Pseudocode State of Flow (Final)
Pseudocode State of Flow (Final)
Pseudocode State of Flow (Final)
1. Start
2. Display This software will determine the state of flow of a channel by the
viscosity and gravity effect
3. Display Which channel shape cross section would you like to choose? Enter rec
for rectangular, tri for triangular or tra for trapezoidal channel section
4. Read Channelshape
5. If (Channelshape = rec)
5.1. Display Enter the water discharge, Q in cubic meter per second
Topwidth = Bottomwidth
5.22. If (Froude = 1)
6.1. Display Enter the water discharge, Q in cubic meter per second
6.23. If (Froude = 1)
7.1. Display Enter the water discharge, Q in cubic meter per second
7.25. If (Froude = 1)
9. Read stop
10. End