Is 636 1988 PDF
Is 636 1988 PDF
Is 636 1988 PDF
Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.
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IS : 636 - 1988
( Reaffirmed 2003 )
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
Third Reprint NOVEMBER 1990
Gr 5
IS I 638 - 1988
Indian Standard
( Third Revision )
0.1 This Indian Standard ( Third Rt:vision ) was 0.3.1 In the second revision, need forinclusion
adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards on of abrasion and he&t resistance test was felt but
10 *July 1988, after the draft finalized by the in the absence of adequate data, they were not
Rubber Products Sectional Committee had been included. These requirements have now been
approved by the Petroleum, Coal and Related included. Further, requirements for water pick
Products Division Council. up,moisture absorption, ozone resistance and oil
resistance test have been included for Type B
0.2 lhis standard was originally published in hoses.
1958 and subsequently revised in 1962 and in
1979. In the second revision, categorization based 0.3.2 In this third revision, tests have been
on construction was removed and the specification classified as type, acceptance and routine tests,
made performance-oriented with classification depending upon the criticality and time factor,
under two types, depending on differences in the to facilitaie speedy acceptance of lots.
requirements. The Rubber Products Committee
took cognizance of the continuous improvement 0.4 In the preparation of this standard, guidance
achieved in the quality of fire hoses and felt has been derived from BS 6391 : 1983 Non-
that uniformly high quality should be preferred percolating lay flat delivery hoses and hose
for all fire fighting applications to provide dura- assemblies for fire fighting purposes, issued by
bility and reliability. The Committee, therefore, the British Standards Institution ( BSI ).
decided to have only two types of fire hoses in
0.5 This standard contains clauses 3.1.1, 5.3
this standard. Type A is the rubber lined or
rubberized fabric lined wilh or without elasto- and 6.1 which call for agreement between the pur-
chaser and the supplier.
meric coating/covering. Type B is the improved
quality, outer elastomeric coated/covered fire
0.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a parti-
hose which would take care of the more rigorous
cular requirement of this standard is complied
operational uses and changing fire fighting
\vith, the final value, observed or calculated, ex-
environment. Type 2 hose of 1979 edition has
the results of a test or analysis, shall be
been covered under Type A of this third revision.
rounded off in accordance with IS : 2-196O*.
0.3 In this revision, the requirements of mass The number of significant places retained in the
and coil diameter have been modified while the rounded off value should be the same as that of
requirements for tensile strength and elongation the specified value in this standard,
at break of lining, flexibility and friction loss
have been deleted. *Rules for rounding off numerical values ( rruiscd ).
IS : 636 - 1966 Externally applied elastomeric coat- having arrangement to *bleed out entrapped air
ing or covering of the reinforcement, iT present, with the help of suitable stop cock or pet cock.
shall be generally smooth and practically fret Fill the hose with lvater and raise the pressure
from pitting and other imperfections. to 70 kPa ( 0.7 kgf/cm ). Allow all air to escape
through stop cock by raising the free end of the
5.2 Internal Diameter - The internal dia- hose and again rebuild the pressure to 70 kPa.
meter of the hose shall be measured by a suitable Sow kink the hose through 180 at approxi-
conical plug gauge and shall conform to the mately 50 cm from the free end by tying the hose
specified diameter with a tolerance of plus 2 and back against itself as close to the fitting as practi-
minus 0.0 mtn. cable. Increase the pressure at a rate not exceed-
5.3 Length - Unles s specified otherwise, the ing 1 MPa ( 10.2 kgf/cm2 ) per minute to 2.1
standard length shall be 30 metres. Unless other- MPa ( 2 I.4 kgf/c& ). When maximum pressure
\.vise specified, a tolerance of -+2 percent shall has been attained, retain it for 30 seconds, re-
b e permitted on the length prescribed for the lease the pressure, examine it for sign of leakage
hose by the purchaser but the total of all lengths and damage. There shall be no sign of leakage
of hose supplied shall be not less than the total or rupture and no thread in the jacket shall
quantity specified by the purchaser. break.
5.4 Mass - The average mass of hose per 5.9 Change in Length - The increase in length
metre of 5-metre len tb shall be not more than shall not exceed 6 percent when measured in
that prescribed in + able 1. For the determina- accordance with 5.9.1.
tion of mass, sample of the hose shall be condi-
tioned at 27 & 2C and 65 f 5 percent relative 5.9.1 Connect the hose to a suitable pump and
humidity for a period Qf at least 48 hours and raise the pressure to 70 kPa ( 0.7 kgficm2 ) ensur-
then shall be weighed under the same conditions. ing that all the entrapped air has been bled out
and mark two points not less than 100 cm apart,
TABLE 1 MAXIMUM MASS OF THE HOSE then raise the pressure to 1 MPa (10.2 kgficms )
SIZE M.ASYOF Hose PER METRE LENGTH, Max and maintain for minimum 2 minutes, and
r ___--.----*- -__-- ---7 measure the distance between the two markings
Type A TYP E yain.
(1) (2) (3)
mm g g 5.10 Change in Diameter - When subjected
38 275 320 to a pressure of 1 MPa ( 10.2 kgf/cm ) in accor-
50 350 45 dance with 5.9.1, the increase in diameter shall
ti3 425 500 not be more than 10 percent.
70 480 600
_-__m 5.11 Requirements for Rubber Lining and
5.5 Coil Diameter ( Machine Coiled ) - For the Outer Coating
30 m length of dry hose without couplings, the
coil diameter shall not exceed 45 cm for Type A 5.11.1 Adhesion - When tested according to
and 55 cm for Type B. the method described in Appendix B, the rate of
separation of the lining and the jacket, and for
5.6 Hydrostatic Burst Pressure Test - A Type B hoses, the rate of separation of the cover
test length of hose, one metre clear of fittings and the jacket shall not exceed 25 mm/min.
when subjected to an internal hydraulic pressure
in accordance with 8.2 of IS : 443-1975*, in- 5.11.2 Acccleraled rlgeing Test - Four numbers
creasing it at the rate not exceeding 1 MPa ( 10.2 of test hose pieces each of 1 metre length, shall
kgf/cm ) per minute shall not burst or show be conditioned for 120 h at 27 f 2C and 65 f 5
leakage before a pressure of 3.5 MPa ( 35.7 kgf/ percent relative humidity and shall then be aged
cm2 ) is reached. for 336 h at 70 f 2C. After ageing, there shall
be no tackiness on the surface of lining or the
5.7 Hydrostatic Proof Pressure Test -
surface of the cover. Three numbers of aged test
Each hose length shall be subjected to an internal
pieces each of 1 metre length shall then be
hydraulic pressure of 2.1 MPa ( 21.4 kgf/cma )
subjected to burst pressure test in accordance
in accordance with 8.3 of IS : 443-1975* increas- with the method described in IS : 443-1975* and
ing the pressure at the rate of not exceeding shall meet the requirements. given in 5.6. The
1 MPa ( 102 kgf/ cu? ) per minute and maintain- remaining length of hose shall be used for an
ing it for one minute. Within this one minute, adhesion test in accordance with the method
the hose shall not develop any leakage or sweat- described in Appendix B using a load of 2 kg for
ing nor any thread in the jacket shall break. the lining and 35 kg for the cover. Rate of
5.8 Kink Test - Connect a 3 metre length of separation of the lining and the jacket, and for
hose to a suitable hydraulic pump. Blank the Type B hoses, the rate of separation of the cover
free end of hose pipe with a suitable coupling and the jacket shall not exceed 25 mm/min.
*Methods of sampling and test for rubber hose ( second *Methods of sampling and tert for rubber hose ( ~c#l(i
revision ) . revision ).
IS : 636 - 1988
5.12 Abrasion Resistance - When determined flaws visible when seen under X2 magnification,
by the method described in Appendix C, the except at the cut edges of the hose.
average number of cycles completed before
bursting for five test pieces shall not be less than 6ePACKING AND MARKING
100 for Type A and 200 for Type B. 6.1 Packing - The hoses may be dusted with
5.13 Water Pick Up/Moisture Absorption French chalk ( see IS : 380-1978 ) on the inside
( for Type B Only ) - When determined by and also outside, in case of coated/covered hoses
the method described in Appendix D, the if required by the purchaser and shall be packed
amount of water absorbed shall not exceed and delivered in specified lengths in neat, clean
0.02 kg/m. and dry condition in polyethylene bags.
NOTE -- Moisture absorption resistance to fire hoses 6.2 Marking - Beginning at a point not less
is related to their ability for acid alkali resistance. than one metre from each end, each length of
5.l4 Heat Resistance - When tested by the hose shall be marked with clear and indelible
method described in Appendix E, none of the letters at least 20 mm in height indicating:
test samples shall burst at less than 8,seconds of a) Type of the hose,
the application of hot cube for Type A and
b) Size of the hose,
20 seconds for Type B.
c) Length of the hose,
5.15 Oil Resistance Test ( for Type B
d) Manufacturers name or trade-mark or
Only ) - A test piece measuring 1 metre in length
both, and
shall be marked around the circumference at a
distance of 60 mm from each end. The test piece e) Month and year of manufacture.
shall be kept immersed in an oil bath for
6.2.1 Each length of hose may also be marked
70 hours containing oil No. 3 specified in 1S : 3490
with the Standard Mark.
( Part 6 )-1983* and maintained at 50 f 2C
in such a manner that the both ends are so NOTE - The use of the Standard Mark is governed
by the provisions of the Bureau of Indian Standards
clamped that the marks are in level with the Act 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made there-
surface of oil and the remaining entire length of under. The Standard Mark on products covered by an
the test piece within the marks remains comple- Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have
tely immersed in oil. At the end of this period, betn produced to comply with the requirements of that
standard under a well defined system of inspection,
the test piece shall be taken out in such a manner
testing and quality control which is devised and ruper-
that the portions beyond the marks do not come vised by BIS and operated by the producer. Standard
in contact with the oil. The length shall be laid marked products are also continuously checked by BIS
horizontally and the central fully immersed por- for coformity to that standard as a further safeguard.
Details of conditions under which a licence for the use
tion of the hose shall be visually examined for
of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturers
any swelling ofrubber, weathering and cracking or producers may be obtained from the Bureau of Indian
in the rubber lining. Standards.
Test pieces taken from the central ( fully 7. TIME LAPSE BETWEEN RECEIPT OF
immersed ) portion of the hose shall then be MATERIAL AND TESTING
subJected to an adhesion test in accordance with
the method described in Appendix B and shall 7.1 For all test purposes, the minimum time
meet the requirements as given in 5.11.1 ( for between vulcanization and testing shall be 16 h.
both lining and cover ).
7.1.1 For product tests, whenever possible, the
5.16 Ozone Resistance ( for Type B Only ) - time .lapse between vulcanization and testing
When tested by the method prescribed in Appen- shoulcl not exceed 4 months In other cases,
dix F, the lining and cover of the hose shall tests shall be made within 2 months from the
neither develop cracking nor crazing, that is, fine receipt of the product by the consumer.
*Methods of test for vulcanized rubbers : Part 6 Resis- *Specification for French chalk, technical ( mend
tance to liquids (Jrst revision ). rcuision ).
( Clause4.1.2.1)
A-O. GENERAL be obtained from IS : 397 ( Part 1 )-1972* and
the IS : 397 ( Part 2 )-1985* for the purpose of
A-0.1 The object of testing hoses by ensuring the homogeneity of the lot.
purchaser is to ensure conformity to the speci-
fication whereas testing by the manufacturer control during
*Method for statistical quality
during production is to ensure the conformity by production:
reducing the quality fluctuations to the minimum Part 1 Control charts for variables (jirst reuitiorr).
and thus ensure the conformity of the lot to the Part 2 Control char; for attributes and count of
specified requirements. A useful guidance can defects ( second revision ).
IS I 636 - 1988
( Clauses 5.11.1, 5.112 and 5.15 )
B-2.1 Mandrel - It is snug fit in the test piece A typical layout of the test apparatus is given
lvith a central shaft. in Fig. 1.
NOTE - The material of maridrel may be teak wood
and that of central shaft may be stainless steel. B-3. PROCEDURE
( Clause 5:12 )
C-O. OUTLINE OF THE METHOD number of cycles completed before the test piece
bursts is to be termed as abrasion resistance
C-O.1 In this test, capability of the hose to cycles. Five test pieces shall be taken for SUCK
withstand the rough usage to ground which it average number of cycles
tests and the
is bound to be subjected to during fire operation determined.
is tested. The hose may be dragged on rough
surfaces or bent where it comes in contact with C-1.2 Test Apparatus - A test apparatus
building corners or where the first length from shall be fabricated comprising the following:
pump delivery touches the ground arid is sub-
a) A constant and uninterrupted source of
jected to continuous chafing due to vibration of
hydrostatic pressure with water as test
pump. medium, capable of maintaining a steady
pressure of Cl.7 MPa or 700 kPa ( 7 kgf/
cm2 ) in the test piece and provisions to
C-1.1 For determining a realistic value , of bleed out entrapped air.
abrasion re:istance of the hose, a special appa- b) A machine for abrading the test piece
ratus is used as described in C-1.2. The average with a reciprocating movement. A typical
45x25x 6mm
2Sx6mm MS
-7s I.* t-5 //COCK
IS I 636 - 1988
( double strokes ) of reciprocating movement test piece at the lap. joint otherwise false results
per minute. The length of each single stroke will be obtained on the much higher side.
shall be adjusted to 230 mm The machine shall
exert a downward force of 158 kgf ( 15.5 N ) on C-3.4 Switch on the air blower and start the
the test piece. test machine. Record the number of cycles
completed until the test piece bursts. The re-
C-3.2 Connect the test piece to the pressure cording of cycles should be done by a metering
source by suitable means. device such as stroke counter and it should be
switched off as soon as the hose bursts.
C-3.3 Fill up the test piece with water at a
low pressure to expel. all air. Apply a pressure C-3.5 Repeat the test with a new abrading strip
of 0.7 MPa ( 700 kPa ) raised gradually. Test fixed on the machine, and a new test piece, three
piece should be horizontal as any curved fixing times.
may lead to lower values/results. C-3.6 Take the average value for three test
Care shall be exercised to ensure that the
hose test piece is fixed on the bed of the machine C-3.7 Remove any dirt or debris from the plane
in such a manner that the free end may stretch of abrasion by using an ordinary air blower
fully, and maintain. this pressure of 700 kPa for working at a low pressure of 100 kPa and the
minimum two minutes before starting the nozzle fixed to some firm object, directing the
abrasion. Care shall also,be exe1 cised to ensure air jet at an angle from a distance not exceeding
that the abrading strip does not abrade the hose ZOO mm
( Clause 5.13 )
D-l.1 The test piece shall be 600 rum length of D-4. PROCEDURE
hose marked around the circutnference at dis-
tance of 50 mm from each end. D-4.1 Weigh the conditioned test piece to an
accuracy of 0.1 g. Fold the test piece inside the
D92. APPARATUS marks SO that the ends are vertical. Place the test
piece in the water bath, maintained at 20 f 5C,
D-2.1 Forced circulation air oven capable of ends of the piece so that
and clamp the
being controlled at 50 f 1C.
the marks are in level with the surface of the
D-2.2 Water bath, filled with distilled water, water and the entire length of test piece within
capable of being controlled at 20 & 5C. the marks is immersed. After a period of 6 hours,
remove the test piece from the water, wipe the
D-3. CONDITIONING surface dry with an absorbent cloth and allow
D-3.1 Condition the test piece in the oven it to dry by hanging vertically at 27 f 2C
at 50 f 1C for 3 hours, immediately prior for 2 hours and then weigh.
( Clauq 5.14 )
IS. 636 - 1988
E-2.4 A stop watch with a least count ofO.2 E-3.3 Take out the heated steel cube from
seconds. the fulnacc with the help of an iron tong as
quickly as possible ( maximum time Iapse
E-2.5 A pair of steel tongs of size 30 cm. 2 seconds ) anti place it immediately on top of
E-2.6 A stout guard made of steel wire mesh to the test piece. The steel cube shall be held in
protect the pea-son(s) conducting the test against position 1)~ means of light wire support. Record
any injury. the time elapsed froin the time of placing the
steel cube on the test piece until the test piece
E-3. TEST PROCEDURE bursts. Repeat the test for all the 5 test pieces.
Burst shall not occur within 8 seconds of the
E-3.1 Place the steel cubes in the furnace at application of the steel cube. on any of the test
{;OO~~C and maintain this temperature for at pieces for lype A and 20 seconds for Type I<.
least 30 minutes immediately before use.
Care shall be exercised to ensure that the hot
E-3.2 Connect the hose test piece to the pressure cube is not placed on lap joint otherwise false
source and fill the test piece with water at a low results Tvill be obtained on much higller side.
pressure not exceeding 70 kPa to expel all the air For each test, only new mild steel cubes free
from inside the test piece with the help of a pet from ruCt, carbon particles and loose flakes sllilll
cock. Place the te\t piece horizontally on some be used.
hard smooth surface like RCC or mctaltecl table.
put the free end of the test piece inside the guard.
Apply the water preisure gradually raising it up..
to O-7 MPa.
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