WHO Western Pacific and banned its sale in 2012. These actions
2000 2
Region in general (Figure 3.7) (15). According to resulted in an immediate and clear decline in
0 0
WHO estimates the suicide rate in the Republic pesticide-poisoning suicides, and contributed
to a decline in overall suicide rates (Fig 3.8)







of Korea was 14.8 per 100 000 population in

2000, 34.1 per 100 000 in 2010 and 28.3 per (15, 4244). The intervention appeared to reduce
100 000 in 20151 with the suicide rate among suicide rates among all population groups,
males in 2015 being 2.5 times higher than that including men, women, all age groups, and those
among females. living in urban and rural areas (42). More than

The estimate of total suicide mortality for the Republic of


Korea for the years 2014 and 2015 have been updated
using data published in the WHO Mortality Database after
the closure date for the Global Health Estimates 2015


3.6 Preventing early deaths due to alcohol in the Russian Federation
SDG Target 3.5
Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
Indicator 3.5.2: Harmful use of alcohol, defined according to the national context as alcohol per capita consumption (aged 15 years and
older) within a calendar year in litres of pure alcohol
Country: Russian Federation
WHO region: European Region
World Bank income category, 2015: Upper middle income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 70.5 years
Total per capita ( 15 years of age) alcohol consumption, 2016: 13.9 litres of pure alcohol

Following the dissolution of the Soviet Union in Many of the policies implemented in the period Box 3.1
Alcohol policy in the Russian Federation (20052016):
1991, the Russian Federation experienced a major 20052016 have been evidence based, in line timeline of selected key policy changes (52, 53, 57, 60)
demographic and health crisis characterized by with the WHO Global strategy to reduce the
premature mortality, ill health and disability among harmful use of alcohol (58) and the WHO Global 2005
young adults (47). Research on the underlying action plan for the prevention and control of Strengthening of the control system for
production, distribution, and sales (wholesale and
determinants of the increased mortality suggested noncommunicable diseases 20132020 (59) retail) of alcohol, and no sales at selected public
that it was caused by the collapse of the social, and were introduced in a step-wise manner. The spaces.
Mandatory excise stamp on all alcoholic
economic and health systems; a high prevalence of countrys experience clearly demonstrates that beverages for sale in the domestic market.
unhealthy behaviours; and lack of concerted efforts comprehensive government initiatives that utilize Ban on sales of alcoholic beverages containing
more than 15% ethanol alcohol by volume (ABV)
to prevent and control NCDs. The privatization evidence-based interventions and intersectoral in selected public places, by individuals, and other
and deregulation of the alcohol market in the approaches can produce notable results. places not properly licensed.
1990s may have contributed to the escalation 2008
Advertising ban for alcohol on all types of public
of alcohol-related problems (48, 49), with alcohol transportation infrastructure.
Figure 3.9
consumption contributing substantially to the Total alcohol consumption per capita (adults 15 years
Alcohol excise duties increase 10% per year as
part of an amendment to the tax code.
increased morbidity and mortality levels (4851). and over) in the Russian Federation, WHO European
Region and the European Union (EU), 20002016 2010
Adoption of a national programme of actions
The seriousness of the situation called for a major to reduce alcohol-related harm and prevent
Russian Federation
reframing of health policy to control the alcohol EUR
alcoholism among the Russian population for the
period 20102020.
market and reduce the harmful use of alcohol. EU Establishment of a minimum retail price for
In 2004, the government began a process of 18
beverages stronger than 28% ABV.
Zero tolerance for use of alcohol by drivers and
consumption (litres of pure alcohol)

strengthening alcohol-control policies (49, 51, 52). 16 0.0% blood alcohol concentration for driving.
In 2005, the President of the Russian Federation
Total alcohol per capita

14 2011
explicitly acknowledged the urgency of this 12 Strict enforcement and increased severity of
problem, linking the shorter life expectancy of administrative liability for the sale of alcohol
10 products to minors.
the population compared to western European 8 Prohibition of alcohol sales at gas stations.
countries to the prevalence of NCDs and to Implementation of an initiative to improve the
6 treatment system for alcohol and drug use
alcohol use (47). Later the same year a series 4 disorders.
of amendments to the law governing regulation 2 2012
of the production and trading volume of alcohol 0 Prohibition of sales of beer in selected places.
l l l l l Ban on alcohol advertising on the internet and in
products was passed. This was then followed electronic media.
2000 2004 2008 2012 2016
by amendments to other laws and regulations
related to alcohol (Box 3.1). Ban on alcohol advertising in any printed media.
Further increase in minimum retail prices of
Figure 3.10 spirits.
Between 2007 and 2016, total (recorded and Death rate from alcohol use per 100 000 population in A limit of 0.16 mg/l (as a maximum measurement
unrecorded) alcohol consumption was reduced the Russian Federation,a WHO European Region, and error) for a breathalyzer test introduced while
upper middle-income countries (UMIC), 20002015 maintaining a zero tolerance policy; increased
by 3.5 litres of pure alcohol per capita (Figure 3.9) severity of punishment for drink-driving.
(53). During the period 20052015, the number UMIC, males UMIC, females 2014
of new cases of alcoholic psychoses decreased EUR, males EUR, females A Development of Health programme initiated to
Russian Federation, males Russian Federation, females prevent harmful use of alcohol.
from 52.3 to 20.5 per 100 000 population (54), Further increase in fines for alcohol sales to
with the death rate from alcohol use also declining, 70 minors, and criminal responsibility for repeated
especially in males (Figure 3.10) (15). Similar 60 Increase of alcohol excise duties by 33% and
(per 100000 population)

patterns were also observed among patients further increase of minimum prices for spirits.
Crude death rate

Relaxed advertising laws to accommodate

diagnosed with alcohol dependence and other domestic wine-making and the removal of some
alcohol-related diseases, along with an important 40 restrictions on advertising beer and beverages
until 2019, in connection with the FIFA World Cup
reduction in total adult mortality all of which are 30
to be held in the Russian Federation in 2018.
likely to be a result of the downward trends in 20
general alcohol consumption (55). Consumption of 10 Decrease in the minimum price of vodka.
homemade alchohol seems not to have increased 0
Initiation of the social communication project
Health Factory, aimed at addressing risk factors
in response to limitations on the formal market l l l l (including alcohol-use disorders) and targeted
for alcohol (56). The new policies seem to have 2000 2005 2010 2015 towards active people of working age.
made an important contribution to reducing alcohol 2016
Latest year of data from the Russian Federation is 2011. Increase in the minimum price of vodka.
consumption in the Russian Federation with Estimates for 20122015 are projections based on Introduction of an alcohol-registration system at
beneficial effects on morbidity and mortality (57). trends in prior years. retail level.


3.7 Fighting the tobacco industry in Uruguay
SDG Target 3.a
Strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate
Indicator 3.a.1: Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use among persons aged 15 years and older
Country: Uruguay
WHO region: Region of the Americas
World Bank income category, 2015: High income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 77.0 years
Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco smoking among
persons aged 15 years and older, 2015: 26.7% (males), 19.4% (females)

In September 2004, Uruguay became a Party able to stand up against the tobacco industry Based on the monitoring data collected by
to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco and actively defend its national laws. Support Uruguay, WHO has estimated that the proportion
Control (WHO FCTC). Since then, the country has for Uruguay was provided by WHO, the WHO of adults who smoke tobacco in Uruguay almost
become a global leader in this area through its FCTC Secretariat and the Pan American Health halved during 20002015, from 40% to 22%,
step-wise and comprehensive approach to the Organization, which filed amicus briefs, and by representing approximately twice the global rate
implementation of the Convention (Figure 3.10). international and national NGOs and Michael of reduction during the same period (Fig 3.11)
In March 2005, the Health Ministry established Bloomberg, who provided financial support. In (61). The approximate number of smokers aged15
a formal national tobacco control programme. July 2016, the tobacco industry finally lost the and over in Uruguay fell from one million in 2000
Within months, pictures were added to health- six-year landmark battle to block Uruguays strong to less than 600 000 in 2015. By progressively
warning labels and misleading terms such as tobacco packaging and labelling measures. strengthening its tobacco control measures and
light, ultra-light and mild were prohibited. This decision represented a major victory for winning the fight against the tobacco industry,
In 2006, Uruguay became the first country in the people of Uruguay and it showed countries Uruguay has led the way in accelerating the
Latin America to ban smoking in enclosed everywhere that they can stand up to tobacco implementation of the WHO FCTC.
public places. In 2009, Uruguay implemented companies and win. Uruguays experience sets
an ordinance permitting only one variant of a an important precedent for other countries
given tobacco brand to be on the market at considering implementing similar legislation,
any one time. This aim of this ordinance was and will strengthen the resolve of governments
to ensure that tobacco product packaging and to not be intimidated by tobacco industry threats
labelling did not promote a tobacco product of litigation.
through any means that were false or misleading,
including through packaging designs, colours,
or any other feature that could create the false Figure 3.11
Trends in prevalence of current smokers 15 years of age, globally and in Uruguay, and introduction of tobacco-
impression that one tobacco product was less control measures in Uruguay, 20002015
harmful than another. In the same year, the
size of warning labels was further increased Uruguay
to 80% of the primary pack surface area the 2006
worlds largest at that time. In order to monitor Pictoral
the impact of these and other interventions, 45 warnings cover
50% of pack 2007
national surveys were conducted in 2003, 2006, 40 surface
Cost-covered 2010
Ban on smoking
2009 and 2013 to actively monitor the scale of cessation
Proportion of adult smokers (%)

35 in public places services offered Warning size 2014

tobacco use among adults. nationally increased to
80% of pack Ban on tobacco
30 surface adversiting,
promotion and
In response to the actions taken by Uruguay, 25 sponsorship
the international tobacco company Philip Morris 20
International challenged the packaging and
labelling laws through the unprecedented initiation
of international arbitration in early 2010. At the 10
World Bank International Centre for Settlement 5
of Investment Disputes, the company claimed
that Uruguay had violated its bilateral investment l l l l l l l l l l l l
treaty with Switzerland. However, Uruguay was 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015


3.8 Strengthening health emergency preparedness in Ghana
SDG Target 3.d
Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national
and global health risks
Indicator 3.d.1: International Health Regulations (IHR) capacity and health emergency preparedness
Country: Ghana
WHO region: African Region
World Bank income category, 2015: Lower middle income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 62.4 years
Average of 13 International Health Regulations core capacity scores, 2016: 74

The International Health Regulations (2005) A well-functioning surveillance system plays a To encourage cross-border communication and
(IHR)(62) a legal instrument that is binding on 196 crucial role in guaranteeing the public health cooperation, a cross-border coordination meeting
countries including all WHO Member States aim security of the community, and ensuring that was also held at the Tatale border point involving
to help countries prevent and respond to acute public health events are promptly detected over 30 representatives from Ghana and Togo.
public health risks that have the potential to cross and addressed through coordinated response
borders and threaten people worldwide. In order mechanisms. Surveillance-strengthening activities All of these activities contributed towards
to be able to notify the international community were conducted by the Ministry of Health of strengthening Ghanas core capacities under
of events and respond to public health risks and Ghana with the support of WHO. These activities the IHR as highlighted by an assessment of the
emergencies, countries must have the capacity included the orientation of 239 community countrys implementation of the EVD preparedness
to detect such events through a well-established health volunteers in five border districts on the checklist during 2015 (Figure 3.12). In late 2015,
national surveillance and response infrastructure. Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response as the threat of Ebola was decreasing in the
(IDSR) guidelines, and community outreach region, preparedness activities were broadened to
The IHR Monitoring and Evaluation Framework covering over 276communities with public health apply to all diseases. In 2016, Ghana carried out
outlines an approach for reviewing the messages. To enhance disease detection, WHO and a tabletop exercise in the form of a facilitated
implementation of the core public health capacities Ministry of Health teams trained over 40 clinicians discussion of a simulated emergency situation to
required in this area. The Framework consists on the principles of IDSR. As part of promoting test laboratory pre-diagnostic capacities (such as
of four components: (a) States Parties annual community engagement, Ghana rolled out the sample collection and transport) which helped to
reporting; (b) after-action review; (c) simulation unique strategy of training over 200 representatives identify major gaps and key areas that required
exercises; and (d) joint external evaluation of the Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association strengthening.
(JEE). This approach provides a comprehensive and community radio operators on their roles in
picture of a countrys ability to respond to risks public health emergencies. To complement the self-assessment undertaken
by identifying strengths, gaps and priorities. The as part of IHR annual reporting to the World
implementation status of 13 IHR core capacities The lack of diagnostics reagents, materials Health Assembly, and to determine its level of
has therefore been selected as the indicator to and equipment has also been a persistent gap. preparedness after several months of intense
monitor progress toward SDG Target 3.d. Consumables and reagents for sample collection, preparation, Ghana volunteered for a JEE, which
packaging, transportation and diagnosis were was carried out in February 2017. During the JEE
The Ebola outbreak of 2014 in West Africa therefore procured and distributed to national public process, an external team of experts conduct
highlighted the need for African countries to health laboratories and research organizations a series of multisectoral discussions based
strengthen their national capacities. During the as part of building diagnostic capacity. The upon 19 technical areas defined in the JEE
outbreak, Ghana served as a vital coordination procurement of such materials, along with the tool (64). In Ghana, this consisted of a formal
and operational base for response activities, and training of over 200 people on sample management presentation of Ghanas national capacities
was thus well positioned to participate in and and biosafety and biosecurity requirements, has with all national stakeholders in health security.
learn from the wide range of programme activities enhanced Ghanas capacity to accurately and During the conducting of the JEE process, best
launched. Ghana was among the first countries in rapidly detect emerging and dangerous pathogens practices in all technical areas were identified
Africa to roll out the activities outlined in the Ebola such as the Ebola virus. Some of these laboratory and recommendations provided for further
virus disease (EVD) consolidated preparedness materials were later used during cholera and improvement. Although the outcome scores of
checklist(63) developed by WHO and its partners meningitis outbreaks reported in 2016. the JEE process were lower than the results of
to guide preparedness activities in high-risk the self-assessment carried out in 2016 (Figure
countries. In accordance with IHR requirements, Another key aspect of disease surveillance is 3.13), the JEE report allows the country to take
these activities aimed to strengthen country monitoring points of entry. WHO trained 28 point- stock of its findings and turn the recommendations
capacities for early warning, risk reduction and the of-entry staff on ship inspection and ship sanitation, made into actionable activities. This will result
management of national and global health risks. following updated IHR certification procedures. in further strengthening of Ghanas national IHR
preparedness and response capacities.

Figure 3.12 Figure 3.13

Implementation of EVD preparedness checklist components, Ghana, 2015 Comparison of IHR self-assessment and JEE results, Ghana
January 2015 July 2015 October 2015 IHR monitoring questionnaire (2016) Joint External Evaluation (2017)
1 Legislation, 2 Coordination, 3 Surveillance, 4 Response, 5 Preparedness,
Coordination 6 Risk communication, 7Human resources, 8 Laboratory, 9 Points of entry, 10 Zoonoses,
11 Food safety, 12 Chemical events, 13Radiation emergencies
Rapid response team
Proportion of activities implemented (%)

Public awareness
Infection prevention and control 90
Case management 80
Safe burials 70
Epidemiological surveillance 60
Contact tracing 50
Laboratory 40
Points of entry 30
Budget 20
l l l l l l
0 20 40 60 80 100 0
l l l l l l l l l l l l l
Proportion of activities implemented (%) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


3.9 Monitoring mortality and cause of death in the Islamic Republic of Iran
SDG Target 17.9
By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic
product, and support statistical capacity-building in developing countries

Indicator 17.19.2: Proportion of countries that: (a) have conducted at least one population and housing census in the last 10 years; and
(b) have achieved 100 per cent birth registration and 80 per cent death registration
Country: Islamic Republic of Iran
WHO region: Eastern Mediterranean Region
World Bank income category, 2015: Upper middle income
Life expectancy at birth, 2015: 75.5 years
Completeness of cause-of-death registration, 2015: 90%

A well-functioning civil registration and vital covering 65 million people and around 75% and coders) have resulted in data for the year
statistics (CRVS) system produces information of all deaths (Figure 3.14). Tehran, the most 2013 onwards being coded to the ICD-10 detailed
on vital events such as births, marriages, deaths populous province, was the only province not (four-digit) codes corresponding to over 1500
and causes of death. With 15 of the 17 SDGs covered. In 2015 a programme was launched cause categories. Such detailed data enable
requiring CRVS data to measure their indicators, to collect all death certificates sent to Tehran epidemiological research to be conducted to
investing in CRVS systems is a key step in SDG cemeteries thereby capturing cause-of-death support evidence-based policy decision-making
monitoring. It is only through the use of such information for all provinces nationwide. In in the country.
systems that continuous and routine data can be addition to geographic expansion, the capturing
generated on population, fertility and mortality by of death and cause-of-death data has also been As clearly demonstrated by the Islamic Republic
cause, disaggregated by socioeconomic status strengthened by the cross-checking of data of Iran, a long-term, step-wise strategy of CRVS
and geographic area. using multiple sources at the district level, such system development is crucial to the foundation
as NOCR, cemetery and facility data, to identify of a solid evidence base with which to monitor
In many countries, death registration lags behind omissions and duplication. the health of a nation. The use of multiple data
birth registration. However, death registration is sources by the MOH&ME to assess completeness
vitally important for a range of legal, administrative In addition to the substantial increase in the and improve the capture of mortality data
and statistical purposes, including monitoring proportion of deaths with cause recorded, the level has allowed the country to build a system for
the health of populations. In addition, more than of detail on cause of death has also increased. monitoring mortality by cause, and hence for
a dozen SDG indicators require information on During the period 20062012, cause-of-death monitoring many of the health-related SDGs
total or cause-specific mortality. Specific health- data were coded to a condensed list of 318 all in less than two decades. Future MOH&ME
related SDG indicators generated from death cause categories using the ICD-10 classification plans to further improve the capture of mortality
registration data include those for maternal and system. Since then, major investments in system data include linking death registration in the DH
infant mortality, and for cause-specific mortality strengthening (including the training of certifiers programme and NCOR systems.
such as deaths due to cancers, diabetes and
cardiovascular conditions, as well as those due
Figure 3.14
to external causes such as road traffic accidents, Coverage of NOCR death registration, coverage of DH programme total death registration, coverage of DH
suicide and violence. programme death registration with medical certification of cause of death, and number of provinces with the DH
programme, Islamic Republic of Iran, 20012015)a
In the Islamic Republic of Iran there are two NOCR
institutions that operate death registration DH (total)
systems: the National Organization for Civil DH (medically certified)
Registration (NOCR) and the Ministry of Health 100
and Medical Education (MOH&ME). The NOCR
is legally responsible for the registration of
Proportion of total estimated deaths (%)

four vital events: births, deaths, marriages and 80

divorces. However, only limited information 70
on cause of death is recorded in the NOCR 60
system. In response to the demand for timely 50
and accurate cause-of-death data, the MOH&ME
developed the Deputy of Health (DH) programme,
which aims to improve death registration data, 30
including through improvements in the medical 20
certification of cause of death (65). The DH 10
programme operates in parallel with the NOCR 0
system, with both systems receiving a copy of l l l l l l l l
2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 2015
each death certificate issued.
18 23 29 28 28 30 30 31
First piloted in 1997, the DH programme in 1999
was still only capturing cause-of-death data in Number of provinces with DH programme coverage
four provinces, with a coverage rate of 5% of a
Data on numbers of deaths captured by the NOCR and DH programme, number of provinces covered, and numbers of
all deaths in the entire country. In 2001, the deaths medically certified were provided to WHO by the Islamic Republic of Iran. Estimated coverage (%) was then
system was expanded to cover 18provinces, and calculated using WHO estimates of total mortality in the Islamic Republic of Iran (15).
by 2014 was covering 30 out of 31 provinces,


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Summaries of selected health-related SDG indicators

Explanatory notes

The statistics shown below represent official WHO statistics for selected health-related SDG indicators based on evidence
available in early 2017. They have been compiled primarily using publications and databases produced and maintained
by WHO or United Nations groups of which WHO is a member. A number of statistics have been derived from data
produced and maintained by other international organizations. In some cases, as indicator definitions are being refined
and baseline data are being collected, proxy indicators are presented. All such proxy indicators appearing in this annex
are clearly indicated as such through the use of accompanying footnotes.

For indicators with a reference period expressed as a range, country values refer to the latest available year in the range
unless otherwise noted. Within each WHO region, countries are sorted in ascending order for mortality, incidence and
risk-factor indicators, and in descending order for coverage and capacity indicators. Countries for which data are not
available or applicable are sorted alphabetically at the bottom of each region, unless otherwise noted.

Wherever possible, estimates have been computed using standardized categories and methods in order to enhance
cross-national comparability. This approach may result in some cases in differences between the estimates presented
here and the official national statistics prepared and endorsed by individual WHO Member States. It is important to stress
that these estimates are also subject to considerable uncertainty, especially for countries with weak statistical and health
information systems where the quality of the underlying empirical data is limited.

More details on the indicators and estimates presented here are available at the WHO Global Health Observatory.1

The Global Health Observatory (GHO) is WHOs portal providing access to data and analyses for monitoring the global health situation. See: http://www.who.int/gho/en/, accessed

18March 2017.


SDG Target 3.1
By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100 000 live births
Indicator 3.1.1: Maternal mortality ratio

Maternal mortality ratio (per 100 000 live births), 20151

Maternal mortality ratio (per 100000 live births), 2015

Cabo Verde 42 Canada 7 Finland 3 Kuwait 4

Mauritius 53 United States of America 14 Greece 3

United Arab Emirates 6

Botswana 129 Iceland 3

Uruguay 15 Libya 9
Poland 3
South Africa 138 Chile 22 Saudi Arabia 12
Austria 4
Algeria 140
Costa Rica 25 Qatar 13
Belarus 4
Sao Tome and Principe 156
Barbados 27 Bahrain 15
Czechia 4
Zambia 224
Grenada 27
Italy 4 Lebanon 15
Namibia 265
Belize Sweden 4
Oman 17
Rwanda 290
Israel 5
Mexico 38 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 25
Gabon 291 Norway 5
Cuba 39 Egypt 33
Senegal 315 Spain 5
Brazil 44 50
Ghana 319 Switzerland 5
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 45 58
Denmark 6 Jordan
Comoros 335
Saint Lucia 48
Germany 6 Tunisia 62
Equatorial Guinea 342
Argentina 52
Slovakia 6 Syrian Arab Republic 68
Uganda 343
El Salvador 54 Belgium 7
Ethiopia 353 Morocco 121

Trinidad and Tobago 63 Cyprus 7

Madagascar 353 Pakistan 178
Colombia 64 Montenegro 7
Togo 368 Djibouti 229
64 Netherlands 7
Burkina Faso 371 Sudan 311
Croatia 8
Peru 68
Swaziland 389 385
France 8 Yemen
Bahamas 80
United Republic of Tanzania 398
Ireland 8 396
Benin 405 Guatemala 88
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 8
Somalia 732
Jamaica 89
Congo 442 Estonia 9

Dominican Republic 92 Malta 9

Zimbabwe 443

Panama 94 Slovenia 9 Japan 5

Angola 477

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 95 United Kingdom 9 Australia 6

Lesotho 487

Lithuania 10
Singapore 10
Mozambique 489 Honduras
Luxembourg 10
Eritrea 501 Paraguay 132 New Zealand 11
Portugal 10
Kenya 510 Nicaragua 150 Republic of Korea 11
Bosnia and Herzegovina 11
Guinea-Bissau 549 Suriname 155 Brunei Darussalam 23
Bulgaria 11
Niger 553 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 206 China 27
Kazakhstan 12

Mali 587
Guyana 229 Turkey 16 Fiji 30
Cameroon 596
Haiti 359 Hungary 17 Malaysia 40
Mauritania 602 Serbia 17
Mongolia 44
Malawi 634 Latvia 18
Samoa 51
Cte d'Ivoire 645 Republic of Moldova 23
Sri Lanka 30 Viet Nam 54
Guinea 679 Ukraine 24
Vanuatu 78
Maldives 68 Armenia 25
Democratic Republic of the Congo 693
Democratic People's Republic of 82 Azerbaijan 25 Kiribati 90
Gambia 706 Korea
Indonesia 126 Russian Federation 25 Micronesia (Federated States of) 100
Burundi 712
Albania 29
Philippines 114
Liberia 725
Romania 31
India 174 Solomon Islands 114
South Sudan 789
Tajikistan 32
Bangladesh 176 Tonga 124
Nigeria 814
Georgia 36
Myanmar 178 Cambodia 161
Chad 856
Uzbekistan 36

Central African Republic 882 Timor-Leste 215

Turkmenistan 42 Lao People's Democratic Republic 197

Sierra Leone 1360 Nepal 258 Kyrgyzstan 76 Papua New Guinea 215

Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2015. Estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and the United Nations Population Division. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015

(http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/monitoring/maternal-mortality-2015/en/, accessed 23 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 100 000 in
2015 were not included in the analysis.


SDG Target 3.1
By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100 000 live births
Indicator 3.1.2: Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel

Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (%), 200520151

Proportion of births attended by skilled health personnel (%), 2005-2016

Botswana22 100 Antigua and Barbuda22 100 Armenia22 100 Bahrain22 100

Mauritius 2
2 100 Argentina 100 Azerbaijan22 100 Jordan 100

100 Belarus 100

Libya22 100
Seychelles 2
2 99 Chile
Bosnia and Herzegovina 100
Qatar 100
Algeria 97 Dominica 22 100
Bulgaria22 100
Congo22 94 Saint Kitts and Nevis 22 100 Kuwait22 99
Croatia 100
100 Oman22 99
South Africa 94 Trinidad and Tobago22
Czechia22 100
Saudi Arabia22 98
Sao Tome and Principe22 93 Uruguay Finland22 100
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 96
Cabo Verde 92 Venezuela
(BolivarianRepublic o..
Republic of) 100 Georgia 100
2 Syrian Arab Republic22 96
Rwanda 22 91 Barbados 22 99 Ireland 2 100
Egypt 92
Malawi22 90 Brazil22 99 Italy22 100
Iraq 91
Kazakhstan22 100
Gabon22 89 Colombia 99
Lithuania 2
100 Djibouti22 87
Namibia 88 Costa Rica 99
Luxembourg22 100 Sudan22 78
Swaziland22 88 Cuba 99
Malta 2
2 100 Morocco 74
82 Grenada22 99
Comoros Poland22 100 74
Jamaica22 99
Democratic Republic of the Congo 80 Republic of Moldova22 100 Pakistan 2
2 52

Lesotho 78 Saint Lucia 99

Russian Federation22 100 Afghanistan22 51

78 SaintSaint
Vincent andand
Vincent thethe
Grenadines 99 Serbia22 100
Zimbabwe Yemen22 45

Benin22 77 United States of America 99 Slovenia22 100

Bahamas 2 2 The former
98 The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 100
Ghana 71 Lebanon
Turkmenistan 100
Canada22 98
Equatorial Guinea22 68 United Arab Emirates
Ukraine22 100
Burkina Faso 66 Dominican Republic22 98
Uzbekistan22 100 WPR
65 El Salvador22 98
Cameroon22 Albania 99 Brunei Darussalam22 100
Ecuador 96
Mauritania 65 Austria22 99 China22 100
Mexico 96
Zambia 63 Estonia22 99
Cook Islands22 100
Paraguay22 96 Germany22 99
Kenya 62
Japan22 100
Belize22 94 Hungary22 99
Liberia 61 Micronesia (Federated States of) 22 100

Panama 94 Montenegro 99
Burundi 60 Niue22 100
90 Norway22 99
Sierra Leone 60 Peru Palau 100
Portugal22 99
Suriname 90 100
Cte d'Ivoire 59 Republic of Korea22
Romania22 99
Nicaragua22 88 100
Gambia 57 Singapore22
Slovakia 2
Guyana 86 Australia22 99
Uganda 57 Denmark 22
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 85 Fiji 99
Mozambique22 54 France22 98

Honduras 83
Kyrgyzstan 98 Malaysia22 99
Guatemala 66 Latvia22 98 Mongolia 99
Mali 49
Haiti 49 Cyprus22 97 Kiribati22 98
United Republic of Tanzania 49
Turkey22 97 Nauru22 97
Angola22 47 SEAR Tajikistan22 90
New Zealand22 97
Guinea 2
2 45 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 100
Andorra Tonga 96
Guinea-Bissau22 45 Thailand22 100
Viet Nam 94
Togo 45 Sri Lanka 99 Greece
Tuvalu 93
Madagascar 44 Maldives 96 Iceland
Marshall Islands 90
Central African Republic 40 Indonesia 87 Israel
Cambodia22 89
Niger 40 India 2
2 81
Nigeria 35 Bhutan22 75
Solomon Islands22 86
San Marino
Eritrea 34 Myanmar22 60
Samoa22 83
Ethiopia22 28 Nepal22 56 Philippines 73
Chad 20 Bangladesh22 42
Switzerland Papua New Guinea 53

South Sudan22 19 Timor-Leste 29 United Kingdom Lao People's Democratic Republic 40

WHO/UNICEF joint Global Database 2017. (http://www.who.int/gho/maternal_health/en/ and https://data.unicef.org/topic/maternal-health/delivery-care). The data are extracted from

public available sources and have not undergone country consultation. Data shown are the latest available for 20052016. Data from 20052009 are shown in pale orange.
Non-standard definition. For more details see the WHO/UNICEF joint Global Database 2017.


SDG Target 3.2
By 2030, end preventable deaths of newborns and children under 5 years of age, with all countries aiming to reduce neonatal mortality to at least as low as 12 per
1000 live births and under-five mortality to at least as low as 25 per 1000 live births
Indicator 3.2.1: Under-five mortality rate
Indicator 3.2.2: Neonatal mortality rate

Under-five mortality
mortality and (orange
neonatal bar)and
mortality neonatal
rates (per mortality
1000 live (grey
births), 20151
line) rates per 1000 live births, 2015
Mauritius 13.5 Canada 4.9 Luxembourg 1.9 Bahrain 6.2

Seychelles 13.6 Cuba 5.5 Iceland 2.0 United Arab Emirates 6.8
United States of America 6.5 Finland 2.3 Qatar 8.0
Cabo Verde 24.5
Norway 2.6 Lebanon 8.3
Algeria 25.5 Antigua and Barbuda 8.1
Slovenia 2.6
40.5 Chile 8.1 Kuwait 8.6
South Africa
Cyprus 2.7
Costa Rica 9.7 Oman 11.6
Rwanda 41.7
Andorra 2.8
Uruguay 10.1 Syrian Arab Republic 12.9
Botswana 43.6 Estonia 2.9
Saint Kitts and Nevis 10.5 Libya 13.4
Congo 45.0 San Marino 2.9
Grenada 11.8 Tunisia 14.0
Namibia 45.4 Sweden 3.0
Bahamas 12.1 Saudi Arabia 14.5
Eritrea 46.5 Czechia 3.4
Argentina 12.5 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 15.5
Austria 3.5
Senegal 47.2
Barbados 13.0 3.5 Jordan 17.9
Sao Tome and Principe 47.3
Mexico 13.2 Italy 3.5 Egypt 24.0
United Republic of Tanzania 48.7 Morocco 27.6
Saint Lucia 14.3 Monaco 3.5
Kenya 49.4 3.6 Iraq 32.0
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 14.9 Ireland
Madagascar 49.6 Portugal 3.6 Yemen 41.9
Jamaica 15.7
Gabon 50.8 Germany 3.7 Djibouti 65.3
Colombia 15.9
Uganda 54.6 Netherlands 3.8 Sudan 70.1
Brazil 16.4
59.2 Switzerland 3.9 Pakistan 81.1
Ethiopia Belize 16.5
Israel 4.0 91.1
Swaziland 60.7 16.8 Afghanistan
El Salvador
Belgium 4.1
Ghana 61.6 Somalia 136.8
Peru 16.9
Spain 4.1
Malawi 64.0 Panama 17.0
United Kingdom 4.2 WPR
Zambia 64.0 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 18.3 4.3 Japan 2.7
Gambia 68.9 Honduras 20.4 France 4.3 Singapore 2.7
Liberia 69.9 Trinidad and Tobago 20.4 Belarus 4.6 Republic of Korea 3.4

Zimbabwe 70.7 Paraguay 20.5 Greece 4.6 Australia 3.8

73.5 Dominica 21.2 Montenegro 4.7 New Zealand 5.7

Suriname 21.3 Lithuania 5.2
Togo 78.4 Malaysia 7.0
Ecuador 21.6 Poland 5.2
Mozambique 78.5 Cook Islands 8.1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 5.4
Nicaragua 22.1 Brunei Darussalam 10.2
Burundi 81.7
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 5.5
Guatemala 29.1 China 10.7
Mauritania 84.7 5.9
Dominican Republic 30.9 Palau 16.4
Cameroon 87.9 Malta 6.4
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 38.4 Tonga 16.7
Burkina Faso 88.6 Serbia 6.7
Guyana 39.4 Samoa 17.5
Lesotho 90.2 Slovakia 7.3
Haiti 69.0 Viet Nam 21.7
92.5 Latvia 7.9
9.0 Fiji 22.4
Cte d'Ivoire 92.6 SEAR Ukraine
Russian Federation 9.6 Mongolia 22.4
South Sudan 92.6 Maldives 8.6
Bulgaria 10.4 Niue 23.0
Guinea 93.7 Sri Lanka 9.8
Romania 11.1 Tuvalu 27.1
Equatorial Guinea 94.1 Thailand 12.3 Georgia 11.9
Vanuatu 27.5
Niger 95.5 Democratic People's Republic of Turkey 13.5
24.9 Philippines 28.0
Democratic Republic of the Congo 98.3 Albania 14.0
Indonesia 27.2 Solomon Islands 28.1
Benin 99.5 Armenia 14.1
Bhutan 32.9 Cambodia 28.7
Kazakhstan 14.1
Nigeria 108.8 34.7
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Nepal 35.8 Republic of Moldova 15.8
Mali 114.7 Nauru 35.4
Bangladesh 37.6 Kyrgyzstan 21.3
Sierra Leone 120.4 Marshall Islands 36.0
Azerbaijan 31.7
India 47.7
Central African Republic 130.1 Kiribati 55.9
Uzbekistan 39.1
Chad 138.7 Myanmar 50.0 57.3
Tajikistan 44.8 Papua New Guinea
Angola 156.9 Timor-Leste 52.6 Turkmenistan 51.4 Lao People's Democratic Republic 66.7

Under five mortality rates are shown as bar and in numbers. Neonatal mortality rates are shown as vertical grey lines. Levels & Trends in Child Mortality. Report 2015. Estimates developed

by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation. United Nations Childrens Fund, World Health Organization, World Bank and United Nations. New York (NY): United Nations
Childrens Fund; 2015 (http://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Child_Mortality_Report_2015_Web_9_Sept_15.pdf, accessed 22 March 2017).


SDG Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable
Indicator 3.3.1: Number of new HIV infections per 1000 uninfected population, by sex, age and key populations

New HIVNew
infections among adults
HIV infections among1549
(per old
1000 uninfected
(per population),
1000 uninfected 20151 2015
Algeria 0.02 Honduras 0.10 Uzbekistan 0.02 Egypt 0.03

Senegal 0.14 Ecuador 0.15 Spain 0.14 Tunisia 0.04

0.15 Italy 0.16

Lebanon 0.05
Burundi 0.18 El Salvador
Greece 0.19
Afghanistan 0.06
Niger 0.19 Mexico 0.16
Azerbaijan 0.20
Morocco 0.07
Eritrea 0.21 Peru 0.17
Armenia 0.26
0.19 Yemen 0.07
Equatorial Guinea 0.24 Chile
Kyrgyzstan 0.28
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.14
Mauritania 0.28 Haiti 0.21 Tajikistan 0.33
Pakistan 0.16
Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.34 Argentina 0.23 Kazakhstan 0.36
Somalia 0.48
Mauritius 0.42 Nicaragua 0.23 Georgia 0.50
Djibouti 1.09
Burkina Faso 0.45 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.24 Latvia 0.53

0.55 Bahrain
0.50 Costa Rica 0.24 Republic of Moldova
Ukraine 0.68 Iraq
Liberia 0.56 Uruguay 0.27
Belarus 1.05 Jordan
Cabo Verde 0.60 Paraguay 0.30
Albania Kuwait
Benin 0.69 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.33
Andorra Libya
Sierra Leone 0.69 Dominican Republic 0.36
Austria Oman
Ghana 0.77 Brazil 0.39
Belgium Qatar
1.02 Colombia 0.39 Bosnia and Herzegovina
Chad Saudi Arabia
Mali 1.05 Guatemala 0.41 Bulgaria
Cuba 0.48 Croatia
Guinea 1.18 Syrian Arab Republic
Togo 1.21 Panama 0.48 United Arab Emirates
Gambia 1.24 Trinidad and Tobago 0.52
Denmark WPR
1.39 Suriname 0.62
Gabon Estonia Mongolia 0.03
Belize 0.82
Rwanda 1.41 Finland Cambodia 0.08
Guyana 0.88
Angola 1.86 France Australia 0.10
Jamaica 1.07 Germany
Cte d'Ivoire 1.88
Philippines 0.12
Barbados 1.19 Hungary
United Republic of Tanzania 2.11 Malaysia 0.27

Bahamas 2.26 Iceland

Central African Republic 2.40 Viet Nam 0.28
Kenya 3.52 Antigua and Barbuda Papua New Guinea 0.54
Cameroon 3.57 Canada Brunei Darussalam
Malawi 3.82 Dominica China
Grenada Cook Islands
Uganda 5.12 Malta
Saint Kitts and Nevis Fiji
Namibia 6.79 Monaco

Saint Lucia Montenegro Japan
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Netherlands Kiribati
Zambia 8.55

United States of America Norway Lao People's Democratic Republic

Zimbabwe 8.84
Poland Marshall Islands
Botswana 9.37 SEAR Portugal Micronesia (Federated States of)
South Africa 14.40 Bangladesh 0.01 Romania Nauru
Lesotho 18.80 Sri Lanka 0.05
Russian Federation
New Zealand
Swaziland 23.60 Nepal 0.08 San Marino
Comoros India 0.11 Serbia
Congo Thailand 0.20 Slovakia
Republic of Korea
Ethiopia Myanmar 0.41
Guinea-Bissau Indonesia 0.50
Nigeria Bhutan Solomon Islands
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia
Democratic People's Republic of
Sao Tome and Principe Tonga
Korea Turkey
Seychelles Maldives Turkmenistan Tuvalu
South Sudan Timor-Leste United Kingdom Vanuatu

UNAIDS/WHO estimates; 2016 (http://www.who.int/gho/hiv/epidemic_status/incidence/en/).



SDG Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable
Indicator 3.3.2: Tuberculosis incidence per 100 000 population

Tuberculosis incidence (per 100 000 population), 20151

TB incidence (per 100 000 population), 2015
Seychelles 9.5 Barbados 0.0 Monaco 0.0 United Arab Emirates 1.6

Mauritius 22 United States of America 3.2 Iceland 2.4 Jordan 7.0

4.6 San Marino 2.5 Oman 8.4

Comoros 35 Jamaica
Israel 4.0 Saudi Arabia 12
Burkina Faso 52 Canada 5.1
Greece 4.5 13
Togo 52 Saint Kitts and Nevis 5.1 Lebanon
Czechia 5.2
Egypt 15
Rwanda 56 Grenada 5.4
Finland 5.6
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 16
Mali 57 Cuba 7.0 Italy 5.8
Bahrain 18
Benin 60 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7.4 Netherlands 5.8
Syrian Arab Republic 20
Eritrea 65 Antigua and Barbuda 7.5 Denmark 6.0
Kuwait 22
Algeria 75 Saint Lucia 8.8 Luxembourg 6.1
Qatar 34
Cyprus 6.2
Niger 95 Costa Rica 11
Norway 6.3 Tunisia 37
Sao Tome and Principe 97 Dominica 11
Andorra 6.5 Libya 40
Mauritania 107 Chile 16
Slovakia 6.5 Iraq 43
122 Trinidad and Tobago 17
Burundi Ireland 7.2 48
Cabo Verde 139 Bahamas 18
Slovenia 7.2 Sudan 88

Senegal 139 Mexico 21 Switzerland 7.4 Morocco 107

146 Argentina 25 Austria 7.6

South Sudan Afghanistan 189

Chad 152 Belize 25 Germany 8.1

Guatemala 25 France 8.2
Cte d'Ivoire 159 Somalia 274
Malta 8.8
Ghana 160 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 29 Djibouti 378
Sweden 9.2
Equatorial Guinea 172 Uruguay 30
Hungary 9.3 WPR
Gambia 174 Colombia 31
Belgium 9.4 Australia 6.0
Suriname 33
Guinea 177 United Kingdom 10 New Zealand 7.4
Brazil 41
Ethiopia 192 Spain 12
Cook Islands 7.8
Paraguay 41 Croatia 13
Malawi 193 8.1
El Salvador 43 The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 13
Uganda 202 Samoa 11
Honduras 43 Estonia 18
Cameroon 212 Tonga 15
50 Turkey 18
Kenya 233 Panama Japan 17
Albania 19
Nicaragua 51 44
Madagascar 236 Singapore
Poland 19
Ecuador 52 51
Zimbabwe 242 Fiji
Montenegro 21
Dominican Republic 60 Brunei Darussalam 58
United Republic of Tanzania 306 Serbia 21
Guyana 93 Vanuatu 63
Sierra Leone 307 Portugal 23

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 117
Bulgaria 24 China 67
Peru 119 Bosnia and Herzegovina 37 Palau 76
Nigeria 322

Haiti 194 Armenia 41 Republic of Korea 80

Democratic Republic of the Congo 324
Latvia 41 Malaysia 89
Botswana 356 SEAR Belarus 55
Solomon Islands 89
Angola 370 Maldives 53
Lithuania 56
Nauru 113
Guinea-Bissau 373 Sri Lanka 65
Azerbaijan 69
Micronesia (Federated States of) 124
Congo 379 Bhutan 155 Turkmenistan 70
Viet Nam 137
Central African Republic 391 Nepal 156 Uzbekistan 79
Lao People's Democratic Republic 182
Zambia 391 Thailand 172 Russian Federation 80
Tuvalu 232
Romania 84
Gabon 465 India 217
Tajikistan 87
Namibia 489 Bangladesh 225
Marshall Islands 344
Kazakhstan 89
Mozambique 551 Myanmar 365
91 Cambodia 380
Swaziland 565 Indonesia 395
99 Mongolia 428
Lesotho 788 Timor-Leste 498
Kyrgyzstan 144 Papua New Guinea 432

South Africa 834 DemocraticPeoples

Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 561 Republic of Moldova 152 Kiribati 551

Global tuberculosis report 2016. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/250441/1/9789241565394-eng.pdf?ua=1, accessed 22 March 2017).


SDG Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable
Indicator 3.3.3: Malaria incidence per 1000 population

Malaria incidence (per 1000 population at risk), 20151

Malaria incidence (per 1000 population at risk), 2015
Algeria <0.1 Argentina 0.0 Azerbaijan 0.0 Iraq 0.0

Cabo Verde 0.2 Costa Rica 0.0 Georgia 0.0 Saudi Arabia 0.1

0.0 Kyrgyzstan 0.0 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.5

Botswana 0.9 Paraguay
Tajikistan 0.0 Pakistan 8.6
Swaziland 1.4 El Salvador <0.1
Turkey 0.0
Yemen 22.2
South Africa 3.1 Belize 0.1
Uzbekistan 0.0
Afghanistan 23.6
Comoros 5.0 Ecuador 0.1
Djibouti 25.4
Namibia 14.0 Mexico 0.2 Andorra
Sudan 36.6
Eritrea 14.5 Dominican Republic 0.3 Armenia
Somalia 85.5
Sao Tome and Principe 17.8 Guatemala 1.4 Austria
Ethiopia 58.6 Suriname 1.7 Belarus
74.2 Honduras 2.6 Belgium
Bosnia and Herzegovina Jordan
Guinea-Bissau 89.3 Nicaragua 2.9
Bulgaria Kuwait
Senegal 97.6 Panama 3.7
Croatia Lebanon
Madagascar 104.2 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 3.9
Cyprus Libya
Brazil 7.9
United Republic of Tanzania 113.9 Czechia Morocco
Zimbabwe 114.2 Haiti 8.4
Denmark Oman
124.0 Colombia 12.3 Estonia
Angola Qatar
Burundi 126.3 Peru 21.2 Finland
Syrian Arab Republic
Guyana 40.7 France
South Sudan 156.0 Tunisia
68.4 Germany
Chad 163.2 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) United Arab Emirates
Kenya 166.0 Antigua and Barbuda
Hungary WPR
Congo 173.3 Bahamas
Iceland China <0.1
Zambia 173.7 Barbados
Ireland Viet Nam 0.3
Malawi 188.8 Canada Israel Philippines 0.4
Gambia 208.8 Chile Italy
Republic of Korea 0.8
Equatorial Guinea 215.1 Cuba Kazakhstan
Malaysia 1.9
Dominica Latvia
Uganda 218.3 Vanuatu 3.3
Gabon 232.4 Grenada Cambodia 13.0
Democratic Republic of the Congo 246.0 Jamaica Lao People's Democratic Republic 20.9
Liberia 246.2 Saint Kitts and Nevis Solomon Islands 67.0
Saint Lucia Papua New Guinea 122.2
Cameroon 264.2 Montenegro
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Australia
Ghana 266.4 Netherlands

Trinidad and Tobago Norway Brunei Darussalam
Central African Republic
United States of America Poland Cook Islands
Benin 293.7

Uruguay Portugal Fiji

Mozambique 297.7
Republic of Moldova Japan
Rwanda 301.3 SEAR Romania Kiribati
Sierra Leone 302.8 Sri Lanka 0.0
Russian Federation Marshall Islands
Togo 345.1 Bhutan 0.1
San Marino
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Cte d'Ivoire 348.8 Timor-Leste 0.2 Serbia
Niger 356.5 Bangladesh 0.8 Slovakia
Guinea 367.8 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 1.0 Slovenia
New Zealand
Nigeria 380.8 Thailand 2.7
Burkina Faso 389.2 Nepal 3.3
Mali 448.6 Myanmar 11.8
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia
Lesotho India 18.6 Singapore
Mauritius Indonesia 26.1
Ukraine Tonga
Seychelles Maldives United Kingdom Tuvalu

World Malaria Report 2016. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/malaria/publications/world-malaria-report-2016/report/en/, accessed 22 March 2017).


SDG Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable
Indicator 3.3.4: Hepatitis B incidence per 100 000 population

Infants receiving three doses of hepatitis B vaccine (%), 20151

Infants receiving three doses of hepatitis B vaccine (%), 2015
Rwanda 98 Antigua and Barbuda 99 Belarus 99 Jordan 99

Seychelles 98 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 99 Luxembourg 99 Kuwait 99

99 Monaco 99
Morocco 99
Swaziland 98 Saint Lucia
Turkmenistan 99
Oman 99
United Republic of Tanzania 98 Dominica 98
Uzbekistan 99
Qatar 99
Gambia 97 Nicaragua 98
Albania 98
98 Bahrain 98
Mauritius 97 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
Austria 98
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 98
Sao Tome and Principe 96 Barbados Belgium 98
Saudi Arabia 98
Algeria 95 Chile 97 Kazakhstan 98
Tunisia 98
Botswana 95 Brazil 96 Portugal 98
Libya 94
Eritrea 95 Cuba 96 Cyprus 97
United Arab Emirates 94
Czechia 97
Burundi 94 Bahamas 95
Israel 97 Egypt 93
Cabo Verde 93 Guyana 95
Kyrgyzstan 97 Sudan 93
Lesotho 93 Uruguay 95
Russian Federation 97 Djibouti 84
92 Argentina 94
Namibia Spain 97 81
Belize 94
Burkina Faso 91 Azerbaijan 96 Afghanistan 78

Zambia 90 Saint Kitts and Nevis 94

Greece 96 Pakistan 72

89 Paraguay 93 Poland 96
Kenya Yemen 69

Senegal 89 Costa Rica 92 Slovakia 96

Grenada 92 Tajikistan 96
Ghana 88 Somalia 42
Turkey 96
United States of America 92 41
Malawi 88 Syrian Arab Republic
Ireland 95
Togo 88 Colombia 91
Malta 95 WPR
87 El Salvador 91
Zimbabwe Andorra 94 99
Brunei Darussalam
Jamaica 91
Ethiopia 86 Armenia 94 99
Peru 90
Sierra Leone 86 Croatia 94
Cook Islands
Trinidad and Tobago 90 Georgia 94
Cameroon 84
Fiji 99
Suriname 89 Latvia 94
Cte d'Ivoire 83
Malaysia 99
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 87 Lithuania 94
Democratic Republic of the Congo 81
Mongolia 99
85 Netherlands 94
Comoros 80 Honduras 99
Serbia 94
Mexico 82
Congo 80 Republic of Korea 98
Italy 93
Dominican Republic 81
Gabon 80
Bulgaria 92 Solomon Islands 98

Ecuador 78
Guinea-Bissau 80 The former Yugoslav Viet Nam 97
The Former Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 92
Guatemala 74
Mozambique 80 Estonia 91 Singapore 96

Panama 73
Romania 90 Tuvalu 96
Haiti 60 Germany 88 93
Uganda 78 Australia
Canada 55 Republic of Moldova 88
New Zealand 92
Mauritania 73
France 83
Nauru 91
South Africa 71 SEAR Bosnia and Herzegovina 82
Madagascar 69 99
Palau 90
Bhutan Montenegro 82
Cambodia 89
Mali 68 Maldives 99
San Marino 75
Lao People's Democratic Republic 89
Niger 65 Sri Lanka 99 Sweden 53
Kiribati 87
Angola 64 Thailand 99 Ukraine 22

Marshall Islands 85
Nigeria 56 DemocraticPeoples
People's Republic of .. 96 Denmark
Democratic Republic of Korea
Finland Tonga 82
Chad 55 Bangladesh 94
Hungary Micronesia (Federated States of) 78
Liberia 52 Nepal 91
Iceland Vanuatu 64
Guinea 51 India 87
Norway Papua New Guinea 62
Central African Republic 47 Indonesia 81
Slovenia Philippines 60
South Sudan 31 Timor-Leste 76
Samoa 59
Equatorial Guinea 16 Myanmar 75 United Kingdom

This indicator is used here as a proxy for the SDG indicator. Data source: WHO/UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage. July 2016 revision (http://www.who.int/immunization/
monitoring_surveillance/routine/coverage/en/index4.html, accessed 22 March 2017).


SDG Target 3.3
By 2030, end the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and neglected tropical diseases and combat hepatitis, water-borne diseases and other communicable
Indicator 3.3.5: Number of people requiring interventions against neglected tropical diseases

Reported number of people requiring interventions against NTDs, 20151

Reported number of people requiring interventions against NTDs, 2015
Mauritius 0 Canada 0 Albania 0 Kuwait 0

Seychelles 0 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines <0.1 Andorra 0 United Arab Emirates 0

<0.1 Belarus 0 Saudi Arabia <0.1

Algeria 8 Saint Kitts and Nevis
Bosnia and Herzegovina 0
Lebanon <0.1
Cabo Verde 137 Uruguay <0.1
Denmark 0 <0.1
Gambia 172 Chile <0.1 Oman
Estonia 0
<0.1 Bahrain <0.1
Sao Tome and Principe 200 Grenada
Iceland 0
Libya <0.1
Botswana 257 Barbados 0.1
Ireland 0
Qatar <0.1
Swaziland 331 Antigua and Barbuda 0.2 Italy 0
Jordan 0.3
Equatorial Guinea 466 Argentina 0.6 Kazakhstan 0
Morocco 3
Lesotho 524 United States of America 0.8 Luxembourg 0
Tunisia 7
Malta 0
Comoros 526 Bahamas 4
Monaco 0 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 19
Mauritania 690 Belize 7
Montenegro 0 Syrian Arab Republic 51
Namibia 1 073 Dominica 8
Republic of Moldova 0 Djibouti 109
Congo 1 346 Costa Rica 12
Russian Federation 0 Egypt 1 641
Eritrea 1 441 Trinidad and Tobago 19
San Marino 0 Iraq 2 107
Gabon 1 560 Saint Lucia 34 Serbia 0 Somalia 5 016 5 016
Guinea-Bissau 1 732 Cuba 44 Switzerland 0 Yemen 5 841
Suriname 57 The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 0
Liberia 4 049 4 049 Afghanistan 13 765 13 765
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 280 Turkey 0
Central African Republic 4 096 4 096 Sudan 26 534 26 534
Turkmenistan 0
Rwanda 5 065 Jamaica 343 Pakistan 31 056 31 056
5 065
Ukraine 0
Togo 5 586 5 586
Panama 438
Cyprus <0.1 WPR
Burundi 5 601 5 601 El Salvador 703
Finland <0.1 Niue 0
South Africa 6 697 Guyana 748
6 697 Hungary <0.1 Nauru <0.1
Benin 7 029 Paraguay 796 Israel <0.1
7 029 Republic of Korea <0.1
7 500 Nicaragua 934 Norway <0.1
Sierra Leone 7 500 New Zealand <0.1
Dominican Republic 990 Czechia <0.1
Guinea 9 213 9 213 Japan <0.1
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1 884 Slovakia <0.1
South Sudan 9 707 9 707 Palau <0.1
1 944 Belgium <0.1
Zimbabwe 10 347 10 347 Ecuador Mongolia <0.1
Portugal <0.1
Honduras 2 400 Cook Islands 0.8
Chad 10 688 10 688
Slovenia <0.1
Peru 2 832 Brunei Darussalam 9
Malawi 11 426 11 426 Austria <0.1
Guatemala 3 321 Singapore 10
Burkina Faso 11 659 11 659 Latvia <0.1
Colombia 3 847 Tuvalu 11
Zambia 11 830 11 830 Croatia <0.1
Haiti 9 832 9 832 Greece <0.1 Australia 17
Senegal 11 849 11 849
Mexico 9 924 9 924 Romania <0.1 Kiribati 33
Kenya 13 642 13 642
Brazil 11 067 11 067 Sweden <0.1 Tonga 37
Ghana 15 537 15 537
United Kingdom <0.1 Samoa 61
Niger 15 779 15 779 SEAR Lithuania <0.1 Micronesia (Federated States of) 73
Mali 18 292 18 292 Maldives 2
Poland <0.1 Malaysia 174
Angola 18 534 18 534 Sri Lanka 33 France <0.1
Marshall Islands 239
Cte d'Ivoire 18 738 18 738 Thailand 145 Netherlands 0.1
Vanuatu 266
Cameroon 20 630 20 630 Bhutan 227 Georgia 0.1
Solomon Islands 535
Madagascar 21 299 21 299 Timor-Leste 1 170 Spain 0.1
Fiji 899
Democratic Peoples Germany 0.1
Mozambique 23 150 Democratic People's
23 150 Republic of .. 6 082 6 082 2 183
Republic of Korea Lao People's Democratic Republic
Bulgaria 0.3
Uganda 23 239 23 239 Nepal 18 850 18 850 Viet Nam 4 469
Armenia 39
United Republic of Tanzania 33 064 33 064 Myanmar 41 292 41 292 Cambodia 5 610 5 610
Kyrgyzstan 112
Democratic Republic of the Congo 52 565 52 565 Bangladesh 49 839 49 839 Papua New Guinea 6 426 6 426
Tajikistan 123
Ethiopia 75 106 75 106 Indonesia 111 437 111 437 Uzbekistan 400 China 26 101 26 101

Nigeria 140 542 140 542 India 497 396 497 396 Azerbaijan 1 700 Philippines 43 431 43 431

Scale of bars is logarithmic. The value shown is the number of people requiring interventions against NTDs in thousands. Neglected tropical diseases [online database]. Global Health
Observatory (GHO) data. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/gho/neglected_diseases/en/).


SDG Target 3.4
By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
Indicator 3.4.1: Mortality rate attributed to cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes or chronic respiratory disease

Probability of dying from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, chronic respiratory disease between age 30 and exact age 70 (%), 20151

Probability of dying from any of the four main NCDs between ages 30 and 70 (%), 2015
Algeria 15.0 Canada 9.8 Iceland 8.3 Qatar 14.2

Cabo Verde 16.1 Costa Rica 11.1 Switzerland 8.7

Iran (Islamic Republic of) 14.8

Gabon 16.3 Sweden 9.1

Chile 11.5 Bahrain 15.5

Liberia 17.1 Italy 9.4

Peru 12.7
Saudi Arabia 16.4
Israel 9.5
Zambia 17.2
Ecuador 13.1
Morocco 16.7
Norway 9.6
Congo 17.8
United States of America 13.6
Luxembourg 9.7 Tunisia
Kenya 17.8
Panama 13.7
Spain 10.0 United Arab Emirates 17.4
Niger 17.8
Honduras 13.9
Finland 10.1
Oman 17.8
United Republic of Tanzania 17.8
El Salvador 14.2 Ireland 10.3
Kuwait 18.0
Senegal 17.9
Colombia 14.6 Malta 10.5
Sao Tome and Principe 18.0 Lebanon 18.4
Jamaica 15.2 France 10.9
Zimbabwe 18.4 Djibouti 19.4
Mexico 15.2 Netherlands 11.0
Mauritania 18.5 Jordan 19.6
United Kingdom 11.0
Guatemala 15.5
Botswana 18.6 Austria 11.2 Somalia 20.2
Antigua and Barbuda 15.6
Namibia 18.6 Portugal 11.3 Libya 20.3
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 16.0
Guinea-Bissau 18.8 Cyprus 11.5
Iraq 22.0
Barbados 16.2
Ethiopia 19.3 Belgium 11.6
Egypt 23.5
Nicaragua 16.3
Malawi 20.2 Denmark 11.6
Syrian Arab Republic 23.9
Cuba 16.4
Germany 12.0
Democratic Republic of the Congo 20.3
Uruguay 16.7 Pakistan 24.7
Greece 12.3
Guinea 20.3
Bahamas 16.8 Slovenia 13.2 Sudan 25.7
South Sudan 20.3

Brazil 16.9 Albania 14.7 Yemen 30.9

Gambia 20.4

Argentina 17.1 Czechia 15.6

Afghanistan 31.0
Rwanda 20.4
Turkey 16.8
Paraguay 17.8
Nigeria 20.8
Croatia 17.1
Ghana 21.3 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 17.9
Republic of Korea 8.3
Estonia 17.2
Burundi 21.6 Dominican Republic 18.7
Bosnia and Herzegovina 17.6 Japan 8.8
Uganda 21.6 Saint Lucia 19.7
Slovakia 17.6 Australia 8.9
Seychelles 21.7 Suriname 20.9
Poland 18.4
Benin 22.2 Belize 22.5
Lithuania 20.4
New Zealand 10.4
Cameroon 22.4 Haiti 24.3 Serbia 20.4
Brunei Darussalam 12.6
Togo 22.4 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 24.4 Romania 21.3
Malaysia 17.1
Mauritius 22.5 Grenada 25.3 Montenegro 22.0

22.6 Georgia 22.2 Viet Nam 17.3

Comoros Trinidad and Tobago 25.6

Mozambique 22.9 The former

The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 22.2 China 18.1
Guyana 27.8

Burkina Faso 23.0 Hungary 22.9

Samoa 22.0
SEAR Latvia 22.9
Chad 23.0 Vanuatu 22.3
Maldives 12.4 Republic of Moldova 23.1
Central African Republic 23.6
Cambodia 23.3
Thailand 16.2 Armenia 23.2
Lesotho 23.6
Sri Lanka 17.7 Azerbaijan 23.8
Madagascar 23.7
Lao People's Democratic Republic 25.8
Timor-Leste 20.7 Bulgaria 23.8
Mali 24.4
Kyrgyzstan 24.0 Micronesia (Federated States of) 25.9
Bangladesh 21.5
Angola 24.8
Tajikistan 25.8
Solomon Islands 26.4
Equatorial Guinea 25.0 Nepal 21.8
Uzbekistan 26.9
Bhutan 23.1 Kiribati
Swaziland 25.1
Belarus 28.6
India 23.3 Philippines 28.6
Eritrea 25.4
Kazakhstan 28.6
Myanmar 24.5 Mongolia 29.9
South Africa 26.5 Ukraine 28.9
Democratic People's Republic of 26.5 Fiji 31.4
Cte d'Ivoire 28.4
Korea Russian Federation 29.3

Sierra Leone 30.3 Indonesia 26.6 Turkmenistan 34.5 Papua New Guinea 36.1

Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_

disease/estimates/en/index1.html, accessed 22 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 90 000 in 2015 were not included in this analysis.


SDG Target 3.4
By 2030, reduce by one third premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases through prevention and treatment and promote mental health and well-being
Indicator 3.4.2: Suicide mortality rate

Suicide mortality rate (per 100 000 population), 20151

Suicide mortality rates (per 100000 population), 2015
Sao Tome and Principe 2.0 Antigua and Barbuda 0.0 Azerbaijan 3.3 Pakistan 2.1

Algeria 3.1 Barbados 0.4 Tajikistan 4.0

Egypt 2.6

Niger 4.1 Albania 4.3

Grenada 0.5 Syrian Arab Republic 2.7

Madagascar 4.6 Greece 4.3

Jamaica 1.4
United Arab Emirates 2.9
Cyprus 4.7
Malawi 5.5
Bahamas 1.8
Iraq 3.0
Armenia 5.4
Mali 5.7
Guatemala 2.5
Israel 5.5 Lebanon
Mauritania 5.9
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2.7
Bosnia and Herzegovina 6.0 Jordan 3.2
Senegal 6.1
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 3.0
Malta 6.0
Saudi Arabia 3.4
Gambia 6.2
Honduras 3.5 Georgia 6.7
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 3.6
Guinea-Bissau 6.3
Mexico 5.0 Kyrgyzstan 7.4
Liberia 6.3 Kuwait 4.0
Panama 5.5 Italy 7.9
South Sudan 6.4 Morocco 4.8
Peru 5.8 The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 8.0
Zambia 6.4 Somalia 5.4
Spain 8.5
Colombia 6.1
Kenya 6.5 United Kingdom 8.5 Afghanistan 5.5
Brazil 6.3
Eritrea 6.7 Turkey 8.7 Libya 5.5
Dominican Republic 6.8
Ghana 6.9 Uzbekistan 9.3
Tunisia 5.5
Saint Lucia 6.8
United Republic of Tanzania 7.0 Turkmenistan 10.0
Oman 5.6
Belize 7.3
Uganda 7.1 Norway 10.9
Qatar 6.4
Ecuador 7.5
Montenegro 11.0
Comoros 7.4
Costa Rica 7.7 Bahrain 6.5
Luxembourg 11.1
Namibia 7.6
Nicaragua 9.5 Ireland 11.7 Yemen 8.2
Guinea 7.7

Chile 9.9 Romania 11.7 Djibouti 8.6

Burundi 8.0

Paraguay 10.2 Netherlands 11.9

Sudan 10.2
Ethiopia 8.4
Denmark 12.2
El Salvador 11.1
Mozambique 8.4
Slovakia 12.5
Cabo Verde 8.5 Haiti 11.2
Brunei Darussalam 1.3
Iceland 13.1
Rwanda 8.5 Canada 12.3
Germany 13.4 Philippines 3.4
Chad 8.7 Cuba 14.0
Portugal 13.6 Tonga 3.5
Burkina Faso 9.2 Argentina 14.2
Czechia 13.7
Benin 9.3 United States of America 14.3
Republic of Moldova 14.8
Malaysia 5.8
Mauritius 9.3 Trinidad and Tobago 14.5 Switzerland 15.1
Vanuatu 5.8
Seychelles 9.3 Uruguay 17.0 Sweden 15.4
Viet Nam 7.4
Togo 9.5 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 18.7 Bulgaria 15.9

Congo 9.6 Finland 16.2 Solomon Islands 7.9

Suriname 26.6

Botswana 9.7 Austria 16.4 Fiji 8.5

Guyana 29.0

Democratic Republic of the Congo 9.8 France 16.9

Singapore 9.9
SEAR Serbia 17.0
Nigeria 9.9 China 10.0
Indonesia 2.9 Croatia 17.5
Lesotho 10.4
Papua New Guinea 10.3
Myanmar 4.3 Estonia 18.9
Zimbabwe 10.5
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Bangladesh 5.5 Russian Federation 20.1
South Africa 10.7
Ukraine 20.1 Australia 11.8
Nepal 6.0
Gabon 10.9
Belgium 20.5 Cambodia 11.9
Timor-Leste 7.1
Cameroon 11.9
Slovenia 21.4 Lao People's Democratic Republic 12.3
Swaziland 14.7 Maldives 8.6
Hungary 21.6
New Zealand 12.6
Sierra Leone 15.3 Bhutan 11.7
Latvia 21.7
Kiribati 14.3
Central African Republic 17.4 India 15.7
Poland 22.3
Democratic People's Republic of 15.8 Japan 19.6
Cte d'Ivoire 18.1 Korea Belarus 22.8

Angola 20.5 Thailand 16.0 Mongolia 28.3

Kazakhstan 27.5

Equatorial Guinea 22.6 Sri Lanka 35.3 Lithuania 32.7 Republic of Korea 2 28.4

Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_

disease/estimates/en/index1.html, accessed 22 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 90 000 in 2015 were not included in this analysis.
The estimate of total suicide mortality for the Republic of Korea has been updated using data published in the WHO Mortality Database after the closure date for the Global Health

Estimates 2015.


SDG Target 3.5
Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse, including narcotic drug abuse and harmful use of alcohol
Indicator 3.5.2: Harmful use of alcohol, defined according to the national context as alcohol per capita consumption (aged 15 years and older) within a calendar year in litres
of pure alcohol

Total alcohol per capita ( 15 years of age) consumption (litres of pure alcohol), projected estimates, 20161
Total alcohol per capita (>= 15 years of age) consumption, in litres of pure alcohol, predicted estimates, 2016
Mauritania 0.1 Guatemala 3.1 Turkey 1.9 Libya 0.1

Comoros 0.2 El Salvador 3.4 The former

The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 2.8 Kuwait 0.2

3.8 Tajikistan 2.9

Pakistan 0.2
Niger 0.5 Honduras
Israel 3.0
Saudi Arabia 0.2
Senegal 0.5 Costa Rica 4.1
Azerbaijan 4.0
Yemen 0.2
Guinea 0.8 Dominica 5.0
Uzbekistan 5.1
5.1 Djibouti 0.4
Algeria 1.0 Ecuador
Armenia 5.4
Egypt 0.4
Eritrea 1.2 Nicaragua Kyrgyzstan 5.5
Iraq 0.4
Mali 1.2 Colombia 5.2 Turkmenistan 5.5
Afghanistan 0.5
Madagascar 1.8 Antigua and Barbuda 5.4 Albania 5.7
Jordan 0.5
Mozambique 2.3 Bahamas 5.4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 5.9
Oman 0.5
Iceland 7.5
Malawi 2.4 Cuba 5.4
Malta 7.5 Somalia 0.5
Benin 2.6 Jamaica 5.5
Italy 7.6 Morocco 0.8
Togo 2.6 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 5.9
Norway 7.8 Syrian Arab Republic 0.8
3.0 Haiti 6.3
Democratic Republic of the Congo Georgia 8.1 0.9
Paraguay 6.3
Central African Republic 3.8 Greece 8.5 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1.0

Zambia 3.9 Dominican Republic 6.6

Kazakhstan 8.7 Qatar 1.0

4.0 Uruguay 6.8 Netherlands 8.7

Mauritius Lebanon 1.6

Ghana 4.4 Saint Kitts and Nevis 6.9 Sweden 8.8

Mexico 7.1 Spain 9.2
Kenya 4.4 United Arab Emirates 3.0
Cyprus 9.3
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 7.1 3.3
Ethiopia 4.6 Sudan
Montenegro 9.6
Gambia 5.0 Saint Lucia 7.6
Switzerland 10.0 WPR
5.2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 7.6
Chad Denmark 10.1 Brunei Darussalam 1.3
Barbados 7.8
Cte d'Ivoire 5.2 Andorra 10.5 Vanuatu 1.3
Panama 7.9
Guinea-Bissau 5.4 Austria 10.6
Solomon Islands 1.4
Trinidad and Tobago 7.9 Portugal 10.6
Liberia 5.4 1.4
Suriname 8.0 Finland 10.9
Lesotho 5.7 Malaysia 1.5
Grenada 8.1 Ireland 10.9
Sierra Leone 5.7 Singapore 1.9
8.2 Luxembourg 11.1
Swaziland 6.0 Belize Tuvalu 1.9
Slovenia 11.3
Guyana 8.7 2.4
United Republic of Tanzania 6.3 Micronesia (Federated States of)
Germany 11.4
Brazil 8.9 2.4
Burundi 6.9 Papua New Guinea
France 11.7
Peru 8.9 Kiribati 2.7
Burkina Faso 7.6 Serbia 11.8
Chile 9.0 Samoa 2.8
Congo 7.9 Hungary 12.3

Argentina 9.1
Latvia 12.3 Fiji 3.3
United States of America 9.3 Poland 12.3 Nauru 3.6
Cabo Verde 8.2
Canada 10.0 Slovakia 12.3 Cook Islands 5.1
Zimbabwe 8.5
United Kingdom 12.3 Cambodia 5.3
Sao Tome and Principe 8.8 SEAR Estonia 12.8
Philippines 5.6
Nigeria 9.1 Bangladesh 0.2 Ukraine 12.8
Niue 7.1
Cameroon 9.9 Bhutan 0.5 Belgium 13.2
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7.3
Angola 10.8 Indonesia 0.6 Bulgaria 13.6
China 7.8
Gabon 10.8 Timor-Leste 1.0 Croatia 13.6
Japan 7.8
Seychelles 10.8 Maldives 1.7 Czechia 13.7
Mongolia 7.8
Romania 13.7
South Africa 11.2 Myanmar 2.2
Viet Nam
Russian Federation 13.9
Rwanda 11.5 Nepal 2.5
New Zealand 10.1
Republic of Moldova 15.9
Equatorial Guinea 11.6 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 3.9
16.4 Australia 11.2
Namibia 11.8 Sri Lanka 4.1
18.2 Republic of Korea 11.9
Uganda 11.8 India 5.0
Monaco Marshall Islands
South Sudan Thailand 7.2 San Marino Palau

WHO Global Information System on Alcohol and Health (GISAH) [online database]. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/gho/alcohol/en/).


v.4_17162_World Health Statistics 2017.indd 62 11/05/17 10:32

SDG Target 3.6
By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents
Indicator 3.6.1: Death rate due to road traffic injuries

Road traffic mortality rate (per 100 000 population), 20131

Road traffic mortality rate (per 100 000 population), 2013
Seychelles 8.6 Canada 6.0 Monaco 0.0 Bahrain 8.0

Mauritius 12.2 Antigua and Barbuda 6.7 Sweden 2.8

United Arab Emirates 10.9

Nigeria 20.5 United Kingdom 2.9

Barbados 6.7 Egypt 12.8
Switzerland 3.3
Equatorial Guinea 22.9
Cuba 7.5 14.2
Netherlands 3.4
Gabon 22.9
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Qatar 15.2
Denmark 3.5
Botswana 23.6
Panama 10.0 15.5
Israel 3.6 Afghanistan
Algeria 23.8
United States of America 10.6 Spain 3.7
Kuwait 18.7
Namibia 23.9
Jamaica 11.5 Norway 3.8
Syrian Arab Republic 20.0
Chad 24.1
12.3 Ireland 4.1
Mexico Iraq 20.2
Eritrea 24.1
Germany 4.3
Chile 12.4
Cte d'Ivoire 24.2 Morocco 20.8
Iceland 4.6
Argentina 13.6
Swaziland 24.2 Finland 4.8 Yemen 21.5

Bahamas 13.8
Mauritania 24.5 France 5.1 Lebanon 22.6

Costa Rica 13.9 Malta 5.1

Zambia 24.7 Libya 2
2 24.2

South Africa 25.1 Peru 13.9 Cyprus 5.2

Sudan 24.3

Trinidad and Tobago 14.1 Austria 5.4

Ethiopia 25.3
Tunisia 24.4
Czechia 6.1
Mali 25.6 Haiti 15.1
Djibouti 24.7
Italy 6.1
Cabo Verde 26.1 Nicaragua 15.3
Slovenia 6.4 Oman 25.4
Ghana 26.2 Uruguay 16.6
Slovakia 6.6 Somalia 25.4
Congo 26.4 Colombia 16.8
Belgium 6.7
Niger 26.4
Guyana 17.3 7.0
Saudi Arabia 27.4
Angola 26.9
Honduras 17.4 Hungary 7.7
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 32.1
Senegal 27.2
18.1 Serbia 7.7
Saint Lucia
Guinea 27.3
Guatemala 19.0
Portugal 7.8
Sierra Leone 27.3 Bulgaria 8.3
Suriname 19.1 Micronesia (Federated States of)
Uganda 27.4 Luxembourg 8.7
Ecuador 20.1 Kiribati 2.9
Guinea-Bissau 27.5 Romania 8.7
20.7 Singapore 3.6
Paraguay Turkey 8.9
Cameroon 27.6
21.1 Japan 4.7
El Salvador Greece 9.1
Benin 27.7
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 23.2 Croatia 9.2 Australia 5.4
South Sudan 27.9
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 9.4
Fiji 5.8
Comoros 28.0
Azerbaijan 10.0
Belize 24.4 New Zealand 6.0
Lesotho 28.2
Latvia 10.0
28.2 Dominican Republic 29.3 Tonga 7.6
Zimbabwe Poland 10.3

Madagascar 28.4 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 45.1 Brunei Darussalam 8.1
Lithuania 10.6

Kenya 29.1 Ukraine 10.6 Philippines 10.5

Gambia 29.4 Uzbekistan 11.2 Republic of Korea 12.0
Maldives 3.5
Burkina Faso 30.0 Georgia 11.8
Lao People's Democratic Republic 14.3
Bangladesh 13.6
Sao Tome and Principe 31.1 Montenegro 11.9
Samoa 15.8
Bhutan 15.1
31.1 Republic of Moldova
15.3 Vanuatu 16.6
Indonesia Belarus 13.7
Burundi 31.3
India 16.6 Albania 15.1 Papua New Guinea 16.8
Mozambique 31.6
Timor-Leste 16.6 Turkmenistan 17.4 Cambodia 17.4
Rwanda 32.1
Bosnia and Herzegovina 17.7
China 18.8
Central African Republic 32.4
Armenia 18.3
Sri Lanka 17.4 Solomon Islands 19.2
United Republic of Tanzania 32.9
Tajikistan 18.8
Myanmar 20.3 Mongolia 21.0
Democratic Republic of the Congo 33.2
Russian Federation 18.9
Democratic People's Republic of 20.8 Malaysia 24.0
Liberia 33.7
Korea Kyrgyzstan 22.0

Malawi 35.0 Thailand 36.2 Kazakhstan 24.2 Viet Nam 24.5

Global status report on road safety 2015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_safety_status/2015/en/, accessed 22 March

2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 90 000 in 2015 who did not participate in the survey used to produce the report were not included in the analysis.
Estimate from Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/

global_burden_disease/estimates/en/index1.html, accessed 22 March 2017).


SDG Target 3.7
By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of
reproductive health into national strategies and programmes
Indicator 3.7.1: Proportion of women of reproductive age (aged 1549 years) who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods

Proportion of married or in-union women of reproductive age who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods (%), 200520151
Proportion of married or in-union women of reproductive age who have their need for family planning satisfied with modern methods (%), 2005-2015
Zimbabwe 86.0 Brazil 89.3 France 95.5 Egypt 80.0

Swaziland 80.6 Costa Rica 89.1 Czechia 85.7 Morocco 74.8

88.4 Kazakhstan 79.6

Tunisia 73.2
Algeria 77.2 Cuba
Belarus 74.2
Qatar 68.9
Lesotho 76.1 Dominican Republic 84.1
Russian Federation 72.4
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 68.6
Kenya 75.4 Paraguay 84.1
Ukraine 68.0
84.0 Iraq 59.3
Namibia 75.1 Nicaragua
Kyrgyzstan 62.1
Jordan 58.0
Malawi 73.6 Colombia Republic of Moldova 60.4
Syrian Arab Republic 53.3
Cabo Verde 73.2 United States of America 83.4 Turkey 59.7
Pakistan 47.0
Rwanda 65.0 Jamaica 83.0 Georgia 52.8
Yemen 47.0
Zambia 63.8 El Salvador 81.9 Tajikistan 50.8
Sudan 30.2
Armenia 39.2
Ethiopia 57.6 Mexico 81.9
Montenegro 34.2 Libya 29.6
Sao Tome and Principe 50.3 Ecuador 80.7
Serbia 25.1 Oman 19.1
Madagascar 49.6 Honduras 76.0
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 22.3 Afghanistan
46.3 Panama 75.9
Senegal Bosnia and Herzegovina 21.9 Bahrain
Suriname 73.2
United Republic of Tanzania 45.9 Azerbaijan 21.5 Djibouti
Uganda 44.7 Belize 73.1
Albania 12.9 Kuwait
44.6 Saint Lucia 72.4 Andorra
Ghana Lebanon
Mauritius 40.8 Barbados 70.0 Austria
Saudi Arabia
Guatemala 65.5 Belgium
Niger 40.8 Somalia
62.7 Bulgaria
Cameroon 40.2 Peru United Arab Emirates
Congo 38.5 Trinidad and Tobago 55.1
Cyprus WPR
37.6 Guyana 52.5
Guinea-Bissau Denmark Marshall Islands 80.5
Haiti 44.8
Sierra Leone 37.5 Estonia Viet Nam 69.7
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 42.8
Liberia 37.2 Finland Mongolia 68.3

Burkina Faso 37.1 Antigua and Barbuda Germany

Lao People's Democratic Republic 61.3

Gabon 33.7 Argentina Greece 60.0

Solomon Islands
Bahamas Hungary
Burundi 32.6 Cambodia 56.4
Togo 32.2 Canada Philippines 51.5
Cte d'Ivoire 30.9 Chile Vanuatu 50.7
Nigeria 28.8 Dominica Tonga 47.9
Grenada Nauru 42.5
Central African Republic 28.7 Latvia
Saint Kitts and Nevis Tuvalu 41.0
Mozambique 28.2 Lithuania

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Luxembourg Papua New Guinea 40.6
Uruguay Malta Samoa 39.4
Mali 27.3

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Monaco Kiribati 35.8

Benin 24.5
Netherlands Australia
Gambia 23.9 SEAR Norway Brunei Darussalam
Mauritania 23.8 Thailand 89.2
Poland China
Equatorial Guinea 20.5 Bhutan 84.6
Cook Islands
Eritrea 19.6 Indonesia 78.8 Romania
Chad 17.5 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 76.7 San Marino
Guinea 15.7 Bangladesh 72.5 Slovakia
Democratic Republic of the Congo 15.6 Sri Lanka 69.4
Micronesia (Federated States of)
South Sudan 5.6 India 63.9
New Zealand
Angola Nepal 56.0
Botswana Maldives 42.7 Palau
Seychelles Timor-Leste 38.3
United Kingdom Republic of Korea
South Africa Myanmar Uzbekistan Singapore

World Contraceptive Use 2016 [online database]. New York (NY): United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division; 2016. Data shown are the latest available

for 20052015. Data from 20052009 are shown in pale orange.


SDG Target 3.7
By 2030, ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services, including for family planning, information and education, and the integration of
reproductive health into national strategies and programmes
Indicator 3.7.2: Adolescent birth rate (aged 1014 years; aged 1519 years) per 1000 women in that age group

Adolescent birth rate (per 1000 women aged 1519 years), 200520141
Adolescent birth rate (per 1000 women aged 1519 years), 20052014
Algeria 12.4 Canada 12.6 San Marino22 1.3 Libya 6.0

Mauritius 29.4 United States of America 26.6 Switzerland 2.0 Tunisia22 6.7

34.6 Denmark 2.4

Kuwait 7.1
Botswana 39.0 Bahamas
Cyprus 4.2
Qatar 13.4
Rwanda 45.0 Trinidad and Tobago 35.5
Andorra 4.4
Oman 13.5
South Africa 54.0 Saint Lucia 42.5
Netherlands 4.5
45.7 Bahrain 13.8
Seychelles 61.2 Jamaica
Slovenia 4.6
Saudi Arabia 17.6
Ghana 65.0 Dominica22 Norway 5.0
Djibouti 20.6
Comoros 70.0 Barbados 49.7 Sweden 5.1
Jordan 26.0
Mauritania 71.0 Chile 51.5 Italy 5.8
Morocco 32.0
Ethiopia 71.2 Cuba 52.5 France 6.2
United Arab Emirates 34.2
Luxembourg 6.4
United Republic of Tanzania 72.1 Costa Rica 61.2
Iceland 7.1 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 37.7
Eritrea 76.0 Paraguay 63.0
Belgium 7.2 Pakistan 44.0
Senegal 80.0 Uruguay 63.5
Finland 7.3 Afghanistan 51.9
82.0 Belize 64.0
Namibia Germany 7.8 54.0
Syrian Arab Republic
Brazil 64.8
Burundi 85.0 Austria 7.9 Egypt 56.0

Togo 85.0 Peru 65.0

Greece 8.3 Somalia 64.0

87.0 Suriname 65.3 Spain 8.4

Swaziland Yemen 67.0

Gambia 88.0 Haiti 66.0 Ireland 9.2

Argentina 68.1 Israel 10.2
Sao Tome and Principe 92.0 Sudan 87.0
Portugal 10.5
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 70.0
Benin 94.0 Lebanon
Bosnia and Herzegovina 11.0
Lesotho 94.0 Mexico 70.9
Czechia 11.1 WPR
96.0 El Salvador 72.0
Kenya Croatia 11.8 Republic of Korea 1.7
Colombia 84.0
Gabon 115.0 Malta 13.1 Singapore 2.7
Dominican Republic 90.0
Cameroon 119.0 Montenegro 13.4
Japan 4.4
Guatemala22 91.0 Lithuania 13.9
Zimbabwe 120.0 6.2
Panama 91.1 Poland 14.0
Nigeria 122.0 Malaysia 12.7

Nicaragua 92.0 Latvia 15.3

Cte d'Ivoire 125.0 Australia 14.2
94.5 Estonia 15.6
Sierra Leone 125.0 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Niue 14.3
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 18.7
Guyana 101.0 16.6
Burkina Faso 130.0 Brunei Darussalam
United Kingdom 19.3
Honduras 101.0 19.1
Guinea-Bissau 136.7 New Zealand
Albania 19.7
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 115.6 Mongolia 26.7
Democratic Republic of the Congo 138.0 Hungary 19.8
Antigua and Barbuda 21.0 Palau 27.0
Uganda 140.0 Turkmenistan

Ecuador Slovakia 21.2 Fiji 27.5
Grenada Belarus 21.6 Tonga 30.0
Zambia 145.0
Saint Kitts and Nevis Serbia 22.0 Micronesia (Federated States of) 32.6
Guinea 146.0
Armenia 22.7 Viet Nam 36.0
Congo 147.0 SEAR Russian Federation 26.6
Tuvalu 42.0
Liberia 147.0 Democratic People'sRepublic
Democratic Peoples Republic of .. 0.7
of Korea
Republic of Moldova 26.7
Samoa 44.0
Madagascar 148.0 Maldives 13.7
Ukraine 27.2
Kiribati 49.9
South Sudan 158.0 Sri Lanka 20.3 Turkey 29.0
Cook Islands 56.0
Mozambique 167.0 India 28.1 Uzbekistan 29.5
Cambodia 57.0
Mali 172.0 Bhutan 28.4 Kazakhstan 36.4
Philippines 57.0
Romania 38.9
Equatorial Guinea 176.0 Myanmar 30.3
Solomon Islands
Bulgaria 40.8
Angola 190.9 Indonesia 47.0
Vanuatu 78.0
Georgia 41.5
Chad 203.4 Timor-Leste 50.0
42.1 Marshall Islands 85.0
Niger 206.0 Thailand 60.0
47.2 Lao People's Democratic Republic 94.0
Central African Republic 229.0 Nepal 71.0
Tajikistan 54.0 Nauru 22 105.3

Cabo Verde Bangladesh 113.0 Monaco Papua New Guinea

World Fertility Data 2015 [online database]. New York (NY): United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division; 2015 (http://www.un.org/en/development/

desa/population/publications/dataset/fertility/wfd2015.shtml). Data shown are the latest available for 20052014. Data from 20052009 are shown in pale orange.
Updated estimate.


SDG Target 3.9
By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Indicator 3.9.1: Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution

Mortality rate attributed to household and ambient air pollution (per 100 000 population), 20121

Mortality rate (per 100000 population) attributed to household and ambient air pollution, 2012
Mauritius 20.3 Canada 5.4 Sweden 0.4 United Arab Emirates 7.3

Algeria 30.6 12.1 Finland 6.0

United States of America Qatar 8.9

39.1 Iceland 6.4

Botswana Ecuador 12.8
Bahrain 11.1
Norway 12.7
Senegal 45.7
Brazil 15.8
Ireland 14.6 Kuwait 14.2
Namibia 48.0
Costa Rica Spain 14.7
Oman 14.5
Gabon 50.1
Belize 17.1 Israel 15.8
Jordan 21.2
United Republic of Tanzania 51.4
Barbados 17.3 Portugal 16.8

South Africa 51.6 Morocco 25.1

France 17.2
Chile 19.3
Zimbabwe 52.9 Switzerland 18.5 Saudi Arabia 27.5
Bahamas 20.3
Cabo Verde 56.1 Cyprus 19.8
Lebanon 29.1
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 20.5
Ethiopia 57.4 Luxembourg 19.8
Syrian Arab Republic 30.0
Uruguay 21.4 Denmark 20.3
Kenya 60.0

Colombia 22.0 Netherlands 24.0 Libya 33.2

Swaziland 62.6

Suriname 22.1 United Kingdom 25.7 Iraq 33.5

Mauritania 64.6
Belgium 30.2
Panama 22.9 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 35.2
Zambia 65.4
Malta 31.1
Mozambique 65.7 Mexico 23.5 Tunisia 42.6
Germany 32.5

Rwanda 68.6 Argentina 24.6 50.9

Austria 34.2 Egypt

Uganda 70.5 Dominican Republic 26.1 Italy 35.2

Yemen 61.3

Gambia 71.2 Trinidad and Tobago 26.8 Slovenia 36.7

Sudan 64.5

Liberia 71.3 33.0

Greece 45.1
Djibouti 81.8
Azerbaijan 47.0
Malawi 72.7
Jamaica 35.6
Estonia 47.0 Pakistan 87.2
Comoros 73.5
Turkey 51.0
Ghana 80.0 Afghanistan
El Salvador 42.7
Czechia 58.0
Lesotho 80.4 Somalia 116.9
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 48.9 Slovakia 64.0
Togo 81.1
Paraguay 54.5 Poland
Eritrea 84.9 Turkmenistan 70.9
Honduras 54.6
Madagascar 85.2 Lithuania 73.5
Nicaragua 63.9
Guinea 89.3 Uzbekistan 76.5
Cuba 66.0
Croatia 79.9 WPR
Cte d'Ivoire 90.7

Guyana 84.7 Kyrgyzstan 87.1 Brunei Darussalam 0.2

Cameroon 91.8

Haiti 115.2 Kazakhstan 90.0 Australia 0.4

Benin 92.6
Tajikistan 92.0
New Zealand 0.5
Congo 93.2 SEAR 93.2
Armenia 20.7
South Sudan 95.1
Maldives 15.3
Russian Federation 98.6
Malaysia 21.6
Burkina Faso 96.5
Bhutan 58.9 Belarus 100.8
Republic of Korea 23.2
Central African Republic 97.0
Republic of Moldova 101.4
Thailand 64.0
Japan 24.2
Nigeria 99.0 Latvia 101.6
Bangladesh 68.6
Papua New Guinea 46.3
Equatorial Guinea 99.3 Hungary 122.8

Indonesia 85.0 Romania 129.5 Solomon Islands 54.3

Angola 105.8

Serbia 137.3 Cambodia 71.4

Burundi 106.5 Timor-Leste 91.6
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 137.5
Guinea-Bissau 106.5 Viet Nam
Nepal 103.2
Montenegro 137.6
Niger 111.7 Philippines 88.7
Sri Lanka 125.4 Ukraine 140.4
Mali 117.1 Fiji 95.1
Myanmar 128.2 Albania 166.1
Democratic Republic of the Congo 118.5 Lao People's Democratic Republic 108.3
Georgia 204.9
India 133.7
Chad 124.2 Mongolia 132.4
Bulgaria 217.3
Democratic People's Republic of 238.4
Sierra Leone 143.8 Bosnia and Herzegovina 230.6 China 161.1

Public health and environment [online database]. Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/gho/phe/en/). WHO Member States with a

population of less than 250 000 population in 2012 were not included in the analysis.


SDG Target 3.9
By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Indicator 3.9.2: Mortality rate attributed to unsafe water, unsafe sanitation and lack of hygiene (exposure to unsafe Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All (WASH) services)

Mortality rate attributed to exposure to unsafe WASH services (per 100 000 population), 20121
Mortality rate (per 100 000 population) attributed to exposure to unsafe WASH services, 2012
Mauritius 0.9 Bahamas 0.1 Hungary 0.0 Kuwait <0.1

Algeria 2.4 Bosnia and Herzegovina <0.1 Qatar <0.1

Barbados 0.2
4.5 Bulgaria <0.1 United Arab Emirates <0.1
Cabo Verde
Chile 0.2
Croatia <0.1 Bahrain 0.1
Botswana 9.2
Trinidad and Tobago 0.2
Estonia <0.1 Saudi Arabia 0.2
Namibia 9.8
Uruguay 0.3 Greece <0.1 Lebanon 0.4
South Africa 12.1
Iceland <0.1 Oman 0.4
Canada 0.6
Rwanda 19.4
Libya 0.6
Latvia <0.1
United States of America 0.6
Ghana 20.0
Lithuania <0.1 Tunisia 0.8

Argentina 0.7
Gambia 21.0 Malta <0.1 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.9

Swaziland 22.7 Costa Rica 0.7 Montenegro <0.1 Jordan 1.0

Poland <0.1 Egypt 1.6

Zambia 24.5 Cuba 0.7

Republic of Moldova <0.1 Syrian Arab Republic 1.8

Liberia 25.0 Colombia 0.8
Romania <0.1 Morocco 3.4
Senegal 25.4
Suriname Iraq 3.9
Slovakia <0.1
Malawi 26.1
Brazil 1.1 Slovenia <0.1 Yemen 13.0

Madagascar 26.6
Pakistan 20.7
Mexico 1.1 The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia <0.1
Zimbabwe 27.1 Djibouti 26.4
Austria 0.1
Belize 1.2
United Republic of Tanzania 27.6
Italy 0.1 Afghanistan 34.6
Peru 1.3
Gabon 28.1 Luxembourg 0.1 Sudan 34.6

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 1.3

Portugal 0.1 Somalia 98.8
Lesotho 28.3

Comoros 28.6 Ecuador 1.8 Albania 0.2

Dominican Republic 1.9 Belarus 0.2

Mauritania 28.9
Finland 0.2
Ethiopia 29.6 Jamaica 1.9
Georgia 0.2
Uganda 30.3
Paraguay 2.3
Netherlands 0.2
Benin 32.2
El Salvador 2.4 Russian Federation 0.2
Kenya 32.5 WPR
Nicaragua 3.5 Cyprus 0.3
Eritrea 34.9 Ireland 0.3 Australia <0.1
Guyana 4.0
Mozambique 37.9 Serbia 0.3 Brunei Darussalam <0.1
Panama 4.1
Togo 37.9 Spain 0.3
7.0 Japan 0.1
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Switzerland 0.3
Guinea 40.7

Honduras 7.9 Ukraine 0.4 Singapore 0.1

Burkina Faso 40.9
United Kingdom 0.4
Cameroon 40.9 Guatemala 9.2 Republic of Korea 0.2
Belgium 0.5
Cte d'Ivoire 44.1 Haiti 28.5
China 0.4
Czechia 0.5
Congo 48.1
SEAR France 0.5 Malaysia 0.4
Guinea-Bissau 48.9
Maldives 0.6 Israel 0.5
South Sudan 50.0 New Zealand 0.6
Democratic People's Republic of 1.4 Norway 0.5
Nigeria 50.9 Denmark 0.8 Viet Nam 2.0
Thailand 1.9
Equatorial Guinea 57.3 Turkey 0.8
Fiji 3.0
Sri Lanka
Mali 61.1 Germany 0.9
Indonesia 3.6
Armenia 1.1 Mongolia 3.1
Burundi 68.4

Bangladesh 6.0 Sweden 1.1 Philippines 5.1

Niger 69.2

Bhutan 7.1 Kazakhstan 1.2

Sierra Leone 90.4 Cambodia 5.6
Kyrgyzstan 1.8
Timor-Leste 10.3
Chad 92.8
Azerbaijan 2.1 Solomon Islands 10.4

Central African Republic 102.3 Myanmar 10.4

Uzbekistan 2.4
Papua New Guinea 12.4
Democratic Republic of the Congo 107.8 Nepal 12.9
Turkmenistan 5.8

India 27.4 Lao People's Democratic Republic 13.9

Angola 111.2 Tajikistan 7.5

Preventing disease through healthy environments. A global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://apps.who.

int/iris/bitstream/10665/204585/1/9789241565196_eng.pdf?ua=1, accessed 23 March 2017); and: Preventing diarrhoea through better water, sanitation and hygiene. Exposures and
impacts in low- and middle-income countries. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/150112/1/9789241564823_eng.pdf?ua=1&ua=1,
accessed 23 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 250 000 in 2012 were not included in the analysis.


SDG Target 3.9
By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
Indicator 3.9.3: Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning

Mortality rate attributed to unintentional poisoning (per 100 000 population), 20151

Mortality rate from unintentional poisoning (per 100 000 population), 2015
Mauritius 0.1 Brazil 0.2 Germany 0.2 Kuwait 0.2

Cabo Verde 0.5 Bahamas 0.3 Israel 0.2 Oman 0.2

Seychelles 0.5 Malta 0.2
Chile 0.3 Bahrain 0.3

Algeria 1.1 Netherlands 0.2

Colombia 0.3
Qatar 0.3
Switzerland 0.2
South Africa 1.2
Saint Lucia 0.3
United Arab Emirates 0.3
Albania 0.3
Sao Tome and Principe 1.4
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.3
Croatia 0.3 Lebanon
Botswana 1.5
Costa Rica 0.4
Cyprus 0.3 Egypt 0.5
Gabon 1.5
Cuba 0.4
Greece 0.3
Iraq 0.5
Ghana 1.6
Dominican Republic 0.4 Luxembourg 0.3
Tunisia 0.6
Congo 1.8
El Salvador 0.4 Portugal 0.3
Kenya 2.0 Jordan 0.7
Trinidad and Tobago 0.4 Austria 0.4
Namibia 2.0 Morocco 0.7
Barbados 0.5 Denmark 0.4
Liberia 2.1 Syrian Arab Republic 0.7
Hungary 0.4
Jamaica 0.5
Senegal 2.1 Ireland 0.4 Libya 0.8
Mexico 0.5
Zimbabwe 2.1 Poland 0.4 Saudi Arabia 0.9
Paraguay 0.5
Madagascar 2.4 Slovenia 0.4
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 1.4
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 0.5
Mauritania 2.4 Spain 0.4
Pakistan 1.5
Antigua and Barbuda 0.6
United Republic of Tanzania 2.4 The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 0.4
Afghanistan 1.6
Canada 0.6
United Kingdom 0.4
Ethiopia 2.5
Honduras 0.6 Yemen 2.9
Belgium 0.5
Togo 2.5
Nicaragua 0.6 Czechia 0.5 Djibouti 3.0
Gambia 2.6

Panama 0.6 Italy 0.5 Somalia 3.7

Malawi 2.7

Suriname 0.7 Serbia 0.5

Sudan 4.2
Rwanda 2.7
Slovakia 0.5
Uruguay 0.7
Guinea-Bissau 2.8
Turkey 0.5
Equatorial Guinea 2.9 Argentina 0.8
Singapore 0.1
Finland 0.6
Guinea 2.9 Belize 0.8
Sweden 0.6 Brunei Darussalam 0.2
Zambia 2.9 Ecuador 0.8
Armenia 0.7 Philippines 0.2
Burkina Faso 3.1 Grenada 0.8
Azerbaijan 0.7
New Zealand
Cameroon 3.1 Guyana 1.0
Iceland 0.7
Australia 0.5
Lesotho 3.1 Peru 1.1 Montenegro 0.7
Fiji 0.5
Nigeria 3.1 Guatemala 1.2 Romania 0.7
Japan 0.5
Uganda 3.1 United States of America 1.2 Bulgaria 0.8

3.2 France 0.8 Malaysia 0.6

Benin Haiti 2.8

Mali 3.2 Estonia 0.9 Republic of Korea 0.6

Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 4.5

Mozambique 3.3 Georgia 0.9

Samoa 0.7
SEAR Kyrgyzstan 0.9
Swaziland 3.3 Cambodia 0.9
Bangladesh 0.3 Norway 1.1
Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.6
Vanuatu 0.9
Sri Lanka 0.4 Lithuania 1.2
Eritrea 3.6
Viet Nam
Indonesia 0.5 Turkmenistan 1.2
Niger 3.6
Micronesia (Federated States of) 1.1
Thailand 0.5 Latvia 1.4
Comoros 3.7
Republic of Moldova 1.5 Lao People's Democratic Republic 1.3
Maldives 0.6
South Sudan 3.9
Uzbekistan 1.5
Solomon Islands 1.3
Cte d'Ivoire 4.0 Nepal 0.6
Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.9
Bhutan 0.9 Tonga
Sierra Leone 4.7
Tajikistan 1.9
Timor-Leste 1.0 China 1.6
Central African Republic 4.9
Russian Federation 2.1
Myanmar 1.8 Kiribati 2.0
Chad 5.0 Kazakhstan 2.8

India 1.9 Papua New Guinea 2.0

Burundi 5.6 Ukraine 3.0
Democratic People's Republic of 2.2
Angola 5.7 2.3 Belarus 3.6 Mongolia

Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_

disease/estimates/en/index1.html, accessed 22 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 90 000 in 2015 were not included in this analysis.


SDG Target 3.a
Strengthen the implementation of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries, as appropriate
Indicator 3.a.1: Age-standardized prevalence of current tobacco use among persons aged 15 years and older

Age-standardized prevalence
prevalence of tobacco
of tobacco smoking
smoking amongamong persons
persons 15 years
15 years andand older,
older, by by sex,
sex, 2015
2015 1


Ethiopia Panama Iceland Oman

Ghana Barbados Denmark Iran (Islamic Republic of)

Ecuador United Kingdom22 Saudi Arabia

Colombia Sweden Pakistan
Slovenia Lebanon
Benin Canada
Ireland22 Morocco
Niger Costa Rica
Dominican Republic Bahrain
Swaziland Finland
Brazil Egypt
Cabo Verde Uzbekistan
United States of America 22 Jordan
Comoros Luxembourg
Mexico Afghanistan
Senegal Netherlands
Peru Belgium
Haiti Switzerland
Malawi Kuwait
Uruguay Italy
Zambia Libya
Paraguay Malta
United Republic of Tanzania Qatar
Argentina France
Liberia Spain Somalia
Zimbabwe Portugal Sudan
Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Mozambique Hungary Syrian Arab Republic
South Africa Germany Tunisia
Poland United Arab Emirates
Burkina Faso Cuba
Romania Yemen
Mali Antigua and Barbuda
Namibia Bahamas WPR
Mauritius Belize Australia
Seychelles Dominica Croatia New Zealand

Congo El Salvador Turkey Niue

Cameroon Grenada Slovakia Singapore

Mauritania Guatemala Estonia Brunei Darussalam

Guyana Israel Japan22

Nicaragua Bulgaria Fiji
Sierra Leone
Saint Kitts and Nevis Samoa
Saint Lucia Malaysia
Republic of Moldova
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Nauru
Botswana Belarus
Suriname Philippines
Burundi Azerbaijan
Trinidad and Tobago Cambodia
Central African Republic Bosnia and Herzegovina
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Latvia Viet Nam
Ukraine Tonga
Cte d'Ivoire SEAR China
Democratic Republic of the Congo India
Albania Mongolia
Equatorial Guinea Sri Lanka
Armenia Republic of Korea22
Eritrea Myanmar Greece Lao People's Democratic Republic
Gabon Nepal Georgia Kiribati
Gambia Russian Federation
Bangladesh Cook Islands
Guinea Austria
Thailand Marshall Islands
Guinea-Bissau Cyprus
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Indonesia Monaco
Madagascar Palau
Bhutan Montenegro
Rwanda Papua New Guinea
San Marino
Democratic People's Republic of
Sao Tome and Principe Korea Solomon Islands
South Sudan Maldives
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia Tuvalu
Togo Timor-Leste Turkmenistan Vanuatu

WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking 2015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/156262/1/9789241564922_eng.

pdf, accessed 22 March 2017). Darker orange bars represent the prevalence among males. Pale orange bars represent the prevalence among females.
Cigarette smoking only.


SDG Target 3.b
Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and noncommunicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries,
provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms
the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to
protect public health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all
Indicator 3.b.1: Proportion of the target population covered by all vaccines included in their national programme

Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), 20151

Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP3) immunization coverage among 1-year-olds (%), 2015

Rwanda 98 Antigua and Barbuda 99 Belarus 99 Jordan 99

United Republic of Tanzania 98 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 99 Belgium 99 Kuwait 99

99 Czechia 99
Morocco 99
Gambia 97 Cuba
Greece 99
Oman 99
Mauritius 97 Saint Lucia 99
Hungary 99
Qatar 99
Seychelles 97 Dominica 98
Luxembourg 99
98 Bahrain 98
Sao Tome and Principe 96 Nicaragua
Monaco 99
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 98
Algeria 95 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Turkmenistan 99
Saudi Arabia 98
Botswana 95 Barbados 97 Uzbekistan 99
Tunisia 98
Eritrea 95 Brazil 96 Albania 98
Libya 94
Burundi 94 Chile 96 Austria 98
United Arab Emirates 94
Finland 98
Cabo Verde 93 Trinidad and Tobago 96
France 98 Egypt 93
Lesotho 93 Bahamas 95
Kazakhstan 98 Sudan 93
Namibia 92 Guyana 95
Poland 98 Djibouti 84
91 United States of America 95
Burkina Faso Portugal 98 81
Uruguay 95
Swaziland 90 Sweden 98 Afghanistan 78

Zambia 90 Argentina 94
Andorra 97 Pakistan 72

89 Belize 94 Cyprus 97
Kenya Yemen 69

Senegal 89 Paraguay 93 Kyrgyzstan 97

Saint Kitts and Nevis 93 Malta 97
Ghana 88 Somalia 42
Russian Federation 97
Costa Rica 92 41
Malawi 88 Syrian Arab Republic
Spain 97
Togo 88 Grenada 92
Switzerland 97 WPR
87 Canada 91
Zimbabwe Azerbaijan 96 Brunei Darussalam 99
Colombia 91
Ethiopia 86 Germany 96 China 99
El Salvador 91
Sierra Leone 86 Slovakia 96
Cook Islands 99
Jamaica 91 Tajikistan 96
Cameroon 84 99
Peru 90 Turkey 96
Cte d'Ivoire 83 Malaysia 99

Suriname 89 United Kingdom 96

Democratic Republic of the Congo 81 Mongolia 99
87 Ireland 95
Comoros 80 Mexico Niue 99
Latvia 95
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 87 98
Congo 80 Republic of Korea
Netherlands 95
Dominican Republic 85 98
Gabon 80 Solomon Islands
Norway 95
Honduras 85 Viet Nam 97
Guinea-Bissau 80 Serbia 95
Ecuador 78 Japan 96
Mozambique 80 Slovenia 95

Guatemala 74
Armenia 94 Singapore 96
Panama 73 Croatia 94 Tuvalu 96
Uganda 78
Haiti 60 Georgia 94 Australia 93
Mauritania 73
Israel 94 New Zealand 92
Madagascar 69 SEAR Denmark 93
Nauru 91
South Africa 69 Bhutan 99
Estonia 93
Palau 90
Mali 68 Maldives 99
Italy 93
Cambodia 89
Niger 65 Sri Lanka 99 Lithuania 93
Lao People's Democratic Republic 89
Angola 64 Thailand 99 Iceland 92
Kiribati 87
Nigeria 56 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 96 Bulgaria 91
Marshall Islands 85
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 91
Chad 55 Bangladesh 94
Montenegro 89
Liberia 52 Nepal 91
Micronesia (Federated States of) 72
Romania 89
Guinea 51 India 87
87 Samoa 66
Republic of Moldova
Central African Republic 47 Indonesia 81
82 Vanuatu 64
Bosnia and Herzegovina
South Sudan 31 Timor-Leste 76
San Marino 76 Papua New Guinea 62

Equatorial Guinea 16 Myanmar 75 Ukraine 23 Philippines 60

This indicator is used here as a proxy for the SDG indicator. Data source: WHO/UNICEF estimates of national immunization coverage. July 2016 revision (see: http://www.who.int/

immunization/monitoring_surveillance/routine/coverage/en/index4.html, accessed 22 March 2017).


SDG Target 3.b
Support the research and development of vaccines and medicines for the communicable and noncommunicable diseases that primarily affect developing countries,
provide access to affordable essential medicines and vaccines, in accordance with the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and Public Health, which affirms
the right of developing countries to use to the full the provisions in the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding flexibilities to
protect public health, and, in particular, provide access to medicines for all
Indicator 3.b.2: Total net official development assistance to the medical research and basic health sectors

Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic health sector per capita (constant 2014 US$), by recipient country, 20141

Total net official development assistance to medical research and basic Income groups
High Lower middle Not applicable
health sector per capita (constant 2014 US$), by recipient country, 2014 Upper middle Low


Liberia 29.13 Haiti 4.34 Kyrgyzstan 4.30 Lebanon 8.40

Sao Tome and Principe 28.76 Nicaragua 3.79 Tajikistan 3.88 Afghanistan 8.26

17.70 3.66
Republic of Moldova 3.38
Somalia 6.70
Sierra Leone Honduras
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.06
Djibouti 4.87
Gambia 11.44 Belize 3.30
Armenia 2.03
Rwanda 9.90 Saint Lucia 2.89 Yemen
Georgia 1.91
Jordan 3.72
Mozambique 9.56 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 1.92
Uzbekistan 1.09
Sudan 2.47
South Sudan 8.70 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 1.69
Azerbaijan 0.88
Pakistan 1.00
Central African Republic 8.43 Guatemala 1.65 Turkmenistan 0.88
Iraq 0.34
Guinea 8.35 Guyana 1.51 Albania 0.76
Morocco 0.31
Malawi 7.88 Suriname 1.41 Ukraine 0.75
Belarus 0.63 Syrian Arab Republic 0.29
Senegal 7.84 Dominican Republic 0.58
Tunisia 0.19
Kazakhstan 0.52
Guinea-Bissau 6.70 Paraguay 0.55
Montenegro 0.34 Egypt 0.08
Benin 6.23 El Salvador 0.45
The former Yugoslav 0.31 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.06
The Former Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6.18 Ecuador 0.44
Serbia 0.25 Libya 0.02

Mali 6.11 Peru 0.35

Turkey 0.03 Bahrain
Comoros 6.03 Cuba 0.29 Andorra Kuwait
United Republic of Tanzania 5.77 Panama 0.27 Austria Oman
Uganda 5.33 Colombia 0.20 Belgium
Ghana Costa Rica 0.09 Saudi Arabia
Burkina Faso 4.88 Uruguay 0.09 United Arab Emirates
Niger 4.83 Chile 0.03
Czechia WPR
Kenya 4.74 Jamaica 0.03 Denmark Vanuatu 22.25
Ethiopia 4.67 Argentina 0.02
Estonia Fiji 12.04

Zambia 4.58 Brazil 0.01 Finland Tuvalu 11.12

Zimbabwe 4.30 Mexico 0.01 France

Nauru 9.83

Burundi 4.27 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 0.01 Germany

Solomon Islands 9.40
Namibia 3.95 Antigua and Barbuda Kiribati 8.15
Cabo Verde 3.81 Bahamas Tonga 6.53
Madagascar 3.72 Barbados Niue 6.21
Cte d'Ivoire 3.64 Canada Lao People's Democratic Republic 5.65
Mauritania 3.63 Dominica Italy Samoa 5.47

Chad 3.51 Grenada Latvia Cambodia 4.27

Cameroon 3.23 Saint Kitts and Nevis Lithuania Micronesia (Federated States of) 4.13

3.13 Trinidad and Tobago Luxembourg Papua New Guinea 3.41

Malta Marshall Islands 3.21
Eritrea 3.10 United States of America
Monaco Cook Islands 2.90
Nigeria 2.68
SEAR Netherlands Mongolia 2.37
Swaziland 2.66
Timor-Leste 10.77 Norway Palau 1.42
Angola 1.94
Bhutan 4.55 Poland
Viet Nam 1.05
Lesotho 1.81 Portugal
Nepal 4.32 Philippines 0.59
Seychelles 1.77 Romania
Myanmar 3.00 China 0.06
Botswana 1.75 Russian Federation
Maldives 1.65 Malaysia 0.02
Congo 1.38 San Marino
Sri Lanka 1.21 Australia
Gabon 1.38
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 1.13 Brunei Darussalam
Equatorial Guinea 0.86 Bangladesh 1.02 Japan
South Africa 0.58 Thailand 0.49 New Zealand
Mauritius 0.07 Indonesia 0.32 Switzerland Republic of Korea
Algeria <0.01 India 0.20 United Kingdom Singapore

United Nations SDG indicators global database (https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/indicators/database/?indicator=3.b.2, accessed 6 April 2017) based on the Creditor Reporting System

database of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, 2016. See section 1.5 for more data. Income classification is based on the World Bank analytical income of
economies (July 2016).


SDG Target 3.c
Substantially increase health financing and the recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce in developing countries, especially in
least-developed countries and small-island developing States
Indicator 3.c.1: Health worker density and distribution

Skilled health professionals density (per 100 000 population), 200520151

Skilled health professionals density (per 100 000 population), 2005-2015
South Africa 58.8 Cuba 155.0 Monaco 266.3 Libya 90.0

Seychelles 54.2 Canada 119.5 Switzerland 219.3 Saudi Arabia 77.7

117.8 Norway 218.3

Qatar 76.6
Namibia 31.3 United States of America
Denmark 204.6
Kuwait 66.8
Algeria 31.2 Uruguay 97.9
Iceland 201.4
Jordan 55.1
Botswana 31.1 Brazil 93.0
Germany 176.0
67.1 Lebanon 49.4
Nigeria 18.3 Bahamas
Finland 174.5
Oman 48.9
Angola 15.9 Barbados Sweden 160.0
Tunisia 48.4
Swaziland 15.3 Trinidad and Tobago 47.5 Luxembourg 152.5
United Arab Emirates 46.2
Uganda 14.6 Mexico 45.8 Ireland 150.9
Sudan 42.2
Zimbabwe 12.7 Grenada 45.2 Belarus 149.7
Syrian Arab Republic 38.5
San Marino 149.1
Kenya 10.7 Panama 38.5
Uzbekistan 141.0 Bahrain 33.8
Congo 10.5 Ecuador 37.5
France 138.3 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 30.4
Democratic Republic of the Congo 10.5 Dominican Republic 28.3
Austria 133.2 Iraq 26.6
10.2 Peru 26.1
Ghana Belgium 127.8 22.5
Belize 25.8
Gambia 10.0 Malta 125.8 Morocco 14.9

Cabo Verde 8.7 El Salvador 24.1

Lithuania 122.8 Pakistan 14.1

8.3 Paraguay 23.3 Czechia 120.0

Zambia Yemen 10.7

Mauritania 7.8 Nicaragua 23.0 Netherlands 116.9

Colombia 22.2 Slovenia 113.8
Benin 7.5 Afghanistan 6.6
United Kingdom 112.4
Saint Lucia 19.6 1.1
Guinea-Bissau 7.3 Somalia
Kazakhstan 111.4
Rwanda 7.3 Costa Rica 19.5
Portugal 108.0 WPR
6.8 Guatemala 17.6
Burkina Faso Italy 104.2 157.2
Honduras 15.2
Cte d'Ivoire 6.2 Hungary 98.8 135.7
New Zealand
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 14.8
Cameroon 6.0 Azerbaijan 97.5
Jamaica 14.8 Greece 96.9
Mali 5.3
Niue 116.3
Chile 11.8 Ukraine 96.8
Senegal 4.9
Brunei Darussalam 96.6
Guyana 7.4 Slovakia 94.6
Mozambique 4.6
Republic of Korea 79.0
Estonia 92.9
United Republic of Tanzania 4.6 Antigua and Barbuda 78.8
Croatia 92.7
Madagascar 3.6 Argentina 77.5
91.8 Tuvalu
Togo 3.6 Dominica
Romania 89.1 Singapore 75.6

Haiti 72.8
Chad 3.5 Israel 88.8 Palau
Saint Kitts and Nevis 88.6 69.5
Malawi 3.5 Bulgaria Cook Islands
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Georgia 86.0 Mongolia 65.6
Sierra Leone
Suriname Latvia 82.5
Kiribati 48.2
Central African Republic 3.0

Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Andorra 81.3

Malaysia 46.8
Ethiopia 2.8
Poland 80.1
Tonga 44.1
Liberia 2.8 SEAR Russian Federation 78.8
Niger 1.6 72.0
Marshall Islands 40.1
Maldives Republic of Moldova 78.5
Micronesia (Federated States of) 38.0
Burundi Democratic Peoples
Democratic People'sRepublic of Korea
Republic of .. 68.7
Armenia 78.0
China 31.5
Comoros India 27.5 Kyrgyzstan 77.1
Fiji 27.3
Equatorial Guinea Sri Lanka 24.8 Montenegro 76.9

Viet Nam 24.1

Eritrea Thailand 24.7 Serbia 75.1

Bosnia and Herzegovina 74.8 Vanuatu 24.0

Gabon Indonesia 15.7
The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 70.1 Samoa 23.6
Guinea Myanmar 15.0
Turkmenistan 68.5 Solomon Islands 22.1
Lesotho Bhutan 13.4
Tajikistan 64.4 11.2
Mauritius Timor-Leste 12.7
Cyprus Lao People's Democratic Republic 10.4
Sao Tome and Principe Bangladesh 6.0
Turkey 42.7
Papua New Guinea 5.9
South Sudan Nepal Albania

Figures shown for skilled health professionals refer to the latest available values (20052015) given in: WHO Global Health Workforce Statistics. 2016 update [online database].

Geneva: World Health Organization (http://who.int/hrh/statistics/hwfstats/en/) aggregated across physicians and nurses/midwives. Please refer to this source for the latest values, and
disaggregation and metadata descriptors. Data from 20052009 are shown in pale orange.


SDG Target 3.d
Strengthen the capacity of all countries, in particular developing countries, for early warning, risk reduction and management of national and global health risks
Indicator 3.d.1: International Health Regulations (IHR) capacity and health emergency preparedness

International Health Regulations implementation: average of 13 core capacity scores, 201020161

International Health Regulations implementation: average of 13 core capacity scores, 2010-2016
South Africa 100 Canada 100 Germany 99 Qatar 97

Zambia 92 Cuba 99 Russian Federation 99 Saudi Arabia 97

97 Ukraine 99
Bahrain 96
Seychelles 88 Brazil
Norway 98
Morocco 95
Namibia 81 Mexico 97
Armenia 96
Oman 95
Ethiopia 79 United States of America 96
Finland 96
94 Egypt 94
Cte d'Ivoire 78 El Salvador
Slovakia 95
Iraq 91
Niger 75 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) Spain 95
United Arab Emirates 91
Ghana 74 Colombia 89 Netherlands 94
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 85
Lesotho 74 Nicaragua 88 Tajikistan 94
Kuwait 85
Togo 74 Costa Rica 86 Cyprus 93
Lebanon 76
Portugal 93
Algeria 73 Guyana 85
Sweden 93 Jordan 72
Uganda 73 Barbados 84
Switzerland 92 Sudan 71
Zimbabwe 73 Honduras 83
Czechia 91 Libya 64
71 Jamaica 83
Democratic Republic of the Congo Latvia 91 63
Syrian Arab Republic
Uruguay 82
Mauritius 70 Belarus 90 Tunisia 55

Kenya 69 Antigua and Barbuda 81

Italy 90 Pakistan 53

69 Ecuador 81 The former

The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 90
Mozambique Djibouti 46

United Republic of Tanzania 67 Chile 79 Denmark 89

Paraguay 79 France 89
Botswana 62 Afghanistan 42
Luxembourg 88
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 77 6
Burundi 62 Somalia
United Kingdom 88
Cabo Verde 62 Saint Lucia 77
Austria 87 WPR
61 Argentina 76
Nigeria Hungary 85 Australia 100
Bahamas 75
Guinea 57 Azerbaijan 84 Japan 100
Trinidad and Tobago 73
Swaziland 56 Turkmenistan 84
Malaysia 100
Suriname 72 Uzbekistan 83
Mali 55 100
Republic of Korea
Dominican Republic 71 Belgium 82
Cameroon 54 Singapore 99

Panama 71 Georgia 82
Gabon 52 Viet Nam 99
70 Lithuania 82
Burkina Faso 50 Peru China 98
Republic of Moldova 81
Grenada 66 98
South Sudan 50 Fiji
Malta 79
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 65 96
Eritrea 49 New Zealand
Monaco 79
Dominica 62 Brunei Darussalam 92
Guinea-Bissau 49 Ireland 78
Saint Kitts and Nevis 60 Palau 91
Sierra Leone 47 Kazakhstan 78

Haiti 56
Turkey 78 Tuvalu 89
Belize 55 Romania 77 Philippines 87
Congo 44

Guatemala 55 Greece 76 Micronesia (Federated States of) 86

Chad 40
Poland 74 Mongolia 86
Malawi 40 SEAR Slovenia 74
Lao People's Democratic Republic 75
Gambia 33 Indonesia 99
Iceland 72
Samoa 75
Senegal 30 India 98
Croatia 71
Tonga 74
Central African Republic 29 Thailand 98 Estonia 71
Papua New Guinea 64
Comoros 29 Myanmar 84 Israel 71
Niue 61
Madagascar 29 Sri Lanka 79 Bulgaria 69
Kiribati 60
Bosnia and Herzegovina 57
Mauritania 29 Bangladesh 76
Solomon Islands
Montenegro 56
Benin 28 Bhutan 76
Cook Islands 56
Kyrgyzstan 50
Equatorial Guinea 27 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 73
40 Cambodia 55
San Marino
Liberia 26 Nepal 72
37 Marshall Islands 51
Angola 18 Timor-Leste 66
Andorra 29 Vanuatu 43

Sao Tome and Principe 16 Maldives 60 Albania Nauru 42

International Health Regulations (2005) Monitoring Framework [online database]. Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/gho/ihr/en/).

Data shown are the latest available for 20102016.


SDG Target 1.a
Ensure significant mobilization of resources from a variety of sources, including through enhanced development cooperation, in order to provide adequate and
predictable means for developing countries, in particular least-developed countries, to implement programmes and policies to end poverty in all its dimensions
Indicator 1.a.2: Proportion of total government spending on essential services (education, health and social protection)

General government health expenditure as % of general government expenditure, 20141

General Government Health Expenditure (GGHE) as % of General government expenditure (GGE), 2014
Malawi 16.8 Nicaragua 24.0 Andorra 27.9 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 17.5

Swaziland 16.6 Costa Rica 23.3 Switzerland 22.7 Tunisia 14.2

21.3 Netherlands 20.9

Djibouti 14.1
Ethiopia 15.7 United States of America
Germany 19.6
Jordan 13.7
Gambia 15.3 Uruguay 20.8
Sweden 19.0
Afghanistan 12.0
Central African Republic 14.2 Canada 18.8
Monaco 18.8
18.1 Sudan 11.6
South Africa 14.2 Antigua and Barbuda
Norway 18.2
Lebanon 10.7
Namibia 13.9 Colombia Denmark 16.8
Bahrain 10.5
Burundi 13.2 Cuba 18.0 United Kingdom 16.5
United Arab Emirates 8.7
Lesotho 13.1 Guatemala 17.8 Austria 16.3
Saudi Arabia 8.2
Kenya 12.8 Dominican Republic 17.4 France 15.7
Oman 6.8
Iceland 15.7
Sao Tome and Principe 12.4 El Salvador 16.7
Malta 15.6 Iraq 6.5
United Republic of Tanzania 12.3 Chile 15.9
Belgium 15.1 Morocco 6.0
Liberia 11.9 Honduras 15.4
Slovakia 15.0 Kuwait 5.8
11.7 Peru 15.0
Cabo Verde Czechia 14.9 5.8
Bahamas 14.8
Zambia 11.3 Spain 14.5 Egypt 5.6

Burkina Faso 11.2 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 14.8

Bosnia and Herzegovina 14.1 Libya 4.9

11.1 Panama 14.6 Croatia 14.0

Democratic Republic of the Congo Syrian Arab Republic 4.8

Uganda 11.0 Belize 13.8 Serbia 13.9

Paraguay 11.9 Belarus 13.8
Sierra Leone 10.8 Yemen 3.9
Italy 13.7
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 11.8
Madagascar 10.2 Somalia
Luxembourg 13.6
Mauritius 10.0 Suriname 11.8
Estonia 13.5 WPR
9.9 Mexico 11.6
Algeria Ireland 13.4 Marshall Islands 23.8
Saint Lucia 11.5
Rwanda 9.9 Lithuania 13.4 New Zealand 23.4
Barbados 10.9
Seychelles 9.7 Republic of Moldova 13.3
Micronesia (Federated States of) 21.2
Dominica 10.5 San Marino 13.2
Benin 9.6 20.3
Ecuador 10.2 The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 12.9
Chad 9.0 Palau 18.1

Guyana 9.4 Romania 12.8

Guinea 9.0 Vanuatu 17.9
9.2 Slovenia 12.8
Botswana 8.8 Grenada Australia 17.3
Finland 12.4
Trinidad and Tobago 8.2 16.9
Mozambique 8.8 Tuvalu
Kyrgyzstan 11.9
Jamaica 8.1 15.1
Comoros 8.7 Samoa
Portugal 11.9
Argentina 6.9 Viet Nam 14.2
Congo 8.7 Israel 11.6
Saint Kitts and Nevis 6.9 Singapore 14.1
Zimbabwe 8.5 Bulgaria 11.0

Brazil 6.8
Kazakhstan 10.9 Tonga 13.5
Haiti 6.1 Ukraine 10.8 Solomon Islands 12.5
Senegal 8.0
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 5.8 Poland 10.7 Republic of Korea 12.3
Guinea-Bissau 7.8
Uzbekistan 10.7 China 10.4
Togo 7.8 SEAR Turkey 10.5
Philippines 10.0
Gabon 7.4 Maldives 26.6
Hungary 10.1
Papua New Guinea 9.5
Cte d'Ivoire 7.3 Thailand 13.3
Greece 10.0
Fiji 9.2
Equatorial Guinea 7.0 Nepal 11.2 Latvia 9.8
Mongolia 6.7
Mali 7.0 Sri Lanka 11.2 Montenegro 9.8
Brunei Darussalam 6.5
Ghana 6.8 Bhutan 8.0 Russian Federation 9.5
Malaysia 6.4
Albania 9.4
Mauritania 6.0 Bangladesh 5.7
Turkmenistan 8.7
Niger 5.6 Indonesia 5.7
Cook Islands 6.1
Cyprus 7.6
Angola 5.0 India 5.0
7.0 Niue 5.9
Cameroon 4.3 Myanmar 3.6
6.8 Kiribati 5.8
South Sudan 4.0 Timor-Leste 2.4
Georgia 5.0 Nauru 5.2

Eritrea 3.6 DemocraticPeoples

Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea Azerbaijan 3.9 Lao People's Democratic Republic 3.4

The indicator here reflects the health-related portion of the SDG indicator. Data source: Global Health Expenditure Database [online database]. Geneva. World Health Organization. 2017

(http://apps.who.int/nha/database/Select/Indicators/en, accessed 23 March, 2017).


SDG Target 2.2
By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age,
and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons
Indicator 2.2.1: Prevalence of stunting (height for age <-2 standard deviation from the median of the World Health Organization (WHO) Child Growth Standards) among
children under 5 years of age

Prevalence of stunting in children under 5 (%), 2005-2016

Prevalence of stunting among children under 5 years of age (%), 200520161
Seychelles 7.9 Chile 1.8 Germany 1.3 Kuwait 4.9

Algeria 11.7 United States of America 2.1 Belarus 4.5 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 6.8

2.5 The former

The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 4.8
Jordan 7.8
Sao Tome and Principe 17.2 Saint Lucia
Serbia 6.0
Saudi Arabia 9.3
Gabon 17.5 Costa Rica 5.6
Republic of Moldova 6.4
Tunisia 10.2
Ghana 18.8 Jamaica 5.7
Kazakhstan 8.0
7.1 Oman 14.1
Senegal 20.5 Brazil
Bosnia and Herzegovina 8.9
Morocco 14.9
Congo 21.2 Dominican Republic Armenia 9.4
Libya 21.0
Namibia 23.1 Barbados 7.7 Montenegro 9.4
Iraq 22.1
South Africa 23.9 Argentina 8.2 Turkey 9.5
Egypt 22.3
Gambia 25.0 Suriname 8.8 Georgia 11.3
Somalia 25.3
Turkmenistan 11.5
Swaziland 25.5 Uruguay 10.7
Kyrgyzstan 12.9 Syrian Arab Republic 27.5
Kenya 26.0 Paraguay 10.9
Azerbaijan 18.0 Djibouti 33.5
Equatorial Guinea 26.2 Guyana 12.0
Uzbekistan 19.6 Sudan 38.2
27.2 Mexico 12.4
Guinea-Bissau Albania 23.1 40.9
Colombia 12.7
Burkina Faso 27.3 Tajikistan 26.8 Pakistan 45.0

Togo 27.5 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 13.4

Andorra Yemen 46.5

27.6 El Salvador 13.6 Austria

Zimbabwe Bahrain
Mauritania 27.9 Peru 14.6 Belgium
Belize 15.0 Bulgaria
Cte d'Ivoire 29.6 Qatar
18.1 Croatia
South Sudan 31.1 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) United Arab Emirates
Guinea 31.3 Panama 19.1
Czechia WPR
31.4 Haiti 21.9
Botswana Denmark Australia 2.0
Honduras 22.7
Cameroon 31.7 Estonia Republic of Korea 2.5
Nicaragua 23.0
Comoros 32.1 Finland Japan 7.1
Ecuador 25.2 France
Liberia 32.1 8.1
Guatemala 46.5 Greece
Nigeria 32.9 China 9.4
Antigua and Barbuda Hungary
Lesotho 33.2 Tuvalu 10.0
Benin 34.0 Bahamas Mongolia 10.8
Uganda 34.2 Canada Malaysia 17.7
United Republic of Tanzania 34.4 Cuba Brunei Darussalam 19.7
Dominica Nauru 24.0
Angola 37.6 Latvia
Grenada Viet Nam 24.6
Rwanda 37.9 Lithuania

Saint Kitts and Nevis Luxembourg Vanuatu 28.5
Sierra Leone
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Malta Philippines 30.3
Ethiopia 38.4

Trinidad and Tobago Monaco Cambodia 32.4

Mali 38.5
Netherlands Solomon Islands 32.8
Chad 39.9 SEAR Norway Lao People's Democratic Republic 43.8
Zambia 40.0 Sri Lanka 14.7
Poland Papua New Guinea 49.5
Central African Republic 40.7 Thailand 16.3
Cook Islands
Malawi 42.4 Maldives 20.3 Romania
Democratic Republic of the Congo 42.6 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 27.9 Russian Federation
Niger 43.0 Myanmar 29.2 San Marino
Marshall Islands
Mozambique 43.1 Bhutan 33.6
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Madagascar 49.2 Bangladesh 36.1
New Zealand
Eritrea 50.3 Indonesia 36.4
Burundi 57.5 Nepal 37.1 Palau
Cabo Verde India 38.4
Ukraine Samoa
Mauritius Timor-Leste 50.2 United Kingdom Singapore

United Nations Childrens Fund, World Health Organization, the World Bank Group. Levels and trends in child malnutrition. UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Group Joint Child Malnutrition

Estimates. UNICEF, New York; WHO, Geneva; the World Bank Group, Washington (DC); May 2017. Data shown are the latest available for 20052016. Data from 20052009 are shown in
pale orange.


SDG Target 2.2
By 2030, end all forms of malnutrition, including achieving, by 2025, the internationally agreed targets on stunting and wasting in children under 5 years of age,
and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons
Indicator 2.2.2: Prevalence of malnutrition (weight for height >+2 or <-2 standard deviation from the median of the WHO Child Growth Standards) among children under
5 years of age, by type (wasting and overweight)

Prevalence of wasting (green bar) and of overweight (orange bar) in children under 5, 2005-2016
Prevalence of wasting (green bar) and of overweight (orange bar) in children under 5 years of age (%), 200520161
Senegal Haiti Germany Yemen

Burkina Faso Suriname Republic of Moldova Somalia

Guatemala Turkmenistan Sudan

Tajikistan Oman
Nigeria Colombia
Benin Honduras Jordan
Mexico Pakistan
Central African Republic
Eritrea Guyana
Togo United States of America The Former Yugoslav
The former RepublicRepublic
Yugoslav of Macedonia
of ..
Saudi Arabia
Guinea-Bissau Nicaragua Uzbekistan
Sao Tome and Principe Saint Lucia Azerbaijan
El Salvador Armenia
Serbia Iraq
Ghana Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
Bosnia and Herzegovina Tunisia
Ethiopia Peru
Georgia Egypt
Burundi Uruguay
Montenegro Syrian Arab Republic
Niger Belize
Albania Libya
Cte d'Ivoire Brazil Andorra Iran (Islamic Republic of)
Gambia Ecuador Austria Bahrain
Liberia Dominican Republic Belgium
Jamaica Bulgaria
Angola Qatar
United Republic of Tanzania Costa Rica United Arab Emirates
Zimbabwe Bolivia (Plurinational State of)

Czechia WPR
Denmark Japan
Kenya Argentina
Estonia Cambodia
Namibia Paraguay Finland Lao People's Democratic Republic
Democratic Republic of the Congo Barbados France
Solomon Islands
Mali Panama Greece
Antigua and Barbuda Hungary
Malawi Vanuatu
Bahamas Iceland
Uganda Philippines
Congo Canada Viet Nam
South Sudan Cuba Tuvalu
Zambia Dominica China
Grenada Malaysia
Cameroon Lithuania
Saint Kitts and Nevis Luxembourg Republic of Korea
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Malta Australia
Trinidad and Tobago Monaco Brunei Darussalam
Netherlands Mongolia
SEAR Norway Papua New Guinea
Sierra Leone DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea Poland Tonga
Swaziland Sri Lanka Portugal
Cook Islands
Equatorial Guinea Myanmar Romania
Seychelles Bangladesh Russian Federation
Comoros Timor-Leste San Marino
Marshall Islands
South Africa India Micronesia (Federated States of)
Botswana Nepal New Zealand
Algeria Maldives Niue
Madagascar Bhutan Palau
Cabo Verde Thailand Ukraine Samoa
Mauritius Indonesia United Kingdom Singapore

United Nations Childrens Fund, World Health Organization, the World Bank Group. Levels and trends in child malnutrition. UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Group Joint Child Malnutrition

Estimates. UNICEF, New York; WHO, Geneva; the World Bank Group, Washington (DC); May 2017. Data shown are the latest available for 20052016. Data from 20052009 are shown in
pale orange and green.


SDG Target 6.1
By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking-water for all
Indicator 6.1.1: Proportion of population using safely managed drinking-water services

Proportion of population using improved drinking-water sources (%), 20151

Proportion of population using improved drinking-water sources (%), 2015
Mauritius 100 Barbados 100 Andorra 100 Bahrain 100

Sao Tome and Principe 97 Belize 100 Armenia 100 Qatar 100

100 Austria 100

United Arab Emirates 100
Botswana 96 Canada
Belarus 100
Egypt 99
Seychelles 96 Uruguay 100
Belgium 100
Kuwait 99
Gabon 93 Argentina 99
Bosnia and Herzegovina 100
99 Lebanon 99
South Africa 93 Chile
Croatia 100
Tunisia 98
Cabo Verde 92 United States of America Cyprus 100
Jordan 97
Namibia 91 Antigua and Barbuda 98 Czechia 100
Saudi Arabia 97
Comoros 90 Bahamas 98 Denmark 100
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 96
Gambia 90 Brazil 98 Estonia 100
Oman 93
Finland 100
Malawi 90 Costa Rica 98
France 100 Pakistan 91
Ghana 89 Guyana 98
Georgia 100 Djibouti 90
Algeria 84 Paraguay 98
Germany 100 Syrian Arab Republic 90
82 Saint Kitts and Nevis 98
Burkina Faso Greece 100 87
Grenada 97
Cte d'Ivoire 82 Hungary 100 Morocco 85

Lesotho 82 Mexico 96
Iceland 100 Afghanistan 55

79 Saint Lucia 96 Israel 100

Guinea-Bissau Libya
Senegal 79 Cuba 95 Italy 100
Panama 95 Luxembourg 100
Uganda 79 Sudan
Malta 100
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 95
Benin 78 Yemen
Monaco 100
Congo 77 Suriname 95
Montenegro 100 WPR
77 Trinidad and Tobago 95
Guinea Netherlands 100 100
El Salvador 94
Mali 77 Norway 100 100
Cook Islands
Jamaica 94
Zimbabwe 77 Portugal 100
Guatemala 93 Romania 100
Burundi 76
New Zealand 100
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 93 Slovakia 100
Cameroon 76
Singapore 100
Colombia 91 Slovenia 100
Liberia 76
Tonga 100
91 Spain 100
Rwanda 76 Honduras 99
Sweden 100
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 90
Swaziland 74 Samoa 99
Switzerland 100
Ecuador 87
Central African Republic 69
Turkey 100 Malaysia 98

Nicaragua 87
Nigeria 69 United Kingdom 100 Tuvalu 98

Peru 87
Zambia 65 Bulgaria 99 Viet Nam 98

Dominican Republic 85
Latvia 99 Nauru 97
Haiti 58 Serbia 99 96
Sierra Leone 63 China
Dominica The former
The Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 99
Fiji 96
Togo 63
Ireland 98
Marshall Islands 95
South Sudan 59 SEAR Poland 98
Eritrea 58 Vanuatu 95
Bhutan 100
Lithuania 97
Philippines 92
Mauritania 58 Democratic People's Republic of 100 97
Russian Federation
Korea 89
58 Micronesia (Federated States of)
Niger Maldives 99 Ukraine 96
Solomon Islands 81
Ethiopia 57 Albania 95
Thailand 98
Cambodia 76
United Republic of Tanzania 56 Kazakhstan 93
Sri Lanka 96
Kyrgyzstan 90 Lao People's Democratic Republic 76
Democratic Republic of the Congo 52
India 94 67
Republic of Moldova 88 Kiribati
Madagascar 52
Nepal 92 Azerbaijan 87 Mongolia 64
Chad 51
Tajikistan 74 40
Bangladesh 87 Papua New Guinea
Mozambique 51
San Marino Brunei Darussalam
Angola 49
Myanmar 81 Palau
Equatorial Guinea 48 Uzbekistan
Timor-Leste 72
Republic of Korea

This indicator is used here as a proxy for the SDG indicator. Data source: Progress on sanitation and drinking water 2015 update and MDG assessment. New York (NY): UNICEF; and

Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/177752/1/9789241509145_eng.pdf?ua=1, accessed 23 March 2017).


SDG Target 6.2
By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying special attention to the needs of women and girls
and those in vulnerable situations
Indicator 6.2.1: Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a hand-washing facility with soap and water

Proportion of population using improved sanitation (%), 20151

Proportion of population using improved sanitation (%), 2015
Seychelles 98 Canada 100 Andorra 100 Kuwait 100

Mauritius 93 United States of America 100 Austria 100 Saudi Arabia 100

99 Belgium 100
Bahrain 99
Algeria 88 Chile
Cyprus 100
Jordan 99
Equatorial Guinea 75 Grenada 98
Denmark 100
Qatar 98
Cabo Verde 72 Argentina 96
Israel 100
96 United Arab Emirates 98
South Africa 66 Barbados
Italy 100
Libya 97
Botswana 63 Uruguay Malta 100
Oman 97
Rwanda 62 Costa Rica 95 Monaco 100
Syrian Arab Republic 96
Gambia 59 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 94 Portugal 100
Egypt 95
Swaziland 58 Cuba 93 Spain 100
Tunisia 92
Switzerland 100
Angola 52 Bahamas 92
Uzbekistan 100 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 90
Burundi 48 Trinidad and Tobago 92
Czechia 99 Iraq 86
Senegal 48 Belize 91
France 99 Lebanon 81
46 Saint Lucia 91
Cameroon Germany 99 77
Paraguay 89
Zambia 44 Greece 99 Pakistan 64

Gabon 42 Ecuador 85
Iceland 99 Djibouti 47

41 Mexico 85 Slovakia 99
Malawi Afghanistan 32

Mauritania 40 Dominican Republic 84 Slovenia 99

Guyana 84 Sweden 99
Zimbabwe 37 Sudan
United Kingdom 99
Brazil 83
Comoros 36 Yemen
Finland 98
Sao Tome and Principe 35 Honduras 83
Hungary 98 WPR
34 Jamaica 82
Namibia Kazakhstan 98 Australia 100
Colombia 81
Kenya 30 Luxembourg 98 Japan 100
Suriname 79
Lesotho 30 Netherlands 98
Niue 100
Peru 76 Norway 98
Democratic Republic of the Congo 29 100
El Salvador 75 Croatia 97
Nigeria 29 Republic of Korea 100

Panama 75 Estonia 97
Ethiopia 28 Singapore 100
68 Poland 97
Mali 25 Nicaragua Cook Islands 98
Montenegro 96
Guatemala 64 96
Cte d'Ivoire 23 Malaysia
Serbia 96
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 50 92
Central African Republic 22 Samoa
Ukraine 96
Haiti 28 Fiji 91
Guinea-Bissau 21 Bosnia and Herzegovina 95
Antigua and Barbuda 95 Tonga 91
Mozambique 21 Tajikistan

Dominica Turkey 95 Viet Nam 78
Saint Kitts and Nevis Belarus 94 China 77
Burkina Faso 20

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Albania 93 Marshall Islands 77

Guinea 20
Kyrgyzstan 93 Philippines 74
Uganda 19 SEAR Lithuania 92
Lao People's Democratic Republic 71
Liberia 17 Maldives 98
Ireland 91
Nauru 66
Eritrea 16 Sri Lanka 95
TheThe former
Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 91
Mongolia 60
United Republic of Tanzania 16 Thailand 93 Armenia 90
Vanuatu 58
Congo 15 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 82 Azerbaijan 89
Micronesia (Federated States of) 57
Ghana 15 Myanmar 80 Latvia 88
Cambodia 42
Bulgaria 86
Sierra Leone 13 Bangladesh 61
Georgia 86
Chad 12 Indonesia 61
Solomon Islands 30
Romania 79
Madagascar 12 Bhutan 50
76 Papua New Guinea 19
Republic of Moldova
Togo 12 Nepal 46
72 Brunei Darussalam
Russian Federation
Niger 11 Timor-Leste 41
San Marino New Zealand
South Sudan 7 India 40 Turkmenistan Tuvalu

This indicator is used here as a proxy for the SDG indicator. Data source: Progress on sanitation and drinking water 2015 update and MDG assessment. New York (NY): UNICEF; and

Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/177752/1/9789241509145_eng.pdf?ua=1, accessed 23 March 2017).


SDG Target 7.1
By 2030, ensure universal access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services
Indicator 7.1.2: Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels and technology

Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels (%), 20141

Proportion of population with primary reliance on clean fuels, 2014
Algeria >95 Antigua and Barbuda >95 Andorra22 >95 Bahrain 22 >95

Mauritius >95 Argentina >95 Armenia >95 Egypt >95

>95 Austria22 >95

Iran (Islamic Republic of) >95
Seychelles >95 Bahamas 2 2

Azerbaijan >95
Iraq >95
South Africa 82 Barbados >95
Belarus >95
Jordan >95
Gabon 73 Canada 22 >95
Belgium22 >95
>95 Kuwait22 >95
Cabo Verde 71 Chile
Cyprus22 >95
Lebanon >95
Botswana 63 Costa Rica Czechia >95
Morocco >95
Angola 48 Ecuador >95 Denmark22 >95
Oman22 >95
Namibia 46 Grenada >95 Finland22 >95
Qatar >95
Mauritania 45 Saint Kitts and Nevis22 >95 France22 >95
Saudi Arabia >95
Germany22 >95
Senegal 36 Saint Lucia >95
Greece22 >95 Syrian Arab Republic >95
Swaziland 35 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines >95
Hungary 22
>95 Tunisia >95
Lesotho 32 Trinidad and Tobago >95
Iceland 2 >95 United Arab Emirates >95
31 United States of America22 >95
Zimbabwe Ireland22 >95 62
Uruguay >95
Sao Tome and Principe 30 Israel22 >95 Pakistan 45

Equatorial Guinea 22 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) >95

Italy22 >95 Sudan 23

21 Brazil 93 Latvia >95

Ghana Afghanistan 17

Cameroon 18 Jamaica 93 Lithuania22 >95

Dominica 92 Luxembourg22 >95
Congo 18 Somalia 9
Malta22 >95
Dominican Republic 92
Cte d'Ivoire 18 Libya
Monaco22 >95
Zambia 16 Colombia 91
Netherlands22 >95 WPR
14 Suriname 91
Eritrea Norway22 >95 Australia22 >95
Belize 87
Benin 7 Poland22 >95 Brunei Darussalam22 >95
Cuba 87
Burkina Faso 7 Portugal22 >95
Japan22 >95
Mexico 86 Russian Federation >95
Comoros 7 >95
Panama 86 San Marino22 >95
Democratic Republic of the Congo 6 Nauru >95

El Salvador 83 Slovakia >95

Guinea 6 New Zealand22 >95
79 Slovenia >95
Kenya 6 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) Republic of Korea >95
Spain22 >95
Peru 68 >95
Togo 6 Singapore22
Sweden22 >95
Paraguay 64 91
Burundi <5 2 Niue
Switzerland 22 >95
Guyana 61 Cook Islands 80
Central African Republic <5 Turkmenistan >95
Nicaragua 49 Tonga 63
Chad <5 Ukraine >95

Honduras 48
United Kingdom22 >95 Palau 58
Guatemala 36 Croatia 94 China 57
Gambia <5

Haiti 9 Republic of Moldova 93 Viet Nam 51

Guinea-Bissau <5
Estonia 92 Philippines 45
Liberia <5 SEAR Kazakhstan 92
Marshall Islands 41
Madagascar <5 Maldives >95
Uzbekistan 90
Fiji 37
Malawi <5 Thailand 76
Romania 82
Mongolia 32
Mali <5 Bhutan 68 Bulgaria 79
Papua New Guinea 31
Mozambique <5 Indonesia 57 Kyrgyzstan 76
Tuvalu 30
Niger <5 India 34 Montenegro 74
Samoa 27
Tajikistan 72
Nigeria <5 Nepal 26
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Serbia 71
Rwanda <5 Sri Lanka 19
Vanuatu 16
Albania 67
Sierra Leone <5 Bangladesh 10
61 Cambodia 13
TheThe former
Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia
South Sudan <5 Myanmar 9
55 Solomon Islands 9
Uganda <5 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 7
Bosnia and Herzegovina 40 Kiribati <5

United Republic of Tanzania <5 Timor-Leste <5 Turkey Lao People's Democratic Republic <5

Burning opportunity: clean household energy for health, sustainable development, and wellbeing of women and children. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://apps.who.int/iris/

bitstream/10665/204717/1/9789241565233_eng.pdf, accessed 23 March 2017).

For high-income countries with no information on clean fuel use, usage is assumed to be >95%.


SDG Target 11.6
By 2030, reduce the adverse per capita environmental impact of cities, including by paying special attention to air quality and municipal and other waste
Indicator 11.6.2: Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (e.g. PM2.5 and PM10) in cities (population weighted)

Annual mean levels of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in urban areas (g/m3), 20141
Annual mean concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) in urban areas (g/m3), 2014
Liberia 6.0 Canada 7.2 Sweden 5.9 Somalia 16.9

Seychelles 13.0 United States of America 8.4 Finland 7.1 Morocco 18.9

11.3 Iceland 7.7

Lebanon 31.2
Mauritius 14.3 Brazil
Estonia 8.4
Syrian Arab Republic 34.1
Comoros 16.0 Uruguay 11.5
Norway 9.1
Tunisia 35.2
Kenya 16.8 Bahamas 12.6
Monaco 9.2
12.7 Jordan 37.7
Sierra Leone 16.8 Trinidad and Tobago
Portugal 9.6
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 40.2
Namibia 18.4 Panama Ireland 9.9
Yemen 42.0
Botswana 19.2 Antigua and Barbuda 13.0 Spain 9.9
Djibouti 46.0
Cte d'Ivoire 19.2 Dominica 13.0 Andorra 10.5
Oman 47.4
Guinea 19.4 Ecuador 13.3 Denmark 10.5
Iraq 51.3
United Kingdom 12.4
Swaziland 19.8 Barbados 14.0
Switzerland 12.5 Sudan 52.7
Lesotho 21.7 Grenada 14.0
France 12.6 Libya 58.2
Ghana 22.1 Argentina 14.4
Greece 12.6 Bahrain 60.1
22.3 Saint Lucia 15.0
Mozambique Germany 14.4 63.4
Guyana 16.1
United Republic of Tanzania 23.9 Malta 14.4 United Arab Emirates 64.4

Zimbabwe 23.9 Suriname 16.3

Netherlands 14.9 Pakistan 67.7

25.1 Cuba 16.5 Kyrgyzstan 15.4

Algeria Kuwait 78.4

Malawi 25.6 Paraguay 16.9 Belgium 15.9

Dominican Republic 17.0 Luxembourg 16.6
Togo 25.9 Qatar 104.6
Russian Federation 16.6
Jamaica 17.1 127.1
Benin 27.9 Saudi Arabia
Ukraine 16.9
Guinea-Bissau 28.9 Colombia 18.1
Albania 17.1 WPR
29.5 Costa Rica 19.1
Zambia Austria 17.1 Solomon Islands 5.0
Mexico 20.1
South Africa 31.3 Republic of Moldova 17.1 New Zealand 5.3
Belize 20.7
Equatorial Guinea 32.0 Cyprus 17.2
Brunei Darussalam 5.4
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 24.0 Belarus 18.0
Madagascar 32.0 5.8
Haiti 24.6 Italy 18.2
South Sudan 32.1 Fiji 6.0
Chile 25.0 Israel 19.2
Mali 34.5 Micronesia (Federated States of) 6.0
26.0 Lithuania 19.4
Eritrea 35.7 Nicaragua Vanuatu 7.0
Slovenia 19.4
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 31.6 12.0
Gabon 35.8 Papua New Guinea
Latvia 20.1
Guatemala 33.4 12.9
Ethiopia 36.2 Japan
Romania 20.2
Peru 35.7 Malaysia 16.6
Burkina Faso 36.8 Slovakia 20.2
El Salvador 37.0 Singapore 17.0
Nigeria 37.6 Croatia 20.3

Honduras 39.6
Czechia 20.7 Cambodia 25.0
Saint Kitts and Nevis Kazakhstan 21.1 Philippines 27.1
Gambia 43.0
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines Serbia 21.4 Viet Nam 27.6
Senegal 43.2
Hungary 22.7 Republic of Korea 27.8
Burundi 48.9 SEAR Georgia 23.0
Mongolia 32.1
Rwanda 50.6 Timor-Leste 15.0
Montenegro 24.3
Lao People's Democratic Republic 33.5
Niger 51.5 Indonesia 17.8
Armenia 25.0
China 59.5
Central African Republic 55.9 Thailand 27.3 Poland 25.4
Cook Islands
Congo 56.9 Sri Lanka 28.5 Turkmenistan 26.2
Democratic Republic of the Congo 60.7 DemocraticPeoples
Democratic People's Republic
Republic of ..
of Korea 31.4 Azerbaijan 26.3
Marshall Islands
Bulgaria 30.3
Chad 61.3 Bhutan 39.0
Turkey 35.2
Cameroon 63.6 Myanmar 56.6
Uzbekistan 38.3
Uganda 79.6 India 65.7
TheThe 42.7 Palau
Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia
Mauritania 86.2 Nepal 74.3
50.7 Samoa
Cabo Verde Bangladesh 88.8
Bosnia and Herzegovina 55.1 Tonga
Sao Tome and Principe Maldives San Marino Tuvalu

Ambient air pollution: a global assessment of exposure and burden of disease. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (see: http://who.int/phe/publications/air-pollution-global-

assessment/en/, accessed 23 March 2017).


SDG Target 13.1
Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries
Indicator 13.1.1: Number of deaths, missing persons and directly affected persons attributed to disasters per 100 000 population

Average death rate due to natural disasters (per 100 000 population), 201120151
Average death rate due to natural disasters (per 100 000 population), 20112015
Cabo Verde 0.0 Antigua and Barbuda 0.0 Albania 0.0 Bahrain 0.0

Central African Republic 0.0 Bahamas 0.0 Armenia 0.0 Djibouti 0.0

Equatorial Guinea 0.0 Azerbaijan 0.0

Barbados 0.0 Egypt 0.0

Eritrea 0.0 Belarus 0.0

Belize 0.0 Jordan 0.0
Cyprus 0.0
Ethiopia 0.0 Grenada 0.0
Kuwait 0.0
Estonia 0.0
Gabon 0.0 Guyana 0.0
Lebanon 0.0
Finland 0.0
Guinea 0.0 Jamaica 0.0
Hungary 0.0 Qatar 0.0
Guinea-Bissau 0.0
Suriname 0.0
Iceland 0.0 Syrian Arab Republic 0.0
Liberia 0.0
Trinidad and Tobago 0.0 Kyrgyzstan 0.0
Tunisia 0.0
Sao Tome and Principe 0.0
Uruguay 0.0 Latvia 0.0
Seychelles 0.0 United Arab Emirates 0.0
Dominican Republic <0.1 Lithuania 0.0
Togo 0.0 Iraq <0.1
Paraguay <0.1 Luxembourg 0.0
Zambia 0.0 Morocco <0.1
Malta 0.0
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) <0.1
Algeria <0.1 Montenegro 0.0 Saudi Arabia <0.1
Argentina 0.1
Benin <0.1 Republic of Moldova 0.0 Yemen <0.1
Canada 0.1
Burkina Faso <0.1 Slovakia 0.0
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 0.1
Chile 0.1
Cameroon <0.1 TheThe former
Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 0.0
Libya 0.1
Costa Rica 0.1
Chad <0.1 Turkmenistan 0.0
Oman 0.1
El Salvador 0.1 Belgium <0.1
Cte d'Ivoire <0.1
Honduras 0.1 Sudan 0.1
Denmark <0.1
Democratic Republic of the Congo <0.1
Peru 0.1 Greece <0.1 Pakistan 0.4
Gambia <0.1

Brazil 0.2 Ireland <0.1 Somalia 0.4

Mali <0.1

Cuba 0.2 Israel <0.1 Afghanistan 0.8

Mauritania <0.1
Kazakhstan <0.1
Ecuador 0.2
Rwanda <0.1
Netherlands <0.1
Senegal <0.1 Guatemala 0.2
Poland <0.1 Brunei Darussalam 0.0
South Africa <0.1 Mexico 0.2
Russian Federation <0.1 Kiribati 0.0
Uganda <0.1 Nicaragua 0.2
Slovenia <0.1 Mongolia 0.0
United Republic of Tanzania <0.1 Colombia 0.3
Switzerland <0.1 0.0
Angola 0.1 Panama 0.3 Ukraine <0.1
Tonga 0.0
Botswana 0.1 Haiti 0.4 Bosnia and Herzegovina 0.1
Malaysia <0.1
Comoros 0.1 United States of America 0.4 Bulgaria 0.1
Australia 0.1
Congo 0.1 Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 0.5 Croatia 0.1
Germany 0.1 China 0.1
Kenya 0.1 Saint Lucia 0.7

Nigeria 0.1 Italy 0.1 Viet Nam 0.1

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 2.2

Sierra Leone 0.1 Norway 0.1 Lao People's Democratic Republic 0.2
SEAR Portugal 0.1
Burundi 0.2 Papua New Guinea 0.2
Bhutan 0.0 Serbia 0.1
Ghana 0.2
Republic of Korea 0.3
Maldives 0.0 Spain 0.1
Lesotho 0.2 0.4
Sweden 0.1
Madagascar 0.2 Timor-Leste
Cambodia 0.7
Tajikistan 0.1
Malawi 0.2 Bangladesh 0.1
United Kingdom 0.1 New Zealand 0.9
Mauritius 0.2 Indonesia 0.1
Uzbekistan 0.1 Vanuatu 0.9
Mozambique 0.2 Myanmar 0.1
Austria 0.2 1.3
Micronesia (Federated States of)
Niger 0.2 Democratic People's Republic of 0.2 Czechia 0.2
Korea Solomon Islands 2.0
Swaziland 0.2 France 0.2
India 0.2
Samoa 2.4
Zimbabwe 0.2 Georgia 0.2
Thailand 0.3
Philippines 2.5
South Sudan 0.3 Turkey 0.2
Sri Lanka 0.4
Namibia 0.9 Romania 0.6 Japan 4.2
Nepal 7.2

Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_

disease/estimates/en/index1.html, accessed 22 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 90 000 in 2015 were not included in this analysis. The death rate is an
average over the five year period.


SDG Target 16.1
Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
Indicator 16.1.1: Number of victims of intentional homicide per 100 000 population, by sex and age

Mortality rate due to homicide (per 100 000 population), 20151

Homicide rates (per 100 000 population), 2015

Malawi 1.7 Canada 1.8 Luxembourg 0.4 Bahrain 0.7

Mauritius 2.7 Chile 4.6 Slovenia 0.6

Morocco 1.6
Mozambique 3.0 Switzerland 0.6
Argentina 4.7 Tunisia 1.6

Equatorial Guinea 3.2 Germany 0.7

Antigua and Barbuda 4.8
Kuwait 2.5
Netherlands 0.7
Algeria 4.2
Cuba 4.9
Libya 2.5
Norway 0.7
South Sudan 4.5
United States of America 5.3
Spain 0.8 Syrian Arab Republic
Rwanda 5.1
Grenada 6.4
Czechia 0.9 Jordan 3.0
Cabo Verde 5.9
Paraguay 7.5
France 0.9
United Arab Emirates 3.7
Benin 6.0
Uruguay 7.6 Ireland 0.9
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 4.1
Burundi 6.2
Costa Rica 9.2 Italy 0.9
Sao Tome and Principe 6.4 Lebanon 4.2
Barbados 10.1 Poland 0.9
Senegal 7.3 Egypt 5.0
Ecuador 10.2 Austria 1.0
Eritrea 7.5 Oman 5.0
Croatia 1.0
Suriname 10.7
Comoros 7.6 Belgium 1.1 Somalia 5.6
Saint Lucia 13.5
Ethiopia 7.6 Denmark 1.1 Saudi Arabia 5.8
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 13.6
United Republic of Tanzania 7.6 Portugal 1.1
Yemen 6.1
Peru 14.6
Madagascar 7.7 Hungary 1.2
Sudan 6.5
Nicaragua 15.0
Kenya 8.2 Sweden 1.2
Djibouti 6.8
Panama 18.7
Iceland 1.3
Guinea 8.5
Guyana 18.8 Afghanistan 7.0
Slovakia 1.3
Chad 9.0
Mexico 19.0 Tajikistan 1.3 Qatar 8.1
Gabon 9.0

Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 21.7 United Kingdom 1.3 Pakistan 9.5
Gambia 9.1
TheThe former
Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 1.4 12.7
Togo 9.1 Bahamas 23.7 Iraq
Bulgaria 1.5
Haiti 28.1
Guinea-Bissau 9.2
Romania 1.5
Angola 9.6 Dominican Republic 30.2
Japan 0.3
Finland 1.6
Zambia 9.7 Brazil 30.5
Armenia 1.7 Australia 0.9
Burkina Faso 9.8 Trinidad and Tobago 32.8
Serbia 1.7 China 0.9
Nigeria 9.8 Jamaica 35.2
Greece 2.0
New Zealand
Ghana 10.0 Guatemala 36.2
Israel 2.0
Brunei Darussalam 1.3
Niger 10.0 Belize 37.2 Azerbaijan 2.2
Republic of Korea 2.0
Congo 10.1 Colombia 48.8 Cyprus 2.2
Vanuatu 2.1
Mauritania 10.2 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 51.7 Turkey 2.4

Seychelles 10.2 Montenegro 2.6 Cambodia 2.2

El Salvador 63.2

Liberia 10.4 Malta 2.9 Fiji 2.5

Honduras 85.7

Botswana 10.8 Uzbekistan 3.0

Singapore 2.7
SEAR Bosnia and Herzegovina 3.1
Mali 10.8 Samoa 3.1
Bhutan 1.5 Albania 4.1
Cameroon 11.5
Malaysia 3.8
Bangladesh 2.9 Georgia 4.2
Cte d'Ivoire 11.8
Sri Lanka 3.1 Turkmenistan 4.2
Central African Republic 13.1
Estonia 4.4 Viet Nam 3.9
Nepal 3.3
Uganda 13.1
Republic of Moldova 5.5 Solomon Islands 4.1
Sierra Leone 13.2 Maldives 3.5
Ukraine 6.0 Micronesia (Federated States of) 4.7
Democratic Republic of the Congo 13.4 Myanmar 3.9
Belarus 6.2
Lao People's Democratic Republic 6.9
Namibia 14.6 India 4.0
Latvia 6.7
Mongolia 8.2
Swaziland 20.0 Thailand 4.0
Lithuania 6.8
Kiribati 9.1
South Africa 26.2 Indonesia 4.3 Kyrgyzstan 7.7

Zimbabwe 28.5 Democratic People's Republic of Philippines 11.6

4.4 Kazakhstan 9.0
Lesotho 29.7 Russian Federation 10.3 Papua New Guinea 12.2
Timor-Leste 4.4

Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_

disease/estimates/en/index1.html, accessed 22 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 90 000 in 2015 were not included in this analysis.


SDG Target 16.1
Significantly reduce all forms of violence and related death rates everywhere
Indicator 16.1.2: Conflict-related deaths per 100 000 population, by sex, age and cause

Estimated deaths from major conflicts (per 100 000 population), 200120151

20112015 20062010 20012005

Syrian Arab Republic




Central African Republic

South Sudan








Sri Lanka


l l l l l l l l l l l
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Crude death rate (per 100 000 population)

Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_

disease/estimates/en/index1.html, accessed 22 March 2017). Conflict deaths include deaths due to collective violence and exclude deaths due to legal intervention,WHO Member States
with estimated conflict deaths exceeding 5 per 100 000 population in 20112015 or 10 per 100 000 population in earlier five-year periods. The death rate is an average over each five
year period.


SDG Target 17.19
By 2030, build on existing initiatives to develop measurements of progress on sustainable development that complement gross domestic product, and support
statistical capacity-building in developing countries
Indicator 17.19.2: Proportion of countries that (a) have conducted at least one population and housing census in the last 10 years; and (b) have achieved 100 per cent birth
registration and 80 per cent death registration

(%) and
(%) and quality2
of quality of cause-of-death
cause-of-death data , 2005-2015 Quality
data, 20052015 High Medium Low Very low


Mauritius 97 Canada 100 Andorra 100 Egypt 95

100 Armenia 100 Iran (Islamic Republic of) 90

Cabo Verde 95 Dominica
Austria 100
Seychelles 94 Grenada 100 Bahrain 83
Azerbaijan 100
Oman 81
South Africa 83 Mexico 100
Belgium 100
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 100 Syrian Arab Republic 81
Croatia 100
United States of America 100 Iraq33 75
Angola 100
100 Qatar 67
Benin Uruguay
Denmark 100
99 United Arab Emirates 66
Botswana Argentina Estonia 100
99 Jordan 65
Brazil Finland 100
Burkina Faso
Kuwait 65
Chile 99 France 100
Cuba 99 Georgia 100 Saudi Arabia 36
94 Germany 100 Tunisia 28
Central African Republic
Hungary 100 Morocco 22
Antigua and Barbuda 93
93 Iceland 100 Afghanistan
Comoros 100
Ireland Djibouti
Guatemala 92
Congo Israel 100
Costa Rica
Cte d'Ivoire Italy 100
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 90
Democratic Republic of the Congo Luxembourg 100
Bahamas 89
Malta 100
Equatorial Guinea Somalia
Saint Kitts and Nevis 88
Monaco 100
Eritrea Sudan
Saint Lucia 88 Netherlands 100
Ethiopia Yemen
Jamaica 87 Norway 100
El Salvador 84 Poland 100 WPR
Gambia Portugal 100
Colombia 83 Australia 100
Ghana Romania 100
Trinidad and Tobago 83 Brunei Darussalam 100

Guinea San Marino 100

Cook Islands 100
Nicaragua 82
Slovakia 100
Guinea-Bissau 81 Fiji 100
Slovenia 100
Kenya Paraguay 81 Japan 100
Spain 100
Lesotho Suriname 79 New Zealand 100
Sweden 100
Liberia Belize 76 Republic of Korea 100
Switzerland 100
Madagascar 75 Mongolia 95
Barbados United Kingdom 100

Malawi Palau 95
Peru 62 Lithuania 99
Philippines 82
Mali Dominican Republic 54 Bulgaria 98

98 Singapore 68
Mauritania Honduras 15 Greece
China 62
Mozambique Bolivia (Plurinational State of) TheThe former
Former Yugoslav
Yugoslav RepublicRepublic of ..
of Macedonia 98

Bosnia and Herzegovina 95 Malaysia33 58

Namibia Haiti
Kyrgyzstan 95 Kiribati 56
SEAR Latvia 95 Cambodia
Maldives 100 Serbia 93
Lao People's Democratic Republic
Sri Lanka33 93 Montenegro 92
Marshall Islands
Sao Tome and Principe Belarus 90
Thailand33 81 Micronesia (Federated States of)
Senegal Republic of Moldova 90
India 10 Nauru
Sierra Leone Russian Federation 89
Bangladesh Uzbekistan 89
South Sudan
Papua New Guinea
Bhutan Turkey 88
Democratic People's Republic of Samoa
Kazakhstan 86
Togo Korea Solomon Islands
Ukraine 86
Uganda Indonesia
Tajikistan33 82 Tonga
United Republic of Tanzania Myanmar
Turkmenistan 78 Tuvalu
Zambia Nepal Vanuatu
Albania 76

Zimbabwe Timor-Leste Cyprus 68 Viet Nam

Figures shown for completeness refer to the latest available value (20052015). Completeness was assessed relative to the de facto resident populations. Global Health Estimates 2015:
Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/estimates/en/index1.
html, accessed 22 March 2017).
See section 1.1. The colour represents the assessment of data quality for the period 20052015.
Completeness refers to year prior to 2010.


Tables of health statistics by country, WHO region and globally

Explanatory notes

The statistics shown in Annex B represent official WHO statistics based on the evidence available in early 2017. They
have been compiled primarily using publications and databases produced and maintained by WHO or United Nations
groups of which WHO is a member. A number of statistics have been derived from data produced and maintained by
other international organizations. In some cases, as indicator definitions are being refined and baseline data are being
collected, proxy indicators are presented. All such proxy indicators appearing in this annex are clearly indicated as such
through the use of accompanying footnotes.

Wherever possible, estimates have been computed using standardized categories and methods in order to enhance
cross-national comparability. This approach may result in some cases in differences between the estimates presented
here and the official national statistics prepared and endorsed by individual WHO Member States. It is important to stress
that these estimates are also subject to considerable uncertainty, especially for countries with weak statistical and health
information systems where the quality of underlying empirical data is limited.

For indicators with a reference period expressed as a range, figures refer to the latest available year in the range unless
otherwise noted.

Unless otherwise stated, the WHO regional and global aggregates for rates and ratios are weighted averages when
relevant, while for absolute numbers they are the sums. Aggregates are shown only if data are available for at least 50%
of the population (or other denominator) within an indicated group. For indicators with a reference period expressed as
a range, aggregates are for the reference period shown in the heading unless otherwise noted. Some WHO regional and
global aggregates may include country estimates that are not available for reporting.

More details on the indicators and estimates presented here are available at the WHO Global Health Observatory.1

Note: indicates data not available or not applicable.

The Global Health Observatory (GHO) is WHOs portal providing access to data and analyses for monitoring the global health situation. See: http://www.who.int/gho/en/, accessed

18March 2017.


3.1 3.2 3.3
Life expectancy at birthb (years)

Part 1 New HIV
Maternal among adults
mortality Proportion of Under-five Neonatal 1549 years
Total Healthy life ratioc (per births attended mortality ratee mortality ratee oldf (per 1000
populationa expectancy at 100 000 live by skilled health (per 1000 live (per 1000 live uninfected
(000s) Male Female Both sexes birthb (years) births) personneld (%) births) births) population)
Member State 2015 2015 2015 2015 20052015 2015 2015 2015
Afghanistan 32 527 59.3 61.9 60.5 52.2 396 51 ac 91.1 35.5 0.06
Albania 2 897 75.1 80.7 77.8 68.8 29 99 14.0 6.2
Algeria 39 667 73.8 77.5 75.6 66.0 140 97 25.5 15.5 0.02
Andorra 70 2.8 1.4
Angola 25 022 50.9 54.0 52.4 45.8 477 47 ac 156.9 48.7 1.86
Antigua and Barbuda 92 74.1 78.6 76.4 67.5 100 ac 8.1 4.9
Argentina 43 417 72.7 79.9 76.3 67.6 52 100 12.5 6.3 0.23
Armenia 3 018 71.6 77.7 74.8 66.8 25 100 ac 14.1 7.4 0.26
Australia 23 969 80.9 84.8 82.8 71.9 6 99 ac 3.8 2.2 0.10
Austria 8 545 79.0 83.9 81.5 72.0 4 99 ac 3.5 2.1
Azerbaijan 9 754 69.6 75.8 72.7 64.7 25 100 ac 31.7 18.2 0.20
Bahamas 388 72.9 79.1 76.1 66.6 80 98 ac 12.1 6.9 2.26
Bahrain 1 377 76.2 77.9 76.9 67.0 15 100 ac 6.2 1.1
Bangladesh 160 996 70.6 73.1 71.8 62.3 176 42 ac 37.6 23.3 0.01
Barbados 284 73.1 77.9 75.5 66.6 27 99 ac 13.0 8.0 1.19
Belarus 9 496 66.5 78.0 72.3 65.1 4 100 4.6 1.9 1.05
Belgium 11 299 78.6 83.5 81.1 71.1 7 4.1 2.2
Belize 359 67.5 73.1 70.1 62.3 28 94 ac 16.5 8.3 0.82
Benin 10 880 58.8 61.1 60.0 52.5 405 77 ac 99.5 31.8 0.69
Bhutan 775 69.5 70.1 69.8 61.2 148 75 ac 32.9 18.3
Bolivia (Plurinational 10 725 68.2 73.3 70.7 62.2 206 85 38.4 19.6 0.24
State of)
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3 810 75.0 79.7 77.4 68.6 11 100 5.4 4.0
Botswana 2 262 63.3 68.1 65.7 56.9 129 100 ac 43.6 21.9 9.37
Brazil 207 848 71.4 78.7 75.0 65.5 44 99 ac 16.4 8.9 0.39
Brunei Darussalam 423 76.3 79.2 77.7 70.4 23 100 ac 10.2 4.3
Bulgaria 7 150 71.1 78.0 74.5 66.4 11 100 ac 10.4 5.6
Burkina Faso 18 106 59.1 60.5 59.9 52.6 371 66 88.6 26.7 0.45
Burundi 11 179 57.7 61.6 59.6 52.2 712 60 81.7 28.6 0.18
Cabo Verde 521 71.3 75.0 73.3 64.4 42 92 24.5 12.2 0.60
Cambodia 15 578 66.6 70.7 68.7 58.9 161 89 ac 28.7 14.8 0.08
Cameroon 23 344 55.9 58.6 57.3 50.3 596 65 ac 87.9 25.7 3.57
Canada 35 940 80.2 84.1 82.2 72.3 7 98 ac 4.9 3.2
Central African Republic 4 900 50.9 54.1 52.5 45.9 882 40 130.1 42.6 2.40
Chad 14 037 51.7 54.5 53.1 46.1 856 20 138.7 39.3 1.02
Chile 17 948 77.4 83.4 80.5 70.4 22 100 8.1 4.9 0.19
China 1 383 925 74.6 77.6 76.1 68.5 27 100 ac 10.7 5.5
Colombia 48 229 71.2 78.4 74.8 65.1 64 99 15.9 8.5 0.39
Comoros 788 61.9 65.2 63.5 55.9 335 82 73.5 34.0
Congo 4 620 63.2 66.3 64.7 56.6 442 94 ac 45.0 18.0
Cook Islands 21 100 ac 8.1 4.4
Costa Rica 4 808 77.1 82.2 79.6 69.7 25 99 9.7 6.2 0.24
Cte d'Ivoire 22 702 52.3 54.4 53.3 47.0 645 59 92.6 37.9 1.88
Croatia 4 240 74.7 81.2 78.0 69.4 8 100 4.3 2.6
Cuba 11 390 76.9 81.4 79.1 69.2 39 99 5.5 2.3 0.48
Cyprus 1 165 78.3 82.7 80.5 71.3 7 97 ac 2.7 1.5
Czechia 10 543 75.9 81.7 78.8 69.4 4 100 ac 3.4 1.8
Democratic People's 25 155 67.0 74.0 70.6 64.0 82 100 24.9 13.5
Republic of Korea
Democratic Republic of 77 267 58.3 61.5 59.8 51.7 693 80 98.3 30.1 0.34
the Congo
Denmark 5 669 78.6 82.5 80.6 71.2 6 98 ac 3.5 2.5
Djibouti 888 61.8 65.3 63.5 55.8 229 87 ac 65.3 33.4 1.09
Dominica 73 100 ac 21.2 15.6
Dominican Republic 10 528 70.9 77.1 73.9 65.1 92 98 ac 30.9 21.7 0.36


3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
of married
or in-union
Total alcohol women of
Probability per capita reproductive
of dying (15 years age who have
Reported from any of of age) their need
Malaria Infants number CVD, cancer, consumption Road traffic for family
incidenceh receiving of people diabetes, CRD Suicide (litres of pure mortality planning Adolescent birth
TB incidenceg
(per 1000 three doses requiring between age mortality ratek alcohol), ratem (per satisfied rateo (per 1000
(per 100 000 population at of hepatitis B interventions 30 and exact (per 100 000 projected 100 000 with modern women aged
population) risk) vaccinei (%) against NTDsj age 70k (%) population) estimatesl population) methodsn (%) 1519 years)
2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2013 20052015 20052014 Member State
189 23.6 78 13 765 392 31.0 5.5 0.5 15.5 51.9 Afghanistan
19 98 0 14.7 4.3 5.7 15.1 12.9 19.7 Albania
75 <0.1 95 7 561 15.0 3.1 1.0 23.8 77.2 12.4 Algeria
6.5 94 0 10.5 7.6 4.4 Andorra
370 124.0 64 18 534 219 24.8 20.5 10.8 26.9 190.9 Angola
7.5 99 158 15.6 0.0 5.4 6.7 Antigua and Barbuda
25 0.0 94 634 17.1 14.2 9.1 13.6 68.1 Argentina
41 94 39 044 23.2 5.4 5.4 18.3 39.2 22.7 Armenia
6.0 93 17 476 8.9 11.8 11.2 5.4 14.2 Australia
7.6 98 8 11.2 16.4 10.6 5.4 7.9 Austria
69 0.0 96 1 699 962 23.8 3.3 4.0 10.0 21.5 47.2 Azerbaijan
18 95 4 127 16.8 1.8 5.4 13.8 34.6 Bahamas
18 98 6 15.5 6.5 0.9 8.0 13.8 Bahrain
225 0.8 94 49 839 493 21.5 5.5 0.2 13.6 72.5 113.0 Bangladesh
0.0 97 97 16.2 0.4 7.8 6.7 70.0 49.7 Barbados
55 99 0 28.6 22.8 16.4 13.7 74.2 21.6 Belarus
9.4 98 6 11.6 20.5 13.2 6.7 7.2 Belgium
25 0.1 94 7 300 22.5 7.3 8.2 24.4 73.1 64.0 Belize
60 293.7 79 7 029 345 22.2 9.3 2.6 27.7 24.5 94.0 Benin
155 0.1 99 227 111 23.1 11.7 0.5 15.1 84.6 28.4 Bhutan
Bolivia (Plurinational
117 3.9 99 1 883 582 16.0 18.7 5.9 23.2 42.8 115.6 State of)
37 82 0 17.6 6.0 5.9 17.7 21.9 11.0 Bosnia and Herzegovina
356 0.9 95 257 169 18.6 9.7 8.2 23.6 39.0 Botswana
41 7.9 96 11 067 291 16.9 6.3 8.9 23.4 89.3 64.8 Brazil
58 99 9 239 12.6 1.3 1.3 8.1 16.6 Brunei Darussalam
24 92 313 23.8 15.9 13.6 8.3 40.8 Bulgaria
52 389.2 91 11 658 638 23.0 9.2 7.6 30.0 37.1 130.0 Burkina Faso
122 126.3 94 5 601 304 21.6 8.0 6.9 31.3 32.6 85.0 Burundi
139 0.2 93 136 792 16.1 8.5 8.2 26.1 73.2 Cabo Verde
380 13.0 89 5 610 240 23.3 11.9 5.3 17.4 56.4 57.0 Cambodia
212 264.2 84 20 630 132 22.4 11.9 9.9 27.6 40.2 119.0 Cameroon
5.1 55 0 9.8 12.3 10.0 6.0 12.6 Canada
391 289.5 47 4 096 089 23.6 17.4 3.8 32.4 28.7 229.0 Central African Republic
152 163.2 55 10 688 191 23.0 8.7 5.2 24.1 17.5 203.4 Chad
16 97 7 11.5 9.9 9.0 12.4 51.5 Chile
67 <0.1 99 26 100 630 18.1 10.0 7.8 18.8 6.2 China
31 12.3 91 3 846 506 14.6 6.1 5.2 16.8 83.7 84.0 Colombia
35 5.0 80 525 978 22.6 7.4 0.2 28.0 27.8 70.0 Comoros
379 173.3 80 1 346 327 17.8 9.6 7.9 26.4 38.5 147.0 Congo
7.8 99 765 5.1 24.2 56.0 Cook Islands
11 0.0 92 11 684 11.1 7.7 4.1 13.9 89.1 61.2 Costa Rica
159 348.8 83 18 738 388 28.4 18.1 5.2 24.2 30.9 125.0 Cte d'Ivoire
13 94 11 17.1 17.5 13.6 9.2 11.8 Croatia
7.0 96 43 862 16.4 14.0 5.4 7.5 88.4 52.5 Cuba
6.2 97 2 11.5 4.7 9.3 5.2 4.2 Cyprus
5.2 97 3 15.6 13.7 13.7 6.1 85.7 11.1 Czechia
Democratic People's
561 1.0 96 6 082 191 26.5 15.8 3.9 20.8 76.7 0.7 Republic of Korea
Democratic Republic of
324 246.0 81 52 564 709 20.3 9.8 3.0 33.2 15.6 138.0 the Congo
6.0 0 11.6 12.2 10.1 3.5 2.4 Denmark
378 25.4 84 108 810 19.4 8.6 0.4 24.7 20.6 Djibouti
11 98 7 546 5.0 15.3 47.2 ad Dominica
60 0.3 81 989 731 18.7 6.8 6.6 29.3 84.1 90.0 Dominican Republic


3.1 3.2 3.3
Life expectancy at birthb (years)

Part 1 New HIV
Maternal among adults
mortality Proportion of Under-five Neonatal 1549 years
Total Healthy life ratioc (per births attended mortality ratee mortality ratee oldf (per 1000
populationa expectancy at 100 000 live by skilled health (per 1000 live (per 1000 live uninfected
(000s) Male Female Both sexes birthb (years) births) personneld (%) births) births) population)
Member State 2015 2015 2015 2015 20052015 2015 2015 2015
Ecuador 16 144 73.5 79.0 76.2 67.0 64 96 21.6 10.8 0.15
Egypt 91 508 68.8 73.2 70.9 62.2 33 92 24.0 12.8 0.03
El Salvador 6 127 68.8 77.9 73.5 64.1 54 98 ac 16.8 8.3 0.15
Equatorial Guinea 845 56.6 60.0 58.2 51.2 342 68 ac 94.1 33.1 0.24
Eritrea 5 228 62.4 67.0 64.7 55.9 501 34 46.5 18.4 0.21
Estonia 1 313 72.7 82.0 77.6 68.9 9 99 ac 2.9 1.5
Ethiopia 99 391 62.8 66.8 64.8 56.1 353 28 ac 59.2 27.7
Fiji 892 67.0 73.1 69.9 62.9 30 99 22.4 9.6
Finland 5 503 78.3 83.8 81.1 71.0 3 100 ac 2.3 1.3
France 64 395 79.4 85.4 82.4 72.6 8 98 ac 4.3 2.2
Gabon 1 725 64.7 67.2 66.0 57.2 291 89 ac 50.8 23.2 1.39
Gambia 1 991 59.8 62.5 61.1 53.8 706 57 68.9 29.9 1.24
Georgia 4 000 70.3 78.3 74.4 66.5 36 100 11.9 7.2 0.50
Germany 80 689 78.7 83.4 81.0 71.3 6 99 ac 3.7 2.1
Ghana 27 410 61.0 63.9 62.4 55.3 319 71 61.6 28.3 0.77
Greece 10 955 78.3 83.6 81.0 71.9 3 4.6 2.9 0.19
Grenada 107 71.2 76.1 73.6 65.0 27 99 ac 11.8 6.0
Guatemala 16 343 68.5 75.2 71.9 62.1 88 66 29.1 13.4 0.41
Guinea 12 609 58.2 59.8 59.0 51.7 679 45 ac 93.7 31.3 1.18
Guinea-Bissau 1 844 57.2 60.5 58.9 51.5 549 45 ac 92.5 39.7
Guyana 767 63.9 68.5 66.2 58.9 229 86 39.4 22.8 0.88
Haiti 10 711 61.5 65.5 63.5 55.4 359 49 69.0 25.4 0.21
Honduras 8 075 72.3 77.0 74.6 64.9 129 83 20.4 11.0 0.10
Hungary 9 855 72.3 79.1 75.9 67.4 17 99 ac 5.9 3.5
Iceland 329 81.2 84.1 82.7 72.7 3 2.0 0.9
India 1 311 051 66.9 69.9 68.3 59.5 174 81 ac 47.7 27.7 0.11
Indonesia 257 564 67.1 71.2 69.1 62.2 126 87 27.2 13.5 0.50
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 79 109 74.5 76.6 75.5 66.6 25 96 15.5 9.5 0.14
Iraq 36 423 66.2 71.8 68.9 60.0 50 91 32.0 18.4
Ireland 4 688 79.4 83.4 81.4 71.5 8 100 ac 3.6 2.3
Israel 8 064 80.6 84.3 82.5 72.8 5 4.0 2.1
Italy 59 798 80.5 84.8 82.7 72.8 4 100 ac 3.5 2.1 0.16
Jamaica 2 793 73.9 78.6 76.2 66.9 89 99 ac 15.7 11.6 1.07
Japan 126 573 80.5 86.8 83.7 74.9 5 100 ac 2.7 0.9
Jordan 7 595 72.5 75.9 74.1 65.0 58 100 17.9 10.6
Kazakhstan 17 625 65.7 74.7 70.2 63.3 12 100 ac 14.1 7.0 0.36
Kenya 46 050 61.1 65.8 63.4 55.6 510 62 49.4 22.2 3.52
Kiribati 112 63.7 68.8 66.3 59.1 90 98 ac 55.9 23.7
Kuwait 3 892 73.7 76.0 74.7 65.8 4 99 ac 8.6 3.2
Kyrgyzstan 5 940 67.2 75.1 71.1 63.8 76 98 21.3 11.5 0.28
Lao People's Democratic 6 802 64.1 67.2 65.7 57.9 197 40 66.7 30.1
Latvia 1 971 69.6 79.2 74.6 67.1 18 98 ac 7.9 5.2 0.53
Lebanon 5 851 73.5 76.5 74.9 65.7 15 8.3 4.8 0.05
Lesotho 2 135 51.7 55.4 53.7 46.6 487 78 90.2 32.7 18.80
Liberia 4 503 59.8 62.9 61.4 52.7 725 61 69.9 24.1 0.56
Libya 6 278 70.1 75.6 72.7 63.8 9 100 ac 13.4 7.2
Lithuania 2 878 68.1 79.1 73.6 66.0 10 100 ac 5.2 2.5
Luxembourg 567 79.8 84.0 82.0 71.8 10 100 ac 1.9 0.9
Madagascar 24 235 63.9 67.0 65.5 56.9 353 44 49.6 19.7 0.50
Malawi 17 215 56.7 59.9 58.3 51.2 634 90 ac 64.0 21.8 3.82
Malaysia 30 331 72.7 77.3 75.0 66.5 40 99 ac 7.0 3.9 0.27
Maldives 364 76.9 80.2 78.5 69.6 68 96 8.6 4.9
Mali 17 600 58.2 58.3 58.2 51.1 587 49 114.7 37.8 1.05
Malta 419 79.7 83.7 81.7 71.7 9 100 ac 6.4 4.4
Marshall Islands 53 90 36.0 16.7


3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
of married
or in-union
Total alcohol women of
Probability per capita reproductive
of dying (15 years age who have
Reported from any of of age) their need
Malaria Infants number CVD, cancer, consumption Road traffic for family
incidenceh receiving of people diabetes, CRD Suicide (litres of pure mortality planning Adolescent birth
TB incidenceg
(per 1000 three doses requiring between age mortality ratek alcohol), ratem (per satisfied rateo (per 1000
(per 100 000 population at of hepatitis B interventions 30 and exact (per 100 000 projected 100 000 with modern women aged
population) risk) vaccinei (%) against NTDsj age 70k (%) population) estimatesl population) methodsn (%) 1519 years)
2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2013 20052015 20052014 Member State
52 0.1 78 1 943 932 13.1 7.5 5.1 20.1 80.7 Ecuador
15 93 1 640 557 23.5 2.6 0.4 12.8 80.0 56.0 Egypt
43 <0.1 91 702 992 14.2 11.1 3.4 21.1 81.9 72.0 El Salvador
172 215.1 16 466 357 25.0 22.6 11.6 22.9 20.5 176.0 Equatorial Guinea
65 14.5 95 1 441 264 25.4 6.7 1.2 24.1 19.6 76.0 Eritrea
18 91 0 17.2 18.9 12.8 7.0 15.6 Estonia
192 58.6 86 75 106 161 19.3 8.4 4.6 25.3 57.6 71.2 Ethiopia
51 99 898 821 31.4 8.5 3.3 5.8 27.5 Fiji
5.6 2 10.1 16.2 10.9 4.8 7.3 Finland
8.2 83 48 10.9 16.9 11.7 5.1 95.5 6.2 France
465 232.4 80 1 560 166 16.3 10.9 10.8 22.9 33.7 115.0 Gabon
174 208.8 97 171 850 20.4 6.2 5.0 29.4 23.9 88.0 Gambia
99 0.0 94 65 22.2 6.7 8.1 11.8 52.8 41.5 Georgia
8.1 88 147 12.0 13.4 11.4 4.3 7.8 Germany
160 266.4 88 15 536 903 21.3 6.9 4.4 26.2 44.6 65.0 Ghana
4.5 96 13 12.3 4.3 8.5 9.1 8.3 Greece
5.4 92 11 25.3 0.5 8.1 Grenada
25 1.4 74 3 321 447 15.5 2.5 3.1 19.0 65.5 91.0 ad Guatemala
177 367.8 51 9 213 212 20.3 7.7 0.8 27.3 15.7 146.0 Guinea
373 89.3 80 1 731 541 18.8 6.3 5.4 27.5 37.6 136.7 Guinea-Bissau
93 40.7 95 747 901 27.8 29.0 8.7 17.3 52.5 101.0 Guyana
194 8.4 60 9 831 829 24.3 11.2 6.3 15.1 44.8 66.0 Haiti
43 2.6 85 2 399 777 13.9 3.5 3.8 17.4 76.0 101.0 Honduras
9.3 2 22.9 21.6 12.3 7.7 19.8 Hungary
2.4 0 8.3 13.1 7.5 4.6 7.1 Iceland
217 18.6 87 497 396 247 23.3 15.7 5.0 16.6 63.9 28.1 India
395 26.1 81 111 437 132 26.6 2.9 0.6 15.3 78.8 47.0 Indonesia
16 0.5 98 18 692 14.8 3.6 1.0 32.1 68.6 37.7 Iran (Islamic Republic of)
43 0.0 56 2 107 072 22.0 3.0 0.4 20.2 59.3 82.0 Iraq
7.2 95 0 10.3 11.7 10.9 4.1 9.2 Ireland
4.0 97 2 9.5 5.5 3.0 3.6 10.2 Israel
5.8 93 0 9.4 7.9 7.6 6.1 5.8 Italy
4.6 91 343 044 15.2 1.4 5.5 11.5 83.0 45.7 Jamaica
17 10 8.8 19.6 7.8 4.7 4.4 Japan
7.0 99 258 19.6 3.2 0.5 26.3 58.0 26.0 Jordan
89 98 0 28.6 27.5 8.7 24.2 79.6 36.4 Kazakhstan
233 166.0 89 13 642 040 17.8 6.5 4.4 29.1 75.4 96.0 Kenya
551 87 33 294 28.2 14.3 2.7 2.9 35.8 49.9 Kiribati
22 99 0 18.0 4.0 0.2 18.7 7.1 Kuwait
144 0.0 97 111 901 24.0 7.4 5.5 22.0 62.1 42.1 Kyrgyzstan
Lao People's Democratic
182 20.9 89 2 183 066 25.8 12.3 7.3 14.3 61.3 94.0 Republic
41 94 10 22.9 21.7 12.3 10.0 15.3 Latvia
13 81 5 18.4 3.1 1.6 22.6 Lebanon
788 93 523 534 23.6 10.4 5.7 28.2 76.1 94.0 Lesotho
308 246.2 52 4 048 546 17.1 6.3 5.4 33.7 37.2 147.0 Liberia
40 94 8 20.3 5.5 0.1 24.2k 29.6 6.0 Libya
56 94 33 20.4 32.7 18.2 10.6 13.9 Lithuania
6.1 99 0 9.7 11.1 11.1 8.7 6.4 Luxembourg
236 104.2 69 21 298 533 23.7 4.6 1.8 28.4 49.6 148.0 Madagascar
193 188.8 88 11 426 323 20.2 5.5 2.4 35.0 73.6 143.0 Malawi
89 1.9 99 174 457 17.1 5.8 1.5 24.0 12.7 Malaysia
53 99 1 892 12.4 8.6 1.7 3.5 42.7 13.7 Maldives
57 448.6 68 18 291 866 24.4 5.7 1.2 25.6 27.3 172.0 Mali
8.8 95 0 10.5 6.0 7.5 5.1 13.1 Malta
344 85 239 476 5.7 80.5 85.0 Marshall Islands


3.1 3.2 3.3
Life expectancy at birthb (years)

Part 1 New HIV
Maternal among adults
mortality Proportion of Under-five Neonatal 1549 years
Total Healthy life ratioc (per births attended mortality ratee mortality ratee oldf (per 1000
populationa expectancy at 100 000 live by skilled health (per 1000 live (per 1000 live uninfected
(000s) Male Female Both sexes birthb (years) births) personneld (%) births) births) population)
Member State 2015 2015 2015 2015 20052015 2015 2015 2015
Mauritania 4 068 61.6 64.6 63.1 55.1 602 65 84.7 35.7 0.28
Mauritius 1 273 71.4 77.8 74.6 66.8 53 100 ac 13.5 8.4 0.42
Mexico 127 017 73.9 79.5 76.7 67.4 38 96 13.2 7.0 0.16
Micronesia (Federated 104 68.1 70.6 69.4 62.5 100 100 ac 34.7 18.8
States of)
Monaco 38 3.5 1.9
Mongolia 2 959 64.7 73.2 68.8 62.0 44 99 22.4 11.1 0.03
Montenegro 626 74.1 78.1 76.1 67.9 7 99 4.7 3.1
Morocco 34 378 73.3 75.4 74.3 64.9 121 74 27.6 17.6 0.07
Mozambique 27 978 55.7 59.4 57.6 49.6 489 54 ac 78.5 27.1 7.07
Myanmar 53 897 64.6 68.5 66.6 59.2 178 60 ac 50.0 26.4 0.41
Namibia 2 459 63.1 68.3 65.8 57.5 265 88 45.4 15.9 6.79
Nauru 10 97 ac 35.4 22.7
Nepal 28 514 67.7 70.8 69.2 61.1 258 56 ac 35.8 22.2 0.08
Netherlands 16 925 80.0 83.6 81.9 72.2 7 3.8 2.4
New Zealand 4 529 80.0 83.3 81.6 71.6 11 97 ac 5.7 3.1
Nicaragua 6 082 71.5 77.9 74.8 63.7 150 88 ac 22.1 9.8 0.23
Niger 19 899 60.9 62.8 61.8 54.2 553 40 95.5 26.8 0.19
Nigeria 182 202 53.4 55.6 54.5 47.7 814 35 108.8 34.3
Niue 2 100 ac 23.0 12.5
Norway 5 211 79.8 83.7 81.8 72.0 5 99 ac 2.6 1.5
Oman 4 491 75.0 79.2 76.6 66.7 17 99 ac 11.6 5.2
Pakistan 188 925 65.5 67.5 66.4 57.8 178 52 ac 81.1 45.5 0.16
Palau 21 100 16.4 9.0
Panama 3 929 74.7 81.1 77.8 68.1 94 94 17.0 9.6 0.48
Papua New Guinea 7 619 60.6 65.4 62.9 56.4 215 53 57.3 24.5 0.54
Paraguay 6 639 72.2 76.0 74.0 65.2 132 96 ac 20.5 10.9 0.30
Peru 31 377 73.1 78.0 75.5 65.6 68 90 16.9 8.2 0.17
Philippines 100 699 65.3 72.0 68.5 61.1 114 73 28.0 12.6 0.12
Poland 38 612 73.6 81.3 77.5 68.7 3 100 ac 5.2 3.1
Portugal 10 350 78.2 83.9 81.1 71.4 10 99 ac 3.6 2.0
Qatar 2 235 77.4 80.0 78.2 67.7 13 100 8.0 3.8
Republic of Korea 50 293 78.8 85.5 82.3 73.2 11 100 ac 3.4 1.6
Republic of Moldova 4 069 67.9 76.2 72.1 64.8 23 100 ac 15.8 11.9 0.55
Romania 19 511 71.4 78.8 75.0 66.8 31 99 ac 11.1 6.3
Russian Federation 143 457 64.7 76.3 70.5 63.3 25 100 ac 9.6 5.0
Rwanda 11 610 61.9 67.4 64.8 55.5 290 91 ac 41.7 18.7 1.41
Saint Kitts and Nevis 56 100 ac 10.5 6.5
Saint Lucia 185 72.6 77.9 75.2 66.1 48 99 14.3 9.3
Saint Vincent and the 109 71.3 75.2 73.2 64.6 45 99 ac 18.3 11.5
Samoa 193 70.9 77.5 74.0 66.6 51 83 ac 17.5 9.5
San Marino 32 2.9 0.7
Sao Tome and Principe 190 65.6 69.4 67.5 59.1 156 93 ac 47.3 17.1
Saudi Arabia 31 540 73.2 76.0 74.5 64.5 12 98 ac 14.5 7.9
Senegal 15 129 64.6 68.6 66.7 58.3 315 53 47.2 20.8 0.14
Serbia 8 851 72.9 78.4 75.6 67.7 17 100 ac 6.7 4.2
Seychelles 96 69.1 78.0 73.2 65.5 99 ac 13.6 8.6
Sierra Leone 6 453 49.3 50.8 50.1 44.4 1 360 60 120.4 34.9 0.69
Singapore 5 604 80.0 86.1 83.1 73.9 10 100 ac 2.7 1.0
Slovakia 5 426 72.9 80.2 76.7 68.1 6 99 ac 7.3 4.2
Slovenia 2 068 77.9 83.7 80.8 71.1 9 100 ac 2.6 1.4
Solomon Islands 584 67.9 70.8 69.2 62.1 114 86 ac 28.1 12.2
Somalia 10 787 53.5 56.6 55.0 47.8 732 9 136.8 39.7 0.48
South Africa 54 490 59.3 66.2 62.9 54.5 138 94 40.5 11.0 14.40
South Sudan 12 340 56.1 58.6 57.3 49.9 789 19 ac 92.6 39.3


3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
of married
or in-union
Total alcohol women of
Probability per capita reproductive
of dying (15 years age who have
Reported from any of of age) their need
Malaria Infants number CVD, cancer, consumption Road traffic for family
incidenceh receiving of people diabetes, CRD Suicide (litres of pure mortality planning Adolescent birth
TB incidenceg
(per 1000 three doses requiring between age mortality ratek alcohol), ratem (per satisfied rateo (per 1000
(per 100 000 population at of hepatitis B interventions 30 and exact (per 100 000 projected 100 000 with modern women aged
population) risk) vaccinei (%) against NTDsj age 70k (%) population) estimatesl population) methodsn (%) 1519 years)
2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2013 20052015 20052014 Member State
107 74.2 73 690 268 18.5 5.9 0.1 24.5 23.8 71.0 Mauritania
22 97 0 22.5 9.3 4.0 12.2 40.8 29.4 Mauritius
21 0.2 82 9 923 501 15.2 5.0 7.1 12.3 81.9 70.9 Mexico
Micronesia (Federated
124 78 72 590 25.9 11.2 2.4 1.9 32.6 States of)
0.0 99 0 0.0 Monaco
428 99 43 29.9 28.3 7.8 21.0 68.3 26.7 Mongolia
21 82 0 22.0 11.0 9.6 11.9 34.2 13.4 Montenegro
107 99 2 742 16.7 4.8 0.8 20.8 74.8 32.0 Morocco
551 297.7 80 23 150 013 22.9 8.4 2.3 31.6 28.2 167.0 Mozambique
365 11.8 75 41 292 086 24.5 4.3 2.2 20.3 30.3 Myanmar
489 14.0 92 1 073 269 18.6 7.6 11.8 23.9 75.1 82.0 Namibia
113 91 2 3.6 42.5 105.3 ad Nauru
156 3.3 91 18 850 311 21.8 6.0 2.5 17.0 56.0 71.0 Nepal
5.8 94 64 11.0 11.9 8.7 3.4 4.5 Netherlands
7.4 92 3 10.4 12.6 10.1 6.0 19.1 New Zealand
51 2.9 98 933 780 16.3 9.5 5.1 15.3 84.0 92.0 Nicaragua
95 356.5 65 15 779 050 17.8 4.1 0.5 26.4 40.8 206.0 Niger
322 380.8 56 140 541 791 20.8 9.9 9.1 20.5 28.8 122.0 Nigeria
8.1 99 0 7.1 14.3 Niue
6.3 2 9.6 10.9 7.8 3.8 5.0 Norway
8.4 99 5 17.8 5.6 0.5 25.4 19.1 13.5 Oman
270 8.6 72 31 056 287 24.7 2.1 0.2 14.2 47.0 44.0 Pakistan
76 90 15 4.8 27.0 Palau
50 3.7 73 437 597 13.7 5.5 7.9 10.0 75.9 91.1 Panama
432 122.2 62 6 425 746 36.1 10.3 2.4 16.8 40.6 Papua New Guinea
41 0.0 93 795 686 17.8 10.2 6.3 20.7 84.1 63.0 Paraguay
119 21.2 90 2 831 613 12.7 5.8 8.9 13.9 62.7 65.0 Peru
322 0.4 60 43 430 927 28.6 3.4 5.6 10.5 51.5 57.0 Philippines
19 96 47 18.4 22.3 12.3 10.3 14.0 Poland
23 98 6 11.3 13.6 10.6 7.8 10.5 Portugal
34 99 26 14.2 6.4 1.0 15.2 68.9 13.4 Qatar
80 0.8 98 2 8.3 28.4 ae 11.9 12.0 1.7 Republic of Korea
152 88 0 23.1 14.8 15.9 12.5 60.4 26.7 Republic of Moldova
84 90 19 21.3 11.7 13.7 8.7 38.9 Romania
80 97 0 29.3 20.1 13.9 18.9 72.4 26.6 Russian Federation
56 301.3 98 5 065 110 20.4 8.5 11.5 32.1 65.0 45.0 Rwanda
5.1 94 2 6.9 Saint Kitts and Nevis
8.8 99 33 729 19.7 6.8 7.6 18.1 72.4 42.5 Saint Lucia
Saint Vincent and the
7.4 98 1 24.4 2.7 7.6 8.2 70.0 Grenadines
11 59 61 325 22.0 5.7 2.8 15.8 39.4 44.0 Samoa
2.5 75 0 3.2 1.3 ad San Marino
97 17.8 96 199 686 18.0 2.0 8.8 31.1 50.3 92.0 Sao Tome and Principe
12 0.1 98 3 16.4 3.4 0.2 27.4 17.6 Saudi Arabia
139 97.6 89 11 849 373 17.9 6.1 0.5 27.2 46.3 80.0 Senegal
21 94 0 20.4 17.0 11.8 7.7 25.1 22.0 Serbia
9.5 98 0 21.7 9.3 10.8 8.6 61.2 Seychelles
307 302.8 86 7 500 446 30.3 15.3 5.7 27.3 37.5 125.0 Sierra Leone
44 96 10 473 10.1 9.9 1.9 3.6 2.7 Singapore
6.5 96 5 17.6 12.5 12.3 6.6 21.2 Slovakia
7.2 7 13.2 21.4 11.3 6.4 4.6 Slovenia
89 67.0 98 534 850 26.4 7.9 1.4 19.2 60.0 62.0 Solomon Islands
274 85.5 42 5 015 936 20.2 5.4 0.5 25.4 64.0 Somalia
834 3.1 71 6 696 701 26.5 10.7 11.2 25.1 54.0 South Africa
146 156.0 31 9 706 562 20.3 6.4 27.9 5.6 158.0 South Sudan


3.1 3.2 3.3
Life expectancy at birthb (years)

Part 1 New HIV
Maternal among adults
mortality Proportion of Under-five Neonatal 1549 years
Total Healthy life ratioc (per births attended mortality ratee mortality ratee oldf (per 1000
populationa expectancy at 100 000 live by skilled health (per 1000 live (per 1000 live uninfected
(000s) Male Female Both sexes birthb (years) births) personneld (%) births) births) population)
Member State 2015 2015 2015 2015 20052015 2015 2015 2015
Spain 46 122 80.1 85.5 82.8 72.4 5 4.1 2.8 0.14
Sri Lanka 20 715 71.6 78.3 74.9 67.0 30 99 9.8 5.4 0.05
Sudan 40 235 62.4 65.9 64.1 55.9 311 78 ac 70.1 29.8
Suriname 543 68.6 74.7 71.6 63.1 155 90 21.3 11.5 0.62
Swaziland 1 287 56.6 61.1 58.9 50.9 389 88 ac 60.7 14.2 23.60
Sweden 9 779 80.7 84.0 82.4 72.0 4 3.0 1.6
Switzerland 8 299 81.3 85.3 83.4 73.1 5 3.9 2.7
Syrian Arab Republic 18 502 59.9 69.9 64.5 56.1 68 96 ac 12.9 7.0
Tajikistan 8 482 66.6 73.6 69.7 62.1 32 90 ac 44.8 20.5 0.33
Thailand 67 959 71.9 78.0 74.9 66.8 20 100 ac 12.3 6.7 0.20
The former Yugoslav 2 078 73.5 77.8 75.7 67.5 8 100 ac
5.5 3.5
Republic of Macedonia
Timor-Leste 1 185 66.6 70.1 68.3 60.7 215 29 52.6 22.3
Togo 7 305 58.6 61.1 59.9 52.8 368 45 78.4 26.7 1.21
Tonga 106 70.6 76.4 73.5 66.0 124 96 16.7 6.9
Trinidad and Tobago 1 360 67.9 74.8 71.2 63.3 63 100 ac 20.4 13.2 0.52
Tunisia 11 254 73.0 77.8 75.3 66.7 62 74 14.0 8.2 0.04
Turkey 78 666 72.6 78.9 75.8 66.2 16 97 ac 13.5 7.1
Turkmenistan 5 374 62.2 70.5 66.3 59.8 42 100 51.4 22.6
Tuvalu 10 93 27.1 17.6
Uganda 39 032 60.3 64.3 62.3 54.0 343 57 54.6 18.7 5.12
Ukraine 44 824 66.3 76.1 71.3 64.1 24 100 ac 9.0 5.5 0.68
United Arab Emirates 9 157 76.4 78.6 77.1 67.9 6 6.8 3.5
United Kingdom 64 716 79.4 83.0 81.2 71.4 9 4.2 2.4
United Republic of 53 470 59.9 63.8 61.8 54.1 398 49 48.7 18.8 2.11
United States of America 321 774 76.9 81.6 79.3 69.1 14 99 6.5 3.6
Uruguay 3 432 73.3 80.4 77.0 67.9 15 100 10.1 5.1 0.27
Uzbekistan 29 893 66.1 72.7 69.4 62.4 36 100 ac 39.1 20.4 0.02
Vanuatu 265 70.1 74.0 72.0 64.6 78 89 ac 27.5 11.6
Venezuela (Bolivarian 31 108 70.0 78.5 74.1 65.2 95 100 ac
14.9 8.9 0.33
Republic of)
Viet Nam 93 448 71.3 80.7 76.0 66.6 54 94 21.7 11.4 0.28
Yemen 26 832 64.3 67.2 65.7 57.7 385 45 ac 41.9 22.1 0.07
Zambia 16 212 59.0 64.7 61.8 53.6 224 63 64.0 21.4 8.55
Zimbabwe 15 603 59.0 62.3 60.7 52.3 443 78 70.7 23.5 8.84

WHO region
African Region 989 173 58.2 61.7 60.0 52.3 542 53 81.3 28.0 2.72
Region of the Americas 986 705 74.0 79.9 77.0 67.3 52 96 14.7 7.7 0.30
South-East Asia Region 1 928 174 67.3 70.7 68.9 60.5 164 78 42.5 24.3 0.16
European Region 910 053 73.2 80.2 76.8 68.0 16 99 11.3 6.0 0.47
Eastern Mediterranean 643 784 67.4 70.4 68.8 60.1 166 71 52.0 26.6 0.13
Western Pacific Region 1 855 126 74.5 78.7 76.6 68.7 41 96 13.5 6.7 0.09

Global 7 313 015 69.1 73.8 71.4 63.1 216 78 42.5 19.2 0.50


3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7
of married
or in-union
Total alcohol women of
Probability per capita reproductive
of dying (15 years age who have
Reported from any of of age) their need
Malaria Infants number CVD, cancer, consumption Road traffic for family
incidenceh receiving of people diabetes, CRD Suicide (litres of pure mortality planning Adolescent birth
TB incidenceg
(per 1000 three doses requiring between age mortality ratek alcohol), ratem (per satisfied rateo (per 1000
(per 100 000 population at of hepatitis B interventions 30 and exact (per 100 000 projected 100 000 with modern women aged
population) risk) vaccinei (%) against NTDsj age 70k (%) population) estimatesl population) methodsn (%) 1519 years)
2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2013 20052015 20052014 Member State
12 97 91 10.0 8.5 9.2 3.7 8.4 Spain
65 0.0 99 33 229 17.7 35.3 4.1 17.4 69.4 20.3 Sri Lanka
88 36.6 93 26 533 962 25.7 10.2 3.3 24.3 30.2 87.0 Sudan
33 1.7 89 56 918 20.9 26.6 8.0 19.1 73.2 65.3 Suriname
565 1.4 98 331 005 25.1 14.7 6.0 24.2 80.6 87.0 Swaziland
9.2 53 26 9.1 15.4 8.8 2.8 5.1 Sweden
7.4 0 8.7 15.1 10.0 3.3 2.0 Switzerland
20 41 50 995 23.9 2.7 0.8 20.0 53.3 54.0 Syrian Arab Republic
87 0.0 96 123 178 25.8 4.0 2.9 18.8 50.8 54.0 Tajikistan
172 2.7 99 145 141 16.2 16.0 7.2 36.2 89.2 60.0 Thailand
The former Yugoslav
13 92 0 22.2 8.0 2.8 9.4 22.3 18.7 Republic of Macedonia
498 0.2 76 1 170 044 20.7 7.1 1.0 16.6 38.3 50.0 Timor-Leste
52 345.1 88 5 586 475 22.4 9.5 2.6 31.1 32.2 85.0 Togo
15 82 36 871 24.1 3.5 1.4 7.6 47.9 30.0 Tonga
17 90 19 323 25.6 14.5 7.9 14.1 55.1 35.5 Trinidad and Tobago
37 98 6 773 16.8 5.5 1.6 24.4 73.2 6.7 ad Tunisia
18 0.0 96 0 16.8 8.7 1.9 8.9 59.7 29.0 Turkey
70 99 0 34.5 10.0 5.5 17.4 21.0 Turkmenistan
232 96 10 550 1.9 41.0 42.0 Tuvalu
202 218.3 78 23 239 105 21.6 7.1 11.8 27.4 44.7 140.0 Uganda
91 22 0 28.9 20.1 12.8 10.6 68.0 27.2 Ukraine
1.6 94 0 17.4 2.9 3.0 10.9 34.2 United Arab Emirates
10 30 11.0 8.5 12.3 2.9 19.3 United Kingdom
United Republic of
306 113.9 98 33 064 128 17.8 7.0 6.3 32.9 45.9 72.1 Tanzania
3.2 92 754 13.6 14.3 9.3 10.6 83.4 26.6 United States of America
30 95 6 16.7 17.0 6.8 16.6 63.5 Uruguay
79 0.0 99 399 873 26.9 9.3 5.1 11.2 29.5 Uzbekistan
63 3.3 64 266 041 22.3 5.8 1.3 16.6 50.7 78.0 Vanuatu
Venezuela (Bolivarian
29 68.4 87 280 243 17.9 3.0 7.1 45.1 94.5 Republic of)
137 0.3 97 4 468 764 17.3 7.4 8.6 24.5 69.7 36.0 Viet Nam
48 22.2 69 5 840 695 30.9 8.2 0.2 21.5 47.0 67.0 Yemen
391 173.7 90 11 830 416 17.2 6.4 3.9 24.7 63.8 145.0 Zambia
242 114.2 87 10 346 543 18.4 10.5 8.5 28.2 86.0 120.0 Zimbabwe

WHO region
275 244.9 76 632 923 079 20.9 8.8 6.0 26.6 49.6 100.3 African Region
27 10.0 89 52 468 604 14.7 9.6 8.2 15.9 82.5 51.7 Region of the Americas
246 17.9 87 726 474 894 23.2 12.9 4.0 17.0 73.5 33.9 South-East Asia Region
36 0.0 81 2 378 913 17.8 14.1 10.3 9.3 72.9 17.6 European Region
Eastern Mediterranean
116 19.0 80 86 152 675 21.8 3.8 0.7 19.9 61.1 46.1 Region
86 3.1 90 90 710 965 17.1 10.8 7.8 17.3 89.7 15.3 Western Pacific Region

142 94.0 84 1591 109 130 18.8 10.7 6.4 17.4 76.7 44.1 Global


3.9 3.a 3.b 3.c 3.d 1.a
Age-standardized prevalence of Total net
tobacco smoking among persons official
ANNEX B 15 years and olderr (%) development
Diphtheria- to medical
Part 2 Mortality rate Mortality rate tetanus- research and General
attributed to attributed to Mortality rate pertussis basic health Average of 13 government
household exposure to attributed to (DTP3) per capitas Skilled health International health
and ambient unsafe WASH unintentional immunization (constant professional Health expenditure as
air pollutionp servicesq poisoningk coverage 2014 US$), densityt Regulations % of general
(per 100 000 (per 100 000 (per 100 000 among 1-year- by recipient (per 10 000 core capacity government
population) population) population) Male Female oldsi (%) country population) scoresu expenditurev
Member State 2012 2012 2015 2015 2015 2014 20052015 20102016 2014
Afghanistan 114.8 34.6 1.6 78 8.26 6.6 42 12.0
Albania 166.1 0.2 0.3 51.2 7.6 98 0.76 9.4
Algeria 30.6 2.4 1.1 95 <0.01 31.2 73 9.9
Andorra 37.2 27.8 97 81.3 29 27.9
Angola 105.8 111.2 5.7 64 1.94 15.9 18 5.0
Antigua and Barbuda 0.6 99 81 18.1
Argentina 24.6 0.7 0.8 29.5 18.4 94 0.02 76 6.9
Armenia 93.2 1.1 0.7 52.3 1.5 94 2.03 78.0 96 7.0
Australia 0.4 <0.1 0.5 16.7 13.1 93 157.2 100 17.3
Austria 34.2 0.1 0.4 98 133.2 87 16.3
Azerbaijan 47.0 2.1 0.7 46.5 0.4 96 0.88 97.5 84 3.9
Bahamas 20.3 0.1 0.3 95 67.1 75 14.8
Bahrain 11.1 0.1 0.3 48.8 7.6 98 33.8 96 10.5
Bangladesh 68.6 6.0 0.3 39.8 0.7 94 1.02 6.0 76 5.7
Barbados 17.3 0.2 0.5 13.1 0.9 97 65.7 84 10.9
Belarus 100.8 0.2 3.6 46.2 10.6 99 0.63 149.7 90 13.8
Belgium 30.2 0.5 0.5 26.5 20.0 99 127.8 82 15.1
Belize 17.1 1.2 0.8 94 3.30 25.8 55 13.8
Benin 92.6 32.2 3.2 17.7 1.0 79 6.23 7.5 28 9.6
Bhutan 58.9 7.1 0.9 99 4.55 13.4 76 8.0
Bolivia (Plurinational 48.9 7.0 4.5 30.5 17.1 99 1.69 14.8 77 11.8
State of)
Bosnia and Herzegovina 230.6 <0.1 1.9 47.2 30.0 82 3.06 74.8 57 14.1
Botswana 39.1 9.2 1.5 95 1.75 31.1 62 8.8
Brazil 15.8 1.1 0.2 19.3 11.3 96 0.01 93.0 97 6.8
Brunei Darussalam 0.2 <0.1 0.2 29.3 3.1 99 96.6 92 6.5
Bulgaria 217.3 <0.1 0.8 42.4 28.2 91 88.6 69 11.0
Burkina Faso 96.5 40.9 3.1 36.0 4.5 91 4.88 6.8 50 11.2
Burundi 106.5 68.4 5.6 94 4.27 62 13.2
Cabo Verde 56.1 4.5 0.5 22.2 3.5 93 3.81 8.7 62 11.7
Cambodia 71.4 5.6 0.9 44.1 2.8 89 4.27 11.2 55 6.1
Cameroon 91.8 40.9 3.1 43.8 0.9 84 3.23 6.0 54 4.3
Canada 5.4 0.6 0.6 17.7 12.2 91 119.5 100 18.8
Central African Republic 97.0 102.3 4.9 47 8.43 3.0 29 14.2
Chad 124.2 92.8 5.0 55 3.51 3.5 40 9.0
Chile 19.3 0.2 0.3 40.0 36.0 96 0.03 11.8 79 15.9
China 161.1 0.4 1.6 47.6 1.8 99 0.06 31.5 98 10.4
Colombia 22.0 0.8 0.3 16.0 6.2 91 0.20 22.2 89 18.1
Comoros 73.5 28.6 3.7 23.1 6.0 80 6.03 29 8.7
Congo 93.2 48.1 1.8 43.2 1.7 80 1.38 10.5 44 8.7
Cook Islands 99 2.90 69.5 56 6.1
Costa Rica 16.9 0.7 0.4 18.5 8.3 92 0.09 19.5 86 23.3
Cte d'Ivoire 90.7 44.1 4.0 83 3.64 6.2 78 7.3
Croatia 79.9 <0.1 0.3 39.4 33.5 94 92.7 71 14.0
Cuba 66.0 0.7 0.4 52.7 17.8 99 0.29 155.0 99 18.0
Cyprus 19.8 0.3 0.3 97 64.0 93 7.6
Czechia 58.0 0.5 0.5 37.4 29.0 99 120.0 91 14.9
Democratic People's 238.4 1.4 2.3 96 1.13 68.7 73
Republic of Korea
Democratic Republic of 118.5 107.8 3.6 81 6.18 10.5 71 11.1
the Congo
Denmark 20.3 0.8 0.4 17.6 16.4 93 204.6 89 16.8
Djibouti 81.8 26.4 3.0 84 4.87 7.9 46 14.1
Dominica 98 62 10.5
Dominican Republic 26.1 1.9 0.4 18.8 9.4 85 0.58 28.3 71 17.4


2.2 6.1 6.2 7.1 11.6 13.1 16.1 17.19

Proportion of concentrations
population Proportion of Proportion of of fine Average Estimated
using population population particulate death rate Mortality direct deaths
Prevalence Prevalence Prevalence of improved using with primary matter (PM2.5) due to natural rate due to from major Completeness
of stunting of wasting overweight drinking- improved reliance on in urban disastersk homicidek conflictsk,aa of cause-of-
in children in children in children water sanitationx clean fuelsy areasz (per 100 000 (per 100 000 (per 100 000 death dataab
under 5w (%) under 5w (%) under 5w (%) sourcesx (%) (%) (%) (g/m )3
population) population) population) (%)
20052016 20052016 20052016 2015 2015 2014 2014 20112015 2015 20112015 20052015 Member State
40.9 9.5 5.4 55 32 17 63.4 0.8 7.0 40.9 Afghanistan
23.1 9.4 23.4 95 93 67 17.1 0.0 4.1 <0.1 76 Albania
11.7 4.1 12.4 84 88 >95 25.1 <0.1 4.2 1.0 Algeria
100 100 >95 af 10.5 100 Andorra
37.6 4.9 3.3 49 52 48 42.4 0.1 9.6 0.0 Angola
98 >95 13.0 0.0 4.8 0.0 93 Antigua and Barbuda
8.2 1.2 9.9 99 96 >95 14.4 0.1 4.7 0.0 99 Argentina
9.4 4.2 13.6 100 90 >95 25.0 0.0 1.7 0.0 100 Armenia
2.0 0.0 7.7 100 100 >95 af 5.8 0.1 0.9 <0.1 100 Australia
100 100 >95 af 17.1 0.2 1.0 <0.1 100 Austria
18.0 3.1 13.0 87 89 >95 26.3 0.0 2.2 0.3 100 Azerbaijan
98 92 >95 af 12.6 0.0 23.7 0.0 89 Bahamas
100 99 >95 af 60.1 0.0 0.7 2.0 83 Bahrain
36.1 14.3 1.4 87 61 10 88.8 0.1 2.9 <0.1 Bangladesh
7.7 6.8 12.2 100 96 >95 14.0 0.0 10.1 0.0 75 Barbados
4.5 2.2 9.7 100 94 >95 18.0 0.0 6.2 <0.1 90 Belarus
100 100 >95 af 15.9 <0.1 1.1 <0.1 100 Belgium
15.0 1.8 7.3 100 91 87 20.7 0.0 37.2 0.0 76 Belize
34.0 4.5 1.7 78 20 7 27.9 <0.1 6.0 0.0 Benin
33.6 5.9 7.6 100 50 68 39.0 0.0 1.5 0.0 Bhutan

Bolivia (Plurinational
18.1 1.6 8.7 90 50 79 31.6 0.5 13.6 0.0 State of)
8.9 2.3 17.4 100 95 40 55.1 0.1 3.1 <0.1 95 Bosnia and Herzegovina
31.4 7.2 11.2 96 63 63 19.2 0.1 10.8 0.0 Botswana
7.1 1.6 7.3 98 83 93 11.3 0.2 30.5 0.2 99 Brazil
19.7 2.9 8.3 >95 af 5.4 0.0 1.3 0.0 100 Brunei Darussalam
99 86 79 30.3 0.1 1.5 <0.1 98 Bulgaria
27.3 7.6 1.2 82 20 7 36.8 <0.1 9.8 <0.1 Burkina Faso
57.5 6.1 2.9 76 48 <5 48.9 0.2 6.2 0.1 Burundi
92 72 71 0.0 5.9 0.0 95 Cabo Verde
32.4 9.6 2.0 76 42 13 25.0 0.7 2.2 <0.1 Cambodia
31.7 5.2 6.7 76 46 18 63.6 <0.1 11.5 1.2 Cameroon
100 100 >95 af 7.2 0.1 1.8 <0.1 100 Canada
40.7 7.1 1.8 69 22 <5 55.9 0.0 13.1 25.6 Central African Republic
39.9 13.0 2.5 51 12 <5 61.3 <0.1 9.0 0.1 Chad
1.8 0.3 9.3 99 99 >95 25.0 0.1 4.6 <0.1 99 Chile
9.4 2.3 6.6 96 77 57 59.5 0.1 0.9 <0.1 62 China
12.7 0.9 4.8 91 81 91 18.1 0.3 48.8 0.8 83 Colombia
32.1 11.1 10.9 90 36 7 16.0 0.1 7.6 0.0 Comoros
21.2 8.2 5.9 77 15 18 56.9 0.1 10.1 0.0 Congo
100 98 80 100 Cook Islands
5.6 1.0 8.1 98 95 >95 19.1 0.1 9.2 0.0 90 Costa Rica
29.6 7.6 3.2 82 23 18 19.2 <0.1 11.8 0.5 Cte d'Ivoire
100 97 94 20.3 0.1 1.0 0.0 100 Croatia
95 93 87 16.5 0.2 4.9 0.0 99 Cuba
100 100 >95 af 17.2 0.0 2.2 0.0 68 Cyprus
100 99 >95 20.7 0.2 0.9 <0.1 100 Czechia

Democratic People's
27.9 4.0 0.0 100 82 7 31.4 0.2 4.4 0.0 Republic of Korea

Democratic Republic of
42.6 8.1 4.4 52 29 6 60.7 <0.1 13.4 1.8 the Congo
100 100 >95 af 10.5 <0.1 1.1 <0.1 100 Denmark
33.5 21.5 8.1 90 47 10 46.0 0.0 6.8 0.1 Djibouti
92 13.0 100 Dominica
7.1 2.4 7.6 85 84 92 17.0 <0.1 30.2 0.0 54 Dominican Republic


3.9 3.a 3.b 3.c 3.d 1.a
Age-standardized prevalence of Total net
tobacco smoking among persons official
ANNEX B 15 years and olderr (%) development
Diphtheria- to medical
Part 2 Mortality rate Mortality rate tetanus- research and General
attributed to attributed to Mortality rate pertussis basic health Average of 13 government
household exposure to attributed to (DTP3) per capitas Skilled health International health
and ambient unsafe WASH unintentional immunization (constant professional Health expenditure as
air pollutionp servicesq poisoningk coverage 2014 US$), densityt Regulations % of general
(per 100 000 (per 100 000 (per 100 000 among 1-year- by recipient (per 10 000 core capacity government
population) population) population) Male Female oldsi (%) country population) scoresu expenditurev
Member State 2012 2012 2015 2015 2015 2014 20052015 20102016 2014
Ecuador 12.8 1.8 0.8 14.0 3.3 78 0.44 37.5 81 10.2
Egypt 50.9 1.6 0.5 49.9 0.3 93 0.08 22.5 94 5.6
El Salvador 42.7 2.4 0.4 91 0.45 24.1 94 16.7
Equatorial Guinea 99.3 57.3 2.9 16 0.86 27 7.0
Eritrea 84.9 34.9 3.6 95 3.10 49 3.6
Estonia 47.0 <0.1 0.9 41.2 24.9 93 92.9 71 13.5
Ethiopia 57.4 29.6 2.5 8.9 0.5 86 4.67 2.8 79 15.7
Fiji 95.1 3.0 0.5 38.7 12.4 99 12.04 27.3 98 9.2
Finland 6.0 0.2 0.6 23.2 18.5 98 174.5 96 12.4
France 17.2 0.5 0.8 29.8 25.6 98 138.3 89 15.7
Gabon 50.1 28.1 1.5 80 1.38 52 7.4
Gambia 71.2 21.0 2.6 97 11.44 10.0 33 15.3
Georgia 204.9 0.2 0.9 57.7 5.7 94 1.91 86.0 82 5.0
Germany 32.5 0.9 0.2 32.4 28.3 96 176.0 99 19.6
Ghana 80.0 20.0 1.6 13.1 0.4 88 4.98 10.2 74 6.8
Greece 45.1 <0.1 0.3 52.6 32.7 99 96.9 76 10.0
Grenada 0.8 92 45.2 66 9.2
Guatemala 37.3 9.2 1.2 74 1.65 17.6 55 17.8
Guinea 89.3 40.7 2.9 51 8.35 57 9.0
Guinea-Bissau 106.5 48.9 2.8 80 6.70 7.3 49 7.8
Guyana 84.7 4.0 1.0 95 1.51 7.4 85 9.4
Haiti 115.2 28.5 2.8 22.1 2.5 60 4.34 56 6.1
Honduras 54.6 7.9 0.6 33.3 2.1 85 3.66 15.2 83 15.4
Hungary 122.8 <0.1 0.4 32.0 24.8 99 98.8 85 10.1
Iceland 6.4 <0.1 0.7 17.0 15.1 92 201.4 72 15.7
India 133.7 27.4 1.9 20.4 1.9 87 0.20 27.5 98 5.0
Indonesia 85.0 3.6 0.5 76.2 3.6 81 0.32 15.7 99 5.7
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 35.2 0.9 1.4 21.5 0.7 98 0.06 30.4 85 17.5
Iraq 33.5 3.9 0.5 58 0.34 26.6 91 6.5
Ireland 14.6 0.3 0.4 22.4 ag 21.9 ag 95 150.9 78 13.4
Israel 15.8 0.5 0.2 41.2 19.3 94 88.8 71 11.6
Italy 35.2 0.1 0.5 28.3 19.7 93 104.2 90 13.7
Jamaica 35.6 1.9 0.5 29.9 5.9 91 0.03 14.8 83 8.1
Japan 24.2 0.1 0.5 33.7 ag 10.6 ag 96 130.9 100 20.3
Jordan 21.2 1.0 0.7 70.2 10.7 99 3.72 55.1 72 13.7
Kazakhstan 90.0 1.2 2.8 43.9 9.3 98 0.52 111.4 78 10.9
Kenya 60.0 32.5 2.0 24.6 2.1 89 4.74 10.7 69 12.8
Kiribati 2.0 63.9 40.9 87 8.15 48.2 60 5.8
Kuwait 14.2 <0.1 0.2 99 66.8 85 5.8
Kyrgyzstan 87.1 1.8 0.9 50.4 3.6 97 4.30 77.1 50 11.9
Lao People's Democratic 108.3 13.9 1.3 56.6 9.1 89 5.65 10.4 75 3.4
Latvia 101.6 <0.1 1.4 48.9 24.3 95 82.5 91 9.8
Lebanon 29.1 0.4 0.4 45.4 31.0 81 8.40 49.4 76 10.7
Lesotho 80.4 28.3 3.1 55.1 0.4 93 1.81 74 13.1
Liberia 71.3 25.0 2.1 27.6 2.4 52 29.13 2.8 26 11.9
Libya 33.2 0.6 0.8 94 0.02 90.0 64 4.9
Lithuania 73.5 <0.1 1.2 38.1 22.2 93 122.8 82 13.4
Luxembourg 19.8 0.1 0.3 25.8 21.4 99 152.5 88 13.6
Madagascar 85.2 26.6 2.4 69 3.72 3.6 29 10.2
Malawi 72.7 26.1 2.7 25.4 6.0 88 7.88 3.5 40 16.8
Malaysia 21.6 0.4 0.6 43.0 1.4 99 0.02 46.8 100 6.4
Maldives 15.3 0.6 0.6 99 1.65 72.0 60 26.6
Mali 117.1 61.1 3.2 36.8 3.2 68 6.11 5.3 55 7.0
Malta 31.1 <0.1 0.2 29.7 20.2 97 125.8 79 15.6
Marshall Islands 85 3.21 40.1 51 23.8
Mauritania 64.6 28.9 2.4 44.0 3.7 73 3.63 7.8 29 6.0


2.2 6.1 6.2 7.1 11.6 13.1 16.1 17.19

Proportion of concentrations
population Proportion of Proportion of of fine Average Estimated
using population population particulate death rate Mortality direct deaths
Prevalence Prevalence Prevalence of improved using with primary matter (PM2.5) due to natural rate due to from major Completeness
of stunting of wasting overweight drinking- improved reliance on in urban disastersk homicidek conflictsk,aa of cause-of-
in children in children in children water sanitationx clean fuelsy areasz (per 100 000 (per 100 000 (per 100 000 death dataab
under 5w (%) under 5w (%) under 5w (%) sourcesx (%) (%) (%) (g/m )3
population) population) population) (%)
20052016 20052016 20052016 2015 2015 2014 2014 20112015 2015 20112015 20052015 Member State
25.2 2.3 7.5 87 85 >95 13.3 0.2 10.2 <0.1 81 Ecuador
22.3 9.5 15.7 99 95 >95 100.6 0.0 5.0 0.4 95 Egypt
13.6 2.1 6.4 94 75 83 37.0 0.1 63.2 0.0 84 El Salvador
26.2 3.1 9.7 48 75 22 32.0 0.0 3.2 0.0 Equatorial Guinea
50.3 15.3 1.9 58 16 14 35.7 0.0 7.5 0.1 Eritrea
100 97 92 8.4 0.0 4.4 <0.1 100 Estonia
38.4 9.9 2.8 57 28 <5 36.2 0.0 7.6 0.2 Ethiopia
96 91 37 6.0 0.4 2.5 0.0 100 Fiji
100 98 >95 af 7.1 0.0 1.6 <0.1 100 Finland
100 99 >95 af 12.6 0.2 0.9 <0.1 100 France
17.5 3.4 7.7 93 42 73 35.8 0.0 9.0 0.0 Gabon
25.0 11.1 3.2 90 59 <5 43.0 <0.1 9.1 0.0 Gambia
11.3 1.6 19.9 100 86 55 23.0 0.2 4.2 <0.1 100 Georgia
1.3 1.0 3.5 100 99 >95 af 14.4 0.1 0.7 <0.1 100 Germany
18.8 4.7 2.6 89 15 21 22.1 0.2 10.0 0.0 Ghana
100 99 >95 af 12.6 <0.1 2.0 <0.1 98 Greece
97 98 >95 14.0 0.0 6.4 0.0 100 Grenada
46.5 0.7 4.7 93 64 36 33.4 0.2 36.2 0.2 92 Guatemala
31.3 9.9 3.8 77 20 6 19.4 0.0 8.5 0.2 Guinea
27.2 5.9 2.3 79 21 <5 28.9 0.0 9.2 <0.1 Guinea-Bissau
12.0 6.4 5.3 98 84 61 16.1 0.0 18.8 0.0 93 Guyana
21.9 5.2 3.6 58 28 9 24.6 0.4 28.1 0.0 Haiti
22.7 1.4 5.2 91 83 48 39.6 0.1 85.7 <0.1 15 Honduras
100 98 >95 af 22.7 0.0 1.2 0.0 100 Hungary
100 99 >95 af 7.7 0.0 1.3 0.0 100 Iceland
38.4 21.0 1.9 94 40 34 65.7 0.2 4.0 0.1 10 India
36.4 13.5 11.5 87 61 57 17.8 0.1 4.3 <0.1 Indonesia
6.8 4.0 0.0 96 90 >95 40.2 0.1 4.1 0.1 90 Iran (Islamic Republic of)
22.1 6.5 11.4 87 86 >95 51.3 <0.1 12.7 83.6 75 Iraq
98 91 >95 af 9.9 <0.1 0.9 <0.1 100 Ireland
100 100 >95 af 19.2 <0.1 2.0 0.3 100 Israel
100 100 >95 af 18.2 0.1 0.9 0.0 100 Italy
5.7 3.0 7.8 94 82 93 17.1 0.0 35.2 0.0 87 Jamaica
7.1 2.3 1.5 100 100 >95 af 12.9 4.2 0.3 <0.1 100 Japan
7.8 2.4 4.7 97 99 >95 37.7 0.0 3.0 <0.1 65 Jordan
8.0 3.1 9.3 93 98 92 21.1 <0.1 9.0 <0.1 86 Kazakhstan
26.0 4.0 4.1 63 30 6 16.8 0.1 8.2 0.6 Kenya
67 40 <5 0.0 9.1 0.0 56 Kiribati
4.9 3.1 6.0 99 100 >95 af 78.4 0.0 2.5 0.1 65 Kuwait
12.9 2.8 7.0 90 93 76 15.4 0.0 7.7 <0.1 95 Kyrgyzstan

Lao People's Democratic

43.8 6.4 2.0 76 71 <5 33.5 0.2 6.9 0.0 Republic
99 88 >95 20.1 0.0 6.7 0.0 95 Latvia
99 81 >95 31.2 0.0 4.2 3.8 Lebanon
33.2 2.8 7.4 82 30 32 21.7 0.2 29.7 0.0 Lesotho
32.1 5.6 3.2 76 17 <5 6.0 0.0 10.4 0.0 Liberia
21.0 6.5 22.4 97 58.2 0.1 2.5 19.6 Libya
97 92 >95 af 19.4 0.0 6.8 0.0 99 Lithuania
100 98 >95 af 16.6 0.0 0.4 0.0 100 Luxembourg
49.2 15.2 0.0 52 12 <5 32.0 0.2 7.7 <0.1 Madagascar
42.4 3.8 5.1 90 41 <5 25.6 0.2 1.7 0.0 Malawi
17.7 8.0 7.1 98 96 >95 16.6 <0.1 3.8 0.1 58 Malaysia
20.3 10.2 6.5 99 98 >95 0.0 3.5 0.0 100 Maldives
38.5 15.3 4.7 77 25 <5 34.5 <0.1 10.8 3.7 Mali
100 100 >95 af 14.4 0.0 2.9 0.0 100 Malta
95 77 41 Marshall Islands
27.9 14.8 1.3 58 40 45 86.2 <0.1 10.2 0.3 Mauritania


3.9 3.a 3.b 3.c 3.d 1.a
Age-standardized prevalence of Total net
tobacco smoking among persons official
ANNEX B 15 years and olderr (%) development
Diphtheria- to medical
Part 2 Mortality rate Mortality rate tetanus- research and General
attributed to attributed to Mortality rate pertussis basic health Average of 13 government
household exposure to attributed to (DTP3) per capitas Skilled health International health
and ambient unsafe WASH unintentional immunization (constant professional Health expenditure as
air pollutionp servicesq poisoningk coverage 2014 US$), densityt Regulations % of general
(per 100 000 (per 100 000 (per 100 000 among 1-year- by recipient (per 10 000 core capacity government
population) population) population) Male Female oldsi (%) country population) scoresu expenditurev
Member State 2012 2012 2015 2015 2015 2014 20052015 20102016 2014
Mauritius 20.3 0.9 0.1 40.1 3.3 97 0.07 70 10.0
Mexico 23.5 1.1 0.5 20.8 6.6 87 0.01 45.8 97 11.6
Micronesia (Federated 1.1 72 4.13 38.0 86 21.2
States of)
Monaco 99 266.3 79 18.8
Mongolia 132.4 3.1 2.2 47.7 5.3 99 2.37 65.6 86 6.7
Montenegro 137.6 <0.1 0.7 89 0.34 76.9 56 9.8
Morocco 25.1 3.4 0.7 45.4 1.4 99 0.31 14.9 95 6.0
Mozambique 65.7 37.9 3.3 31.4 5.9 80 9.56 4.6 69 8.8
Myanmar 128.2 10.4 1.8 31.6 6.4 75 3.00 15.0 84 3.6
Namibia 48.0 9.8 2.0 38.9 11.4 92 3.95 31.3 81 13.9
Nauru 43.0 52.0 91 9.83 78.8 42 5.2
Nepal 103.2 12.9 0.6 37.1 11.1 91 4.32 72 11.2
Netherlands 24.0 0.2 0.2 26.2 23.3 95 116.9 94 20.9
New Zealand 0.5 0.6 0.3 17.2 15.4 92 135.7 96 23.4
Nicaragua 63.9 3.5 0.6 98 3.79 23.0 88 24.0
Niger 111.7 69.2 3.6 18.6 0.2 65 4.83 1.6 75 5.6
Nigeria 99.0 50.9 3.1 17.4 1.1 56 2.68 18.3 61 8.2
Niue 20.3 11.4 99 6.21 116.3 61 5.9
Norway 12.7 0.5 1.1 22.4 22.1 95 218.3 98 18.2
Oman 14.5 0.4 0.2 21.0 1.0 99 48.9 95 6.8
Pakistan 87.2 20.7 1.5 41.9 3.0 72 1.00 14.1 53 4.7
Palau 90 1.42 72.8 91 18.1
Panama 22.9 4.1 0.6 10.6 2.6 73 0.27 38.5 71 14.6
Papua New Guinea 46.3 12.4 2.0 62 3.41 5.9 64 9.5
Paraguay 54.5 2.3 0.5 28.3 7.9 93 0.55 23.3 79 11.9
Peru 33.0 1.3 1.1 21.5 5.9 90 0.35 26.1 70 15.0
Philippines 88.7 5.1 0.2 43.0 8.5 60 0.59 87 10.0
Poland 68.9 <0.1 0.4 32.4 23.7 98 80.1 74 10.7
Portugal 16.8 0.1 0.3 31.5 13.7 98 108.0 93 11.9
Qatar 8.9 <0.1 0.3 99 76.6 97 5.8
Republic of Korea 23.2 0.2 0.6 49.8 ag 4.2 ag 98 79.0 100 12.3
Republic of Moldova 101.4 <0.1 1.5 45.7 5.4 87 3.38 78.5 81 13.3
Romania 129.5 <0.1 0.7 36.9 22.7 89 89.1 77 12.8
Russian Federation 98.6 0.2 2.1 59.0 22.8 97 78.8 99 9.5
Rwanda 68.6 19.4 2.7 98 9.90 7.3 46 9.9
Saint Kitts and Nevis 93 60 6.9
Saint Lucia 0.3 99 2.89 19.6 77 11.5
Saint Vincent and the 0.5 98 1.92 65 14.8
Samoa 0.7 41.0 18.9 66 5.47 23.6 75 15.1
San Marino 76 149.1 40 13.2
Sao Tome and Principe 1.4 96 28.76 16 12.4
Saudi Arabia 27.5 0.2 0.9 27.9 2.9 98 77.7 97 8.2
Senegal 45.7 25.4 2.1 23.4 0.7 89 7.84 4.9 30 8.0
Serbia 137.3 0.3 0.5 43.6 39.7 95 0.25 75.1 37 13.9
Seychelles 0.5 43.0 8.8 97 1.77 54.2 88 9.7
Sierra Leone 143.8 90.4 4.7 60.0 12.0 86 17.70 3.4 47 10.8
Singapore 20.7 0.1 0.1 28.0 5.0 96 75.6 99 14.1
Slovakia 64.0 <0.1 0.5 39.7 17.6 96 94.6 95 15.0
Slovenia 36.7 <0.1 0.4 22.3 18.1 95 113.8 74 12.8
Solomon Islands 54.3 10.4 1.3 98 9.40 22.1 57 12.5
Somalia 116.9 98.8 3.7 42 6.70 1.1 6
South Africa 51.6 12.1 1.2 31.4 6.5 69 0.58 58.8 100 14.2
South Sudan 95.1 50.0 3.9 31 8.70 50 4.0
Spain 14.7 0.3 0.4 31.3 27.1 97 91.8 95 14.5
Sri Lanka 125.4 3.3 0.4 28.4 0.4 99 1.21 24.8 79 11.2


2.2 6.1 6.2 7.1 11.6 13.1 16.1 17.19

Proportion of concentrations
population Proportion of Proportion of of fine Average Estimated
using population population particulate death rate Mortality direct deaths
Prevalence Prevalence Prevalence of improved using with primary matter (PM2.5) due to natural rate due to from major Completeness
of stunting of wasting overweight drinking- improved reliance on in urban disastersk homicidek conflictsk,aa of cause-of-
in children in children in children water sanitationx clean fuelsy areasz (per 100 000 (per 100 000 (per 100 000 death dataab
under 5w (%) under 5w (%) under 5w (%) sourcesx (%) (%) (%) (g/m )3
population) population) population) (%)
20052016 20052016 20052016 2015 2015 2014 2014 20112015 2015 20112015 20052015 Member State
100 93 >95 14.3 0.2 2.7 0.0 97 Mauritius
12.4 1.0 5.2 96 85 86 20.1 0.2 19.0 1.1 100 Mexico

Micronesia (Federated
89 57 25 6.0 1.3 4.7 0.0 States of)
100 100 >95 af 9.2 100 Monaco
10.8 1.0 10.5 64 60 32 32.1 0.0 8.2 0.0 95 Mongolia
9.4 2.8 22.3 100 96 74 24.3 0.0 2.6 0.0 92 Montenegro
14.9 2.3 10.7 85 77 >95 18.9 <0.1 1.6 <0.1 22 Morocco
43.1 6.1 7.9 51 21 <5 22.3 0.2 3.0 0.1 Mozambique
29.2 7.0 1.3 81 80 9 56.6 0.1 3.9 1.6 Myanmar
23.1 7.1 4.1 91 34 46 18.4 0.9 14.6 0.0 Namibia
24.0 1.0 2.8 97 66 >95 Nauru
37.1 11.3 2.1 92 46 26 74.3 7.2 3.3 <0.1 Nepal
100 98 >95 af 14.9 <0.1 0.7 0.0 100 Netherlands
100 >95 af 5.3 0.9 1.2 0.0 100 New Zealand
23.0 1.5 6.2 87 68 49 26.0 0.2 15.0 <0.1 82 Nicaragua
43.0 18.7 3.0 58 11 <5 51.5 0.2 10.0 0.2 Niger
32.9 7.2 1.6 69 29 <5 37.6 0.1 9.8 3.1 Nigeria
99 100 91 Niue
100 98 >95 af 9.1 0.1 0.7 0.3 100 Norway
14.1 7.5 4.4 93 97 >95 af 47.4 0.1 5.0 0.0 81 Oman
45.0 10.5 4.8 91 64 45 67.7 0.4 9.5 4.2 Pakistan
100 58 95 Palau
19.1 1.2 0.0 95 75 86 12.8 0.3 18.7 0.0 94 Panama
49.5 14.3 13.8 40 19 31 12.0 0.2 12.2 0.2 Papua New Guinea
10.9 2.6 11.7 98 89 64 16.9 <0.1 7.5 0.1 81 Paraguay
14.6 0.6 7.2 87 76 68 35.7 0.1 14.6 <0.1 62 Peru
30.3 7.9 5.0 92 74 45 27.1 2.5 11.6 1.1 82 Philippines
98 97 >95 af 25.4 <0.1 0.9 0.0 100 Poland
100 100 >95 af 9.6 0.1 1.1 0.0 100 Portugal
100 98 >95 104.6 0.0 8.1 0.0 67 Qatar
2.5 1.2 7.3 100 >95 27.8 0.3 2.0 0.0 100 Republic of Korea
6.4 1.9 4.9 88 76 93 17.1 0.0 5.5 0.0 90 Republic of Moldova
100 79 82 20.2 0.6 1.5 0.0 100 Romania
97 72 >95 16.6 <0.1 10.3 0.5 89 Russian Federation
37.9 2.2 7.7 76 62 <5 50.6 <0.1 5.1 0.7 Rwanda
98 >95 af 88 Saint Kitts and Nevis
2.5 3.7 6.3 96 91 >95 15.0 0.7 13.5 0.0 88 Saint Lucia

100 Saint Vincent and the

95 >95 2.2 21.7 0.0 Grenadines
99 92 27 2.4 3.1 0.0 Samoa
>95 af 100 San Marino
17.2 4.0 2.4 97 35 30 0.0 6.4 0.0 Sao Tome and Principe
9.3 11.8 6.1 97 100 >95 127.1 <0.1 5.8 <0.1 36 Saudi Arabia
20.5 7.8 1.0 79 48 36 43.2 <0.1 7.3 0.1 Senegal
6.0 3.9 13.9 99 96 71 21.4 0.1 1.7 <0.1 93 Serbia
7.9 4.3 10.2 96 98 >95 13.0 0.0 10.2 0.0 94 Seychelles
37.9 9.4 8.9 63 13 <5 16.8 0.1 13.2 0.0 Sierra Leone
100 100 >95 af 17.0 0.0 2.7 0.0 68 Singapore
100 99 >95 20.2 0.0 1.3 0.0 100 Slovakia
100 99 >95 19.4 <0.1 0.6 0.0 100 Slovenia
32.8 4.3 2.5 81 30 9 5.0 2.0 4.1 0.0 Solomon Islands
25.3 15.0 3.0 9 16.9 0.4 5.6 35.8 Somalia
23.9 4.7 10.9 93 66 82 31.3 <0.1 26.2 <0.1 83 South Africa
31.1 22.4 6.0 59 7 <5 32.1 0.3 4.5 21.1 South Sudan
100 100 >95 af 9.9 0.1 0.8 <0.1 100 Spain
14.7 21.4 0.6 96 95 19 28.5 0.4 3.1 <0.1 93 Sri Lanka


3.9 3.a 3.b 3.c 3.d 1.a
Age-standardized prevalence of Total net
tobacco smoking among persons official
ANNEX B 15 years and olderr (%) development
Diphtheria- to medical
Part 2 Mortality rate Mortality rate tetanus- research and General
attributed to attributed to Mortality rate pertussis basic health Average of 13 government
household exposure to attributed to (DTP3) per capitas Skilled health International health
and ambient unsafe WASH unintentional immunization (constant professional Health expenditure as
air pollutionp servicesq poisoningk coverage 2014 US$), densityt Regulations % of general
(per 100 000 (per 100 000 (per 100 000 among 1-year- by recipient (per 10 000 core capacity government
population) population) population) Male Female oldsi (%) country population) scoresu expenditurev
Member State 2012 2012 2015 2015 2015 2014 20052015 20102016 2014
Sudan 64.5 34.6 4.2 93 2.47 42.2 71 11.6
Suriname 22.1 0.8 0.7 89 1.41 72 11.8
Swaziland 62.6 22.7 3.3 19.0 2.2 90 2.66 15.3 56 16.6
Sweden 0.4 1.1 0.6 20.4 20.8 98 160.0 93 19.0
Switzerland 18.5 0.3 0.2 26.9 19.7 97 219.3 92 22.7
Syrian Arab Republic 30.0 1.8 0.7 41 0.29 38.5 63 4.8
Tajikistan 92.0 7.5 1.9 96 3.88 64.4 94 6.8
Thailand 64.0 1.9 0.5 41.4 2.3 99 0.49 24.7 98 13.3
The former Yugoslav 137.5 <0.1 0.4 91 0.31 70.1 90 12.9
Republic of Macedonia
Timor-Leste 91.6 10.3 1.0 76 10.77 12.7 66 2.4
Togo 81.1 37.9 2.5 88 3.13 3.6 74 7.8
Tonga 1.4 47.3 13.0 82 6.53 44.1 74 13.5
Trinidad and Tobago 26.8 0.2 0.4 96 47.5 73 8.2
Tunisia 42.6 0.8 0.6 98 0.19 48.4 55 14.2
Turkey 51.0 0.8 0.5 39.5 12.4 96 0.03 42.7 78 10.5
Turkmenistan 70.9 5.8 1.2 99 0.88 68.5 84 8.7
Tuvalu 96 11.12 77.5 89 16.9
Uganda 70.5 30.3 3.1 16.4 2.9 78 5.33 14.6 73 11.0
Ukraine 140.4 0.4 3.0 49.4 14.0 23 0.75 96.8 99 10.8
United Arab Emirates 7.3 <0.1 0.3 94 46.2 91 8.7
United Kingdom 25.7 0.4 0.4 19.9 ag 18.4 ag 96 112.4 88 16.5
United Republic of 51.4 27.6 2.4 27.5 3.8 98 5.77 4.6 67 12.3
United States of America 12.1 0.6 1.2 19.5 ag
15.0 ag
95 117.8 96 21.3
Uruguay 21.4 0.3 0.7 26.7 19.4 95 0.09 97.9 82 20.8
Uzbekistan 76.5 2.4 1.5 24.9 1.3 99 1.09 141.0 83 10.7
Vanuatu 0.9 64 22.25 24.0 43 17.9
Venezuela (Bolivarian 20.5 1.3 0.3 87 0.01 94 5.8
Republic of)
Viet Nam 83.2 2.0 1.0 47.1 1.3 97 1.05 24.1 99 14.2
Yemen 61.3 13.0 2.9 69 4.36 10.7 46 3.9
Zambia 65.4 24.5 2.9 26.5 4.6 90 4.58 8.3 92 11.3
Zimbabwe 52.9 27.1 2.1 31.2 2.1 87 4.30 12.7 73 8.5

WHO region
African Region 80.2 43.1 2.8 76 4.54 14.1 55 9.9
Region of the Americas 20.3 1.5 0.8 91 0.32 84.6 79 13.6
South-East Asia Region 119.9 20.1 1.5 87 0.47 24.6 80 9.3
European Region 64.2 0.6 1.0 93 106.4 81 13.2
Eastern Mediterranean 58.8 13.1 1.4 80 1.46 26.3 72 8.8
Western Pacific Region 133.5 0.8 1.4 94 0.24 42.0 79 12.3

Global 92.4 12.4 1.5 86 1.16 45.6 73 11.7


2.2 6.1 6.2 7.1 11.6 13.1 16.1 17.19

Proportion of concentrations
population Proportion of Proportion of of fine Average Estimated
using population population particulate death rate Mortality direct deaths
Prevalence Prevalence Prevalence of improved using with primary matter (PM2.5) due to natural rate due to from major Completeness
of stunting of wasting overweight drinking- improved reliance on in urban disastersk homicidek conflictsk,aa of cause-of-
in children in children in children water sanitationx clean fuelsy areasz (per 100 000 (per 100 000 (per 100 000 death dataab
under 5w (%) under 5w (%) under 5w (%) sourcesx (%) (%) (%) (g/m )3
population) population) population) (%)
20052016 20052016 20052016 2015 2015 2014 2014 20112015 2015 20112015 20052015 Member State
38.2 16.3 3.0 23 52.7 0.1 6.5 7.0 Sudan
8.8 5.0 4.0 95 79 91 16.3 0.0 10.7 0.0 79 Suriname
25.5 2.0 9.0 74 58 35 19.8 0.2 20.0 0.0 Swaziland
100 99 >95 af 5.9 0.1 1.2 0.0 100 Sweden
100 100 >95 af 12.5 <0.1 0.6 0.0 100 Switzerland
27.5 11.5 17.9 90 96 >95 34.1 0.0 2.5 309.0 81 Syrian Arab Republic
26.8 9.9 6.6 74 95 72 50.7 0.1 1.3 0.1 82 Tajikistan
16.3 6.7 10.9 98 93 76 27.3 0.3 4.0 0.7 81 Thailand

98 The former Yugoslav

4.8 1.8 12.4 99 91 61 42.7 0.0 1.4 0.3 Republic of Macedonia
50.2 11.0 1.5 72 41 <5 15.0 0.0 4.4 0.0 Timor-Leste
27.5 6.7 2.0 63 12 6 25.9 0.0 9.1 0.0 Togo
8.1 5.2 17.3 100 91 63 0.0 3.8 0.0 Tonga
95 92 >95 12.7 0.0 32.8 0.0 83 Trinidad and Tobago
10.2 2.8 14.3 98 92 >95 35.2 0.0 1.6 0.3 28 Tunisia
9.5 1.7 10.9 100 95 35.2 0.2 2.4 0.8 88 Turkey
11.5 4.2 5.9 >95 26.2 0.0 4.2 <0.1 78 Turkmenistan
10.0 3.3 6.3 98 30 Tuvalu
34.2 4.3 5.8 79 19 <5 79.6 <0.1 13.1 1.9 Uganda
96 96 >95 16.9 <0.1 6.0 6.2 86 Ukraine
100 98 >95 64.4 0.0 3.7 <0.1 66 United Arab Emirates
100 99 >95 af 12.4 0.1 1.3 <0.1 100 United Kingdom

United Republic of
34.4 4.5 3.6 56 16 <5 23.9 <0.1 7.6 <0.1 Tanzania
2.1 0.5 6.0 99 100 >95 af 8.4 0.4 5.3 <0.1 100 United States of America
10.7 1.3 7.2 100 96 >95 11.5 0.0 7.6 0.0 100 Uruguay
19.6 4.5 12.8 100 90 38.3 0.1 3.0 0.0 89 Uzbekistan
28.5 4.4 4.6 95 58 16 7.0 0.9 2.1 0.0 Vanuatu

90 Venezuela (Bolivarian
13.4 4.1 6.4 93 94 >95 24.0 <0.1 51.7 <0.1 Republic of)
24.6 6.4 5.3 98 78 51 27.6 0.1 3.9 0.0 Viet Nam
46.5 16.3 2.0 62 42.0 <0.1 6.1 14.3 Yemen
40.0 6.3 6.2 65 44 16 29.5 0.0 9.7 0.0 Zambia
27.6 3.3 3.6 77 37 31 23.9 0.2 28.5 <0.1 Zimbabwe

WHO region
33.5 7.4 4.1 68 32 16 37.4 0.1 10.3 1.4 5 African Region
6.6 0.9 7.1 96 89 91 14.7 0.2 18.6 0.2 94 Region of the Americas
33.8 15.3 5.3 92 49 35 58.8 0.3 4.0 0.1 11 South-East Asia Region
6.1 1.5 12.8 99 93 >95 19.1 0.1 3.3 0.5 95 European Region

32 Eastern Mediterranean
25.1 9.1 6.7 91 78 71 62.9 0.2 6.5 19.5 Region
7.0 2.4 5.2 95 79 61 49.8 0.5 1.7 0.1 64 Western Pacific Region

22.9 7.7 6.0 91 68 57 43.1 0.3 6.4 2.0 48 Global


World Population Prospects, the 2015 revision (WPP2015). New York (NY): United Nations DESA, Population Division.
WHO life expectancy. http://www.who.int/gho/mortality_burden_disease/life_tables/en/
WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and the United Nations Population Division. Trends in maternal mortality: 1990 to 2015. Estimates by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA, World Bank Group and the United Nations Population Division.
Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://www.who.int/reproductivehealth/publications/monitoring/maternal-mortality-2015/en/, accessed 17 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 100 000
in 2015 were not included in the analysis.
WHO/UNICEF joint Global Database 2017. (http://www.who.int/gho/maternal_health/en/ and https://data.unicef.org/topic/maternal-health/delivery-care). The data are extracted from public available sources and have not
undergone country consultation. WHO regional and global figures are for the period 20102016.
Levels & Trends in Child Mortality. Report 2015. Estimates Developed by the UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation. New York (NY), Geneva and Washington (DC): United Nations Childrens Fund, World Health
Organization, World Bank and United Nations; 2015 (http://www.unicef.org/publications/files/Child_Mortality_Report_2015_Web_9_Sept_15.pdf, accessed 17 March 2017).
UNAIDS/WHO estimates; 2016. (http://www.who.int/gho/hiv/epidemic_status/incidence/en/)
Global tuberculosis report 2016. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/250441/1/9789241565394-eng.pdf?ua=1, accessed 17 April 2017).
World Malaria Report 2016. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://www.who.int/malaria/publications/world-malaria-report-2016/report/en/, accessed 17 March 2017).
WHO/UNICEF coverage estimates revision. July 2016 (see: http://www.who.int/immunization/monitoring_surveillance/routine/coverage/en/index4.html). This indicator is used here as a proxy for the SDG indicator.

Neglected tropical diseases [online database]. Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/gho/neglected_diseases/en/).
Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva, World Health Organization; 2016. (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/estimates/en/index1.html,
accessed 22 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 90 000 in 2015 were not included in this analysis.
WHO Global Information System on Alcohol and Health [online database]. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017 (http://apps.who.int/gho/data/node.main.GISAH?showonly=GISAH).
Global status report on road safety 2015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://www.who.int/violence_injury_prevention/road_safety_status/2015/en/, accessed 22 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population
of less than 90 000 in 2015 who did not participate in the survey for the report were not included in the analysis.
World Contraceptive Use 2016 [online database]. New York (NY): United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division; 2016. Regional aggregates are estimates for the year 20165 from: United Nations,
Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2016). Model-based Estimates and Projections of Family Planning Indicators 2016. New York: United Nations. (http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/
World Fertility Data 2015. New York (NY): United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division; 2015. (http://www.un.org/en/development/desa/population/publications/dataset/fertility/wfd2015.
shtml) Regional aggregates are the average of two five-year periods, 20102015 and 20152020, taken from: World Population Prospects: The 2015 Revision. DVD Edition. New York (NY): United Nations, Department of Economic
and Social Affairs, Population Division; 2015 (http://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/Download/Standard/Fertility/, accessed 13 April 2016).
Public health and environment [online database]. Global Health Observatory (GHO) data. Geneva: World Health Organization (http://www.who.int/gho/phe/en/). WHO Member States with a population of less than 250 000
population in 2012 were not included in the analysis.
Preventing disease through healthy environments. A global assessment of the burden of disease from environmental risks. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/204585/1/9789241565196_
eng.pdf?ua=1, accessed 23 March 2017); and: Preventing diarrhoea through better water, sanitation and hygiene. Exposures and impacts in low- and middle-income countries. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2014 (http://
apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/150112/1/9789241564823_eng.pdf?ua=1&ua=1, accessed 23 March 2017). WHO Member States with a population of less than 250 000 in 2012 were not included in the analysis.
WHO global report on trends in prevalence of tobacco smoking 2015. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/156262/1/9789241564922_eng.pdf, accessed 22 March 2017).
United Nations SDG indicators global database (https://unstats.un.org/sdgs/indicators/database/?indicator=3.b.2, accessed 6 April 2017). Based on the Creditor Reporting System database of the Organisation for Economic Co-
operation and Development, 2016.
Skilled health professionals refer to the latest available values (20052015) in the WHO Global Health Workforce Statistics database (http://who.int/hrh/statistics/hwfstats/en/) aggregated across physicians and nurses/midwives.
Refer to the source for the latest values, disaggregation and metadata descriptors.
International Health Regulations (2005) Monitoring Framework [online database]. Geneva: WHO (http://www.who.int/gho/ihr/en/).
Global Health Expenditure Database [online database]. Geneva. World Health Organization. 2017 (http://apps.who.int/nha/database/Select/Indicators/en, accessed March 23, 2017). WHO regional and global figures represent
unweighted averages. This indicator reflects the health-related portion of the SDG indicator.
United Nations Childrens Fund, World Health Organization, the World Bank Group. Levels and trends in child malnutrition. UNICEF/WHO/World Bank Group Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates. UNICEF, New York; WHO, Geneva; the
World Bank Group, Washington (DC); May 2017. WHO regional and global estimates are for the year 2016.
Progress on sanitation and drinking water 2015 update and MDG assessment. New York (NY): UNICEF; and Geneva: World Health Organization; 2015 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/177752/1/9789241509145_eng.
pdf?ua=1, accessed 23 March 2017). This indicator is used here as a proxy for the SDG indicator.
Burning opportunity: clean household energy for health, sustainable development, and wellbeing of women and children. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (http://apps.who.int/iris/bitstream/10665/204717/1/9789241565233_
eng.pdf, accessed 23 March 2017).
Ambient air pollution: a global assessment of exposure and burden of disease. Geneva: World Health Organization; 2016 (see: http://who.int/phe/publications/air-pollution-global-assessment/en/, accessed 23 March 2017).
Conflict deaths include deaths due to collective violence and exclude deaths due to legal intervention.
Global Health Estimates 2015: Deaths by cause, age, sex, by country and by region, 20002015. Geneva, World Health Organization; 2016. (http://www.who.int/healthinfo/global_burden_disease/estimates/en/index1.html,
accessed 22 March 2017). Completeness was assessed relative to the de facto resident populations. WHO regional and global figures are for 2015.
Non-standard definition. For more details see the WHO/UNICEF joint Global Database 2017. (http://www.who.int/gho/maternal_health/en/ and https://data.unicef.org/topic/maternal-health/delivery-care)
Updated estimate.
The estimate of total suicide mortality for the Republic of Korea has been updated using data published in the WHO Mortality Database after the closure date for the Global Health Estimates 2015.
For high-income countries with no information on clean fuel use, usage is assumed to be >95%.
Cigarette smoking only.


WHO regional groupings1

WHO African Region: Algeria, Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African
Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cte dIvoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea*, Ethiopia,
Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius,
Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, South Africa,
South Sudan*, Swaziland, Togo, Uganda, United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

WHO Region of the Americas: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Bolivia (Plurinational State
of), Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Grenada,
Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint
Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, the United States of America, Uruguay, Venezuela
(Bolivarian Republic of).

WHO South-East Asia Region: Bangladesh, Bhutan, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea, India, Indonesia, Maldives,
Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste*.

WHO European Region: Albania, Andorra*, Armenia*, Austria, Azerbaijan*, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina*,
Bulgaria, Croatia*, Cyprus, Czechia*, Denmark, Estonia*, Finland, France, Georgia*, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland,
Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan*, Kyrgyzstan*, Latvia*, Lithuania*, Luxembourg, Malta, Monaco, Montenegro*, Netherlands,
Norway, Poland, Portugal, Republic of Moldova*, Romania, Russian Federation, San Marino, Serbia*, Slovakia*, Slovenia*,
Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tajikistan*, The former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia*, Turkey, Turkmenistan*, Ukraine,
the United Kingdom, Uzbekistan*.

WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region: Afghanistan, Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Jordan,
Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Pakistan, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia,
United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

WHO Western Pacific Region: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Cook Islands, Fiji, Japan, Kiribati, Lao
Peoples Democratic Republic, Malaysia, Marshall Islands*, Micronesia (Federated States of)*, Mongolia, Nauru*, New
Zealand, Niue*, Palau*, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Tonga,
Tuvalu*, Vanuatu, Viet Nam.

Member States indicated with an * may have data for periods prior to their official membership of WHO.


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ISBN 978 92 4 156548 6

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