Nsca CPT
Nsca CPT
Nsca CPT
Muscular System
Neuromuscular System
Activation of Muscles
When a motor neuron fires an impulse, all of the fibers that it
serves are simultaneously activate and develop force
*Less muscle fibers = more precise movements*
All or None Principle every fiber that is touched by a neuron is
activated, a stronger impulse cannot produce a stronger contraction
o Like firing a gun
Once a significant amount of pressure is applied to a
trigger, the gun fires squeezing the trigger harder
will not cause the bullet to go faster
Twitch the brief contraction of a muscle fiber
Tetanus when two twitches are delivered at such a high
frequency they begin to merge and eventually fuse
Muscle Fiber Types
Slow-twitch - force an relax slowly; long twitch develop time
o Type I
Usually fatigue resistant
High aerobic energy supply
Fast-twitch develop force and relax quickly; short twitch time
fatigable with low aerobic power
rapid force development
o Type IIa
Greater capacity for aerobic metabolism
More capillaries
Greater resistance to fatigue than b
o Type IIb(x) -
Motor Neuron Recruitment
If motor neuron is recruited once, does not produce great force
If frequency is increased and twitches overlap, force increases
Different motor neurons called upon in different activities
o Jog slow twitch
o Power clean fast twitch
Activation of muscle fibers before weighted resistance in range of
motion occurs
Proprioceptors - specialized sensory receptors located in joints,
muscles, and tendons
o Sensitive to pressure and tension
Relay muscle dynamic info to the conscious and
subconscious of CNS
o Muscle Spindles proprioceptors that consist several
modified muscle fibers enclosed in sheath of connective tissue
Provide info such as muscle length and rate of change
in length
Muscle lengthens = spindle stretched
Activates sensory neurons to spinal cord where it
connects with motor neurons
Spindles indicate degree of muscle activation to
overcome a resistance
o Golgi Tendon Organs proprioceptors located in tendons
attached end to end with muscle fibers
Activated when the tendon attached to active muscle is
tension increased = discharge of GTO increases
Cardiovascular System
o Right Side pumps blood through the lungs
o Left Side pumps blood through the rest of the body