Question Bank: Higher Order Thinking Skills and Problem Solving

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Now bend the protruding part of the sheet 5.

In the Braille system, letters are represented

down so that it is below the level of the table. as combinations of raised dots on stiff paper.
You will no longer see the reflected ray on the People read Braille by moving their fingertips
protruding part because it is no longer on the across the series of dots. Braille is written using
same plane as the rest of the sheet. a special slate (two pieces of metal or plastic
2. A simple periscope consists of a tube and two fastened together) and a stylus (a small tool
mirrors that are set parallel to each other and with a sharp metal tip). A sheet of paper is
placed at an angle of 45 to the tube. The two inserted into the slate and the stylus is used to
mirrors change the direction of light reflected off punch holes into the paper. Braille can also be
the object. The first mirror reflects the image of produced using a Braille typewriter.
the object through the vertical tube. The second 6. We can take care of our eyes in the following
mirror reflects the image formed on the first ways:
mirror and diverts it so that it can be viewed Eat foods that are rich in vitamin A, such as
easily. Complex periscopes use prisms instead of carrots, spinach, broccoli, papaya, egg yolk,
mirrors. milk and so on.
3. When white light is passed through a prism, Do not read in dim light. Do not read in
each of its components (the seven constituent moving vehicles.
colours) is refracted or deviated at a different Avoid spending long hours in front of the TV or
angle. Therefore, the different components the computer.
emerge from the prism as a spectrum. The violet Avoid looking directly at bright objects like the
component of white light deviates or bends the Sun.
most, while the red component bends the least. Do not rub your eyes. Wash itchy or watery
4. Myopia is a condition in which a person can eyes with clean, cold water. If the irritation
see objects that are nearby clearly but cannot persists, have your eyes checked by an eye
see objects that are far away. It is also known doctor.
as short-sightedness. In a person who has this If you wear spectacles, clean them regularly.
defect, the image of a distant object is formed
in front of the retina instead of on the retina. Higher Order Thinking Skills and Problem Solving
A suitable concave lens can be used to correct 1. c
this defect. A concave lens is a diverging lens. It 2. ii
diverges light rays from a distant object such that 3. 0
the image forms on the retina. 4. This is done to help the visually impaired people.
 A person who has hypermetropia or long-
sightedness can see distant objects clearly but Life Skills and Values:
cannot see objects that are nearby clearly. In this
case, the lens does not converge light rays enough Manu showed the following values:
to form a clear image on the retina. This defect can love for his grandmother
be corrected by using a convex lens.The convex sensitivity to her needs
lens, which is a converging lens, converges light helpfulness
rays from distant objects onto the retina.

1. Give examples of: 2. Give scientific terms for:
a. two things that are transparent a. the membrane that forms the white part of
b. two objects that reflect light the eye
c. two man-made objects that emit light b. the light-sensitive tissue inside the eye
d. two surfaces that cause diffuse reflection c. muscles that help change the shape of the
eye lens


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d. the nerve that transmits signals from the d. Define dispersion.
retina to the brain e. Write a note on visual impairment.
e. cells in the eye that help us see at night f. Give scientific reasons:
i. A pencil placed in a glass of water
3. Draw a diagram to show how a ray of light is appears broken at the interface of air
reflected by a plane mirror. and water.
ii. Periscopes are used in submarines.
4. Answer the questions. iii. Foods such as spinach, carrots, egg yolk
a. What are luminous objects? Give two and milk are a must in our daily diet.
b. Differentiate between incident ray and
reflected ray.
c. Why does a ray of light bend when it moves
from air to water?


1. a. glass, air e. When a persons vision loss is to such a
b. a mirror, a shiny metal plate degree that it cannot be fully corrected using
c. glowing bulb, burning candle glasses or contact lenses, the person is said
d. wall, rough paper to be visually impaired. Visual impairment
(Other relevant examples may also be accepted.) is caused when any part of the eye (for
example, the lens, retina or optic nerve) is
2. a. sclera b.retina affected. There are an estimated 285 million
c. ciliary muscles d.optic nerve visually impaired people in the world, out
e. rod cells of which 246 million have low vision and 39
million are blind.
3. Fig. 16.2 f. i. When light travels from one medium to
another, it bends at the boundary between
4. a. Luminous objects are those that emit the two media. Hence a pencil placed in
light of their own. Examplesstars, fire, a glass of water appears broken at the
electric bulb interface of air and water.
b. The ray of light from the light source that ii. Submarines travel underwater. Periscopes
strikes the reflecting surface is called the help people in submarines to view objects
incident ray. The ray of light that is reflected that are at sea level.
by the reflecting surface is known as the iii. Eating foods such as spinach, carrots,
reflected ray. egg yolk and milk which are rich
c. The speed of light changes as it travels from sources of Vitamin A prevents night
one optical medium to another, causing light blindness.
rays to bend.
d. The process by which white light separates
into its components due to refraction is called


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