Cda II RC I-3 Weekly Plan

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Early Childhood Theme Planning Form

Estimated Dates: 5/8/17-5/12/17 Study/Holidays Spring

The following are a list of activities for each Center. Staff should choose at least one activity from each Center which is done at Choice
Time in the schedule. The activity can be done in a different Center if desired. A column to add additional activities is listed on the side.

Blocks Dramatic Play Toys and games Additional Activities

Use obstacle course they built

Going to Nature Center

Art Library Discovery

Make flowers out of pipe cleaners/ free Read Signs of Spring Bring magnifying glasses outside
draw, coloring

Sand & Water Music & Movement Cooking

Bring soil and have shovels and buckets Listen and dance to Spring is Here Make bright colored slime
Make Jell-O

Computers Outdoors Family/Community Involvement

Free play/ recess Chaperones for Nature Center
Bubbles/ hoola hoops
Small Group Activities: Below is a list of small group activities under each content area from Creative Curriculum. For each Study, staff
should pick at least one activity from each content area to be completed at Small Group, Circle or Choice Time.
Literacy Math Science Social Studies The Arts Technology
Reading in small/ large Compare and group Weather that comes Learn about different Bead bracelets with
group Signs of Spring the seeds with spring types of spring activities bright colored beads
in different parts of the

Read in small/large Make patterns out of Plant seeds and guess Learn about different Spring collages
group Signs of Spring seeds how long seeds with types of plants that
take to grow grow in different parts
of the nation

Read in small/large Have a counting Dig in dirt/ observe Lear about different Make their own
group Signs of Spring scavenger hunt whats in the dirt types of dirt/ bugs business out of card

Read in small/large See how many shapes Observe growth Learn about Nature Make own bubbles
group Signs of Spring they see in the clouds Center/ have a guest and go outside
speaker talk about their
job at Nature Center

Read in small/large Make patterns out of Go to Nature Center Go to Nature center Make a butterfly
group Signs of Spring picked flowers

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