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BBS 1st Year Business Economics 0009

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MGT 203: Business Economics -I

BBS 151 Year

Model Question
Full Marks: 10
Pass Marks: 35
Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. The
figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Attempt All Questions
Group 'A'
Brief Questions Answer (10 x2=:=20)
I. Define Micro Economics.
2. What is the difference between movement along a demand curve and shirt in demand
3. As a result of 5% fall in price of food its demand rises by 12%. Find out price
elasticity of demand say whether demand is elastic or inelastic.
4. Why indifference curve is convex to the origin?
5. Why AR and MR curve is horizontal straight line in perfect competition market?
6. Draw the diagram of iso-cost line.
7. What is opportunity cost?
8. If Qd = I00-20p and Os = I0 + 40p. Find the equilibrium level of price and output.
9. Define transfer earning with an example.
I0. What is oligopoly market?
Group 'B'
Descriptive Answer Questions (attempt any five) (5 x 10 =50)
II. What is price effect? Describe how consumer equilibrium changes due to the
changes in the price of a commodity. (3 + 7)
I2. Explain the uses of microeconomics in making business decision. (10)
13. Derive short-run supply curve of a firm and industry under perfect competition. (10)
14. Complete the following table and answer the given question. (5 + 5)


0 200 0
1 50
2 90
3 120
4 140
5 175
7 230
7 310
8 400
From the given table explain the relationship between Average cost and Marginal cost.

BBS Notes - 1st Year Business Economics I | www.edunepal.info 1

15. Profit is reward for innovation. Explain (10)
16. You are given the following data oftotai product at different variable factors:

Units of Variable factors

Total roduct
a) Calculate marginal product and average product from the above information.
b) Draw a diagram and show the relationship between total product, average
product and marginal product.

Group 'C'

Analytical Answer Questions (attempt any two) (2 x 15 = 30)

17. What is monopoly? Explain how price and output are determined under monopoly
in the long run? (3 + 12)
18. What is iso-quant? Explain the various properties ofiso-quant. (3 + 12)
19. What is price elasticity of demand? Explain and illustrate the measurement of price
elasticity of demand with the help of point method. (3 + 12)

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B.B.S (4 Yrs.)/ I Year /MGMT Full Marks : 100
Business Economics (MGT 203) Times : 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.
Group 'A'
Brief Questions Answer (10 x2=20)
Attempt All Questions
I. Define Micro Economics.
2. What do you mean by cross elasticity of demand.
3. The following schedule shows the amount of sandwich bought by the household of
Nepal at different prices.
Period Prices of Sandwich (Rs.) Demand of Sandwich
2069 50 80
2070 75 100
Does the behavior of the household contradict the law of demand? Give reasons for
your answer.
4. Why does a rational consumer choose higher indifference curve?
5. Derive price when ep = 0.5 and MR = 20.
6. State the behavior of TP, AP, MP in 2"d stage of production under law of variable
7. Fill up the following isoquant schedule:
Combination Labour Capital MRTSLK
A I --
B 2 4
c 3 3
D 4 2
E 5 I

8. The firm under perfect competition in long run always earns abnormal profit. Do you
agree with this statement?
9. Point out the determinants of supply.
I0. List the five changes as described by J. B. Clark in his dynamic theory of profit.

Group 'B'
Descriptive Answer Questions (5 x 10 =50)
Attempt FIVE questions.
II. Define microeconomics. Explain the uses of microeconomics.
12. Why the Hicksian utility analysis is superior to Marshallian utility analysis.

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13. Define average cost and marginal cost and show the relationshiemp between them.
14. Consiodered the following table and answer the given question.

Price Quantity Total Marginal Total Marginal Profit

Cost Cost Revenue Revenue
II 0 10
10 I 12
9 2 17
8 .) 21
7 4 26
6 5 33
5 6 43
4 7 60
3 8 80

(a) Complete the above table.

(b) Derive the TR curve and TC curve according to table.
(c) Derive profit and identify the maximum profit.
15. Explain the law of variable proportion.
16. Suppose individual demand schedule fot Suraj, Sunny and Sushila are given as:

Price Suraj's Dema Sunnys Sushila's

Demand demand
10 160 80 40
20 80 40 20
30 40 20 10
40 20 10 0
so 0 0 0
a) Market demand schedule.
b) Market demand curve.
c) Elasticity of demand when price falls from Rs. 30 to 20.
d) Elasticity of demand when price rises from Rs.20 to 30.

Group 'C'
Analytical Answer Questions (2 x 15 = 30)
Attempt any TWO questions.
17. Define revenue. I;xplain the revenue curves in different markets. (3 + 12)
18. Define price discrimination. Explain the price and output determination with the
help of third degree price discrimination. (3 + 12)
19. Critically examine the Liquidity preference theory of interest. (15)

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B.B.S. 4 Yrs.Programme I I Year I MGMT Full Marks: 100

Business Economics (MGT 203) Time: 3 hrs.

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable.
The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Group 'A'
Brief Questions Answer (10 x2=201
Attempt All Questions
I. Define Micro economics in one sentence.
2. List out any five determinants of demand.
3. Why indifference curve is convexto the origin.
4. Why AR and MR curves are horizontal st. line in perfect competition.
5. Derive PCC( price consumption curve) for substitute goods.
6. Define economic cost.
7. Define dumping.
8. Write any two examples of oligopoly market in Nepal?
9. What are the determinants of demand for lonable funds.
10. As a result of 2% fall in price in food i ts demand rises by 8%. Find out price
elasticity of demand.
Group 'B'
DescriptiveAnswer Questions [5 x 10 = 501
Attempt FIVE questions.
II. Explain income effect with the help of diagram.
12. What is price elasticity of demand? how it is measured with the help of point method.
13. Derive short run supply curve of a firm and industry under perfect competition.
14. Complete the following table and answer the given question: (4)
0 50
1 30
2 55
.) 77
4 102
5 132
6 169
7 216
8 278
(a) Define TFC and TVC (2)
(b) Explain the relationship between average cost and marginal cost. (4)

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15. You are given the following data of total product at different variable factors.

a) Calculate marginal product and average product from above information.

b) Show the relation ofTP, AP and MP with the help of diagram.

16. Explain the dynamic theory of profit.

Group 'C'

Analytical Answer Questions [2 x 15 =30)

Attempt any TWO questions.
17 What is consumer's equilibrium? Explain with the help of indifference curve
technique ow a consumer attains equilibrium.
18. What is monopolistic competition market? Explain price and output determination
under monopolistic competition market in the long run.
19. Define interest. Explain the determination of rate of interest with the help of
Liquidity preference theory.

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