Nlenvirte 5174
Nlenvirte 5174
Nlenvirte 5174
Relate nuclear fission to the production of energy. Reading Strategy As you read about the process of
Describe how a nuclear power plant generates generating electricity with nuclear power, construct a
electricity. flowchart to show what happens in a nuclear power plant.
Identify the advantages and disadvantages of Use the flowchart to help answer Question 2 at the end of the
nuclear power. lesson.
Contrast nuclear fusion with nuclear fission, and
Vocabulary nuclear energy, nuclear fission, nuclear reactor,
explain the issues related to nuclear fusion.
meltdown, nuclear waste, nuclear fusion
17.4 Resources
Lesson 17.4 Worksheets Lesson 17.4
Assessment Chapter 17 Overview
FOCUS Have students make a
two-column table that lists advan-
tages and disadvantages of nuclear
energy. Then, have students form
small groups to discuss their tables.
Encourage students to add informa-
tion gained from the group discus-
sion to their tables.
536 Lesson 4
Nuclear Energy
The process of nuclear fission releases energy.
A neutron bullet Barium-141
strikes a U-235 nucleus. nucleus Each neutron can start a
new reaction by striking
another U-235 nucleus.
The nucleus splits into two smaller
nuclei, releasing more neutrons and
a great deal of energy.
538 Lesson 4
Benefits and Costs of Nuclear Power
Nuclear power does not create air pollution, but its problems
include risk of accidents and disposal of wastes.
When nuclear power was first developed and used in the 1950s, many
people thought it would be a safe, nonpolluting source of energy. But
today, people are concerned about the possibility of accidents in nuclear
power plants. In addition, there is no really good way of disposing of
leftover nuclear material.
540 Lesson 4
Tremendous heat and pressure
force two kinds of hydrogen Hydrogen-2
nuclei together. nucleus
nucleus Neutron
Helium energy
1. Apply Concepts What is a nuclear chain reaction? 4. Compare and Contrast Compare and contrast
2. Sequence List the steps involved in using nuclear nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. How are they
fission to generate electricity. Begin with the role of similar? How are they different?
the fuel rods. 5. Explore the BIGQUESTION Which do you think
3. Infer Why is the disposal of nuclear waste a has more advantages: electricity generated by
greater problem than the disposal of the trash that nuclear power or electricity generated by coal?
you and your family need to get rid of? Support your opinion with specific details.