April May Newsletter

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April/May Newsletter

Donard N.S.
Donard Co. Wicklow Upcoming Events
T: 045404884 Website: www.donardnswicklow.com

April/May Newsletter

Elementary Science Elementary Science 8th May

Elementary Engineering is a hands-on science program
designed to introduce students to the wonderful world of Confirmation
physics through engineering activities. Which all classes will 11th May Donard Church at 11a.m.
experience with Scott Ziglinski Monday 8th May. Cost 2 per
First Holy communion
Confirmation 13th May at 11a.m. in Davidstown
5th& 6th class will make their Confirmation Thursday 11 th May Church.
at 11a.m. in Donard Church. School closes at 12.30p.m. Buses
will not run at this time. Photographs
Wednesday 17th May
First Holy Communion
2nd class will make their First Holy Communion on Saturday 13 th
May at 11a.m. in Davidstown Church Immunisation
Junior Infants 24th May.
Nigel Gillis will be taking Communion and Confirmation and
individual photographs of pupils Wednesday 17th May starting Rugby
at 9.30a.m. Training every Friday for 6th class.

Junior Entrepreneur GAA

As part of their JEP 5th& 6th class set up their own company Football training every Wednesday
selling Key Rings which they designed. 4th& 5th class are making from 3rd-6th class after school.
Smoothies and selling them to the student as part of their JEP.
Stay Safe
Bio- diversity Flag All classes to participate in this
Thank you to everyone who contributed to our Bug Hotel programme.
which is now up and running. We are now studying the life
cycles of Caterpillars, Ladybirds and Stick Insects throughout
the school.

you cant start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading
the last onePrincipals favourite quote
Open night
This term as part of our fund raiser we will be making a school CD. Every class will record
a song on the CD. The CDs will go on sale on our open night.

Junior Infants will have their Immunisation booster on 24th May.

School Tours
Yearly school tours will take place during the month of June partly funded by the
Parents Association.

Football training will take place after school every Wednesday for 3rd 6th class.

Rugby training continues every Friday for 6th class boys and girls.

OutdoorEducation Centre
5th and 6th class will take part in many parts of the outdoor Primary School Curriculum at
the Baltinglass Outdoor education Centre on Tuesday 23rd May.

Community Games
Training will now begin in Donard GAA on Tuesdays at 3:15 for the child who qualified at
the Westside Community Games athletics last Sunday. We also need children to make up
U12, U14 and U16 relay teams. Please contact Loretta Wright 085-721 9111 or Maeve
Milley 087-993 3849

Donoughmore Donard Amateur Drama Society

Present Cupid Wore Skirts a three act comedy on Saturday 13 th and Sunday 14th May at
8p.m. in Donoughmore Hall. Admission by ticket only for booking Ph: 087 3588583.
Please support as some funds come to the school.

School Tours
Yearly school tours will take place during the month of June partly funded by the
Parents Association.

Head Lice
It has been brought to our attention that head lice is in the school. Please check your
child hair. If everyone does not treat their child appropriately it will keep recurring. We
have had a lot of complaints from parents.

School Uniform
Please ensure that your child/children are in their school uniform every day.

Please ensure that you park in designated parking areas during drop off and pick up times.
This issue has come up at Board of Management level on numerous occasions and
childrens safety is at risk.

youcant start the next chapter of your life if you keep re-reading
the last onePrincipals favourite quote

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